lifetimeyogisblog · 9 months
Swadhisthana, a term derived from Sanskrit, translates to “where your being is established.” Breaking it down, “swa” means self, and “adhishthana” signifies established. In the realm of Hindu Tantrism, Swadhisthana stands as the second primary chakra, intricately connected to the exploration of fear, particularly the fear of death.
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chavemistica · 2 years
Os chakras
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Os chakras vindos de conceitos que pertencem a vertentes indianas e tântricas e com ligação ao Yoga e Ayurveda, também chamados de Padma significando "Lótus" é um elo de energias que agem na mente, corpo e espírito, influenciando nas emoções, comportamento, aprendizado, comunicação e outros fatores. Esses pontos podem ser abertos ou fechados através de terapias ou cotidiano como Reiki, Pedras, Óleos Essências, Meditação, Yoga ou até mesmo alimentação. Todos nós temos 7 chakras e cada um deles está associado a um elemento. Estão organizados numa hierarquia evolutiva de necessidades humanas, iniciando pela sobrevivência e evoluindo para transformação espiritual. Se um chakra esta em equilíbrio esta energia flui pelo nosso corpo e se esta bloqueado tudo se trava sendo impossível a circulação, causando desequilíbrio físico, mental, espiritual e emocional. O corpo e a mente são influenciados pela sua energia interior e pela energia de um todo à sua volta, sendo necessário mante-los equilibrados para uma vida feliz e tranquila. Partindo de um conceito que a felicidade é um estado de espírito e não um facto. Apresentamos assim os chakras e o modo de como devemos cuidar de toda esta energia.   CHAKRA DA RAIZ OU MULADHARA Significa: Suporte. Está ligado aos órgãos que dão estrutura ao corpo (osso, músculo, coluna, pernas e pés), além do cóccix (períneo) e glândulas suprarrenais (adrenalina). Cor: Vermelho. Elemento: Terra. Quando em desequilíbrio: estresse, solidão e sensação de insegurança. Você também pode sentir espasmos musculares. Alimentação: Como este é o chakra da nossa “raiz”, que representa nossa fundação/estrutura, procure ingerir as raízes da natureza, como beterraba, alho, gengibre, batatas, nabo, cenoura, cebola, etc. Alimentos vermelhos, a cor que simboliza o chakra, também são importantes para equilibrá-lo. Opte por maçã, tomate, romã, morango e cereja. Carne vermelha para aqueles que não são vegetarianos são ótimas para balancear esse chakra também.   CHAKRA SEXUAL OU SACRO - SWADHISTHANA Significado: Cidade do prazer. Está relacionado às gônadas (ovários e testículos), à sexualidade, à energia feminina, procriação, ao baixo ventre e criação de projetos. Cor: Laranja Elemento: Água. Quando em desequilíbrio: Impotência, desânimo, incapacidade de se fazer entender pelos outros. Você também pode sentir dores na lombar, alterações de ciclos menstruais, infecções urinárias ou de rins. Alimentação: Seu elemento é a água, então água pura é o melhor que você pode dar ao corpo para equilibrar esse chakra. Porém, também pode aumentar a hidratação com chás e sopas/caldos. Salmão, sésamo, sementes de abóbora e girassol contém gorduras boas que nutrem esse chakra. E os alimentos laranjas, já que a cor do chakra está ligada aos alimentos que o equilibram. Então coma cenoura, laranja, abóbora, manga, pêssego e mamão.   CHAKRA DO PLEXO SOLAR OU UMBILICAL - MANIPURA Significado: Cidade das joias. Representa o corpo mental, está ligado ao pâncreas, emoções densas (raiva, tristeza, medo, ansiedade, angústia), e a auto estima, transforma energia bruta em ação. Cor: Amarelo Elemento: Fogo. Quando em desequilíbrio: O Manipura desequilibrado pode gerar sensação de vergonha, baixa autoestima e falta de confiança em si mesmo. Você também pode ter complicações gastrointestinais como má digestão e gastrite. Alimentação: Alimentos amarelos como abacaxi, pimento amarelo, milho, melão e banana. Para o equilibrar, evite açúcar, farinha branca e alimentos muito processados, que são digeridos rapidamente, pois é um chakra que trabalha na transformação de energia, ou seja, precisa de alimentos complexos, como leguminosas (grão de bico, lentilhas e feijões) e cereais integrais (aveia, arroz integral, centeio) que são metabolizados mais lentamente e mantém a energia por mais tempo. Aposte em temperos como gengibre, curcuma e canela que são anti-inflamatórios e aquecem o corpo, energizando o Manipura chakra.   CHAKRA CARDÍACO - ANAHATA Significado: Câmara secreta do coração. Localizado no centro do peito, coração, está ligado à glândula timo, ao pulmão, ao amor e relações interpessoais. Relacionado ao equilíbrio, compaixão e sistema imunitário. Representa o corpo astral. Cor: Verde Elemento: Ar Quando em desequilíbrio: Depressão, angústia, taquicardia, irritação. Você pode sentir dores no peito, ter alterações na pressão arterial e dificuldade na respiração. Alimentação: Apostar nos alimentos verdes, da cor do chakra é sempre uma boa ideia. Invista em couve, alface, espinafre, brócolos, couve flor, acelga, kiwi e ervilha. Algas como a espirulina também são ótimas. Além de ervas como orégão, manjericão, alecrim e coentro.   CHAKRA LARÍNGEO - VISHUDHA Significado: Purificador do sangue. Está ligado às glândulas tireoide e paratireoide (Filtrar sangue e regular ciclos menstruais). Localizado na garganta, está relacionado à comunicação, expressão, voz, autenticidade, concretização. Cuida da boca, garganta e vias respiratórias. Cor: Azul celeste Elemento: Ar Quando em desequilíbrio: Com o Vishuddha desequilibrado, você pode sentir-se incapaz de tomar decisões, dores no pescoço, tosse, dor de garganta e gengivite. Alimentação: mirtilos e amoras são os alimentos que mais se assemelham a cor desse chakra, mas as frutas de árvores que são “verdadeiras às suas essências” (caem da árvore quando maduras) como maçã, pêssego, pera, damasco e ameixa, por exemplo, também fortalecem Vishuddha. Alimentação mais líquida como sopas, sumos e chás também são ótimas para esse chakra.   