feathergil · 5 months
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[ gojo and geto - jujutsu kaisen - squealing santa for @tickle-fight-club ]
what did gojo do this time...
Image ID: A digital illustration of Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru from Jujutsu Kaisen. Gojo is pictured laying on his stomach with his elbow as support, and Geto is sitting on his back. Geto's hands are tickling Gojo under his arms, while Gojo adorns a hysterical expression on his face. Geto is pictured as menacing, with a small evil face illustration floating near his shoulder.
Image Caption: [Geto] You take it back? [Gojo] YEHEHES!! [Geto] Do you really? Huh? [Gojo] N-YES! [Geto] No? Alright..
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tiklart · 5 months
Six of Crows - Inej/Kaz
Uahhh, I hope you like it 🧎 I literally couldn’t wait to start on this, I was beyond hyped for this pairing
Thank you @hypahticklish for hosting this wonderful event like always 🥲💕💕🫶
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fluffyweeby · 5 months
Merry Christmas @lovelymessybubbly ! I’m your squealing Santa this year!!
I love your art so much and I’m soo happy and honoured I got to be your santa!
I hope you’re gonna like it and have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Stay hydrated! 💜💧
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squealing-santa · 5 months
Merry (late- I apologize!!) Christmas to @rosileeduckie with a drawing of crowley x aziraphale (good omens) 🌟
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"Is your partners hands cold during the winter- give them a warm pair of gloves! It's a harmless gift... right?^^"
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woollymutt · 4 months
Happy holidays everybody! I’m very sorry for the late post: my personal life has very much gotten in the way of this project and I’ve neglected to check my Tumblr much. Nonetheless, I was assigned to make a gift for @cringemesstickles! Thank you so much for your patience, and I hope that you like your gift :D
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Character A is in a bad mood, and Character B tickles them to cheer them up.
I’ve never drawn this duo before, so I hope I did their faces justice! I did my best to use references haha. Happy holidays!
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angelatmidnight1 · 5 months
Smile For Me
Hi, @supermarvel-fics! I'm your squealing Santa this year. It's my first time writing for the Scream series, but I really hope this fic is to your liking. I'm a big fan of the series myself :D. I hope you have a great holiday season and a wonderful 2024!
Word Count- 2,169.
Warnings- Swearing, mentions of death, and tickling.
Fandom- Scream (1996).
Pairing- Stu Macher x Reader (Friends to lovers- two characters falling in love and character A finds out character B is ticklish (ends in kissing and confessing) Characters are both 18 in this fic.
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It’s been a string of dark days for Woodsboro, California, as the Ghostface attacks ravage the town. Stu distracts you from your worries by inviting you over to his place. What was supposed to be a chill night of movies turned into playful tickling and heartfelt confessions. 
High school didn’t usually dismiss at 9:00am. You didn’t crawl out of the warmth of your bed for two hours of instruction. But, these weren’t usual times. 
A killer was on the loose. People were going missing, lives were being lost. Woodsboro High couldn’t keep you safe. So, they sent everyone home with a strict curfew to be enforced in the evening.
Even in a crowd, you felt afraid. Ghostface could be anywhere. He could strike at any time. You didn’t even bother going to your locker. Instead, you were one of the first students in the hall, holding your backpack strap in a death grip. 
You walked as fast as your feet could take you. But, someone behind you was faster. 
Unlike you, Stu was thrilled to have a siesta from school. He burst out of his boring history class with a huge grin. He scanned the crowd for you and, when he saw you, he pushed his way forward. 
In the commotion of the busy hallway, you didn’t hear him approach. So, when two strong arms hoisted you into the air, you screamed. 
“No, NO! Let me go!” Your limbs took on a mind of their own, flailing about violently. If Ghostface was gonna take you out, he’d have a fight on his hands. Stu yelped and, after getting clocked in the jaw, he immediately put you back down. 
“Hey, HEY! It’s just me!” Stu wailed. He rubbed his jaw, wincing. “Fuck, that hurt…”
You sighed an exasperated sigh. “Damn it, Stu.” You stepped towards him, closing the gap, and tenderly put a hand on his jaw. “You scared the hell outta me. I’m sorry.” 
For a moment, Stu’s eyes softened. The two of you had been friends since elementary school, and it wasn’t really a secret that he adored you. He made an agreement with Billy that they weren’t allowed to hurt you. Ever. You were his calm in the storm that he and Billy were bringing to Woodsboro. 
And, for you, Stu was your light in the darkness. The Ghostface attacks had you on edge. You hadn’t been sleeping well, lacked focus in class, and constantly looked over your shoulder. A part of you wished that Stu took the ordeal more seriously. But, a larger part of you was grateful that he still found ways to make you smile. He leaned into your hand and gave you a little pout.
“Sorry enough to come by my place tonight?” Stu’s pout turned into a bright, hopeful grin. “My parents won’t be home, and Randy hooked me up with some killer movies. All that’s missing is you~.”
He ended his statement with a poke to your nose. You smiled, playfully batting his hand away. Then, you released his jaw and sighed. 
“I don’t know, Stu. I’m tired.” You replied. Then, as if on cue, you yawned deeply. “I haven’t been able to sleep because of, well, ya know.” 
Stu nodded. But then, he gave you another bright smile, leaning his taller frame towards you. “That’s exactly why you should come over! Ghostface’s got nothing on me.” He bragged and flexed his muscles. “Look, I’m so buff, I’ll totally protect you, (Y/N).” 
You regarded him with a smirk. Then, you reached up to feel his bicep. Stu gasped and made a dramatic show of leaning into you. You tried to hold him up, but he was too heavy, and he nearly made you fall. You yelped and stumbled back into a nearby locker, scolding him without malice. 
“Stuhu!” You laughed and grabbed onto both of his arms to keep yourself upright. Stu snickered and hovered over you. He gently shook your hands off of his arms and took them into his own. He squeezed them affectionately, thumbs rubbing the top of your hands, and his blue eyes gazed into yours. 
“Let me protect you, alright?” He asked softly. You froze and held his gaze. There was a sudden warmth in his eyes, and you felt your cheeks heating up. After a beat, you nodded.
“Alright, if you really promise to protect me.” 
Although the safety of your home comforted you, you needed a distraction. And, Stu seemed happy to deliver. Stu confirmed this with a wide grin. 
“Awesome!” Stu cheered. He suddenly scooped you up, making you squeal, and carried you through the crowds. Once out of the school, he put you down, patting your back. “Come by at six tonight. Oh! And bring food! Can’t have a movie night without food.”
You smoothed out your clothes, returning his grin. Honestly, he could’ve gotten lost in that smile. “I’ll bring the best of Woodsboro’s culinary delights. You can count on it.” 
Stu whooped and did a fist pump. Then, with another laugh, the two of you parted ways. 
Burgers, fries, and sodas spelled the perfect night-in for you. Stu’s house wasn’t too far from yours, but your older brother insisted on dropping you off. You waved goodbye as he pulled off and carried the food to Stu’s door. You had to put the sodas down to knock on the door. Seconds later, the door opened, and Stu greeted you with a huge grin. 
“There you are! Right on time.” He gave you a quick hug and helped you bring the food in. Once inside his home, you felt your shoulders drop. You’d been over his home so many times, it brought you a sense of peace. A rarity in the current state of Woodsboro. You followed him to the living room and set the bags down. He did the same. Then, he turned to you, playfully pushing you back onto the couch. 
“HEY!” You caught yourself with your hands, snickering. Stu flopped beside you, and you lightly shoved his shoulder. “That’s how you treat someone who brought you food?” 
Stu chuckled and cozied up to you, putting his head on your arm. “Maybe.” He smirked. He reached forward to grab the remote and his fries. “Now, shhh! The movie’s starting.”
You rolled your eyes, but otherwise relented. 
Stu picked out a scary movie for the two of you to watch. His head was still resting on your arm and, despite your best efforts, you flinched at the jump scares. You shielded your eyes from any more scares, and Stu looked up at you curiously. He smiled. 
“D’aww, you’re kinda cute when you’re afraid.” He cooed. He poked your cheek, snickering as you reeled away from him. 
“Cut it out, I’m not cute.” You argued, keeping your eyes shielded. You moved your hands when you felt him shift under you. He sat straight up, suddenly poking your side. You slammed your arm to protect the area.  “Aha! Stu!”
“I don’t know,” he mused, now harboring a playful glint in his eye. “That’s the cutest little giggle I’ve ever heard. And you know what?”
You didn’t respond, but when you felt the couch cushion dip, you jumped to your feet out of instinct. Just in time too, because Stu had scooted closer to you, wriggling his fingers in the air. You giggled nervously, pointing an accusatory finger at him. “Stu, don’t you dare-”
“Oh, I dare, (Y/N)!” He grinned mischievously. He made the conscious effort not to dip into his Ghostface voice. “I wanna hear that adorable giggle again.”
He shot up from his seat and lunged towards you. You yelped and narrowly dodged him. You ran behind the couch for cover and tried to run around it. But, Stu mirrored your movements, moving left and right with you respectively. “Where ya goin’~?”
“I’m gonna kill youhu-” You snickered and made the last minute decision to grab a pillow for self-defense. Stu’s eyes widened and, after a dramatic gasp, he covered his mouth with both hands. 
“You’re gonna kill me? With a pillow? Oh my god, have mercy!” Stu pretended to sound terrified. Then, he suddenly vaulted over the couch, easily ripping the pillow from your hands. “I don’t respond well to threats! Now, you’re gonna get it!”
You screamed and took off running. Stu’s grin widened; he loved a good chase. He stayed hot on your tail and chased you through the house. He easily caught up with you and, just before you could book it upstairs, he wrapped both of his arms around your waist. He dragged you back to the couch and tossed you onto it. 
“Baaad move, (Y/N)! You don’t run upstairs when someone’s chasing you!” He playfully chastised. He straddled your waist and poked at random spots on your torso. You squealed and bucked your hips, giggling frantically. “Haven’t you watched any movies?”
“Nohohoho!” You whined and wrestled with his hands. You managed to get a couple of pinches on his sides, making him squeal, but he was faster and stronger than you. He gathered your wrists into one hand, holding them above your head. Then, with his free hand, he alternated pinches along your hips. You arched your back and giggled harder. “Thihihis isn’t fuhuhuhny! Lehehet me gohoho!”
“Nope! No can do, I’ve gotta have those cute (Y/N)  giggles.” Stu snickered and suddenly reached up to spider his nails along your neck. “Give ‘em to me!”
