#Sailing By Orion's Star
kcrabb88 · 1 year
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Are you looking for a queer nautical read this Pride month (or any time?) Do you like queer pirates??? Stories about found family and finding home and fighting empires?? Historical adventure fiction??
You might want to check out Sailing by Orion's Star and Sailing by Carina's Star, the first two books in The Constellation Trilogy! Orion is out in paperback, ebook, and audio, and Carina is out in paperback and ebook. Gemini, the third installment, will release in 2024!
We've got aromantics and asexuals and bisexuals and lesbians and gays oh my! And they're on ships! Sometimes they have swords and ruminate on the oppressive nature of colonialism (or they don't! Which is a problem!)
(There might also be a QPP in it for you! Who can say?)
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
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2022 reads // twitter thread  
Sailing By Orion’s Star
start of a historical fiction trilogy about pirates set between 1695-1718
a rich family on the verge of destruction & pirates fighting colonialism
intertwining storylines
focus on the marginalised, platonic relationships, found family
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mugwot · 8 months
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theteaisaddictive · 2 years
governor travers like: pirates?? in my colony?
rené, frantz, michel, jerome, danso, ebeni and astra, in unison: it’s more likely than you think
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phoenixflames12 · 2 years
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Now that the light is better I can take a photo of Sailing by Carina’s Star in print by the wonderfully talented @kcrabb88! I still can’t believe that I get to have them both on my bookshelf and I can’t wait to start reading!
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pigeon-tracks · 7 months
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"Silver-Sailing Traveller, Ancient Rebel Rocketeer, there is nothing left to fear. Star Child
Super Sonic techno tramp, Androgynous Renascent, Like an angel heaven sent. Star Child"
-S.T.A.R Child by The Orion Experience
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tylermileslockett · 5 months
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8: ZODIAC CONSTELLATIONS The ancient Greek Zodiakos, or Zodiac, is a division of the celestial sphere into twelve equal parts; each one containing a specific group of stars with a mythic association called a constellation. Ancient Greeks used the constellations for sailing navigation, time keeping for seasonal agricultural practices like planting and harvesting crops, mythic storytelling purposes, and astrology practices. Hellenistic Astrology, taking influence from the Babylonians and Egyptians, sought meaning in the zodiac signs and how they influenced a person’s character based on the position of the sun when they were born. They also used this practice for divination, providing guidance and predictions for the future. Let’s take a look at the twelve Zodiac constellations and their mythic tales. 1.) Aries (March 21-April 19) represents the flying golden ram sent by the gods to save the royal children Phrixus and Helle from sacrifice, and whose fleece later becomes the quested prize for the Argonauts. 2.) Taurus (April 20-May 20) represents the bull which Zeus transformed into to seduce Europa, and is linked to the Cretan Bull and the myth of the Minotaur. 3.) Gemini (May 21-June 21) represents the twins Castor and Pollux, sons of Zeus and Leda, known for their inseparable bond and heroic deeds. 4.) Cancer (June 22- July 22) represents the crab sent by Hera to distract Hercules during his battle with the Hydra, later placed in the sky by Hera as a constellation. 5.) Leo (July 23- Aug. 22) represents the lion, representing strength and kingship, associated with the Nemean Lion defeated by Hercules. 6.) Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22) represents the maiden, often linked to the goddess of agriculture and fertility, such as Demeter or Persephone. 7.) Libra (Sept 23- Oct 23) represents goddess of justice Astraea, daughter of Themis, who carries the scales of justice. 8.) Scorpio (Oct 24- Nov 21) represents the scorpion sent by Artemis or Gaia to kill Orion 9.) Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21) represents the centaur archer, often identified as the wise and skilled Chiron. 10.) Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19) represents the sea goat Aegipan, who aided Zeus in his fight against Typhon. 11.) Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18) represents the cupbearer of the gods, Ganymede, who was abducted by Zeus and placed among the stars. 12.) Pisces (Feb 19- March 20) represents the two fish, Aphrodite and Eros, who transformed to escape the monster Typhon.
Like this art? It will be in my illustrated book with over 130 other full page illustrations coming in June to kickstarter.  to get unseen free hi-hes art subscribe to my email newsletter
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ratsoh-writes · 2 months
Maybe do an updated version of the introvert vs. extrovert list ask in masterlist 2, but with all the skeles?
Alright. *breaks fingers* let’s do this!!
Introverts: honey basil red rust lord mutt coffee butler gold Pluto Helios peaches ram pitch moose quill harpy papaya sails Alden barin saga snipe slim pop tempo green lens cricket tinker partner rowdy
Extroverts: papyrus Star willow lilac edge noir mal cash charm sugar sparks lush sir Flambe pesto Jupiter orion barley crow roost mango fisher Jasper Finn hook captain silex Ollivander arwin Hilda bruiser butch boss rhythm vibrato gears zen thistle yarrow
Ambiverts: sans oak wine salt pepper weasel atlas Artemis rancher cider maple Pearl ace G compass taffy pudding stitches shield
Longer answers: under the cut cause it’s a long fkn list
Sans: he truly is fine with or without company. Simply put sans is just too lazy to care. While he does value his privacy, that’s more in the lines of what his thoughts are. Sans doesn’t give out his true intentions easily. And he can keep being a secretive little jokester in the privacy of his own home, or surrounded by friends. It doesn’t make a difference to him.
Papyrus (and willow): papyrus loves people! He thrives on being surrounded by other happy faces. When he’s alone too long, his more anxious thoughts start turning creep in, so having friends or just any people around is always preferable.
Star (and lilac): he’s an extrovert cause it’s a lot easier to have fun with others than by yourself. Daily tasks just don’t hit as hard without commentary from other people to fill the silence. Star hates silence lol
Honey (and basil): he’s an introvert cause people are scary. It takes a while for him to get comfortable. Therefore it’s just easier to have his me time by himself.
