#Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan x reader
5. "Why did I give her my shirt? Why couldn't I just let her wear her own?" For Uramichi? Like reader stayed over at his home because it suddenly poured as his home is nearer & reader needs a change of clothes?
Rainy Days Like This {Uramichi}
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Pairing: Uramichi Omota x reader
Warnings: mentions of depression
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Despite having been dating each other for two months now, your relationship still felt new to Uramichi. He was so used to being alone and spending his evenings either still in work or at home working out, letting out the rare occassions where he would meet with his colleagues.
He still wasn't used to you sometimes waiting for him to get done with work, visiting him on set on your days off, or staying over at each other's house sometimes. Especially the last one had to be arranged beforehand so either you or Uramichi could bring pyjamas with you.
"Fuck I am freezing..." You mumbled as soon as you entered his apartment. It was common knowledge that Uramichi walked to the studio so when you visited him earlier that day you had no idea it would rain and that the two of you would end up soaking wet.
His house had been closer so you had practically ran there. The comfort provided by the somewhat warm apartment almost made you cry; it was freezing outside.
"I'll get you something to wear." Uramichi mumbled, helping you with taking off your soaked jacket.
He was back in mere seconds, carrying one of his hoodies and a pair of clean grey sweatpants; most importantly dry. You quietly took the clothes from his hands and went to the bathroom to get changed. At the point the two of you were right now, the truth was that even if you stayed in his bedroom while he was getting changed he wouldn't mind. He had seen you naked many times and vice versa. But right that very moment the bathroom seemed like the best option.
In slow movements, you removed your clothes. Uramichi had turned on the heater for sure since the small apartment was slowly gettting warmer and warmer and you could feel your limbs gaining sensation once more.
You took some time, admiring yourself in the mirror. Not once had you worn his clothes and you could for certain now say that they looked kind of big on you but not because of the height difference. Uramichi was built almost like an ancient Greek god after all those years spent in gymnastics.
All of a sudden you heard a muffled voice coming from the bedroom and since you were now ready, you opened the bathroom door only to see Uramichi pacing nervously back and fourth. It was an odd sighting. His facial expression was earily calm, not even a hint of emotion but he was mumbling to himself as if something serious had happened.
"Why did I give her my shirt?" He spoke the moment you opened your mouth to speak. He still hadn't noticed you, he hadn't even bothered changing clothes or drying his hair. "Why couldn't I just let her wear her own?"
"Excuse me?" You cut him off immediately, confused. It was completely out of his character to say things like that.
Uramichi turned to look at you, surprised. It did take him a few seconds to process the fact that not only you had heard him but you were also standing in front of him, wearing his clothes. Not someone else's. His. When the realisation hit him, it hit him like a truck, his eyes widening and a rare blush tinting his cheeks.
"Oh my god you're blushing!" You exclaimed, not once having seen him blush. It wasn't like him to do so, most of the times he seemed painfully indifferent to any cute moments -though you had this theory that he was secretly noting down every single cute memory of you.
"Delete it from your memory!"
"Absolutely not!" You bursted out laughing before taking a small step closer to him, making a small twirl. "How do I look?"
"Gorgeous." Uramichi responded, his face back to being indifferent. This time, however, it was softer than usual, softer than you had ever witnessed.
"For someone who looked so anxious over me wearing his shirt you certa-"
His lips were cold and trembling when they met yours. They were so soft since he always applied lip balm but it wasn't that that made you melt in his arms. It was the way he held your face, the way he took it in his hands, cupping your cheeks so gently as if they were made out of glass.
Not once had you seen him so... hungry for something. He was kissing you as if it was your first time all over again. It was odd but cute exactly because Uramichi would most likely never do something like that again, at least not now, still so early in your relationship. He would never kiss you so suddenly any time soon but you would. You would, especially when the time called for it.
"You really do look gorgeous." He whispered, his hands falling softly to your waist.
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zmbiesuga · 5 months
Hi! Can I pls request boyfriend headcanons for Uramichi, Mitsuo and Iketeru with a female reader? Thank you ❤️❤️
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꒰ uramichi, ikereru & mitsuo x f!reader ꒱
° sypnosis: some headcanons about three of my fav cringe adults being boyfriends
° warnings: cussing, mentions of depression, mentions of alcohol and smoking, dirty jokes, nothing else really, sfw 🫡
° notes: i am so sorry for the wait. also, like everything else i write, this is x female reader but there's really no use of pronouns.
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✮ uramichi :
he hasn't been in many relationships. maybe one or two actual serious ones, but otherwise he's been too busy with gymnastics and pulling himself out of holes to focus on dating.
so imagine you coming into the picture.
he's not against taking the initiative, but he'd probably appreciate it more if you made the first move.
even later in his life, he isn't too concerned about dating, but he's not opposed to it either.
you have to understand, uramichi is affected heavily everyday by his depression. there's some days where he doesn't even recognize himself, so you're going to have to earn his trust and learn him from the inside out.
as an actual boyfriend, uramichi will put his best effort into you.
he'll try to cut down on drinking and smoking, to some people that's not a lot, but he is trying really hard. unless you don't really mind either of those things, then the amount he'll cut back will be smaller.
he's touch-starved, but it'll take him a while to warm up to it, but once he does? oh boy.
who needs sleeping pills or booze when he can just hold you? his sundays off are reserved for just lounging on the couch together after his workout.
since he's older, he'll probably see your relationship as endgame...after you date for a couple of months. that nagging voice in the back of his head telling him that time is running out is the most annoying thing.
he tries, he takes you out. not on like, overly expensive dates but he'll go for walks with you, run errands with you, maybe take you to the bar with the rest of the cast
the cast probably doesn't find out about your relationship until later on, they catch him calling you on one of his breaks. usahara almost has a heart attack.
does have a temperment, you will fight. but uramichi is not one to not take responsibility.
if he says something completely out of line, he'll feel horrible and spend the rest of the day (or week...or month...or year...) trying to make up for it.
this is all new to him, but he loves you with all he has.
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✮ kumatani :
first of all, you've got to like cats. if you don't, it's a dealbreaker. even if you're allergic, you have to at least appreciate cats.
kumatani isn't too concerned with dating, he just goes with the flow really. you'll probably have to make the first move.
he's a morally driven person, if you don't match his morals, he won't even bother with you. but if you have similar ideas to him, he's more willing to open up.
you make him smile, he likes being in your presence that much. typically, he finds stupid jokes annoying but you get a pass.
movie night dates!! he doesn't look it, but he loves showing you his favorite low budget films.
he's more casual about your relationship. he's not gonna come outward and tell everyone, but he won't deny it when someone brings it up.
takes you fishing with him, even if you don't really like it. just having you sit by him is enough, making conversation or reading a book, as long as you're in his vicinity.
he's also not one to beg, but assuming you aren't allergic to cats, he'll do everything in his power to convince you to adopt one with him.
nonchalant™, but let someone fuck with you. goes 0 to 100 real quick. he's not against using physical force to defend his morals, or you.
random infodumps, he'll just nonchalantly talk about things. you don't even need to understand, but just having you there to listen is enough.
gentleman, holds doors open for you, cooks for you, etc.
he's a good boyfriend, he has his moments, but overall he's just very serious. his love is shown more through his actions rather than words.
