iloveboysinred · 14 days
just read ur keith nsfw hc😩😩I ILOVED THEM SO MUCH N UR WRITING IS AMAZINNNGGG,, i was wondering if u could write some more keith nsfw, whatever comes to your mind💗💗
First of all sorry anon bub i had to touch grass and breathe outside air before i wrote this bc i havent written for Keith in a miiinute (sorry voltron feens, i been starving yall right along with the Zuko Stans 💔) but lets get right into it cause i woke up wanting to get active!
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Afab! Reader here.
- so since you read my other hcs you already know i think Keith is a FREAK. And let me elaborate!
- dont let his emo lone wolf persona throw you off, cause once he gets through that beginning shy faze hes on your boddyyyyy
- backshot warrior. He likes to be at your ear at all times with his nasty, dirty mouth.
- so while he’s giving you backshots he’ll lean down, whispering nasty praise into your ear, or if its angry sex he’s teasing you about your moans and laying claim to you by leaving marks on you where he can reach you.
- “you’re gasping, your hands gripping the pillows to try and stabilize yourself from the rough back and fourth of Keith’s thrusts and his hands on your hips pulling you back onto his dick. You feel him lean down on you, his chest pressing up against your back. “So tight” he whispers, rotating his hips in tight, agonizingly deep circles. “This pussy’s so good. You’re so good f’me baby” he grunts, bringing himself down to nip and lick at your earlobe, his tongue hot against your skin.”
- he really likes to fuck in front of a mirror, especially if he’s feeling some type of way and wants you to watch as he fucks you open or he wants you to see your face when you cum all over his dick. Bonus points if he’s angry or jealous.
- “eyes on the mirror.” You could tell Keith’s patience was wearing thin, his voice curt as he grabs your chin, turning you back to look at the full body mirror in his room. He started up his pace again with mean thrusts rocking the headboard and filling the room with loud squelches as your poor pussy quivered and drooled around his girth. He had a tight grip on your hair, holding your head up and in place to watch as he fucked you within an inch of your life. “I’m the only one that can fuck you like this.” And he sounds so self assured, your tight walls clenching around him at his words and proving his words true. “Fuckin pussy was made just for me.”
- and dont get me wrong! Keith is a sap too. I genuinely feel like most of the time he’s the sentimental sex type. Like i’ll speak on Keith being a freak ass all day but i genuinely believe most of the time you both have soft, loving sex until yall get booted to space and all the crazy shit starts happening and he just has to take that stress out in other ways besides training.
-Like when you came to him about how you miss home and how you miss just being with him before this whole galaxy space war crazyness began, he comforted you, reassuring you that the two of you being together was as close to home as ya’ll could get. That night, he held your hands in his, fingers interlaced as he made love to you. He held your gaze in his, whispering sweet words and little nothings to you while he rocked his hips into you, slow and deep.
- quickie obsessed. Like i said in the hcs when he wants you he’ll have you. He’s lucky you’re just as down as him because the way this man will just drag you into whatever mildly secluded area and just either swallow your tongue and feel you up or straight up just try and bend you over is crazy. It only takes a misplaced touch or a sultry look and he smirking at you, nothing but ill intent in his eyes as he drags you away. And its even crazier that he has the audacity to act embarrassed if you ever get caught
- I feel like he genuinely likes when you’re a little rough back. Grab his hair, choke him, bruise him up a little and he’s loving it. Has literal hearts in his eyes when you take control and treat him so meanly. When you did it he was shocked the first time, but he definitely finds himself liking it, taking your dominance as a challenge to see who can crumble first.
-loves loves lovessss when you moan his name when he’s fucking you stupid. Its cute how you cant get a coherent word out, everything you say fading into mumbles and gasps.
- pussy EATER. He’s not a pro by any means but once you show him how you like it he does it just to see you squirm and rock into his face. He gets pussy drunk easily, and his eyes bore into yours every time as if he’s holding you down with his gaze.
Thats all i got anon bub. Thank you for your ask💟 AND THANK YOU FOR ENJOYING MY WORK I LOVE YOU
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arson-09 · 8 months
Acowar Review✨✨ sjm needs to pay for my therapy✨✨
Its not as infuriating as acomaf but its still… bad.
Point 1: the court of ignorance and dumbassery
Lets cut to the chase. why the FUCK didnt feyre read Tamlin and Luciens minds at ANYPOINT while she was doin her hot girl shit of taking the spring court down??? huh sjm??? why is your fmc only powerful when convenient. So much could have been cut down. Acowar was way too long.
The whole destroying of the spring court didnt even make that much sense. Im all for a girlie getting back at the people who wronged her but feyre ended up hurting a lot of innocent people in the process. Feyre even tries to ignore the consequences of her actions. She had to invade peoples minds and manipulate people to get them to turn against tamlin and all this could have been avoided if she read his damn mind and learned he was a double agent. Lucien even hinted towards it
Part One: Princess of Carrion »
Chapter Six
None. It was either go to war with the Night Court and Hybern, or ally with Hybern, let them try to stir up trouble, and then use that alliance to our own advantage further down the road." "What do you mean," I breathed. But Lucien realized what he'd said, and hedged, "We have enemies in every court. Having Hybern's alliance will make them think twice." Liar. Trained, clever liar.
If feyre is supposed to be so smart, and she did pick up on this, why didnt she do anything? This is so frustrating.
