#I write for saeth
Remember that scene where Seongnam told Uiseong that if Uiseong ever ascended to the throne that he would burn his kingdom to the ground? That but Magnus. (source: Under the Queen's Umbrella, Netflix kdrama)
@saeths babe I’m still so fucking pissed at losing the first version of this and I’m sorry but I hope you like this different, second version.
Also yes I fucking loved that scene and I’m still anticipating watching the next episode and i want that fic where Seongnam actually kills Uiseong and gets away with it.
Magnus moves his fingers down the smooth curve of Alexander’s cheek bones and lets the pads of his fingers linger on Alexander’s lips.
Some would say that the nephilim commander napping on his lap is Magnus' downfall, but Magnus has never let bigotry guide him and he won’t now.
Especially not when it’s the council of the Spiral Labyrinth, who appoint High Warlocks, who are suddenly upset with Magnus' choice in lover.
They’ve demanded either Alexander’s removal from his life, or the addition of others, to ensure that Alexander is seen as one of many, not as someone Magnus is devoted to.
And Magnus loathes it.
Because it almost costs him. Alexander tried to leave him. As if that would ever be acceptable. As if Magnus would allow Alexander to hurt them both so deeply, especially in a misguided attempt of protection.
So they still stand united, closer in fact, than ever before. And Alexander proves that, lying defenseless and unarmed in Pandemonium.
There are thirteen candidates for Magnus’ position in the running, and only two will Magnus allow to succeed his position, if he allows himself to be deposed at all. He’s made his thoughts clear and so the candidates hover around him, hesitant but trying to find weakness,
“Flaunting your traitorous ways even while the council offers you leniency?” Lorenzo sneers at him, drink held delicately in his hand.
Magnus threads his fingers through Alexander’s hair and tugs on the dark locks. Alec groans, arching against Nagnus and pushing himself into the touch, still unconscious, still vulnerable to everyone but for Magnus’ possessive protection. “I understand how those unable to touch consider it flaunting, but I hardly see how having a devoted, tamed shadowhunter is traitorous.” Magnus knows the place he’s claiming in Alexander's life, and the position it puts his shadowhunter in. But Alec begged Magnus, and after Alexander almost destroyed them both to try and protect Magnus — Magnus finds himself willing to do many things he never thought he would.
Lorenzo’s eyes turn to Alec, something almost hungry in his gaze at the noise and Magnus’ temper flares.
Lorenzo’s drink shatters, the shards disappear, devoured by Magnus’ magic even as he breaks it.
“Ah, forgive me Lorenzo. I realized I couldn’t allow you to drink something so… out of your interest. You prefer old fashions, if I remember correctly. And I’m sure I do.” The threat of Magnus' very long memory lingers between them before Magnus smiles sharply. “Stirred with an antique spoon, right?”
A drink appears and Lorenzo takes it, his hand is steady but his expression sours as he tries the drink and finds nothing wrong with it.
Alexander turns, restless and keening as his mouth presses in a sleep-lax kiss against Magnus’ stomach .
He asked, at the beginning of all this, how he could help. At least he asked after Magnus refused to let them break up. And in guilty relief, Alexander offered to do anything.
So now he lies, helpless in Magnus’s lap. Vulnerable to everything and everyone and relying solely on Magnus’ protection. On Magnus’ goodwill and desire.
It soothes something that the Council’s anger and accusations jolted loose in Magnus.
And so he smiles at Lorenzo, and silently daresm him to even try.
“There are many things I would do for our people.” Magnus says quietly, looking down at his lap, one hand holding a drink, the other his shadowhunter lover. “But I am not as selfless as my friends like to say.” Magnus chuckles and takes a long sip of his drink.
“There are only two that I will let take the kingdom I’ve built from me. And I will even help them keep it stable, protecting them for the future events that they are unprepared for. But Lorenzo, you are not one of them.”
Lorenzo splutters, yellow magic pretending to be royal gold flickering up and Magnus laughs.
It’s hollow and it’s angry.
“I have given so much for everyone else that I have very little left to care about. And yet it is demanded I give up my very heart, as if I am not allowed to have joy.” Magnus’ magic dances between them and angry red devours yellow, until it encircles Lorenzo.
Magnus hums and uses his own magic to press the newly made drink to Lorenzo’s lips.
“You’ll need it.” Magnus promises and laughs when Lorenzo chokes on it.
“You want my throne Lorenzo? The kingdom I’ve built with blood and magic. The place I’ve carved out for myself?”
Magnus laughs, and finally releases Lorenzo.
“You will never have it. I am not as selfless as the Council thinks. And I will burn both you and New York itself to the ground before I ever let you be in charge.” Magnus uncrosses his legs and presses his boot down on the back of Lorenzo’s head, forcing the other to prostrate himself before Magnus.
“I will burn this world before I ever allow you to have a place of power in it, Lorenzo. Remember that, as it is only my compassion and courtesy that keep you breathing.”
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rhikasa · 2 years
Introduction & Navigation
last updated 05.11.2024
about me
Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Erin, I use he/they pronouns, and this is my writeblr. I’m an occasional writer at the moment due to burnout, so posts containing snippets of my writing will remain elusive for now. Despite being rather sporadic when it comes to posting writing from my own wips, I do still love being given opportunities to ramble about them.
A few things to know about me:
I’m 23 years old, and my birthday is on April 4.
I’m a queer (nonbinary & ace), neurodivergent adult.
I have a BA in English Literature, but I initially attempted a degree in Creative Writing (a horrible decision really).
For those interested, I’m an Aries (sun) / Virgo (moon) / Leo (rising), and my personality type is INTJ.
I love animals; my family currently has three cats, a dog, three tortoises, a snake, and several fish.
My favorite genres to read and write are fantasy and science fiction.
I’m tag game and ask friendly! You’re welcome to tag me in writing related games, or anything else you’d like me to see, and don’t be afraid to stop by my inbox to ask questions or simply wave hello. Do be aware that I might be slow to respond most days because of social anxiety and/or lack of spoons.
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World of Skies Universe
The old guardians have vanished, slain by the warrior of darkness long ago. Memory of them has all but faded from the minds of mortals who have not lived under their divine protection and thus they have fallen to legend, but there are those who hold the hope that someday angels will return when the need arises.
Children of the Maar
summary in progress...
Stolen from her former life, Saeth is taken to a world beyond hers; a hidden moon known as Elysium, where she learns about a secret society isolated far away from the hostile planet below. Very few in her position ever choose to resist their new life of luxury, but for Saeth, she would rather be up there with her wife or not at all.
Generations ago, the last of humanity was forced to flee into caves far below the land they had once called home. Although the first few years were full of struggle to adapt, the magnificent city of Eldoris was built. Few alive today remember the feeling of sunlight on their skin, and fewer still are aware of the atrocities committed in the darkness that has kept a fragile peace for the residents within.
The Huntress & The Wolf
The small town of Aerilon is left shaken after the discovery of a brutal murder by the river’s edge. Disturbing markings upon the victim leave some of the towns folk to speculate this was not the work of another human being, but a nefarious creature hidden in plain sight, only revealing its true existence beneath the light of a full moon.
The Lost Generation
The last generation of mages has been decimated, their magic stolen from them by outsiders. When a young girl named Julia inherits powers that were not intended for her to receive, she is hidden away on Earth until she learns how to utilize her gift.
summary in progress...
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spencermyangel · 2 years
Could you write a chapter in which after some years have passed by and a youmg genius girl comes to work to the bau and she looks just like Spencer because she's his kid dun dun duuuuun.
The kid is Cat and Spencer's daughter because in this os Cat was actually pregnant with Spencer's child but he never believed her. This kid did know she's Reid's daughter but never told him cos she didn't think he would care or would hate her for everything her mother did in the past. She has a rough past (you know... abuse, child neglect and that kind of shit) because, being cat's daughter isn't a easy task. And spencer is surprised at the fact he has a child but he's happy and sad at the same time cos he wasn't there for his daughter just like he didn't have his father growing up plus knowing the fact that his kid didn't have a great childhood and you know... just drama!
Oh and some auntie jj cos she's gonna be this childs godmother! Please?
CW - Neglect and abuse references, sexual assault mention
Spencer peered out of his office window as the young new agent Emily, who was now the director, had recommended to him. A young woman with a genius level IQ, and remarkable talent for the job. 
He smiled as he noticed the girl let out a nervous breath as her eyes curiously darted around the room. She moved a piece of her long, curly, brown hair behind her ear, and began walking towards his office. 
“Come in,” Spencer said when he heard a knock at his door. He stood up to greet the girl as she entered, “I’m Dr. Spencer Reid, you must be Dr. Saeth Bowen. Agen-” Spencer cut himself as he looked into her eyes. There was something so familiar about them. He quickly cleared his throat and continued, “Agent Prentiss spoke very highly of you.” 
“Thank you, it’s so nice to meet you.” Seath reached out her hand to shake his. 
Spencer awkwardly stared at it for a minute, “oh um, I’m sorry, I don’t…”
“Oh! Of course,” She lowered her hand, but continued to stare at him with eyes full of wonder and admiration. 
“Um, well, your desk is just out there. Why don’t you get situated and then we can talk about what you’ll be doing.” 
“Sure,” Saeth agreed, giving him one final glance before exiting his office. 
“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m JJ,” JJ introduced herself to the new agent, with a handshake.
“You too, I’m Saeth Bowen,” Saeth smiled. She could hardly contain her excitement at meeting her father’s team. At becoming a part of it. The only thing was, she didn’t know how, when, or even if she should tell Spencer she was his daughter. What if he didn’t accept her? After all her mother had put him through, Saeth wouldn’t be surprised. 
“Saeth?” JJ questioned, “that’s unusual.”
Saeth let out a laugh, “My adopted parents gave it to me. They are Welsh-American, adopted me when I was ten. I have lived between Wales and the United States ever since.” 
“The unsub seems to feel abandoned, probably suffered abuse,” Luke theorized. 
“Maybe they grew up in the foster care system,” Saeth blurted out. 
“What?” JJ asked. 
“Um, well,” Saeth blushed, “Abuse is common in the foster care system. Kids can also feel alone and abandoned.” Saeth avoided the team’s eyes as JJ gave her a sympathetic smile, gathering this was based on personal experience, based on how Saeth was adopted at ten. 