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✮ iketeru :
good lord. he doesn't even know you're dating, he just thought you were being nice.
first things first: sayuri HAS to like you.
him being oblivious is an understatement.
you're his first real relationship, but let's be clear: just because he's clueless doesn't mean he's a baby. he's still a grown ass man.
he's a lot more laid-back than the other two, and a lot more open with his love.
he's not touch starved, he just likes touching you!!
holds your hand in public, cuddles you when you go to sleep, kisses you goodbye every morning, etc.
clingy baby.
househusband material my god. cooks, cleans, the whole nine yards. and, he likes doing it with you too so it's a win.
make dirty jokes, i beg.
he already laughs at all your jokes, but one penis joke and he's gonna cackle.
loves when you take part in his interests. especially when it involves music and his singing.
he'll sing for you, he actually really likes doing it, makes him feel loved because of how much you like his voice.
will ask you to settle arguments between him and his sister, even if you don't know jack shit about music. will probably get pouty if you take her side tbh
he'll tell everyone you're dating, but really it's not like they couldn't tell. you two are gross with the pda.
he doesn't mind if you drink, but hopes you understand that he doesn't really because of his low tolerance and therefore just asks that you don't ask him if he wants any, force it upon him or do it in moderation
10/10 one of the sweetest little guys ever.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
A Glimpse of Light
➥ summary : Uramichi Omota comes to work for once genuinely happy, wonder why
➥ a/n : this is the third time I’m writing this, tumblr do better. I see why Uramichi Omota is the way he is now with his outlook on life :)
➥ Uramichi Omota x reader, Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan x reader
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The alarm clock blared at its usual early hour, and Uramichi Omota, known for his perennially gloomy demeanor, begrudgingly dragged himself out of bed. As the host of the children's show "Together with Maman,” he was accustomed to putting on a bright and cheery façade for his young audience. However, behind the scenes, Uramichi was often a picture of exhaustion and disillusionment.
But on this particular morning, something was different. Uramichi found himself inexplicably energized and with a genuine smile on his face. He hummed a cheerful tune as he prepared breakfast, a stark contrast to his usual grumpy self. His co-hosts and fellow staff members couldn't believe their eyes when they saw him arriving at work with a bounce in his step.
"Hey, Uramichi," one of his co-hosts, Mitsuo, called out, skepticism evident in his voice. "Did you win the lottery or something?"
Uramichi chuckled, a genuine mirth filling the air. "No, I didn't win the lottery, Mitsuo. I met someone, and she's not a complete disappointment."
His colleagues stared at him, jaws practically hitting the floor. Uramichi was infamous for his jaded outlook on life, and his pessimistic comments had become a staple in their workplace. To see him in such a bright and jovial mood was nothing short of shocking.
As they got ready for the day's shoot, Uramichi's newfound energy and positivity permeated the set. The children's show, "Together with Maman,” was usually a hectic affair, with Uramichi guiding the young ones through various lessons and activities. But today, everything seemed to flow more smoothly than ever before.
The children were captivated by Uramichi's animated storytelling and playful interactions. Even the usually rowdy kids were surprisingly well-behaved in his presence. His co-hosts couldn't help but be drawn into his infectious enthusiasm, and the crew found themselves working with a renewed vigor.
During the lunch break, Uramichi's co-hosts gathered around him, curious to know more about the mysterious woman who had managed to brighten his day.
"Tell us about her, Uramichi," Mitsuo prodded, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Who is this magical person that's turned you into a ray of sunshine?"
Uramichi blushed slightly, a rare sight for everyone present. "Well, her name is (y/n)," he began, a soft smile forming on his lips as he spoke about her. "We met at the park yesterday while I was feeding the pigeons."
The others leaned in, eager to hear more about this newfound romance.
"She's kind, caring, and surprisingly funny," Uramichi continued. "We spent hours talking about random things, and it was... refreshing."
"Sounds like she's had quite an impact on you," one of the crew members remarked, genuinely happy to see their usually brooding colleague experiencing a brighter side of life.
Uramichi nodded, his smile growing wider. "Yes, she has. I can't remember the last time I felt this way. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders."
The rest of the day went by in a whirlwind of laughter and genuine enjoyment. Uramichi's co-hosts and the crew marveled at the transformation they were witnessing. The children's show had never been more lively and engaging, and Uramichi's positive energy seemed to be contagious.
As the day came to an end and the set cleared out, Uramichi found himself reflecting on the events of the day. He couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected encounter that had brought (y/n) into his life. For the first time in a long while, he looked forward to the future with a sense of hope and anticipation.
Little did he know that this encounter was just the beginning of a beautiful journey, one that would challenge his pessimistic worldview and open his heart to the possibility of happiness and love. Uramichi Omota had found a glimmer of light in the darkness, and he was determined to cherish it and see where it would lead him.
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shxtodxroki · 5 months
Bee’s Birthday Event!
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Hi hi everyone! So I’ve been in the mood to do an event like this for a while now since I’m finally wrapping up my first year of college and getting ready for summer, and since I just recently hit 700 followers and my birthday is also coming up, I decided now was the perfect time to do an event because I wanna celebrate with you guys! 
This event is similar to some other events I’ve done before, where it’s a game of chance when it comes to your request! I decided to go with the same theme of an ice cream parlor for now just because it provides the most options, because I wanted this event to be as fun as possible! Basically, the way it works is that below, there is a list of ice cream flavors and toppings. Each ice cream flavor connects to a different headcanon type/prompt, and each topping connects to a different character (the flavors are the same but they are connected to a different character from every fandom I write for). However, the catch is that you don’t know which flavor/topping connects to which thing, you just have to pick randomly and you only tell me which fandom you’d like me to write your request for!
If you’d like multiple different fandoms it’s best to send a different ask for each fandom, simply because each topping is connected to one character from every fandom I write for so just sending different fandoms in different asks helps avoid confusion. Also, in some fandoms there are obviously less characters than there are toppings, so for some characters there will be more than one topping connected to them. If you’d like to pick your own character(s) instead of randomly selecting them, feel free to just include those in your ask and not include any toppings, but you have to randomly select the flavor/prompt!
These are all of the fandoms included in this event that you can request for, and all the characters included in this event within those fandoms:
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My Hero Academia:
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Tenya Iida, Mezo Shoji, Ochaco Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Mina Ashido, Kyoka Jirou, Neito Monoma, Hitoshi Shinsou, Tamaki Amajiki, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hadou, Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead), Keigo Takami (Hawks), Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko), Tomura Shigaraki, Touya Todoroki (Dabi), Himiko Toga
Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Kei Stukishima, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Yu Nishinoya, Asahi Azumane, Daichi Sawamura, Koshi Sugawara, Kiyoko Shimizu, Hitoka Yachi, Keishin Ukai, Tetsurou Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Lev Haiba, Tooru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Koutaro Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Eita Semi, Satori Tendou, Shinsuke Kita, Aran Ojiro, Rintarou Suna, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya, Kiyoomi Sakusa
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Shoko Ieri, Kento Nanami, Toji Fushiguro, Ryomen Sukuna, Choso Kamo, Yuuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Maki Zenin, Toge Inumaki, Yuuta Okkotsu
Demon Slayer:
Kyojuro Rengoku, Tengen Uzui, Giyuu Tomioka, Mitsuri Kanroji, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Obanai Iguro, Shinobu Kocho, Yoriichi Tsugikuni, Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa, Muzan Kibutsuji, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Aizetsu
Attack on Titan:
Eren Jaeger, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, Jean Kirschtein, Conny Springer, Sasha Braus, Historia Reiss, Ymir, Levi Ackerman, Hange Zoe, Erwin Smith, Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhart, Bertholdt Hoover, Pieck Finger, Porco Galliard
Obey Me:
Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon
Stardew Valley:
Sebastian, Elliott, Sam, Shane, Harvey, Alex, Haley, Emily, Abigail, Maru, Penny, Leah
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenburg, Kyoko Kirigiri, Junko Enoshima, Toko Fukawa, Aoi Asahina, Sakura Ogami, Chihiro Fujisaki, Makoto Naegi, Mondo Owada, Leon Kuwata, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Byakuya Togami
I will also write for Mystic Messenger, Bungou Stray Dogs (up to season 3) and Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan for this event, there just weren’t enough characters to include in the toppings list so if you want to request either of those fandoms, just ignore and omit toppings and tell me which characters you want included in your request :>
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What To Include In Your Request:
Okay, I know all of that may have been a lot to read and take in, so if you’re confused here is what you should include in your request for this event:
- One fandom per request/ask, though you can do multiple different requests for multiple fandoms (PLEASE include a fandom especially if you’re picking toppings too otherwise I won’t be able to fulfill your request!)
