#this took so long jfc
luzlylovely · 1 month
easy co - punk tactics
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b0vidine · 2 years
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Seraphim Whole because I said so
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i compiled angst abt TR + his sons because i. ... i got bored. and because it'll help me w/ writing angst when i have all of this in one spot.
im just posting it w/ a specific tag so i can find it when i need it kslkskd this post is also kinda long btw
TR himself - batshit insane
Okay so this mf has enough angst to fill. An entire. Like. Pool. But we'll start w/ the most known:
His wife & Mother dying on the same day just hours apart.
We all know how it goes but if you don't, his first wife, Alice Hathaway Lee, and his mother, Mittie Bulloch, died just hours apart on Valentine's Day, 1884.
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And at the Funeral:
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There's going to be... a lot more photos. The grieving is so intense I can't leave it out at all.
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Doesn't this sound like an unhealthy coping mechanism? TR never really got the grip of coping healthily, but this isn't the earliest example, which I'll touch on soon.
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It's beyond reasonable - and in fact correct - to assume he never entirely, fully got over Alice Lee. He never mentioned her again. Not on record, at least, and certainly not once in his autobiography. He mentioned his mother a handful of times at most. And this is where I say this part makes me feel nauseous because of how damn sad it is.
TR, as I said, never came to terms with Alice's death, and he never would. Over decades maybe he could handle a brief sorrowful thought of her, maybe a second. But I don't think anybody would be wrong in assuming he still could never truly talk of her. It sounds sad, but it's true. He never handled grief well.
I do think this is one of the periods of TR's life that you hear of but, never seeing it mentioned again, really enforces that he wanted her gone. He couldn't stand the thought of her. Which... do. Do you see the therapy that he desperately needed?
WELL if you thought this was it then you were wrong!!
His father died when he was nineteen. TR idolized his father beyond all else. He had a massive portrait of the man in his office and he always wondered what his father would do in times of strength during his presidency.
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And TR admitting fear is a very, very rare thing, because you don't. Actually see it often. He'd be more likely to admit to a crime.
So for his father to die, and not being able to see him before (TR couldn't arrive in time), really, really left its mark on him. This was also around the time he had a spat with his then-close-friend, future-second-wife Edith in a small summer house. His father's death left him grieving and the argument left him. Well. Seething, for lack of a better word.
TR was actually able to acknowledge his father. That was the only difference.
But he also needed extreme help by the time Valentine's Day 1884 rolled around, and I am not alone in that thought.
I'd also like to mention that the argument I referenced above is never going to be explored beyond what is known: They argued, it was intense, and it ended any romantic prospects between them for years. Other than that? We have abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Nothing to go off of. Neither ever told anyone what they argued about. All Edith said was that Theodore 'wasn't very nice', and TR just said they both had tempers. Other than that once again? Nothing.
He also experiences even more grief later but we'll touch on that later.
TR almost lost Edith, as well, during 1898 when the Spanish-American war was ramping up to its climax of official war.
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It did not get better. As you'll see, this was also when Ted was put under suffering, aswell.
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*Cut because the rest is in Ted's section*
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Even though it ended well, TR was likely getting flashbacks (or intense reminders) of what happened with Alice Lee just 14 years ago. And in those 14 years I'm very sure he wasn't fully done suppressing the memory. Being put under such strain twice doesn't do well on a person, nor their mental stability.
And now I'd like to mention: TR possibly having bipolar disorder.
Listen I'm not going to go in detail because I have before (probably, if not just send an ask that tumblr hopefully wont eat), but basically, traumatic experiences when he was so young, multiple injuries, almost dying countless times when he was young as he had asthma, and never truly coping, and honestly just naturally, he could have had Bipolar Disorder.
I find this theory interesting and it's very believable. He could be all over the place, smiling and ecstatic, swinging his limbs around, and then the next, quiet, gloomy. Suppressed. He never calmed down enough unless it was serious. Now, it could've just been his natural personality and behavior. But he was reckless, bold, daring, a risk-taker, and didn't ever really care about dying as much as he should have.
TR ignored his doctor basically telling him "DO NOT DO EXTREME SHIT. IT WILL HURT YOUR HEART. BADLY." and proceeded to be the goddamn president. Don't even mention climbing mountains and tough sports and putting himself under immense strain.
