#SW Uncharted Waters AU
shadow-pixelle · 2 years
“Easy, Kix.”
He lets out of sharp breath, feeling the box in his grip slip, and it drops to the floor with a clang. He winces.
Kix startles a bit when a hand lands on his shoulder. “Not bad.” General Skywalker- no, Knight Skywalker, he’d asked to be a little more informal here- says, grinning wide and bright. “I’ve definitely seen worse, from people who’ve not recently had their Galaxy thrown about, so nice job.”
Force Sensitively isn’t much easier to deal with off the battlefield either, especially newly-discovered Force Sensitivity. But Kix is coping.
Until he isn’t.
I have written a fic! This is Coping, the second part of a rather large AU that's I'm working on at the moment. It's been in the works for a while, so hopefully it's all good!
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the-marron · 2 months
All-Forgotten Fics of Yours Truly
You know who constantly forgets to post stuff on Tumblr? Me.
And so now when I tried to find a link to one of my fics I couldn't because it's physically not there 🙃 I am a pro at social media. So now I decided to do a round up of all the Guardian stuff I haven't posted before, just for archival purposes 😅
1. To wild uncharted waters
Tonight, Shen Wei is abandoning all of Aoguang’s laws and heading towards the shore, for the second time in his entire life. All for Kunlun.
Also known as mermaid!au, written for @birdbird-blog ❤
2. What happens to the heart
“I bring an offering,” he starts, feeling the oddness of the words on his tongue. This is not an offering, not exactly. It’s not incense and gold worthy of a god, it’s not a string of worshipful words either, and yet with who they are, The Ghost King has no other word for it.
There is nothing else a ghost can offer to a god.
Novel-verse, an attempt at happy moment between Kunlun and Shen Wei
3. Spellbound
Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei Vs Ancient Couples Counseling
Also known as duck!SW fic
4. The Way of the Househusband
Zhao Yunlan vs household chores feat Shen Wei's existential crisis
Technically this one appeared on my self-rec post at some point and it was added to the art that inspired it but I technically didn't publish it here myself, so here it is. Domesticity, dear people, what else can I say.
5. hold every memory as you go
Wang Zheng was her first girl friend. It sounds sad when she thinks about it, that the first woman she felt true connection with was a dead girl found by her boss and Da Qing in the woods, but that's still a fact. She didn't have true friends before, not like that.
Also known as: not a fix it people, just Zhu Hong post-canon, thinking about everything she's lost and learning to move on with hope
6. I've got a dream
“I swear, if it turns out you have no idea where we are going, I will murder you and leave your body for the crows to find,” Chu Shuzhi said conversationally, stomping through the mud with the air of a man condemned to an unjust punishment. The object of his anger, Zhao Yunlan the Adventurer, just shrugged without turning back. Chu Nianzhi was certain that he had heard worse threats in his life, he used to work at the court after all. Though, in what capacity, Zhao Yunlan had never disclosed – ever since Nianzhi and Shuzhi met him at the inn, winning a strange map from a crowd of very suspicious looking men, all that they managed to get out of him was that he was on an adventure.
Written for an event, it has Chu brothers having The Time of Their Lives (Not) thanks to Zhao Yunlan who Apparently Has A Wife
7. Wish You Were Here
Instead of falling asleep, Shen Wei gets to experience the millennia of longing, year after a lonely year.
Written for a friend, featuring, well, lots of loneliness
And I think that's all from Guardian? The rest was here because of the Guardian Bingo, I am pretty sure
And now, as my treat from me to me, the forgotten Luolins:
1. Unscathed [WIP]
“Well, hello,” the man said, his lips tugging up in a smile. Not prepared for that, all Lin Nansheng could do in reply was to cough shallowly, the exertion of the chase getting to him. “You can let go, comrade, I won’t run.” Despite the lightness in his words, the voice was hushed, as if trying not to attract more attention. And yet, Lin Nansheng found himself letting go. The stranger used his free hand to support the bundle pressed against his chest.
