#SU Soft Jock AU
susoftjockau · 5 years
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Art by @badartbysomeguy​.
Connie’s suspicion of Steven heightens every day because of moments like this.
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ashidaii · 5 years
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updated character art for the soft jock au :) 
steven never changes clothes as is the steven way, but connie gets a makeover once she learns to express herself more
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Could you draw a Soft Jock Steven?? It’s such a breath of fresh air in this world of angsty AUs ;w;
Of course I can!
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Today's Steven is making good use of his break!
Thanks for this opportunity! I've been meaning to draw from this AU for a while now as a little celebratory for me getting accepted to college, but now I can do it for all of you guys! I really want to thank you all for hitting 900+ followers. It's been a fantastic ride and I can't wait to spend more time with everyone. 💕
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universallywriting · 5 years
Nerd Connie meets Soft Jock Steven
Three months into her term at OTA, Connie strolled into the campus cafe and asked Jenny, “Do you know Steven Universe?”
“Sure do, Connie,” Jenny said, already working on Connie’s regular order. It was nice, almost like friendship, not that Connie would ever presume a retail worker was acting under anything than customer service obligation. “What’s up?”
“I guess my professors recommended me as a tutor to his dad,” she said uncertainly. “It pays a lot, but I don’t really know what to expect. He’s got to be a jerk, right? Otherwise he could just go to the regular tutoring center.”
Jenny laughed. “Steven? A jerk? Uh, no. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of him. He’s kind of the most popular boy on campus.”
“I don’t talk to a lot of people.” Connie fidgeted. “So he’s some kind of jock? He probably needs to keep from failing so he can keep playing football. So he’s not going to pay attention and he’s going to be loud and how am I supposed to talk over that? I guess I could always quit, but if he really needs the help maybe it’d be better not to.”
She snorted, finishing with her coffee and passing it over the counter. “He doesn’t play football. He’s really nice. The only thing you’re going to need to watch out for is falling in love with him like a cheesy teen drama.”
Connie wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think so. I don’t like masculine guys.”
“Uh huh.” Jenny smirked at she leaned over the counter. “That’s a real shame. 4.35 is your total.”
Connie fished out her wallet, muttering, “Why are you looking at me weird?”
Jenny plucked the money from her hand. “I just think that someone like you could really use a friend like Steven. He’s nice, cute, super outgoing, helpful…”
“Oh!” Connie said eagerly, finally nailing the trope. “He’s like a himbo?”
Her expression flattened. “You need to spend less time on Tumblr, Connie. Besides, he’s not a himbo. He’s like… I don’t know, some kind of soft jock, I guess?”
“What’s a soft jock?” Connie blinked.
The bell to the shop rang, and Jenny pointed behind her. Connie turned and came face to face with a soft but solid looking boy in an OTA cheerleader outfit. A bright pink gemstone was nestled in his very exposed navel, shining like a diamond under the fluorescents. Of course, diamonds didn’t really get that big. She stared at it for a moment, before flushing as she realized she was gawking at his stomach, and looked up at his face. His smile made her stomach flip as he extended his hand, all genuine warmth and effortless charisma.
“Sorry about the uniform, I just came from practice. Connie, right?”
She pushed her glasses up, trying to stop her gawking while she wrestled her shock under control. She shook his hand, finding it shockingly soft, and mumbled, “Yes. You’re Steven Universe? My physics student?”
“Yeah. I bit off more than I could chew.” He laughed awkwardly as he shook her hand. “I’m double majoring in political science and astrophysics.”
Connie was gawking again, and Steven cocked his head as he glanced down at their still clasped hands. “Uh, are you okay?”
“Peachy!” she yelped, tugging her hand back. She rubbed it with her other one, trying to get the ghost sensation of his palm against hers to go away. Connie felt herself giggling (why was she giggling? Calm down!) as she took a nervous step back. “You’re just not what I expected.”
“Oh, Connie,” Jenny said cheerfully behind her. “You have no idea.”
a SU AU created by myself, @novantinuum, @ftecho4, @saiscribbles, @borkthemork, @ashidaii , @fermented-writers-block, and some others in which Steven is a college jock and Connie is a nerd at Ocean Town Academy 
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whisperingcorn · 5 years
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steeb scribbles idk
oh yeah also with a tiny soft-jock au doodle too thats my favorite au
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novantinuum · 5 years
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forgot to post this smol @susoftjockau​ doodle i did a while back! someday i’ll actually make lined/colored art for it, y’all, i swear... 
