#San Felipe Neri
12endigital · 5 months
El Archivo Municipal “Clara Campoamor” recuerda el 140ª aniversario de la anexión de San Felipe Neri a Crevillent
El Archivo Municipal “Clara Campoamor” recuerda, a través del número 91 del “Documento del Mes”, que ya se han cumplido 140 años desde que el Ayuntamiento de Crevillent acordó la anexión del pueblo de San Felipe Neri el 25 de enero de 1884, sin perder el título de Villa Real que ostenta. La actual pedanía de San Felipe Neri tiene una superficie de 16 Km2 y está situada a seis kilómetros de…
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cmatain · 1 year
Ampliada hasta finales de abril la exposición «1622 o la canonización de cinco santos (San Isidro Labrador, San Francisco Javier, San Ignacio de Loyola, Santa Teresa de Jesús, San Felipe Neri)» que se muestra en la Biblioteca Central de la Universidad de Navarra
Se ha ampliado hasta finales de abril la exposición «1622 o la canonización de cinco santos (San Isidro Labrador, San Francisco Javier, San Ignacio de Loyola, Santa Teresa de Jesús, San Felipe Neri)», que se muestra en el hall de la Biblioteca Central de la Universidad de Navarra. Organizada por el Servicio de Bibliotecas de la Universidad de Navarra (Fondo Antiguo) y el Grupo de Investigación…
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salesianosalegres · 2 years
Personas especiales
”Las personas especiales son como las estrellas, no siempre las puedes ver, pero sabes que existen y ahí están” Si por un ideal se es capaz de sacrificar cualquier cosa, cuánto más por una persona se llega a ser capaz de soportar todo y hasta entregar la vida. Eso lo vemos en la vida diaria, papás y mamás que por sus hijos son capaces de cualquier sacrificio; eso mismo lo hacen quienes viven la…
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dvrknessabides · 1 month
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How many metaphors for life and death can you put into one photo?
San Felipe de Neri Chruch, Albuquerque NM, 2018
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lockvogel · 1 year
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Albuquerque, Old Town - New Mexico
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican victory at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, during the Franco-Mexican War. The day is a minor, regional holiday in Mexico, being mainly celebrated in the state of Puebla where the city of Puebla is the capital. Military parades, speeches, and reenactments of the battle are held there. It is also celebrated in Veracruz and Mexico City, but in many other places of Mexico, May 5th is no different than any other day.
It is more widely celebrated in the United States, where it commemorates the battle, and celebrates Mexican culture and heritage. It is most celebrated in areas with large Mexican-American populations. The day began gaining popularity in the 1940s, during the beginnings of the Chicano movement. Mexican immigrants used the day to show their pride in their Mexican heritage. Awareness of the holiday was further raised in the 1960s by Chicano activists. Today it is celebrated by many in the country, regardless of their ethnic background. Parades, parties, and festivals are part of the day. These events usually include mariachi music, Mexican folk dancing, and traditional Mexican foods. The largest festivals in the country are held in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston.
Some have been critical of the day, saying it didn't have more widespread demographic appeal until it began being linked to Mexican alcoholic drinks. Some have also been critical of the day by saying it sometimes perpetuates negative stereotypes of Mexican people. The day has sometimes also been confused with Mexican Independence Day, which commemorates the call to arms against the Spanish, that took place on Sept 16, 1810. That day began being celebrated years before Cinco de Mayo.
The story of the Battle of Puebla deals with Mexico's war with France. In 1861, Benito Juárez became president of Mexico, at a time when the country was in trouble economically. They had defaulted on debts to France, Britain, and Spain, and those countries sent naval forces to Veracruz, Mexico, in an effort to retrieve their money. Britain and Spain worked out an agreement and withdrew. But France stayed, in an effort to seize back their money, and to create a French Empire in Mexican territory. France also wanted to limit the influence of the United States in the region. Although, during this time, the United States was preoccupied with the Civil War, giving France more of an opportunity to do as it pleased.
In late 1861, French forces landed at Veracruz and put Juárez and his government on the run. 6,000 French troops, under General Charles Latrille de Lorencez, planned an attack at Puebla de Los Ángeles, a town 80 miles southeast of Mexico City, and were optimistic about its outcome. Juárez was stationed just north of there and sent 2,000 (by some accounts 4,000) men to Puebla. Poorly supplied and outnumbered, they were led by General Ignacio Zaragoza. They fortified the town and got ready for French.
On May 5, 1862, the French attacked the town, and the battle lasted from morning until night. They lost between 500 to 1,000 soldiers, while Mexico lost less than 100. After the battle ended, the French retreated to the Gulf Coast. It was not a strategic win for Mexico but was a symbolic victory and morale booster. General Zaragoza died a few months later, and the town was renamed Puebla de Zaragoza. France's leader, Napoleon III, the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, installed Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian as emperor of Mexico in 1864. He was executed by Juárez's forces in 1867. France withdrew from Mexico the same year.