Red (and rust): introvert. He doesn’t like people. And he’s territorial and likes his space. There’s really nothing deep to it
Edge (and noir): extrovert. The best work is done with a proper team and edge prefers his allies around him. He’s learned over the years that just life is simply more.. enjoyable with others, even if they sometimes hold him back he feels
Oak: while he and sans are both ambiverts, it’s for entirely different reasons. Oak simply can’t be introverted. It’s not safe for him to be along long times with his memory. And his perception of time is trash, so he gets nervous if he’s alone too long. But at the same time he would really rather not be always surrounded you know?
Mal: extrovert obviously. Come on, this gossip queen can be nothing else! After all you need many friends in order to get good tea~
Cash: he loves his besties, and causing chaos is always better in groups. You need people to take the blame with you after all lol. Cash prefers having company, mostly of very close friends, but he’ll take others too. He’s pretty extroverted
Lord: he’s a total introvert. He’s only happy to be around a small handful of special people all day, and even then he still needs breaks from them periodically lol
Mutt: he was an extrovert before his LV sickness, but his inability to connect has made him loose his taste for always wanting companionship, so he’s more introvert these days. Unless it’s the right person that is…
Wine: he quite likes lazy days alone, but he equally loves outings with groups. Wine just lets the day take him wherever it may go with no real preference. So ambivert
Coffee: total introvert. He doesn’t like people, and when he is actually in the mood to socialize, it’s for a very limited time frame lol.
Pluto: he’s such a little introvert. He has to get himself psyched up for a day beforehand first when he knows he’ll be in a group larger than four for a few hours. Pluto is perfectly happy spending his days researching alone instead
Jupiter: sports are better with teammates so 100% extrovert.
Orion: his lazy devil may care personality is deceiving. Orion thrives in company, he craves interaction. He’s the guy who will look at a complete stranger and go up to them to get their life story. Total extrovert
Atlas is an ambivert because while he can enjoy company, he doesn’t necessarily need it. He just needs adventure and gossip. It doesn’t have to come from a face to face source, but it doesn’t have to be alone to be enjoyable either
Helios: while he has a great stage face, that’s all it is, a fake face. Helios never liked the spotlight, it’s just another thing he endures so he can stay in the fight. He’d much rather be chilling alone in his Snuggie than dealing with people all the time
Artemis: she’d have been extroverted if she hadn’t been shut away in a hospital room for most of her life. Artemis is used to being alone, but she also loves interaction
Charm: he hates being alone with his thoughts. The brain is cold and hard, other peoples beds are soft and warm~ extrovert
Sugar: he just loves everybody! Of course he wants to hang out!! Total extrovert. If anyone argues otherwise they don’t know sugar at all
Sparks: I could repeat sugars answer and you have sparks pretty much. He loves everyone! Extrovert!
Salt: he’s ambivert as he likes people, but he likes his own space too. He needs a healthy balance of both to feel fulfilled
Lush: he’s a tragic extrovert. Lush craves companionship and company, but finds it very hard to make said friends that fufills that. So he pretends it doesn’t matter when it very much does. Please be friends with him!
Pepper: he’s incredibly picky about the company he keeps, and honestly doesn’t care if that means a few days alone or not. Pepper can entertain himself. But he does throughly love hanging out whenever with the ones he deems worthy. Ambivert
Sir: he’s a nosy bugger and likes being around every one so he can know what’s going on at all times. Sir is a great extrovert!
Weasel: he doesn’t really care if he’s causing chaos with friends, or just chilling alone. There are many ways weasel keeps himself entertained. He’s pretty independent. Ambivert
Butler: he tolerates large groups if he likes the people in them, but it doesn’t stop him from craving that sweet sweet alone time. He’s a social introvert.
Gold: while he does love being with friends, his social battery is way smaller than he acts it is actually. You can tell golds getting tired the more he flirts. He’s secretly hoping he can get this interaction over with so he can go back and work on his outfits
Flambe: all eyes on him ladies and gentleman~ extrovert lol. He loves attention too much not to be
Pesto: like Flambe, pesto craves attention and validation. And he wants it from lots of friends. He’s not in a place where he can feel that again, but he’s getting there. Extrovert
Peaches: he’s perfectly happy with just his trees, and family. But even with a large family, he knows he’ll get all his me time during his work in the orchid. He’s a sweet introvert
Rancher: he’s top goal driven to be introvert or extrovert. He doesn’t care if he’s alone or together with people, as long as he’s achieving the thing he wants to do right now!
Cider: he prizes peace, but peace can come in a group just as much as when it’s just him. Cider is used to a cramped large family, so being surrounded doesn’t bother him. But he’s also perfectly fine alone for a while. He’s definitely ambivert
Barley: he’s so extroverted he literally feels itchy if he’s been alone too long lol. Barley jokes that he’s allergic to solitude
Ram: things are just easier to understand when it’s just him. Ram does prize his alone time and peace. So introverted.
Pitch is easily the most introverted skeleton on this list. He’d be just fine socially if the only three people left in the world were him, Ram and maybe a nice gal/guy for ram lol.
Moose: he’s pretty introverted. While he does like outings, he wants to plan ahead for them. Or else he feels very drained afterwards. It is what it is
Maple: as long as a chainsaw is involved, maple doesn’t care if he’s alone or with 100 people. People that know chainsaw safety that is lol. He’s ambivert
Quill: he’s so introverted it hurts. Groups larger than 3 drain him so fast. He even needs breaks from best friends occasionally
Crow: he’s totally extroverted! Crow thinks people make everything so much more interesting! Yes he would like to hear about your day! Give him all those details!!