Hell I'd say it's worthy of a book (albeit short or not who knows), but there isn't one so far (as I know of) that focuses on that theory and goes in depth.
(But I do consider it a mild headcanon of mine for NATM purposes because I genuinely think it's something to consider, and hey, if you get memories, why wouldn't that pass over? Or I just like angst idk skkdnfgk)
Edith also suffered two miscarriages during the White House years, so the trauma of losing two unborn children must've hit pretty hard too.
i could go on even more about this sad meow meow bastard but lets move on. (Oh, the trauma I mentioned we'll touch on later, we will touch on near the end in Quentin's section.)
2. Ted // aka the one who was sort of forced to be the best
(also this mf was IMPOSSIBLE to search for. 'Ted' brought up words w/ -ted at the end and it took me so damn long to filter those results out)
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This one below is in the White House. The two above are from 1898.
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(the proudness is mildly concerning)
The 'nervous exhaustion' and migraines Ted ended up getting were because he was being pushed so hard at such a young age. I tried to find the book that had it (with no luck) but his mother admits that TR pushed Ted far more than the other children. Whether it was because Ted was his eldest son or his first or his namesake or all of the above I don't know, but after that pledge, TR doesn't seem as hard on Ted again in the rest of the Trilogy this lies in.
I also tried to find this next part with once again no luck. However I'll explain the best I can:
When Ted was in college, he got sick with a very violent case of pneumonia, to the point where he was put to bedrest. TR may've had a hard attitude to sickness but he came down to be by his son's bedside and the concern must have been intense. Ted's mother also came down and eventually Alice did too when she was allowed (they actually considered each other like siblings, probably some of the closest between the six with only a 3/2 year age difference). Ted did get better, but it was still worrying in the moment.
I can't find the copy (when I can I'll probably edit this post), but in another book, during WWI, Eleanor (Ted's wife, not FDR's, it's. It's confusing I know) confided in TR that Ted worried if his father was proud of him. TR was particularly surprised, but he told Eleanor that yes, of course he was proud of Ted. He called the war he fought in (Span-Am War) a bow and arrow affair compared to what Ted was fighting in -- a war with bombs and motherfucking aerophysics.
So in Ted you have the 'Heir who's really stressed' part of being a Victorian kid of someone who may or may not need lots of therapy and already have daddy issues (because he did. and i am right.)
OH!! FDR and Ted also had this weird rivalry and Ted basically disowned his ass and called him a maverick. Republican tings ykwim- FDR kept Ted's war moves from newspapers to stunt his cousin's political career (Which is a dick move), but even in the end, FDR presented the Medal of Honor to Ted's widow and admitted that TR would've been the proudest of Ted.
3. - Kermit: really sad guy
Okay Ted was fucking impossible to search for but Kermit is not thankfully
Kermit doesn't seem to be as ... optimistic or loud as the other kids, as you can tell.
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*in reference to Harvard, where all four of the boys attended. FDR was also slighted for like the rest of his life bc he wasn't allowed in a club that Ted and Kermit got into lmao i just find that funny*
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Kermit was also 'easy to bruise' and 'adored' by his mother but he was still... uh. Well. In short terms, traumatized as fuck and had PTSD that goes beyond any realm I've ever fucking seen.
(I WILL be writing fic for this)
I guess you could say it's sort of depressingly similar to TR and his own brother, Elliott, who also died an alcoholic and with multiple attempts of su!c!de. Kermit is the younger brother, Ted is the older. TR was the older, Elliott was the younger. Ykwim?
Basically if Kermit the Frog is memey and funny then this Not-Frog-Man is tragically the opposite and he also. Really. Really needed therapy isn't that a running theme at this point though-
4. Archie - mischievous. that's it
Not much I can find on Archie in an angsty way, which I think is actually good for my heart because the Edmund Morris TR Trilogy did not do wonders for my mental stability
The most prevalent thing I can find is this:
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Archie--born in 1894--would be 15, so a 15 year old struggling for dear life and terrifying the shit out of his family. Doesn't sound good huh?
