rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day
Are you the friendly one in your neighborhood or are you more the crank? Well, today it doesn’t matter as this is the day that is all about fresh beginnings. It’s Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbors Day! Don’t laugh, this is a real holiday…really!
Instead of getting…or giving… that one-fingered wave as you walk by to get in the car, today open that hand and wiggle all your fingers as you wave. You may just be surprised at the result. You might even get a new beginning!
Learn about Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day
Now, we’re not sure that we know many people who wave at their neighbors only using three of their fingers, do you? Anything fewer and it may not be a wave at all! Although the name of this date could be a little bit on the confusing side, Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day simply means that you should wave at your neighbors and that you should do it in a pleasant and friendly way. So, if you’re someone who has give your neighbor the finger before because they have annoyed you, on this date you can try to wave in a friendly manner instead. Sounds easy enough, right?
Well, we know that not everyone reading this is going to have enjoyed a pleasant relationship with their neighbor. We have all heard stories about neighbors from hell! If you feel that your neighbor falls into this category, you may not want to wave at him or her in a friendly manner. However, taking the high road, even if it is just for one day, can feel better than you may expect. Plus, simply seeing the shock on your neighbor’s face because of your unexpected kindness can make it worth it.
Plus, one thing that we can all agree on is that we could all do with a little bit more kindness in the world, and that is what this day is all about. Enthusiastic greetings and genuine happiness to see another person can make them feel great about themselves and start off their day in the best possible way. Isn’t it nice to be this positive influence on another person? After all, it’s better to be the neighbor that everyone loves, rather than the grump that everyone dislikes! It doesn’t take a lot of effort to be friendly and greet people with a nice wave and a smile.
History of Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbors Day
People have been dealing with their neighbors since the dawn of days. It is difficult to get ahead in life if you can’t get ahead in your relationship with those who live around you. The creation of this seemingly silly day had a higher motive than to make you giggle. Think about how much stress is created when you are not happy in your home. When you can’t enjoy your space and you think that no matter what you do it will always be wrong there needs to be a way to get on the better side of things. This is it!
The creators of this day had the following to say about it:
“After all the challenges we and our neighbors have faced, it’s time to put it all aside for at least one day. Wave ‘hello’ to everybody, and mean it.”
Better neighborhood relations can add so much in everyone’s life. Lowered stress levels are better for your health. Being comfortable in your home can open you up to all sorts of positivity! They say that what you surround yourself with is a reflection of your mind. Therefore, if you want your home to be a sanctuary for you and your friends, start with peace between you and your neighbors.
How to celebrate Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbors Day
When you see a neighbor today, wave… yes, all those digits….and add a smile. If you are feeling particularly bold you could even utter “Hello!”. I know this might all be out of your comfort zone, but remember it is all about new beginnings! If your neighbor doesn’t fall over in shock, they might actually smile back!
Don’t be frightened if they approach with questions and a desire to talk with you for a short time. This is how it should be! Practice your small talk and you may even make a new friend! True success on this holiday would be for you and your neighbors to give each other a chance. Start over if there has been friction and maybe you will find you have more in common than where you live.
Do you think that this is a holiday that should only be held once a year? Maybe you could try to have an unofficial go at it every few months. There is nothing saying you can’t make every wave going forward any different than the one used today on Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbors Day! You never know, summer might find you seated at a neighbor’s poolside sipping a cold drink surrounded by other neighbors and having a great time! Give it a try!
Another way that you can celebrate Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day is by watching a film about neighbors. There are a lot of great movies out there that are based on the relationship between people that live next door. Examples include Arlington Road, As Good as It Gets, American Beauty, Neighbors, Hot Fuzz, Disturbia, Rear Window, and The ‘Burbs. You can get some snacks in and enjoy a night in front of the television. If you and your neighbor have a good relationship, you may decide to have a movie night together to pay tribute to Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day.
The main purpose of this day, though, is to promote being kind to one and other at all times. This usually starts with a greeting. By smiling at someone and saying “hello” to them, you can create a happy feeling in your local area. It does not take a lot to be nice to someone, and making an effort can go a very long way. In recent years, we don’t seem to be as close to our neighbors as we were in previous generations, so now is the time to change this.
After all, happy and positive communication helps communities to thrive. You should not underestimate the impact that this could have in your local area. Plus, what have you got to lose by saying hello to your neighbor and starting a conversation with them?
A lot of communities out there us this day as an opportunity for all of the neighbors to get together and boost the neighborhood spirit. Why not organize a street party and invite everyone on your estate? You can all contribute to the street party with some food and drinks. Combine this with some music and you have got everything you need to have a good party. This is the perfect way to strengthen the bond between you and your neighbors.
Finally, Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day is an opportunity for you to be a better neighbor. There are many different ways that you can become a better neighbor. One of the best things that you can do as a neighbor is to keep your place tidy. Yes, it is your home, and you are in your rights to keep it in any condition you wish. But isn’t it nice when the whole estate looks beautiful? By keeping the exterior of your home in good condition, you can keep a smile on your neighbors’ faces.
There are a number of other things that you can do in your quest to become a better neighbor. This includes partying responsibly and keeping the noise down. You may work from home or you may work part-time and so you see nothing wrong with blasting your music at 11 pm on a Tuesday night.
However, your neighbor may have to get up for work at 5 or 6 am the following morning, so why not listen to your music through headphones instead? Little things like this make a big difference when it comes to being a good neighbor. It is also important to obey parking laws. You probably have a designated parking space, so don’t use another person’s space unless you have asked them to.
This can be incredibly frustrating, and we are sure that you would not like it if someone kept doing this to you. Last but not least, make sure you handle problems in a mature manner. We all have problems in life, but it is how you handle them that matters. You are not going to agree with your neighbors all of the time, but it is important to try and come to a resolution in a mature way.
