#Saeth can send me a prompt
Remember that scene where Seongnam told Uiseong that if Uiseong ever ascended to the throne that he would burn his kingdom to the ground? That but Magnus. (source: Under the Queen's Umbrella, Netflix kdrama)
@saeths babe I’m still so fucking pissed at losing the first version of this and I’m sorry but I hope you like this different, second version.
Also yes I fucking loved that scene and I’m still anticipating watching the next episode and i want that fic where Seongnam actually kills Uiseong and gets away with it.
Magnus moves his fingers down the smooth curve of Alexander’s cheek bones and lets the pads of his fingers linger on Alexander’s lips.
Some would say that the nephilim commander napping on his lap is Magnus' downfall, but Magnus has never let bigotry guide him and he won’t now.
Especially not when it’s the council of the Spiral Labyrinth, who appoint High Warlocks, who are suddenly upset with Magnus' choice in lover.
They’ve demanded either Alexander’s removal from his life, or the addition of others, to ensure that Alexander is seen as one of many, not as someone Magnus is devoted to.
And Magnus loathes it.
Because it almost costs him. Alexander tried to leave him. As if that would ever be acceptable. As if Magnus would allow Alexander to hurt them both so deeply, especially in a misguided attempt of protection.
So they still stand united, closer in fact, than ever before. And Alexander proves that, lying defenseless and unarmed in Pandemonium.
There are thirteen candidates for Magnus’ position in the running, and only two will Magnus allow to succeed his position, if he allows himself to be deposed at all. He’s made his thoughts clear and so the candidates hover around him, hesitant but trying to find weakness,
“Flaunting your traitorous ways even while the council offers you leniency?” Lorenzo sneers at him, drink held delicately in his hand.
Magnus threads his fingers through Alexander’s hair and tugs on the dark locks. Alec groans, arching against Nagnus and pushing himself into the touch, still unconscious, still vulnerable to everyone but for Magnus’ possessive protection. “I understand how those unable to touch consider it flaunting, but I hardly see how having a devoted, tamed shadowhunter is traitorous.” Magnus knows the place he’s claiming in Alexander's life, and the position it puts his shadowhunter in. But Alec begged Magnus, and after Alexander almost destroyed them both to try and protect Magnus — Magnus finds himself willing to do many things he never thought he would.
Lorenzo’s eyes turn to Alec, something almost hungry in his gaze at the noise and Magnus’ temper flares.
Lorenzo’s drink shatters, the shards disappear, devoured by Magnus’ magic even as he breaks it.
“Ah, forgive me Lorenzo. I realized I couldn’t allow you to drink something so… out of your interest. You prefer old fashions, if I remember correctly. And I’m sure I do.” The threat of Magnus' very long memory lingers between them before Magnus smiles sharply. “Stirred with an antique spoon, right?”
A drink appears and Lorenzo takes it, his hand is steady but his expression sours as he tries the drink and finds nothing wrong with it.
Alexander turns, restless and keening as his mouth presses in a sleep-lax kiss against Magnus’ stomach .
He asked, at the beginning of all this, how he could help. At least he asked after Magnus refused to let them break up. And in guilty relief, Alexander offered to do anything.
So now he lies, helpless in Magnus’s lap. Vulnerable to everything and everyone and relying solely on Magnus’ protection. On Magnus’ goodwill and desire.
It soothes something that the Council’s anger and accusations jolted loose in Magnus.
And so he smiles at Lorenzo, and silently daresm him to even try.
“There are many things I would do for our people.” Magnus says quietly, looking down at his lap, one hand holding a drink, the other his shadowhunter lover. “But I am not as selfless as my friends like to say.” Magnus chuckles and takes a long sip of his drink.
“There are only two that I will let take the kingdom I’ve built from me. And I will even help them keep it stable, protecting them for the future events that they are unprepared for. But Lorenzo, you are not one of them.”
Lorenzo splutters, yellow magic pretending to be royal gold flickering up and Magnus laughs.
It’s hollow and it’s angry.
“I have given so much for everyone else that I have very little left to care about. And yet it is demanded I give up my very heart, as if I am not allowed to have joy.” Magnus’ magic dances between them and angry red devours yellow, until it encircles Lorenzo.
Magnus hums and uses his own magic to press the newly made drink to Lorenzo’s lips.
“You’ll need it.” Magnus promises and laughs when Lorenzo chokes on it.
“You want my throne Lorenzo? The kingdom I’ve built with blood and magic. The place I’ve carved out for myself?”
Magnus laughs, and finally releases Lorenzo.
“You will never have it. I am not as selfless as the Council thinks. And I will burn both you and New York itself to the ground before I ever let you be in charge.” Magnus uncrosses his legs and presses his boot down on the back of Lorenzo’s head, forcing the other to prostrate himself before Magnus.
“I will burn this world before I ever allow you to have a place of power in it, Lorenzo. Remember that, as it is only my compassion and courtesy that keep you breathing.”
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Arranged Marriage - Alec and Magnus are going to be married as part of a treaty (Shadowhunters subservient position in the treaty), and the Clave tells Alec to be their spy so they can break the treaty without penalty but finding the Downworld in violation of it.
Instead, Alec sees all the benefits that come with being Magnus' spouse and goes "nah I'm Married now."
babe fuck you!!!
stop sending me prompts that turn into chaptered fics!!!!!! (this is a joke, it's just every prompt they've given me explodes and saeth teases me about it)
<3 u and hope u like it cause you're sleeping and i'm about to wake you up for dinner
<3 lumine
Alec stares at the man he’s supposed to marry.
The man he’s set to betray and he realizes that this isn’t going to be as easy as the clave and his family expected this to be.
It’s certainly going to be both harder and easier than Alec had expected this to be.
Alec walked into this with the understanding that he was being married off as his parents own form of penance.
— personally Alec thinks that the downworld wants to punish those specifically involved in the Circle and honestly, he’d do the same and worse in their place, he just wishes he wasn’t paying the price for his parents actions —
But originally, Alec thought that this would be simple.
He’d be married to a woman — he’d always known he’d be forced into eventually, that she ended up being a downworlder didn’t matter, he’d hate it either way — and do his duty as efficiently as he could while also spying on his wife as much as possible.
Alec hadn’t known he’d be marrying a man.
Especially not a gorgeous man, dripping with power and embodying a lifetime of shattered hopes and pushed away dreams.
It changes everything.
He changes everything.
Magnus is standing on the dais of the most heavily warded floor of Pandemonium.
The shadowhunters that pass through his wards are all unarmed and with none of their runes active.
They’re not allowed to have either of them, not in this space and not during this ceremony.
Magnus’ future spouse is walked in and draped in gold and blue fabric instead of the pale gold and white suit the nephilim had tried to put him in — did they think they were being clever, adding the color of mourning when they presented the suit? — unarmed and with no runes bared but for the one that peeks up past his suit.
He’s deceptively tall and while exquisite, he has the weary and drawn look of an active duty shadowhunter. The kind who get too little rest and not enough nourishment, through no fault other than that their skills are in constant demand.
Magnus had demanded someone of sufficient training, rank and bloodline to be his partner and the demand was met.
If he’s going to bring an enemy into his life, then he’s going to make sure that he’s depriving the clave of one of their finest weapons. Even when they were still in talks and Magnus thought he would be marrying the younger Lightwood, Isabelle, she was a blade taken from the clave. She’s already known for her successes and failures seducing the enemy and hardly someone who could go toe-to-toe with Magnus in seduction.
However, despite the fact that she was well known for her dalliances across enemy lines, she had been withdrawn and the eldest son presented. It had been a surprise but one Magnus was all to willing to accept.
After all, why steal the spare when you can take the heir?
Alexander Lightwood is both everything and nothing like how Magnus’ thoughts had formed him.
He walks like a man to the gallows but with the grace and dignity of royalty.
It might be considered insulting that he’s obviously upset, but Magnus knows that those being married to downworlders are being sacrificed on the alter of their parents sins. Magnus and the other Elders hadn’t seen a different choice. While none of them enjoy punishing children for their parents sins, they need the power of holding sway over the families who once joined the Circle. They also need to ensure that the heirs don’t make the same mistake their parents do.
The Elder Lightwoods both freeze upon seeing Magnus.
Fear, fury and disgust flashes in their gaze and Magnus smirks, realizing that they thought the groom would be changed upon offering their son.
A pity for them, but it changes nothing.
Magnus will not let the shadowhunters in charge of the largest Institute on his territory go unchecked. Which means taking on this roll for himself, despite the fact that he could have delegated it.
Hazel eyes meet his and his future husband nearly trips up the steps.
He doesn’t, but it’s close.
Instead he manages to turn his stumble into a glide and suddenly he’s close. Nearly too close because Magnus can see the shadow of his long eyelashes on his cheeks. It meant that Magnus is watching with intrigue as hazel eyes meet his unglamoured ones and they go dark and wide with delight.
The ceremony is a stifled, oppressive mumble of words and vows and magic that Magnus can barely concentrate on.
How can he, when his groom is holding onto Magnus’ hand like if he lets go, he thinks Magnus will disappear.
How can he think of any of his plans when Alexander is looking at Magnus like he’s an oasis he’d been convinced was a mirage.
— The ceremony is a monotonous blur until the magical binding of it, after which there are no celebrations.
That would be a step too far — according to the nephilim — and well, Magnus doesn’t want to spend more time than he has to with them anyways. Instead, he summons a portal the moment everything is locked into place and the vows made and witnessed and then they’re both in Magnus’ lair.
His shadowhunter snorts, something like relieved amusement in his tone. Magnus is about to demand what is so funny when his husband turns and pulls a small vial out of his pocket.
Magnus blinks, recognizing what it is immediately and his newly wedded spouse just smirks and sets it on the counter.
