dustyandsilver · 2 months
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silvascribble · 2 months
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Spock and Spirk
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rabbitcruiser · 14 days
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Star Trek Day
People around the world mark Star Trek Day on September 8 to celebrate the legacy of one of the best stories, films, and T.V. shows in history. As one of the most beloved works of pop culture, “Star Trek” still enjoys a loyal fan base even after so many years. Ever since the release of the first T.V. show in the series, the “Star Trek” universe kept garnering attention and wonder at its hope-filled and futuristic vision.
History of Star Trek Day
“Star Trek” was initially conceived as a T.V. series about the cosmos. The first episode was aired in 1966, on September 8, the date of the holiday. Although the ratings of this first series kept dropping throughout the season, later installations proved much more successful. The show was canceled after some years. However, in 1969, reruns of the show helped garner a cult following.
The first “Star Trek” convention was organized in 1972, which was attended by thousands of fans, surprisingly. This attested to the success of the show and the originality of its premise, which later led to the network, Paramount, reviving the series. Paramount produced the “Star Trek” animated series, which won an Emmy Award, as well as The Motion Picture, which performed fairly well at the box office.
The first major success of the Star Trek saga would be “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan,” the second film in the series. Star Trek would eventually amass six film productions, all of which are now considered classics. Later on, in 1987, Paramount would reintroduce the Star Trek universe back into television, with the production of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” As of the 2000s, “Star Trek” is by far the most successful franchise for Paramount, and will continue to release additional installations to the original work. Even now, several “Star Trek”-themed T.V. shows, animated series, and movies are still in production. This cultural significance is what makes “Star Trek” deserving of a dedicated annual celebration.
Star Trek Day timeline
The First Episode
'The Man Trap,' which is the first Star Trek episode, is broadcast.
The First Movie
The Motion Picture is the first “Star Trek” feature film, and is directed by Robert Wise.
“The Next Generation” Begins
One of the most memorable “Star Trek” series, “The Next Generation,” begins its first installation.
The Reboots
“Star Trek” releases the earliest eponymous reboot film, intended to revive the “Star Trek” legacy for younger audiences.
Star Trek Day FAQs
Who is Star Trek’s most popular character?
Although there are many answers to this, and Star Trek fans are constantly debating this point, Mr. Spock is largely considered the most famous character in all of the series.
What was Captain Kirk’s catchphrase?
Captain Kirk, played largely by William Shatner, is by far the main protagonist of the series. However, he didn’t have a catchphrase.
Did Captain Kirk ever meet Archer?
Captain Kirk started out very young; Archer was around 40 years old at that time and so the two never meet.
Star Trek Day Activities
Binge watch the series: Star Trek is considered one of the greatest media franchises in the world. It offers amazing stories and an expansive universe. Watching the series and its productions is one of the best ways to celebrate this special day.
Host watching parties: Watching parties are incredibly popular amongst loyal Trekkies. It is one of the best ways to share your passion for this series, as well as to discover the great stories it offers.
Attend the convention: Star Trek Day is usually celebrated as part of the “Star Trek” Convention. Attending this event will put you at the center of “Star Trek” related festivities. Make sure you check out all the organized events and participate.
5 Interesting Facts About “Star Trek”
Captain Spock was originally red: In the original screenplays, Captain Spock was supposed to have red skin but was later changed.
Eddie Murphy turned down a role: Eddie Murphy was going to be cast in “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home,” but he turned down the role.
The only person to play himself: Stephen Hawking, the American cosmologist, is the only person to play himself in the series, “The Next Generation.”
A Royal fan: Abdullah II, the King of Jordan, is a huge fan and even has a silent cameo appearance in the Voyager episode, “Investigations.”
William Shatner has never watched the series: Although he played a protagonist role, William Shatner has never watched the series.
Why We Love Star Trek Day
It’s one of the most recognizable series: Star Trek is still one of the most recognizable series in the history of T.V. and cinema. It is still an important part of pop culture and yields an important fan base. This celebration is indeed a recognition of the series’ significance.
“Star Trek” is fun to watch: It has amazing stories and is very fun to watch. If you’re wondering what to binge-watch next, “Star Trek” is definitely a winning choice.
