#Saito Uebu
zapreportsblog · 10 months
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➥ Uramichi Omota :
A Glimpse Of Light
Unveiling the Hidden Life
➥ Iketeru Daga :
A Shift in Perception
A Brave Step
➥ Mitsuo Kumatani :
A Furry Surprise
➥ Hanbee Kikaku :
What Started Off As A Work Encounter Turnt Into Something More
➥ Tobikichi Usahara :
debts and new beginnings
➥ Utano Tadano :
➥ Saito Uebu :
360 personality
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fireflysquidsoup · 7 months
wait so aphex is voiced by the same guy who voiced KYOYA ONODERA AND UEBU SAITO???? also noe archiviste, ibara saegusa and asmodeus alice????? they all have such different energies, the va has a crazy voice range fr
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shibasquish · 3 years
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The  Together with Maman marketing team are just really really dedicated and overworked 
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Saito Uebu (Uramichi Oniisan)  » May 14
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doppopoppo · 3 years
I love your writing a lot!! I read it all the time it’s so good <3
Can I request the number 11 prompt as hcs with all of them?? (Iketeru, Usahara, Uramichi, Kumatani, even hanbei in there) And if that doesn’t work my top pick is Iketeru thank you SO much
I’m afraid of the Dark
|| Life Lesson Character's Headcanon ||
|| Warnings: teasing, (if you squint) maybe minor sexual implication ||
|| Various • GN!Reader ||
Uramichi 💙
Uramichi got Halloween weekend off, as in a proper week off. No spending time with the crew, but his dearest! With no company event or party to attend, he was ready to spend the weekend at home with you. Except you had another idea.
Haunted house!
One opened up in his neighborhood and you really wanted to attend. Uramichi refused to go and reminded you of how you were sort of afraid of the dark. You argued you had Uramichi to save you if needed. No ghost can get to you with his wall of a body in the way.
Whenever an employee dressed up as a ghost got too close to either of your liking, Uramichi gave them his infamous glare.
You also used this as a rather valid excuse to push yourself against him and feel his arms. “I’m afraid of the dark.” You pretended. But truth be told, this place was a little creepy.
It was difficult to walk as all you wanted to do now was relax and sleep in his warm and safe body. Maybe he was right, you guys should’ve stayed in.
Somewhere along the way, I swear, this man began empathizing with the employees.
“Huh, I could’ve sworn Uramichi was right behind me when I came in here.” You whispered to yourself. Confused as to when you lost him.
So, you began retracing your steps. Stepping aside for the other attendees inside the haunted attraction.
Your ears perk up, “Yea, I understand how that feels. Especially when the kids come up…” you hear his voice!
Quickening up your pace you found him in no time in the Yokai attraction. He was conversing with a monkey Yokai. From what you could hear, they were both complaining about their jobs, not getting paid enough, and whatnot.
You chuckled to yourself. He didn’t want to come here, calling it childish but here he is. Probably befriending the workers here when he didn’t even want to befriend his own.
You felt a hand creep up your back, and you jumped off to the side. “BWAHAHAHA!” One of the workers shouted in your ear.
Screw Uramichi, you ran back down the way to the end of the haunted house. He can relax with his fellow dead people. One is mentally dead, the other is a dead ghost, a match made in Heaven!
Uramichi came home to find you laying on his bed. You pulled him into the bed and mumbled something about wanting to cuddle. He snickered as to how the tables have turned. He had a decent time at the attraction while you were the one begging to cuddle.
"Afraid of the dark or not, I promise to always keep you safe." Uramichi promised. He kissed the top of your head and enjoyed the rest of the quiet evening with you.
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Usahara 💖
He was confused as to why you were cowering under the covers. It broke his heart to see his little babe all panicky. Slowly he approached his bed, as to not scare you even further.
“Y/N, babe, it’s me. Usahara.” He said in a hushed tone. You peek up from underneath the covers, your eyes glassy and displaying sorrow. He heard your quivering voice call out to him in question.