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meku95 · 5 years
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So i want to do a doodle for one of my favorite aus. This au is created by a lot of great artist
A au where steven and connie meet in the college and never before when they kids
You guys really have to check it!!!!!
So goood so good
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bigsteeb · 5 years
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remembering that both crop top & year 3 steven exist got me inspired
the su soft jock au is *chefs kiss* fantastic
wonder what those sparkles mean 👀🏳️‍🌈
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allet-art · 5 years
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Is already on the discord, but now its here too!!
(I swear im just working in big projects rn sdlkf Im not dead)
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thesubwooferlogo · 5 years
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3 months after revert Steven back to normal from being Corrupted... Steven and Connie are moving from Beach City to Baltimore where we bought an apartment from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. This university has preparation for Political-Science topic and 5 year bachelor’s degree. Steven wanted to be grown up as the First Boy, and Connie wanted to be grown up as the President of United States. This series after SUF is called Soft Jock. It took place at UMBC.
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lightanddarklove · 5 years
Connverse Week Day 4: Together
We Made it Through the Night, Together
Rated: Teen | 2628 Words | Tw: Drinking/ Drunkenness
Read on Archive of Our Own | Day 1 prompt | Day 2 prompt |  Day 3 prompt | Day 5 prompt | Day 6 Prompt | Day 7 prompt | My Writing Masterpost
This chapter is a sequel chapter to day 2, Singing. This is set in the Soft Jock AU, @susoftjockau.[One of the most wholesome AUs out there, I heartily recommend it]
Steven and Connie are in established relationship here, and there's a good amount of talk about being drunk, as a warning, though that's more of a backdrop to Steven dismissing his own well-being.
Soft Jock AU. After sleeping off having a bit too much to drink, Steven and Connie talk. Rated T for discussions of inebriation.
Connie was very comfortable when she woke up. She would have snuggled deeper into the covers on her bed, but she knew that Steven was awake from the small circles he drew with his hand on her forearm. She cracked her eyes open and he still looked asleep but the motion continued. She set her hand on top of his and he sighed.
“You awake?” he mumbled groggily.
“Yeah,” she replied. He turned from laying on his back to his shoulder facing her. His eyes opened slowly, still looking tired. “How do you feel?” she asked. He swallowed.
“Mouth’s pretty dry, and I feel like I need to brush my teeth.”
“Well that’s pretty normal,” Connie replied. “Anything else? Upset stomach, headache, or dizziness?”
“No, I’m ok. Just a bit tired.” Steven blinked a few times and glanced around. He noticed a slight bruise on his left forearm. “That wasn’t there yesterday.”
“You stumbled a bit when we came in and hit it on the doorframe.”
“That explains it.” Steven licked his right palm and pressed it to the mark, watching it fade. “That’s better.” Connie looked him over.
“If you’re feeling ok, sit up for me and look out the blinds,” she instructed. He turned over on his back and sat up slowly. He reached an arm out to the window behind her and peeked through the blinds. “Any light sensitivity?”
“No,” he replied.
“You don’t get hangovers,” Connie hissed in blatant envy.
“…I guess not?” he muttered, laying back down on his back. “Sorry.” She sighed.
“That’s not something you should feel sorry about,” she replied unhappily. “From what I understand, they’re miserable. I only have had one, and it wasn’t good.”
“How do you feel?” Steven asked.
“I didn’t have enough to be drunk last night, so other than a bit cotton-mouthed, I’m fine.”
“I’m sorry, again.”
“Steven, you know you apologized and thanked me a bunch last night, right? You don’t have to keep apologizing.” Steven avoided her gaze. “How much do you remember?”
“Most of it, I think.”
“Tell me.” Steven closed his eyes, brow furrowed with distaste.
“We went to Amanda’s party, we were having a good time.” His voice was bitter as he recounted the night’s events. “ You talked to Natalie for a bit and then when Fiona offered me a cocktail, I stupidly didn’t ask ‘what’s in this’ or ‘how strong is this,’ I just thought, ‘it’d be rude to turn her down,’ then, ‘oh this tastes good’ and drank it too fast. You came over, I started singing something I was planning on playing for you when I had my guitar, and you got embarrassed. We left, came here, you gave me aspirin and water, you tried to brush my hair, I said some dumb things that made you cry, we talked, I got changed and we went to bed.”