A bitter and disillusioned Lin Nansheng gets pulled into much more excitement than he bargained for.
Post-canon longfic that I am still trying to write despite the lack of time. Totally not known as Godzilla AU, not at all good sir.
2. A Practical Arrangement
It was a pure accident that Luo Fei and Lan Xinjie knew each other, and that the lady came to Cen Zimo with questions about a possible accommodation for her friend was a sign from the heavens. Luo Fei wasn’t convinced of course, but the argument of 'practical arrangement' swayed him in the end.
Technically it's not Luolin for it features an outsider POV of another deriv that has romantic plans re: LF, but let's be real here, I wouldn't break up Luolin for anyone so it's Luolin through and through. Sorry, Cen Zimo. (I am not)
3. we devour, like a falcon in the dive
A quiet moment of trust that morphs into something much more.
Based on art, first attempt to give these two an actual happy ending and not an ambigious one
4. only a touch of dust remains
He knows what he will find when he opens the door. He's known for a while, he's been preparing for it but still, the moment his hand touches the handle, he hesitates. He never hesitates, there is no reason for him to do so – there is nothing that can surprise him.
Angst. Outsider's POV. Did I mention angst?
5. All in the Scheme of Things
And then Wu-laoshi brought in Luo Fei – a tall, handsome man in a well-tailored suit whose words were outpaced only by his thoughts. It was with relief that Lin Nansheng realized that they didn’t manage to discuss anything and would have to meet again – he had a good excuse to see Luo Fei again.
Modern Teacher!au, a prequel to one of my fics from Weilan Derivs week 2022.
6. Unmoored Academicals [CROSSOVER]
A foreboding sense of familiarity washed over Zhao Yunlan. His mind had one, final thought of’ not again’, before the vortex of time opened for good and swallowed everything around him. -- The 'DCU moonlights as Shanghai University' crack that wouldn't leave my brain, with a dash of academia humour
Yeah, I wrote it mostly for crack reasons, but also to appreciate that while there are some similarities between them, SW and LNS are very different, as are LF and ZYL - it is a bit of a love letter to BY and Z1L's acting abilities, dressed up as a crack about a university jumping dimensions, just like Pratchett would have wanted
7. The man you seek is long gone
After returning from Hong Kong, Lin Nansheng tries to find out what happened to Luo Fei. -- Mostly canon compliant with some fix-ity changes added
Presumed dead fic, because everyone needs one 🤗
8. It's falsehood's flame, it's a crying shame
There is a man at the door, dressed in a rather expensive-looking suit, looking around with a faint air of distaste. He has a cane in his hand and a certain confidence around him – Lin Nansheng notices all of that, but it is dulled by the realization that the man is really handsome. * In an alternate universe, Chen Moqun becomes a crime boss instead of the Station Chief. Lin Nansheng follows him either way, until he encounters an unexpected complication in the form of Luo Fei.
Not-really (and yet) mafia!au which is also my first Luolin ever, written for @babischlong-six 😌❤
and now I am off to live that cryptid life because there are still at least a dozen weilan derivs fics that I haven't posted here either but I don't have the energy to do it today. Better to do something than nothing and all that ~
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bittercoldbrew · 3 years
PLEASE tell me about the alien plant girls im so gay for anthropomorphic fem plants
omg thank you SO MUCH for asking and i apologize in advance for the infodump because i have been thinking about these alien plant people for literal years now, i love them so much. I first started thinking about these guys a little after TFA, because of an oc i was working on for a lil star wars fic that i have mostly abandoned by now--so sorry to the like 3 people who were reading my sidon ithano fic but tlj/tros really killed whatever passion i had for the franchise for a good long time :/ but Mando is great so i've been thinking about them'st again...
