moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
teamwork (makes the dream work...?) pt. 2
summary: miles is not exactly a productive work partner
wc: ~800
A/N: not much plot movement here, but a tiny bit of exposition sort of. Miles will calm down in the following chapters...maybe 🥴
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"Oh Miles? He's in some of my AP classes. Honor student," Your friend's voice filtered through your phone speakers while on the FaceTime call. She popped a potato chip in her mouth as she sat in bed and sniffled, at home with a nasty cold.
"I've heard his name before. I think his dad died, that true?"
"Yeah, a couple years ago. Say he used to be really sweet, and now he don't talk no more."
"That's sad," you remark. "Maybe that's why I'm only seeing him now."
"You actually saw him in class?!?"
Your friend's face was the picture of disbelief, eyes wide as saucers as if this was a rare event.
"Yeah, he's my partner for the week cuz you decided to go and get yo ass sick!" you explained, dramatically jabbing a finger at your phone screen.
"It's not my fault that kid from AP Chem sneezed on me, damn!"
"He's really smart, but his attitude fucking sucks. He draws good, though," you think out loud.
“It’s just a week, sis, give it four more days, you’ll be fine.”
“You’d better hope so, for your sake.”
The following afternoon saw you asking around, trying to piece together a picture of this kid that everyone simultaneously knew and didn’t know. By the time lunchtime ended and Ms. Jones’ calculus class rolled around, you had heard the following:
‘Almost flunked out of school…on purpose’.
‘Did graffiti on the school walls once.’
‘Freakishly quiet’.
‘Secretly joined a gang’.
That last bit made your stomach turn a little as you approached your new temporary seat. Sure enough, Miles was already slouched at his desk, twirling that same pen between his fingers like a drumstick. You didn’t bother to say ‘hi’ this time. He didn’t bother to look up, either.
Miles didn’t say a word during the lecture portion of class, not even to answer questions. Would explain why you’d hardly noticed him until this week.
As the heavy-set math teacher scanned the classroom, she frequently craned her neck and made brief eye contact with Miles, but never cold-called him.
Her skin was a chestnut shade, and she kept her dark hair pinned back in a tight, slick bun. The way she pressed her lips together as she moved on suggested that they’d been through this before, and she'd be sorely disappointed.
When her lecture ended, Miles suddenly stood to his full height.
You weren’t able to tell by the way he sat, but the boy was quite lanky. Even with his awkwardly-broad shoulders slumped, he likely was a half a head taller than you. Ms. Jones stopped her slow pacing around the classroom and sighed.
“Miles, sweetie, what did I say yesterday?”
Miles looked up at the ceiling and sighed in exasperation before plopping back down into his chair. He raised his hand as if it pained him to do so.
“Yes, Mr. Morales?”
“May I please use the restroom?”
A few snickers could be heard erupting around the classroom, and the woman rolled her eyes. An innocent smile was plastered over Miles’ face, revealing two deep dimples in his cheeks. If the smile had actually reached his eyes, you would’ve thought he was cute.
“Go ahead,” Jones relented.
The boy dropped the smile and noisily pushed his chair aside; As he shot back up from his seat and strolled past your desk towards the door, Jones narrowed her eyes at him.
“Hold it. Sir, where are your glasses?”
Miles stopped in his tracks, groaning loudly.
“Oh my god, I don’t need glasses to go potty, Ms. Jones. I can aim, I promise.”
“Make sure you put them on as soon as you get back, your mother told me to remind you. Go,” Jones said, waving her hand dismissively.
“Uh-huh, thank you, ma’am!” The boy was already in the hallway, letting the door slam behind him.
Today's partner work was just a packet of long equations to simplify, so you were only mildly irritated that Miles never seemed to return from his impromptu bathroom trip until the last fifteen minutes of class.
You looked up as he sauntered over to his desk, hands in his pockets.
“Where were you? Class is almost over,” you demanded.
Miles ignored you and sat down, picking up his pen to work at a long string of equations at lightning speed.
Suddenly, you reached over and snapped your fingers in front of him. The boy looked up with his lips curled into a grimace.
"What's good witchu? You got through the work, didn't you?" Miles hissed in a low whisper to avoid catching Ms. Jones' attention.
You frowned deeply. "And what if I didn't? I'd be struggling while you were off running around the damn school-"
"I needed time to myself," he interrupted. "To think."
" 'Think' about what?"
"Personal shit," Miles resumed his problem-solving. "Any more questions, officer?"
The school bell rang, pulling from you a sigh of relief that you wouldn't have to see him again for another 24 hours.
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nocturnest · 2 months
I just had a great idea for tan x reader. So they are all in highschool. Tan and lemon just joined a new school and kind of keep to themselves and they just hang about at the back of the class kinda thing and a Few people are a little scared of them cuz people know not to mess with them. They are in the lunch hall or smth and a fight breaks out and with 3 people and its just reader beating the crap out of a group of people who started on her with everyone watching. When the fight gets broken up readers just smiling a little and just looks hardcore and tan just doesn't know how to process it. They are in a few classes together and he has a little crush on her now and feels a bit intimidated by her like a few other people do. Just a random thought that popped into my head :)
@kpopgirlbtssvt Thank you for submitting another request - feel free to submit as many as you'd like! Love this idea - so creative! Please enjoy! 🥹❤️
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A Crush
Fuckin' boring, this is.
Tangerine was adjusting as well as he could to his new school. He and Lemon were used to this, anyhow. The moving around from place to place - from school to school.
But today? Fucking maths? Tangerine was not having it today. When was he actually going to use any of this in real life? Of all of the classes he took, Tangerine found English the easiest. He had read most of the books on the course list anyways. While Lemon had his Thomas obsession, Tangerine had his books.
Beside Tangerine sat Lemon who was surprisingly paying attention. Tangerine kicked him in the shin to get his attention. Lemon bristled and stared back with annoyance, his eyes seeming to say, "The fuck you want, mate?" Tangerine shrugged back.
Tangerine scanned the room, observing his peers. Most of them were taking notes, the swotty lot of them. Some were zoned out. His gaze stopped on you. You were sat at a row to the side of him and Lemon. He observed the pretty profile of your face, clearly in concentration as you drew in your notebook - what exactly it was that you were doodling he wasn't not quite sure. As he leaned forward, he thought he could make out a face.
You were in a few of his classes. He wondered why he had never noticed you before. Tangerine can't recall ever speaking to you, but that wasn't unusual since he and Lemon mostly stuck to themselves.
Before his thoughts continued, however, the teacher, Mr. Higgins, paused, gauging the class' attention and calling on Tangerine, who answered the question with ease and a bored expression on his face, which clearly riled up the teacher.
"What an absolute wanker," Tangerine mumbled in response.
He heard a snicker and searched for the source, meeting your eyes. Tangerine's face flushed lightly as he felt the weight of your gaze. He barely believed it but you winked back at him as you continued to laugh quietly, slowly turning your attention back to your notebook.
Lemon, only now paying Tangerine any attention and having observed the exchange, nudges him with his arm. Tangerine shoved him back, scowling. Looks like Tangerine's not going to forget about you anytime soon.
Tangerine leaned against the wall of the bustling high school lunch hall, idly chatting with his brother Lemon as they observed the chaos around them. Their reputation as newcomers with a penchant for keeping to themselves had already spread like wildfire, ensuring that most students gave them a wide berth.
As the lunch period unfolded, a sudden commotion caught Tangerine's attention. Three students, their voices escalating into shouts, had drawn the gaze of the entire hall as their argument spiraled into a physical confrontation. Tangerine exchanged a knowing glance with Lemon, his interest piqued by the unfolding spectacle.
Amidst the flurry of fists and shouts, one figure stood out amidst the chaos – you. With a determined expression etched across your face, you faced your assailants with a fierceness that left Tangerine momentarily stunned. Blow after blow, you held your ground against the odds, your resolve unwavering.
As the teachers and staff intervened to break up the fight, you emerged victorious, your demeanor unshaken as you brushed off your clothes with a satisfied smile. Tangerine couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for you – there was a raw strength and resilience to you that he found undeniably captivating.
Well, fuck me.
In the days that followed, Tangerine found himself unable to shake the image of you from his mind. In the classes you two shared together, he couldn't help but steal glances at you whenever he thought you weren't looking. Little did he know that you were doing the same...
But there was something about your newfound reputation that left Tangerine feeling hesitant. Despite his growing curiosity and admiration, there was an undeniable sense of intimidation that lingered in your presence – a reminder of the power you wielded with ease.
It didn't help that he had started noticing other things about you, like the way you bit your lip when you were concentrated on something or tapped your fingers when you were impatient. It was cute.
Lemon, ever so observant, caught on to Tangerine's infatuation with you and encouraged him to muster up the courage to talk to you. And it was only a matter of time before he would. He would.
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ooo-yeah-baby · 1 year
ok awesome thank you :)) could i please request a moody spurgeon x reader from AWAE (s2 era) where he’s lovesick and obsessed with the reader and is sure she’s his future wife? they’re friends, but not super close, and she says she’s not ready for marriage yet because she wants to go to queen’s college. so he forcibly kisses her and someone sees, leading both her and his parents to force them to marry. feel free to change any details if you’d like! thank you so so much ❤️
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Yandere Moody Spurgeon x Reader
I only write sfw, feel free to send asks, Yandere themes, forced kiss, forced marriage, vixen shaming, I don't know, it's long. I don't really like it after the Mrs. Linde part, I did season 3 Moody cuz the banjo was convenient. Thank you for the ask!!
You sound lovely!" Y/N spouted as the last string on Moodys banjo rung out. 
"You're lovely- err I mean... thank you." He stuttered, blush running to his cheeks.
He truly thought she was lovely. The way her hair swayed as she moved. The way her laugh sounded as it filled a room. The color of her eyes and the way they sparkled when the light hit them just right. The way she spoke, especially when she was answering a question. 
Y/N laughed a bit at his mess up. 
"Why, thank you, Moody." 
During class Moody would find his eyes wandering over to Y/Ns seat across the room. Sometimes he'd miss whole lessons, whole class days even, just staring at her. 
Moody may not have been the smartest but he had a wild imagination. He'd imagined Y/N in a beautiful wedding dress with a lace veil and a bouquet of wild flowers. Of course, he'd be wearing a hand-me-down suit from his parents. Maybe with something new added, like a small embroidery from his mother, or some cufflinks, who knows? She'd smile at him with a tint of blush on her cheeks as she walked with her father down the isle and he'd feel his heart pump a million beats a second and then- 
The school day would end and he'd have to watch her walk away. 
But during lunch she'd always sit and listen to him play his banjo before going to eat with the other girls. She was practically his during that time. 
"Y/N," Moody began one day while putting his Banjo down. "Would you like to eat with me today?" He asked, fidgeting with his fingers. 
She just smiled and nodded before running off to get her lunch. 
After that she began eating with him a few days out of the week. She'd grab her lunch and sit and listen to him play and laugh and talk with him. Moody felt content for a while. 
Only for a while. 
Then he got the idea that Y/N had fallen for him like he had fallen for her. Why wouldn't she? It just makes sense. They were practically already courting one another in his eyes. 
He thought she stared at him like he was the only boy in the world. He thought she smiled brighter when she was with him. He thought she loved him. 
He needed her to love him. 
Finally, while sitting with Y/N in the school house during lunch, he croaked up the courage to say something. 
"Y/N, will you marry me?" His eyes shut and his hands balled into clenched fists. 
Y/N was just about to take a bite of a 🍐  and stopped in her tracks at his request. Thankfully no one had heard Moodys proposal. 