Instead of asking what was wrong, he got underneath the cover and wrapped his arms around your shaking figure. The affectionate gesture seemed to have soothed you, but you were still afraid. He could feel how clammy your palms were, see your sweat-drenched forehead, and how your body was still cold despite it being under the covers for some time now.
You closed your eyes in hopes of some relief, but fear quickly took over when you realized you cannot see any dwelling threat. So, you opened up your eyes and looked up at Usahara. He gave a kiss to your forehead and gave you a light squeeze. This calmed you down even further.
“I- I’m afraid of the dark.” You whispered up to him. “It’s okay.” He smiled down at you, “I’ve got you.” He gave you a soft kiss on the lips.
Usahara sang for you, in hopes of helping you calm your nerves. So you can finally go to sleep. Fortunately neither of you had to be up in the morning, meaning you can sleep in to your hearts content. He reminded you he’ll be here when you open your eyes in the morning.
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Iketeru 💚
“Y/N, stop it.” You heard him whine. You could hear the slight fear in his voice. “Stooop! No matter what you do, I’m not afraid of the dark.”
“But I’m not doing anything? I'm not even near you!” You were still sitting in the chair.
Iketeru started shrieking once he knew you weren’t the one crawling your fingers up his thigh, he ran around the room.
Both of you were currently locked inside Iketeru’s green room and neither of your phones had service. You already tried banging on the door in hopes someone would open it, but they were currently on air for a segment Iketeru was not a part of. So, no one was at his end of the hallway right now.
You asked him if he was sure he wasn’t imagining it, to which he was for sure. The lights were off because Lady Luck was not on your side. The lightbulb had fused, how charming!
“Ike, stop running around. It won’t help our predicament.” You playfully rolled your eyes at your friend's reaction. An idea popped into your head. You guys may not have the lightbulb, but you had a flashlight in your phone! You turned it on and pointed in random directions.
You spotted a large plant, “See! It was just some plants tickling you, that’s all." you chuckled at him.
“Not funny, Y/N.” Iketeru fixed his composure and straightened out his work uniform. “Uhuh, and someone here said he wasn’t afraid of the dark.” You teased him. “I am not!” He defended himself.
While you were thinking of a way out, Iketeru checked out of the conversation. Looks like you both had to wait for the current segment to end so Utano could open the door since her room was right next to his.
“UFO.” You said in your best Kumatani voice.
Automatically, a ghost onigiri dressed up as a bear floated above Iketerus' head. He definitely checked out of the conversation.
It doesn’t matter anyway. You have the perfect blackmail material saved in your phone the video even has a heart. Just so you could visit it whenever you felt down. Something about Iketeru screaming as if he’s singing, was oddly entertaining yet music to the ears.
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Kumatani 🤎
“I’m afraid of the dark.” You muttered to no one. The apartment was well lit. The sun is shining through, bright and scorching out. The sun shows no mercy as its heat waves sweep across Tokyo in this calm afternoon.
Yet here you were, hunched over the living room coffee table. You were feeling all these intense red and black emotions. Your mind is clouded by fear and anxiety, unsure of what to do to calm yourself down. The darkness and being unable to see anything clearly scared you.
Your arms wrapped themselves around you, to bring some sense of relief, which never came. Your cheeks felt wet, you weren’t sure when the crystal clear liquid began to fall.
The front doors to the empty apartment opened, and the person came in. Kumatani thought you were out as he didn’t hear the usual, “Welcome home, honey!” When he saw you all bundled up by the table, his heart broke into pieces. He could still make out the dark circles under your eyes.
You were strong but knew when to hit the brakes and take a step back if needed for your mental health. So whatever is currently going on in your life or mind, must have all compiled up into one big mental breakdown.
He ran to wrap his own arms around your arms and gave you a light squeeze. A reminder that you were not alone, he was right by your side. Right at this moment, everything was too much.
You mumbled to Kumatani about being afraid of the dark. For a split second, he was confused since the room was lit up like a Christmas tree, but he quickly came to understand what you meant.