“Ok, so you do remember,” Connie replied. “Do you-“
“I’m sorry for embarrassing you and I wish I could take back what I said that upset you so much.”
“You talked about being worried about losing control of your powers.”
“It’s happened before,” he replied voice edged with agitation. “You being around helped ground me when my head was fuzzy, but that kind of pressure shouldn’t be on you. I need to be more responsible.” Steven sighed, closing his eyes. “If I’m going to have more than one drink, I should have a gem chaperone me, so they can grab me so I won’t get out of hand.”
“Steven, you’re my best friend, and I will repeat what I said last night. ‘It’s ok to ask for help.’ I’m willing to help you, with anything you would do for me. If I do have a few drinks sometime, I know you’ll look out for me.”
“Connie, I can’t ask you to keep me out of trouble if my powers freak out. I could break something that normal people can’t. I could hurt somebody. I could hurt you. If my pink switch goes off, and I hurt you, I don’t think I could forgive myself.” She stared at him in confusion.
“Pink switch?” His eyes shot open, realizing what he had said, and his pupils shrank to pinpricks.
“I- I- uh, I shouldn’t have said anything about it, forget it.”
“You’re worried about it, whatever it is.”
“Most of the time I’m fine, it hasn’t happened since first year, so it shouldn’t happen again.”
“That doesn’t stop you from being scared.”
“I know. But it also doesn’t mean you have to make it something you’re afraid of too.”
“I feel like not knowing is making me more afraid. ‘The devil you know,’ right?”
“I’m sorry, Connie,” he sighed, looking away, “but it’s not something I like talking about. I’m not ready to talk about it.”
“Please know that when you are ready, I’ll listen.”
He turned his body back toward her and reached for her hand. She opened hers and gave his a small squeeze. “Thank you,” he replied, with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. She kept her face neutral as he drew circles with his thumb onto the back of her hand.
“There was one other thing you were doing last night that was a bit… concerning.”
“Was it the embarrassing song?” he asked, voice resigned. “Because that was supposed to be a surprise for you, not blurted out in front of a bunch of people.”
“No, you sang another song, after we talked.”
“Oh, right.” He avoids her eyes again, and she frowns.
“Steven, do you really feel like, you can’t-“
“Measure up? Well, sometimes. I’ve never been normal, so occasionally it feels like no matter what I do, it’ll never be enough.”
“It’s hard feeling that way.” Connie replied. “My parents wanted me to be a doctor and now, it’s not what I want, and I’ve finally accepted that. So those expectations aren’t going to be met. You shouldn’t have to be the one who meets everyone’s whims in your life.”
“Is it a bad thing that I want to make everyone around me happy?” He asked. He looked her in the eyes again. She shook her head.
“That’s not what I’m saying. Other people’s happiness shouldn’t mean more to you than your own all the time. You can’t satisfy everybody.” She rested her hand on his arm.
“It’s not all the time-“He muttered.
“You can only make so many people a priority and you have to make yourself the top of your priorities.”
“That’s-“He stops himself. “That feels selfish.”
“It isn’t. It’s caring for yourself.”
“I still do, just not- I don’t think of myself in the same way as when I think of when I’m helping others.”
“I think you’d treat yourself better if you did. If what you said in that song-”
“It’s only feels that way now and then. I try not to let it bother me too much.” Steven paused, shrugging. “Anyway, I didn’t write that one, my mom did. The gems taught it to me.”
“Oh wow,” Connie whispered. “That’s kind of… messed up?”
“I mean, they probably didn’t think I would feel the same way sometimes, but, what do I know?” Steven was deflecting, but she was almost sure she wouldn’t be able to press him much further.
“Well, I think that we should put a pin in this, and probably get something to drink. My mouth is getting dryer by the minute.”
“Hang on,” he said, and sat up, turning to face the rest of the room. He quickly spotted his empty bottle from the previous night and the one Connie hadn’t drank from. He hopped gently off the bed and picked up both of them. He strode back to hand her the full bottle and kept the empty one. “Take that, I’ll refill this one for myself.”
“Steven, wait,” she called.
