trekkele · 5 months
the way people talk about cass being a murder ballerina or an assassin angel or what the fuck ever is. its. its sure something aint it. considering her entire backstory and personality and personal code of ethics its. its something. isnt it.
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savannahxdolan · 5 years
The Devil’s Deal// G.D. [Part Two]*
Summary: (Y/n) has to prove to Mr. Cortez that she’s able to handle herself in real life situations. Which sends her to New Jersey to assasinate a local boy.
Warnings: Gang violence, death, murder, drugs, (Eventual) smut, angst, alcohol consumption, fluff, suicidal mentions.
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(Y/n) had woken up this morning bright and early readying herself to show how much of a badass she is to her father.
When she walked in all of the boys cat called her. Saying, “Woah I’d tap that ass” or even, “How about after I kick your ass fighting, we can wrestle around in the bed for awhile”. (Y/n) just rolled her eyes and concentrated on making it through the first three stages. The first stage was easy, list the five rules with being a Black Dragon.
(Y/n) stood there in the middle of the room as everyone watched her. Mr. Cortez sat on his throne back in the far corner, watching steadily waiting for his daughter to speak. He knew she would get through the first stage because he taught her the five rules her entire life. “Come on (Y/n) we don’t have all day,” Mr. Cortez sighed glancing at his watch that read 10:39am.
Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes (Y/n) began to speak. “With becoming a Black Dragon there is a list of rules everyone must follow. The first rule is, we are all a family we must stay loyal to one another. Never go behind anyones back. The second rule is to never leave anyone behind. No matter what. The third rule is no dating any other members,” (Y/n) took a deep breath and continued,” The fourth rule is to always be on time to any meeting. The last rule is never leave the Black Dragons or you will be executed on the spot.” She smiled and playfully bowed at her father. Everyone around gave a chuckle. (Y/n) could see it now, her dressed in the uniform fighting by her father’s side. She would do anything for him.
“I knew you had that one in you (Y/n). Now let’s continue onto stage two.” Mr. Cortez grinned and sat back in his seat knowing she was going to have trouble. The second stage was to fight the biggest member in the room. Last year when (Y/n) watched the biggest person in the room was Jonny a 6ft guy who’s arms were bigger than her head. But Jonny died while transporting drugs over to California.
(Y/n) turned and looked around to see who the possibilities were. All she could come up with was Rawnie the newest girl who was recruited about a year ago. She’s pretty bad ass and (Y/n) knew she would have a rough time with that one. “So who am I fighting Papa,” she questioned, cracking her knuckles one by one. Hearing a loud pop each time. Mr. Cortez chuckled and stood up walking over to the middle of the somber room. He snapped his fingers and handed his jacket to Susie the maid.
“You’ll be fighting me and it’s boss to you young lady.” Everyone around then gasped. No one has ever had to fight Mr. Cortez during the ceremonies. (Y/n) herself was confused and worried at the same time. She knew how good a fighter her father was. No one ever lasted past a minute with him. But she knew why he was doing this. He didn’t want her to win. He wanted to humiliate her in front of everyone so, that she would quit asking to join. (Y/n) needed to win this. Not just to prove him wrong but for herself.
“Okay lets go then,” (Y/n) exclaimed getting into her fighting position. Bending her knees slightly and holding up her fists. Cliff recited the rules; no biting, hair pulling, blah blah blah. (Y/n) pulled her hair back just as the bell rang indicating the fight started. During the fight, each fighter had to either pin the other one down or knock them out. That was the only way the fight would end.
Immediately Mr.Cortez swung at (Y/n), who ducked and grabbed his arm swinging forward and flipping him onto the hard stone floor behind her. Retaliating quickly, he grabbed her ankle and pulled it making her fall down with him. Both of them began to wrestle and throwing punches at one another. Mr.Cortez climbed on top of (Y/n) and wrapped his hands around her throat squeezing enough to make it hard to breath. She continued to struggle getting the giant man off of her. Her air was running low and she began to feel light headed, occasionally seeing black dots appear.