Whatever you were going through, he was here to help you along the way. He got up and went to turn off the lights. Maybe what you needed was the darkness, not the light. To give your eyes and mind a rest from overthinking, worrying, and hurting yourself. He hugged you and lightly scratched your scalp, in hopes you would get some shut-eye.
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Kikaku 🖤
Afraid of the dark? No worries honey, the darks afraid of Kikaku.
You could’ve sworn your place was haunted, but when Kikaku came to visit, the place oddly felt calming. You didn’t even consider it’s because you might have had feelings for him or just genuinely feel calm around a friend like him. It's a bit chaotic.
Either way, whenever you slept over or he had a sleepover at your place, you were no longer afraid of the dark.
One time when you guys went to a haunted house festival, Kikaku yelled back at all the employees who were meant to scare attendees. Kikaku was almost hired to work for them.
One night during a sleepover at Kikaku’s place, you felt him slide into your futon. “What’s wrong?” You asked him. Neither of you ever slept in the same futon, always your own.
“Please don’t leave me. It’s all darkness when you’re not with me.” He huddled up to your back. Not sure if this was a confession, you knew what you wanted to say to him.
You turned around and hugged his head. “You know I won’t leave you.” His crazy hair tickled your chin. “I love you too much to do that.”
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Uebu 💜
I headcanon this man as being in the dark often. Probably playing games or watching anime outside of work. Whether you’re a good friend of his or his partner, you’d have to get used it.
“Tsk. Close the door,” his skillful fingers pressing the buttons strategically on the controller, “and turn off the godawful lights.” Uebu hissed under his breath.
It was the weekend, so you decided to pay him a visit. It’s been a while since you last spoke to him. It’s almost Christmas and the company wanted a bunch of new merchandise to be made. Something about kids wanting it for Christmas gifts and sales rising.
This was a common routine. You come in. Turn on the lights. Make sure the door is closed. Lights are off again, per his request. Daytime or nighttime, or doesn’t matter. The lights have to be closed.
You two met a few years back during senior year in college. For the final project, you both had decided to work at his place since he had the equipment for it. At first, it creeped you out and you told him you were afraid of the dark. But he didn’t care. Said you could leave while he did everything on his own and would just say you both did it. This wasn’t fair and you decided to stay. Luckily there was still my sunlight outside and he had let you open the curtains.
You both loved anime and video games, so you naturally decided to befriend him. Thus, you became accustomed to being in the dark because of him.
You hit Uebu’s head with a soft, plastic bag, “Stop playing Dead by Daylight,” you sat down on his bed, “I brought pizza and cotton candy.”
“That’s an odd combination of junk food.” His monotone voice commented.
You threw the cotton candy at home and told him to shut up.
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Author’s Note:
Henlo there! Thank you for being patient and very understanding, but here is the request! I can't believe I got a request from a blog I've been following for awhile now. You are amazing and I love your contents, the best place to go! Love you baby 💜
Thank you for enjoying my works and I'm glad you like them 🥺 I wanted to write them in paragraph form, but I found it easier to bullet with my schedule, so I hope you still find it entertaining!
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luffysfakebeard · 2 years
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he tried so hard not to get involved RIP
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bleuskais · 3 years
Hijikata/Okita shippers, how are we feeling today?
coz, y'know, they have the same seiyuu
Hijikata’s seiyuu, Nakai Kazuya as Furitsuke Capellini the choreographer
Okita’s seiyuu, Suzumura Kenichi as Uebu Saito from the Digital Department (yes say that name 3 times faster UEBU SAITO UEBU SAITO UEBU SAITO)
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nanaosaki3940 · 3 years
Uramichi Oniisan!