“Guess I won’t be needing this now.” With a shrug — as if he hasn’t just blown Magnus’ mind — he turns and looks around Magnus’ lair with careful consideration and muted pleasure. It’s clear he’s cataluging the layout and seeing where he can fit himself into the spaces. It’s so far from what Magnus expected — from the horror stories that he’s been told — that he’s speechless for a good two minutes.
Enough time for Alexander to strip off his suit jacket and unbutton his cufflinks and cuffs, putting the former in his pocket.
Meanwhile, Magnus confiscates the potent aphrodisiac that Alexander apparently no longer needs.
“Why do you have this?” Magnus asks finally, because he thinks he knows but he wants facts before he endangers whats been months and years of planning.
Alexander looks at him and the moment his gaze slides to the small vial, all the weariness and defeat that had been on his face until he’d first seen Magnus returned.
“My family assumed that I’d be marrying a woman and led me to believe the same.” Alexander says and then the weariness fades, something much softer taking over. “Since I’m not, I’m not going to need that.” He waves his hand to the small bottle and he shoots it a glare with a startling amount of venom.
Magnus curls his fingers around the small vial and vanishes it to his potions vault for future study. While he knows what it is, it never hurts to experiment.
“Oh, you won’t be doing your duty for house Lightwood tonight?” Magnus teases, daring to tread no further than the question until he has more information. Alexander seems startled and then he seems pleased but not embarrassed — even if his cheeks do turn a fetching pink.
“More like, I just won’t be needing help to fulfill my duty anymore.” Alexander murmurs, no hint of shame on him as he walks forward.
Magnus stays where he is, letting Alexander approach, knowing there is no danger here in his own lair.
Alexander hesitates, but then his gaze steadies and his hands — large, cool and so very gentle on Magnus’ skin — frame Magnus’ cheeks and for a moment hazel stares in unafraid awe into gold and then Magnus is being kissed.
It’s like being given a gift.
Alexander is delicate, careful at first and then nearly wild with his eagerness the moment Magnus reciprocates.
His kisses are generous and clumsy and so very earnest that Magnus has to get a hand in Alexander’s hair and pull him away, just so that his boy can catch his own breath.
Alexander tugs at Magnus’ grip and when his fingers only tighten, Alexander whines and then does it again, seeming to enjoy the sensation.
“Alexander—” Magnus murmurs quietly, contemplation and a thousand thoughts in his words as he looks into the defiant, hungry gaze staring him down. “What am I going to do with you, hmm darling?”
The answer is kiss him.
This time taking control, devouring his shadowhunter until they’re both breathless and Magnus croons to a shaking, shuddering Alexander who is panting against him with a wild, delighted look.
Clearly, Magnus is going to need to figure this out. He’d expected and prepared for both the worst and the best, but this is beyond anything he’d considered from the realm of possibilities open to him.
alec: ... wow i've never been happier in my life
alec writing his reports to the clave in full view of magnus as magnus reads incredulously over his shoulder
magnus: alexander, why does the clave need to know that i think mismatched socks are a crime?
alec: they want new information on you. this is new information. i memorized your file. this wasn't in it
magnus: ... how? you didn't even know who you were marrying until you got there?
alec: oh. i can access clave records and files from my tablet, here. let me show you yours
magnus getting distracted by the frankly ridiculous things in his file
alec finishing his note to the clave: if we don't want this treaty broken against us, i need socks. send asap.
magnus two days later: ... why is the clave contacting my assistant about a delivery of socks?
alec: ... huh, how strange. after you make sure there isn't anything bad in them we should donate them to that werewolf hostel you were telling me about. didn't you say something about werewolves remembering to take off their shoes but never their socks?
alec internally - did i just trick the clave into helping my husband's community? yes. yes i did. i am best spouse and i'm going to prove it if i have to break the clave one firemessage at a time
magnus: ... i am going to figure out this trap one way or another!
(alec using every ounce of his political training to troll the clave while trying to learn to be the best house-husband in all the realms.
magnus just wanting to figure out how to make sure he gets to keep alec without being stabbed in the back or the heart.
alec being already his and not sure how that isn't already clear? but thats okay. he can work in some subtle treason to show magnus he's serious.
also alec is pretty much done. he was okay with going to the gallows and pretty much sacrificing himself because at least a political hostage in a marriage to a woman is still better to him than pretending to have a decent marriage and having to have sex for heirs etc. consummation is necessary for the rituals (they're pretty strict) but wouldn't have been a required part of the relationship and alec sterilized himself because he wasn't going t risk having a kid with a female fae or werewolf because he knows both sides would use any kids against him via manipulation since he'd never grow feelings for a woman.
alec after he's been given everything he's never let himself have and realizing that the clave and his family have made a big mistake, because alec doesn't care enough about the clave's political and personal agenda to give up on getting what he wants)
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You know what I rarely see? In the show after wooing Alec, Magnus is not shown as overly invested and it always appears as Alec reaching/apologizing/moving the pair along. Which was definitely a writing/directing choice. But what I’d like to prompt if it suits you, is Magnus being the one to apologize or to reassure Alec that he is important and not temporary-I’m team immortal but this convo certainly should happen. I liked the way you had Alec be angry in that prompt fill about his birthday and Magnus had to own up to that. If this isn’t your thing no big deal! Hope the weather is nice where you are and nightshade has enough pets and treats for the day!
i believe in 'no partner is perfect' and while i don't tend to write the angstier couple stuff 'i like my malec happy' i don't mind occasionally dipping my toes into partner angst (with an immortal happy ending)
this particular fic isn't about about immortality but it's about haing two people who have fundamentally different lifestyles having a miscommunication that devolves and while the argument is based on the show scene, it doesn't follow it perfectly. nor is the actual argument written. just the aftermath.
my thoughts are that magnus tries to spoil alec in season two still but it's more intimate and offscreen and he sort of in season 3a but magnus relies heavily n his magic to spoil alec and he kind of is spiraling all of season 3 tbh. they just really were sprinkling angst on malec like it was salt and they realized the show was bland.
all they did was get oversalted content which got salty fans, since they forgot to add actual herbs and spices.
it's a bloody hot day okay. i love the sun as much -nevermind apparently this is a lie-
so i don't hate the sun okay. i enjoy sunshine in specific environments. the sun is not a tyrant devoid of compassion.
anyways i live in a desert because its whats best for the people i love but give me mist and foggy days and give me winters of waist deep snow i can fall in. oceans so cold your lips go blue and rivers so deep and clear and still cold with melting ice.
if people are going to send me 8-10 feet to the bottom of the lake because they lost their electronics. it better be cold and clear. not warm and murky. (this has only happened 3 times but i have a preference).
So I made Say breakfast and nightshade breakfast and then I made @saeths breakfast a few hours later so i made an extra egg for nightshade to tempt him to eat another bowl of kibble.
so i fed nightshade twice and forgot to make any eggs for myself ^_^ so he is plenty spoiled (don't worry his egg was made without cheese and salt).
also the reason i'm awake is because he needed snuggles and after that he wanted to play in the pool and then i was too awake to bother
but that's our wednesday so far and i'm getting my work out of the way so i can focus on writing and house things.
<3 lumine
Magnus is ready with another quick retort when Alec’s face goes blank for a moment.
The argument fades from Magnus’ mind in an instant, because while this is the perfect moment to land another barb, the words die and his sentence stops, ending with a snide comment he doesn’t really mean.
“That’s fine Magnus.” Alec says and he’s not angry, which is worse. He sounds tired and yet professional. His manner restrained and placating in the way he does when he no longer has any fight left and he just wants to retreat and lick his wounds.
Wounds that Magnus caused.
“Alexander—” Magnus starts, because he didn’t intend to get so upset but Alexander just shakes his head.
“You’ve said your piece, Magnus. I get it.” Alexander sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he shuffles. “I messed up, again.”
Magnus winces, because he’s begun to feel more like a scolding mentor than a partner.
“I need to get to the Institute—” which makes sense, the argument started as they both got ready for their days. “I’ll—” and Alec hesitates and then shrugs, “I’ll see you tonight.”
Magnus waits until it’s dinner time and then portals to the Institute, already preparing words to once again explain that it’s not Alexander, it’s just not time yet.
He opens the door to the office without knocking and steps in.
“Alexander—” Magnus starts and then he hesitates.
Because for once, Alexander’s eyes don’t soften when they meet his. They remain cold, devoid of the warm ardor they normally contain but once again, without anger. Only an empty tiredness that Magnus longs to chase away.
“Do you have an appointment today, Magnus?” Alexander asks, setting down his pen and turning off his tablet with a sigh. Even upset Alexander will still give him his full attention and Magnus steps closer to the desk when Alexander continues, “because I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for a meal, or a conversation if it’s not official. So, if you don’t have an appointment, it needs to wait until I’m off.”
Alexander doesn’t mention coming home like he normally does, and Magnus suddenly misses it, with a deep lonely ache.
It also reminds Magnus that despite how often Alexander drops everything to join him, his boy is being worked to the ground and also driving himself to his limits in his pursuit of building a better Institute. Alexander is struggling to create ties between an Institute and local downworld leaders that would be revolutionary, with a sincerity that is unmatched by anything Magnus has ever seen.
Of course, he’s exhausted, and Magnus feels hollow now, remembering their fight all over again with a new clarity.
“No darling, it’s nothing official. I’ll see you tonight—” Magnus pauses, wanting to offer to summon Alec something to eat or drink, but it feels too much like an emotional bribe with how shuttered his boy is. Alexander nods and gives him the same perfunctory, polite smile he gives his siblings when he’s too exhausted to deal with them and doesn’t know what else to do.
It cuts Magnus to the heart to have that same expression directed at him, when he’s supposed to be safe for Alexander.
Magnus can’t handle the idea of reaching out only to be shied away from, so he runs from the possibility and instead summons a tiny flower to land by Alexander’s pen when the door shuts.