Spencer considered this, “that’s a good idea, well done Saeth.” 
Saeth beamed at Spencer's compliment, her smile not leaving her face all day.
When the team finally arrested the unsub, 20 year old Peter Brooksfield, he explained how he had grown up in the foster care system and when he was an adult he tried to connect with his biological parents, only to be rejected and turned away. 
Throughout his story, Saeth tried to blink back tears. But as she felt a lump form in her throat and her eyes burned she quickly stood up, “sorry,” she apologized as she darted out of the room. 
Spencer looked after her in concern, taking a step forward, but was stopped by JJ. 
“Hey, let me talk to her, Spence,” JJ told him. 
Spencer longingly glanced at the door, but reluctantly nodded. 
JJ exited the room and rushed to find Seath. She eventually found her sitting in one of the spare rooms, her head in her arms as her shoulder shook. 
“Hey, Saeth. Are you okay,” JJ sat beside her and placed a reassuring hand on her back. 
Saeth only responded by shaking her head and continuing to sob.  
“I imagine this was personal for you. You mentioned to me once how you were adopted when you were ten. Were you in foster care before that?” 
Saeth nodded and mumbled, “I was moved between houses so many times, it felt like each one was worse than the last. But that’s not… that’s not why I’m upset.”
“Why, then?”
“My father. I want him to be in my life, to be my father so badly. But, I’m so scared he won’t accept me.” 
“Oh, Saeth. I’m sure once your father got to know you he would love you. I don’t know why he’s not in your life, but if you want I can help you find him,” JJ offered. 
Saeth shook her head with a sad laugh, “I already found him.”
“You have?” JJ asked with furrowed brows. 
“It’s Reid,” Saeth admitted, “Reid is my father.” 
JJ stared at Saeth wide eyed in disbelief. She tried to conceal her shock as she questioned, “how?” 
“Cat Adams,” Saeth simply said, “Cat Adams is my mother. I was born Katelynn Adams. She wanted me to be named after her. I was immediately put in foster care.”
“Oh, Saeth,” JJ sighed, “Spence would still love you.”
Saeth shook her head, “I would understand if he didn’t. I mean, I know the whole story. I know I’m the result of sexual assualt. I know the pain my mother caused him.” 
“She did cause him… so much pain,” JJ agreed, “but you didn’t. He would never blame you for what she did. Spence has always wanted kids, honestly Saeth, he deserves to know he has one.”
Saeth considered this, “could you help me tell him?” she asked, wide brown eyes begging JJ. 
JJ smiled, “of course.”
“What’s going on?” Spencer asked, sitting down on JJ’s couch, “you said it was important.” 
“It is,” JJ said, as she took a seat next to Saeth, “Spence, Saeth has something very important to tell you. I have to warn you it may come as a shock.” 
Spencer anxiously looked between JJ and Saeth, as he began to rock slightly, the stim helping to calm his nerves slightly. “What is it?”
Saeth took a deep breath before speaking, “please don’t interrupt, I have to say this all at once,” she paused, only continuing when Spencer nodded, “I grew up in foster care until I was ten, when I was adopted by a couple. I call them my Aunt Efa and Uncle Rhys. I was in foster care because my mother was in prison and they didn’t know for sure who my father was. My mother is Cat Adams.” 
Spencer took in a deep breath as he dug his nails into his thigh at the mention of the name that was the cause of some of his worst trauma.
JJ quickly moved positions and took Spencer’s hand in hers to stop him from hurting himself, “Hey, don’t do that,” she whispered. 
Spencer took in a shaky breath, “and, who is your father?” he asked, but in his heart he already knew the answer. 
“You,” Saeth confirmed his suspicions, “you are.” 
Spencer was silent for a while, his brain taking in this new information. He had a daughter, who he had never known. He felt a horrible pain in his heart at the thought of his baby daughter growing up abused and neglected, memories of his own childhood flashing in his head, but he pushed this aside for the time being. They would talk about that later. Right now, Saeth was looking at him with anxiety as if she were scared he would reject her. 
“I’m not perfect,” Spencer finally said, causing Saeth to look at him with confused eyes, “I have… issues. I have a lot of trauma, I’m autistic. I may not be what you wanted in a father. But if you want me to, I would love to be you dad,” Spencer’s voice broke as he spoke. 
Saeth burst into tears and rushed towards Spencer, giving him a hug. Spencer froze for a moment before quickly hugging his daughter back, his heart warming. Both of them felt a sense of relief and belonging at being accepted by their family.
Send in asks and requests here
Reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated :)
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drowsystarlight · 1 year
Tagging system notes
Hi welcome to my tumble! I will never make a side blog so you’re getting everything in this account . Yep . Here’s my tags so you can move around
#neeks draws for drawings
#neeks writes for fanfic writing
#neeks inbox for ask answers
#neeks does a talking for text posts or just, well, me rambling
#neeks rambles about zr for Zombies, Run! Text posts, talk, etc
#neeks rambles about se for the same thing as above except it’s about Soul Eater
#cosmic chaos (ocs) for oc posts, art, info, writing, etc
#universal rejects is for three specific ocs: Polaris, Saeth, and/or Enver
Untagged: reblogs basically
Fandoms: #soul eater, #zombies run
I’ll edit this if I start another tag 🫡
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alxndrlightwoods · 1 year
Fuck it okay I'm gonna be working on fic soon but NOT Shadowhunters. Tbh I wasn't planning to post them on this account but recently I've been getting the impression that yall would probably prefer to be able to find all my fics in one place.
Have a poll to solve this for me.
(If you're curious it's most likely mxtx + niche movies)
Yes obvs I'll post the name of my other account, it's Tetramorph. Most of the fics on there were written by people not me but tbh our writing styles aren't wildly different. The one Jalec fic was written by my sister, not me, I'm listed as author so I can monitor comments.
(No, Briallen and I weren't two members of a system, Briallen is an entirely different person. They have gotten out of SH mostly so it's mainly myself and my system on this account. I have 2 different shadowhunters/tmi introjects who are also interested in writing sh fic.)
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Sooooo… I’ve been not around and it’s thanks to health again. The medical poisoning that almost killed me a couple of years ago affected more than we thought and well Covid almost killed me in October too and I didn’t recover as good as I thought.
I’ve been struggling to work with shitty health care industry and insurance that doesn’t actually care about its patients and struggling with all that the symptoms and side effects that have been fucking me over with.
I’m also on more medication than my 80year old parents combined so that’s fun and been exhausting because I’m fairly delicate so the ‘may cause’ side effects tend to hit me
…a lot
@alxndrlightwoods has been really sick at the same time (all their disabilities and health issues also got worse after getting Covid) so any spoons I’ve had have been care taking for them, Nightshade and the rest of the House. I’ve barely been able to think let alone think about writing and it really fucking sucks. It also is incredibly hard to write when your partner is in so much pain and you can barely do anything to comfort them and barely anything to help.
I also have had a really bad year with accidents, cutting a finger tip off to the bone, and a fall that required an ambulance and had me unable to drive and experiencing side effects weeks later (I’m still struggling with some of them). My anxiety and agoraphobia are through the fucking roof after some truly horrendous social experiences and I’m at the point where even I can recognize the absurdity of some of my own paranoid delusions (that does not mean I can break them).
There’s been some other stuff but I feel like I’ve already hit TDLR. I’m kinda at a breaking point mentally tho which means I’m about to hit my limit of ‘not writing’. Because not taking the time or having the energy to write is pretty shit for my mental health and I miss it a lot. Also I just got off a med and we didn’t realize how much it was contributed to my brain fog and vertigo so, that’s some more awareness back!
Also Saeth is having an absolute fucking time of it going through withdrawals of a med that wasn’t helping enough (and weaning off this drug has been horrific for them and I hate that none of this or the awful side affects we didn’t know were attitudes to it were the last three years were mentioned when the dr suggested and prescribed it).
Uh actual TDLR:
Health and bodies are fucking bullshit. Saeth would like a refund on theirs and Lumine has the worst luck and is super clumsy.
Thank you to everyone who has sent any asks, reached out, asked how we are, said hi, left comments and just been here supporting me and the House. I really appreciate all of you and you remind me all the time of why I love writing so much.
🩵 Lumine
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You know what I rarely see? In the show after wooing Alec, Magnus is not shown as overly invested and it always appears as Alec reaching/apologizing/moving the pair along. Which was definitely a writing/directing choice. But what I’d like to prompt if it suits you, is Magnus being the one to apologize or to reassure Alec that he is important and not temporary-I’m team immortal but this convo certainly should happen. I liked the way you had Alec be angry in that prompt fill about his birthday and Magnus had to own up to that. If this isn’t your thing no big deal! Hope the weather is nice where you are and nightshade has enough pets and treats for the day!
i believe in 'no partner is perfect' and while i don't tend to write the angstier couple stuff 'i like my malec happy' i don't mind occasionally dipping my toes into partner angst (with an immortal happy ending)
this particular fic isn't about about immortality but it's about haing two people who have fundamentally different lifestyles having a miscommunication that devolves and while the argument is based on the show scene, it doesn't follow it perfectly. nor is the actual argument written. just the aftermath.
my thoughts are that magnus tries to spoil alec in season two still but it's more intimate and offscreen and he sort of in season 3a but magnus relies heavily n his magic to spoil alec and he kind of is spiraling all of season 3 tbh. they just really were sprinkling angst on malec like it was salt and they realized the show was bland.
all they did was get oversalted content which got salty fans, since they forgot to add actual herbs and spices.
it's a bloody hot day okay. i love the sun as much -nevermind apparently this is a lie-
so i don't hate the sun okay. i enjoy sunshine in specific environments. the sun is not a tyrant devoid of compassion.
anyways i live in a desert because its whats best for the people i love but give me mist and foggy days and give me winters of waist deep snow i can fall in. oceans so cold your lips go blue and rivers so deep and clear and still cold with melting ice.
if people are going to send me 8-10 feet to the bottom of the lake because they lost their electronics. it better be cold and clear. not warm and murky. (this has only happened 3 times but i have a preference).
So I made Say breakfast and nightshade breakfast and then I made @saeths breakfast a few hours later so i made an extra egg for nightshade to tempt him to eat another bowl of kibble.
so i fed nightshade twice and forgot to make any eggs for myself ^_^ so he is plenty spoiled (don't worry his egg was made without cheese and salt).
also the reason i'm awake is because he needed snuggles and after that he wanted to play in the pool and then i was too awake to bother
but that's our wednesday so far and i'm getting my work out of the way so i can focus on writing and house things.