CHAKRA FRONTAL - AJÑA Significado: Centro de controle, 3º olho. Localizado na testa, entre as sobrancelhas, está relacionado à glândula pituitária ou hipófise. Cuida do lobo frontal, representa nossa lógica, ideias, raciocínio, aprendizagem, intuição. Também está ligado à saúde de olhos e nariz. Cor: Azul índigo Elemento: Todos. Quando em desequilíbrio: falta de foco, sinusite, dor de cabeça, confusão mental, até problemas psíquicos. Quando Ajna está desequilibrado você pode sentir dificuldade de se conectar com seu lado espiritual e de pegar no sono. Alimentação: framboesa, uva roxa, amora, jabuticaba e mirtilo. Alimentos ricos em ômega 3, nutriente para o cérebro, como salmão, sardinha, linhaça, chia e nozes são excelentes para esse chakra.   CHAKRA CORONÁRIO - SAHASRARA Significado: Lótus das mil pétalas. Localizado no topo da cabeça, está ligado à glândula pineal ou epífise. Energiza o cérebro, e está relacionado à consciência e a produção de serotonina (sono, apetite, humor), além da nossa porção espiritual, fé e evolução. Cor: Violeta Elemento: Todos. Quando em desequilíbrio: problemas neurológicos, falta de fé, fobias, depressão e tendências suicidas. Sahashara chakra é muito espiritual e pode ser melhor equilibrado com outros tipos de terapias. Porém, como está ligado à serotonina, é possível que se beneficie de alimentos que aumentem a produção desta hormona como o cacau e a banana, que são fontes de triptofano, precursor da serotonina.   Consultora Shulamitha A Equipa Chave Mística www.chavemistica.com
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Dianna Smith - HADOBODY's answer: The Sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel. It is believed that this chakra is related to our emotions and sexuality. When it becomes blocked, it can lead to emotional repression and a lack of creativity. The most common causes of a ...
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spiritmeaningblog · 1 year
The 7 Chakras: Colors, Deities, Symbolism
The term Chakra originates from the Sanskrit Language. It literally means wheel. They represent the wheel of energy, the wheel of life. There are 7 Chakras in the human body system. They are dispersed linearly along the spine, starting from the base of the spine till the top of the head. Each Chakra has a unique symbolism, color and deity associated with it. Chakras are subtle and have an…
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zofi-persson-quotes · 9 months
Aura is a very interesting and rare technique. There are some general abilities, plus seven Aura Chakras, each with their attributes and colors.
Red (Muladhara): Deals with the physical nature of the body.
Orange (Svadhishthana): Deals with emotions.
Yellow (Manipura): Deals with self-energy and willpower.
Green (Anahata): Deals with healing.
Blue (Vishuddha): Deals with intelligence.
Indigo (Ajna): Deals with mental communication.
Violet (Sahasrara): Deals with awareness of illusions and obtaining a higher consciousness.
Aura is something that Overlords, Hollow Heads and Stickfigures can learn,even if it’s something long forgotten by Hollow Heads and Stickfigures, and a power only cultivated and studied by the Overlords with Astral powers, and many of its uses and spells were forgotten over 2000 years.
This is a transcript from ancient books found inside King Abner’s old temple, written with the permission of Sir Entros, the leader of the old Order of Warriors that were at Abner’s service, by yours truly, in the hope to make Aura known once again.
Saffron B.
General Abilities
Aura Generation: The user can generate aura.
Etheric Cord Manipulation: The user has control over etheric cords.
Self-Aura Manipulation: The user has control over their own aura.
Aura Concealment: The user can conceal their aura.
Aura Detection: The user can detect the presence of auras in their vicinity.
Aura Absorption: The user can see and absorb the auras of others, taking their life-force, memories, and powers.
Aura Attacks: The user can release/use aura for various attacks.
Aura Charging: The user can charge and refuel objects or others with their aura.
Aura Combat: The user can combine aura control with physical combat skill.
Aura Constructs: The user can create weapons and other materials made of aura, capable of reforming them with complete control and creating anything they need.
Aura Flight: The user can use their aura for flight and direction control, reaching hypersonic speeds at full power (common to all auras).
Aura Infusion: The user can infuse an aura in a body or an object.
Aura Mimicry: The user can mimic the auras of others, understanding their feelings and mimicking their powers.
Aura Solidification: The user can solidify aura into a tangible physical form as per their wish.
Aura Trapping: The user can trap others in their own aura.
Expanded Presence: The user can expand their own aura.
Life-Force Conversion: The user can transform their aura into other forms of matter/energy.
Life-Force Factor Manipulation: The user can use their aura as a medium to develop their own unique powers.
Life-Force Infusion: The user can infuse their own aura into an object or body, enhancing it greatly.