No one in the Institute seems to notice anything is wrong. Magnus gets a few strange looks, but he quickly realizes that it’s because everyone expected Alexander to be leaving with him, like his boy usually does.
Magnus feels cold and it’s with determination that he sends out an emergency message.
“I became stagnant in my old, single age.” Magnus bemoans, “I spent so long on my heartbreak that now, with a man I adore over every living being, I keep pushing him away.”
“Truth potion?” Catarina offers but Magnus shakes his head. Alexander deserves Magnus explaining this without the aid of something to help his thoughts form, even if it’s a trick Magnus has used continually and without remorse on himself.
This is different though because Magnus wants to become aware of what is wrong, not rely on a potion to figure it out.
“He wants to move in.” Magnus starts, about to launch into it when Cat laughs, interrupting him.
“What do you mean he wants to, he already has. Or did you just move him in on the sly and forget to ask him if he wanted to?”
“Cat—” Magnus says hesitantly, “he’s never moved in. He’s the one who brought it up. I told him no.”
Catarina pauses and then she sighs, and she summons her favorite, light summer beer and pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Start from the beginning, Magnus. I need details.”
Magnus does, realizing things that he missed as he’s explaining so many details that he just assumed and took for granted.
“I did wonder that the Loft hasn’t changed much. It seems more like Alec’s an addition to your things rather than his own person.”
It’s that comment that drives Magnus into a frenzy the moment he’s home.
Magnus doesn’t go overboard; Alexander wouldn’t want him to. Also springing this on his boy after the prior rejection will be too much like whiplash.
So, Magnus starts very small.
He finally creates the foyer he promised himself and Alexander he would make.
Alexander’s never pushed but Magnus remembers the tightening of his shoulders and the way Alexander will be too tired for anything but cuddles — rarely even hungry — after barrages of people through the loft.
The kitchen he only summons when Alexander asks, which is rare, so he makes it a permanent fixture and makes sure to hang an apron with little angel wings up. It’s with a pained smile that he sighs and wonders when he got so old that he forgot to enjoy life, and instead spent all his time focused on the past, just like Ragnor always warned him about.
Magnus doesn’t want to regret any time with Alexander, and he finds that he already does.
Not the time spent with his boy, but the time he could have focused on him more.
Magnus has spent so long protecting himself from losing Alexander, that he hasn’t noticed that he’s pushing him away, stopping him from coming too close.
Except Magnus has also bound him tightly.
Alexander sleeps more often in Magnus’ bed than his own. He’s rerouted his own schedule so he can take the last patrol before shift change, come to Magnus’ loft, write his report there and send it in, and be in bed for Magnus to return to.
Except for work, Alexander spends the majority of his daily life either in the loft, or with Magnus.
There are signs of him, all over the loft, but Magnus can’t look at a single piece and think, “Alexander picked that out.”
It aches in way that is almost visceral, because now that Alexander isn’t here, it’s only more obvious.
Magnus is chest deep in a drawer when he becomes aware of his boy stepping slowly into the bedroom.
“Is this a bad time?” Alexander’s tired voice asks. “I noticed there was a new door and tried to knock but the door just opened.”
Magnus wants to say something except he’s furious with himself and everything and the idea that Alexander saw a new door and knocked instead of walking right in, tears something in him.
They stare at each other for a moment, Magnus with his hands still wrist deep in the dimensional dresser, sure he’ll eventually find more than the sparse offering of Alexander’s clothes that he has.
“Where are all the clothes that you leave here?” Magnus asks instead of answering because he genuinely doesn’t know, “I was cleaning, and I couldn’t find them.”
Alexander sighs and Magnus just knows that he’s gearing himself up to — once again — explain to Magnus that it’s not about the clothes, before his boy visibly gets too tired. Instead, he just shrugs and potions to the paltry pile that Magnus has found.
“You have more than that!” Magnus exclaims, frustrated because he knows Alexander does. “That green shirt I got you that you loved. And those pants, the black ones with the umber stitching. The cream sweater I adore you in! That suit I had tailored for you in Milan and the other one in Hong Kong.”
Alexander sighs and he rubs a hand over his face, the stubble he normally shaves away in Magnus— in their bathroom, shadowing his face.
“Magnus, those don’t exist anymore.” Alexander doesn’t seem upset, if anything his face softens into an almost reluctant fondness, “you tend to vanish all the clothing you get me, some way or another. Mostly before fucking me. I tried to ask you one time where they went and you waved a hand and said, ‘another dimension, nothing to worry about’.”
“Surely that’s not all I said.” Magnus protests weakly.
“Well, you proceeded to fuck me unconscious so no, it wasn’t the last thing you said. But it was the last thing you said abut clothes.”
Magnus gives a flat chuckle and then sighs, snapping his fingers to clean up the mess.
“Have you eaten?”
“I figured I could grab something from the cafeteria when I head back. It’s fine.”
It most certainly is not fine, but Magnus doesn’t think coaxing Alexander into eating is going to work this time, which means that Magnus has accidentally undone weeks of effort.
Magnus doesn’t press, doesn’t remind Alexander that he can here. Or that, if by normal standards Alexander stays until he usually leaves Magnus, it would be the early evening of the next day.
“So, you were cleaning.”
Alexander is looking around, voice faltering but face devoid of actual emotions.
“I realized some things, after this afternoon.” Magnus admits slowly, “you’re the first person I opened my heart to, Alexander. In a very long time, I’ve told you that before.”
Normally, explaining things is easier but all Magnus can think is he’s not explaining it correctly.
“I know. But Magnus, you’re the first person I’ve ever opened my heart to.” Alexander interjects and he sounds raw and broken, like he’s been torn apart. “Doesn’t that get to mean anything too, to you? Because I don’t know what I’m doing, and you told me that there was nothing wrong with that. That I had nothing to feel ashamed about but now, it doesn’t feel like that.
"It feels like I can’t do anything right and I thought, I hoped something was coming together with us but now—” Alexander gives a heavy sigh and shrugs. “Now I don’t even know what I am to you anymore. Where do I belong, in your life Magnus? If you tell me where to fit, I’ll make it work.”
And that breaks Magnus’ heart, because Alexander was never meant to feel like he had to cut off pieces of himself to ensure Magnus loves him, that he has a place in Magnus’ life.
“Oh darling, beloved.” He murmurs and Alexander flinches, like it was a knife to his side. “You belong. The entirety of you. You belong in my bed because it’s no longer just my bed. How can I say it’s my bed when I lay in it without you and can’t sleep? When I reach for you in the night and can’t find you?” Magnus moves across the room with slow, purposeful steps and then reaches out to carefully — only because Alexander allows it — cups his face.
“Alexander, I have no excuses. My heart is old, and it is scarred and it is a wonder that you love me with all the cracks you’ve seen exposed. I don’t fear men or demons or angels, Alexander. I fear my heart being torn from my body and leaving me alive, an empty hollow cavern where it should be in the shape of you.
“I’ve always been too much, Alexander. I put my own fears on you, not that you deserved any of it, sweetheart. You’re right. I am your first relationship, and you grew up and live in a shadowhunter society. The relationships you've witnessed aren't similar to ours at all.
"You trust me to guide our relationship but I’m always encouraging you to ask me for things and you rarely do. I’m sorry, that you finally trusted me enough to ask me for something and that I broke that trust.”
And Alexander breaks, his eyes filling with tears and he coughs, scrubbing over his eyes because he hates being emotional during talks like these. As if Magnus will use the crystal sorrow streaking his face against him.
“I don’t understand.” Alexander murmurs against Magnus’ shoulder, “I thought this was already my home, here with you. I don’t know what I did wrong, I’m sorry Magnus.”
“Oh sayang.” Magnus whispers, eyes stinging because his heart is lanced every time Alexander apologizes. “You did nothing wrong. My heart was too scared to admit that you already were home for us, I pushed you away because I panicked. I’m sorry, my darling.”
Magnus is as tender and sincere as he can be, because he doesn’t want Alexander internalizing anything over this. Especially not when he realized that for Alexander, the loft already was home and he just wanted permission, for it to be official.
It’s endearing and sweet and Magnus presses a kiss to Alexander’s temple, softly and then harder when Alexander pushes into the caress.
"This is already your home. Where ever I am, will be your home." Magnus promises, "that will never change, my love. This is our space, for us to grow together and live together in.
Instead, Alexander tackles him to the bed and just lays there, pinning Magnus to the comforter as he snuggles into Magnus.
There is no answer, just a soft, exhausted snuffle and Magnus wonders how upset Alexander's been, thinking he was deprived of the home Magnus gave him.
He uses magic to change their clothing. More conversations and decisions can be made after rest and well, Alexander certainly isn't going anywhere and neither is Magnus.
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I just read prompts are still open soooooo....
A tiny little update on pray to the hunters?
Maybe a flashback to the first time Alec succesfully called the weapons to him?
Thank you my friend. (Also i just read Nightshade got into a fight with a bee, i hope he is okay now and give him many cuddles from his fans😁)
here we go! little alec figuring out his path in life!
it's not quite the weapons but its the first time alec reaches out and it opens the path for him
aw thank you!!! i am giving them to him and he is a sad little pupper with droopy eyes going 'i need more cuddles and treats i feel awful'
he is doing much better! besides stopping to try and guard from every flying insect when he goes outside to potty. he also tried to drag me away from a bee because 'oh no! an attack! run baba run!'
he loves cuddles though so i assure you he's very appreciative. sometimes he just lays inbetween saeth and i with all four paws in the air snoring and he only wakes up to grumble in protest if one of us hasn't petted him recently enough
<3 hope you enjoy
pray to the hunters
— Alec hides in the embrace of a stone angel, curled into the cracking base and tucked under a veil of weeds as he sits and waits. The nephilim searching for him pass him by not once, but three times and even as they use tracking runes, they’re unable to find him.
