theinfinitemoo · 8 months
The following was written by Abyss 🍁
[Part One] [Part Two]
Tango wakes up with a sinking feeling that he’s going to die today.
It isn’t the constant sense of dread he’s had since he found out who he was Soulbound to. It’s not the fear that has sat in his chest ever since the last Game, when the possibility of an ally turning on him became very real. This is different.
It’s more of a shadow, a looming anxiety that hangs over him and keeps him awake into the deepest hours of the night. He hasn’t felt like this since
 well. The last time he permadied.
(Moon, space, stars, explosions screaming carried off into the void, he’s so so alone—)
Tango tries not to think about it. For all the good that does.
Whatever he is trying to do to focus on now instead of then isn't working, so he jumps at the chance of a distraction, meeting the other red names at Bdubs and Impulse’s base. Which nearly works.
Then Ren throws a TNT minecart down and Tango’s fear spikes, vision blurring. But it’s nothing, just a joke, so Tango relaxes. Barely.
Everything is fine until later, when Joel crits Jimmy and brings them so low that Tango braces himself for death. But they escape, pulse beating through their three remaining hearts. That was much closer than either of them would’ve liked.
What really sends Tango over the edge, though (both literally and figuratively) is the hill.
It’s insignificant in the grand scheme of things, a small thing that he shouldn’t give a second thought. But it sticks with him, for whatever reason. If something as small as falling from a hill can kill him
 especially when paired with any damage Jimmy takes

His partner is cursed by the universe. Tango just has to accept that. Whatever happens, happens.
He keeps that in mind when Jimmy’s distress messages come through.
Tango is pretty sure the Divorce Gang won’t kill Jimmy. But Cleo and Scott will do what’s needed for the good of their team. And Martyn’s reckless, with a reputation of backstabbing. So, on second thought
 maybe Tango isn’t as sure of their mercy as he first thought.
Jimmy is in a box in the ground. It’s a very vulnerable position. This could really go any direction.
(Whatever happens, happens.)
Which is nothing. They tease Jimmy and try to throw Tango in the box, too, but they don’t try to murder them. Relief washes over Tango; he really doesn’t want to die, no matter how certain he is that they will.
Their luck soon runs out, unfortunately.
There’s nothing more Tango could’ve done. 
The final pieces of the world disappear, leaving nothing but black void behind. It’s familiar, the feeling of permadeath. It’s cold, and empty, and Tango hates it.
(He did all he could. It still wasn’t enough to save them.)
It’s dark, but this time there’s no stars to keep him company.
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theinfinitemoo · 9 months
Two words
Treebark hanahaki
Take that as you will, have a good day!
The following was written by Moo 🐼
This has taken an unreasonable amount of time and I am very sorry.
This is part one of 3 alternate ending type stories.
Ending 1: Red Tulips
Ever since Dogwarts Martyn had loved Ren. Those first few months were wonderful. He had adored being in love even if his feelings had not been returned. But then it all fell apart.
It had started with a cough. No different from a normal cold at first though it seemed to last longer. After the cough came the chest pain. Deeper and sharper than anything Martyn had experienced before. Once the flowers came Martyn knew what was happening, though he felt he’d known since the first cough. 
The purple heliotrope petals had been small and few at first but since then they had grown in size and number and now often brought with them a smooth crimson liquid.
Martyn raised his head looking into the mirror above the sink wiping the trickle of blood and stray petals from his mouth. The coughing fits were more common now, people would start to notice his constant disappearances soon. 
After wiping his mouth and washing all traces of blood and flowers down the sink Martyn left the bathroom and made his way back to his room.
Last life had started around 2 weeks ago and had proved Martyns fear that taking part in a brutal survival game while fighting a painful lung disease wasn’t easy.
He found he was constantly trying to escape conversations with other players to avoid them seeing him choking up blood stained petals. 