- One ice cream flavor per request, which will choose the prompt for the headcanons I will write for your request
- Either a list of characters you want for your request OR multiple toppings per request, which will choose the character(s) who will be included in the headcanons for your request. Only request toppings if you did not include specific characters and want to be surprised!
And that’s all you have to include! :D Now, with that out of the way, here is the list of flavors and toppings you can choose from in your event request(s)!
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Ice Cream Flavors:
These flavors are connected to a headcanon type/prompt for your request, so please only choose one flavor per request and see which headcanons you get! (Angst prompt flavors have been marked, and there is one prompt that is related to periods which has also been marked!) :>
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Strawberry (Related to periods/having a period)
Cookies And Cream 
Peanut Butter Chocolate 
Cake Batter 
Cookie Dough 
Rainbow Sherbert 
Cotton Candy 
Mint Chocolate Chip (Angst) 
Rocky Road (Angst) 
Coffee (Angst) 
Cherry (Angst)
Pistachio (Angst)
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These toppings are each connected to one character from each fandom I write for, so feel free to select multiple toppings and list one chosen fandom per request and see which characters you get! (Some characters appear 2-3 times in this toppings list if there were less characters to choose from, so if you get a repeat, you will be randomly generated a different character choice instead)
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Caramel Drizzle 
Strawberry Drizzle 
Hot Fudge Drizzle 
White Chocolate Drizzle 
Butterscotch Drizzle 
Marshmallow Drizzle
Peanut Butter Drizzle
Nutella Drizzle
Honey Drizzle
Chocolate Chips  
Graham Cracker Crumbs 
Coconut Flakes
Peanut Butter Cups  
Toasted Almonds
Gummy Bears 
Banana Slices 
Cookie Dough Chunks 
Whipped Cream 
Crushed Waffle Cone  
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And that's it! Requests for this event will be open until the end of May 15th, 2024 as that is my birthday Now open until the end of May 20th, so make sure to get your requests in before May 16th if you would like to participate in this event! :D I'd appreciate it if you'd reblog this to give it more reach, but there's no pressure! Thank you for reading this either way, and I look forward to hopefully seeing all of your event requests in my inbox :>
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positively-mine · 8 months
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Mofu's Cafe is closed! {6/15}
300 follower event [23/1 - 5/2]
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rules of the cafe!
1. read the fandom list & rules!
2. select cake and drink (or make your own)
3. event is until Feb 5th or 15 orders taken!
eg. can I get a vanilla cake with a large cappuccino;
rough idea of your personality, things you might want me to add, context, sexuality (if you're comfortable) etc.
4. try to keep under 200-300 words pls!
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cakes (type)
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vanilla - send a list about yourself & character (1 fandom + character) and I'll write something for you
chocolate - send a list about yourself + fandom and I'll match you up with someone
chiffon - regular fic (1 fandom + specify character)
drinks (prompts)
size: medium (romantic), large (platonic)
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Matcha - I need just one date.
Hot chocolate - Choosing your own soulmate sounded a lot better than being assigned one.
Latte - Your taste in men is horrible.
Cappuccino - Beach day
Frappuccino - Cliche trope
Earl grey tea - AU
Iced tea - Do I know you?
Espresso shot - 5 more minutes
Make your own!
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additional info:
① drinks / prompts can be repeated, or you can suggest your own!
② make sure to specify your prompt or else I can't get back to you if it's in inbox 😔
③ duration of order cannot be confirmed; but will max take 3 days
④ I'm confident writing for fem / gn reader! I'm not confident with male readers but I'll still try
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reblogs and shares are appreciated!
frill header @/baexywth
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Uramichi Omota x reader
Reader works in the merch/marketing department. Requested over on ao3!
You work in the marketing department of the studio, so of course you see all the designs and such for merchandise. However, one merchandise design in particular caught both you and Kikaku’s eye, but not in a very good way. When you saw it, you both looked at each other, then back at it, then back at each other. And when you found out who the original designer was, that made things a little easier for you two.
However, one thing led to another, and you walked into the room to let Kikaku know that you were about to leave, and you found that he had Uramichi tied up to a chair with one arm free. You had to take a moment to process what you were seeing, looking back between both boys.
“Why is he tied up?”
“Okay, so, do you remember when we found out who designed that thing we were supposed to make a crap ton of?”
“Well! Turns out, he works right here in this same studio! I called him over here and well, thats that. So if you could… keep an eye on him for me, that would be great!” Before you object to this, however, he was already walking out the door.
“Wha-?! Don’t leave us here, Kikaku!” You sighed softly and turned to face Uramichi.
“I’m so sorry about him, I wasn’t expecting him to just… tie you up like this.”
“No, it’s fine, not like I had anything else planned for tonight..”
“Let me at least untie you..” you made your way over to him, untying him.
“I don’t want you getting in trouble because of me.”
“Oh don’t worry about me. He may be a little… unhinged at times, but he’s really sweet a lot of the time.”
“Uh huh..” he didn’t sound too convinced, which made you chuckle a bit.
“Well.. once you get to know him, he’s really nice.” You pulled up a chair, once you were done untying him, avoiding the plushies on the ground.
“If you want, I can stay here with you?”
“You don’t have to do that, uh… I don’t think I caught your name,”
“Oh! It’s Y/n.” You sat down in the chair you had pulled up as he stretched his arms, as if to get feeling back in them, especially the arm that had been tied up.
“You really don’t have to stay here, Y/n, I don’t want to keep you awake.”
“I don’t really mind, I don’t really have much else to do either.” You shrugged. “Besides, I would feel bad if I left you here by yourself.” He went quiet after that, going back to working on his little drawing. It was quiet for a little while, but it was a comfortable silence. Though after a while, you did manage to strike up a conversation with him, talking to him throughout the rest of the night, getting to know the other a little better.
“Well, uh, we’ve been here all night, huh?” You yawned softly, resting your head on the desk.
“Yeah, it looks it.” Uramichi sighed and looked back at you, feeling a bit bad that you had stayed here all night with him, even if he didn’t show it on his face. He was brought out of his thoughts as he heard that your breathing had slowed down, indicating that you had fallen asleep.
“Oh, Y/n..” he stood up, went over to you, and gently picked you up, bringing you over to the couch in the room, and gently set you down. Though he was pretty tired himself, he didn’t want you to sleep on the hard table, he turned to leave, but glanced back at you.
“…I’ll see you around, Y/n.” He mumbled before leaving the room to get sleep as well.
And you two did see each other more often, you would occasionally check up on him after recording sessions, he would come and find you in the marketing department room working on new designs for merchandise, and you two would chat for a while, catch up on what’s going on.
