#Science rules: Kowalski
kcwalski · 3 months
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as studied by dan / sideblog to @lunaoritur
rules | about | memes | opens | interest tracker
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multi-madagascar · 4 years
Muse as a Cup of Tea
For Kowalski:
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Tagged by: Stole from my other rp blog.
Tagging: Anyone who wants to~
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sockatine · 5 years
(@multi-madagascar )
It was almost a month since they first met and Cali's amnesia was restored. And, to get out of having to take a life science class and sit at a desk for another hour or so out of the day, she got a little internship at the zoo. Which meant she could go see Kowalski pretty much everyday, and be on hand when needed. Right now, she'd again gone under the enclosure to assist Kowalski in another one of his experiments. Her only issue was that she couldn't get another internship working with him, but experience is experience and friends are friends. "All set, now?"
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dolls-self-ships · 4 years
Groupchat with me and the Penguins headcanons
* First, I would need to teach them all how to read, write, and text
* After that excruciatingly long process, we all have a vote on what our gc name should be
* Skipper wanted smthn professional but cool, something James Bond would pick
* Kowalski wanted a punny name bc he’s a huge dork
* Rico just wanted it to be an amalgamation of emojis and symbols bc that’s his favourite keyboard mode. No structure only chaos
* Private wanted something cute and sweet like “best friends gc” with little unicorn emojis
* I suggested “Penguin Frat House HQ” and they all immediately loved it
* We all have private phones w their own data/wifi specially crafted by Kowalski bc Skipper is not abt to put himself on the grid no fucking thank you
* They all utilize the chat VERY differently
* Skipper is like a mom when it comes to figuring out technology. “How do I hold this thing?” “Where’s the on button?” “Why is private sending me little faces?” He holds it far away from his face and then really close as he types awkwardly slow
* Soon figures out he needs reading glasses
* Private love love loves those heart and ‘love and affection’ memes and he sends them frequently, the guys refuse to admit that they’re always a little touched by them even if they do show up after every three text messages
* also 💕❤️🦄😫uses 😍💕😛✨a lot😸 🥰🤩😵💋of unnecessary 👅 🐡💕emojis 😤🐬🥺❤️😘
* everyone’s like “private wtf does cheese grater, dancing lady and strand of DNA mean?”
* “idk I just thought they looked cute”
* Rico is all about those cursed emoji reaction photos and obscure Instagram memes with the colour fonts over photos of sonic the hedgehog or Mario
* He’s definitely broken his phone multiple times bc careful isn’t in his vocabulary
* I use those twitter stan reaction photos of girls sipping tea and comically warped/exaggerated expressions
* Kowalski is the 3am meme and science pun supplier
* queue Kowalski snorting at his own joke and us yelling at him to go to fucking sleep
* He also will find any excuse to bring trivia into the conversation, we could be talking about literally anything and he’d suddenly text “you know fun fact about (insert topic of discussion here) and it will always be followed by actually several facts. whether they’re fun or not is up for debate
* Skipper only uses the chat for business reasons and doesn’t even type in multiple sentences. Just singular statements like “meeting at 5.” “Training at 11.”
* I know they usually exclude me unless he mentions “you too, Cass.”
* He’s also a bit of a dad and will occasionally check up on me and the guys. “Cassandra, are you studying?” “Private, make sure you have something healthy after all that candy. There’s fish in the fridge.” “Kowalski, go to bed.” “Rico, no explosives in the house.” Cute stuff like that.
* even though I taught them all how to type, internet lingo still alludes them
* they don’t understand how me smashing down on the key board equates to laughing
* “it’s MORE than laughing though. It’s like the chaotic feelings you get when you see something that makes you go !!!”
* they’re all like “hi yeah what the FUCK does that mean”
* Kowalski specifically doesn’t get internet lingo because it goes against everything he learned about grammar. Like why would you make all these language rules just to break them?????
* Whenever he uses acronyms like “lol” or “wtf” he HAS to and I mean has to put them in all caps and use proper punctuation by putting the periods in between each letter. If not he will go insane
* Rico picked up using multiple exclamation points and question marks in unnecessary places from me
* Private will send little messages at random saying things like “just a reminder that I Iove you all ❤️” and “remember to drink some water 🤗” because he’s fuckin babey
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gwens-fiction · 4 years
WIPful Beginnings
Tagged by: @writingrosesonneptune
Rules: Give a brief description of the beginning of up to 3 of your WIPs or recent works, and tag 6 people.
Hidden Earth Chronicles: Local Necromancer Vasco has just returned home to find his beloved wife missing. He tries getting help but everyone tells him she must have left him and to get over it, but he knows his Estella too well for that to be the case.
[Or at least that’s the plans for the beginning when I re-write it because I do not like the version I had already started.]
Obscure Science: Nasa experimental physicist and engineer Dr. Darwin Rose was just fired when his now ex girlfriend exposed how he had been using excess funds towards his own experimental project. He returns to his nearly empty apartment and finds a mysterious envelope.
A Scientific Match: A Penguins of Madagascar fanfic: Kowalski, a penguin scientist, has tried again to build his Love-u-Lator invention. After a few scans of nothing, the device suggests a potential soul-mate match in New Jersey. He chooses to follow the device to see if his device is working properly (and potentially find himself some romance).
Tagging: @insert-meaningful-username @somealienquill @smokedstorybara @marewriteblr @dgwriteblr @hell-yeah-fantasy
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rabbirami · 4 years
I have a soft spot for doctors. In fact, I’m inclined to listen attentively to and take very seriously what anyone wearing a white lab coat has to say. That’s why I was troubled when President Trump seemed to have dumped Dr. Anthony Fauci from his A-Team of Covid-19 fighters. But, as the proverb says, when God closes a door, he opens a window. Enter Dr. Stella Immanuel.
Dr. Immanuel is a Texas MD and wears a white lab coat, so she already has my vote. Sure, she backs hydroxychloroquine as a cure for coronavirus, so she isn’t my new Anthony Fauci, but she soothed my anxiety when she told me Jesus would destroy Facebook’s servers in retaliation for the platform removing a video in which she touts hydroxychloroquine. Go Jesus! I hate Facebook.
But wait! There’s more!
How can you not love a doctor so cutting edge that she believes various gynecological problems are caused by women having sex with demons and witches while they (the people, not the demons and witches) sleep? Having sex with demons has been a part of Jewish teaching since the middle ages. How great to have a doctor in the 21st Century promote the old time science of the 13th Century.
And if demons aren’t enough to get you jazzed, Dr. Stella revealed that physicians are using alien DNA to treat people. Alien DNA! How cool is that!?! This isn’t a bad thing. We are planetary creatures and if our distant cousins on some alien world can help cure us, why not? Join the Collective. Resistance is futile.
It is true that some fault the good Doctor for promoting the idea that we are being ruled by human­–reptile hybrids, but I see no reason to doubt this, and it explains the cold heartedness and lack of empathy I see among so many politicians around the world. Is it so hard to believe that those politicians with whom you disagree aren’t really human? It isn’t for me.
Nor am I put off by her revelation that “they” (I don’t know who they are) have found the gene that makes people religious and are developing a vaccine to free us from the disease of religion. Honestly, I’d volunteer for the human trials.
The only thing that bothers me about Dr. Stella Immanuel is her claim that the Magic 8–Ball is part of a scheme to get kids hooked on witchcraft. Come on, Doc. The Magic 8–Ball? I love that thing and refer to it regularly when making major decisions. In fact, I used the Magic 8–Ball to determine whether I should post this essay. The answer was “Ask again later.” I did and what do you know, my Magic 8–Ball said “Yes”.
*If you don’t get the title reference, see Stella and Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams’ play “A Streetcar Named Desire”. 
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 15 May 2019
Quick Bits:
Age of X-Man: Next Gen #4 hurtles towards the end as Glob, Armor, and Rockslide attempt to track down Anole before he does something stupid. Everything’s really starting to fall together in these minis as the lie of the world starts to unravel. It’s also interesting how Ed Brisson portrays the cultists fighting back against the “no love” edict as just as deluded and indoctrinated by X-Man’s change of reality.
| Published by Marvel
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Aquaman #48 begins Arthur’s quest to recover his past in the first part of “Mother Shark”, with one hell of a twist for an ending cliffhanger. The high level of the quality of art on this series continues as Viktor Bogdanovic and his Greg Capullo-inspired style (with Jonathan Glapion and Daniel Henriques providing additional inks) join Kelly Sue DeConnick, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles.
| Published by DC Comics
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Batman #71 is part two of “The Fall and the Fallen” from Tom King, Mikel Janín, Jorge Fornés, Jordie Bellaire, and Clayton Cowles. With the heavy reliance on dream sequences and simulations lately, it certainly makes me wonder who’s gaslighting who, whether anything in the story is real or if King is just playing us. Great art, though.
| Published by DC Comics
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Bloodborne #12 concludes “A Song of Crows” from Aleš Kot, Piotr Kowalski, Brad Simpson, and Aditya Bidikar. This arc has been even more surreal than the first, embracing that odd mix of depression and existentialism that seems to permeate the franchise. This is going to take a few more readings to really sink in.
| Published by Titan
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Calamity Kate #3 gives us a look into the disastrous relationship between Kate and Sandra. Though the accuracy of events might be a bit nebulous, given some missing time and an appearance that not everything is happening as we see it, this paints Sandra as a particularly resentful, hateful person. Also, another clue in Kate’s rival. Great action art from Corin Howell and Valentina Pinto, with an interestingly designed tentacle monster.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Daredevil #5 is the gut punch. As great as everything that Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles have delivered in the first four issues (and seriously it’s some of the best Daredevil since Miller and Mazzucchelli), this one tops it. A reckless, dangerous Daredevil, a hazard to himself and everyone around him, having it dawn on him what he’s been doing. And all of the Catholic guilt, shame, and judgement, not just on himself, but on the revelation that he’s seemingly oblivious that all of his friends have also been in his situation.
| Published by Marvel
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Fairlady #2 is another great issue from Brian Schirmer, Claudia Balboni, Marissa Louise, and David Bowman. The blend of fantasy and police procedural is seamless, presenting a completely believable world, building up bits of supporting characters and elaborating on the setting as the story unfolds. Also a great shift into a kind of storybook art style from Balboni and Louise during one of the flashback sequences.
| Published by Image
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Guardians of the Galaxy #5 sees the other shoe drop. Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, David Curiel, and Cory Petit deliver an excellent set-up for the finale of the “Final Gauntlet” here as Hela makes her move and we find out what the game actually was. Also, more hints about Rocket that don’t seem pleasant.
| Published by Marvel
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Immortal Hulk #17 goes hard for thriller first before leaning back into horror as Bushwacker stalks Banner through the “abandoned” lab. Very interesting new “rules” that Al Ewing is laying out as what makes up a Hulk keeps consistently changing.