Then once she leaves the spring court i found myself frankly not caring. Acomaf hadnt given me enough to care about the inner circle so i didnt and sjm cant make me like rhysand. which i have so many gripes but for word counts sake let me name my main ones
Point 2: Sarah Janet Maas and her shitty love interests
the ignoring rhysand sexual assault of feyre and EXCUSING it and his little habit of not telling his court things
Part Two: Cursebreaker »
Chapter Twelve
Was it going on before you even left?" I whipped my head to him, even if I could barely make out his features in the dark. "I never touched Rhysand like that until months later." "You kissed Under the Mountain." "I had as little choice in that as I did in the dancing." "And yet this is the male you now love." He didn't know-he had no inkling of the personal history, the secrets, that had opened my heart to the High Lord of the Night Court. They were not my stories to tell
here we have sjm acknowledging that yeah, rhysand Sexually Assaulted Feyre UtM in Acotar. Without her consent he dressed her inappropriately (which she was uncomfortable with) had her dance provocatively in his lap, kissed her, and made her drink alcohol so she wouldn't remember the details all without her consent. Yet Sjm is going “its fine” now and feyre herself going “you just dont get it…” ⁉️⁉️⁉️
Now see if sjm actually planned for rhysand to become the love interest why didnt she just avoid all this by having Amarantha make rhysand do this to feyre? Because that would have solved some issues but no. Because Rhysand did all this of his own free will in acotar. He actively chose to do this to feyre. To humiliate her and anger Tamlin because rhysand is obsessed with Tamlin.
Rhysand also loves to not tell his own court things. I was and still am very angry over him not telling Mor, Azriel, Cassien and at the very least his Wife about his plan with the court of nightmares. Just why.
Mors anger towards Nesta also makes no sense. sjm stop writing girl on girl hate challenge impossible
Point three: That one toy story scene “I dont wanna play with you anymore!”
Now tamlin. Tamlin tamlin tamlin im so sorry love for what sjm has done to you. If i start ill never stop. What Tamlin said to feyre and rhysand at the high lords meeting was out of pocket but he also wasnt wrong about some things. Also from established character these actions make no sense and his actions havent made sense since acomaf because sjm threw him and his character away to play with shadow daddy and bad morals. But she also cant commit to making a character of hers actually evil so tamlin saves the whole day by bringing the autumn court to fight and saving rhysand life. Tamlin has redeemed himself by sjm standards but she then wrote the holiday novel which i have read and detested.
Overall the plot was fine. i guess. it probably looked better when compared to the characters.
Sjm learn to redeem characters outside of “ooh they were abused and have trauma so everything they do is okay” for guys and “she fell in love/had sex with the most PERFECT MALE TO EVER MASCULINE.” its boring and flat. Also i know what happens in Acosf (i will not be reading that ty) so wtf happened to Nesta bro. she got the tamlin treatment. boooo 👎
to end off heres some of my favorite highlights from acowar 50%+ thru the book.
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satuwn · 3 months
sorry for so little activity here, i havent been much more active anywhere else either lol but! i was working rlly hard on exams this month, i even took on the hardest exam i was dreading and i just wanted to pass and i got a C!!! :D so im pretty proud of that.. i thought i would be done by now but i still need to work on one exam next week but hopefully i can start drawing again, esp for artfight! which btw follow me there heheheh im also satuwn :333
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 4 months
Quitting Weed Day 9 Status Report 📝
to start off , i'll say, i do indeed feel like Ass ! this post might get a tad emo. regretting my life choices to smoke for as long as i have 😕 But then again, maybe that's harsh, cus i was just doing the best i could with the circumstances i been dealt in the past.
i couldnt just quit cold turkey cus every time i try that its way too intense and i alwaus end up going back. So the past 9 days i've been hitting my (extremely weak) weed cart a couple times a night, only after 9pm, just to help me sleep. Before that i was smoking probly like. 5-8 bowls a day, followed by hitting the weed pen RELENTLESSLY all night until i passed out. So its still been a huge change lol. From tonight onwards tho i'm done w the weed pen and ready to try 0 thc 🙏
kind friend @palmceader sent me a CBD tincture made for sleep (thanku again 🥹) which im sure has a TINY percentage of thc, but nothing even close to how much im used to.
i cant even imagine how fried my dopamine receptors are, cus honestly, i feel Fucked. spaced out is an understatement. i cant focus on anything and its kinda driving me insane. it feels impossible to read or draw or do any of my hobbies.. my body feels heavy and depressed. No motivation. its kinda the opposite of what i was expecting. i can barely keep my eyes open during the day..
on a brighter note i havent been struggling too much with sleep or appetite. i think sleepy time tea + the tincture + magnesium is rly helping. my dreams recall is already improving so much, and the times i have nightmares arent as bad as its been previous times i tried to quit. i havent rly struggled with cravings at all either, which used to be a huge obstacle for me ! im just so over it now. i was starting to get chest pains and coughing a lot, which was taking any joy out of the act of smoking for me.
morbid to say but I often think of my father and how his rampant addictions directly lead him to such a painful and horrific early death. its a rare perspective of imagery so disturbing , i know i can't go on in such a manner. Like, what a fucking fool i would be! For others i can understand it but for me, no. it has haunted me for a long time to know i'm letting myself go down that path, even with all my insistent self-justification that his death is what brought me to this in the first place. deep down ive been knowing i need to break the cycle like i have the choice and the power, im still alive im still here ..
