#Sagittarius signature
frecklesky · 2 years
The Mercury Signs as Email Sign Offs
Aries: Thanks
Taurus: Thanks again 
Gemini: Warm wishes
Cancer: Sincerely 
Leo: Best wishes 
Virgo: Kind regards 
Libra: All the best 
Scorpio: Respectfully
Sagittarius: Cheers  
Capricorn: Best
Aquarius: Yours truly 
Pisces: Thank you
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overcatic · 2 months
random astro observations pt. 2 (vedic)
1. sidereal aquarius is the most “hidden” and mysterious out of the zodiac. the heart of aquarius, shatabhisha, is the pinnacle of that energy.
2. jupiter in shravana can create a linguistic master, especially for people born in rahu or jupiter mahadasha. most likely to speak more than 3 languages.
3. any planet falling in uttara phalguni can make you attractive to women for the significations of that planet. mars: body, sex appeal, physical stamina, strength, masculinity. venus: your voice, eyes, charm, style, artistic talents, etc.
4. luminaries in chitra can make a person shine so beautifully in any group, setting, etc. unforgettable allure. people may find it hard to forget the chitra native’s influence and impact.
5. bharanis love chitras. bharani’s symbol is the womb (creativity), and chitra’s deity is the designer of wombs (muse and inspiration to the creative). chitra tends to generate a lot of creative energy, beauty and sensuality which inspire bharani to create, love, and wonder. however, this relationship could be draining to the chitra native in the long run.
6. venus conj. moon can make someone deeply sensitive and delicate. very fond of children. high fertility in women (if not afflicted). this conjunction has an energy similar to that of rohini.
7. ashwinis love wearing their hair down. a free, wild mane is their signature look.
8. in man’s chart, unafflicted ketu in the 1st house blesses him with a strong body and tall stature. jupiter makes him the biggest and tallest in his family, especially if it’s in sagittarius or aspected by ketu.
9. venus conj. rahu is the beauty expert — beauty guru. beautiful, big eyes. attractive voice. brilliant mind. may be detached from their sexuality. cerebal understanding of sex.
10. venus conj. ketu, especially in navamsa, is a sign that the soul will master unconditional love in this lifetime. deeply sensual and seductive. strong, spiritual connection with the lover or spouse.
11. taurus is the square (stability), leo is the triangle (power), scorpio is the rectangle (security), aquarius is the circle/sphere (unity). just a thought i had.
“ namaste & have a great day <3
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astrologuzzy · 1 year
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I’m back to spill more astrology observations, lessgetit!!! ˃̵ᴗ˂̵
Also, quick reminder that these are just MY observations and opinions I’ve gathered, so take what resonates and leave what doesn’t! mwahhh 😽💋
☆ 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 seem to really like physical displays of affection very much. Every Gemini I knew always loved giving hugs specifically lol. They may enjoy physical touch as a love language.
★ I often notice how 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐎 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 aren’t scared to give their opinions no matter how controversial they may be. They don’t care if people agree, if they truly believe in it then they will share it and whoever disagrees can kiss their own ass. Which can seem intimidating to many especially with how much intensity and passion Scorpio brings to the table.
☆ I find it so easy to spot someone with 𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒. You guys give a very mellow and grounded energy that is very specific to Earth signs. Y’all have that signature down to earth presence or a very firm/calm tone of voice that I recognize instantly even thru text lol.
★ Everyone wants to call Leos the most “cocky” sign but have y’all seen 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈? They’re the real culprit here lol. These guys are number one fans of themselves (do I even need to make examples lol) and I respect it tbh.
☆ Speaking of 𝐋𝐄𝐎, they love to just disappear for like days or weeks straight out of absolutely nowhere and then come back like nothing happened and resume from where they left off. Like sir, are you not gonna explain why you just ghosted everybody? Lol like are you gonna explain where you was? (double points if that Leo has Sagittarius or Aquarius influences in chart cos they’re even more prone to going mia).
★ When people have 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 in their big 6 or heavy Mars influence in the chart I notice that they tend to sound/come across way ruder than they’re actually being lol. They can be very dominant and intimidating in conversations. You’d think they’re angry or being mean but they’re just asking you to pass them the water bottle lmao. Often I think they don’t even realize that themselves since they’re just built that way.
☆ People with 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐎 & 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 in their big 3 together kinda scare me lol (in a good way). They usually are very into occult stuff and/or are strongly religious and showcase it very openly and firmly. Sometimes they just have a very intimidating aura/demeanor to them. I notice how they frequently tend to be very into dark colors and themes/styles too. They don’t f*ck around at all. Love y’all 💚
★ People with a 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐒𝐔𝐍 usually have their Moon sign qualities be more noticeable. With Geminis I tend to catch onto their Moon sign behavior before I realize that they’re a Gemini. Could be a mutable thing where they’re versatile enough that their Moon qualities shine more than their sun sign qualities. Very frequently when I try to guess a Gemini’s sun sign I actually guess their Moon sign. They tend to act like their Moon more than other zodiac signs in my experience. They may not even notice it either.
☆ I hope I don’t offend anyone for this one but people with a 𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐔𝐍 𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 (frequently more moon) mother tend to have veryyyy chaotic childhood stories about her. Somehow these moms tend to often be pretty emotionally unhinged people (no offense but in my experience so many of my friends have a mom with a Pisces sun and/or Pisces moon and they all always tell me how their moms have crazy mood swings or a very erratic behavior). I’m honestly so sorry for anyone who had, or still has to deal with such an environment. 🫂💚
★ 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 & 𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 are the best opposite sign duo in astrology imo. I’ve never seen many Geminis or Sags that say they dislike or don’t get that along with one another. We really click well and even I personally can testify that lol. These two always besties.
☆ Also 𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 loooove anything to do with 2D characters or just fictional stuff in general. They love their ffs, romance books, making fan arts or edits. Every Pisces I knew had some kind of obsession with multiple fictional characters or shows and each one of them had accounts dedicated to making art or edits about said characters/shows lol. No matter if it’s a manga, an anime, a video game, a song, a movie or a cartoon, a Pisces placement will most probably romanticize a character or wtv it is they feel resonates with them in some way. I know lotta people do that but Pisces are usually more prone to be very frequent and indulgent with it in my experience. Not judging anyone, just pointing it out lol.
That’s all for todayyy ☀︎
Also please don’t copy or claim my content without credit or consent ♡
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
What animal do you most resemble and why?
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So just so yall know before you go to your piles. The animals in the pictures might not be the creature that you most resemble. I am using the Untamed Spirit Animal Oracle in this reading. Please take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new perspectives about yourself.
