judaismandsuch · 9 months
On...This Nonsense
So, I saw this graph in a group I am a part of, and it is so increadibly wrong that I need to rant about it:
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K, this is dumb for .... a lot of reasons. I am sure Muslims and Christians can see a load of issues that I can't, but that aint my focus.
I'm just going to talk about the Jewish religions, the flow, and use Christian and Muslim religions as comparisons.
First of all, the term of the parent religion: "Judaism". The term comes from "Judean" or basically members of the tribe of Judah.
The first definite use of it as a general term for Hebrews is in the Scroll of Esther where it calls Mordechai "a member of the tribe of Benyamin, a Jew" (paraphrased for clarity). That takes place around 480-350 BCE (scholars argue about which Emperor is the one mentioned).
(the term is used elsewhere/earlier, but usually a refrence to a member of the tribe of Judah, or else in a way that could go either way).
Now the reason I mention that, is because:
"Northern Tribal" would never have used the term, as they are from the ten lost tribes, and had a separate kingdom (Israel) VS Binyamin and Judah who had the southern kingdom (Judea).
Samaritans consider themselves to be descendants of the tribe of Manasheh and Ephraim, so wouldn't use the term either.
So the top religion should really be Bnei Ysrael, or Hebrew, or Isrealite.
Next: what the fuck is "Northern Tribal"? The split b/w the ten tribes and the 2 was political, not religious. They remained the same religion until they stopped existing/were lost/ the Samaritan split happened.
I even googled "Northern Tribal Judaism" (and variations) and couldn't find jack shit. It really shouldn't be on there.
Now, when/how Samaritanism and Judaism split is both a theological and historical debate. (to the point that talmudically there were issues with drawing lines between the 2). Hell, I have hear people use the term "Samaritan Jew" before. But tbh, it is innacurate, and insulting to both religions imo.
But either way the first split should be: Judaism-Samaritanism
On the same level in the chart it has Saducee, Pharisee, Eseen, and Christianity.
Which is bonkers. There were difference between the three groups, but they were not on the level of being schisms or seperate religions like christianity.
If you wanted to argue that they are, then Christianity would be descended from one of them (or all three). Because there wasn't a monolith religion for all 4 of them to come from. The split was there when Jesus was born.
So After Judaism you either have "Christianity" Or you have "Pharisee" "Saducee" "Essene" and then a line below you get christianity.
Next Line: "Karaite" "Orthodox" "Sephardic"
That is the most bat shit thing I have seen in my life.
First of all: "Sephardic" isn't a religious movement or theology. It is a culture and set of traditions. Putting it in a flowchart as its own heading, the same way Christianity and Islam do is insane.
Secondly, even if you do so, the others in the split should be: "Ashkenazi" "Temani" "Mizrachi" and a couple of others. not "Karraite" and "Orthdox" Next, while Karraite does deserve it's own spot (I can do a dive into the theology of it later) It Should be as a descendent of Pharisee with the other branch being Rabbinic.
Next: "Orthodox" with descendents of "reform" "conservative" etc.?
No! The term "Orthodox" exists as a counter to those! And only (until very recently) in Ashkenazi Judaism!
Now maybe the reason that they divided Sphardic it's own heading was to indicate that they don't have sects like the Ashkenazi do, but still, wtf?
And Splitting Hasidic that way? like it is equivalant to any of the splits in Christianity or Islam is batshit.
So really after "Rabbinic Judaism" you should get: "Ashkenazi Sectarianism" and "Not that"
And put all that shit under Ashkenazi Sectarianism.
Anyway, this graph sucks, Maybe I'll improve it later.
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lauralot89 · 1 year
Abrahamic Faiths
Because I thought there were only three but it turns out there are more.
Abrahamic faiths are religions that worship the God of Abraham.
Judaism: Characterized by belief in the God who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and other prophets, and by living in covenant with God according to scripture and tradition
Christianity: Characterized by the belief that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah and the Incarnation of God
Islam: Characterized by following the teachings of Muhammad, who is viewed as the last prophet sent by God
Baháʼí Faith: Characterized by the belief that Manifestations of God have founded various world religions throughout history, with the most recent being the religion's founder, Baháʼu'lláh.