Alec gives a silent, grateful prayer, not to Raziel but to the dead shadowhunters of his line who must be protecting him.
Raziel is an absent sire and all know that he is far too busy to waste his time on the broken hearts of his children. Alec wonders if it would be different, if any of his dead kin would speak softly to him or help him tend his wounds.
What cuts the deepest is the harsh disregard of both his parents and the responsibilities they continue to place on his shoulders. Alec knows the burden he bears is an honorable one, but that doesn’t change the fact that sometimes he feels his spine crumpling beneath the weight, rather than growing like it should.
His blood mixes with the gravedirt as another patrol passes by and Alec holds his breath until he’s almost dizzy with it, desperation in every line of his body because it’s too much, too soon.
Alec’s only just born his first rune and his parents think that means he’s now a full fledged shadowhunter. Reprimanding him when he can’t keep up with older hunters twice or nearly three times his own age. It’s gotten to the point where even the hunters who loathe his family are starting to send Alec sympathetic looks.
Alec hates them all the more because nothing has truly changed. The only thing different is that his parents are being more obvious about it, since not a single hunter is going to speak up for a Lightwood.
Not even one young enough to not bear runes.
It makes Alec hate them. All of them.
His parents and the hunters and Alec is proud of who he is but he hates who he’s becomming when hammered and filed till bits and pieces of him are breaking off so his parents can forge him into what they want.
A whisper starts up in the wind and Alec shudders without knowing why. He’s not cold — even as his breath crystallizes in the air — he feels content and relaxes, the pressure fading as his heartbeat slows and his blood pumps sluggishly in his veins.
There is something powerful about it, the balm to Alec’s many open wounds and Alec feels the most gentle embrace he’s ever felt, as cold, bony fingers harshly cup his heart.
“Please.” Alec murmurs tiredly as he falls asleep without really knowing why and when he wakes up, there is a strange rune shining silver on his forehead.
No one else seems to be able to see it, but there is a wariness that Alec is treated with that he prefers far more to the recent sympathy.
For once luck is in his favor and his parents are both called to Idris before they can find and discipline him for ‘failing to complete all his training’ the day before. Alec could probably make it up, go and throw himself into training until the hunters who let the Lightwood name be all they see beat him to the ground.
That’s normally enough for his parents, but Alec doesn’t want that. He wants to know what happened, the strange connection that feels more like home than anything other than the Institute’s core ever has.
It’s with soft, purposeful footsteps that Alec lets himself into the deepest and most obscure of the Institute’s archives. A place where traditions have been left to gather dust and be forgotten and Alec, well… he’s going to find and remember them all.
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Hi! How are you and saeths today? And adorable Nightshade?
I love your writing!
My prompt is reuniting, perhaps after quite a bit?
hey! we are both doing good if a bit tired. something in the yard is spooking Nightshade at night and so he's been practicing his 'big adult dog bark' while hiding by the bed which means less sleep.
so i hope you like this because it is definitely reuniting. it's just a little different
this is a part of the stray-cat alec verse i'm finally writing. which has a pwp au on ao3
my, what big paws you have is the title. saeth named it
thank you! and it's a lovely prompt
<3 lumine
Magnus stares at the shadowhunter on his balcony, both shocked and a little alarmed at the fact that not only did his wards not keep the intruder out, but they also aren’t registering him as a threat. An unannounced, unidentified and uninvited shadowhunter is on Magnus’ balcony near the heart of his lair and his magic is unworried. The only reason Magnus doesn’t blast him out of there instantly, is that the magic is buzzing almost fondly and the shadowhunter is sitting on the floor covered in the alley cats that come up for food.
Magnus takes a deep breath, changes his outfit and summons a few battle rings and then steps out onto his balcony. The shadowhunter notices his approach, Magnus knows he must have, but he remains calm and relaxed, petting the cats before he looks up.
Magnus’ breath catches at the same time his heart stutters and an unbearably ache of longing tugs at him.
“Hi Magnus.” He’s told, something unimaginably and dauntingly soft in the man’s voice. He’s clearly tall with how much of his long legs are splayed out and devastatingly handsome with stubble on his face and one eye a cloudy, dull silver that Magnus recognizes as the work of a curse. There’s a cut through his eyebrow, down the eyelid when his lashes flutter shut, and to the top of his cheek.  He’s dangerous yet soft and he’s looking at Magnus like Magnus is his entire world and he’s been gone for a very long time.
Magnus swallows, suddenly understanding that something far more than just an intruder is happening here.
“Hello—” he allows, lowering his voice from the boom he was going to project into something soothing and deep. “Will you tell me your name as well, or have you come to linger like one of Brooklyn’s stray cats.”
There’s a moment of almost surprise and then the shadowhunter gives a rueful laugh and slowly — out of clear consideration for Magnus — untangles a hand from the cats and runs it through his hair. Magnus feels a vicious spike of jealousy, as if his hand wishes it were the one to do such a thing and he pushes it down, shocked.
“Alexander, Magnus. For you, it will always be Alexander.”
Magnus feels a weight to those words but before anything else can happen, his wards flood with annoyance as another nephilim presence is picked up.
Magnus turns, because his stray shadowhunter is clearly not a threat but the one at his door is at the very least an annoyance. Magnus has no patience for that and the anger that was diffused at the sight of a soft smile flares back up.
Magnus opens his door with a scowl and glares at the figures on his doorstep.
“Sir!” The shadowhunter says and Magnus blinks, startled because the shadowhunter is addressing him. It’s not a title Magnus is used to from shadowhunters but he nods, face still unimpressed as he raises a brow. There is a haggard looking warlock behind her and when Magnus flicks him an accusing gaze, the warlock smirks and mouths back “she paid so much” and then they portal away, which well then, that’s fair.
“By any chance have you possibly seen—” and the shadowhunter trails off, looking miserable as if she doesn’t know how to explain what they want to ask. “What I mean to say is, if you be any chance see this shadowhunter—” she holds out a picture of Alexander. “Would you please let the Institute know? You’ll be paid of course! And we’ll send someone to figure out—” the shadowhunter winces, paling, “I mean retrieve him back.”
“Oh? Is he some sort of criminal?” Magnus asks, amused because he could honestly care less depending on the laws broken.
“What? No! He’s the commander!” The shadowhunter blurts out, absolutely appalled and with a starry-eyed hero worship Magnus didn’t know could exist in shadowhunters.  “But the clave keeps sending envoys and messages about his paperwork being overdue and Mirai doesn’t know where he put his tablet. We thought he was in the greenhouse but then we realized no one had seen him in hours and anyone who listens knows he’d come—” and the shadowhunter cuts herself off.
Magnus feels blank with shock that comes from an unexpected torrent of information. He’s also trying to figure out how a nephilim commander ended up on his balcony like a stray kitten when there is a sigh behind him.
Apparently, Magnus’ magic is truly enchanted, because Alexander was allowed to pass through the loft and he’s now behind Magnus with a weary, unimpressed look on his face.
“Sir!” the shadowhunter says and she looks like she’s about to cry or throw herself at her Commander in an attempt to try and physically haul him back with her. “Commander, Mirai would like to inform you that she desperately needs you to come back.”
“She only needs my signature.” Alexander says with a sigh, “and she knows how to forge it. I’ll simply add my rune once she’s done, she knows I trust her.”
“Commander!  You can’t say things like that outside of the Institute.” The shadowhunter begs and she’s very clearly at the end of her rope. Magnus would almost feel enough pity to help her except he’s too intrigued by Alexander and delighted by his attitude. Especially when it’s clear this is a normal routine for Alexander.
“I can say whatever I’d like, wherever I like.” Alexander retorts, “unless it makes Magnus uncomfortable or sad.”
Magnus blinks, stunned by the randomness of the statement and the sincerity it holds and he’s even more shocked by how unsurprised the shadowhunter is.
“Commander, please. It’s only been three months since we got you back. Please sir, come back to the Institute.” There is almost what look like desperation in the shadowhunter’s eyes and Alexander sighs before he reaches out and pats the hunter on the head very carefully.
“I’ll come back with you.” He allows, as if it’s a deeply unfortunate concession and the hunter looks relieved. “Magnus, I’ll see you soon?” It’s phrased like a question but Magnus knows with a soul deep certainty that it’s a promise and it’s only out of consideration for him that Alexander is saying what he is.
“Anytime you’d like.”
Slips out of his mouth before he can help it and, feeling rather coy and devious he ignores the suddenly miserable look on their third wheel’s face. Magic sparks from his finger and while the hunter flinches back, Magnus pays her no mind.  Not when Alexander steps closer, his body between Magnus and the hunter and he shoots his hunter a disappointed look that has her face falling. 
Alexander just leans forward and Magnus thinks his shadowhunter is going to be bold and brush his cheek to Magnus’ fingers.  Instead, Alexander smiles at him, something soft and wondrous and so deep that Magnus doesn’t understand it. Then, plush lips brush over the magic and a kiss is pressed to the pads of Magnus’ fingers.
“I’ll see you as soon as I can, then.”
a hint for everyone curious
magnus has never met alec. this is his absolute first time meeting him. this is not a 'magnus removed his memories fic' or anything like that.
this is magnus is going wtf why do i have a stray shadowhunter among my cats? and then going 'i dont actually care and he can come back'
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I know I'm early for your Wednesday Writing, but I just got this prompt idea and I didn't want to forget it!
Time Travelling Alec who ends up back before Clary arrives. Alec could solve everything before it starts, but his main goal is to woo the fuck out of Magnus. Cue a confused but smitten Magnus who has this handsome Shadowhunter spoiling him for no reason?
here we go! i hope you enjoy it. saeth and i were talking and we both agreed that an alec who went back in time wouldn't be able to stop himself from going straight to magnus
<3 lumine
Magnus thinks nothing of it when a shadowhunter enters his club, at least until the shadowhunter approaches him. It’s with derision that Magnus means to look at him and send him away, and instead Magnus is fascinated.