More worryingly however the blonde discovered that the disease had significantly reduced his lung capacity making it difficult to run, fight or do any of the other physical activities that were essential in these games. 
Martyn made his way out from his tower through the grass which was damp with morning dew towards the southlands entrance.
He ambled along the path towards spawn, soft morning sunlight warming his face as he walked.
The day was unusually peaceful but Martyn was too preoccupied with his own issues to notice the lack of people, or the soft russell of leaves and quiet footsteps of the person following him.
The blond was drawn from his momentary trance by the snap of a twig. His head snapped up and he peered at his surroundings. 
As his hand moved to his sword he was distracted by a sudden movement as Joel appeared, jumping down from a tree close behind him.
The red names axe was already drawn and the green had no time to grab his own weapon. He ran.
Martyn tore through the trees wildly as Joel gave chase. Lungs screaming in protest at the lack of oxygen Martyn knew he would not be able to sustain this action long. He needed to get somewhere safe.
As if at his wish Scott appeared out of nowhere. Martyn tried to call out for help but found he couldn’t as he felt the all too familiar feeling of petals at his throat. 
Thankfully Scott seemed to notice the problem. Martyn wasn’t quite sure how it happened but moments later he and Scott were mercifully alone. 
“Lucky escape there” the blue eyed man said turning back to Martyn with a smile that fell quickly “Martyn are you alright?”.
Martyn was crouched on the floor hand at his throat, struggling to draw breath when he felt a soft warm hand at his back. “You’re okay, just try and take a breath”.
Upon doing as he was told, the blond choked and spat a handful of purple petals and a trickle of blood into the grass. 
“Oh Martyn.”
Martyn felt tears prick his eyes at the compassion in the cyan haired man's voice as he  straightened up.
“Don’t tell,” He pleaded breathlessly. 
The younger man looked pitifully at the blond “Come on, lets go inside”.
Martyn allowed himself to be led inside Scotts base, he felt himself be pushed gently into a soft cushioned sofa and shortly after accepted a warm mug of sweetened tea. 
“It’s Ren” Scott murmured gently “isnt it”
Martyn nodded, unable to speak.
“You should tell him” The blond had not expected this, raising his moist eyes to look into the blue ones.
“What's the point?” The defeated tone in his voice pulled painfully at Scotts heart strings.
Martyn felt a soft hand grasp his “You never know” he whispered “What if he feels the same?”
The blond avoided Scotts eyes, “I think it's a bit too late for that mate” with a humourless laugh.
“It's not Martyn” Scott implored “I promise it's not”
A flicker of hope seemed to ignite inside him for a moment. “How do you know?” he asked, trying (and failing) to hide the burning longing in his voice. 
“Because it happened to me” the builder's voice was barely above a whisper now.
The surprise at this revelation drove all thoughts of hiding tears from Martyns mind as he looked up at Scott “What?”.
Scott smiled softly “Last time” he said “With Jimmy”.
The blonds eyes widened in shock “I- I never knew”
“I didn’t tell anyone, '' Scott admitted and it was his turn to avoid his companions' eyes “I was scared, if it hadn't been for Jimmy
 I don’t know what would've happened
 for once it was him saving me” Scott smiled nostalgically. 
“Go on,” Martyn pressed gently.
“He caught me one day” Scotts obliged “I hadn’t progressed as far as you have but he had begun to notice my disappearances and followed me
 once he saw what was happening he confronted me and I confessed and he told me he felt the same” 
Martyn was stunned, “Flower husbands really took on a whole new meaning then” attempting a joke. To his relief Scott chuckled softly. 
They sat in silence for a few moments as Martyn drank his tea, which dramatically reduced the burning pain in his throat.
“Thank you” 
After leaving the builder with a promise to visit again soon Martyn made his way over to the Fairy Fort.
Upon arriving at the bridge that led to the Fairy Queen's base Martyn halted. 
The enormity of the task before him seemed to hit him suddenly and a wave of fear washed over him.
It was a new feeling. 