I just started watching a currently airing anime called “Uramichi Oniisan” and realized that so many well-known Japanese VAs are working in this show. It’s literally like the “Ultimate Power House of Seiyuus” lol! 😍 
Uramichi Omota - Hiroshi Kamiya 
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Tobikichi Usahara -  Tomokazu Sugita 
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Mitsuo Kumatani - Yuichi Nakamura 
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Iketeru Daga - Mamoru Miyano 
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Utano Tadano - Nana Mizuki 
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Hanabee Kikaku - Ryohei Kimura 
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Saito Uebu - Kenichi Suzumura  
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Matahiko Nekota - Daisuke Ono 
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Eddy Edei - Natsuki Hanae 
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Amon - Kenji Tsuda  
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Ryohei Kimura, Kenichi Suzumura, Daisuke Ono Join Uramichi Oniisan TV Anime
    In the ten-minute PV for the latest fifth tankobon volume of Gaku Kuze's comedy manga Uramichi Oniisan to be released on May 29, three additional voice cast for its upcoming TV anime adaptation were announced. The TV anime adaptation directed by Nobuyoshi Nagayama (Smile Down the Runway) at Studio Blanc (My Girlfriend is Shobitch) is set to premiere during this year. 
  Ryohei Kimura (Ryota Kise in Kuroko's Basketball) is cast as Hanbee Kikaku, who belongs to MHK's sales planning department. Kenichi Suzumura (Sougo Okita in Gintama) plays Saito Uebu, who is a member of MHK's digital planning department, and Daisuke Ono (Sebastian Michaelis in Black Butler)'s character is Matahiko Nekota, the owner of the bar "CAT KICK."
   The manga has been serialized in Pixiv Comi's web manga magazine comic POOL since May 2017 and has printed more than one million copies. Its story centers on 31-year-old Uramichi Omota, who works as a gymnastics instructor in MHK's  educational program for children, "Maman to Together" (a parody of NHK Educational TV's long-running program "Okaasan to Issho / Together with Mama"). While he looks a very pleasant man, he is mentally unstable and often shows his off-putting adult dark side to children.
  The 1,500-yen special edition of the fifth volume comes with a drama CD newly-written by the manga author featuring its five main voice cast members: Hiroshi Kamiya as Uramichi Omota, Tomokazu Sugita as Tobikichi Usahara, Yuichi Nakamura as Mitsuo Kumatani, Mamoru Miyano as Iketeru Daga, and Nana Mizuki as Utano Tadano.
      よい子のみんな〜!???? 「#うらみちお兄さん」コミックス5巻発売記念PVが公開されたよっ????⚡️https://t.co/qXdOTqSfbg そしてTVアニメの追加キャストも発表???????? 木角半兵衛:#木村良平 上武裁人:#鈴村健一 猫田又彦:#小野大輔 これからも続報をお楽しみにーっ☆#うらみちお兄さん5巻は5月29日発売 pic.twitter.com/oOeCvv2YCR
— アニメ「うらみちお兄さん」公式 (@uramichi_anime) May 26, 2020
    Source: "Uramichi Oniisan" anime official website / Twitter
  ©Gaku Kuze/Ichijinsah
©Gaku Kuze, Ichijinsha/"Uramichi Oniisan" Production Committee
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animefagos · 4 years
Anunciadas tres voces más para el anime Uramichi Oniisan
Nueva entrada publicada en https://www.animefagos.com/2020/05/26/anunciadas-tres-voces-mas-para-el-anime-uramichi-oniisan/
Anunciadas tres voces más para el anime Uramichi Oniisan
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Un vídeo promocional para el quinto tomo recopilatorio del manga web Uramichi Oniisan, de Gaku Kuze, ha anunciado tres voces más para su adaptación animada. Las voces son: Ryohei Kimura como Hanbee Kikaku, Kenichi Suzumura como Saito Uebu, y Kensho Ono como Matahiko Nekota. El quinto tomo recopilatorio saldrá a la venta el viernes. El anime se emitirá en televisión en…
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
↳ 360 personality ↲
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➘ summary : she may look intense but for her husband she’s nothing but a sweetheart
➘ Saito Uebu x reader, Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan x reader
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(y/n), a woman known for her success and no-nonsense approach to business, found herself standing amidst the colorful and vibrant set of the popular children's television show "Together With Maman." The whimsical decorations and cheerful atmosphere provided a stark contrast to her stern demeanor and formal attire.
