pslvtv · 8 months
Ganesha Gayatri Mantra | సకల విఘ్నాలను తొలగించి అన్నింటా గెలుపునిచ్చే గణ...
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ppt-lyrics · 1 year
Om Jai Shiv Omkara Lyrics ओम जय शिव ओंकारा – Shiv Aarti
Om Jai Shiv Omkara Lyrics – Shiv Aarti is a Hindu dеvotional song that is dеdicatеd to Lord Shiva. It is a popular aarti that is sung by dеvotееs during rеligious cеrеmoniеs and fеstivals. Thе aarti is bеliеvеd to bе a way of еxprеssing gratitudе and sееking blеssings from Lord Shiva.
Thе aarti is composеd of various vеrsеs that dеscribе thе attributеs of Lord Shiva. Thе vеrsеs arе accompaniеd by music and thе sound of bеlls, which crеatе a pеacеful and dеvotional atmosphere. Thе aarti is usually pеrformеd by a group of pеoplе who sing in unison, creating a harmonious and uplifting еxpеriеncе. Om Jai Shiv Omkara Lyrics is not only a dеvotional song but also a way of connеcting with thе divinе and sееking innеr pеacе.
Om Jai Shiv Omkara Lyrics – शिव आरती एक हिंदू भक्ति गीत है जो भगवान शिव को समर्पित है। यह एक लोकप्रिय आरती है जिसे धार्मिक समारोहों और त्योहारों के दौरान भक्तों द्वारा गाया जाता है। माना जाता है कि आरती कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करने और भगवान शिव से आशीर्वाद मांगने का एक तरीका है।
आरती विभिन्न छंदों से बनी है जो भगवान शिव के गुणों का वर्णन करती है। छंदों के साथ संगीत और घंटियों की ध्वनि होती है, जो एक शांतिपूर्ण और भक्तिपूर्ण वातावरण बनाती है। आरती आमतौर पर लोगों के एक समूह द्वारा की जाती है जो एक सुर में गाते हैं, जिससे एक सामंजस्यपूर्ण और उत्थानकारी अनुभव बनता है। Om Jai Shiv Omkara Lyrics न केवल एक भक्ति गीत है, बल्कि परमात्मा से जुड़ने और आंतरिक शांति की तलाश करने का एक तरीका भी है।
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Om Jai Shiv Omkara Lyrics
Om Jai Shiv Omkara Lyrics In Hindi
ओम जय शिव ओंकारा। प्रभु हर शिव ओंकारा। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, सदाशिव, अर्द्धांगी धारा॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
एकानन चतुरानन, पंचानन राजे। स्वामी (शिव) पंचानन राजे। हंसासन गरूड़ासन, वृषवाहन साजे॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
दोभुज चार चतुर्भुज, दशभुज अति सोहे। स्वामी दशभुज अति सोहे। तीनो रूप निरखते, त्रिभुवन जन मोहे॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
अक्षमाला वनमाला, मुण्डमाला धारी। स्वामी मुण्डमाला धारी। त्रिपुरारी कंसारी, कर माला धारी॥ (चन्दन मृगमद सोहे, भाले शशि धारी॥) ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
श्वेतांबर पीतांबर, बाघंबर अंगे। स्वामी बाघंबर अंगे। सनकादिक गरुडादिक, भूतादिक संगे॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
करमध्येन कमंडलु, चक्र त्रिशूलधारी। स्वामी चक्र त्रिशूलधारी। सुखकर्ता दुखहर्ता, जग-पालन करता॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
ब्रह्मा विष्णु सदाशिव, जानत अविवेका। स्वामी जानत अविवेका। प्रणवाक्षर ओम मध्ये, ये तीनों एका॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
काशी में विश्वनाथ विराजत, नन्दो ब्रह्मचारी। स्वामी नन्दो ब्रह्मचारी। नित उठ दर्शन पावत, महिमा अति भारी॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
त्रिगुण स्वामीजी की आरती, जो कोइ नर गावे। स्वामी जो कोइ नर गावे। कहत शिवानन्द स्वामी , मन वांछित फल पावे॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
ओम जय शिव ओंकारा। प्रभु हर शिव ओंकारा । ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, सदाशिव, अर्द्धांगी धारा॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
Om Jai Shiv Omkara Lyrics
Om Jai Shiv Omkara Lyrics In Hindi
ओम जय शिव ओंकारा। प्रभु हर शिव ओंकारा। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, सदाशिव, अर्द्धांगी धारा॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
