moonlight-eternal · 3 months
"You are all fools," Quelana says. "Gwyneth, Quelathi, you two have always been fools, though for different reasons. Quelaag, Gwyndolin, you're usually smarter than this. Come on, think it through!"
"I have thought as much as I need to," Gwyneth retorts, brash as ever. So little respect he has for anything but strength of arms, for which so little thought is ever needed. "If we succeed in this, then Father will have no need to sacrifice himself as he plans, for the First Flame will burn again without his kindling. That is reason enough."
"And if you fail?"
Quelaag opens her mouth to respond, but is cut off before she can speak by Gwyneth once more. "We shall not!"
On the other side of the room, Quelare puts her face in her hands and shakes her head. She turns away, but cannot bring herself to leave the room and stop listening.
"It is a wonderful and noble goal," Quelavere cuts in, trying to placate her older brother. "But I cannot feel confident in something so unprecedented. Tampering with a Lord Soul..."
Finally, Gwyndolin musters the courage to speak up. "Lord Souls are the closest thing known to the First Flame, born from it in those very first moments. I agree that the risk is significant, but the situation is becoming desperate. At the very least, we must do something. We must try."
"Everyone is depending on us, whether they know it or not," Quelathi adds.
Quelana sighs. "I understand that," she says carefully. "But there is a difference between controlled experimentation and wanton tinkering. Quelaag, I know it was not your idea, but you were the first to voice support and unlike Gwyneth you actually live here in Izalith, so... Could you not have asked Mother at any point before now, for permission to study the Lord Soul? Could you not have invited her to the discussion alongside us all?"
Quelaag shuffles her feet, and hesitates. "I– yes. I could have." She glances to her brother, then back. "He said it would be better not to involve her."
"Mother might put a stop to the plan," Gwyneth asserts. "She has no love for Father, this has been plainly known for centuries. Ever since she built this wretched place so far away, so deep beneath the earth as if to hide from the sunlight itself!"
Immediately, flames appear in the hands of several of the witch-sisters. Quelare stalks over to rejoin the group at last, tilting her head upward to meet Gwyneth's eyes. "Need we remind you that you are guests here, dear brothers? If you desire sunlight, then run along and bask in the rays above, and let those of us with more sense devise a plan."
She strikes her palm toward Gwyneth's chest, and in a display of great control, extinguishes the ball of flame just a fraction of a second before contact.
Gwyndolin looks down and pulls her traveling cloak tighter around her shoulders.
"Ah! Right, my apologies," Quelare says as her gaze passes over the youngest sibling. "You, singular brother and yet another sister, are guests in Izalith." To Gwyndolin alone, quieter: "If you want to fit in with the girls, we really must get you a proper black dress."
"If we could return to the topic at hand," Quelana emphasizes, glaring at each gathered sibling in turn. "That side of the room want to do something very rash, without any prior testing to learn the limits and the capabilities of what they would tamper with, and it could save the world or it could... well, we don't know what could happen if they fail, because they've done no testing. Meanwhile, on this side of the room, we have the level-headed people."
"You mean the people too scared to try to help," Quelaag tells her at once.
Quelavere inserts herself physically between the two, addressing the younger sister. "She means the people who favor caution, but not abandonment of the goal. I for one would love for Gwyneth's idea to succeed! But I cannot bring myself to participate, not if you go ahead with it right now."
"I will observe," the previously silent Quelaca finally speaks up. "But at the first sign of trouble, I will seek out Mother and inform her of the proceedings with her stolen Lord Soul."
"I too will watch from a safe distance," Quelavere says. "But I know such science is beyond my skill."
"I suspect it may be beyond any of us," Gwyndolin says quietly, but not quite soft enough to be unheard. "But I stand by my brother in this, even if in so little else. I cannot watch the world fade and do nothing. For all I wish to escape Father's watchful, controlling eye, I cannot allow his death to be without purpose."
Quelana looks around the group, and finds that the opposition is solidly outnumbered by those in favor and those abstaining. She sighs again, exasperated, and relents as much as she is able. "I'm not going near whatever you idiots cook up," she declares. "And when you fail to produce another First Flame, come back to me then and I can try, once again, to teach you the importance of using science in your magic."
"Quelana, please," her sister Quelathi begs. The youngest of those in Izalith, senior only to Gwyndolin, she has long since mastered the art of wide puppy eyes. "Mother's Lord Soul is the soul of Life. What better catalyst could there be, to create a Flame that rekindles our world's existence? How could it possibly lead to anything else?"
Quelana, ever the pragmatist, only frowns. "I would like to think you all are correct. I would like to have that hope, that something other than a direct linking of soul energy to the First Flame could suffice. I want you to know I am not opposed to the goal, or even the method! What is anathema to me is the recklessness. The risk. It is the fact that you are doing this without knowing that it will work."