| Published by Marvel
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Joe Golem: Occult Detective - The Conjurors #1 picks up with our dead hero being nibbled by fish, and it’s just downhill from there for Molly, Simon Church, and all of existence due to Dr. Cocteau’s meddling. Great art from Peter Bergting and Michelle Madsen.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Justice League #24 is the penultimate chapter of “The Sixth Dimension” and amidst the dire situations, heroic sacrifices, and stunning betrayals, there’s a great opening sequence about the little disappointments that Superman feels when he lets someone down. It’s like Catholic guilt amplified immensely, but it raises some interesting questions about how superheroes deal with depression. Or not deal with it, as it were. Great work from Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez, Alejandro Sánchez, and Tom Napolitano.
| Published by DC Comics
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Little Bird #3 is another incredible instalment in this story, with some interesting revelations about Little Bird and Gabriel, from Darcy Van Poelgeest, Ian Bertram, Matt Hollingsworth, and Aditya Bidikar. The artwork from Bertram and Hollingsworth is mind-bendingly awesome.
| Published by Image
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Livewire #6 continues the PSEP arc from Vita Ayala, Kano, and Saida Temofonte as Amanda discovers more about the organization and gets introduced firsthand to the academy bully enforcer. The art from Kano, from the characters through the layouts, is next level.
| Published by Valiant
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Naomi #5 explains everything. Mostly. Sure, there are still questions, and there’s likely a huge battle coming for the final issue, but we get a full-fledged explanation as Naomi tells her newly-learned origin story to Annabelle. And it’s brilliant. Wonderful parallels to other tales and a hint at implications for the DC Universe as a whole. Also, drop dead gorgeous artwork. Seriously some of the best ever to grace the comics page. Brian Michael Bendis, David F. Walker, Jamal Campbell, and Wes Abbott provide another excellent issue here. Highly, highly recommended.
| Published by DC Comics / Wonder Comics
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Oblivion Song #15 is one hell of a page turner. Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Annalisa Leoni, and Rus Wooton barely give us a chance to breathe in this one as the Faceless Men attack, both those who’ve chosen to stay in Oblivion and the exploration teams jaunting back and forth from Earth. Great tension.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Pearl #9 is another visually stunning issue from Michael Gaydos. Seriously just look at this beauty.
| Published by DC Comics / Jinxworld
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Sabrina the Teenage Witch #2 throws even more chaos Sabrina’s way as it seems like everything in Greendale is something supernatural or paranormal or straight out of weird science. Kelly Thompson is delivering some great humour, while the art from Veronica and Andy Fish remains perfect for anything and everything in Archie’s world.
| Published by Archie
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Superman #11 swings back around to Zod after Superman unceremoniously left him being beaten by Rogol Zaar as this arm of “The Unity Saga” continues, delving further into the battle consuming Jor-El at the moment, but not really explaining anything. This is chaos, but it looks pretty.
| Published by DC Comics
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #3 is worth it just for the glorious artwork from Mateus Santolouco and Marcelo Costa. The monster designs are incredible and the red, surreal glow of the colours just give life to the strange and deadly nature of this hellscape. 
| Published by IDW
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Transformers #5 suggests that there’s a whole lot more going on under the surface of Cybertron and the mystery of the death of Brainstorm that we thought. More interesting things going on with Rubble too, as he gets kind of lost while Bumblebee’s off doing other stuff.
| Published by IDW
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Uncanny X-Men #18 adds again to the body count as things continue to fall apart. The nihilism, darkness, and depression in this series has really been getting to me these past few issues. With announcements for House of X and Powers of X, this is starting to feel like a “throw the X-Men down a hole before rebooting” type of story. I’m still not sure if I like it, since it’s putting me in a sour mood.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms #4 drills down on Freyja’s defence of the Black Bifrost, intent on taking away its use from Malekith. All of the art on this series has been phenomenal, but Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilson somehow take it up another notch. This is epic.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms: Giant-Man #1 kicks off another front in the War as Freyja tasks Ant-Man, Giant-Man, Goliath, and Atlas to infiltrate the Frost Giants’ bastion on Earth and get revenge, from Leah Williams, Marco Castiello, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Joe Sabino. Very nice bits of humour and wonderful artwork.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms: Spider-Man & The League of Realms #1 opens up another front as Spider-Man leads the members of the League of Realms into New Heven territory, from Sean Ryan, Nico Leon, Carlos Lopez, and Joe Caramagna. It’s great to see more Ryan-penned Spider-Man, even if he only ever seems to get to write the event tie-ins. He’s got a great handle on Spidey, effortlessly displaying that humour and humanity of the character every time.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms: Strikeforce - The War Avengers #1 is the second Strikeforce one-shot elaborating on encounters spinning out of War of the Realms #3. This one focuses on Captain Marvel’s motley crew of Avengers as they try to strike at the heart of Malekith in Britain from Dennis Hallum, Kim Jacinto, Ario Anindito, Java Tartaglia, Felipe Sobreiro, and Joe Sabino. Some nice Deadpool humour and art in what is one of the more bonkers tie-ins.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Age of X-Man: Marvelous X-Men #4, Amazing Spider-Man #21, American Carnage #7, Battlestar Galactica Classic #4, Bettie Page #5, Black Badge #10, Black Widow #5, Cinema Purgatorio #18, Farmhand #8, Firefly #6, Gideon Falls #13, Go Go Power Rangers #20, High Level #4, Infinity 8 #12, Ironheart #6, James Bond 007 #7, Kaijumax - Season 4 #6, Kick-Ass #14, KISS: The End #2, Last Stop on the Red Line #1, Life & Death of Toyo Harada #3, Low #22, Lucifer #8, Lumberjanes #62, Marvel Action: Spider-Man #4, Morning in America #3, Old Man Quill #5, Orphan Age #2, Planet of the Nerds #2, Port of Earth #10, Princeless - Book 8: Princesses #2, Spider-Man: Life Story #3, Star Wars #66, Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Lando Calrissian #1, Star Wars: Tie Fighter #2, Teen Titans #30, Xena: Warrior Princess #2
Recommended Collections: Batgirl - Volume 5: Art of the Crime, Bitter Root - Volume 1: Family Business, GI Joe: A Real American Hero - Volume 22, The Horror of Collier County, Immortal Hulk - Volume 3: Hulk in Hell, Jeepers Creepers - Volume 1: Trail of the Beast, Justice League Odyssey - Volume 1: The Ghost Sector, MCMLXXV, Mister Miracle, Outer Darkness - Volume 1, Outpost Zero - Volume 2, RuinWorld: Eye for an Eye, Star Wars: Age of Republic - Heroes, Star Wars: Han Solo - Imperial Cadet, The Whispering Dark
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d. emerson eddy wishes there were more hours in the day in order to write about everything.
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orderoftheavengers · 6 years
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Courage and Cunning 
Summary: Thor and Loki are both a credit and embarrassment to their Houses. 
Thor Odinson 
House: Gryffindor 
Species: Asgardian 
Blood Status: Pureblood 
Wand: Ygrassil wood, 14 inches, Bilgensnipe heart string 
Broom:  Mjolnir, forged by dwarf blacksmiths 
Specialty: Lightning spell 
Patronus: Bilgensnipe
Familiar: Heimdall, loyal family owl (unique Asgardian species) 
Loki Odinson: 
House: Slytherin 
Species: Frost Giant 
Blood Status: ? 
Wand: Ygrassil wood, 10 inches, unicorn tail hair (snapped in half when expelled; pieces integrated into his broom-scepter) 
Broom:  Custom sceptor/sword/broom combination, now also his wand (containing its pieces) 
Specialty: Transfiguration and the Imperius Curse 
Patronus: Serpent 
Familiar: Formerly Heimdall, loyal family owl; these days, who or what ever he can manage to get under the Imperius Curse 
Jane Foster: 
House: Honorary Ravenclaw 
Blood Status: Muggle/No-maj
Specialty: Science! 
Familiar: Darcy Lewis (You all saw that coming) 
FACT: The beings that Muggles know as the Norse "gods" are actually a race of incredibly powerful magic humanoids, with evolutionary links to elves, veela and giants, who live in Asgard, a magically concealed region in the mountains of Scandanavia. (Source: my ass.) They live high in the mountains of Scandanavia, and would've remained there had fate not willed otherwise.
Enrollment and Sorting:
King Odin observed that his two sons were ignorant of the world outside Asgard, and decided that at age 1,704 and 988, Thor and Loki should begin to learn about the outside world, especially if Thor was to someday rule Asgard. The boys where both sorted by a Screaming Sorting Hat before it even made physical contact, as the two fought violently to be the first to sit on the Sorting Stool. Thor bellowed that it was his birthright to be sorted first, as he threw Loki acrosss the Great Hall and through a glass winow. But just as Thor was crowning himself with the Sorting Hat, Loki apparated beside the stool in snake form and slighetered up onto his brother's head, curling up into a Sorting Hat shaped cone. The hat spit out Loki--still in snake form--sending him fluttering over to the Slytherin table where he landed in a pumpkin pie and his fellow Slytherins began the ritual hazing. The Hat then then hollared at Thor, "And he's Gryffindor's problem now!" sending him off with a smack-bottom.
The brothers enforced their Houses' stereotypes to the max, much to the chagrin of their classmates. Thor's fellow Gryffindors quickly grew tired of him interrupting every teacher's lecture to loudly declare his intent to conquer the next challenge, as well as his tendency to smash potions bottles to the floor when it was time for "Another!" While Loki's fellow Slytetherins admired his snake-shifting powers, it didn't prevent them from mercilessly bullying him for his wardrobe, pretty hair, and outdated conversational skills about being "burdened with glorious purpose," and the little trickster frequently found himself stuck head-first in cauldrons, giant pumpkins, and Moaning Myrtle's toilet.
Thor's expulsion, and meeting Jane Foster:
Thor was not a week into his first semester when he managed to get himself expelled, for organizing a violent Quidditch duel with the visiting Durmstrang students that almost led to the next wizarding war. Deciding a mere expulsion was not enough, King Odin gravely declared that he was banishing Thor to a desolate land, until he proved learned his lesson.
"Until you prove yourself worthy, you will spend the rest of your days in the company of brutish, violent cavemen like yourself."
Thor stammered, "You're sending me to live amongst trolls?"
"No. Americans."
Thor's agonized scream was drowned out by the sound of his father's thunder magically teleporting him overseas.
By a stroke of irony, Thor landed right next to a research facility of Muggles, working to prove that magic exists. Not surprisingly, the Ministry of Magic did their damndest to ensure all of Jane Foster’s research was destroyed and covered up, but she wouldn’t have it. After Loki tried to take over Hogwarts and was defeated by Thor, Thor was welcomed back to the school and renamed his father’s heir to the giant throne, while Loki was now the one expelled.
Thor’s custom wand and broom are both contstructed from branches of Ygdrassil. His wand contains the heartstring of a Bilgesnipe (a horned magical creature native to the mountains of Asgard). Thor's lightning spell is his specialty, and his Patronus is, predictably, a Bilgesnipe.