Of course, everyone in the studio started to notice how close you two have gotten, noticing you two leave together occasionally, and they’ve definitely noticed how much… happier Uramichi has been lately since he started hanging around you. He still has his moments, though.
You may or may not have also developed feelings for Uramichi, and vice versa for him, but you haven’t mentioned it to anyone, and neither has he. However, Kikaku and a few others have definitely noticed how you act around him, and have caught on to your feelings.
“Y/n, when are you going to confess to him?” Kikaku suddenly asked you when you walked into your shared office.
“What?” You had to take a moment to process his words, before shaking your head, a very faint blush on your face. “I.. it’s not like that, we’re just friends..!”
“Uh-huh… Y/n, you’ve got it bad. We’ve all seen how you act around him. You’re so happy and you make him happy, and it’s only a matter of time before either of you confess.”
“Sure, sure, keep thinking that.” You went to your desk to start on your work, not knowing what he had in mind.
The rest of the day went by normally, you and Kikaku just talked about whatever else came to mind as you two worked, occasionally throwing ideas around for merchandise and other things, while plushies were also being thrown around since there were so many of them.
You were getting ready to leave for the day, when you heard Kikaku calling for you. Curious, you went over to where you had heard his voice. Though there is no sight of him, but one thing, or rather, person, caught your attention.
“Uramichi?” You went over to him, seeing that he was in the same predicament as the first time you met.
“Well… this is rather familiar, huh?” You shook your head and started untying him.
“Did he tell you what this was all about?” You asked him.
“Told me it had something to do with you… and feelings.” Oh that bastard wanted you to confess so badly he had to do this?? Oh you were going to get him back for this.
“I am… so so sorry he dragged you into this.”
“No, it’s okay, Y/n. I do have a question for you, though.” You glanced back at him, giving him a look of ‘go on’ as you continue to untie him.
“Do you… have feelings for me? Is that what this is all about?”
“Huh?” you had to stop what you were doing, a light blush on your face now. “W..well, uh, I…” before you could say anything else, he cut you off,
“Because if you do… not only would I be absolutely surprised that you would have feelings for me of all people, but… I would be happy… if you did.” Wait a minute. He basically just confessed his feelings for you.
“You.. have feelings for me?” A silent nod followed your question.
“Oh, Uramichi..” you had finished untying him at this point, a faint smile on your face. “I feel the same way.”
“Do you really?”
“I do. That’s… what this whole thing was about, and again I am so sorry he quite literally roped you into this.”
“Well.. at least one good thing happened from this. Besides, we can get back at him later.”
“That is true, and you bet that I will get back at him for this. Now come on, let’s get out of here.” You helped him up, now walking out of the studio, hand-in-hand. While you were going to get Kikaku back for this, you were silently thanking him for helping you at the same time.
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zu8her · 4 months
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MEN BEING FREE-USE TOYS (+ gym rats while they ignore you)
btw have a thesis to complete please help a poor stem girl out and fill out this form on a green building and thx for the support edit: got enough responces thank you everyone that filled in the form
As the sweat dripped and slid down his body. His muscles flexing, as he worked out, lifting dumbbells or pulling at the cable row machine. Hearing him grunt and moan with every meticulous move. Fuck.
He saw you of course. In the corner on the couch near the door, in your pyjamas. Though, you flimsy top strap had slipped of your shoulder, your flimsy top barely covered your tits as they had slipped out as well and your tight skimpy shorts and panties are hanging on for dear life on your ankle as you finger your leaking pussy, hardly qualified as pyjamas.
When a loud moan would slip out, it would echo through your private gym and he’d make eye-contact through the mirror. Just glaring at you for a moment then completely ignore you to continue with his work out.
You enjoyed it. His stern face just looking at you for a mere moment, not bothering with your lustful insolence, ignoring you. It made you cum.
He continued working out as you climbed on his thighs and rid it. Grinding your needy cunt and clit on his flexing thighs. Dear god, and you loved it.
Watching as your cum slid off his glorious thighs and him just paying you no mind. That made you pussy clench.
With your back pressed against the gym mirror, legs spread, cum covered and oozing with slick you just stare up at him exercising, rubbing your clit waiting till he get on the personal bench to ride his cock. And you messily bounce on his cock, of course, as he ignored you.
WAKATOSHI, Kuroo, Bakugo, Tsukishima, Gojo, Choso, TOJI, Osamu, Atsumu, Kageyama, Sakusa, Megumi, Todo, Sukuna, Fat Gum, Endeavour, Uramichi, Mitsuo Kumatani, Getou, REINER, Eren, Iwazumi
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cxtori · 11 months
Uramichi Omota ✮ Blessing
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Summary: based off of this ask. thank you @adelulugirl, i hope i did your idea justice! 🫶🏽
wc: 1.9k
Genre: fem reader, established relationship, fluff
Warnings: n/a, possibly a bit ooc? i like to think the Uramichi would be more open and playful with his partner
tori's note: this is my first fic request to ever receive 🥹 so happy that it was such a cute scenario with one of my favorite characters. enjoy!
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Uramichi opens the apartment door carefully, wincing when the hinges screech loudly, betraying his desire to enter quietly.
He steps inside and closes the door before leaning against it, dropping his bag and slipping off his shoes with a heavy sigh. It had been in his plans to be home about 3 hours earlier, but unfortunately for him, his boss had other plans. A last minute “post-work dinner party” had been planned and, much to Uramichi’s dismay, it wasn’t one he could sneak his way out of.
He’d much rather have been home with you, cuddled on the couch, watching your favorite show, but instead he’d found himself at a barbecue place, surrounded by the scent of smoke and alcohol, his ears ringing with poor Utano’s crying and Usahara’s obnoxious bantering.
Every attempt he made to leave would fail when someone’s arm was thrown over his shoulder or Derekida’s attention was suddenly directed at him. And so, he remained. At least until everyone was drunk enough to not notice him slipping out the door.
Fast forward three hours of social torture and here he was, tired, grumpy, and, as usual, dreading having to go to work the next morning.
It had been an exhausting day and an even more exhausting evening, and he wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with your warmth to lull him to sleep. He glances at the little, decorative clock you’d bought to put in the living room, one of the many hints to your presence in his life that have appeared since you moved in.
9pm. Typically, you would still be awake, but typically Uramichi would be home by now as well. Without him there to keep you up, you were likely in bed asleep, exhausted by your own stressful workday.
He steps quietly towards the bedroom, poking his head in to scope out the situation. He finds his suspicions to be correct when he sees you wrapped tightly in the sheets, passed out and unaware of his presence.
He walks closer to the bed, admiring the way the moonlight illuminates the soft, relaxed look upon your face as you sleep peacefully. His hand reaches for your face, calloused fingers grazing your cheek as he tucks a few stray hairs behind your ear, and a smile spreads across his lips. Voices suddenly echo in his head when he remembers a conversation with his co-workers from mere hours ago.
He was zoned out, mindlessly watching the bubbles in his beer swirl around as the others spoke about he-didn’t-know-what. It was the only way he was going to get through this dinner, so he let his mind wander to anywhere but here. His attention was only brought back when he heard your name mentioned.
“Yeah, honestly, finding out about Y/n was a bit of a shock,” Utano said, dragging Uramichi’s thoughts back to earth. He looked up to find his fellow cast-member’s eyes all on him, like they were expecting something.
“Hmm, what?” He said, completely lost as to why he was suddenly the center of attention.
“Your girl, Y/n!” Usahara said as he jabbed at Uramichi’s side with is elbow. “We were just talking about how surprising it was when you introduced us to her.”
“We wondered if you would ever find someone,” Utano muttered, earning nods and hums from everyone around the table.