Astrology: Pisces, Sagittarius, Aries
Song: all i ever wanted by Mazie
Vibes: 🖤💙🔭✈️🕷🦋🕶🎓🐾🌏🌊🫐🍙🧊🎧♟🦽💎⛏🛋📘✒️💤♿️🔊♠️🏁
Cards: Lion, 5 of Cups, 7 of Wands, The Void, Karmic Relationships
Hi, pile 1! Welcome. These cards tell me you look most like a lion. I can see some of you have prominent noses that make your face very lion-like. All of you have the most piercing fierce eyes. I also see you have soft hands and nice nails that you probably get done regularly. You are legit gorgeous and you have this extensive hair routine you do almost every day. You might wear a bonnet to sleep or you have a silk pillow case to protect it. I can also see you are surprised by these compliments. You have some self-esteem issues that frustrate you a lot. These beliefs you have about your physical appearance are built around the opinions of others. First off, they only shit on you cus they are jealous. These cards have a weird undertone of relationships so I think maybe you had a partner at one point who was SUUUUPER jealous of how beautiful you are. Wow, they are pressed about it. They probably said some extremely mean things to you about your appearance that stick with you even though it doesn't look like they are around you anymore. I hear them saying you have RBF or something. You have literally nothing to feel insecure about my dear.. Like you complimented yourself in the mirror around this person and they like immediately tried to knock you down a peg. Dude, that person is SO ENVIOUUS. Don't listen to their words. You need to see through their words to the true emotions behind them. Don't let these jealous people dim you light, girl!!! Their words are not based on reality. It is distorted by their emotions. Just know when they look in the mirror all they hear is their momma tellin them they're ugly as fuck. They were just projecting their insecurities, baby.
Astrology: Taurus, Leo, Aquarius
Song: Body Talks by The Struts, Kesha
Vibes: 💛🧡❤️💙🎁🧿💰🌅🏖🚦🚚🚎🎯🎭🏅🍹🫐🍂🌊🌈🌏🍁🐠🫂🤖🥶😰
Cards: Badger, 7 of Pentacles, 5 of Wands, The Seven Star Sisters, Jump In
Hey there, pile 2!! You have such an interesting energy. The animal you most resemble is the Badger. So from what I'm reading from the other cards this is less of a physical resemblance and more of an attitude resemblance. The way you hold yourself is like you do not give a fuck what anyone thinks about you. You had many people around you growing up who were considered "conventionally attractive" and for a long time, this bothered you. I think sometimes it does still bother you but you have grown your self-esteem a lot since you were little. You got tired of fighting for attention real quick. You realized how dumb the competition of appearance is and began to explore your expression more for fun rather than to fit in. You have a unique way of expressing yourself, especially with your make-up. Dark eye shadow is your signature look. It makes your already really unique eye color pop like nothing else. You dress very alternatively compared to your siblings and/or friends. The style does have a touch of whimsicalness to it too. I see some of the people who picked this pile have a curvy body type. You keep your hair short for the most part because it's easier to manage while short. You truly have such a fantastic head-turning style. I really do love your energy, my dear. Like, wow you are fucking awesome. I would have looked at you as a kid and wanted to look like you so bad.
Astrology: Scorpio, Libra, Gemini
Song: The Middle by Jimmy Eats World
Vibes: 🤍🖤🔎🖋🧷📓🩺🔬🔌📷📼🎥🎹🎼🎤🎧🎬🌪🐚🪨🐇🕊🦢🐈‍⬛🕸🐰👟
Cards: Toad, Fox, 8 of Swords, 2 of Wands, Double Mission, Deep Cellular Healing
Oh, pile 3. This is gonna be a kind of shadow work-y kind of reading so just be prepared to be called out okay? Trigger warning for SA. You make yourself ugly on purpose. You hid your beauty from yourself. I dunno exactly what you do to hide it from others but I see you wearing clothes that keep your shape a secret. You do your make-up in a way that accentuates the dark cycles under your eyes. You make yourself look sick and dying. You force yourself to believe you resemble a Toad. I don't blame you, my friend. You went through something truly terrible that made you feel ugly so you express it outwardly constantly. You believe you are ugly because of what happened. What they did to you didn't taint your beauty, homie. You aren't dirty. You aren't hideous or unattractive naturally. You are so scared of what happened, happening again. It makes you put up these defenses in-order to feel safe. My friend you are already safe without these defenses. You might be doing way more harm than good, my friend. If you stopped hiding your true beauty from yourself, you would more resemble a Fox. These cards are encouraging you to heal from what happened to you mentally. Your reaction to what happened isn't wrong but you shouldn't destroy yourself because of how others treated you. You are stunning and so naturally gorgeous. I hear you saying that your feelings about what happened don't matter. That is a lie you tell yourself. That is a lie someone else told you. What happened to you was truly awful. What they did to you was disgusting but it doesn't make you disgusting. It makes THEM disgusting. What THEY did is disgusting. You are beautiful. You are so drop-dead, star-struck glamorous! You aren't a toad. You are a fox. Please embrace your authenticity because you deserve to feel good. You deserve to see your body for what it truly is.
Astrology: Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo
Song: Honey And The Bee by Owl City
Vibes: 🤍💖💛🦦😜👄☀️👟🐁👙👑🎂🐱🐻‍❄️🌙🦭🌸🌼🍣🍰⚾️🎗🎟🎲📿
Cards: Otter, Queen of Cups, The Well, A New Earth, Called
Pile 4. You are so fucking cute. Like so cute. Like I feel your energy and all I feel and think is "Awwww~ What a cuuutie!". You most resemble an Otter. Which in my opinion, ARE SO FUCKING CUTE!!! I see you like to color your hair in pastel colors and it's SUUUPER long. Like you have been growing out your hair for a while now. You have this cute little button nose and these super pretty dark eyes. Ohmygods you have no idea how much I think brown eyes are the prettiest eyes. You put a lot of creativity in your outfits so you always look so snatched and dolled up. You like the long flowy dresses and shirts that billow in the wind. They make you look like a fairy. You always smell like incense and sea salt. You probably love swimming or surfing or some kind of sport you play in the water so you are very lean. I see you might be pursuing some kind of profession in the beauty industry. Either that or you just look like a model and people think you are one. You wear these pretty flowers in your hair that give you this gorgeous halo of lavender. You have been absolutely blessed by Lady Aphrodite. She loves you like her child. She blesses you with fashion sense and soft features.
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astroeleanor · 1 year
𓍢ִ໋💅🏻. ݁ ˖💆🏻‍♀️ ASTROLOGY BEAUTY SECRETS EXPOSED: How To Glow Up𓍢ִ໋💆🏻‍♀️. ݁ ˖💅🏻
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(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚v✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
Your Rising Sign, often referred to as your Ascendant, is the key to unlocking your true potential in terms of your appearance and personal magnetism. Embracing the archetype associated with your Rising Sign and taking into account the degree of your Ascendant can be a transformative journey towards enhancing your allure and making a lasting impression.
The Rising Sign colors the way you express yourself and how you're perceived by those around you. By aligning with its energies, you're tapping into a unique blueprint that can help you enhance your physical appearance, style, and the vibes you project.
Moreover, the degree of your Ascendant adds dimension to this equation. It refines and nuances the qualities associated with your Rising Sign, providing a deeper understanding of your beauty archetype and how you interact with the world. Exploring the specific degree of your Ascendant allows you to fine-tune your self-awareness, making it possible to elevate your charisma and presence in any social context.