"What?" Y/N asked, putting the fruit down. 
"W-will you marry me?" He reiterated. Y/N took a moment to reprocess the situation.
After what felt like ages to Moody she finally began to show somewhat of a reaction. Her head began shaking and she began speaking. 
"No. I'm sorry Moody." She looked down at her dress and fiddled with the hem of it. Moodys face flushed with a bright red color. 
"Why not?" He pressed. 
"It's nothing against you, Moody. It's just, well... we haven't even really courted, and Ill be leaving for Queens College soon and-" She thought for a moment, "I suppose I see you as more of a friend too, Moody." Every word she spoke dripped with her discomfort. She looked down and started cleaning up her lunch basket. Moody felt betrayed. What were they doing if not courting one another? And she sees him as more of a friend? Then why does she look at him like that? Being married won't stop her from going to college. Moody would never dream of holding her back. He just wanted to love her and for her to love him. To spend the rest of their lives together and grow old together. "I'm hardly ready for marriage any wa-!" Moodys hand reach behind Y/Ns head and he pulled her face in to his, practically clashing teeth with each other. Y/N pushed against him, moving her hands up to his chest, pressing as hard as she could and finally disconnecting their lips. 
Moody fell back to the floor with heavy breath and Y/N stared down at him furiously. 
This whole fiasco definitely did not go unnoticed by the class. Y/Ns face turned beat red, either from embarrassment, rage, or a mix of both, as she looked around the class at the other students ogling at her. 
She quickly stood up and gave Moody a swift kick in his shin before collecting her things and running out of the school house. 
Moodys hand reached up to one of the desk tables for support as he pulled himself up, noticing the many groups whispering about the incident. He felt a lump grow in his throat that he tried to swallow back while fixing his clothes, then he ran out of the school house, like Y/N had previously. 
If something were to happen in Avonlea the whole town would know about it. Whether from word of mouth or Mrs. Rachel Linde going around spreading the good, bad, and nasty news. Of course Y/Ns parents heard about what had happened from Mrs. Linde who had heard it from a group of students passing by her home. She immediately scurried herself over to the L/N little farm and shared her thoughts on the matter. 
"Well hello, Mrs. Linde." Y/Ns mother said as she opened her front door. Rachel came barging in the second she saw the door move. 
"Mrs. L/N." She greeted, already in the parlor of the white walled house. "I assume you've heard of..." she looked around for somewhere to place her hat and coat, spying the rack by the front door, then continued; "Your daughters little fiasco at the school house." She placed her hat and coat on the rack and moved to sit in one of the chairs in the parlor. 
Mrs. L/N took a seat across from Rachel and pushed out the rinkles of her dress. 
"No, what has she done now?" Her brows furrowed. Her daughter had never been apart of any of Rachel's rumors and it was discontenting to see it happening now. 
"Oh its a doosy." Her finger pointed at Mrs. L/N. "I heard the boys talking. Today, in front of the whole class she caused a spectacle." She had a short huff  before continuing again. "You know I'm not one to gossip, but as your friend I thought you needed to know. If your daughter is truly becoming a vixen then you have every right to know. Knock the devil out of her before it's too late-" 
"Please, just tell me what happened, Mrs. Linde." Your mother pleaded, slightly irked by Rachel's coarse language and accusations at her daughter. 
"Yes, well, I was sitting on my porch moments ago when I heard the Andrews and Sloane boy talking. According to them, your daughter was locking lips with that Moody Spurgeon boy in the middle of class. For everyone to see. Apparently they both ran out of the school house around noon together and haven't been back since. Took their things and all." 
Mrs. L/N was shocked to say the least. 
"Well, I suppose I'll have to have a word with my daughter. Thank you for informing me, Mrs. Linde." She stood up and ushers for Rachel to do so as well, which Rachel did oblige but she couldn't help herself from shoving her opinion in the mix, again. 
"You know, with how many people saw this fiasco, you might as well marry her off to that boy. It's the only chance she'll have at finding a husband under the circumstances. Word travels fast and no one is going to want a girl who's been throwing herself at men left and right." 
"Of course, Rachel." Mrs. L/N sighed. "I suppose that's our only option." Her hand moved to her temple and attempted to rub out her forming migraine. 
"Well. Keep me in on the loop." Rachel added before grabbing her things and leaving, more than likely to go spread the word to every end of Avonlea. 
About an hour after Mrs. Linde left Y/N, returned home. Mrs. L/N had already discussed the incident and what they needed to do with Mr. L/N and the two were waiting for their lovely, possibly a vixen, daughter to return home. The second y/n walked in the door they dragged her back out and ventured to the Spurgeon home. 
"I don't know what happened, Y/N, but this is unacceptable. No doubt Rachel's gone and told all of Avonlea by now." Her mother chattered. 
"It's not my fault!" 
Mrs. L/N scoffed in response. 
"Well, there isn't much we can do about it now. Your fault or not, it happened. And now you're becoming a laughing stock. We'll have to fix this somehow, with the Spurgeon family." 
They arrived at the house, Y/N begrudgingly stepping up to the porch with her family. They were invited in and the parents went to discuss matters. 
Y/N remained standing by the door as Moody stared at her, eyes filled with guilt. 
"I'm sorry, Y/N" he mumbled. He wasnt actually sorry but he didnt exactly know what else to say. 
"Sorry wont fix this, Moody. You were supposed to be my friend. Now my reputation is ruined. I'll have to leave the island to get married with the way Mrs. Linde has been reacting." Y/N huffed in response. 
Meanwhile, in the other room;
"My son kissed your daughter. He told us everything. He will take responsibility. Whatever you think is best." Mrs. Spurgeon assured. 
"Well I'd like to believe my daughter had no hand but I was her age once too." Mrs. L/N shook her head. "I suggest we give the two what they want and settle it that way. It's easier on us and easier on them." 
Mrs. Spurgeon nodded in response and the two treked back to the front room. 
"You two will marry." Mrs. L/N said, an unwarranted smile plastered her face. 
"What?" The two kids said in unison, one clearly more excited about it than the other. 
"It makes the most sense." Mrs. Spurgeon added.
"Makes the most sense?" Y/N stepped up. "How does that make any sense?" 
"Bite your tongue, dear." Her mother warned. "It's not likely that you'll he able to find anyone else now is it?" Her mother continued to press. "Clearly you must enjoy Moodys presence in some capacity or you wouldn't have been near him to begin with. This is our final decision." 
"But Queens College!" Y/N huffed. "I'm taking the entrance exam soon!" 
"You can still go!" Moody chimed in. A scowl crept to Y/Ns' face but Moody pressed on, taking a step forward to continue his soon to be ramble. "I-I would never hold you back. You can go to Queens College and Ill go to college too and then we can be married after we both graduate."
"Very good, Moody." His mother congratulated. "That's what we'll do." 
And with that, the two were engaged. It was all over Avonlea. Y/N had her reputation back and Moody had her, although Y/N tried tirelessly to break the engagement.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 11 months
hello love :)
can i request an earth 42 miles morales x reader story where she found him injured in a valley and he was still in the prowler suit but she didnt care (or she just didnt see clearly since it was night time) so she aproached him and miles was like go away even threatend her at some but but she then tells him to shut up so she can work in peace. She already studies in medicine and she vent to a grocery store when she found him and she quickly ran home to get the suplies she thought she needed. So basicly she doesnt care if he kills her she just wanted to help him and thats it so at the end milles is just quet and doesnt know how to respond to her like doesnt she know who he is sure its dark out side and they cant see each others faces clearly but the suit should by now give away his identite. So once she stiched him up she just sais her goodyes and just leaves him there and he is just so shocked that in this wretched place called New york there is still a person this kind or just pretty stupid to do that. So lets say milles didnt clearly see her face and vanted to see her again to see she didnt give anything about him away no other reason, he didnt want to see her so he could feel the same warmth she gave him when she cerfouly touched him he didnt want to hear her soft voice again that for some reason eased his pain when she praisd him that he was doing a good job staying still and not moving. Really no other reason so for weeks hes been searching for her but never found her until one day just randomly in a store he by chance heard her voice when she was talking to the cashier so he quickly ran out and suited up so he could follow her home to see if shes as nice as she makes her self look like and not to keep her safe or anything. So when she gets home she finds him sitting on her couch and shes pretty high up so ofc she freks out cuz THE Prowler was in her apartment (she lives alone her momma and papa are divorced so they send money to her for the apartment bills and other suplyes she needs)….
So like u can continue this however u want like i just thought this far, if its too much feel free to decline this request. Sorry for my shitty gramer english is not my first lenguage and dont forget to eat and drink yeah? :)
Hi! No worries we all start writing somewhere : ). Continuation of this 》
Genre: Lowkey flirty at the end¿
Wordcount: 0.4k
[ A/N: Yeah, ngl, not really proud of this one. I feel like i can't get his personality right.]
You sigh when you finally arrive home, kicking off your shoes in the process of it.  Studying medicine was anything but easy. Today you had a full day of classes, along with a bunch of homework. You had eventually gone to the library to finish it, before making a quick grocery stop as well.
The minute you turn around, you freeze. There's someone sitting on your couch. Upon closer inspection, you realize it's the prowler, someone you had recently come across. You had helped him when he was injured. You do not remember ever inviting him into your apartment, much less tell him to make himself comfortable.
" Hi." His distorted voice sounds from his mask.
You huff, not having the energy for this today.
" Yeah, uhm, I don't remember inviting you to my hous- WHY ARE YOU SITTING ON MY COUCH WITH YOUR DIRTY BOOTS ON MY CARPET?!" You scold him.
To your surprise, he listens, taking off his shoes as he gently puts them down beside the couch.
" Thanks. So what are you doing here? Are you injured?" You ask him, checking him out before walking off into the kitchen to get a glass of water.
He doesn't react for a good minute, his mask covering his face, shielding whatever expression he's housing. To your surprise, his mask unclasps, and fold into itself on the back of his head.
It surprises you. He's handsome but seemingly also tired. You're not entirely sure what he's trying to create between you.
" Wanted to see you again." He tells you straight up, making you even more confused.
" Why?" You ask him.
He shrugs, glancing around your place, seemingly looking for an answer.
" Was wondering what you was like outside of your work. You're nice. It's rare to find people like you." He says, stepping closer to you.
Your expression remains guarded, but you don't step away.
" You were injured, Prowler. I wasn't about to just leave you to die." You tell him.
He cocks his head with the shadow of a smirk on his lips.
" My names Miles." He tells you, setting the rest of your words aside.
You raise a brow in question.
" Better get used to me, Chiquita. We'll be seeing each other more often." He winks before stepping back.
Soon enough he's putting his shoes back on, and his mask gets back on his face.
He's gone barely a minute later.
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wolfpupsblog · 2 months
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U know shits going down when he catches u doing something u shouldn't do.
U try to leave the house and he's like and where do u think ur going little lady? As he deeply says with a tence stare in ur soul.
Then u say I'm going out with my friends?.
He looks at u and says sweety it's a school night u need to be in ur room getting on homework.
Then he realizes ur wearing something revealing and he goes oh your not wearing that. Jamas then school work!
Then u go to ur room lock the door then u get a text from a friend uve known since preschool and he says wots taking so long.? And u reply I'm not going I got home work.
His answer is oh then should I save u a dance then?
U laugh then u say with a teary eyed emoji I wish I could but my dad has me on a curfew because the Empire placed one on all citecins remember?
Well then we could sneak off someplace just u and me?. Plus when has the Empire stopped us before?!
Then u try to sneack out ur window and..
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Suddenly caught by ur dad's husband ur other dad.