His shadowhunter is staring at Magnus with something close to reverence and he looks lost, like something broke him and he thinks Magnus is what will fix him.
It’s with a wave of his hand that Magnus sends away his entourage and he crooks his fingers.  His shadowhunter stumbles to him and then, he keeps coming. Magnus has a lapful of tall, runed muscles that constrict around him like a boa might before he even realizes what’s happening.
“Magnus—” is murmured like a prayer into his neck and his shadowhunter shakes against him, holding Magnus like he’s terrified he’ll be forced away.
“What do you need, angel?” Magnus teases, voice hoarse as he holds his nephilim close and wonders what new trap this is.
“Take me home Magnus?”
It’s a ridiculous request but Magnus does it. He portals them to his bed and wraps around the shadowhunter who falls asleep staring at Magnus, hands tightly holding onto him.
Magnus barely waits until he’s fallen asleep before he slips into his shadowhunter’s dreams. It’s with growing disbelief that he watches a few years play out before it’s lost, in the blink of an eye.
“Oh, is that how it is?” Magnus murmurs, because Alexander���s memories shouldn’t still exist but they’re protected, by a magic that Magnus’ recognizes as a more potent form of his own.
It’s with curiosity that he examines the gift he’s been given. While Alexander interests him, Magnus is honestly more intent on figuring out what the little trails of magic throughout his body are.
They’re not natural and they react to Magnus. It’s without actually considering that it will work, that Magus sends a spark of his own magic into the network of energy.
Immediately Alexander’s body lights up, every bit of him reaching out to Magnus.
It’s with shaking hands that Magnus bends down and presses his lips over Alexander’s heart. He thought his older self to be silly, to care for a nephilim so much but Magnus understands now the devotion under him.
Alexander wakes up slowly, reaching out carefully and gently as he waits for Magnus to accept or deny his touch.
“I gave myself a little boost from your core. No memories, Alexander.” Magnus tells him, unable to not immediately dash any possible hope Alexander might have. The years Alexander had with a version of Magnus he’ll never be are gone and Magnus won’t begrudge him them, but he won’t lie to Alexander about who he is.
“Then you harvested it safely?”
“You knew it was there?” Magnus marvels, because those were shards of hellfire stored in an angelic core and preserved despite the glacial grasp of Alexander’s grace.
“Of course.” Alexander murmurs, “we planned it out for ages, how to connect it to me instead of Edom, just in case. I’m glad you got it, it’s more important than memories could be, Magnus.”
Magnus is surprised but Alec just smiles wanly at him and shakes his head, “you can’t fight Valentine, Lilith or Asmodeus with only memories Magnus. Your safety will always be my priority.” There’s something sad there in his gaze and Magnus snaps his fingers, aching for a distraction and summoning them food.
“We’ll figure this out just fine.” Magnus promises, because even if Alexander weren’t interesting and intriguing, Magnus can feel him now, still connected to the magick Magnus now wields.
There is no way that Magnus will be able to give him up, so now there is only to keep him.
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Any writing with short!Alec? I can imagine Magnus introducing Alec to his friends and they’re like ‘is this a joke? Is he invisible? Have you finally lost it?’ And Alec just steps out from behind him and completely fucks them up while Magnus watches with adoration.
i really love show malec and so i headcanon them as that and don't have any plans to write alec smaller though i would considering and have writen magnus bigger due to his warlock mark?
i wrote alec super tall for a prompt for @saeths and i also wrote a giant megladon!magnus mer for them but i like keeping malec at least as tall as how they come across.
i know that in the books alec is shorter than magnus but personally, i just adore that alec is a bit taller and scowly and softens and submits so beautifully to magnus. all of that power and strength and training and he just melts for magnus and my brain goes a;ksjbaksdbjf;abf.
this is an absolutely fine ask btw! i appreciate asks like this because it helps me explain stuff and i'm also willing to work around stuff to try and incorporate things.
this is smol!dragon!alec because i just got some good news (a meeting cancelled which means i dont have to leave the house or see none-house people today! - i am an anxious introvert and @saeths is a non-anxious extrovert so i love cancelations! and they like that i am around for cuddles) dragon style. part of the 'taste of his magic' verse as a treat?
<3 lumine
"I thought you said you had something impressive to show us?" Ragnor mocks as he steps in and plops in his chair, he stares over at where Alexander is pretending to nap and rolls his eyes.
Magnus stares at Ragnor and wonders just what is going on.
Alexander is curled up the size of a housecat on the windowseat and Magnus knows that he looks small, but he's still a dragon.
"Are you experimenting with reptiles again?" Ragnor asks, absently summoning himself a cuppa, "I thought you gave that up when you lost Baby to Camille?"
Magnus can feel the glow of jealous, accusatory eyes on his back and he blinks rapidly at Ragnor and wonders if he can get away with just summoning a scone into the other warlocks mouth. Anything to get him to stop talking.
"Ba-" he starts and there is a subtle hiss that only he seems to hear and he clears his throat. "The snake was merely an accessory, Ragnor. A security feature, hardly anything more than a sometimes useful pet." Magnus leaves out how cute the snake was, he doesn't think it would go well for him.
That seems to placate Alexander but Ragnor is sending him a confused, dubious look.
"Well then, what's with the lizard on your windowseat, hmm?"
"He's not a lizard." Magnus bites through gritted teeth because he can feel the force of Alexander's stare growing colder. "Ragnor, when was the last time you slept?"
"Oh a few days ago or so. Research and all that, you know how that is." Ragnor does look a bit peckish and the hollows under his eyes are a dark green rather than the normal shade.
"Ragnor-" Magnus starts and then he sees movement and he shifts, lunging forward to grab Alexander's nape with his maw. He instinctively growls and shakes and to his delighted surprise, Alexander goes limp.
Alec glares at the tired old warlock who interrupted his nap and then sighs, content as Magnus holds him close.
It's exactly as he planned and he smirks, smug from his position of being held and rocked by Magnus' mouth.
Alec smirks and, with a flick of his tongue, freezes the old warlock's tea.
The man splutters and gives them both an accusatory stare before his skin pales to a soft, sage green with fear as their eyes meet.
"Ducky, please tell me you don't have a dragon in your mouth."
Alec smirks and gives the lightest of trills and the warlock shivers, hands up in surrender.
Magnus chuffs around where he's holding him and Alec rolls his eyes, finally taking the force of his gaze away.
It's hardly his fault if even as the size of say, a lizard, Alec is too powerful for warlocks to gaze upon without fear.
... well, all warlocks except for Magnus of course.
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*Wednesday is subjective and can last up to 36 hours due to insomnia. Wednesday starts on Wednesday and ends when the author passes out sometime later.
The Rules + Notes
Only Malec prompts accepted
It’s okay to prompt another chapter for an existing fic, even the oneshots. There is a chance i won’t be able to or want to fill it, but i’m always willing to consider. Just be polite.
I write a lot of dark stuff, so feel free to specify if you want to avoid something or want something specific.
I really do enjoy just the fun of building a fic from a single word, but I’m also happy to try and tackle any longer and more complex prompts. 
If your prompt isn’t filled the week it’s sent it, I’m still going to write it. I always respond to an ask to explain why I won’t fill it if I’m not going to.
If I can’t/wont fill a prompt, I’ll post it and explain and say it’s okay to send another.
prompts are only open on writing wednesdays or if i specify otherwise (this was changed because of how many prompts i get easy wednesday and thats the specific prompt day)
feel free to ask me if i've got your prompt but please know it sometimes takes time to get to all of them and I write verses based on the mood I’m in
I don’t post all of my fic fills to ao3 but I do try to do about half of them. Posting takes a lot of spoons and I generally end up adding more to the fics when I post them so it takes a bit.
I want it very clear that I do this because it’s fun and healthy for me and everyone who prompts is super sweet and I don’t do it to get feedback from prompters (but I always enjoy it)! It's really just worth it to me for the expression of shared art. Because I wouldn’t write half of the fun stories I love creating and exploring without the prompts from others to tickle my thoughts.
However, my partner and I are very protective about my mental health and I have social anxiety to the degree that I sometimes still need my handheld after strangers talk to me so I don't go rolling into a blanketball and scream.
If you are rude, I will sic my boyfriend @saeths (who is an asshole) on you and they will happily come down like a blistering gust of burning wind from an out of control wildfire. Seriously, they think it’s fun to fuck with people and they’re very protective. {i have npd and a lack of acceptable targets -saeth}
They would enjoy it, except the part where it made me upset. 
So don’t make me upset and I won’t set saeth on anyone.