Sorry if thats depressing to bring up! i do feel depressed tho. i cant use weed to hide from my pain anymore.. i have to rewire my whole ass method of coping with stress at age 30. i know i can do it but its gonnnna be a long winded process full of ups n downs. Running away is no longer an option and thats a lot to face! a lot of old wounds i never rly dealt with, cus i kept my head in the 💨clouds💨 for so long.
i promise not to give up this time tho no matter how hard it gets 🙏 i want to set a good example too like indunno a lot of younger ppl follow me now i dont wanna feed into narratives that may influence them in bad directions. i have a responsible heart. i rly dont think weed is cool i havent since i was like 16. i was just dependent on it so i tried to romanticisze its role in my life. its silly.
im kinda laughing now cus im like god, i initially felt like the reason im quitting is so i can be more active in my dream world, but the more i think about it the more i notice MANY many more reasons to quit that go way deeper.
All in all the reason im talking about it is to maybe inspire other ppl who have been on the verge of quitting but too afraid to rly take the plunge-- Ur not alone, ur not weak for being addicted, if u need to reach out to me u are more than welcome.
Ppl rly downplay weed addiction cus the withdrawals arent life threatening like other substances, but that doesnt mean its a walk in the park. Most ppl i know who are stoners have never been able to quit for similar reasons as me. It takes a major psychological hold over u. if u ever need to vent about it or need advice, im here!
if u read all of this, pls dont worry abt me xD Even if it feels miserable rn i have faith things will improve, the heaviness and brainfog will lift, the emotions will be purged, i am excited for my future. One day at a time....Dont giving up 🙏
Signed, PMD9
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colourful-void · 2 months
1: finished the komeji and shoma ending! i! okay ill be honestly i wasn't super thrilled. I REALLY like the set up stuff in terms of simulation reality, and beleiving its all fake bcs you can't cope, im MASSIVELY INTO THAT. But. I don't. like. Komeji I'm so sorry his just. he's so cube. and he annoys me. I feel like a usually have a pretty high tolerance for this kinda stuff but I just. On paper i get it but in practice I really dont like him. was very happy to see date n co tho. i think it's RIDICULOUSSSS how they explain date's interest in porn like that did not need to be explained. however. its such a stupid explanation it kinda loops back around to being funny to me. sure. why not.
2: ollowing finishing that route i tried to get back to Tokiko to see if i could use that elevator code, bcs she'd been mentioning frayers and i thought i knew what that was but i did not. but no thats only 6 digits so still not right f=/. dang. i also tried to get onto mizuki's half i miss my baby, but i found i needed two names. i know Dahlia is one, but the other is 4 letters so. Currently its probably either for Mame, Lien, or Naix. I suspect Naix the most as an answer.
3: started onto the other route from komeji's somnium. I maintain that these are too easy. It's not like they're like. the problem is that I feel like i'm being treated like I'm an idiot. ryuki and tama talk everything out in such detail, and theres often not a lot of stuff to interact with at all, a lot of which doesn't even let you make the choices like from the last game. like, proper timie usage was SO important to me last game and in this one I've never even racked up 3. i also feel like there's less dream logic, and it's a little disappointing. like, oh tape the cardboard back together. turn on the tv. =( the whimsy. it did improve some in the back half though, and i'll take it!!!
4: liking this dead komeji route WAY MORE than the other one. its not that i hate him that much but i do like the way the plots moving here. what does mame know? whats the masked womans deal? has anyone seen shoma. WHAT IS WRONGGGG WITH RYUKI <33. what is wrong with ryuki is by far my favourite mystery. im more interested in that than i am in the half body killings honestly. (part of that is teh victims i think. we dont really know jin, chikara was annoying at best but the more i learn about him the more i hate him, komeji was annoying, so. honestly i havent really been that upset about any of them dying. tokiko i did love and i am sad she's gone, but also these murders are a little bland following the first game. i just watched a guys head explode could there at least be a little blood? just a little? i know its probably for plot reasons but ive never missed gore so bad. im not even that into gore.
5: somewhere on the dead komeji route i finally figured out what that little green thing in the menu was so i've activated my tamagotchi thingy!! very fun i love it. mines an iris-y one or something? its cuteee!!
6: in terms of the wider mystery: im just really curious how far they're gonna commit to being meta.they did start with asking ME what i knew about the last game so.... looking forward to ryuki's whole deal, actually getting to play as my darling mizuki again, finding out what is UPP with date. i really like the weird videos series i just think they're neat. if the endgame doesn't have a somnium based on those thigns i will be disappointed, surely thats what we're building to.
i left off right before starting mame's somniumin the gameshow room. i don't think shes' actually involved in the killings, but doing that would be REALLY NEAT as a sequel thing, imo. i'd like it. i think shes just hiding stuff bcs she was threatened. assumably i've still got a good chunk of the game to paly! i havent done much if any of the extra eyeballs either, just whats on the way so. i'll get those guys. have been picking up some costumes n stuff tho. you can put tama <33 in pants <3333333333.
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taking koga nui outside
(koga-watch diary below, except its all about adonis actually)
i havent been able to find a piercing/charm the right size and shape for his left ear yet, so he has a little bat for now :)
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its almost june, so rose bloom started. heres another image but a spider snug in lol. its an araniella cucurbitina!! their bright abdomens are quite pretty imo.
