#Samperv announcement
samperv · 4 years
It’s official!
Our current active officers took a vote and we’ve added some new officers to our reaper table. Congratulations on your new flashes! -Pres
President - @come-join-themurder VP - @dancing-in-tig-territory  Sgt. at Arms - @cock-riding-giggity Treasurer - @sam-samcro Intelligence Officer - @dolphingoddess81 Outside Relations - @traceyaudette Sentinel - @guitypleasure052016 Explosives Expert - @penny4yourthot The Unholy One - @cum-and-tigs-aftershave 
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come-join-themurder · 4 years
Just a little announcement...
For my followers and the people I follow...
If you get likes or comments from @tigtrager on tumblr, that's now me. @tigtrager is now my primary blog, @come-join-themurder is still my secondary (but main) SoA blog, and always will be; but I wanted to do more things with @tigtrager than I could with it being a secondary blog so... after two days of cleaning house so to speak... here we are. If you wanna see the random, unrelated-to-any-specific-fandom shit I think is funny or relatable that approximately nobody else will (seriously, my sense of humor and self-awareness is fucked, ask anyone who knows me)... that'll be at @mayyoustayforeveryoung (almost the same as my primary URL before today but without the hyphen). I also have a The Walking Dead blog that I don’t really use much but if you like TWD you can follow me there: @apocalyptic-santaclaus. I do reblog stuff and usually live-post when the show airs. And of course, I encourage everyone to follow and consider ‘prospecting’ for @samperv and joining my discord server. We talk about SoA, have daily watch parties where we watch the show together and talk about it as we do, we have channels for personal shit too as well as a safe place to vent. It really is a family. The link is in my bio here as well as on the samperv blog, or you can message me and ask for a link, I’d be happy to send you one.
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middle--fingering · 7 years
Charming Town - Opie Winston Fanfiction
Okay y’all I am hella nervous to post this but I am also excited! I have been working on this for a year & I am ready for the world to see it! Here is the first chapter of Charming Town, my Opie Winston fanfiction!
Taglist: @soaimagines @straight-toheck @yourcroweater @gl-st @homicidalteenagedream @samperv @telfords-glasgow-smile @sam-samcro @masterdreads @buckysjuicyplums @deadsaidseb @soafan99 @trina44sb @laivy2013
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Gemma’s presence was heralded by the click of her heeled boots on the clubhouse floor. She took her expensive sunglasses in her manicured fingertips and removed them from her face. She pursed her lips and looked around her castle, taking in the bikers lazing around on leather couches. She took a short breath and kept walking towards the large double doors leading into the meeting room, better known as the chapel. She did her best to look through the shutters to see who was inside. She looked toward her husband’s chair and she saw him there. Her man. Clay Morrow. His head was firmly planted in his arthritis-ridden hands. A lit cigar was smoking up the room and filling the ashtray. What was wrong with him? Gemma couldn’t let Clay sit there alone when something was bothering him, and anyway, she needed information from him. She tucked her sunglasses inside her leather handbag and made her way inside the chapel.
Clay heard Gemma when she was outside and knew she would come inside to talk to him. He just wanted to be left alone; he didn’t want to talk to anyone. Clay looked up when he heard the door shut. His wife gave him a tight-lipped smile as she walked over to him. Gemma put her belongings on the engraved wooden table before planting herself on Clay’s lap. Clay wrapped his arms around his woman and Gemma put his hands to her lips. Clay relaxed into her affection; maybe he did need her to calm his mind.
“What’s going on baby?” Gemma asked in her smoky tone.
She felt Clay shake his head against her back. “Just shit, Gem.”
“What shit?” Gemma knew very well what ‘shit’ was worrying Clay. It had been a rough couple months in the Morrow’s life, as well as their beloved motorcycle club.
“The shit with you, and with Ope. I just can’t seem to catch my breath.” Clay said. He didn’t want to say too much. He was too scared of letting his emotions get the better of him.
Gemma turned her body so she could look her husband in the eye. She took Clay’s head in her palm and looked deep into his eyes. “You gotta work through it babe. You can do it. You’ve gotta keep this thing together. I will be fine, Opie will be fine, we can do this.”
Clay smiled at his wife’s encouragement. He loved her strength and her attitude, even it did piss him off most of the time, he needed it to be the best man he could be.
Clay rubbed his hand up and down Gemma’s back. “How was your session today?”
Gemma nodded. “She’s a good one. Doctor Oatfield has got me working through a lot.”
Clay smiled sadly and rubbed Gemma’s back once more. Neither of them wanted her to see a psychologist, but after what Gemma endured because of their motorcycle club that they loved so much, it was the only thing that could help her.