<3 lumine
Magnus is ready with another quick retort when Alec’s face goes blank for a moment.
The argument fades from Magnus’ mind in an instant, because while this is the perfect moment to land another barb, the words die and his sentence stops, ending with a snide comment he doesn’t really mean.
“That’s fine Magnus.” Alec says and he’s not angry, which is worse. He sounds tired and yet professional. His manner restrained and placating in the way he does when he no longer has any fight left and he just wants to retreat and lick his wounds.
Wounds that Magnus caused.
“Alexander—” Magnus starts, because he didn’t intend to get so upset but Alexander just shakes his head.
“You’ve said your piece, Magnus. I get it.” Alexander sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he shuffles. “I messed up, again.”
Magnus winces, because he’s begun to feel more like a scolding mentor than a partner.
“I need to get to the Institute—” which makes sense, the argument started as they both got ready for their days. “I’ll—” and Alec hesitates and then shrugs, “I’ll see you tonight.”
Magnus waits until it’s dinner time and then portals to the Institute, already preparing words to once again explain that it’s not Alexander, it’s just not time yet.
He opens the door to the office without knocking and steps in.
“Alexander—” Magnus starts and then he hesitates.
Because for once, Alexander’s eyes don’t soften when they meet his. They remain cold, devoid of the warm ardor they normally contain but once again, without anger. Only an empty tiredness that Magnus longs to chase away.
“Do you have an appointment today, Magnus?” Alexander asks, setting down his pen and turning off his tablet with a sigh. Even upset Alexander will still give him his full attention and Magnus steps closer to the desk when Alexander continues, “because I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for a meal, or a conversation if it’s not official. So, if you don’t have an appointment, it needs to wait until I’m off.”
Alexander doesn’t mention coming home like he normally does, and Magnus suddenly misses it, with a deep lonely ache.
It also reminds Magnus that despite how often Alexander drops everything to join him, his boy is being worked to the ground and also driving himself to his limits in his pursuit of building a better Institute. Alexander is struggling to create ties between an Institute and local downworld leaders that would be revolutionary, with a sincerity that is unmatched by anything Magnus has ever seen.
Of course, he’s exhausted, and Magnus feels hollow now, remembering their fight all over again with a new clarity.
“No darling, it’s nothing official. I’ll see you tonight—” Magnus pauses, wanting to offer to summon Alec something to eat or drink, but it feels too much like an emotional bribe with how shuttered his boy is. Alexander nods and gives him the same perfunctory, polite smile he gives his siblings when he’s too exhausted to deal with them and doesn’t know what else to do.
It cuts Magnus to the heart to have that same expression directed at him, when he’s supposed to be safe for Alexander.
Magnus can’t handle the idea of reaching out only to be shied away from, so he runs from the possibility and instead summons a tiny flower to land by Alexander’s pen when the door shuts.
No one in the Institute seems to notice anything is wrong. Magnus gets a few strange looks, but he quickly realizes that it’s because everyone expected Alexander to be leaving with him, like his boy usually does.
Magnus feels cold and it’s with determination that he sends out an emergency message.
“I became stagnant in my old, single age.” Magnus bemoans, “I spent so long on my heartbreak that now, with a man I adore over every living being, I keep pushing him away.”
“Truth potion?” Catarina offers but Magnus shakes his head. Alexander deserves Magnus explaining this without the aid of something to help his thoughts form, even if it’s a trick Magnus has used continually and without remorse on himself.
This is different though because Magnus wants to become aware of what is wrong, not rely on a potion to figure it out.
“He wants to move in.” Magnus starts, about to launch into it when Cat laughs, interrupting him.
“What do you mean he wants to, he already has. Or did you just move him in on the sly and forget to ask him if he wanted to?”
“Cat—” Magnus says hesitantly, “he’s never moved in. He’s the one who brought it up. I told him no.”
Catarina pauses and then she sighs, and she summons her favorite, light summer beer and pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Start from the beginning, Magnus. I need details.”
Magnus does, realizing things that he missed as he’s explaining so many details that he just assumed and took for granted.
“I did wonder that the Loft hasn’t changed much. It seems more like Alec’s an addition to your things rather than his own person.”
It’s that comment that drives Magnus into a frenzy the moment he’s home.
Magnus doesn’t go overboard; Alexander wouldn’t want him to. Also springing this on his boy after the prior rejection will be too much like whiplash.
So, Magnus starts very small.
He finally creates the foyer he promised himself and Alexander he would make.
Alexander’s never pushed but Magnus remembers the tightening of his shoulders and the way Alexander will be too tired for anything but cuddles — rarely even hungry — after barrages of people through the loft.
The kitchen he only summons when Alexander asks, which is rare, so he makes it a permanent fixture and makes sure to hang an apron with little angel wings up. It’s with a pained smile that he sighs and wonders when he got so old that he forgot to enjoy life, and instead spent all his time focused on the past, just like Ragnor always warned him about.
Magnus doesn’t want to regret any time with Alexander, and he finds that he already does.
Not the time spent with his boy, but the time he could have focused on him more.
Magnus has spent so long protecting himself from losing Alexander, that he hasn’t noticed that he’s pushing him away, stopping him from coming too close.
Except Magnus has also bound him tightly.
Alexander sleeps more often in Magnus’ bed than his own. He’s rerouted his own schedule so he can take the last patrol before shift change, come to Magnus’ loft, write his report there and send it in, and be in bed for Magnus to return to.
Except for work, Alexander spends the majority of his daily life either in the loft, or with Magnus.
There are signs of him, all over the loft, but Magnus can’t look at a single piece and think, “Alexander picked that out.”
It aches in way that is almost visceral, because now that Alexander isn’t here, it’s only more obvious.
Magnus is chest deep in a drawer when he becomes aware of his boy stepping slowly into the bedroom.
“Is this a bad time?” Alexander’s tired voice asks. “I noticed there was a new door and tried to knock but the door just opened.”
Magnus wants to say something except he’s furious with himself and everything and the idea that Alexander saw a new door and knocked instead of walking right in, tears something in him.
They stare at each other for a moment, Magnus with his hands still wrist deep in the dimensional dresser, sure he’ll eventually find more than the sparse offering of Alexander’s clothes that he has.
“Where are all the clothes that you leave here?” Magnus asks instead of answering because he genuinely doesn’t know, “I was cleaning, and I couldn’t find them.”
Alexander sighs and Magnus just knows that he’s gearing himself up to — once again — explain to Magnus that it’s not about the clothes, before his boy visibly gets too tired. Instead, he just shrugs and potions to the paltry pile that Magnus has found.
“You have more than that!” Magnus exclaims, frustrated because he knows Alexander does. “That green shirt I got you that you loved. And those pants, the black ones with the umber stitching. The cream sweater I adore you in! That suit I had tailored for you in Milan and the other one in Hong Kong.”
Alexander sighs and he rubs a hand over his face, the stubble he normally shaves away in Magnus— in their bathroom, shadowing his face.
“Magnus, those don’t exist anymore.” Alexander doesn’t seem upset, if anything his face softens into an almost reluctant fondness, “you tend to vanish all the clothing you get me, some way or another. Mostly before fucking me. I tried to ask you one time where they went and you waved a hand and said, ‘another dimension, nothing to worry about’.”
“Surely that’s not all I said.” Magnus protests weakly.
“Well, you proceeded to fuck me unconscious so no, it wasn’t the last thing you said. But it was the last thing you said abut clothes.”
Magnus gives a flat chuckle and then sighs, snapping his fingers to clean up the mess.
“Have you eaten?”
“I figured I could grab something from the cafeteria when I head back. It’s fine.”
It most certainly is not fine, but Magnus doesn’t think coaxing Alexander into eating is going to work this time, which means that Magnus has accidentally undone weeks of effort.
Magnus doesn’t press, doesn’t remind Alexander that he can here. Or that, if by normal standards Alexander stays until he usually leaves Magnus, it would be the early evening of the next day.
“So, you were cleaning.”
Alexander is looking around, voice faltering but face devoid of actual emotions.
“I realized some things, after this afternoon.” Magnus admits slowly, “you’re the first person I opened my heart to, Alexander. In a very long time, I’ve told you that before.”
Normally, explaining things is easier but all Magnus can think is he’s not explaining it correctly.
“I know. But Magnus, you’re the first person I’ve ever opened my heart to.” Alexander interjects and he sounds raw and broken, like he’s been torn apart. “Doesn’t that get to mean anything too, to you? Because I don’t know what I’m doing, and you told me that there was nothing wrong with that. That I had nothing to feel ashamed about but now, it doesn’t feel like that.
"It feels like I can’t do anything right and I thought, I hoped something was coming together with us but now—” Alexander gives a heavy sigh and shrugs. “Now I don’t even know what I am to you anymore. Where do I belong, in your life Magnus? If you tell me where to fit, I’ll make it work.”
And that breaks Magnus’ heart, because Alexander was never meant to feel like he had to cut off pieces of himself to ensure Magnus loves him, that he has a place in Magnus’ life.
“Oh darling, beloved.” He murmurs and Alexander flinches, like it was a knife to his side. “You belong. The entirety of you. You belong in my bed because it’s no longer just my bed. How can I say it’s my bed when I lay in it without you and can’t sleep? When I reach for you in the night and can’t find you?” Magnus moves across the room with slow, purposeful steps and then reaches out to carefully — only because Alexander allows it — cups his face.
“Alexander, I have no excuses. My heart is old, and it is scarred and it is a wonder that you love me with all the cracks you’ve seen exposed. I don’t fear men or demons or angels, Alexander. I fear my heart being torn from my body and leaving me alive, an empty hollow cavern where it should be in the shape of you.
“I’ve always been too much, Alexander. I put my own fears on you, not that you deserved any of it, sweetheart. You’re right. I am your first relationship, and you grew up and live in a shadowhunter society. The relationships you've witnessed aren't similar to ours at all.
"You trust me to guide our relationship but I’m always encouraging you to ask me for things and you rarely do. I’m sorry, that you finally trusted me enough to ask me for something and that I broke that trust.”