"Then tell us," Gwyndolin asks her. "You are the closest thing we have to an expert on the mechanics of flame sorcery. Mother may have more raw power, Quelare may have more precise control, but you know how it works. Tell us, if we do this... what is the worst that could happen?"
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2lim3rz · 2 years
The pain of wanting to do a 40k roleplay but not many people know it or want to do that
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lunaoritur · 6 months
" Y'know --
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I t'ink my whole relationship wit' Boss would be a really fuckin' good Who Da' Bleep Did I Marry episode. Definitely da' juiciest one one da' entia' show. Wonda' if I should submit somethin' to da' site... "
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vettir · 7 months
A bit of RP fiction based on STO.
Aer sat down at her desk in her current... She called it her flagship, although her honorary rank in the Romulan Republic didn't name her Admiral. The head of her fleet of mostly salvaged ships. The only one she'd overseen the building of, start to finish. The Mollais Vidhaes.
The talk with the Ferengi looked to be useful. Get some work, make some profit, work on her next ship project. Deal with whatever this new interdimensional borg threat turned out to be. Since the end of the Iconian War, and Sela being safely imprisoned, there was merely the dozen or so dangers that seemed to crop up every year or so to deal with, although it seems most ancient threats have been dealt with. Maybe some new threat now. Or there could be peace. That would be nice.
Aer snorted. "Not at this rate." Time to prep some of her more stealthy ships.
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dreamsoffantasty · 1 year
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━━ ❀   𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐒 ( 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟓 )  𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐋𝐘𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐒 ❀ ( lyrical meme soundtrack to the first movie, please feel free to change the pronouns as you see fit  ! some of the lyrics changed to fit better for RP purposes. )                               TW: emotional manipulation present. 
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❛ They say I'm trouble. ❜
❛ they say I'm bad. ❜
❛ they say I'm evil. ❜
❛ that makes me glad. ❜
❛ your worst nightmare. ❜
❛ can't take me home. ❜
❛ so I've got some mischief in my blood. ❜
❛ can you blame me ? I never got no love. ❜
❛ they think I'm callous, a low-life hood. ❜
❛ I feel so useless, misunderstood. ❜
❛ mirror, mirror on the wall {insertyourquestion}, ? ❜
❛ who's the baddest of them all ? ❜
❛ welcome to my wicked world ❜
❛ I'm rotten to the core. ❜
❛ who could ask for more ? ❜
❛ i'm nothing like the kid next door. ❜
❛ call me a schemer. ❜
❛ call me a freak. ❜
❛ how can you say that ? ❜
❛ i'm just... unique ! ❜
❛ what, me ? a traitor ? ❜
❛ are we not friends ? what's up with that ? ❜
❛ so i'm a misfit. ❜
❛ so i'm a flirt. ❜
❛ i broke your heart ? ❜
❛ the past is past. ❜
❛ truth is, you ain't seen nothing yet ! ❜
❛ look at you, look at me. ❜
❛ i don't know who to be, {insertname}. ❜
❛ is it wrong, is it right to be a thief in the night ? ❜
❛ i was once like you, {insertname}, slightly insecure. ❜
❛ argued with my mother/father too, thought i was mature. ❜
❛ i put my heart aside. ❜
❛ i used my head. ❜
❛ but i put my heart aside and now i think it's time you learned. ❜
❛ don't you wanna be evil like me ? ❜
❛ don't you wanna be mean ? ❜
❛ don't you wanna make mischief your daily routine ? ❜
❛ well, you can spend your life attending to the poor. ❜
❛ when you're evil, doing less is doing more. ❜
❛ don't you wanna be ruthless and rotten and mad ? ❜
❛ don't you wanna be very, very good at being bad ? ❜
❛ i have tried my whole life long to do the worst i can.  ❜
❛ clawed my way to victory, built my master plan. ❜
❛ now the time has come, my dear, for you to take your place. ❜
❛ promise me you'll try to be an absolute disgrace. ❜
❛ don't you wanna be cruel ? ❜
❛ don't you wanna be nasty and brutal and cool ? ❜
❛ when you grab that wand, that's when your reign begins. ❜
❛ who wants an evil queen without a sack of sins ? ❜
❛ don't you wanna be heartless and hardened as stone ? ❜
❛ don't you wanna be finger-licking evil to the bone ? ❜
❛ this is not for us to ponder, this was pre-ordained. ❜
❛ you and i shall rule together. ❜
❛ mistress/master of the universe, powerful and strong ! ❜
❛ daughter/son, hear me, help me, join me, won't you come along ? ❜
❛ we're going to be evil. ❜
❛ never gonna think twice. ❜