Jane, Darcy and Erik:
It's usually routine to memory-wipe Muggles who witness magic. But there have always been exceptions. Leaders of the world's nations (like the Prime Minister of England); muggles married to wizards; and muggles who wizards just really like, such as Newt Scamander's friend Jacob Kowalski. The Ministry of Magic decided that these three particular Muggles--or No-Majes, as they were known in the States--could keep their memories. (In this age, who would believe them anyway?) The trio was even hired by the Ministry's Deparment of Muggle Relations. They often visited Hogwarts, and the Sorting Hat dubbed all three Honorary Ravenclaws.
At age nine-hundred-and-something, during his first year at Hogwarts, Loki learned that he was not in fact Asgardian, but an adopted Frost Giant. Already an especially powerful Metamorphmagus, Loki had no trouble disguising as whatever and whomever he wished, with his shape-shifting powers making Natasha Romanoff (another metamorphmagus) look like an amateur.
After Loki was expelled, his wand (Ygdrasill wood, unicorn tail hair) was obviously snapped in half. However, he salvaged the contents of his wand, and placed them in the broom/scepter/sword that his mother made him for his birthday. Now very fond of the Imperius Curse, Loki sought to make all of Earth—Wizards, Muggles, Giants, and other creatures alike—his bitches. His first victims were the Muggle Dr. Erik Selvig, and Hufflepuff Clint Barton. Loki was outraged when an arrogant mortal--albiet a Slytherin with good looks--had the gall to threaten Loki in Parseltongue. When he failed to work the Imperius Curse on Tony Stark, Loki's frustration increased, and when Tony commented about "performance issues," Loki sent him off the North Tower after some intimate goatee-groping. Nevertheless, Loki eventually mellowed out over time, and was even permitted back at Hogwarts, where he continued to be a pain in everyone's backside. His specialties are shape-shifting--which rarely requires more than minor spells if that, due to being a Metamorphmagus--and the Imperius Curse. He is not overly fond of thunder, Tony Stark, green werewolves, Tony Stark, his adoptive father, Tony Stark, falling, or rival caped sorcerers whose goatees remind him of Tony Stark.
The royal Asgardian family's loyal owl, Heimdall acts as a guardian and messenger for Thor and Loki. He will have none of your shit, and any mortals attempting to pluck one of his shimmering red or gold feathers always goes home with fewer ears and noses than they originally had. Sadly, when the Infinity War begins, he ends up becoming the next Headwig. (Shut up about spoilers; the movie's been out for a month and the book's been out like a decade.)
Waning Stereotypes
For a pair that began school as walking stereotypes of Gryffindor and Slytherin, both Thor and Loki mellowed out significantly by their final year. 
As Thor’s understanding of heroism and chivalry matured, he soon surpassed Captain America in humility and compassion (though, admittedly, that is not always saying much). While Steve Rogers treated a traumatized Tony Stark like a naughty younger sibling in need of patronizing cliches, Thor was talking down the god-f*cking-damned Hulk with genuine, imperfect words of friendship. Thor, the master of narrating his own life like an epic poem, shelved his cliches when things got serious, and told the green werewolf exactly what he needed to hear, when he needed to hear it. 
Loki meanwhile exponentially lost his ambition, until he was only aiming to rule Asgard, rather than the whole planet. (Remember, Asgard isn’t its own planet in this AU.) His ego shrank from a martyr complex to a generic diva, content to sit in a throne and watch plays about himself. Sadly, even his cunning became lackluster, leading to his death at the hands of Thanos............maybe. 
Thor--now having lost his entire family--remained Gryffindor strong. Teaming up with a large mandrake with a limited vocabulary, and a niffler/raccoon hybrid who gave him a new magical eyeball (to replace the one his sister Hela had taken out), Thor demonstrated his courage and durability by obtaining a magic through a long, painful ordeal that could have killed him (but only if he died). 
Sadly, he was no Ravenclaw, and didn’t aim for the head. That’s twice a Gryffindor screwed up a so-close defeat of Thanos... (Star Lord is a Gryffindor as well, and no, not just because he has a red jacket. More on him elsewhere.) 
After the Dusting Curse,  Thor is arguably in the worst position. His entire family has died one by one, plus the wise family owl Heimdall, and the mountain region of Asgard has been destroyed, along with three forths of the Asgardian population (first half were slaughtered by Thanos’s army, and then half of the surviving half were Dusted). Since Hogsmede now has some extra space, the surviving Asgardians are able to get a new neighborhood there. Thor spends most of his time in his apartment above the Three Broomsticks, playing Muggle video games with his friends, and spiraling into alcoholism and overeating.
During the Time Heist, Thor and Rocket travel to Asgard’s past, to get the Reality Stone. Thor reunites with his mother, and sees he’s still worthy of his hammer/broom, which he brings back with him to the present. Before he leaves, Queen Frigga tells him, “It’s time to start being who you are, rather than who you’re ‘supposed’ to be.” “Are you telling me to step down from my throne?” “…step down? After your first five years were less than ideal? You’re barely 1500 years old, my son. What I’m saying is, you could  take a bit of time off to find yourself. A decade or two of vacation, having adventures with your rabbit friend, maybe. And you can even stay fat for a few centuries if you want. But why in the world would I be suggesting that you should throw away all you’ve fought for, just because of how things turned out over the last half-decade?” “I’m sorry Mother…living with Midgardians must’ve gone to my head. Though, I always was rather impulsive anyway.”  
After Thanos’s defeat,  Thor plans to find a proper new home for his people. Joining the Guardians of the Realm, he is on the lookout for any unclaimed mountain range or forest that can be called New Asgard. In the meantime, he has left Valkyrie in his stead, back at their burrow in Hogsmede.
Loki is still playing “dead,” but no one is buying it anymore. And Thor is now 99% positive that his trolling brother is Noobmaster69.
Jane, Darcy and Erik are now openly working with both Muggle and Wizard scientists, now that the magical world has been exposed, and Muggles must learn to coexist with it.  
For the moment, Thor is still fat, and he still has fangirls. 
Notes: These two were a pain to draw, but worth it. The Asgardian backstory was a bit tricky, as I could find no adequate equivalent in the Potterverse. By far Thor and Loki are the most fun to write parody wizard versions of. But oddly enough, my favorite to create the backstory for was actually Jane. I may do a separate entry for her, Darcy and Erik. 
UPDATE: I had Loki's species wrong, incorrectly citing him as a Dark Elf. Special thanks to Misaki, who pointed this error out to me in Archive Of Our Own. Apologies and thanks!
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shigironki · 6 years
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~BIO FOR MY BULLY OC, VICTORIA CLAIRE KENNEDY~ i feel like i left too much out for my baby girl, and also changed so much of her. :B ALSO I FINALLY GOT OFF MY LAZY ASS AND MADE HER A FULL BIO, GO ME!!
Biographical Information  Name – Victoria Claire Kennedy Age - 17, sophomore year   Birthday – September 7th Astrological Sign -  virgo    Gender - female Ethnicities   Distant Descendants: none that she truly knows currently. 
Dominant Descendants: American  Physical Description  Hair Color – hazel/black hair, very wavy and curly, never has it straight Eye Color - Hazel Weight – 165 lb Height – 5′5 ft Figure/Build – Is an hour glass figure, thighs are big, is 37 C cup, curvy waist, and has slight chub onto her stomach, face is chubby as well. Distinguishing Features/Scars/ or Birthmarks – There are scars (very light; you can’t see them unless you look very close) on her right wrist that are medium sized, very light. has a scar onto her knee from when she was little. Has stretch marks on her hips that are very deep, and also on her breast, arms, and knees. She does have freckles, on her face, shoulders, and crotch-area. Tattoos: none Piercings: has two little piercings on her ears, and a nipple piercing 
Frequently Worn Jewelry: She tends to wear rings on her middle finger, does wear chokers (mainly black, but sometimes pink as well).
Typical Clothing Wear: Victoria tends to wear her school uniforms more often, but out of school she tends to wear cutesy clothes; pink shorts, “kawaii” dresses/skirts, formal shirts. She does also tend to wear one of Johnny or Gary’s shirts (ones they gave to her) With a pair of leggings. Never wears jeans unless they’re shorts.
Personal Information  
Current Living Arrangements -  Currently lives in a two story home in towards the forested areas of Bullworth. 
Traveled Territories – She currently has only traveled from Florida (last home) to Bullworth.
Hobbies -  Writing, knitting, playing games, drawing, and sleeping a lot.
Fears – Abandonment, overcrowded places, the dark, father, and abandoned places.
Religion/Beliefs – Currently has no idea.
Why?: She was raised in a non-religion family household, her parents nor grandparents never really got her into religion 
Health Behaviors  
Physical Ailments/ Disabilities/ Issues – Currently has PTSD, MDD, anxiety and Bipolar Disorder. She has has loss of feeling in her pinky on the right side of her wrist.
Addiction(s) [Sex, Drugs, Smoking, Alcohol, Other]: She currently smokes pot, and has trouble saving money and spending it on important stuff
Why?: Smoking pot helps her calm down, and it was sorta forced onto her at a young age (13 years old) and she never really tried quitting, along with money, she never fully had anything so spending it on stuff she immediately loves is “always the right thing”
Any regular medication taken? – Antidepressants, and nighttime medications.
Chronological Information  
Profession – A waitress for a local diner
Likes – Pastel clothes, cute stuff animals, animal crossing, Word Of Warcraft, G&G, and reading, along with smelling candles and perfume
Dislikes – Anyone who’s a dick, bullying, toxic people, and acne
Goals/Ambitions – Currently wants to be a nurse for a children’s hospital 
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience – Mainly her childhood; as she was bullied to the extreme, she turned off her emotions and stopped caring for others. Along with her father being put into jail, she grew with her grandparents and with her two sisters. This caused her to go into a mental meltdown, soon cursing and getting extreme mood swings, and with getting into violent situations, she grew hating everyone and everything, and never letting anymore get close to her.
Weapons/Equipment – Mainly uses her fist and feet for combat, also carries a rainbow pocket knife for protection. (She also has a Hello Kitty bat in her dorm room in case).
Personal Attributes  
Personality - Victoria’s personality can be summed up with two words; asshole, and caring person. As she grew with showing nor feeling any emotions, it takes her awhile to understand which emotion she’s currently feeling, which ends with being a bitch towards others in defense, and even being sarcastic towards those she feels are gonna toy with her or use her. She’s very hard to get used to, or even close to, but once you do, she’s a very gentle and sweet girl. She truly cares about those that have shown her love and kindness, and sometimes gets too trusting and stops caring for herself, just to love those who have shown her politeness and love. She gets carried away too much, and sometimes overreacts to stuff very quickly, but once you get close, she will truly love you for who you are and accepts you instantly.
Strengths - Quirky and very funny, knows a lot about science and math, knows how to fight, very good at talking out of sticky situations, persuasive to the maximum, and knows how to copy someone else handwriting very quickly. 
Weaknesses - Very angered easily, low self-esteem, her PTSD makes her scared of being hurt and yelled at, cannot be in the same room as a male adult, trust too easily, cries nearly about everything.
Good Habits – Tries to be there for everyone, helps when needed, charismatic, drops everything for others.