You yelled and scrunched your neck. “NOHahahaha! Stuhuhu stahaha!” You protested and whipped your head around, trying to avoid his fingers. After a couple more scratches, his hand found your side, and he squeezed at it rapidly. You arched your back again. “STUHUHU!”
“(Y/N)~” He responded in a singsong voice. He scritched across your stomach to get to your other side. “Poor baby, does it tickle?”
“Yehehehes!” You whined and fell deeper into your giggle fit. “Plehehehehease stohohohop!”
“But I haven’t even tickled your armpits yet!” Stu argued. Your eyes widened and you looked up at him, only to be met with a smug grin. “What? That wouldn’t be a bad spot, would it?”
“NO! Not there, Stu, plehehehease!” You started giggling again when he poked and prodded up your side. You squirmed, trying to roll away from you, but his weight on top of you kept you pinned to the cushions. “Plehehease nohohot thehehere!”
Stu smirked up at you, teasing your rib cage with his blunt nails. That was your second worst spot; you squirmed around more violently, gasping in between giggles. 
“Here I come, (Y/N)...” Stu taunted. He pinched at the spaces in between your ribs, earning short barks of laughter. “I’m gonna get you..”
You shook your head back and forth, laughing harder as he kept moving up. “Nahahaha dohohon’t!”
Stu’s eyes sparkled with mischief. Would you fall for one of the oldest tricks in the book? 
“Don’t what?” He asked, leaning down to nuzzle into your neck. You snorted and pushed your head against his, making him chuckle. “Hmm~? Don’t what, buddy?”
“Tihihihihickle mehehehehe!”
No way. Stu switched to the other side of your neck to nuzzle. You pinched your eyes shut, now full-on laughing. “Well,” he breathed into your skin, making you laugh harder. “If you insist!”
Stu let go of your wrists and, in one fluid motion, plunged his wiggling fingers under your arms. You screamed and slammed your arms against your sides, which trapped his hands in place. 
“NOHAHAHA GEHEHEHT OHOHOFF OF MEHEHEHE!” You kicked your legs against the couch, your loud laughter filling up every corner of the room. “PLEHEHEHASE!”
“Listen to you, listen to that pretty laugh!” Stu laughed along with you and drilled his thumbs into your armpits. You squeezed your arms against your sides even more, falling deeper into a pit of laughter. “You’re such a cutie. Tickle, tickle, tickle, cutie pie.”
You blushed and writhed under him, laughing yourself silly. While tickling your armpits, Stu returned to nuzzling your neck. He blew quick raspberries into it when he felt especially mischievous. As much as you kicked and laughed, you weren’t going anywhere. It was the raspberries that pushed you into hiccupy laughter, and after one more raspberry, Stu stopped tickling you. 
You breathed heavily. Ticklish sensations still plagued you, so you were still very giggly. “Youhu’re suhuhch an ahahashole.”
Stu laughed. “You don’t mean that. You love me!” His eyes softened again as he looked at you; disheveled hair, a wide smile, those beautiful (e/c) eyes. “Right? Cause I’ve definitely got a thing for you, (Y/N).”
You looked up at him with wide eyes. Your face spelled surprise, but somewhere in your heart, you already knew. “Really?”
Stu climbed off of you so that you could sit up. “Hell yeah, I do.” He repeated, patting a spot beside him. You obliged by scooting beside him, so that you were pressed against him. “Want me to prove it?”
That’s what you needed. Proof. Something sweet to seal the deal. You nodded. Then, wrapping an arm around you, he leaned down to kiss your lips. Deeply. 
You leaned up into that kiss and smiled. Stu smiled too. He’d kill to keep that smile on your face.
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lovelymessybubbly · 5 months
ho ho ho !!! it’s santama !! (゚∇^*)ノ⌒☆ -=★ -=☆*Merry X’mas*☆ happy holidays to all my tamadachi !!
this year i had the honor to draw for…
bread!anon !!! .*:゚(`・ω・´)ゝ゚:*.
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i was so so excited to draw these two so eh, i went all out haha (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ both ladies are so gorgeous and cute and mitsuri-chan is such a perfect lee to me !!! i really hope you enjoy how i portrayed your prompts and have a very wonderful holiday !!! ꒰๑˃͈꒵˂͈๑꒱୭̥*゙̥♡⃛ Ɛn꒻öႸ
image id: 1st image-shinobu kocho approaches from behind mitsuri kanroji with a friendly and polite smile on here face. she says, “mitsuri-chan, the dozen donuts i brought for everyone-there’s only two left. would you have something to do with this?” second panel, mitsuri faces shinobu with a guilty expression, however she is trying to play it off. “oh! u-um… i don’t recall… any donuts… recently..?” “i see…” shinobu said. then, in the third panel, a shadow darkens over her face, giving her a sinister look. she wiggles her fingers towards mitsuri, who is cowering. “then you wouldn’t mind a quick deep pressure search, would you?” shinobu asks. “eep! w-wait… anything but that!” mitsuri pleads.
2nd image-mitsuri is tied up and laid on the ground. she is trussed up in a complex and intricate form of shibari, which completely traps her legs together and her arms behind her back. ropes are also wrapped around her bottom and under her bosom. shinobu is kneeled next to her, stroking and kneading mitsuri’s belly with her nails and fingers. she has a slightly disappointed look on her face. mitsuri, on the other hand, has her eyes scrunched shut and her mouth in a wide open smile, lost in hysterical laughter.
shinobu-my GOODNESS, mitsuri-chan. I’m disappointed.
shinobu-look, there’s one and-ah, there’s another one
shinobu-*sigh* the evidence just becomes clearer and clearer.
shinobu-just what will i do with you?
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amazingmsme · 5 months
With a Bow on Top
AN: Happy holidays to all who celebrate, & especially to @tickles-tea I’m your squealing santa! I loved writing this, & I hope you enjoy! Added a lil festive flare to this one. HUGE thanks to @hypahticklish for hosting! & be sure to follow @squealing-santa so you don’t miss out on all the winter fluff!
Miguel sat on the floor of Peter and MJ's living room, half-used rolls of wrapping paper scattered about the floor around him. Peter himself was sitting next to him, completely transfixed on the movie playing "for background noise."
That lying rat bastard.
"You know, I only said I'd bring my universe's Grinch because you promised you wouldn't get distracted and actually help out. Which, you're not doing," Miguel said bluntly. Peter snapped out of his Christmas movie haze to defend himself.
"Sorry, but I've just never seen it before!" He reached down and grabbed one of Mayday's unwrapped gifts. Folding the paper around the box, he finished by sealing it up with a web. Miguel rolled his eyes.
"What? My gift looks way cooler than yours, you're just jealous of my artistic flare," he said smugly.
"Don't get me wrong, it looks great, but how's she gonna open it?" Miguel asked with a smirk. Peter's brow's nearly kissed his hairline as he came to the realization.
"Shit! Well, hopefully by Christmas it'll be weak enough to tear through," he finished with a shrug, slapping a bow on top and sliding it under the tree. As Peter reached for another present, he noticed a scrap piece of ribbon, much too short to fit around a box. Then, his gaze trailed over to his unassuming friend. Perfect.
He picked it up, fluttering it along the back of Miguel's neck. Peter can hear him gasp, and isn't that a lovely sound. He rolls his broad shoulders, arching his back and scrunching his neck ever so slightly. By the time he whipped around to glare at the perpetrator, he had already retracted his hands, hiding them innocently in his pockets.
Miguel looked him up and down before returning to his work. To his credit, Peter waited a few seconds before striking once more. Miguel sucked in a breath through clenched teeth, rubbing his ear against his shoulder to rid himself of the lingering tingles.
"I know you're not really working," he deadpanned. Peter sputtered in shock.
"I am too! Look, a perfectly wrapped gift!" he said proudly, holding out Mayday's present. Miguel looked it over, only half amused.
"You're right, a gift. So why not pick up the pace?" he challenged, tossing a Spider-Man themed basketball his way that Peter had planned on giving Miles. Peter caught it with one hand, and Miguel rolled his eyes. Showoff.
"How the hell am I supposed to wrap a ball?"
"I don't know wise guy, you're the one who got it for him." Okay, Peter wasn't sorry for what he was about to do.
He grabbed a marker off the floor and uncapped it with his teeth, making a satisfying pop sound. He barely bit back a snicker as he leaned in, quickly scribbling at the back of his neck. A strangled squeal caught in his throat at he snatched Peter's wrist in one hand, the other rubbing at his neck.
"You think you're funny or somethin'?" he asked with a cold glare.
"Hilarious, actually," Peter corrected with a shrug. Miguel scoffed and let him go.
"Go back to watching the damn movie if you're just gonna bother me," he suggested, grabbing a new tube of wrapping paper to switch things up. Can't have them all looking the same, now can we?
Why not both? Peter thought to himself, an evil grin growing on his face that rivaled the Grinch onscreen. He grabbed two pieces of ribbon discarded on the floor holding them poised to strike between his fingers. Miguel had his back turned, busy wrapping another present and allowing himself to get sucked into the movie. He was practically serving himself up on a silver platter. He really ought to know better by now...
Or maybe he didn't totally mind Peter's shenanigans. But that was a silly, fleeting thought.
Or was it? Only one way to find out.
Ever so quietly, he scooted closer to Miguel, snatching the marker off the floor. The grumpy Spider-Man was sporting a pair of ripped jeans. (He constantly made sure people knew he didn't buy them like that and that he earned those holes and rips.) A particularly large hole left his knee exposed and vulnerable for an attack... Perfect.
He let out a surprised snort, jerking his leg away before a chuckle could follow. They were locked in an intense staring contest, or glaring contest, on Miguel's part. Peter wore an innocent grin, though his next words were anything but.
"What's wrong big guy? Ticklish?"
If it were anyone else, they wouldn't have noticed the way he flinched at the question.
"Really? You're sticking to that lie?"
Miguel huffed, angrily slapping a bow on top of a present. "It's not a lie."
"Well in that case, I'm not ticklish either," Peter boldly proclaimed. Miguel looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Since we're being honest and all." Miguel grabbed a tube of wrapping paper, bonking Peter on the head in one swift motion before he even knew what happened.
"Don't forget I'm the one helping you," he reminded pointedly.
"Noted," Peter said, grabbing the tube from him and setting it beside MJ's new boots. For good measure, he started wrapping the gift until Miguel turned away. Then it was back to scheming.