❛ we're going to be spiteful. ❜
❛ this mother/father-daugher-son act is going out on tour. ❜
❛ you should thank your lucky star, that you were born the girl/boy you are. ❜
❛ daughter/son of an evilicious queen/king like me ! ❜
❛ a million thoughts in my head. ❜
❛ should i let my heart keep listening ? ❜
❛ 'cause up till now i've walked the line. ❜
❛ nothin' lost, but somethin' missing. ❜
❛ i can't decide what's wrong, what's right. ❜
❛ which way should i go ? ❜
❛ if only i knew what my heart was telling me. ❜
❛ don't know what i'm feeling. ❜
❛ is this just a dream ? ❜
❛ if only i could read the signs in front of me. ❜
❛ i could find a way to who i'm meant to be. ❜
❛ if only... ❜
❛ every step, every word, with every hour i am falling into something new, something brave, to someone i have never been. ❜
❛ which way should i go ? ❜
❛ am i crazy ? ❜
❛ maybe we could happen... ❜
❛ will you still be with me when the magic's all run out ? ❜
❛ i know it's time to say goodbye. ❜
❛ so hard to let go.. ❜
❛ did i mention that i'm in love with you ? ❜
❛ there is nothing i can do. ❜
❛ i dream of you every day. ❜
❛ i met this girl who rocked my world. ❜
❛ it's never been rocked before. ❜
❛ now I'm living just for her/him. ❜
❛ i won't ever stop. ❜
❛ i never thought that it could happen to a guy/girl like me. ❜
❛ now look at what's you've done. ❜
❛ you go me down on my knees. ❜
❛ because my love for you is ridiculous. ❜
❛ i never knew that it could be like this. ❜
❛ i would give up my kingdom for just one kiss. ❜
❛ i gotta know which way to go. ❜
❛ come on give me a sign. ❜
❛ you gotta show me that you're only ever gonna be mine. ❜
❛ don't wanna go another minuet even without you. ❜
❛ if your heart just isn't in it, i don't know what i'd do. ❜
❛ ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride, and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight ! ❜
❛ now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair, as the dining room proudly presents your dinner ! ❜
❛ be our guest ! ❜
❛ put our service to the test. ❜
❛ tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie and we'll provide the rest. ❜
❛ Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeurvres ━━ ❜
❛ why, we only live to serve. ❜
❛ try the gray stuff, it's deleicious ! ❜
❛ don't believe me ? ask the dishes ! ❜
❛ they can sing, they can dance !❜
❛ after all miss/mr/mrs, this is france ! ❜
❛ dinner here is never second best ! ❜
❛ go on, unfold your menu, go on, take a glance ! ❜
❛ beef ragout, cheese souffle, pie and pudding ❝en flambe❞, we prepare and serve with flair a culinary cabaret ! ❜
❛ you're alone and you're scared. ❜
❛ but the banquet's all prepared. ❜
❛ no one's gloomy or complaining. ❜
❛ while the flatware's entertaining ! ❜
❛ we tell jokes ! ❜
❛ we do tricks ! ❜
❛ with our fellow candlesticks. ❜
❛ it's all in perfect taste. ❜
❛ you can bet. ❜
❛ come on and lift your glass. ❜
❛ you've you won your own free pass ! ❜
❛ if you're stressed, it's fine dining we suggest. ❜
❛ oh yeah ! ❜
❛ let's set it off. ❜
❛ you can make it happen. ❜
❛ kings and queens, it's our time to rise. ❜
❛ write the book story of our lives. ❜
❛ this is us taking back the night. ❜
❛ break the spell. ❜
❛ we were born this way, be yourself, forget the DNA. ❜
❛ everybody raise your hands and say ❝ohah, ohay❞ ! ❜
❛ sound the alarm. ❜
❛ get on your feet. ❜
❛ rock this beat ! ❜
❛ dance till your heart is wild and free. ❜
❛ feeling the power, let it all out. ❜
❛ like what you see in the mirror ? ❜
❛ we got the keys, the kingdom's ours. ❜
❛ start a chain reaction. ❜
❛ never let it stop ! ❜
❛ with everything you got ! ❜
❛ i'll make my own future. ❜
❛ ignore all the rumors. ❜
❛ show 'em my passion sound. ❜
❛ they all told me to back down. ❜
❛ judgin' me 'cause of my background. ❜
❛ nah, i ain't goin' out like that ❜
❛ why you standing there ? ❜
❛ acting like you just don't care. ❜
❛ we can make our own kind of music. ❜
❛ we might come from different worlds. ❜
❛ might not be your kind of girl/boy. ❜
❛ i just wanna let go and lose it. ❜
❛ we are lost and found. ❜
❛ so let's go turn the beat around. ❜
❛ maybe find a brand new sound. ❜
❛ let's turn it up right now. ❜
❛ the night is young. ❜
❛ it's just begun. ❜
❛ let's get it started. ❜
❛ go till the sun comes up. ❜
❛ dance together ? ❜
❛ dance alone ? ❜
❛ let it out and let it show. ❜
❛ i wish that it would never end. ❜
❛ i wish the song could play and play. ❜
❛ be who you wanna be. ❜
❛ just let the rhythem take you there. ❜
❛ you know i got it ! ❜
❛ i'm your girl/boy. ❜
❛ every time you miss the beat and life pulls you under. ❜
❛ when you need your rhythem back, i'll be your drummer. ❜
❛ if you come undone, i'll be the one to make the beat go on and on. ❜
❛ i'll be your A to the Z, even if trouble's coming. ❜