Wot do we have here?! Trying to desert ur own fathers I see? And still in that awful skimpy outfit I see!? School night means school night! Non of this run away shinanegins shit!
And then he sees ur talking to the friend u knew in preschool. And u go daddy I have a confession u know my friend grem from school?
That boy u played with as a kid? Yeah I know him know how close u were with him. Why?
Things with him have come closer dad. And plus this girl at my school yelda she thinks she's hot shit. And stuff always gets her way gets the fame glory popularity in class and on social media and she's got this party going on to showcase her and her families new house and just to have more attention cus rampart is her dad.
And she said if I'm not there in a hour that grem was hers and shed tell everyone how.. Then u pause and he says how u flunked math? I know. He puts u in the comfort of his arms and says non of that matters and u love him truly then tell him!
I'll handle the bully situation and also ur grounded for dis obeying orders and trying to wear something that u think can one up MS popularity and cus I love u.
And something else ur super smart. So dont let that girl take that from u. And I'll help u with ur homework. Cuz we got ur report card the other day and u got a c. So try getting it up to a b and we'll see wot happens and something else I need to confiscate ur phone.
So next morning u ur dads and ur mom r at the breakfast table eating and next thing u know it's some guy walking to the door and it's someone u rarely see anymore. But with the accent u remember him all to well and a deeper voice. Your dad slick. Came by to take u to school. And as ur in the land speeder with him and the radio going he notices quite a tude to ur voice. And with how you posture urself before getting in.
And he's like tft a real rebel like ur dad and I back in the civle war. Got quite a tude to u today kid wot is it.?
As. U slump down and u see her yelda in a neon pink land speeder with grem in the passenger side. And u slump down farther so she can't see u. As ur at the trafic light she rules the window down and is like hey loser heard ur daddy grounded u. Ha ha stupid inferior clones! And u call ourselves the better soldier?! Please! And she throws her soda at ur head! Bye now and vssoom! Speeds past u and as ur crying ur heart and eyes out slick then calls u off school takes u to his apartment on the other side of galactic city back on coressant and he gets u cleand up and he says
So that's wot ur deal is. I'll get her expelled for this. As he kisses u and while a ur tears and says amphiritite u know we're here for u. As he carried u to ur new room layd u in bed turns the light off and then closed ur door
Then gus calls.. Where the hell is she?! In a fit of rage!
Gus calm down please I called the school called her off brought her to my place.
Gus well the teach nor any of us here were notified of this! The hells matter with u slick Oberon?!
Chopper the overly aggressive but sensitive and understanding type he is.. Give me the phone.
Slick babe please tell me she didn't skip school.?
No hun she didn't I was on my way to take her there and kinda get her take on this whole situation and ramparts daughter showed up beside us and was with the boy our girl was falling hard for the one she new since preschool grem?. Yeah well he was with her and she threw her coak at our daughter. And mocked her! So I brought her here called her off just for the day no homework non of that. She needs to decompress.
Sigh.. Ok slick good call then.
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polyphonical · 5 months
Bridal - Chapter 1
[ View on site for better experience♪ ]
Location: 3-A Classroom
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Eichi: Hey, Hakaze-kun. You were more diligent in class this morning.
Kaoru: Ah, yeah. If I slack off too much, Megane-kun would just lecture me again. It's a pain to sit through that.
But, did you need me for something Tenshouin-kun?
Eichi: Ah, no not entirely, I just wanted to give my thanks again for bringing me to the arcade [1] the other day. It was a delightful and rewarding experience.
Kaoru: You didn't have to thank me or anything~. You're surprisingly diligent with these types of things huh, Tenshouin-kun?
Also, if you don't have anything else to say to me, could I go now?
I wanted to stop downtown. There's always some new girls that I'm willing to meet ♪
Eichi: You never seem to falter in that aspect. Well anyways, do you remember when I told you I always make sure to repay my debts quickly?[2]
Kaoru: Hm? Ah, yeah I do remember you saying something like that... It’s really fine, I was free at the time and didn’t have any jobs or anything, so...
Plus, I got to play together with Anzu-chan, and she was really kind to me.
Eichi: Wait a second, let me finish what I was going to say.
I recently received a request for someone to do a gravure shoot. I thought about it and decided to entrust you with this job.
It’s a gravure bridal photoshoot, and you would have to wear a tuxedo... Does that sound good so far?
Kaoru: Bridal...?
Eichi: Ah, you wouldn't have to worry about the requester. They are a trusted source of ours. As soon as you say the word, I can be in contact with them.
Kaoru: No that’s not it… Well, I haven’t had much experience with gravure shoots, so there may be trouble down the line. Sorry, but could I decline?
Eichi: Fufu, you’re rather impatient.
Like I said before, wait until I finish speaking.
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Location: Hallway
Kaoru: (Ugh~ Tenshouin-kun had me beat this time.)
(No matter how much I tried to refuse, he basically gave me no room left to argue so I had no choice but to take the job....)
Oh! Hi, hi Anzu-chan! I’m really glad to see you~ ♪
You’re on your way to the studio, aren’t you, Anzu-chan? Tenshouin-kun asked you to work on the gravure photoshoot right? I heard about it~♪
(Fufu~n. Tenshouin-kun really goes all out to pay back his debts, doesn’t he~? To plan all of this for something so small...)
(Well, it’s a rare chance to get something like this, so I’ll use it to my advantage~♪)
Hey hey, y’know when we walk side by side like this, we sorta look like a couple right?
Mhm, I know~. Anzu-chan is just doing her job, so it can’t be helped right?
But, I’m really happy. ‘Cuz, Anzu-chan always runs away whenever I try to talk to her.
Ah, wait sorry, I didn’t want to make you feel bad or anything.
After all, I’d much rather be liked by a girl instead of being hated. Hmm? But I’m fine with being hated by guys?
Well, it’s not like I particularly like guys. In fact, it’s mainly the opposite.
But well, it’s really thanks to Tenshouin-kun for giving me a scenario like this, so. ♪
Eh? Umm, nothing~ Just talking to myself...♪
Anyways, what’s on the agenda today? Should we just hold a meeting between us?
Fufun. Being trapped in a private room, there’s no way there wouldn’t be sparks flying~ ♪
Hmm? Anzu-chan, why’d you start puffing your chest out?
Eh? You called over some helpers…?
You called them over because you knew I wasn’t skilled in gravure photoshoots? O-Oh really~?
No, I don’t have a problem with it~ Anzu-chan called them over because you were thinking of how to help me, right?
Thank you, Anzu-chan. Aah, I might’ve fallen more in love with you ♪
Woah, don’t run away~? It’s okay, I won’t do anything to cause you any harm, okay?
Alright then, let’s go. It may be a little different from what I imagined, but I’ll do my best for your sake~♪
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This is a reference to Wanted!!! Bridal actually takes place a week-ish after Wanted!!! and is directly tied to that story. So, I recommend reading that one first!
Here, Eichi says something along the lines of “remember when I said that I always repay my debts?” but, in the translation of Wanted!!! I read, Eichi says “If you're going to show me around the arcade, I'll be in your debt, and my principle is to repay them quickly.” I thought it'd make more sense for Eichi to say he repays his debts quickly rather than just repaying them in general since he’s giving this to Kaoru like a week after the arcade visit. Plus, it’s just a silly reference to the first story!
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bauhausluvr · 8 months
a lot happened today, good and bad, and im still processing it. but i'll try to retell it all below. warning: this will be long and graphic
major tw for self-harm
so i had class with M and everything was fine, I even got to talk with her a few times which i was really happy about. but later when we were doing our own thing, she got really fascinated with this one student which made me want to cry because i was jealous she was so intrigued and spent so much time with them. this student is also so much cooler than me so i understand why. i got super upset at myself for feeling this way, so with very little thought i left the room to go to the bathrooms and consequently slash my arm up
i had new blades and i was in such a state where i wasn't thinking so i wasn't careful with how i cut, i just wanted to do some damage, and i ended up bleeding much more than i usually would. once i saw how much blood there was on me and on the floor, i realised i had to stop the bleeding and used a bunch of paper towels to make it stop. eventually, unluckily for me, i ran out and spent a long time just rinsing my arm under the water (which in hindsight definitely prolonged the bleeding), but i couldn't go to the next stall for paper since there were people outside and it seemed to keep being taken.
had i not gone in the stall with barely any paper left i probably would've avoided this, but this led to me having to ask the people outside for paper and since i was kind of panicked i was saying i had a medical emergency, so this led to them getting a teacher down to check on me and basically the whole process of first aid coming down to bandage my arm n setting a welfare meeting for another day since this was at the end of the day.
what i didn't expect however was M to come down as well. i felt super embarrassed and ashamed once i saw her face, i didn't know how to react. but once she heard I was harming myself she came in to comfort me, even calling me her 'baby' when coming down and hugging me. i hugged her back tightly and sobbed into her shoulder, it was so comforting.. she has such a motherly charm its crazy. she soon revealed she also used to self-harm, even at work, which made me feel so much more at ease since i felt extremely bad about myself as i feel like i should've grown out of these feelings by now, but i clearly hadn't.
after all the paperwork and talk was done, i went back to her class to get my stuff back and found she edited my work and added her own little charm to it while i was gone (we were just playing around with an editing program) 😭. since everyone was gone by then i asked to talk w her alone and ppl kept coming in the class, so M grabbed my wrist gently and led me out somewhere where only us two can talk
i basically thanked her for her hug and all her kind words, and was sorry that she had to witness me at such a state. following this we talked for a little bit about her own struggles with self-harm and having to be sectioned, and about her thoughts on me which, i wish i could remember all the details, but i was so messed up i only remember it partly. regardless, it was lovely to hear and definitely what i needed at the time.
one of the best parts of this whole aftermath conversation was when i not-so-jokingly said i have mommy issues and she laughed saying "I KNOW" 😭😭😭. i was rlly taken aback by that so i stuttered and asked what made her come to that conclusion, and she basically just talked about stuff like my conservative mother and catholic upbringing which i brought up to her. she later said that she had her own struggles w her daughter and how she kinda sees that in me, to which i hesitantly said "i kinda wish you were my mum" and SHE SAID "me too right now" ?!!??"! IDK HOW I DIDN'T IMPLODE RIGHT THEN..
during this whole conversation we hugged so many more times and it was kinda awkward at one point cuz her lanyard got stuck on my cardigan LMFAO but it was so healing and awesome to talk w her about all this, even if i wish she didn't have to witness any of it. there's so much more i could say but if i gave all the details then this post would be 10x longer. obviously i didn't mention why i cut in the first place, and i'm contemplating even doing so to anyone cuz i don't want her taken away from me.
with all that said despite all the horrible stuff, something good came out of it and i'm grateful for that, although i worry it deepened my attachment to M even further....which honestly was inevitable at this point anyway.
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Bethy is a member of her school's fuckass competitive marching band. And this damn school is managed by the biggest idiots I've ever heard about so it's just hell.
Listen to the shit day she's gone through. She still isn't back btw.
The driver meant to pick her up for school, gets lost like every damn day and arrive 15-20 minutes late when she should be here before 7, and as a result, gets to the school too late for Bethy to get breakfast.
The cafeteria is only opened 15 minutes before class begins in the morning. Class starts at 7:45 AM. Bethy never gets to school on time.
Bethy has to then sit through a 7-hour school day.
She then has to sit through 4 hours of marching band practice, except for days where they have away-games, in which case it's only 2 hours.
School ended at 3. She had to practice for 2 hours today.
They then get on the busses to a school 2 hours away for a football game.
