#Sabo would be fine during the classes
emilyelizabethfowl · 11 months
no but seriously if any (or worst case scenario, all) of the ASL actually joined the Marines, Garp would be begging them to go and do anything else, even if that meant becoming pirates, within a week flat
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yukipri · 4 years
Marco’s Bauble Part 7 - a One Piece Mermaid AU Text Story
I ended up spending most of this past weekend setting up the Mermaid AU on AO3, so I do hope y’all will check it out over there!
Please note that on AO3, this Marco’s Bauble story is going under the title On the Courtship of Monkey D. Luffy. I didn’t really know where this series was going when I began writing it, and “Marco’s Bauble” was most definitely a starting point, but it’s expanded well beyond that now, as you’ll probably see in this update ^ ^; I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll rename all the parts on Tumblr or not.
BUT in the meantime, I’ll continue posting updates in advance here on Tumblr (and on Patreon even further in advance ;D), so here’s an update for this week!
In which Sabo confronts Koala.
Continues off of, and should be read after:
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 1
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 2
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 3
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble, Part 4
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble, Part 5
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble, Part 6
Hmm, Koala thinks. So this probably counts as a "kabedon."
A kabedon, according to the young new recruits who'd explained it to her, is a situation in which one person, ideally tall and attractive, leans over a second, ideally smaller person, boxing them against a wall with their arms, essentially pinning them in place. Koala thinks it sounds like menacing posturing, but the recruits insisted that if done by the right person, it's a terribly titillating scenario, the kind you'd find in romance stories.   
It happens to be the situation that Koala finds herself in now, with her back against the side of Merry's cabin as Sabo looms over her, effectively blocking all exits with his arms braced against the wall on either side of her.
Sabo, Koala grudgingly thinks, probably not only qualifies, but is likely the recruits' very definition of tall and attractive.   
Right now, he's doing that thing where his eyes are half-mast, dark and unreadable as they peer down at Koala through the curtain of blond locks that have fallen across his face. It's a look that Koala knows has half of Baltigo swooning, and she's heard people call it Chief's Sexy Look.   
Koala feels very strongly that those are a poor choice of words, because from personal experience, she knows it's a look that's usually followed immediate, brutal interrogation that often ends in screams and excessive bloodshed. 
"Koala," he breathes, in that voice that has stolen the hearts of half the Revolutionary Army, and has convinced more than one unfortunate soul that perhaps, they might survive this encounter after all.   
But Koala knows better.   
Because his next words are, surprise surprise, "What are you hiding from me about my Luffy?"
He smiles then, and it looks misleadingly gentle, and Koala can see why strangers may mistake him for a benevolent princely gentleman.   
But Koala knows Sabo. And all she sees is the manic sadism behind the oh so very fake expression.   
She cringes, because no, there is absolutely nothing romantic or exciting about this situation at all. All she feels is Doom.   
"Hmm?" she says, keeping her hands behind her back so he can't see them twist. In these situations, Koala's more than well aware that the more she talks, the more she incriminates herself.   
Many who observe their partnership are under the impression that Sabo's just the overpowered guy who beats people up and destroys shit, while Koala provides intel. And while it's true that Koala has intel, Sabo's the one who often personally extracts it from their most stubborn sources.   
In other words, what Sabo wants, he usually gets. It's usually a comforting thought, but not today.   
"Hmm?" Sabo parrots back, eyes lazily tracing over her face, and Koala frantically tries to keep her expression neutral as he searches for an opening. 
It's like when they were children, Koala thinks, when they played interrogation games with each other as assignments for Inazuma's class. Except this time, it's not Koala's grade on the line. And while Koala knows that her partner would never actually hurt her, he's also very capable of making life pretty miserable for her if she doesn't spill.   
And right now, she has a secret she'd really, really like to keep away from Sabo.
The secret being, y'know, the fact that someone proposed to his dearest baby brother.   
And even though it's extremely unlikely that Luffy understands the significance behind the gesture, she considers the gift hers, which, for all points and purposes...means she accepted.   
Koala does not want Sabo to find out about this, from her, at least right now, before she has more information.   
But, Koala glumly remembers, she's never actually managed to win any interrogation games against him.   
"You know," he says, voice deceptively light, and Koala wants to groan because here we go. "Luffy and Ace mean the world to me. They're not just my past, they make me who I am. Even when I didn't remember, they were with me, and I was with them. They're everything to me."   
Koala won't break. She tries to look for an opening without shifting her eyes, but Sabo's not an amateur and there are no escape routes.   
"It would truly be terrible, if something happened to one of them, something that should be stopped, that I could have prevented if only I had known."   
He's poking her defenses. He wants her to say, you're blowing this out of proportion, it's not that big a deal, or maybe you're overthinking this. Possibly even lie, I'm not hiding anything, or even counter, what makes you think I'm hiding something?   
Koala knows better. Those are all traps, all openings that he'd pounce on, and she's seen him rip people apart for falling for them. Koala won't give him the chance.   
He leans in close, and whispers in her ear, voice low and dark in a way that would make his fans cry, and his enemies cry too but for an entirely different reason. "You wouldn't know something that'd prevent me from fulfilling my duties as Luffy's older brother, now would you, Koala?"  
Well, Koala thinks snidely, depends on what you consider your brotherly duties, and whether they include homicide and starting a war with an Emperor.   
She says, "Mmm."   
Sabo, or rather his mouth, smiles. His eyes are a void. Koala's not used to be on the receiving end of this particular stare, and she isn't enjoying a moment of it.   
"Alright. If that's how you want to be. Let's figure this out together, now shall we?"   
Sabo's voice is calm, exaggeratedly patient, like a therapist. He never talks to Koala like this, but Koala still recognizes this particular tone, and cringes as she realizes which interrogation pattern he's chosen. It's one she's ill equipped to counter at the moment, and he no doubt knows it.   
Koala braces herself. Blank face, she tells herself, even breathing. He's using his stupid over-powered Observation Haki to keep track of your pulse.
"Well," he begins, "I know it's already about Luffy, because you're more nervous about me talking about her than Ace." It's stated as fact, and Koala blinks rapidly to moisten her eyes because she knows the real deal's starting now, and she'll have to avoid blinking when it might give her away.   
"And it must be something you found out during your Fishman Karate sessions, because you don't have any other time together, at least when I'm not watching."   
Koala isn't remotely surprised that he's monitoring everyone; after all, she's been doing the same. She wants to sigh but keeps it in.   
"It's probably something physical, because Lu can't keep secrets if she thinks of them as secrets, so it might have been something you saw...a scar, or a mark on her body? No? Then an object she has on her...Ah, there we go."  
Fuck you, I didn't give you any tells, Koala thinks indignantly, but she knows that expressing any annoyance will only confirm his guesses, and continues to refuse to speak.   
"You've been going to the kitchen more often than usual, but not during meal times, or even prep times, but rather lulls...times that you have no business in the kitchen, and times where only cooks are present, cleaning up or otherwise doing tasks that don't require their full attention...the perfect time to chat."  
Maybe I wanted a snack, Koala thinks, but keeps her mouth shut, because Sabo already knows when and how she snacks. This interrogation really isn't fair.   
"And as for the cooks in question...well, if it were Sanji, I'd just ask him myself, but you knew I wouldn't do that, right, Koala? You know I could get it out of him, so if it was him, he wouldn't know anything of value. But I don't think he's involved at all."   
Sabo looks at Koala expectantly. Koala stares right back at him, though her eyes feel very, very dry.   
"So the question now is, why would my dearest partner want to protect Thatch, Fourth Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and temporary first cook of the ASL Pirates?" Sabo talks as though he's asking himself, but he isn't, and Koala's not fooled. She keeps her face blank. "I doubt it's a personal thing, after all, his intentions towards Luffy couldn't be more obvious, he announces it at least once a day. And given my partner's obvious little lesbian crush, it doesn't seem in her best interests to help him, no?"   
This does get a reaction from Koala, and her breath leaves her in a whoosh. Fine, make it personal. If he's figured out this much, it's only a few more steps till the answer, and at this point what does it matter. Koala glares, relishing freeing her face from its mask, and for a moment Sabo's back to his usual self, giving her a cheeky wink as though to say told you so. But then Interrogator!Sabo is back, because he's not quite done yet.  
Whatever. She tried, alright. It's not like she owes the Phoenix anything. She leans back against the wall, bringing her arms in front of her chest, and scowls, hoping her expression projects exactly what she thinks of Interrogator!Sabo at the moment. Sabo likewise drops his arms, because he knows she's no longer going to escape.   
"You're not protecting Thatch himself, because if you were we could solve it here, and it never needs to get out of hand. So you're protecting someone connected to him. The fact that you're being so stubborn, tells me that it's not just a personal thing, but something that could cause an incident, that would likely affect the Army. Which means, obviously, a Whitebeard pirate.   
"But I don't think it's just any Whitebeard pirate. They're someone high profile enough that it would be a big deal if I were to confront them, possibly jeopardizing any potential future alliances the Army forms with them, or drawing the eyes of the World Government. Which, they're already watching us, which makes me think it's gotta be someone even bigger than Thatch..."   
Which, of course doesn't leave much.   
"It could very well be old man Whitebeard himself," Sabo says, but he's shaking his head. "But something tells me it's not. And I know that some very interesting little blue birds have been stopping by the Merry, likely with letters for Thatch, but possibly also with unsolicited deliveries for my baby brother..."  
Your baby brother, chill with your possessiveness, does rubbing it in feel that good? Koala sniffs.   
"And as for why it's a big deal...you wouldn't be so secretive over a crush. Everyone on the crew has a crush. That can be dealt with. This is a few steps beyond, something you think would make me mad, right, Koala?”
Sabo pauses a moment, but it's for dramatic effect, because Sabo knows that Koala knows that he already has an answer.   
"So tell me, Koala. What did Marco the Phoenix give Luffy to try to claim her as his bride?"   
And well, there you have it.
"Bravo," Koala says dryly. "I see you're qualified for your position, Chief. I'll be sure to inform the Boss."   
Sabo tips his hat, and even though she allows herself to relax, Koala keeps her eyes trained on her partner.   
He's taking this calmer than she expected, to be honest. Interrogator!Sabo still hasn't fully faded from his face, but he's no longer giving off sadistic vibes, and has that little frown that tells Koala he's still sorting through his thoughts. His ability to remain composed is likely affected by the fact that they're still in Paradise, and the Whitebeard Pirates and the New World are still quite a ways away.   
Which is good, because it means Sabo can't just impulsively cause a massive incident on the spot. But it's also bad, because it means he's got more time to plot, and Sabo can come up with some pretty devastating things if given the opportunity.   
"Sabo, I barely know anything myself, and neither does Thatch," Koala says, finally willing to speak. "I'm working on getting more information. Don't plan anything rash yet. It could all be a misunderstanding."   
Sabo slowly nods, still quiet. Koala sighs.   
This might be a good time to bring up a certain topic, she realizes. She'd been thinking about it for a while now, but had wanted to give him more time.   
She first thought about it when the night after he regained his memories, she sees Sabo slip away from the Merry to pursue the ship that's transporting the slavers who tried to sell Luffy at the auction house. The slavers have already been passed in the hands of Army agents, all of the enslaved have been freed and are on their way to safety, and Luffy's back with her crew. Their job should have been over.   
Sabo comes back before dawn, accompanied by Ace who had likely transported him with Striker. He seems calmer than the night before, but Koala doesn't miss that his gloves are still damp from recently being washed.   
There've been other incidents too, in the short period they've traveled together. Koala's seen Sabo dangerously close to snapping (and actually snapping) more during the past few weeks than their entire decade together. And on one hand, it's understandable, but on the other...   
"You know," Koala begins, as gently as possible. "she's no longer the child you left behind. She's an adult. Even if this ends up being nothing, she may still find someone, one day. What are you going to do then?"   
If Luffy's in physical danger, protecting her is one thing. But what if it's something that she chooses?   
The change is subtle, but Koala notices when the last of the Chief of Staff fades from Sabo, as his head tilts downward ever so slightly. And all of a sudden he reminds Koala all too much of the tiny, battered child who stared at himself in the mirror when he thought everyone was asleep, touching his scars and asking, Who are you?
"I can't lose her, I can't lose either of them," Sabo says quietly, and he overlaps completely with the lost child, and ah, Koala thinks, because she gets it.   
That child, that self who was missing for so long, is back now, inside Sabo where he always belonged, where he always existed but couldn't be recognized. That child now takes up so much space, too much space, and still hasn't been fully reconciled with the adult that Sabo's grown up to be. Simpler, childish emotions and desires that feel too vibrant and raw, clashing with the adult's more weathered world view, aggravated further by all the darkness that Sabo's seen in their line of work.   
Sabo's less concerned about Ace, Koala knows, because even though Sabo loves both his brothers, Ace is like his other half. They don't protect each other, but function seamlessly as a single unit, a unit with one priority that stands above all else.   
Luffy, who as a child, Sabo was able to protect from anything and everything in their isolated microcosm. Luffy, who as an adult, Sabo knows all too well is more vulnerable than ever, as proven by the very situation in which they reunited.  
A gilded glass tank, hidden away behind dusty curtains, with a dark, motionless shape crumpled at the bottom. Chains, chains, and chains upon bruised skin, and bubbles rising from parted lips, getting smaller and smaller as she slowly fades...