❛ i'll be whatever you need. ❜
❛ call me and i'll come runnin'. ❜
❛ i'm a little bit sunshine, a little bit starlight. ❜
❛ sometimes when my halo slips, i dance on the wild side. ❜
❛ no matter where you're coming from, i know what it feels like. ❜
❛ if the road gets rough, i'm gonna be hanging on tough. ❜
❛ you can get lost sometimes, i'll be your neon sign. ❜
❛ call it good. ❜
❛ call it bad. ❜
❛ call it even if you could. ❜
❛ it's the best you ever had. ❜
❛ we know what's hot, what's not. ❜
❛ we strike a pose and then they take a shot. ❜
❛ they get in close. ❜
❛ try to run the spot. ❜
❛ we come to show 'em what we got. ❜
❛ it's time to make a stand. ❜
❛ we breaking through. ❜
❛ now we in demand. ❜
❛ bad was all the rage last week. ❜
❛ good had got a wicked beat. ❜
❛ good is the new bad. ❜
❛ we can feel the mad love. ❜
❛ gimme more ! ❜
❛ bad is the new good. ❜
❛ i think we should. ❜
❛ we used to love the dark. ❜
❛ but then we saw the light and felt a spark. ❜
❛ we bring the fire and make it better and better. ❜
❛ cause good is back and now it's badder than ever. ❜
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||Heat Overload: Heated desires part Two||
Hi once more everyone, time for another drabble. This time it go come back to the night duo Shdwkyz and Batman. This is a part 2 from the first one. If you wanna read that one, the link for that is right here. But again, lets see how these two are doing the last time we left them.
||Drabble summary||
Thanks to the venom sides of both Shdwkyz and Batman, they got entangled in the heated or rather, they were trapped within the venom selves heats. But what would happen when the two decided to switch the other? What could happen now? Read to find out.
~Strong NSFW content is present
~A/O/B is somewhat present in this drabble (change is it's resulting from Venom effects)
~Mating/breeding is and will be present in this drabble
~Marking will be present
~Blood will be present
~Suggestive theme is present
||Guests in Drabble||
Sai Barrajandro Narong/Shdwkyz a.k.a The Phantom Slasher . belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths Venom Shdwkyz belongs to her as well.
Terry McGinnis belongs to and is from the cartoon series Batman Beyond but also me due to rping as him as a muse. Venom batman belongs to me as well.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
Terry was panting feeling his wrists tied down by some shadows but he was throwing his head back while seeing Shdwkyz slamming his hips down, leaving a trail of kisses and a few bite marks on his skin. When he did bit him, he laps up the blood with his tongue, hissing in a heated desire for him.
"Mmmmmmmmmm....s..so sweet......your pretty tasty bat~" Pushing his already swollen thick cock into his hole. Though, he heard weak wet groans and moans of pleasure, it already was making the other dazed.
He begins to struggle but twitched feeling Venom Shdwkyz's hands rest on his chest while panting to moan out excited to stop and grind his hips into his lap slowly but in a teasing motion.
"Heh, such a naughty mmmmm bat. Your cock is soooooo h..hard..I can feel it throbbing inside of me so deeply. Though, I always knew you loved pounding this ass so much.." He purrs with a hiss but Terry blushed to look up.
"Do you seriously have t..to be s..so..nuggh...nosy with what I do with him?" he groans out.
"Maybe but I am a part of him, Bat remember? Whatever pleasure he feels...." He strokes his chest making Terry groan in pleasure. "I feel it too..so why not just relax and enjoy this? I'll make sure you feel so good..." He whispered to him still moaning softly for Terry to hear.
True, he did but he would like to do it with the real Shdwkyz but not this time. The venom side took over because the venom selves wanted to switch today. So right now, Venom Shdwkyz took over riding Terry as the real Sai was in his head trying to regain control.
'Damn you! Give me back hhaaa control! T..this is between me and Terry!' He heard the other said in his mind but venom Shdwkyz chuckled but looks to Terry while showing his glowing serpentine yellow eyes mixed with a little hue of green.
"Now now, you had your turn...I want a turn with him. Besides, you feel good like I do since I am using your body to get it. But don't forget.." He adjusted himself but still grinds his hips hearing Terry hiss closing his hand into a fist with Shdwkyz gasping in his own inner thoughts feeling his body burning.
'S..Sto...nugghhh...hhaaaaa..' Sai moans in his own inner thoughts, feeling his own body reacting strongly to the thrusts. His hole was opening and closing, dripping from the arousal as he was trying to regain composure but his body was too into the heat to stop it.