(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚v✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
ARIES – 1°, 13°, 25°: Incorporate red clothing or accessories into your wardrobe, engage in high-intensity physical activities, opt for daring haircuts and styles, experiment with vibrant lip colors, and work on boosting your self-confidence, as inner beauty shines through.
TAURUS – 2°, 14°, 26°: Choose a signature fragrance that exudes sensuality, accentuate your beauty with timeless jewelry pieces, opt for fabrics and textures that feel comfortable against your skin, take your time with beauty rituals, indulge in massages and self-care, and spend time in nature to recharge your energy and maintain a healthy glow.
GEMINI – 3°, 15°, 27°: Emphasize your eyes with playful eyeshadow colors and mascara to highlight your expressive nature, build a wardrobe with versatile pieces that allow you to express different facets of your personality, and experiment with a wide range of makeup looks to match your ever-changing nature.
CANCER – 4°, 16°, 28°: Opt for soft, natural makeup looks that enhance your gentle features, choose clothing that is comfortable and cozy, reflecting your desire for emotional security, and incorporate gentle, nurturing skincare products that cater to your sensitive nature.
LEO – 5°, 17°, 29°: Go for a sun-kissed look, choose regal and luxurious clothing that reflects your royal nature, adorn yourself with elegant and eye-catching jewelry, and experiment with dramatic or blonde hairstyles and colors that draw attention to your hair.
VIRGO – 6°, 18°: Consider going for a natural and minimalistic approach to makeup and fashion, maintain well-manicured nails, choose efficient yet stylish clothing that reflects your practicality and attention to detail, and embrace your critical eye but balance it with self-compassion and self-confidence.
LIBRA – 7°, 19°: Consider hairstyles that highlight your facial symmetry, opt for soft and pastel shades in makeup and clothing, practice good posture to project elegance and grace in your appearance, choose clothing that is elegant and refined, and cultivate inner harmony and peace, as your inner balance is reflected in your outer beauty.
SCORPIO – 8°, 20°: Emphasize your intense and mysterious eyes with smoky eye makeup or eyeliner, incorporate darker and more sensual colors in your makeup and clothing choices, and keep an air of mystery and privacy about yourself, as it adds to your enigmatic beauty.
SAGITTARIUS – 9°, 21°: Incorporate bright and vibrant colors in your makeup and clothing, opt for oversized clothing or sporty fashion that complements your on-the-go lifestyle, and cultivate a sense of wanderlust and curiosity, as it adds to your inner and outer beauty.
CAPRICORN – 10°, 22°: Choose classic and timeless makeup and fashion looks, select neutral and earthy tones, accessorize with high-quality pieces, cultivate self-confidence and authority in your demeanor, and invest in building an elegant wardrobe.
AQUARIUS – 11°, 23°: Build an eclectic wardrobe with a mix of vintage and contemporary pieces, invest in your dental care and skin care, express your individuality through your makeup, hairstyle, and fashion choices, and choose fragrances that are light, airy, and fresh.
PISCES – 12°, 24°: Experiment with soft, dreamy, and ethereal makeup looks, incorporate oceanic colors like blues and greens, choose clothing and fabrics with soft and flowing textures, and cultivate spiritual growth and awareness, which can add depth to your beauty.
(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚v✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
🩸 I explore this topic in-depth on Youtube.
I’m so excited to share this information with you because I wish I could’ve had a video like this when I was younger. Brainstorming, filming & editing it was such a healing experience.
Anyway, I’m hoping it will help the girls, boys, they & thems who need it! <3
If you're excited to embark on this journey, tap the preview!
🌹 Additionally, I created a freebie that you can download with Bonus Tips for EACH Rising Sign to enhance your Glow Up Journey even further. TAP HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE E-BOOK.
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(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚v✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Your curiosity & engagement mean the world to me. I hope you not only found it enjoyable but also enriching for your astrological knowledge. Your support & interest inspire me to continue sharing insights & information with you. I appreciate you immensely. • 🕸️ JOIN MY PATREON for exquisite & in-depth astrology content. You'll also receive a free mini reading upon joining. :) • 🗡️ BOOK A READING with me to navigate your life with more clarity & awareness. (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚v✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #28
• I’ve noticed most actresses from ‘American Horror Story’ have mainly earth/air in their charts and there’s a predominance with 4H/10H placements. E.g. (they’re all from season 3 btw) Sarah Paulson is a Virgo rising/Cap venus/Aqua moon & a 4H stellium, Kathy Bates is a Virgo rising & mars with a 10H Cancer stellium, Jessica Lange is an Aqua moon with a 10H stellium, Angela Bassett has a Taurus mars & Virgo stellium, etc…
• I’ve just noticed some Taurus/2H moons are the types to just say old sayings during conversations.
• If you copy a person who has Air placements in their big 3 (specifically Aqua & Gemini) and a fire sign over their 11H, just be ready for them to call you out on the spot. (I have Aries over the 11H and I can testify 🙄).
• Having Aries/1H, Sagittarius/9H, Scorpio/8H & Pisces/12H placements can indicate wanting to learn about ancient civilizations, world history or about other dimensional subjects like conspiracies, etc…
• Most 1H moons I’ve met are really nice but also quick tempered and become petty when things don’t go their way…
• Gemini/Sagittarius risings 🤝 loving jewelry.
• Those with Jupiter-Asc especially trine tend to have loud laughs!! They’re the types to have a signature laugh and love cracking jokes! They might also go quiet if someone shuts their good mood/optimism down.
• Gemini & Scorpio risings deserve their overdue fashionista recognition. They don’t even have to be that into fashion they just know how to dress and which accessories to use, etc..
• Aquarius sun-Aquarius moon-Libra rising-Aquarius mercury people are so nice, chill and intriguing?! Like yes let’s sit and have some coffee and you can continue complaining about your friends.😭
• Water venuses in 2H/6H/10H 🤝 materialistically spoiling others in turn for being emotionally spoiled.
• Some 10 Stellium ppl with 2H saturn might have a poor parent but they act spoiled.😭
• And some of them ARE spoiled.🥲
• I’ve started noticing a pattern with Pisces suns who have water moons and them growing up without their moms or going to live with her later or their moms just don’t care about them.🙁 Idk if it’s an all water moons thing though…
• Ppl with water venuses tend to have emotionally manipulate or lying mothers. Ik an ex of mine who’s a Cancer venus and it’s very true same with me (Pisces venus).
• I feel like out of all the elements, water signs (big 6) are the last ones to acknowledge when they’re being taken advantage of.
• Most Water & Fire placements start acting out as kids because of lack of attention.
• Air risings are just those kids that easily grab others’ attentions and tend to make friends easily! Especially if they have Fire mercuries.
• 8H mars with mostly Air/Water in their charts are calculatinggg.😂 They could be sitting here talking to you normally but if they peep some weird shit, just know they’ve already got you figured out and they know what your next move will be. They’ll probably just wait on you to do something so they can say their intuition was right, lol.