anyway i am sticking this under a cut because a) im very attached to these characters and if someone steals my shit i will kermit and b) sweet jesus this got so long, i am so sorry
in the SW universe at least, these plant people (that i still for the life of me cannot settle on an actual name for) were the primary inhabitants of a dwarf planet way out in wild space; they had a pretty symbiotic relationship with a race of sentient insectoid people (basically human-sized bees) who could travel between the planet and their home on one of its three moons (affectionately called the Honey Moon). what the plants didn’t know was that the bees were also able to travel to different planets, and had been doing so for a couple centuries before everything went to shit--but we’ll get to that in a bit.
the plant people weren’t particularly interested in the galaxy around them--they had a decent understanding of astronomy and cosmology, but little cultural interest in journeying to the stars. since the planet was pretty small and distant from the galactic core, it was pretty rare that a visiting ship would even pass them by, and scanners didn’t register them as genuine life-forms separate from the natural flora, so even if someone happened to end up out there it’s not the sort of place anyone would really choose to land. on rare occasions, a pirate or smuggler would try to hide out on what they thought to be an unoccupied planet, and would return to the Outer Rim with tales of mobile, sentient trees and bizarre, organic cities found on some uncharted world; likewise, occasionally a plant person would turn up at the local bar with tales of crashed space-ships and strange aliens that seemed almost like people. neither would ever be taken seriously.
the plants aren’t a particularly verbal people. they understand spoken language (a somewhat-modified Basic, at least, which is what the bees speak hmm i wonder where they picked that up from) and many can talk, but most don’t really bother learning to do so. mostly they rely on an ESP-like combo of pheromones and body language, highly attuned to the point that it’s essentially a kind of telepathy. i think i mentioned in the tags on that post that my character Antheia is sorta kinda a jedi? for these people, force sensitivity tends to manifest as an extra-extra-sensory-perception that causes you to be hyperaware of every living thing in your environment, not just the other sentient ones.
this made her uhhh extremely off-putting as a youth, easily distractable and often disinterested in the other people in the small community she grew up in, where she was already pretty disliked to begin with. there’s quite a lot of diversity among the plant people (a wide variety of skin tones/textures and body types, though few if any secondary sex characteristics; four limbs are most common, though occasionally some have two or more sets of arms; different types of leaves/vines/blossoms/etc in lieu of hair), and though they have a barter-based economy there’s still a lot of classism that’s mostly based around lineage (and thus evinced by one’s appearance and the traits one manifests). to protect (or attempt to bolster) those lineages, prospective parents can apply for a spot in a nursery, where their offspring are propagated and tended--mostly just through infancy before going to live with parents, though sometimes longer, and the very high class have private nurseries that will do all the rearing so they don’t have to.
But, on very rare occasions, certain wild plants will spontaneously develop sentience, and even more rarely will survive on their own long enough to find their way to a community. Hundreds of years ago (or “before the bees could speak”, which is their version of “once upon a time”), these spontaneous growths were revered and cherished, and whoever was first to encounter one would see it as a great honor to be responsible for their care and upbringing. now, with a much more striated society, these “weeds” (derogatory) are considered inferior, feral, dangerous. fortunately for Antheia, the man who found her, tangled in marsh reeds under the light of the Honey Moon, didn’t buy into any of that bullshit. he was a really sweet dad, very attentive and doting on his increasingly-strange adopted daughter; they were very close. but the older she got, the more her unusual ability developed, and the more he realized he was well out of his depth to help her understand that part of herself. eventually, she’s sent away to a kind of temple/convent for other people like her, where she’s trained to hone and control her extra senses, rather than be overwhelmed by them.
many years later, the sudden appearance of several large starships in their atmosphere turns their society on its head. it turns out, the bee-people have been traveling to other planets, forging alliances, brokering deals; they claim they just want to facilitate inter-planetary trade. Antheia is among the first to mistrust these invading aliens and their fleet of well-armed droids who seem hell-bent on mining their planet (which is, apparently, rich with cortosis, which--thank you wookiepedia--is apparently capable of repelling lightsabers and blasterfire alike). She flees her convent, joins up with an underground network of resistance fighters, discovers that her hyperawareness makes her a truly formidable force on the battlefield, and helps lead her people in defending the sovereignty of their home. And then things take a turn for the worse...but we don’t need to get into that right now.