Popular among different generations: “Star Trek” is one of the very few series that can yield fans from different generations. Be it the original series, the great movies produced in the ‘80s, or the recent reboots, “Star Trek” indeed offers something for everyone.
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famousbob · 2 years
An Ancestor of Mine . . . (formerly SpockLock)
Can Professor Moriarty blackmail Sherlock Holmes? He has evidence that the examination of a cosmic string by StarTrek’s Mr. Spock went horribly awry, and stranded him in Victorian England. In his new home, a surprise onset of Pon Farr leads to an encounter with a Wold Newton descendant - Violet Rutherford, a progressive English adventuress with eclectic interests and friends. Their relationship stretches the Prime Directive to the breaking point and leads to the birth of both Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes.  It could explain so much!
Free download. Eight years in the making, announced at 221bCon in 2015.
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markerblue · 3 hours
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WIP of Spock and my OC, Sari.
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bylertruther · 2 years
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cattatoir · 1 year
Love it when my 72 year old father gripes about Star Trek. He complained to me repeatedly today Kirk told Klingons “go climb a tree”
Boomers say let Kirk say fuck
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Switch: The Other Side Part 9
Guys, I have no good excuse. My friend hates me because I did not get things done for her birthday but here I am now trying to complete this story. I've never really finished any story so this is a feat in and of itself. I hope if you're still invested, you'll finish this out with me.
Synopsis: Aged up Married Pro hero!Deku and Bakugo.
Summary: Kami ends up in the hospital and everyone learns the truth.
Warnings: Some peril and danger, bit of angst and anger, cuss words I'm sure, barely proofread as always.
Katsuki stared at the ceiling, warring with himself. He was laying in bed on a rare day off, considering if he shouldn’t just go into work anyway. That was the reason for his restlessness, he tried to tell himself. Nothing else. Certainly not any sexy head fuck heroes. 
He frowned. Sexy? He sighed. This was really doing his head in. He couldn’t actually hate her as much as he thought he wanted to. She disrespected him…right? The more he’d mulled over their argument, he knew in a way she was right. But why did it hurt? He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this hurt. But she was right so what was the problem? He of all people knew how to follow his head, not his heart. Yet somehow he couldn’t shake the sadness that speared through him so strong once he heard her confession. He had no rush to have kids with Kami. He wasn’t even sure about it with their lives as heroes. But knowing that a part of him, just a possibility of a different future, was gone just like that burned something deep in the pit of his stomach.
He shouldn’t care anymore. He and Kami were supposed to be working shit out. Getting back to normal. He found it fairly easy to agree with her. Maybe because he wanted someone back in his corner after everything that happened. He wasn’t sure if they could work the same again, but what did he have to lose? They had an amazing friendship already. Not many people could get under his skin like her and Deku. Well except…fuck. He needed a distraction but she was bound to be at the office. He rolled out of bed to start getting ready for the gym, pulling up the angriest playlist he could find. 
Halfway through his workout, his phone started to ring. Kirishima was calling in the middle of the work day? This wasn’t unusual. He called every once in a while when Katsuki was off just to make conversation so he let it go to voicemail. But when he called again, he knew something might be up. 
“Kirishima?” He answered. He could hear some noise and chaos in the back and tried to listen harder to his friend’s voice. 
“Bakugo! Can you hear me now? There was an explosion at the agency.” He didn’t mince words. “It’s that terrorist group we had been keeping up with. We found the guy who infiltrated us and we…” He ran down more of the details while Katsuki struggled to process the turn of events.
An explosion? He started to kick himself for not going in to work after all. Damn pride. His friends and colleagues could have been killed! His ears rang and he started to see red as Kirishima called his name. His mouth ran dry. Fuck! “Did-did everyone-” He had to take a breath and start over. “Is everyone okay?” 
“Yes, just a couple injuries. Kami is being rushed to the hospital though along with-” 
“Which one?” Katsuki stormed. He was already grabbing keys and putting his shoes on. Kirishima rattled off the name of the hospital and Katsuki heard nothing else. 