The Seven Chakras
Red (Muladhara)
Physical Augmentation: The user can channel their aura to increase their physical aspects.
Bodily Attribute Augmentation: The user can use their aura to enhance specific bodily attributes of their body and their physical and mental condition to any level,enhancing their capabilities to massive levels.
Optimal Finesse: The user can use their aura to enhance their finesse to the highest potential.
Biological Manipulation:The user can manipulate their own biology or those of other organisms with the effects being either temporary or permanent.
Orange (Swadhisthana)
Empathy: The user can empathize with others for better understanding.
Animal Empathy: The user can empathize with any kind of animal.
Combat Perception: The user can predict the foe's movements by reading their emotional pulses.
Ecological Empathy: The user can empathize with the surrounding ecosystem.
Spiritual Empathy: The user can empathize with the spirit.
Emotion Manipulation: The user can control the emotions of every individual, including his or her own.
Indomitable Emotions: The user has unusually strong emotions, enabling him to bear extensive emotional damage without succumbing to its effects.
Emotional Consistency: The user's power is dependent on certain emotions.
Emotion Aura: The user can turn their emotions into pure aura.
Emotion Empowerment: The more of an emotion the user feels, the stronger they become.
Emotional Trigger: The user can activate and utilize powers based on emotions
Yellow (Manipura)
Aura Generation: The user is able to generate their own unique aura.
Aura Constructs: The user can form their aura into solid constructs, capable of reforming them with complete control and creating anything at will.
Spiritual Weaponry: The user is able to solidify their aura and shape it into any kind of weaponry.
Spiritual Armor: The user can form their aura into durable armor.
Energetic Pressure: The user can destroy the surrounding area with nothing except the force and intensity of their aura.
Energy Duplication: The user can duplicate themselves by using their aura.
Ergokinetic Combat: The user can channel their aura into their arms and/or legs to create power energy enhanced strikes.
Ergo-Telekinesis: The user can use their aura to manipulate matter.
Indomitable Will: The user possesses an unusually strong force of will, enabling them to overcome any situation whether it be life-threatening or not.
Life-Force Beam Emission: The user can project their aura in the form of a destructive beam.
Spiritual Energy Conversion: The user can convert their aura into a form of energy or matter.
Aura Infusion: The user can infuse their aura into an object and/or person.
Aura Mixture: The user is able to mix their aura with the aura of others.
Green (Anahata)
Disease Detection: The user can use their aura to sense the pain, disease, etc., in others and themselves.
Healing: The user can heal or regenerate themselves or another.
Healing Aura: The user can generate a healing aura.
Regenerative Healing Factor: The user can heal rapidly to his or her optimal state.
Empathic Healing: The user can heal the emotional and traumatic pains.
Mental Healing: The user can heal the minds of themselves or another.
Internal Bodily Cleansing: The user can cleanse the body from any foreign impurities.
Foreign Forces Removal: The user can remove any foreign forces from their body and other's bodies as well.
Blue (Vishuddha)
Intelligence Augmentation: The user can channel their aura to gain a higher level of enlightenment which enhances their intelligence.
Causality Perception: The user with this aura can deduce cause and effect relations and create appropriate and effective countermeasures.
Hypercognition: The user can utilize their aura as a medium to perform complex mental operations beyond those of a normal human mind.
Occultism: The user can gain wisdom of the supernatural by channeling their aura.
Indigo (Ajna)
Spiritual Meditation: The user can be at one with their aura in order to keep control of their abilities.
Astral Projection: The user can separate themselves from their physical form.
Dowsing: The user can use their aura to track and locate objects, resources, and people.
Intuitive Aptitude: The user can learn the complexities and develop the perfect methods for any field of expertise without taking much time.
Mind's Eye: The user can use the indigo aura to access the third eye.
Psychic Energy/Psychic Force Manipulation: The user of this power possesses and is able to use the fuel and or force behind psychic/mental abilities/powers.
Psionics: The user can use various forms of psychic/mental abilities/powers
Telepathy: In a meditative state, the user can mentally communicate with others.
Tranquil State: The user can quiet and clear their mind, allowing them to focus on only the task at hand.
Violet (Sahasrara)
Aura Reading: The user can read the aura of another and gain information of one's emotion, health, and gain information of the special abilities of others.
Higher Consciousness: At a higher level, the user can spiritually ascend into a developed state of awareness.
Inner Power: The user is able to awaken the hidden potential that has slept within them.
True-Self Recognition: The user is able to connect with their true higher selves within themselves.
Illusion Awareness: The user can become aware of false realities and break free of the Illusion.
Enlightenment: The user can comprehend the whole universe and beyond.