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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World Hello Day 
Greet everyone you meet with a friendly smile and wave and witness the power of communication to build bridges and bring about peace.
World Hello Day may sound extremely basic, as it encourages us to take the opportunity to simply greet people, and to recognize how important simple communication is in our daily lives. The story of how it came to be, however, is a long and interesting one.
History of World Hello Day
World Hello Day was first created in 1973 in order to show people, especially the people of the Middle East that conflicts can and should be resolved through communication, and not violence. The idea is that clear, honest communication breeds peace. In the 1970s, the conflict between Egypt and Israel was quite severe, and many people began to fear yet another huge war would end up coming of it.
World Hello Day was in fact created as a direct response to the Yom Kippur War that had just finished in October of 1973, during which thousands of both soldiers and innocent civilians were killed. Some soldiers had also been tortured and flat out executed.
The peace discussion at the end of the war was the first time that Arab and Israeli officials met for direct public discussion in 25 years. The concept of World Hello Day was created by Brian McCormack, a Ph.D. Graduate of Arizona State University, and Michael McCormack, a graduate of Harvard. Over the last 42 years since its creation, World Hello Day has been celebrated in 180 countries, as citizens of each of these countries take advantage of this time to express their concerns for world peace.
Thirty-one winners of the Nobel Peace Prize have stated that World Hello Day carries substantial value as an instrument for preserving peace, and as an occasion that makes it possible for anyone in the world, individual, organization or government, to contribute to the process of creating peace.
World Hello Day Timeline
1948 Israeli War of Independence/Palestinian Nakbah
As the British planned to withdraw from Palestine and the United Nations got involved with partitioning it into an Israeli section and an Arab section, conflicts broke out among the two people groups. The conflict lasted until 1949.
1967 Six Day War
Israel and Syria again find themselves in conflict for six days in June of this year.
October 1973 Yom Kippur War
Sometimes called the October War, this Arab-Israeli conflict was started by Egypt and Syria on October 6 and it lasted for 3 weeks. The war drew in other large world powers such as the United States and the Soviet Union.
1973 Inaugural World Hello Day
Americans Brian McCormack and his brother Michael were concerned about the conflicts in the Middle East, so they mailed letters to more than 1300 government leaders and press outlets to encourage their participation in World Hello Day and, ultimately, aim for peaceful communication.
1974 Second World Hello Day includes at least 15 countries
After so many letters were sent to government leaders and press outlets, the word began to spread and World Hello Day celebrated its second year, with at least 15 countries celebrating. In the four-plus decades since its initial celebration, World Hello Day has garnered the support of 180 countries.
1979 Peace treaty is signed
Israel and Egypt formally sign a peace treaty on March 26 to end the conflict between the two countries that has existed for more than 30 years.
1982 Lebanon War
Israelis and Palestinians again enter into conflict resulting in the bombing of Beirut and southern parts of Lebanon.
1992 High-ranking US military officer writes to founders
In a letter acknowledging the importance of World Hello Day, Colin Powell, the highest ranking military officer in the US at the time, wrote that the word hello “serves as a door through which to gain access to greater understanding among peoples and nations as we continue the quest for world peace”.
2016 Singer/songwriter K-Syran dedicates song to the day
In an effort to promote the day, Artist and Activist K-Syran performed and dedicated a special acoustic version of her song “Hello” to World Hello Day. The song was on the Billboard Top 40 for several months throughout the summer of this year.
How to Celebrate World Hello Day
Participating in World Hello Day is quite simple: all you have to do is say hello to at least 10 people during that one day. This is supposed to send a message of openness and goodwill to others, and the creators of the holiday hoped this small gesture alone would demonstrate how communication can be instrumental in resolving disputes and preventing conflicts.
If you would like to take this a step further, you could always think about a person in your life that is important to you, but that you have fallen out with over something that is perhaps not quite worth it. Time tends to be a great healer, so if enough time has passed from your conflict for you to be able to analyze the situation and all of its aspects, seeing your own faults and wrongdoings as well as those of the other party, maybe it’s time to put the conflict behind you?
Many people do not know how good it actually feels to admit you were in the wrong and say sorry—instead, they see such behavior as a display of weakness, when it is actually a display of strength and confidence. People also often make the mistake of thinking that the other person will lose respect for you if you apologize to them, and this too is incorrect. Most people will respect you more for being able to admit you were in the wrong than if you decide to stubbornly hold onto your convictions after being proven incorrect. It may seem a bit daunting at first, but if the person you’ve fought with is important enough to you, it will always be worth the struggle to make the first move and extend your hand to them in a gesture of peace.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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World Hello Day 
Greet everyone you meet with a friendly smile and wave and witness the power of communication to build bridges and bring about peace.
World Hello Day may sound extremely basic, as it encourages us to take the opportunity to simply greet people, and to recognize how important simple communication is in our daily lives. The story of how it came to be, however, is a long and interesting one.
History of World Hello Day
World Hello Day was first created in 1973 in order to show people, especially the people of the Middle East that conflicts can and should be resolved through communication, and not violence. The idea is that clear, honest communication breeds peace. In the 1970s, the conflict between Egypt and Israel was quite severe, and many people began to fear yet another huge war would end up coming of it.
World Hello Day was in fact created as a direct response to the Yom Kippur War that had just finished in October of 1973, during which thousands of both soldiers and innocent civilians were killed. Some soldiers had also been tortured and flat out executed.
The peace discussion at the end of the war was the first time that Arab and Israeli officials met for direct public discussion in 25 years. The concept of World Hello Day was created by Brian McCormack, a Ph.D. Graduate of Arizona State University, and Michael McCormack, a graduate of Harvard. Over the last 42 years since its creation, World Hello Day has been celebrated in 180 countries, as citizens of each of these countries take advantage of this time to express their concerns for world peace.