“What the hell?” Ochaco exclaimed and took off, Froppy running beside her. They had witnessed the explosion from blocks away where they were patrolling. When they finally reached the agency, Ochaco started to sort through the chaos. Criminals were being apprehended on the street and ambulances were on the way. Heroes were in varying states of distress, coughing from the dust of the rubble, feeling for injuries and checking on each other. “Is everyone okay?” She checked everyone she passed. “Hey, where’s-” Just as she was about to ask, Deku came running from deep in the building with an unconscious Kami in his arms. Her stomach dropped, not only seeing her look so limp but at Deku’s distress. 
He was pushing past everyone, unshed tears waiting in his eyes. “Excuse me, she needs to go to the hospital.” His voice was shrill. 
“Deku?” Ochaco questioned. He met her eyes and somehow she knew. She didn’t know what it was but something was there behind the fear in his eyes. 
He looked like he was just recognizing her. He was frantic when he spoke.
“Bubble, I’m taking Kami to the hospital, okay? I found her unconscious. I gotta be quick. I trust you to make sure everyone’s safe.” He didn’t wait for a response before taking off, his quirk putting distance between them.
Over the time Kami was in the hospital, Deku was coming home late, ragged and worse for wear. The conflict in her warred, turning her mood sweet and sour when he finally returned home. He’d give her a light greeting and would go straight into his night time routine of brushing his teeth and taking off his shirt as he got into bed. He’d already been wearing sweats most days. 
He’s just worried for his friend, she told herself. But she couldn’t shake that look of despair as she watched him care for her. When she agreed to work things out with Deku, she knew that things wouldn’t be the same for them. They’d both been pretty distant lately and when he said he wanted to talk, she was shaken. Worried that he was getting ready to tell her he knew everything and it was over. But this was Deku. He wanted to work on things, really work on them and after everything she’d been through with Katsuki, she was actually ready. It wasn’t easy. She considered that possibly he was having an affair too and seeing how he looked with Kami and knowing how much time he was spending at the hospital waiting for her to wake up made her a little nervous. But would Deku really do that? She had been so wrapped up in herself, she didn’t know if she would notice if he did. She hated herself for worrying about what he might be doing when she nearly had a child with another man and one of his best friend’s at that. After Kami woke up, she promised herself she would tell the whole truth. 
When Deku flopped into bed that night, she asked how the patient was like she did every night. 
“Oh, still the same. But the doctor’s are keeping an eye on her and they say her brain activity is still good. I’m really just playing bodyguard at this point.” He chuckled through his nose, his smile tired. 
“Okay, that’s something. How is Katsuki doing?” She tried to keep her voice level.
“He’s Kacchan. He’ll come by for a couple hours and be all quiet and then will tell me to go home right before he leaves.” 
Her heartbeat ratcheted as she asked the other question she’d been dying to. “Why are you staying so late?” 
“I want someone to be there when she wakes up. I know Kacchan has been on the warpath trying to make sure all the criminals are caught. I think he’s been taking it pretty hard because he wasn’t working that day.”
Her heart squeezed for him. She wanted to comfort him, text him or something, but it seemed like such an odd thing to do. Getting comfort from your mistress while your wife is in the hospital. She didn’t like it. She would keep it to herself until she saw him again. “I’m off tomorrow so I’ll come by for a visit and keep you company.” 
He smiled and to anyone who didn’t know him, it looked as sunny as ever. But she could see it didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
Guilt was eating Katsuki alive. He’d never felt this guilty in his life. Ever. And his pride was battling with him, keeping him from spending every waking moment at the hospital like Deku. His wife hadn’t woken up over the past few days and though the doctors were optimistic, he didn’t know what he’d do if she didn’t wake up. He knew no one else would but he would definitely blame himself for sulking and not going to work all because he had to have that damn affair. 
Please, wake up.
He sent up a silent prayer as he marched into the hospital. 
“Mr. Bakugo,” he recognized the nurse that greeted him, she’d been there most of the days Kami had been. She always gave him a small smile. “Mr. Midoriya is already in with her. He’s so dedicated to his friend.” She said this in an almost dreamy way and he only nodded back, just anxious to get into his wife’s room. 