Roost: he’s a ladies man~ and a lads man~ and a platonic but flirty chill dude/dudettes guy! Roost just likes fun banter and prefers it over none at all. He’s pretty extroverted
Harpy: she truly doesn’t care if she does everything by herself, or if she has competent partners around her. In her main social life she’s seen as ambivert, but personally she feels as if she leans more towards introverted. While she puts up a good farce, she does just feel.. better alone. More calm.
Mango: she feels more secure surrounded by people she likes, preferably humans but she has monster friends too who’ve earned her trust! Mango is definitely extroverted!
Papaya: he’s more on the introverted side of the spectrum. Papaya is friendly and kind, but he simply just needs a dose of peace and quiet every day to function.
Fisher: his favorite activity in life is playfully tormenting others, and since that requires other people to work, extrovert it is~
Jasper: intellectually he knows he’s a walking dumpster fire if left to his own devices so Jasper constantly seeks out company from buddies. And he does like it lol. So he’s very extroverted
Finn: he quite literally took a job in the royal guard, then as a scout master cause it involves working with other people! Finn loves people and loves helping them! He’s extroverted for sure!
Sails: his ideal day is just him, his dog and a nice day out on his boat in the ocean. Nobody needing anything from him. Sails knows he’s an introvert and is cool with this about himself
Hook: he gets lonely easily, and seeks out lots of companionship and drama cause of it. Hooks always been extroverted because of this. It’s why he’s so happy on the ship with all his crew mates
Captain has honestly never had a life where he was alone. In his old au he shared a ship with many others, and now he captains a navy vessel with a crew on his own. He’d feel quite off if he ever did find himself alone. Captain is definitely extroverted
Pearl quite likes her relaxing me time, but she has no issues pleasing the masses as well as a princess. The spotlight on her is heavy but not exhausting. She’s a good ambivert.
Silex: this man is so extroverted lol. He wants to meet every one and see it all!!! It’s hard to imagine him as anything else
Alden: he’s happiest when it’s just him in his art studio. No distractions. Alden is for sure introverted even though he comes across as one of the more friendly skeletons
Ollivander: the reason his bank is so successful is because in part of how personable Ollie is! Ollivander is an extroverted fellow, and that friendly helpful face he puts on at work is very much genuine. Unless you aren’t paying your debts that is~
Hilda: she’s so obviously extroverted lol. And sucks for her since she was raised in a family of quiet polite high class introverts lol. Hilda felt pretty repressed growing up, leading to the over the top personality she has these days
Saga: she’s very much introverted. Saga is happy to just be left to her books for the rest of her life. But she will tolerate polite companions for a bit each day
Barin: he’s introverted, always has been. But his duties require him to manage a lot of people. So Barin powers through like he does with everything else in life. He really really values what little alone time he does have though
Arwin: he’s the extroverted life of the party! Arwin is a fan of having many fans and wears his posse like a badge of honor lol
Snipe: he hates people. And he probably hates you too. So don’t bother him. Introverted
Bruiser: he loves meeting his favorite people. And things are simply just too boring without them! So bruiser is very extroverted. He’s a needy friend lol
Butch: in order to kick *ss and take names, there needs to be *ss to kick and names to take, so for the sake of all his crazy shenanigans, butch must be extroverted lol
Boss: he craves companionship despite his best efforts to pretend he doesn’t. Boss feels quite lonely when he finds himself with nothing to do. Hence why he bosses his brothers around so much. He’s extroverted
Ace: causing chaos with (or against) others is fun~ causing chaos alone is also fun~ ace is a true ambivert
Slim: he’d rather hurl than have to be around people all the time. And his best friendships are more than often done through a screen. Slim is introverted all the way
Pop: he’s a very friendly and random introvert! He comes across as a quirky socialite though when- oh where did he go? Did he ditch every one again?
Rhythm: dancing is simply more fun with a partner so rhythm must be extroverted! Besides you need a mob to make a flash mob lol
Tempo: he’s very much introverted. After all he need solitude in order to make the compositions he loves! And he’s happiest when he’s creating
Vibrato: it’s a good thing he’s extroverted with how much he’s on stage! He loves his fans so much! And the paparazzi, and his bodyguards who keep him from the paparazzi lol
Lens: even without his paranoia, lens has always been more on the introverted side. There’s certain people he trusts enough to be fine around whenever, but anyone else is very tiring for him emotionally. It takes lens a long time to open up
Cricket: he’s introverted as well, a bit of a surprising fact for anyone who often sees him with cash and mal. Cricket likes his alone time at the junkyard. Only best friends can drag him away from it lol
G: he’s ambivert for sure. G does quite like being surrounded by people, but there’s something equally alluring with exploring life on his own too. He’s a go with the flow guy. Whatever fits better with that days plans works fine
Green: while socializing is enjoyable, green needs time to recoup and heal from it. He thinks very hard when he’s with people and even if he likes them and what they do together, he’s simply just tired afterwards. So introverted
Gears: he’s extroverted, but just barely. Gears can be alone for ages when he’s caught in creating a new trinket, but when he’s away from that (and lucid after he gets out of the inventors haze lol) he craves companionship! He wants to chat! To hang out! To be doted on lol
Compass: he’s a true ambivert. He’s happy playing and exploring on his own, but if someone wants to join he’s perfectly chill with adding them. No fuss. It’s not that deep for him
Zen: he’s an extroverted boy! Zen is just so curious about people. He wants to hear their stories! Plus it pleases the little host inside of him to have lots of others around!
Shield: hes ambiverted. While shield enjoys company, he also enjoys his independence quite a bit. Shield likes toeing the line between popular social guy and cool independent lone wolf. Why confine yourself to one label when you can have both?