Also saeth and i tend to flirt in posts on our blogs back and forth. so if you don’t want to see that because you’re here for fics and want to avoid it the tag is always ‘saeth & kitten’
- Lumine
The Author likes to write
darkly!soft romance
magical realism & magical flora and fauna 
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat (3DNE)
Magnus/Cat/Ragnor friendship 
Exploring the eldritch and angelic natures of nephilim and the fallen divinity of greater demons
Alec’s Institute and shadowhunters being competent 
creature!character fics
The Author won't write
major character death
hurt no comfort
sad endings
any main pairing besides malec
camille centric fics
non-magical mundane/shadowhunters inverted au’s
Verse List (under cut)
this eldritch delight – soft-horror malec (Alec is the Trueblood heir, Addams Inspired) 
star eater – sentient!shadow Alec Trueblood au 
the agony of living – chronic!pain alec
Elysiums Tears – Alec is cursed with visions of the future(s)
all your cracks I’ll paint gold – deruned Alec 
the bonds i'd break – all your cracks i'll paint gold au
in his wake, petals fall – Alec loves flowers and Magnus loves indulging him 
cider verse – Alec and Magnus are in a secret relationship since before canon 
pray to the hunters – Alec worships dead shadowhunters instead of Raziel 
the price of lust – Manipulative dark Magnus 
a stolen blade – assassin!alec au soulmates
dressed to kill – mob!wife Alec
flames of triumph – Phoenix Magnus & unicorn Alec 
ripples of magic – Sentient Institute & wards
in the light of the night – Alec hunts circle members to feed the angelic core 
the core of me belongs to you – Alec is the institute 
rituals & souls – Magnus summons an alec for himself after meeting the possibility of him 
to find, to yield – power imbalance, dominion magic
the frost of fury – competent Alec takes no shit in his institute
to break with fate – the circle wins 
all my fears forgotten – alec has amnesia 
like real people do – dragon!alec 
saint & sinners – shadowhunter!magnus & mentor/mentee
hoarfrost kiss on lips aflame – nephilim are more eldritch than mundane and it presents in the most chilling of ways
heartbeat like fire – sentinel!magnus & guide!alec 
spoils of war – Alec is a political hostage disguised as a groom 
devotion across worlds – Alec Trueblood (sentient shadows) is summoned to another universe and mistaken as an angel
marriage of inconvenience – Magnus marries Alec to save him from marrying Clary 
running from my dreams – alec has to work through past trauma when the Institute is poisoned 
walls of adoration, claws of desperation – Magnus and Alec are pre-canon secret relationship. alec is older in this fic, he's 7 years older than izzy and was raised by trueblood grandparents
bleed for desire – Magnus is king of the east coast and happily steps in to take care of newly born vampire Alec 
art of obsession – au of bleed for desire (instead alec ends up falling into Edom and Magnus decides to keep him there for a bit and go on vacation for a bit)  
your heart is full of jewels – alec is mistaken by mundanes as a sugar baby
an extension of you – alec is known as belonging to magnus' and that means something for downworlders
not all that glitters is gold – dragon!magnus with a lot of kink and monsterfucking
for you the world will burn – maryse isn't a good person, but she is a good mother and that is sometimes the more dangerous combinations
finders keepers – alec ends up in another universe and that magnus decides to keep him
feral sweetness, like honeycomb – incompetent shadowhunter and Alec deals with them and Magnus is there watching *its how they meet
soulfire – magnus summons another magnus bane to help him save his soulmate. magnus/alec/magnus
flames so cold they shatter – alec gets the lightwood family gift and remains the lightwood heir... and the only lightwood left
to tremble from your gaze – BDSM verse, dom!magnus and sub!alec
the craft of adoration– alec manipulates his way into magnus' arms
the most fragile of poisons – magnus pretends to be a damsel in distress, aka enjoying overprotective alec
undertow – kelpie!alec au with accidental courtship and BDSM
the treasure of kings – alec and magnus aren't impressed to find that lilith's son takes after his mother (aka wants to bang a lightwood)
the same sky – malec time travel to back a few years before canon, both of them
a warlock's hoard – a/b/o universe, omega/omega malec
to be or knot to be – a/b/o universe, alpha/alpha malec (look it was punny, i couldn't knot use it)
the worth of a life – asmodeus asks for the parabatai bond instead of magnus' magic to save jace
the desecration of souls – lilith has a claim to alec as her son thanks to valentine's experiments
the bonds i'd break – au of 'all your cracks i'll paint gold' where alec takes a chance and steal leaves nephilim/shadowhunter society but keeps his runes
guided by my unchained heart – alec resigns from the institute when jace is made hoti and goes to magnus
the taste of his magic – dragon!alec and magnus (he can shift into a cat) meet because alec can't keep his claws off of magnus' garden
(i'm trying to add some stuff but saeth will come back and fix it!)
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Happy Wednesday!
If it tickles your fancy, I would love, love, love, love, love a fic of any flavor in the Mob Wife Alexander Lightwood universe you just casually yeeted onto my dashboard because that's obviously going to live in my head rent free for the next many moons. <3
(What a world omg)
Laws i love this verse so it will always tickle my fancy to get prompts and saeth keeps sending me things that boost my interest. Well this is definitely a flavor in that verse and I hope you enjoy it because it took a turn I didn’t imagine it taking.
Seriously I never planned this character to be in the fic or ever write from their pov and then it was like ‘oh hey interesting let’s do it”.
So this is basically an interlude after Alec’s figured he could either be a bodyguard or a boytoy and only one of those gets to flirt and touch Magnus all night.
Simon pov (he’s an unreliable narrator, prone to rambling, anxiety and dramatic and humorous interludes and he lacks so much info)
Alec is just like: I would just like to get back to my husband. he doesn’t sleep as well when I’m gone, so please talk as little as possible and just listen first.
Simon: I’m so glad I can’t breathe. If I move he’ll kill me.
(also mob wife is an occupation not a gender role but Simon doesn’t get that… yet)
And Simon shivers because Alec Lightwood doesn’t need to raise his voice to be terrifying.
And Simon is terrified.
But also not overwhelmingly so.
Because he’s also finally seventy percent sure Alec won’t kill him, which is much better than the fifteen percent Simon thought it was until recently.
Though in a crisis, he’s also the one Simon wants to hide behind.
Even in the beginning, Simon’s chances were always better with Alec, even if they both complained about it.
“Okay, yeah right. I’m Simon.” He hears himself say and he reminds himself to take a breath even though he doesn’t need to.
A lack of heartbeat and oxygen only mean that even Simon’s own body won’t save him from panic anymore.
“Yes? I know you’re Simon.”
And Alec says it like it's an obvious conclusion but Simon is just really happy to hear him say it, especially without a threat.
Because Alec isn’t the kind of person who is casual with most people and Simon is almost nothing to him.
Sometimes Simon worries he’s just another body to Alec — one in the congo-line-of-lovers that Izzy has had — but then Izzy reminds him he’s the only boyfriend Alec’s bothered to remember the name of.
And Simon is also one half of Clary’s package deal and boy, that sure did him no favors when they first met.
He takes pride in it.
“Simon—“ Alec says and he’s sighing, deep and long and Simon wonders if his inattention and eagerness has once again doomed his — now second — attempt at living.
Well living while being dead but Simon might actually stay dead this time if he lets his thoughts keep going.
“The greenhouse?” Alec is asking him and Simon wonders why until he remembers how much he hates Alec’s office.
The greenhouse is the only other place Alec takes official meetings.
And something shivers down Simon’s spine.
Because Alec doesn’t even like him but he’s noticed Simon’s dislike.
This is an Alec that’s trying to be careful.
So just how much does Alec notice? Simon wonders and the little part of his brain that he’s learned can save his life tingles.
Where does it end?
“For the love of, Simon sit the fuck down and breathe every fifth count.”
Simon finds himself on the hard marble of the Institute’s unfamiliar greenhouse floor. His head between his knees and a too heavy hand roughly smacking his back in sets of five.
There is brightness on his face when he finally opens his eyes.
“This is sunlight!” He accuses angrily, because he finally trusted Alec a full seventy percent and now this.
“Simon you’re a daylighter. You were blasted by the soul sword and survived. You’re fine.”
And Alec doesn’t sound sympathetic and Simon winces because well—
Okay yeah. That’s fair.
Plus Alec has seen Simon drunkenly dance naked in the sun and that is a memory neither of them talk about.
It actually calms Simon down, because if Alec refrained from killing him when he plastered his naked body to Alec’s and yelled ‘teach me how to fight future brother-in-law!” Alec had in fact, spared his life.
First by not killing him.
And secondly, for not telling Magnhs that Simon’s no-good-very-bad-brain decided it was perfectly reasonable to cop a feel of Alec’s ass with vampiric strength.
It’s not a bad ass.
A little flat but very muscular with thighs that could break a neck and Simon tries very hard not to work himself back into a panic.
He does not need Alec Lightwood bringing him down from a panic attack while he thinks about how he nakedly gropped Magnus’ Bane husband’s ass hard enough that Alec had sighed and in the medical bay he’d dragged Simon to, activated an iratze.
“Magnus is going to know that these marks aren’t his.” Alec had said casually, “and he’s not going to like it. I really didn’t like it. You certainly didn’t like it either, if you know what’s good for you. So therefore, this never happened.”
And Simon is never ever going to tell even Clary that he did like it.
He’d liked it very much and he’d suddenly understood Magnus’ instant obsession.
Which had turned into a new crisis.
Because Simon’s taste is apparently Lightwood’s.
Which is not helpful for his continued life expectancy.
Because it will either be Izzy for eyeing up her married brother, Magnus for eyeing up his husband, and Alec for Simon’s sheer audacity.
“Simon, do I need to get someone else?”
“No!” Simon manages to get out because Alec Lightwood-Bane can never find out that he snapped out of the panic attack three minutes ago and almost sent himself into another panic attack because of said man’s ass. “I’m good. I’m good.”
Alec doesn’t look impressed but Simon knows he must not look very impressive.
He doesn’t take it personally.
Alec isn’t impressed by anyone besides Magnus, unless he’s impressed by someone’s stupidity.
And that never turns out well.
“Okay, so what can I do you for? I mean for you. What can I do for you?”
Alec is eyeing him like Simon is Magnus’ awful snake Baby.
Which is rude.
Because Simon has seen Alec with that nasty little worm and Alec is much nicer to Baby than he is to anyone besides Magnus and Madzie.
“Okay so listen carefully. This is a lot of information I’m going to give tou. Magnus has several identities in the mundane world. Some of them are linked legally but most of them are involved and hold a great deal of power in mundane crime groups.”
“Magnus is a mob boss!” Simon gasps out in giddy delight and then Alec is ruining his joy like the grumpy dilf he is.
The grumpy dilf he is not.
Because Simon doesn’t even know what a dilf is and he’s never been so glad that Alec can’t read his mind.
