tesalicious2 · 2 years
Nohebi Headcanons:
Kuguri is the most popular with the girls but hates it so much
He is dating Shibayama and only Mika knows about it
He keeps getting the ‘as your upperclassman’ lectures but hasn’t used any of their advice and would like them to stop
Takachiho isn’t against the Nekoma rivalry, he finds is funny mostly
He encourages Daishou’s and Kuroo’s fights
Akama is good friends with Shibayama since they went to the same junior high but he can’t approach him with Yaku around
He is very afraid
Shibayama only told him about Kuguri and his relationship, very supportive
He helped start the Libero GC and has since gained a respect for Shibayama and his ability to put up with everything
Sakishima has also approached Shibayama with Akama once but tried to look intimidating the whole time as a joke
It worked to well and now Shibayama is very afraid, until Takachiho tripped him
He loves the rivalry
Hiroo is a more devious and bit louder version of Kuguri
He adores the rivalry, it entertains him to no end
Seguro has anger issues and needs counseling
There was an intervention
Numai cannot give two shits about the rivalry and finds it dumb
But he will encourage Diashou
He suspects Kuguri’s seeing someone but couldn’t care who
Oomizu is an old man trapped in a young dudes body
He is very concerned for the mental stability of his team and the team will invite him to game nights
He will host them as well
The entire team adores his daughter and have been called big brother by her
Kuguri smiled at her once and everyone died
Mika has a black book full of black mail on the team
Even Coach Omizu isn’t safe
Everyone tried to get Kuguri riled up but ended up getting utterly destroyed in the process
It ended on a game night when Akama admitting he knew how to get Kuguri to punch someone
No one believed him
Akama sat next to Kuguri on the floor. He pulled out his wallet and some bills.
“How often are you annoyed?” Akama asked
Kuguri didnt respond until Akama out a bill in front of him.
“Has this bottled up emotion become anger?” He placed another bill.
Kuguri put away his phone. “Yes.”
“Would you like to hit someone?”
Kurugi nodded. Akama set the final bill in front of him.
“Hit them.”
Everyone froze and watched Kuguri.
Kuguri sprang up and punched Numai in the face. He quickly sat down and sighed. Akama rubbed his back, “better?”
Kuguri nodded as he put away the money.
Numai wasnt amused.
Turns out, trying to excite Kuguri didn the opposite and totally pushed him off
It also turns out, Kuguri is incredible strong and left a bruise on Numai’s face
Kuguri never apologized
Mika is the only other one because she figured out what gets him visible annoyed
It’s movie/show adaptations of books
Bring up Rings of Power on Amazon and he will give a four hour lecture on how shit it is (this is mg sister about this show)
For some reason, waking them up is incredibly difficult
They wake up o their own just fine but weekends are for sleeping in and any attempts to ruin that will end in voilence
Their attitude is “wake me up and I’ll cut off your fingers then hand then arm at the elbow and so on til you die.”
They will do it and act like they already have
This includes Mika and they have definite gotten this attitude from Oomizu, who lets them sleep when they have the time or are just doing regular practice
Omizu used to do this, will sometimes do it (not to his family) and his children do it, it doesn’t scare him though
Kuguri’s parents own a reptile shop. Nohebi all go over and help all the time, they all enjoy helping them out
There is one snake that hates everyone except Omizu, its amazing
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romancemedia · 8 months
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Anime Romances + Rejection
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kuroi-tsuki · 11 months
Haikyuu-bu!! Chapter 124: Bantuan Tahi Lalat
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Sampai jumpa di chapter berikutnya~
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gabbyp09 · 8 months
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🐍Being Nohebi's Manager🐍
Daishou's Little Sister
(Reverse Harem)
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Nohebi x Daishou YN (fem! reader)
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This is a request from 🦢 anon! Honestly, I'm excited for alot of requests but this is DEFINITELY one! First time writing a full set for Nohebi and our snake bbys deserve it 🥺
I'm slowly getting back into posting 🥰
🏳️‍🌈 Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing 🏳️‍🌈
A big LONG exasperated *SIGH*
Once again I'm just out here, making dreams come true for our Queen Yn
It's hard being a fairy godmother 😫
But alas someone must do it and the best person for the job??