my other oc, Shoal, is from the same planet but not even remotely star-warsy; either from a different time period well before the droid incursion, or just like an AU of my own stuff, idk. but she’s great, i love her deeply even though i dont really know what i even want to do with her yet. i mostly just was thinking about what a normal, average person in this world would be like, but then i got too attached. she’s also one of the spontaneous “weeds”, a semi-aquatic plant girl that washed up on a sandbar that occasionally connects a small island with the mainland when the tide is out. she was sort of “found” by multiple people at the same time, since they were making their way across to go trade goods at the mainland market, so to avoid the confusion of who should be responsible for her, she’s just sort of raised by the village as a whole. they name her Shoal, since that’s where they found her (it started as a joke, but then no one could agree on anything else to call her so it just sort of...stuck).
she grows up without realizing that it’s a pretty unusual upbringing. as a teen, she gains the reputation for the island’s best fisher (it helps that she can breathe as well underwater as above, and she’s always been a good swimmer). one thing that’s pretty consistent among all the plant people are their teeth--they all have long, sharp incisors and canines because sexy and also as more of a defense mechanism than a dietary one. they don’t eat much, typically absorbing nutrients from the sun/water/air/soil (mud baths are such a beloved experience, like for the most part they are very dignified people but find them some good mud and they will wallow for days) but when they do it’s pretty meat-heavy. they don’t really enjoy the process of eating very much, especially because they don’t have much gut bacteria so they typically have to swallow some stones to break up their food and nobody wants to do all that. but, at least in the coastal towns near where Shoal grew up, fresh-caught fish is considered a delicacy, and they can trade for quite a lot in return.
as she gets older, though, she starts getting restless. she loves her village, but it’s all she’s ever really known. also, it is so hard to even consider dating when literally everyone your age is practically your sibling, i mean, yeesh. so one day she just packs her bags and says her goodbyes and waits for low tide, then sets off to find her own way in the great wide world. she stops wherever she can, sees everything she can, but eventually settles down working at a tavern in a medium-sized town that’s mostly acclaimed for being a crossroads between bigger and better places. she likes it there, likes getting to know lots of new people and hearing about someone else’s travels more than she actually liked traveling herself. after a few years, the tavern-keeper retires and decides to leave the place to her, and she finds she’s become a permanent fixture in this new community. that’s really all i have for her so far, and i have no idea whether i’ll ever actually do anything with this character lol, but still she is very precious to me so i hope i find a story she’d be a good match for sometime soon.
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shadow-pixelle · 2 years
Alright so I’m riding the high of finishing a thing and getting inspired for another thing and also it being the holidays so I’m gonna channel all of that into rambling about a thing I wrote the other day that I really like and want to talk about. Spoilers for my in-progress next chapter of Uncharted Waters, I guess, if you care about that, I’m wedging this under a cut for the sake of everyone’s feeds.
Ok so as you may or may not know one of my favourite things to do is worldbuilding, and especially culture building, because there’s so much space to work with and stuff to make and fun things you can do, and the Star Wars fandom has been great for that because there’s so much room to mess about with. Especially for Jedi culture, because despite being our main guys we… don’t actually seem to see a lot about their culture as a whole, I feel? Like we get plenty and we can interpret what we do get but there’s still loads of wiggle room.
So quote time from my current fic so I can do the ramble;
>>> “You… they didn’t apologise for things. If it hurt, in training. You don’t complain, and no-one’s going to apologise. If it’s bad, you go to the medics. If it’s bad enough, then…” He shrugs, gesturing a little with one hand before going back to fiddling with the armour. “But training hurts. ‘Swhat it is.”