That was bad enough, but Koala doubts Ace or any of the others know exactly what the fate of a captured mermaid is, at least in the way that Koala and Sabo do.   
Koala understands, she really does.   
But she also knows the importance of freedom, not just to Sabo, but likely to Luffy and Ace as well.   
"Would it be losing her?" she asks, and child!Sabo flinches.   
"We vowed to be free," Sabo says, and he still sounds lost, like he doesn't know what the word means anymore. "And we will be." His hat shadows his eyes, and Koala can't imagine how they look at that moment. "But I don't want her to go where I can't follow."   
"Then follow," Koala says, because what else is there to say? "Follow, if that's your freedom. But you can't stop hers."   
"I know."   
She couldn't have known how Sabo would take her words.
Part 8, we see more of Thatch.
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!
As always, any comments are immensely appreciated and help motivate me to create more for this AU! ;A;
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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anniedeodair · 4 years
Video calls in quarentine
Plot: The worst thing about not being able to leave the house was boredom and not seeing his friends or Law. Luckily there are video calls and until the quarantine ends, Luffy would talk to them through the camera.
From: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23424109
Video calls in quarentine
Luffy opened the bowl of ramen as he sat at the desk in front of the computer. Ace hadn't felt like cooking that night and ordered delivery at Sanji’s restaurant, which was one of the few things that was still working. Also, they didn't have much food in the house anymore. The next day Sabo would go out with the car to buy food at the market that could last them for the whole next week.
His room was a mess. Ace forced him to clean every day, but he just swept up and let Sabo disinfect. His clothes and things were thrown everywhere, but he didn't care much. He crossed his legs over the chair and looked at the computer anxiously. He wanted it to be time for everyone to get online. He was terribly bored and fed up with being locked in his house without being able to leave, and talking to them was one of the few fun things he could still do. That if the internet didn't collapse with everyone using it at the same time.
"Luffy, are you eating already?" Ace asked, peering into his room.
"Yes, I just grabbed the ramen," he replied, turning his face to see him. He brought a mouthful of noodles to his mouth. "I added the meat you had made today at noon to make it better"
Ace laughed because he knew of his little brother's quirky taste for meat.
"We’re going to talk to Marco, Thatch, Koala and Hack by video call in the living room," he informed him, saying goodbye.
"Okay, I'm going to talk to the guys, too."
The ringing of the video call application turned his attention to the computer and he saw that Franky had started the chat. He accepted the invitation and eight boxes appeared on his screen. The faces of his friends appeared one by one.
"Hello guys!" Luffy yelled happily. He waved his hand effusively to greet them.
"Luffy!" Chopper appeared in one of the upper boxes and Luffy watched him. "How's everybody?"
"Eating,"  he laughed, showing him his bowl of ramen.
"Ace didn't cook today?" Sanji interjected, under Chopper.
"We don't have much food left, tomorrow Sabo is going to buy. I hope he brings a lot of meat"
"He doesn’t need to go outside, Luffy," said Nami, next to Chopper. "He can buy online and have it delivered to the house"
"I didn't know that," Chopper replied in amazement. "However here at home they go out every day, so they buy outside"
"Do your parents have a lot of work, Chopper?" Robin asked, sitting next to Franky in their living room. Their camera appeared below Sanji.
"Yes, they are both in the emergency department at the hospital, so they attended many suspicious cases that ended up negative, and several that were confirmed"
Chopper's parents were a pair of doctors, Kureha and Hiluluk. Chopper was a student, but he still didn't work or practice in hospitals, so he had to stay home during quarantine.
"What about you?" Nami asked Franky and Robin. "Classes were suspended, do you have to go to college, Robin?"
"I went the first week just because the teachers had to go, but since the mandatory quarantine was decreted we also stayed at home. And Franky opens the workshop less hours"
Franky's workshop was installed next to their house and he didn't have to go out to work. In addition, hardware stores and workshops were exempt from quarantine because citizens may need home repairs.
"At least there are some things to do," Franky said." Otherwise it would be suuuper boring"
Luffy laughed as he shoved a large bite of noodles and meat into his mouth. Knowing that he wasn't the only one who was bored to death during those days made him feel very accompanied.
"What about you, Sanji?" Robin asked. "The other day I passed near the restaurant when I was returning from shopping and I saw it closed, how are you doing?"
Sanji was sitting in a chair by the open window of his room, smoking. He looked at the computer, which appeared to be leaning against his bed since the camera focused him from beneath.
"Zeff decided to close the shop to eat there, but the delivery is still open" he answered taking a drag on the cigarette.
"Today we ordered the ramen there, it’s delicious!" Luffy added, his eyes bright with excitement.
"I didn't work today, who brought you the food?"
"Paty came, it looked like they had a lot of work," Luffy replied.
"With the quarantine, people in the neighborhood are asking for more food there whenever they don't want to cook. We are cooking a lot even though we closed the restaurant"
The box next to Sanji was black and suddenly Zoro appeared.
"Finally!" Usopp shouted when he saw him appear. "Why did you take so long? Don't tell me you got lost ..."
Everyone laughed at the absurd joke and Zoro shouted some things at him that no one heard. The video call was more chaotic than their meetings, although they were naturally messy already.
"I was sleeping," he said to apologize.
"How strange of you, sleeping," Sanji murmured to annoy him.
"What are you saying, perverted cook ?!" He yelled annoyed.
"Brook didn't show up yet, either," Chopper added. His box, next to Robin’s and Franky's, underneath it all, was still black.
"I'm sure he's sleeping, surely he's going to show up anytime soon," Robin replied, smiling.
"Hey, Zoro!" Luffy called out to him. "How’s everything over there? Did you close the dojo?"
Zoro's father, Mihawk, was a well-known martial artist from the area and had a kendo dojo in which Zoro gave some classes and trained. They lived in the house behind the dojo, in an area far from the city, surrounded by some valleys.
Zoro said he used to get lost when everyone got together because he lived further away than the others. Sanji believed it was because he had a lousy sense of direction. And that always led to absurd and fun fights.
"It's closed, but we train every day," Zoro commented, settling into bed with the computer on his legs. "Although it's boring not being able to get out of here"
"I get you," Luffy gasped with a weary expression. "I'm sick of being locked up at home! I go out to the yard and I have nothing to do. Sabo won't even let me go do the groceries!
"He knows you're going to run away if you go out," Usopp said, and Nami nodded.
"It's just for a few days Luffy, we don't want you to get sick!" She exclaimed to reaffirm the point.
"I know, but it's sooo boring!" Luffy dropped his head on the desk table and his friends laughed, understanding his sentiment, because they were all mortally bored from being locked up. "If the virus doesn't kill me, boredom will"
"I go out to the yard every day to practice my marksmanship, at least I have my equipment at home," Usopp said. "I brought it from the club before quarantine"
He practiced shooting and arrow and various other aiming sports, but he was lucky because in Usopp's house there was a big yard where he could spend the day if he was tired of being indoors.
"At home we don't know what else to do," Nami said, rolling her eyes. "Being locked up in an apartment is much worse. Yesterday we walked the dog with Nojiko and took a few more laps"
"See! I'm not the only one!" Luffy yelled at the screen.
"Nami, don't do that please!" Chopper interjected. "It is better to take him out to pee and nothing else, even if you want to walk a little. It is dangerous to expose yourself"
"I know, I'm sorry… today we purchased some clothes online! They will send them home, so at least that was fun.
Underneath them all, Brook's black box formed into an image. The man was lying on the couch at home drinking tea and the computer seemed to be on his legs.
"Hello Brook!" Usopp greeted him, waving his hand effusively.
Brook saluted even though he wasn't looking at the camera.
"On the top of the notebook, Brook!" He indicated, laughing. Usopp gave him some classes to use the computer a few years ago and now he knew much better how it worked but he had never made video calls with it yet.
"Oh, there you are," said the older man, and he started laughing when he saw them all. "How are you guys?"
"Hello, Brook," Robin said with her kind smile. "We are fine, you?"
"Suuuuper bored over here," Franky added.
"I am grand," Brook replied, drinking his tea. "I am an average retiree, this was already my lifestyle"
Everyone laughed at his joke and Luffy saw behind Brook his guitar.
"Have you been practicing with the guitar?" He asked excitedly.
"Today I wanted to play something for you guys, if you let me."
"Yes!" Luffy yelled excitedly.
Brook was the older of the group, and therefore the most vulnerable to the disease, so he was confined to his home. Usopp lived close enough and did the groceries for him. He couldn't stay long, so he left the food at the door, greeted each other and left.
"By the way, thank you for today’s groceries, Usopp-san," he said with a smile and picked up his guitar.
The man might be old, but he was rocking like no other. In his youth he had been part of a band that became fairly well known. Franky had been a huge fan in his teens and had the entire Roringustonzu discography. Sabo also liked them so Luffy knew some songs, but Brook had done others that no one else knew.
He played the song everyone liked best, Bink’s Sake, an ode to the adventures they had created after a movie night at Franky’s and Robin's. They had seen Pirates of the Caribbean and fantasized about being pirates until the wee hours. Their version ended up being much better than the movie.
Everyone applauded when he finished playing. They had sung in chorus, which with the delay came late to all the computers and made a mess of sound that made the moment even more delirious and fun. Brook bowed and laughed with them.
"Hey, Brook!" Sanji called out as he smoked. "How’s Laboom?"
Brook got up from his seat and took the computer to the fish tank in a corner of the house, where the little goldfish he had had for years danced to the tune he had just finished.
"Here he is, his food comes by online delivery, so he is kept fed," he replied.
Luffy greeted Laboom as if the fish could hear or recognize him, but everyone else did too.
"What about your dog, Luffy?" Chopper asked, poking his nose very close to the screen.
"Get a little further from the computer, Chopper," Zoro warned him. The boy pushed away the computer.
"Sorry, my books had fallen and I was arranging them."
Luffy lifted his pet off the ground and brought it closer to the screen.
"Say hello, Shushu." The dog barked at the camera and everyone interpreted it as a greeting. "I think he is the only one who has a good time because nobody leaves the house"
"Same thing happens to me," Nami said with a smile.
The noise of a door was heard but they could not identify which camera it came from, until Perona appeared in Zoro's camera, behind everything, peeking out of the frame of the room.
"Food’s ready!" She yelled in her bossy tone. Sanji straightened up and began to greet her effusively.
"Hello, Perona-chan!" He shouted with bright eyes and Zoro glanced at him with a murderous face. "Do you want me to send you free food from the restaurant?"
Nami covered her face with shame. Luckily Sanji had understood, at least, that he couldn't flirt with her and Robin, because they were his friends, but that didn't stop him from going after Zoro's sister.
"That would be great!" Perona cried contentedly in her high-pitched voice, and Zoro shoved her out of her room.
"I'll go, now get out," he snapped annoyed.
Luffy laughed because the antics of his two friends always made him laugh. In the corner of his computer, a WhatsApp Web sign popped out. It was a message from Law.
[3/28 8:46 p. m.] Torao: Hello Luffy-ya
are you free?
"Torao wrote to me!" Luffy shouted happily with the cell phone in his hand and showed them to his friends.
"Send him greetings!" Nami shouted.
"Tell him to call me later," Chopper added. "I have a bunch of things to ask him"
Law was Chopper's tutor at the university, but when classes were suspended, so were face-to-face meetings with tutors and study sessions in the library. Everything had turned towards virtual meetings. However, in a complicated pandemic situation like this, and Law as a doctor, he had a lot of work in the hospital and could not pay as much attention to his little student.
"Okay, I think he wants to make a video call with me."
"Don't let things get too heated, Luffy!" Nami raised her eyebrows and started laughing out loud. Robin covered her mouth, giggling.
"Be careful, you live with your brothers!" Franky said very seriously.
Luffy felt his face going red because of his friends’ teasing, but he looked at the cell phone hoping that Law would write to him again. He had told him that he was there and that if he wanted to talk, his computer was on.
Instead of an answer, a video call notification came through.
"He’s calling me!" He announced happily. "Okay, guys, we’ll chat later, okay?"
His friends greeted him and said goodbye to him. Luffy closed that session and opened Law's video call. The screen showed the doctor in a huge box. He was in his apartment, surely he had just returned from work, although due to his clothes, he had already changed.
"Torao!" Luffy yelled happily. They hadn't seen each other in person in weeks. Law worked a lot in the hospital and even before the quarantine began he didn't want Luffy to see him in case he could infect him.
"How are you Luffy-ya?" He asked with a smile. That kind of sideways, very soft smile that Law only gave when he was relaxed and calm.
"Fine, bored, but I just talked to the guys and it was fun seeing them," he replied with a smile. "How about you? Have you just arrived from work?"
"Yes, I showered and left the clothes on the balcony with disinfectant. Today was a long day at the hospital."
"Why? Many new cases?" He asked curiously. "I hope you are taking care of yourself!"
Law laughed and the sound of his deep voice was refreshing. There were days when he was so stuffed with work that they couldn't even call each other. Luffy missed him very much.
“We confirmed five cases at North Blue"
Luffy saw him move around the house, it seemed that he had called him from his cell phone. Law sat at the kitchen counter and began to drink coffee.
"Shachi took care of two and I saw only one," he continued informing him. All of Law's friends were from the hospital, so he got to see them often.
