#Sarah said it was literally like 🥴
desicat-writer · 4 months
"Self contradicting whore" literally what lmaoo why is it so hard for some people to understand that for some of us an adult kissing a minor is super gross 🥴 Like op said, it's not even about the vampire age gap, it's the fact that that man was turned at 27 and he's literally dating a 16 year old...
Some people don't get that different things squick different people out. Besides whore is better than death threats....
And the actors weren't dating. Sarah was 19 and David was 27 (I don't feel like dbl checking if his age was true). I see them kiss and I think...that was a choice writers made for a young Actress.
If you listen to their interviews apparently they both are garlic to prank each other during those scenes. I respect that and find it hilarious.
And I can appreciate the professionalism while also cringing.
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blackberry-gingham · 2 years
Now what’s this about Toad’s mutant cure???
Well, not so much his mutant cure, so much as the in universe mutant cure (the like other OTHER plot villain from X-Men last stand 🥴🥴)
Future Sarah here: putting a cut bc I might actually write this some day. It's kinda fresh from my usual lol
Equipment and paraphernalia that neutralizes the x gene and thus mutant powers isn't new, but at some point there was a vaccine basically lol that completely and permanently disabled mutant powers if administered.
Anyway, in this story toad and the reader are in an established relationship where reader has been assumed to be a human all this time. The kicker here is that we have been slowly getting... Sick, or something. Tired, is more like it, but why? no one seems to know. To his chargin, toad brings us back to the X-Men for help after we have finally and suddenly collapsed in a comatose state.
Turns out, 1) we actually are a mutant and 2) unlike the forward evolution that most mutant powers give, ours is degenerative. The dark side of genetic mutation, if you will. Basically it's like an autoimmune disease of sorts: The body runs on little jolts of electricity that it generates, but in this story we are slowly losing said jolts through static shocks and contact, leaving us with literal less and less energy until we are finally unable to function normally.
The professor tries some of his mind stuff to let us and toad talk to see what can be done. Shit happens as we learn in the mind world talk that reader is basically on the edge of giving up and just letting death come. Ole toad, in his insecurity driven, anxiety riddled self, takes this to mean that we do not love him anymore, as apparently the thought of himself and your relationship together doesn't spring to the front of your mind as a motivation to keep fighting.
This is untrue of course, and simply has more to do with the fact that we are beyond our ropes end and literally have one foot in the grave as it is, but he refuses to be dissuaded about it. Heartbroken as he is, he still refuses to give, or let you, give up. You're the only one he's ever loved, and even if you don't feel as strongly about him as he feels about you, he can't just sit by and let you go.
More stuff happens with a side of shading the professor, but mainly another falling out with the X-Men all over what is to be done for us, and toad makes off to indulge in a little bit of crime to procure that dastardly Mutant Cure™ that the X-Men hate so much. Not a moment too soon, he sneaks back to save you. Only now it's just... Well, he can't just inject his beloved with an experimental drug without knowing for sure that it works, right?
So, toad takes one of the doses of the mutant cure himself. While yes, in the hopes to prove if it works (the effects are all but instant, as the movie shows us), but with the underlying hope that perhaps if he can make himself "normal" too then he'll earn back your love. Besides, even if not, being a regular human is all he's ever wanted, and now... He has his chance.
Now fans of the xmen may remember the mutant cure took away mystique's blue scales and such after all, but unfortunately for the fans (and toad) I think that's bs. That's right, no science, I simply just don't want it lol. His appearance doesn't change, but through what should be a super strength fueled fit of rage, he finds his powers are indeed gone.
He gives you the shot, and over time you're able to build and retain energy again, saving your life. Next time he sees you, toad is despondent that he still looks the same as before, although seems to be completely apathetic about losing his powers. This comes as a shock to you as you of course had no idea he tested the drug in himself first, but ultimately we get a little bit of the Shrek 3 ending where you reassure him that you ultimately love him for his appearance, not in spite of it.
It's a bit more complicated on your relationship in the end then I'm making it out to be, considering he permanently and recklessly altered himself with an experimental drug and all, but it's left to be interpreted as a happy, but lightly strained ending
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treatbuckywkisses · 2 years
so much is happening i want to scream:(
the way my job gives me so much anxiety it's not even funny. that place is a fucking disaster. i get told im going to be part time and im out here working 40hrs a week, and i dont even get my second break usually like im supposed to. there aren't enough people in the department i work in and they pull people from it for other departments anyway. one of our team leads basically told us all our sections looked like shit tonight and he was going to walk us though it and make us tell him everything we did wrong. i was stuck somewhere else for most of my shift and couldn't work on my section, so when i tell you i was so scared dude you don't even fucking know lmao i literally cried because I'm still new and i didn't want them to think i did a bad job or im not cut out for it or whatever. and he never even showed up. he said it to "scare us into doing our work" and im so mad about it. i almost threw up for that ??