Taffy: she doesn’t care for quantity of friends, just the quality. And if that means she’s alone sometime, well that doesn’t bother her. Taffy is a good ambivert
Pudding comes off as extroverted pretty easily, but she’s quite ambiverted really. Most of her social butterfly mask is just that, a mask. She enjoys the play bit doesn’t need it to feel fulfilled
Partner: he’s more introverted. And it reflects in what he does when he’s off the clock. When partner isn’t playing his part as sheriff, he takes a lot of time alone to himself
Rowdy never really got to explore himself socially as a child, so he’s trying very hard right now to come across as social open and adventurous. He’s been realizing over time though that he really just wants to be left to himself for most of the time. Adventure is only fun when it’s scheduled in with plenty of me time breaks in between. He’s an introvert
Stitches: he’s happy nerding out with friends, or nerding out alone! Online forums are a thing too. Stitches doesn’t need lots of companionship to be happy although it is fun. He’s ambivert.
Tinker: anyone who knows this monster can just smell the introvert oozing out of him lol. He crochets all day alone and loves it that way
Thistle: he’s extroverted! In fact he gets jittery if he’s been alone too long. He starts feeling unsafe. Loneliness is scary man
Yarrow: yarrow too is more extroverted for sure. Being raised in a coven all about family inclusion and stuff kinda leaves you no choice lol. He’s cool with it though
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indestructibleheart · 7 months
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Thank you for the tags, @rmd-writes, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @maxbegone, and @three-drink-amy!
I'm getting close to the end of The Coma Fic™️! Hooray!
I've just reached the point where I don't want to share out of context snippets anymore because I don't want to spoil important moments... even though y'all already know Alex is gonna wake up. Anyway, that means this is the last time I'll share a snip until I drop the whole thing (and it's a few more than seven sentences):
For a moment, Alex thinks Nora has a point. It's not so bad. Alex looks out at the lake, watching the moon glisten against the still water, and he thinks… You know what? Yeah. He can stay here. It's peaceful, and he has June and Nora—figments or not—and, maybe, he's tired of fucking fighting all the time. Maybe he's here because he deserves some goddamn peace.  Then he lays down on his back and the sky spreads out above him. That's another thing about Austin. You can really see the stars out here. D.C. isn't quite as bright as other big cities he's been to, but out here? The midnight sky is littered with stars, scattered as far and wide as he can see. And he's never been one for astronomy, but it's easy for his eyes to spot a familiar belt of three stars and a sword held high. "What're you doing out here?" There's a shuffling sound next to him, and Alex turns his head to find Henry—finally—dropping to lie beside him in the dirt. His blonde hair is sticking to his forehead and droplets cling to his eyelashes. He's as beautiful as he's always been. Alex's lips twitch. "Looking for Orion," he says. "Ah," Henry replies. "Any luck?" He hums in the affirmative. "The three stars there"—he takes Henry's hand, twines their fingers, and points them together, as if Henry wasn't the one who taught him—"are the dead giveaway. That's the belt, and his shoulders up here…" "I see." Henry smiles; it's in the smooth tone of his voice. "I had no idea you were into astronomy." Alex smiles. "Oh, I'm not," he teases, dropping their still-twined hands onto the ground between them. "Some guy taught me. The things we'll do for a piece of ass, right?" Henry laughs. "A piece of—Christ, Alex." He shakes his head. Mud collects in his hair. "Charming. Truly." "Yeah, I was gonna be really charming when I busted down your door," Alex says. "You dodged a bullet." Instantly, Henry's smile fades. Alex wishes he could take it back.
Tagging some lovelies under the cut. If you have not been tagged and you want to be, consider this your tag!
@anchoredarchangel, @barbiediaz, @cha-melodius, @cricketnationrise, @guillermosfamiliar, @hippolotamus, @inexplicablymine, @jettestar, @junebugclaremontdiaz, @kiwiana-writes, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @missgeevious, @mulderscully, @myheartalivewrites, @ninzied, @nontoxic-writes, @notspecialbabe, @priincebutt, @treluna4, @vanillahigh00, @welcometololaland, @orchidscript, @ships-to-sail, @stereopticons
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twinsunstars · 4 months
Wherever Your World Is - Chapter 1
Fanfic Summary: A young mermaid filled with hope discovers secrets about her past and seeks to reunite with her family at many costs, getting her chance to be with the land dwellers she had grown so fascinated of. The mermaid strikes a deal with dark magic and begins her mission of becoming a human again. (A Bad Batch + Little Mermaid AU)
Chapter 1 Summary: A group of brothers remember the little sister they had lost, a sprinkle of hope igniting during a ritual of loss.
Notes: Hey friends! Back in early May, many of you had liked my idea of a Little Mermaid AU with the Bad Batch, and it is finally beginning! I can't promise weekly chapters or anything like that, so chapters will come out whenever I finish them! Thank you to @kurlyfrii for being my mutual partner throughout this project and for other mutuals always patiently listening to my ideas! I hope you all enjoy the ride this fic is in for! Read Chapter 1 below either on here or on AO3! Reblog to share!! divider by @stars-n-spice !
taglist: @kurlyfrii @orion-tyche @magicandmundane @biancadiangelosghost @sntofbirbs @half-truths-and-hyperbole-louk @fritoley @omegafett99 @bossboudicca @amalthiaph @ahsokashawarma1138 (let me know if you want to be tagged for future chapters!)
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Oceans hold many secrets. The waves crashed against each other while sea creatures swam freely, playing their part to survive among the actions of land dwellers. The depths of the sea were dark, hiding away all those secrets. 
Tales often sprung from those oceanic secrets that became rumors and myths on land. Krakens, sea killers, aquabeasts, the sea leviathan, and even mermaids. The stories of mermaids became the most loved tale, land dwellers either visualizing them as the most beautiful kind of creatures or the most dangerous. No one knew the true pain a mermaid could suffer under the sea. Their lives were stripped away from living freely on the surface of land. If they were to shed tears, each drop would simply just carry on with the waves.