“Is that seriously something you were worried about?” Uramichi exasperated, looking at everyone around the table as they all gave him small, sympathetic smiles that wordlessly answered his question. His eyes eventually landed on Kumatani who, despite his lack of a smile, Uramichi could tell agreed. “You too?”
“It… was a mild concern,” Kumatani admitted, making Uramichi sigh defeatedly.
“We thought you’d be alone forever!” Iketeru chimed in his usual happy and upbeat tone, not quite fitting the statement he’d made.
“And I still can’t believe you got a girlfriend before me,” Usahara cried, earning annoyed glares from everyone.
Uramichi had rolled his eyes at his friend’s comments, even though he'd be lying if he said he hadn't feared the same. You were a blessing in his eyes. One that he wasn't confident he would ever receive. But here you were, against all odds and doubts. And now he couldn’t imagine life without you.
The weight of exhaustion hits him suddenly as he feels his eyelids grow heavy, begging him to crawl into bed and join you in your peaceful sleep.
He steps away from the bed and begins digging blindly through his drawers in search of sleepwear, pulling out a shirt and pants. He does his best to get dressed quietly so to not wake you, opting to leave his clothes in the floor than stumble to the hamper. But when his foot smacks against the bedframe and a pained yelp instinctively escapes his lungs, he knows it was a pointless effort.
He holds his breath (and whimpers) when he hears you shuffle under the sheets, and his heart drops when you soon sit up in the bed.
“Michi?” Your voice whispers, heavy with sleep and confusion. You rub your eyes and blink at him in an attempt to clear your blurry vision.
Uramichi sighs and picks up his clothes from the floor, deciding he might as well put them away now. It’s not like his blind stumbling will wake you up anymore than he already has.
“What time is it?” You mumble as you squint at the clock, unable to make it out. Uramichi’s gaze follows yours to the digital clock that has made a new home on his nightstand rather than his bed. Another small sign of your presence.
“9:08,” he says as he walks back to the bed, though cautiously. He sits down beside you, resting his back against the cool surface of the headboard. “Much later than I expected to be back. Sorry about that.” You shake your head, dismissing his apology.
“Don’t apologize. I know how those ‘mandatory parties’ can be,” you say with a light giggle. Your laughter eases Uramichi’s worry and brings a smile to his face, as it always does.
You move closer to him to rest your head on his chest as your arms snake around him in a tight hug. He instinctively raises his arm and drapes it over you, enveloping you in his warmth. You sit there in silence for a moment, hearing nothing but the steady beating of his heart as he drags a hand tenderly over your hair.
These were the moments you both enjoyed the most. The peace, the quiet, the way you would silently express your love and care for each other with nothing but simple actions. It’s what made the long and stressful days worth it.
“How was work?” You ask softly.
“The usual,” Uramichi sighs, his voice vibrating in his chest against your ear. “I think I tweaked something in my back again, but that’s nothing new. How about you?”
“Ugh, terrible,” you groan. “I got yelled at by three customers today. Told my boss I never want to work in the clothing department ever again,” you huff, being just a little bit overdramatic, drawing a quiet laugh from Uramichi.
His arm around you loosens as he shifts under you, moving away to look you in the eyes with a sweet smile that never fails to give you butterflies. That soft, genuine upturn of his lips that, to others, was a rare occurrence, but to you, was a gift you got to receive every single day.
He leans down to you and places his lips tenderly against your forehead, a simple but loving gesture that pulls a giggle from your lips. As he begins to pull away, you quickly wrap your arms around his neck to prevent him from moving any further before pressing your lips against his forehead, goofily returning the action. You eventually pull back and laugh in a way that makes him go weak.
His eyes flit over your content, sleep-laden face, and his mind reflects once more on the earlier conversation.
Before meeting you, he had finally come to terms with the possibility of never finding “the one”. And then you appeared, making his fear disappear. Words couldn’t begin to express how grateful he was for you, he just hoped you understood.
His heart twists in such a joyous way that it’s almost painful. It’s ironic really. How something can make you so happy that it causes you to ache. Of all the things he’s experienced that he thought might end him, none were as bad as this. You would be the death of him, he was sure of it.
He moves his face closer to you, his lips grazing just over yours as though to tease you.
“I really love you, you know,” he whispers, his lips bumping against yours with every syllable, sending a sharp chill though your body.
“Of course, I know that, silly,” you whisper back. You drag your hand up his torso, fingers lightly tracing his defined muscles as they make their way up to his neck, tangling in his hair.
You tug on his hair in a silent plea and he obliges, his lips connecting with yours in a warm, tingling kiss. Your lips move slowly, almost lazily, and yet it still feels energizing. You part, your light pants filling the otherwise silent room.
“I love you too,” you say, bringing your hands from around his neck to his face, brushing back his messy hair and cupping his cheeks in your palms. He raises a hand, wrapping it around your wrist as his thumb strokes over it.
He leans his body against yours, carefully pushing you back into the pillows before kissing you once more. His tongue swipes over your lips before giving them a light nip, making your mind go numb. His hands slide down your sides to your hips, grasping them firmly as he pulls you closer to him.
His lips move from your mouth to your neck, leaving a trail of burning kisses behind. He caresses the sensitive skin behind your ear, lightly enough to tickle and causing you to laugh.
"Michi!" You scold jokingly and smack him on the shoulder. He gives his own soft laugh and nuzzles into the crook of your neck, wrapping his arms around you and resting his body on top of yours.
“My little blessing,” he mumbles absentmindedly against your neck. You give a contented hum as you slip your hands under his shirt and drag them up and down his back, your nails scratching gently at his skin.
Comfortable silence encircles you again and exhaustion pulls at your eyelids. However, with your boyfriend almost crushing you, sleep is just out of reach.
“As comfortable as this is…" You start with a pat on the man's back. "I must say, you’re kinda impairing my ability to breathe."
"Oh," Uramichi says as he clumsily shifts himself to lay beside you, keeping his arms entwined around your waist. "Sorry," he says, and you can tell by his voice that sleep has almost claimed him as well.
You turn in his arms to face him, enamored by the way the moonlight highlights his handsome features, reflecting in his silky, brown hair. To him, you were his blessing, but little did he know that you felt the same way about him. You weren’t sure what you did to deserve this man. All you know is that you would do it a million times over if it meant it would lead you back to him.
“Goodnight,” you say and stretch to place another quick peck on his lips. But you don’t receive a response, a soft snore telling you that he was no longer conscious. It had certainly been a long day.
You smile to yourself and close your eyes as you press your face into his chest, letting your own body finally give in to the sleep it so desired.
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©Cxtori 2023 please do not copy, plagiarize, repost or translate. reblogs much appreciated!
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miharuki · 8 months
I came back from the short hiatus, I ended up resetting my cell phone and PC, so I still couldn't find the stories that were in my Google documents, why do I have many Google accounts , and look what Google accounts I have.
Anyway, I'm here to say that I'm UPDATING my masterlist, and that I'm adding new things to the list, anime and so on.
Speaking of which, I finished mashle, and I loved it, it has a place in my heart
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Can you please write headcanons for Uramichi and Kumatani falling in love with female reader and also jealousy headcanons for them? Thank you 😊
Falling In Love & Jealousy Headcanons
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A/n: I won't hide from you, at first I was confused because I thought I am not writing for Kumatani but I double checked and yeah I am just stupid.