• Moon trine asc ppl tend to be very caring & sweet! They’re also great listeners.💗
• Having your luminaries (Sun/moon) at 18/22 degrees is never been fully able to just be yourself or being told/force into to acting more mature.
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elminx · 2 months
Energy Update: Mercury Retrograde, August 2024
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Starting on August 5th, Mercury enters retrograde 3/4 of 2024. The retrograde runs from 04° Virgo to 21° Leo and makes thrice repeating trines with our Wounded Healer Chiron in Aries and squares to Uranus in Taurus. Retrograde Mercury will also conjunct the Sun and Venus once (as it does most retrograde cycles) and sextile Mars in Gemini once, as well.
The Basics
Mercury, our planet of communication, technology, and travel, is the fastest-moving planet in our solar system and retrogrades 3 to 4 times every year. This means that Mercury’s retrograde cycle is “business as usual” and isn’t something that should be feared but it is a change in the energy signature of one of our personal planets, so it’s worth paying attention and making adjustments where necessary.
Retrogrades don’t mean that the planet ACTUALLY is moving backward, of course. It is a perspective shift in our perception of the planetary movement through our skies. In this way, our perspectives and perceptions can get a bit twisted during these times and it is easy to miss key details or communicate ineffectively.
During Mercury’s retrograde, Mercury traces its path backward in our skies and it is considered better to go over your work rather than start something new. Mercury passes over these degrees in the sky thrice: the first time during its pre-retrograde shadow, the second time while it moves backward during its retrograde, and again a third time while it moves forward in its post-retrograde shadow. Because of this, we all get the cosmic opportunity to relearn and refocus on certain things that are going awry in our lives.
By looking at the degrees of Mercury’s retrograde and comparing it to your birth chart, you can understand how Mercury’s retrograde cycle might affect you. If you don’t want to do this yourself, you can always purchase a Mercury retrograde transit chart from me on Kofi.
Mercury retrogrades affect some people more than others. By order of significance, these people are most likely to be affected by a Mercury retrograde:
If you have Sun, Moon, Ascendant in Gemini and Virgo, or Mercury closely conjunct (within 2°) to your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant
If your natal Mercury was in retrograde or out of bounds
If the current retrograde crosses over your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant (in conjunction) or makes a square or opposition
If the current retrograde crosses over your Mercury, Venus, or Mars or makes a square or opposition with them
If the current retrograde makes a trine with one of your personal planets or a sextile to your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant
If you work in a job that involves technology, communication, or travel or are currently undergoing a task that involves one of these domains during this retrograde cycle
If you live with, are in a relationship with, or closely work with a person who meets the above criteria
One can assume that the more of these factors in play, the stronger you may experience the effects of a Mercury retrograde cycle. This isn’t to say that what you experience will be bad or wrong – some people experience a lot of freedom from Mercury’s journey. The more open you are willing to give up control and stay open to the ever-changing landscape of a Mercury cycle, the easier it will be.
The Nitty Gritty
Now that we’ve gone over the basics let’s take a look at the specifics of THIS Mercury retrograde cycle. Mercury will retrograde backward from 04° Virgo to 21° Leo. This puts the stressors of this retrograde on the early mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) and late fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). The switchover from Fixed to Mutable signs can be viewed as the energy of relaxation, both of effort and intent. It’s important that we need both types of energy in our lives (both fixed/controlled and mutable/relaxed); this retrograde cycle is likely to bring up issues of imbalance between these two differing energy signatures. You may find yourself stuck on one side of this equation (all relaxed and unable to accomplish anything or all fixed and unable to stand down).
Mercury will interact with all of our other personal planets (the Sun, Moon, and Venus through conjunction and Mars in sextiles), which shows that this retrograde will take on a more personal nature. Although we experience Mercury’s retrogrades 3-4 times a year, not all of them pack as much punch as others. This Mercury cycle will be inside our homes and likely impact our daily lives and our interactions with our Others.
Additionally, Mercury will make three trines to Chiron in Aries (sitting on top of that touchy point from our total solar eclipse back in April) and three squares to Uranus in Taurus. Unlike our personal planet aspects, these don’t influence our personal lives as directly, but they will impact the general energy of the world at large, which sometimes can trickle into our personal lives. [Note here that if you have personal planets that interact in aspect with these Mercury-Uranus and Mercury-Chiron moments, this may impact you personally.]
Let’s start with Chiron because it’s the energy we’ve already stewed in. Chiron isn’t one of the planets but an asteroid that has caught the interest of many astrologers in recent years. Often called the Wounded Healer, it represents a pain point or an unhealed wound. Back in April, we experienced a Mercury retrograde that coincided with our eclipse season, and during the total solar eclipse, the Sun was conjunct with both Mercury and Chiron. This was a whopper of a day that many people are still reeling from. Although Chiron has kept moving, it is still only 4° from this fate-filled spot. That means that, to a greater or lesser degree, each connection between Mercury and Chiron is another chance for us to revisit this energy.
“Revisit,” being one of the big re’s, is one of the keywords to understanding Mercury retrograde lessons. We are being given a chance to revisit, revise, rework, and reimagine. With Chiron involved, it’s likely to hurt (at least at first). It may feel like too much. But its worth remembering that Chiron isn’t something that happens TO you, it is considered to be a force of strong healing energy working FOR you.
It’s also worth remembering that Mercury will pass over this point with Chiron three times: once in forward motion during its pre-retrograde shadow, a second while moving backward in retrograde, and a third time in forward motion during its post-retrograde shadow.
Newsflash: you don’t have to get it right the first time through.
A common metaphor for imagining retrograde cycles is as a lesson or “hole” in the ground with which we must fall in/pass over/encounter trice to gain the full experience of the situation.
The story unfolds something like this:
Oh, there’s a hole in the ground! I fell into it because I didn’t know that it was there. It’s not my fault. (pre-retrograde shadow phase)
Oh, there’s a hole in the ground. I fell into it again. I did know it was there…maybe I should learn to avoid this hole? (retrograde phase)
And, if all goes well: Oh hey, that’s a hole in the ground! It’s the same hole I fell into before. I know how to walk around this now. (post-retrograde phase)
If the solar eclipse in April passed by uneventfully, you may find that this Mercury-Chiron set of trines also does. If the eclipse was especially difficult, consider this a chance to gain better insight into what happened and why. We can re-frame these transits to be for our own good by being open to the experiences of Mercury’s underworld journeys.
Lastly, we should discuss Mercury square Uranus. Mercury and Uranus have a lot in common—they both involve and control our brain processes to a certain point. If Mercury is the thinking brain, Uranus can be viewed as pure inspiration. Mercury is quick-moving and changeable; Uranus is slow-moving but enacts drastic and lasting change. Many modern astrologers view Uranus as the higher octave of Mercurial energy; it is Mercury’s energy infused with the beyond.