Thirty-one winners of the Nobel Peace Prize have stated that World Hello Day carries substantial value as an instrument for preserving peace, and as an occasion that makes it possible for anyone in the world, individual, organization or government, to contribute to the process of creating peace.
World Hello Day Timeline
1948 Israeli War of Independence/Palestinian Nakbah
As the British planned to withdraw from Palestine and the United Nations got involved with partitioning it into an Israeli section and an Arab section, conflicts broke out among the two people groups. The conflict lasted until 1949.
1967 Six Day War
Israel and Syria again find themselves in conflict for six days in June of this year.
October 1973 Yom Kippur War
Sometimes called the October War, this Arab-Israeli conflict was started by Egypt and Syria on October 6 and it lasted for 3 weeks. The war drew in other large world powers such as the United States and the Soviet Union.
1973 Inaugural World Hello Day
Americans Brian McCormack and his brother Michael were concerned about the conflicts in the Middle East, so they mailed letters to more than 1300 government leaders and press outlets to encourage their participation in World Hello Day and, ultimately, aim for peaceful communication.
1974 Second World Hello Day includes at least 15 countries
After so many letters were sent to government leaders and press outlets, the word began to spread and World Hello Day celebrated its second year, with at least 15 countries celebrating. In the four-plus decades since its initial celebration, World Hello Day has garnered the support of 180 countries.
1979 Peace treaty is signed
Israel and Egypt formally sign a peace treaty on March 26 to end the conflict between the two countries that has existed for more than 30 years.
1982 Lebanon War
Israelis and Palestinians again enter into conflict resulting in the bombing of Beirut and southern parts of Lebanon.
1992 High-ranking US military officer writes to founders
In a letter acknowledging the importance of World Hello Day, Colin Powell, the highest ranking military officer in the US at the time, wrote that the word hello “serves as a door through which to gain access to greater understanding among peoples and nations as we continue the quest for world peace”.
2016 Singer/songwriter K-Syran dedicates song to the day
In an effort to promote the day, Artist and Activist K-Syran performed and dedicated a special acoustic version of her song “Hello” to World Hello Day. The song was on the Billboard Top 40 for several months throughout the summer of this year.
How to Celebrate World Hello Day
Participating in World Hello Day is quite simple: all you have to do is say hello to at least 10 people during that one day. This is supposed to send a message of openness and goodwill to others, and the creators of the holiday hoped this small gesture alone would demonstrate how communication can be instrumental in resolving disputes and preventing conflicts.
If you would like to take this a step further, you could always think about a person in your life that is important to you, but that you have fallen out with over something that is perhaps not quite worth it. Time tends to be a great healer, so if enough time has passed from your conflict for you to be able to analyze the situation and all of its aspects, seeing your own faults and wrongdoings as well as those of the other party, maybe it’s time to put the conflict behind you?
Many people do not know how good it actually feels to admit you were in the wrong and say sorry—instead, they see such behavior as a display of weakness, when it is actually a display of strength and confidence. People also often make the mistake of thinking that the other person will lose respect for you if you apologize to them, and this too is incorrect. Most people will respect you more for being able to admit you were in the wrong than if you decide to stubbornly hold onto your convictions after being proven incorrect. It may seem a bit daunting at first, but if the person you’ve fought with is important enough to you, it will always be worth the struggle to make the first move and extend your hand to them in a gesture of peace.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Saxdalen, Sweden (No. 2)
Lake Väsman is a lake in Ludvika Municipality in Dalarna County of Sweden, in the Norrström main basin.
Lake Väsman is 53 metres (174 ft) deep, has an area of 39.1 square kilometres (15.1 sq mi) and is 154 metres (505 ft) above sea level. It is about 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) long in a southeasterly direction, with a width of 1.5 to 6 kilometres (0.93 to 3.73 mi).
In the past these was steamboat traffic on the lake.
There is a major iron ore deposit below the lake, estimated at 640 million tonnes. In 2011 the Nordic Iron Ore company said it would try to start mining.
Lake Väsman is included in the sub-basin called the outlet of Väsman. The average altitude is 209 metres (686 ft) above sea level and the area is 136.46 square kilometres (52.69 sq mi). Including the 53 catchment areas upstream, the accumulated area of the lake's basin is 1,147.86 square kilometres (443.19 sq mi). Kolbäcksån, which drains the catchment, collects water from three rivers before reaching the sea after 260 kilometres (160 mi). The catchment area consists mostly of forest (56%).
Source: Wikipedia
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Saxdalen, Sweden (No. 1)
Saxdalen is an urban area in Ludvika municipality,15 km west of Ludvika. Saxdalen is located on county road W 604 between Grängesberg and Sunnansjö. The village is located on lake Saxen and surrounded by three mountains: Saxberget in the south, Låsberget in the north and Stackarberget in the east.
The village is both elongated and extensive and is therefore divided into the village parts Norrbyn, Mellanbyn, Sörbyn and Nävbacken in the west and Malbacken in the east.
Source: Wikipedia
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Clouds (No. 264)
Väsman Lake, Sweden 
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Smile Power Day
Smile Power Day is the perfect excuse to shine your pearly whites and show off those dimples. And no, a smiley face or an emoticon won’t do! Not today, at least. The smile is a symbol of happiness and vitality, a beacon of hope and an expression of emotion. So just for today, drop the ‘:)’ texts and flash them a real smile. Go on….