Not the kind of fear you usually felt in these games that was mingled with an adrenaline that made the situation bearable, almost enjoyable. 
This fear was different though, a bone deep anxiety that made him want to run and never stop but also left him rooted to the spot.
The blond started and looked up.
The speaker stood on the small wooden bridge before him.
“Are you alright?” Ren's voice was soft and warm.
Martyn had missed that voice so much. The same voice that had whispered to him as they lay under the stars together. Before the fall.
Tears burned behind Martyns eyes at the memory but he fought them back. 
“I need to talk to you” He tried to keep his voice level but the flash of worry in Ren's eyes told him that something had betrayed him. 
The taller man moved towards him cautiously, as though expecting a trap “Whats up?”
Martyns lungs burned in protest, the all too familiar taste of floral copper seemed to fill his mouth. 
The blue eyes closed in fear and anticipation. “I love you”.
An eternity passed in complete silence. As if nature itself held its breath. 
Martyn longed for it to end and yet feared the moment when it would.
He wished he had not allowed himself that small hope from Scotts words.
Wished he had been able to suppress that desperate longing.
The tears slipped down his face against his will, the faint taste of salt passed over his lips as though taunting him. 
And suddenly Ren is there.
And Ren is kissing him.
And Ren's hands are in his hair.
And Martyns' world is exploding.
And he just stands there.
Letting it all wash over him.
And then the darker haired man breaks away, though his hands still cradle Martyn’s face running soothing motions in his scalp.
And the whisper that comes is so close Martyn can feel the breath on his face “I love you to”.
And the pain is gone. 
And his lungs are free. 
And his heart is whole.
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theinfinitemoo · 10 months
Just letting people know this account is not dead.
I’ve been working on a request (for far too long) but life’s been quite busy.
I’m hoping to release on Tuesday.
Very sorry about the lack of posts
- moo 🐼
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theinfinitemoo · 11 months
The following was written by Abyss 🍁
[Part One]
(TW for dark thoughts/wishes)
Jimmy’s second death, on the other hand, was definitely by his own stupidity.
How did he--how did anyone--expect it to go well, anyway?
Really though. The two clumsiest people and their Soulmates in a platform in the sky. Made of wood.
It could only end in disaster.
Scar had just pulled the MLG bucket clutch of the century. Jimmy could blame his fall on the adrenaline high after that, but he won't. That would be dishonest.
It's his fault that he looked over the side to taunt the players on the ground. It's his fault that he leaned a little too much. His fault that it gave Joel the perfect opening to send an arrow right through his throat--
(Hot sun, sand everywhere, screams blood pain shrieks of anguish-)
--making him lose his balance. Falling over the side. It doesn't even matter if he was dead before he hit the ground.
Nothing matters anymore.
The aftermath parallels their first death so sweetly. But this time it's Jimmy apologizing. It's Jimmy begging for forgiveness. It's Jimmy weighed down with the soul-crushing guilt and self-hate. He feels terrible, so terrible.
Tango groans and smiles and jokes, but Jimmy knows. He knows, and it somehow hurts more.
Neither of them are or ever will be what the other wants.
Jimmy wants to disappear. But he can't do that to Tango.
But oh, how he wishes he could erase himself from the narrative. Never be remembered as the Canary with the Curse.
Not exist in these games at all.
[Part two of four]
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theinfinitemoo · 11 months
Hello sweethearts!! Finally here, hehe. How about siblings Ren Pearl and Joel? No shipping ofcourse I just think they have sibling vibes and could be werewolf trio together :P
Yea they are siblings in my head because they have wolf vibes it's kinda funny lol
Hello hello hello
It’s moo 🐼
I need some ideas for this :)))
The ideas don’t need to be from the original poster (they can if they want) I’m open to anything :D
I need some inspo, I like the idea I just don’t know quite how to execute.