The adults in charge of this shit show were supposed to stop somewhere to feed the kids before getting there... and didn't, two away-games in a row now. And it's not as if they can bring dinner with them because they don't have lockers at school and have to carry everything around all day long. When it changed administration, the council voted to get rid of lockers cuz it was too much work to assign them and track the locks. No one has the means to travel with food meant to last that long outside a fridge cuz they have to carry all their equipment themselves.
The opposing school didn't have any food or drinks for sale, or even vending machines, so Bethy's gone since lunch without food or drink.
Mom even sent her $10 through PayPal but they don't intend to stop anywhere on the way back apparently. So, Bethy is expected to be back at the school at midnight now, and Dave has to go and get her. And she will have done 12 hours without food or water.
Every time I hear anything about the damn adults in charge if this shit factory I want to scream.
The bitch in the office loses shit all the time. Student brings in a doctor's note? She loses it and just marks them as an unexcused absence. Student needs a replacement charger for their school laptop? She takes the old one and gives them a new one, then loses the old one and claims they have to pay her for it or else. Student needs to leave early for a doctor's appointment? She somehow loses the paperwork the guardian signed in order to take the kid out early and claims the kid was truant. Every damn week it's something new about this bitch and somehow despite all the reports, she's still working there.
Many of the teachers are just fucking assholes and shouldn't be allowed near children. Bethy wears jeans and baggy hoodies and has grown men and women trying to claim she's dressed inappropriately because she has wider hips than her classmates and has a better figure than half of them.
The marching band kids are expected to stay for hours upon hours after school and don't even get something as simple as food. They ain't getting home until 8 or 9 PM half the week but y'all can't feed them. If they don't come with money for the snack machine, they're fucked.
Yet Bethy is so excited to be there and participate.
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witchinghouracademy · 2 years
Chat - Giselle Jolly
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1 - Fame
"I ain't never heard of her before arriving here."
"The dorm idol, silly! The Flower Scholar whosit."
"Guess the ones here are pretty devoted to her 'cuz I cannot STOP hearing about her now. Niche idols do got the most hardcore fans."
"I gotta say, her power over technology don't sound half bad. With something like that, taking over the world would be a breeze..."
"... Just a joke. (giggle)"
"A cute idol like me only wants to take over the hearts of my fans!"
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2 - Fitting In
"Maybe I oughta ask for that transfer to Okeanos after all."
"All anyone here thinks about is programs and coding."
"Ain't got the sense for any of that. Been just playing around the machines themselves during dorm hours."
"All those zeroes and ones need somewhere to run."
"But I haven't gotten a lick of thanks around here! I got my new uniform all dirty for nothing!"
"Ah well, let me let you go. I gotta go finish that damned machine."
"Mh? Of course I'm finishing it. It-it's- I don't like working on it, really, it's just...! Ain't right to leave things half-done!"
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3- When the Curtains Fall
"Folks talk about the Sakura Scholar in a past sense, right?"
"But I ain't seen any proof she's gone. She just wasn't seen no more."
"Gal had so many fans then she just done left them all hanging to dry without a peep."
"Not like any one of them bothered to check what happened."
"Once the fun's done with folks just forget all about you..."
"Ain't that the way."
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✦ Giselle & Minami - What it takes.
Giselle: Well, now there's a face I was hoping to see! Pretty as a peach today too!
Minami: You're such a sweet talker! It's almost too much, I might just get a caries from it.
Giselle: Oh shucks, I try my best! All the great ones got charm about them, wouldn't ya agree?
Minami: I would not, no. If your achievements are great enough they'll speak for themselves. Literally, in the case of the Sakura Scholar.
Giselle: Thinkin' you can get far with no one else... Ain't that a bit naïve, dorm leader?
Minami: Not if you're good at what you do.
Giselle: Mhm. No reason to not be gifted and charming.
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✦ Giselle & Jojo - Deals
Jojo: I told you, I don't know anything about that class.
Giselle: Aww, now I just can't believe that! Your brother was so helpful, and smart to boot! You oughta be cut from the same cloth!
Jojo: Intelligence manifests in many different ways.
Giselle: And I can tell you're a regular jack of all trades!
Jojo: ... You don't know when to give up.
Giselle: One of my many good qualities!
Jojo: Fine. I won't tutor you, but I'll see if I have any notes left from my first year.
Giselle: You got yourself a deal missy! O-ho-ho I do enjoy a good bargain.
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I just learned a neat new thing today!!!
so apparently back in ‘58 in north carolina a counter-protest by the Lumbee Tribe succeeded in kicking out the KKK, who’d been harassing the tribe for a while by that point
due to the shoddy state of history education in us public schools, im not ever shocked anymore when I stumble on an old story that i feel like should have been brought up in one of my old classes
but this was the first story i’ve heard of about the KKK targeting native americans, usually when u hear about those a-holes its in the context of specifically anti-black racism - altho the KKK existing to prop up white supremacist horseshit does make this make sense, i’ve just never heard of them going after native tribespeople before today
(and now im wondering how many other stories like this are out there....hhhhhhhhnnnngggghhgnngdsh i may be used to learning new bad things that happened for stupid reasons but it never stops sucking)
and it was AWESOME to hear a story where the victims of this awful fucking behavior succeeded in kicking the perpetrators to the curb!! im not gonna summarize the entire article, but the gist is the Lumbee counter-protesters showed up at a KKK rally after the chucklefucks in question were running around burning crosses on people’s front yards because they were butthurt about Brown v. Board of Education, and the Lumbee folks outnumbered the racist slimeballs by a lot
both groups were armed, and shots were fired, but no one was killed (or hurt if i didn’t miss anything), because the Lumbee guys deliberately fired in the air and the white supremacists basically just bailed - driving or running away on foot
a tidbit that i found weirdly satisfying was that apparently the wife of one of the racism-rally’s organizers had her car go into a ditch in the hubbub, and the Lumbee counter-protesters helped extract it which YEAH SEE HOW THAT WORKS U ASSHOLES?? they are doing something NICE even though they don’t like u cuz u SUCK because they actually are basing their behavior on PRINCIPLES which are not conditional on someone being born the “““right”““ kind of human
basically as one of my favorite shows put it;
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“you don’t deserve my help, but I should help you anyways. Because its the right thing to do, and I’m a nice person.”
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t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 2 years
◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ Everyone! AZ Here!
Ps. The dialogue of my friends were translated to English, cuz i don't feel like writing in Indonesia rn-
I'm currently in school rn, and today i had an English lesson. Just a note, one time when i had an English test last year my English teacher told me to read a text and so i did. After i finished reading the text, my whole class started to clap. And now, moving onto today : I had an English class today AND also a new teacher. The teacher told us to re-write a text/story on the board and translate it to Indonesia. In the middle of us writing, some of my clasmates asked me what does a certain word means & how to pronouns it. Some of them even pronounsed it incorrectly that it got me cofused. After we finished writing the text, the teacher told us to read our note out loud in front of the while class. As soon the while class heard it, they yelled at me saying "Zahwa, go in front the class!". Well, i agreed and i begged the teacher to let me go in front of the class. 2 of my classmates went first, then it was my turn. When the teacher shouted my Name to go next, the while class cheered and some of them said " Zahwa, read it like a story!" and i just said in English "Geez, calm down. It's not like it's too hard" after i said that, the while class cheered again. The teacher told me to read it in English First while the class was still cheering. I said yes, and yelled at the class to stop. Once i finished reading, the class cheered again. When the teacher left, some of my classmates called ne a SENIOR cuz i'm quite better at English more than almost anyone in my whole class.
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
These people are such nitpicky little f*** I'm going to have to start going through them and I do see what he's saying boy are they annoying we have a few places that we're going to set up and we're starting to on a couple projects in Charlotte county very soon because they're getting kicked out of government and they're actually low-income apartments and they say they don't care for them and we don't care for them being here at all and they're kicked out and you're never going to be president you're out of your minds you're so stupid and you think you're going to force it but you're not going to be here in the United States at all very soon and those movies like Expendables and things like that are starting and that's a Hallmark Star wars and more. There is more news and it's very big.
-Stan is in a very very large amount of trouble he's running around town screaming at people telling them to do stuff for those part they don't listen cuz you're not his people and he said what is wrong with you freaks you don't do anything anymore no stupid things no smart things no games just straightforwards yelling at people is there the enemy and the bad guy and they're gone and so forth and usually you're wrong about who it is and he said it's their program the max or doing it on purpose to us and others and he said what are you saying are weird for. So you got the idea and as the day went on he got more and more angry it's just kind of sitting there sweating and trying to eat and it was horrible you got really mad and said you people are sitting there just bothering him and he's bothered already which means you're doing nothing he said maybe they can't count it is like Legends are there plus the spares for that size ship and then he goes okay and he's up there with this house is taking stuff has been from the Midwest upper Midwest where you guys are and he said oh and he said he wasn't anymore so there are mobilized and there's other things going on but he was this huge b**** today and stopped Midway and went up there and started bothering people that actually doing it so he looks around says this is why we're all b****** this is I can't laugh anymore I'll have no rib cage at all you see he's in the caves and none of you are that's where the big ships are so we started laughing and he said we've actually seen it can anybody buy a weapon and you don't need a permit or do you have to just like go to class and get a permit or something so he started laughing again said no no that's fine so we got the hell out of there most of them and the City of Dan is going to go up there trying to take his house over he ends up being like this little kid in the house all the time and everything gross and rude and shrinking expand and he can't stand them and it's just sitting there using them as cover saying the matter is in hand he's right on me and he's like slaughtering their people as they come in to Jersey another they start getting the idea a little later but for real this has started finally
-in addition to that we have the major wars going on and over the shield and it is a mac daddy and on the max shield and they're getting power by doing it and they have a lot of people attacking it's probably 8 trillion per area and there are 10 areas and they are attacking very very hard it is Non-Stop and it is getting very gross. They make some progress then they get beaten back they have a lot of people but actually the day each area and it's kind of the same thing with the planetoids that's still a lot and add to that the conflict to get here it's roughly 20 to 30 trillion every couple days their leadership is getting reduced to your severely, if you end up on the battles they're doing daily everyday they're going to have severe problems in a couple more days.
-they reached their quota today they're at 1:50 for the sheriff heard 40 for the PD they fired half of the fireman ambulance drivers Firehouse workers etc
-my son is the topic of discussion and it is because he keeps saying pay me my money and they refused to listen to refuse to do anything we are extremely belligerent because of this and more like and they don't understand it it means you intend to mess with us like you are him no you already are when we do that. Hundreds of people are prepping for his laundry day and Mac is not going to be ready foreigners and us and I'm already more locked and warlock and clones have had it with his s*** we get to walk around to nothing all day and talk about your plan you're a freaking idiot. The sick and tired of watching you abuse him and say you're going to do it to us so you flinch Max and we're going to take over all of us are sick of it all of us are going to take over and spat in your own eye okay back stupid s***.
-shut up Mack TV little bopper you're stupid you're encouraging all these people with cash in the drawer I mean you're a dumb f*** okay
-and there's more happening and it's pretty good news and it's big
-the desert center under assault and they're doing so because of the shield they have advanced on max and are destroying their factories. My son says back here a f**** a different reason it's cuz it's picking on him and he probably can't take him at all because he can't take his retards in a fight, and their advancing on his positions and he doesn't get it and grainy was in a fight with him and Mike bronder did not win.