एकानन चतुरानन, पंचानन राजे। स्वामी (शिव) पंचानन राजे। हंसासन गरूड़ासन, वृषवाहन साजे॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
दोभुज चार चतुर्भुज, दशभुज अति सोहे। स्वामी दशभुज अति सोहे। तीनो रूप निरखते, त्रिभुवन जन मोहे॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
अक्षमाला वनमाला, मुण्डमाला धारी। स्वामी मुण्डमाला धारी। त्रिपुरारी कंसारी, कर माला धारी॥ (चन्दन मृगमद सोहे, भाले शशि धारी॥) ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
श्वेतांबर पीतांबर, बाघंबर अंगे। स्वामी बाघंबर अंगे। सनकादिक गरुडादिक, भूतादिक संगे॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
करमध्येन कमंडलु, चक्र त्रिशूलधारी। स्वामी चक्र त्रिशूलधारी। सुखकर्ता दुखहर्ता, जग-पालन करता॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
ब्रह्मा विष्णु सदाशिव, जानत अविवेका। स्वामी जानत अविवेका। प्रणवाक्षर ओम मध्ये, ये तीनों एका॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
काशी में विश्वनाथ विराजत, नन्दो ब्रह्मचारी। स्वामी नन्दो ब्रह्मचारी। नित उठ दर्शन पावत, महिमा अति भारी॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
त्रिगुण स्वामीजी की आरती, जो कोइ नर गावे। स्वामी जो कोइ नर गावे। कहत शिवानन्द स्वामी , मन वांछित फल पावे॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
ओम जय शिव ओंकारा। प्रभु हर शिव ओंकारा । ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, सदाशिव, अर्द्धांगी धारा॥ ॥ओम जय शिव ओंकारा॥
Om Jai Shiv Omkara Lyrics In English
Om Jai Shiva Omkara, Prabhu Har Shiv Omkara Brahma, Vishnu, Sadashiv, arddhaangi dhaara Om Jai Shiva Omkara
Ekaanan chaturaanan, panchaanan raaje, swami panchaanan raaje Hans-aasan garud-aasan, vrish-vaahan saaje Om Jai Shiva Omkara
Dobhuj chaar chatur-bhuj, dash-bhuj ati sohe, swami dashabhuj ati sohe Tino roop nirakhate, tribhuvan jan mohe Om Jai Shiva Omkara
Aksh-mala van-mala, mund-mala dhaari, swami mund-maala dhaari Chandan mrigmad sohe, bhale shashi dhari (Tripurari kansari, kar-mala dhari ) Om Jai Shiva Omkara
Shwetambar pitaambar, baaghambar ange, swami baaghambar ange Sanakaadik garudaadik, bhootaadik sange Om Jai Shiva Omkara
Karamadhyen kamandalu, chakra trishul-dhaari, swami chakra trishool-dhaari Sukh-karta dukh-harta, jag-paalan karta Om Jai Shiva Omkara
Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv , jaanat aviveka, swami jaanat aviveka Pranava-akshar Om madhye, ye tino eka Om Jai Shiva Omkara
Kaashi mein Vishwanaath viraajat, nando brahmachaari, swami nando brahmachaari Nit uth darshan paavat, mahima ati bhaari Om Jai Shiva Omkara
Trigun swamiji ki aarti jo koi nar gaave, swami jo koi nar gaave Kahat Shivanand swami , man vaanchhit phal paave Om Jai Shiva Omkara
Om Jai Shiva Omkara, Prabhu Har Shiv Omkara Brahma, Vishnu, Sadashiv, arddhaangi dhaara Om Jai Shiva Omkara
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raaganilavu · 2 months
Om Namah Shivaya is one of the most powerful and widely chanted mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva. This mantra is known to bring peace, prosperity, and spiritual growth to those who chant it with devotion. It translates to "I bow to Lord Shiva," and serves as a reminder of the divine presence in our lives. Chanting Om Namah Shivaya helps in purifying the mind, body, and soul, and connects us with the supreme consciousness.
ഓം നമഃ ശിവായ അഥവാ ഓം നമഃ ശിവായ എന്നത് ശിവഭഗവാനെ അഭിവാദ്യം ചെയ്യുന്ന ഏറ്റവും ശക്തമായ മന്ത്രങ്ങളിലൊന്നാണ്. ഈ മന്ത്രം സമാധാനവും സമൃദ്ധിയും ആത്മീയ വളർച്ചയും നൽകുമെന്നു കരുതപ്പെടുന്നു. ഇത് "ശിവഭഗവാനെ ഞാൻ വണങ്ങുന്നു" എന്നാണ് വ്യാഖ്യാനം ചെയ്യപ്പെടുന്നത്. ഓം നമഃ ശിവായയുടെ ജപം മനസ്സിനെയും ശരീരത്തെയും ആത്മാവിനെയും ശുദ്ധീകരിക്കുകയും പരമചൈതന്യവുമായി നമ്മെ ബന്ധിപ്പിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നു.