Anakin thinks, for a moment, of when he was still fairly new to the Temple, and had joined in some of the lightsaber classes for the first time, once he was close enough to the level other kids his age were. The time one of the Initiates had accidentally gotten too enthusiastic, and tapped him on the arm with the training saber. The way they’d panicked, dropping their saber and bursting into tears, repeating apologies over and over, and the way the teacher had apologised too for not quite noticing it in time- even though Anakin knew they’d already been heading over and getting ready to call out to them both, because they’d spoken only a second too late. The accident hadn’t caused any pain more than a small sting, like accidentally biting your lip.
How he’d been surprised that they were so upset, and had gone with them when the Senior Padawan helping with the lesson had drawn that Initiate aside.
“Training isn’t supposed to hurt.” They’d said, one arm around the Initiate. “Sometimes it’s going to, because you’re going to make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes are too big or too quick to catch in time. But it’s not supposed to hurt.”
“It’s not supposed to hurt.” Anakin repeats, soft and steady. “And I’m sorry it did.”
(I’m not giving a lot of context for this cause I think it’s at least a little self explanatory what happened.)
So the reason that this gave me the grins and makes me really want to ramble is because I really like how I’ve got the Jedi looking at training here. It’s not something that’s supposed to hurt. They acknowledge that it does, sometimes, because you’re going to fuck up when you’re learning and that’s going to hurt- not necessarily physically, but failing can make you feel bad and that’s still a hurt- but the Jedi don’t see it as something that should happen. It’s a hazard, yes, but if your teacher or your partner or whoever is actively trying to hurt you then something is wrong.
Meanwhile the clones grew up in a much, much harsher world, where they’re being trained as an army by people that don’t think of them as human, just droids, so the training is going to hurt, and that’s what they learn; training hurts, whether you make mistakes or not. Your teacher is supposed to hurt you because that’s the only way to get better. And no-one’s going to apologise for that, either; if you get hurt during training no-one’s going to say sorry, because it’s just what training is. Your teacher is trying to hurt you, is going to hurt you, and if you’re complaining then you’re the one in the wrong here.
And I think one of the big things- for me at least- is that this is Anakin saying this. Anakin is saying ‘training isn’t supposed to hurt’, and that’s important to me because Anakin was a slave. We don’t know a lot about what slavery on Tatooine was like, or how he was treated as a kid, but I can’t see training not hurting. I get the impression that training for a slave would hurt, because you’ve made a mistake and you’re hit to make sure you don’t make that mistake again, or something similar, y’know? So Anakin probably learned that training did hurt, because if he made a mistake he was punished for it instead of really being corrected.
And then he came to the Temple, and he had to learn himself that no, that’s not right, if you’re learning you’re going to do things wrong, and it’s a teacher’s job to correct that gently; they’re not going to hurt you in order to teach you a lesson, and you might get hurt in the process of making the mistake but you’re not going to get hurt on purpose because of that mistake.
I just feel like that’s a really important thing for Anakin to have learned and for him to be teaching to the clones in this moment. I really like how it’s turned out.
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shadow-pixelle · 2 years
Sometimes you wake up with the plan to do something specific and then get hit by the metaphorical train of life and don't.
So I was planning to do some catchup schoolwork, and then I got attacked by the muse. On the plus side, I wrote 2.3k and now have one of the end chapters of Uncharted Waters written up, so that's nice. Now I'm playing Pokemon.
(Went back to the school for the quest I'm doing and got distracted doing the in-game lessons. Well. I guess I'm kind of getting some schoolwork done?)
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shadow-pixelle · 2 years
Posted a snippet of my current Uncharted Waters fic into one of my Discord groups, and immediately broke the chat as people realised that we had a channel for fanfic stuff.
All I was trying to do was offer a snippet for one of my friends to cry over...
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shadow-pixelle · 2 years
Love that feeling when you're writing and things are going really well and then suddenly you pause for a moment and realise you need to do math to make things consistent. It's great.
I hate math.
Unrelated but the fact that Star Wars seems to have no idea how big anything is is great fun for needing to count.
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