#Sarah delappe
jerichopalms · 1 year
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*Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022, dir. by Halina Reijn)
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do-you-know-this-play · 6 months
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noalikestodraw · 1 year
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I’ve never seen anyone do fanart for my favorite play so I guess it’s up to me to do it now 😊⚽️🐺
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anhed-nia · 8 months
So look, usually when I write one of these things I wind up watching the movie at least twice to make sure I really got what was going on and I don't misquote anything. My dark secret is that I'm not very good at following even moderately complicated plotlines; I tend to judge movies based on psychological, tonal, and aesthetic coherence above all else, not only because it doesn't matter to me whether a story is "realistic", but because I'm actually pretty bad at tracking anything with a lot of moving parts. So, when I do see something that makes so little sense that it reaches the point of offending me, I often worry that maybe it was just over my head--but I'm pretty sure that's not the case with THE FRIENDSHIP GAME, even though this year's Blogtober is a speed run and I didn't double check anything. If I'm deeply wrong about this nonsense, talk to my lawyer.
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In this movie, some teen BFFs find this HELLRAISER-ass thing at a fucking yard sale (?!) that they are told is "a friendship game". To play this game, you and your best friends sit in a circle around the torturous-looking object and you touch it and you all say whatever your deepest desire is, and if your friendship doesn't survive these confessions, NEITHER WILL YOU! I immediately had a lot of questions about this basic premise. This is kind of a trope, right: A bunch of people who think they're friends find out that they're really not when some form of pressure forces all of their secret disloyalty and hypocrisy and selfishness out into the open. I don't know if there's a name for this device, another example that comes to mind is VERY BAD THINGS, or BODIES BODIES BODIES which I watched the following day. In the latter case, it's pretty obvious that they're all a bunch of frenemies with terminal character flaws, and their toxic dynamic is basically a ticking time bomb. This is really easy to grasp, and it may even feel familiar if you've been cursed with crummy friends at any time of your life. But the thing is, if you knew that you had a lot of thoughts and desires that could harm your so-called friends, and you were faced with a "Friendship Game" that's supposed to like curse you or kill you or something if you're insincere--or just if you don't love your friends enough? or something?--then wouldn't you just, like, not play the Friendship Game? The frenemies in BODIES BODIES BODIES would definitely know not to play the Friendship Game. Like it's one thing to hope for the voyeuristic thrill of seeing people get humiliated in a game of Truth or Dare, but if you don't REALLY want to express your legitimate heart's desire in front of your social circle, what's the motivation for playing the game? If you think it's going to kill you for being disloyal, then you won't play it, and if you DIDN'T think it would do anything, then what's the point of it anyway? What is anyone going to get out of this?
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The "game" doesn't do anything when you're playing it, by the way, it doesn't shift around like the Lament Configuration or light up like Simon. It does some stuff much later on after it turns out you're a shitty friend, but in the short term, one of the friends reasonably asks, "So how do you win?" and the answer is, "By staying friends!", which is obviously an indefinite concept and not really like a satisfying climactic event that takes place at the end of the sitting-around-touching-the-thing game. (I mean how are you even supposed to know when you're DONE and you guys can all get up and do something else? Do you just assume that when you touch the thing and say your piece, some silent invisible mechanism inside it goes "Yeah, that checks out, bye"? Or are you actually playing the Friendship Game for the rest of your life just because you touched the thing?) But I also don't really get the existential functioning of the game; I guess it's kind of a monkey's paw type thing? Where the wording of your desire gets twisted into some kind of ironic, alternate timeline result that exposes how infirm your friendships are. There's also some kind of like...I don't know how to say this, like a demonic contagion that travels through the internet and surveillance devices, which is connects itself to the (basically inconsequential) local lonely autistic hacker kid who doesn't even have friends to play the Friendship Game with. But as you can probably tell from this description, this element didn't add a lot of meaning for me, and it really just made a confusing movie even more confusing.
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Another question I have is, like...who made the Friendship Game? Who would make it?There's a lot of lore around the Lament Configuration and you totally get the point of it: It lures to their doom people who feel they have exhausted all of life's possibilities and who will do literally anything just to feel something again. And it's connected to Hell, which is always in need of corrupted souls. Great, got it, no notes. But what person or entity or belief system would create the Friendship Game? The kids in this movie are flawed, obviously, or there would be no story to tell, but none of them are like evil maniacs who really need to be punished--and the punishment in this case seems to be death, which like, is it really worth shredding some teenager's reality just because they're predictably shallow and immature? Who is gaining what in the Friendship Game? I completely do not get this. Spoiler alert or whatever but at the end of the movie all the kids who haven't died or dematerialized or something touch the thing and say their new collective heart's desire, which amounts to "we wish this never happened", and even though the set up is NOT "make a WISH"--the setup is "tell the TRUTH", but the Friendship Game still kind of works like a genie for some reason--all the friends get sent back in time and they wind up not buying the Friendship Game in the first place, and they're all saved. But it's not like they remember this, so it doesn't count as a lesson learned... I don't even know if that matters, but it seems like it's supposed to, which makes the whole misadventure feel really pointless.