He could see them through the glass and he could see, to his immense relief, that Kami was awake. He took a moment to clutch his chest and exhale the anxiety he’d been holding onto the past few days. He slowly opened the door, trying not to interrupt just yet and heard Deku’s teary words. 
“This is the only way, you know.”
“The only way for what?”
“To fall out of love with you.”
“What?” Katsuki barked, causing them to jump. He was reeling. The rollercoaster of his emotions was overwhelming him. Deku? The nicest, most self sacrificing hero there was, and possibly his closest friend, was in love with his wife? What? “What’s going on here?” He couldn’t decide between relief or frustration at the turn of events. He was no saint but he never expected this from Deku. Maybe Kami but not Deku. 
What was even worse was seeing Deku immediately stand and block his view of her. “Kacchan. Nothing’s going on.” He really was in love with her. He could see it in the way he stood. He was ready to take him down for her if it came to that. He should’ve known from how long he stayed in the hospital just waiting for her to wake up. He told him to go home a few times seeing the bags under his eyes and the worn look of his face. He hadn’t seen his friend look that distraught in a while. His fists balled and he tried to ignore the feelings of his own inadequacy. From the brief glimpse he caught of her, he could tell Kami had feelings for him too. 
“You can’t tell me that. You just said you need to fall out of love with my wife. How could you fall in love with her in the first place?” 
“Katsuki-” Kami tried to speak up but Deku spoke before she could really say anything. It was so like him to do. He was always protecting someone. 
“Kami wants nothing to do with me. I thought we had a connection but I was wrong. She didn’t do anything.” Katuski searched his face, not sure if believed him but Deku seemed to think that was true. “She loves you.” 
But she’s not in love with me. Not anymore. He scoffed. “Deku, I know you’re lying to me. You can either tell me what’s really going on or get the hell out of my face.” He was tired of the posturing. He wanted answers, not this savior mess. But Deku didn’t get out of the way, even as he stepped towards them.
Deku reached out and put his hands on his shoulders. “I’m telling you the truth. Don’t be angry with her.”
He was begging and that felt more condescending than it needed to. Like he was a wild animal at risk of running loose and destroying everything. And maybe that was exactly who he was at the end of the day. That’s how people have seen him long before this and that was how he continued to be. That’s how he got them all into the mess wasn’t it? Because he was so out of control that he chose to pursue his closest friend’s wife. It was that same wildness in him that led him to snap at Ochaco and run her away. His fists balled as his anger seeped out. “Who should I be angry with then? You? I can definitely be angry with you!” Maybe fighting with Deku was the exact thing he needed at that moment. He could take it but before he could make any moves, he heard Kami shout, “Katsuki, stop!” 
Then he wasn’t in control anymore, his body stiffening and forcibly moving backwards. She must’ve activated her quirk, which she definitely wasn’t supposed to be doing. He stared at her but couldn’t speak. The look on her face…it was true. She looked so worried but it wasn’t for him. Deku turned to her. “Kami, you didn’t have to do that.” 
She went to answer but winced instead, letting out a yelp of pain as her hand went to her temple. Her quirk released and with the feeling back in his legs, they both raced to her side. “Kami!”
“Idiot! The doctor said not to use your quirk.” Katsuki searched quickly for the call button. He watched as Deku leaned over her, hands fluttering helplessly.
“You okay, Kami?” He muttered to her. He could see the connection that they had. The unspoken sweetness. Meanwhile he just called her an idiot because he was worried. She tried to reassure him but she looked weakened for sure.
“Alright boys!” The nurse finally entered the room with the doctor behind her. “Let’s give Mrs. Bakugo some space please.” 
They both backed away to the door. Deku started to linger and Katsuki reached for him. “Come on, punk.” They went to sit in the waiting area. Katsuki’s anger all but dissipated. 
He knew he acted out. It wasn’t so much anger at their betrayal but more so the anger of not stacking up to their star crossed romance. Kami cheated and probably connected with the actual love of her life. He cheated and all he got was arguments and a pregnancy scare. Hilarious T-shirt. He saw the way they looked at each other. It wasn’t hard to be with Deku.
After a few moments of silence, he looked at him. “So, what really happened?”