"Heh, S..see? You love it. He feels good don't h..he? His thick hard cock..hhaaaa..f..fucking u..us s..so good...mmmmm..it's just too good.." He moans softly but Sai was drooling laying on the side while he was almost bucking his hips again. 'S..shit n..not agaaahhhhh!!!!!! O..Ohhh g...god......n..no n..not mmmmmmm...' Sai was trying to fight it but he body was throbbing all over. Why did he feel even better. His body wouldn't stop aching.
'Ahhhhh st...stop moving m..my h..hips l..like t..this nugg...s...st...stoooppp..ahhhhh!!!!!' he felt the tip rub against his spot again but harder, already making Sai moan out lustfully for more. 'O..Ohhhh s....shit..shit sh...snnnnnn!!!!!!'
"W..what are you-" Terry started to speak but he got kissed by Venom Shdwkyz deeply as his snake tongue pushes past his lips. A drool line was seen running down their chins but he was moaning in that kiss wanting it till he breaks it panting.
"Haaa hhhaaa I b..b...bet you ooooohh wish to hear his voice..he's already a sssssss moaning crying mess.." Venom Shdwkyz teased but looks to Terry who was feeling his hips bucking up against him as the other hisses loving the feeling.
"His voice is so slutty like, begging so much for you to give him more~ His body aches so badly mmmmmmm even now your throbbing just thinking about it. Aren't you? You wish to pound his sweet little hole again....don't you?" he said to chuckle that he lifts up his tied cuffed wrists to look dazed to the bat.
'Haaaaa....hhhaaaaaa...I....I t..told y..you t..to stop..t..this is your h..heat it's n..not..' Sai started to say but gasps feeling his body burning even hotter that he was laying on his side, panting heavily into his arms. His body felt so sensitive but also so hot as well. It's like Terry was touching him in his mind. He groans drooling again but Venom shdwkyz hisses to stop grinding.
"Ah ah ah, this is my heat as much as it's yours snake...so just relax..and let me have this!" Suddenly, he begins bouncing on his cock to make Terry throw his head back as Venom Shdwkyz moans out throwing his head back. It felt so good! He still was swollen and big as he was doming him to get more.
"Ahhhh! It's filling m..me up so much! His girth is filling me up just r..right hhaaa hitting my s..spots s..so good......It feels so good...g..good!!!!" He moans drooling showing his snake fangs and tongue just slightly. However, his wrists were tied while both hands rested on his slightly sweaty chest. The loud claps of skin being heard in the room mixed with his heated wet noises. His hair was damp again but that didn't stop the venom from slamming his hips down. He wanted to feel more of Terry who was trying not to moan to the vemon side. He wanted to do this with Shdwkyz. And yet, the two got them weaker thanks to the arousal to switch.
He panted feeling him tightly and slamming his hips more, feeling the tip hitting his spots over and over. However, he chuckled panting to see Terry trying to not moan to the venom even if he was teasing him.
"You know hhaaa he loves this t..too you know. He loves when your able to make him f..feel this good...it's just like when your venom side pounds the fuck out of me. He's such a ahhh monster breeding animal..mmmmmm...thinking about it already has me excited again.." He chuckled but Terry feels him grunting now while slamming down.
"I bet even n..now mmmmm he's already growing h..hungry to have his t..turn...I bet he will make your p..precious snake a screaming mess...mmmmmm!!!" He keeps slamming down but the tip was hitting into his bundle of nerves that he shook resting his cuffed hands on his chest.
"Ahhhhhh!!! T..there! F..fuck y..yes right there!" He begs as he keeps thrusting down onto his cock. However, Terry was gripping the pillow, feeling him tightening and growing more slick. It was too good that he was trying to hold back but his own vemon side was growing hungry. Wanting to pound his naughty snake into the bed. He sees Venom shdwkyz holding his cuffed wrists up above his head, slamming his hips down harder, wanting to cum again but Terry panted feeling this.
"Y..Yes..yes yes yes yes f..fuck y..yes!!!" He moans shaking now on his lap. "F..fuck me m..more! Fuck this slutty h..hole till you b..break me! I want you to break me!" He begs looking to Terry with one eye but he sees his red face to see this. Venom Shdwkyz did this before but he was panting seeing him bucking his hips down harder and harder, wanting to cum.
Sai, on the other hand, was shaking on the ground, throwing his head back as he moans out from within his head. He felt every thrust and touch that he claws the ground screaming. It was getting to be too much but his body was only craving for more.
'Ahhhhhh ahhhhhhhh ah ah AH! Ah!! AHHHHH!!!' However, he sits up to look up moaning out already feeling his inner self cumming. 'P..PLEASE N..NO MORE!! NO MORE I..I'M ALREADY C..CUMMING!!' He screams in his head while Venom shdwkyz chuckled but he keeps moaning still slamming his hips. This made him gasp shaking from a dry orgasm that he shudders weak to feel himself cumming on the bat's chest.
"Ahhhhhh hhhaaaa fu..fuck..he's c..cumming again...he came and he's making m..me.....c....cummmmmm!!" he came harder but this made Terry break free to sit up holding Venom Shdwkyz tight. He gasped about to speak but threw his head back moaning as he begins pounding into him.