What is in the power of a smile, one may ask. Well, when we smile we automatically trigger our own autonomic nervous system, which releases endorphins into our blood, to trigger a happy hormone. That being said, smiling at someone else, offers a chance for them too to feel that same happy hormone. It’s a win/win situation isn’t it? Start everyday with a smile and smile at strangers, it’s good for your immune system and it brings a little cheer to an otherwise possibly dismal day (especially Mondays ey?).
The history of Smile Power Day
Nobody knows who came up with the idea of dedicating a whole 24 hours to the involuntary contraction of the zygomatic major muscle, but one thing is certain: we’re the only creatures on the planet that can do it. Whether fate smiled upon you or not, you can always find a good reason to smile. So grin from ear to ear, look on the bright side and smile your troubles away, just like the great Dr. Seuss suggested: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” You may be wondering just exactly how smiling helps us mentally, but there are many reasons to suggest that it does.
We smile involuntarily, when thinking back on fond events, or of those we love, which is certainly a good reason to celebrate. If you’re needing some more reasons as to what makes smiling such a dandy little tool, you can soak up the following information: it makes you more attractive, so they say, smiling attracts the opposite sex and highlights both your personality and radiates warmth to others. Smiling is also contagious; the only time that something contagious is good for you – it encourages and promotes a happy and healthy atmosphere and brings a sense of community. So when you’re that person who starts a chain of smiles today, be proud knowing you have created a little bit of worldly joy!
Why is smiling so good for us?
Smiling lowers your blood pressure; now this is mostly due to the fact that smiling releases that happy hormone we spoke about before. It temporarily relieves stress, so smiling more frequently will put your body into a state of relaxation. This is the same for your health, yes, smiling can in fact be a pain reliever! Allowing your body to smile and release that tension could in fact help you and if you’re skeptical on this fact, then take a look at nitrous oxide, better known as ‘laughing gas’, which has been around for years, a practical and ingenious idea to help ease your pain, so there’s even more reason to start smiling now isn’t there?
How to celebrate Smile Power Day
If you want a little boost to your self confidence, let’s say you’re waiting on that impending job interview, you might want to smile to yourself beforehand. Smile in the mirror at yourself, a power smile instils a sense of confidence into you. Continue your power smile as you shake hands at the interview and continue with a sense of calmness and contentment. Smiling can and will make you look younger, forget about the laugh lines, the most troubling of all facial wrinkles is of course the frown lines which can make us look tired and withdrawn. Smiling allows you to work those facial muscles to keep them supple, practice it as part of your skincare routine and cut back on the botox bill, it’s not rocket science, it’s smiling! 😉
Smile Power Day will also make you question just how much you smile as well as who around you takes the time to smile too. Now, sitting there all day at your desk with a grin like a cheshire cat is not going to really have much impact, however, it should get a few laughs from your fellow co-workers! You’ll start to notice the effect it has on those around you when you bring a little bit of joy into the room.
Depression itself impacts just how much happiness we feel, and many psychologists and therapists will encourage the practice of mindfulness and smiling more, connecting and feeling a more internal peace with yourself. Smiling forms a bond and connection between two people; whether that’s when they say thank you to you for holding the door open, perhaps it’s a smile you both share at a checkout or in a queue, or from far away, but it’s undoubtedly a very intimate and special bond that should be celebrated more often!
Challenge yourself, not just on Smile Power Day but also on other days of the year, to smile at least once to yourself, to a stranger or to a family member. See the response it has and the connection it forms; especially if you take time to let the smile last a little longer than usual. Remember, we all need a bit of encouragement, sometimes!
Smile Power Day is connected to the act of kindness and giving and being able to appreciate the power, not just of a smile but of a gesture! What would the world be without a few gestures? Smile Power Day is meant to be shared with loved ones and friends alike. You can take them all out to a stand-up show, put together an organised smile-off, eat smiley-glazed cupcakes, drink some Smile Cocktails, and paint smileys everywhere because everyone and his brother loves them. Most importantly, when you crack a smile today, remember that it’s not Smile Power Day unless you can put a smile on someone else’s face, too.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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National Happiness Happens Day
Happiness is contagious, so if you’re happy, tell someone! If someone else is happy, listen to them! This is what Happiness Happens Day is all about.
Learn about Happiness Happens Day
Cheerfulness is what greases the axles of the world. Don’t go through life creaking.
Happiness Happens Day is all about having unlimited amounts of happiness. What more could you possibly want from a day? This is a day about sharing one’s happiness and bringing a lot of joy to other people’s lives. 
Happiness Happens Day encourages happiness throughout the full day. It is about recognizing every moment of pleasure, delight, and sheer joy. Don’t let these moments pass. After all, they are extra special! Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” We certainly agree with this!
Another element of the day is about not squashing other people’s happiness. If we are all honest, there have been moments whereby we are irritated by other people’s happiness. This could be simply because we are not having a very good day. It could be because their happiness reminds us of a moment in our lives whereby we were not happy. Whatever the reason, it can happen! Nevertheless, it is important to realize that our bad days do not give us the right to squash another person’s happiness. Instead, we should allow their happiness to make us feel that way. Their smile can make us smile, and the same goes in the other direction as well. If you notice someone else who is down, you can try to make them smile. 
History of Happiness Happens Day
Founded in 1999 under the name of “Admit You’re Happy Day” by the Secret Society of Happy People, Happiness Happens Day aims to spread the joy of being happy, and to persuade people to look on the brighter side of life.
The Secret Society of Happy People was founded in August of 1998. It is an organization that was created in order to celebrate happiness. The society encourages members to think about happiness in their daily life and recognize happy moments. They have two mottos. The first is  “Don’t Even Think of Raining on My Parade” and the second is “Happiness Happens,” which is what this day is all about.  