Many sea creatures able to reach the ocean’s surface happily relished the soft ocean breeze. They squealed and chirped at each other, enjoying their travels. 
A large sea ship painted in the dark colors of black and red moved swiftly across the waves. A large red skull was painted on the ship’s body, the signature emblem of the royal family. Sea creatures quickly swam away from the ship’s path, watching it pass by under the water. 
Sailors reigned the sails high into the air. The mast could be visible to any who would be coming nearby. The wind passed through strongly, matching the cloudy weather of the day. 
“My princes.” A tall middle-aged man approached four young men positioned in the center of the ship together. “We are approaching the ritual site.” 
“Thank you, Shep.” Shep Hazard bowed his head, giving the men room to prepare. 
One of the men, who had a tattoo matching the view of a sniper located over his right eye, glanced over at a man standing over the ship’s edge, looking out at the horizon. “Hunter.”
Hunter looked over at his brother. “I know. I’m coming.” His brother gave him a small nod, following his other brothers towards Shep. 
Hunter held his red bandana in his hand, allowing the wind to make his dark brown hair fly. He watched the waves move violently, a few small sea creatures hopping up to the surface before falling back into the water. Hunter’s mind remembered how the waves acted the first time his brothers escaped to Pabu, making a new life for themselves. 
His family fought as soldiers, a batch of enhanced clones proving themselves useful in the fight. Escaping the war was a hard decision, especially when they were bred specifically to fight one. But things were taking a dark turn. Many clones were disappearing, worlds were becoming more corrupt, and trust was starting to become something nonexistent around others. The enemy was advancing much rapidly and many more lives were being lost every day. 
When Hunter and his brothers found out that there was a little clone created for the purpose of destruction, it got them thinking. The clone would be raised and used as a vital weapon for the enemy’s needs once the clone had grown old enough. It was something that could not happen. 
After many debates, the clones made the decision to steal the young clone away from their creators to prevent the enemy from getting their hands on the clone. Finding out the clone was a female instead of a regular male was another shock. She was genetically engineered differently and was never going to be a simple soldier thrown into a war. She was meant for much more, and the Batch was not going to let the enemy take advantage of something that could make them win. 
The little unnamed female was only a year old, frail to the touch while tubes and injection needles treated her like an object. Hunter remembered holding the clone in his arms gently while they made their escape. 
A female clone. Their young sister. 
She was safe with them where they were heading, but that didn’t last for long. Someone had taken her away from them, and she was unable to be found for the next thirteen years. The brothers looked as hard as they could with help from others, but there was no sight of their little sister.
Today was the day she had gone missing. The little youngling was ripped away from the family’s hands one dark night on their new home island, her cries echoing in the night until they dropped dead silent. Hunter remembered crying out for his sister, but he couldn’t remember what words came out of his mouth.
A bark broke Hunter’s trance. He tied his bandana around his head, fixing his hair. A large border collie looked up at him, and she appeared to be smiling up at one of her owners. Hunter knelt to give Batcher a scratch behind her ear. 
Batcher was rescued by the family when she was found to be one of many creatures being experimented on for her strength and capabilities. Batcher had helped the brothers protect themselves while escaping with their sister, and the young dog had taken a liking to one of his brothers. She always went wherever her family moved, following along and being there whenever she was needed.
Hunter looked over at his younger brothers, who were gathered near Shep. He walked to his brothers, while Batcher followed behind. Shep smiled at Hunter, handing him an exotic golden flower. His brothers also held the same flower carefully in their hands.
To remember their young sister every year on this day, the Batch performed a traditional Pabuan memorial ritual which was commonly used to remember loved ones who were lost. It was a way of blessing their loved one’s soul and honoring their life, as the flower was a symbol of protection and said to be the flowers blooming in the afterlife. The ritual was mostly done in silence to allow those who grieved loss comfort, along with some Pabuan words said to initiate the ritual. 
Hunter’s tallest brother, Wrecker, looked down at his flower with a pout. He could remember their sister’s tiny laughs she would make whenever Wrecker tickled her small tummy or Batcher licked her cheek. Hunter put a hand on Wrecker’s shoulder, managing to light a small smile to comfort his brother. Wrecker smiled back. They both missed their sister dearly.
Shep began reciting words in Pabuan almost like a song, beginning the ritual. One sailor kept the ship steady while the ritual began, saying a prayer to themselves. Batcher sat on the ship’s floor, listening to Shep and watching the ritual. 
This part of the ocean was said to be the most sacred near the island according to Pabu’s legends. It was often used as a spot for rituals and other traditions for generations. Today it would be used once again to remember a loved one. 
The brothers walked over to the ship’s right side where Hunter stood earlier, holding the flowers carefully in their hands.  The Batch had become fluent in Pabu’s native language over the years with the help of Tech’s studious nature. They waited for Shep to pause, listening to every word being spoken. Wrecker stood next to his older brother, Echo stood in the middle while holding his flower in his one hand, and Tech and Crosshair stayed with each other.
Hear us, oh dear soul
May our prayers reach you
We remember your memories
Let us call to you 
Watch over us with all the love we give you 
Listen to our blessings 
Shep came to a stop, holding his hands together and closing his eyes in prayer. The Batch began the next step of the ritual, reaching out their hands that held the flower. They closed their eyes, mentally saying a prayer for their sister’s soul. They wished for her to be safe and full of hope, wherever she may be. 