Me 🥰💅🏼
Let me toot my own horn ok 😅
So anyways, let's get too it!
Everyone on Nohebi knew Daishou had a baby sister
He rarely talked about you, except to say how annoying you were 🙄
Typical sibling stuff
So let's just say, it was a pretty big shock to the entire team when you showed up looking for your brother
Daishou had wanted to find a manager for his third year but no candidates had come about
Mika wasn't an option
Remember she thought Volleyball wasn't cool or whatever 🙃
The other third years had joked about Daishou asking his elusive "sister" to be the manager
It often went something like this 👇🏻
"Suguru just ask your sister to be the manager. I mean she deals with your dumbass all the time"- Takachiho said
Daishou 👉🏻 😐 absolutely not
"It's probably because she doesn't exist"- Sakishima joked
"Oh she's very much real and very much the bain of my existence"- Daishou 😒
"It's just weird that we've never seen her before. What are you afraid we'll corrupt her?"- Numai 😆
"Very much the opposite actually"- Daishou said setting up the net
Meanwhile, Kuguri and Seguro are grabbing the volleyballs when the door opens
Kuguri stops and Seguro looks at him, then looking at the door
Literally them 👉🏻😲😲
"Holy crap, it's that super hot first year from my science class"- Kuguri says
"Dang! Who the heck is she??"- Seguro
"Her name is Yn. She's in my literature class. She's freaking gorgeous, smart and funny!"- Akama says coming up besides them
Numai, Takachiho, Hiroo and Sakishima all look over towards the door
There stands the most gorgeous girl they have seen in their entire lives 😍
These boys are standing there like 🥵🥵🥵
"Damn who is that hotty?"- Hiroo asks
"I've seen her around, I think she's a first year"- Sakishima adds
"Lucky bastards"- Numai
Just as you look around, you smile at the boys who instantly cease to exist 💀
Then it happens
"YN what the hell are you doing here??"- Daishou shouts
You just glare 😑
"Shut it Suguru! I came to give you your stupid jacket since you let it at home and mom had to work late"- You, shouting back at Daishou
Suddenly Mika comes in and screams
"YN OMG HI LOVELY"- she says as you hug her
Daishou just rolls his eyes 🙄 and goes to grab his jacket
Now the peanut gallery is super confused 🤨
What the heck is happening here??
"Ahh Suguru... umm who is this?"- Hiroo
"She's nobody"- Suguru says walking away from you
"Suguru be nice to YN"- Mika yells
"Yeah be nice to your sister Suguru"- You 😜
Hold up 🤚🏻
"You're..."- Takachiho
"SISTER"- Sakishima, Kuguri, Seguro, Akama, Numai, and Hiroo shout
You giggle as you look at all of their shocked faces
Please Yn do less 😒
"Unfortunately yes"- Daishou says walking further away from him
You skip after him, on your way to make good on your baby sister pest status
"Ahhh Suguru you didn't tell me you had such handsome boys on your team"- you say smiling
Really YN... please do less ✋🏻
The boys 👉🏻😳😲
"YN leave now before I tell mom about you sneaking out last weekend"- Daishou
"Go ahead big brother, I'll just tell mom about how you snuck Mika in the house when they were out of town"- you, again being the baby
"YN I swear to god-"
"Bring it"- you say approaching your brother
"Ok killer chill out"- Numai says getting in between you and Suguru
"Hey your that super tall ace all the girls talk about! Man they are so right! You are cute!"- you 😍