All suggestions are welcome
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theinfinitemoo · 11 months
The following was written by Abyss 🍁
Tumblr media
Jimmy’s first death is as much of a surprise to him as it is to everyone else.
So not very.
It may have been the first death of the whole game, too, but hey! It’s not a death by his own stupidity for once, so that’s a plus. This time it’s someone else’s fault; namely, the player sitting above him, on top of a tree.
Tango, right?
That’s definitely one way to find your Soulmate.
Tango hops down from the tree, laughing and apologizing profusely. He says that he was mining and had gotten attacked by seven (seven!) zombies, then a creeper exploded him from behind. Not his fault in the slightest, and Jimmy makes sure to tell him as much. Though Tango has no clue where he’d been, so his stuff is probably gone.
(Jimmy finds out later that his items, too, had despawned. But that’s okay! He isn’t mad. It’s not Tango’s fault.)
They laugh it off, usual Jimmy antics (if– when , when he dies first, he’ll be dragging someone else down with him) and agree to split up, Jimmy backtracking to where he died and Tango going to replenish his stuff.
Forgive and move on is Jimmy’s mentality. There isn’t enough time in the games to hold grudges.
(Flowers, mountains, smiles, love, sand, so much sand, battle cries, blood, pain , an arrow to the throat, someone screaming his name, a glimpse of teal hair as the life fades from his body–)
Someone should probably tell Cleo and Scott about holding grudges.
Jimmy and his Soulmate build a little shack for themselves, go around the server collecting pity items (which is pretty hilarious, actually), form a plan to have a boatload of secret cows (like that worked so well for Tango the last time, but Jimmy humors him), find out, to Jimmy’s dismay, that nobody has a horn to spare, and finally come up with a duo name, since that’s what everyone else seems to be doing.
They’re the Ranchers. It’s kind of cute.
(The thought of building walls around their base, just the two of them, makes something in his chest yearn for a simpler time. For the air to be filled with the smell of flowers and warm summer sun kissing his skin. For the person living across the ravine.)
Jimmy can’t imagine being someone else’s Soulmate. Tango agrees.
(They both know that’s a lie.)
[Part one of four]
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theinfinitemoo · 11 months
could i get some platonic ranchers fluff? im so obsessed with them theyre so Silly
The following was written by Moo 🐼
Jimmy looked up as the last rays of sunlight began to dip below the mountainous skyline.
He’d spent the morning building a new barn for their new animals and the afternoon was spent painstakingly moving the disobedient creatures inside. 
Now looking up and stretching properly for the first time in hours Jimmy noticed how cold and tired he was. He’d only really had a break at midday after finishing the barn and it was at least 7pm now. 
He stretched again and after making sure there weren’t any holes in the new barn by which anything could escape he wandered back towards the ranch.
As he approached he could hear Tango humming and clattering around inside. He smiled softly and opened the door.
Tango was in the process of making dinner when he heard Jimmy come in. 
“Hey Rancher” Jimmy rubs his boots on the mat before entering. “Hello” Tango replies walking over and placing a kiss on Jimmys cheek “I haven’t seen you all day, what have you been doing?”.
Jimmy flushes slightly at the kiss and goes to sit down on the worn sofa. “I’ve replaced the old barn” Tango moved over to the avian, handing him a bowl of pasta as he sat down.
“Well done, you must be exhausted” The blaze smiled softly at his soulmate, whose nose and hands were pink from the sudden warmth of the Ranch. 
Jimmy nodded too hungry to answer as he ate his pasta, Tango was possibly one of the best cooks he'd ever met. 
In no time at all they’d finished their pasta and Tango collected up the bowls and began washing up despite Jimmy's protests.
“You’ve been working hard all day and I enjoy the washing up” 
The avian sat back down on the sofa and shivered “Are you cold, songbird?” 
Jimmy blushed again at the nickname “A bit, it's alright though I'll warm up soon” he answered as he began rubbing his hands on his jeans to try and get some feeling in them.