The crew members exchanged wary glances as (y/n) observed the bustling activity around her. Her presence seemed to cast a shadow, her piercing gaze missing nothing. She approached the director of the show, her voice as direct as ever.
"I'm here to discuss a potential collaboration," (y/n) stated, her tone crisp and commanding.
The director, trying to match her intensity, offered a polite smile. "We're honored to have you visit the set. Let me show you around."
As they toured the set, (y/n) observed every detail with a discerning eye. Her comments were straightforward, her questions probing, leaving those around her feeling uneasy. The cast and crew exchanged nervous glances, unsure how to approach the stern businesswoman in their midst.
During a break in filming, (y/n) watched a scene unfold, her expression unreadable. She stood at a distance, her posture rigid, as if assessing every aspect of the production. The child actors exchanged nervous whispers, convinced that the formidable woman was there to judge their performances.
As the director approached (y/n) to discuss the scene, her gaze remained focused on the actors. "The pacing needs to be tighter. The dialogue is dragging."
The director nodded, his tone earnest. "We'll make the necessary adjustments."
As Saito Uebu approached the set to discuss matters with the director, (y/n)'s demeanor underwent a remarkable transformation. Her stern exterior seemed to melt away, replaced by a softness that radiated from her every gesture and expression. The crew members watched in astonishment as she interacted with Saito, her entire presence shifting to something completely unexpected.
The director greeted Saito, and (y/n) stood nearby, her eyes drifting over to him with an almost bashful glance. Saito's easy smile and charismatic charm seemed to have a profound effect on her, causing her to blush at even the simplest of his words.
Saito's voice was filled with warmth as he addressed the director. "Director, I was thinking we could rearrange the shooting schedule for next week. It might make things smoother for everyone."
As Saito spoke, (y/n)'s gaze remained fixed on him, a soft smile curving her lips. Her voice, usually assertive and straightforward, was now soft-spoken and almost hesitant. "That sounds like a good idea, Saito."
The director exchanged a surprised glance with the crew, clearly taken aback by the stark contrast in (y/n)'s behavior. It was as if a completely different person had taken her place.
Saito turned his attention to (y/n), his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled warmly. "You think so? I value your opinion, (y/n)."
Her blush deepened, and she lowered her gaze, her fingers twisting slightly in her grasp. "Oh, well, I mean, your insight is always appreciated, Saito."
The crew members exchanged curious glances, trying to make sense of the sudden change in dynamics. It was evident that there was a hidden connection between (y/n) and Saito, but they couldn't quite put their finger on it.
As Saito and (y/n) continued their conversation, their interactions were filled with laughter, shared memories, and an unspoken familiarity. They seemed completely at ease in each other's presence, as if they had a shared history that transcended the current setting.
Saito leaned in closer to (y/n), his voice becoming softer, and the crew strained to catch their words. "Remember that time we got caught in the rain during that school trip?"
Her eyes sparkled with amusement, and she nodded. "How could I forget? We were drenched by the time we got back."
Their laughter filled the air, and the crew exchanged knowing glances. There was a history between them that extended far beyond what met the eye.
As Saito and (y/n) continued to converse, the director's realization dawned, and he approached the two of them with a knowing smile. "You two seem awfully familiar with each other."
Saito grinned mischievously, his arm casually draped over (y/n)'s shoulders. "Oh, you could say that. (y/n) and I go way back."
The director's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I had no idea."
(y/n)'s blush deepened, and she looked up at Saito with a mixture of affection and fondness. "Yes, we have quite a history."
As the day on set unfolded, it became clear that the dynamic between (y/n) and Saito was one of deep familiarity and connection. Their interactions were filled with shared laughter, gentle touches, and an unspoken understanding that defied their outward appearances.
And amidst the bustling activity of the set, (y/n) and Saito shared a hidden bond that remained a secret to everyone else – a bond forged through years of shared experiences and a love that had withstood the test of time.
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
New Fandoms + New Characters
Why hello there my lovely tumblr feed, hopefully you all can take time out of your day to read this brief message. Here; I’ll be writing below a list of anime fandoms and it’s characters I will be writing for.