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r1kysblog · 1 year
THE LION TURTLE VS AVATAR REAWAKENING, which one is the true enlighten path,
The reason why this topic is because both are fundamentally wrong and are misplaced,
So I'm going to dive deep into the role of what the lion turtle and partik, as the gate keeper to Ang realization and enlightenment,
In Yoga or the yogic tradition the Guru is the pathway to enlightenment, and also in yoga the Guru is only ur guru if you see something in him that you want for yourself, or ur Guru will come to you wen you really need him, it depends on many quality like receptivity and perception and grace and timing and alertness and the ability to just sit and Wait, like Meditation or dhyan in yoga requires the first quality to just sit and being alert and being waitful,
Ang time with Guru partik talks abt cleaning the 7 Chakra pathway, from muladhara, swadhisthana, manipuraka, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna, sahasrar, partik didn't do much, simply put Ang just had to deal with his past memories and the guilts of the present, which is not necessary
( that's not what should have happened )
It falls on the Guru to know the ins and out of the human system and to plan a course best suited for this particular seeker, and to know that the mind is not the problem, but the one that drives the mind is the problem, partik job as a Guru is to eliminate the illusion of the past present or future, in the seekers mind, the Guru job is to disillusion one's mind, WHEN ANG said what is cosmic energy ova katara, Traditionally in yoga, the GURU would have destroyed the idea and emotions Ang had for katara, the image of katara in Ang mind and the emotions he had for her would have never survived the reality check of a Guru, Ang ideas of the world would be destroyed, his past memories and every string of attachments, bonds, relationship , would be left to the Guru to deal with but the presence that's the seeker business, partik failed as a Guru, plain and simple,
And the Avatar enlightenment is nothing more than a realization of one's imprisonment, Traditionally Avatar are nothing more then reincarnation, A yogi is trying to break free from the process of life and death, if the guru sore ang little enlightenment and what ang sore, he would have destroyed that as well, A YOGI has three quality, creator, preserver, And Destroyer, Brahma, vishnu, shiva, he is the realized God from within, wen he became a Guru is the day someone else wants to be a God as well,
The lion turtle is another joke, , not because of its significance to Asia or whatever, but because what they did with lion turtle they could have simply done with Guru partik, in fact they should have made Guru partik and the lion turtle the same being, because what the lions turtle did to Ang is in fact, An energy transmission, this something taken from the yogic culture, too this day kriya yogis still do this form of transmission from Guru to disciples,
what I'm trying to say is, in this whole Avatar duty thing, its really nothing more then a self impose imprisonment, And that partik failed duty and the lion turtle are nothing more then screw that keep the illusion seal ova Ang life,
this message that Ang has to serve the world because some past life said so, is something a real Guru would have said get fkd, yangchen, kyoshi, kuruk, roku, and all other Avatar wouldn't have survive the GOD or Guru, because within the Guru are brahma, vishnu, and Shiva, the destroyer,
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yuvaap · 2 months
Discover the Power of Chakras: Unlock Your Body's Energy
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Have you ever wondered how to balance your life and health in a natural way? The ancient practice of chakra balancing might be the key you've been searching for. Chakras, the seven main energy centers in our body, have a significant impact on our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Understanding and balancing these chakras can help you lead a healthier, happier life. Let's explore the basics of chakras and how they can transform your wellness journey.
What Are Chakras?
Chakras are energy points in our bodies that originated in ancient Indian traditions around 1000 BC. These energy centers are described in the Upanishads and Vedas, forming an integral part of Vedic culture. The word "chakra" means "wheel" in Sanskrit, and these energy wheels are believed to spin and regulate our energy flow. Out of 114 chakras in the body, seven are primary and have a profound influence on our health and emotions.
The Seven Main Chakras
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Location: Base of the spine
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Influence: This chakra is linked to survival needs like financial stability and basic health. It affects our digestive system, bones, kidneys, and sexual organs.
2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
Location: Lower abdomen, between the belly button and pubic bone
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Influence: This chakra governs our emotions, creativity, and sexual energy. It impacts the urinary tract, lower back, and reproductive organs.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Location: Upper abdomen
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Influence: This chakra is associated with self-esteem, confidence, and control. It affects the stomach, liver, and pancreas.
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Location: Center of the chest
Color: Green
Element: Air
Influence: This chakra influences love, compassion, and inner peace. It governs the heart, lungs, and blood circulation.
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Location: Throat
Color: Light Blue
Element: Sound
Influence: This chakra deals with communication and self-expression. It affects the throat, thyroid, and vocal cords.
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Location: Between the eyebrows
Color: Indigo
Element: Light
Influence: This chakra governs intuition, wisdom, and perception. It impacts the brain, eyes, and pineal gland.
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Location: Top of the head
Color: Violet or White
Element: Divine consciousness
Influence: This chakra connects us to higher consciousness and spirituality. It affects the brain and nervous system.
The Importance of Balanced Chakras
Balanced chakras allow energy to flow freely through our bodies, promoting overall health and well-being. When chakras are blocked or unbalanced, it can lead to physical and emotional issues. Practices like yoga, meditation, and mindful living can help maintain chakra balance, leading to a more harmonious life. Ready to dive deeper into the world of chakras and holistic wellness? Visit Yuvaap to learn more about how balancing your chakras can transform your life. Our comprehensive wellness platform offers personalized guidance and tools to help you achieve optimal health.
Discover the power of ancient wisdom combined with modern science and start your journey towards holistic well-being today.
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starzpsychics · 2 months
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The Chakras - Sacral Chakra: Svadhisthana
Sanskrit translation: Svadhisthana - means the dwelling place of the self.
Swadhisthana in translation from Sanskrit also means sweetness.
In Sanskrit the word Chakra means disk or wheel, which refers to the energetic center in your body.
Color: Orange
Location: This energetic center is two finger-widths above the Muladhara chakra, at the center of your lower belly. In the back, it’s located at the level of the lumbar vertebrae.
The chakras are the energetic centers of our bodies and are vertically aligned, from the base of the spine to the crown of your head. This chakra is associated with the emotional body, sensuality, fun, freedom, flexibility, sex, and creativity. It is responsible for the storage and distribution of Vyana prana, and is associated with the bladder, kidneys, and reproductive organs.
It manages the water element inside you. This energetic center is often thought of as the seat of our emotions, for others it’s the heart.
The importance of chakra balancing means your interactions with the world and other people will be nurturing, pleasurable and harmonious.