Deku looked at him warily. He nearly rolled his eyes. “Oh come on. Just tell me.” 
Deku sighed. “We…started spending time together. I got a taste of her…personality and before I knew it, I was getting ready to confess.” Katsuki observed the way he clenched his hands, the blush creeping over his cheeks. He wouldn’t even look at him. She really did a number on him. He almost laughed. “But Kacchan, none of it would have happened if you didn’t cheat on her.” 
Then Katuski sighed. Sitting outside of the room, cooled from his worry for his wife, he could sort through how he felt. He really wasn’t mad at him. At least someone was taking care of Kami while he wasn’t. Couldn’t. He was more mad at himself. And he needed to tell the truth, wanted to, like a sinner finally ready to purge. “You know Deku, no one can prepare you for how life is gonna be. I care a whole helluva lot about Kami but someone else showed me something more. And I think that’s how you ended up seeing Kami for who she is. I’m not really happy about any of this but at least you found happiness while I was [unintentionally] trying to take it away from you.”
“What does that mean?”
Katsuki looked at Deku then. “The person I had the affair with? Was Ochaco, your Ochaco.” 
Deku sat stunned for a moment as he absorbed the news. He couldn’t tell if he was shocked or not but he waited. He knew they needed to talk, too. They were still friends after all and hopefully he’d forgive him for what he’d done. He didn’t expect him not to but he didn’t blame him if he didn’t want to. 
Movement caught his eye and they looked up and saw Ochaco coming towards them both. “Speak of the devil,” he mumbled. They’d have to talk another time. He actually looked forward to it somehow. Maybe just knowing he could be honest finally helped lift the weight of his shoulders. 
He watched Ochaco as she moved, her hips swaying, hugged by her light wash jeans. She was so casual in her plain t-shirt and sneakers but she looked good like always. His chest tightened.  Deku turned to his friend while she was still out of earshot. “If you care about her, take care of her,” was all he said before rising from his seat and opening his arms just as she reached them. 
“Hey, ‘Zuku,” She sounded out of breath. When they pulled away from each other, she finally looked up at Katsuki. “Hey, Bakugo.” He resisted the urge to fold in on himself at the sound of his surname. Looking her over, he wondered what was going through her mind. Was she having a reaction to him the same way he was? Would she hear him out? What would she do when she found out the truth? What were they all going to do? “I’m sorry about all this. How is she?” She continued, looking between the two of them. 
“Oh she’s awake now,” Deku answered with a weak smile.
“Oh good!” She put a hand to her chest in a show of relief. “So why are you both out here?” 
The men shared a look and Katsuki cleared his throat. Before he could speak, the same nurse came out of Kami’s room to speak. “Mr. Bakugo? Kaminaga is calmer now, but only one person at a time to see her.” She sent a stern look around the small crowd of three. 
There was a moment of silence where they all shared looks. Deku gave him a subtle rise of  his brows before Katsuki spoke again. “Well, I’ll leave the two of you to it while I…tend to my wife.” He sounded stilted and unsure. He frowned and disappeared into the hospital room.
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ettaberrytea · 2 years
I've finally convinced my dad to watch the original series with me. We've both only seen small pieces of it.
I think it's funny that the first thing that they do on their mission to seek out new life is release a wild animal that's the last of it's kind onto their ship and then, when the wild animal starts eating people, they kill it. I finally get the salt vampire references.
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mlekokakao · 21 hours
Jak Biała Góra patrzę na was z ziemi świętej co nie znam jej już Za dużo zbłąkanych kul jest tu za zakrętem nie spotkasz ich tu Na poligonie całe życie uturlane skrętem wanna be król A w oktagonie chcą wyjaśniać mnie, to piękne, dwie kurwy na stół
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dustyandsilver · 3 months
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silvascribble · 3 months
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“But things are not as they teach us. For the world is hollow, and I have touched the sky.”
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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First Contact Day 
On April 5th, 2063, Zefram Cochrane makes first contact between man and extraterrestrials: this day is for Trekkies everywhere to let their geekdom out.
Are you one of those people who is considered to be a real, committed Trekkie? Did you spend your youth trying to Vulcan Nerve Pinch those problems away? Is there a regulation StarFleet uniform in the closet and is speaking Klingon as a second language a lifelong pursuit?