Bad Habits – Doesn’t watch her language as often, eats waay too much, gets upset and irritated instantly, makes everything into a joke about herself, (Doesn’t do this anymore) uses pain as a way to help her emotions onto herself.
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors – No fetishes, but does bite her ear bud cords, shakes her legs hard, bites her nails and sweater sleeves.
Stereotype – With wearing cute clothes and looking very sweet, she certainly does not fit the stereotype. She’s a potty mouth, bluntly tells the truth, and makes sure people know not to ever mess with her. 
Ratings on Personal Qualities  
Physical Strength: 7/10  As good as she is with fighting, she currently does feel pain a lot more than normal, as in one good punch to her and she’s down to the ground.
Attractive: 7/10  her outfits put people off instantly, but people seem to admire how she looks in a lot of pastel colors.
Honesty : 4/10 As much as she wants to tell the truth most times, she sadly can’t bring herself to tell the full truth about someone. She cares more about the person than the harsh truth.
Rule Abiding : 3/10   Lmao, rules? They don’t exist much to Victoria. She does break a lot of school rules, but makes sure to never break her home rules or grandparents.
Sociability : 8/10   She truly is the social butterfly type. Cliques don’t matter to her at all, she likes you? She’ll want to be your friend instantly.
Bullworth Academy Information  
Victoria has attended Bullworth for two years, for freshmen and now sophomore. As she dropped out of middle school to get her life more stress free, she had to repeat 8th grade in order to go into high school. And with all the troubles she had caused in Florida, Bullworth was the only academy to accept her.
Language(s) – English, and French.
Schooling Level – Sophomore(??)
Expertise – languages
Reading Level – above average
Relationships Statuses    
Trusted Companions
Closest Friend(s) – Beatrice Trudeau
Even with Victoria not so big into math or any subject, her and Beatrice have been extremely close since Freshmen year. They both have a close friendship, and are there for each other 24/7, no matter the situation. She doesn’t like some of her best friends choices, but she makes sure she’s okay and safe and sound. ((When her and Jimmy “had a falling out” Victoria was there for her all night, helping her and making sure she was okay)).
Friend(s) – cornelius johnson, algernon papadopoulos, peanut romano, lola lombardi, petey kowalski, jimmy hopkins
* cornelius johnson: They both enjoy musicals, and science most of the time. She tends to go to him for the latest update of a musical that’s going on, and they both can giggle and cry over anything like Romeo and Juliet. They’re good friends for sure, and never really hang outside of school.
* algernon papadopoulos: As much as the two never see eye to eye, they usually have a good time during G&G, him joking about her “Edgy” characters she plays, and make jokes about the campaign. She never bothers to get to know him, as she never has the energy to handle his excitement, or usually understand what he’s talking about.
* Peanut Romano: He’s her first ever real friend when she had gotten to Bullworth, and nothing makes her happy than to hear about what Lucky or Ricky did that was stupid. She sees Peanut as a brother type of person she can trust, she tends to go to him when she feels like Johnny’s out of line, or what to do when he’s not okay. They both really enjoy each other’s company.
* Lola Lombardi: They both didn’t see eye to eye after her and Johnny broke up, and Victoria began to date him. Of course, with some small talk and hanging out, they both became good friends instantly, with Lola showing what type of clothes could get Johnny going, or helping her with make up tips. Lola is a type of friend to listen to Victoria talk about anything and just nod and agree.
* jimmy hopkins: As much as he isn’t okay with her dating both Gary and Johnny, he’s still there for her a lot of times. They have a weird friendship, at times they wouldn't’ speak to each other for weeks on end, then the next time they’re talking non stop and making a fuss in the classroom. *Pete kowalski: Victoria was really the one to never call him a dork or a loser, she actually enjoys hanging out with him, playing video games and talking about drama of the school. She does love his comebacks to Gary a lot of times, and always is there for him no matter what.
Hated Rivals
Worst Enemies – The Jocks, she truly hates them all due to constant bullying they do with the nerds.
Intolerable Students – 
* Mandy Wiles: With her constant putting down on Beatrice, she truly cannot stand Mandy for the dear life of her. The constant joking and poking fun at her best friend, it made her hate her instantly as soon as she had gotten there.
Tolerated Students – She doesn’t tolerate much people, either she likes you, dislikes you, or just doesn't talk much to you. 
Tolerated Townsfolk - No one currently
Hot Encounters  
Hinted Attractions - Gary Smith, Johnny Vincent (before they all had began to date)
Crush(es) - none
Lover(s) - Gary Smith, Johnny Vincent.  
She wasn’t fond of Gary at first, but given that they started to tolerate each other, she began to learn more and more about him, understanding where he’s coming from as she had parents who didn’t care for her, or wouldn’t try to. They became friends with benefits at first, as she was hypersexual and he wanted a stress relief, but as soon as they made it a normal thing, he began to develop a crush for her, hating it ever so much as she got into a relationship with Johnny. As she brought up that she could date both of them, with their consent of course, Johnny wasn’t okay with it at all first, as that was his girl and only his, but as she began to stress more and more about this, he caved in and gave it a try. It was all very stressful and full of fighting until Johnny began to try and get close and get used to his presence. They’re all fully comfortable now, still some annoyance from both boys here and there, but it’s easily resolved.
Ex(s) - Unless you count people who dated her for a day, then no 
Extra Information
Eating Habits
Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore – omnivore
Favorite Food(s): Bagel Bites
Favorite Drink(s): Soda, red bulls, smoothies, and orange juice
Disliked Food(s): peas, Brussels sprouts, and tomatoes
Disliked Drink(s): tea  
Added Information
Scent – Lavender, and/or honey
Favorite Color: black, pastel colors
Favorite Season: summer
Favorite Animal: frogs, chickens, bunnies, and cats
Favorite Music Genre: kpop, 2000′s pop, 80′s, 90′s, and death metal
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multi-madagascar · 4 years
“I think it’s time I put that paranormal class I took to further use.”
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“I’ve decided it’s time I try to investigate into ghosts. Surely between my scientific intellect and what I learned I can get to the scientific basis of what we supposedly think are the supernatural.”
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sockatine · 5 years
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(Lil art/incorrect quote based on rp with @multi-madagascar )
"I haven't known Kowalski for too long. But if anything were to happen to him..."
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"I would kill everyone here including myself."
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 15 July 2019
Quick Bits:
Age of X-Man: Omega #1 concludes the event with this finale one-shot from Zac Thompson, Lonnie Nadler, Simone Buonfantino, Tríona Farrell, and Clayton Cowles. It’s a confrontation between many of the groups within this world and X-Man as they discover the nature of the world and discuss some philosophical concepts of conflict and identity.
| Published by Marvel
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Aquaman #50 begins “Amnesty” from Kelly Sue DeConnick, Robson Rocha, Eduardo Pansica, Daniel Henriques, Julio Ferreira, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles. It’s damn good. Arthur returns home here and there’s a reintegration of old supporting cast members, Wonder Woman, and further information about what’s going on in Atlantis. Also the set up for an interesting story possibly further down the line. Great art from Rocha, Pansica, Henriques, Ferreira, and Gho.
| Published by DC Comics
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Assassin Nation #5 is the end to what has been a fun and humorous action-packed series from Kyle Starks, Erica Henderson, and Deron Bennett. More great action with some surprises along the way.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Batman #75 begins “City of Bane” from Tom King, Tony S. Daniel, Mitch Gerads, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles. It sets up a new status quo in Gotham with Bane at the helm and a bizarre slotting of various villains into traditional roles.
| Published by DC Comics
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Black Badge #12 concludes this series with one last mission from the combined forces of all of colour badges, showing us how a coordinated effort really should have taken place before the groups’ purpose was co-opted. This has been a great series from Matt Kindt, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, and Jim Campbell.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Black Science #41 sets up an interesting and somewhat surprising new reality after last issue. I kind of expect that we’ll see another big twist as we head towards the finale in the next two issues. Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, Moreno Dinisio, and Rus Wooton give us an interesting look at “paradise” this issue.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Blade Runner 2019 #1 begins a new time period and introduces a new Blade Runner in this alt-present tale from Michael Green, Mike Johnson, Andres Guinaldo, Marco Lesko, and Jim Campbell. Ash is an interesting character and this interpretation of the mythos is wonderful. Also, the artwork from Guinaldo and Lesko perfectly fits this neon apocalypse world.
| Published by Titan
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Bloodborne #13 begins the next arc, “The Veil, Torn Asunder”, as an unnamed veteran searches through the madness of Yarnham and beyond. Beautiful artwork from Piotr Kowalski and Brad Simpson, really bringing the existential horrors to life.
| Published by Titan
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Daredevil #8 goes in a very interesting direction as Matt accepts a dinner invitation from the married bookseller he keeps flirting with, leading to an assassination attempt and captivating dinner conversation about rules and responsibility. Chip Zdarsky, Lalit Kumar Sharma, Jay Leisten, Java Tartaglia, and Clayton Cowles are really delivering an interesting story here.
| Published by Marvel
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Excellence #3 delves into some of the details of how the Aegis deals with rogue magic users. Brandon Thomas, Khary Randolph, Emilio Lopez, and Deron Bennett are doing some very interesting world and character building here.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Fairlady #4 is another great issue. The humour that Brian Schirmer provides in the dialogue is wonderful. This one dives into the mystery of mystery novel missing its final page and there’s one hell of an ending.
| Published by Image
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Ghost Tree #4 concludes this excellent series from Bobby Curnow, Simon Gane, Ian Herring, Becka Kinzie, and Chris Mowry. There are a lot of goodbyes in this issue, some pleasant, some not, and some heartrending choices and consequences. Very well done.
| Published by IDW
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Gideon Falls #15 checks in with Father Fred’s nightmares. The different time periods and streams, and their crossings-over at this point, are fascinating, even as things become even more chaotic and horrifying. Gorgeous art from Andrea Sorrentino and Dave Stewart.
| Published by Image
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Immortal Hulk #21 has gorgeous guest art from Ryan Bodenheim as we get a story filling in this past of Fortean and a dangerous change in the present. Al Ewing also brings forward some of the recurring subtext of form and substance through the Bible and Kabbalah to give a deeper understanding of some of the themes here.
| Published by Marvel
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Infinite Dark #8 brings an end to the second arc, with a revelation of the nightmarish creatures trying to destroy the station and a choice for how to proceed with the potential survival or annihilation of the remaining human race. Wonderful work from Ryan Cady, Andrea Mutti, K. Michael Russel, and Troy Peteri.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Invaders #7 begins a new arc, “Dead in the Water”, dealing with the fallout of Atlantis’ assault on the surface. There are some more hints of Namor’s problems, the return of another Invader, and hints at some nefarious things on the horizon. I love the introduction of Tony Stark into the mess in the present, adding another conflict to deal with. Chip Zdarsky, Carlos Magno, Butch Guice, Alex Guimarães, and Travis Lanham continue to deliver some solid storytelling here.