Read More: https://starzpsychics.com/blog/the-chakras-sacral-chakra-svadhisthana-6233
For more information of the chakras and how to support chakra balancing of each energetic center please visit us at Starz Psychics and speak with one of our professional psychic advisors.
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jesusagrario · 3 months
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instrumentsdumonde · 4 months
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🎵 Découvrez une expérience méditative profonde et éveiller votre sérénité grâce au Bol Tibétain dédié spécialement pour le Chakra Sacré ou Swadhisthana.
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bharatjhujhunwala777 · 4 months
Understanding Devtas and Astrology in Hinduism
The Devtas and astrological practices in Hinduism are deeply intertwined with the scientific understanding of the chakras and their influence on our consciousness. Through this lens, we can appreciate these ancient concepts as sophisticated psychological and spiritual systems.
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The three primary chakras are ruled by Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu play important roles.
In this post explore the concept of Devtas in Hinduism and their relationship with astrology. We begin with references from the Rigveda and Atharvaveda, emphasizing the interaction between the material and spiritual worlds.
The Cosmic Interaction
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Waves from the conscious brain and unconscious spinal cord are interacting with others
The Rigveda states: “A thousand heads hath Purusha; from him, Viraj was born, and again Purusha from Viraj was born.” Similarly, the Atharvaveda mentions: “He being father became son of them.” Both texts indicate a continuous interaction between Purusha (the cosmic being or Brahman) and the material world (Viraj), suggesting that each begets the other in a perpetual cycle.
Chakras: The Centers of Consciousness
Our psychic body consists of the conscious mind, located at the ajna chakra (eyebrow centre), and the unconscious mind, located in the spinal cord, which houses five primary chakras. These chakras emit waves that interact with the waves of those around us, creating a collective consciousness.
The Collective Mind
When people are in close proximity, their conscious and unconscious waves interact and merge, forming a group mind and collective consciousness respectively. On a global scale, this interaction extends to all of humanity and other living beings, creating what we call the Universal Conscious, which can be seen as Brahman or God.The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad compares the merging of individual consciousness into universal consciousness to rivers merging into the ocean, losing their individual identities to become one with the ocean.
The Role of Devtas
In modern sociology, Émile Durkheim’s concept of collective consciousness parallels the idea of the Universal Unconscious. Similarly, Carl Jung’s notion of the “soul of humanity” reflects the collective unconscious, aligning closely with the concept of Brahman.
Chakras and Hindu Astrology
At birth, a child’s chakras are influenced by the positions of the seven planets. Hindu astrology posits that the nature and effects of chakras can be modified through worship of corresponding deities and planets. Each chakra has an associated color and presiding deity:
Sahasrahara Chakra:
Deity: Brahman
Planet: Sun
Color: Transparent
Agya Chakra:
Deity: Indra
Planet: Moon
Color: Creamish White
Vishuddhi Chakra:
Deity: Brahma
Planet: Mars
Color: Purple
Anahata Chakra:
Deity: Shiva
Planet: Mercury
Color: Blue
Manipura Chakra:
Deity: Vishnu
Planet: Jupiter
Color: Yellow
Swadhisthana Chakra:
Deities: Varun, Ganesh, Hanuman
Planet: Venus
Color: Orange
Muladhara Chakra:
Deity: Devi or Kali
Planet: Saturn
Color: Blood Red
According to Hindu astrology Chakras are related to particular psychic aspects of oneself
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By understanding these associations, one can influence one’s mental and physical states through specific practices and worship
The concepts of devtas and astrology in Hinduism have a scientific basis in the psychology of the seven chakras. The primary chakras (Vishuddhi, Anahata, and Manipura) are governed by Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu. These ancient teachings are not mere folklore but have a profound connection to human psychology and physiology.
For a more detailed discussion, please refer to my published paper in the International Journal of Theosophy, Philosophy, and Science, available through the link in the description of this video.
See the Full video in English: https://youtu.be/7nxgVUuh0i4
See the Full video in Hindi: https://youtu.be/O__LaORJ39I?si=EpsYwv-k3A_irukU
Papers, Area, Hindu, Hindu, Indus Valley, Person, Philosophy, Subject, Text
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arcetoz77 · 4 months
Los Chakras
@SoyEspiritual El significado de los colores de los chakras Por Soy Espiritual 06/06/21
Todo el cuerpo humano y todas sus partes se pueden clasificar en 7 chakras. Estos chakras sirven como fuentes de energía.
Forman una rueda que corre en nuestro cuerpo pero que permanece invisible. Cada estado de ánimo, pensamiento, enfoque y energía está relacionado con un chakra que cambia según los colores.
Estos chakras significan el estado emocional, físico y mental actual y controlan nuestras emociones. Los chakras tienen una forma fluida y están estrechamente conectados con nuestra mente, alma y espíritu. A continuación, encontrarás los significado de los colores de los 7 chakras.
Chakra Raíz de color rojo El término sánscrito exacto es Muladhara Chakra y es de color rojo. Es extremadamente esencial y se encuentra en nuestro coxis, debajo de la columna vertebral. Este chakra establece la relación entre los seres humanos y la tierra. Además, afecta a nuestra vitalidad, supervivencia y pasión.
Las cuestiones materiales, como el dinero, las necesidades básicas y los elementos de supervivencia, están relacionadas con el chakra raíz. Además, el rojo, que es el color de la vida, representa la fuerza, el amor, el valor y el deseo. La fuerza física y la disciplina también están controladas por este color. El chakra raíz está unido a la glándula Gónada.