And Alexander breaks, his eyes filling with tears and he coughs, scrubbing over his eyes because he hates being emotional during talks like these. As if Magnus will use the crystal sorrow streaking his face against him.
“I don’t understand.” Alexander murmurs against Magnus’ shoulder, “I thought this was already my home, here with you. I don’t know what I did wrong, I’m sorry Magnus.”
“Oh sayang.” Magnus whispers, eyes stinging because his heart is lanced every time Alexander apologizes. “You did nothing wrong. My heart was too scared to admit that you already were home for us, I pushed you away because I panicked. I’m sorry, my darling.”
Magnus is as tender and sincere as he can be, because he doesn’t want Alexander internalizing anything over this. Especially not when he realized that for Alexander, the loft already was home and he just wanted permission, for it to be official.
It’s endearing and sweet and Magnus presses a kiss to Alexander’s temple, softly and then harder when Alexander pushes into the caress.
"This is already your home. Where ever I am, will be your home." Magnus promises, "that will never change, my love. This is our space, for us to grow together and live together in.
Instead, Alexander tackles him to the bed and just lays there, pinning Magnus to the comforter as he snuggles into Magnus.
There is no answer, just a soft, exhausted snuffle and Magnus wonders how upset Alexander's been, thinking he was deprived of the home Magnus gave him.
He uses magic to change their clothing. More conversations and decisions can be made after rest and well, Alexander certainly isn't going anywhere and neither is Magnus.
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alexanderlightweight · 7 months
Hey, hoping you and your loved ones are doing well and that you are regaining your strength and health. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. This is me sending virtual hugs :)
Thank you!!!!
Anon this made me feel so much better about things recently I really appreciate you!
Also just; you and everyone on tumblr hs been so amazing and nice and understanding. I appreciate all of you, my ao3 has been getting a lot of commands about updates and I’m just… I want to update too! I write every day in my head. Im just typically wiped out after but I’ve stabilized enough in PT that we don’t have to do it as often. So i won’t be a turtle rolled on its back when I got home from it as much.
I got a lot sick due to being around a group of traveling, germ collecting niblings a few months ago. Since i hadn’t recovered from Covid (kept getting small illnesses). What followed was me finally getting into a few appointments I’d been waitlisted for months on. So I’ve been doing some hard core physical therapy and some other stuff to try and get my health back up.
@queensaryn aka Saeth’s fibro got fucked up with Covid and they’ve barely managed to leave the house twice a month (even just to sit in the car while I get groceries) but they’re also improving albeit slowly. We have to be careful with their goals and limits. Basically they have to be treated like an overripe peach or a plum blossom, or baby strawberries.
Very delicate.
The rest of the house recovered faster but they still have some long Covid symptoms like us and it’s been hard for everyone. Months past and sometimes one of us will still get taken by surprise when the lingering affects hit us.
But we’re getting better! Sorry if that seemed pessimistic, it’s been exhausting, but I’m definitely finally getting stronger. It does seem like every time I make two steps forward we find something else wrong and I go 1-3 steps back but after three years of fighting I’m getting help for some old injuries and damage.
Just last night I was plotting out a scene in ‘a craft of adoration’ that I can’t wait to actually type out. So thank you again for the encouragement, it makes me want to push through because I really love writing. And it’s a lot more encouraging then some very backhanded compliments and demands for updates on ao3.
Which tbf, they probs don’t know I’m sick and have been struggling but I’m already fighting so hard to get better that it gets discouraging. So thank you for lifting my spirits!
And thank you to everyone else who has sent me and the House well wishes if they happen to see this. My inbox is a little bursting rn with prompts so I tend to get distracted very easily when I try to look through it.
Sending virtual hugs back and lots of Nightshade cuddles!
I will say that the Abyss and Nightshade have both been incredibly cuddly since I got sick. Nightshade throws a tantrum if anyone in the House so much as sneezes. He is horrified by the thought of any one getting sick again
💜 lumine
39 notes · View notes
Omg could we get another part of maybe I’m the villain ? I love your writing!!
This is named ‘maybe I’m the villain’ because saeth said that magnus is delighted by the idea of being one of those villains with a pretty, soft cat on his lap.
thank you! ^_^ i hpe you enjoy!
— Alexander is shaking under his touch and he’s betrayed his own nature just by his response to Magnus’ own testing rumble.
Perhaps someone without the right knowledge would see Alexander’s large, silken ears and lush, thick tail and think his other form to be nothing other than to be a well-bred, competent housecat, but Magnus knows better.
Alexander is a born predator.
It’s just too bad that compared to Magnus, he is still only prey.
“These hunters the clave sent to me, do you know them personally?” Magnus asks and his voice is casual even as he releases Alec’s ears and summons a drink, his free hand falling to Alexander’s thigh.
Magnus rewards the instant honesty with his talons kneading Alexander’s leather clad muscles.
“Do you trust them to listen to you in the field, little shadowhunter?”
Alexander hesitates and then shakes his head.
“If you can’t trust them to follow your orders in the field, then why should I trust them to obey my laws?” Magnus asks and Alexander bites his own lip, using pain to force away the instant answer that undoubtedly would have set him against the clave, verbally at least. Magnus decides to be generous, feeling content with the weight of Alexander on his lap and how soft his ears were under Magnus’ fingertips and claws.
“I will allow them entry—” Magnus decides finally, “but their presence will be tolerated only for so long as you remain where you are. The moment you leave my lap, Alexander, their permission is rescinded and their presence will be a deceleration of war. While I may allow you some leeway in regards to the rest of demands, this one matter is non-negotiable or our deal ends here.”
“The clave expects me to lead them.”
“The clave expected you to negotiate with me.” Magnus cuts in, not about to play these little games when they both know better. “If they can’t be guaranteed to follow your orders then there is no guarantee they will protect you. If you die, kitten, then what is to stop them from claiming ignorance to whatever you and I agree on?”
— Alec knows Bane isn’t wrong.
That’s the thing.
He’s completely accurate in a way that would horrify the clave, simply because it means that Bane is much smart and better informed than they give him credit for. Which, in Alec’s opinion, is stupidity, hubris and hypocrisy at the finest.
If warlocks are the biggest threat as the clave says — and out of all downworlders and even more so than seelies, they are — then they should be taken seriously at all times and respected as the actual threat they are.
However Bane isn’t aware of all of the information — first, that this is being used more as a scare tactic and less of a warning and second, that the clave wants him alive to breed — and Alec is loath to share that information with anyone, but especially Bane.
“I agree.”
Alec’s murmured vow seals between them like a barbed arrow hooking into his heart.
“Are these shadowhunters as competent as yours?” Bane asks and Alec can barely understand him through the strength of the vow, but even he can hear the compliment in Bane’s tone. “Even I’ve noticed the difference in efficiency and talent in New York since you’ve taken charge.”
The praise is nearly too much with the vow still open and pulsing between them and Alec has to do something.
His hands reach out without permission and tangle in Bane’s open shirt and his thoughts swim as he tries to answer, to be honest, to be good, to earn more of the thick, honeyed words that slide down his spine like molten heat.
Alexander scoffs the word, listless as he blinks and tries to contain himself.
His ears are twitching languidly and his tail has slowly been curling closer as he himself settles more comfortably and heavily into Magnus’ lap. His fingers are long and calloused as they brush Magnus’ chest, seemingly unaware that he’s broken free the last three buttons of Magnus’ shirt.
“They’re Idris hunters.”
Magnus is told quietly, but no less judgmentally and that, Alexander seems to think, is enough of an explanation and perhaps it is.
“Then I can’t trust them not to die on my territory.” Magnus says with a sigh, “and that is a tedious amount of paperwork, kitten. Even as charming as you are.”
It’s not the truth, not really, but Magnus is ever hungry for more and he will take every bit that he can from Alexander. The praise — little as it was — seems to drape itself across Alexander and his tail curls around Magnus’ wrist delicately.
“A little death, in return for each that I have to deal with because of incompetence.”
Charmingly, Alexander seems to have no understanding of what Magnus means and Magnus is met with confusion.
“You want me to kill for you?” He asks, cautiously but not upset by the idea and Magnus wants to know who taught Alexander to so readily step into the role of a weapon.
“I want a far different pleasure than true death, kitten.” Magnus murmurs and he spreads his thighs just enough that Alexander falls closer to him and Magnus can shift his hips up to make his point clear. “For each death I suffer the tedium of paperwork for, you’ll pay me back with my pleasure.”
Pure shock followed by want and hesitation pour across Alexander’s face and Magnus croons deep in his chest even as he viciously yanks on the open vow between them.
It’s more of a whisper than anything but Magnus lets it go because Alexander is breathless from the weight of the vow as six promises ties themselves to him, waiting to be called.
“Good boy,” Magnus murmurs absently, pretending he wasn’t waiting to see the way Alexander reacted. To catalog how he shakes at the praise and surrenders more to Magnus.
“Allowing so many nephilim through my wards while still keeping them up is not how I intended on expending my energy tonight. Especially when there is no time frame for how long they'll take.” Magnus makes it an idle remark, instead of carefully calculated and he takes a sip of his drink and enjoys the feeling of Alexander’s tail unconsciously tightening on his wrist.
“Do you need my energy?” Alexander is quiet, sides still shaking even as his brow furrows and he tries to figure out how to get ahead of Magnus this time.
As absolutely tempting of an offer as it is, that will be saved for another time.
Tonight, Magnus wants to play.
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Hope your moving is going swimmingly! I am also moving soon and already stressed l. Plus work so 😬. So my request is something soothing, where Magnus and Alec are just having a lovely time. Verse of your choice
i mean, it happened and it's now past the hardest part! tbh it was stressful and super hot — twas 115ish — but the worst part is now over! Nightshade and the Abyss love the new place and the Abyss is having fun trying to assert her authority over the house — she’s tiny, it’s not going as she planned. however she is about 1/10 of Nightshade’s weight and size and she spent the first night taunting him, teasing him and smacking him with sheathed paws every time he gave in to her meowing at him. 
she likes to wait until nightshade is sleeping and then she sneaks up on him and meows at him until he wakes up and then he goes to say hi, she smacks him and then runs so he’ll chase her so he can get in trouble and so she can smack him again. he’a still really young but he’s trying so hard to be friends with her and she’s older and has no interest in actually playing with a puppy — just bullying him. she’s the stereotype of a cat who goes ‘mwahaha’ while blaming the dog for things.
btw Nightshade’s reaction is legit to just upset zoomie or shake a toy at her and cry after she hits him.
they both got in trouble for those shenanigans btw (the running in the kitchen)
moving is incredibly taxing, mentally and physically so take care of yourself! be safe <3 remember that it’s okay and necessary to take breaks and hydrate lots! 
also just so it's known in general, things will be a bit odd even with the move finishing up because my laptop got damaged pretty badly during the move and we don't know if it's salvageable yet. so i'm using my phone and saeth's when they're not using it for writing themselves.
this is in the 'petals vs' and i hope you find it soothing because i did but if not, just let me know cause everyone finds different vibes comforting! good luck on your move! let me know how it goes? i hope it is as stress free as possible and nothing breaks!