But!! Besides that Archie was the only American soldier to be disabled in BOTH World Wars (The three remaining sons (Quentin died in WWI as we know this) all fought in WWII. Fighting spirits indeed) and because of the SAME injury in the SAME leg. He was quieter but still mischievous and energetic, and he got along best w/ Quentin and they rarely quarreled. I will admit, I don't see much about Archie. Quentin obviously is well-spread around, Ted is aswell, Kermit partially, Alice fucking entirely. Ethel and Archie though, I dont see much of.
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*these two paragraphs follow each other, they're just on separate pages. the first paragraph follows into the next, so you can read it normally without missing anything.*
I forgot that Archie basically got really, really unhealthy during the War. His arm was worryingly limp and his leg was practically fucked. Not only that but he lost his closest brother in the war, so you can imagine how he felt.
5. Quentin - FAVORITE CHILD there i said it
okay. you want angst? like, a lot? this one. this boy is your ticket to sad depressive trains of thought.
Quentin was also the most like his father and very much a risk taker, so if he lived long enough, he very well could have had a very successful political career (or in whatever he chose to go into.).
However, Quentin's death was a lasting pain for TR (who died less than a year later) and it's said that Quentin's death not only hastened the then-late-50's year old man, but that TR died of heartbreak over his youngest's death. More angst after the pictures teehee
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'He' is TR. He could be vaguely cryptic in matters of worry and family. Remember this
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He paces when his brain is going a million miles an hour. I actually forgot this small detail but I'll have to use it sometime tbh
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this part just makes me sad even though its almost been a year since i reread it like 20 times (more on that in a second.)
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The silent grieving and absolute devastation seems far more powerful.
Now, getting specific:
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Yes, it was said, as I may've already mentioned, that the boy in TR died when Quentin was devastatingly taken out on July 14th in the summer of 1918. He'd already suffered losing his father (his idol. this is where his own daddy issues come from) and losing his first wife AND mother (who he adored, too) in less than 12 hours. so now, to lose his youngest son, his boy, his child? Oh dear.
So combine the fact TR already needed lots of therapy and this new, heartbreaking death, and you've got one HELL of an angst supply.
It's worth remembering TR really just said 'fuck it. beat the memory until it's too dead to throb' and thought of it as a coping method.
... his 'method' is what we'd now call unhealthy. He thought it was so fucking fine that he even recommended it to a friend (or his sister? I forget tbh) who was just recently widowed. He was not taught healthy coping/healing methods and it showed. Strongly.
TR also felt tremendous guilt for his sons getting hurt (and one dying) in WWI. He'd always glorified war to himself and his kids and he'd instilled in them that a man is only a man once he's fought in battle. Well, no, that's not true. But in the Oyster Bay line of Roosevelts, you either fought in battle when you got the chance or you were a coward for denying it. Hell, take this quote from before Ted was even born:
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And that is JUST on college games. What about war?
Of course, even if he didn't push his sons into WWI, they were bound to go in eventually. His sons all shared his glory-seeking and they would put themselves in harm's way just to get their father's attention sometimes, as I mentioned with Ted truly wondering if--even after fighting in a damn war, getting gassed, and shot, and nearly blinded, AND suffering almost a mental breakdown before he was even a teen--his father was proud of him.
So not only was Quentin's death enough guilt, his sons all got hurt in a war he not only pushed for in general, but he pushed for them to enter as soon as they could. Afterall, if he couldn't fight in the war at 58 with horrible health, then his younger and healthier sons could.
All in all they ALL needed therapy and there is a resounding amount of angst all around the entire family circle. If you read this I am very much sorry.
(I can also probably get the PDFs I used to search for these. I had the physical copies but those were library copies so uh. Not anymore. I can't find the other two books either so some parts WOULD have been pictures instead of text descriptions, but oh well.)
P.S i swear im not insane
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chroiduendo · 4 months
Kitsunave Red
main oc, part of the stories i write!
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Red has a LOT of lore. lore of which branches out into like 5 different stories and characters. Bare with me while I try simplifying everything
Red and his brother Dread were both born within a city / civilization called Galdur. Galdur is a very magical and technological city. They have an academy that teaches things like magic, warrior arts, science, called Galavairza Ulkrim. Within this academy, they were almost top of their classes. For darker reasons.