For the most part, Uranus’s energy simply happens to us. It is the lightning bolt in the Tower card, the hurricane that washes away a whole floodplain, or the volcano that awakens to bring destruction and rebirth. What I mean by this is that it is so far beyond us that it can often feel catastrophic, but – like the eclipses – Uranus has a way of blowing open opportunities that we couldn’t even have imagined. We are all stuck little humans who don’t like to change our own lives and sometimes something beyond us seems to reach down and make that change FOR us so that we are forced to move.
We don’t get a choice in what happens to us in situations like this, but we do get a choice in how we respond.
Two out of these three Mercury square Uranus days are full moons, which puts extra emphasis on their energy signatures. On one of these two days (8/19), the Sun in Leo will be conjunct to Mercury and also square to Uranus in Taurus, making a fixed t-square in the sky. Of the three days, this is the one to watch out for and potentially lie low through. The other two dates are days to encourage divine inspiration if that is your thing.
Watch out for how you speak during these rough squares, as misunderstandings will run rampant, and tempers may be at an all-time low. Uranus is never a patient planet, but in Taurus, it can become a raging bull in about six seconds flat. Give yourself and your others as much grace as you can during this time. Shut your mouth entirely, perhaps, and work on listening (something Mercury in egoic Leo definitely can have a problem with at times).
Any time a retrograde bridges the cusp between signs, you can guess that we will need to dig deep into the differences between the two signs somehow. Virgo is our mutable earth sign, often concerned with work, perfectionism, and effort. Leo is our fixed fire sign, more likely to be the lazy lion basking in the sun while the gruntlings do the work. Remember here, there is no judgment on these energies: there is a time to do the work and a time to bask in the Sun. The problem comes into play when you only do one and not the other.
Standard Mercury retrograde warnings apply:
Technology tends to go a bit wonky, so save your work often and proofread twice before you hit send on an important document. Mercury retrograde is considered the ideal time to edit: reread, rewrite, rework. Travel will take twice as long and almost inevitably involve detours—pack your patience and determination to enjoy the ride. If a person from your past shows up again, look into the unfinished business, but don’t expect it to last past Mercury stations direct. Mercury is a trickster: if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
All that glitters is never gold during Mercury’s retrograde cycles, but Fool’s Gold can be its own reward.
The Details
7/16 – Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow 21° Leo 7/18 – Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 7/21 – Full Moon 29° Capricorn, Mercury in Aries square Uranus in Taurus 7/25 – Mercury enters Virgo 8/5 – Mercury retrogrades 04° Virgo 8/8 – Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus 03° Virgo 8/14 – Mercury enters Leo 8/18 – Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury 26° Leo, Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus 8/19 – Full moon 27° Aquarius , Sun conjunct Mercury 27° Aquarius 8/22 – Sun enters Virgo 8/23 – Retrograde Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 8/24 – Retrograde Mercury in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini 8/28 – Mercury stations direct 21°Leo 9/2 – New moon 11° Virgo, Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 9/7 – Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus 9/9 – Mercury enters Virgo 9/11 – Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow 04° Virgo
Do you like my work? You can tip me over on Kofi, sign up to be a monthly supporter of my work or purchase an astrology commission. I have a limited number of spots open for personalized Mercury retrograde reports.
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🤍🤍🤍
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
It’s astrology tea time again! 😁
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🤍🤍 Aquarius Moon women can end up being labelled as “too weird to date” by their partner. Their partner can view them as following odd, weird practices that they don’t resonate with.
🤍🤍 If you have Venus in the 10th house synastry overlay with a romantic partner, your or their parents highly encouraged this relationship, because you seem like you have similar values and believe in similar things. They might even help you two come together in a romantic union, like set you up, even try to arrange marriage.
🤍🤍 Aries Moon women can often end up being a part of a love triangle unknowingly or put through that by their favourite person. Like Selena Gomez (Aries Moon) with Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin Bieber. Or if you are familiar with Youtube/TikTok stars Eva Gutowski (Aries Moon) with Brent Riviera and Pierson. Or even Angelina Jolie (Aries Moon) with Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston.
🤍🤍 You can get bullied for things connected with your Sun sign and house. If you are a Gemini Sun, people who try to tear you down, might try to say you have fat fingers or hands that are too long, that you voice is annoying etc. If you have Sun in the 10th house (bones and teeth) people can see you have weird teeth when they are trying to insult you.
🤍🤍 Pluto in the 3rd house people often try to justify their opinion, view by stating where or what they studied/where they went to school. 😂 It’s like “no trust me bro, I studied law” with everything they say and try to justify.
🤍🤍 In Ascendant in the 8th house synastry overlay, you as the Ascendant person you will notice every little change in this person’s appearance, like a new haircut, but even little details, like they changed the colour of their leather watch belt etc. You will be perceiving all the little details about their appearance A LOT.
🤍🤍 Gemini Chiron and Gemini/Virgo Lilith are people who are most likely to falsify a family member’s signature at any point in life (not just as children), even as adults.
🤍🤍 Speaking of Gemini Chiron, these people get often “shamed” if they don’t own a car and use public transportation. If they do own a car, they are fans of car sharing as well.
🤍🤍 Sagittarius Part of Fortune people understand themselves better while teach a sibling/a friend/a parent/ a child something. Finally, they understand better how their mind works.
🤍🤍 8th house synastry leads to a lot of self-censoring. Like “I’m not gonna say this about myself or reveal this, because this person might think I’m weird”.
🤍🤍 6th house shows transition to adulthood. So how you were as a young adult. For example if you have Venus in the 6th house: you were patient and kind young adult.
🤍🤍 Taurus Venus wants a romantic partner that has similar personality, values and also lifestyle, so habits. And someone who works actively and hard to maintain a loving relationship. Because they are so stubborn to change, so they will not change for anyone’s sake.
🤍🤍 Gemini Moon or Moon in the 3rd house either doesn’t text with emojis at all or tries to tell a story with emojis only like: 🚴‍♂️🏔☀️😁
🤍🤍 Sagittarius Chiron and Chiron in the 9th house are all over the place. 😅 They lack direction, because of constantly doing a lot of things at once. Chiron in the 11th house also needs to learn to be alone. You guys learn independence and not relying on groups of people to fuel your confidence.
🤍🤍 Scorpio Vertex or Vertex in the 8th house people can be accused as being “too sexual” or “hypersexual” by their committed partner.
🤍🤍 I wouldn’t really say that your marriage partner will match your Juno sign with their Sun sign. Juno sign will represent their qualities and traits. I noticed often you can respond better to Vertex sign. So the sign of your Vertex can be the Sun sign of your person that you end up marrying.
🤍🤍 Juno sign though points to best trait of your partner. If you have a Gemini Juno, it’s best you pick the most talkative, communicative or intelligent person out of those you are considering. If you have Libra Juno: the one that is the prettiest out of the friend group. Capricorn Juno: the one that’s the most successful, has the best reputation or others admire them or look up to them the most. Cancer Juno: the one your mother would like the best or the one that resembles your mother the most or the one you see is the best family person.