“You took care of me last night, I can take it from here. I’ll bring you some ice too.”
“You don’t have to do that,” she said, sitting up.
“It’s no trouble, I’ll be right back.” Steven replied with a half-smile. With that, he stepped out of the room and Connie was alone. She pulled herself to the edge of the bed and leaned down to the brush forgotten on the floor from the previous night. Setting the water bottle between her knees, she began brushing her shoulder length hair.
Her eyes wandered around the modest dishevelment that had come about in her room. Her end table had been cleared to ensure that if Steven had gotten sick in the night her books would definitely be out of range for them to be damaged. The books were in a small stack by the edge of her closet. Steven’s shoes sat a few feet from the door in a heap next to her own sneakers. His jacket was messily thrown over her desk chair. Her desk and dresser were the only things that seemed to be in order in the room.
She stood, moving toward the doorway when Steven entered holding a plastic cup in one hand and his full bottle in the other.
“Gonna go brush my teeth,” she said hoarsely, moving her water bottle back to the nightstand and stood. Steven nodded and sat back down on the bed as she strolled past him. Placing his bottle back besides her he unscrewed the cap on her bottle and dumped the ice from the cup into it, sealing it afterwards with a twist.
“If you want to toss me my pants, I’ll get changed while you’re in there,” Steven requested, setting down the empty cup and bottle on the nightstand.
“OK,” she answered, picking up his wadded jeans from the floor and giving them a light toss toward the foot of the bed. He snatched them out of the air as they came close to the ground. “Nice catch,” Connie said, closing the door with a smirk.
“I’ll tell you when I’m dressed, won’t be long.” He called through the closed door.
“Sounds good,” she replied. With just a few minutes she completed her short morning routine of washing her face and brushing her teeth.
“You can come out now, Connie,” came Steven’s response from the bedroom, as she spat out toothpaste into the sink. With a wipe of her mouth she opened the door to find Steven with jacket and jeans on, hair up in its usual ponytail, and in the process of making her bed.
“You know, I can do that later, right?” She asked mischievously.
“Of course,” he replied, “but I figured it was the least I could do to straighten up-“
“Steven, having you stay over isn’t a problem you need to make up for.” She interrupted, stepping to him and opening her arms for a hug. He placed the comforter down and wrapped his arms gently around her middle, gazing affectionately at her. She smiled, and continued. “You are welcome here. If there was anything I wanted your help with, I’d ask. You don’t have to go out of your way to make yourself useful.”
“I’m trying to be the best houseguest I can be, and that means not leaving a mess.”
“The room doesn’t smell like vomit,” she snarked, “so that’s a win enough in my book.” He laughed, making a slightly queasy face, and released the hug. He turned around, tossing the pillows back in place and sat on the bed. She joined him with a smile. “Best drunk houseguest I’ve ever encountered.”
“I guess I don’t have very steep competition, huh?” he asked, reaching for the water bottles.
“No one else is a thoughtful as you when wasted.” He handed Connie her bottle and took a sip from his.
“Was I really that bad?” he asked quietly, not meeting her eyes again.
“The main thing was your balance, you were tripping all over yourself.”
“I’m-” Steven began.
“No more apologizing,” She interrupted again. “You’ve done that enough in the last 10 hours.” He rubbed his neck with a sheepish smile. “It’s ok. I’m glad things didn’t go badly, I still had a good time, you’re not hungover and I got to spend the night with you.”
“I’m glad you had a good time. I hope that me being stupid didn’t ruin any plans you had for last night.”
“Don’t.” she chided, reaching out with her empty hand and giving his arm a squeeze. “You aren’t stupid. You miscalculated how much drink you can handle and we dealt with the situation. Now we can move past that and focus on today.”
“OK,” he answered. “I should probably get going soon, huh? I don’t want to keep you from your essay you were talking about before we went to the party.” She released his arm to put a hand on her hip.
“Firstly, how are you going anywhere without your keys?”
“Oh, right.”
“And secondly, we should probably get a bite to eat before you go home. I don’t want to hear that you got lightheaded driving and wrecked your car.”
“If you’re hungry, we can get something, but if not I can get something on my way.” Steven grabbed his phone from his jacket pocket with his empty and unlocked it.
“I’m making sure you get something to eat before I let you leave campus.” He nodded, conceding. She drank from her water bottle while she waited for him to check his messages.