"Ahhhhhhh!!! W..Wait!! I'm st..still sensitive!!!" he begs but he claws Terry's back while he was grunting and going in deeper and harder. He wanted Sai back but he only sees the venom side panting while shaking in his arms. He was going harder and harder but he was drooling looking to Terry.
"T....terry mmmmmm f..faster t...terr-mfffmm!!" He got kissed deeply but he keeps giving the venom snake what he asked for while knowing Sai was screaming and almost cumming hard thanks to this. He twitched clawing the ground even more that he arches his back crying due to the pleasure burning from within him.
'AHHHHHH!! F..FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUCK S...SO R..ROUGH!!' he moans but was drooling more. 'Terry's l..lost his m..mind! D...damn that venom s..snake influencing h..his mind b..but nugggh!! but it fe..feels good!! I can feel what he is d..doing to my body b..but......I c..can't control it..I can't control it!' he screams in his inner thoughts.
He tries to speak but Venom Shdwkyz was being held tighter that he got layed down feeling Terry thrusting into him as he moans out throwing his head back. He felt tight, wet, and hot, feeling his body touched and caressed. He knew he was enjoying it but he only keeps slamming into him harder.
"Ahhhhhh!! C..close!!! I'm getting close a..again!!!" he moans but Terry kept slamming his hips harder down that he held his hips seeing Shdwkyz threw his head back screaming even louder.
"Please I w..wanna feel you fill me again..let it out all inside I want it!" He begs but Terry panted still slamming deeper and deeper into him that he lowers down to suddenly bite his neck hard to draw blood.
Venom Shdwkyz's eyes widen as he arches off the bed screaming and drooling. He twitched suddenly feeling himself cum to tighten around Terry's cock. He wince but only bucks his hips to pant having his eyes closed that Venom Shdwkyz twitched as he came with a weak chuckle.
"T...told you mmmmm...a..already a beast and your cumming s...so much.." he said but Terry looks down but the venom chuckled more to sit up kissing his lips. "But...this is not over yet....it seems my mate wants a turn.." He whispered.
"W..what?" As he said that, Terry goes limp but that's when Venom Shdwkyz gives Sai back control. He panted feeling his body aching from pleasure but looks seeing Terry there.
"T..Terry!" He looks to grab his shoulders. "Hey, are you alright? What's wrong? What did he d..do?" he asked trying to get a response but that's when he suddenly got pushed down on his back but he felt his wrists held down wincing.
"You don't know little snake? I thought you heard him.." Sai's eyes open to look up but tenses from the sight. Terry responded but.....not who he thought. Venom Batman came out to chuckle licking his bat like fangs again.
"Nope. It's me again my precious snake. You know, thanks to that little show...now I'm all excited for some...you really are a heated slut.." he teased but Sai shook under his gaze.
'H..Hey! Give me-'
"Oh hush I won't hurt him. He means a lot to you so it wouldn't be fair to harm him..I don't plan on doing that.." He said to look at Sai with hunger in his black eyes showing a hint of green. "I plan on breeding this snake till he's a crying wet mess......so in short.." he traps Sai who was shaking feeling nervous but he knew how powerful Venom Batman was.
"It's my turn.." he growls hungry with a smirk on his lps.
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belethlegwen · 2 years
Was there anything out there that inspired you to write the stories you’ve written?
How many story ideas do you have tucked away in hopes of writing once your current stories are “finished”?
Alright, so, this may get very long and kinda real for a moment but nothing too serious, I promise. I'll keep it relatively vague.
I've always kind of bounced in and out of writing throughout my life. Big stints of lots of writing, long stints of not writing basically anything, but I enjoy it in a lot of ways so it's always been AROUND when it comes to me. I've got two short stories published in some local collections, that's pretty neat. I was in a novel writing class for a long while that was being run by my publisher (he eventually got sick of seeing me because he saw I had learned everything I could from the Moderate level class but kept re-enlisting because it was basically a few weeks of access to the in-progress works of other people and I just loved reading and sharing what other people were up to and chatting with them about it. He kicked me out of the class and told me I could only come back for Advanced class-- which would require me to have at least most of a first draft for a full novel already done hahaha) Anyway, I had a pretty bad string of relationships from about ~2016 to January last year, sapped all of the creative energy out of me and despite being in the novel writing class during the 2016-2019 relationship I just... couldn't really sit down and hammer either of those two stories out without the direct motivation of the class. One of them got scrapped completely because my vision for it and what I felt comfortable in being able to pull off, I just couldn't get to mesh. Around early summer last year I hit a pretty bad bout of loneliness, and I had sworn of relationships indefinitely as a result of the last couple of dudes (and because women are scary to talk to ;-;) so I started trying to find SOME kind of outlet for it. Tried to get back into RP the only way I really kind of knew how, which was WoW, and that didn't... go... at all. Struggled through it for a month or two and then just finally got fed up and cracked open Google Docs in August 2021. Told myself I was just going to write for ME, write what I WANTED, and make it SPICY if I wanted to, so I did. That's how Small Date happened, and why it's got missing scenes and chunks and the like, because I was literally just jumping to the good shit that I wanted to write and have to read for myself. I had tried looking for micro/macro writings and art but was finding it very hard (because I wasn't familiar with the G/t tags or terminology or anything, I'm an internet ancient) to find anything that really fit the kind of vibe I was hoping for (not aggressively/violently sexual, no vore, not gory, not furry related, in the preferred size range, etc) so writing something that hit all of the notes I wanted just to have something for ME was great. I kept poking at it and writing it up until the start of the extremely busy Christmas season last year.