Pairing: Kumatani x fem!reader, Uramichi x fem!reader
Trigger warnings: mentions of depression since it's Uramichi
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Falling In love
Kumatani is really calm as we all know and he sort of strikes me as a somewhat traditional guy when it comes to courting you
He won't deny that he has fallen in love with you, he knows himself ver well and he is confident in his abilities
it didn't come off as a shock when he found himself sort of longing for you when he went out with the cast of the show and after some thought he just casually reached the conclusion that his feelings towards you aren't so friendly as he thought
He won't do much when it comes to courting you but that doesn't mean he thinks he is sure that he can make you his
I think Kumatani is more of an actions than words person which means that the only way for him to show you that he is interested in you will be through subtle gifts like chocolates, food, maybe something more thoughtful like a teddy bear
Also, I think his confession will be really heartfull (he prepared for this for a week)
Uramichi will simply be in denial
He doesn't know how it happened, how he fell for you and for a long time will simply just brush it off and will desperately try not to think about it
But whenever you join the cast after shooting he will somehow sit close to you, laugh at your jokes, maybe steal a few glances at your outfit
It reaches the point where he can't function properly without you occupying his thoughts
He will casually confess as if it is nothing
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Kumatani doesn't get jealous, it is as simple as that
He knows himself, he knows you and he trusts you more than anything so he is more than sure that you will turn whoever is hitting on you down
It's small, I know, but he just doesn't get jealous, fight me
Does he get jealous? Not really.
Is he insecure? Yes
Let's be realistic the only thing that actually makes his insecure even though he doesn't mind it, is his job. What do I mean? He loves his job but he can't help but think that there are way better jobs than his
So when he sees someone hit on you, he knows that you will turn them down but he will wrap a protective arm around your waist mostly to reassure himself
Overall, he is just insecure and not jealous
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zmbiesuga · 11 months
what better way to commemorate finishing uramichi oniisan :) dad!uramichi x gn!reader, soft girl dad uramichi, completely self-indulgent and i do not care. also, i miss my cringefail adults :( but im starting bllk now so!! im gonna end up devastated im sure!!! :D
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If you had told Uramichi that his morning smoke would be interrupted by the pitter-patter of little feet every morning about three years ago, he honestly probably would have had a heart attack.
Well, not a heart attack, but he'd probably get that dead look in his eyes that sends shivers down every single part of your body.
Looking back at it though, he doesn't find the idea all that ridiculous. Maybe because it's his reality now, or maybe because it's given him something to look forward to.
Either way, every morning like clockwork, your three year old daughter presses her face against the glass door to the balcony, grinning wildly at her father who has been caught once again red handed, and today is no exception.
Uramichi looks at his daughter after disposing his cigarette with a smile, a real smile, sliding the door open that sends a cold fall breeze throughout your small, shared apartment. She can't help but shiver while her dad steps inside and closes the door behind him, crouching down to meet her at eye level.
"My, someone's up early," he teases in a raspy voice, whether it be from smoking or having only woken up an hour prior — he doesn't know, "why are you awake sweetheart?"
Your daughter, Chiaki, gives him a small pout, "Missed papa," she explains in all of her limited vocabulary glory, "want cuddles."
She reaches out her hands to her very large father, and suddenly that pain he gets in his back to travel up to his heart — tugging on his heartstrings harshly while he holds back tears.
Even though this happens every morning, a personal routine of their own, he'll never get tired of it, which surprises even himself.
He gives her another genuine smile before scooping her up in his arms, "Okay, sweetheart," he responds with a small laugh, "your wish is my command."
Truly, she has him wrapped around her tiny little finger. He gets back in bed with you, placing Chiaki in between the two of you.
She takes this moment to press her back into your chest, and snuggle the rest of her tiny little body underneath Uramichi's huge arm.
He gives her a kiss on the forehead, muttering a small "I love you" while he lets the fatigue he had previously been fighting finally overtake him.
When you wake up barely two hours later, you smile at the sight before you, the sight you see every morning. Because you of all people know that Uramichi dreads a lot of things, but this is the one thing he'll never complain about.
And that makes your heart melt, just a little, every time.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Unveiling the Hidden Life
➥ summary: Uramichi Omota normally keeps his life unwraps, well not this time
➥ Uramichi Omota x reader, Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan x reader
➥ a/n : I’m happy you all enjoy my spiderverse stories but I’m taking a new turn now. I’ve decided to go into another fandom and this is that fandom, you’ll be seeing more of Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan on my blog :)
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In the bustling break room of the TV studio, Uramichi Omota sat with his co-workers, listening to their animated chatter about their private lives. They were sharing stories of family outings, weekend getaways, and new friendships, while Uramichi mostly remained quiet, keeping his personal life tightly under wraps.
"So, Uramichi, what about you? Any exciting plans for the weekend?" Mitsuo asked with a playful grin.
Uramichi offered a half-hearted smile, his typical deadpan expression betraying no hint of what lay beneath. "I'll probably just stay home and catch up on sleep," he replied, attempting to deflect the attention away from himself.
But his co-workers were relentless, determined to get a glimpse into the life of their enigmatic colleague. "Come on, there must be something more exciting than that," Akiyama chimed in.
Just as Uramichi was about to provide another vague response, his phone began to vibrate insistently on the table. He glanced at the caller ID and seemed taken aback for a moment before clearing his throat and excusing himself from the group.
With a mix of curiosity and concern, his co-workers watched as he stepped away and answered the call. To their surprise, a woman's voice filled the break room, and Uramichi seemed to be engaged in a lively conversation.
"Who's that on the phone?" Mitsuo whispered to the others, trying to catch a glimpse of the mysterious woman.
"I have no idea. I've never seen him with anyone before," Akiyama replied, equally intrigued.
As the conversation continued, Uramichi's face softened into a smile, a sight his co-workers had never witnessed before. Their curiosity only grew as they heard him chuckling and asking about someone named Hiroshi.
Just then, Uramichi turned the phone's camera towards himself, revealing a young boy with a mischievous grin on the screen. "Say hi to Uncle Mitsuo and Aunt Akiyama," Uramichi said, directing the boy's attention to his co-workers.
"Hi, Uncle Mitsuo! Hi, Aunt Akiyama!" the boy named Hiroshi waved enthusiastically.
A wave of astonishment washed over the break room as the co-workers exchanged glances, trying to process the revelation. Uramichi had a son, and there was a woman in his life named (Y/n). This was a side of him they had never seen before - a man with a loving family and a genuine smile on his face.
After ending the call, Uramichi returned to the break room, and all eyes were on him. He took a deep breath and decided it was time to let his guard down, at least with his closest colleagues.
"Alright, you caught me," Uramichi admitted with a small smile. "I've been keeping my private life under wraps for various reasons, but yes, I do have a family. (Y/n) is my wife, and Hiroshi is our son."
His co-workers couldn't contain their surprise, bombarding him with questions about his family and why he had kept it a secret for so long.
"It's not that I'm ashamed of them or anything like that," Uramichi explained. "I guess I just wanted to keep my work and personal life separate. Plus, I've always been known for my dark humor and pessimistic outlook on life, and I didn't want that to affect how people saw my family."
"But you have such a loving family," Akiyama remarked. "Why wouldn't you want to share that with the world?"
Uramichi sighed, reflecting on his past struggles and experiences. "I've had my fair share of disappointments in life," he confessed. "And I guess I didn't want to burden my family with my issues or have them judged based on my reputation."
Mitsuo placed a hand on Uramichi's shoulder, offering him a supportive smile. "We're your friends, Uramichi. You can trust us. And from what we've seen, you have a beautiful family who clearly loves you."