| Published by Marvel
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Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Sirens #4 features an interpretation of the myth of Lorelei by Aud Koch (with letters from Jim Campbell). It’s wonderfully told, with beautiful, magical artwork.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / Archaia
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Justice League #28 concludes “Apex Predator” from James Tynion IV, Javier Fernandez, Daniel Sampere, Juan Albarran, Hi-Fi, and Tom Napolitano. This one’s basically integral to the core “Year of the Villain” story as Lex gives his offer to J’onn. 
| Published by DC Comics
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The Life & Death of Toyo Harada #5 picks up some of the pieces for the remaining few of Toyo’s forces, as they try to make a plan for what’s to come next. It should be interesting to see what the next step is in the finale. Gorgeous artwork from CAFU, Kano, and Andrew Dalhouse.
| Published by Valiant
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Little Bird #5 brings this ambitious and unique story from Darcy Van Poelgeest, Ian Bertram, Matt Hollingsworth, and Aditya Bidikar to an end. The personal nature of this story as Little Bird comes to terms with her family has been a very enthralling element in this fight for freedom, and the sacrifices that one makes. Stunning artwork from Bertram and Hollingsworth.
| Published by Image
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Loki #1 is an entertaining beginning to this new series spinning out of War of the Realms from Daniel Kibblesmith, Oscar Bazaldua, David Curiel, and Clayton Cowles. It dives in to Loki’s new role as King of Jotunheim and how he’s humorously approaching his duties. There’s a nice set-up for something coming that’s dismissed as a trick.
| Published by Marvel
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Outpost Zero #11 reveals the discovery of life outside of the outpost, which leads to an unexpected reaction and sign of more conspiracies to keep the entire populace in the dark. Sean Kelly McKeever has been seeding little hints that something not right has been going on for a long time within the colony and there is more evidence of it here.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Pearl #11 sets us up for the end as Pearl returns to San Francisco to take care of the Endo Twins. Also, a game changer of a cliffhanger. Love the double page spreads from Michael Gaydos.
| Published by DC Comics / Jinxworld
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Promethee 13:13 #1 is a digital-original prequel to Christophe Bec’s Promethee series from Andy Diggle, Shawn Martinbrough, Dave Stewart, and Simon Bowland. You don’t need to have read the original to follow this, but I still highly recommend it. This is an interesting starting point, with even more of a conspiratorial/espionage feel than the sci-fi of the main series. It’s good and I’m very interested to see where this goes.
| Published by Delcourt / Soleil
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Ragnarok: The Breaking of Helheim #1 is a welcome return of Walter Simonson’s new take on Thor and Norse Mythology, pushing the story in new directions as Thor gains a vision of the end from his father and sets out for Hel. Simonson, Laura Martin, and John Workman work together as a seamless team here delivering a wonderful next chapter to the story. For those new to this series, there’s also a rather nice Q&A section that helps with some of the details.
| Published by IDW
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Resonant #1 is an intriguing debut from David Andry, Alejandro Aragon, Jason Wordie, and Deron Bennett. This first issue sets up a different, very interesting post-apocalyptic world that we’re kind of uncertain of, but with the core of a single father trying to protect his children. The art from Aragon and Wordie is incredible.
| Published by Vault
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Road of Bones #3 goes even harder into the brutal horror of three men trying to survive without any resources in a harsh landscape devoid of life. Rich Douek, Alex Cormack, and Justin Birch elevate the terror nicely this issue.
| Published by IDW
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Rumble #14 unleashes the Last Knight of the Scourge Knights upon the world, bringing with him death through oblivion. John Arcudi, David Rubín, Dave Stewart, and Joe Sabino are definitely raising the stakes here, especially with Rathraq distracted by a personal conflict.
| Published by Image
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Sera and the Royal Stars #1 is a fantastic debut of this fantasy series from Jon Tsuei, Audrey Mok, Raul Angulo, and Jim Campbell. It draws on Persian history and folklore as Sera is called upon by Mitra to fulfill a quest to prevent the end of everyone.
| Published by Vault
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Silver Surfer: Black #2 continues to build the mythology around Knull. I love this blend of the seed from Venom with what’s been going on in the cosmic side from Guardians of the Galaxy, Donny Cates is doing a great job of reinforcing an evolving shared universe feel. Also, the art from Tradd Moore and Dave Stewart is phenomenal. 
| Published by Marvel
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Sonata #2 unveils some more mysteries about the planet, including some incredible monsters out to kill and eat everyone. The art from Brian Haberlin and Geirrod Van Dyke is very nice.
| Published by Image / Shadowline
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Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #1 is a fun debut from Matt Fraction, Steve Lieber, Nathan Fairbairn, and Clayton Cowles that brings back a lot of the ridiculousness of the old Jimmy Olsen stories, seeing Jimmy in bizarre and humorous predicaments. There’s also an interesting exploration of Jimmy’s family’s history in Metropolis. And wonderful artwork from Lieber and Fairbairn.
| Published by DC Comics
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Usagi Yojimbo #2 continues “Bunraku” as the investigation into the puppets continues. The supernatural aspect that Stan Sakai is bringing to this lead off arc for the new volume is engrossing and the colour from Tom Luth is growing on me.
| Published by IDW
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Vampirella #1 is kind of a weird start (excepting the zero issue) to this new volume from Christopher Priest, Ergün Gündüz, and Willie Schubert. It’s framed as Vampirella seeking help from a psychiatrist following the trauma of the plane that she was on in the zero issue crashing, a disbelieving psychiatrist, and it’s certainly different.
| Published by Dynamite
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X-Force #10 concludes “The Counterfeit King” and with it the series (at least for now). Ed Brisson, Dylan Burnett, Jesus Aburtov, and Cory Petit go out with a bang as X-Force have a final confrontation with Stryfe and his remaining forces. Also, wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Animosity #22, Ask for Mercy: Season Two #1, Bags (or a story thereof), Blossoms 666 #5, Bronze Age Boogie #4, Captain Marvel #8, Clue: Candlestick #3, Collapser #1, Cyber Force #11, Deadpool #15, Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #10, Domino: Hot Shots #5, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #7, Evolution #17, Faithless #4, Firefly #8, From Hell: Master Edition #6, GI Joe: A Real American Hero #264, Hit-Girl: Season 2 #6, Infinity 8 #13, Invader Zim #45, James Bond 007 #9, Joe Golem: Occult Detective - The Conjurors #3, Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #3, Jughead’s Time Police #2, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest #6, Love & Rockets #7, Lucifer #10, Mary Shelley: Monster Hunter #4, Port of Earth #12, The Punisher Annual #1, The Ride: Burning Desire #2, Secret Warps: Ghost Panther Annual #1, Spider-Man: Life Story #5, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #34, Star Wars: Tie Fighter #4, Superior Spider-Man #9, Teen Titans #32, They Called Us Enemy, Transformers #9, Transformers/Ghostbusters #2, Turok #4, Uncanny X-Men #22, The Unstoppable Wasp #10, The Warning #9, Wonder Woman: Come Back to Me #1
Recommended Collections: BPRD: The Devil You Know - Volume 3: Ragna Rok, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, By Night - Volume 2, Dead Kings - Volume 1, Die!Die!Die! - Volume 1, The Empty Man: Recurrence, Grumble - Volume 1: You’re the Dog Now, Man, Gunning for Hits, Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown, Jughead: The Hunger - Volume 3, LaGuardia, Miles Morales: Spider-Man - Volume 1: Straight out of Brooklyn, Princeless - Volume 8: Princesses, Vindication, Ronin Island - Volume 1, The Witcher - Volume 4: Of Flesh & Flame, Wolverine: The Long Night, Wonder Woman - Volume 9: The Enemy of Both Sides
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d. emerson eddy might currently qualify as a liquid.
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valorpg · 7 years
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>>file number: 212<<
Name: Dominika Hlavin Codename: Kingmaker Aliases: Anja Schmitz   Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Faceclaim: Leá Seydoux Alternate Faceclaims: Mélanie Laurent, Olga Kurylenko  
Date of Birth: March 15th 1937 (33) Place of Birth: Prague, Czechoslovakia Nationality: Czech Occupation: KGB informant, Assistant
early life:
Dominika was born to Alena and Havel Hlavin. Havel’s father had been a wealthy landowner who, despite being able to afford an education for Havel, had been unable to rise through the social hierarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was because of this that Havel was married to Alena, the daughter of an old aristocratic family who had lost their wealth through gambling debts. In 1932 Havel was elected into the Czechoslovakian government, able to use his wife's ancestry and his family’s money to finally gain power for the Hlavin family. When Havel and Alena discovered that they were pregnant it looked as if all their dreams were coming true. A few months later, however, the Germans invaded Czechoslovakia, and Havel was removed from his position in Parliament. He had hoped once the war was over he would be able to regain his position in Parliament, but his democratic past made this impossible under the strict rule of the USSR. Instead he began lecturing at a university.
Dominika did very well in school, and her father quickly noticed that she had inherited his people skills. She always seemed to benefit from the drama she created around herself, yet never appeared to fall out with anyone. Havel saw in his daughter a chance to rejoin politics within Czechoslovakia, and quickly began training her to eventually join the government. She graduated high school in 1951 and due to the new focus in the Soviet education system on the sciences, went on to study mathematics at university - a subject she had excelled in.  When she graduated, her father managed to get her a job with the KSC in the Ministry of Education. Due to her gender she was unable to stand for election, nor take a public role in the government, but she did succeed in making many connections within the KSC, and soon was a necessary ally for anyone who wished to progress through the party, ruling the closed door meetings which saw members of the party rise and then fall from power.
The economic disaster of the 1960s and the death of her father led Dominika to grow bitter of the Soviet controlled system which she was a part of. She was also aware that her power within the KSC was limited by the inherent corruption and control from the USSR. It was during this time she was approached by politician Alexander Dubček, who told her of his plans to create a freer Czechoslovakia. Impressed by his ideas and plans for the country, she saw a future political system in which she could play a much more active role in the Government.
In January 1968 Dubček was elected to power. For a few months the KSC was successful in implementing more right wing policies, decreasing censorship and Soviet control, however, this all came crashing down on the 20th of August, when the Warsaw Pact nations invaded. Dominika’s mother was killed and the government dismantled around her. Dominika was in danger of either being killed or arrested herself, and began desperately trying to disconnect herself from Dubček and his associates. On the 23rd of August when the final US citizens were being evacuated from Czechoslovakia, Dominika was approached by a KGB agent - the Russians had been tracking Dominika’s actions for a while, and identified her as a highly skilled, intelligent woman, who worked completely in her own self interest - and offered to smuggle her out of the Eastern Bloc in return for her compliance in the future. She accepted immediately.
By the 24th of August Dominika had disappeared, and in her place was West German citizen and mathematics student Anja Schmitz. She remained in West Germany for only a couple of days before a file arrived on her desk. Inside was a passport, plane ticket, and a job advertisement. She arrived in New York, and made her way to the offices of Ralphio Kowalski where she received the position as his new assistant. Once a week Hlavin leaves a small envelope of information in a local diner, which is picked up by a KGB agent, and delivered back to the USSR.
skill set:
Extremely manipulative, strong understanding of the process of lobbying for votes and support. Is also very good at uncovering people’s weaknesses and ambitions and using them to her own advantage.