Steven opened the group chat between Connie, Natalie and himself, reading Natalie’s message from the night before: I have your keys, come get them after you’ve slept it off.
One new message had come in at 10:06 this morning: You awake yet?
Yeah, I’ll be at the café in a few, do you want to meet me there or should I stop by first? Steven replied, the timestamp reading 10:47. He looked back to Connie and set the phone onto his lap.
“There was one thing I remembered about last night that struck me as a bit strange,” Steven said.
“Oh? And what was that?”
“Well, other than the song thing, I don’t remember saying much that would be embarrassing, but you were blushing a lot when I was talking.” Connie ducked her head and looked away self-consciously.
“You sound different when you’re drunk.” She mumbled.
“Really?” he asked. “I didn’t notice.”
“Your voice goes a lot deeper. Bassy.” She replied, staring at the floor. Steven smirked and cleared his throat.
“Why Connie,” he said, purposely deepening his pitch. “I had no idea that you find my deeper voice alluring.”
“It does things to my head, Steven!” She replied testily, face flushed. “I don’t want to be thinking about how it makes me feel, I want to be paying attention to what you’re saying and not about the way you sound.”
“What do you mean?” He asked huskily. “You can’t focus when I get all sultry?”
“No!” She barked, redness reaching her ears. “I don’t like feeling like I’m beholden to the whims of the baser parts of my brain.”
“Aww,” He replied, adjusting his voice to its typical tone. “Ok, I’ll save that voice for special occasions then.” He waggled his eyebrows, and she pouted at his expression. A ping from Steven’s phone caught both of their focus to his message instead of each other.
Meet me at the café in 10 mins, Natalie’s reply read. Connie glanced at his phone and stood.
“I need to get dressed,” Connie said, moving to her dresser.
“Ok, I’ll brush my teeth and I’m good to go,” he replied.
Within moments, the pair was ready and they walked out, hand in hand. Not every problem could be solved with a conversation, but together their struggles were easier to bear.
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susoftjockau · 5 years
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When your best friend allows you into their world, you see things you'd never expect to see.
Art by @badartbysomeguy.
Click for higher resolution!
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ashidaii · 5 years
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Stevonnie! @susoftjockau edition :)
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falling-red-petals · 5 years
No One:...
Absolutely No One:...
Me: (Begins loudly obsessing over the Soft Jock, Time Travel, and Gong Wrong Aus)
My Family:
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My Mutuals:
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universallywriting · 5 years
Soft Jock AU Masterpost
What would happen if Steven and Connie never met up in the episode "Bubble Buddies", but met up years later?
The Soft Jock AU goes off of this premise. Instead of meeting up when they were young and helping each other through their struggles, these two encountered each other in a different way: at Ocean Town Academy, under the guise of tutoring in their first years; Steven being part of the academia because of his insistence with the gems and Connie being part of it because of its prestigious medical program.
Steven becomes an athlete with the academy's cheerleaders while trying to hide his gem origins, and Connie, for all intents and purposes, keeps busy to herself and focuses her school life on finishing her majors. One becomes popular with the school body because of his genuine and helping nature, while the other isolates herself in classes and the library. 
However, with this alteration comes deeply-pressed struggles bubbling up to the surface. Connie never grew the gall to stand up for herself when she was a child and morphed into an emotionally-starved recluse; Steven never had the human connection and emotional closeness he deserved as he faced the consequences of his mother. 
The year Steven met Connie -- on a scorching Wednesday in the Academy's cornucopia of a library -- brings forth a start of a friendship that would force them not only to open up their worlds to each other, but to finally look their inner demons in the eye once and for all.
As stories and pictures will be posted out of chronological order by multiple people, please refer to the linked outline. The outline will contain all information necessary to understand all materials.
FOLDER: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/19zHCFMMDiWvY8A20aYZMPmITstdyYh6T
OUTLINE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YDhTnaMYpdc6Wdt4qdSNJo5SwipG5O4qohNj8fbA4O8/edit?usp=sharing
Created by:  @ashidaii @novantinuum, @ftecho4, @saiscribbles, @borkthemork, @universallywriting, @fermented-writers-block, and a few others
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tunafishprincess · 4 years
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Day 3 of @jambudweek . College was one of the themes so I went with @susoftjockau !
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