ghostzzy · 9 months
inspired by kitkat @crimeronan's codependency poll, here's a codependency poll of my own, featuring dynamics from my ocs <3
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dragonchilddesigns · 1 year
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You've been tricked you're my test reader for a novel so bad it takes a seminary drop out with brainrot to know how bad it is. I'm not sorry for this prank and I will do it again.
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sanderinthesheets · 3 years
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Behold...yasmina 2.0 ✨
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impishglee · 3 years
i have 3 mutuals named izzy so in my head theyre all roughly sorted into like
ronan izzy
cursed izzy
eidolon izzy
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beebeebweebo · 2 years
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cursed iteration one hehe
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ghostzzy · 2 months
since i can't properly write for them right now. allow me to talk about them for a moment.
adrianna is a guard dog. before she was a vampire, she was a little kid who was terrified to become a vampire but knew it was inevitable. she didn't know how her power would manifest, how brutal it would be, but she always knew she was destined to become a monster. so when she realized, early on, that being scary could protect the people she loved, she leaned into it. if she was going to become a monster no matter what, she might as well use it to keep her loved ones safe.
and stevie was in such desperate need of protection. he had no one, and he was such an easy target -- he wore his heart and his pain on his sleeve for anyone to see and take advantage of. but maybe most importantly, he wasn't afraid of adrianna, even though she made herself scary, even though she'd become a vampire. he'd grown up in the care of humans who didn't give a shit about him, who had been cruel to him in a hundred ways -- he knew you didn't need fangs or bloodthirst to be a monster, saw no reason those things would make you crueler than anyone else.
and they became such fast friends. he never felt as loved as the first time adrianna punched someone in the nose for him. never felt as safe as when he held her hand in the hallways, daring anyone to step up or say anything.
at least, until they started dating, and then love became having a key to the front door of her house and letting himself in, being called his new name by her whole family; safety became hiding under blankets with her and seeing just how gentle she could be for him underneath all that bark and bite.
and adrianna needed that. she needed someone who wasn't scared of her, who trusted her implicitly; someone to be gentle for.
and then she became a monster, worse than she could've ever imagined. and then her family disappeared out from under her in a matter of weeks. and then all she had left was stevie and her little sister, and the ONLY way left she had to show them she cared for them was to become that guard dog again.
but now it wasn't fighting high school bullies to save stevie from getting shoved in lockers. it was real violence, blood and scars and criminal violations, to save them from separation and starvation.
and stevie still does what he can, to remind her that she's more than the monster. but he can't touch her anymore, can't kiss her, can't hold her. and it's a reminder she's less and less willing to hear every day.
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ghostzzy · 2 days
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too many flesh suppers / los campesinos!
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ghostzzy · 2 months
“imply” for the cursedwip game!! and/or “trace”
ooo here's a tiny one that you will be able to appreciate after the dee & adrianna meetcute i sent you the other day <333
Adrianna traced the bruises of the stranger’s fingerprints on her windpipe until she suffocated herself to sleep.
play cursedwip games with me!
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ghostzzy · 2 months
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can’t sleep. just enjoying my own pinterest boards for the cursedwip kids.
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ghostzzy · 2 months
for cursed wip game: “teeth” and 19!
there's been a lack of stevie tonight so here's some stevie x adrianna <33
“Feeling brave,” she asked, “or just stupid?” It came out rough, but in all their years together, as friends and best friends and partners, Adrianna had never once been truly mad at him.  And he knew it. She opened her eyes, and he shrugged, corners of his mouth still perked.  He was ten inches away. Maybe less. It’d be so easy to grab him by the chin— kiss him senseless or sink her teeth into him. But she wasn’t going to. And he knew that, too. 
and for 19, some MORE stevienna <33
Adrianna thought maybe she should cry now too, but what good would that do? Then they’d both be crying. “I’m okay, Stevie.” Voice small and shaking, he said, “You’ve still got blood all over your face.” Heat flared behind her cheeks. “Then help me wash it off.”
play cursedwip games with me!