🤍🤍 Aries Part of Fortune or Part of Fortune in the 1st house people have very unique personality, one of a kind type. That’s why they get new opportunities by just being themselves, because of a very distinctive personality. They also look to other people as though they have a solid sense of self and people make them a leader, because of that.
🤍🤍 Sun at 14 degrees (Taurus degree) people “transmute” or “transfer” a lot of their own self-loving, self-care energy onto their partner. So their partner becomes more confident and has better self-worth, because of trust and bond they have with the Sun person.
🤍🤍 Pisces Juno or Juno in the 12th house can dream of their future partner just before meeting them.
🤍🤍 Libra Juno or Juno in the 7th house on the other hand, will each time they might a significant partner, feel like their meeting is straight out of a movie scene.
🤍🤍 Capricorn Juno or Juno in the 10th house on the other hands will meet their partner in a group setting, usually when surrounded with friends too.
🤍🤍 Taurus Venus people often feel entitled to their partner, even when ending the relationship. There is this sense of “I made you”. They usually give status, attention, money, better style or confidence to pursue things to their partner, so they end up being “entitled” to them.
🤍🤍 17 degrees of any personal planet means profitable fame. You will be able to monetise being well-known in the community.
🤍🤍 Where you have Aquarius in your chart, there is where you too easily feel excluded from group gatherings. Aquarius in the 3rd house: might have not been invited to many group gatherings in high school etc.
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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blasteffect · 5 months
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"Milky Way black hole"
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration, who produced the first ever image of our Milky Way black hole released in 2022, has captured a new view of the massive object at the center of our Galaxy: how it looks in polarized light.
This is the first time astronomers have been able to measure polarization, a signature of magnetic fields, this close to the edge of Sagittarius A*.
This image shows the polarized view of the Milky Way black hole. The lines mark the orientation of polarization, which is related to the magnetic field around the shadow of the black hole. Image
Photo: EHT Collaboration, CC-BY-NC-SA
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journalofanoldsoul · 1 year
Signature Love Language (Mars Edition)
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The Mars sign in a person's birth chart represents their style of asserting themselves, pursuing their desires, and taking action. The Mars sign can also give insight into their approach to romantic relationships and their love language. Here's a breakdown of the signature love language of each Mars sign:
Mars in Aries: Mars is in its rulership in Aries (modern astrology), so those with Mars in Aries value independence and taking initiative in their relationships. They express their love through bold gestures and an assertive, passionate approach to romance.
Mars in Taurus: Those with Mars in Taurus value sensuality and comfort in their relationships. They express their love through physical touch, pampering their partner, and creating a cozy, intimate environment.
Mars in Gemini: Those with Mars in Gemini value communication and intellectual stimulation in their relationships. They express their love through playful banter, sharing ideas, and mentally engaging with their partner.
Mars in Cancer: Those with Mars in Cancer value emotional connection and nurturing in their relationships. They express their love through caring gestures, cooking for their partner, and creating a warm, supportive home environment.
Mars in Leo: Those with Mars in Leo value attention and admiration in their relationships. They express their love through grand romantic gestures, public displays of affection, and showering their partner with compliments and gifts.
Mars in Virgo: Those with Mars in Virgo value practicality and organization in their relationships. They express their love through acts of service, helping their partner with tasks, and keeping their shared space tidy and efficient.
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Mars in Libra: Those with Mars in Libra value harmony and balance in their relationships. They express their love through working to create a fair and equal partnership, being attentive to their partner's needs, and creating a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing environment.
Mars in Scorpio: Mars is in its rulership in Scorpio (old astrology), so those with Mars in Scorpio value intense emotional connection and passion in their relationships. They express their love through deep intimacy, shared vulnerability, and exploring the depths of sexuality with their partner.
Mars in Sagittarius: Those with Mars in Sagittarius value adventure and exploration in their relationships. They express their love through traveling, trying new things together, and sharing a sense of humor and playfulness.
Mars in Capricorn: Mars is in its exaltation in Capricorn, so those with Mars in Capricorn value long-term commitment and stability in their relationships. They express their love through working hard to build a solid foundation for their partnership, setting goals together, and taking a responsible, mature approach to romance.
Mars in Aquarius: Those with Mars in Aquarius value independence and individuality in their relationships. They express their love through supporting their partner's unique interests, exploring new ideas and perspectives together, and creating a non-traditional partnership.
Mars in Pisces: Those with Mars in Pisces value emotional connection and spirituality in their relationships. They express their love through empathy, emotional support, and a deep, soulful connection with their partner.
It's important to note that these are generalizations based on the placement of Mars in a person's natal chart, and individuals may express their love in a variety of ways that may not necessarily align with their Mars sign. Additionally, other factors in the chart, such as the Venus sign and aspects to Mars, can also influence a person's love language.
Stay tune for astro posts...
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runningthrough-if · 3 days
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[ intro post ]
Silas Barclay, Jr.
Name: Silas Casten Barclay II (Jr.) Age: 28 Highest Education: Bachelor’s in Environmental Science Star Sign: Aries Moon Sign: Aries Rising Sign: Sagittarius Hangout: Graves (Bar) Favorite Things: E’s signature Old Fashioneds, bow hunting season, gambling, talking shit, and his best friend, Jasper Barclay. Least Favorite Things: His father, beer and hard seltzers, {redacted}, and anyone who’s ever said, “Hunting is a job?”. Fun Fact: Never understands any modern references or memes Jasper tries to show him. Personality: Silas is known around town for his brash and aggressive attitude, and while he is those things, he’s also incredibly observant and perceptive. However, the later are traits he’d rather hide away as his father enjoys calling them ‘sensitive attributes’. Even when he shouldn’t be, he’s conscious of his family’s wishes and does his best to fill the mold they’ve laid out for him. Appearance: 6’1. Tan skin. Dark brown eyes. Long, black hair (with a gray streak at the font) that’s normally pulled back in a bun. Wears dark jeans, plain t-shirts, and simple tennis shoes a majority of the time.
Nell Valez
Name: Nell Maria Valez Age: 30 Highest Education: Associates in Funeral Services Star Sign: Pisces Moon Sign: Virgo Rising Sign: Pisces Hangout: Vonn Swamp Favorite Things: Ethical and sustainable taxidermy, Joyce Carol Oates’ short stories, foxgloves, and jazz music. Least Favorite Things: ‘Aesthetic’ witches, those who hunt for fun rather than necessity, and gender stereotypes. Fun Fact: She only buys clothes that are black, white, or green. It started when she was a teenager and just kind of stuck. Personality: Nell is known for being down to earth and friendly. She’s got an calm demeanor about her which seems to naturally attract people - even though she would prefer to be alone, outside of her coven. Appearance: 5’4. Umber skin. Light brown eyes. 4A (slightly coiled), black hair that falls at her shoulders when styled. Wears lots of lace and layers no matter the season. Has a double nose piercing on both sides that she adorns with gold jewelry. Minimal to no makeup.