The Secret Society of Happy People believe that happiness is contagious, so all happy people should share their happiness with others. Other people should listen to happy news and they should be careful not to say anything that is negative. We live in a world today that is very negative and judgmental as a whole. A lot of people would agree that we have social media to blame for this. It has become the norm for us to pass comments on other people, including what they look like, what they are wearing, and so on! However, we have all heard our parents say that if we have not got anything nice to say, we should not say anything at all, and that’s an important part of Happiness Happens Day. 
There are a number of different goals that people should strive to achieve on Happiness Happens Day, as per the Secret Society of Happy People. This includes…
Not raining on other people’s parades
Listening to other people speak about their happiness
Recognizing and expressing happiness 
Most people tend to remember the negative and bad things that have happened to them, rather than the millions of good things that happen to people on a daily basis. If we focus more on the positive, we will be able to spread happiness. This is the message of Happiness Happens Day.
How to celebrate Happiness Happens Day
“Real happiness is not of temporary enjoyment, but is so interwoven with the future that it blesses for ever.”
There are so many different ways that you can celebrate Happiness Happens Day! It is all about being happy, and doing what makes you and others feel this way. This day encourages people to take stock of their lives and to do things and think about things that make them happy, so this is what you should aim to do on this day. Here are some suggestions…
Start off by thinking about what makes you happy, and do something nice for yourself. After all, they say that happiness starts at home, and this is certainly the case! You cannot make other people feel happy if you do not feel happy yourself.
You can also celebrate Happiness Happens Day by making other people feel happy. You can make someone else feel happy if you do something nice for them. This does not have to be a big, expensive gesture. There are small things that you can do for people that are going to make them feel just as happy and amazing. For example, you can send a greeting card to one of your friends to let them know that you are thinking about them. You could also give money to charity or volunteer some of your time. You could buy a warm drink and food for someone who is homeless. There is a never-ending list of the different things that you can do in order to make people feel happy!
Aside from the suggestions that we have already mentioned, another way to celebrate Happiness Happens Day is by reading happy and positive news. There are happy and positive things that are going on all around the world every day. However, you would not think that this is the case if you were to turn on the news. After all, a lot of the media is incredibly negative! Why not spread positive news stories instead? Use your blogs and social media platforms in order to spread information about positive news stories and happy things that are going on all around the world. Think about what makes people happy (cat videos often do the trick!) and you can spread this joy across the Internet. Little things like this can put a smile on another person’s face, and if you do this, you have achieved your mission for Happiness Happens Day.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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International Women’s Day
Mother, sisters, wives, girlfriends and fiancees…what would we ever do without them? Nobody can honestly say we don’t owe an enormous amount to the women in our lives, from the mothers who made us chicken soup when we were sick as children, to the sisters who helped us decide what to wear on our first date, to the wives who somehow manage to juggle both a career and a family, never missing a beat. Women’s Day is all about celebrating these incredible people and showing them how much we love, respect and value them. This holiday is perhaps especially important in parts of the world where women are still forced to deal with shocking inequality on a daily basis and is meant to raise awareness of the challenges and struggles faced by these women. Women’s Day celebrates women’s history, highlighting key events, milestones and achievements, and aims to further promote and raise awareness of women’s rights and to achieve equal opportunity status in all walks of life.
The History of Women’s Day
It may come as a rather sad surprise that Women’s Day was first celebrated on February 28th, 1909 in New York. Two years later, German socialist Luise Zietz proposed that the holiday become an annually observed one that would celebrate various women’s issues, such as suffrage, so as to promote equal rights for women. The first few Women’s Days were celebrated in a quite different fashion than they are nowadays, with hundreds of demonstrations taking place in Europe. During these demonstrations, women demanded they finally be given both the right to vote and to hold public office. Employment sex discrimination was also an important issue. In 1917, the Women’s Day demonstrations in Saint Petersburg, Russia, helped initiate the February Revolution, when women marched through the city demanding an end to World War I. This shocked even Leon Trotsky, who, much like other Russian leaders of the day, did not expect the Women’s Day protests to cause that much of a stir. Until 1977, Women’s Day was celebrated mainly in socialist countries. It was only after the United Nations General Assembly’s decision to proclaim March 8th International Women’s Day that the holiday gained worldwide popularity.
How to Celebrate Women’s Day
There are many ways that you can go about celebrating this holiday, but all of them have a similar goal: to raise awareness about the struggles of women the world over and honor their achievements. Of course, not all achievements are huge, worldwide game-changers like women finally obtaining the right to vote—there are all sorts of other, smaller feats that women you know manage on an everyday basis that you may not pay too much attention to until you try calming 2 crying toddlers, making dinner and explaining the particulars of a newly-acquired client to your boss over the phone at the same time. This may sound ridiculously hard to pull off, but this is something thousands of women pull off every day, something that should be deeply appreciated and something that nobody should take for granted. Grand gestures aren’t necessarily required to show appreciation, either—sometimes a simple “thank you, I have no idea how you do it” is enough to lift an overworked woman’s spirits. If you’d like to do something more, though, there is a virtually endless amount of things you can do to help improve women’s lives the world. You can attend one of the 1000+ events organized globally where you can learn about what women’s lives are like in different countries and make a donation to the event you attend. Reading books is also a great way of broadening your horizons, and biographies of women like fearless Somalian women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali will definitely open your eyes and inspire you to see women’s lives and problems completely differently.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Clouds (No. 263)
Stora Malingen, Sweden (eight pics)
Väsman Lake, Sweden (two pics)
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Good Hair Day
Don’t you wish every day was a good hair day? Well, cult haircare brand GHD has been working hard to make sure that happens. Now they’ve taken it one step further by dedicating a day to making women feel fabulous and empowered, with Good Hair Day taking place every March. March is a great month to celebrate being a woman, with International Women’s Day also taking place on the 8th of March.
