#Same as Trish
dmc-questions-anon · 10 months
Poll for whitebeakedraven
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kimidori-frog · 7 months
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go ahead and listen to nightcore and knowing you have to work in a few hours and decide to put lipstick on the rest of the part 5 crew because sbr did that to your brain
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breadmecoshy · 1 year
He was part of the sun himself
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I wanted a little happiness for this child, so I colored one of my pencil sketches in the spirit of a sugary-sunny random photo
Although I have a second option
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It is more suited to the mood of the fifth part, there is something melancholic and disturbing in it, like a farewell photo before a storm
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thetopichot · 3 months
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Dropping my Trish Design cause why not
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yael-things · 4 months
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doodles but theyre basically all giorno
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duvewing · 4 months
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kittie1996 · 11 months
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i love this picture so much she :D
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kingbuffy · 5 months
I love that Nero is a total wifeguy, but I wish Kyrie was an actual character. Why is her personality just love interest
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helielune · 8 months
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top 10 things to do instead of sleeping
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boy-kisser-inc · 20 days
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ilikebobcuts642 · 1 month
Vento Aureo warriors au
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The muscles of the group.
(We only believe in either sleeper build Trish or visibly buff Trish here)
More info:
Trish was a rich family’s mouser in training. Her mother Donatella ends up finding out that the humans were planning to move and abandon them so she takes Trish and leaves. Donatella gets sick and tries to look for Trish’s father before she dies. She ends up dying but Passione ends up finding Trish and sends her to the bucci gang to escort her to her father.
Rampaw was born a traditional clan cat and trained as a medicine cat to help the clan. The stronger clan cats were cold and selfish and the leader and deputy were incredibly corrupt. He starts caring less about actually helping the clan due to how useless his efforts ended up being. He allows a loner steal prey but the loner ends up coming back and killing an apprentice. He gets exiled and wanders around the streets until Sweetriver(Bruno) finds him. He gets renamed Ramheart.
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korixae · 9 months
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me and my sister IN SHOCK rn watching fear her in this pub bc that’s fucking nina sosanya??? how did we not realise she’s in doctor who?? i’ve literally seen this episode 3 times??? and gos2 3 times as well??? and anyway better question: how tf has she not aged a single day in seventeen years?!!?! what is going on bro
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1990sshawnmichaels · 11 months
You know what would absolutely BANG??
Becky coming out with Seth, Sami, and KO to offset the Rhea factor in the main event against Judgment Day
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thetopichot · 2 months
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Chapter 2 workings ins progresses
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The chapter isn't really gonna be much since it's just gonna be like intermission (I'm probably lying to myself)
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itgirlb0y · 7 months
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prototypelq · 9 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
Take every character you wish to and tell me what you think is the most emotionally devastating situation they could be put in and how they would react to it.
Hi, Ember! You just had to do the ask around the DMC1 anniversary and the twins' very bad absolutely no good horrible terrible birthday huh) lol we love angst in dmc everything is completely fine
To be perfectly honest with you I am surprised the twins are... somewhat functioning persons after all the shit they went through. I mean, they are barely functional, and 5 was just one massive mental breakdown for both of them but still! They remain Somewhat sane which is very hard to believe to tell the truth, and they really need years of extensive therapy (...also any therapist they go to will need therapy themselves after a session with the twins, I feel sorry for the poor soul).
All of this is to say that this is my ask and I don't want the twins to suffer too much)
this is also the reason I side with the 'twins have normal human lifespan' answer in Raven's poll, because Sparda Luck has had nothing good in store for them ever, and prolonging their years means risking their fragile mental health even more. they just really need a leave/retire at this point and my wish for them is to live their years in relative peace
I'l go over the twins briefly as I don't want them to go through shit again, the canon was cruel enough towards them. Nero is their weak spot. Nero is extremely important to the twins, because he is the physical manifestation of hope for their future. Before 5 the answer to this question would have been each other, as the pain of being the lone brother has been familiar for each of them and has been festering for decades at this point, but it all changed in 5. The ending of 5 shows rekindling of their brotherhood, it it was only possible thanks to Nero, as in 5 both of them were so exhausted they wanted just to end everything*
*I've discussed this with Raven, and we bounced around the idea that the circumstances of twins 'mutual agreement for the end' was not so mutual in details. Vergil was exhausted and had no idea what to do next, except have one last great stand with his brother, and to force Dante's hand to end him. But to bait Dante into doing that, he had to go all out during their battle, so Dante kind of rightfully assumed Vergil was out for his blood. Again. DMC3 tragic parallels my beloved.
I doubt Vergil realised how badly this was all going for Dante, or the consequences of such action on his twin. Though Dante absolutely knew he could not live with himself after ending Vergil again, and that's exactly why he left the deed (= inheritance for Nero) behind before going on this hunt. He thought it would be his last.
It would be curious to see Vergil's reaction to that information, I think if he learns of the deed he'll piece the puzzle himself, and then there is going to be an Interesting conversation between the twins. I doubt Vergil would have gone through with his plan if he knew the toll it would take on Dante, and Vergil never wanted his brother dead.
Nero is the twins future. He gave them a deserved slap as a wake up call, he reminded them of the possibilities the future could hold, while twins only ever look to the past. They found kinship in their shared respect and fondness of Nero, this is their starting point to heal.
Loosing another after 5 would be, of course, extremely painful for either of them (arguably worse for Dante, as his mental state is pretty much in shambles in 5, and Vergil was the same before that, literally in his case, but he has new page now, he just has trouble figuring out what to do with it), but with Nero's help they just might be able to pull through.
But if anything happened to Nero himself? I don't think twins, even with their bond rekindled would be truly able to come back from that. So yeah, the twins' weak spot is Nero.
Nero`s weakspot is obviously family, however much has been much kinder to him in that aspect than the twins. He grew up loved and cared for in his adopted family, but with his own isues of course. While Nero had not knew Dante&Vergil for very long, he certainly does take after his uncle&father (must be the Sparda heritage) in term of issues, because Nero combines the twins' together! Nero struggles simultaniously with self-worth and the need for recognition, which I reckon, will give him A Time while the twins are gone, and if anything they will only worsen after their return too. Nero has already unlocked two power-ups, yet he is abandonned by the twins (for reasons he will have to come to terms with) And he is not even close to their power levels (Vergil only lost to Nero because he did not want to fight in the first place and was exhausted). Nero has been trying to establish himself... for his entire life, but every major demonic outbreak had Required a Dante call, Nero had not been able to handle it on his own. And after twins return this issue will only persist, because he means so much to the twins, he now basically has a very agressive safety net, which all the spardas will have to work together to solve.
Also I could have just said family. Nero will be worrying over twins the entire time of their absence, no doubt about it. Hopefully, in the meantime of awaiting their return, he will look into whatever he can find of their history, and he will get at least a rough picture of what the hell the brothers have been through and why they had to go together.
Other weakpoint of Nero's is, of course, Kyrie. I actually have no idea how he leaves their home, knowing his blood attracts demons, which are already plenty in Fortuna, and with canon suggesting no special abilities to defend herself with. If something happens to her it will be devastating for him, but Nero has grew up with good support system around him, he has another adopted sibling in Nico, and now even his blood relatives are close. It will be hard, but I believe he could pull through with all of their help. (but I want nothing bad to happen to Kyrie)
Same applies for Kyrie - she will be tortured by the loss of nero if it came to that, but hopefully she will be able to work through that loss.
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