“No Simon. He’s not actually running a mob or gang or whatever else you’re thinking. He’s simply a powerful individual and is known for his information and skills and he has a lot of money. Nobody wants to be on his bad side. Everyone wants to be on his good side. So he has the authority of someone high-up and even the mundanes behave in Brooklyn. I personally don’t really care how Magnus got his status or how he maintains it.”
And Simon has so many questions but Alec has his—
— look on his face.
And Simon has seen that security footage. So he stays silent.
“It’s a persona that most High Warlocks do. Create identities in the mundane underbelly of their territories. Make sure the mundanes fear and respect them enough that they can come and go freely. They need to be trusted to keep an eye on any slip-ups. And no, they’re not undercover. They’re not doing the mundanes work for them.
“But Magnus and I quite honestly don’t care. We protect mundanes from the shadowworld, not from themselves. If the mundanes want to kill themselves and each other, that’s their problem. So long as they only do it in mundane ways and not with ties to the shadowworld. We don’t need the clave coming down here, bristling about the accords anytime soon, or anytime at all.”
And Simon swallows because he understands how serious this is, intimately.
Aldertree was sent by the clave.
He remembers Aldertree.
Izzy remembers Aldertree.
A lot of people remember Aldertree.
So he keeps focused, listening to the hummingbird-wing-beat of Alec’s pulse under his words.
“Magnus has done this for centuries. He knows what he’s doing. But we’d both prefer if I could go with him in the future.”
And Simon is practically vibrating because he’s nearly positive that he’s about to get a padawan.
Which, even in such a serious situation, is amazing!
“Which means I need to know more about modern mundane culture than I do.” Alec is grimacing and Simon knows it’s a testament to just how much Alec loves Magnus that he’s doing this.
“Magnus gets by because he has centuries of knowledge but I’ll need a crash course. And no Simon, I cannot read your mind.” Alec Lightwood’s eye roll continues to be a thing of beauty and Simon feels his undead soul un-die a little more. Because Alec definitely can’t read minds.
Or Simon wouldn’t continue existing.
“Look, Magnus and I went over a list of all the questions you might possibly ask. He gave me the answers so I didn’t have to waste time. We both agreed you’d be the best to ask, since you spend the most time around young adult mundanes. And you’re popular with your peers.”
Simon feels like he’s dreaming or maybe died again.
Except this is a much nicer if not possibly a more traumatizing experience than his first death so Simon concludes it has to be real.
His luck is always this bad.
“Magnus thought and I agreed that it would be just you and I, you tend to—“ and Alec trails off and Simon has a moment where he wishes he’d never drank Jace’s blood.
Because Alec is trying to be considerate.
Because he’s trying not to say that Simon can’t handle being in the same room with both of them after the incident.
It’s mortifying.
“Right, so do I need to call Magnus so he can join us?” And Alec looks very serious, eyes dark and calm and without a flicker of anger or of true concern. Alec is a good leader not because he cares but because he makes himself act regardless of care.
It took a while for Simon to realize that sometimes the people who care the most are the ones who let you down the worst.
And Simon winces, because Alec does look incredibly tired compared to when Simon saw him… however long ago.
“No sorry. I’m good, just a surprise. But like a good surprise, it’s like I’m Q and—“ and Simon trails off with a sigh because there’s no point and he is shocked when Alec runs his big hands over his scruffy perfect Lightwood face.
Or maybe it’s his Trueblood genes.
“Yes, okay fine. Simon you can be Q. But if you call me 007 or whistle that obnoxious tune I will give you cause to regret it.”
“You know 007?” Simon actually gasps, because this might truly be some epic dream and he doesn’t even register the threat.
Well, his hindbrain does and it’s screaming, but Simon can’t listen to it over the shockhold Alec’s words have put him in.
“Simon, consider who my husband is. Just for a minute.”
And Simon does consider it.
He considers how a delighted and charmed Magnus would coax Alec into ‘research’ for his ‘undercover excursion into the mundane world’.
“Oh my god.” Simon barely breathes out, “Magnus made you marathon them.”
And Alec is gritting his teeth. Simon can hear the grind of his incisors and he swallows, hard.
“Right. Absolutely no mentions of triple digits or shockingly appropriate theme songs.”
And Simon’s death flashes—
hunger the dirt the gnawing-bite-thirst-trap-feed of hunger and Clary’s screams
— before his eyes when Alec gives an exasperated sigh.
The moment passes and Alec is giving him a begrudging yet judgmental look.
“It’s often that the criminal part of mundane life is where the shadow world slips over. Magical drugs slip into mundane ones, easy money, anything goes. And no one cares about that except sometimes it leaves evidence. Unexplainable evidence that mundanes want explained. Right now Magnus is chasing a new rumor; and we’d like for me to be able to go with him.”
This is quite possibly the single coolest thing Simon has ever been involved in.
“So are you going in as his bodyguard? A new dealer of some super magic drug? Oh. My. God. Alec, are you going to be a rival boss or something coming in? Or a hitman? Are you going in as Magnus’ cleaner?”
And Alec is staring at Simon like he’s actually truly lost it.
Which Simon doesn’t get. They’re all obviously the best and most understandable choices.
“Simon, Magnus is my husband. Obviously I’m his mob wife.”
And Simon can’t breathe, but he feels the oxygen knocked out of his lungs.
Because Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane — a man who has prevailed heavily in both Simon’s nightmares and his recent and most horrifying wet dreams — wants to learn how to be a proper mob wife.
“Oy vey.” Simon manages to get out and then he looks up at Alec and blinks at his too-tall, too-powerful body.
And wonders how he’s supposed to guru Alec into anything that can pass as what middle-aged criminals will consider a wife.
Mob or otherwise.
Later they’re finally finishing up their first crash course and Alec looks worse than he did with his own arrow through his chest.
But he escorts Simon out, ordering his shadowhunters absently to various duties and checking in as he passes and Simon takes it in with a sudden wonderment.
Simon’s seen more changes of leadership in his short time as a part of the shadowworld than is normally seen in a generation.
And he got a much more up-close and unwanted personal view of how badly it can go.
And Alec is… he’s surprisingly really great. Even if Simon only has shitty examples to compare him to and so when Simon is walking out into the sun and Alec is going through a portal that appears out of nowhere, he lets his guard down and mutters.
“He’s so totally M.”
And just before the portal warps out of existence, Simon’s hearing picks up a quiet, irritated—
And he winces.
Alec’s senses are frightening and Simon is a vampire.
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I don't know your time zone but it's Wednesday here, so hopefully I'm ok! I've really enjoyed reading your fills, they're all so brilliant. I'm nearly finished writing a Malec version of Beauty and the Beast; could you pick any other fairytale, your favourite or an obscure one you wish people knew or whatever criteria you like, and give us your best version please? Thank you, your fics make so many people happy!
you were absolutely fine! this is kind of a reverse tamlin fairytale that saeth and i talked about. because you mentioned obscure and while it's well known, it's not a super popular or mainstream tale that is used a lot.
also tumblr ate your prompt twice and i had it saved and then it gave me back your ask. if you want to share, you can always send over a link to your fic when you're done with it! beauty and the beast is a lovely classic! i hope you enjoy!
<3 lumine
Alec runs through the woods, ducking behind a wall of vines and bending through their reaching grasp, ripping himself free with a tear of leather when they thorns grasped too deep.
Fray and Jace thought they were smart, meeting and taunting the seelie queen and Alec is the bait, the distraction. He runs to give them time but there is no time for himself.  If he’d had even a moment to plan, to think, maybe it would have been okay.
However, the seelie queen is cruel and mischievous and she never strikes the same way twice.  Jace prioritized Clary as he always does and once again, Alec finds himself paying the price.
It’s with a shuddering breath he breaks through a veil of shadows and smoke, and he pauses a moment
There are gates in front of him. Trees curving with charred trunks and branches and curling to create a large, looming gate.
Whoever is here, they are no friends to the queen. Alec can tell the difference in the magic, in the way that the knights and scouts hunting him slow down.
They’re more wary and Alec can hear them, on the other side of the veil, deciding whether or not they would risk their queen’s wrath, or whoever Alec’s stumbled over.
It’s enough for him and while it’s a risk, it’s certainly less of a risk than being thrown into a bloody chase by Jace.
So, Alec steps to the gate, bows a little in courtesy and opens it.
There is no one to greet him but the gates close behind him. The seelies have finally followed and while the gate will slow them down, even longer than the veil, Alec needs to be safe before whatever pollen he was hit with takes effect.
There’s another door and a hall with a throne and Alec gets halfway before whatever he was hit with finally hits him harder than he can stand and he crumbles, unable to take another step as he falls.
Magnus stares down at the nephilim collapsed by his throne. When the wards had summoned him, warning him of an intruder, he hadn’t expected to find nervous and terrified seelie scouts poking around his wards.
He especially hadn’t expected to find a pollen dosed shadowhunter, half-conscious and already caught in a haze.
“You won’t have very long—” Magnus tells him, bending down to run a finger down a flushed cheek. “The more you fight it, the worse it will be.”
Hazel eyes blink up at him and Magnus wonders at just what this nephilim, who was hunted to his door, sees when he looks up. Magnus smiles, teeth a shade too sharp, his golden eyes gleaming with curiosity and the velvet of his antlers angled up like a crown.
“Come now,” Magnus croons, “tell me angel, will you suffer while I watch? Or will you come to me for aid?”
Either way, Magnus will be entertained and while it would be more interesting and fun to fuck the cure into his prey, Magnus is fine watching him struggle through the attacks of pleasure by himself.
There’s a moment where he leaves the nephilim there, goes to his throne and sits and thinks this will be his evening. That he will watch a nephilim shudder and shake and break apart on the floor of his hall and enjoy seeing him scrabble at Magnus’ feet.