Chakra Sacro de color naranja La palabra sánscrita es Swadhisthana Chakra y el color naranja se asocia con el elemento del agua presente en nuestro cuerpo. El naranja influye en varias emociones cruciales como la sexualidad, el sistema reproductivo, la creatividad y la compasión hacia los demás.
El Chakra Sacro tiene una fuerte asociación con nuestro sentido del gusto. Además, nuestro sistema reproductivo, el sistema linfático, las glándulas pélvicas y la vejiga son algunas de las glándulas importantes que controla el chakra Sacro. También influye en emociones como la felicidad, la atracción y el entusiasmo.
Chakra del Plexo Solar de color amarillo La palabra sánscrita asociada es Manipura Chakra que significa ciudad joya. El color amarillo está intrínsecamente relacionado con la luz del sol que es brillante y cálida. El poder personal es emanado por este chakra del plexo solar que influye en nuestro éxito privado y profesional.
De este chakra obtenemos una sensación de confianza, ánimo y alegría. Como resultado, las emociones de alegría, intelecto y calidez son liberadas por este color. Este chakra también se asocia con nuestro sentido de la vista y controla la glándula suprarrenal cerca del ombligo.
Chakra del corazón de color verde El Anahata Chakra está vagamente vinculado con el elemento aire en nuestro cuerpo. Tiene un gran impacto en las relaciones de todos los seres humanos. Como resultado, este chakra del corazón es el gran responsable de todas nuestras relaciones como el matrimonio, la amistad y el amor. Este chakra se debilita cuando hay envidia, desconfianza e infidelidad.
El sentido del tacto está guiado por este chakra y aporta plenitud a nuestra vida. También nos aporta afinidad con la naturaleza ya que está relacionado con la linfa y la glándula del Timo.
Chakra de la garganta de color azul El término sánscrito es Vishuddhi Chakra que significa voz verdadera. Este chakra nos anima a escuchar atentamente y a establecer una mejor comunicación con las personas que nos rodean. Varias partes de nuestro cuerpo están unidas al chakra de la garganta como las mandíbulas, la garganta, los dientes, las vértebras, el cuello, las orejas y las glándulas bucales. Somos capaces de expresarnos eficazmente cuando nuestro chakra de la garganta está perfectamente equilibrado. También mejora nuestras habilidades espirituales y artísticas y nos ayuda a conseguir una voz agradable.
Chakra del tercer ojo de color índigo El término sánscrito es Ajna Chakra que nos ayuda a ver el panorama general. Este chakra nos permite obtener los poderes ideales de la imaginación y mejora nuestras habilidades comunicativas. Nuestro sentido del pensamiento está asociado con el Tercer Ojo que es el pivote de la intuición. Nuestras actividades regulares son controladas por este chakra.
Chakra de la Corona de color violeta Sahasrara Chakra es el término sánscrito que significa la cabeza de la corona. Podemos alcanzar la iluminación mediante el uso óptimo de este chakra y el objetivo de obtener conexiones espirituales superiores. Nuestro sistema nervioso, las glándulas cerebrales y las glándulas pituitarias están conectadas al chakra de la corona. Somos capaces de interpretar y comunicarnos correctamente con la ayuda de este chakra.
Palabras finales Toda persona es consciente de la importancia de los 7 chakras. Deben estar en un equilibrio ideal para mantenerse espiritual, emocional y psicológicamente en forma. Mantener alineados con el Universo nuestros chakras es vital para una evolución espiritual para ayudar a nuestras almas a cumplir su misión en este plano.
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dklifeblog · 4 months
The visible physical world appears in the form of matter. Earlier scientists believed that the universe was created from matter. Then they broke the matter and found the microscopic atom. Then they broke the atom and found the electron in it. And scientists are surprised to see that the behaviour of 'sub-atomic particles' is not fixed - sometimes in the form of a particle and sometimes in the form of a wave! And this is the identity of consciousness. The behaviour of inanimate elements is fixed. That of the conscious plane is uncertain. The conscious element itself is decisive. This consciousness is energy. Matter has gradually disappeared. Only energy is left.
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Indian sages have been saying for thousands of years that this world is a play of energy and the source of energy is Shabd i.e. Omkar. The vast world is made up of the subtlest Omkar. Our sages have contemplated on that energy and have done numerous experiments on it. It is an experience for all the seekers of the spiritual path that the energy of God keeps pouring always. The more a man realizes it, the closer he will reach God.
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The energy that emerges from the gross body is located in the subtle body within the gross body. It is called the energy body. Yoga has talked about upward movement through the seven chakras located in this subtle body. Raising the energy from the lowest Muladhara Chakra, it passes through the inner subtle chakras namely Swadhisthana, Manipur, Anahat, Vishuddha, Agya and finally enters the Sahasrar. This is called Kundalini awakening. The arrival of energy in the Sahasrar is the destination of the spiritual path. This is the union of God and on reaching here the seeker proclaims 'Aham Brahmasmi'.
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To awaken this energy, the seeker takes the help of Pranayam or Yoga. Then he enters into meditation and Samadhi and unites with Brahma.
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healersangeetajha23 · 5 months
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Do you ever feel like something is off-balance within yourself? Maybe you experience stress, anxiety, or a general sense of disconnection. If so, it might be time to explore the world of chakra cleansing and spiritual healing.
Chakras, originating from ancient Indian spiritual traditions, are energy centers within our bodies. It is believed that these energy centers play a crucial role in our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. When our chakras are blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to various issues in our lives.
Understanding Chakras:
There are seven main chakras, each associated with different aspects of our being:
Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, this chakra is linked to our sense of security and stability.