#OmNamahShivaya #Shiva #LordShiva #ShivBhakti #ShivMantra #ShivShankar #ShivShambhu #ShivParvati #Mahadev #Shivaratri #HarHarMahadev #ShivTatva #Shivoham #raaganilavu #raaganilavusongs #രാഗനിലാവ് #malayalamlive #malayalam #sbtrendz #sbtrendzhealth #sbtrendzonline #bazznjazz #DivineChants #SpiritualMantra #MantraMeditation #Chanting #SacredMantras #InnerPeace #HinduMantra #SpiritualGrowth #DivineEnergy
"Om Namah Shivaya, Lord Shiva, Shiva mantra, powerful mantra, divine chant, spiritual growth, peace, prosperity, Shiv Bhakti, Har Har Mahadev, Shiv Shambhu, Shiv Shankar, Mahadev, Shiv Parvati, Shivaratri, Shiv worship, Hindu mantra, spiritual mantra, mantra meditation, sacred chants, divine energy, inner peace, raaganilavu, raaganilavusongs, രാഗനിലാവ്, malayalamlive, malayalam, sbtrendz, sbtrendzhealth, sbtrendzonline, bazznjazz, divine connection, supreme consciousness"
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tillyssilkalchemy · 6 years
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Another big thank you to a UK buyer who picked up this meditation piece couple of weeks ago as a wall tapestry. It's a painting I did early 2015. Links to the open print on demand sites are available through my site silkalchemycom This painting was based upon a #vajrayogini #visualization #meditation. "Generating Bliss #1 (03/28/15) 11"x16" (29cm x 46cm) My 3rd painting on #Ahimsa silk, Here is my 1st version of this piece. I have painted the female figure gaining and radiating bliss, that turns a the turquoise colour of healing.. Here I have painted the female figure gaining and radiating bliss, that turns a the turquoise colour of healing.. Maybe as expected, this meditation has a sexual, male female component to it. She sits on a stylized #lotus which in turn is sitting above the phenomenal source double #tetrahedron with the male #dorje protruding and sitting on a petal of the flower. Either side of the phenomenal source is a sun and moon. Below is the three OM-mantra and above is the request of the deity to remain. A crackle wax effect has been used to give this piece an aged look. A tiny white joy swirl is envisioned spinning in the sex organ and a tiny spinning joy swirl in the region between the eyebrows connected by a narrow smooth clear red shaft of light running close to your spine. We focus on the counter clock-wise spin in our sex organ then let the bliss feeling rise slowly to our heart.Then we imagine the red swirl spin up to the top of our head, then descend, down the spine light and to the heart where the swirls spin until the join to create a pink swirl as we focus upon the clear light of emptiness. For artistic purposes, the swirl at the heart occasionally radiates as apposed to the reduction into nothingness. ​ Here I have painted the female figure gaining and radiating bliss, that turns a the turquoise colour of #healing. #tantra #tantric #silkalchemy #tibetanart #tillycampbellallen #tillyssilkalchemy #yoga #dakini #sacredmantra #mantra #buddhism #buddhist​ #om #visionaryartist #visionaryart #art #illustration #illustrator #redbubble #rootchakra #Heruka #kalachakra #dorje #dharma (at France)
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thaiamulet-us · 3 years
Lighting Candle for Wish Fulfillment
Magic Candle For Fulfill your Wishes
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Powerful magical properties for granting wishes.
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Will bring immense success and the power to Meet your needs
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Succeed in all your endeavors -Fulfill your Wishes that you pray
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Charm attraction Supernatural wealth luck and inducing happiness to life Respect and authority Enchant and convince others to follow your suggestions
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Improve and secure business sales and for smooth career etc.
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Is formulated to be used in magical workings for the fulfillment of goals. to attract to you whatever you desire ,Whether it is love, money, prosperity, a new job, achieve victory, completion and success in all your endeavors. This Candle Lighting focuses the willpower and energy of your mental waves to attract your need of your heart's desire and Fulfill your wish. The more intense your desire, the faster the results - provided you perform the ritual worship of the Ritual of Magic Candle Lighting with sincere devotion and single-minded purpose
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The candle symbolizes light in the darkness of life especially in individual life. It is the symbol of the illumination of the spirit of inner truth. Lit in times of struggle to the guiding light life meaning.