How to Observe
One way to celebrate the day is to eat traditional Mexican foods, or foods associated with Mexico, such as tacos, burritos, sopes, enchiladas, grilled corn, chips with salsa verde or guacamole, or mole poblano, which is an important food in Puebla. You could wash it all down with some margaritas. Mexican mariachi music or other Mexican music could be listened to, or you could do some Mexican folk dancing. Food, music, and dancing will likely be a part of any Cinco de Mayo festival or event, so it may be best to attend one! You could attend Los Angeles's Festival de Fiesta Broadway, the largest Cinco de Mayo event in the world (note: this Cinco de Mayo celebration is held in late April). Chicago and Houston are also known for large events. San Diego has various events, including a battle reenactment. The Cinco de Mayo festival in Chandler, Arizona, is known for its Chihuahua parades, races, and pageants. There are many smaller events taking place in cities and towns across the United States. Check to see what is taking place near where you live. In Puebla, there is a museum dedicated to the battle, and the battlefield is a park. A reenactment, replete with rifle and cannon shots, takes place in Puebla on the day, and it ends with a sword fight between the Mexican and French generals. No matter how you celebrate the day, make sure you are being culturally sensitive if you are not of Mexican or Mexican-American descent.
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fotograrte · 2 months
Ronda de enlaces (día 1/04/2024)
El pasado sábado se cumplieron 9 años desde que puse la primera entrada en fotograrte: 30 de marzo de 2015. Se trataba de una foto del Doncel de Sigüenza. Entonces, el blog estaba en blogger, cambiándolo a WordPress el 19 de abril de 2019 (y no fue intencionado…). En total el blog ha tenido 71.513 visitas (blogger) y 32.526 (wordpress) lo que hace un total de 104.039. Teniendo en cuenta todas las…
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pogphotoarchives · 2 months
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Mark William Shuster with Basset Leonardo waiting for the judges decision after the Blessing of the Animals (Benedicion de los Animales), San Felipe de Neri Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Photographer: Ralph Looney Date: 1968 Negative Number: HP.2007.20.1169 New Mexico Magazine collection
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wandering-jana · 6 months
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San Felipe de Neri Catholic Church, a 1793 church in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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enriquemzn262 · 8 months
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The abandoned San Felipe Nery temple, located inside downtown Maracaibo.
Picture taken by me in 2018.
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immaculatelyamiss · 2 months
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San Felipe de Neri
The oldest church in Albuquerque has continuously served the community without interruption since 1706
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eopederson · 5 months
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Campanario y torres, San Felipe Neri, Sucre, Bolivia, 2006.
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cmatain · 1 year
Exposición «1622 o la canonización de cinco santos (San Isidro Labrador, San Francisco Javier, San Ignacio de Loyola, Santa Teresa de Jesús, San Felipe Neri)» en la Biblioteca Central de la Universidad de Navarra
Exposición «1622 o la canonización de cinco santos (San Isidro Labrador, San Francisco Javier, San Ignacio de Loyola, Santa Teresa de Jesús, San Felipe Neri)» en la Biblioteca Central de la Universidad de Navarra
Organizada por el Servicio de Bibliotecas de la Universidad de Navarra (Fondo Antiguo) y el Grupo de Investigación Siglo de Oro (GRISO), se muestra desde mediados del pasado mes de diciembre en el hall de la Biblioteca Central la exposición «1622 o la canonización de cinco santos (San Isidro Labrador, San Francisco Javier, San Ignacio de Loyola, Santa Teresa de Jesús, San Felipe Neri)». La…
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malbecmusings · 1 year
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Contrasts - Old and New. One of the oldest churches in the city, the Church of San Felipe de Neri with modern Panama City in the distance.
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fuckyeahnewmexico · 1 year
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San Felipe de Neri church in Albuquerque
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lapetitemortarts · 2 months
Estreno de Rèquiem. Cants d' Absència el 22 de marzo de 2024 en el Oratorio de San Felipe Neri, Barcelona. Obra encargo del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona a Sara Ramos. Coro de Cámara Noctes (Maria Mauri, dir.), Joan Seguí órgano y Paola Ríos violonchelo. Texto latino de la misa de difuntos y poesía de Carles Duarte. Grabación y masterización del directo Antoni Velasco Estructura de requiem
Créditos iniciales 00:00
Se que morim 00:15
Introitus 00:32
Kyrie 05:20
La Mort 08:58
Absolve/ El Déu de la tendresa 11:59
Recordare 19:39
L´abisme 23:58
Lacrimosa/ Panteó 25:04
Domine Jesu Christe 30:47
Déus es el temps 36:39
Sanctus- Benedictus 39:13
Agnus Dei 42:34
Lux Aeterna/ Clariana 43:58
Premiere of Requiem. Cants d' Absència on March 22nd, 2024 at the Oratorio de San Felipe Neri, Barcelona. Work commissioned by the City Council of Barcelona to Sara Ramos. Chamber Choir Noctes (Maria Mauri, conductor), Joan Seguí organ and Paola Ríos violoncello. Latin text of the Mass for the Dead and poetry by Carles Duarte. Recording and mastering of the live performance by Antoni Velasco.
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