Just then an idea popped inside her head. The back of her father’s hips were sensitive and she remembered before when she accidentally threw a ball and it made him drop to the ground. Mr. Cortez didn’t trap (Y/n)’s legs so she took the chance and lifted her butt off of the ground. Taking her left leg and repeatedly kicking her heal into his side until he let go. Mr. Cortez yelped in pain and immediately backed off which gave (Y/n) the advantage. She tackled her father to the ground and placed her foot at his neck applying the same amount of pressure he did to her. They both stared into each others eyes not wanting to give up just yet. Mr. Cortez could feel the burning of his throat as air began to not come through anymore. When finally, he took his hand and tapped three times on to the ground signaling he’s done.
The crowd erupted into cheers at someone finally beat him, let alone his own daughter. (Y/n) didn’t know how to feel. Of course she was relieved and beyond happy for winning. But she felt a great amount of guilt for hurting her father, the only man she’s ever loved.
“Are you okay Papa? I didn’t mean to hurt you,” she spoke watching her father catch his breath. Cliff brung him his jacket accompanied by a glass of water. Taking gulps and then finishing the glass within seconds. “You didn’t hurt me. In fact you made me proud. You showed me that you can stand your ground no matter who it is,” Mr. Cortez exclaimed bringing (Y/n) into a hug and ruffling her hair. She laughed and gave a hug back.
“I swear I never seen such a better fight in my life!” Cliff patted her back in congrats to winning. (Y/n) gave a shy smile and then walked back to where she was before. She knew that she still hadn’t been completely done yet. There was still stage three. Which was the hardest of them all. Her father had to give her a specific mission depicting on what position he seen her best in.
“So (Y/n) since you clearly passed the fighting stage that only means one thing. I’m sending you on a mission in New Jersey. Follow me back into my office and I will give you more details,” he said as him and Cliff walked out of the room. “As for the rest of you, get back to work!” Everyone dispersed and went their separate ways.
(Y/n) followed her father down the long hallway. Taking in the pictures on the wall. They were mostly family portraits of when they were a complete family. No updated pictures have been taken since. Suddenly they stop at a large brown door. A black sign is on it with white lettering saying ‘Mr. Cortez Office’. Cliff opened the door moving out of the way to let both of them in. Closing it behind him with a thud.
Taking a seat at his desk Mr. Cortez pulled out a tan folder with the name ‘Mission 0’ on it. He opened it and laid out various photos of a boy. He was tall and muscular. Had brown hair and honey brown eyes to match. He was handsome to say the least.
“This is Grayson Dolan. The boy you are ordered to assasinate. He is seventeen years old and lives in New Jersey with his brother Ethan. You’re mission is to get close to Grayson and then assasinate him.” (Y/n) grew nervous and shifted in her seat. She’s never killed someone before let alone a fly. She was anticipating on being one of his drivers that takes the drugs places and makes deals.
“Why am I killing him,” she questioned itching her head and taking a closer look at the photos. There was one specific that caught her eye. It was of him and his brother at a beach behind a surfboard. Making it look like they were naked. She giggled to herself and looked back up at her father.
“You don’t need a reason to kill him. I simply chose someone random. It’s your mission and that’s simple,” Mr. Cortez asserted and flipping the page. Growing uneasy (Y/n) looked over at Cliff who just shrugged his shoulders. He couldn’t exactly do anything either.
“You will go live with your Aunt Claire and Uncle Harry. You will go to West Morris Central Highschool. The rest you will make up on your own. You will keep in contact with us every night and keep us updated with how you’re going. You have until the end of May. Which gives you the whole entire school year,” he said closing the folder and putting it away into a drawer. (Y/n) nodded along and gave her father a smile. No matter if she killed someone or not. She will do anything for her father. Like she said before, him before anyone.
“When do I leave Papa,” she asked getting up from her seat and pushing in the leather chair. Mr. Cortez got up and began walking her out the door. Before closing the door he stated, “Tonight.”
After seven long, tiring hours on a plane (Y/n) finally arrived in New Jersey. As she stepped off the plane she looked around and took in the scenery. A beautiful big blue sky with not a single cloud. Trees filled the distance along with some buildings but not much. It was hot outside but not hot enough to not wear a hoodie.
Taking in a deep breath she walked towards the cab that was taking her to her aunts house. Mr. Cortez didn’t want her to stay inside a hotel by herself and it also wouldn’t make her role believable. So here she was driving another hour to her aunt that she didn’t really know. Getting inside the car, (Y/n) slid on her headphones and blocked out the world. Falling asleep soundly.