Shep and a few other sailors muttered a few words in the native Pabu language as the Batch lowered their heads, finishing their prayers. They allowed their hands to become loose, the golden flowers falling out of their hands. The flowers landed on the ocean’s surface, floating away as the waves carried them. The Batch opened their eyes, watching the flowers leave their ship. They spent an extra minute in silence after the ritual was complete. 
“Should we head back to land?” Shep asked. He noticed Hunter growing more drowsy. “I think you all need some rest.”
Tech adjusted his glasses, turning to Shep. “Yes, that would be adequate.”
Shep instructed the sailors to return to the island. Wrecker wiped some tears away, deeply missing their sister. She was so small and innocent. They failed to protect her. Batcher pranced over to her family, giving them some needed comfort. 
The ship turned around slowly to head back to land. Hunter remained standing, resting his arms on the ship’s side. The flowers disappeared from view, heading to wherever they were meant to go. 
He felt a hand touch his shoulder, looking over to meet eyes with his youngest brother, Crosshair. Hunter could see the concern in Crosshair’s eyes. Crosshair knew how painful it was for Hunter when they had lost their sister. They both didn’t utter a word, but Hunter took in the sympathy he was getting from his brother. 
Crosshair let go of Hunter’s shoulders, standing next to him and leaning on Hunter’s shoulder. He used his tongue to move the toothpick in his mouth to his left side, still staying silent. He felt like using words to comfort his older brother, though he also felt it was better to remain in silence in terms of the ritual. 
Hunter didn’t move. Crosshair had always performed this act of silent consolation whenever he saw Hunter needed it the most. Crosshair knew he wasn’t the best at trying to make people feel better, but he did whatever he could. 
Hunter exhaled. Thirteen long years. Years spent safely away from the war. Years with his brothers. Years without his little sister.
He couldn’t help but feel that their little sister had to be out there somewhere. Alive. He didn’t even want to think about the possibility that she may be dead. Hunter and his brothers spent years searching as hard as they could, and Hunter never stopped trying while they had the chances. 
It would likely take a miracle and the Force to bring back their little sister to them. Hunter spent nights secretly praying to himself and sometimes with his brothers. Wherever she may be, she would find her way home to her world.
End Notes: I know I began the fic on an emotional note, but next chapter will be more enjoyable! I hope you all like it so far, please share with others if you want, comment your thoughts, and also check it out on AO3! You all may have a lot of questions but answers will be revealed as the fic carries on and more characters come in! This is just a prologue! Can't wait to see you all next time!
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smallgodseries · 2 years
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[image description: A young woman stands among a wild assortment of intergalactic travelers (including Barsoomians, Yithians, a robot, a tank of jellies, tiny translucent blob people, a professional Gnome, and… hey! Is that Jin Jin Jin’s tail I see there?). She wears a straw hat, carnation-colored shirt, black skirt with white polka dots, and black sandals. She holds a heavy black leather bag with several travel stickers (including a bumper sticker that reads ‘I <3 EARTH’) in both hands.   Text reads, “187, SUISEI XING, THE SMALL GOD OF SPACEFARING”]
• • • • •
Space. As the sages say, the final frontier. But not for everyone.
Wherever there is vacuum burn and the smell of ozone, wherever sapients don pressure suits to risk the frozen danger between stars, wherever there are those awesome Orion martinis, the ones with the pickled lichees instead of olives—because every civilization that has alcohol will have the martini eventually, in some form or other, as if brined fruit in clear liquor were the summit of social evolution—she is there, or has already been and gone, off seeking a new horizon, a truly final frontier. No one knows where she came from. Just that she always arrives exactly when she intends to, that her ticket is always in order, and that anyone who sails the stars belongs to her, at least for the length of their journey. She doesn’t challenge other gods for their worshippers. She gives them back as soon as the rocket lands. But while they’re in flight…while they’re in flight, they’re hers.
No matter what world she visits, her appearance is the same, only translated for the local biology, so that the sight of her is not alarming: she is always small, always slight and unassuming, attractive to the eye, and as close to female as their understanding of gender allows. She carries her own bags, talks quietly, smiles easily, and seems most comfortable when allowed to don a human skin. She is innocent and ancient, young and outside time, and she has seen things the rest of us can only dream of.
But she carries a camera, and if you can befriend her, if you can make her trust you, she’s always happy to share. She believes in curiosity without conquest, tourism without trauma, and she loves everyone she cradles in her arms of starlight and vacuum.
They say her true form is infinitely vast, the stretch of space itself, and that she is a small god by choice, limiting herself to avoid frightening the faithful she so adores.
They say her perfume smells like raspberries.
They say a lot of things.
Suisei herself says only “Have you been here before? Only I’m supposed to catch the next shuttle for Betelgeuse, and I’m afraid I may be on the wrong platform. Can you help?” Always help her when she asks. Those she blesses always make their flights.
Trust her to be kind.
• • • • •
Please join Lee Moyer (Icon) and Seanan McGuire (Story) each week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a guide to the many tiny divinities:
WordPress: https://leemoyer.wordpress.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/smallgodseries/
Homepage: http://smallgodseries.com
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kcrabb88 · 1 year
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It’s Talk Like A Pirate Day, so I would be remiss not to mention that that first two books in my queer, historical pirate trilogy are out in the world (the third will be out next year!)
Pirates have a fascinating, revolutionary history, so I always recommend reading more about them! My favorite historian is Marcus Rediker, if you're looking for a rec!
You can find all the info here! Sailing by Orion's Star and Sailing by Carina's Star are around at most major retailers!
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
ocean bookmarks 🐚🌊
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blueberreads · 9 months
24 in 2024
Thanks @logarithmicpanda tagging me!