Tango wandered over, leant down and picked Jimmy up, an impressive feat as he was a good deal shorter than the brown eyed male, Jimmy squealed and wiggled “What are you doing!?” and then he stopped as he felt warmth spread through his body.
“Is that better, songbird?” the shorter smirked down at Jimmy who had closed his eyes. 
“Mhm, how are you doing that?” Jimmy asked softly, eyes still closed. 
Tango laughed “I’m a blaze hybrid, it's one of my many talents” he began to carry Jimmy upstairs.
Before long Jimmy was being gently lowered into their shared bed, his eyes flickered open as Tango's arms moved away. 
Sleepily he reached out for his soulmate who chuckled “In a minute songbird, I’m getting our pajamas”.
Tango returned in a few minutes with both of their pajamas as well as a toothbrush and glass of water. After changing and brushing his teeth, Jimmy grabbed Tango's hand and pulled him down onto the bed. 
Tango smiled and flushed as Jimmy wrapped his hands around his waist and buried his head beneath his neck. 
“G’night Rancher” Jimmy muttered sleepily. “Night Night Songbird”. And they both fell into a peaceful sleep wrapped in each other's arms. 
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theinfinitemoo · 1 year
Just wanted to make a post to say that if you submitted a request we are working on it.
This is a new thing for all the mods (?) of this account and we’re trying to work things out.
At the moment we’re assigning requests to different people and then they’re working on them.
Thank you for your interaction and interest in the account :))
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theinfinitemoo · 1 year
Hello :D! I was wondering if i could make a req of Scarian Professor/Student AU!
The both work in the same University but Grian is the main professor in architectural structures (making buildings so that they won't collapse so theres whole lotta math) and is constantly tired. Scar could be an undergrad who has the biggest crush on the guy and really wants to help him so he becomes a student assistant.
This could play out as Scar is newly recruited or as someone who has been under Grian for a year and something and his attempts are getting a bit desperate, hehe.
Good luck on your blog guys! <3
The following was written by moo 🐼
Scar had been working under Grian in the university ever since he graduated 2 years ago. In the 5 years Scar had known him he had picked up on a number of particular quirks that the blond man displayed. For example, when Grian felt particularly passionate or excited about something he would rock from his heels to his toes or when he laughed his eyes wrinkled at the corners. All the things scar loved about him.
Unfortunately Scar had also noticed that Grian often displayed a complete lack of care for his own wellbeing. The large eyebags were a token of the countless sleepless nights Scar knew the blonde had endured and while he tried to smile for the students the frequent yawns and tired sighs did not escape the brunette's notice.
Ever since Scar began to notice these worrying signs in his overworked boss he had made it his mission to help the man. It started small, bringing him a cup of coffee each morning, taking on a little of his marking work etc. Soon however, Scar realised more drastic measures needed to be taken.
It was 8 o’clock in the evening and Scar was just about to go home when he noticed a light on in Grian’s office. Curious about why the man was still at work and conscious that this might be his chance to finally ask him out on a date he popped his head round the door “Hi Grian” he said brightly. Grian didn’t move. He was sitting at his desk, back to the door with his head resting on his hands. Scar moved further into the room “Grian?”. He placed a hand on the back of the sleeping man’s head and nudged him.
“AGH” Grian's head snapped up as Scar nearly fell out of his wheelchair. “SORRY SORRY I DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE ASLEEP
 why were you asleep?” His brown eyes narrowed at the last part. “I.. um.. I don’t know I was looking over these equations and I just dropped off” the blond answered looking slightly guilty. “Well you can finish it tomorrow, come on I’m taking you home, you look terrible” Scar said looking at him. Grian huffed “Thanks Scar really makes me feel good about myself” he muttered grumpily. Scar rolled his eyes in sarcastically “Don’t be silly you’re the best looking guy I know” he answered avoiding Grians eye. Grian flushed pink but didn’t say anything.