Uramichi's eyes softened, and for the first time in a long while, he felt a sense of acceptance and understanding from his co-workers. He realized that he didn't have to hide his happiness and love for his family, and that sharing this part of his life might even help him find a new sense of balance and joy.
From that day on, Uramichi Omota allowed himself to be more open about his personal life. He introduced his co-workers to his wife, (Y/n), and his son, Hiroshi, who occasionally visited the studio during filming breaks. The dark humor and cynicism were still a part of him, but now there was a newfound sense of warmth and contentment in his heart, knowing that he had a loving family to come home to every day. And his co-workers, who had once seen him as a lonely and disillusioned man, now admired him for his strength, resilience, and the love he had found in the midst of life's trials and tribulations.
The studio was abuzz with activity as the crew prepared for another episode of "Together with Mama." Uramichi Omota's co-workers were excitedly discussing the day's topic, "What do you love most in life?" Little did they know that today's show would be one they would remember for a lifetime.
As the cameras began rolling, Uramichi greeted the young audience with his usual deadpan humor, masking the anticipation building within him. Today's topic hit a little too close to home, as he grappled with the idea of sharing his most cherished love in front of the entire nation.
Just as he began to speak, a familiar voice interrupted the room. "(Y/n)" Uramichi's heart skipped a beat as he turned to see his wife, (Y/n), and their son, Hiroshi, standing by the set entrance.
(Y/n) smiled warmly, her eyes filled with love and support as she held Hiroshi's hand. "Sorry for the surprise, but Hiroshi couldn't wait to see his daddy in action," she said, stepping forward.
Uramichi's co-workers were equally surprised, and some gasped in delight as they saw the adorable boy with his bright eyes and infectious grin.
"Oh, he's just precious!" Akiyama cooed, leaning over to pinch Hiroshi's cheeks.
Hiroshi blushed and giggled, feeling the warmth and excitement of the unfamiliar environment.
"Uramichi, your son is adorable!" Mitsuo exclaimed, his eyes lingering on the heartwarming scene before him.
Uramichi smiled, a mixture of pride and tenderness shining in his eyes. He had never imagined his family would visit him at work, but seeing them here now filled his heart with overwhelming joy.
As the show continued, Uramichi's co-hosts and the crew couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in his demeanor. The usually stoic and reserved host seemed to glow with newfound warmth and affection as he interacted with his wife and son during the breaks.
When it was time to discuss the day's topic, Uramichi took a deep breath, still grappling with how much he was willing to share with the audience. His inner conflict was evident, and his co-hosts could sense the emotional struggle he was facing.
With a supportive nod from (Y/n), Uramichi decided to be candid. "Today's topic is a tough one for me," he began, his voice wavering slightly. "But I suppose the thing I love most in life is my family."
A collective "aww" resonated through the studio as the audience melted at his heartfelt declaration. Mitsuo, Akiyama, and the crew exchanged knowing glances, realizing that Uramichi's emotional journey had taken him to a place of vulnerability.
Uramichi continued, a gentle smile on his face as he looked at (Y/n) and Hiroshi. "My wife, (Y/n), and our son, Hiroshi, they are my everything. They bring light to my darkest days and give me a reason to keep going, even when life feels overwhelming."
As he spoke, Hiroshi's eyes widened, absorbing every word his father said. The young boy's heart swelled with pride and love, realizing the depth of his father's affection for him and his mother.
Just as Uramichi finished speaking, Hiroshi couldn't contain his excitement any longer. With a burst of energy, he ran towards his father, yelling, "Daddy!"
Uramichi's eyes widened in surprise, but his heart overflowed with joy as he scooped Hiroshi into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"Daddy loves you so much, Hiroshi," Uramichi whispered, his voice choked with emotion.
"I love you too, Daddy!" Hiroshi beamed, wrapping his little arms around Uramichi's neck.
The heartwarming moment was caught on camera, and the entire crew was moved by the genuine love and connection between father and son.
As the show concluded, Uramichi thanked his co-workers and the audience for allowing him to share such a personal part of his life. He felt a newfound sense of liberation, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
His co-hosts, Mitsuo, Akiyama, and the crew, embraced him, expressing their admiration and support. They were grateful for the chance to witness such a heartwarming family reunion and to see a side of Uramichi that they had never seen before.
In that unforgettable episode of "Together with Mama," Uramichi Omota's world expanded beyond the darkness that had plagued him for so long. With the love of his wife and son illuminating his path, he found strength and solace, realizing that there was more to life than his pessimistic outlook had allowed him to see. And as he held his precious family close, he knew that no matter how tough life got, their love would always be his guiding light.
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shxtodxroki · 6 months
Match-Up Exchange Guidelines
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Because I’ve been more interested in doing match-up exchanges lately, I figured it would be smart to make a single concise post explaining everything important when it comes to doing match-up exchanges with me! Below are my guidelines for doing match-up exchanges, so if you’re interested in doing a match-up exchange please read this once I’ve sent it to you/if you’re interested in doing an exchange!
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Fandoms I Do Match-Ups For:
These are all the fandoms I offer match-ups for! Feel free to choose any of the fandoms listed below if you’re interested in doing a match-up exchange or just requesting a match-up in general, and this list will be updated whenever necessary:
My Hero Academia, Haikyuu, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan, Bungou Stray Dogs (though I am currently only on season 3, so as of now I would only be able to match you with characters established up to that point), Mystic Messenger, Obey Me, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, Death Note, Stardew Valley, Sk8 The Infinity, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc.
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Characters I Don’t Match With:
Among these fandoms, there are certain characters I won’t do matches with for various reasons. First of all, If a character is below high school age (I’d say generally they have to be 15 or above at least) then I will not be matching them with anyone. This includes characters like Luke from Obey Me, Muichiro from Demon Slayer and Kenji from BSD, among others. Additionally, any characters who are abusive/inappropriate, specially to children, will not be matched with anyone. This would include characters like Mei Mei from JJK and Mori from BSD, as well as characters like Endeavor from My Hero. I also just don’t really know much about Vanderwood from Mystic Messenger so I probably won’t match him for anyone just because I’m not sure if I would be able to make it accurate lol. This list may be changed/altered as needed.
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Things I Need From You In a Match-Up Exchange:
If you’re interested in a match-up exchange, please feel free to DM me asking about it! Unless I’m on a hiatus or going through a tough time in my personal life, I will almost always say yes! Once we’ve agreed to an exchange, these are the things I will need from you:
Your preferred name/a nickname you’d like to go by, pronouns, age (or if you’re uncomfortable saying, just tell me if you’re under or over 18 instead), and if you have a gender preference when it comes to your match. If you do not indicate a gender preference for your match, I will match you with a character of any gender who fits you best, so please indicate if you’d only like to be matched with a certain gender and I will oblige! 
The fandom(s) you’d like your match-up to be in. You may request up to 5 different fandoms at a time, though you are free to request more or request the same fandom again at a different date. I only set the limit at 5 so that it doesn’t take me too long to post my part of the exchange! (You are also free to request, for example, to be matched with a man and a woman in a particular fandom, though this will count as 2 of your 5 match-ups) 
Any characters (if you have any) that you’d prefer not to be matched with, for any reason. I will avoid matching you with any characters you request not to be matched with! Also, if you have any preferences for which characters you're matched with (ex. only wanting to be matched with Class 1-A students) then please state that as well!
The rest of these are not required, but highly encouraged in order for me to give you your best possible match:
Personality types (like MBTI or zodiac sign, for example)
Notable physical features/appearance
Personality traits
Hobbies or interests
Qualities you find important/look for in a partner
Love languages
And anything else you’d like to add! This isn’t an exhaustive list, you’re welcome to add anything you’d like me to know about you to make your match–up better :)
Also, please don’t hold back or worry that you’re including “too much” because I promise, the more information you include, the more detailed and personalized I can make your match-up! 