-so mack is laughing and smiling doesn't really get it I guess now he's getting it. His empire is going to crumble is because he's bothering our son to no end f****** moron. Now it's sitting there insisting on talking with him arguing all sort of s*** he does makes him feel better and I said just sits there hitting him get off me. They were starting to hit him we are hitting him and others all over the world is who the hell wants to live under his reign or under his recharge reign there's no confusion here now they're going after each other so getting rid of I'll tell you it's quite a scene it's too f****** retards you're not very bright mac. Suck the fight withstand it looks like s*** and it looked really bad and sound bad he knows it this is terrible you don't sound like a bunch of donkeys suck the hee Haw honey gang and put these suck that's what you look like too halfway and half half with playing and partially playing you just really suck and you think it's cool and a show but holy f*** nobody can stand other side either side you both sound so f****** nasty and piss everybody off who cares if you're fighting we have to get rid of both you a little s*** pile up in the freaking Rivers and lakes so you can try and hide the diamond mining everybody knows about cuz your mouth I mean what a f****** piece of s*** you too are you ruined yourself and your realm fighting everybody wants you dead both of you, it's due to Tommy f and they say oh another one of you it's true too no way man your guilty of it, you just sat there like kids completely open.
-so they're fighting each other and they look really stupid Max says he's not going to turn a new leaf this is probably not he has to be having a shootout still bother the s*** out of me.
-there are 10 deserts with factories each has about eight factories proportionate with the desert the Gobi desert in China is under severe assault it's under a massive massive strike by morlok. They lose about five factories an hour no 5 or down and they're going after the remaining three
-there are several other deserts that are under such attack the Sahara and both of those deserts of gigantic and a Saudi Arabia and in Egypt all those have four or five out of eight factories destroyed as in wiped out. And that's four out of 10 remaining six deserts or not as large when under strict attack and three of the factors are down and they're increasing the force they brought the bear and they are hitting the shield
-a huge number of warlock I'm trying to get into Charlotte county and he says I need to wipe you out real quick cuz we're having more time for this and he started to hit him and they're getting wiped out
Thor Freya this has to go out right now
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dandeliononthemoon · 1 year
*strums guitar* I love you bitch (affectionate)
*strums guitar* I won't ever stop loving you
Bitch (affectionate)
(was this a meme I've only heard audios of it iykyk if you don't 🤷‍♀️oh well)
Okay enough of that
Hope you're having a good day, staying hydrated and taking care of yourself
I'm doing good my allergy medication doesn't allow me to drink coffee so I've been coffee-less for a week now :/
In other news the other day I was laughing at something my mom said n I laughed so hard I walked into the corner of her bed and bruised myself 🤡👍 (twas okay nbd)
I've been thinking of getting back into journaling that was nice (I have not been consistent since like 2018
the mission "mj gets abs 2023" is afoot in full force and has been making me tired (which is good cuz I sleep on time then)
Oh also the other day my mom walked in on me spinning in my chair (uk those chairs that spin and have wheels) singing along to you belong with me (as one does). The poor woman didn't even question it she just went "ye ladki" *sigh* , closed the door and walked away 🤡💀
okay that's all I got
Sending you lotta love
-mj 🌙✨
i.. dont think i know the meme, but same to you <3
it is okay today, the sun is out, but can't really enjoy it bc i am prepping for an exam monday (can you believe that my professor did not let us know when the exam was so i had to find out indirectly from a friend who said she was going on holiday that week bc there were no classes and i was shook so checked the schedule and that is how i found out) (that was 2 days ago so rip me) plus i have to work today, but it's fine, my uni friends are gonna visit me at work to have some choco milk together (employee benefit, the choco is free) bc we wont see each other next week and it is a way of celebrating the end of this uni term
ah clumsy mj that me too tho
2 days ago i was working and i walked up the escalator and then made to stand but i almost tripped then steadied myself and then somehow my knee buckled so i was hurt anyways, i am fine tho, just a scratch
oooh i could never quite get in to journaling bc i have a hard time developing habits and i never had smth particular to write down
but it is good that you are doing!!! do it if it makes you feel calm and nice and good and peaceful
keep it up with your workout!!! you can do it!!! i kinda started too but i haven't been really consistent (i should tho)
my mom doesn't comment about that stuff much either actually, i mean not even what your mom did, mine does not even notice i think lol
lots of love back at you with some extra sprinkles ✨
good luck with your exams you can do it (idk when they are but in advance)!!!
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maiverie · 2 years
hellooo mai !! here is my update hehe^^ i'll try to send messages more often but i don't rlly have that much to talk abt but i'll still try !!
i got my manifesto day 1 album but i didnt get sunghoon weverse pob :(( its ok cuz my pulls for the actual album were so good?? anyways i got jay in the uniform pob and hee in the other (they look saurr good) and my pulls were absolutely insane i got my entire bias line??? i got jake for the postcard and jungwon and sunghoon for the pcs ?!?!?! i was so surprised i got so lucky,,,
i tried getting another border carnival album but they didnt have hype ver :(( the guy at the store said everyone always goes for that ver so i got dimension dilemma instead and i'm pretty sure i have a sunoo curse (not complaining though) i was in a rush so i accidentally got the wrong ver but its not a big deal lmao
i got two sunoo pcs and i got niki for the poster ! so as of rn i have at 5 sunoo pcs (damn), 2 hee pcs, and one for everyone except jake (jake pls come home) but if i count the other things in albums then i've got members !
and my barista course was fun !! it was rlly stressful at the beginning cuz they kept feeding us lots of information in the beginning but the second part of the class was more chill and we did a bunch of stuff like fudge and latte art,,, i tasted one of my coffees and it surprisingly tasted good ? i genuinely thought it was gonna taste like absolute shit lmaoo the instructors complimented my first latte and my milk frothing so ig i found a hidden talent hehe
as of rn im listening to jungwon's live, i rlly hope the members rest well and get well soon !! they were so excited to promote paradoxxx invasion esp jay but they got covid so :((( but jungwon is genuinely one of the sweetest ppl on earth bc he kept reassuring engenes that they're all fine and he's even on live for us ( genuinely sobbing i love him so much)
also apparently we're getting actor hoon soon !! he'll be a cameo in the drama mimicus (?) which they sung an unreleased ost for !! 02z's names were mentioned but hoon's the only one confirmed as a cameo,,, saur excited to see actor hoon !!
since we both live in aus, im guessing its evening where you are? so i hope you had a very very great day today and you rest and sleep well !! i slept for 12 hours tday cuz i was so tired,, anyways hope you are well !! lots of love and take care <33
-- sunrise anon
OMGGG HI SUNRISE ANON MY FAVE <3333 nooo omg pls don't feel obligated or anything, though im always here to chat if u need!! <3
AAA CONGRATS ON PULLING UR BIAS LINE!!! that's so good al;kjfiwe i really wanted more jungwon pcs so congrats on getting him :(( YES TOTALLY AGREE the pob pcs are literally sosososo nice they look so good in their lil uniforms :< im obsessed w the pcs this cb fr T^T
ALSO AAA WOW REALLY??? i don't actually have any of the border carnival albums so thank u for the heads up </3 also omg SAME i swear i'm always pulling sunoo HHASHDJS ALTHOUGH ITS OKAY SINCE ALL HIS PCS ARE >>>
:00 NIKI POSTER??? THATS SO GOOD AA also omg im gna come over and rob u for those hee pcs hHSDJSDJ WATCH OUT SLEEP TIGHT
ALSO OMGGGG UR BARISTA COURSE AAA im sosoos happy to hear that u had fun!! omg new hidden skill unlocked?? plss not them complimenting u on ur coffee :< that's so cute i wanna try a course one day now :(( i'm a really big fan of coffee so laksjdf sounds like you had sm fun!!
JUNGWON WAS LIVE FOR 4 HOURS??? PLSS i love that boy so so much :(( i swear he has sm love for all his fans and even tho he must have been super bored w quarantine and all,,, i actually feel so touched that he was live for so long T^T he treats us so well im sobbing i love him sm. also!! who's ur bias btw??
YESS ACTOR HOON I HEARD!!! IM SAUR EXCITEDDDD like that's so cool,,, i honestly dont know what to expect but im really excited nevertheless hehe. aLSO O2Z?? STOP???? JAY IN A DRAMA?? JAKE??? IM SCREAMINGWE
omg 12 hours deserved!! i've been having pretty decent days, just super busy lately!! hope you've been safe n well <33 it's been raining a bit where i am so 😭
lots of love <33333
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
You Have Me - Bakugou Katsuki
Dad!Bakugou x Babysitter!reader
Warnings: Dad!Bakugou, Fingering, 18+, Cursing, pining, cheating, daddy kink (cuz duh)
Request: Dad Bakugou in love with his babysitter. She’s younger than him but still over legal drinking age and Bakugou is not too old. I just wanna see how he’d go about this whole situation ESPECIALLY if he was already married.
“F-Faster Katsuki!” You said as Bakugou pounded into you on the kitchen island.
“Shit baby...fuck, you like that shit? Like how daddy fucks your sweet cunt?” He teased as he hit your cervix. “You gonna give me another brat? Huh? C’mon Teddy Bear I know you can do it~”
His hand traveled to your clit as he toyed with your pretty pussy. Your legs shook as he worked his magic and you clenched around his cock.
“Ohh~ ‘M gonna cum!” You cried out. Your hands clawed at Katsuki’s back as he sucked his teeth in due to the stimulating pleasure.
“Do it. Cream all over my cock baby.” You obeyed his every command as you did what you were told and spilled all over him. Your orgasm didn’t stop him as he continued to ram into you. He sped up as he chased his own release and threw his head back.
“F-Fuck! Fuck baby,” he leaned down close to your face as he used his hand to grab your chin. “I love you. You fuckin’ understand me?” He said and brought a smack to your ass. “I love you Y/N.”
His voice grew whiny as his thrust became sloppy. You both were a moaning mess until Katsuki met his climax and filled you with his release. Right as he came, his lips met yours for a rough and passionate kiss that you both desperately moaned into. He continued to slowly thrust into you to push his cum deeper inside your womb as you tugged at his hair. Your lips finally separated as Katsuki stopped his thrusts. He rested his forehead against yours as you both held heavy breaths. He grinned at your dazed eyes and grew excited. He was sure he done enough to get you pregnant. He saw your soft, angelic features and listened carefully as you began to speak.
“Katsuki...it’s time to wake up.” You said with a smile.
“Huh?” Bakugou said in confusion as he lifted his face away from yours. You sat up and shoved his shoulder as your voice began to fade out.
“Wake up! ....Wake up Katsuki. Katsuki! ....Katsuki!”
“Katsuki! Wake up!”
The 25 year old man had his eyes shot open as he flinched the slightest bit. He awoke to his bitch of a wife smacking his upper body to get him to come to.
“Ugh, the hell do you want?” He groaned as he layed back down in bed.
“I want you to get out of bed! We’re supposed to be going to Aki’s party today! You owe me since you didn’t want to buy me those heels!” She complained. Bakugou rolled his eyes at the gold digger and shooed her away with his hand.
“Go by your damn self. I have a meeting today. I’m not going to one of your shitty friend’s stupid ass parties. And also, I don’t owe you shit. I’m not dropping three grand on a pair of heels for some bitch.” He said with his eyes still shut. He heard his wife gasp at his insults and he could already imagine her dropped jaw.
“Excuse me, but I’m not some bitch. I’m your wife-“
“Who’s a bitch.” Bakugou interrupted. He opened his piercing, crimson eyes as he watched her tilt her head to the ceiling and crossed her arms.
“Hmph! Fine then! I’ll go by myself!” She said and marched out the room and out the house. Bakugou groaned as he rolled onto his back and threw his arms over his eyes.
“Good. That’s what I wanted. Stupid bitch.” He said to no one in particular. He sighed as he held on to the memory of the sweet dream he was having before his wife had interrupted. The sweet dream of him completely indulging himself in Y/N L/N, his son’s babysitter.