They both made their way down to the car park, Scar whistling cheerfully and Grian walking beside him. Once they got to the car park Grian made his way over to his own car before Scar stopped him “Nope, you should never drive when you’re tired, honestly Grian I thought you were smart”. Grian rolled his eyes “Alright, how do you propose I get home?” The brunette smiled at him cheerfully “You can come with me” Grian was too tired to argue.
The drive home was relatively uneventful. Scar put on his disney playlist and Grian sat quietly in the passenger seat as the brunette sang along. Upon arriving at the blonds house Scar realised that the exhausted man had fallen asleep. The younger quietly reached for the sleeping man's satchel. Its owner shifted but did not wake up. After ruffling through the overstuffed bag for a few moments Scar found his keys. He silently climbed out of his car (In my mind he's using a stick or crutches of some kind) and opened Grian’s front door. He then returned back to the car in order to work out how he was going to get the blond inside. He decided that the best thing to was just to wake him up, after all it would look awfully suspicious if Grian’s neighbours looked out to see a man dragging his seemingly lifeless body out of a car. Gently he pushed Grian’s shoulder. The sleeping man jolted but thankfully didn’t scream. “We’re here” Scar said, careful to keep his voice at a reasonable volume. Grian rubbed his eyes and looked apologetic “Sorry” he murmured sleepily “I just nodded off”. Scar smiled “and that’s why I didn’t let you drive home” he said grinning. The blond managed a small smile.
After getting inside Grian made his way over to the kitchen “Do you want a drink or anything?” he asked, stifling a yawn. Unfortunately the yawn wasn’t missed by Scar, “Don’t you worry about that lets just get you into bed” Grian smiled again sleepily “Thanks buddy”. “ My pleasure” the brunette answered, turning away to hide the slight blush that had crept across his face.
As Grian made his way down the hall to his bedroom, Scar looked around the messy kitchen and frowned. Grian obviously was neglecting household chores as well as his well-being.
Around an hour later Scar had finished the kitchen, the dishwasher had been set off and the brunette was just making a cup of tea when he remembered Grian. As quietly as possible the brunette wheeled along the corridor peering into different rooms trying to find the bedroom. Eventually he located it, 3 doors down from the kitchen, and he peeped inside. Grian was passed out fully clothed on the bed, glasses and one shoe still on. Scar smiled at the sleeping man as he moved forward to gently remove the glasses, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get the shoe off without waking it’s wearer. The sleeping man huffed slightly and rolled onto his side narrowly missing Scars knee with the shoeless foot. With a sigh of relief Scar placed the glasses on Grian’s side table and made his way out of the room. He went back to the kitchen and made a cup of tea. Before going and sitting in the lounge.
He had only meant to finish his tea and then go home but clearly he was more tired than he’d noticed because the next thing he knew his eyes were fluttering open in broad daylight and a small blonde head was floating above him. “Good morning Scar”. The brunette sat up and rubbed his eyes “Good morning” he said with a yawn. Grian smirked and plopped down on the sofa beside him, at some point he’d changed into a pair of joggers and a red t-shirt with a picture of a cat on it. “Do you want me to grab you a t-shirt or something to put on?” The blonde asked. Scar looked down at himself “That sounds like a good idea actually”. Grian left and Scar pulled himself up on the chair a bit as he waited. In a few moments, Grian returned with a large orange t-shirt with a picture of a superhero on it and ‘hot guy’ written on the back in a large cyan font. The brunette looked up at the blonde quizzically, “don’t ask” the blue eyed man said flushing slightly. Scar began to unbutton his shirt and pulled the t-shirt over his head. “So.. do you want to watch a movie or something?” Grian asked rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Scar smirked “is that what you say to every man you find asleep on your sofa?” The blonde blushed again but grinned “Only the good looking ones”. This time it was Scars turn to blush and Grian grinned again before sitting down next to him.