<3 lumine
Magnus adds two streaks of purple to his hair and one of mauve before he holds up of a sprig of wisteria, making sure that the colors match. They do and it’s with pleasure that Magnus puts in two — magically crystallized and grown — dangling earrings created from the same flowers that Alexander is going to wear.
It’s a simple night out and Magnus is in the mood for the quiet intimacy of a long walk with his beloved. 
They don’t necessarily need to dress up for what will essentially be a trek through a hidden grove, but both of them like to indulge both each other and themselves. 
“Alexander—” Magnus calls as he finishes the last touches of his craft and when he turns, it’s to find his darling watching him with soft, adoring eyes. 
Magnus manages to last an entire half-a-second before he’s crossing the room and rubbing his palms down Alexander’s shoulders and then kissing his cheek. 
“You look better.” He finally lets himself say, drinking in the sight that is a well-rested, fully healed Alexander. A kiss is pressed to his jaw and then his mouth, lips lingering with a subtle intensity that lingers almost wistfully. 
“You too, you have enough energy for this trip, right?” He’s asked carefully and Magnus can’t help his smile.
Alexander isn’t being doubtful, he’s being earnestly sweet and Magnus lingers in the languid feeling of being cared for. The last three nights have been full of portals and magic and healing and — while Alexander hunted down the ingredients needed and sharing strength — it’s Magnus who has been expending all of his energy and energy to the very brink. 
Well, Magnus and half a dozen other warlocks but only he and Cat worked the three days continuously. 
They were the only ones who could.
“I’m fine sweetheart. All I needed was a night of rest and you, safe in my arms.”
“I still think you should have let me give you a massage last night.” Alexander murmurs with a pout and Magnus laughs, pressing his fingertips to Alexander’s mouth in a gentle kiss.
“It either would have turned into something neither of us had the energy for, or you would have fallen asleep half on top of me, darling.” Magnus can’t help how soft his tone goes, “we were both spent, Alexander. You’re the only reason Cat didn’t insist on coming home with me, normally she puts her foot down when we encounter a disease like this.” Magnus winks, “she doesn’t normally trust me not to try and immediately research how it happened. However she trusts that you’re a sufficient distraction.”
“Still—” is all Alexander says, a deep yearning in his voice, “you deserve to be taken care of. Especially with how much you take care of everyone else.”
“You’ll find I take plenty care of myself, especially when I’m given a good reason to.” Magnus gives a playful smirk because Alexander knows that he’s the reason Magnus is alluding to and his boy laughs, tender and sweet and Magnus aches with it.  
“Then I’ll need to find a way to stick around then, just to make sure.” 
Magnus’ breathe hitches with want, because they’ve slowly been talking about this and Magnus can’t deny Alexander’s sincerity anymore.  No one who goes to talk to the Council of Elders and some of the oldest members of the shadowworld — who requested and paid the costs of asking to feel some of the best and worst emotions associated with immortality — is insincere. 
Alexander means it.
His devotion is steadfast and his love unwavering, his trust all encompassing when it comes to Magnus and Magnus feels both ravenous and also hesitant. 
Yet how can he disrespect the adoration and devotion that he’s invoked by merely being himself, when Alexander is so guileless about it. When Alexander has made lists of places he wants to visit with Magnus, the greenhouses and gardens he wants to tend to himself when he’s retired, the fact that Alexander wants to retire.
That his beloved wants to leave the clave better than before, but leave it all the same. The day when he will step away from the burdens and responsibilities of his people and family and belong wholly to himself and to Magnus.
Alexander wants to learn and study and travel and love but he wants to only do it with Magnus and that is a treasure Magnus never realized he’d been taught could never be his. Yet to dismiss it would be to invalidate the love given him and well, Magnus would be both cruel and a fool to do that. 
And while sometimes in his long life, Magnus knows he’s been both — though rarely at the same time. It would take an act of befuddlement from his own father for Magnus to act foolishly or cruel with something so delicate concerning both Alexander’s and his own heart.
“I suppose we will.” Magnus murmurs and he summons the flower crown to his hands and gently places it on Alexander’s brow. He admires how the lavender and mauve petals look against Alexander’s features and then he blinks.
Wisteria means many things but the colors Alexander asked for, the type of flower that he normally lets Magnus pick… they mean things.
Devotion that can transcend even death. 
Longevity which implies immortality, though all things can die no matter how long they’ve lived.
“You’re a sly man when you want to be, Alexander.” Magnus murmurs, voice unrepentantly indulgent as Alexander smirks at him. There is a pleased turn to his lips and his eyes gleam with both relief and love and Magnus wants to disappear with him for at least a week.
There’s a cottage in the grove.
Nothing too elaborate but comfortable enough — Ragnor would never have helped maintain it otherwise — and it’s the perfect place for a simple weekend of intimacy. Magnus can teach Alexander to fish as he learned as a boy and he can watch Alexander with amusement when his darling shadowhunter shows off and shoots the fish with arrows and then dives for them. 
Apparently, it was quite a habit for Alexander to go to the ocean in the dead of night with his runes activated, unseen by mundanes as he practiced hunting by shooting fish and then diving for them. 
They can replant the small garden around the cottage and Magnus can teach and show Alexander some of the hybrids he and Cat and Ragnor have created and tended to over the centuries. 
“Sometimes, my love—” and Magnus pauses, adding another layer of protective magic to both Alexander and his crown, “I cannot understand how we came to be.”
Alexander understands him, if the sudden sheen to his eyes means anything.
They’ve both been horribly broken by life and shattered by people supposed to love them yet somehow,despite all the odds they found and have kept and fought for each other.
It’s a beautiful but daunting mystery and one Magnus never needs solved. 
After all, no matter how or why they met, it’s the two of them alone that have made this work.
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Hi, hope both of you are doing great. This is for Writing Wednesday. Can you write where Alec is the Trueblood heir because he has some sort of Family gift, like sentient hadow wielding? Sentient shadows that are VERY attached to Magnus because they feel safe around him or something? Always felt that it was a damn shame the series never delved more into this other than the Fairchild's
Also because I forgot in my effort to post before I ran out of energy but you’re so sweet so an answer!
We are both doing good! Just tired and a little sore from keeping up with a puppy. Nightshade is very uh… emotional and he punished @saeths because I woke up to give the puppy kisses when Nightshade asked and saeth pushed him away so we have a very grumpy pup that is only angry with saeth. So when saeth woke up to take meds, Nightshade decided to tap dance on their body and then try and eat their toes in revenge for being ignored. Mind you, he’s ten months so he’s still learning manners but boy his little toe beans know exactly where to poke to cause the most pain.
And then Saeth crashed again and Nightshade went into the bathroom to cry in the tub and now he’s outside ‘guarding the house with his favorite stuffie’ and sulking.
(Btw, Nightshades preferred method of waking someone up is getting on the bed and staring at them until the sheer panic of being stared at hits your instincts and you wake up… though that might just be me since it never works on saeth, they just push him away while I give Nightshade kisses and end up getting my face washed)
okay so this might be my last fill for the night because this was quite a bit heavier than i expected to go but like. it went far different than what i'd planned so i hope you like it and uh. warning for shitty lightwood parenting (child abuse)
this is gonna need a second or third and possibly fourth chapter and i love your prompt anon, i really do. but everyone keeps giving me these glorious ideas that turn into wips and i just. you all are on point with the prompts. this is like the 10th one thats turned into a two shot or more
oh also baby alec
Alec knows he’s the Lightwood heir. It’s why his parents married, to bring new blood into the Lightwood lineage and while the Trueblood’s had once been just as powerful, their powers had faded through the centuries.
Alec is supposed to be the culmination of two ancient bloodlines. Born of a bridal sacrifice from a marriage between an already diminished bloodline to the fading Lightwood house.
And it works. 
Just not in the way anyone thinks of hopes.
Alec is seven the first time he’s struck for no reason. It’s not training, it’s not sparring, it’s not anything except he disappointed his parents.
He feels cold after, the pain fading but the betrayal lingering and the next day, he feels dazed. Like the world is a new place and he is rediscovering it. 
Alec doesn’t show his face all day. Not to anyone, even Izzy and especially not to his parents.
He ignores when they finally notice he’s missing, screaming and calling him until they upgrade to threats. He doesn’t notice the disturbed looks being sent at his parents, or the concern that is growing as Alec continues not to be found.
Alec stays hidden, alone and sustained by the shadows until he feels strong enough to face them. He doesn’t know what he looks like, when he crawls out of a hidden alcove and takes the shadows to the observation room. 
His mother looks pale, almost frail when he sees her and he doesn’t really get it. She doesn’t look as scary now, as when her palm had connected with his cheek. It’s the same with his father, from the glimpses he’s seen, the man looking smaller, not as tall and menacing as he did when he’d cuffed both of Alec’s ears and yelled at him for an over for forgetting an answer the same day mother struck him. 
Of the two, it’s his mother he’s willing to face first because even if she struck first, her blow was the softer of the two so he steps out of the shadows and speaks for the first time in longer than he knows has passed.
Maryse turns, relief flooding her even as anger fights to overwhelm it. 
It’s been nine days.  Nine days since her heir, her son — the very reason for her marriage has been missing — and Maryse doesn’t understand how or why he disappeared.  She turns, ready to berate him, to scold him, to make him understand that whatever happened is unacceptable and can’t happen again. Because she has to make him know he can’t ever disappear like he did again, and then she’ll take him to her private quarters and hold him close in a way she hasn’t allowed herself since Izzy was born.
But when she turns to look at him, words already formed on the tip of her tongue, she can’t.