“I love you.” Clay said simply. He felt that he didn’t say that enough.
Gemma smiled and kissed his lips. “I love you too baby.” Gemma smiled at Clay once more before speaking. “Where’s Opie?”
Gemma drove through the quiet streets of Charming, her hands and feet doing the work as she drove the familiar route to her unofficial adopted sons house. She pulled up out the front of the small one story house and sighed when she saw Opie’s car and bike in the driveway. She wished he would just push through and come back to the club but she knew better. It was going to take a lot to make Opie come back, and Gemma knew just what to do. Gemma stepped out of her car and lit a cigarette, quickly taking a couple drags before stomping it out on the concrete. She removed her sunglasses from her face and walked up the porch steps to the front door. She knew it would be unlocked so she pushed her way inside. It was eerily quiet and a dark and heavy presence was felt echoing through the walls.
“Ope?” Gemma called into the void. “Opie Winston?”
She heard a gruff sigh of the person in question. “What?”
It was quiet, but just loud enough for her to hear.
Gemma used her intuition and walked to where she heard the voice come from. She walked down a corridor where all the bedrooms were and immediately headed to the master bedroom. She noticed the door was ajar so she pushed it open, not caring about what was on the other side. There she saw him, sitting in a rocking chair facing the bed with a beer in his hand. His long brown hair was greasy and slicked back away from his face. His long beard was scraggly and unkept, his eyes bloodshot and filled with inconceivable sadness. Gemma then noticed that on the bed in front of him was a framed picture from Opie’s wedding. He and Donna were looking into each other’s eyes and smiling. Gemma remembered this day, they were fresh out of high school, about to have a baby, and were madly in love. Gemma felt as if her heart was pulled from her chest. Imagine if that was Jax. Gemma shook her head and swallowed her emotions before she spoke. She knelt down in front of Opie and took his hands in hers. She kissed them to try and bring some form of comfort but Opie just remained stony faced. Gemma stood up and sat on the edge of the bed, shifting the photo frame away.
“Where are the kids?” Gemma asked.
“With Mary.” Opie said. He knew the kids were better off with his mom than with him.
“How they doing?” Gemma asked. It felt nice to hear Opie’s soft and gruff voice again.
“Better than me.” Opie shook his head. “What are you doing here Gem? Trying to get me to come back to the club? Your son already tried that.”
Gemma shrugged her shoulders. “I’m here to help you baby.”
Opie shook his head. “I don’t need any damn help. I need my wife back.”
Gemma leaned forward and took Opie’s hands in hers again. She looked deeply into his sad dark eyes and she could feel his sadness infiltrating her stone heart.
“Donna’s not coming back baby. I’m sorry. Your wife isn’t coming back; the mother of your children isn’t coming back. It’s shitty and it hurts, I get it. But you need to focus on what’s important. Your kids need the best father possible, they need you Ope. They already lost their mother, they can’t lose their father too.”
A single tear slipped from Opie’s eye but his face remained set like stone. “And how am I meant to do that?”
Gemma smiled. “I know just the person you need to see.”
Gemma pulled up out the front of her son’s house. She smiled when she saw his bike and Tara’s station wagon in the driveway. It took Gemma a while to warm up to Tara, but now knowing that Tara was deep into this life, Gemma took her under her wing and was grooming her to be the best old lady she could be. Gemma unlocked their front door with her key and called out to announce her arrival. Tara greeted Gemma first, holding a baby and still dressed in her scrubs from work.
“Hey Gem, how you doing?” Tara smiled brightly, handing the baby over to Gemma’s outstretched arms.
��I’m good, and you?” Gemma replied before resuming cooing over her grandson.
“I’m good. Jax is out in the yard if you wanted to see him.” Tara said, pushing her dark brown hair behind her ear.
“I’m actually here to see you.” Gemma said.
Somehow, that sentence spoke the fear of God into Tara and her heart began to race. Gemma was an intimidating and powerful woman, no match for timid Tara.
Tara swallowed hard. “Oh? Are the meds I gave you not working or something?”
“Oh honey.” Gemma laughed. “They’re working. Making me all lovey dovey and shit.”
Tara laughed. It was nice to see Gemma happier.
“It’s about Opie.” Gemma said. “I went to see him before I came here. He needs some help Tara.”
Tara nodded. “I know. Jax is worried sick about him.”  
“Can you get him in to see Doctor Oatfield?” Gemma asked, cutting straight to the point.
“I-I don’t know Gem. Doctor Oatfield is the busiest psychologist this side of California. I can try my best but I can’t promise anything.” Tara stumbled as she spoke.
She didn’t want to disappoint Gemma and she wanted to do anything to help the club.