➥ Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan :
Uramichi Omota
Iketeru Daga
Mitsuo Kumatani
Hanbee Kikaku
Tobikichi Usahara
Utano Tadano
Saito Uebu
➥ The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague :
➥ Mashle: Magic and Muscles :
Claude Lucci
Dot Barrett
Finn Ames
Mash Burnedead
Lemon Irvine
Rayne Ames
Tom Knowles
Abel Walker
Abyss Razor
Wirth Mádl
Milo Genius
Love Cute
Olore Andrew
Anser Shinri
Silva Iron
Shuen Getsuku
Lance Crown
Lloyd Cavill
Lauren Cabasse
Brad Coleman
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doppopoppo · 3 years
Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan
Last updated : 12/11/2021
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|| Uramichi || 💙 🚬
Headcanons & Drabbles
Spooktober, it's exciting!
Job Doesn't Pay Enough
Your Lips Taste Sweet
Bundle of Feelings
I’m Afraid of the Dark
Kinks List
Honey Twolips
|| Usahara || 💖🃏
Headcanons & Drabbles
Bunny Kisses
Sneak Attack
I’m Afraid of the Dark
Perfect Match?
Vampire AU
|| Iketeru || 💚🎤
Headcanons & Drabbles
Besties Sleepover
I’m Afraid of the Dark
Colorful Sounds
|| Kumatani || 🤎🎣
Headcanons & Drabbles
I’m Afraid of the Dark
Stuck in a Tree
This, is mine. 
Big Bad Wolf vs. Little Red
Virtual Shenanigans 
|| Kikaku || 🖤🤪
Headcanons & Drabbles
I’m Afraid of the Dark
Kinks List
|| Uebu || 💜💻
Headcanons & Drabbles
Like Making me Mad?
I’m Afraid of the Dark
|| Nekota || ❤️🍷
|| Incorrect Quotes ||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
Author's Note:
Enjoy reading!
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doppopoppo · 3 years
Could I get uhhhhh number 5 with Usahara? Pls and thank
Perfect Match?
|| Usahara Daily Headcanon ||
|| Warnings: None ||
|| Usahara • GN!Reader ||
Part of the Halloween costume party guideline was to wear face masks. Something about “hiding our identities” said Derkida. However, it was extremely easy to recognize some of my coworkers even with their masks. Uramichi’s desolate demeanor seeped through any disguise honestly. Kikaku was well, Kikaku. While Utano rejected the game since she already has a boyfriend. I’m sure she could’ve still joined the fun but no ones interested in dancing with someone they may not know.
I wasn’t sure where Kumatani and Usahara were, so I did my best to find someone of their height. Who knew we had rather tall coworkers. Sitting alone at the table became boring and watching Utano cry while singing was plain sad. Fortunately, not long after the questionnaires were distributed to us.
I wonder what kind of answer Uramichi or Eddie would give. I rather lie and get paired up with them than someone I didn’t know. Or Uebu, but I can’t even tell if he came or not.
What quality do you think is best in a partner?
- Honesty - Humor - Charm
What aspect should a partner have?
- Money -Loyalty - Cooking skills
What do you do during your free time?
- Play games - Read class novels - Go out
Do you like savory or sweet?
- Savory - Sweet
Favorite animal?
- Cat - Dog - Bunny - Bear
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
- Tea - Coffee
That wasn’t too bad. Though I might’ve lied about one or two things, maybe three. I just wanted to put whatever answers Uramichi might’ve put honestly. Maybe he wouldn’t have put ‘bunny,’ but a cat. They’re a lot less work to take care of. Ugh, whoever I get I just hope they’re not a creep.
“Okay! Well reveal the matchups!” Utano cheerfully announced.
Someone sitting on your table sighed, “can we just get this over with?”
‘You and I both, buddy. You and I both.’ I thought to myself.
Everyone received a little card with a number on it. Whoever has the matching number is your partner for the night. I walked around and spotted Uramichi hiding behind a plant by the corner. I quickly walked strutted over, hoping he had the same number as I did. He looked so defeated despite doing nothing and nothing happened to him.