By the time things had slowed down again and I could get back to writing, I realized I had been sitting on the concept (and ancient, ancient chapters I had written multiple times and that had been wiped by computer crashes and rewritten etc etc) for The Rescue and The Stranding for over half of my life, so I figured it was time to break out Henry and start writing. I was about 30 pages into Stranding, I believe, by the time I thought about posting it to actually share with people. This was obviously a kind of media I was craving and needed and saw a pretty sizable gap with in my searches, so I figured if maybe I could post it and it could find even one person who was looking for something like it, who now had something to fill those niches, it'd be worth it. It was pretty early on into it being posted that I got an incredibly sweet comment that asked me about how Melanie and Henry originally met, and if there was a companion story, and that inspired me in the moment to both try to scour through my ancient archives and see if ANYTHING had survived the last 15+ years (one did! Woof, ouch) and start writing The Rescue. I started writing The Stranding on February 7th this year, and started writing The Rescue on February 26th. As for when they're finished... I have no idea. I might jump back into the Small Date universe in some way; it's similar in a way to the kind of things going on in the background of Zip's Rose & LaPorte universe and that just seems like a fun space to play in again eventually. But if I'm being extremely honest, I feel like the stories and universe of The Rescue/Stranding could go on basically until my fingers fall off if I want it to. I'm sure by the time I'm anywhere close to down with both stories, I'll have ideas in mind. For now though, this is where my head is firmly at. ...That said though, I've been running around the ConceptSpace with Zip lately discussing "The Rescue but with Miller instead of Henry" and god damn, the gold in that thar hill... ANYWAY! Thank you so so so much for the lovely ask! - Belle
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kiricat · 1 year
I just wrote some fic drabbles about one of my STO characters. I wasn’t planning to, but then I was in-game doing my endeavors for the day, I ran into a bug that annoyed me, and I tried to come up with an RP reason why that would exist, and then I got to writing... and before I knew it, this character and her first officer had struck up a nice friendship that I wasn’t planning at all but was very cute :3
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waryfalcon · 2 years
When you find yourself writing a Klingon style (VERY mini) epic poem based on an episode of STO for an RP 🤷🏼‍♂️
Let me tell you of the warrior Temer, who found his way to Sto Vo Kor. It was on the world of Khitomer, when the moons were high in the sky. That those who had split from the serpent came seeking the children of Kahless.
The serpent coiled and plotted their end, seeking to destroy what it could not control. Temer, a leader born, called upon his warriors to strike it down. And they sought out the serpent where it hid, and with the children of Kahless they fought it valiantly. Together they injured the serpent grievously, and it slithered off to hide in cowardice.
Lurking in the shadows it waited, and struck at the voice of Kahless in spite. But the warrior Temer was cunning, and had the bravery of our brothers of old. He took the blow meant for another, and undid the serpents great schemes.
When we sing of our great warriors, we will always remember his name. Temer, warrior of the Rihanh, may we prove as valiant in battle and honorable in end. And one day we shall feast with him in Sto Vo Kor.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 4 months
I heard ham samurai came back to WoW after getting run off STO. Guess your tradcath Bajoran RP made you more enemies than friends, didn't it?