Because her son is truly her son, she realizes as she shakes and grips the railing and tries not to wail.
The son in front of her is not the heir she birthed, nor the heir she was married to Robert for.
The son that is in front of her is a Trueblood heir, through and through and Maryse’s soul aches with the loss she knows she’s been dealt.
Because Alec doesn’t trust her.
Maryse understands that in an instant. Can tell by the way that shadows flicker around him and dance at his feet, daring her to come close enough for them to strike.
“Alec—” she whispers and ignoring all the shadowhunters watching her, she carefully slips out of her heels and gets on her knees. “Hi baby.” She says, just as quietly but Alec doesn’t react, like he doesn’t understand the meaning of the endearment. In that moment, Maryse feels more hollow than when she realized she wouldn’t survive the Circle, that her heir and unborn baby wouldn’t survive Valentine.
Because Alec is looking at her like she’s the monster he needs to hunt, to watch for, to be wary of, to kill.
And Maryse can’t remember the last time she was soft enough to him for him to trust her, what words or gestures will bring him back to her and not further away.
He tilts his head, beautiful hazel eyes hidden behind the darkness of shadows and watches her like a predator watches a possible opponent. 
“I’ll be in my room, mother,” he says and he nods like he’s a shadowhunter giving a report. Like he’s telling his commander his whereabouts and not his mother who has been missing and grieving him for over a week.
“Alec,” she calls after him hesitantly, forcing herself not to follow him. “Baby—” she tries again to no avail, “have you eaten? Have you drank anything?” 
Because Maryse hasn’t let herself worry about her son, her first baby, and now she sees his wane face and she wonders if it was less because she was focused on finding him, or if it was because it was easier not to care about him. 
“I take care of myself.” Alec says, his little voice too young and high for how cold it is and he refuses to turn his back to her as he walks past. “You taught me that.”
And Maryse barely manages to wait until he leaves hearing range before she’s covering her face with her hands and screaming in anger and rage and pain. When she’s hoarse and exhausted she gets herself up, slips her shoes back on and turns her face as cold as adamas and goes to find her husband.  When she sees Robert and she knows he’s heard that Alec’s reappeared and she notices that just like her, his first reaction is anger, not relief. 
And maybe, it would make her a better wife, to warn him of what he’ll find when he ignores her suggestions to wait until Alec approaches him. But their relationship has never been about spousal support beyond that of respect and politics. So she follows, at a distance and while she’s prepared for a lot when he finally enters Alec’s room and she stays outside, she’s not prepared for Robert’s angry bellow and then a vicious, loud crack.
She runs in, hand on her blade and fearing the worst but it’s both less and more awful than she thought. 
She realizes, as she makes it through the door that she thought it would be Alec, lying on the floor and it sickens her, to realize some part of her had expected and allowed Robert to go after him in violence. 
It’s not though. It’s Robert, eyes dull with pain and his breathing heavy and he’s lying in a broken heap. 
His spine has been shattered, in a multitude of places, Maryse has seen similar injuries during her time in the Circle, but even then she’s never seen any so brutal. 
Alec, her baby is watching her though, eyes just as cold as earlier but something more dangerous in them and she realizes he thinks she’s about to attack him too. She lets go of her hilt and unstraps it’s sheath, letting it fall to the floor and she drops her stele too. Then she takes off her shoes like she did when he reappeared and she realized everything had gone wrong, so she’s closer to him.
“Are you okay, baby?” She asks, soft as she can and then she wails internally when Alec looks at her with even more suspicion. “It’s okay, Alec. You did good okay, you protected yourself and the—” Maryse swallows, her mouth suddenly dry, “the shadows protected you too. Just like a Trueblood, my blood.” Because she needs to connect with him quickly, before she loses him forever.
“If you hit me again.” Alec says and Maryse wants to cry at the fact that it’s again, that she didn’t even realize it had ever happened. “You won’t have a hand to hit me with anymore.” And he shrugs, “they say so.”
Around him the shadows writhe around in possessive, covetous agreement and Maryse remembers the stories of her family. The ones that were spoken of less and less as their powers diminished. 
“I won’t, Alec. I won’t and if I do, then that’s your right. Their right to protect you. Even if it’s from me.” Especially if it’s from her because those shadows recognize blood and they’re furious with her. Maryse can feel it in the slight echo of resonance that if she doesn’t prove herself. They will kill her and raise Alec themselves, like they’ve done for so many Truebloods orphaned by war. 
“You didn’t react like him. When I came back, I thought you would.”
And Maryse wants her little boy back. The one who promised to protect his baby sister and to be a good hunter and who followed Maryse around like a little shadow.
He was always meant to be a Trueblood, she realizes mournfully and she reaches out a hand, letting it be coated by shadows that could rip it off as easily as she breathes. Hesitantly, more for Alec’s sake than her own fear, she presses her fingers to his tiny face and wonders how she ever could have hit him.
“I’m here, okay Alec. I’m here and I’m sorry.” Because she is and it’s not enough, not with the way he still is wary but that’s okay. He doesn’t have to forgive her, ever. He just has to let her stay, let her try. “Come with me, baby?” She begs, “we can light the fire in my room. Give the shadows plenty of room to dance in, you can tell me how they feel and I’ll tell you stories, okay? Of where they’re from—” her lip wobbles as he nods, a little tiny movement she feels against her palm more than sees. 
“Okay, okay. Just, let's go okay? I’ll have someone else deal with your—” and she pauses when Alec bristles, “with Robert. Okay?” 
He relaxes a bit then and when Maryse steps past her shoes and sword and stele and into the hallway and holds out her hand, he follows, the shadows pulling up her stele to drop into his tiny grip.
“We’ll need it. To call for cleanup.” He says, calculated and callous and sounding so much like her and Maryse realizes how blind she’s been. Because becoming like her is never what she wanted for her children, especially not her firstborn who loved so eagerly and trusted so wholly. 
— and she broke that, her and Robert and it may never be fixed and they’ll have to live with that, she’ll have to live with that — 
Alec keeps a hold of it, even as his tiny, too-thin fingers take her hand and Maryse doesn’t care how much pain Robert is in. He can suffer until Maryse first gets Alec secured and fed and if someone hasn’t found him by then, then she’ll call him aid.
He won’t die from a broken spine.
Valentine’s nephilim victims never did, not until he wanted them to.
They walk slowly, and Maryse gives the first shadowhunter she sees a warning look and they nod and it’s the last of her hunters that they see.
Alec seems to relax the further they get from Robert and Izzy is sleeping in Robert’s room and Maryse doesn’t know how Alec will react to going in there, so she leaves Izzy safe where she is.
The fire is easy to light even without a stele, because Alec won’t give it up yet and Maryse doesn’t want him to risk using it so young and with his Trueblood newly awakened. 
The shadows dance and writhe with contentment and Alec relaxes the longer they play.
“I’m not the Lightwood heir anymore, am I?” Alec asks and he sounds less cold and more confused and Maryse watches with her heart in her mouth as he finally picks up a glass and she could weep when he finally, finally takes a sip of water.
He seems surprised by how thirsty he is and Maryse wishes she needed to tell him to drink slowly but it seems he already knows, drinking half the glass with careful sips and then setting it down. Even though it’s clear he wants to pick it back up and finish it off. 
“No, you’re the Trueblood heir, my heir.” She tells him because she needs that claim to him before it rips away.
“But you’re not a Trueblood anymore.” 
And it’s just a statement, but it hits harder than a blow and Maryse takes a deep, centering breath.
“Well, I will be.” Maryse says and she knows it’s true the moment she says it. “You’re father and I are going to break our union. He still has an heir, Izzy and now I have one as well.” And because Alec still looks confused she reaches out and very carefully, brushes his hair out of his eyes. “We didn’t marry for love,” and with a sinking suspiciounn when Alec doesn’t even blink she adds, “but you know that.” 
And he nods and says, “you married and had me because you were told to.”
He says it so matter-of-fact, like he isn’t breaking Maryse’s heart the way she must have broken her son’s. And then a terribly, heart-wrenching thought slithers into her mind.
 “Alec, do you think?” And Maryse’s heart hurts to even voice it aloud, “do you think you were born for duty? And Izzy for love?”
Alec shrugs and in the comfort of his shadows, he gives in and swings his little feet on the too-tall chair.
It’s adorable and Maryse vaguely remembers scolding him the last time she’d seen it.
“You had me for politics. Izzy could’ve been a spare, but you told me I had to protect her. That she was special and precious and needed to be kept safe above all else, including me. So I figured she must have been made for love.”
Maryse is crying, she realizes, silent tears rolling down her cheeks as she wonders how she and Robert broke apart their family so very completely, in that Alec’s original pure devotion to his sister has turned into a self-sacrificial mantra based on her and Robert’s failures. 
Because Izzy was hope and love. She was an attempt to renew a broken relationship and an excuse to leave the Circle and she was so innocent, when Alec was already becoming jaded from the world around him. She wants to deny it but she can’t and she rattles out a shaking breath, because she’s going to fix this.
Somehow, soon, she’s going to fix this. Even if she has to break apart herself, and Robert and her own world.
“I’m going to take care of this, all of it. I’ll fix it okay. What do you want, baby? What do you want me to do?” And Maryse is being cruel, asking Alec to help her help him but she doesn’t know what her son wants, what his dreams are, or if he has any.
“Can we stay here?” He asks finally, “the angelic core is really nice and the shadows like it. I think it likes me too.” And oh, if Maryse doesn’t shudder to hear that, if she doesn’t swear the clave will never know how precious her child is, “I don’t want to leave. I don’t want him here either.”
“Then I’ll make it happen. If, if Robert goes, Izzy might go with him.” Maryse 
“So I’ll be here by myself?” He asks, and he seems a little disappointed but not surprised and MAryse shakes her head fiercely. 
“No, alec. It will be you and me here, and we’ll visit Izzy.”
“You won’t go with Izzy?” He asks, like he’s surprised staying with him is even an option. “No baby, she’s Robert’s heir now and while I love her.” Alec doesn’t seem surprised by that, but his eyes light up in surprise and awe when she says, “but I love you too, baby. And you’re my heir now, that means you’re my priority, and she’s his.”
Because Maryse is the only parent who can protect and love Alec left, Alec has effectively cut himself off from the Lightwood line and disowned Robert as his parent. 