Druzism: Characterized by following the teachings of Hamza ibn ‘Alī ibn Aḥmad and by belief in reincarnation.
Gnosticism: Characterized by the belief that the world was created and governed by a lesser deity, while Jesus was a messenger of the supreme deity and enabled human redemption.
Mandaeism: Characterized by a lack of set doctrines and creeds and by revering John the Baptist as a major prophet.
Rastafari: Characterized by the belief that God partially resides in every person and by the reverence toward the Ethopian emperor Haile Selassie.
Samaritanism: Characterized by the belief that the Samaritan Pentateuch is the only true, unchanged version of the Torah.
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nuancedcreation · 1 year
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Family of the High Priest of the Samaritans
Photos from The Samaritans: A Biblical People (2022); edited by: Steven Fine
"Samaritans believe that before 1624, when the last descendant of Aaron died, the high priests were physical descendants of Aaron, the brother of Moses. Scrolls and codices were written on animal skins prepared by priests who needed to be purified of contact with the dead through the ashes of the biblical red heifer (Numbers 19:2–6). Since then, without Aaronite priests, this mode of purification has ended. All books are written on paper, making scrolls and codices copied before 1624 all the more precious. In that year, Levitical families that trace themselves to the biblical Uziel son of Kehat, Aaron’s uncle, took up the priesthood. The “priest” photographed, then, is not from the family of Aaron and Moses. He is not a linear descendant of Abisha, Aaron’s grandson. Contemporary high priests are stand-ins, the oldest Levites of a particular family. This distinction, obvious to all Samaritans, is often unclear to outsiders—adding yet another difference between what Westerners and Samaritans “see” when they look upon the venerated priests. In reality, Samaritans downplay this inferior lineage. The disruption of the priestly line of Aaron is another result of the current age of divine Fanuta (“disfavor”) and awaits redemption in a restored Radwan, a “time of favor.” Still, the priest’s authority comes with his high Levitical lineage, learning, liturgical function, and communal standing. While not a descendant of Aaron, the high priest acts and looks the part, and, most importantly, he is treated accordingly. (Fine, pg. 20)
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aq2003 · 2 months
for some reason this is making me lose it
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awesomecooperlove · 11 months
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sci-fi-gifs · 1 month
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Person of Interest 5.13 | return 0
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ghost-bison · 1 year
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It really just baffles me how they were all played by the same person
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coldarena · 9 months
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blue skies ahead
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tamamita · 10 months
I do think it's interesting how when we're talking about Jewish indigneity, we're completely excluding the fact that Palestinians have always been indigenous to the region and share common ancestry with Jewish people, especially Sephardic Jews. After all, many Christian and Jewish people did convert to either Christianity or Islam, and we have plenty of historical records attesting to the fact that all of these communities have intermingled with each other. In fact, Palestinian Christians are one of the oldest Christian communities, dating back to the first century, whereas the Palestinian Samaritans had a consistent presence in Palestine since 500 B.C.
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zegalba · 2 years
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top: Birdcage Inn (1998) bottom: Samaritan girl (2004)
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mariamegale · 2 months
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Artemy Burakh / Regular Facial Idles
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linusbenjamin · 10 months
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Amy Acker as Root/Samantha Groves in Person of Interest (2011-2016) Created by Jonathan Nolan
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
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Sunny owns a plethora of sweaters. He loves how snug and cozy they make him feel. He calls it "wearing a hug".
Moon will make fun of him for wearing a sweater multiple days in a row.
He makes sure to take them off before getting down to business :3c
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cascodedtech · 6 months
The four David Tennant archetypes:
Poor little meow meow:
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The neurodivergent chaotic:
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The creepy, slimy, serial killer:
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The Wholesome Dad:
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I don’t think this man has had a single movie be both critically and commercially successful
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