He scanned the pile of unwrapped gifts for inspiration, smiling to himself when he spotted a handheld massager he got as a stocking stuffer.
"Hey Miguel?" he elected to ignore the annoyed groan he was met with, "Can you do me a favor?"
"Perfect! Just tell me if this massager is any good, okay? I don't want it to be too weak or painful, or not have enough settings." He heard Miguel sigh in defeat.
"Thanks!" He scooted closer to him, turning on the X-shaped massager. At first he decided to play nice and actually work out the tension in his friend's shoulders before setting his plan into motion. He had to rebuild some trust, after all.
"Not bad, I think she'll like this," Miguel hummed, letting his head fall to one side as he began to relax. He was really watching the movie now, allowing himself a moment to enjoy it. It was one of the more heartfelt scenes of the film, and one of his favorites. He found he tended to like the more subtle, meaningful holiday movies rather than the over the top comedies and rom coms that dominated the season.
The last thing he was expecting was a dreadfully ticklish buzzing on his side.
His resolve gave way as he fell onto one side, loud surprised cackles spilling out into the room and drowned out the sound of the TV.
"Peheheter! Quit ihihit!"
"I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you through all that laughing. Which is weird, considering how not ticklish you are," he taunted, running the massager over his abs. Miguel curled in on himself, a giggly groan slipping out in response to the teasing.
"You're hohohorrible, you know thahat?" he asked, weakly swatting at Peter's hands, but to no avail.
Peter snorted. "Maybe to you."
The gentle vibrations traveled from his belly up his sides and to his ribs, causing the deep rumbling chuckles to build up momentum. Encouraged by this, Peter grabbed his wrist and wrestled his arm above his head, pinning it in place.
"Wahait!" he cried, trying to fend him off with his other hand. Peter grinned down at him, the textbook definition of smug.
"Okay. Well? What am I waiting for?" he asked, hovering the tool above his armpit menacingly. Miguel slammed his head against the ground in frustration.
"Gehehet off of me, you asshole!" he demanded through giggles.
"Why should I?" Peter challenged.
He just won't quit, will he? Miguel had no choice but to surrender, if they ever wanted to get done wrapping, that is.
"Fihihine, okay? You wihihin!" he conceded, rolling around on the ground. ,!"
"Wow, okay, so what do I win?" he asked, pulling his hands away to give him a breather. Miguel panted and glared up at him.
"I'm fuckin' ticklish, okay? There, happy?" he growled through residual giggles.
"Over the moon," Peter confirmed. He patted Miguel's chest as he let him go, crawling over to the pile of unwrapped presents. "No more funny business, I promise!" he assured. Miguel only rolled his eyes, a fond smile still lingering on his face.
"Yeah yeah, I'll believe it when I see it."
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carnivorous-parasite · 6 months
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giggle-bee · 5 months
Triple Threat (Squealing Santa 2023!)
Hi, @hakurei-k, I'm your Santa for this year! Sorry this is a little late, but I hope you still enjoy it! It was a challenging prompt since I don't typically write intense stuff with multiple lers, but it was a fun fic to do, and I'm so happy I got you!! I also want to thank @squealing-santa, Hypah, for being such an amazing host!! Couldn't have done it without you, thank you for keeping the tradition alive!
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(Ler!Barbatos, Ler!Solomon, Ler!Simeon, Lee!MC)
Warnings: pranks, suprise tickles
Summary: Barbatos has a day off but doesn't know how to spend it. How better to than with you? Mediating a prank war wasn't in the plans, though.
Word Count: 1.8k
When Diavolo had first approached Barbatos about taking the day off, he was against the idea. “My Lord, the New Year’s celebration is not far away. The castle must be prepared for guests, there is much work to be done-” “Exactly my thoughts! You’ve been working tirelessly, my friend, you deserve some time to yourself. It’s my castle, I want to have part in the decorating! Besides, I know you’ve been keeping an eye on that new tea house. Take the day and relax, Barbatos.”
Diavolo patted him on the back and left Barbatos standing in his office, lost for words and with a blank mind for the first time in a while. For anyone else, the opportunity would be a blessing, to leave your duties behind and pay attention to the parts of your life neglected. All Barbatos could think about was the castle in a state of disarray, clashing colors, decorations strewn haphazardly about the place, anything less than perfect was not acceptable.
However, Diavolo’s pout if he figured out Barbatos was still working during his break was too heartbreaking to think about. Barbatos sighed, pulling out his DDD and pulling up his messages with you.
Barbatos MC, would you like to join me at Witch’s Brew this afternoon? My schedule has been cleared. 
MC Oh? Is that the new tea place across from Majolish? I would love to!
Barbatos Alright. See you at noon. 
Witch’s Brew was a quaint shop that sold both loose leaf teas, tea sets, and delicious desserts. To a demon like Barbatos, it was heaven. The aroma of dried flowers and warmth tickled his nose as he opened the door, sitting down at a small table with a candle in the middle. It was peaceful here, soft music playing over the speakers and setting a light ambience to the space. Ordering some tea for the both of you would be his first order of business. The fragrant notes of hibiscus and lemon called to him from behind the counter, he would bring it back to the table piping hot and waiting. 
A smile came across his lips as he imagined you taking the first sip, your eyes lighting up at the sweet flavor- rich and floral with a hint of tart to balance it. The thought was almost as sweet as you were. The tinkling of the doorbell made Barbatos glance up hopefully from his cup, eyes alight when he saw you. But you weren’t carefree and jubilant as usual. He picked up on the nervous glances you were sending around the room, your hesitant steps towards the table, and most of all, you hadn’t greeted him with so much as a smile yet. Quite unusual. 
“Ah, hello Barbatos! Sorry I’m late,” you whispered, smoothing your clothes and sitting in the chair he pulled out for you. The demon cocked an eyebrow at your behavior, instantly analyzing your expression. He knew something was up.
“Would you like to tell me what is obviously bothering you? You look like someone is out to get you.”
“Ahaha… well…” You scratched your arm, averting your gaze and peering down into the teacup. “You could say that.” You chose to elaborate on the prank war currently going on in Purgatory Hall, the one you had started a week ago. Luke had voted on staying out of things, which meant you, Solomon, and Simeon would have to prank amongst yourselves.
Pulling out all the stops this morning, you had set up several pillows to fall onto Simeon’s head, covering him in feathers. You had swiped one of Solomon’s singing potions earlier in the week and mixed it into a batch of cookies, which had him singing curses for the next hour. You had found these harmless pranks extremely funny, but both Solomon and Simeon were sure to get you back. 
“So that’s why I have to stay vigilant! They could be anywhere, Barbatos, I have to keep a lookout,” you explained, taking a sip of your tea. The flavor was complex and delicate, a nice reprieve from the chaos going on with your friends. You melted into the warm drink, nodding at the teapot, “This was a good pick, thank you for letting me try it!”
Barbatos shook his head with a fond smile. He knew you were “I believe tea is better when shared in good company, so it’s my pleasure.” Pouring you two another cup, he thought on your predicament. If Solomon and Simeon were working together, it could spell disaster for everyone in Purgatory Hall.
Humming in thought, Barbatos finished his tea and set the cup down gently onto a saucer. “Can I escort you back? Like I said, my schedule is clear for the day, so it would be no trouble. That way, you won’t have to worry about anything on your way,” he offered. Barbatos knew they would never do anything to harm you, but if it would make you feel better, it was worth it.
You perked up, relief washing over your face. “I would appreciate it, those two like to scare me as much as it is.”
Taking a dessert to go, you and Barbatos left the teahouse and started the journey back to the House of Lamentation. On the way, you talked about everything from next year’s classes to Satan’s newest cat adoption antics. Barbatos felt at ease talking to you, as he always did. His worries for the celebration faded with every step as he let you take the wheel of the conversation. Before you knew it, you two were on the doorstep. 
“Thank you for walking me here, Barbs. We need to do this again sometime!” You opened the door and were about to wave goodbye when two arms pulled you into the foyer. Barbatos quickly moved inside, surprised by the sight that greeted him. 
Solomon and Simeon had trapped you in their arms, encircling you like twin felines playing a game of cat and mouse. Solomon’s deadly smirk was something you knew all too well, paired with Simeon’s laughing eyes, they had been out to get you from the start. “You fell right into our trap, MC~” Simeon purred in your ear, watching your eyes flit between the trio of people in the room. Well, one human, one angel, and one demon. The mischievous fire in Solomon’s eyes appeared anything *but* human to you in this moment. 
Solomon looked to the demon at the door, “What do you think is a fitting punishment for our friend here, Barbatos?” 
Barbatos slowly stepped forward until he was in front of you three, assessing the situation. “Seeing as they’ve confessed their transgressions to me already, I believe something… like this will suffice,” Barbatos reasoned, grinning at your shocked face.
“Barbatos! You’re supposed to be on my side- HEY!” Barbatos wormed his hand between you and Simeon to give your side a squeeze, making you curl into Solomon. Simeon started to snicker at the idea, using his free hand to scribble around your neck while Solomon’s smile grew wolfish. “I think that’s a great idea, don’t you think so, MC?” 
You were trying not to react to Simeon’s gentle scribbles, your cheeks puffing out and your lips pouting to hide your smile. “N-no! Not a great idea! Barbatos- help me!”
Raising an eyebrow, the demon tilted his head to the side, “You want me to help? Alright, I can manage that. After all, I have no obligations today, I can spend as much time as I want here.”
Barbatos latched onto your sides, kneading into them with sudden speed and vigor that you weren’t prepared for. Your straight faced facade went flying out the window as you tried to wiggle away from the tickles to no avail. Solomon and Simeon seemed to have the same idea, the angel’s fingers finding a home in your armpits and Solomon’s squeezing at your hipbones. “WHAHAHAIT! NOhOHoO!” 
You had endured tickle attacks from all three of them separately, but together, the trio was insufferably good at reducing you to a laughing fit. They continued to scribble and poke all over your worst spots, Simeon finding a good spot on your lower tummy that almost sent you backwards. Every time you got used to something, one of them would move, sending you into giggles all over again. 
“I almost forgot how ticklish they are! Solomon, keep that up,” Simeon laughed with delight at how you squirmed away from Solomon’s evil hands that were currently chasing your ribs. “If I were you, I would stay still- it would be done a looooot faster!” Solomon chirped from your left, tazing your ribs and making you fall into Barbatos’s waiting arms.