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): Found in the lower abdomen, it governs our creativity and sexual energy.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Situated in the upper abdomen, it influences our self-esteem and personal power.
Heart Chakra (Anahata): Positioned at the center of the chest, it’s all about love, compassion, and forgiveness.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located at the throat, this chakra relates to communication and self-expression.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Situated between the eyebrows, it’s associated with intuition and inner wisdom.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): At the top of the head, it connects us to the universe and higher consciousness.
The Importance of Cleansing:
Just like we need to clean our physical bodies regularly, our chakras also require cleansing to maintain optimal functioning. Daily stress, negative emotions, and even physical ailments can cause blockages in our chakras, disrupting the flow of energy throughout our body.
Techniques for Chakra Cleansing:
Several techniques can help cleanse and balance your chakras:
Meditation: Meditation allows you to focus your attention on each chakra, visualizing them being cleansed and energized.
Yoga: Certain yoga poses are specifically designed to open and align the chakras, promoting balance and vitality.
Reiki: This energy healing technique involves channeling universal life force energy to remove blockages and restore balance to the chakras.
Crystals: Crystals have unique energies that can be used to cleanse and align the chakras. Each chakra corresponds to specific crystals.
Aromatherapy: Using essential oils can help stimulate and balance the chakras, promoting overall well-being.
Sangeeta Jha Healing Services in Chandigarh:
If you’re in Chandigarh and seeking spiritual healing services to cleanse and balance your chakras, look no further than Sangeeta Jha Healing Services. With years of experience and a deep understanding of chakra cleansing and spiritual healing techniques, Sangeeta Jha offers personalized sessions tailored to your specific needs.
Whether you’re struggling with stress, or anxiety, or simply seeking greater harmony and alignment in your life, Sangeeta Jha Healing Services can help. Contact Sangeeta today to embark on your journey towards holistic well-being and spiritual growth.
In conclusion, chakra cleansing and spiritual healing are powerful practices that can bring profound transformation and inner peace. By taking care of our energy centers, we can experience greater vitality, clarity, and joy in our lives. So why wait? Start your journey towards balance and harmony today.
Contact Sangeeta Jha Healing Services for spiritual healing services in Chandigarh.
Remember, true healing begins from within.
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selfimprovementbox · 7 months
What Can I Do to Clear and Balance My 7 Chakras?
Chakras are vital energy centers within the human body, originating from ancient Indian spiritual traditions. These spinning wheels of energy are interconnected and play a crucial role in maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When the flow of energy through these chakras is balanced, one experiences harmony and vitality. However, various factors such as stress, trauma, and negative emotions can lead to blockages and imbalances in these energy centers, causing disruptions in our lives.
Read Also: How to Unblock Your 7 Chakras and Restore Flow of Energy
Understanding the 7 Chakras
There are seven main chakras, each associated with specific physical and emotional aspects of our being. Starting from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, they are as follows:
Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra governs our sense of security, stability, and basic survival instincts.
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): Situated in the lower abdomen, the sacral chakra is linked to creativity, sexuality, and emotional well-being.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Positioned in the upper abdomen, the solar plexus chakra influences our self-esteem, confidence, and personal power.
Heart Chakra (Anahata): Found in the center of the chest, the heart chakra governs love, compassion, and forgiveness.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located at the throat, the throat chakra is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Positioned between the eyebrows, the third eye chakra is related to intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Situated at the top of the head, the crown chakra connects us to higher consciousness, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment.
Signs of Imbalanced Chakras
When chakras are out of balance, it can manifest in various ways, affecting our physical health, emotional stability, and mental clarity. Common signs of imbalanced chakras include:
Persistent feelings of anxiety, fear, or depression
Digestive issues, chronic pain, or fatigue
Creative blocks and lack of inspiration
Difficulty in expressing emotions or communicating effectively
Lack of focus, clarity, or intuitive guidance
Feelings of disconnectedness or spiritual disconnection
Methods to Clear and Balance Chakras
Fortunately, there are numerous techniques available to clear and balance the chakras, promoting overall harmony and well-being. Some effective methods include:
Meditation Techniques: Practicing chakra meditation helps to focus attention on each energy center, promoting relaxation and alignment.
Yoga Poses for Chakra Alignment: Certain yoga asanas target specific chakras, helping to release blockages and stimulate energy flow.
Use of Crystals and Gemstones: Each chakra is associated with particular crystals and gemstones, which can be used to harmonize and balance the energy centers.
Aromatherapy and Essential Oils: Inhalation or topical application of essential oils can influence chakra balance and promote emotional healing.
Sound Therapy and Chanting: Vibrational frequencies from sound instruments or chanting specific mantras resonate with the chakras, restoring balance and harmony.
Read Also: Unlocking Mysteries & Energy: Chakras Beyond Religion
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, governs our sense of security, stability, and basic survival instincts. When imbalanced, it can lead to feelings of insecurity, fear, and financial instability. To balance the root chakra, one can practice grounding exercises, such as walking barefoot in nature, yoga poses like Tadasana (Mountain Pose), and using red-colored crystals like garnet or red jasper.
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
The sacral chakra, situated in the lower abdomen, is associated with creativity, sexuality, and emotional well-being. An imbalance in this chakra can manifest as creative blocks, intimacy issues, and emotional instability. To balance the sacral chakra, one can practice hip-opening yoga poses, engage in creative activities like painting or dancing, and use orange-colored crystals such as carnelian or orange calcite.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
The solar plexus chakra, located in the upper abdomen, influences our self-esteem, confidence, and personal power. When imbalanced, it can result in low self-esteem, lack of motivation, and digestive problems. To balance the solar plexus chakra, one can practice core-strengthening yoga poses, affirmations for self-confidence, and use yellow-colored crystals like citrine or yellow tiger's eye.