Then it’s time to get that uniform on and prepare to celebrate First Contact! First Contact Day is celebrated by fans everywhere. Even those people who don’t know Zefram Cochrane from Zac Efron are still absolutely welcome to join in!
First Contact Day is a great time to learn more about the entire Star Trek franchise and what it has meant to Science Fiction fans over the years.
History of First Contact Day
There is one day in the history of mankind in the Star Trek universe that stands out above all others, even though it’s only celebrated as a relatively minor holiday. It is none other than First Contact Day.
According to Star Trek “history”, on that day in 2063, Zefram Cochrane first took a flight at speeds in excess of Warp 1 in the Phoenix, alerting the Vulcan race to their entrance into the interstellar community and initiating the first contact. Some 300 years later it was commemorated as First Contact Day, and the celebration went on from there. Star Trek: First Contact Day commemorates this particular day in real life, in earth time, and fans all over the world have the opportunity to get together to celebrate the most pivotal moment in Star Trek human history!
First Contact is an important part of the introduction of a species into the galactic community and is handled very carefully by the extant species of StarFleet. Generally speaking, it has been found to be beneficial to privately approach the scientists and other intellectuals of the target species with the belief that they’ll be ready to accept the existence of off-world species. The approach is generally timed for when the species is about to enter the galactic community by engaging in their first faster-than-light travel.
From that point, the new species receives an explanation about what the universe outside their solar system is like and then are welcomed in. It’s a bit of a complicated process but it’s ultimately effective in solving a lot of problems in the universe.
So why does First Contact Day happen on April 5th? It seems that the show’s co-creator, Ronald D. Moore, chose the day because it is his eldest son’s birthday. That sounds like another great reason to celebrate!
How to Celebrate First Contact Day
Celebrating this pivotal moment in all of human history is no small feat! Especially since the day hasn’t technically happened yet. It will happen in the future–in 2063.
Join in on these fun activities for honoring the day, or come up with some other creative Trekkie ideas:
Watch Star Trek Shows and Films
The first step to celebrating this day is getting out Star Trek: First Contact and giving it a fresh watch. This 1996 film was the 8th in the Star Trek film series, and the second to star the beloved cast from the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation.
But watching this one film can be just the beginning because the shows and movies have come and gone since the 1960s, so the options for watching are probably just about endless. To get some background information particularly on First Contact Day, it might be helpful to watch the original Star Trek series episode, Metamorphosis, in which the crew meets a very young Zefram Cochrane.
Host a Star Trek: First Contact Party
One great idea is to have a Star Trek: First Contact Day celebration like they do in Star Trek! Just get together with various Trekkie friends, preferably dressed in uniform, and bring out Zefram Cochrane’s favorite foods such as cheeses and cheese pierogi. Don’t forget to play some old style rock and roll on the radio and party like it’s 2063!
That’s the beginning of a fantastic celebration, and since everyone is already together, it would be a great time to go ahead and run a complete marathon of all the movies!
Create a Star Trek Playlist
Space themed music is so next year! While hosting that party, some excellent tunes (including some oldies that Zefram Cochrane loved!) will be necessary to get everyone grooving. Try these songs out on a playlist:
Magic Carpet Ride (1968) Steppenwolf
Ooby Dooby (1961) Roy Orbison
Star Trekkin’ (1987) The Firm
The Picard Song (2001) Dark Materia
Space Song (2015) Beach House
Intergalactic (1998) Beastie Boys
Mr. Spock’s Brain (1993) S.P.O.C.K.
Enjoy Some Whiskey in Honor of Dr. Cochrane
Whether at a full party or with just a few friends, celebrating First Contact Day should honor Zefram Cochrane, and he did love his whiskey! In fact, he claims he has a hangover from whiskey just before using his rocket, Phoenix, to become the first ever human to break warp speed. And this paved the way to the development of the United Federation of Planets. So that’s surely something worth toasting!
Check Out the Star Trek Website
To learn more about First Contact Day and the entire Star Trek franchise, take a little peek at the website. This online resource offers all kinds of background information for fans and novices to go one step further, and maybe even — “to go boldly where no man has gone before”!