“What number do you have?” I peaked over his buff arm.
“26417…” he sighed. “You?” He looked my way.
I felt deflated, “26465.” So close!
“Good luck.” He patted my back.
“Thanks. Scoot over a little. Your arm is sticking out.” I walked away.
I leaned against the stairs railing. Not bad, I rather hangout by myself than dance with a stranger. I felt someone standing next to me.
“Trouble finding your partner?” He spoke. His voice sounded calming.
“Yup.” I answered. “Same here.” He ruffled his hair.
Under the dark lights, it was difficult to tell what color it was. I couldn’t figure out which one of my coworkers I was speaking to.
“What’s your number?” I bet he was trying his shot. Might as well. What are the odds anyway?
“26465.” I told him. “You're smiling and I’m scared to find out why.” I backed away a little.
He showed me his card. I sucked in my breath, “I’m 26465 too!”
I chuckled nervously, “what are the odds…”
“Well, shall we dance, partner?” He bowed.
At least he’s a gentleman, “sure.”
At least he wasn’t a bad dancer. So far I’m having a pleasant time on the dance floor. He complimented my dancing which is a plus point. Except maybe not that smugness weaves into his tone.
When the slow song came on, some partners decided to do the traditional slow dance while others proceeded to dance woth some distance. Good choice, never know who you’re dancing with. Unfortunately, 26465 decided to pull me in. All I could do is offer him a tight smile. While dancing, the spotlights began moving around. That’s when I caught a glimpse of his hair. Blonde streaks! There’s only one guy I know with blonde streaks at the work and it’s the last hopping boy I wanted to be paired with!
I pulled on his arm and tugged him to the corner by a plant. “Usahara??” I whispered yelled.
“Shhh, Y/N, it’s supposed to be a secret.” Usahara shushed me. Wait a minute. “You know it’s me?” I stared at him bewildered.
“Of course I recognize that figure and dancing skills anywhere, Dancer oneechan~.” He cood at me. How could I have not noticed sooner?
“How’d I even get paired with you?” I groaned.
“We put the same exact answers.” He replied ecstatically.
“But you gamble!” I pointed out. “How could you have put ‘honesty’ as a trait for someone. And ‘reading classic novels’?? You don’t read.” I tapped my foot.
“I lied okay.” He admitted. “I just wanted to be paired with someone good. And I was.” He smiled.
I blushed but that didn’t mean it was okay to lie. Well… I lied too, “fine. I guess we’re both in the same coffin. I lied too.” I sheepishly admitted. “It’s our lie that matched us up!” Usahara jokes.
From the corner behind the plant, Uramichi sulks as hears how awful Usahara’s pick up lines are. He prays for Y/N’s safety and hopes her common sense stays intact after tonight.
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Author’s Note:
GUESS WHOS BACK FROM THE PITS OF DEATH CUTIES!!! A decent writer, that’s who! I’m back for a bit, school and interning really drained it out of me.
It’s finals and I’m almost done so what better way to celebrate then to use my newly found free time to finish up the extremely overdue requests! I’m sorry a few of you didn’t get your requests in time for Spooktober.
I do have a few more left to post, after that I’ll be taking more requests! I’ll have the free time to handle it. I hope you’re all still enjoying yourselves and have been well ^_^ please feel free to send me any asks in my inbox (not requests) but perhaps questions and such. Would love to interact with my followers! 🥺 can be about anything related to anime or a simple how are you!
Enjoy! 💖
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luffysfakebeard · 2 years
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Kikaku is going to kill Uebu one of these days
bonus aghast Uramichi!
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doppopoppo · 3 years
Kikaku: … 😔
Usahara: ... 😞
Uebu: Why do you both look so sad? 😐
Usahara: Sit down, then we’ll tell you. 🥲
Uebu: *sits down* 🤷🏻‍♀️
Kikaku: The bench is freshly painted. 🥴
Uebu: … 😶
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