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sorry if i end up spamming nui images with literally every rose in the garden. maybe with the vegetable patch too.... but first id like to make some matching overalls for him or smth.......
btw happy official adonis center event announcement!! (F to the intern who paid for the accidental leak) i am looki- i am actually terrified of it. since hidden beast was really really ooc and horribly written and multiple levels of offensive. specifically noting this down so i can come back in a week. if its even slightly better than hidden beast, ill count that as a semi-success i guess. but rei is the 4*. so. oh well. a lookback-story makes for a great setup in theory but enstars loves to waste good chances & i think theyre neither comfortable nor able to provide something decent for it.
i feel like undead has had One good center event with nightless city live. bride light was perfectly cute and fluffy and important for kaoru but otherwise without impact... flashback was genuinely alright, but while the topic of undead breaking in two halves was really upfront and present, it wasnt really... discussed or resolved???
the one big thing they all have in common is that they Really undersell adonis and make him a background character who just has to endure whatever happens to him...
his involvement in nightless city live and bride light is cool but limited... he sort of feels like a punching bag in seven bridge... flashback has a really interesting narrative role for him but he only gets to briefly voice his discomfort and everyones attempts of reassurance feel a tad bit like a short afterthought and therefore dishonest. and. well. hidden beast. bottom text. ("Yes, senpai, thank you for putting me in a fake life or death scenario, it really builds character <3" WHERE ARE WE....) the only undead event with adonis in an active role that shows off his competence is sandstorm, i think.... so i really hope the trend does not continue. but, well, enstars writing. baby adonis is the cutest ever though... and i guess an arranged marriage plotline could play out interesting enough, maybe. his family is very famous, so sure, this might as well be a thing. "i hope your fav marries a woman" is funnier to say when its eichi. but you dont want that to happen to your guy. not like this wont be resolved by the end of the story on behalf of gacha idol boy game logic and the inviolability of yume. but i would love some drama.
lets see how that goes........ if nothing else, both 5* cgs are stunning and the song is really nice and the outfits are adorable tbh. AND THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THEY WEAR NAIL POLISH SINCE NIGHTLESS CITY LIVE.... i mean there were the hellsing outfits but hellsing is sort of just a duo lol.
prayer circle for the new koga casual outfit to be really unhinged and for adonis outfit to be..... either really 40yo dad or handsome. either is fine. i dont need them to look good per se. i need them to be funny.
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triptychofvoids · 6 months
Okay okay uh- i mean most of what i do know is from my doctor and physical therapist, and i havent been to either in a- uh... can you please stop pacing for one sec? its hard to focus with you circling me like a shark trying figure out where to make the first bite... danke, doc.. uh anyways, i havent been to them in a long while so sorry if my infos alittle off
well structure wise, as far as i remeber they are similar to birds. Mine being closer to the structure of passive soaring birds. The bones are a good bit denser though, to line up alttle more with human bone density... uhh i dont really know alot connection wise, i think theres a kinda 'u' shaped indent with rasied edges that gives bone kinda somewhere to lock into with muscle and ligaments helping hold it in place. Theres definitely nerves going through it aswell, wouldn't be able to move them without nerves. But thats the most i know without you cutting them open, or taking an x ray...
Hmm well, movement with wings is akin working on a muscle group the casual person dosent overly use in their day to day, kinda. Regular exercise and engagement can improve that group and enable fluid movement, while even though youll still be able to move them, neglect can make them feel heavy or difficult to maneuver. One of my friends, is more active, so they find it easier to move them more effortlessly, whereas i, who mainly gestures or keep them still, struggle with their weight and strain a good chunk of the time. So yes i can move them an okay amount, but not as much as i should be able to. If that makes any sense to you, doc?..I dont think theyve ever moved on their own per se, but if you mean subconsciously, yeah definitely. According to people i know, i twitch or more or less flick my wing outwards alittle when im spooked, suprised, or taste something disgusting. Thats just one thing though, theres definitely some other subconscious things, that my friends could point out if asked...
So you got any other questions, doc? Or can i finally go home? I think ive been sitting here while you poke at me like a cadaver for a few days now
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(Sorry, this is really longgg. This took OVER my brain for a day or two. Also also thanks for letting me momentarily ramble about this to you! This stuff has been rotting in my head for a while now)
ooh!! fascinating.. you are very interesting my friend!! all of this makes perfect sense to me now that youre explaining it, its just not something i get to see every day. or ever! im not sure i have encountered anything like this before, outside of my own experiments that is, but rest assured i am taking very thorough notes.... hm? oh, ja stimmt, i suppose youre free to go. but feel free to stop by again anytime!!
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
hey! me and my girlfriend have been together for 6 months now ans i love her to death. we both see a future together and despite certain hiccups weve had here and there, we always find a way to work through them and become better partners for each other. however the past few months our sex like has been suffering (at least on my part) because she's been so stressed due to outside factors and her libido is considerably lower than before. i havent pushed her to have sex with me (i am a SA and also r*pe victim so i am extra careful about consent and i would rather walk on hot coals than put her or anyone else through what i went through) and ive tried to be respectful despite the fact that she always says no whenever i try to initiate something and we rarely have sex now. she knows its affecting me and feels very guilty about it, which ive told her on numerous occasions that she shouldnt because im not entitled to sex or anything of the kind from her. thing is that despite the fact that im scared to tell her, this is affecting me in more ways than i can manage. it's fucking up my self esteem, making me feel unwanted (because even though the reason for her lack of sex drive isnt me and i know she finds me to be the most beautiful girl in the world, im the one that always gets rejected and she always looks so guilty when saying no) and kind of gross for wanting sex. i feel so disconnected from her in that area and i crave that kind of intimacy and closeness with her so much. plus getting rejected every time stops me from saying no if shes offering and i dont feel up to it, because i don't know when else ill get to be that close to her agan like that so i just do it. i very much enjoy it still but its messing me up that our sex like is suffering like this. most of all, im so unreasonably sad and angry and ive been having horrible mood swings because of it, which affect my ability to be a good partner to her and give her space to talk about her things. its making me hate myself and idk what to do about it. im sorry for the long post, but i need advice as im scared to tell her how much its affecting me in fear of making her feel guilty or coerced. i love her so much. any advice?