“Your laugh is almost as sweet as the tea, you know,” Barbatos whispered quietly, kneading into your lower back and sides, chuckling when you tried to pull away with a blush. Simeon gasped and excitedly pulled you away, hugging you tight against his chest. 
“Theres this thing I used to do to Luci when he would misbehave, let me show you!” He closed his eyes and you felt invisible feathers gliding across your ears and neck, making you scrunch up. The feathers seemed to reach all of your worst spots, soft but they tickled like hell. When you felt one graze the bottom of your foot, you squeaked in surprise, how was this even possible? Simeon’s laugh sounded like bells, contrasting with your loud and squealy one. “I cAhAHaAHaN’t! PlEHehAHeaSe!” 
He slowed down the feathers of his wings to softly stroke up and down your arms, letting you collapse into him. Solomon ruffled your hair, “You all tired out? I think it’s payback for making me sing through all of breakfast. Simeon looked like a fancy chicken this morning,” he laughed. Simeon rolled his eyes, “Did you learn your lesson, MC? Never mess with Purgatory Hall, or you’ll awaken the tickle monsters that live there!” He tapped your nose, taking note of your lingering smile and flushed cheeks. He grinned and gave you a hug, releasing you. 
Barbatos had his hands behind his back, almost like he hadn’t contributed to your ticklish demise. “The cake is still outside, would you like me to bring it in?” His sly smirk didn’t go unnoticed, you nodded, rolling your eyes. “You were supposed to help me!”
“I never said I would help you. Besides, I think you deserved a little prank back for the ones you performed,” he noted, bringing the slice of matcha cake inside. 
With a sigh, you took the bag, holding out the delectable sweet. “How about a truce? Do you guys wanna split this?” All three of them nodded, causing you to smile. As you made your way towards the den, Barbatos concluded that his day off was a day well spent.
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kusuguricafe · 5 months
Seek and Destroy - Squealing Santa 2K23
A/N: surpriiiiise @chibisstuff!! I'm your squealing santa this year! I hope you love your gift <3 happy holidays! 🎁
Characters: lee!Deku, lee!Kaminari, ler!Bakugou
Chapter 1 - Tough Spot
Summary: Bakugou's ler mood has gotten out of control and Deku happens to be pass by at just the right wrong moment.
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Katsuki had an itch. An itch to destroy. He’d been pacing back and forth trying to come up with a way to rid himself of his desires, but he was out of luck. There’s really no other way to satiate the desire to tickle someone into oblivion without actually tickling someone into oblivion.
The next poor soul to pass by was in for a wrecking of a lifetime. And lo and behold, a certain green-haired, freckled boy happened to enter the common room at just the wrong moment.
Perfect, Katsuki thought. “Oi, nerd.”
“Oh! Hi, Kacchan! What is it?”
“Come with me. I want to show you something.”
Katsuki led Izuku to his dorm room. Kacchan never lets anyone into his room, except for Kirishima on occasion, Izuku thought. He must be serious.
Katsuki opened the door and said, “Wait on the bed for a sec.”
Izuku nodded and hopped up onto Katsuki’s bed. He waited patiently while Katsuki rummaged around in his closet for something. He pulled out a red tie.
Izuku cocked his head in confusion. “...A tie? I didn’t know you even owned one of those.”
“Watch it, nerd. Just hold still, will ya?”
Katsuki walked over to the bed, grabbing Izuku’s wrists and tying them to the headboard.
“Um, Kacchan? What are you doing?”
“Do I have to grab a second one to shut your damn trap? Stop asking questions.”
“N-no! Sorry!”
After Katsuki finished tying off a secure knot, he furrowed his brow and placed his head in his hand. He sighed. “So, I lied, but I know you’re not going to hate this, so you really don’t have anything to be mad about.”
Izuku started to shake nervously as Katsuki climbed up on top of him. “I know you can free yourself if you really can’t take it anymore, so… just do that if you need, alright?”
“I-I still don’t know what you’re talking abahahAHA! W-wahahahahait!”
“No can do.”
“Don’t worry about it. Just… just try to enjoy it. I know you like this anyways.”
Katsuki could feel a fire light inside of him as soon as got a taste of that delicious laughter. He hated how much he liked doing this, but he knew he’d never get this urge to go away unless he acted on it. Besides, out of all the possible victims, he knew this one wouldn’t mind.
“Ehehe pfftahahahaha! S-stahahahahahap!”
“Oh come on, you can take it.”
Katsuki dug into Izuku’s ribcage, sporadically traveling up into his underarms. Izuku wiggled back and forth beneath Katsuki, but he really couldn’t move much with his arms restrained and his legs trapped. As Katsuki fully succumbed to his desires, his focused, mildly disgruntled expression slowly turned into an enraptured leer.
God, his laughter was intoxicating.
Katsuki reluctantly stopped for a moment when Izuku’s laughter went silent. Izuku panted, dazed, buzzing with a leftover tingly feeling.
“Wh-why,” he started, “Why are you doing this?”
“I-” Katsuki paused. “You wouldn’t get it.”
“Are you sure?” Izuku questioned, gazing up at him with those big, green doe eyes.
Katsuki hesitated a second too long. The slightest hint of a rosy hue spread across his cheeks as he said, “I just… I get these urges sometimes. I don’t know where they come from or why they happen, but it makes me want to… Argh! It makes me wanna tickle someone so badly.”
Izuku’s eyes widened.
“And I can’t get rid of it! I can’t get rid of it until I, y’know, actually do it. You happened to be walking by right as it was getting to a point where I just couldn’t stand it anymore, so I…”
“I get it.”
“You- You do?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Well… Good. Now don’t go blabbing about it to anyone, alright?”
“I wouldn’t dare.”
“So, a-are you done, or…?”
Katsuki looked away. His palm crackled like a firecracker as his face turned a shade redder. Finally, he closed his fist and asked, “Can you take a bit more?”
Izuku took a deep breath.
“Go for it.”
Chapter 2 - Heady Pursuit
Summary: Denki overhears what happened yesterday and gets extremely jealous. So, what else is there to do than to provoke Bakugou until he gets what he wants?
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What on earth is all that noise about? Denki thought. Bored, he decided to investigate. He took the elevator from the third to the fourth floor, where he thought he heard the ruckus coming from.
“Of course it’s Bakugou,” he said to himself as he walked closer to the blonde’s dorm.
…Feet? Is that Deku?
“You said you could take it, now take it!” came Katsuki’s reply.
“No shit it tickles, dumbass!”
Denki’s face went beet red. So that’s what they were doing. He should have guessed—Mr. Smiley can’t even make Deku laugh that loud. Denki could feel static building up in his hair. He shook it off and marched back towards the elevator.
Nothing was working. Denki had been dropping hints all day, making playful remarks, stretching in front of Katsuki so that his midriff was showing, even laying in his lap (and promptly getting told to “fuck off”). But he had to keep trying.
“Oiiiii Kacchan!”
“The hell d’you want?”
“Want? I don’t want anything, I’m just saying hello!”
“Yeah, sure.”
Crap! Was he really that obvious?
“A-anyway,” Denki continued, “Kirishima and I are going to the gym later, if you want to join?”
“Nah, already went.”
“Oh, okay! In that case, would you mind helping me with this new move I’ve been working on? I need someone to practice it with, and-”
“Do it with Kirishima.”
“But it’s up in the air! Kirishima can only help me practice stuff on the ground! It’s called the uh, something or other volt maneuver!”
“You’re insane.”
“Oh c’mon, pleeeaaase?”
“At least let me show you! I get a running start like this,” Denki explained, running in place, “Jump up real high, do a couple flips and then come crashing down with my arms out, like this!”
As Denki whipped out his arms and pointed his finger guns towards Katsuki, he “accidentally” let out a small bolt of electricity (only about as strong as the electrostatic shocks you get on a particularly dry day), zapping him in the arm.
“AAAHHHHH!” Denki shrieked and bolted.
Katsuki was hot on his tail, and Denki could feel his heart beating a mile a minute as he scrambled around the common room, knowing that he could only evade the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight for so long.
Denki decided his best bet was to make a run for the front door.
“ONLY IF YOU CATCH-WaAHH!” Denki yelped as Katsuki swiftly tackled him into the grass.
Katsuki had him pinned. “What do you have to say for yourself, haah?”
Denki pursed his lips and shook his head.
Katsuki sighed. “You know what? I’m feeling nice today. I’m gonna let you off the hook.”
“What? Why!?”
“...Why do you sound so upset by that?”
“I-I’m not upset, haha, y-yay!” Denki stuttered, sweating nervously.
“Seriously, what has gotten into you? You’ve been acting weird all day.”
“Oh, h-have I? I hadn’t noticed…”
The two stared at each other for a moment.
“S-so are you gonna let me go?”
“Not until you tell me what’s up.”
“N-nothing’s up! Nothing at all!”
“Not gonna fess up? Good thing I know how to make losers like you talk.”
Denki saw an unmistakable glint in Katsuki’s eye. He shivered.
“W-wait, BakugAAHAHAHA!”
Katsuki wasted no time in shoving his hands right up into Denki’s underarms, vibrating his fingers against him.
“EEHEHE STAHAHAHAHA!” Denki laughed, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Nuh-uh, you asked for this.”
Katsuki was thorough—he fluttered his fingers against Denki’s ears and neck, pinched up and down his sides, skillfully rubbed his thumbs into his ribs, massaged his hips, and even squeezed his thighs—constantly making him jump and yelp in surprise. Finally, he reached back to squeeze above and skitter his fingers underneath Denki’s knees.
Denki laughed and laughed and laughed, banging his fist on the ground. He thrashed about as much as he could, making a futile attempt to escape. He was at his limit.
“Took you long enough. You have more stamina than I thought.”
“I- ehehe… I wanted, I wanted you to, to t-tickle me.”
“...You’re kidding.”
“P-please don’t be mad!”
“I’m not mad.”
“Oh, thank God…”
“You could have just asked, y’know?”
“I-I didn’t know how you’d react…”
“So you decided to annoy me all day instead?”
Denki nodded.
Katsuki sighed. “For future reference, I’d be more than happy to take you up on that request. Any time you want.”
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august-anon · 5 months
Dancing Away
Hello hello! Here is my @squealing-santa gift for the very cool @/wrestling!anon!!