“Excuse me Miss, we’re here,” the driver spoke shaking (Y/n) awake slightly who jumped frightened. She yanked out her headphones and looked at him confused. “What?” She looked around and seen that they were in a complete different place. He could’ve kidnapped her for all she knew. “We’re at your destination,” the cab driver spoke more sternly, clearly annoyed with the young girl.
(Y/n) unbuckled her seatbelt and mumbled a sorry as she gave the man money for the drive. Walking to the back of the trunk she grabbed her two suit cases. Looking up at the White House she felt uneasy. Her mansion was obviously bigger. This house was like an average house, almost like the one she grew up in as a child.
This was her mother’s sister. Mrs. Cortez grew up in New Jersey with the rest of her family until, she left to California for college. Which was were she met (Y/n)’s father. She doesn’t know much of how they met because each time she’s asked he’s brushed it off and ignored her.
Suddenly the door swung open and there stood a small women who looked just like her mother. Except the women had short curly black m hair instead of long straight black hair. “Oh my gosh,” the women exclaimed excitedly, grabbing (Y/n) into a bone crushing hug. Not knowing what to do (Y/n) just stood there uncomfortable.
“Harry! Come quick! (Y/n)’s here!” Footsteps were heard off in the distance and in stepped a tall man. He had no hair but he did had a goatee that was brown and gray. He was was average sized and muscular.
As her Aunt Claire let go, (Y/n) was engulfed into another one by her Uncle Harry. “Gosh kid! You’ve gotten so big,” He boastfully said pulling away and ruffling her hair. She always thought that when family member did that it was annoying. Like I’m seventeen not four. Anyways (Y/n) gave them both an awkward smile not really knowing what to say.
“We were so excited when your father gave us a call saying you wanted to come up here for school!” Aunt Claire grabbed (Y/n)’s arm guiding her through the house into the living room. They all sat down and stared at one another. “You look just like your mother yaknow,” Uncle Harry commented, looking over the young girl sitting on his coach.
To say (Y/n) felt uncomfortable was an understatement. She was awkward and had anxiety. She grinned to herself though as she thought of being and actual teenager for once. She would be able to go to a real highschool and make real friends. She could even go to an ice cream store and order ice cream by herself!
“We already have you enrolled into school. You start tomorrow” Aunt Claire grinned at (Y/n).
“Well make yourself at home! Your bedroom is upstairs, the first room on the left. If you need anything I’ll be in the kitchen cooking dinner.” And with that (Y/n) stood up and carried her things to her room. After walking up the stairs and almost killing herself by tripping over her foot she stood in front of her new room. Opening it and worrying that she wouldn’t like the desing (Y/n) gasped.
The room had black and grey zigzag wallpaper covering the wall. A bed with a canopy was set up in the middle of the room while, next to it was a dresser with a mirror hanging above it. She loved it already and couldn’t wait to make the room more hers. Setting her bag down onto the bed she began putting her belongings away. She put her clothes in the dresser drawers while she hung her hoodies and coat in her closet.
Walking over to the dresser she noticed a picture frame that held a picture of (Y/n)’s mother and father on their wedding day. Her mom had a gorgeous white dress that was form fitting with sleeves decorated with flowers and glitter. Mrs. Cortez’s hair was pinned back and curled with light make up on. She looked beautiful. Her father looked young. With his hair gelled back smoothly accompanied by a sharp black tuxedo. Which was nothing new because Mr. Cortez always wore suits. No matter what the occasion was.
Tears began to well up in (Y/n)’s eyes as she thought of the family they used to be. She missed her mother every single day. Often thinking about how she’ll never have that mother and daughter bond. Never being able to have those inspirational talks where her mother would open up about mistakes she’s made in her life. Or even teaching (Y/n) about women hood. Wiping away the tears roughly she decided to take a shower. Jet lag had definitely made her tired.
She grabbed a pair of sweats with a long sleeve shirt and went out to look for the bathroom. Finding it right next to her room. Shutting the door behind her (Y/n) shedded her clothes from her body and turned on the shower feeling it warm up immediately. Sighing and letting the water run down her back and soaking through her hair. She grabbed the bottle of shampoo that smelled of lavender and began applying it to her hair. Taking her small hands and massaging it from her roots to the end of her hair.