Luffy envied that, at least a little.
"The ones we took care of are young and have no previous illnesses, so they will be fine. I investigated the other two cases and they are more complicated, but my prognosis is not bad. They were taken to Dressrosa’s hospital, which was built for patients with the virus specifically."
Luffy liked to hear Law speak, even though he didn't understand half the things he was saying. He knew that Law was a fairly prestigious doctor and that he was running for the position of North Blue’s director . Luffy wasn't sure if he wanted Law to have such an important position, because it would mean even less time than what he already had, but it would also get him out of that front line in which he was so exposed to the virus at the moment.
But he knew that, in the end, Law would do whatever he wanted and considered best. Luffy would do the same in his position.
"Do you wear the facial mask and the gloves?"
"We always wear them, Luffy-ya."
He laughed at his answer, because it was true. However, he was surprised to see his face so red around the eyes and with some injuries and irritated areas.
"Why are you so hurt?" He asked with a frown. He focused his eyes better.
Law touched his face and looked into his camera.
"Because of the use of the equipment," he replied, massaging his face. "The masks are tight and cover the entire face. In addition we have the face masks and the whole suit. Using them so much irritates the skin"
Luffy clicked his tongue, because he didn't like seeing him hurt, but he understood that it was needed to take care of himself too.
"Does it hurt much?"
Law shook his head and took a sip of his coffee.
"No, it just burns a little. I'll put on some moisturizer later. Don't worry, it's nothing"
He had seen Law many times when he was working, before the pandemic. Luffy liked to pick him up at the hospital and go eat somewhere. Sometimes he passed Law's friends and greeted each other. Luffy liked them very much.
He missed that.
"Don't be sad," he heard him say. He raised his head to see the screen. Law was really good at reading him, mainly because he knew him very well. Just as Luffy had managed to break him apart and know all of his reactions. "I am not the most optimistic of all, you know that, but I am confident that we will get out of this situation. The isolation is temporary, remember it"
Luffy complained as always, jaded just like a whimsical child.
"I'm very tired of being home", he groaned. " I wanna see my friends, go play soccer, see you. It's not fair"
Law looked at him with a warmer smile. It wasn't a common sight, but Luffy liked when he got to see it, though it usually meant that he was sad and Law did it to cheer him up.
"No, it isn't," he agreed. "It isn't, especially, for those who get sick or for those who cannot see their loved ones who are sick"
Law always helped him get everything in perspective. If he thought it that way, Law was right. He didn't know what he would do if any of his friends, brothers or Law became ill.
"I know, you're right, but Sabo won't even let me go get the groceries!" He protested.
"He knows you would go too far if he let you out," he replied, laughing.
"Why can't I stay with you during the quarantine?" He said with a whimsical pout.
"Because I work and I already put myself at risk, I don't want to risk you too."
He knew it. It made sense. But it was difficult to stay still locked up in his house when his nature was so free and adventurous.
"I miss you too, Luffy-ya," he said quietly, looking directly at him on camera. "I don't work early tomorrow so we can talk till late. Want to see a movie?"
He felt like a child when Law spoke to him like that, but he also liked him thinking of things to do with him.
"Okay, we can use Netflix Party," Luffy added. "It’s the extension that I told you about the other day, to watch Netflix at the same time. We used it with the guys the other day to watch the last movie of Pirates of the Caribbean."
"Okay, I’ll install it, what do you want to watch?""
"Not Grey's Anatomy, please," Luffy asked, rolling his eyes. "I don’t understand anything..."
"Okay, not series. A movie? An anime?"
Luffy went through the Netflix catalog looking at what they could see. Action movies, some interesting series, and anime.
"Zoro recommended Kingdom, the South Korean series. Usopp is watching Dr. Stone, maybe you like that, he's a scientist like you, Torao!"
Law laughed from the other side of the camera and put on the headphones to hear Luffy better.
"We can also see Kimetsu no Yaiba…"
"Shachi told me it's not that good," Law said.
Luffy looked back at the camera and saw his boyfriend on the couch with headphones and a blanket. He really wanted to be there, in that same tiny space. Cuddling.
"Kingdom sounds fine to me, but it's a series, doesn't bother you?" " Law asked.
Luffy wasn’t a series lover because he didn't have much perseverance to watch them. If he got bored in a chapter, he generally didn't watch more or forgot to follow it. But Zoro told him that ‘Kingdom’ had a lot of action and that he would surely like it.
"We’ll give it a try and see if we like it."
"Okay," Law replied. "I already have the extension, so we can see it whenever you want."
Luffy looked in his closet for a snack bag that he kept there for these moments and moved to bed with the computer.
"You look good like that, Torao," he praised him with an insinuating smile and Law felt a little nervous.
He wasn't used to Luffy's advances on him, no matter how much he always did it. He coughed and settled into the couch.
"If you go stray, we're not going to watch the series ..." he warned when his voice returned.
Luffy laughed as if he had made a prank. He opened the app and the series to play at the same time and put on the headphones.
"What's wrong with it?" He asked innocently. "You said we could stay up late."
Law put play before Luffy made him feel more embarrassed and started the series.
That night they went to bed at three in the morning. It was customary for Luffy to fall asleep late and more in quarantine when he had nothing to do. He made Law promise that they would speak the next day when he returned. Now that he couldn't see him, like his friends, he wanted to make a video call even more often with him.
When the pandemic passes, Luffy will take care of filling his schedule visiting all his friends, playing soccer and sleeping a lot with Torao on his couch; where they were tight and uncomfortable, but very close. So that it never occurs to any fucking virus to want to separate them.
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alkhale · 5 years
modern au ace modeling???? PLEASE????
you caught me in an ace kinda mood, anon, u sneaky u
“You know it’s four hours, right?”
Ace’s cocky little satisfied grin settled over his lips. Hoku snorted in amusement, setting up her work station.
The art room toward the west wing of the high school building was fairly spacious enough. Windows lined the outer wall of the room, curtains pulled up for privacy in particular to today’s focus of study. Her fellow classmates and club members were somewhat acting in usual fashion, the few unaffected by the new presence helping to hand out easels and boards, sharpening their pencils and getting ready for the four hour anatomy study.
The rest however, were lost.
Majority of the girls in Hoku’s art club–majority of which had been the ones always eager to rifle through her sketchbooks and swoon and sigh over her choices of drawings–she did join in when it was the occasional Shanks though–were gathered in clusters around the room. They watched with adoring eyes, fixing their skirts and their hair, whispering and chirping back and forth to each other as they watched today’s focus of study.
Who, clad only in a red satin silk robe that actually complimented the sun kissed tan of his body ridiculously well and also revealed the muscular ridges of his chest and the toned muscle of his arms and calves and that he was naked as the day as he was born under there–
Portgas D. Ace.
Her–metaphorical brother? Friend? Housemate? Kin? Very important person. One of the very important people in her life she happened to somehow manage the hassle of living with.
Ace scratched his neck. The robe shifted, revealing torso and abs and more Ace.
A few of her classmates swooned, cheeks flushing and one flustered boy rushed from the room.
“Your teacher’s paying me twenty bucks an hour for this,” Ace said, lips curling as he crowded her station and Hoku continued setting up all her stuff and getting comfortable. “With a break and food–this is the easiest job ever!”
“And you’re fine with the fact that you’re only getting a sheet up there, right?” Hoku added, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. Ace’s hands instantly went up in grabby motions. She sighed through her nose, relenting and handing him her hairtie. Ace shuffled behind her, gathering up her hair with long, larger fingers carding through bright white locks.
“I always wear the same at home–”
“That’s right, dumb question, you’re an exhibitionist at heart.”
Hoku squawked when he pulled back on her ponytail a little harder. She reached to smack his arm, but Ace simply grinned, the constellation dusting of freckles along his cheeks and nose more prominent. “Come on, you love having me here! Isn’t it a nice change of pace? You’re always drawing us at home anyway, now you get the real deal.”
“I’m foaming at the mouth,” Hoku said. Ace pulled at her cheeks. She swatted his hands away. “I only told you about the request cause they kept asking and you could make some cash, try not to fall asleep, yeah?”
“Sure, sure,” Ace drawled. He finally relented with one last tug to her ponytail–Hoku hissed at him and he grinned, crossing his arms behind his head as he sauntered off to the platform like one big cat. “Get my good side, shooting star.”
Hoku mimicked him behind his back. Her teacher came up, explaining to him the different types of poses he could consider. One of her classmates took a seat down beside her, finally in place.
“He’s so hot,” she whispered, face flushed.
Try not to get mauled by the high school girls. Hoku considered mouthing to him. Instead she laughed, shaking her head at her classmate.
“He’s the biggest, narcoleptic dork you could ever meet.”
“But he’s so hot.”
Hoku shrugged.
She tried.
Ace was an absolute bastard.
And she was absolutely going to get back at him when this was all over.
It had all started the way it normally should. Ace took position on the platform. Their teacher explained today’s assignment, four hours, four different poses meant to be captured, an hour for each. Hoku settled that she could probably finish them sooner or try something new while she was at it since she’d drawn Ace plenty of times as it was.
Their teacher gave him free reign of his choice of poses, saying to do whatever made him the most comfortable.
Ace had scratched the back of his head, looking around curiously while the entire class watched with avid, waiting eyes. He finally shrugged, grabbing the folded bedsheet and holding it up to his waist.
Ace let the satin red robe fall to his feet with a flourish, pooling around him like a ring of fire.
People swooned.
Hoku adjusted her easel, waiting for him to pick a pose. There was a bit of shuffling on the platform until Ace finally settled down. Hoku looked up.
Charcoal black irises smoldered right back at her. Straight at her.
Hoku blinked once. Twice.
Ace had one hand tangled in the thick mess of ink black locks, fingers propping up his head. He’d stretched out along the platform like a large jungle cat soaking up sun, bed sheet pooling dangerously over the sharp dips of his his, following a defined ridge line and teasing anything else. People positioned behind him were furiously working at the line of back muscles presented before them and Hoku stared back in disbelief.
Ace continued to stare.
Right fucking at her with that ridiculous face and those stupid hooded eyes while he was butt ass naked because he knew she’d get pissed off and–
You’re so stupid. She mouthed at him.
Ace merely winked, keeping still, looking absolutely content with himself.
An hour had passed since then–Ace had switched positions as asked, seating himself on a chair and turning it around so his legs hung on either side of the back, the chair’s back the only thing shielding his very naked front while he propped his arms on the top of the chair, leaning his head on them and dogging her down. His eyes smoldered mischievously, watching her intently and refusing to look anywhere else.
Hoku was almost certain the girl beside her was about to pass out. Or lose blood. Or both.
Stupid Ace with his stupid jokes and his stupid fucking staring. Hoku grumbled.  Knows I hate being stared at for no good reason, asshole. Hoku glanced back to where chips of coal kept watching her and she almost groaned something ugly aloud, turning a page.
She’d drawn four of the ugliest figures she could possibly manage at first out of sheer pettiness. She contemplated drawing a ridiculous, gross caricature of Ace to top it off, but she had to turn something in and…
Hoku frowned at the blank paper in front of her. She glanced back to Ace.
He waggled his brows briefly, obvious grin hidden behind his arms before he returned to his intense, stoic staring.
Her eyes flickered to the potted flowers in the corner of the room. Hoku sat there for a moment, playing with the worn down pencil in her hand before she sighed through her nose, setting to work.
She might as well try something new out then.
She’d just tell Sabo on him later.
“C’mon, lemme see, how’d they turn out?”
Hoku ignored Ace, shoving her supplies back into her backpack.  
A break–where many of her classmates rushed to Ace offering to bring him food and water and he promptly fell asleep three times before responding (he fell asleep four times during the modeling)–and two more hours later, they’d finally finished.
Ace had promptly chosen a cross-arms-behind-the-back look as his third pose, flexing a line of muscles and ridged abs from all the hard work he poured outside into all his jobs. The sheet had almost come undone until the teacher hastily rushed to reknot it (to some of her peers’ disappointment and her uncontrollable laughter). His final pose had been a simple one, sitting down with his legs spread–and the sheet over his hips to cover–and his arms resting on his knees. A comfortable position he fell asleep in until someone managed to wake him up.
And he’d never stopped staring at her.
Fucking once.
“Come ooooonnnnn,” Ace wheedled, crowding in her space. Hoku searched the room for a moment before crossing past him to her designated spot. Ace trailed behind her, sheet trailing behind him like a long train. “What’s it look like? Did ya like the angle I gave ya? What’d you draw–”
Hoku shoved his discarded clothes at him. Majority of the class had already dispersed, eagerly thanking Ace and graciously declaring that he had to come back and model for them. 
“Put some clothes on, you dork,” Hoku said. “I’m hungry, so let’s get going.”
“Hoooookkkkuuuu,” Ace whined. “I wanna seeeeeee.”
Hoku reached for her sketchbook. Her stomach demanded retribution, reminding her that Sabo was making hamburger steak tonight and Luffy would be home before them.
Ace’s eyes lit up like an excited puppy, crowding even closer. She shoved at his chest, rolling her eyes and flipping the page he could see.
A stick figure with a triangle as the bedsheet and a stupid smile stared back.
Ace stared at it for a minute before tipping it down so he could peer at her over the top. Puppy eyes flashed at her as his lip wobbled, a pout on his face.