Very talented mathematician with an above average IQ. Speaks fluent Czech, German, Russian and English.
Hlavin has a basic understanding of firearms. 
current movements:
Last Seen:  Bonn, West Germany  Report: Hlavin, under the pseudonym Anja Schmitz, was seen at 11:58 pm boarding a small, unscheduled plane in Copenhagen, accompanied by a man, identified as [blank]. She disembarked the same plane at 3:30 am in New York; the man was not seen again. She was taken from the airport to a hotel within walking distance of the university
known affiliates: 
Hugo McKenzie: Hugo and Anja have struck up multiple conversations since she began working for Ralphio. She feels comfortable around him, seeing him as an exception within the world of politics. She is scared, however, to get to close, aware that if he knew who she really was he would have no choice but to betray her. 
Roman Sokolov: Dominika’s point of contact with the KGB. The man is aloof, revealing very little of himself to Dominika’s scrutiny, this has never deterred her before, however, and Dominika knows the best way to escape prison is to befriend the guard, before stabbing him in the back. 
Ralphio Kowalski: Ralphio is an incompetent man, just like all other incompetent men who Dominika has worked for in her life. She prefers, however, an incompetence man who she can control, to a competent one who controls her. She will feel no guilt betraying him, and using him, to regain the powerful position she used to hold.
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Previously on Fantabi: Everyone Is Lesbians, I’ve gone on at length about Tina and Credence as well as Queenie and Miss Kowalski as well as Credence and Graves (though no doubt I will always have more to say about them).
Anyway, it can’t be Fantabi without Newt, who I adore madly and with my whole heart.
Newt knows that she likes animals more than people by the time she’s old enough for self-awareness. Some of her first magic is helping her mother with the daily bespelling of the Hippogriffs — and yes, Newt was that little girl who is obsessed with horses except in her case it’s hippogriffs.
Her parents raise Artemis and Theseus to share their genuine appreciate and respect for muggles — their science and their habits and their politics. That’s why Theseus goes off to war despite the minister’s edicts. That’s why Newt brings scientific theories and practices from muggle researchers to the study of magical creatures. 
But as a child, this just means that Newt helps a neighbor girl rescue a hedgehog — just a regular nonmagical hedgehog — when some boys are picking on it. They are fast friends and Newt, being taught at home as witches her age are, is always around for them to play. They play house. Newt is always the husband. They are as in love as one can be at seven years old.
By the time that Newt goes off to Hogwarts to be sorted into Hufflepuff, she knows that skirts get in the way of adventures and robes are even worse. She also knows that she likes to kiss girls, but would rather hang off the embankments of streams upside down looking for creatures living amongst the smooth stones of the stream bed.
~THERE SHOULD BE A READ MORE HERE!! Please keep reading.~
Her Hogwarts days are very full of adventures. She’s a bright and careful student who while not prodigious with magic, is hardworking enough to easily outdo less attentive students. She likes writing essays — and she can and will make anything about Hippogriffs.
Leta Lestrange is a Ravenclaw, but not quite as attentive a student. Still, they get on like a house on fire from the very first meeting. Newt admires how quick Leta is to answer every question and Leta admires how Newt gets better marks than her even though she’s very quiet in class. They could be jealous of each other, but instead Leta sidles up to Newt in the library and says, “My cousin is in Slytherin, would you like to come with me tonight to meet the mermaids?”
And Newt absolutely says yes. She says yes to every one of Leta’s requests from that day forward.
The problem, of course, is that Leta believes in the pursuit of knowledge above... well, a lot of other things. Rules are just limitations for people who aren’t as smart as her. She’s not the only person who thinks this way and Newt is hardly the only person who indulges her in this belief. 
In some ways, she greatly empowers Newt with her lawlessness and her passions. Newt wears trousers under her robes and totally gives up on bloomers and stays and pockets you have to tie to your skirt. Newt learns so much and she goes for long, exploratory wanderings in the Forbidden Forest with Leta. They meet centaurs. Newt teaches herself Mermish. 
They think nothing of having detention together — guaranteeing throughout their whole academic careers that neither Ravenclaw nor Hufflepuff will ever hold the house cup. 
Until, of course, one of Leta’s projects — which are always dangerously close to being a danger — goes awry. Facing the possibility of real consequences, Leta panics. It isn’t that she feels bad that people were hurt, but rather that she’s afraid for herself. And Newt loves her, she thinks she loves Leta Lestrange so much that she would die without her. She feels like Leta’s pain is her own pain. Leta’s tears are her own tears. 
Leta suggests that Newt take responsibility for what happened. Newt says yes, of course. She always says yes.
Thankfully, during this time, Professor Dumbledore has been watching the careers of these two young ladies — one whip smart girl who thinks rules and hard work are for lesser people and the other with more heart than sense for all her intelligence — and while Dumbledore cannot argue the expulsion totally off the books, Newt is still allowed to finish her schooling. She graduates and manages to find a ministry job that pays a pittance. It’s mostly to do with her brother’s political capabilities, which embarrasses Newt terribly. And she quite hates the job, really. And Leta... 
Well, Leta does not care for rules. But as she watches Newt take the brunt of furious parents and furious professors and near-expulsion. Newt does leave school for a short time the year of the incident and when she comes back Leta is distant. She spends more time with her cousin now, who is in his last year. She spends more time with the other girls in Ravenclaw. She drops her eyes when she sees Newt in class and Newt begins to avoid looking at her. Leta’s marks are not as good in her last year at Hogwarts, and she does not do as well on her exams as her parents expect, but her name carries weight to get her a much better job than Newt’s. 
They both work for the Ministry and Newt scrapes up the courage to invite Leta out for tea a few times. Only one of those times is even slightly enjoyable. Leta’s smile is weighted down with a guilt that she will never articulate. She turns her cheek to Newt’s kisses. Worst of all, she calls her Artemis when they part. 
For their whole friendship, Leta has always called her Newt — it’s her name since her schooldays. Leta was one of the first people to call her that, a playful and beloved ownership of the “Salamander” name used to bully her. Only Newt’s parents call her Artemis these days. 
Newt is... heartbroken. The offer to write a book is not just a chance to escape the bleakness of a loathsome job that pays poverty wages, but a chance to escape a life that feels oppressively, entirely joyless. 
Animals are very straightforward, really. Newt is patient and calm and quiet. She gets bit and stung and nearly dies a few times, but each time she thinks she would die without any regrets at all. She’s doing everything she wants to do in those years of travel and study. She approaches thirty years feeling even better and full of love and joy than in her schooldays when she was in love. She sees many of her other schoolmates in her travels, as some of them now live all over the world. They are not friends, but they are people who help her arrange her travels. 
Sometimes she poses as a man, because it makes traveling easier and she does not really care about these things. But it is really not something that matters to her. Sometimes she envies those species of animals which can change their sex and those which do not seem to have any difference between sexes. She has a particular fondness for hyenas and lions.
There’s still Egyptian dust in her boots when she arrives in America. There’s still more than one smiling, laughing picture of Leta Lestrange amongst her belongings. 
Her first impression of Tina Goldstein is that she’s rather uptight and ridiculous. 
The voice of Leta Lestrange is still in Newt’s head laughing at this woman who cares so much about permits and paperwork. 
She doesn’t like Tina at all when they first meet. She’s an impediment to everything Newt is trying to do. She seems heartless and a little hysterical, though Newt tries not to be the kind of person who makes those judgments about other women. 
But when troubles come down to bear, Tina makes other people’s problems her own. She’s full of fear and worry and, yeah, probably what one could call hysteria. But she’s a quick shot with her wand. She’s steadfast at doing the right thing. 
Amongst her sweetest memories — the kind that Tina would happily die for — is not saving a girl’s life, but simply sparing her from pain and being able to offer her some small comfort.
It sneaks up on Newt, really. It’s not like Miss Kowalski, who is so openly and easily warm that if she could take her eyes off of Tina’s sister for even a second then Newt might greatly like to be noticed by her. Or Tina’s sister, who is objectively beautiful in the way that orchids and sunsets are beautiful.
Tina’s beauty sneaks up on Newt, who usually prides herself on her astounding observational skills. The beauty of Tina Goldstein is not a matter of her dark hair or her slender throat or her fine bones or her long legs. These are all things that Newt could already see. What’s beautiful in Tina Goldstein is that she sees Newt for exactly who she is — and yes, that is someone who thinks rules are as ridiculous as skirts and that animals capable of grievous bodily harm to humans are charming and "not dangerous.” 
But Tina sees that Newt is a hero, someone with the sort of heart and smarts that the world ought to listen to more. She’s so grateful to even meet Newt, so grateful that she’s tripping over her tongue and she can’t stop smiling and she might cry.
Newt is the sort of person who likes to think she can’t be bothered with worry or regret. But she greatly regrets not kissing Tina Goldstein on the pier before she left New York. Of course, of course, she knows why she did it. It would be a rather impetuous breach of friendship. She is not impulsive in that way. She prefers not to take the lead, all things considered. 
She touches her lips with her calloused fingers and thinks, well, she’ll be coming back to New York. Until then, she can write. She’s always been very good at writing.
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ao3feed-gravebone · 7 years
Do You Rekall ?
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2u15iTn
by writingramblr
Doug Quaid is a nobody factory worker in a world torn apart by corruption and greed, and the resistance, every day portrayed on the news like a plague to be wiped out, is working behind the scenes to try and overthrow the dictatorial regime ruling with an iron fist.
Words: 10666, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), Total Recall (2012)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Credence Barebone, Original Percival Graves, Seraphina Picquery, Tina Goldstein, Newt Scamander, Theseus Scamander, Jacob Kowalski, Douglas Quaid | Carl Hauser
Relationships: Credence Barebone/Original Percival Graves, Original Percival Graves & Seraphina Picquery, Tina Goldstein & Theseus Scamander, Leta Lestrange & Newt Scamander
Additional Tags: total recall fusion, Alternate Universe - Movie Fusion, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, mainly, Rewrite, Re Upload, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Memory Alteration, alleyway blow jobs, Original Percival Graves Needs a Hug, Protective Credence Barebone, Alternate Universe - Dystopia, minor infidelity, but not really, confused puppy colin is my fave colin, also smokin hot colin too, mmm, Minor Character Death
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2u15iTn
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July 2002[edit source]
Unknown date - Catmando, 7, British Cat and Politician and joint Leader of the Monster Raving Looney Party
2 – Earle Brown, 75, American composer.
2 – Ray Brown, 75, American bassist.
3 – Michel Henry, 80, French philosopher.
4 – Kenneth Ross MacKenzie, 90, American physicist.
4 – Sir Jake Saunders, 84, British banker.
4 – Winnifred Van Tongerloo, 98, oldest living survivor of the Titanic.
4 – Benjamin O. Davis Jr., 89, African-American General.