Their father Jax held dark intentions for Red and Dread. Their names were originally Jenix and Otium Zenarck. "Red and Dread" were merely codenames. Jax tested, and trained, and pushed the brothers to their very limits ever since they were able to walk. the name Zenarck was once a great, and powerful name. Jax intended to bring that name to the greatness it once had. to do this, he needed to use the brothers as vessels of destruction.
Their family history is deep, rich, and something Jax cared very little about. (Due to circumstances that i shall tell later) Otium started having.. visions.. he started seeing things. the deeper he got into these tests and the more magic he learned, he realized his true intentions. Otium truly started inhabiting the codename Dread.
The Uprising-
Of course.. this happened over MULTIPLE years. by the time Red and Dread escaped, they're about 15. Before that, Dread went dormant. trying to inhabit as much power as possible. once he thought it was enough. he released it in one powerful burst of energy. Fully manifesting a Tamaju (Sentient spirit animal of which is the manifestation of your magical abilities.) WAY earlier than he was supposed to. He used it to start a war, revolution.. freedom for him and his brother. Red stayed away from it as much as possible.
Bowl Of Confusion-
Dread managed to get people and students on his side. while the rest of everyone fought under Jax. At the beginning, there was no clear good or bad side. War fought on and the magic civilization tore itself apart. TamaZyjins and even Ulkrimages in training were fighting one another. Red didnt know what to do. It wasn't until Red saw one of Jax's Generals nearly KILL Dread when he decided where he stands. Red unlocked a power of which no one has ever seen. Wiped out many of Jax's army and nearly killed The General which attacked Dread. Dread had to stop Red with his own power before he got too dangerous. The Army started closing in on them. so Dread took Red to a secluded area. Where no one would find them.
An Act of Love-
Dread, for a little bit, went back to being Otium Zenarck. in order to give Red one final messaage.
"Dear brother, I regret to do this to you.. But there is one thing you mustn't forget. you are Red. you are a warrior, and a doctor. You are a Zenarck. No matter where the wind takes you, remember these values: Dream hard, fight always, run fast, be kind."
For Red's own safety. Dread wiped his memory, and sent him away as far as possible. Jax's army found Dread. and from then on, Dread has been forced, and cursed to work under Jax, as his apprentice. Persuaded and seduced by darkness, and the fallen god which he saw in his visions.
As for Red? to be continued.
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answer2jeff · 1 year
SHARING SPACE — Carmen Berzatto.
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synopsis: just a blurb, how you ended up moving in with Carmen :)
warnings: established relationship, reader is implied female (but little use of specific pronouns), fluffy headcanons, some smutty implications, some smutty implications but still fluff, mentions of alcohol and smoking, blurb is set once they're rebranding The Beef into The Bear.
i need more Carmen fluff this man is my whole life. btw this is super short but i'm sooooo burnt out :'(
It started with you "accidentally" falling asleep in his bed from the night before, panicking and hurrying to put your clothes in the morning before he had to rush to work. You weren't technically dating, but you were too close for comfort to be considered something as shallow as "friends with benefits." It was more than that.
But then things seemed to slow down. It turned into spending an extra ten minutes enveloped in each others arms. You shared, "good mornings" between sickly sweet kisses, his hands feeling up and down your torso while your fingers entangled in his hair. Carmen whispered about how much he didn't want to leave—as much as both of you knew he had to.
"You're gonna be late, Carmy." You'd groan, cupping his clean-shaven face and planting small kisses on his cheeks. Carmen let out a sigh of disappointment, realizing his short moment of bliss would be over the second he thought about leaving.
"I'm gonna clean up, 'kay?" He'd mumble, kissing your sweet lips one last time. His pupils dilated at the sight of you in his sheets, something he wish he didn't have to cherish from how little free time he seemed to have.
Once he'd hop in the shower, you'd get yourself dressed before pouring him a warm cup of coffee, occasionally placing any dirty dishes stranded in the kitchen in the sink as an act of courtesy. You'd check the time, 7:00am,
As much as it pained you to leave without a proper goodbye, you worried that Carmen needed space- that he didn't have time to pepper kisses along your cheeks before he left.
"Bye Carmy!" You'd call out, but not quite loud enough for him to hear from the bathroom.