Good Hair Day is a day to make the most of one of your best assets, your hair. When your hair looks and feels good, it provides an instant confidence boost, which many people could do with on a daily basis.
A day for all women, no matter what their hair type and where they are, Good Hair Day is an exciting opportunity to celebrate the empowerment of women, and have a little fun too.
History of Good Hair Day
In 2001, three entrepreneurs from Yorkshire put a radical new hair styling product into the hands of women across the globe. With the respect and loyalty of an army of devoted stylists, ghd quickly developed a cult-like status nationwide.
Good Hair Day is a recent initiative created by hair tool brand GHD (a.k.a, Good Hair Day – see what they did there?). It’s a day to celebrate being a woman and helping women everywhere feel good about themselves.
Good Hair Day is a new day created to help women feel great about themselves. While all women should feel special and proud every day, Good Hair Day is the perfect reminder, especially if things haven’t been so great lately. Alongside International Women’s Day, having Good Hair Day in March gives several opportunities for women to celebrate themselves, and each other.
We all know that when your hair looks good, you feel good too – a reason why so many women treat themselves to a new hairstyle when they’re not feeling great. A good hair day can leave you feeling ready for anything, helping you to take on the world. By dedicating a day to good hair, everyone gets the chance to celebrate themselves.
How to celebrate Good Hair Day
A good hair day can make you feel empowered, confident and your best, brightest self. The best way to celebrate Good Hair Day is to do something to treat yourself and help you have a great day. There are several ways to get involved, meaning everyone can take part in marking this special day.
No matter what your hair type or length, you can get involved in Good Hair Day. Getting involved can be as simple as using a new shampoo that leaves your hair smelling great! There are some wonderful products out there that can make a big difference to hair, and a beautiful new fragrance can certainly put a spring in your step.
Why not treat yourself to a hair mask to give your hair an extra bit of TLC? A hair mask can fight frizz, add moisture, repair damage and also leave your hair looking and feeling amazing. As an ideal pamper treat, a hair mask could be a great way to celebrate Good Hair Day.
Another fun way to get involved could be to organize a hair competition in your workplace, college or anywhere else where you’d like to celebrate some female empowerment. It doesn’t have to be a real competition if you don’t want it to be – just an excuse for everyone to get a bit dressed up and feel their best for the day. You could even ask everyone to make a small donation to charity as a way for everyone to help others at the same time.
Booking a visit to the salon is another fantastic way to get involved in Good Hair Day. Nothing feels better than a fresh ‘do, so why not take the opportunity to have yours done on Good Hair Day? A simple blow-dry can also make a difference to how your hair looks, so a little treat could go a long way. You don’t need to have a big event planned to get your hair done, a bouncy blow-dry is ideal on any day!
Of course, you could also treat someone else this Good Hair Day. If you know someone who deserves a treat, why not book them a visit to the salon or buy them some pampering hair treats? A simple gesture can go a long way to make someone’s day, especially if they’ve been having a tough time lately.
A relaxing spa treatment could also be on the cards this Good Hair Day. An Indian Head Massage is the ideal way to relax, and you could even give yourself a massage at home as a Good Hair Day treat. A head massage can stimulate the hair follicles, promoting health and growth, making a regular head massage a must for your haircare routine.
You can also get involved via social media, sharing photos of your hair or sharing your top hair care tips. Whether you love to share photos on Instagram, join the conversation on Twitter or connect with family and friends on Facebook, you can get involved across any or all of your social media accounts. Use the hashtag #GoodHairDay and spread the word for others to get involved too!
Good Hair Day is the perfect opportunity to do something different with your hair. Try out a new style or a new accessory and see if it could brighten your day. Why not try that hair care tip you’ve been reading about lately? Taking that little bit of extra time to pamper yourself in the morning will help you feel extra special, helping to lift your spirits and feel amazing that day. Who knows, it could even start some great new habits to make every day a Good Hair Day?
Good Hair Day is a fun opportunity to celebrate the best of women and take some time to celebrate yourself. It’s possible to get involved in even the smallest ways, doing what makes you feel great about yourself. No matter how you choose to get involved, take the chance to enjoy Good Hair Day and feel amazing both inside and out.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years
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National Hair Day
When the clothes don’t fit, or you’re running late, it’s always nice to know your hair looks great. On October 1, National Hair Day gives the nod to all the styles, products, tools and people who keep our hair healthy and looking its best.
Whether we are seeking a new cut or we’ve found the perfect one, we want to keep it looking as fresh as it was when we left the salon. The right styling tools and hair care products go a long way toward maintaining a healthy, luxurious hairstyle.
From fine and thin to thick and course, there are products out there to curl, straighten, repair, lift, enrich, volumize, moisturize, restore, hold and sculpt! Creating unique hairstyles is an art form and health regime, too.
On National Hair Day put your best style forward.  Let no wind, no storm hold you back!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Jewel Day
It’s a well-known truth that jewels and diamonds are a girl’s best friend. One truly can’t go wrong gifting jewels for a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary. Ornaments are also an excellent way to dress up an outfit and help boost one’s self-confidence.
Jewels are sparkly and attractive and fun to wear all year-round. Anyone would be lucky to receive a brand new jewel to show off to friends and family. It’s all about celebrating the makers, the jewelers, and the actual pieces that have and will continue to delight customers regularly. The day encourages people not only to wear and enjoy their jewels but to take a moment to appreciate the artisans who work hard and diligently to create these beautiful gems.