Was it wrong for him to have these thoughts about Y/N while being married? Yes. But did Bakugou care? Not at all. He was so drawn to Y/N it was like love at first sight for him. Besides, he didn’t love his wife anyway. They dated for a year and the whole time, Bakugou completely hated it. Truthfully, Bakugou dated her for her looks and the sweet facade she put up, but when her true self came through, Bakugou knew he was done with her. Unfortunately, before he had the chance to break up with her, his son Katsuo, was conceived. So when the news of her pregnancy became known to him, the toxic couple decided to tie the knot and get married. What a poor decision.
Bakugou decided enough time had been spent in bed and so he got up and got ready. Once he was fresh and clean he checked the time and saw it was 8:30. He made breakfast and prepped the table. Once he was done, he walked to his son’s room to wake up the little guy.
Katsuo Bakugou. Katsuki’s precious son. Even though he wasn’t planned, Katsuki loved his dear boy regardless. It’s sad to say the same thing can’t be said with the boy’s mother. Leiko Hotashi, Katsuo’s mother, seemed to have no love for the child, or anyone other than herself and money. She complained the entire pregnancy, she didn’t smile at the first sight of him when he was born, and she didn’t bother to be around the little guy either. Katsuo basically grew up without a mother’s love but he turned out just fine because Katsuki’s love was more than enough. The constant absence of his mother didn’t bother him and the child didn’t seem to care whether she was around or not. It’s sad really, but what can you do?
Bakugou walked into the room and saw a tuff of blonde hair that resembled his own. He walked to his ‘mini me,’ and shook the 5 year old awake.
“Katsuo...wake up bud. C’mon.” Katsuki said in a surprisingly soft voice. He was greeted with a pair of red eyes that copied his own and he smiled down at his carbon copy. “C’mon bud, breakfast is ready.”
Katsuo sat up in bed and yawned as he rubbed one of his eyes with his tiny fist. Katsuki smiled at the cute sight. “G’morning dad!”
“Heh. Good morning bud now let’s. Go. We got a nice breakfast waiting for us,” Bakugou said as he picked up his son in his arms. Katsuo giggled in excitement as Katsuki walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen.
The two sat down at the island as they enjoyed their breakfast and Katsuki listened to his son babble on about nothing. It was a peaceful morning for the most part. Katsuki’s morning always consisted of his crazy wife being a nag but other than that, he enjoyed his mornings with his son.
“So, I have to go to work soon and Mom is gone, but Y/N is coming by in a bit to watch you.” Katsuki explained to the young boy who seemed to light up at the mention of your name.
“Y/N’s coming?! Yay!” The boy shouted. Katsuo loved you. You’ve been his babysitter for 2 years and you already had the child (and his father) wrapped around your finger. Without knowing it, you showered the boy in motherly love, something that he never really got to experience. As we already stated, Bakugou felt drawn to you as if it was love at first sight, but seeing the way you interacted with his son just sealed the deal for him.
The two continued their meal and when they were done, Katsuki had the child wash up and get ready for your arrival. He cleaned up in the kitchen and by the time he was done, you knocked on the door. Bakugou felt his heart race at the knowledge of your presence and before he ran to the door, he stopped infront of a mirror to check himself. He fixed his hair and adjusted his clothes to fit more comfortably and then ran to the door. Before opening it, he placed his hand on the knob, took a breath, and then pulled the door open to be blessed with the sight of your beauty. “Y/N! Hi!”
“Heh, hey Katsuki.” You said as you stood at the door with a smile. You weren’t dumb. You always noticed how nervous Bakugou was whenever you were around. His crush was a little obvious to you and even though you felt something for the handsome hero, you never made any advances for the man. He was married and had a kid! There’s no way any sort of relationship was happening. Luckily, a very flirtatious friendship blossomed between you two and you grew so close that you both reached a first name basis.
Y/N L/N. A beautiful woman at the pretty age of 23. She was not only beauty, but she was brains, strength, and grace. She was a fierce and charming lady who had poison on her tongue but a fluffy heart of gold. The lot of you may be thinking that a 23 year old woman should be doing more than babysitting, but Y/N is still fairly young. And besides, babysitting was just a side gig. You had an actual career and owned your own dance studio but ever since you met the Bakugous, you just couldn’t give up on the little job.
“...Umm...Katsuki. Are you gonna keep staring or are you gonna let me in?” You said with a chuckle. Bakugou embarrassingly snapped out of his trance before speaking.
“Right! Uh, come in,” he said and stepped aside for you to enter. You nodded with a smile and walked into the large home, took a seat on the soft couch and you waited for Katsuo to come down. In the meantime, Katsuki always took the opportunity to make small talk with you.
“So..how’ve you been? It’s been awhile since you came over to watch Katsuo.” Katsuki said as he took a seat that was pretty close to you.
“Yeah, sorry about that. The studio’s just been pretty hectic with more clients coming in. Even before I came here, I dropped off some choreography for a heels class that I’m teaching tonight.” You said. The mention of your upcoming class made Katsuki a little excited. Your studio commonly filmed classes to post online for publicity and when Katsuki found videos of you dancing/teaching a heels class, he couldn’t help but constantly admire the view.
“Still coulda’ came by to at least say hi or something,” he said with a gruff but obvious sarcastic voice. “S’been forever since I- I mean since Katsuo saw you.”
“Relax dummy,” you said with a giggle as you playfully slapped his arm. “I’ve only been gone a week.”
Bakugou pretended to be in pain as he placed a hand over his chest, slumped in his seat, and scrunched his face. “Ouch. Don’t remind me. Like I said, it’s been forever.”
You both laughed at his little joke as he sat up straight again. You looked around the house and after seeing a few family pictures hanging, you decided to bring up another topic. “So..where’s the Mrs.?”
“Tch. She’s out at some random party.” He said as he stretched out his neck. You raised your brow and smirked at his answer.
“Oh? Is somebody upset he got left behind?” You teased which made Bakugou cackle a bit.
“Yeah right! Like I care about that nag. She could leave for an eternity and I wouldn’t care and neither would the kid. Besides, it’d just give me the opportunity to get a little closer to you.” He said as he leaned in a little closer and you did the same.
“Oh really?” You said with a smile.
“Really.” He replied back with a face that mimicked your own. Soon enough, his hand found a place on your inner thigh and gave it a squeeze. Your lips slightly separated with a tiny gasp and Bakugou definitely took notice of that. Things would’ve continued if it wasn’t for the sudden voice of a child.
“Y/N!” Katsuo said in excitement as he took notice of you on the couch. You and Bakugou jumped and quickly separated before the child could even get an idea of what was about to happen. You were quick to stand and greet the small boy as you crouched down to his level and gave him a hug.
“Hi Katsuo!” You said with your award winning smile. Katsuki watched from the couch as Katsuo went on and on about all the things he wanted to do today and the only thing that appeared in his head was a new family picture but with you in it instead of Leiko.
“Alright bud,” Bakugou said as he got up from the couch, walking to the two. “I gotta get to work but enjoy your day with Y/N, okay? And be good.” Bakugou said as he ruffled his boy’s blonde hair.
“I’m always good, dad!” The boy pouted as he swatted away his father’s hand. You laughed at their interaction and Bakugou chuckled before kissing the crown of his son’s head and walking to the front door.
“Bye Katsuo!” He said from the exit. You walked him to the exit and before he left he turned to you. He checked to make sure his son wasn’t watching before making his move. He grabbed your chin with his fingers to make you face him and softly spoke. “And I’ll see you later tonight, beautiful.”
You smiled and rolled your eyes at his compliment then said your thanks. You expected him to leave after that and so you tried to walk back to Katsuo but before you could, Katsuki pulled your wrist, grabbed your chin again, and pecked your cheek before exiting and slamming the door shut. You stood with a shocked expression as you felt blood rush to your cheeks.
Although you knew you felt something special for Katsuki, you knew he was married. And you weren’t no homewrecker! Even though some may see it as a harmless little peck on the cheek, you couldn’t help but feel guilty for his growing affections towards you. You sighed a bit before calming down and walking to the blonde boy waiting for you in the living room. You were going to enjoy your time with Katsuo but the return of his father stirred up a little confusion in your chest.
Hours passed. When you arrived it was 9:30 a.m. Now, it’s 10:00 p.m., and you expected Bakugou to be home soon. You didn’t really expect to see Leiko. Whenever Katsuki mentioned she was out partying, she never came back while you were around. It’s not that she was purposely avoiding you, she just tend to stay out into late hours of the night.
Katsuo was supposed to be in bed half an hour ago but his puppy eyes got the best of you and so you stayed up an extra hour to watch a quick movie with him. In the middle of the screening, he fell asleep on you and so you turned off the T.V and carried him to bed. After tucking him in, you walked away but felt a tug on your arm. Your turned to see Katsuo with sleepy eyes staring up at you. “Yes Katsuo?”
“Sing me to sleep again. Please Y/N,” the sweet boy asked. You smiled down at him and nodded. You took a seat on his bed side as you ran your fingers through his soft, spiked, blonde hair and sang.
As you sung Katsuo to sleep, you didn’t even notice the front door opening. Katsuki walked in feeling a little excited to see Y/N again but when he walked through the door he heard an angelic voice. He placed his bag down and followed the sound into his son’s room. Once he made it there, he stood in the doorway and listened to your voice and watched as you sung his child to sleep.
Your calming voice sent a blush to Katsuki’s face as he smiled and watched. Your voice was like honey. Smooth and sweet. The way you took care of Katsuo filled Katsuki with a type of happiness he never experienced before. He notice you ran your fingers through his son’s hair and Katsuki couldn’t help but feel a little envious of his own child.
“Don’t go away, stay another day~”
You finished the song and smiled as you saw Katsuo finally asleep. You leaned down and pecked his forehead before getting up to leave his room. As you looked towards the doorway, you jumped at the sight of Katsuki’s tall figure leaning against the frame.
“Katsuki, hey. I didn’t even realize you came home. How was work?” You asked. Your question made Katsuki smile, as it was similar to something a wife would ask her husband after a long day. It was something Katsuki never got to experience, even though he was already married. He smiled at you with kind eyes before tilting his head to signal you to follow him. You smiled softly and nodded as you followed Katsuki down the stairs.
For the past hour you and Katsuki had been laughing and talking. You followed Katsuki into the kitchen where he made you both some tea where you then both found seats in the living room. There, you talked some more and you both enjoyed the private company. Eventually, Katsuki grew bold and walked back into the kitchen and returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses.
“Heh, real smooth Romeo.” You teased and Bakugou chuckled as he rolled his eyes as sat down. You both picked up another conversation and eventually reached your second glass.
“Thanks for always taking care of Katsuo the way you do, Y/N.” Bakugou said with a slight blush. And it wasn’t just the alcohol causing it.
“What do you mean?” You asked, your face holding a similar blush for the same reasons. Safe to say you were both a little tipsy tonight. Not drunk but filled with a little liquid courage.
“I don’t know..like a mom?” His words caught your attention and your gaze encouraged him to continue. “Katsuo..doesn’t have the greatest mom in the world. I think everybody knows that. Honestly, if she wasn’t around at all, Katsuo wouldn’t even know the difference. But you? You’re like the mother he never got....the mother he should’ve got.”
You felt a growing heat flow in your face and you smiled at the sweet compliment. You can’t lie, sometimes you did see Katsuo as your son. You didn’t have kids but you always wanted some. Having Katsuo around was like having a son of your own. “Awe, thanks Katsuki.”