Not hearing the door opening (Y/n) began washing her body. Looking up and seeing a shadow through the curtain she let out a scream. Peeking her head out from the side of the curtain seeing a girl staring back at her.
“Who are you,” (Y/n) ferrowed her eyebrows while, making sure her body was fully covered. The girl seemed shocked and not expecting it to be (Y/n) in the shower. “Hi uhm,I’m Kelsey your cousin. I thought you were my mom. I’m sorry,” she apologized closing the cabinet underneath the sink.
Knocks where heard on the door. “(Y/n)? Are you okay,” Aunt Claire asked just as Kelsey opened the door. “Yeah she’s fine. I scared her.”
“Okay well both of you hurry up. Dinners done. I made chicken Alfredo,” she beamed closing the door. “This is gonna be a long year,” (Y/n) signed finishing up the rest of her shower.
“This is so good Mom,” Kelsey said with food in her mouth. Uncle Harry coughed mumbling a ‘close your mouth’ to her. Aunt Claire on the other hand gave her a smile indicating her thanks.
“This was your mother’s favorite (Y/n).” Looking up at her aunt, (Y/n) shook her head. She remembered on a lot of occasions where she would come home from violin lessons to the smell of her mother’s cooking. A bittersweet memory.
“So this is Aunt Lacy’s daughter,” Kelsey spoke adverting everyone’s attention to her. (Y/n) nodded her head with Aunt Claire. “Yup. I remember when you two were three years old on Christmas. You both had gotten into Grandma Sherry’s paint and painted eachother green from head to to!” She laughed bringing up yet another memory. What is it with everyone talking about her mother?
“So how does it feel,” Kelsey questioned shoving more food inside her mouth.
“Kelsey Lane!”
(Y/n) coughed and took a sip of water. “No it’s okay Aunt Claire-” (Y/n) reassured, “It’s hard sometimes. Knowing that I’ll never have that close relationship and stuff. But I’ve gotten used to it. I’m just blessed to still have my dad.”
Aunt Claire and Uncle Harry gave her a sympathetic look. “Can I be excused please? I need to get some sleep for school tomorrow.” Without an answer (Y/n) got up from the table and left to her room. Closing the door she dropped down and cried. She shouldn’t have ever taken the mission. She should’ve just let her father be right. (Y/n) grabbed her phone off of her bed and dialed her father.
“Hi Papa, it’s (Y/n),” she spoke through the phone trying to hide her scratching voice from crying minutes before.
“How’s everything going so far? You settled in?” There was noise in the background making it hard to hear him. “Yeah it’s going good. I’m getting ready to go to bed right now. I have school tomorrow.”
“Alright well get some sleep you have a long year in front of you.” And with that he hung up. (Y/n) got up off the floor and climbing into bed. Falling asleep.
Vibrating was felt on the bed. Waking (Y/n) up from her slumber. Last night she laid awake twisting and turning until she finally could sleep. Which wasn’t until 3.
Getting up and groaning (Y/n) went to the bathroom. Grabbing her toothbrush and applying toothpaste she start brushing. At the same time brushing her hair and applying makeup. If she learned one thing from watching her father, it was how to multitask. She spat the residue into the sink and went to go get dressed.
“(Y/n) are you awake?” Kelsey opened the door completely ready for school. (Y/n) stood there still figuring out what to wear. “Yeah I’m awake. Just trying to find what to wear.”
Kelsey clapped her hands and squealed. “Let me help you! I love fashion,” grinning she went to the dresser grabbing a pair of ripped jeans and a striped cropped shirt. Handing the clothes to (Y/n) and turning back around to get jewelry. “So I thought today we could ride with my friends to school. If that’s okay with you?”
If they were anything like Kelsey, no. It’s only been a day and she already annoying. “Sure. What’s their names,” (Y/n) asked grabbing the diamond studs from Kelsey and putting them in.
“Grayson and Ethan.” The door bell rang and Kelsey perked up grabbing (Y/n)’s hand,” That must be them let’s go.”
@episkygrant @graydolan12
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