“I’m your priority?” He asks, like he’s never heard anything so wondrous in his life and Maryse leans over and doesn’t care if her bones are broken or her flesh is torn as she carefully, like she’s embracing something as delicate as a butterfly's wing, wraps her arms around her son.
“Yes, Alec. You’re my priority, my Trueblood baby, even the clave won’t argue with your shadows, Alec. I love you and I’m going to keep you safe now.”
Because she hadn’t before. 
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Hi! How are you and saeths today? And adorable Nightshade?
I love your writing!
My prompt is reuniting, perhaps after quite a bit?
hey! we are both doing good if a bit tired. something in the yard is spooking Nightshade at night and so he's been practicing his 'big adult dog bark' while hiding by the bed which means less sleep.
so i hope you like this because it is definitely reuniting. it's just a little different
this is a part of the stray-cat alec verse i'm finally writing. which has a pwp au on ao3
my, what big paws you have is the title. saeth named it
thank you! and it's a lovely prompt
<3 lumine
Magnus stares at the shadowhunter on his balcony, both shocked and a little alarmed at the fact that not only did his wards not keep the intruder out, but they also aren’t registering him as a threat. An unannounced, unidentified and uninvited shadowhunter is on Magnus’ balcony near the heart of his lair and his magic is unworried. The only reason Magnus doesn’t blast him out of there instantly, is that the magic is buzzing almost fondly and the shadowhunter is sitting on the floor covered in the alley cats that come up for food.
Magnus takes a deep breath, changes his outfit and summons a few battle rings and then steps out onto his balcony. The shadowhunter notices his approach, Magnus knows he must have, but he remains calm and relaxed, petting the cats before he looks up.
Magnus’ breath catches at the same time his heart stutters and an unbearably ache of longing tugs at him.
“Hi Magnus.” He’s told, something unimaginably and dauntingly soft in the man’s voice. He’s clearly tall with how much of his long legs are splayed out and devastatingly handsome with stubble on his face and one eye a cloudy, dull silver that Magnus recognizes as the work of a curse. There’s a cut through his eyebrow, down the eyelid when his lashes flutter shut, and to the top of his cheek.  He’s dangerous yet soft and he’s looking at Magnus like Magnus is his entire world and he’s been gone for a very long time.
Magnus swallows, suddenly understanding that something far more than just an intruder is happening here.
“Hello—” he allows, lowering his voice from the boom he was going to project into something soothing and deep. “Will you tell me your name as well, or have you come to linger like one of Brooklyn’s stray cats.”
There’s a moment of almost surprise and then the shadowhunter gives a rueful laugh and slowly — out of clear consideration for Magnus — untangles a hand from the cats and runs it through his hair. Magnus feels a vicious spike of jealousy, as if his hand wishes it were the one to do such a thing and he pushes it down, shocked.
“Alexander, Magnus. For you, it will always be Alexander.”
Magnus feels a weight to those words but before anything else can happen, his wards flood with annoyance as another nephilim presence is picked up.
Magnus turns, because his stray shadowhunter is clearly not a threat but the one at his door is at the very least an annoyance. Magnus has no patience for that and the anger that was diffused at the sight of a soft smile flares back up.
Magnus opens his door with a scowl and glares at the figures on his doorstep.
“Sir!” The shadowhunter says and Magnus blinks, startled because the shadowhunter is addressing him. It’s not a title Magnus is used to from shadowhunters but he nods, face still unimpressed as he raises a brow. There is a haggard looking warlock behind her and when Magnus flicks him an accusing gaze, the warlock smirks and mouths back “she paid so much” and then they portal away, which well then, that’s fair.
“By any chance have you possibly seen—” and the shadowhunter trails off, looking miserable as if she doesn’t know how to explain what they want to ask. “What I mean to say is, if you be any chance see this shadowhunter—” she holds out a picture of Alexander. “Would you please let the Institute know? You’ll be paid of course! And we’ll send someone to figure out—” the shadowhunter winces, paling, “I mean retrieve him back.”
“Oh? Is he some sort of criminal?” Magnus asks, amused because he could honestly care less depending on the laws broken.
“What? No! He’s the commander!” The shadowhunter blurts out, absolutely appalled and with a starry-eyed hero worship Magnus didn’t know could exist in shadowhunters.  “But the clave keeps sending envoys and messages about his paperwork being overdue and Mirai doesn’t know where he put his tablet. We thought he was in the greenhouse but then we realized no one had seen him in hours and anyone who listens knows he’d come—” and the shadowhunter cuts herself off.
Magnus feels blank with shock that comes from an unexpected torrent of information. He’s also trying to figure out how a nephilim commander ended up on his balcony like a stray kitten when there is a sigh behind him.
Apparently, Magnus’ magic is truly enchanted, because Alexander was allowed to pass through the loft and he’s now behind Magnus with a weary, unimpressed look on his face.
“Sir!” the shadowhunter says and she looks like she’s about to cry or throw herself at her Commander in an attempt to try and physically haul him back with her. “Commander, Mirai would like to inform you that she desperately needs you to come back.”
“She only needs my signature.” Alexander says with a sigh, “and she knows how to forge it. I’ll simply add my rune once she’s done, she knows I trust her.”
“Commander!  You can’t say things like that outside of the Institute.” The shadowhunter begs and she’s very clearly at the end of her rope. Magnus would almost feel enough pity to help her except he’s too intrigued by Alexander and delighted by his attitude. Especially when it’s clear this is a normal routine for Alexander.
“I can say whatever I’d like, wherever I like.” Alexander retorts, “unless it makes Magnus uncomfortable or sad.”
Magnus blinks, stunned by the randomness of the statement and the sincerity it holds and he’s even more shocked by how unsurprised the shadowhunter is.
“Commander, please. It’s only been three months since we got you back. Please sir, come back to the Institute.” There is almost what look like desperation in the shadowhunter’s eyes and Alexander sighs before he reaches out and pats the hunter on the head very carefully.
“I’ll come back with you.” He allows, as if it’s a deeply unfortunate concession and the hunter looks relieved. “Magnus, I’ll see you soon?” It’s phrased like a question but Magnus knows with a soul deep certainty that it’s a promise and it’s only out of consideration for him that Alexander is saying what he is.
“Anytime you’d like.”
Slips out of his mouth before he can help it and, feeling rather coy and devious he ignores the suddenly miserable look on their third wheel’s face. Magic sparks from his finger and while the hunter flinches back, Magnus pays her no mind.  Not when Alexander steps closer, his body between Magnus and the hunter and he shoots his hunter a disappointed look that has her face falling. 
Alexander just leans forward and Magnus thinks his shadowhunter is going to be bold and brush his cheek to Magnus’ fingers.  Instead, Alexander smiles at him, something soft and wondrous and so deep that Magnus doesn’t understand it. Then, plush lips brush over the magic and a kiss is pressed to the pads of Magnus’ fingers.
“I’ll see you as soon as I can, then.”
a hint for everyone curious
magnus has never met alec. this is his absolute first time meeting him. this is not a 'magnus removed his memories fic' or anything like that.
this is magnus is going wtf why do i have a stray shadowhunter among my cats? and then going 'i dont actually care and he can come back'
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I know I'm early for your Wednesday Writing, but I just got this prompt idea and I didn't want to forget it!
Time Travelling Alec who ends up back before Clary arrives. Alec could solve everything before it starts, but his main goal is to woo the fuck out of Magnus. Cue a confused but smitten Magnus who has this handsome Shadowhunter spoiling him for no reason?
here we go! i hope you enjoy it. saeth and i were talking and we both agreed that an alec who went back in time wouldn't be able to stop himself from going straight to magnus
<3 lumine
Magnus thinks nothing of it when a shadowhunter enters his club, at least until the shadowhunter approaches him. It’s with derision that Magnus means to look at him and send him away, and instead Magnus is fascinated.
His shadowhunter is staring at Magnus with something close to reverence and he looks lost, like something broke him and he thinks Magnus is what will fix him.
It’s with a wave of his hand that Magnus sends away his entourage and he crooks his fingers.  His shadowhunter stumbles to him and then, he keeps coming. Magnus has a lapful of tall, runed muscles that constrict around him like a boa might before he even realizes what’s happening.
“Magnus—” is murmured like a prayer into his neck and his shadowhunter shakes against him, holding Magnus like he’s terrified he’ll be forced away.
“What do you need, angel?” Magnus teases, voice hoarse as he holds his nephilim close and wonders what new trap this is.
“Take me home Magnus?”
It’s a ridiculous request but Magnus does it. He portals them to his bed and wraps around the shadowhunter who falls asleep staring at Magnus, hands tightly holding onto him.
Magnus barely waits until he’s fallen asleep before he slips into his shadowhunter’s dreams. It’s with growing disbelief that he watches a few years play out before it’s lost, in the blink of an eye.
“Oh, is that how it is?” Magnus murmurs, because Alexander’s memories shouldn’t still exist but they’re protected, by a magic that Magnus’ recognizes as a more potent form of his own.
It’s with curiosity that he examines the gift he’s been given. While Alexander interests him, Magnus is honestly more intent on figuring out what the little trails of magic throughout his body are.
They’re not natural and they react to Magnus. It’s without actually considering that it will work, that Magus sends a spark of his own magic into the network of energy.
Immediately Alexander’s body lights up, every bit of him reaching out to Magnus.
It’s with shaking hands that Magnus bends down and presses his lips over Alexander’s heart. He thought his older self to be silly, to care for a nephilim so much but Magnus understands now the devotion under him.
Alexander wakes up slowly, reaching out carefully and gently as he waits for Magnus to accept or deny his touch.
“I gave myself a little boost from your core. No memories, Alexander.” Magnus tells him, unable to not immediately dash any possible hope Alexander might have. The years Alexander had with a version of Magnus he’ll never be are gone and Magnus won’t begrudge him them, but he won’t lie to Alexander about who he is.
“Then you harvested it safely?”
“You knew it was there?” Magnus marvels, because those were shards of hellfire stored in an angelic core and preserved despite the glacial grasp of Alexander’s grace.
“Of course.” Alexander murmurs, “we planned it out for ages, how to connect it to me instead of Edom, just in case. I’m glad you got it, it’s more important than memories could be, Magnus.”