I tried to pick out two of your prompts and did my best to hit them both, so I hope you enjoy! I also only went with two of the characters listed (Astarion and Wyll) because I feel like I can't quite grasp Gale's characterization yet, and I'm still only in Act 2 of my playthrough thanks to work so I have no idea what Halsin's deal is yet lol. I figured I'd write best with my own game's romance (Wyll) and the character I get the most spoilers for online (Astarion) lol. I hope my characterization works out well enough, and once again, I hope you (and other readers) enjoy!!
Fandom: Baldur’s Gate 3
Ship(s): Astarion/Wyll
Characters (lee/ler): Switch!Astarion/Switch!Wyll
Word Count: 2250 words
Summary: When Wyll asked Astarion to dance, he did not expect it to end in such a ticklish situation. He had no intentions of letting this go without a bit of revenge.
[ao3 link]
Dancing, Astarion thought. How sickeningly sweet.
But of course, it was Wyll. Astarion wasn’t sure what else he had expected. He was rather the fairytale prince type, not really the kind you take for a quick romp in the forest. In fact, Astarion doubted Wyll would agree even if he suggested it. A younger man may have found it romantic, but Astarion only found it to be a hindrance. It tended to be much harder to manipulate people without sex involved, in his experience.
That is, if Astarion even wanted to keep going through with that plan. It was all so much easier before feelings got involved.
Of course, none of his plans meant that Astarion was willing to drop his snark entirely. “Tell me, does this actually work for you?”
Wyll raised an eyebrow at him and, of course being the cheeky little thing he was, suddenly pushed Astarion out into a wide spin before pulling him close once more. “You tell me. You’re the one who accepted the offer to dance.”
“Come now, darling. You can’t tell me that you don’t crave a bit more… physicality, hm? Intimacy?” He pulled Wyll even closer, adjusting his grip to be just this side of innocent.
Wyll laughed, his eyes cutting to the side to avoid Astarion’s. Astarion could hear his pulse quicken, could smell the blood rush beneath his skin.
“I’d say this is rather physical already,” Wyll said, “wouldn’t you?”
“Oh, you know what I meant.” 
Astarion snuck a few fingers beneath the hem of Wyll’s tempting little cropped shirt, sliding them up his side – only, he didn’t get very far. Wyll made a strange, strangled noise in the back of his throat as he buckled in on that side, now dancing away from Astarion instead of alongside him. Astarion froze in his tracks.
“Too far?”
Wyll stood up straight, rubbing at the back of his neck with that horribly endearing self-conscious chuckle of his. “No, no, sorry. You did nothing wrong.” He chuckled again. “Just a bit ticklish there, is all.”
A predatory grin spread across Astarion’s lips and he swept in close to Wyll once more, wrapping an arm around his waist to pull him flush. He watched Wyll’s throat bob. “So open with such sensitive information, my dear.” He tsked. “Seems a bit unwise, doesn’t it?”
Wyll rolled his eyes. “Oh, please. Everyone’s at least a little ticklish somewhere – would do me no use in hiding it, now would it?” 
As he spoke, Wyll’s fingers snuck up Astarion’s own side, repeating the same motion that had Wyll dancing out of his arms. Astarion gasped at the sensation, wrenching himself from their embrace entirely on instinct. The sensation was unfamiliar and familiar all at once ��� something he knew he had to have felt before, but had no recollection of experiencing. He couldn’t help but stare down at his body as if it had betrayed him.
“See? Everyone’s ticklish somewhere.” Wyll paused, stepping closer. “Did– did you not know you were?”
“Trapped under control of my vampire master the past two hundred years – would you?” Astarion scoffed, refusing to meet his eyes. “Not exactly the time for warm fuzzies.”
“No. No, I suppose not.” After a moment, Wyll stepped closer again, lightly resting his hands against Astarion’s hips. “Never too late to find out, you know?”
Astarion couldn’t help but gape at him. “Are you suggesting I willingly allow you to exploit a weakness of mine for, what, your own enjoyment?” He smirked. “Why, Wyll, I didn’t know you had it in you.”
Wyll laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Of course not – it’s just, you ought to know your own vulnerabilities, should you not?”
Astarion raised an eyebrow. Wyll’s grin turned sheepish – but only slightly.
“Alright. I am known to have a bit of a mischievous side.” His thumbs rubbed circles into the divots of Astarion’s hips, just the right amount of pressure to avoid a tickle. “But I would never take advantage of you in that way if you didn’t wish it.”
Astarion rolled his eyes, a fond smile spreading across his lips without his permission. “Gods, don’t be such a hero.”
The words were barely out of Astarion’s mouth before the soothing circles at Astarion’s hips became gentle squeezing. An undignified noise escaped him before he was able to seal his lips shut. He doubled over and scrabbled for Wyll’s wrists.
“I’m not hearing a ‘no,’” Wyll said, his voice filled with so much humor and fondness that it might’ve made Astarion feel ill if he hadn’t already been preoccupied.
“You ass,” Astarion replied instead.
Wyll clicked his tongue. “Maybe this will help teach you some manners.”
Astarion opened his mouth to respond, but all that came out was a rush of air as Wyll started wiggling his fingers up Astarion’s sides. While the squeezing had been gentle enough, the skittering of Wyll’s fingers was absurdly soft. The light touch was maddening in a way that Astarion couldn’t place, sending him squirming and lost to mortified giggles in mere moments. All of Cazadors horrible tortures, with his cold hands and rough grip, all of the people he’d lured back with his body, with their hungry touches and grasping hands, none of them could have prepared him for this – the delicate fingers of someone who cared for him (albeit through his own manipulation) picking him apart with such ease.
And the worst part was, Astarion found that he didn’t quite mind it. In fact, he actually rather liked it, as horribly embarrassing as it was. It was a kind of intimacy that he had never considered before, and one that wasn’t tainted with nearly so much history. And of course, the handsome smile spreading across Wyll’s face at Astarion’s ridiculous reactions was quite the bonus, even if it was at his expense.
Of course, it became much harder to think the longer Wyll took advantage of his sensitivities. Astarion had no idea that tickling could be so distracting, so consuming. He doubled over as those skittering fingers reached his ribcage, his hands coming up to try and muffle the laughter now escaping him. Wyll laughed along, and they both laughed harder when he managed to maneuver his hands up into Astarion’s underarms, causing him to stumble to the ground.
“Get out of there!” Astarion said, half-heartedly trying to shove Wyll away with one hand, while trying his hardest to shield his reactions with the other.
“If that’s really what you want!”
Astarion quickly learned that was the wrong choice, as Wyll shimmied his fingers out of Astarion’s underarms and swiftly set to poking and prodding around Astarion’s stomach. Through squinted eyes, Astarion could see Wyll watching his every jump and flinch, trying to catch his reactions through his fingers, no doubt cataloguing them to use exploit later.
“See, this isn’t quite so effective.” Wyll punctuated the sentence with a few playful squeezes to his sides.
“Seems plenty effective to me!” Astarion griped, trying to grasp for his hands.
Wyll cocked his head with a grin. “Oh, it certainly works, but you seem to do better with a… softer touch.”
With that, the skittering fingers were back, and a mortifyingly high-pitched noise burst from Astarion’s lips. It was absurd how much the method could change the intensity of the tickle, and even more absurd how badly a touch so soft could affect him. And of course, he was proved right in his previous hypothesis when Wyll seemed to focus particularly on the places he had made note of previously. All Astarion could do was roll around in the dirt and dead leaves, too uncoordinated to do anything to save himself even if he wanted to.
And then Wyll started jumping between certain areas of his upper body at random. His stomach, his ribs, his stomach again, his underarms, his hips, his sides – Astarion could barely keep track of the sensation. All he could do was laugh, no matter where it showed up next. His hips seemed to be particularly weak to this type of touch, and Wyll certainly enjoyed his time taking advantage of that. Even still, though all the playful torment, Astarion couldn’t say he exactly minded, though he would never let Wyll know.
And then Wyll’s fingers jumped up to Astarion’s neck, no warning at all. The tickle was still there, and certainly still effective, but Astarion’s breath caught in his throat. For the first time in all his squirming, he finally lurched away from the touch. One hand flew down to support himself as he tried to sit up, the other flying up to pry Wyll’s fingers away. 
Ever so attentive, Wyll pulled his hands away immediately. Instead, he moved to help Astarion sit up, rubbing his back as if to help him catch his breath despite the fact that Astarion didn’t really need to breathe anyways. It was a sweet gesture. Wyll was a fool. 
“No neck,” Wyll said. “I’ll remember that for next time.”
Astarion scoffed. “Please, as if there would be a next time in the first place. No, you’ve had your fun now, darling.”
Wyll only shook his head, a twinkle in his eyes. “Whatever you say, Astarion.”
“Speaking of fun–” Astarion ran a hand through his hair, trying to ruffle his curls back into place “– I believe it’s my turn.”
Wyll’s eyes went wide, but Astarion pulled him down to be flush with Astarion’s chest before he could make any moves. Though Wyll put up some semblance of a struggle, Astarion was easily able to roll them over, allowing him to loom over Wyll. It was almost endearing how little he was trying to actually fight back. Not to mention, few people would trust a vampire to put them on their back like this. If Astarion’s heart had still had a beat, he was worried it might’ve skipped one or two. As it was, he could hear Wyll’s heart give a stutter of its own.
Wyll gave him another one of those charming nervous chuckles. “Now Astarion, I’m sure we can talk about this.”
Astarion grinned, lowering his voice into a purr. “Oh my dear, you can talk all you wish. In fact, why don’t we start with whichever patch of skin is most likely to make you scream.”
“I’m no fool, Astarion. No man in his right mind would give up such sensitive information so willingly.”
Astarion leaned in closer, so his lips were brushing against Wyll’s ear. “Sensitive information indeed, hm?”
Wyll shivered, but at this point, Astarion was unable to tell if it was from pleasure or from ticklishness. Either way worked in his favor, so instead he set about his revenge. He started at Wyll’s hips, just as Wyll had begun with him, and started wiggling his fingers up Wyll’s sides and ribs. His giggles were music to Astarion’s ears as he shimmied back and forth beneath Astarion’s form. He tossed his head back with his giggling, baring his neck so temptingly, and Astarion couldn’t help but watch the way his throat bobbed with his laughter.
Still, Astarion wasn’t quite getting the reactions he desired. The giggles he garnered between Wyll’s hips and underarms were adorable, but it wasn’t what he was looking for. Astarion jumped down to Wyll’s sides again, giving them a few quick squeezes. He may have taken more than a few pointers from Wyll’s own attack, but it wasn’t as though he had much experience of his own to draw upon. Astarion felt his lips bloom into a devious grin at the flinch the touch garnered him and the louder laughter that followed.