Instead, the shadowhunter slowly gets to his feet and stumbles over. There’s a confused, desperate look on his face and he nearly falls into Magnus as soon as he’s close enough.
“You poor thing,” Magnus coos and reaches out for him, hands cupping his face as he gentles his nephilim and brings him to his knees, between Magnus’ thighs. “What’s you’re name, pretty boy?”
“Alexander—” his boy murmurs out, something pinched on his face as he almost frowns and then he shakes it away. “I, wha—”
“Hush.” Magnus says, brushing a finger over his lips and petting the softness there. “It’s a simple enough deal, angel. Pleasure for pleasure and the cure is made.”
A hungry mouth presses kisses to his finger and Magnus chuckles, delighted by how this is going. It’s with ease that he unbuttons his pants and gets his cock out. There are a great many ways to cure this poison, but Magnus knows exactly which one he wants.
And why he wants it.
“Touch me first, sweetheart.” Magnus urges, his hand gentle on Alexander’s face and it’s a sharp contrast from the violent hunger he’s holding back.
Alexander wraps his fingers around Magnus’ cock transfixed. There is an endearing gleam of innocent awe as he tries to find a rhythm. Magnus allows it until he’s hard and soaking Alexander’s hands and more than ready to claim his prize, so he hooks a heel around Alexander’s back and drags him forward.
“Kiss me.” Magnus commands and Alexander’s lips are a soft plushness, a sloppy, wet kiss to the crown of his cock and Alexander moans, as if he already knows he’s found the cure he seeks.
“Drink—” Magnus tells him, and Alexander obeys, tongue eager and mouth hot as he suckles Magnus’ cock.
He’s a delight to behold and to feel and Magnus tangles his fingers deep in Alexander’s hair and fucks into his throat with a slow determination that has his boy whimpering and drooling around him.
When Magnus comes, holding Alexander’s hair and keeping him trapped and close, unable to spill a single drop, it’s with the knowledge that no matter what happens next.
He’s won.
Alec goes back to the court only to find Jace and Clary gone, Simon as well. It’s with an aggravated sigh that he glares are the queen.
“I evaded your hunters and scouts.” He tells her, not about to share, that he knows exactly what she meant to happen to him. “It is my right, as the winner to leave.”
There is a dark scowl on her tiny, infantile face and it’s disquieting to see such large eyes look so dead and only shine with malice and greed.
“Very well, you have won. This once.” She makes it sound like it was a game Alec wanted, something he joined of his own free will and he grimaces, holding back the threat that itches to break free from his hoarse and swollen throat.
If it weren’t for Magnus, Alec isn’t sure where he’d be or what condition he’d be in and while it was hard to leave him once Alec regained clarity, Alec knows it’s for the best.
“Once you’ve consumed anything of this realm, you cannot leave.” The queen is pale, staring at Alec in something like horror and there is none of her previous delight when he finally showed back up. “What did you eat?”
“I ate nothing.” Alec responds, because he hadn’t. Magnus took care of him, cured him and ruined Alec in ways he still doesn’t understand, but he hadn’t eaten anything.
“You have.” The queen says and she’s shaking, “what did you eat? I cannot break the claim binding you to this realm!”
Alec snarls, ready to explain for the second and final time that he consumed nothing, when a possessive, heavy hand curls around his hip and pulls him into a warmth he’s already been missing.
“Magnus—” he murmurs, surprised and delighted and unable to do anything but sway into him.
“Oh Alexander,” Magnus croons and there’s something dark in his golden eyes. “You didn’t eat of these lands, but you drank deeply to quench your thirst.” His lips brush Alec’s ear in a whispered kiss, “you didn’t think I’d really let you go, did you?”
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can we just talk about for a minute how amazing everyone is who sends me prompts and has or does participate with me on a writing wednesday? also anyone who has read, replied, reblogged, or liked counts too!
especially with how stressful it can be to send a prompt/any kind of ask and interact with people online. especially if you have anxiety, introverted or english isn't a first language (which is never a problem but can cause worry to the prompter), are worried i'll be upset, etc
i have the best people in my inbox though. there are always amazing prompts and people who say hi to me and @saeths or hi to nightshade or send him pets and sometimes people check in or send appreciation in their prompts.
also i truly don't have a preference. i like when people say hi but i also can get right straight into the prompt, cause everyone has a different way of expression.
and i have a variety of amazing prompts that i can't wait to get to. some require research, some take the right mindsight and some i've started to link together (i have the mental equivalent of a crime board for fics in my head to link them together in the same verse if they fit)
so it's writing wednesday and i'm writing and i'm so happy with all my lovely little gems. i mean prompts.
and i just wanted to extend my content/happy vibes with everyone else. because thanks for making my wednesdays so much fun! i couldn't do it without all of you!
<3 lumine
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Hey can I ask something?
If you prefer to answer this in private message that's really fine, but it seemed somehow rude to send it to you in PM 🤔.
Quite a while ago (could be months really, live has been quite hectic for me lately) I sent you an ask about 2 songs I felt suited Magnus' and Alec's POV respectively for quite a few of your 'verses. It wasn't necessarily meant as a prompt but I had been curious about your opinion on them.
you never seemed to have posted about it and now I was wondering if tumblr ate my ask or if something in the ask itself brought up something bad for you (just so I can avoid that in the future) or if perhaps it's a third option I hadn't even thought of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
either way, thanks for all your glorious writing work! it's a thing of beauty (aka to me it's a joy forever!)
so you're absolutely okay asking and i'll answer publically because i have like a dozen song prompts in my inbox and drafts and I'm sure there are others curious but jsyk, it's okay to send a pm asking stuff. i don't find it rude cause i know from experience that sometimes its less nerve racking than sending an ask
i know its different for everyone but just putting it out there ^_^
so music is really hit or miss for me. i'll listen to the same playlists and artists for a couple years without expanding because the sensory input of new songs can be a little much. i don't really have a way to vet whether or not the music will be too much for me and things have been so busy and (noisy and loud and overwhelming) that i haven't really tried to listen to new music in a couple of months.
@saryn-prime has to listen to a lot of their music on headphones instead of n speakers and oftentimes i'll listen to the same song on repeat for hours. if i'm overstimulated even a song i love can set off a migraine and certain tunes or tempos can send my mood spiraling, rising or plummeting without my say so
so (especially when i want to actually kind of really explore a song and give it a chance and also enjoy it in regards to malec or writing) i'm saving like the dozen songs for when i have the spoons to process and possibly enjoy the songs.
Saeth turned on music earlier and i lasted two songs before i was asking them to turn it to safe playlist (which they immiedately did).
btw i love getting music and song reccomendations in regards to malec and shadowhunters or in general. i've been inspired for some really fun fics and ideas, but atm my brain isn't up to that kind of processing :/
pray to the hunters i like to write with the song playing in the background but i cant currently handle the tempo/voices/percussion mix so i haven't been writing or playing it
so i have them and probably in a few weeks or a month my brain will be back to processing music appropriately and i can enjoy the songs shared with me
i hope this makes sense
<3 lumine
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Oh my god, thank you for answering me, I had no idea you had so many prompts to look at !
That's an enormous job and I'm happy and also impressed that you take care of yourself while answering to each of them. Your words are always a pleasure to read, and good companions when I bored between two lectures - or soon two exams.
I'm doing well too, please give a little kiss or scratch or whatever they like to Nightshade, and a lot of inspiration and good vibes to you ✨
yes of course! i love asks so honestly, answering them is a huge highlight of my day!
i do have a lot of prompts and honestly, @saeths keeps reminding me that i can combine prompts and answer 2-3 prompts with one ficlet but i really adore the individualism of each prompt (even when i add them into other verses) and i know there is nothing wrong with it and some people might even prefer it (their ask would get answered faster) but i am a greedy dragon and my prompt are my precious treasures.
I owe it to myself and the people i love and nightshade and also everyone whose kind of become a part of writing wednesday to not burnt out. because i enjoy it and lots of people are enjoying it. so i'm working really hard on it because i get a lot of messages about how much people love writing wednesdays and i cannot convey enough how excited i get on wednesdays when people send me in their thoughts and ideas and prompts.
i have a list for this tuesday of fics i'm going to finally have the time to hopefully research for (because i have to make sure it's not completely incorrect!!!!) and like honestly, the house was like 'what's going on wednesday, do we have anything? is it still a house family night?'
and i was just 'i have writing wednesday so i'm still up for cooking and we can watch a movie, but i need to have my laptop with me during the movie and i'm not cooking anything that takes longer than an hour.'
I wish the best of luck finishing your lectures and if they're already finished, i hope you soar through your exams and get enough sleep and food and hydration during that time!
also Nightshade loves love. you can coo at him and he starts wriggling. he will just flop on peoples shoes if they don't want to bend over and pet him. so he sends you a bunch of floppy ear flaps and lots of tail wags!
<3 lumine
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Hi hello I just wanted to ask if there was any way to find fics for certain verses without trawling through all your posts. I am unfortunately vv new to tumblr lmao (I may or may not have joined j to read your writing it is wonderful)
oh gosh, this is incredibly sweet and thank you!
so that is hopefully the point of getting my fics on ao3 eventually because half of the fics i write don't have titles when written because they're originally oneshots? or just ficlets for the prompts that turn into something bigger? which means i dont have tags for that specific verse for the fics i write
saeth is going to help me transfer everything over slowly (because i also go through and tend to add more to the fics i post on ao3, edit a little cause when i post on tumblr i frenzy post? which means so many typos sometimes. and then i write meta notes. because there is a lot of stuff outside of the fic that can only be shared via notes)
which is not helpful for your because most of the fics aren't up yet... if you're having trouble with a couple specific ones? you can send me an ask and i'm happy to help try to find them for you since after i write a fic, i tend to remember the prompts attached to it and can write in key words for my search.
i hope this helps?
<3 lumine
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