Gemma nodded and handed her grandson back to Tara. “You let me know as soon as you can.” It wasn’t a request, it was an order.
Tara swallowed hard and nodded and watched Gemma as she sashayed out of the house.
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necromaniackat · 7 years
Apple Juice
Prompt: It’s Halloween and Reader’s found a costume for one of the guys.
Pairings: Juice x Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Maybe some foul language
Word Count: 550
This is probably my last entry to the @samperv comedy challenge.
Halloween was your favourite time of the year. October was your favourite month. Every year since you could remember you’ve had this tradition where you’d watch a horror movie every night until Halloween when you’d marathon your cult classics while a bowl of candy, a bowl of popcorn and your favourite drinks. For the last three years you’ve not been alone to do this tradition; you’ve had your boyfriend, Juan Carlos, or Juice as everyone calls him, to sit with you and do all your favourite Halloween activities. This year though, you two were invited to a Halloween party Able wanted to have with the permission of Jax and Tara of course.
“Fucking kill me.” Juice pleaded, stepping out of the bathroom with a displeased look on his face. You turned away to face him and immediately squealed with delight, clasping your hands together and resisting the urge to bounce in place while giggling at your boyfriend standing in the threshold between your room and the bathroom wearing the costume you picked out for him.
“Oh my God, you actually put it on?!” You exclaimed in disbelief. Juice’s eye widened and he stared at you in scepticism.
“Are you serious? You practically forced me to put it on.” He reminded you of how you managed to coax him into putting the very big and round, bright red apple costume on. You found it at the end of September and have been trying to get him to wear it since. He’s been dead set against you every step of the way but when you promised him he didn’t need to wear it in public he started to change his mind, you just wanted him to wear it for you because it’s the greatest pun ever and it always makes you laugh.
You strode over to him and went up onto your tiptoes so you could wrap your arms around his neck. You couldn’t help but grin at his serious expression; he was annoyed and embarrassed but he knew he didn’t actually have to do this.
“Thank you, Juicy.” You said to him before pecking his lips. “–You can take it off now. I’m not gonna force you to wear a costume to the party, especially this one.” You told him honestly, expecting him to immediately try and squirm out of the apple costume you found at Target. Juice gave you a kiss and sighed.
“I think I’ll keep it on. Y’know, it’s the spirit of the holiday and all that shit, right?” He announced, looking down at the very round apple costume that consumed his entire upper body and half of his thighs. He wore black jeans underneath, absolutely refusing to wear the candy apple red tights that came with it.
You could barely contain your laughter as he entertained the idea of a giant red apple riding on a Harley Davidson. Before you knew it you were doubled over on you knees at his feet, laughing so hard tears streamed from your eyes and your stomach began to cramp up.
“That’s it. I’m taking this thing off.” Juice muttered to himself, going back into the bathroom to take the costume off while you continued to laugh hysterically on the floor. This was by far the best Halloween to date.
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samperv · 4 years
Just a fun little thing...
We’re gonna do an accent challenge. So if you want, record a voice note or a video of you saying these words: 
Wash, Oil, Theater, Sure, Data, Bagel, Ruin, Crayon, Toilet, Spitting Image, Syrup, Aunt, Roof, Route, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, New Orleans, Las Vegas, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Pyjamas, Caught, Naturally, Aluminum, Envelope, Sorry...
...and submit it to the @samperv tumblr and we’ll publish it. You can also post it on your own blog and tag us and we’ll try to make sure we see it and reblog it. 
Have fun and as always... Happy Perving!
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samperv · 5 years
A little pruning...
We just went through and pruned the discord server. If you were inactive for more than a year (i.e. if you didn’t post a single message to any thread in 2019), you got kicked. This was not a ban!!! We will happily welcome you back, and you are always welcome to rejoin - at any point - if you’d like. In fact, we’d love it if you did !  Thank you. And as always, be kind and happy perving... -CJ
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samperv · 6 years
New Members Alert!
Congratulations to our Prospects who just became patched members: 
@grlwtskulltattoo @soawonder   @jasionfridaythe13
Let’s partyyyyyy!! 
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samperv · 5 years
New Member Alert!
Congrats to @jerseynurse82 for earning her top rocker!
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samperv · 6 years
New Members: congratulations!
Congratulations to @skinny-vavanilla and @consultingdoctorwholock 
You are officially Members now! Let’s celebrate!
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Don’t forget to check out our Discord chat ;-) (link in the bio)
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samperv · 6 years
Prospect Results!
I am happy to announce that the following prospects have now been promoted to Patched Members of Samperv...
