#saeth is a troll
Remember that scene where Seongnam told Uiseong that if Uiseong ever ascended to the throne that he would burn his kingdom to the ground? That but Magnus. (source: Under the Queen's Umbrella, Netflix kdrama)
@saeths babe I’m still so fucking pissed at losing the first version of this and I’m sorry but I hope you like this different, second version.
Also yes I fucking loved that scene and I’m still anticipating watching the next episode and i want that fic where Seongnam actually kills Uiseong and gets away with it.
Magnus moves his fingers down the smooth curve of Alexander’s cheek bones and lets the pads of his fingers linger on Alexander’s lips.
Some would say that the nephilim commander napping on his lap is Magnus' downfall, but Magnus has never let bigotry guide him and he won’t now.
Especially not when it’s the council of the Spiral Labyrinth, who appoint High Warlocks, who are suddenly upset with Magnus' choice in lover.
They’ve demanded either Alexander’s removal from his life, or the addition of others, to ensure that Alexander is seen as one of many, not as someone Magnus is devoted to.
And Magnus loathes it.
Because it almost costs him. Alexander tried to leave him. As if that would ever be acceptable. As if Magnus would allow Alexander to hurt them both so deeply, especially in a misguided attempt of protection.
So they still stand united, closer in fact, than ever before. And Alexander proves that, lying defenseless and unarmed in Pandemonium.
There are thirteen candidates for Magnus’ position in the running, and only two will Magnus allow to succeed his position, if he allows himself to be deposed at all. He’s made his thoughts clear and so the candidates hover around him, hesitant but trying to find weakness,
“Flaunting your traitorous ways even while the council offers you leniency?” Lorenzo sneers at him, drink held delicately in his hand.
Magnus threads his fingers through Alexander’s hair and tugs on the dark locks. Alec groans, arching against Nagnus and pushing himself into the touch, still unconscious, still vulnerable to everyone but for Magnus’ possessive protection. “I understand how those unable to touch consider it flaunting, but I hardly see how having a devoted, tamed shadowhunter is traitorous.” Magnus knows the place he’s claiming in Alexander's life, and the position it puts his shadowhunter in. But Alec begged Magnus, and after Alexander almost destroyed them both to try and protect Magnus — Magnus finds himself willing to do many things he never thought he would.
Lorenzo’s eyes turn to Alec, something almost hungry in his gaze at the noise and Magnus’ temper flares.
Lorenzo’s drink shatters, the shards disappear, devoured by Magnus’ magic even as he breaks it.
“Ah, forgive me Lorenzo. I realized I couldn’t allow you to drink something so… out of your interest. You prefer old fashions, if I remember correctly. And I’m sure I do.” The threat of Magnus' very long memory lingers between them before Magnus smiles sharply. “Stirred with an antique spoon, right?”
A drink appears and Lorenzo takes it, his hand is steady but his expression sours as he tries the drink and finds nothing wrong with it.
Alexander turns, restless and keening as his mouth presses in a sleep-lax kiss against Magnus’ stomach .
He asked, at the beginning of all this, how he could help. At least he asked after Magnus refused to let them break up. And in guilty relief, Alexander offered to do anything.
So now he lies, helpless in Magnus’s lap. Vulnerable to everything and everyone and relying solely on Magnus’ protection. On Magnus’ goodwill and desire.
It soothes something that the Council’s anger and accusations jolted loose in Magnus.
And so he smiles at Lorenzo, and silently daresm him to even try.
“There are many things I would do for our people.” Magnus says quietly, looking down at his lap, one hand holding a drink, the other his shadowhunter lover. “But I am not as selfless as my friends like to say.” Magnus chuckles and takes a long sip of his drink.
“There are only two that I will let take the kingdom I’ve built from me. And I will even help them keep it stable, protecting them for the future events that they are unprepared for. But Lorenzo, you are not one of them.”
Lorenzo splutters, yellow magic pretending to be royal gold flickering up and Magnus laughs.
It’s hollow and it’s angry.
“I have given so much for everyone else that I have very little left to care about. And yet it is demanded I give up my very heart, as if I am not allowed to have joy.” Magnus’ magic dances between them and angry red devours yellow, until it encircles Lorenzo.
Magnus hums and uses his own magic to press the newly made drink to Lorenzo’s lips.