In 10 minutes they’d chosen a movie, Hercules, and were sitting on the sofa watching. About 20 minutes later Grian had fallen asleep again, Scars eyes felt heavy and before he knew it he was asleep again. Scar woke a few hours later to soft breathing next to him. He turned his head slightly and his heart skipped a beat as he realised he was practically on top of a sleeping Grian. He attempted to move away but as he did the smaller man wrapped his arms around his chest and pulled him back. Grians voice was slightly muffled “Don’t move I’m comfy”. Scar froze and then slowly lay back down “alright”.
A few moments passed with Scars heart pounding in his chest but it was now or never. “Hey Grian” he said tentatively, “mhm?” Came the sleepy response. “Are you free next Friday night?”. Scar felt the blond go ridgid and his heart plumpeted, he had ruined everything. The no longer sleepy man sat up, and Scar couldn’t bear to meet his eyes. “Scar
” Grian asked, his voice unreadable “Did you just ask me on a date?”. “Yes- no- maybe..” Scar said frantically. “Well it took you long enough” the blonde huffed lying back down “what time?”. Scar sighed in relief “Whenever you want” he said resting his head in Grians neck.
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theinfinitemoo · 1 year
About Ink đŸȘ¶
Yo-yo, I’m a teen in the US they/it please and I’m agender, a-spec, and neptunic :}
- Noncon in ANY form, including hinting or illusions, BESIDES for fluff of a character healing from it without any specifics. I can and will write healing.
- Should go without saying but any illegal junk so no minors or animals the standard.
- No explicit smut I’m willing to do innuendos, MAYBE fade to blacks, maybe a bit of suggestions/mentions but nothing more. This is not a NSFW blog and unless any of us 3 say differently then it will STAY that way.
- I’m not great at writing violence or gore so I’ll leave that too the other two if they so please.
- Ships I’m uncomfortable with like breaking boundaries or sexuality bending.
- Specific healing, from specific traumas.
- Like mentioned before possibly illusions to NSFW.
- Animals, I’m not great but I might try if needed.
Unless specified I’ll do everything else! I enjoy romance, found family, and fluff!
My sign off is đŸȘ¶
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theinfinitemoo · 1 year
some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with
until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.
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theinfinitemoo · 1 year
About Abyss 🍁
Hi! I'm Abyss!
I am a minor from the US. I'm also nonbinary and ace.
I'm also comfortable with writing most things but I do have boundaries:
No non con / rape No smut No illegal relationships (romantic) >> I reserve the right to decline requests if it makes me uncomfortable
I am okay with:
Main character death Violence / gore / etc, to a certain extent
>> I will do some shipping and fluff, though it isn't my forte (hehe angsty boi)
~ Abyss 🍁
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theinfinitemoo · 1 year
All about Moo 🐼
Hello I'm Moo.
(This is not my real name, I use it because I live in fear of being discovered.)
I am a minor, I'm from the UK, I'm aroace spec and I'm autistic (self diagnosed, official diagnosis in progress).
I'm comfortable with writing most things but I do have a few boundries
No non con/ rape
No smut scenes purely because I don't think I could (hinting is okay)
No adult/ minor, brother/ sister anything that's illegal or just wrong
Basically make your request and I'll see what I can do
~ MOO 🐼
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theinfinitemoo · 1 year
hello hello.
This is currently a 3 person account run by @moo9395 , @the-dark-abyss and @inkcoveredmoon
We are a requests page basically. You send in head canons/ ships/ fic requests, pretty much anything and we write.
Pronouns and nickname stuff in the description.
🐼 Link to Moos info - https://www.tumblr.com/theinfinitemoo/728931516229582848/all-about-moo
🍁 Link to Abyss’ info - https://www.tumblr.com/theinfinitemoo/728934347366924288/about-abyss
đŸȘ¶ Link to Ink's info - https://www.tumblr.com/theinfinitemoo/728947561370615808/about-ink-yo-yo-im-a-teen-in-the-us-theyit
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