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When it comes to my match-up(s) for you in an exchange, this is usually what I offer:
Your match-up(s) will always include the reason why I matched you with a character, 8-10 headcanons about your relationship with them based on your personalized info, who my second choice for a match-up would be and a brief explanation of why, and a song that I think describes your relationship with your matched character! Unless stated otherwise (if I’m going through a difficult time or incredibly busy with school) my goal is generally always to get my end of the exchange posted/to you within a week of us agreeing to an exchange, though we can solidify a date together once we’ve decided on doing a match-up trade!
And when it comes to receiving my match-up(s), I’m totally willing to be patient and if things come up/you need more time than you thought or even if you need to cancel the exchange, please just let me know and I promise to be understanding :) All I ask is for communication! 
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And that’s it! I’m currently open to and welcoming match-up exchanges with fellow writers for any of the fandoms listed above, so if you’re interested in doing one please just reach out/message me and I’d love to organize one! :D
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positively-mine · 1 year
Late nights (Mitsuo Kumatani x gn!reader)
→Tag: fluffy time with Kumatani
A/n: it's been months since I've watched "Life lessons with uramichi oniisan" and i still can't get them out of my head. Happy it's finally receiving the attention it deserves.
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You’re laying in bed with your boyfriend. He was fast asleep and lightly snoring, which made him 10 times cuter.
Feeling that your throat is parched you go to get up from the bed. As you’re getting up, you feel arms slither around your waist, pulling you back down.
“Babe, don’t leave." Kumatani murmured. Voice laced thick with sleep.
You turn to him and he puts his head on your chest, as he wraps his hand around your waist. "Go back to sleep. I love you baby, i love you so much.." He told you in a sleepy voice. You really can't stop yourself from staring at him and his sleepy face. The bed hair making him look irresistible.
"I love you too." You whispered back to him.
Sleep began to engulf him once more. He began to fall asleep slowly, with his head on your chest, and arms around your waist. You didn't mind waking up with a parched throat if you got to see more of sleepy Kumatani.
Plus, it was funny to see him babble nonsense in his sleep.
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Uramichi Omota x reader
Requested over on ao3!
You work in the editing department of the MHK studio, which was fun and all, except when Uramichi had his depressive episodes and breakdowns during recording sessions, which you had to edit out, and it makes your workload harder. You were starting to get tired of it, and you were to the point where you wanted to say something to him. You weren’t afraid to speak your mind to him, as you’re not afraid of him like a lot of others in the studio are. In fact, you actually quite enjoyed spending time with him!
Then you thought about it: the man works a lot, and you’ve barely ever seen him take a break unless it was a day off. Maybe that was the problem, you thought to yourself. You thought it would be a good idea for him to take a break.
“Uramichi.” You called out to the taller male as you made your way over to him. As he heard his name being called, Uramichi turned to face you.
“Oh.. hello, Y/n. Did you need something?”
“Yeah, actually, I wanted to talk to you about something?”
“About what?” You motion for him to start walking and you two start walking outside. You two usually walked home together, since your apartments were fairly close.
“It’s about… well, your breakdowns.”
“I know you can’t help it, i know how hard you work, because I’m the one editing the episodes! But… it makes my workload tougher.”
“I know, and I’m sorry, Y/n.”
“I know, you don’t mean for it to happen, but I think you need to take a break.”
“Oh I would if i could.”
“It’s going to happen, Uramichi, i can promise you that.” He gives you a look which tells you that he still doesn’t believe you.
“You’ll see.” You reach up and pat his shoulder.
“I would like to see you try.”
“Oh I’m going to.” You looked up at him, walking in silence for a few minutes. Once you got to your apartment, you both said your goodbyes and you went inside.
“I’ve got to make sure he gets a proper break.” You thought to yourself as you went to get ready for the next day.
Over the next few days, you and Uramichi did your usual thing at work, but when you weren’t busy with editing, you were trying to get a day off for him, you were going to make sure of it. And after a lot of time and effort and pleading, well, sort of, you were finally able to get a day off for him! Or rather, an extra day off, which you were going to spend with him.
“Uramichi!” You called out to the taller male as you saw him getting ready to walk out for the night.
“Oh, it’s you again, Y/n.” He turned to face you as you got closer. “What is it?”
“I hope you don’t have any plans for tomorrow, because I’m coming by, I hope you don’t mind.” You said as you now walked beside him.
“And why’s that..?”
“Because I finally got us another day off.”
“You did what?” He sounded a bit surprised.
“You heard me, Uramichi.” You looked up at him, smiling. “We have two days off starting tomorrow.”
“You’re insane.”
“Well I did it for you. You need to rest, you’re overworked.”
“I… thank you, Y/n.” You swore you saw him smile faintly, which you thought was pretty cute.
“Well… what do you have planned for us?” He already figured he wasn’t going to do his usual thing when he had a day off, which wasn’t a lot anyways.
“You’ll see tomorrow!”
“If you say so, Y/n.”
“I do say so!” After a little bit of walking later, you made it back to your apartment.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Uramichi!” You waved goodbye and head into your apartment, to get ready for your day off with Uramichi. You had a small list of things you wanted to do with him, and you were pretty excited to spend more time with him.
The next morning, you actually slept in for once as you soon rolled out of bed. You ate a small breakfast and got yourself ready for the day as per usual before shooting a text to Uramichi, making sure he was awake before you would make your way over to his apartment. However, what you didn’t expect was a knock at your door. You went to the door and opened it up,
“Uramichi?” You were rather surprised to see him standing there.
“Morning, Y/n.” He looked down at you. “Come on, let’s get going.”
“Oh, okay..!” You grabbed your bag/purse/etc as well as your keys and locked the door behind you. You opted for a walk in the nearby park, talking about whatever came to mind, and just you making sure he was doing okay. However, as you two walked, a few people had noticed how close you seemed to be
“Aw, look at the cute couple.”
“They look real cute together,”
“They seem pretty close, I wonder if they’re a couple..” this only made you a bit nervous and glanced away from the taller male walking beside you, a faint blush on your face. It was true that you had feelings for him, which was part of the reason you cared so much for him, but you were afraid he didn’t feel the same way. Uramichi seems to have noticed your discomfort and gently grabbed your hand, which made you look back at him.
“Let’s go somewhere else.” He said loud enough for you to hear him as he lead you towards a nearby cafe.
“You alright, Y/n? You seemed a little out of it when people were talking about us…”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just caught me off guard is all.”
“I see.. you looked like you were nervous about something, though.”
“Well…” you rubbed the back of your head.
“About that.. I, uh… have feelings for you.”
“You do..?” You only nodded, pressing your fingers together nervously.
“That… would explain why you care so much about someone like me.”
“Of course I care! Even if I didn’t have feelings for you, I would still care Uramichi..” you took his hands into your own.
“Y/n.. you know.. I feel the same way. I’m glad the feelings are mutual.”
“Yes, really. Also.. thank you for caring about me.”
“It’s no problem at all.” You smiled softly at him. “Now once we finish up here, we get back to what else I have planned for today, yeah?”
“Sure, that’s fine by me.” You nodded once more and the two of you just talked about whatever you could think of, as long as it wasn’t work related of course, you were off for two days, there was no need to discuss work at this time, and once you were finished with your drinks, you left to spend the rest of your time off together, to do whatever you can to take Uramichi’s mind off of work, even if it’s for a little while.
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