im so fucking tired and dehydrated and it's so hot in there i barely even eat on my lunch break and when i get home after my 8hr shift. i can't tell if im losing weight (unhealthy obvi) or if i have looked like this and didn't know lol so i just try not to look at myself if i can help it bc what.
i never really know what i look like, but when i do, it's ugly and i hate it.
also im working on moving into an apartment (i say 'me' but im not alone sgsksh) idk living is hard yk it's a lot and it's stupid and where my stuff is im not even staying bc sarah is a fucking bitch for no reason and i will hurt her feelings if she looks at me so yeah there's like so much shit happening and I'm so overwhelmed like hello i can actually only do so much pls why
anyways i am really tired and i want to cry and sleep forever and ever:( is this what happens when you keep things 'bottled up' lol
omg also? i haven't gotten my period yet like since April and im 🥴🤨 bc where is she yk and then im like babe you're literally a ball of fucking stress and anxiety please take a Xanax but back to stress im so worried i will get my period on my 8hr shift with nothing and i don't drive myself so that is like extra fun yk wow
the way i have never talked so much and i do it like this where nobody will read it sgskdgd this is who i am as a person irl though so congrats if u read this ig hello
also since I'm fucking word vomiting i guess and ive already come to terms with how nobody will read this, i hate this place. like tumblr i mean. idk it just like sucks to feel like you deserve more than you get yk and i actually am allowed to say that. my moodboards do not do nearly as good as i would like to think they would when i make them and it sucks. because believe it or not i start out thinking they're so pretty and the lack of interaction makes me doubt my own abilities and i hate that. and how I have so many "followers" with the amount of notes i get LOL what a joke actually. especially when they're also content creators. why are you even following me then yk like i only provide one thing and you don't even seem to like it so what are you doing here. it's annoying honestly. how can a content creator be the one not giving support. smh.
i think i need to go to sleep bc idk what i just said and if anyone reads this i feel like ppl will be mad at me so that's where I'm at lolllllll i h8 myself <3
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daydreamrry · 3 years
The question is more, why didn’t she follow Nyoh after she thought she blew her a kiss and we got that embarrassing video of her in LV when everyone could see that this wasn’t supposed to be for her... 🥴 or why wouldn’t she follow people he’s close with for years like Mitch and Sarah first?? Makes no sense to follow Pauli first and as the only one...but that’s bc she literally doesn’t know Harry and who he’s close with!! Everything she does is for attention and by following one by one she can space it more out. She followed a random band member bc she doesn’t know who he’s friends with and she thinks it doesn’t matter who she follows first bc they’re all „not important“... you get what I mean?
probably followed him since he's getting a lot of attention and of course, she can't ever let people have their moment.
edit: an anon said, “nothing pure is coming from girl boss. Wait she will follor mitch and sara just to troll fans. Wait for it. All ahe does is troll H ‘s fans because he is doing mining. Dont manifest it beatie. Her intentions aint pure. Just manifest october BUA so we can have harryween free from girl boss.”
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wanderingpages · 4 years
Do you like S//JM (sarah j mass)'s writing?
Uhhhh it’s hit or miss idk she can write obviously, and I do like some of the concepts she writes about but together as a cohesive piece...? Not really my cup of tea. It took me a long time to realize that I really was just trying to like her books to follow the hype lol.
I really did force myself through tog cus I had ordered like six of them and binged through it out of sheer will and by the time the last book came out, I forgot most of what happened and seriously could not find it in myself to reread, but at that point I was reading to know how it all tied up (also I never read chaols book so imagine my surprise when mans comes back married and expecting 🥴🥴🥴) .
Reading acotar was just me blinking passively through most parts. Tbh I liked human feyre cus I thought she was just the baddest bitch for kicking ass in a fae realm, and I liked rhysand for a bit too but all his points on court of dream contradicted how he ruled over nightmares and I just could not clear this fandom-claimed feminist as an actual feminist. He really said I love women and children except for you( court of nightmares/illirian camp) you guys can choke 🙄🙄🙄 also some plot holes I don’t wanna get into cus that’s another essay.
And... I hate sjms smut lol the way I was screaming...... metaphorical sex and sex that makes the fucking sky literally ignite just skeeve me out 😔😔😔 like even if it was in a book I do love (for example, if holly black made flowers bloom while Cardan and Jude fucked, I would have put the book down for a few days. Bless her for making it fade to black)
and I haven’t touched the other one and I probably won’t either lol.
*Also my followers know I think Aedion should disappear and the inner circle is wack for sending nesta off
Further, I know a good portion of my followers adore her and her work so I’m really trying to be respectful when I talk about her but sometimes I fly off a bit, so apologies on that but I still stand my ground 😳😳😳 just something we can respectfully disagree on I hope
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sanderinthesheets · 3 years
Tumblr media
Behold...yasmina 2.0 ✨
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