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Also I should say that the ordinariness of the kids raises another problem for me, which is: Why is this movie founded on the principle that ANYbody's heart's desire would be something that would seriously harm everyone around them? Like I think that's just called being a psychopath. I mean yes, everyone has secret thoughts and feelings that are not so nice, and sometimes you wish you could be more selfish or mean because it would feel good in the moment, but it's not like a universal truth that any random human being's most basic desires are necessarily detrimental to other people, meaning that all friendships are predicated on never going after what you truly, profoundly want. Certainly there are some relationships like that, as represented by BODIES BODIES BODIES (and every single Brett Easton Ellis product, to which I am not always immune!), but that movie is more of a specific type of character study, not a generalization about humanity. It's not trying to like make a statement about the fundamental nature of friendship.
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By now it may seem obvious that while BODIES BODIES BODIES is a better movie that gave me less to complain about, I also didn't find it remotely as provocative as the basically-awful FRIENDSHIP GAME. When BODIES decided to open with a long, extreme closeup of lesbian face-sucking, it probably didn't expect me to become immediately distracted and wander away from my TV. Minutes later I was gazing mindlessly into the fridge thinking, "Wait a minute, did I just start a movie? Am I missing the setup right now?" I forgot I was watching that poor movie continuously throughout its running time; if it was 90 minutes long, I probably really only saw about 70 minutes of it, optimistically. A big part of the problem is that on paper, BODIES BODIES BODIES is clearly supposed to be a black comedy, but in practice it's just sort of an empty style piece and it is not remotely funny enough, often enough to make its point effectively. The only people who seem to know that they're in a satire are Pete Davidson and Chase Sui Wonders, who I thought were both pretty good, but the whole rest of the production really abandons what those two actors are valiantly trying to do with the script, and the end result is just very low impact. I was way less frustrated with that movie than I was with THE FRIENDSHIP GAME, but it also gave me a lot less to think about, whatever that's worth. The End.
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genevieveetguy · 9 months
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. Don't call her a psychopath. That's so ableist.
Bodies Bodies Bodies, Halina Reijn (2022)
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Bodies Bodies Bodies will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on October 18 via Lionsgate. Best Buy will exclusively carry a 4K Ultra HD edition ($30.99).
A24’s 2022 horror-comedy is directed by Halina Reijn and written by Sarah DeLappe. Amandla Stenberg, Maria Bakalova, Myha'la Herrold, Chase Sui Wonders, Rachel Sennott, Lee Pace, and Pete Davidson star.
Read on the special features, trailer, and synopsis.
Special features:
Audio commentary by director Halina Reijn
Who Wants to Play? Making Bodies Bodies Bodies featurette
Deleted scenes
When a group of 20-somethings get stuck at a remote family mansion during a hurricane, a party game ends with a dead body on the ground and fingers pointed everywhere. As they try to find the killer among them, fake friends and real enemies have to learn who to trust — and how to survive.
Pre-order Bodies Bodies Bodies.
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screenzealots · 2 years
"Bodies Bodies Bodies"
“Bodies Bodies Bodies”
Director Halina Reijn‘s “Bodies Bodies Bodies” starts out rough. At first glance, it appears to be just another irritating, Gen Z mumblecore movie with a horror twist, a story of mean girls who like to party. It takes about fifteen minutes but once the story begins to unfold, the film picks up speed and never slows down. This is a fun genre thriller that exceeds all expectations. A raging storm…
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stuff-diary · 2 years
Bodies Bodies Bodies
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Movies watched in 2022
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022, USA)
Director: Halina Reijn
Writer: Sarah DeLappe (based on a story by Kristen Roupenian)
Well, I can definitely tell why this movie has been so divisive among audiences, but I have to say I loved it. It's not scary at all and there are barely any kills, so those going in expecting an old-school slasher will be disappointed. However, the movie is a fantastic dark comedy/satire that made laugh from beginning to end. The screenplay is very witty and cheeky, but the real reason why it works so well is the perfectly chosen cast. Among them, the standout is clearly Rachel Sennott. I've been obsessed with her ever since I watched Shiva Baby at the start of the year and this film just fueled that obsession further. She's just so naturally funny, every single one of her lines made me laugh out loud cause her delivery is spot-on. To sum up, this is a very fun, tongue-in-cheek movie that I thoroughly enjoyed, even though it's not really much of a horror movie.