“You’re stupid,” Hoku said mercilessly. “I can’t believe you got paid just to be a naked idiot.”
“All bark no bite,” Ace teased. He played with the edge of her sketchbook, peeling back the next page. Hoku didn’t fight him, humoring him this time as she leaned back onto a desk and Ace turned it fully so he could see.
Ace stopped. 
The other paper hovered in the air, blocking his face from her view.
“I draw you guys a lot,” Hoku said, only a bit sheepish. “I figured I might as well try exploring with something new with it. Your poses were pretty unoriginal.”
Hoku had sketched out with soft shading, Ace’s grinning, laughing face. The rounded curve of the wrinkles around his eyes when he laughed because he could only laugh fully and heartedly–just his kind of laugh. His head was half turned, eyes half peering back as though to talk to someone who’d just said something to make him that happy.
Ace turned the page.
His lips pursed into a sort of pout, head tipping to the side as though in deep thought. He looked dumb. Stupid. Arms crossed over his chest and–
Ace turned.
Several sketches of his face–different versions of himself perhaps from her imagination of what he might look like older. Different angles and grins and his older visage laughing about something and the future and the last one–
Ace stared at the drawing. A heartbeat. Two. He quietly lowered the paper.
Hoku was already turned around, shoving the rest of her supplies in. Her shoulders were relaxed, face content.
“C’mon,” she said. “I’m starving–”
“Hoku, c’mere.”
“I’m going to get–huh? Why?”
Ace set her sketchbook down. He stretched his hands out, fingers curling in grabbing motions. His face was set in utter determination, facing her down.
“No,” Hoku said suspiciously. “What the hell do ya want–I swear if you–”
“I really need to freaking touch you right now or I’m going to explode.”
“No! You’re making a gross face–no! Ace–no! Put some fucking clothes on first, I swear to god–ACE IF YOU COME ANY CLOSER I’M CALLING SABO!”
Ace laughing, in the last drawing, lips pulled wide, eyes shut from the force of it. His head was tipping forward a bit, hair curling all around him, hugging his chin and brushing wild and wavy like it always did. He looked alive and bright and full, full, full of life and–
Hoku had sketched a flower to tuck itself behind his ear. She’d started inking it in with red and pink ink, not quite finishing.
“Sabo, I have to thank you again for getting your friend to come in last minute for this shoot–it’ll only take a second! It’s for the midnight summer line and her tan is just like Ace’s, so she’ll compliment the color really nice with her eyes and–”
“It’s no problem,” Sabo laughed, walking into the shooting floor with his clipboard in hand. A pencil was tucked behind his ear–one of Hoku’s left lying around and she’d found it recently and thrown it at him to hold on so she wouldn’t lose it again but forgot to get back from him, so it was his now–white dress shirt rolled up to his elbows and a dark, navy blue tie knotted impeccably around his neck. “She said she could use the spare cash anyway.”
Hoku had also come rushing to him from the dressing room–wearing a bunch of clothes with curlers still in her hair where hair dressers rushed out after her, frantic about how to make her white hair look right–freaking out and gushing about the free cakes on the table outside and ah, Hoku.
“When you smile like that, it worries me,” Koala said absently, checking her own clipboard before glancing to the photo shoot set up. “Alright, let’s get started everyone! Is Hoku ready?”
“All dressed!” a worker shouted.
“Good to go,” the photographer for today said, fixing his lens.
Sabo heard Hoku’s muffled voice, asking something about a to-go box. He chuckled, turning on his heel as the door opened and she stepped out and–
Sabo blinked.
Satin white silk draped around Hoku’s bare arms. A few thin scars peeked through. Soft, thin straps of fabric looped around her neck like a halter, cropping short dangerously and loosely below the curve of her chest. Bare, smooth stomach showed for what seemed to be miles on end. Finally a pair of silk shorts hugged her hips, riding dangerously low and stopping just a short–thin straps started where the shorts ended, tight to her thighs before they stopped above her knees in thinly laced–wasn’t that basically a garter belt? Wasn’t that a–
The entire outfit, little that was there, was colored entirely in dark, satiny navy blue and–didn’t he love that color? 
Sabo stared.
Hoku turned. She met his gaze and offered a lazy wave. Her eyes brightened and she pointed to the snack table in the back.
“Try raising your arms over your head,” the photographer suggested.
Hoku promptly raised her hands up as though she’d been ordered by a cop to do so.
Her top inched up.
“No, no, like behind your head, cross ‘em, hun.”
The clipboard in Sabo’s hands snapped in half.
“Sabo? Oh my gosh, Sabo! What the heck–” Koala started, turning wildly. “Someone get some water and a tissue–Sabo’s finally cracked!”
- :)
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leviathiane · 5 years
this is going to be a long-ass post i am so sorry to Everyone! i take a lot of notes.
So, as You specifically know (as well as all of my lovely Soggers) I take a LOT of notes. Obsessively. I write fucking everything bc i have very little memory and very much paranoia. This results in literal Piles of notes. Raw planning, on paper, on my phone– doodles of scenes im brainstorming, bulletpoints, entire SCRIPTS– it’s all there but scattered (I’ve got scenes planned in the margins of my goddamn anthropology notes and deciphering it was a NIGHTMARE) 
I won’t even upload all the photos of my writing notebook, because itd be like 50 pages of illegible nonesense. but heres a couple of planning phase pages. (may be hard to read, I dropped this notebook both into some tidepools, into a creek on campus, and accidentally leaked my waterbottle onto it in my backpack :/) 
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if you can’t tell already, yes they all look exactly like this. Some are even more illegible, because I wrote them with the notebook half under my actual class notes. Because i wrote most of them in class. During lectures. And pretending very badly that i was not doing exactly that. (pay attention in class please i got away with this bc i was filling up elective units) 
I’m also flat out MISSING a large portion of my notes bc some of it? isnt even in the damn notebook. its on a sheet of binder paper, or on the empty back of an assignment. I’ve now lost most of those notes, but the ones i do still have are just as (even more, actually) indecipherable chicken scratch: 
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Wow, how clean and tidy and easy to follow! i am in hell. 
and this doesnt mention the PAGES and PAGES of outlines that are on my laptop, and the pages of outlined scenes that are on the notes app of my phone. if i put them all, you would have entire chapter spoilers up to the very end of the story so i cant post a lot of them– and also theres just a goddamn lot of them. currently i have 16 pages of outlining. There are no spacing breaks. It is a solid 16 page block of text. Looking at it gives me a migraine. 
some assorted notes which i have dredged up from the deleted parts of the main draft google doc go all the way back to when i started Wror in June and they are Barely more readable than my handwriting on sheer account of: articulation is not my strength. These include: 
“Ch 8 plan: sabo gets trained specially, awakens his armament haki, beats ace in a bunch of spars and proves himself to be anything but vulnerable. The boys are like “we fucking recognize that technique ryu taught you before us!!” and goad ryu into finally starting them both on basic haki training, just to awaken it, since sabo already has. Also this is the chapter that ace finally confronts ryu for his devil fruit after ryu confirms that some devil fruit users can’t be hurt without haki and ace immediately catches onto that and tries to slam his pipe through ryus head. It doesn’t work, ryu catches the weapon with a haki covered hand, to avoid turning to flame with hit and ace just gets frustrated and accuses ryu of hiding his devil fruit, because he remembers what he saw in grey terminal and that now that he has seen haki he can distinguish it from what he saw and he’s sure no one could do what ryu did. He calls ryu a hypocrite for coddling them even after telling them to stop coddling sabo and ryu has to sit them down and explain that yes he does have powers and he has been hdiing it and explains his reasoning. However instead of understanding th eboys just get fired up and say they don’t wnt to be scared of fire, especially not when it means ryu isn’t taking them seriously in a spar. Ryu finally agrees to start them on desensitization training for fire trauma. Fire desensitization training happens on the beach, so that they have water nearby in case things get out of hand. At some point ace gives ryu a considering look and is just like “if you have a devil fruit that means you can’t swim either right?” and ryu is basically just like “lmao yeah” and then ace immediately attempts to drown him. Lots of murder attempts in ace’s department toget his older brother to be less of an idiot with little success lol(extra: ace tried to attack ryu earlier both to confirm that ryu has a devil fruit that would force him to use haki to hide it, and because he now knows that he CAN’T hurt ryu without haki and as thus can’t beat him and make him admit he’s awake without being good at haki.)” [chapter 8] 
“Small sabo lost his hat and goggles in the incident and while he doesn’t remember having them future sabo notices he looks uncomfortable and keeps touching his hair and head. Ace yells at him for it thinking he bandaging are bothering him and that he can’t touch them but little sabo just comments that something about it feels wrong. Luffy blurts our that he had a hat, like luffy does, But he doesn’t now ace begrudgingly mentions that they can’t get a new one in town. Future sabo doesn’t even hesitate and just plops his own hat onto his younger selves head. It clearly too big for him, and almost falls over his eyes but he grins up at future sabo and is like “wow!! Thank you! I’ll take care of it till I have one of my own” and creates a paradox like Luffys own hat. The footsteps younger sabo has yet to fill. This HAS to happen AFTER the talk where they explain that future and past sabo are both the same person, to give little sabo that pressure.” [chapter 9]
“(Right after this older sabo takes them down to the ocean so that they can play a little and desensitize themselves and immediately fucks himself over when he goes weak in the water bc he somehow fucking forgot his own devil fruit again and now even younger sabo is on his case about not letting him near the fucking ocean that little goddamn HYPOCRITE—) )” [for chapter 9]
“Ch 9 plan: they finally leave dawn island. Starts with the boys getting a haircut after training and luffy mentions how long it’s been since they’ve last needed a haircut, giving sabo and ace time to point out that it’s been 2 months now since ryu joined them, and that sabo was completely healed by now. The boys are now aware of the basics of haki, and while luffy hasnt awakened either yet ace and sabo both have a little bit of weak armament haki. (sabo won’t awaken observational haki until he gets his memories back) ryu tries to sneak off into the city to steal a boat but his brothers refuse to leave him behind and keep sneaking out after him, not wanting him to go alone and saying that since he’s been training them they’re clearly stronger and he needs to let them do this. Ryu eventually just lets it go because why the fuck not it’s a dream and they make him feel better. They get the boat out on open ocean and finally fucking sail out, cheering loudly, ryu struggling to make them all calm down but also not really trying. He’s happy as shit, and they’re all so excited and happy and sabo dips a hand into the waves and then smiles so fucking wide and tackles ryu so violently they both nearly tip into the water and it’s just very very good. “ [also for ch 9] 
** I flat out dont Have any outlining from before chapter 6, because i only started actually outling chapters after that. i tend to just sit down and Write up until i hit a plot point or writers block and then am forced to actually think it through and plan rather than letting it come naturally. thats also why the quality and editing is better in later chapters despite everything being written within the same time frame. 
besides entire chapter outlines, there are the scene specific phone notes like:
“(ADDED) Right after they leave dawn, when sabo is sure they’ve gotten enough of a head start, he calls Garp. He doesn’t say who he is, but that all of the boys are safe and happy with him and has them all talk into the phone to assure him that they’re fine. Garp is honestly just pissed off he doesn’t know who’s calling and when he asks sabo just laughs and says a disobedient brat before hanging up. “
“(ADDED) TO EXPAND ON CH 3: sabo gets offered the chance to go with dragon, and he hesitates on the offer to go through with his previous life with the family he’s made in the revolutionary again. He almost agrees, because the bought of losing them in this lifetime is near excruciating but reminds himself swiftly that it’s no place for his brothers and not what they’d really want, and he wants selfishly to be with them as long as he Can until he “inevitably” wakes up. The boys are visibly relieved by this, especially ace. (Sabo gets asked who he is by dragon, who wants to know more about the stranger with his son, but dragon has always been quicker to make connections no one guessed and he just smiled knowingly at sabo and tells him he’s sure the other will have no trouble finding them if he’s in need. Sabo in turn warns him to keep Kuma close, and to look for a slave girl named koala.)”
I have…. many of these. I have Many of Everything. 
finally, i have scene doodles. if i hit a bad writers block it usually helps me to sketch scenes or the character designs to regain my grip on what the hell is happening in the plot– Breach of Intention has character design sketches, pakcbond has MANY scene sketches, even some of my nsfw has some sketches. my wror skecthes arent Good of course, I am an art teacher for children and that means i am more often explaining the color wheel and brush techniques over drawing perfect human replicas– and i just dont really make a lot of fanart? ive never drawn sabo before but i sure have a bunch now. i wont include close ups because they genuinely suck but heres an example pic 
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So… yeah thats about everything. this is a VERY long post and yet i only included like maybe ¼ or 1/5 of all the notes i have dbskhjgfkjadns lmk if anyone wants more (or notes for my Other stories, which contain NO WHERE the same absurd amount of shit that wror does.)
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marcoacesabo · 7 years
I love and need more of dance instructor! Can you make more? Pleeeease
The name unwillingly fell from his lips before Marco could stop himself. He wasn’t sure but he thought someone else said the same thing, however, the ringing in his ears couldn’t let him tell who.
The blond in front of him looked startled blinking those baby blue eyes rapidly at him. Behind him, the classical music and the lights of the party throw an almost heavenly aura around Sabo causing his mouth to dry.
The smaller blond’s lips parted slightly like he was trying to say something. 