“You’ll need it.” Magnus promises and laughs when Lorenzo chokes on it.
“You want my throne Lorenzo? The kingdom I’ve built with blood and magic. The place I’ve carved out for myself?”
Magnus laughs, and finally releases Lorenzo.
“You will never have it. I am not as selfless as the Council thinks. And I will burn both you and New York itself to the ground before I ever let you be in charge.” Magnus uncrosses his legs and presses his boot down on the back of Lorenzo’s head, forcing the other to prostrate himself before Magnus.
“I will burn this world before I ever allow you to have a place of power in it, Lorenzo. Remember that, as it is only my compassion and courtesy that keep you breathing.”
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@saryn-prime has cuddle-napped me
I am being held pawstage on the couch while they pet me
It’s hot :(
I mean yay pets and cuddles but gross sweat.
It’s okay I love them almost as much at Nightshade so I will suffer through this
Like his arm is practically a seatbelt not letting me go (yes I’m stronger but unfortunately for me I like them more than my own sanity and they’re disabilities make him delicate and they said ‘stay’ so a pawstage situation it is until I can blackmail them or pay the hostage price with tea and snacks.
I’m totally going to grumble about this later tho.
Also before the cuddle-napping:
Lumine: gives Saeth a few cheek kisses
Nightshade suddenly sitting in front of us: excuse me. Baba. Where are MY kisses? Excuse me? Baba do you not… BABA WHY ARE YOU GIVING MORE KISSES I AM RIGHT HERE WITH SLEEK FUR WAITING FOR YOU. BABA I WILL GIVE KISSES BACK
Lumine with an evil grin making Saeth stay still while I give more face smooches: mwahaha
Nightshade:*crying* BABA KISSES!!!!
And then he went and got his stuffie and curled up sadly until he got enough kisses from both of us to make up for the betrayal
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I am tired but I can’t sleep for the next six hours.
If you send me asks about specific universes I will answer that verse ask! I may not write a fic for it but I will answer stuff and questions
I need a distraction from my bf because I can only mitigate her pain so much.
💜 lumine
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Sometimes you just want to smack your boyfriend aka @saeths with a squishmallow (named jack) but you can’t because they’re delicate and it could actually hurt them so you smack another squishmallow with the squishmallow named jack as they cackle.
Like… babe if you weren’t a fucking flower petal at this point, I’d barrage you with all of Nightshades mallow eggs.
I would burrow you in stuffies and pillows and laugh at your hubris.
And you’d deserve it. Even if I can’t remember… oh I remember
Rude boyfriend
In time out.
No cuddles this time.
Nightshade agrees and is on my side of the bed.
So rude.
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i love @saryn-prime so much.
so much!
but if they try to show me own more of their color-cordinated, meticulously laid out spreadsheets with excited, bright eyes and i have to crush that excitement because if i look at once more spreadsheet i will cry... then i will doubly cry and then we will both be upset.
also i keep automatically typing spreadsheet as spreadshit and i thought it was an accident until the third time in a row it happened so like... if that doesn't tell you how i subconsciously feel about them i don't know what will
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I had a very confusing conversation with my bf because @saeths was talking about flower and I thought they were talking about flour.
And I was so offended that they were like ‘wow that’s a crazy sale, too bad we don’t get flower (weed flowers) and I was like ‘how dare?? Excuse??? THE RUDENESS? I buy flour all the time!! I have 20 lbs of flour in the cabinet! I make you bread with that flour!’
saeth: I was talking about pot
lumine: oh right, yeah no that still makes no sense how was that clear honey?
And now I’m sad this non-existent baking supply sale is nowhere to be found.
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Me: kelpie!au has so much lore and world building and political elements!!!
Me: ah I have created porn… 11k of extremely kinky, non-political smut with very little world building and more kinks than my lore.
Me: hey babe, since Alec’s a kelpie does it count as monster fucking and if yes, does monster fucking count as myth building and world lore?
@saeths : no idea, who cares if it makes you happy?
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Prompt: Early on in their relationship, Magnus walks in on Alec masturbating and when Alec goes to stop, Magnus stops him from doing that and tells him to keep going. Magnus doesn't touch but he does watch. And *talk*.