Numai 👉🏻 uhh well ☺️
Please the rest of the team is FUMING at Numai right now 😅
"YN knock it off-"
"Hey do you guys need a manager???"- you say suddenly
Before Daishou can even form the word, the boys all scream
"YES!"- The entire team
Daishou 👉🏻🤨😐🙄
The team 👉🏻😍😍😍
Mika 👉🏻😬
"Yay!! Omg can I be your manager?? Please! I need a club!"- you say, jumping up and down
"Absolutely not"- Daishou
"Suguru please"- you 🥺🥺🥺
"YN no! Go manage the basketball team or something"- Suguru says glaring at you
"Don't you think this should be a team vote?"- Sakishima says
Daishou 👉🏻 really 😐
"Yeah I say we all vote"- Hiroo
Your eyes sparkle as you clap your hands together
These boys are already whipped YN you don't need to put so much effort in 🙄
"Ok all those opposed to YN being our manager"- Akama says
Daishou's hand shoots up
He looks around
Zero support from the crowd, literal crickets 🦗🦗
"All those in favor..."- Akama says
Please he doesn't even finish the sentence before these boys hands are higher than the clouds 🤣
Daishou 👉🏻🤦‍♂️ don't say I didn't warn you guys
You smile and run to hug them all
Please you literally jump into Kuguri's arms
Kuguri 👉🏻😰
Please you broke the poor boy YN
You move your way down the line as you hug each one
"I'm so excited to work with all of you"- you shout as you wave and run towards Mika who is waiting
When you leave, all hell breaks loose
"YOU SON OF A BITCH"- Takachiho shouts, glaring at Daishou
"You seriously hid THAT from us!"- Sakishima joins in
"She is literally the hottest girl I've ever seen in my entire life"- Seguro adds
"Probably the hottest girl we will ever see"- Kuguri adds
Daishou just stands there 🧍‍♂️ 😐
"Well now we have the hottest manager in the entire prefecture"- Akama says high fiving Hiroo
"More like the hottest manager in freaking Japan!"- Numai adds
Daishou 👉🏻 you guys realize that'd my sister right 🤨
"Dude you are just lucky YN will end up with me"- Takachiho says
The world stops ✋🏻
The boys heads snap to him
"You mean, with me?"- Sakishima interjects
Daishou 👉🏻 😐
"You guys know I'm the ace right? You remember she said I was cute right?"- Numai
"That's because your big head was blocking her view of the rest of us"- Hiroo
Daishou just rolls his eyes and walks away from the team
Please they asked for this 😅
You start your job as manager and boy is it exciting
Thankfully you are actually a decent manager...
The boys thrive under your praise YN 👏🏻
"Kuguri that was an amazing kill!"- you scream as you jump up and down clapping on the side line
Kuguri blushes while the team looks like they are about to commit homicide 🙃
"Sakishima that set was perfect!! And Hiroo, your blocks are so on point!"- you scream
YN you're doing it again...
"Akama I can't believe you dug that ball up!"
Seguro that serve was so good and Takachiho that line shot was gorgeous!"
Yn... chill...
You hand the boys their water bottles and run to get the towels
"God I feel like I'm practicing so much better with YN here"- Numai
"She's amazing"- Takachiho
"Honestly, how did we do without a manager for so long?"- Seguro
Daishou stands apart from the team, observing your interactions
"Guys I'm so excited for this tournament!! There's going to be so many schools there!"- you say excitedly
The boys all nodd at you before it suddenly smacks them in the fact
So many schools...
That means....