Learn about National Jewel Day
National Jewel Day is the perfect opportunity to pull out old pieces or to purchase new ones to give to someone else. It’s not just about the beauty of the jewels but also the creative makers who produce these striking items. The purpose of the day is to come together to commemorate these unique pieces that are shiny, blingy, and sparkly and can help enhance one’s outfit and style any day of the week.
One of the hardest substances known to man is a diamond. The word diamond comes from the Greek word invincible, which is very fitting. National Jewel Day is an excellent way to highlight makers and designers who work hard to please their customers. It’s essential to admire their talent and ability to come up with custom solutions and options for each person who shops with them.
Most jewelers offer a wide variety of gemstones and can please even the pickiest of customers. These artisans are talented and crafty and deserve some recognition when it comes to all their creativity and abilities. Not only do artisans make jewelry and work with clients to design pieces made for them, but they also know how to repair and clean jewels so that they look brand new again.
History of National Jewel Day
The word jewel originates from the Medieval Latin word jocale, which means plaything or pastime. One can define a jewel as a gemstone, or precious or semi-precious and natural or man-made. Also, for ornaments made from these gemstones. People have been wearing jewels for centuries, and many view them as a way to reflect one’s status in society. Ornaments of all shapes and sizes have been, and today people wear them for both functional and decorative purposes. While the origins of National Jewel Day are unknown, many people acknowledge and celebrate this special day annually. One historical fact that should be touched on is that one can purchase birthstones by month and personalize a gift based on this idea. See the information below for more details.
Birthstones by Month
January – Garnet
February – Amethyst
March – Aquamarine
April – Diamond
May – Emerald
June – Pearl
July – Ruby
August – Peridot
September – Sapphire
October – Opal
November – Yellow Topaz, Citrine
December – Tanzanite, Zircon, Blue Topaz
How to Celebrate National Jewel Day
There are many ways for how a person can celebrate and participate in National Jewel Day. It’s a chance for anyone who’s been eyeing up a piece of jewelry to indulge and treat oneself to a special gift.
On the other hand, a shopper may want to purchase a jewel or gemstone for someone they care about deeply. A person may want to save up his or her money over the year so that when this day rolls around, he or she can make a purchase and call the pieces their own or gift it to someone special. It’s also fun to exchange handmade jewelry with friends and family members or use the day as a chance to polish and take care of one’s personal jewels. Get together and observe each other’s jewels and share about why each piece is important to the person and reasons why that’s the case. Pull out all the favorites and wear them on National Jewel Day.
One should take advantage of the day as a way to celebrate and take pride in the jewels that a person has collected over the years. Someone looking to celebrate National Jewel Day should plan ahead and schedule a dinner or outing with family or friends to show off some of the most precious jewels one can find in their home that they own. Those celebrating the day may want to take pictures and post these images with a hashtag on social media to help spread the word.
Another way to celebrate jewel day is to take the time to learn more about jewels from a range of historical time periods and about what different cultures are wearing and making. Sign up for a jewelry-making class to get a better feel of what it’s like to be a creator and inventor of jewels. It’s a chance to expand one’s knowledge and education around the topic and better understand the importance and significance of jewels. It’ll help to make one appreciate these items even more and may give a person ideas about what jewelry they may want to own next.  
Many people look forward to celebrating National Jewel Day, and it’s no wonder why given how much fun and how enjoyable it is to appreciate and shop for diamonds and gemstones. Anyone will take pleasure in the act of going through one’s jewels and remembering who they’re from and reasons why they’re so special and meaningful.
No one should let this day pass by without acknowledging the beauties one has in their jewelry drawer or case or going out and buying a new jewel to gift to someone they care about in their life. Presenting someone with new jewels is an excellent way to make their day and bring a smile to their face. It’s never too early to begin scoping out what’s popular and selling in the stores and online and going through one’s inventory at home to figure out what to buy when National Jewel Day arrives.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day
Are you the friendly one in your neighborhood or are you more the crank? Well, today it doesn’t matter as this is the day that is all about fresh beginnings. It’s Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbors Day! Don’t laugh, this is a real holiday…really!
Instead of getting…or giving… that one-fingered wave as you walk by to get in the car, today open that hand and wiggle all your fingers as you wave. You may just be surprised at the result. You might even get a new beginning!
Learn about Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day
Now, we’re not sure that we know many people who wave at their neighbors only using three of their fingers, do you? Anything fewer and it may not be a wave at all! Although the name of this date could be a little bit on the confusing side, Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day simply means that you should wave at your neighbors and that you should do it in a pleasant and friendly way. So, if you’re someone who has give your neighbor the finger before because they have annoyed you, on this date you can try to wave in a friendly manner instead. Sounds easy enough, right?
Well, we know that not everyone reading this is going to have enjoyed a pleasant relationship with their neighbor. We have all heard stories about neighbors from hell! If you feel that your neighbor falls into this category, you may not want to wave at him or her in a friendly manner. However, taking the high road, even if it is just for one day, can feel better than you may expect. Plus, simply seeing the shock on your neighbor’s face because of your unexpected kindness can make it worth it.
Plus, one thing that we can all agree on is that we could all do with a little bit more kindness in the world, and that is what this day is all about. Enthusiastic greetings and genuine happiness to see another person can make them feel great about themselves and start off their day in the best possible way. Isn’t it nice to be this positive influence on another person? After all, it’s better to be the neighbor that everyone loves, rather than the grump that everyone dislikes! It doesn’t take a lot of effort to be friendly and greet people with a nice wave and a smile.
History of Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbors Day
People have been dealing with their neighbors since the dawn of days. It is difficult to get ahead in life if you can’t get ahead in your relationship with those who live around you. The creation of this seemingly silly day had a higher motive than to make you giggle. Think about how much stress is created when you are not happy in your home. When you can’t enjoy your space and you think that no matter what you do it will always be wrong there needs to be a way to get on the better side of things. This is it!