“You shouldn’t thank me, it’s just insane how you’re the actual definition of perfect.” He said before taking a sip of wine.
“Stop it,” you said and playfully hit his arm again. You both put your glasses down and he laughed a bit before continuing.
“No, I’m serious. I mean, c’mon you’re beautiful, smart, kind, sassy,” he began.
“Yeah..and,” you said as you both began to face each other.
“You’re great with kids, you’re good at everything, you have a steady career, you have a passion,” he continued.
“Mhmm..” you said while smiling at his words. You shuffled a little bit closer to him on the couch and Bakugou smiled when he noticed.
“...You’re perfect Y/N.” He focused his gaze on you as he became entranced with your E/C eyes. He leaned in close and you did the same. “...You’re the perfect one for me.”
At those words, you both closed the gap between you two and kissed. Your lips were pressed together for a few seconds before you both pulled away for the same amount of time. During that time, Bakugou kept his lips hovering over yours before pecking your lips a few times and then giving you a real, passionate kiss. Due to the small amount of alcohol in your system you happily returned it. Your hands found way into his hair and his found home on your waist. When you took a small breath, Bakugou slipped his tongue in and you both fought for dominance. In the heat of the moment, Bakugou carried you to sit on his lap and you followed his lead. Your tongues continued to tangle as Bakugou’s hands caressed your body.
They moved down to the hill of your ass and gave it a firm squeeze. You moaned into the kiss and it was music to his ears. Almost as good as the sweet lullaby you sang an hour ago. Soon enough, his hands traveled under your shirt and bra to fondle your plush breast. This made you let go of the kiss and throw your head back as you released soft moans. Bakugou didn’t stop and went into kiss your neck. He left sweet pecks before he left a few hickeys. His mouth moved around your neck before he found your sweet spot, earning a needy sound from you. Bakugou began nipping at the spot and licking the soft skin. His actions caused your hands to tug at his hair and made your hips naturally grind against his center. This made Bakugou groan as he gently layed you on your back on the couch. His body found way in between your legs as he separated from your neck and took notice of your flushed face. He smirked at the sight and his eyes traveled to your shirt, where his hands were hidden under. Deciding to change that, his hands left your valley of breast to push your shirt and bra up to expose your chest.
“Beautiful...” was what he whispered before going in to take one of your mounds in his mouth. You gasped and squealed at the sensation of his mouth covering one breast and his hand massaging the other. Bakugou continued to mark up your chest, leaving love bites and bruises all over.
“Ngh...Katsuki..” you whined. Both your centers began to grind against each other as the two of you were pretty much dry humping one another. Bakugou bit at your nipple, causing you to squirm.
“Easy Princess, I got you. Daddy’s got you, Love.” He said as he used both hands to rub soothing motions into your bare waist. You settled as Katsuki kissed a trail back up to your neck and whispered into your ear. “I’m gonna take such good care of you tonight, Y/N.”
His hand glided off your chest, down your stomach and down your pants. His movements had the wetness between your legs growing and his husky voice definitely didn’t calm it down. His hands slid into your panties and his finger took a swipe at your slick.
“So wet...and it’s all for me..right baby?” He smirked against your cheek.
“Y-Yes Katsuki!” You said as you attempted to grind against his hand before Katsuki pulled it away.
“Try again,” he said with a seductive tone. You were confused on what he meant but you were growing so desperate for a touch. His touch. So your mind began to scramble and think. Master? No. Sir? No. Senpai? Hell no.
“..Daddy.” You softly said. You watched as Bakugou’s smirk grew before he kissed your cheek in approval.
“Good girl.” His finger soon returned to your center and after running it up and down a few times, he slowly pushed two in. You gasped at his thick length as Bakugou pumped his hand in and out of you. Wanting to test the waters a bit more, he slid in a third finger as he picked up the speed a bit.
“O-Oh my god!” Your hips began to grind against his hand and Bakugou curled his fingers. “Fuck!”
“Feel good, baby?” Bakugou asked as he began to grind against the underside of your thigh. Your lower body began to slightly shake as his fingers reached a sensitive spot.
“Yes Daddy!” You cried out. You felt the coil in your stomach tightening, signaling a familiar sensation to almost be reached. Growing more riled up and wanting more room on the couch, Bakugou began to throw the decor pillows off the couch. The pillows flew around the living room knocking a few things over, including the family picture. The sound reached your ears and the sight of the broken frame snapped you out of your pleasured state. Your eyes grew wide as you finally came to and realized what you were doing. “Ngh, no!”
You pushed Katsuki off of you and pulled your shirt back down to cover yourself back up. Bakugou looked at you in shock and confusion as he watched you sit up and settle down. “Y/N...?”
Your hands covered your face for a second before rubbing at your temples for a bit. “No, I- ..*sigh* I’m so sorry Katsuki.”
“Uh..no..I-..I guess that was my fault. I’m sorry I just...”
“Ugh..no. Katsuki it’s not that.”
“I just thought you..felt the same way,” he said as he sat back and rubbed the back of his neck.
“No, Katsuki I do, really, it’s just...”
“So then..why’d you stop?” He asked as he looked at you with a nervous and awkward smile.
“Katsuki..you’re married. I’m sorry, I really like you but..I just can’t bring myself to come onto someone who is already in a relationship.” You explained.
‘Wow. She really is a perfect person,’ Bakugou thought to himself. “Y/N, if that’s the problem then don’t worry about it. I don’t even love Leiko, much less like that bitch.” Bakugou moved in to wrap his arm around your waist but you pushed it away.
“So then why are you still with her?” You asked. Katsuki smirked at your words and laughed a little.
“S’a good question,” he said. Right after those words left his mouth, keys could be heard opening the door and in came the bitch herself.
“What’s a good question?” Leiko said as she looked around. She took notice of yours and Katsuki’s presence on the couch, along with the bottle of wine and empty, used glasses. “Well? Is somebody going to explain? What was the question?” Leiko asked as she walked into the house, closing the front door.
Bakugou smiled at you with full eye contact before standing up and facing his wife. “Why am I still with you?”
Leiko raised a brow at the question and her anger began to boil. “What?” She sternly asked.
“Why am I still with you? I don’t love you, I don’t like you, I only stayed with you because we had Katsuo, our child which you don’t even love. In fact, the only thing you do love is my money, or more so, money in general, and yourself. You’re a conceited ass bitch who’s just taking up space in my life. You’re suffocating Katsuo and I by just existing and you’re holding the title of my wife, a title that Y/N should have. So why the fuck am I still with you?” Bakugou said with a stern voice.
“You-...You’re with me because I’m the mother of your child.” Leiko said with hesitation in her voice.
“Are you? Because you’re never around to be a mother for him. Katsuo doesn’t even care whether you’re here or not. Your presence in the house doesn’t make a damn difference. If anything, Y/N’s more of a mother to Katsuo than you.” Bakugou replied.
You grew uncomfortable with the situation and made an attempt to leave. “Umm..I think I should go-“
“No,” Bakugou began. “You’re staying. I want you to see this thing through to the end, beautiful.”
“Beautiful?! The only woman you should be calling beautiful is your wife Katsuki!” Leiko complained. “Not that slut!”
Now you were a uncomfortable but you were not no slut and you definitely didn’t take shit from nobody. “Excuse me?” You said with attitude but before you could continue, Bakugou intervened.
“Call her a slut again and I’ll blow your ass to bits. Let’s not forget, you had the title of a whore before being called my wife.” Bakugou said with the intent to cause pain.
“Well I may have been a whore but at least I never cheated, which is what I’m sure you were planning on doing with her if I hadn’t come home.” Leiko said.
“You’re damn right I was! Lucky for you, Y/N’s a good person so nothing actually went down but if she gave me the chance, please fucking believe I’d take it in a heartbeat. Matter of fact, if she gave me the chance to wife her up and make her Katsuo’s new mom I’d do that in a heartbeat too.” Bakugou said while looking at you. You felt your heart speed up a little due to his confession but you turned your head to the side to hide your growing blush. Bakugou smirked at the sight before Leiko interrupted.
“What the hell are you trying to say?!” Leiko asked with anger.
“I’m saying I don’t love or like you and I never did! And after 2 years of getting to know Y/N after falling for her at first sight, I can finally fucking say that I’m in love with somebody and it’s her!” Bakugou turned to face you as his wife’s jaw dropped. “Y/N, I’m fucking in love with you. Alright? I have been for the past 2 years already, ever since I met you. And to the bitch behind me,” Bakugou said and turned to face Leiko. “If it wasn’t already obvious, we’re getting a divorce.”
Leiko was fuming as her face grew red with anger. She began laughing in disbelief. “Hah, fine! Fine whatever! Like I give a fuck! Y/N you can have him and the damn kid! I never wanted him anyway! The damn brat just gave me an excuse to keep Bakugou’s fat wallet around. But when you come crawling back, don’t expect me to say yes Katsuki!”
“Well don’t expect me to come crawling back, ‘cause if I’m able to get Y/N to give me a chance, then I won’t be needing anyone else except for her and my son. You can get the fuck out now. I’ll send you your shit and the divorce papers to wherever the fuck you decide to stay.” Bakugou said as he gestured to the door. Leiko screamed some more nonsense that nobody payed attention to and finally walked out the door and slammed it shut.
Silence rang throughout the house for a few minutes after the official split between the toxic couple. Bakugou turned to face you with a small smile as he stood infront of you.
“Well?” He asked.
“Heh, well what?” You asked with a laugh.
“I uh..heh, it wasn’t the way I wanted to tell you but I got my confession out...” Bakugou took a seat next to you and took hold of your hand. He brought it up to his lips, placing a peck to your knuckles before speaking. “..I love you Y/N. I know I do..and I know this might be a bad time to ask considering what just went down-“
“Uh, yeah. A really bad time,” you said with a little giggle.
“Right but umm..do you...how do you feel about me?” He asked with a nervous pulse beating throughout his body. He had to know. Do you love him just for his looks? Did you just want to fuck? Did you actually feel something towards him?
You smiled before using your other hand to grab hold of Katsuki’s shoulder and pulled him in for a sweet kiss. Katsuki’s body jumped in excitement but his hands were quick to hold onto your waist. This kiss was sweet and loving and lasted for some time before you pulled back. You smiled at the blonde as he looked at you with anticipating eyes.
“I love you too Katsuki.” Before you could even process anything, Katsuki had already pounced on you and pinned you to the couch in a hug. He had his arms wrapped around your waist as he tucked his head in the crevasse of your neck.
“God, I’ve been waiting years to hear you say those words.” Bakugou said before he began covering your face in thousands of loving kissed. You giggled at the ticklish and loving feeling and just smiled as you allowed Katsuki to show you his love.
Time passed and you and Katsuki stayed cuddled up on the couch. Nothing sexual, nothing nasty, just pure love induced cuddle time. Eventually, the late hours of the night exposed themselves and so you had to go.
“Katsuki, get up,” you said in a soft voice.
“No.” You laughed at his quick reply and began to push at his body to get him off.
“C’mon Katsuki seriously. I have to go home!” You said with another laugh.
“No. Katsuo and I are your new home.” He said, making his body become dead weight to stop you from going.
“Oof! Katsuki!! C’mon!” You whined out with a chuckle. Katsuki laughed with you but you kept trying. “You both are my new home, but my old home has comfy pjs for me to sleep in.”
“I can give you one of my shirts to sleep in. You’d look so amazing in them, princess.” He said with a smile as he imagined how you’d look prancing around in his clothes. It wasn’t the first time he thought about it but just knowing it was so close to becoming true sent butterflies all over his body.