I only included books I already own because I'm lazy and didn't look into 2024 releases yet :D
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1. Sailing by Orion's Star by Katie Crabb
2. The Siren, the Song and the Spy bu Maggie Tokuda-Hall
3. Deep as the Sky, Red as the Sea by Rita Chang-Eppig
4. A Clash of Steel by C.B. Lee
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5. Longshadow by Olivia Atwater
6. Labyrinth's Heart by M.A. Carrick
7. The Battle Drum by Saara El-Arifi
8. Defiant by Brandon Sanderson
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9. Perception Check by Astrid Knight
10. Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston by Esme Symes-Smith
11. The Scapegracers by H.A. Clarke
12. When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb
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13. The Bone Ships by R.J. Barker
14. To Shape a Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose
15. Daughter of Redwinter by E.D. McDonald
16. The Wolf of Oren-Yaro by K.S. Villoso
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17. Starling House by Alix E. Harrow
18. A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows
19. The Red Scholar's Wake by Aliette de Bodard
20. Notorious Sorcerer by Davinia Evans
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21. The House Witch by Delemhach
22. The Councillor by E.J. Beaton
23. The Stardust Thief by Chelsea Abdullah
24. The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez
Tagging @traeumenvonbuechern, @beforeviolets and @starryfox0
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theteaisaddictive · 2 years
jerome, standing alone on the beach while the broken toy of symbolism bobs in the seafoam: alexa, play stars by phillip quast
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The Guardians: A Fairy Tale Space Opera
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Well, as people who follow me know, during this holiday season I will be exploring William Joyce's Guardians of Childhood book series, the books that inspired DreamWorks' Rise of the Guardians.
Today I will be exploring the backstory of this universe, the story that happened before the main story began, a tragic tale about how a family loss brought a space-faring civilization to its end.
Spoilers: More than 50% of the main cast are actually immortal aliens and they are technically war refugees.
Everything began with the Golden Age, when dreams could come true.
The Golden Age is said to be a time of peace, prosperity and imagination, where humans and other magical beings travelled through the cosmos building kingdoms and empires.
Royal families rulled over constellations, groups of stars and planets, and which seem to be the main administrative unit of this space civilization. In typical fairy tale fashion, these royal families were said to have ruled over these planets with justice, fairness, and imagination.
One of these royal families was the House of Lunanoff, represented by Tsar Lunar XI and his wife. The Tsar's first in command was Kozmotis Pitchiner, Lord High General of the Galaxies.
Lord Pitchiner led the Golden Age armies against the most dangerous foes of this period, the Dream Pirates, the Fearlings and the Nightmare men.
The Dream Pirates were a race of evil beings that used to destroy planets and extinguish stars. At first, they used to steal people's dreams for ransom, but then they eventually learned that they could gain power by absorbing these dreams. Dreams were to these creatures what blood is to vampires. By completely draining a person from their dreams, they could transform them into their mindless slaves.
It is never clarified, but I heavily suspect that the Fearlings, the more generic shadow creatures, are the people who got their dreams stolen and became these mindless shadows. And I think the Nightmare Men are just the Fearlings with more physical form.
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Lord Pitchiner lived with his wife and his daughter, Emily Jane, on a moon on the Constellation of Orion.
Lady Pitchiner was always a very vigilante mother, super protective of Emily Jane, always trying to keep her close to home. But Emily Jane was a free spirit, and inherited her father's love for sailing. She loved to slip out of her bedroom at night to sail among the stars.
One day, reports of Dream Pirates forced Lord Pitchiner to leave his wife and daughter behind.
Dream Pirates had been reported off the tip of Orion’s sword. Lord Pitch hurriedly said his farewells to his wife and daughter to hunt down the scoundrels. The family never liked saying good-bye; they tried not to think of the dangers that would be faced. But this time Emily Jane had made for her father a silver locket containing her picture. He was very pleased by it and put it around his neck as he kissed her.
“I’ll be back soon,” he told her.
“Promise?” she said.
“On my soul,” he replied.
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But it was all a trick, a trap. Lord Pitchiner was known as a noble and respectable hero, showing mercy to all criminals captured under his watch. The pirates already tried assassinating him several times, but they failed every single time. If they couldn't kill him, they would destroy his spirit.
The Dream Pirates wanted to destroy his spirit by attacking his family right under his nose.
Late at night, the Dream Pirates attacked both the villa and palace where Lady Pitchiner and Emily Jane lived on that moon.
During the attack, amid all explosions from the cannons, Lady Pitchiner immediately went to check on her daughter only to realize she had slipped away during the night.
Good! Lady Pitchiner thought. She’s out on her ship! For once, she was thankful rather than angry that her daughter was so rebellious.
Hearing the pirates crashing through the door, Lady Pitchiner grabbed a doll and jumped through the window in an attempt to protect Emily Jane. Soon, the pirates would think that both her and her daughter were dead.
When Lord Pitchiner returned, he found his palace and the rest of the moon as nothing more than ruins.
Once all Dream Pirates of that attack surrended themselves and were aboard Lord Pitchiner's flagship, they did not face the same noble warrior, but a man on the brink of madness. When they confessed that both his wife and daughter were dead, Lord Pitchiner cut the heads of every one of them.
For eons the pirates had been seen as dangerous criminals. Now the people of the Golden Age viewed them as an evil that had to be eradicated. Soon hate became the center of how this war was waged, and hate is a powerful force. It can make bad men worse and good men nearly mad.
The war against the Dream Pirates intensified. In the end, all Dream Pirates and other dark beings were captured by the Golden Age armies and locked up in a distant planet on the outskirts of the galaxy. The planet prison only had a single entrance, and without any more reasons to continue living, Lord Pitchiner decided to keep watch on them, so no other nightmare creature could ever escape.
Meanwhile, Emily Jane watched her home be destroyed, and among a school of star fish, she sailed away without destination.