Hi love! Mismatched libidos are so tough to navigate in a relationship, even if it's common (at least at some point or another). It's truly commendable that you have such a healthy, respectable take on the situation (unfortunately, so many people feel more entitled to sex from their partners than they would like to admit), so I can see how healthy your relationship is! I totally get why this situation makes you feel undesired, it's only human, so validating this feeling of yours.
Here's my take on how to create intimacy and a closer sexual connection without actual sex when one partner (or both honestly) isn't in the mood:
Do A Sexy Photoshoot: Both wear your hottest outfits and lingerie and take photos like you're each others' muses (because you are!). It can be a hot activity on its own, a steamy way to initiate more foreplay, or to use as souvenirs when you need some self-care time to satisfy your sexual needs.
Give each other sensual massages: Candles, sexy music, sensual smelling oils, the works.
Ask for a dirty talk or sexy recording: Even if your partner isn't in the mood, it doesn't mean she won't be happy to communicate her desires for you verbally. You can listen to it when turned on to feel more connected generally or to use it during a self-pleasure session.
Discuss fantasies and unexplored desires: Nothing is hotter than talking about new things you want to try (besides actually doing them, of course). Either you feel closer from this steamy conversation or you get your closeness on a more physical level after you're both hot and bothered.
Schedule regular date nights: Never forget to arouse other pleasure centers: A delicious meal, wine, sensual music, candles, and musky perfume. Create tension and connection – whether dessert includes something sweet or slightly tangier.
Also, as an important note: I'm a heterosexual woman, so I'm speaking from a general place of how to manage mismatched libidos through a heteronormative lens. Anyone in the WLW who wants to correct me on anything, please do, and feel free to teach me more about these relationship dynamics to help the community!
Hope this helps xx
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vryivs · 8 months
Shipper tag game
tagged by @tiesanjiaoshenanigans <33
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
oh god i dont even know. probably any silm ship i liked since i just outgrew that part of my life organically and also dennor probably?
Which ship would you consider your first one?
percabeth easily
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
it was dennor hetalia
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
most likely percabeth since i got tumblr literally just to follow viria for the art
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
yes i was 13 and i didnt like fruk. i made an apology drawing that said 'im sorry fruk shippers' on a sign being held up by a sad girl. i was 13. since then? not really. i dont tend to have the time or energy to actively argue with people i disagree with. to me theres no point + it doesnt matter
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
im opinionated so absolutely!! didnt like hk/iceland (hetalia) or fruk (hetalia again lol). didnt like yuri/otabek (yoi), most byleth/student ships (femblem), jeanluc (when i was into genshin). currently dont like renheng (it's just not my thing), jing yuan/fu xuan (also not my thing) or dan heng/anyone tbh (although i make exceptions for tb). i dont have any massive reasons for disliking them theyre just either not my thing or dont align with my hcs (shrug)
any jing yuan/hcq feels vaguely icky to me because they knew him as a teenager while they were adults (aside from yingxing since his age is more ambiguous and it seems like he mightve grown up at the same time jy did?)
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
brb checking my ao3 history
oh my god is was a fucking dddne dabi/hawks fic i found when i was looking through trans tags. i havent read or watched mha it just sounded interesting. i liked it and its here if you want to read it (mind the tags)
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
weirdly no massive ones for hsr which is my main fandom. i have ships i like tho!! kafblade, stellemarch and bronseele. also i think clara/yanqing is adorable in concept. arranging playdates between my daughter and jing yuans son. i also think voidwelt would be really interesting
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
not rlly!! i tend not to care too much about canon when it comes to shipping, so i hardly even pay it attention
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
not rlly!! if there is i cant remember them
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
any rpf ship tbh. i honestly think rpf is fine as long as you dont project its contents onto the very real people it's based off of.
What is your favorite crack ship?
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
i dont read fanfic v often (combination of bad attention span, really specific tastes, etc) but when i do its usually sansang, seongjoong, or whatever ship fic @tiesanjiaoshenanigans or @kireinalix ask me to beta are hehe
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
this is a good question and i dont really know the answer. my taste tends to favour characters who make a good parental unit (seongjoong, jingliu/baiheng), but i also enjoy the dynamics of amoral pairs (kafblade), as well as goofy lesbians having a good time (stellemarch)
What you absolutely hate in a ship?
if its boring tbh. if something feels boring or overdone im p much guaranteed not to like it. like jeanluc? theyre just boring to me. i also really dont enjoy the 'i knew you when you were a kid and then you grew up hot and now we're dating' thing
tagging @himbodevotee @morifiinwe @shineoftherainbow @kireinalix @aowyn and anyone else who follows me :3
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heich0e · 1 year
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if you've sent in an ask lately that i didn't respond to, it may be answered under the cut! i'll be dividing these posts up by general subject matter so no one has to scroll for too long to find any asks they may have sent. feel free to block the tag #liv got mail if you don't like seeing posts like this. i'm sorry to have kept you waiting, and p.s. i love you very much <3
part two: general inquiries ✉
✉ Anonymous asked: omg liv did you watch the barbie movie
I HAVENT SEEN IT YET!!! when i tell u that everything that can happen in a lifetime has happened to me in the past 14 calendar days i am NOT!! KIDDING!! but i have plans to go see it with two of my best friends (either this weekend or early next week) and we've all secretly planned pink outfits and we're going out for drinks too it's going to be SOOOOOOOOO FUN!! oh how i love being a woman!!