So... many... BOYS
Ope 😶
You giggle with excitement as you go to start collecting the volleyballs
The boys all stop and stare at you as you skip around the gym
"Hiroo your walking me home tonight right?"- You say
Hiroo just nodds as you kiss his cheek and skip away to keep about your tasks
Please these boys are just standing there, water bottles halfway to their mouths, like "shit 😐"
How could they have forgotten about the TOURNAMENT
Daishou walks up to them and smirks 😏
"Something wrong guys"- Daishou 🙃🙃🙃
Kuguri looks at Daishou, then to you as you go about your tasks
"We gotta protect our girl"- Numai says
"Agreed"- Sakishima says
After your done cleaning up, you change into your uniform and meet the boys by the gym
"Hey YN so we were thinking.."- Akama says
"Maybe you shouldn't come to the tournament with us..."- Takachiho
Your eyes start to water 🥺
"You- you guys don't want me there??"- you 😢
The boys eyes widen
"Please YN don't cry"- Sakishima says
"Am I- am I not doing a good job??"- you 🥺🥺🥺
"Sweetheart no you are doing perfect!"- Numai says hugging you
He looks over at the other guys who are now all unsure what to do
Daishou walks behind and smirks at them again 😏
Mans knows exactly what's happening here
"Yn we just want to make sure your safe"- Hiroo
"But you guys will be there and you can protect me right"- you say, peeking out from Numai's chest 🥺
Please YN you really do the most 🤚🏻
"YN we definitely want you there!"- Akama
"I think YN should be there as our manager"- Daishou interrupts
These boys just look at him like 😐 really-
"YN is a valuable part of our team now and she's earned a spot on our bench"- Daishou says, again smirking 😏
"Suguru 🥺"- you say running to hug your brother
They are all just standing there like 👇🏻 "really Suguru 😐"
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Daishou pays them no mind tho 💅🏼
Unbothered king
So instead of making you cry again, they all just agree to guard you with their lives 🤣
Literally they are so stressed come tournament time 😅
You notice your poor bbys seem on edge
Hiroo is just standing there, in his own world and you walk up hugging him 🫂
He hugs you back and kisses the top of your head
"You look stressed"- you snuggling into him
Please he's a comfy tree YN give him love
"I'm ok love, just nervous"- he says hugging you tightly
You look to see the other boys just as nervous
YN to the rescue 🦸🏻‍♀️
You hug and kiss all the boys cheeks
You head to the gym to warm up, the boys getting ready to start spiking drills
"Ohh YN??? Could you go fill these up? I forgot to ask you earlier"- Daishou, knowing full well he did not forget
"Oh sure! I'll be right back"- you say grabbing the crate and running off
Daishou 👇🏻 freaking smirky snake boi
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While in the hallway, you stumble into someone on accident
"Oh my! I'm so very sorry!"- you say, looking up to see a very tall, darker haired man
He looks... almost... Rooster like 😏
"Well hello there"- Rooster man says smiling at you
"Kuroo stop being weird"- a shorter guy in a red Nekoma jacket says
"I'm not being weird! I was just saying hello!"- the tall man yelled
"Oh im so very sorry! I was just apologizing for running into your teammate"- you say grining wide
The boys both look at you with heart eyes 😻
"Hey will you two stay with the group?"- another boy says, as he joined by several more guys in red jackets
They all look at you at you as you stand there smiling 😁
✨️back in the gym ✨️
Takachiho looks around and then hits Sakishima in the arm
"Hey man-"
"Where's YN?"- Takachiho says panicking
Numai, Hiroo, Akama, Kuguri, and Seguro all look around
"Suguru where is YN?"- Numai shouts
Daishou just shrugs 🤷‍♂️ and walks away
Freaking snake 🐍
The boys BARREL out into the hallway, looking everywhere until they see you
Standing next to NEKOMA
Oof 😬
Sakishima, Hiroo and Numai charge as Takachiho grabs you and pulls you behind him
"Yoshiya what-" you confused
"You pussy cats better not have touched our YN"- Numai growls
"As if they could even, our YN is too perfect for the likes of them"- Sakishima adds, arms crossed and glaring
"Hey- we were just talking with her"- Kuroo says, hands up and smirking 😏
He's just as sneaky as Daishou!
"Save it Kuroo"- Hiroo spits as he grabs your hand and hauls you towards the gym doors
Kuguri and Serugo fawn over you when you get back
"YN what happened-"
"Those bastard cats were talking to her"- Akama yelled
"Excuse me??"- Seguro says 😃
"Really guys, I'm ok"- you say smiling at your overprotective bois
They all look at you and boy are they PISSED
This calls for a good ole YN intervention
Hugs and kisses YN, needed STAT
The boys instantly calm as you make your way around the team
"Besides Suguru asked me to fill up the waterbottles before the match"- you say, smiling and turning away to set up the bench
The guys all look at each other, then to Daishou 😐😑
Daishou 👉🏻👀😗 🎶 what??