“C’mon Katsuki. You already made me miss my class, the least you could do is let me go back to my apartment.” You said. Bakugou raised his head to look at you with a grin plastered on his face.
“You stayed on your own free will. S’not my fault you love talking to me. Let’s not forget what happened after our long talk too,” Bakugou said, hinting at your scandalous acts with him before you stopped anything else from happening. You rolled your eyes at his words before he spoke up again. “Matter of fact, maybe we should pick up where we left off,” he said and began kissing your cheek.
“Noooo, Katsuki, seriously. I’m tired, I just want to sleep.” You said with a smile.
“So sleep here,” he bargained. You looked at him with a raised brow, silently asking him to go on. “I was serious about having you stay over. You can sleep in my shirt and we can both fall asleep in the guest room.”
“Both of us in the guest room?” You questioned.
“Yeah. I’d let you sleep in my room but I’m not letting that bitch’s leftover presence contaminate you.” You laughed at his insults but allowed him to continue. “And yes both of us. I’m not going to sleep without my princess in my arms.”
You couldn’t lie, the sound of falling asleep in Katsuki’s arms in his clothes was pretty tempting. After taking a look at Katsuki and seeing the same puppy eyes that Katsuo was able to persuade you with, you gave in.
“Yes!” Bakugou said with a fist in the air as he cuddled in closer.
Bakugou finally let you go and allowed you to take a shower. While you were in there, he took a quick drive to the corner store and bought some compression shorts for you. When he returned he left one of his shirts and a pair of the compression shorts for you on the guest bed as he went to get ready for bed in his own room. You walked into the guest room and saw the shorts and shirt and put them on. You looked in the mirror and noticed the shorts weren’t even noticeable considering their tiny length and the large size of Katsuki’s shirt. While staring at yourself, Katsuki walked in wearing nothing but gray sweats. He took a glance at you and was drooling over your body in his clothes.
“...Wow,” he whispered but you heard. You turned to face him and smiled. You walked to him and wrapped you arms around his neck.
“Hey Suki, ready for bed?” You said. Bakugou smiled at the new name as a small blush dusted over his cheeks.
“New name for you. Like it?” You asked.
“Love it.” He said and pecked your lips before picking you up and carrying you to the bed. He dropped you onto the soft mattress and flopped on top of you. You both laughed a little before getting under the blankets and cuddling up against each other again.
Time passed and Katsuki felt at peace finally with you in his arms. Like the missing part of him was finally filled in. You were so happy and felt so loved in the safety of his arms. Staying the night was definitely worth it.
“I’m so glad Y/N. I love you so much and I’ve wanted you for so long.” He said with your head tucked under his chin. You smiled at his words and nuzzled into his chest.
“Well congrats Katsuki. ‘Cause now, you have me.” Katsuki kissed the crown of your head before falling asleep. And when he woke up that morning to find you in the kitchen with Katsuo on your hip as you made breakfast, he smiled with a full heart as he walked to you both and remembered your words.
“You have me.”
A/N: Hey y’all, for a better experience with the story, I do recommend clicking the link where Y/N sang to Katsuo. I put two links in the story. The heels class and Y/N’s singing, (which is from Rio 2, Jewel’s lullaby) Don’t judge me, that’s the best lullaby ever😂 If you don’t know what a heels class is in dancing, it is basically...dancing with heels😂 Umm...yeah. THE ENDING IS SO RUSHED, IM SO SORRY!
TAGLIST:  @sxcker4you @aomi04
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tendouluvr · 3 years
aizawa calling you clingy - gn reader
- [attempt at] angst to fluff
- warnings: being called clingy, aizawa gets annoyed with reader and berates them, one use of the word ‘shit’
- wc: 1.9k
a/n: this wasnt......as sad as i wanted... i cant tell if im just not so good at writing angst or immune to it T_T
once again, not edited!
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#! aizawa!!!! eee
#! hes a levelheaded man so arguments are rare
#! u both trust one another so theres no reason to have doubts in ur relationship
#! being his s/o, he tells u things thats not so easy to tell others over time, and you’re patient enough to let him take however much time he needs to let u in
#! however, years of keeping to himself most of the time doesnt just disappear even if you’re his s/o
#! so aizawa does have this tendency to close off and distance himself from u bc of his stress and insecurities
walking through the spacious halls of ua, you were headed towards your lovely boyfriend. aizawas been pretty busy lately with teaching his class, making sure no one is being left behind progress wise, doing his job as a pro-hero, and then spending his free time training with shinsou.
you knew showing up at school unexpectedly was something aizawa found irky, that’s why you made sure to tell him the night before that you would be coming during lunch time to bring him some yummy homemade food.
humming softly to yourself, you finally reached the door opening to class 1-A and walked in. the classroom was empty, but there at the front was no one other than mr. aizawa shouta. you quickly greeted him with a smile and he turned to look at you.
“what are you doing here?” he slowly asked with a look of confusion.
“i brought you some food! did you eat yet? i hope not, i made-,” you quickly stopped talking once you noticed the look he was giving you.
“why are you here? i already told you, you shouldnt be showing up without letting me know first. our relationship is quiet, if the students see they’ll get noisy and ask questions, i’ll get bombarded by my colleagues, and it’ll put you in danger if words get out. did anyone see you coming here? can you listen to me for once instead of continuing to always be near me? you’re so damn clingy and need to start thinking about the consequences your action will bring. i already ate, just go home before anything happens.”
your jaw dropped a little after hearing what he just said to you. did he not remember what you told him last night?
worst of all, you couldnt believe he just called you clingy. you just wanted to do something nice for him by making his favorite food hoping that it’ll relieve some of the stress thats been building up, but he just thought of you as clingy.
fine, if clingy is what you are then you’ll stop bothering him. you quickly whispered an apology, not sure if he could hear or not, and began making your way back home as fast as possible. the food you made for him was still tightly grasped in your hand.
due to the new dormitories, aizawa stays at ua majority of the time. he comes home to your shared apartment whenever he can to spend time with you. unfortunately, those time aren’t usually much because as soon as he’s free, he’s quick to do something else.
once you’ve made it home, you packed the food away and put it in the fridge. you felt your phone buzzing repeatedly, already guessing who it could possibly be, you took it out to see it was your boyfriend.
shou <3: im sorry
shou <3: honey, im so sorry. pls text me back when u can
shou <3: i know what i said hurted u, but i promise u i dont mean it. pls just call me or text me so we can talk about this
shou <3: i have to go back now. but i love u. so much.
staring at your screen, you contemplated texting him back.
letting out a sigh, you decided not to.
putting your phone to the side, you walked to the bedroom and changed out of your clothes into the comfy pjs you were wearing right before you left.
seeing that there was nothing for you to do other than wallow in your insecurities and let out a few tears, you got into bed and made yourself comfortable for an afternoon nap.
aizawa on the other hand was at school and distracted. his own words kept replaying over and over in his head and all he wants to do is smack himself a few times (after comforting u ofc).
his students could tell he was in a badder mood than usual so they collectively agreed to not worsen it (one particular student does not care. can u guess?). aizawa just wanted the day to pass so he can apologize to you directly and make it up with some cuddling.
despite being distracted with planning his apology and thinking about you, he was still teaching as he should and constantly telling his students to be quiet because he’s intimidating like that.
a few hours passed, the students are back in their dorms and some of the teachers are still in school finishing up some work. the hallways were empty and silent, and the weather outside was nice and calm - not too sunny with just the right amount of wind.
however, if you were to peek your head inside of class 1-A at the moment, the environment is an exact 180. aizawa is quickly trying to grade the remaining stack of papers he has on his desk so he can leave as soon as he can. there’s papers everywhere, he’s not so sure where the answer key went off to but to hell with the answer key. he just needs to go home.
his hair is messily tied up and his lips have probably been gnawed off by now. as soon as school ended, he got out his phone to see if you replied and sadly you didn’t. he doesn’t blame you though, considering all of the shit he said to you earlier. 
finally writing down the fat score in red pen onto the final paper, he gathers everything and put to the side of his desk and packed up his stuff. his stuff being his yellow sleeping bag and that’s it.
he went to his room first to clean himself up a bit, and then grabbed a taxi to go to your shared apartment. arriving at the front door, he takes out his copy of the key and entered.
first thing he noticed while entering and taking off his shoes was that the apartment was dark and quiet. he made his way to the kitchen first and turned on its lights to check the fridge. in the fridge laid the food you made for him earlier today. he took it out to start heating it up in the microwave then he walks away from the food and to your bedroom.
quietly opening the door, he poked his head in to see you laying on your side with your back facing the door. he assumed you were asleep and gently closed the door to not wake you up. he made his way over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. 
you, feeling the bed dip, slowly opened your eyes to be greeted with the sight of your boyfriend gingerly brushing his fingertips across your cheekbones. he notices that you’re awake and looks up to meet your eyes.
making eye contact with him, you quietly grunted and brought the blanket up to cover your face while turning your entire body to the other side to ignore him. aizawa sighed and brought his hand down to rest on your waist as he begins talking.
“yn... i know you’re.. mad at me for the things i said to you earlier, but i’m truly sorry. i know saying i didn’t mean it isn’t good enough for you to forgive me, but i want you to know i’m really really sorry. i’ve been so busy for the past few days, my head is all over the place, seeing you at school just got me overthinking and worried that i ended up saying things about you that’s not true at all. i love you so much, hun. you’re the best thing to happen to me. you don’t have to forgive me now, i understand if you want some space.”
it was silent for some time after he finished his apology. the echoing silence was slowly making aizawa worried that you’ll leave him, but he won’t tell you that. thinking that you wanted space, he lifted his shaky hand off of your waist and moved to get off of the bed when you suddenly grabbed onto his hand to keep him there.
“i...i told you the day before that i was going to be visiting you during lunch time. did you not remember? or even hear me tell you?”
aizawa situated himself back down onto the bed before replying. “if i’m being honest, i don’t really remember much of that day at all. my brain was occupied with work and rest, so i was practically drained by the end of the night. i’m sorry i took it out on you, it’s my fault for overworking when i know you’ve been trying to help.”
letting out a soft sigh, you turned your body back towards him. still holding onto his hand, you carefully slotted your fingers in between his and pulled him down to lay with you. he immediately found comfort in this and placed his head into your neck. you could feel his facial hair against your skin making you let out a quiet giggle.
“i love you. i know you have a habit to overwork since that’s all you did before we dated, but please shou, take care of yourself. im not talking physically, cuz you’re already so damn fine, but mentally. i hate seeing you bury yourself in work and training that it even makes me tired just watching you.”
he grumbled something against your neck - his usual reaction to you complimenting him - and held onto you tighter while putting light kisses on your collarbone.
“i know. i will. please bear with me, i know i’m a pain but i’ll always try to be my best for you. i’m never letting you go, love you too much for that.”
“hmm? who said i’m going? you’re stuck with me forever just so you know,” you laughed and patted his head before rising from the bed.
“i heard you heating up the food earlier. get up and come eat,” you tugged aizawa to get him off the bed.
he grumbled once again because he was being forced to leave the warm comfort of your shared bed, but followed you out anyway holding onto your hand.
“wait. you heard me entering? so you were pretending to sleep when i got here?! not funny, babe. not funny. -also don’t take sleep for granted. i did and look where that got me. stop laughing!”
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it was the next day and aizawa just finished passing out the grades he rushed grading yesterday. even though it was rushed, he was confident that there wasn’t any mistakes-
“aizawa sensei, you marked this question wrong when it’s right. this one too. and this other one on the last page. are you trying to fail me?!” denki dramatically wailed as he showed aizawa his papers.
guess he did make mistakes after all.
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