✉ Anonymous asked: Liv i got my underarms waxed and it hurt. Have you ever gotten your underarms waxed? If so did you bleed a bit? Cause I did and I wanna know if that’s normal lol
i've gotten waxes but not my underarms but a quick google told me pinpoint bleeding is probably ok?? that being said i am about the LEAST qualified person on this beautiful earth to whom u could direct this question. what's next? questions about cars?? taxes?? i am not smart enough 4 this!!
✉ Anonymous asked: Liv is it true that your work can access all your social media accounts thru your email? If so, I may need to make another acc
hi friend i am no cyber security whiz by any means but i always operate under the assumption that anything that comes into or goes out of or is in anyway linked to a company email BELONGS to the company. i treated my college email the same way. even using company wifi is dicey in terms of privacy, so just use your best judgement and i would advise that it's always better to err on the side of caution <3
✉ Anonymous asked: real talk liv how long after sending a text should i stop waiting for a reply back because i feel like a sad SIMP
u know what i am probably biased here bc i am TRULY the worst texter in the world. my phone has been on do not disturb since at least 2019. i do not wish to be contacted ever (unless i'm texting u first in which case i expect an immediate response tysm xo)
with that in mind, i think it's not fair to CONSTANTLY expect immediate communication bc a lot of factors play into that (work, social lives, sleep, time actively trying to be unplugged, current mental state, etc.) HOWEVER!! when it comes to romantic dalliances (which i am interpreting this as and i'm sorry if i'm misreading) i think there's kind of fair expectation of communication if interest if reciprocated. i know it's so cringe n cliche but the whole "if they wanted to they would" thing has at least a vein of truth in it, so if you feel like ur energy/effort isn't being met (especially if it was previously and this is a sudden change) i think that's always a bit of a red flag. maybe not red. yellow? or like a deep yellow veering on orange.
sending u love little guy and wishing u all the best!! u deserve to be the SIMPEE not the SIMPER <3
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gayspock · 2 years
so heres the thing yeah
ive been wanting more civilian content. however with this ep i feel like... whenever bsg does actually DO try to do it... i dont like it. LOL.
granted, its not often enough for me to really make a call on it ubt like- i dont know. im thinking of this instance, and the other instances they've involved civilian issues and like... i just have always kinda not vibed with it and..
honestly? you KNOW what i think it might be. i think it might be a case of like... i just feel like the show itself ironically has a bit of a disdain for them. do you know what i mean? i feel like when we do get to see the civilian side of things, its always as either as an a) aside to the main show or b) an inconvenience, and rarely an interesting one - not something it actually wants to explore in much depth. all the people that show up are kind of weird caricatures. the problems they bring up are kind of belittled - and not just by ppl like tigh, but kind of written off by the show itself.
which again- i call ironic because half the time theyre trying to emphasise the importance of the civilian fleet and their rights. but like... the show doesnt really take them that seriously? or present them as such???? like i think zarek is also kind of like the bigger example im thinking of here, and one of the weaker parts of the show. he's pretty much representative of all of the issues with them.
though granted OMG that- that fr sounds like im being negative as hell but gosh it might just be this episode because real talk i havent rlly actively disliked any (i found that one where ellen was introduced weird, but i didnt hate it) but oh this one sucks LOL
and again going back to that thing i said- its not even about the damn civilians. this is like.... all about apollo, really?? and going on a little side quest with him that hardly makes sense?? and can i be real? i dont HATE him i dont but like... i just dont give a shit about him. LOL. SORRY. i think i liked him in the miniseries but since then i havent really cared. he's boring me. and shit- i thought maybe, after he was vented into space, i might kind of develop an interest in him as he struggled with the fallout from that but like uhm
no ... sorry...... this is not how you endear me to him. LOL.
like what even is this... why are we giving him all these women to screw & screw over... i dont care.... and again this whole civilian plot is stupid as helllllll... like. i BELIEVE fully there's horrible shit going on in the civilian fleet- and i wanna see it properly, and explore that not like.. go on some weird murder mystery, involved with the mob... 😭and why did you kill the other pegasus bloke. i kinda liked him . THIS IS SUCH A SHAME I USUALLY LOVE IT WHEN A SHOW LIKE THIS TRIES TO GENREBEND . AND AGAIN WHY IS LEE EVEN THE ONE DOING THIS HELP THIS IS SO MESSY
especiaalllyyyy with the dodgy attempts at flash forward/flash backwards and the filters. sorry i HATE poorly used flash sequences like that - they for real give me the ick... theyre sooo clumsy even normally but here it's like 100x worse bc half of them are about nothinggggggggggg .... stop trying to be cleverrr come on you dont have to do that. kiss me instead?
bu tbh i feel like bsg might just not have the flexibility to genre bend like this. going back to that other episode i didnt like (tigh me up, tigh me down? i think?) i remember i felt like they were trying to be funny but it just came off as weird LOL and poorly done
and thats fine tbh it doesnt have to beit can just do what it does best and do it well but omg help... guyyssssss, get a grip!
anyway im gonna go finih the spidoe i just couldnt not say anything help. honestly. i cant even fault it though because like this is the first one i havent rlly liked at all . and tbh most other shows ive watched will have a load of clunkers so eh. shrug.
i will say i do hope they properly explore lee more after this bc like i said i was kinda interested in really honing in his mental state so we can get #real with the guy but i also hope we dont have to carry too much of whatever the hell else is going on here forward bc its like i dont careeee about his women why on earth
like also yeah why on earth has none of this ever come up like ok granted we dont just sit everyone down and chat like that but it just feels weird like im not talking abt his sudden shift in attitude like fuck.again i'd be ok with them exploring like. onset depression or whateber the issues are post being vented from the blackbird .BUT his girlies im so confused like if he has such a significant relationship whys it just never...... ok whatever....... ok
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vampiremiffy · 4 months
Hi, I hope this is okay to send in? Idk I just don't have anyone else either irl or online to talk to about this stuff.