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govahamowowe · 2 years
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... Ed eccomi qua, 2^ gara in due gg 🤪 nn me ne voglia l'amico @ciolcaalinliviu 😉 ma io sto bene così 🙃 alle 07:20 ✔️ i miei soliti 3kmetrini + 5x💯mt.all. r.30" e a sera, sempre dall'Amica @avigolaura dopo i 4km. risc. + stretching e 5/6all. vai di 3000mt. 🤙. Le "ragazzine" partono troppo forte x me e allora mi metto lì sola-soletta in 10^posizione, passo in 3'37" al 1000mt, 5'26" a metà e da lì, nonostante la fatica del miglio di ieri si fa sentire e nn riesco a chiudere forte come vorrei 🤷, risalgo fino al 7°posto assoluto (1^F50) appiccicata alla 6^ e finisco con un soddisfacente 10'52"36 (RP F50 😉) concludo con il kmetruccio di defa e buona notte al secchio 😅... #avisrunningschoolsimonaviola #iome #runnin#happyme #peaceelove😍 ... @on_running @cepcometticep @oxyburn @diadora @corositalia @runwalkingpoint @martek.run 🏃💜🏃 ... (presso Brescia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgILq5kLNo2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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outpostzeta · 6 years
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By: @h2quared
Ah, what can I say about these two? Longest running couple in the fleet of almost 5+ IC years. The game brought the players together and they are happily together for coming up on four years. Captain S’uvok - One quarter Romulan and one hundred percent certain not to take your crap. His past times include Chess and antagonizing Romulans. He recently adopted (and by adopted his XO dropped it on his desk and give a logical speech about ‘moral’) a black kitten who he named Rook. “A Vulcan with a chip on his shoulder, but has had to ‘settle down’ (for lack of a better phrase) now that he is a Captain and in charge of the entire outfit of Outpost Zeta. He is the Captain of the USS Monsoon which has a parasite craft defiant called the USS Sisko. It is a running joke that he loves the ship more than his Aduna. His first priority is his job and considers himself married to it. Commander T’Sala -  XO of the USS Monsoon and default commander of the Sisko. Born of House Lir, a nearly ancient house of warriors/guardians, who are staunchly anti-Reunification. They are often times called ‘The Romulans who stayed behind’ by their political opponents (which is highly illogical in their opinion) as well as rumored ties to the VIM until they publicly denounced them (and were attacked for their efforts). T’Sala is a widow trying to seek out her own life away from the influence of her family after her first husband was killed during the Second Klingon war. Years serving together with S’uvok brought them together and eventually they united on a night of almost certain death. A loophole without the paperwork to finalize; they are wed but not.
“Parted but never parted; Never and always touching and touched.” If you want to see them interact, there are logs of a 30 day OTP challenge we did with these two. Scroll down!
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reatrea · 6 years
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Day 10: 1950′s
Captain S'uvok
S'uvok watched as the scene played out.  20th Century Earth, and he saw Vulcans living lives, integrating in to human society.  Their Vulcan natures were obscured, of course, and likewise, they were unaware of the Starfleet Officer observing this record of their lives.
Commander T'Sala
T'Sala pokes her head into the holodeck. "Captain? What is this?"
Captain S'uvok
"Historical record." S'uvok replies as the scene plays out, a Vulcan woman drying dishes with a towel, a male sitting at a table, while a third sits in a nearby room watching a black and white television set.
Commander T'Sala
"These are Vulcans." she says, approaching him more closely and standing at his elbow
Captain S'uvok
"They are."
Commander T'Sala
"I have heard about this. I suppose they did not have a choice. It must have been difficult. However the details do escape me."
Captain S'uvok
"Our first contact with humanity. The genuine one, before Cochrane in Montana." S'uvok nodded as he took a breath "Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania. A survey vessel crashed on world. T'Mir, Mestral, and Stron spent four months before retrieval."
Commander T'Sala
"Four months is not so bad. " she considers. "Still, having to hide amongst humans."
Captain S'uvok
"It is a considerable amount of time. Mestral was originally reported to have died in the crash, but that finding has come into question in more recent decades according to historians, and he may have actually died in the intervening months." S'uvok notes and arches an eyebrow "Also there is a strange coincidence in the patenting of the material velcro, a similar material when was used as a fastener by Vulcan operations, in an area near the region of the crash.  It is possible out people culturally contaminated humanity in a small away."
Commander T'Sala
"Wait...." she pauses. "You mean to imply that he stayed here afterwards willingly?"
Captain S'uvok
"No... simply that during their months here, they had more of an impact than Vulcan exploration protocols allowed for during this period. But T'Mir and Stron were recovered after their distress beacon was relayed to Vulcan High Colland via a Tellerite Freighter."
Commander T'Sala
"Ah, I see." she nods in understanding. "Cultural contamination by velcro...."
Captain S'uvok
"Humanity may have come upon the remains of Mestral, as well." S'uvok arched an eyebrow "Now that said, any contamination seems to be fairly isolated and contained. Clearly humanity had no expectation of meeting our people when Cochrane broke the warp barrier in 2063." He took a cleansing breath "But it does lend one to wonder, just how much leeway one has during a First Contact scenario."
Commander T'Sala
"Ah, and now it comes to the full circle." she nods. "When are you due for the mission?"
Captain S'uvok
"Lt. Pok is going through the final testing batteries later this week." S'uvok affirms
Commander T'Sala
She nods somberly. "So while you are gone and a week after, I will be in command. Is that correct?"
Captain S'uvok
"My orders stand, they have not changed." S'uvok confirms
Commander T'Sala
"I am just making certain." she nods
Captain S'uvok
"Computer end program." S'uvok calls out and the photonic setting disappears, leaving a black room overlaid with a yellow grid.  He turns toward T'Sala and nods "I should take meal and prepare for my shift."
Commander T'Sala
"I  will come with you, Captain."
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