5 – Ted Williams, 83, American baseball player (Boston Red Sox) and member of the MLB Hall of Fame.
5 – Katy Jurado, 68, Mexican actress.
6 – Dhirubhai Ambani, 69, Indian businessman.
6 – John Frankenheimer, 74, American film director.
6 – Kenneth Koch, 77, American poet and playwright.
6 – Stuart Shorter, 33, British homeless activist.
7 – Decherd Turner, 79, American librarian and book collector.
8 – Sir Robert Bellinger, 92, former Lord Mayor of London.
8 – Ward Kimball, 88, Disney animator.
8 – Patrick Rodger, 81, British Anglican prelate, former Bishop of Oxford.
9 – Laurence Janifer, 69, science fiction writer.
9 – William Robinson, 85, Canadian Anglican prelate, Bishop of Ottawa.
9 – Ron Scarlett, 91, New Zealand paleozoologist.
9 – Dave Sorenson, 54, former NBA and Ohio State University basketball player.
9 – Rod Steiger, 77, American actor, kidney failure.
10 – John Wallach, 59, journalist and philanthropist.
11 – Roy Orrock, 81, British World War II pilot.
12 – Edward Lee Howard, 51, American CIA agent who defected to the Soviet Union.
12 – Mani Krishnaswami, 72, Indian vocalist.
13 – Yousuf Karsh, 93, celebrity portrait photographer as "Karsh of Ottawa".
13 – Eric Price, 83, English cricketer.
14 – Joaquín Balaguer, 95, former President of the Dominican Republic.
15 – Gavin Muir, 50. British actor and musician.
15 – Camillus Perera, 64, Sri Lankan cricket umpire.
16 – Alan Charles Clark, 82, British Roman Catholic prelate.
16 – John Cocke, 77, American computer scientist, key figure in the development of RISC architecture.
16 – Cletus Madsen, 96, American Roman Catholic priest.
16 – Jack Olsen, 77, American "True crime" writer.
17 – Charles I. Krause, 90, American labor leader.
18 – Metin Toker, 78, Turkish journalist and one time politician
19 – Dave Carter, 49, American singer-songwriter.
19 – Alexander Ginzburg, 65, leading Soviet dissident.
19 – Alan Lomax, 87, American documenter of blues and folk songs.
21 – John Cunningham, 84, British World War II fighter pilot.
21 – Antti Koivumäki, 25, Finnish poet and keyboardist (Aavikko)
22 – Joyce Cooper, 93, British Olympic swimmer.
22 – Marion Montgomery, 67, American jazz singer.
22 – Giuseppe Corradi, 70, Italian footballer.
22 – Prince Ahmed bin Salman, member of the Saudi Arabian royal family.
22 – Chuck Traynor, 64, American pornographer.
23 – Bill Bell, 70, New Zealand cricketer.
23 – Alberto Castillo, 87, Argentine tango singer and actor.
23 – Leo McKern, 82, Australian actor.
23 – William Pierce, American neo-Nazi, author of The Turner Diaries.
23 – Chaim Potok, 73, American author.
24 – Maurice Denham, 92, British actor.
24 – Mike Clark, 61, former NFL kicker.
25 – Abdur Rahman Badawi, Egyptian existentialist philosopher.
27 – Krishan Kant, 75, Indian politician, Vice-President (1997–2002).
29 – Peter Bayliss, 80, British actor.
30 – Fred Jordan, 80, British folk singer.
31 – Pauline Chan Bo-Lin, 29, Hong Kong actress, suicide.
31 – Sir Maldwyn Thomas, 84, Welsh businessman and politician.
August 2002[edit source]
1 – Theo Bruce, 79, Australian long jumper.
1 – Jack Tighe, 88, American baseball coach.
3 – Kathleen Hughes-Hallett, 84, Canadian Olympic fencer.
3 – Peter Miles, 64, American actor.
3 – Carmen Silvera, 80, UK television and theatre actress (Dad's Army, 'Allo 'Allo!).
5 – Josh Ryan Evans, 20, American actor ("Timmy" on Passions).
5 – Chick Hearn, 85, television and radio announcer for the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team since 1960.
5 – Franco Lucentini, 82, Italian writer (The Sunday Woman).
5 – Darrell Porter, 50, American baseball player.
6 – Jim Crawford, 54, Scottish motor racing driver.
6 – Edsger Dijkstra, 72, computer scientist.
7 – Dominick Browne, 4th Baron Oranmore and Browne, 100, British aristocrat.
9 – George Alfred Barnard, 86, British statistician.
10 – Doris Wishman, 90, American film director, producer and screenwriter.
12 – Sir John Rennie, 85, British diplomat.
12 – Enos Slaughter, 86, American baseball player (St. Louis Cardinals) and member of the MLB Hall of Fame.
12 – Dame Marjorie Williamson, 89, British university administrator.
14 – Peter R. Hunt, 77, British film editor.
14 – Larry Rivers, 78, American painter.
14 – Dave Williams, 30, singer of Drowning Pool.
15 – Jesse Brown, 58, United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
15 – George Agbazika Innih, 63, Nigerian army general and politician.
15 – Haim Yosef Zadok, 88, Israeli jurist and politician.
16 – Abu Nidal, 65, terrorist.
16 – Ola Belle Reed, 85, American singer.
16 – Johnny Roseboro, 69, American baseball player.
18 – Dame Elizabeth Chesterton, 86, British architect and town planner.
18 – Edward Crew, 84, British air marshal.
18 – David Keynes Hill, 87, British biophysicist.
19 – Sunday Silence, 16, thoroughbred race horse, winner of the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes.
20 – Augustine Geve, Solomon Islands Cabinet Minister, assassinated.
22 – Allan George Bromley, 55, computer scientist, historian of computing.
22 – Bruce Duncan Guimaraens, 66, Portuguese wine maker.
23 – Emily Genauer, 91, American art critic.
23 – Hoyt Wilhelm, 80, American baseball player who played for nine different teams and a member of the MLB Hall of Fame.
24 – Wayne Simmons, 32, American Football player.
25 – Per Anger, 88, Swedish diplomat.
25 – Dorothy Hewett, 79, Australian poet, playwright and novelist.
27 – Edwin Sill Fussell, 80, American scholar of English literature.
27 – George Mitchell, 85, Scottish musician (The Black and White Minstrel Show).
27 – John S. Wilson, 89, American music critic.
29 – Elizabeth Forbes, 85, New Zealand athlete.
29 – Paul Tripp, 91, American musician and TV host.
30 – Thomas J. Anderson, 91, American publisher and politician.
30 – Maia Berzina, 91, Russian geographer, cartographer and ethnologer.
30 – Roy Wright, 73, Austrian rules football player.
31 – Lionel Hampton, 94, American jazz musician.
31 – Martin Kamen, 89, American scientist.
31 – George Porter, Baron Porter of Luddenham, 81, British Nobel Prize winner in chemistry.
September 2002[edit source]
1 – Peter Ramsden, 68, British rugby league player.
2 – Sir Robert Wilson, 75, British astronomer.
3 – Kenneth Hare, 83, Canadian scientist.
3 – Ted Ross, 68, American actor.
3 – Len Wilkinson, 85, British cricketer.
4 – Frankie Albert, 82, American National Football League star.
4 – Jerome Biffle, 74, American Olympic long jumper.
5 – Robert W. Brooks, 49, American mathematician.
5 – William Cooper, 92, English novelist.
5 – Cliff Gorman, 65, American actor.
5 – David Todd Wilkinson, 67, American cosmologist.
7 - Eugenio Coșeriu, 81, linguist specialized in Romance languages
7 – Uziel Gal, 78, designer of the Uzi submachine gun.
7 – Don Smith, 73, Canadian ice hockey player.
8 – Marco Siffredi, 23, French snowboarder (last seen on this date).
9 – Geoffrey Dummer, 92, British engineer.
11 – Johnny Unitas, 69, American football player (Baltimore Colts) and a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
12 – Kim Hunter, 79, American stage, television and Oscar-winning film actress (played "Stella Kowalski" in the original Broadway and film versions of A Streetcar Named Desire).
13 – Charles Herbert Lowe, 82, American biologist.
13 – George Stanley, 95, Canadian historian and public servant.
14 – Paul Williams, 87, American saxophonist.
15 – Robert William Pope, 86, British Anglican prelate, Dean of Gibraltar.
16 – Archibald Hall, 78, British criminal.
16 – Nguyễn Văn Thuận, 74, Vietnamese Roman Catholic prelate.
17 – Denys Fisher, 84, British inventor of the Spirograph.
18 – Bob Hayes, 59, American football player Dallas Cowboys and a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
19 – Sergei Bodrov Jr., 30, Russian movie star, Kolka-Karmadon rock ice slide.
19 – James Macdonald, 83, Scottish-born Australian ornithologist.
20 – Necdet Kent, 91, Turkish diplomat and humanitarian.
20 – Bob Wallace, 53, American computer scientist.
21 – Henry Pybus Bell-Irving, 89, Canadian Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia.
21 – Angelo Buono, Jr., 67, the "Hillside Strangler".
21 – Robert L. Forward, 70, physicist and science fiction author.
22 – Joseph Nathan Kane, 103, American historian and author.
22 – Jan de Hartog, 88, novelist and playwright.
22 – Anthony Milner, 77, British musician.
23 – Vernon Corea, 75, Sri Lankan-born British radio broadcaster.
24 – Mike Webster, 50, American football player (Pittsburgh Steelers) and a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame).
24 – George Wilson, 86, British cricketer.
25 – Arnold Ross, 96, American mathematician.
26 – Thomas S. Smith, 84, American politician, member of the New Jersey General Assembly.
27 – David Granger, 99, American bobsledder.
27 – Bill Pearson, 80, New Zealand writer.
30 – Robert Battersby, 77, British soldier and politician.
30 – Arthur Hazlerigg, 2nd Baron Hazlerigg, 92, British cricketer and soldier.
30 – Meinhard Michael Moser, 78, Swiss mycologist.
30 – Ewart Oakeshott, 86, British illustrator.
30 – Sir Jock Taylor, 78, British diplomat.
October 2002[edit source]
1 – Walter Annenberg, 94, American publisher and philanthropist.
1 – Ted Serong, 86, Australian soldier.
2 – Norman O. Brown, 89, American classicist.
2 – Heinz von Foerster, 90, Austrian-born American physicist and philosopher, one of the founders of constructivism.
2 – Alexander Sinclair, 91, Canadian ice hockey player.
3 – John Erritt, 71, British civil servant.
3 – Bruce Paltrow, 58, American television and film producer.
4 – Alphonse Chapanis, a founder of ergonomics.
4 – Barbara Fawkes, 87, British nurse.
4 – Ahmad Mahmoud, 70, Iranian novelist.
5 – Sir Reginald Hibbert, 80, British diplomat.
5 – Morag Hood, 59, Scottish actress.
6 – Chuck Rayner, 82, Canadian ice hockey player.
6 – Claus von Amsberg, 76, Dutch diplomat; husband of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.
8 – Phyllis Calvert, 87, British actress.