I just feel like im going crazy. Legitimately, I feel like there's something wrong with me. Everyone around me (especially online) makes it seem like if you don't watch/like porn, if you don't want your partner to beat you during sex, if you don't want your partner to call you foul names and degrade you during sex, then you're boring/a prude/puritanical/bigoted in some way.
I'm celibate and intentionally single. Have been for over a decade now. And a large part of that is because it feels like if I ever would want to have sex, I would have to be okay with being harmed physically or mentally because that's what everyone wants now. And I just feel so isolated because I would only want to sleep with someone who loved me and acted like it.
I don't really know where I was going with this, but if you got this far, thank you for reading my ramblings. I hope you have a good day, wherever you are <3
hi, im really sorry to not have answered this sooner, i havent been really active for multiple reasons]
and i honestly totally get you, i remember seeing a post here (radblr) about how strange it is the shift on porn as a society, how the "creeps" had multiple sexually explicit magazines and went to adult cinema but now its even expected and assumed people consume this "content", and enjoy it. neither of us, or the rest of the "vainilla" population are in the wrong or strange for desiring what isnt the norm nowadays, and i know how hard it is because i used to "gave in" to what people wanted and not really to what i was safe with
but you are neither wrong or strange, theres a ton of people who feel this way too, who dont watch porn not want mentally or physically violent sex, and in the same way me and other people have found it, it can happen to you too. i truly wish for you to find confort wheter it be single and celibate or not, because it is really hard to being pointed at for not wanting something that literally hurts you
i hope you feel better from the time you wrote this, take care.
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captainsquality · 1 year
i love sports i fucking love sports i miss playing sports
my greatest agony is that ive been sick literally half of my life and havent been able to actually PLAY sports in any formal capacity, especially not the ones I enjoy the most(which are team sports) since my mid/late teens. for reference I turned 31 at the start of this month.
I would play SO much soccer and volleyball and baseball, if I could. I would do so much rock climbing and cycling. I would skateboard so much more often(and probably better) if I weren't just so fucking fragile and unhealthy at my base.
I do think that if not for a lot of my non-physical health issues getting in the way of me keeping healthy routines and exacerbating my physical problems I could be a lot more active at least in solo sports. I want to see about hitting up hiking trails here locally as the weather finally starts cooling down this autumn bc sure its rly just walking but I love being outdoors and rolling in the dirt and climbing shit and the thing is that i havent gotten to do those things in any actual, real capacity in years and years and years
if I had been able to have a normal school experience, if I were able to have any semblance of a normal adult social life, I would probably spend a TON of time still doing team sports in community leagues(soccer especially, I miss soccer so much), and I would probably commute by skateboard or bicycle wherever possible.
I wish to god i could figure out a way to beat back some of my mental issues enough to get an actual workout/exercise routine going, even just low impact, improve my health so i can actually do some of these things I love doing but cant bc of health limitations. One of the greatest agonies of my disabled life is that I actually adore and love a huge breadth of activities beyond the few very sedentary ones my body actually ALLOWS me to enjoy with any regularity.
I fucking miss soccer, man. I literally loved playing soccer SO much. I don't even have opportunity to just. pass the ball around with people anymore. Not even fucking THAT much less actually playing on a team, even for just like futsal. I was actually pretty good as a player. Not Star Player worthy, but I understood the game reasonably well and I had tenacity and good passing skills so I tended to do very well as a wingback or midfielder and made some pretty damn good assists and even goals when I was playing in leagues.
as a teen, pre-HRT, a tiny willowy soprano playing casual keep-away with my three brothers, I was the smallest and weakest person the field, functionally. but I was fucking STUBBORN, not because I was determined to win, I was determined to participate. I wanted to play. I wanted to be part of the experience.
which means that despite my brothers ranging in height from 5' 10" to 6' 1" in comparison to my 5' 5" with the weight of a six pack of sodas behind me, I was still making steals and connecting passes to my younger brother with actual, genuinely skilled maneuvers that left my oldest brother, a college undergrad, jawdropped at my skinny fourteen year old ass swiping the ball from under him and into the 'goal' (two predetermined trees acting as posts).
I never WON a game in those little sessions but god did I love just getting to play and I fucking miss it! I miss soccer and I miss swimming, I miss baseball and volleyball and rappelling and skating and I hate that doing any of these things again, even in a casual context, is so completely inaccessible to me. and not even just because of my physical limitations.
there are not places for me to do them. there are not people for me to do them with. there are not accessible resources for me to find either of those things.
anyway sorry im done ranting. i didnt have a cohesive point other than i miss sports and felt a need to vent about it. thank u for letting me complain, carry on
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you-can-face-this · 2 years
its anon friend!!!! i am so so so sorry for taking so long to reply to you! i havent forgotten about you, things have just been absolutely insane! how are you?! im proud of you for trying to invest more in your friendships, im at the same point. im actively trying to see my friends more which is huge for me. ive seen people 2 days in a row which doesnt really happen for me anymore! how is college going for you?
