halljavalge · 3 months
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Source: Maarika Käärid photo
ℍ𝐚𝓵l נ𝐀 𝔳คĻǤẸ - Saaremaa, Estonia.
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Forest myths, Estonian traditional beliefs (3)
The world of the Estonians’ ancestors – Kaali crater, the place where "The sun went to rest"
Kaali is a group of nine meteorite craters in the village of Kaali on the Estonian island of Saaremaa. It was created by an impact event. The largest crater is 110 m (360 ft) in diameter and forms a small lake named Lake Kaali.
The impact is thought to have happened in the Holocene period, around 3,500 years ago. The estimates of the age of the Kaali impact structure provided by different authors vary by as much as 6,000 years, ranging from ~6,400 to ~400 years before current era (BCE). According to the theory of more recent impact, Estonia at the time of impact was in the Nordic Bronze Age and the site was forested with a small human population. The impact energy of about 80 TJ (20 kilotons of TNT) is comparable with that of the Hiroshima bomb blast. It incinerated forests within a six km (3.7 mi) radius.
The event figured prominently in regional mythology. It was, and still is, considered a sacred lake. There is archaeological evidence that it may well have been a place of ritual sacrifice.
It is possible that Saaremaa was the legendary Thule island, first mentioned by ancient Greek geographer Pytheas, whereas the name "Thule" could have been connected to the Finnic word tule ("(of) fire") and the folklore of Estonia, which depicts the birth of the crater lake in Kaali. Kaali was considered the place where "The sun went to rest."
[Image below: the crater as viewed from near the rim]
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森の神話・エストニアの民間伝承 (2)
エストニア人の祖先の世界 〜 "太陽が休息する場所 "、カーリー・クレーター
カーリ・クレーターは、エストニアのサーレマー島にある9個の隕石クレーター群である。このクレーター (噴火口) は衝突現象によって形成されたものでである。最も大きいクレーターは直径110mでカーリ湖という名の小さな湖になっている。
この衝突は完新世、およそ3,500年前に起こったと考えられている。カーリ衝突構造の推定年代は、著者によって6,000年も異なっており、現在の時代 (紀元前) より6,400年前から400年前までである。より最近の衝突説によれば、衝突当時のエストニアは北欧青銅器時代で、この地は森林に覆われ、小規模な人間しか住んでいなかった。約80TJ (TNT20キロトン)という衝撃エネルギーは、広島原爆の爆風に匹敵する。半径6km (3.7マイル) の森林を焼却した。
サーレマー島は古代ギリシャの地理学者ピュテアスが最初に言及した伝説上のトゥーレ島であった可能性があり、一方、「トゥーレ」という名前はバルト・フィン諸語のトゥーレ (“火の”の意) や、カーリにある火口湖の誕生を描いたエストニアの民間伝承と結びついている可能性がある。カーリは "太陽が休息する場所 "と考えられていた。
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casa-del-circo · 1 year
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For pride I thought it was only appropriate to do a clown based on the estonian traditional clothes since 2nd of july was the song festival, an 8 hour event where choirs sing patriotic songs.
These clothes are based on the clothes of western Saaremaa. Obviously I changed some things to make her more clownlike.
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drsonnet · 6 months
Moor Lake by Nuuttipukki Via Flickr: Saaremaa, Estonia
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tozmik · 6 months
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kosmosesygis · 2 years
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badtolka · 1 year
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3 bikes, 2 islands, 3days roadtrip. mai 2023 pt6 Saaremaa iseland
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ristoky · 2 years
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the Old Pagans Daughter -  These Characters & the Idea was formed when I lived in England in 2015-16.. So it's a Quite very old idea or concept to me :) My idea - As Usual & the First - was an Animated Short FIlm with this, But... Also a possible book -Maybe- :D Stories would've gotten their Influence from Estonian folklore or such - in a way - prolly :) The Main storyline would've circled around the Adventures of the Old Pagans Daughter, which he makes from an old Tree-Stumpy Log, he discoveres while chopping the wood. Goes to the Forrest Witch with it, so She could turn it into a Daughter of his.. Of course there are certain deals & a hook... around that Wish to be granted... But the Old Pagan, gets his wish & makes the Potato Peelin Grandma happy, that the Old Man has a kid now... But... There's Silly-Strange-Weird Trouble ahead... Cause' If I remember correctly, then the Daughter would've been a Teenager.. So Yeh... Troubel indeed :P :D But yeh... Who know.. Maybe one day I'll do Something with it.. :DD Needs a Lot of Redesign for Sure! :D Cause' I'm not that Häppi with this First Design Line :) :D
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olemisekunst · 2 years
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Victoria creeper doing its thing 😍
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wideworldtrips · 21 days
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spottinghistory · 1 month
Historic site of the week: Kuressaare Castle
Kuressaare Castle from the 14th century is the symbol of Saaremaa island in Estonia. The convent building at the castle is the only surviving medieval fortified building in the Baltic States without noteworthy architectural alterations.
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priyaakira · 1 month
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A trip to Kuressaare
~X0X♡, PriyaAkira
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mystery-dreamland · 2 months
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grimmestsnarl · 3 months
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I just made this account to share these fridge magnets I bought yesterday from the flea market.
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mogaiwriters · 1 year
by mustlane on Flickr.Entrance to Kuressaare Castle in Saaremaa island, Estonia.
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lichtrash · 1 year
by mustlane on Flickr.Entrance to Kuressaare Castle in Saaremaa island, Estonia.
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