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ghostzzy · 3 months
adrianna - 🔅 ⚡ 🐸?
!! thank you kitkat!! oh adrianna.
🔅 - How does this oc deal with physical pain? bad. because adrianna can't be touched, she is extremely sensitized to physical sensation generally. and because she is a pain-dealer by genetics and profession, she is acutely aware of pain as a concept. when she's in pain (usually from starvation, but many times throughout the story due to acute injury) she is incredibly affected by it. it makes her panic, it makes her angry, it makes her stupid.
⚡ - Does this oc have any unusual or “irrational” fears? adrianna is pretty brave, all things considered. most of her fears are much more emotional. airplanes, enclosed spaces, needles, bugs -- none of that stuff really bothers her. but conflict, discomfort, loss, abandonment -- that shit terrifies her.
🐸 - What’s this oc’s sense of humor like? adrianna is not naturally funny but when she's nervous or deflecting or lying, she tries to be. it's so cringe. she sucks so bad. <3
ask me about the cursedwip kids!
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ghostzzy · 2 months
Chapter 1 and chapter 36
chapter 1, Vampire Antics:
It wasn’t as satisfying as it should’ve been. Their blood tasted like chemicals and heat. Their skin tasted like perfume. The gash was sloppy, pouring faster than she could keep up with, excess blood sliding down her chin and chest. 
chapter 36 isn't revised yet so have smthn from ch34 instead. More Vampire Antics <3
She was so full she was sick; she felt bloated like a tick. And it was probably the last time in her life she would ever feel this way.
play cursedwip games with me!
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ghostzzy · 2 months
Fear! 27!
oooo these are fun ones river tysm!!!
'fear', dee having some thoughts and feelings about religion:
Nothing about this place was holy, not like the cathedral they used to visit every Sunday. Her grandfather used to take them, and then her mother. It was a show, like everything was—See, it said, vampires don’t burn on anointed land, don’t fear the cross, don’t fear Hell—but it always felt like more than that to Dee. A reminder that there was something bigger than her family, older than her blood. 
and a bit from 27, dee while puking up blood and bile from her vampire autoimmune disorder:
It didn’t matter how long she had left—hours, maybe days if she was lucky; she wouldn’t live long enough to miss the life she could never have. There was a poeticism in expiring quiet and alone on the floor of a motel bathroom, like any common victim; maybe that could’ve been enough for her.
play cursedwip games with me!
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ghostzzy · 1 month
back when i first came up with cursedwip, i was like 16, so of COURSE i considered ship names. stevie + adrianna = stevianna. dee + adrianna = deedrianna.
however. back then, i did not realize the beauty of polyshipping, and had yet to discover the importance of stevie + dee. deevie? sure.
which makes their ot3 shipname.. deevianna?? I Guess??
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ghostzzy · 1 month
thinking about adrianna's gender. like, dee and stevie are both trans and that plays a role in their characterization and stories, but adrianna is. ostensibly a cis girl. like, that's how she operates, the story doesn't go out of its way to define her in any way other than that.
but she is also Bodily Alienation Personified. she cannot even begin to contemplate her relationship to her gender when her body is already her arch nemesis in half a dozen ways. she doesn't feel like a girl. she feels like A Thing. A Monster. A Weapon.
and i'm having so much fun thinking about all the ways that could change after the events of cursedwip, in the years of healing that follow, all the headcanons for the ways her identity might manifest when she's no longer at war with herself.
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ghostzzy · 2 months
cursedwip game: rose and/or candle?
OUGH roses are actually a motif for dee!!! here's a bit from a relevant flashback:
Barefoot and shivering, she walked the whole haunted path all the way to the center of the garden. That’s where they kept the rosebushes: bursting and jeweled and thorned, frosted in the cold but red as beating hearts. A placard said the roses had been genetically engineered to grow all year, impervious to season. Perseverant and unkillable. 
play cursedwip games with me!
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