Please 🤚🏻 if you don't think this man is going to take advantage of his teammates crushing on his baby sister
Do you really know the snakes at all 🙃
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How Haikyuu ___ Would Hold Their Partner:
Btw these are all still just headcannons!!
You can find Oikawa in my Captains post!!
Suga, Kageyama, Atsumu, Yahaba, Kenma, Teshiro, Iizuna, Sakishima, Futamata, Semi, Akaashi, Shirabu x reader.
Koushi Sugawara:
Suga likes to cage your body in his. He drapes himself around your shoulders and puts his head between your neck and shoulders, leaving tiny kisses to your shoulders as he mumbles praises like "you fit so well with me..." and "you're perfect." He lays on top of you in a similar fashion, burying his head into your shoulder and just breathing in your comfort as you cuddle.
Tobio Kageyama:
Kageyama cuddles with you in his lap with an arm wrapped around your back that pulls you to his chest. You watch the tv or whatever is on his phone together, or occasionally share snacks. He isnt one for words, so cuddling up as close as he can get to you is his way of showing you how much he adores you. He gives you passionate breathless kisses and holds you just a little closer.
Atsumu Miya:
Atsumu is a clingy guy, and his favorite way to hold you shows that perfectly. He likes to sit down, and you get in his lap- and then he koalas himself around you. He puts his head in your shoulder and his arms around you, legs crossed under the two of you as he praises and presses kisses to your neck. He does this while standing up to, hugging your waist and pressing his face to your neckline while he presses kisses to wherever he can reach in that position.
Shigeru Yahaba:
Yahaba has an odd obsession of holding you by your waist. He likes to lay down and have you lay down on his chest, his hand finds it's way to your waist and his thumb runs small circles around your waistline. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you to his side when you sit together on the couch, or when you are standing together doing something. He keeps his hands there as much as he can, even pulling you in by your waist in passionate kisses.
Kenma Kozume:
Kenma doesn't really hold you, he more lays on you and holds your hand. You will be sitting on the couch and he will come lay his head on your shoulder, interlocking your hands with a small smile as he continues whatever game or book he was on before he came to sit by you. He lays his head on your lap and let's you play with his hair as he falls asleep too. He is basically a cat, and shows affection in a similar way.
Tamahiko Teshiro:
Teshiro is one for holding your hand or wrapping an arm around you as you lay beside him or curl into him on his lap. He likes feeling you being close in a casual way and he loves to kiss the tip of your nose as you curl up into him. He mumbles a few "I love you"s and lays his head slightly onto you sometimes and the two of you share those little moments.
Tsukasa Iizuna:
Iizuna likes to hold you laying down or sitting down and hugging you to his chest, your head in his chest or shoulders while your body rests on his own. He presses kisses to your forehead or jawline and praises you contentedly with a smile. After his injury he is forced to sit more, and he enjoys it when you come sit with him and watch the team play while you cuddle.
Isumi Sakishima:
Sakishima holds you by wrapping himself around your shoulders. He doesn't do anything more, just keeping himself there and enjoying the comfort you give him. He is usually rambunctious and egotistical in a way, but he does have his moments of genuine appreciation and love: and these are some of them. Whenever he is in the mood to just hold you, its quiet and serene there together. (Kiss his freckles and he will go into cuddle mode ASAP)
Takeharu Futamata:
Futamata loves to hold you by hugging you. He hugs you, arms wrapped tightly around you while your own are around his shoulder while you both lay down to cuddle. He presses playfull kisses to your nose and cheeks and tells you about his day with smile. He also will come up to you, tap you on the shoulder and hug you when you turn around on days where he is stressed. Hugging you is just his version of heaven.
Eita Semi:
Semi lays his head on your shoulder and puts a gentle hand around your waist when the two of you cuddle. He holds you lazily and mumbles into your shoulder blade about his day, and how happy he is to be alone with you finally. He mutters a few small praises and presses gentle kisses to your shoulders with a half smile once hes done- thanking you for listening. He also occasionally will fall asleep like this if you are sitting or laying down together.