9 – Jim Martin, 78, American football player.
9 – Aileen Wuornos, 46, convicted of killing six men, lethal injection.
10 – Joe Wood, 86, American baseball player.
11 – William J. Field, 93, British politician.
12 – Sir Desmond Fitzpatrick, 89. British general.
12 – Audrey Mestre, 28, French world record-setting free diver.
12 – Nozomi Momoi, 24, Japanese AV idol, murdered.
12 – Sidney W. Pink, 86, American movie director and producer.
13 – Stephen Ambrose, 66, historian and author of "Band of Brothers".
13 – Keene Curtis, 79, American actor.
13 – Jim Higgins, 71, British politician.
14 – S. William Green, 72, American politician.
15 – Jack Lee, 89, British film director.
15 – Ze'ev, 79, Israeli caricaturist and illustrator.
16 – William Macmillan, 75, Scottish minister, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
17 – Derek Bell, 66, member of The Chieftains, harpist.
17 – Henri Renaud, 67, French jazz pianist and record company executive.
18 – Sir Cecil Blacker, 86, British army general.
18 – Roman Tam, 52, Hong Kong canto-pop singer.
19 – Manuel Alvarez Bravo, 100, Mexican photographer.
20 – Barbara Berjer, 82, American actress.
20 – Elisabeth Furse, 92, German-born British war-time agent.
20 – Mel Harder, 93, American baseball player.
21 – Beatrice Serota, Baroness Serota, 83, British politician.
22 – Richard Helms, 89, American former CIA director.
23 – David Henry Lewis, 85, New Zealand sailor and adventurer.
24 – Winton M. Blount, 81, last United States Postmaster General to have served in a Presidential Cabinet.
24 – Adolph Green, 87, American lyricist and playwright.
24 – Harry Hay, 90, American gay rights activist and Mattachine Society founder.
25 – Richard Harris, 72, Irish actor.
25 – René Thom, 79, French mathematician.
25 – Paul Wellstone, 58, United States Senator (D-MN).
28 – Margaret Booth, 104, Academy Award-winning film editor.
28 – Erling Persson, 85, Swedish businessman, founder of H&M.
28 – Sir Patrick Russell, 76, British jurist.
29 – Chang-Lin Tien, educator, 7th Chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley.
29 – Richard Jenkin, 77, Cornish nationalist politician.
29 – Glenn McQueen, 41, Canadian film animator.
30 – Jam Master Jay, 37, DJ of Run DMC, murdered.
30 – Sir William Mitchell, 77, British physicist.
31 – Yuri Ahronovitch, 70, Russian conductor.
31 – Sir Napier Crookenden, 87, British Army general.
31 – Baroness Hylton-Foster, 94, British peer.
November 2002[edit source]
1 – Edward Brooke, 85, Canadian Olympic fencer.
1 – Sir Charles Wilson, 93, British political scientist.
2 – Brian Behan, 75, Irish writer, younger brother of Brendan Behan.
2 – Robert Haslam, Baron Haslam, 79, British industrialist and life peer.
2 – Lo Lieh, 63, Hong King actor.
2 – Dame Felicity Peake, 89, British Director of the Women's Royal Air Force.
2 – Tonio Selwart, 106, Bavarian actor and Broadway performer.
2 – Charles Sheffield, 67, science fiction author and physicist.
3 – Lonnie Donegan, 71, British skiffle musician.
3 – Sir John Habakkuk, 87, British economic historian.
3 – Jonathan Harris, 87, American actor, TV's "Dr. Smith" on Lost in Space.
3 – William Packard, 69, American poet and author.
3 – Sir Rex Roe, 77, British air force officer.
4 – Antonio Margheriti, 72, Italian filmmaker, heart attack.
5 – Billy Guy, 66, American singer.
5 – Mushtaq Qadri, 35, Pakistani religious poet.
6 – Brian James, 61, English cricketer.
6 – Sid Sackson, 82, board game designer.
7 – Rudolf Augstein, 79, founder and chief editorialist of the German newsweekly Der Spiegel.
8 – Dorothy Mackie Low, 86, British novelist.
9 – Dick Johnson, 85, American test pilot.
9 – Merlin Santana, 26, actor.
9 – William Schutz, 76, American psychologist.
10 – Steve Durbano, 50, ice hockey player, lung cancer.
11 – Sir Michael Clapham, 90, British industrialist.
11 – David Steel, 92, Scottish minister.
13 – Kaloji Narayana Rao, 88, Indian poet and political activist.
13 – Irv Rubin, 57, Canadian chairman of the Jewish Defence League.
14 – Eddie Bracken, 87, actor.
14 – Mir Qazi, 38, Pakistani convicted criminal, executed by lethal injection in Virginia.
15 – Myra Hindley, 60, the Moors murderess.
15 – John Joseph Stewart,79, New Zealand rugby coach.
16 – Rupert E. Billingham, 81, British biologist.
16 – Sir George Gardiner, 67, British politician.
17 – Abba Eban, 88, Israeli foreign affair minister.
18 – James Coburn, 74, Oscar-winning actor, heart attack.
18 – Pasquale Vivolo, 74, Italian footballer.
19 – Prince Alexandre de Merode, 68, International Olympic Committee member, lung cancer.
19 – George Fullerton, 79, South African cricketer.
20 – George Guest, 78, British organist and choirmaster.
20 – Ben Webb, 45, Canadian journalist.
20 – Zhang Shuguang, 82, Chinese politician
21 – Prince Takamado, 47, Japanese prince
21 – Hadda Brooks, 86, American jazz singer, pianist and composer.
21 – Arturo Guzman Decena founder of Los Zetas
21 – J. Roger Pichette, 81, Canadian politician.
22 – Joan Barclay, 88, American actress.
22 – Christine Marion Fraser, 64, Scottish novelist.
23 – Roberto Matta, 91 Chilean artist.
24 – Philip B. Meggs, 60, American graphic designer.
24 – John Rawls, 81, political theorist.
25 – Gordon Davidson, 87, Australian politician.
25 – David Drummond, 8th Earl of Perth, 95, British politician and aristocrat.
26 – Verne Winchell, 87, founder of Winchell's Donuts (nicknamed "The Donut King").
27 – Stanley Black, 89, British musician.
27 – Ronald Gerard Connors, 87, American Roman Catholic bishop in the Dominican Republic.
28 – Billy Pearson, 82, American jockey.
29 – David Weiss, 93, American novelist.
30 – Tim Woods, 68, professional wrestler who wrestled as Mr. Wrestling, heart attack.
December 2002[edit source]
1 – Dave McNally, 60, American baseball player.
1 – José Chávez Morado, 93, Mexican artist.
1 – Michael Oliver, 65, British classical music broadcaster and writer.
2 – Jim Mitchell, 56, Irish politician.
2 – Vjenceslav Richter, 85, Croatian architect.
2 – Derek Robinson, 61, British nuclear physicist.
2 – Fay Gillis Wells, 94, American pioneer aviator.
3 – Glenn Quinn, 32, Irish actor (Roseanne, Angel).
5 – Roone Arledge, 71, American television producer and executive (Monday Night Football and Nightline).
5 – Ne Win, 91, Burmese dictator.
6 – Father Philip Berrigan, 79, American priest and political activist.
6 – Charles Rosen, 85, pioneer in artificial intelligence.
7 – Barbara Howard, 76, Canadian artist.
7 – Paddy Tunney, 81, Irish traditional artist.
8 – Bobby Joe Hill, 59, American basketball player.
8 – Charles Rosen, 85, American computer scientist.
9 – Stan Rice, 60, painter, educator, poet, husband of author Anne Rice, cancer.
9 – To Huu, 82, Vietnamese poet and politician.
10 – Desmond Keith Carter, 35, convicted murderer, executed by lethal injection in North Carolina.
10 – Earl Henry, 85, American baseball player.
10 – Andres Küng, 57, Swedish journalist, writer, entrepreneur and politician of Estonian origin.
10 – Steve Llewellyn, 78, Welsh rugby league player.
10 – Ian MacNaughton, 76, director of most episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus.
11 – Kay Rose, 80, American Oscar-winning sound editor.
12 – Dee Brown, 94, author (Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee).
12 – Edward Harrison, 92, English cricketer and squash player.
12 – Jay Wesley Neill, 37. convicted murderer, executed by lethal injection in Oklahoma.
13 – Ronald Butt, 82, British journalist.
13 – Zal Yanofsky, 57, Canadian member of The Lovin' Spoonful music group.
14 – Jack Bradley, 86, English footballer.
15 – Arthur Jeph Parker, 79, American set decorator.
15 – Dick Stuart, 70, American baseball player.
17 – John Aubrey Davis, Sr., 90, American civil rights activist.
17 – Hank Luisetti, 86, basketball star and innovator.
18 – Lucy Grealy, 39, Irish-born American poet and memoirist.
18 – Ramon John Hnatyshyn, 68, former Governor-General of Canada, pancreatitis.
18 – Sir Bert Millichip, 88, British football administrator.
18 – Wayne Owens, 65, U.S. Congressman (D-UT), heart attack.
19 – Guy Bordelon, 80, American Korean War flying ace.
19 – Stephen Fleck, 90, American psychiatrist.
19 – Jim Flower, 79, British admiral.
19 – Arthur Rowley, 76, English footballer, holder of the record for most career league goals scored.
19 – Lewis B. Smedes, 81, American theologian.
20 – Joanne Campbell, 38, British actress who starred in the comedy series, Me and My Girl (1980s).
20 – James Richard Ham, 91, American Roman Catholic prelate.
22 – Desmond Hoyte, 73, President of Guyana from 1985 to 1992.
22 – Joe Morgan, 57, New Zealand rugby union player.
22 – Joe Strummer, 50, former singer for The Clash.
22 – Kenneth Tobey, 85, prolific character actor (appeared in about 100 films including: Twelve O'Clock High, Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, The Thing from Another World and Airplane!).
23 – Jimmy Osborne, 94, Australian soccer player.
24 – James Ferman, 72, American film censor.
24 – Tita Merello, 98, Argentinian actress and singer.
24 – V.K. Ramasamy, 76, Indian actor.
24 – Jake Thackray, 64, English singer-songwriter, heart failure.
25 – Gabriel Almond, 91, American political scientist.
25 – William T. Orr, 85, television executive (brought Maverick, F-Troop and 77 Sunset Strip to TV).
25 – Davina Whitehouse, 90, British-born New Zealand actress.
26 – Herb Ritts, 50, celebrity photographer.
26 – Armand Zildjian, 81, cymbals manufacturer.
27 – George Roy Hill, 81, film director (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Sting).
28 – Meri Wilson, 53, American singer.
29 – Don Clarke, 69, New Zealand rugby player.
29 – Sir Paul Hawkins, 90, British politician.
30 – Mary Wesley, 90, novelist, author of The Camomile Lawn.
31 – Billy Morris, 84, Welsh footballer.
31 – Kevin MacMichael, 51, Canadian guitarist and singer-songwriter (Cutting Crew).
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