“I see – you’re a bit opposite to me, then.”
Astarion could practically smell the blood as it rushed to Wyll’s cheeks, even if the blush didn’t show on his complexion. For the first time since Astarion began, Wyll started shoving at Astarion’s hands, though the laughter had clearly weakened him.
“Shut up!”
Astarion tsked. “Who knew the Blade of Frontiers was so easily embarrassed.”
He moved his prodding and squeezing inward, and finally Wyll shouted out a frantic, “Shit!” through his laughter. Wyll lurched up and tried to double over, not making it very far thanks to Astarion still looming over him. He scrambled for Astarion’s hands, fumbling blindly and ultimately making no difference to his torment.
“Ah – have I truly found my target so easily?”
“Yes!” Wyll shouted as he collapsed back into the dirt, his head thrown back once more as laughter wracked his body. “Yes, Astarion, please!”
Astarion slowed his fingers to a creeping spider, keeping Wyll in near-frantic giggles even with the light touch. He hummed thoughtfully. “But darling, how can I really be sure without completing my exploration? After all, most people would admit anything under torture.”
Wyll’s head tipped up and he stared at Astarion with wide eyes. Even still, he didn’t tell Astarion to stop. His blood may have been rushing, but it certainly wasn’t due to fear.
“Wait–” His voice was giggly and bright, his eyes clear from any distress.
Astarion hummed. “Condolences, but I believe I’m obligated to investigate further.” He leaned in close, their noses brushing. Astarion could almost taste Wyll’s giggles on his own lips, but he didn’t dare close the distance himself – he had to play this game at Wyll’s pace, after all. “Best prepare yourself for a long evening, my sweet.”
He certainly didn’t imagine the way Wyll’s heart sped up at those words.
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strawberriesinbloom · 5 months
That Kind of Day, Huh?
Miguel flinched as his breathing wobbled. He placed a hand over MJ’s hand, which had accidentally wandered a little too close to his side. “Ah, not there,” he muttered. It didn’t take an observant individual to notice the way he had stumbled over his words.
“What? You ticklish, buddy?” Peter asked while crossing his arms. 
Miguel scoffed. He lifted his head to give Peter an unimpressed glance his way. Refusing to dignify Peter’s question with a response, he rolled his eyes and laid back down. 
Word Count: 2037
Happy holidays, @tickly-tufts. I'm your Secret Santa for @squealing-santa. This was a cute idea. I hope you enjoy :)
This is a tickle fic btw
Peter B. Parker had just finished putting his daughter to bed. He snuck one last kiss on her forehead before quietly leaving the nursery. Although he loved spending time with Mayday, she could be a handful at times, and Peter was more than happy to have some quality downtime with his wife.
‘Wife’ he repeated in his head. God, he missed that word.
Peter practically pranced into his bedroom. A pet name was already rolling off the tip of his tongue when he was suddenly shushed. Peter faltered slightly, stopping in his tracks with his hand still on the doorknob.
MJ was sitting up in bed with her back resting against the headboard. Her index finger was raised to her lips. Her cheeks were puffed out, as though preparing to shush him again.
But, that wasn’t the weird part. The weird part was the fact that Miguel O’Hara was lying in MJ’s arms with his head resting on her chest. 
Peter cocked his head to the side. “Miguel?”
Usually, he texted before stopping by the Parker’s place.
The dopey smile on Miguel’s face vanished as he flashed Peter an irritated glare. He turned his head, so he was no longer facing him.
“He had a long day,” MJ explained, now that silence was no longer a pretense. Her long nails gently scratched up and down the expanse of Miguel’s back. If Peter listened closely, he swore he could hear the guy purring. “So, I expect you to not get into any of your usual antics, alright?”
Peter let out an amused huff of air. “Antics? Since when have I ever gotten into any ‘antics’?” He grinned as he sauntered over to the bedside next to MJ. “I’ve never done anything of the sort in my entire life.”
MJ rolled her eyes playfully. “Okay, okay, whatever you say.” She laughed a little when Peter leaned down to kiss her.
“So, what has gotten this whiny baby in such a mood?” Peter asked once he straightened back up.
Miguel sucked his teeth. “You do realize I can hear you, right?” He scrunched up his shoulder blades a little once MJ started to caress the upper parts of his back.
MJ teasingly tousled Miguel’s hair. “He won’t say,” she told Peter. “I just think he needs some comfort tonight.” 
Miguel flinched as his breathing wobbled. He placed a hand over MJ’s hand, which had accidentally wandered a little too close to his side. “Ah, not there,” he muttered. It didn’t take an observant individual to notice the way he had stumbled over his words.
“What? You ticklish, buddy?” Peter asked while crossing his arms. 
Miguel scoffed. He lifted his head to give Peter an unimpressed glance his way. Refusing to dignify Peter’s question with a response, he rolled his eyes and laid back down. 
“Aw, come on, Miguel. You aren’t even going to answer me?” Peter began poking and prodding at Miguel’s side. He delighted in the way Miguel jumped at each jab.
“Peter…” MJ said.
Peter grinned. “I’m just trying to help him feel better. They don’t say that laughter is the best medicine for nothing.” He turned his attention toward Miguel. “So, come on, let’s hear that laugh of yours.”
Without warning, Peter squeezed Miguel’s waist, causing Miguel to curl up in on himself. “Stop that!” he growled. Miguel’s voice was low and gruff, but his tough persona was softened by how hard he was trying to avoid Peter’s gaze. 
The corners of Miguel’s lips began to perk up when Peter’s fingers started digging into his hips. He grabbed his wrist in an attempt to pry him off of him, but, interestingly enough, Miguel’s grip was loose and half-hearted.
Miguel gasped, as his eyes widened in fear. “M-MJ…!” he choked out. He began to thrash around, and Peter looked up to see MJ drilling her fingers inside Miguel’s armpits.
“What? I can’t have you having all of the fun,” she said when she noticed Peter’s expression. MJ continued her assault on Miguel’s sensitive skin. He tried to push himself up and presumably get off of her, but MJ was quicker than him. She hooked her legs over his back, trapping him in place.
Miguel barely managed to choke out MJ’s name again before using both hands to clamp his mouth shut. Peter clawed at Miguel’s stomach, which was driving him up the wall. His cheeks flushed, as Peter focused his attention on a particular spot that made Miguel writhe in place.
“Wow, you sure are stubborn, Miguel,” Peter said, enjoying the glare he was shooting him. “Not even a giggle?”
MJ’s fingers traveled down Miguel’s body and settled against his ribs, where she used her long nails to her full advantage and scratched at such a sensitive spot. As though to answer Peter’s question, Miguel tossed his head back and shrieked. He burst into loud laughter that almost made Peter flinch.
“AHAHA! Stahap! Stahahahap it! Both ohof you! EheEHEhehe…! Th—this isn’t funny!” Miguel’s eyes were squeezed shut as a wide smile overtook half of his face.
Peter wasn’t sure if he had ever seen the guy smile before, much less laugh, so this was a welcome sight. Miguel’s laughter wasn’t what he was expecting to come from a guy like him, either. It was loud, boisterous, and almost a little frantic. Miguel’s smile was a little lopsided from him desperately trying to stop himself from laughing.
“You have a nice laugh, Miguel,” MJ said, “It’s a shame we don’t get to hear it more often.” She shoved her fingers against his neck. He started to giggle and scrunch his shoulders up before she even had the chance to tickle him there.
Miguel giggling? Now, that was funny. It was, dare he say it, cute to see the way MJ could elicit such high-pitched noises from Miguel. At some point, Miguel squeaked. He stilled himself for a moment before burying his face in the crook of her elbow out of embarrassment. MJ only laughed, as she kept tickling him.
“This ihihisn’t fair! Hehehe…hehehaHAHAHA!” His laughter grew an octave or two when Peter started to spider his fingers against Miguel’s ribs. This was a sensitive area for him, which meant that this little weakness had to be exploited as much as possible. Miguel growled again, as he flailed about until he was on his side. “Peheheter! Peheheheter, I’ll—I’m going to kihihihill you! Ahahaha!” The threatening nature of his threats was drowned out by the desperation in his voice.
“I’d like to see you—oh, hey, wait, are those fangs?” Peter’s previous train of thought was left forgotten once he noticed a pair of rather sharp incisors sticking out of his mouth.
Miguel pressed his lips together in another attempt to stop himself from laughing. MJ tickled him underneath his chin, causing him to erupt in soft giggles once again. “Yeah, they are fangs,” MJ said, “That’s cute!”
“Very cute,” Peter agreed right before he vibrated his fingers against Miguel’s ribs. 
“Grr…ahahaha! I’m warning you, Peheheter!” He jutted his leg up, and it took Peter a moment to realize that Miguel was trying to kick him away. Peter stepped to the side and grabbed both of Miguel’s legs. Miguel gasped when Peter swung his leg over and sat on Miguel’s knees. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“This,” Peter answered before squeezing and pinching Miguel’s thighs. Miguel screamed. He screamed before melting into a loud cackle of a laugh. “Whoa! Calm down!” Peter shouted after he was almost bucked off, but he held his ground. He might have found Miguel’s most ticklish spot, and he wasn’t going to go down that easily. 
Peter kept skittering his fingers along Miguel’s thighs and occasionally drilled his thumbs into his hips just to keep him on his toes. Miguel shrieked every time he did that. MJ tickled his neck, sometimes choosing to flick the back of his ears, which made Miguel tilt his head side to side repeatedly in a futile way to get away from the sensation.
“Hahaha! This is toohoohoo much! Stahahap this instahAHAha—” Miguel swore when MJ decided to jab her fingers inside of Miguel’s armpits again. 
Just as Peter was about to tickle Miguel’s sides, Miguel grabbed both of Peter’s hands. Miguel glowered at Peter, who was trying to give up the biggest, most innocent doe eyes he could muster. Miguel paused for a beat before unceremoniously throwing Peter across the room.
“Peter!” MJ shouted, a hint of amusement at the back of her voice. She unhooked her legs from Miguel and tried to stifle a giggle. “Are you okay?”
Peter grunted when he landed on the floor, but he was quick to get up and dust himself off. “Never better,” he said, pretending to flex his arms. Now freed, Miguel got up and slowly crawled over to the other side of the bed. When Peter noticed this, he smirked. “Oh no, you don’t!” He ran over and tackled Miguel to the bed.