Keji Akaashi:
Akaashi is a gentle lover, and his touch is always the same. He holds you with a gentle arm around you back holding you to his chest while you sit of lay down. He keeps his head either on top of yours or on your shoulder. Sometimes he grabs a book and reads aloud gently until you fall asleep and then decides to go to sleep with you after kissing your forehead and muttering a small "I love you darling... get some rest." He keeps his arm around your back as he drifts off, and runs his thumb in small circles as you listen to hin read. He shows you he loves you with every touch.
Kenjiro Shirabu:
Shirabu holds you to his chest by an arm around your back and a hand on the best of your head, messing with your hair a little as the two of you lay together. For longer haired partners he runs his hand through your hair, and for those with short or no hair he will massage your scalp a little. He presses kisses to your forehead and nose while he explains his day and how he was doing, asking you about yours once hes done. He feels closer to you this way, and loves to hear the small content noises you give him before you start your own rant about your day.
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xxladyballadxx · 2 months
My Special Gift
-`♡´- Kagami Sakishima x (Fem) Reader -`♡´-
Note: Just a little something for this underrated charming man since there are literally no fanfics of him!!! (ㅠ﹏ㅠ)
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♡ dividers by : @saradika-graphics ♡
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Kagami urged his friends not to do anything special for him, whipping up a big party and other birthday related things. He even told you too, you wanted to do something for your amazing boyfriend. To bring a smile on his face. Things have been intensely rough in Akatsuki, with all those Dusk soldiers coming out from the shadows and bringing in illegal weapons. Kagami hasn’t been feeling like himself, even his very best friend Eiji seems to notice it. You grew more concerned wondering what’s been bugging him lately, you spoke to Eiji and Kazuma about it. Yamato and Minato. They can’t seem to figure it out. You asked Kagami what’s on his mind, kept telling you that it’s nothing serious, that everything is fine.
Your boyfriend seemed way out of it, this was causing you to worry more about him and so to cheer him up; you decided to throw a birthday party. Eiji and the others lend you a hand, they don’t wish to stand by and let you do all the work yourself. 
The decorations, the cake, everything all sorted out. You signaled Eiji to switch off the lights in the room as you wait for Kagami to return to the Titan Cafe. As the entrance door hit the golden bell as Kagami returned, Yamato rushed to turn the lights back on as all shouted a big happy birthday to Kagami. 
You joyfully went up to him and pressed down your lips at the corners of his adorable face that popped out an emotion of surprise, “Happy Birthday, sweetie!” Kagami sighed, his smile cracking up. He lifted your chin to kiss you back, “Darling, you know you didn’t have to do this.” 
“You’ve been feeling quite down lately, so I hope all this cheers you up..” you hoped this very special day would restore his happiness once again. Kagami snaked his arms around your waist, your body crashing towards his, “It does, it really does. You know I love you very much, right?”
“I love you too.” You leaned in to peck a kiss on his lips until Eiji pulled you two apart, “Alright, you two, save your kisses for later. Right now, let’s have some cake.” You chuckled, realizing you were getting too into it. You grabbed your boyfriend’s hand, pulling him towards the delightful white creamed cake with all the mix-coloured candles that had already been lit. you mouthed out ‘make your wish’ to Kagami, he shone a smile across his face and blew out the candles, the loud cheer from his girlfriend and his friends bloomed into the room. Kagami kindly sliced a cake for you and others, all dug it and ate their piece out of joy. 
The day after his birthday, you headed out to find Kagami wondering where he went off to. You looked through the park to see if he was there or not. Your heart eased when you spotted Kagami on the bench sitting alone. You calmly walked up to sit with him, “Hello there, love.” he turned to your attention when you greeted him, Kagami inched his hand close to hold yours. His balmy gaze deeply locked onto you, “Hey.” 
“Are you doing alright?” 
“I’m fine, sweetie.” 
“Are you sure? You can tell if something is truly troubling you..” 