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Candle burning for good luck have been used through the ages as a powerful form of white magic. When casting a white magic candle spell, white does not refer to the color of the candle. It refers to the type of magic. White magic only uses the power of positive energy; there is nothing in the spell to cause harm to anyone. If you're down on your luck and want a chance at a quick boost, burning certain candles and casting spells may help get you back on track.
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opendoorwellness · 7 years
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10 minutes of meditation every morning stills the mind and helps you "set up" for the day. Leave yesterday behind, concentrate on today's dreams and possibilities. Raise your vibration by repeating a sacred mantra, a go to phrase that you can repeat through out the day. I Am - two of the most powerful words as they create and influence your reality and experience ! Make those words positive ❤️ What is your sacred mantra? #ageisjustanumber #noexcuses #npcbikini #npcfigure #npcprepcoach #npcbikinicompetitior #fitover30 #fitover40 #fitover50 #fitmom #confidence #caring #kindness #anxiety #anxietycure #iam #sacredmantra #meditation #positivity #positivevibes #positiveselftalk #selflove
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pslvtv · 7 months
Enhance Wellness with Hanuman's Sacred Chant | #hanumanchants | PSLV TV
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raaganilavu · 2 months
Sri Varahi Amman and Her Chant
Sri Varahi Amman is a powerful deity worshipped in the Hindu tradition, known for her fierce and protective nature. She is one of the seven Matrikas (mother goddesses) and is often depicted with the head of a boar. Devotees believe that chanting her sacred mantras can invoke her blessings for protection, prosperity, and spiritual growth. The most popular chant is "Om Sri Varahi Ammanaye Namaha," which is said to bring peace and remove obstacles.
 ശ്രീ വരാഹി അമ്മൻ ഹിന്ദു ആചാരങ്ങളിൽ ആരാധിക്കപ്പെടുന്ന ശക്തമായ ദേവിയാണ്, അവളുടെ ഉഗ്രനും പരിപാലകവുമായ സ്വഭാവത്താൽ പ്രശസ്തയാണ്. അവളെ ഏഴ് മാതൃകകളിൽ (അമ്മമാർ) ഒരാളായി കണക്കാക്കുന്നു, സാധാരണയായി ഒരു പന്നിയുടെ തലകൊണ്ടാണ് ചിത്രീകരിക്കപ്പെടുന്നത്. ഭക്തർ വിശ്വസിക്കുന്നത്, അവളുടെ പവിത്രമായ മന്ത്രങ്ങൾ ജപിക്കുന്നത് പരിരക്ഷണം, സമൃദ്ധി, ആത്മീയ വളർച്ച എന്നിവക്ക് അനുഗ്രഹങ്ങൾ നേടാൻ സഹായിക്കുമെന്നാണ്. ഏറ്റവും പ്രശസ്തമായ ജപം "ഓം ശ്രീ വരാഹി അമ്മനയേ നമഹ" എന്നതാണ്, ഇത് സമാധാനം കൈവരിക്കുകയും വഴിമുടക്കുകൾ നീക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നു.
#SriVarahiAmman #VarahiChant #GoddessVarahi #DivineMother #HinduDeities #SpiritualGrowth #OmSriVarahiAmmanayeNamaha #ProtectionBlessings #Prosperity #SacredMantras #VarahiDevotees #raaganilavu #raaganilavusongs #രാഗനിലാവ് #malayalamlive #malayalam #sbtrendz #sbtrendzhealth #sbtrendzonline #bazznjazz #SpiritualJourney #DevotionalSongs #DivineEnergy #HinduTraditions #ChantingMantras #SpiritualAwakening #InnerPeace #FierceGoddess #Matrikas #DivineProtection
"Sri Varahi Amman, Varahi chant, Hindu deities, Divine Mother, Om Sri Varahi Ammanaye Namaha, spiritual growth, protection blessings, prosperity, sacred mantras, Varahi devotees, raaganilavu, raaganilavusongs, രാഗനിലാവ്, malayalamlive, malayalam, sbtrendz, sbtrendzhealth, sbtrendzonline, bazznjazz, spiritual journey, devotional songs, divine energy, Hindu traditions, chanting mantras, spiritual awakening, inner peace, fierce goddess, Matrikas, divine protection"
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