So I think I forgot to actually ever reply to it. But this was one of my first prompts ever. And I did write and post it… on ao3. It’s possible I either forgot to post it, or that my anxiety didn’t let me publicly respond when I wrote it. I don’t remember how comfortable I was with posting explicit porn back then and ‘advertising it’.
Mostly, btw, cause people assume if you like writing porn, that you went to hear all about their personal sex drives and how they get horny. I am ace.
I don’t mind kinky requests btw. There is a cluster of us aces who love writing kinky AND sexy shit. And I like writing explicitly fictional sex, and being prompted with fictional stuff. I’ll set my own boundaries and hard limits as needed. I just don’t enjoy personal information about strangers sex lives being shared btw. I don’t care if people enjoy anything I write; I just don’t want to hear explicitly that they do.
Please just tell me you like the story or the way things are written or just that it’s ‘hot’ and that’s fine. But it makes me incredibly uncomfortable for people to reach out and praise my stuff because it ‘makes them horny’ or it ‘puts them in the mood’. Because of not just being ace but trauma; I am incredibly sex repulsed in RL. And when people say stuff like that, even when they don’t mean to put me in a bad place, I have to work my way into feeling comfortable enough to post smut again. Or even often to write it.
So people please refrain from that. Or @saeths will handle it so I don’t have anxiety spirals and stop writing…. Again.
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@saeths you take that back! He just needs a bath! Nightshade does not need mothballs for his butt! It’s just that he’s a little musty because his pool got dirty from his paw-party this weekend!
And ofc you know that Nightshade dove into the shallows and duckweed while he and I were walking. He’ll be smelling like lavender by tonight!
Treating our son like he’s a freaking closet of old clothes.
I’m going to do something for revenge. Just wait!
The rudeness.
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@saeths is teasing me over being ‘cute’ because I sneezed, saying they don’t understand ‘how i’m this adorable’ and i’m over here... writing dead dove do not eat malec like it’s tea and i’m about to have a luncheon. 
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@saeths wow babe you’re right. You’re so right that even tumblr thinks you’re right.
Wow (saeth reblogged that but had no spoons to tag me and was just like, 'hey i'm reblogging something for you' and then tumblr was like 'hey bitch this is for you'.
me in bed, being trolled by both by bf and by tumblr
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I’m tipsy and @saeths is bullying me. And nightshade is snoring on the floor instead of bed. Everything is absolutely terrible.
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You have so many better things to be doing!!!!
Babe wtf!!!
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alexa apparently has no idea what a whipoorwill is and won't play their sounds ummm problematic -saeth
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nightshade is relieved to be staying home for a quiet day today. he got so overstimulated yesterday and today all he wants to do is press against my ankles and let me know i can't leave him
i mean that literally
he has my pant hem in his mouth
he now recognizes that pants + shirt = leaving the house
which. oh no! there is a possibility that he will be left behind and forever abandoned! and so then he pulls and he pulls until i trip and then he grabs the pants and yanks them off while i'm flopping around like a magikarp on the carpet.
this has happened several times
yesterday he saw his chance and grabbed me by the boxers (i was on bed) and proceeded to try and haul me off the bed so he could take me to his crate to sleep with him.
one, i would NOT fit
two, he did not manage to tug me off the bed despite his best efforts
he was very sad and then sat next to the bed like a wilting flower that was denied sunlight.
so nightshade has a bit of an attachment issue. it's a regular problem with me and we think that my social and general anxiety is just so bad that when an animal bonds with me, it picks up on it.
because hes already got a lot of the 'pressure to calm down from panic attacks' and 'distract from anxiety' and things i was planning on teaching him down naturally.
but that also means that he thinks i can't exist safely without him. like he needs to inspect the loo before its safe to use. he just pops his little head in and then stumbles back out all 'its safe for use, please use the safety protocols. i will be here for your protection.'
and it's like 'baby... i just want to shut the door. move your butt.' and then you physically have to push him so his soulful brown eyes arent tormenting your soul with betrayal.
@saeths literally was holding nightshade while i went to get tea and i was 'gone too long' because apparently nightshade had just started wailing from their arms... but he never tried to move.
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Nightshade keeps breaking hangers to make shivs that he can stab our ankles and calves with…
Why child of darkness???? Why????
@saeths he gets it from you
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