@janethenorthsidecutie 20 YEA / 0 NAY
@SamuraiConfidential 28 YEA / 0 NAY
@sonsofanarchism 24 YEA / 4 NAY
Welcome to the club, new members!!
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samperv · 7 years
The Results Are In!
The votes have been counted and I am pleased to announce...
@guitypleasure052016 51 YEA / 6 NAY
@90swildchild 42 YEA / 14 NAY
@chibs-fuckin-telford 56 YEA / 1 NAY
@house-in-charmingtown-imagines 50 YEA / 7 NAY
@soaandpoi 45 YEA / 12 NAY
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samperv · 7 years
Please Be Careful Out There
Hello beauties, long time no speak, it’s your VP here <3
Now, lately it has come to the attention of Officers that some of you beautiful pervs and others in the fandom may be being targeted by catfish. 
Plenty of people are just innocent and want to get to know and befriend you and of course it’s down to individual discretion as to whether you choose to do so. But beware that groups like this, populated largely by women and especially young women, will also attract the attention of some less savoury internet figures. 
SAMPERV is a family and a community for everybody. We know how we have evolved as enthusiastic fans of the show into a support network for one another, especially as many of us are vulnerable IRL, may not have many other friends or family to turn to, and so forth. Some types of people will see this as a way in. I especially must add, given the relation this fandom and group have to bikers. Now, some of us are bikers in real life or know bikers, counting them among friends and family. We know where we all sit with that. Plenty of us are just ordinary people who love Sons of Anarchy. However, that enchantment for the outlaw way of life may be seen as some as a gateway or tool. I’m sure they’re just lonely and want someone to talk to. They most likely do not have any bad intentions. But when they start tugging at emotional heartstrings...
Don’t get me wrong. There are real bikers out there you may meet or come across by virtue of this group we choose to be a part of. It intersects with a wide range of society and their interests. But.
I think it’s fair to say that I’m worried for you guys. So I’m just going to say here, please keep in mind:
a) It is NEVER acceptable to impersonate a member of a real MC. b) A member of a real MC is very unlikely to discuss details of what’s going on in the club with a virtual stranger. Sure, perhaps after some time and getting to know you, things may change. But please remember that. Particularly if the MC member is supposedly a one percenter.  c) You need to take care of yourself. You and your wellbeing comes before anything else.  d) If you have any issues or concerns, please take it to an officer. 
I also feel at this stage it’s important to add that while SAMPERV uses the hierarchical structure of a real MC, it is just for fun. Officers are here merely to support and nurture the group and were nominated and voted for by members. We are aping a show that we love, Sons of Anarchy, also coincidentally a fictional motorcycle club. We are not affiliated, as a group, with any real motorcycle clubs, outlaw or otherwise. 
Please just use your common sense and put your own safety and well being first!
I love you guys, happy perving <3
- Your Vice-President, GWNFIM.
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samperv · 7 years
Prospect Vote - Update
We are going to try to announce the vote today or tomorrow so if you haven’t voted PLEASE do! Its not fair to prospects who might be in a close call for us to have to count them out when we didn’t even get all the votes.
Thanks, -Pres
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samperv · 7 years
August Prospect Votes - Results
I’m sorry for the brevity in the way this is announced- here are the results for the most recent prospect vote, for which I got 29 responses:
@tellerscrow  - 25/29 yay @soaimagines - 28/29 yay @teller-telford-old-lady - 26/29 yay @yourcroweater 26/29 yay @daniehelene27 - 25/29 yay
Welcome to SAMPERV guys!!!!
I will ensure all the members lists etc are updated within the next couple of days to reflect this change!
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samperv · 7 years
How To Prospect
Step 1: Check out @samperv [or our discord] and figure out if its a group you want to be a part of (hint: you totally want to!) Step 2: Send an ask in (make sure to ask off-anon) or message President @come-join-themurder or Vice President @girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine asking to prospect Step 3: Once you’re added to the list your minimum 1 month ‘Prospect’ period begins. Step 4: Love SoA and SAMCRO, socialize with members, reblog from them, post your own content, etc. and after a month (sometimes longer if no one is paying attention lol) you get your full patch! 
That’s it!!! We hope you join us!
-President @come-join-themurder
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samperv · 7 years
New Officer Promotions!
So as you all know, we had a vote recently and members chose up to 5 people they felt should be an officer. We ended up with a 5th place tie, so to accommodate that unforeseen circumstance we have added a new officer position, Sentinel, and we have promoted SIX people to officer...
Your top 6 (in no order) are:
@mrskokitztelford @dolphingoddess81 @fortheloveofthesoa @telford-ortiz-teller @sam-samcro @soaoriginal Congrats! We will be placing you in your new positions today!!!
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