He never got the chance to beacuse suddenly there was a brown hair head poking out from behind him, grinning at the two stupefied men “Marco! Ace! You made it.”
Sabo took a step back smiling at Haruta who was dressed in a midnight blue suit. He was awful close to the blond, cheeks a little rosy. His lavender eyes were dancing with cheer and something a little more giggly. 
 “Sabo, this is my brother Marco and his fiance Ace.” His brother waved an arm in front of each respected man, beaming up at Sabo. He flipped his hand for the other as he turned to grin at the duo.  “Guys this is my friend Sabo. He came over to show us how to dance. Get ready to die from graceful overload.”
“Please. I’m nowhere near as graceful as you Haruta”  Sabo’s voice was airy, honey dripping from each word. His smile glimmering like diamonds even though his eyes were still rather wide. The shortest man puffed out his chest, blush growing. 
“Drop the gentlemen act Sabs, we both know you as rowdy as everyone here. It doesn’t suit you.” Despite his words, his brother didn’t seem upset in the least, cheeks stretched too far. “Maybe I can show you how “graceful” I am with a dance, later? Show you how it’s really done.”
He ended his words with an extruded half bow and wiggling eyebrows.
Sabo’s laugh was answer enough. It was still bubbly, the kind that started somewhere low in his stomach that burst out of him. Not graceful, but more like an explosion of energy and life in one gust.
Marco had noticed it once during their classes when he told him a story about Ace. It was about when they first started dating and how his cute fiance had been so nervous around him he would fall out of his chairs whenever Marco walked by. 
Sabo had laughed that same laugh, but this time it was directed to Haruta not him.
Marco felt like an intruder watching something he shouldn’t. There was a lump forming in his throat, growing bigger with each passing second. His father’s words playing in his ears like a stamp of lost hope.
Haruta brought two friends over. I do hope he and that nice young man are dating and this is the way to introduce him. They look perfect together and I’ve never seen Haruta so excited. 
Next to him, Ace made noise that sounded close to a hitching breath of pain.
Snapping out of his trance a horrible sense of guilt swims in his gut. Laying a hand on his lover’s shoulder to bring him closer to his side. He frowns at the paleness of ace’s face making his freckles stand out more.  
How could he forget, even for a second,  Ace wasn’t feeling well? 
“Ace?” He asks, causing Sabo and Haruta to refocus on them.  “Honey, are you okay?”
His lover doesn’t answer but his eyes are watering his face getting paler. He is trembling slightly, under his hold. Something is very wrong. Marco’s gut feels heavier, how could he not notice how bad he was? 
“Ace?” Haruta asks taking a step closer hand raised as if though he is ready to catch the raven-haired man in case he falls. He swings his lavender eyes up to Marco asking an unspoken question.  
“He’s a little sick.” He answers feeling sick and wrong. For a second he wanted to snap at Haurat that this man was his, he couldn’t have him too.  What the hell?
Sabo is suddenly there, hand uncovered from his glove laying it over Ace’s forehead. “He’s sweating. Come on let's get him inside and into a bed.” 
Marco lets him and Haruta lead them into the house. People are mingling everywhere, most greet them happily until they notice Ace’s state and worry blooms on their faces. 
The oldest blond feels like he’s answered the same question again and again in a trance but he’s still too busy worrying over Ace to know if he really did say “Ace’s feels sick.” or  “It’s nice to see you too”   
Ace’s breathing was becoming uneven, gasping out breaths and looking paler by the second. He was trembling too, silver eyes becoming foggy for a few seconds then clearing and fogging over again. 
Marco was getting scared, gripping onto him as Ace stumbles almost falling over. It’s obvious he can’t walk anymore and Marco has to catch him. The family stops all partying to make room asking what’s wrong. 
Marco can’t answer. He’s not sure what’s wrong either. 
Eventually, someone finds Ace an armchair to sit him down. 
Thatch appeared with water and crackers to help, while Bay brought over some medicine, asking him simple questions. She’s a fine doctor, having her here reassures Marco everything will be alright if she claims he doesn’t need to go to the hospital. 
Marco is holding his lover’s hand, running a thumb over his knuckles making cooing noises. Mentally cursing himself, he wonders why he didn’t recognize the sings before. His fiance has the tendency of having these kinds of attacks every so often. 
“It’s a panic attack,” Sabo says next to him watching with tightly pressed lips as Bay does her job calming the raven-haired man down. He doesn’t give Marco a chance to talk rounding the chair and taking Ace’s other hand offering silent comfort as best he can. 
Marco swallows. What a great man.
“Ace, sweety match my breathing,” Whitey Bay says, making examples of inhaling and exhaling. “It’s okay sweetie just match my breathing.”
It’s a while, but soon the two are breathing together. The room is silent watching with battered breaths.Ace’s trembling has stopped following Bay’s breathing examples
 Eventually, he starts to cry and Marco reaches up to rub his back, bumping hands with a surprise Sabo.
They don’t say anything, however, instead they just rub both sides of Ace’s back until his love calms down completely.   
What a way to start off the night. Marco thinks hiding him from his family’s eyes knowing Ace wouldn’t want them to see him just yet by embracing him. Sabo lets go taking a step back.
Marco doesn’t see how far he goes too busy whispering reassures to Ace who is blabbing apologizes into his chest. He never notices the blond disappear into the crowd. 
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floofs-headcanons · 7 years
Can you do childhood headcanons for Ace and Law? Pretty please with a cherry on top! Love ya
Love you too, Anon
Childhood Headcanons
Portgas D Ace
He gets into so much trouble that at one point Sabo and Luffy probably had to just tie him to a tree
And by Sabo and Luffy I mean just Sabo because Luffy also gets into way too much trouble so he also tied Luffy to the tree
Ace is the one who hunts and kills most of the food and then gets into a fight with Sabo afterwards because
I bet at one point that Ace and Dadan had a hunting contest
Ace won like every time and the one time Dadan won he threw a fit
Hello did you say attack Dadan and the other mountain bandits and pretending they were other pirates and the three were a captain of their own ship?
Ace being embarrassed by Makino coming over is my aesthetic so you can bet he was caught in the act of playing Pirates at one point and paused mid way of hitting Luffy
Flushes red and yells “WHAT’RE YOU LOOKING AT”
as Makino just laughs and holds up a basket with some food
Trafalgar Law
I want to think that as a child Law wasn’t very open to many people besides his family and possibly the staff working at his dad’s hospital
Lami had to introduce him to all of her friends and force him to interact
He was probably a relatively awkward child who didn’t know how to greet new children his age but opened up pretty nicely
spoiled his sister like crazy
“Brother, let’s go get some ice cream!”
“Lami, not now, I really have to finish the book fir—”
cue the pouty face
Top of his class for sure
He followed his dad around the hospital quite a bit to get some first hand experience
Lami dragged him everywhere and Law probably didn’t wanna go but he loved seeing his sister happy
He randomly dissected things during class and would constantly get scolded by the teacher for creeping out the other kids
at one point they stopped caring and the kids would actually get curious about what he was doing
He gained a lot of new friends those days
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Secret Santa for PotatoTrace
Hey Guys!~ Happy Holidays, first off. Christmas is here and I do hope that everyone gets at least one thing that was on their Christmas list.~
This little song fic is for a fun little event the wonderful Snek in the MAS Discord chat was so amazing in organizing! My giftee is @doodlepotatoalien and I do hope you enjoy this. 
Song / Movie: All I want for Christmas is you - Mariah Carey
Pairing: MAS - SabAce
Summary: Sabo had thought what he wanted was friendship, but was what he was searching for something deeper than that?
Disclaimer, I own nothing in regards to One Piece or any other referenced media. Enjoy!~
I don’t want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
Sabo sat by the fireplace, with his back to the warm fire and his large green eyes on mountain of presents that sat underneath the large 15 foot tall christmas tree. There were at least fifty wrapped boxes of differing sizes piled underneath the tree, and Sabo knew without a doubt that the majority of them were his, who else could they belong to when he was the only child?
Normally one would assume that Sabo was living the dream. Sabo was the single child to a wealthy family, he had anything he could ever want in terms of what money could buy. But what about what money couldn’t buy?
Sabo had parents sure, but he never once had their attention. From the minute he was born, Sabo was handed over to a nanny who raised him until his father decided she was not being a good influence because she filled his imagination with far away adventures. After his nanny was fired, he got a governess who was more to his parent’s likings, one who schooled him in not only the basic subjects but also focused alot on business material. Sabo was five, there was only so much his brain could grasp.
Pretty soon Sabo was enrolled into private school and learned that just like his parents, those kids didn’t really care about making any connections other than business ones. If Sabo wasn’t in the market for trading information about companies and setting up partnership deals, then the children cared not to get to know him.
Sabo was beginning to think that friends were a myth until one fateful day that he was walking alongside a sidewalk on his way home. Sabo had been able to talk his father into letting him walk to and from school, so that he could assess the advertisements and see what the general public liked, it was a blatant lie that apparently worked and got him another few minutes of freedom from the stifling walls that were his home.
Sabo was walking slowly, trying to make the walk last as much as possible when all of a sudden, a freezing slushy mass slapped him across the face. Sabo’s feet stopped moving and he stood in the middle of the street stunned and wide eyed as the melting snow slid off of his warm cheek and onto his shoulder as laughter reached his ear.
Sabo’s large eyes looked over to the boy who was laughing at him, eyes closed and laughter creating small puffs of air around his mouth while other kids around him looked on unsure of how to react, some smiling tentatively, and a few looking worried. By all rights Sabo should be mad, seething even. He was just attacked by this kid with a ball of snow.
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true oh
All I want for Christmas is you
“Whats'a matter kid? Ain’t ever been hit with a snowball before?” the freckled boy asked after he stopped laughing and dusted off Sabo’s sodden shoulder.
Sabo had two choices in that moment, to be an utter embarrassment and tell the other kid that no he had never engaged in one of these fabled snowball fights, or lie through his teeth and give some half assed excuse of why he had been caught off guard. Sabo didn’t know why, but he didn’t like the idea of coming off as a fool to the boy and his friends, so he puffed out his chest and lied his ass off.
“I just wasn’t expecting to get ambushed is all… got room for one more?” Sabo asked the boy and looked past him to the group that was waiting for him to return.
The boy immediately brightened, “Hell yeah we do, what’s your name anyway kid? Mine’s Ace and that’s Marco, Thatch, Izo, Luffy, Nami, Law, Zoro, Sanji, and Koala.”
Sabo was not in the least overwhelmed with the names as he let a smile come to his lips easily enough, and waved only slightly awkwardly in their direction, “Hello, my name is Sabo, it’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
The kid with the large hair laughed, “Look at that Marco he talks just like you!”
The aforementioned child, Marco, looked over to the laughing redhead and sighed, “No he does not, yoi.”
“Well I guess not exactly with that tic of yours bird brain, but close enough.”
Next to Sabo Ace laughed again, “Don’t worry they do this all the time, c'mon you’re on my team.”
I don’t want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need, and I
Don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
Sabo had stayed out that day until the sun set and when he returned home, he was scolded and consequently punished, there would be no sleigh ride for him that year. Sabo was disappointed and yet at the same time, he was not. Sabo had learned that even someone like him, who had never had friends, could have them. And that someone like Ace, was capable of wanting Sabo as a friend.
All Sabo wanted that Christmas was to have friends, primarily the one that made it happen, Ace.
I don’t need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won’t make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
Sabo didn’t see those kids again the next day, or even when winter break released him from his classes. Sabo walked home and retraced his steps in order to possibly bump into one or two of the children from the group. But nothing of the sort happened and he had to trudge home in disappointment.
Christmas came and went and Saint Nick didn’t give him what he had wished for.
Sabo didn’t see Ace and his friends again the following week either, nor on new years; and pretty soon the year began to pass without a single sighting of them.
And yet, each year Sabo passed by the same street with that same hope, that Ace and his friends would be there throwing snowballs again. Sabo even refused going along with his parents to their island resort in order to wait by that street.
It was the first Christmas Sabo spent without them, it wasn’t like they were always present during it, but at least they were home.
And again Santa let Sabo down, there were no children waiting for him to play with. No friends to be given to him.
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
This became a cycle pretty soon, Sabo knew that he should let it go and move on. But… he couldn’t.
That year soon evolved into a second, and then a third, and Sabo began to forget the many faces that he had committed to memory when he was ten. And by the time he was seventeen, he had all but forgotten how they looked like. He had also forgotten their names.
Sabo had more or less convinced himself that it was a dream his younger self had had and moved on into the corporate world that his father had wanted for him.
Sabo graduated at the top of his class and with a year to spare, he was out a few months after his seventeenth birthday and on his way to his interview to his very first internship.
The meeting went spectacular, and Sabo was sure he had locked in the position without really needing to try. His parents would be pleased to know that, but Sabo… he didn’t really feel as if he had accomplished anything. Sure he was educated and knew the ins and outs of the business world and trade, but was he really happy?
Sabo had stayed up countless nights wondering this very thing, just as he did now as he sat on a park bench, watching small children run along the grass, large smiles on their faces.
“Hey watch out!”
Sabo heard the cry right before something very solid and fast hit the back of his head. Sabo’s head whipped forward and he clutched at the sore spot just in time to tune back in to the repeated apologies of the person above him.