Ellis/Eve Van de Ber
Name: Ellis/Eve Montgomery Van de Ber Age: 32 Highest Education: Bachelors in Public Relations Star Sign: Leo Moon Sign: Aquarius Rising Sign: Virgo Hangout: Bambi’s (Trailer Park) Favorite Things: Top shelf whiskey, {redacted} behind the bar, and 70’s pornos. Least Favorite Things: Being a ‘Van de Ber’, those they assume are prudes, and Willow’s Rest. Fun Fact: Once stole a baby alligator from Vonn Swamp and set it loose in the bar for shits and giggles. No…really. Personality: E is know for being the life of the party; whether or not that’s a good thing depends on the day and the party. Despite their constant need for attention, they tend to keep people at an arm’s length. It’s fine to talk to each other at the bar, but no, you’re not getting their phone number and no, they’re not adding you on any social media. Despite their flaws, those who are able to get close to them see someone who cares deeply not only for their personal relationships, but someone who holds theirself to an impossible standard. Appearance: 5’8. Golden skin. Green eyes. Shoulder length brown hair that’s cut in a wolf cut. Black and white, traditional tattoos covering 95% of their body. Multiple ear piercings and a lower lip (black hoop) piercing on right side. Usually wears black jeans, a black tank-top, and black combat boots (with a leather jacket in cooler weather). Heavy makeup (Eve).
Orson Barclay
Name: Orson Archer Barclay Age: 29 Highest Education: Bachelors in English. (Missing 3 classes from his Library Science Degree.) Star Sign: Virgo Moon Sign: Virgo Rising Sign: Libra Hangout: Landry’s Rowe Library Favorite Things: Anne Rice, visiting his parent’s graves, shots of espresso, and fishing at Vonn Swamp. Least Favorite Things: Willow’s Rest, rush hour at Able & Poes, and hot tea. Fun Fact: Recently began working to re-open the shut down movie theater near the edge of town. (His parent’s were working on this before their passing.) Personality: For a man who runs the most popular restaurant in town, Orson is still a mystery to most of the locals. He’s polite and level-headed while working, but aside from small town gossip, not many know much about him. Appearance: 6’3. Tan skin. Dark blue eyes. Dark brown hair cut short and clean. Wears glasses. Has one tattoo to memorialize his parents on his right arm (upper). Typically dressed in simple, dark slacks, button downs (of various patters and colors), and loafers.
Vernon/Verena Hart
Name: Vernon/Verena Reese Hart Age: 31 Highest Education: High School Diploma Star Sign: Libra Moon Sign: Cancer Rising Sign: Aquarius Hangout: N/AFavorite Things: Horror movies (slashers and creature features are their favorites), collecting funky mugs, volunteering at animal shelters, and film photography. Least Favorite Things: Pretentiousness, art schools, and their anxiety. Fun Fact: Can play guitar and would be a musician if not a photographer. Personality: V is known for their expansive creativity; they see the world as a canvas ready to photograph, narrate, paint, etc. To the world, they may be bubbly and fun and a bit too self-centered, but you see a different side of them. With you they’re more attentive and caring; it’s less about them and more about your needs and feelings. Appearance: 5’8. Pale skin. Green eyes. Curly, long (light coppery) red hair parted in the middle with curtain bangs (Verena). Short on the sides, long on top, curly, red hair styled messily (Vernon). Freckles across their nose and cheek. Double ear piercings. Both dress rather casually in jeans, pullovers, and simple shoes.
Cash/Cassandra Landry
Name: Cash/Cassandra Riven Landry Age: 35 Highest Education: ??? Star Sign: Sagittarius Moon Sign: Scorpio Rising Sign: Taurus Favorite Things: Leading the church, polaroid photos, communion, and baptismal sessions in Vonn Swamp. Least Favorite Things: {redacted}, {redacted}, their parents, their sisters, and Orson Landry. Fun Fact: Has tried to re-write the bible on multiple occasions. Personality: Cash/Cassandra are known for being a little odd, but they still manage to draw people in with an easy charisma. They’re the epitome of understanding how to make you feel like you are the most seen and important person in the room. Despite their long-winded, religious rants, people still line up to talk to them when they come into the heart of the town. Appearance: 5’10. Pale skin. Light blue eyes. Long, straight blonde (platinum) hair that they normally wear down. No piercings or tattoos. Often seen wearing their ‘Sunday best’, monochromatic white outfits.
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the-banana-0verlord · 5 months
The polished glass
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Name: Achilles Vair Twisted from: Cinderella, Cinderella Dorm: Cinderquartz(RSA) Age: 17(second year) Birthday: 3rd of December (sagittarius) Homeland: The Shaftlands Signature Spell: Quest for the lost He can find any lost item provided he knows what it is and has previously seen it. He has a detection radius of a few kilometers. Appearance: He has a golden mullet, and is 182 cms tall. He has soft eyes the color of ash. He has long eyelashes and features that makes him look like a prince straight out of a fairytale. Personnality: Very soft and quiet. He's very much of a pushover and often does things others ask of him even though he doesn't want to do it. He's although quite resilient. Uncategorized Trivia: 💎Excellent at animals linguistics 💎His stepbrothers always hid his things to make fun of him, which is how he manifested his unique magic. 💎While mainly being inspired from Cinderella, he also holds some inpsiration from the prince. 💎He grew up with his father, stepmother and two stepsiblings. His biological mother died in childbirth. 💎While his stepsiblings bullied him, his stepmom brushed it off as "boys being boys" and that it was normal for younger siblings to bug their older siblings. His father turned a blind eye to this, all while rarely being present due to work. 💎He owns a locket with his mother's picture in it. It's the only thing he gets defensive for when his brothers try to take it to annoy him. 💎Due to his father being somewhat rich, he got the housewarden seat due to recommendation of the previous housewarden, who was the son of one of his father's business partner/friend. Many of his dormmates are unhappy with the decision because of his doormat nature. 💎He finds animals to be quite more interesting than humans. 💎He has a dove named Pidge as a companion.
Askbox is open for any ask about him!
tag list(tell me if you want to be added or removed!): @thehollowwriter @iabsolutelylovedragons @xen-blank @casp1an-sea
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elysiansparadise · 1 year
Hi! Hope you having a great day!
I wanted how does one go about finding their signature sign in astrology?
What would a good resource to read?
Also, would you consider posting about signature signs and what makes them unique.
I would like to know your insights.
Thank you for your help.
Hello love. I'm having a great day, I hope you too. I've never thought about doing a post about signature sign, but I think it's such a nice idea, thanks for suggesting it. 🤎
How to calculate your signature sign?
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What is a signature sign? This is the name given to the sign whose characteristics are most present in our personality. It is usually the sign that is repeated the most in your chart, but in case you have a wide variety of signs, here I will show you how to calculate it.
How is it calculated? You can know yours by adding your dominant element and your dominant modality.