Magnus is surprised but Alec just smiles wanly at him and shakes his head, “you can’t fight Valentine, Lilith or Asmodeus with only memories Magnus. Your safety will always be my priority.” There’s something sad there in his gaze and Magnus snaps his fingers, aching for a distraction and summoning them food.
“We’ll figure this out just fine.” Magnus promises, because even if Alexander weren’t interesting and intriguing, Magnus can feel him now, still connected to the magick Magnus now wields.
There is no way that Magnus will be able to give him up, so now there is only to keep him.
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Wednesdays make me think of you. Are you guys feeling any better?
I’m going home today!
I’ve been with family since going to urgent care because I ended up needing more care (I’ve been on a lot of medicines and treatments) than the House could handle and I’ve been in pretty strict isolation
I still have to be careful of my lungs and I’m not recovered but I’m well enough to go home which, is just a giant relief tbh. I miss @saryn-prime and nightshade a lot.
The rest of the House too but I spend the most time with them and Nightshade is my baby and Saeth has to call me on the phone so I can talk to him everyday or he throws epic barking tantrums.
Apparently every time they call me, Nightshade settles immediately and ends up falling asleep to my voice.
It will be a while before I can safely leave the house. I’m already immune compromised and this tanked what little defenses I’ve built up.
Like, I’ve been told by my doctors for years to always weigh how sick I am against the risk of hospitals because I have a bad habit of going to the hospital for one thing and coming out with two others on top of it. I’m just talented like that (it’s not a talent it’s a curse).
I’ve been too weak and out of it do even watch a show let alone write so I’m hoping that being home will be good for me.
Saeth has been recovering as well, they’re just really really tired and sore and their cough is lingering. They’ve been sleeping as much as possible when not coughing to try and heal. Which is exactly what they should be doing!
But they miss me too and are happy I’m coming home finally.
Thank you so much for checking in! It’s very sweet and I am getting better!!!
💜 lumine
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Any writing with short!Alec? I can imagine Magnus introducing Alec to his friends and they’re like ‘is this a joke? Is he invisible? Have you finally lost it?’ And Alec just steps out from behind him and completely fucks them up while Magnus watches with adoration.
i really love show malec and so i headcanon them as that and don't have any plans to write alec smaller though i would considering and have writen magnus bigger due to his warlock mark?
i wrote alec super tall for a prompt for @saeths and i also wrote a giant megladon!magnus mer for them but i like keeping malec at least as tall as how they come across.
i know that in the books alec is shorter than magnus but personally, i just adore that alec is a bit taller and scowly and softens and submits so beautifully to magnus. all of that power and strength and training and he just melts for magnus and my brain goes a;ksjbaksdbjf;abf.
this is an absolutely fine ask btw! i appreciate asks like this because it helps me explain stuff and i'm also willing to work around stuff to try and incorporate things.
this is smol!dragon!alec because i just got some good news (a meeting cancelled which means i dont have to leave the house or see none-house people today! - i am an anxious introvert and @saeths is a non-anxious extrovert so i love cancelations! and they like that i am around for cuddles) dragon style. part of the 'taste of his magic' verse as a treat?
<3 lumine
"I thought you said you had something impressive to show us?" Ragnor mocks as he steps in and plops in his chair, he stares over at where Alexander is pretending to nap and rolls his eyes.
Magnus stares at Ragnor and wonders just what is going on.
Alexander is curled up the size of a housecat on the windowseat and Magnus knows that he looks small, but he's still a dragon.
"Are you experimenting with reptiles again?" Ragnor asks, absently summoning himself a cuppa, "I thought you gave that up when you lost Baby to Camille?"
Magnus can feel the glow of jealous, accusatory eyes on his back and he blinks rapidly at Ragnor and wonders if he can get away with just summoning a scone into the other warlocks mouth. Anything to get him to stop talking.
"Ba-" he starts and there is a subtle hiss that only he seems to hear and he clears his throat. "The snake was merely an accessory, Ragnor. A security feature, hardly anything more than a sometimes useful pet." Magnus leaves out how cute the snake was, he doesn't think it would go well for him.
That seems to placate Alexander but Ragnor is sending him a confused, dubious look.
"Well then, what's with the lizard on your windowseat, hmm?"
"He's not a lizard." Magnus bites through gritted teeth because he can feel the force of Alexander's stare growing colder. "Ragnor, when was the last time you slept?"
"Oh a few days ago or so. Research and all that, you know how that is." Ragnor does look a bit peckish and the hollows under his eyes are a dark green rather than the normal shade.
"Ragnor-" Magnus starts and then he sees movement and he shifts, lunging forward to grab Alexander's nape with his maw. He instinctively growls and shakes and to his delighted surprise, Alexander goes limp.
Alec glares at the tired old warlock who interrupted his nap and then sighs, content as Magnus holds him close.
It's exactly as he planned and he smirks, smug from his position of being held and rocked by Magnus' mouth.
Alec smirks and, with a flick of his tongue, freezes the old warlock's tea.
The man splutters and gives them both an accusatory stare before his skin pales to a soft, sage green with fear as their eyes meet.
"Ducky, please tell me you don't have a dragon in your mouth."
Alec smirks and gives the lightest of trills and the warlock shivers, hands up in surrender.
Magnus chuffs around where he's holding him and Alec rolls his eyes, finally taking the force of his gaze away.
It's hardly his fault if even as the size of say, a lizard, Alec is too powerful for warlocks to gaze upon without fear.
... well, all warlocks except for Magnus of course.
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I was going through all of the writings that you have posted and rediscovered the Kelpie au. So if you have more of it that has not been posted, can we have another taste? I just love it
oh gosh so most of kelpie!au hasn't been posted because it's at like 20k and it's mostly smut.
so i'll have to post to ao3 and post links here probably
here we go! i picked something some that file with Cat & Alec since i wasn't sure if you wanted nsfw/sfw and i've only posted sfw for that fic so far i think
its finally named undertow because @saeths insisted
Brunch relaxes again and Cat thinks she could get used to this again, seeing her family happy and being happy with them
Later, when it’s more night than day and Ragnor has convinced Magnus to follow him to his library, Cat sits alone with Alec. 
“Tell me?” She asks quietly, hoping he will. Normally she would ask Magnus directly, but she never wants to put that look on his face again. 
“I’m not really sure I understand it. It doesn’t make sense to me. I mean I don’t know why Magnus does most things.” Alec pauses and takes a slow sip of his drink. .
“I’ve been mostly eating the foods Magnus is introducing me to, but it’s not quite the same. Most of it is delicious but it’s not filling. So he hunted me a meal, took me to a lovely little grotto and insisted on watching.
“It didn’t go well?” Cat asks in surprise. “Magnus has never been squeamish.” 
She, Ragnor and Magnus have all participated in the deep rituals. They’ve all eaten still beating hearts and cracked the bones of the Elders to suck down the marrow and claim the power in them. 
Alec scoffs and shakes his head. “No, he was actually pretty excited at first. And then I got about three bites in and got a mouthful of ash for the fourth. He disintegrated the body and dragged me home and then kissed the taste of blood from my mouth for hours before he let me sleep.”
Cat blinks. 
This is not the problem she was expecting.
“He tried to explain it. Something about how he can’t stand me being so intimate with anyone else.” Alec actually snorts, a dry sound, “apparently, even if it’s a corpse. Which is normally fine. Except eventually I’ll need to eat and it’s going to upset him. He’s already upset that he ruined my meal. He just also doesn’t regret it, which upsets him more. I think maybe he’s not used to having so little control of himself.”
Cat blows out a breath and looks across to where Ragnor and Magnus disappeared.  
“I’ll look into it, see if I can’t find something that will help keep you healthy until Magnus figures it out.” 
Alec shrugs, like it doesn’t really matter to him. 
“I don’t really mind. Magnus is the one who is really suffering.”
“Oh?” Cat asks with a raise of her brow and Alec grins, a mischievous little grin that just oozes smugness.
“No more blowjobs for him. I can’t control my instincts when I’m this hungry and neither of us want to risk his cock. He’ll break and find a way around it before I get too hungry. 
Cat laughs and shakes her head, relief flooding through her.
“Alright then. I’ll send over some tinctures and supplements. They’ll keep you healthy until this gets worked out. Ragnor and I will intervene if needed.” And they would, because to keep Magnus safe and sane, they needed Alec healthy and whole. 
Alec looks at her carefully and then he smiles, his-too-sharp-too-many teeth gleaming and Catarina remembers suddenly that he too is a predator.
And he chose to be prey. 
“Thank you, Catarina. But we’ll be fine. Magnus will figure out his instincts sooner or later. I’m very good at waiting.”
There is a wealth of hidden meaning and Cat nods, looking at Alec with a new light. 
“Call me Cat.” She offers, the first time she has and Alec nods, respectfully acknowledging the change. 
He reaches out and presses his knuckles to hers gently, “I’m Magnus’ Alexander, call me Alec.”
Magic sparks between them and Cat smiles as the magic of names settles smoothly between them.
Alec withdraws his knuckles and raps them against the second, empty glass with a sigh.
“I liked this one. Which one was it?”
She summons a new one and tells him. Alec takes a moment to stare at the glass in betrayal before he picks it up with a sigh.
“Magnus is going to be obnoxious, just so you know.” He warns and Cat smiles at the dry humor in his tone.
“Yeah. I  liked the barley tea.” Alec rolls his eyes, “Magnus is going to take this as inarguable proof that he’s right.  Next thing I know, he’ll be trying to make me oats and molasses again. And I don’t think I’ll get away with accidentally knocking it off the balcony this time.” He gives her a morose, pathetic look. “He put up wards the third time I accidentally knocked food off. Apparently it landed on some mundane and nearly killed him. But Magnus was more worried about why I was being so clumsy than the mundane. I told him it was allergies and now he won’t even let me go to the park without warding me for protection… against pollen.” 
And Cat laughs. She’s still laughing when Ragnor and Magnus rejoin them. The pair are red cheeked and bright eyed and Cat knows they’ve had a delightful and scathing disagreement about literature.
Ragnor is clearly pleased to see her happy and Magnus flutters like a hummingbird. He presses a delighted kiss to her forehead and hugs her from behind for a moment and then darts over to Alec. He’s hovering around him, little tiny constant touches and Alec merely leans into them, smiling up at Magnus with a softness that transforms his face. 
Her boys are doing well and Cat finds she doesn’t mind adding another to the number she claims. 
Not this time.
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