Miguel snarled but didn’t try to break free from Peter’s grip. “What’s wrong with you?” He looked at MJ, who was trying her hardest to hide her smile. She was failing quite badly. “Both of you! What’s wrong with both of you?” He was breathless, and a sheen of sweat glistened on his forehead. 
“Aww, don’t be like that Miguel. We were only trying to cheer you up.” Peter clasped his hands onto Miguel’s sides. Miguel gave him a wary look but didn’t say anything. “Besides, don’t think MJ and I didn’t notice how you didn’t even try to stop us in any capacity.”
“Except for when he tossed you off the bed,” MJ chimed in.
“Yes, except for when you tossed me off of the bed,” Peter responded, a little miffed at his cool moment being dampened. “But, other than that, you didn’t do anything. I mean, you’re a Spider-Man! You have more than enough ways to stop us if you wanted to.” Peter slowly massaged Miguel’s sides, earning some soft and awkward laughter from him. “That’s the key phrase, isn’t it? If you wanted to.”
MJ shuffled over so that she was sitting right next to them. “Miguel,” she said, tracing his cheekbone with her thumb. “Do you like being tickled?” Her tone wasn’t particularly accusatory. It was kind of sweet, as though she was asking how Miguel’s day was.
“Mhmhmm…I—I don’t ehehe…I don’t…mmph!” Miguel laid his hands on top of Peter’s hands once they started to wander too far up his torso. Peter could tell that Miguel was searching for some sort of excuse or way to get out of this predicament. “I, uh, didn’t wahahant to hurt MJ.”
“You gotta give yourself more credit than that. You have great control over your abilities. There’s no way you’d accidentally hurt anyone,” Peter said.
When he couldn’t think of anything else, Miguel sighed and accepted defeat. “Okahahay, maybe—maybe just a little…” He mumbled that last part but Peter could hear him loud and clear.
“Oh, that’s adorable,” MJ said, leaning in to kiss Miguel on the cheek, “Are you feeling better now?”
Miguel pried Peter’s hands off of him. He stared at the bed, refusing to make eye contact with either of them. “Yeah, I guess,” he said quietly, “More or less.”
“I knew it would!” Peter said. He grabbed Miguel’s face and gave him a messy kiss on the cheek. He stopped when Miguel’s groan suddenly turned into quiet giggles.
“Your stubble,” Miguel explained, rubbing his cheek. “It tickles.”
“Miguel,” Peter said in awe, “How ticklish are you, buddy?” Peter expected Miguel to make another snarky comment. He did not expect to be completely flipped over on his back. “M—Miguel?” he repeated, as his threatening figure loomed over him.
“Not as ticklish as you,” Miguel simply responded before digging his fingers into Peter’s armpits.
“Wahahahait! Hahaha! Let’s talk this out!” Peter shook his head back and forth. He lifted his hand to try to push Miguel out of the way, only to immediately clamp his arm down when Miguel’s tickling increased tenfold. “Hahaha…AH! MJ!” Peter screeched when he felt something skitter along the undersides of his feet. This was going to be a long night.
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theoncelee · 5 months
Squealing Santa Submission!!
I’ve had this done for a bit, but figured I’d post it on Christmas Day because why not?
Hi! @blueberrygiggles I’m your Squealing Santa this year!! Thank you @hypahticklish for orchestrating! I really can’t be trusted with winter holiday themed things can I? Yes, I wrote about both Chanukkah and Christmas, again. Listen I just can’t pick, ok? They’re both too fun. Hope that’s ok 😅
Also I made a lil visual aid it’s just flat colors but:
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Fandom: MHA
Ship: KiriBaku (Romantic)
Warnings: Light swearing and capital text. Other than that nothing this is super fluffy ^-^
Summary: AU where Kirishima celebrates Christmas and Bakugou celebrates Chanukkah. Kirishima and Bakugou are enjoying a lazy day chilling in Bakugou’s dorm room. The topic of which winter holiday, Christmas or Chanukkah, is better comes up. Playful tickling ensues 😈. Later, when lying in bed, Kirishima takes his sweet, soft, revenge.
Bakugou and Kirishima were just chilling in Bakugou’s dorm room, shooting the shit.
“I’m just saying, Christmas is the best holiday. I mean, come ON. Lights, cookies, and best of all, MAGIC. Chanukkah has NOTHING on THAT” Kirishima argued playfully.
“Nothing you say? Chanukkah has latkes, fire and gambling. That beats some fatass in a stupid suit any day of the week” Bakugou replied.
“Gambling?” Kirishima questioned.
“The fuck do you think dreidel is, shitty hair?”
Kirishima burst into loud laughter at that.
“DREIDEL? PFFT ihit doehoesn’t cohount if ihit’s chohocolahahate”
“Alright, pack it up gaylord before I give your something to laugh about” Bakugou shot back.
“You say as if you aren’t the biggest gigglemonster in Class 1A, Bakubro.” Kirishima teased with his signature shark-toothed grin and a wiggle of his fingers.
“Speak for yourself, sir laughs-a-lot” Bakugou retorted with an indignant huff.
“Aww that was cute. I’m tickled”
“You will be if you don’t watch your attitude”
“Says you, giggles” Kirishima replied, accentuating the statement with a quick poke to Bakugou’s side, causing the fiery blond to bite down on his lower lip.
“That’s rich coming from you, flinch-meister” Bakugou easily returned, tasing kirishima in the ribs, resulting in a dramatic flinch and a sharp gasp.
“Oh yeah? Well, too bad you’re too slow to catch me.”
And with that Kirishima took off running out of Bakugou’s dorm room and towards the common room in a blind fit of nervous energy, giggles already threatening to bubble up and out of his throat. Bakugou was hot on his trail, fighting a grin of his own (he DID have a reputation, you know). The two quickly found themselves in the common room, facing each other from opposite ends of the couch, swerving to try and fake the other out. Though they tried to look serious, no one could mistake the excitement and playfulness dancing in their eyes. Finally tiring of the back and forth game, Bakugou leapt across the entire couch, flying into Kirishima and barreling them both to the ground in a tangle of limbs. Bakugou scrambled to straddle Kirishima.
“Nooo dohohon’t”
“Don’t what, shitty hair?”
“Tihickle mehe”
Before Kirishima ever realized the trap he’d fallen into, Bakugou shoved his hands up his boyfriend’s shirt and scratched at Bakugou’s toned stomach.
“Yes love?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t understand you sweetheart”
“Don’t stop? Well, if you insist”
“Just shut up and laugh, shitty hair”
With that Bakugou squeezed his hands into Kirishima’s underarms. And Kirishima did indeed “shut up and laugh” considering he could no longer get a single word out through his laughter. Sensing his boyfriend was reaching his limit, Bakugou moved on to his grand finale, Kirishima’s ribs. He found the rib 3 from the bottom on the left, the one he KNEW Kirishima couldn’t stand, and dug in with scratching, vibrating fingers. The reaction was immediate.
That last scream sounded suspiciously like “Mercy”, so Bakugou slowed his tickling down to just gentle tracing, keeping Kirishima in light giggles before rolling off him to get him some much needed water. Kirishima just closed his eyes and smiled, feeling significantly happier than he had before.
Later that night, Kirishima and Bakugou were cuddled up in Kirishima’s cramped bed, the tips of their noses practically touching as they easily shared whispers and hushed laughter between them. Wide smiles tugging hard at their cheeks, stray hands roaming, blushes deepening. All it took was one stray finger brushing against Bakugou’s side where it met his back, causing Bakugou to let out a small yelp and Kirishima to raise an eyebrow, mischief dancing in his eyes.
“Oh? What’s that I hear? Is that…an opportunity for revenge?” Kirishima wasted no time grabbing Bakugou’s waist, flipping him over and pulling Bakugou’s back into his own chest. Firmly securing Bakugou against him with one arm, Kiri used his free hand to skitter his fingers all over Bakugou’s tummy, causing the sweetest, most out of character giggles to spill from the blondes lips without restraint. Normally he was able to resist such light tickles, but it was late and he was too tired to try or care. Soft, easy laughter bubbled up from his core and poured out of his mouth without protest as he threw his head back on Kirishima’s shoulder and grabbed desperately at his hands, despite putting no force into actually pushing them away. Naturally, Kirishima noticed.
“Aww is the super manly King Explosion Murder not strong enough to push me off? Or is he having too much fun to even try?” Bakugou could only shake his head and giggle in response. Because he WAS having fun. It felt good, to laugh like this. To be tickled and teased and so thoroughly messed with. It felt good to know that someone cared about, no, LOVED him enough to want to fuck with him like this. He kept up a tough facade, and he was slow to trust, but with Kirishima he felt SAFE and LOVED. And he knew he could love THIS, with HIM, without judgement. And GOD it felt good. He let his giggles grow without resistance, reveling in the feeling of laughter and being teased like this.
“Careful, love. Don’t wake our classmates” Kirishima chucked directly into Bakugou’s ear, careful to make sure his breath alone tickled.
Seeming to have forgotten they weren’t entirely alone, Bakugou quickly clamped a hand over his mouth, attempting to muffle the sweet giggles he couldn’t even attempt to stop from streaming out of him. That’s when he felt treacherous fingers slip under his thin sleep shirt, the scribbling on his bare skin somehow WORLDS better worse. Kirishimas delicate fingers scratched and scraped at Bakugou’s soft skin, occasionally digging into the toned muscle underneath. They were like spiders, softly reeling in their prey for the taking. And Kirishima, that godsend asshole, was definitely taking. Kirishima’s dangerous hands traveled up and down Bakugou’s torso, tickling from his hips all the way to the top of his ribs, occasionally even dipping into his underarms. Bakugou grabbed a nearby pillow and threw his face into it in a desperate attempt to muffle his soft laughter. When he felt one devious finger swirl into his navel, he felt himself double over in a failed attempt to curl up, still held firm in Kirishima’s embrace. His mind was alight with the buzz of nothingness, unable to comprehend anything besides the feeling of Kirishima against his back, the safe arm around his waist, and the gentle tickles crawling over every inch of skin they could reach. Sensing his boyfriend was reaching his limit, Kirishima slowed his tickles down until he was just gently rubbing away all the ghost tickles, before pulling Bakugou even further into him, carding his fingers through Bakugou’s hair, and whispering sweet praises in his ear. He kept this up until Bakugou drifted off to sleep, cheeks still dusted pink and a soft smile still tugging at his lips, body still curled around Kirishima’s arm. Kirishima himself wasn’t awake to enjoy the sight for much longer.