“–rry, I didn't–fuck, the ball–are you okay? Fuck that’s a stupid question, how many fingers am I holding up?”
Sabo’s glare became stunned shock as he looked up to the guy above him, his wide green eyes meeting the other’s concerned gray ones.
“Whats'a matter, are you not able to count?” A panic rose within the other and he looked over Sabo and called out for help, “Marco, he can’t count!”
I won’t ask for much this Christmas
I won’t even wish for snow, and I
I just wanna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
Pretty soon Sabo found himself surrounded by a group of teens, one of them pressing a cold pack against his head and shining a beam into his eyes until his surprise wore off and he was able to push away the overbearing hands.
“I’m fine, please.” Sabo began and sighed, “Thanks for the cold pack, and yes I can count.” he said shooting a glance over to the guilty looking one with a frown, “I was just… taken off guard.”
The guy at the very least had the decency to look sheepish and bowed low, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you, the ball slipped and it flew over here and–”
“And, if you need to see a doctor, we can take care of all the medical fees, yoi.” the one who had given Sabo the cold pack interrupted and Sabo shook his head, only wincing slightly with the action.
“Na I’ll be okay, tender for a day or so, but fine… thank you for the offer though. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Sabo made to stand and was surprised when someone blocked his path.
“Hey, before you go at least let me make up for this by treating you to lunch or something?” and there was that smile again, so bright Sabo didn’t doubt it could eclipse the sun.
“Uh–sure?” despite his words, Sabo didn’t feel too sure about accepting this strangers invitation, but that combination of his, the smile, eyes, and freckles; there was something there that Sabo was supposed to recognize.
“Awesome! Let’s go now, I’ll see you at home Marc, tell Lu I’ll be help him with his homework later.” and with that he turned to Sabo and turned his world upside down. “My name’s Ace, and yours?”
I won’t make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won’t even stay awake
To hear those magic reindeer click
Sabo hadn’t jumped down Ace’s throat the moment he realized that this Ace was the same Ace of his childhood and demanded to ask why Ace hadn’t searched for him as Sabo had, because that would have been childish. Sabo had remained silent about the coincidence and wondered if Ace remembered their previous meeting.
Just as their meal was ending, Ace confirmed Sabo’s ponderings on that though. “I… I’m sorry if I’m just assuming here, but are you the same Sabo who once had a snowball fight with a bunch of kids?”
Sabo nodded, eyebrows knitting as he wondered where exactly Ace would take that conversation.
The freckled boy smiled, “I thought so, I remembered your eyes. We were starting to think you weren’t real because we never saw you again, we tried to go back, but some of the cops kept running us away, something about ’stinkin’ slum kids’.” Ace chuckled, “Anyway, we’re sorry we never got to hang out again, it was fun that day and you guys really did have some great snowball throwing snow.”
“I’d like that too.” Sabo blurted and then reddened as he reeled back his enthusiasm. “I mean, I would like that… to hang out with you more if you want?”
Ace’s bright smile came back and Sabo’s redness deepened. “Of course I would, here I’ll give you my number.”
And just like that, they fell into friendship and somewhere along the way, it became more than that and deeper feelings were shared.
‘Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do
Oh, Baby all I want for Christmas is you
And it was in that year that they shared their first Christmas together. Sabo for once didn’t spend it at home and alone, but surrounded by Ace’s abundant family as they laughed and enjoyed their evening. Some of them already getting so drunk they couldn’t walk properly.
It was a nice change as opposed to what he was used to, but Sabo welcomed it.
The liveliness of the household was so overwhelming that Sabo couldn’t help but let himself be carried along with it. Sabo joined in on the singing and merriment. And in that moment Sabo could truly appreciate what it meant to be in a family.
It turned out that Ace was part of a group of fostered and then adopted kids, along with his many brothers and sisters. Sabo hadn’t even known such a thing was real, but was happy for all of his new friends that it indeed was true for them and they had found their home, no their family right then and there.
All the lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children’s
Laughter fills the air
Over time the situation at home began to get more and more complicated, Sabo hadn’t necessarily told his parents about Ace and the activities that he was involved in because he knew that his father would never approve. They questioned where he was spending his time, and Sabo made up excuses about the internship demanding more work of him than it actually did.
It wasn’t until the next christmas eve was just around the corner when his father confronted Sabo about it and told him that he had had a talk with Sabo’s employer who denied that Sabo was running extra errands for him as Sabo had stated.
And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won’t you bring me
The one I really need
Won’t you please bring my baby to me quickly
So Sabo came clean about what he was doing, and the new world that he had stumbled into, and he was loving.
His father was furious. Even went as far as to forbid Sabo from engaging in his newfound “activities” telling him that he had a legacy to uphold, an obligation. And that such people would not be permitted into his son’s life.
Sabo had been furious and defended his position.
To which his father gave him an ultimatum. His house, his rules; if Sabo could not abide by his father’s wishes, then he was not allowed in his father’s house.
Sabo was numb after that, the choice was clear. But it still weighed on him.
I don’t want a lot for Christmas
This is all I’m asking for
I just wanna see my baby
Standing right outside my door
Sabo was disowned that Christmas eve and standing in the cold at the gate of Whitebeards house, his numb hands holding onto the one bag he was able to pack, or was he?
“Sabo?” the voice asked softly and Sabo turned to look at Ace who was looking on in curiosity and then in concern as he reached over to Sabo’s pale cheeks, wiping away at the wetness he hadn’t even known he had.
“What’s wrong? And what’s with the bag?” Ace asked as he scooped it up. “Not running away on Christmas are you?” Ace asked and Sabo appreciated his attempt to lighten up the mood but his smile fell before it could fully form.
“Can’t really run away when you don’t have a home to run from, you know?”
Ace’s concern only deepened as he put two and two together, “Fuck, oh shit. I’m sorry Bo… I didn’t mean to, but why are you standing out here in the snow, do you want to catch a cold? C'mon let’s get you into something warm and I heard Thatch was making his famous hot chocolate, I’ll get you extra marshmallows if you want.”
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is you
Sabo didn’t protest to being moved from his spot, nor being shoved into a bathroom to catch a warm bath and the clothes that were given to him were a little too large, but they were warm and comfortable and they smelled like Ace.
Ace then lead Sabo down to his room and sat him on the bed where he enveloped Sabo in a hug. They didn’t speak for hours it seemed until Sabo glanced at the clock and noticed that it was no longer the same day, but Christmas day.
“Merry Christmas, Acey. I hope you get what you wanted this year.”
Ace hummed in thought and a soft kiss was pressed to Sabo’s cheek. “All I want for Christmas is you, Sabo*.”
And I hope you like it ^^;I’m sorry I couldn’t MAS T^T the trio eluded this particular song and setting, but now that Sabo lived with the Whitebeards it could happen right? ;3c
The only Lyric here changed was Baby to Sabo for Ace’s last spoken line ^^
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! Till next time!~
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rockingthegraveyard · 7 years
"send me a ship" saboace and marcoace, or mas if you havent done that already? ty
Sorry this took a while!!  As you can see I got a bit carried away on some of them.
I hope you don’t mind I just do MAS it would have taken me too long to do all three and I probably would have lost steam.  I really went off the rails on this first one. What can I say, I love my werewolf aus. Okay, okay, so, like…I got into all of them really.  I love AUS okay!!
(it’s long so I’m gonna put it all under a cut)
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
Okay so there are four classes:
Human - Average humans are generally clueless of the underground supernatural network.
Hunter - Hunters track down and often eliminate with extreme prejudice.
SOI (Supernatural Occurrence Investigator) - SOI, investigates any violent deaths that have supernatural connections to put away or in extreme cases, kill any rogue creatures who kill for pleasure. Or those who risk outing other creatures. They generally helps dissuade some hunters  but for the most part the two are still at odds with one another.
Supernatural creature - And of course creatures which consist of various beings such as werewolves, vampires, harpies and more. They all have an underground society in a sense.
Sabo is a human.  He is not apart of a hunting family but they do support hunters in various ways.Ace is, of course, the werewolf.  A born werewolf, which is not common now-a-days since born are the only ones who can “infect” another individual on any given time when means they’re hunted vigorously.Marco a member of SOI.  His family is big and filled with supernatural being and human.  So he does the one thing he can to help insure a safer life for both parties of his family.
Sabo learned about the supernatural through Ace, which means it was very limited.  Ace had been taken away as a baby and raised away from his kind by humans.  So everything Ace learned about himself, he had to do on his own.  Rouge was a born werewolf and Roger was a bitten but Rouge was killed by a hunter as well as Roger but he was able to bargain with the lingering hunter (Garp) to take care of their son.  No child deserved to be killed just because of what he is after all.
Like in canon Sabo isn’t happy at home and runs off on a daily basis into the woods on the edge of town where he meets Ace.  It doesn’t take long for them to form their strong bond and for Ace to divulge what he is. (Luffy joins in somewhere in there, he’s half dragon, I know, pretty ironic for his dad). Unfortunately, when Sabo’s father looks into where his son keeps running off to, it doesn’t take much for the people he sends to figure out what Ace is.  He is young and reckless after all.
When they attack Ace, (this is where Ace learns about hunters and Sabo learns his family’s connection to them) they all run off across the mountain and into New World City (idk man).  They stick pretty close to the woods still but live in the city.  Ace works at a bar and picks up odd jobs on the side, Sabo works part time while still going to school.  Luffy goes to school for the most part.
At some point another werewolf gets wind of the family Sabo had once belonged and to him, once associated with hunters, always so.  And goes to attack Sabo.  This is where Marco shows up, dragging Sabo out of danger but before he can confront the rogue werewolf Ace appears to fight and eventually chase him off.  Of course he instantly turns on Marco but Sabo is quick to intervene because, come on Ace, it’s rude to threaten someone who saved me.
When Marco asks for a registry Ace only has his ID because he’s completely clueless about what else this Soy guy (SOI) is asking for. Marco is assuming Ace is bitten and the underground society try their best to find each one and keep tabs on them to help them through the first rough patches and to prevent them from hurt anyone or drawing in hunters attention.  Most born have better control by the time their five then most first bitten do at any age. So they avoid this kind of attention, not to mention even in among various SOI districts, born werewolves cause many concern if they go around changing others.
Being clueless to anything supernatural really, Marco is now stuck explaining their whole world basically to this cute werewolf and equally cute human friend.  You know what, this could take a while, lets do it over some coffee.  I know a witch that brews the best vanilla latte.
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
Ten year of age is when Sabo and Ace decide they will try to become proper fishermen.  Going out early in the morning in a small boat out of shore no one ever uses. Sabo, who is more academically inclined has read up on it. He feels like he’ll get the hang of it just fine. And they do alright for kids the first time around. Sabo is, though he won’t admit it, a little surprised and jealous that Ace does better than him. Ace has a lot of patience when it comes to hunting, looks like fishing is no different.
Sometimes Ace gets paranoid, insists someone is watching them. He was more ‘in tune’ with his instincts, or so he says. Sabo is quick to roll his eyes except when they’re out on the water. Mainly because sometimes he feels it too. It wasn’t until the weather turned bad in seconds and the waves rolls beneath them that they realized how correct Ace was. They’re both excellent swimmers but when Ace is knocked out of the boat and doesn’t resurface, Sabo panics. He wants to dive in after him but their small boat is pushed to the rocks.
Boatless and now stuck on jagged rocks he feels utterly helpless. Throwing caution into the wind, he’s ten seconds from trying to clear the waves that will smash him back into the rocks when two bodies are thrown right on him.  Ace is there, he’s okay, he’s coughing which means he’s breathing.  This new blond kid is there too, he must have saved Ace and he’s so, so grateful and holy shit is that tail?!
And so it starts, the two boys and their mermaid friend, Marco. Marco who helps them fish and sits on their boat with them and swims with them.  Who shares stories of the ocean, the creatures there, his large family of other mermaids. He describes them and they’re all so different. But Sabo and Ace hope to meet them someday, even his father, who is as large as a whale Marco says.
In turn Sabo and Ace sit with Marco on the shore. They tell him of their lives, their little brother and his friends. They tell him the troubles of humans but the small good things to come to them as well. Sabo talks about his parent’s selfishness and how sad he is with them. Ace doesn’t talk about his family who is no longer around anyways. Sabo explains that the reason Ace seems so angry is because he is used an an outlet because of who is father is. Ace is angry because he’s hurt. Being hurt is a concept all three of them know too well.
Neither of them can really place as they grew up just when they fell in love.
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
Sabo is the witch and Ace is the most frustrating familiar to have ever existed. Sabo is sure he accidentally cursed himself instead when he happened upon Ace, who came from out of nowhere it seemed. From his reading, familiars are suppose to be your guide, he is sure he didn’t summon a demon or a fairy, or at least Ace claims he isn’t. But a good portion of the time Ace is less than helpful. That’s not to say he doesn’t try, because he does and that in sort is part of the problem. In terms of protection it was something Ace could never let him down on.  Magic however was a whole other story.
The best or worst, they’re not really sure which, case was when Sabo made to summon a bird to carry messages long distances for him and with Ace’s help he accidentally summoned and entrapped and very shocked phoenix instead. One thing Ace had excelled in, was elemental magic, more specifically fire. Sabo reasons that might have had something to do with the frustrated fire bird now bound to him. They are both very apologetic and struggled to find an incantation to break the bond.