Kagami gave a long depressing sigh, “It’s just that…I couldn’t stop thinking about what I did to my best friend Eiji, the day I shot him with that magic bullet I’ve created…I thought I was doing the right thing but…” he took a pause, reflecting on the mistake that he did so long ago. A lot of things had happened in Akatsuki ever since Eiji passed on his Cerberus tattoo to Yamato. It was a lot to take in after that incident. You remembered Kagami blaming himself a lot. It hurt you so much to see him that way, you always tried to comfort him for it. 
You leaned onto his shoulder, your cheek pressing against it, “I know you never truly meant to hurt your best friend, you were only trying to help. Even when I tried to stop you, when I was against it…” recalling the day where you had a little argument with Kagami about the magic bullet and everything. “And yet you don’t hate me for what I did?” you shook your head to that ridiculous reason and cupped his face, looking at him directly, “Kagami, sweetie, I could never  hate you for it. I know what you did was wrong but…” you lifted your hand, caressing his cheek tenderly with your thumb, “Never in my life could I ever hate you for it…” 
Kagami crashed his head against yours, foreheads pressing onto each other romantically, “I really can’t believe you’re my girlfriend.” his eyes flickering with a colour of bliss. “And I truly can��t believe you’re the love of my life.” 
“You know…” Kagami held you in his arms as he smiled charmingly at you, “You got me so many presents yesterday which you really didn’t have to. Eiji told me that you’re slowly coming back to your bad spending habit.” he spoke with a chuckle. “He did? That cheeky bastard..” 
“Honestly, (Y/n)...you’re my gift. My very special gift. Spending a lot of time with you was the best present I could ever ask for. I want nothing more for my birthday besides my time with you but I still love all the things you got me.” 
You quickly pecked a kiss on his cheek, smiling warmly how his touching words melted your heart, “You have no idea how much that means to me, Kagami.” 
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a/n - I wish this lovely man a very lovely happy birthday, he deserves a load of love and appreciation. I'm very glad that Eiji got such an amazing friend like him! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
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hirookouji · 1 year
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nohebi third years + kuguri + the guy that was behind daishou in that one scene
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saving-empress-ac · 1 year
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You will always and forever be iconic, Kagami.
You sacrificed everything and got your own hands dirty all because you loved a little too much.
You and your books will always be embedded into our hearts.
Shine brightly, live longer, love deeper, always.
A day late but happy birthday.
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romancemedia · 2 months
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A Lull in the Sea
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sidesketchestuff · 3 days
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Here’s what I drew for the first week of Mermay
Nagi no Asukara Au where I got rid of the love dodecahedron and it operates on Pixar Luca logic. Hikari and his friends don’t have Ena they can transform like Luca and Alberto
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Project Scard: Praeter no Kizu - Sakishima Kagami
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maureen2musings · 22 days
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Sakishima Sappanwood & Bonsai trees
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yakuneko · 11 months
what's their love language?
a/n: i completely scratched the fic i was working on and am making a new one, pls buy me some time lol
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physical touch
BOKUTO, matsukawa, tendou, TERUSHIMA, suna, iwaizumi, konoha, numai, sakishima, AONE
words of affirmation 
lev, KOGANEGAWA, himekawa, ennoshita, FUKUNAGA, hanamaki, AKAASHI, osamu, hoshiumi, ushijima, yuzuru
quality time
yamaguchi, ASAHI, moyota, suga, kenma, kunumi, SHIRABU, tsukishima, kuguri, HIRUGAMI, kageyama
receiving/giving gifts
kuroo, OIKAWA, yaku, atsumu, kyotani
acts of service
HINATA, futakuchi, daishou, KITA, tanaka, sakusa, nishinoya, YAMAMOTO, goshiki, daichi, aran
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if i missed anyone, tell me ♡
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The Haikyuu Characters Responding to you Saying “I Think you Could Have Been Nicer to Me Today” | Pt.2
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Pairing: Haikyuu characters x f!reader
Notes: I loved writing this one. I haven’t been working on them too much lately, but here is this for now and I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter!
In this chapter, the characters include: Osamu, Atsumu, Kita, Suna, Sakusa, Daishō, Numai, Kuguri, and Sakishima!
If you want to check out my masterlist for the texting series posts as I make them, you can follow {this link} to the page!
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