i am SO heartbroken to hear you didnt get tickets 💔 im praying that youve either manage to get them since then or that you do eventually manage to!!! youll get them because im manifesting it for you 🩷
ahhh thats so sweet that your friend invited you over for thanksgiving - did you have a nice time? i know it probably seems like forever ago now (im so sorry 😭)
i hope everything is going well for you and that youre taking extra care of yourself, i know this time of year is stressful with school sometimes and i hope that youre doing okay 🩷🩷🩷 sending lots of love 💌
omg anon friend i missed u! also no worries - senior yr rlly is so chaotic & overwhelming ahh
i'm actually doing pretty well! I started seeing a psychiatrist and got started on antidepressants! it's still too soon for the positive effects to kick in but i think it's already at least helping with my anxiety. otherwise, i'm graduating in a few months so i'm just getting everything sorted out for that. i'm planning on moving to nyc, which was always a dream of mine, but also it's expensive af so i'm having to do a lot of planning to make it happen.
also!! my friend got a code to buy tickets after the sales got canceled so now we're going to opening night!! which is so crazy??? i still can't believe that i'll finally be able to see taylor after 10+ years of stanning online lol have you seen her in concert before? i hope u got tickets too!
thanksgiving went well with my friend and she & her family actually invited me back for christmas & we traveled out of state to visit her extended family! they had a lot of pets & good food so it was super fun. my friend & her family even surprised me with christmas presents?! my own family could never LMAO now that i've experienced traveling with friends (i've never done it before), i found that it's actually not as scary as my anxiety had made it seem so i've been planning little day trips here & there and also a group trip to yosemite before i graduate!
a bunch of friends & i got caught some illness recently (not covid thankfully) lol probs a cold or sth so we've all been taking it easy & asking for a lot of extensions for assignments hehe i hope you're taking care of your self too! <3
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sungbeam · 2 years
hi beam! college has been kicking my butt recently ☹️ idk how ppl do it but i'm dragging myself through the week right now LMAO
i don't see anything 😀 when i search up my asks 😀 so i unfortunately 😀 have a very vague 😀 idea of our last convo 😀
but i DO remember that you asked about dc!! i'm glad u asked b/c i'm actually trying to get into dc right now! i'm watching titans season 1 on hbo max, recently watched black adam, saw ww84, & saw the new batman movie a while ago! beast boy is kinda 😍💖💕💗💞 in titans HEHEHE- my favorite dc characters rn are him & starfire but i really wanna delve into the franchise more!! who are ur dc biases so far 🙏 (yes we'll be using kpop terminology for non-kpop fandoms from now on)
also i have NOT listened to 28 reasons by seulgi yet b/c of my schedule i feel like such a fake reveluv but i'm looking into that 😭 AND YES GIVE CRAVITY SOME LOVE ON PARTY ROCK <3 i'm taeyoung biased ever since i saw his tiktoks (all their tiktoks are iconic tbh they keep up w/ trends LOL)
HOW HAVE U BEEN BTW?? and are u excited for wakanda forever? i can't believe its coming so soon alreadyyyy 😟❗️
XNONIE !!! BFF !!! I'M SO SORRY FOR MY LATE REPLY I'VE JUST LACKED SO MUCH ENERGY TO EVEN REPLY TO ASKS THIS WEEK (´Д⊂ヽ but i was so excited to see u active and alive akcnekfnek idk how people do it either tbh :') like i felt that so hard when u said ur practically dragging urself thru the week like me too dude, me too 😔 LMAO SOMETHING IS UP W TUMBLR TAGS 🗿🗿🗿 as there always is tbh, but i went thru and found my latest response so i'll link it here BAHHAHA
AHHHH DC YESYES !!! i actually haven't watched the live action titans series yet :0 but i follow ryan potter on instagram so i've def seen some stuff for it !! he's so hot tho so true 😩😩😩 i kinda wish he was casted as nightwing/dick grayson cuz he would've made a really good one, but the current one i think fits as well :') ahh yes i actually am not the greatest fan of dc movies lmao just cuz their animated tv shows r just top notch and so much better imo but i did enjoy the first wonder woman and robert pattinson's the batman !! ooh my dc biases? it's prob the bat boys AHAHAHHA i'm writing an au inspired by them actually rn hehe so basically nightwing/dick grayson, red hood/jason todd, and red robin/tim drake, but i am also particularly fond of roy harper/speedy and robin/damian wayne @_@ they all make my mind go brrrr (wbu tho 👀👀)
AHHHHH WAKANDA FOREVER I HAVENT WATCHED IT YET I FEEL SO SAD ☹️☹️☹️ it's cuz college has also been kicking my ass and watching marvel movies is a thing my family does together and it's just not the same going to see it in theaters w anyone else :( so i've been holding back skcnekfn have u seen it tho :0 i'm also so very excited for quantumania !!! (ノ´∀`*) IT LOOKS SO SO SO GOOD SKFNKENFKD I LOVE PAUL RUDD PLS GIVE THAT MAN AN OSCAR RN
okok i think i also was gonna bring up the fact that i wanted to write another mcu au for svt?? like ik we were talking abt the xmen au, but i was thinking abt making minghao scarlet witch and basically yn is like the one person who truly saw him and when he lost u, all hell broke loose (like in wandavision), and so it's like him recreating a life w u while his friends on the outside r trying to break him out of it before the stinky government folks do skcnwidn
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axiddrops · 3 years
hi i love your art sm fhfdhjg,,, esp the way u draw kazuichi!!! your art always inspired me and made me really happy when i first discovered them ;v;))
Ah?? Thank you sm! 🥺💕💕💕💕 im happy you really like my art!
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