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
The heart chakra, found in the center of the chest, governs love, compassion, and forgiveness. An imbalance in this chakra can lead to relationship issues, lack of empathy, and feelings of isolation. To balance the heart chakra, one can practice heart-opening yoga poses, cultivate gratitude and forgiveness, and use green or pink-colored crystals such as rose quartz or green aventurine.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
The throat chakra, situated at the throat, is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity. When imbalanced, it can result in difficulty expressing oneself, throat issues, and a fear of speaking up. To balance the throat chakra, one can practice chanting, singing, and speaking affirmations, use blue-colored crystals like aquamarine or blue lace agate.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
The third eye chakra, located between the eyebrows, is related to intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. An imbalance in this chakra can lead to lack of clarity, confusion, and difficulty making decisions. To balance the third eye chakra, one can practice meditation, visualization exercises, and use indigo-colored crystals like amethyst or lapis lazuli.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
The crown chakra, situated at the top of the head, connects us to higher consciousness, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. When imbalanced, it can result in feelings of disconnection from the divine, lack of purpose, and spiritual cynicism. To balance the crown chakra, one can practice meditation on universal consciousness, engage in prayer or spiritual rituals, and use clear or white-colored crystals like clear quartz or selenite.
Maintaining Chakra Balance
It's essential to maintain regular practice and consistency in chakra-balancing techniques to ensure long-term harmony and well-being. Listening to your body's signals and adjusting your practices accordingly can help address any imbalances as they arise, promoting a deeper sense of connection and vitality.
In conclusion, clearing and balancing the seven chakras is essential for achieving holistic well-being and spiritual growth. By incorporating various techniques such as meditation, yoga, and energy healing into our daily lives, we can harmonize our energy centers and unlock our fullest potential.
Read Also: How to Activate Chakras in Human Body
How often should I practice chakra-balancing techniques?
It's recommended to practice chakra-balancing techniques regularly, ideally daily or a few times a week, to maintain optimal energy flow.
Can chakra imbalances be inherited?
While chakra imbalances can be influenced by genetic predispositions, they are primarily the result of environmental factors and personal experiences.
Is it possible to balance chakras too much?
Balancing chakras too frequently or intensely can sometimes lead to temporary discomfort or energetic shifts, but it's unlikely to cause long-term harm.
Can chakra imbalances affect physical health?
Yes, imbalanced chakras can manifest as physical symptoms such as chronic pain, digestive issues, and fatigue.
Are there any risks associated with chakra meditation?
Chakra meditation is generally safe for most people, but it's essential to approach it mindfully and seek guidance if you have underlying mental health concerns or medical conditions.
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digitalworld202423423 · 7 months
Balancing Chakras with Essential Oils
Essential oils are sturdy plant extracts which can make your life higher in lots of ways. You can use them for such things as making your property scent excellent or assisting you relax. Some humans even use them for religious reasons. Using vital oils for chakras is one instance of this.
Chakra Basics
The idea of chakras has been around since approximately 1,500 BC, and it became talked about in antique Hindu writings. Chakras are visible as electricity spots unfold out to your subtle frame, that's like an active model of your physical frame however extraordinary it.
They permit your lifestyle's power to float via them. While there are plenty of smaller chakras, maximum human beings suppose there are seven primary ones. These are determined alongside your spine, and every one is assumed to manipulate specific parts of your frame, mind, and spirit. Chakra Healing Oils Products are very good product to use.
Using Essential Oils For Chakra Balancing
You can use essential oils in various ways to help balance your chakras, including using chakra blends essential oils. For instance, you can put one oil or a chakra blend essential oil designed for a specific chakra in a diffuser during meditation or whenever you want to create a certain atmosphere in your home or space. Massaging with oils is another great method, especially focusing on the parts of your body linked with each chakra. Remember to mix pure essential oils with a carrier oil before applying them directly to your skin to prevent any irritation or harm.
The seven chakras, as commonly referred to in various spiritual and alternative medicine traditions, are:
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Benefits of using essential oils for chakras:
Using essential oils for chakras is a popular practice in aromatherapy and holistic wellness. Here are some potential benefits:
Balancing Energies: Essential oils are believed to have residences that could help balance the energies associated with every chakra, selling ordinary harmony and nicely-being.
Enhanced Meditation and Focus: Certain vital oils are concept to help deepen meditation practices and improve recognition by stimulating precise chakras associated with awareness and non secular attention. High Quality Body Oil Products
Emotional Support: Different oils will have calming, uplifting, or grounding outcomes, which can aid in addressing emotional imbalances related to particular chakras.
Physical Well-being: Some crucial oils are recognized for their therapeutic homes, along with relieving muscle anxiety, soothing complications, or supporting digestion, that could not directly benefit the corresponding chakras.
Aromatherapy Benefits: Inhaling the aroma of important oils could have diverse physiological results, consisting of promoting rest, decreasing strain, and improving mood, all of which make contributions to average chakra balance.
Chakra Alignment: By using precise oils associated with each chakra, people may also facilitate the alignment of these power centers, promoting a sense of wholeness and alignment within the frame and mind.
Personalized Healing: Tailoring critical oil use to person chakra imbalances allows for a personalized method to recuperation and self-care, addressing particular regions of situation or imbalance.
View more: Chakra Aromatherapy Oils Products
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