Not that either of them would admit it but they were surprised when the phoenix, Marco, transformed with a burst of beautiful blue flames into an equally beautiful man. Sabo scolds himself for being surprised considering Ace is constantly shifting forms on a regular basis. Even with the extra set of eyes Marco provided it took them a whole month to break the bond. By then Marco was no longer angry and Ace and Sabo were sad to see him go.  
They had only sulked about it for a week when Marco reappeared. He couldn’t in good conscious leave them alone after all, not when both of them had so much to learn. Marco was no longer bonded and was free to come and go as he pleased. Sabo and Ace were happy that their little hut on the mountain was one of the places he went to the most.
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
With Ace’s medication he can’t have caffeine, or at least he’s not suppose to.   Not suppose to have it aside, medication be damned on rare occasions he can’t help but down a huge cup of Izo’s special vanilla latte. (This action is always followed with regret, will he ever learn?) It’s why being a barista is such a confusing choice for him but he love it.  Marco, his co-worker, is addicted.  Family is in a constant state of worry, has anyone checked his resting heart rate?  No way it’s normal. But that’s just how it is a The Whitebeard Cafe.  
No one rivals Marco’s coffee intake, no one but Sabo from Revolution Books across the street.  He always comes in during Marco or Ace’s shift.  He stays longer if both of them are there.  They all assume he is ordering a bunch of coffee for his co-workers.  However he’s been here chatting with Marco and Ace for the past ten minutes, he finished one cup and is now drinking another. He’s eaten two of the pastries. Did he notice with Ace ate the third?  Does he care?  Does he even realize there are more than two people working here.
Thatch and Izo are very embarrassed over Marco swooning so helplessly and Ace, the blind dork. Ace is so oblivious or these two people openly flirting with him the entire time. Izo is getting real tired of Ace sulking, pretending to be happy that Sabo and Marco make such a perfect fit.  Goddammit Ace, do you use your eyes?
Koala is getting really tired of Sabo coming back just seconds before his break ends with no pastries AGAIN and her coffee half gone.  One of these days she’s gonna have to go get them herself and see just who these two “perfect” guys her idiot is fawning over.
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
Ace is the professor. He is spacey and his organization skills appear to be a mess but he’s good at interacting with his students. Especially the ones that are having the toughest time because he was there too. He complains about the workload all the time and complains that it’s never quiet but he really loves it.
Marco is in the class next door who is completely dedicated and professional and everything is in chaos. His desk is somehow even worst than Ace’s. Only there is no order among it. While class is in Ace has a tendency to be sitting in the back of the class. No one know when or how he even got there, how can a teacher be so sneaky? Don’t you have your own class to teach?
Sabo is almost a cryptid. Is he a TA for Ace or is he here for Marco? Sometimes he’s there and sometimes he isn’t and the students are left questioning if he’s even real. One student has a friend who goes to another university and she claims she’s seen Sabo there. There are no pictures and somehow whenever someone tries to sneak one something obstructs it.  There is a whole club now.
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
They’re all prince’s!! Marco the Prince of Moby. Sabo the prince of Goa.  And Ace the prince of the ruined kingdom of Oro.  
Queen Rouge ran away with her son and found refuge in the mountain that bordered the Goa kingdom where she was able to raise her son in secret.  Prince Sabo ran away at a young age, found Ace and they quickly became the best and only friends they ever knew.  But of course being a prince makes it much harder for Sabo to run away and he goes back willingly after his father started sending out parties to look for him.  Ace told Sabo who he was and in return Sabo did the same and so to protect Ace’s identity he went back.  
Of course Ace wouldn’t just have that and later trained the the toxic kingdom to become a knight.  Specifically to be apart of Prince Sabo’s royal guard.  Sabo wasn’t happy of course, at least at first.  (Rouge was really not happy but she knew she couldn’t stop her son.) But Sabo being the prince has some sway and was able to keep Ace as close to him as possible.  Ace is knighted and honestly, neither of them are really happy about it but Ace had reached his goal. Just in time to watch as Sabo’s father starts looking for suitors for his son.
In comes Marco, the prince of Moby who is here on behalf of his father to see if they could strike up a trading route between the two kingdoms.  This is where he meets the handsome, prince with his sad smile and the stoic and equally beautiful knight.  As Marco tries to strike a deal with the impossibly frustrating king, he gets to know Sabo and Ace.  Gets to know how Sabo dreads the arranged marriage.  To witness the small, almost unnoticeable affectionate touches between prince and knight
He’s caught off guard when Ace asks what he thinks of the once proud kingdom of Oro.  He answers honestly, that he remembers vivid warm colors, laughter, the busy market , a boisterous king and beautiful queen.  He tells Ace and Sabo who listens in closely that he remembers that above everything he remembers the people were happy under king Roger’s rule.  He remarks that it’s a shame that he was burned like it was and that he hoped one day it will be taken away from Akainu’s tyrannical rule.  He’s confused when Ace leaves silently and Sabo smiling, still facing the book he had been ‘studying’.
When Marco is set to take his leave, the negotiations failing to have gone anywhere, he makes the most of his last private time with Sabo and Ace.  He tells them quietly to wait ten days from his departure, to gather the minimum.  He tells them that they don’t have to say goodbye forever, that in ten days he will be waiting in the small village of Foosha.  Ace and Sabo listen as he tells them that Moby is accepting of all those in need of a place and a fresh start no matter who they are or the families they once belonged too. And in ten days Goa was without it’s prince and his loyal knight.
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
Sabo is the teacher. It’s messy and the children are loud but he love his job with all his heart. 
Ace isn’t a single parent but he’s treated like it.  People generally give him pity looks, must have been a teen parent? Where is the mother they wonder but never pry.  But it’s not like that Ace is taking care of his adopted little brother because he’s guardians do a piss poor job honestly. So he took Luffy and struggles to get him to school on time, more or not making himself late for his own classes.
Marco is a dad in all but blood. He watches carefully and cleans up after Thatch’s cooking adventures. Lets Izo paint his face in makeup from cheap glittery pink cases. Marco struggles to keep Namur from drowning himself in the park fountain and Haruta from stuffing her pockets full of frogs. He gets all four of them to school before work and picks them up from his father’s home after.
And when Haruta gets into a fight at school he patiently waits with the kind teacher while the other kid and his parents run late.  Haruta is left to play with the toys in the classroom and Marco is left to chat with the teacher who apologizes for the other’s lateness. It doesn’t take a genius to know that the kid Haruta fought with got in trouble a lot for the teacher, Sabo he insisted to know the other enough to apologize for them.
Only Marco seems to be startled when the door burst open with a young man struggling to catch his breath and a child slung under his arm. Of course Marco, the private of his own mind thinks how unfair it is that both teacher and this man are incredibly cute. He’s even more surprised when the child is thrusted forward and made to apologize for stealing Haruta’s food and the kid, Luffy, does so eagerly with a genuine smile that rivals the sun.
When Haruta accepts the apology in seconds, all three adults are left while the two children begin to play.  Marco feels like he got almost too worked up over the possibilities and now it seems like a waste to be here but he can’t bring himself to pull Haruta away from Luffy in the middle of their game. He finds it really nice when all three adults sit down to talk and when he walks away with a promise to see them another time he can’t help but think this is the best student/teacher meeting he ever had.
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
Sabo is the writer and Marco is his editor.  They’ve been working to get this book done, long hours and hard work put into every sentence written and edited. The amount of caffeine share between them as they’ve gone over things is staggering.  They’re almost done just a few things here and there corrected.  This taken out while this put back in only to be taken out and then revised.
Ace is the best friend who throws out ideas, a lot of them are brushed aside, some are taken into consideration.  And sometimes he’ll ask a question and Sabo finds himself at 3am, downing his third cup of coffee and completely rewriting chapter twelve. Marco slightly concerned when Sabo shows him the new and improved chapter with bloodshot eyes and hair wild until he sees Ace casually strolling behind him. Then it clicks, of course and he takes the chapter from Sabo’s clammy hands and forces him to take a nap on his couch.
And there you have it.  I hope you enjoyed them!
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floofs-headcanons · 7 years
hello im enjoying your headcanons so far, hope you’re having fun! 👍 could i have some headcanons on how it would be like if in a modern! au ace, sabo and law met their s.o while studying abroad like maybe each of them were from different countries but they could understand each other just fine and maybe even they’d start sharing a place? how would it be like? thanks! (i’m studying abroad soon myself so i often daydream about something like this! even tho im a single potato)
We’re glad you’re enjoying yourself here, and best wishes for your studies abroad! We’ll get right on those headcanons!
( Specified Modern Au! ) Meeting S/o while studying abroad
Portgas D Ace
Ace most probably doesn’t have a specific major, just going with the flow, really
For sure Ace met his s/o when he was sleeping in class one day due to his narcolepsy and they woke him up after class ended
He might’ve noticed that their accent wasn’t from around here or that they spoke in a different want from everyone else he knew
Honestly, Ace would find that to be so amazing
Before they even started dating or move in together he would flaunt them around to all his friends even though everyone tells him it’s nothing to get too excited about and students come from abroad constantly
Thanks to his energetic personality they become friends real quick, and decided to move in together to save some rent after becoming a couple
Ace being the dork he is tries to write something sweet in his s/o’s language only to fail horribly, though it’s understandable enough for them to read
His s/o is just laughing and melting at how sweet he was being, and that’s basically how they got together
Also for sure Ace makes a mess of his room in their shared apartment and his s/o is always having to scold him for it
Sabo’s major would probably involve politics
He probably met his s/o through a mutual friend, and realized that the two had a lot in common
Sabo probably doesn’t even recognize that they’re not from around here as he’s with such a diverse cast of people 24/7
When he finds out he’s absolutely hooked though, bombarding his s/o with questions about where they came from, realizing afterwards that he was being too pushy
His s/o wouldn’t find it to be too intruding, answering all his questions, and as the two hang out with each other more they just begin to have mutual feelings for each other
Sabo’s s/o is probably the one that confesses, though they do it in their own language, thinking that Sabo wouldn’t recognize what they were saying only to be completely baffled when he replies back in their native tongue as well
At this point his s/o is hooked.
Moving together took some time for sure, Sabo isn’t the type to rush things and if they ever broke up it’d be too awkward, though eventually they come to an understanding
They’d be huge cuddle bugs in their shared place, and help each other study for big exams or tests coming up constantly
Trafalgar Law
You can bet he’s a medical student.
He met his s/o during one of his classes and had been looking for the most approachable and respectable person to sit beside.
Turns out they were pretty cool and he’s genuinely curious to get to know them
While his s/o speaks the common language, he’s never heard their accent before and makes the educated guess that they’re also foreign
through their brief conversations that were not class related, Law learnt they were looking to move out of the dormitories since they were going under construction
Law finds them bearable and pretty alright and invites them to be his roommate since he was in need for one to help juggle rent
Romantic aspects would probably take a while, they’re both stressed students so it would probably bloom the longer time they spent together
The two of them might actually wait until their studies are done before deciding that they would become a couple
Though the mutual agreement that they both of feelings for each other would most likely come before that
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marcoacesabo · 7 years
Roommate's strange habits
When Ace first moved into the apartment he wasn’t expecting much trouble, even if his grandfather said again and again how suspicious it all was.  Sure it wasn’t the nicest place, and he had answered an ad to share it with a random stranger in the worst part of town the thing was it was very very cheap.
Cheap was Ace’s favorite price. 
Maybe he didn’t like the fact it was in an old building with crack, stains and smells that he would rather not like to know the origins of, maybe Garp was right that this wasn’t a good idea and maybe he was slightly worried his roommate may try to steal his skin in his sleep.
But after meeting Sabo in person he knew that they would get along like fire on a house.  The blond was polite, funny, charming and unfairly handsome, who was just a follow broke college kid trying to make ends means. ( if Ace was being honest he may have even said he found the perfect boyfriend candidate)  
It was after moving in, two weeks with living there, that he realized something. 
Sabo was odd, to put it nicely. Not the odd that send warning bells in his head about a murder, no Sabo was odd as in the “wakes at three in the morning to talk to food” 
But it was this strange habit that got them together. 
Let him explain, it will make sense. 
One night, Ace had gotten up intending to get a cup of water, but as he neared the kitchen he saw that a light was emitting from it. He thought his roommate was fast asleep, so he careful tiptoed back to his room for a metal bat just in case they were broken in to.
With the bat held tightly in both hands, the raven-haired man slowly made his way down the small hall ready to take a swing at anything. The kitchen had looked like a mess, pots, and pans everywhere dripping with colorful liquids. Stains on walls like someone had intentionally splattered them there, had Ace’s swallowing- some of them looked like blood. 
It wasn’t the room lights that were on. It was a bunch of candles around the dining table. They sat among cakes of varies shapes and sizes none like the last.
They were actually very well done. A dragon, a carefully dabbed designs, a flower and much more.
 Ace had counted six but he wasn’t sure it was accurate. He hadn’t looked long enough, beacuse his eyes landed on a giggling Sabo who was carefully frosting a flower onto a small cupcake. 
The man was wearing a blue dragon onesie, hood up so that his face peeked out from the dragon’s mouth.  He didn’t seem to notice the slack jaw Ace, before mumbling to the pastry “You look so pretty. I bet you taste good too. A perfect sacrifice but shhh don’t wake up Ace okay pretty? We won’t want to ruin the fun times right?”