The creators of this day had the following to say about it:
“After all the challenges we and our neighbors have faced, it’s time to put it all aside for at least one day. Wave ‘hello’ to everybody, and mean it.”
Better neighborhood relations can add so much in everyone’s life. Lowered stress levels are better for your health. Being comfortable in your home can open you up to all sorts of positivity! They say that what you surround yourself with is a reflection of your mind. Therefore, if you want your home to be a sanctuary for you and your friends, start with peace between you and your neighbors.
How to celebrate Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbors Day
When you see a neighbor today, wave… yes, all those digits….and add a smile. If you are feeling particularly bold you could even utter “Hello!”. I know this might all be out of your comfort zone, but remember it is all about new beginnings! If your neighbor doesn’t fall over in shock, they might actually smile back!
Don’t be frightened if they approach with questions and a desire to talk with you for a short time. This is how it should be! Practice your small talk and you may even make a new friend! True success on this holiday would be for you and your neighbors to give each other a chance. Start over if there has been friction and maybe you will find you have more in common than where you live.
Do you think that this is a holiday that should only be held once a year? Maybe you could try to have an unofficial go at it every few months. There is nothing saying you can’t make every wave going forward any different than the one used today on Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbors Day! You never know, summer might find you seated at a neighbor’s poolside sipping a cold drink surrounded by other neighbors and having a great time! Give it a try!
Another way that you can celebrate Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day is by watching a film about neighbors. There are a lot of great movies out there that are based on the relationship between people that live next door. Examples include Arlington Road, As Good as It Gets, American Beauty, Neighbors, Hot Fuzz, Disturbia, Rear Window, and The ‘Burbs. You can get some snacks in and enjoy a night in front of the television. If you and your neighbor have a good relationship, you may decide to have a movie night together to pay tribute to Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day.
The main purpose of this day, though, is to promote being kind to one and other at all times. This usually starts with a greeting. By smiling at someone and saying “hello” to them, you can create a happy feeling in your local area. It does not take a lot to be nice to someone, and making an effort can go a very long way. In recent years, we don’t seem to be as close to our neighbors as we were in previous generations, so now is the time to change this.
After all, happy and positive communication helps communities to thrive. You should not underestimate the impact that this could have in your local area. Plus, what have you got to lose by saying hello to your neighbor and starting a conversation with them?
A lot of communities out there us this day as an opportunity for all of the neighbors to get together and boost the neighborhood spirit. Why not organize a street party and invite everyone on your estate? You can all contribute to the street party with some food and drinks. Combine this with some music and you have got everything you need to have a good party. This is the perfect way to strengthen the bond between you and your neighbors.
Finally, Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day is an opportunity for you to be a better neighbor. There are many different ways that you can become a better neighbor. One of the best things that you can do as a neighbor is to keep your place tidy. Yes, it is your home, and you are in your rights to keep it in any condition you wish. But isn’t it nice when the whole estate looks beautiful? By keeping the exterior of your home in good condition, you can keep a smile on your neighbors’ faces.
There are a number of other things that you can do in your quest to become a better neighbor. This includes partying responsibly and keeping the noise down. You may work from home or you may work part-time and so you see nothing wrong with blasting your music at 11 pm on a Tuesday night.
However, your neighbor may have to get up for work at 5 or 6 am the following morning, so why not listen to your music through headphones instead? Little things like this make a big difference when it comes to being a good neighbor. It is also important to obey parking laws. You probably have a designated parking space, so don’t use another person’s space unless you have asked them to.
This can be incredibly frustrating, and we are sure that you would not like it if someone kept doing this to you. Last but not least, make sure you handle problems in a mature manner. We all have problems in life, but it is how you handle them that matters. You are not going to agree with your neighbors all of the time, but it is important to try and come to a resolution in a mature way.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Saxdalen, Sweden (No. 3)
Dalarna County is a county or län in middle Sweden (Svealand). It borders the counties of Uppsala, Jämtland, Gävleborg, Västmanland, Örebro and Värmland. It is also bordered by the Norwegian counties of Hedmark and Trøndelag in the west. Its former name was Kopparberg County (Swedish: Kopparbergs län) until it was changed to the name of the provincial region on 1 January 1997.
The term Dalarna County is mainly used for administrative purposes, being further subdivided into municipalities (kommuner). Dalarna County virtually encompasses the historical province Dalarna (literally, "the valleys"), that deals with history and culture of the area. The widespread and often sparsely populated wilderness areas combine to make Dalarna almost as large as Belgium in terms of land area.
In older times, Dalarna was periodically part of the territory ruled by the governor of Västerås Castle. The 1634 Instrument of Government led to the creation of a county covering Dalarna with its own County Governor. The Kopparbergs län (literally Copper Mountain County) was finally created by royal decree in 1647. In 1997, the name of the county was changed to Dalarna County.
Source: Wikipedia
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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National Piercing Day
Make National Piercing Day your favourite day of the year by marking May 16th as the day you get that awesome new body modification you’ve have your eye on for a while.
You can make your own fun on this day, getting your friends together and doing a video about your love of piercings or you can all go en masse for a night of piercing celebrations and getting yourself some excellent new accessories. However you wish to spend National Piercing day, make sure you wear your body modifications loud and proud so everyone can see what an alternative style you have!
Whilst it’s not an officially recognised holiday, there are still many ways you can create your own piercing celebrations for National Piercing Day.
Support your favourite piercing store by getting a brand new piercing or some cool new body jewellery
See if any piercing companies online or offline do any special deals relating to this piercing event.
Write about National Piercing Day and your love of piercings ANYWHERE! This can be a personal blog or write to your fave magazine and get the word out!
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