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famousbob · 2 years
Spock Fathers Sherlock Holmes!?
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An Ancestor of Mine . . .
Holmes is being blackmailed by Moriarty. And when a scientific examination of a cosmic string by Mr. Spock goes horribly awry, he finds himself stranded in Victorian England. In his new home, an onset of Pon Farr leads to an encounter with a Wold Newton descendant - Violet Rutherford, a progressive English adventuress with eclectic interests and friends. Their relationship stretches the Prime Directive to the breaking point and leads to the birth of Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes.  It could explain so much!
Coming December 10th to Archive of Our Own – ArchiveOfOurOwn.com.  Free complete download of ‘An Ancestor of Mine’. Eight years in the making, announced at 221bCon in 2014.  Feel free to reblog!
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liquidstar · 10 months
Yes, Greece still exists, we didn't all die 2000 years ago. Yes, people speak Greek. You people are so fucking stupid for real. So many of you claim to love ancient shit but can't even acknowledge the actual living culture of the people whose mythology and classics you romanticize. You keep leaving annoying comments about how you just forget Greek people still exist, thinking you're being quirky because you love ancient stuff soooo much that you forgot about the people it came from. You think about it so little you don't even realize that an actual Greek person has to read this shit, making it clear how little you actually care about the culture beyond the romanticized (and westernized) mythology. Don't claim you love Greece, don't use our mythology anymore if you can't acknowledge that we're still around without making it about how little you think about us. It's mind boggling that you'd think a Greek person would read this and think you're anything but obnoxious. Explode.
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esonetwork · 1 year
'The Trouble With Tribbles' Book Review By Ron Fortier
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/the-trouble-with-tribbles-book-review-by-ron-fortier/
'The Trouble With Tribbles' Book Review By Ron Fortier
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THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES The Story Behind The Popular Star Trek Episode By David Gerrold Available at Amazon 208 pgs
The Star Trek episode, “The Trouble With Tribbles” aired in Dec of 1967. We were in Vietnam at the time and so obviously didn’t see it. Most likely our first viewing had to have been as a rerun sometime in 1968 after we’d come home and been discharged back into civilian. Our initial reaction; what a fun story. We’d always been sci-fi fans since our high school years. Our heroes were Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, A.E. Van Vogt…and too many others to mention.
Thus it was only a matter of time before we learned who this David Gerrold guy was and via several interviews in various magazines ala “Starlog” we recognized him as the writer of our second favorite Star Trek episode. So we picked up a few of his books and were never disappointed.
Jump ahead lots of years (in between which we became a writer) and who should pop up at our local comic shop one Wednesday afternoon but Mr. David Gerrold, who was making a pit stop in our town of Fort Collins, Colorado, his trip back to California. Meeting him was a pleasure and with other friends, we shared a few hours of lively conversation. Among the books Gerrold had available to purchase and autograph was his behind-the-scenes book regarding the making of “The Trouble With Tribbles.” We scoffed it up immediately.
Lest you think we only enjoy sci-fi and fantasy, our reading taste has always covered a wide spectrum of genres, as the title of the blog will attest. One of the most cherished is books about writing by writers we enjoy. Reading through Gerrold’s memoirs of his experiences was eye-opening, to say the least. His story of what it took to bring his initial idea to actual production is as harrowing an adventure as Ulysses’ own Odyssey. That the thing was produced is in itself almost a miracle. His recollections of working with producer Gene Coon are fun and his tales about being on the Desilu set during the film are endearing. For all he endured, in the end, it is his self-effacing humor that makes this memoir worth your time. Especially if you’ve ever entertained the idea of writing for television.
On that idea, we’ll take a pass. Finally two things. One, his last chapter is precious. If you think little acts of kindness have no lasting effect on the world, think again. Secondly, you can find this wonderful book at Amazon in paperback, hardback and on Kindle. Sadly the only thing you won’t get there is the beautiful wrap-around cover by Ty Templeton that is on our edition. That you’ll have to get from the man himself. Do yourself a favor, it’s more than worth it. As is this truly wonderful book. 
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