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kermodefan94-blog · 2 years
Bodies,Bodies,Bodies. Quick Review
This kind of thing is why I will never get on board with huge sections of the online film writing culture. I’m OK with that. At least I won’t have to defend or see some merit in absolutely vile films like this one.
OK. Let’s rip this plaster off. This writer has often shown his contempt towards those online film pundits who treat the very mere presence of the A24 logo as some sort of Messiah complex. This came up a little bit earlier in the year with Alex garland’s disastrous men but here it is crystallised at its nadir. with the completely irredeemable Bodies, Bodies Bodies.Maria Bakalova and Amandla…
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ogradyfilm · 2 years
Bodies Bodies Bodies: Burying the Lede
[The following review contains MAJOR SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
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Bodies Bodies Bodies is a slasher flick that lacks an actual killer.
The first “victim,” as we discover in the film’s closing moments, wasn’t truly murdered; he accidentally slit his own throat while—in a drunken stupor, naturally—attempting to open a bottle of champagne with a decorative sword. The rest of the violence—an escalating series of false assumptions, misguided accusations, and bitter betrayals that culminates in lives lost and relationships irreparably shattered—was merely the result of a ridiculous misunderstanding.
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That premise would be a brilliant narrative hook—the perfect elevator pitch—were it not also inherently self-spoiling. Any worthwhile discussion about the movie's central thesis—its venomously satirical deconstruction of privilege, performative activism, and the innate narcissism of the social media generation—will inevitably revolve entirely around the Big Twist... which, consequently, makes it difficult to sell to potential viewers. Indeed, the final punchline lands so spectacularly that it manages to diminish the quality of the surrounding material, rather than elevating the overall plot (which is otherwise comparatively unimaginative and formulaic). Ultimately, the ending is the only real trick that the story has to offer; everything else feels insubstantial, existing only to pad out the running time.
Thus, Bodies Bodies Bodies’ postmodernism is both its greatest strength and its most significant weakness. It's simply too clever for its own good; its emphasis on theme at the expense of structure  renders it essentially impossible to properly advertise.
In other words: don’t produce a black comedy unless you can safely let the intended audience in on the joke.
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farmstands · 2 years
seeing girls soccer teams is so wild like damn that sport they made up for the wolves??
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jerichopalms · 2 years
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#137: Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022, dir. by Halina Reijn)
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just watched bodies bodies bodies not sure what that nepotism reporter for nyt was saying lmao this was a great movie
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brechtian · 14 days
hi rosemary! i love your blog. what are your favorite contemporary plays?
thanks so much! <3 for the sake of this ask, I’ll consider contemporary to be anything written after 2000
Indecent by Paula Vogel
An Octoroon and Appropriate, both by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
Fairview by Jackie Sibblies Drury
The Wolves by Sarah DeLappe
Mac Beth by Erica Schmidt (though most of the script is Macbeth)
Pipeline by Dominique Morisseau
Though much of the text is from Wilde’s novel, Kip Williams’ modern one-woman staging of The Picture of Dorian Gray still definitely counts imo
Leopoldstadt by Tom Stoppard
Tiny Beautiful Things, adapted by Nia Vardalos
The Laramie Project by Moises Kaufman
I’m going to see Dark Noon on Sunday, so hopefully that one will get added to the list! There are some plays from the 90s I love as well (hello angels in America and metamorphoses) but I stuck to the post-2000 rule. Also obviously there’s SO much great contemporary theatre I haven’t seen or read yet, but, of what I have, these are my favorites for sure!
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transatos · 6 months
not to. be like that. but what the fuck cultural references or whatever. 46 of the wolves by sarah delappe fame is truly such a good representation. yeah man today is an i live in a yogurt day and you have never been realer
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tryingberryhard · 2 years
Guys you gotta jump on the kin astrology train it's so fun
You decide what characters are your sun, moon and rising from whatever series
Also for a brief and extremely simplified and probably a little bit incorrect explanation:
Sun: core principles, how you're perceived, how you present yourself
Moon: how you really feel on the inside
Rising: informs how you perceive others/the world, extra traits that drive you
Sun: Mikey
Moon: Leo
Rising: Donnie
Twisted Wonderland:
Sun: Lilia
Moon: Silver or Cater
Rising: Ruggie
Better Call Saul:
Sun: Howard
Moon: Kim
Rising: Lalo
The Wolves (play by Sarah Delappe):
Sun: #08
Moon: #00
Rising: #11
It's just so silly goofy have some fun with it share your answers if you're comfy with that ^^
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