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squealing-santa · 8 months
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Welcome, one and all, to the 8th Annual Tickle Fandom Bloggers Squealing Santa Extravaganza!
This year’s humble host for 2023 on her second year is @hypahticklish - I'm ecstatic to continue stoking the fires of our wonderful tradition! We were so lucky last year to have not only our community artists join the fun, but to break our previous record of participants. I cannot wait to see all the magic our corner of tumblr is able to create 🥰 But enough of my shmoozing - let’s get on to the main event! 
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Here are the general rules of engagement:
In order to get a peice of tickle fiction or art, you must be willing to create a new peice of tickle fiction or art for someone else.
Your work must be based on the fandoms and prompts provided by your giftee during registration. Examples of what those loose prompts may look like can be found here.
All creations must be posted during the month of December.
All creations must have a title and @ both their giftee and the event blog when posting.
All participants will have their DMs and Asks available for communication with the event Host.
For Our Writers
Fics must be at least 500 words, but there is no limit if you’d like to write more!
All authors must also include the total word count of their piece and a short summary.
Fics must be legibly formatted, i.e. not a block of text for the entire piece.
For Our Artists
Traditional art must be completed on an unlined surface with minimal remaining sketch lines. Color or grayscale is optional. Scanning is preferable when uploading your piece but at the very least needs to be clear and well-lit photo.
Digital art must minimally be in contrasted color or grayscale, and have finished line work. 
Comics must have a minimum of two medium-large panels OR two small panels and one medium-large panel, with minimal remaining sketch lines. Color or grayscale is optional.
All artists must include their own accessibility image IDs.
There is no limit if you'd like to create more or explore stylization!
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Once sign-ups end, we’ll send out assignments and you’ll have until December 31st to finish your piece and send it to the person you’re creating for. In turn, your writer or artist will post a piece for you also by the end of December! No one will know who is working on whose prompts until the works are published, because surprises are fun!
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Use this link right here to complete your registration to this year’s exchange!
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Please note that the registration is conducted via Google Forms. While we have turned all email requirements off, there’s still a chance it will autofill that information if you’re logged in. We’d definitely recommend filling out the survey using incognito mode just in case for that reason. Should any emails be submitted accidentally, they will not be utilized or released.
IF YOU ARE ANON: you still must include a tumblr url that we can contact you at. We promise we won’t give it out to anyone; we just will need a way to contact you over the course of the exchange!
We will send you a confirmation DM once your registration has been submitted, so if you don’t receive that, contact us! We want to make sure no one gets left out due to the survey eating submissions or something similarly dumb.
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Registration closes at midnight PST on November 5th, so be sure to share with your knismobuddies!
The Fandom Registration will be sent out November 6th to be completed by midnight PST on November 12th. 
Assignments will go out by approximately November 16th!
We hope you can join the event this year and have a blast! Until then, we’ll be waiting for you all to sign up!
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lovelynim · 5 months
2 centimeters
Squealing Santa 2023 Genshin Impact - Kaeya & Diluc
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A/N: Merry Christmas, Mango-anon! That's right, I'm your @squealing-santa this year!
Heheh, isn't it funny that we changed the roles? After getting a gift from you in last year's SS, I tried to come up with something just as special - hopefully I made it up to your expectations!
Also, I couldn't find any canon info about the characters' height, so let's just go along with this one, yeah?
I just want to wish you a happy holiday season and thank @hypahticklish for hosting the event again!
Summary: When you are decorating the place, 2 cm can make a lot of difference.
Word count: 1338 words
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“I think I remember this one, brother,” Kaeya chirped happily as he gently pulled another decoration from inside that old chest. Pinching the string that was attached to the toy to hold it up to his line of sight, Kaeya admired the golden, star-shaped object as it brought him some old memories from his childhood. “Hah, last time I saw this one, we still-”
“Care to do something other than reminiscing?” Diluc interrupted, with a frown on his face. Letting out an audible grunt, the redheaded dropped another box on top of the counter - also full of decorations.
By the end of the year, the people of Mondstadt had the tradition of decorating their houses to celebrate the arrival of winter and to cherish the moments they had together throughout that year. At least, most of the people did it.
Diluc wasn’t sure when it was the last time he had bothered to do something like this. He was even more clueless about why he decided to do it this time. Maybe his change of heart had something to do with the traveler or the latest events? Maybe after spending so much time with that spoiled bard was, at last, affecting him? Maybe was he sick? Diluc didn’t know - and did it really matter at this point? He looked to the side, spotting Kaeya’s smug, amused glance at him. Diluc rolled his eyes.
“My, of course, brother. I just couldn’t help myself… All the sweet memories coming back to my mind,” Kaeya mused poetically - mostly to annoy his brother even further. “I’m sure the winery will look just as lovely when we are done decorating it.”
Kaeya quickly got back to his feet, starting to hang a few garlands near the entrance, adding the ones that resembled small berries and snow flakes to enhance the composition even further. The captain smiled, proud of his work. “What do you think, Diluc?” Kaeya sighed proudly, placing his hands over his hips as he admired the results of his efforts.
However, as more seconds passed by and there was no sign of answers from his dear brother, Kaeya repeated himself, this time also looking back. “Diluc? What do you… think…”
“Just- agh, just a second,” Diluc grunted, gritting his teeth and stretching his arm as high as he could. Standing on the tip of his toes and leaning against the shelves, Diluc tried to place a bright, golden star on top of a tree - a spot that was clearly out of his reach.
Kaeya scoffed quietly, surprised that his brother would find such difficulties in such a simple task. “Do you need a hand? I could lift you if you want-”
“Shut it,” Diluc groaned, planting his heels back into the ground - and if looks could kill, Kaeya would’ve been sent to Celestia right at that moment. Diluc, already having his patience running short, looked at Kaeya’s work.
His eyes, despite all the charming decorations, focused on a garland that hung right in the middle of the composition. Diluc did the math inside his head and that thing was standing almost as high as the tip of the tree and, with no stairs or chairs around, it seemed that Kaeya managed to reach that spot effortlessly. Diluc felt that sight leaving a scratch on his ego. “Yeah, it’s decent I think,” Diluc huffed.
“Decent? Well, it’s still a compliment from you, I suppose, so I’ll assume I did a good job,” Kaeya crossed his arms, with a smug look on his face. The captain looked around and, after a few hours of work, they were almost done with the winery’s decoration: all that was left was the golden star in Diluc’s hand. “Let me finish that for you, brother.”
“What?” Diluc arched his eyebrow, turning his attention back to Kaeya.
“I said: let me finish that for you,” Kaeya repeated while approaching Diluc, reaching out his hand, waiting for the star to be handed to him.
“There is no need, I can do it myself,” Diluc narrowed his eyes and Kaeya chuckled. “What’s so funny?” The winery’s master muttered, getting back on the tip of his toes as he tried to reach the top of the tree.
“How tall are you?”
“W-what?” Diluc gasped, feeling a faint heat taking place in his hands. “What’s with this all of the sudden?” The reddish tones began to take a brighter shade around the tip of Diluc’s ears, almost matching his hairtone.
“Just curiosity,” Kaeya giggled, standing by Diluc’s side. Kaeya placed a hand over the top of his own head and moved it, hovering it just a couple of centimeters above Diluc’s. “Oh, I’m taller, indeed. I never noticed you were the smaller one…”
“S-so?” Diluc sighed annoyed, getting even angrier when he saw the way Kaeya looked at him. “It’s just… what? 2 centimeters? It’s not that much of a difference, it might even be thanks to the heels of your boots.”
“Well, brother, you see, 2 centimeters can make a lot of difference,” Kaeya teased, looking up to the tip of the tree. “Come on, let me help you ~”
“I don’t need your help,” Diluc insisted, determined to shut his brother by placing that damned star on top of the tree.
“Suit yourself.”
Kaeya watched carefully as Diluc tried to reach that spot again, holding the golden star with the tip of his fingers, barely keeping a hold on it. Almost there… so close… 
“G-gah!” Diluc squeaked when he felt a pair of hands holding him by his waist. He felt another electric shock spread across his body when fingers dug into the spot - with just enough pressure so they could get a grip on his body.
“Q-quit squirming, you’re kind of heavy, you know?” Kaeya grunted, nearly getting hit by a flailing limb. With some effort, Kaeya managed to lift Diluc, getting him high enough so he could reach the top of the tree. “Hurry up..!”
“I- agh, aham tr-tryihihing!” Diluc choked on a laugh, struggling to reach out and place the star when all the nerves on his body were telling him to press his arms down his body. His brother being Kaeya, Diluc couldn’t be sure if that… feeling was a mere accident or something planned. “S-stohop squeehezing me lihihike t-that, you- ahah- ack!!”
“H-hoh?” Kaeya gasped, still managing to pull a tease in a situation like this. Diluc’s squirming was making it harder to keep him high up, but Kaeya would rather have them both falling to the ground than lose a chance to provoke Diluc like this. “H-how can you be… heh, this ticklish being this… short?”
“I’m nohot!” Diluc groaned, hitting Kaeya’s leg with his heel (mostly because of how his leg flailed than because he wanted to). 
“You’re not what? Short or ticklish? Because it looks like you’re both” Kaeya squeezed Diluc’s waist again and a strangled laugh escaped his brother’s lips. Kaeya smirked. “J-just put the star over there, my arms are getting tired.”
“If you- ahah, f-fine!” Diluc groaned in defeat, grabbing the tree with one hand and pulling it closer. Finding it more difficult than it should be, at last, Diluc managed to place the golden star in place, quickly tapping his brother’s hand. “D-done! Put me down! Puhuhut me down!”
“As you wish, brother,” Kaeya said, lowering his brother back down until he could place his feet on the ground - safe and sound. “See? It wasn’t that hard, was it?”
Diluc breathed deeply, telling himself mentally this wasn’t the time to call Kaeya names and deciding that, just this once, he would let it slide… that, of course, under one condition. “One word about it…,” he threatened Kaeya - so brotherly-like of him.
“Huh? Or what?” Kaeya provoked him again, poking Diluc’s side and making him jerk away with a sharp gasp. “Come on, asking your big brother for help it’s nothing to be ashamed of…”
“Kaeya, no.” Diluc warned, wrapping his arms around his torso, “I’m serious. Kaeya, nohOHOH!! KahAHAHayea!”
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