♈Aries Signature: Fire dominant + Cardinal dominant
♉Taurus Signature: Earth dominant + Fixed dominant
♊Gemini Signature: Air dominant + Mutable dominant
♋Cancer Signature: Water dominant + Cardinal dominant
♌Leo Signature: Fire dominant + Fixed dominant
♍Virgo Signature: Earth dominant + Mutable dominant
♎Libra Signature: Air dominant + Cardinal dominant
♏Scorpio Signature: Water dominant + Fixed dominant
♐Sagittarius Signature: Fire dominant + Mutable dominant
♑Capricorn Signature: Earth dominant + Cardinal dominant
♒Aquarius Signature: Air dominant + Fixed dominant
♓Pisces Signature: Water dominant + Mutable dominant
Some pages that may help you understanding this: I | II | III
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astrosky33 · 9 months
hii i hope youre doing well todayy
Do you think signature signs apply to sidereal astrology? thank youu
Yes, you can find your Sidereal Signature Sign on Astro.com!
In the example below you can see Ariana Grande’s signature/dominant sign in Sidereal is Sagittarius because it’s the sign with the highest percentage
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #19
• I’ve noticed a pattern with Air and Earth risings and their dads not physically being there in their lives or being away for long periods of time and staying for shorter periods of time.
• People with Gemini rising and mercury at Leo degrees (5, 17, 29) or with their 3rd house in Leo tend to be very animated, expressive storytellers and are great at mimicking others! If they’re into singing then they might be good at imitating the original singer of that song’s voice.
• They’re also good at making impressions of other people.😂 Same goes for Leo rising with mercury in Gemini degrees (3, 15, 27) or people with their 5H in Gemini!✨
• Another thing about people with Leo in their 3H is that they WILL be over the top or dramatic when they see fit!! I have this placement and I literally pretended to faint when I saw my mom about to hit me while holding the pan she was washing with her other hand when I was a kid.🤣
• Capricorn moon kids aren’t the mini adults I see a lot of people stereotyping especially when they have Air/Fire in their charts. 🧐 Yes they might become very responsible as kids but they can also be the loud charming ones with the funniest laughs!😂
• Most 70s music/dance show hosts had prominent Scorpio/Libra placements with a dash of Aquarius energy! E.g. Dick Clark a 70s/80s show host from American Bandstand was a Scorpio moon/venus/rising & his sun was at 7 (Libra) degree while his rising was at 11 (Aquarius) degree!! And Don Cornelius the creator and show host of Soul Train throughout 3 decades was a Libra sun/mercury/venus with an Aquarius moon at 20 (Scorpio) degree!!🤎
• They also had inner planets at 28 degree!✨
• I’ve noticed some people with Fire venuses don’t get along with their dads that much, some of them had more of the ‘tough love’ type fathers.
• The reason most air moons seem to be emotionally aloof especially Aquarius moons, is because at some point in their lives they might’ve been shown that the only way to get by is by intellect and logic. They might’ve also been told as kids that they’re being too emotional and to stop crying/being upset.
• Another is because they’ve adapted to bottling up their emotions all the time that they might not know a way to express them openly and might just internalize it.
• Earth mars artists from the late 70s/early 80s were your go-to, classic R&B artists!! E.g. Patrice Rushen, Bobby DeBarge from Switch & Teena Marie are all Capricorn mars. Tommy DeBarge from Switch, Rick James and Donna Summer were all Virgo mars. Bunny DeBarge from DeBarge & Wayne Cooper from Cameo are both Taurus mars. 🍂
• If you feel like some placements in your composite don’t really add up with your relationship then check your Davison chart because I promise it’ll feel more accurate!
• Gemini suns with Sagittarius moons are very talkative and seem so feisty!😭
• Saturn doms have very attractive/prominent body shapes!
• Aquarius suns with Aquarius mercuries are funny without trying. ✋🏽😂
• Pisces suns with Aquarius mercuries and Aries venuses be literally taking the words out my mouth and say some of the meanest things!🤣
• Aries mercuries will literally say mean things before laughing and then hit you with the “What? It’s true.”😭🤣
• Fire mars men are built different!😭 Their height/weight might often trick people into thinking they’re soft but they are SO strong.
• Venus doms, how does it feel to get more beautiful every day?
• Mercurial risings kill me!😭 Virgo risings have a hilarious sometimes dry or more introverted humor while Gemini risings can be all over the place cracking jokes and exaggerating things lol.
• What’s with 5H suns and having a thing for verbal expressions. They’re literally the types to imitate a sound track when they’re explaining things.😭😭😭
• Some Gemini risings tend to have a signature laugh or people might point out/compliment their laughter often.
• They might also have them crazy laughs too and you’ll notice it specifically when you get close to them.🤣
• That one Aquarius moon family member 🤝 every other family member always going to them when they have problems with their technology or doing something online.
• Aries venus is that one cousin that will be spontaneous and very funny when you’re both good but will mean mug and say hurtful things to you/about you when you’re not on good terms anymore.😭
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
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(No one asked for this but I’m a work and I’m bored and trying to not have another breakdown)
Like a said in my glo pc chart ruler post. Having your chart ruler in the 10H means that you naturally will glo/shine in your career and it could potentially give you some fame factor. A lot of celebrities have this placement. Jupiter could mean that I have a lot of luck in my career and I shine thought out my whole career’s longevity. The abundance I achieve through my career allows me to shine. It being in Libra could mean that I shine when I appear perfectly balanced, poised and stay kind hearted.
With a Sagittarius rising, mars, Venus, mercury and Pluto this chart has a Sagittarius stellium. In the context of the Glo PC this could mean that I naturally shine at being optimistic, open minded or being a big personality. Could also mean that I shine at being funny and that I’m naturally lucky in life/abundant because Sagittarius rules over Jupiter.
The rising sign in your glo asc might show what naturally shines about you physically and what stands out to others when you first meet you. Since mines in Sagittarius it might be my legs/ smile and since mars conjuncts my rising I have a Martian like glow as well. So I might come off as confident or feisty and I might have a sporty/ fit vibe going on. Features on my face stand out, like my freckles and signature mole.
Another thing that might stand out about me when first meeting peoples is my beauty/looks and how I speak/communicate. Venus in the 1H is obvious that I shine naturally when I embrace or enhance my natural beauty. Mercury 1H means that I shine when I express my curiosity, my mind, and how I think. Mercury conj. Venus means that I shine when I use my wits and charm when expressing myself/meeting new people. This aspect is also a good Singing indicator in natal charts so in the context of this chart it could mean that I have a glowing singing voice or that I shine when I sing.
The sun naturally is also shining and will be the your natal glo placement. It being in Capricorn and the 2H could mean that I shine with money, specifically how I spend and earn it. I might shine in being a bit overindulgent with spending but I might also be naturally good at managing it. 2H is also the house of values/ worth so I might naturally shine at getting my moneys worth and being a bit of a bougie shopper.
Fated/ destined to shine creatively and to shine when I’m headstrong, a leader, and maintaining my independence.
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That’s most of my chart. It’s pretty cool. I made this in the past two hours standing at a table at work cuz idgaf 💋
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