And so Emily Jane traveled far from her home and far from her sorrow, until she came to an unexpectedly safe place—the Constellation called Typhan. Before the War of the Dream Pirates, Typhan had been a maker of storms and was a powerful ally of the Golden Age. He could conjure up solar winds so vast and terrible, they would scatter whole fleets of Dream Pirate galleons when required.
But the wily Dream Pirates had managed to ravage him and render him harmless: They had extinguished the stars that had been his eyes. Once blinded, he could no longer see the pirates as they attacked. And they had been merciless, killing so many of his stars that his once-vivid outline was nearly gone. He was now a forgotten ghost of his former self, and he had lost the will to make storms or to fight. He was a mournful, pitiful Titan. Only the harmless Star Fish ever swam among Typhan’s few remaining stars and moons.
Yes, we have a literal living constellation. This god-like being kept watch over Emily Jane over many years, and on a small moon near him she found a home. She used the passing wrecks of abandoned ships drifted by to build a home for herself. She positioned dozens of telescopes all over her small moon so she could be the eyes of Typhan. Everything she might need, food, supplies, clothes, furniture, books, she found in the abandoned wrecks that strayed close enough to her moon.
Typhan taught her everything he knew, including the powers of controlling and making storms. Although he considered her his daughter, she kept waiting for her real father to one day come back to her.
Emily Jane grew bitter and vengeful, and she started discounting her frustration on every ship that passed nearby.
Typhan saw when she used her storm powers to send a small ship to their doom. He confronted her, but she defied him.
Using his storm powers, he sent Emily Jane's moon across space, transforming it into a literal shooting star. Trying to avoid being fried by the resulting energy, she went deeper into the core of the moon and there she became imprisoned.
This is when we meet the League of Star Captains. For generations they had steered stars to every corner of the universe, their primary duty being to bestow the wishes made to them. If the wishes were good, strong, and from the heart, they would send a dream to help the people to achieve them.
Sanderson Mansnoozie, our dear Sandman, was one of them. Long story short, he found Emily Jane's star and became friends with her. Soon, they were traveling the cosmos hearing and granting wishes. During all this time Emily Jane only wished one thing, that her fathicoukd find her.
But even inside their prison on the edges of the galaxy, the Dream Pirates heard Emily Jane's wish. They found out she was still alive. And they knew how they could escape.
Lord Pitchiner kept Emily Jane's silver locket with him during all times, and he did nothing but stare at it in absolute sorrow all day. Then the dream pirates started imitating Emily Jane's voice.
At the beginning Lord Pitchiner knew this could not be possible. His daughter was dead, and not locked inside that prison. But the pirates kept insisting so much, that in a moment of absolute desperation he opened the door.
Every single dark creature locked inside, now reduced to shadow creatures thanks to all those years locked away, attacked Lord Pitchiner. Hundred of dark beings possessed him, transforming him into a giant being of pure hatred. They transformed him into Pitch, the Nightmare King.
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Leading an army of Dream Pirates, Fearlings, and Nightmare Men on his Nightmare Galleon, Pitch assaulted all constellations, plunding planets and extinguishing stars.
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He went in search of good dreams, especially those of children. He had the power of transforming children into nightmare creatures like his own, and he enjoyed how much they suffered through their transformation...how painful it was.
Bunnymund, our dear Easter Rabbit, came from an ancient race of intelligent rabbits called Pookas and they were the oldest creatures of the universe. Pitch went after them, until only one of them was left, this one taking refugee on Earth.
Pitch also went after Sandman and Emily Jane's star. She was horrified once she saw his father in his nightmare form for the first time.
Sandman flew away on Emily Jane's star as fast as he could. All to escape Pitch's Nightmare Galleon. This lead to a collision course to Earth.
Sandman could hear all the wishes of Earth's children imploring for the shooting star to not crush them. Hearing a wish from deep space, Sandman managed stop the star from destroying Earth. The star exploded on a island of magical dream sand that kept Sandman asleep for hundreds of years.
Emily Jane, finally freed from the star, found that all wind and rain from Earth addressed her as mother. She brought Earth's first storms and became known as Mother Nature.
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Pitch became desperate in finding a new child. He heard of a prince who never had a nightmare. This was the young prince of the House of Lunanoff. He promised to transform him into his Darkling Prince.
The Tsar and Tsarina, fearing for their son's safety, travelled on their ship, the Moon Clipper, to a distant planet, our Earth, where they hoped Pitch couldn't never found them.
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The wish that Sandman had heard from space was the young prince's wish.
The young prince was protected by a young, immortal boy made of stars. This was Nightlight, and he was the first guardian of childhood.
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When Pitch's Nightmare Galleon found and fought the Moon Clipper, Nightlight knew he had to act. The young prince must not become a darkling prince.
Using tears from the Lunar Prince, Nightlight created a dagger to fight Pitch. Nightlight had the power to transform his loved one's sadness into strength to protect them.
Flying right into Pitch's heart, Nightlight caused an enormous explosion that crashed the Nightmare Galleon straight into Earth. The explosion destroyed the Moon Clipper's ability to sail away and it become our good and old moon.
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With both of his parents dead, the young Lunanoff Prince was raised by the Moonbots, moonmice, and moon moths that lived in his parents' enormous moon-spaceship. He lived a carefree, but solitary existence, until through his father's telescope, he found out about Earth's children.
He then used an army of livingoon beams, living creatures made of Moon light, to protect the hopes and dreams of the children of Earth.
And things remained the same, until a moon beam accidentally found and freed both Nightlight and Pitch that were trapped inside a large cave for hundreds of years. This would set the events of our series to take place.
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@ariel-seagull-wings @thealmightyemprex @tamisdava2 @mask131 @princesssarisa @angelixgutz @amalthea9 @the-blue-fairie @natache @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
Any thoughts?
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