He then exploded into more giggles, face somewhat shadowed by the poor lighting. 
Ace had backpedaled out of there faster then one could say what the fuck!?
He had gone back to his room silent as a shadow, closed his door and barricaded it. He was deeply disturbed. He didn’t sleep a wink of sleep wondering what he had seen, a little paranoid of Sabo barging into his room to do something else that was creepy.
Say like watch him well he sleeps?
Giggle over his form in his weird dragon onesie?
Measure his skin to make a suit out of?
He was shaking, holding onto his metal bat for life on his bed keeping an eye on the objects he used to cover the door and keeping an ear alert of any footsteps coming towards him.
But he heard and saw nothing. 
At one time, he must have fallen asleep beacuse he woke half spooning the bat, his bedside table, three trunks of random stuff and bookcase still perfectly placed against his door. 
Ace had gotten up, taking a wary glance at his clock only to breathe a sigh of relief. Sabo should be gone for his morning classes, giving him four hours to pack up and get the hell out of there. 
He packed his clothes first, bat never too far away. Then take anything else he could fit in the small suitcase knowing he needs boxes or helps to get the rest. 
It was two hours later that he finished he moved the furniture, before walking out. He had 911 on speed dial, just in case he ran into his roommate but nothing seemed out of the ordinary in fact the apartment had been cleaned. 
No pans, no cakes, no stains, no weird blonds. 
Just their modest furniture, and quite a room.  Which didn’t make sense, the stains were gone too. That wouldn’t have been easy to clean. 
H-Had Ace dreamt it all? It wasn’t the first time he was woken from a dream and moved his stuff around beacuse of it....
Maybe he had overreacted?
By the time Sabo came home, bearing a gift in the shape of four large pizzas, Ace had unpacked. 
The following week it happened again. 
This time when Ace had woken it was the smell of cinnamon- his favorite- that stir him to the kitchen at three in the morning. There among trays and trays with of cinnamon rolls was a giggling Sabo once again clad in his dragon onesie. 
He was gently laying the frosting over the buns, cheerfully whispering to them  “Some for you. Some for you. And some for you even though you had way too much mister. ..well okay, you can have one, but no more, we can’t have you eating so much. What would Ace say if our thighs got so big?” 
Ace had shivered in fear, face somewhat green. W-was Sabo talking to the food about him? Was this what he did at night? Sea he had to leave this apartment, this wasn’t normal!
The candle lights hadn’t been bright enough for him to see, so by the time he notices the trays stacked on the floor he was already tripping over them. The loud clatter echoed through the apartment as Ace tried to scramble to his feet. 
He came face to face with a panicking Sabo who was all but ripping the onesie off face twisted in mortification  “Ace! T-this isn’t what it looks like- I can explain!”
Now Ace may be reckless but he wasn’t stupid. It was better to go along with what Sabo wanted for now, instead of having the man with the possible unstable mentally blow up on him.
“I’m sorry for knocking over your trays Sabo.” He said calmly, dusting his clothes off unnecessary.  Ace just wanted to do something so that he wasn’t just standing there.  “There wasn’t anything on them right?”
The blond paused, the fur of his dragon pooling at his feet- he was wearing his regular blue PJs underneath- and he was looking at Ace in confusion. 
“No,” he said slowly like he was worried it was Ace who would snap. “ It...it just was the ones I was going to clean.”
“Okay good. What you making tonight?”  The other asked hoping to keep the terror out of his voice. He was hoping a conversation could buy him enough time to run back for his bat. 
“Um cinnamon rolls.” The blond blinked waving his hand around.  He looked uncomfortable but after a moment of silence added: “Would you..ugh like one?”
No, Ace really didn’t
“Sure.” He said instead of trying to keep up the act that everything was fine. 
Ace had never seen Sabo beam before. Sure he’s seen him smile, seen him laugh but nothing like that could compare to the pure excitement that bloomed on Sabo’s face as he handed him a bun. If he wasn’t fearing for his life he would have found it endearing. 
“This is the first time I ever made them but I think they came out okay.” The blond said acting like he was offering the king one of his creations. He stepped back twirling his fingers into the hem of his shirt.  “I um hope you like it.” 
Silver eyes flickered around the room nervously before Ace took a bit. He tried to ignore the naked anticipation on Sabo’s face as he chewed. It almost killed him to say but it was the best thing he’s ever tasted.
A moan of pleasure slipped out him, and Sabo blushed.  “I see you like it.”
Ace nodded, a little dazed by the blond’s happy little smile. He’s never seen a grown man try to hide behind his bangs and hands but that’s what made Sabo doing it so cute. 
“Can I have more?” He asked around the food in his mouth eyeing the other trays. 
By now the fear had left his body all that remained was a strange warm feeling that was growing stronger the longer he watched his roommate try to stay bashful.  “S-Sure!”
The blond soon had Ace sitting on the couch with a plate of cinnamon wonders in his lap. He flickered on the lights, explaining that the candles were only used to not wake Ace. 
They spent some time chatting. Sabo reveals his love of baking but years in his old home taught him to never let others know. His parents did not approve of it and would make cruel punishments for doing something so “odd” for a male. 
 He was so used to sneaking around at night to bake that once he moved out he couldn’t break the habit. 
Apparently, it was one of his favorite things to do and he often dreamed of opening a bakery one day. 
Ace was not surprised to find he also loved fluffy things, and that too his parents try to beat out of him. The onesie made sense now. 
“You can put it back on. I don’t mind.” The words slipped from his lips without his permission. But Ace had seen the longing look, Sabo would shoot the thing each time he went form the living room to the kitchen, carrying with him more tasty snacks.
Sabo looked surprised before he laughed  “Thank you!” 
A moment later, Ace was joined by a friendly dragon on the couch, and he found much to his surprise he didn’t mind too much. Not with the way Sabo smiled at him and whispered a soft  “Thanks for being cool Ace...I’ve never thought I meet someone who didn’t make fun of me for this.”
“Just don’t talk to the food about me anymore and we’re cool.” Ace joked lightly.
 Sabo flushed darkly, looking away he didn’t notice Ace scoot a little closer.  It was obvious during their talking that the blond couldn’t think properly when Ace got too close- and wasn’t that a thrill to learn?- it wasn’t a surprise that he started rambling the moment their shoulders touched “But who else am I supposed to talk to? I don’t have any friends that will listen to me talk about how hot you are- I mean! I-”
His words were silenced by a pair of lips. “You can talk to me. I’m your boyfriend.”
“Y-you are?”
“Yes. I decided as of right now.” 
“Can I kiss you again then?”
“I thought you never ask.” 
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marcoacesabo · 7 years
The Dance Instructor
Part 2: Marco’s dilemma 
The blond arrives home with a skip in his step, a happy humming in his throat and bright eyes. He managed to get off early today thanks to the project getting a few days ahead of schedule, allowing him to take rare time off for himself while in the middle of a new production.
Which means he could spend that time with his fiance.
 Ace had been putting in some extra hours in work- something to do with helping Luffy which honestly didn’t surprise him- and though they did live together and saw each other in the mornings it wasn’t the same as when they both had time to be together.
Not that Marco was mad at the raven haired man because he too worked long hours and most of the week. It would be hypocritical of him to expect Ace to wait at home for him and get mad when he tried to work harder. He couldn’t expect to have his other half put him above everything else in his life. 
That wasn’t how relationships work if you asked Marco. Equal respect and communication were key, and with Ace, he found that. Most of his past relationships didn’t understand, many angered that his family and his work were first when the relationship began. 
Not Ace. no Ace nodded with an approving smile  while saying “If you ever try to distance me from Luffy I would kick your ass!”
 This happened on their third date and the first time Marco thought he could truly love the man for the rest of his life. 
Ace made him feel young. Being with him was like a never ending adventure, that left Marco on his toes. He was learning new things about the raven haired man all the time, surprises at every corner. He loved it.
Now almost two years later, he was going to be marrying that man. The thought always warms his heart because he managed to snatch the best man on the market and Marco was damn grateful Ace thought of him as worthy.
That’s why he always tried to sweep him off his feet at any opportunity available. 
Glancing down at the roses he bought on a whim- Ace loved romantic gestures like these- the blond smile grows. He knows his fiance doesn't work today meaning he wouldn’t be expecting him home until late. 
Wouldn’t he be surprised to have the blond take him out to eat? Maybe go walk on the beach afterward and if he was up to it have a nice night of lovemaking or talking, either was fine with him-
“Wow! You’ve gotten better Ace!” Luffy’s voice echoes as he opens the door. The blond blinks. Was Ace’s brother visiting today? A lovely upbeat instrumental song was playing from the speakers somewhere making Marco raise an eyebrow.
That wasn’t the usual music those two listen to. 
He peeks into the living room to see the likeliness of sending the boy home so he could have his date night. As expected the loveable ball of sunshine was sitting on their large couch upside grinning at a sweeping Ace.
The coffee table was pushed to the side, making a clearing in the room but other than that the place looks clean enough- i.e not like a raging tornado stormed though-, meaning he hasn’t been here for long. 
Hmm. It seems that sending the boy home wasn’t going to happen but that’s fine with him he could do a date night some other-
Marco’s jaw drops doing a double take. 
No, he wasn’t sweeping, he was dancing. Ballroom dancing. With the broom.
Ace’s hips moved in ways he’s never seen before holding onto the broom like a person. He steps to the beat of the music, gliding around the room movements both smooth and jerky. Marco watched astonished as the moves started to make sense to him.
Mambo. Ace knew how to Mambo?
“Thanks, Lu! This is one of the easier dances for me, maybe because it’s so fast paced. I still have a little trouble with the others.”  Ace chirps letting the broom go to do some single shakes and steps that came with the dance.  “I’ll practice the foxtrot and the quickstep after this one.”
“Shishishi. You can do those ones though. Practice the tango stupid Ace.” Luffy claps his sandaled feet together once again proving his yoga instructing license. “Or the Viennese waltz!”
“Yeah, I am a little rusty on those...” His fiance says stopping in the center of the room in an ending pose as the song come to a close. Marco almost swallows his tongue at the way Ace’s body shakes those last few beats.  “I mean I don’t know the kind of dances for the reunion so better safe than sorry.”
The reunion? Oh no...
Marco backpedals out the hall until he’s outside shutting the door as quietly as he can. Once he safe,  he runs a panicked hand through his blond hair. His formal family reunion was in two months.
He knows most of the ballroom dances from watching his numbers family members- Pops ran a chain of orphanages and all of them were family- glide across the rooms. Every year they do different dances and he’s seen them all. 
The thing was Marco himself didn’t know how to dance.
He had been riding on the idea that Ace was like him but obviously his wonderful incredible little spitfire, knew how to and was damn good at it too. Shit, he was going to look like a fool trying to keep up.
Ace literally admitted knowing five of the twelve most common dances, meanwhile, Marco could barely two step! 
The hell? Where was he hiding this talent? Sure they’ve gone out dancing before plenty of times on dates but those were always to night clubs or concerts...and maybe that had been Marco’s doing as he only had to jump up and down a bit to pass off as dancing. 
He starts pacing flowers gripped in one hand. Maybe, he wouldn’t have to dance? He could always tell Ace he was too tired-
The thought gets shut down immediately as he thinks about the smile on that freckled face just now. No telling Ace he didn’t like dancing when the other clearly loved it wasn’t going to work for him. He wasn’t that strong to fight against that pouting face. 
Then what do I do? He thinks desperately pacing faster. How can I learn five different dances in such a short time!?
Marco stops mid-step mind launching onto one word. Learn. As in classes. As in a teacher. As in a chance to not look like an idiot!
Hope restored he pulled out his phone speed dialing the one person who could get him anything at any time. 
“Izo! Sorry for calling out of nowhere but I was wondering if you knew any good dance instructors in my area yoi.” The man whispers into his phone eyeing the front door in case the brothers popped out.  “I need one that can teach multiple ballroom dances. Someone who can teach me in two months.”
His brother is quiet for a moment making him worry that maybe he jumped the gun before Izo purrs “Oh I know just the man. His name is Sabo Outlook and let me tell you, darling, he’ll have you in top shape for the reunion. I’ll get his contact information and send it to you in a bit. Oh and Marco? Make sure to say you’re trying to impress Ace. Trust me, Sabo will make you irresistible.”
A few days later, when Sabo shows up to his house for their first private lesson session- Ace being out like he plan, these classes need to stay under lock and key forever- Marco realized why Izo sounded like a cat looming over a cornered mouse during that phone call. 
Irresistible was a good word to use. Marco couldn’t look away from him. Was this man even real? What kind of romantic fantasy novel did he escape from and why was there no warning of his beauty before hand? 
The dance instructor’s knowing smile as he started his first lesson- Mambo, The best thing Ace is good at- was like a soccer punch to his gut. “Your fiance is very lucky to have a man like you Mr. Newgate. I think it’s cute how your learning for him. You know I have a student in my community classes who is doing the same thing. ”
“Really yoi?” He smiles taking the started position a bit stiffly. Sabo gently guided his body into a more relax and correct form. 
“Really. It’s adorable.” The small blond smiles up at him, and Marco’s heart leaped. Shit, this was not part of the plan.  “Shall we began?”
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