He wished you would've stayed just a little longer.
Eventually, you caught on. At one point, you swore you saw Carmen popping his head back into his bedroom to see if you were still there as you were already halfway out the door. From that point on, you started leaving little notes next to his coffee, littered with "I'm so proud of you," and sweet comments like, "break a leg Bear," and sometimes even an "I'll see you soon."
Then it turned into spending all weekend, every weekend, in his apartment—even though you'd been stopping by the restaurant between closing hours, and spending a good hour or two with him every other day of the week.
It just wasn't enough.
You started bringing a share-sized blanket and bottles of your favorite drinks whenever you came over, which was practically 4-5 times a week by that point.That blanket ended up rotating between your apartment and his, until it finally resided on the couch.
Wrapping himself in that blanket whenever you weren't around, reminded him that there was something else to think about; that there was someone else who needed him just as much as he did them.
You started leaving little things like your hoop earrings on the kitchen counter, or your puffer jacket on his coatrack, wondering if they'd still be there by next weekend; wondering if Carmen would ever have the heart to give them back to you. (Spoiler alert, he kept everything you ever "forgot"' in the exact same spot. Having a piece of you in his home at all times seemed to make up for your absence during the week, even if it just made him miss you more.)
Then you started packing extra clothes with you that you'd stuff into an empty drawer in Carmen's dresser. You brought your travel-sized, makeup bag with you, which you just ended up leaving in his bathroom. Along with your meds, and your skin care, and practically everything else you couldn't live without.
"You should just move in at this point." Carmen let out a breathy laugh as he watched you do your makeup, his eyes meeting yours in the reflection of the bathroom mirror. Not even 20 minutes ago, he saw you pick out an entire outfit from the spare clothes you brought, not even realizing that you left a pair of black shoes that went with everything, right in his shoe rack.
"I practically live here now," you paused to put on some mascara, your mouth gaping open as you tried to concentrate, "but my lease is up on the 23rd." You joked, twisting the cap on your mascara back on and tossing it into your makeup bag.
"I mean—would you want to? Live here? With—with me?" He physically turned to look at you, your reflection not giving him enough clarity. He needed to see you, whether you said yes or no. You felt your stomach turn, and the question seemed unreal.
"I— yeah, I guess. Only if you want me to, but that'd be pretty... cool." You turned your head to face him, gazing into his desperate eyes. He needed to be able to call this apartment "ours," not just "his."
This apartment felt more like a home than you than anywhere else you resided in Chicago. You made your commute to work from this apartment, you ate and showered and slept in this apartment, bits and pieces of you were tossed all around this apartment, you brought home every new piece of clothing and jewelry back to this apartment.
Carmen literally made you keep a spare key in your wallet, advising you to come over whenever you needed something—even if he wasn't home. He trusted you with his space,
He took it upon himself to buy you a toothbrush, the shampoo and conditioner you raved about after he complimented your hair, and extra pads/tampons/menstrual cups (since he wasn't sure what you used,) just for when his bathroom would be occupied by you. He cleaned out the hidden cabinet behind the mirror above the sink, making sure you had a place for all of your things. He moved all of his cologne, deodorant, lotion, etc in the cabinet underneath it.
All he ever wanted was to make sure you felt safe.
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pineapplesaresweet · 2 years
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*Where no one goes by John Powell starts playing*
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timblrdrake · 3 days
Afternoon Mr Drake-Wayne,
I understand you're considered quite a gifted little computer expert, especially in compsec. I've recently acquired @officialdailyplanet and I'm interested in branching into some more extreme investigative journalism.
Let me know if you would be interested in contracted work, and it's so wonderful to see you've truly bounced back after the unfortunate incident with your parents.
Lex Luthor he/they
hi there.
i’m interested, but i’m curious as to what you mean by ‘more extreme investigative journalism’. provided more details i’d consider it.
thank you.
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h4unted--h0use · 1 year
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pt 7 of stranger things textposts! it's a silly one!
pt 6 - pt 8
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krackkokichi · 1 year
transparent cutout edits
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i decided to cut these out from the black backgrounds because i was tired of everyone using that sloppy bonnie edit (the op said it was done by a website, so i'm not attacking anyone). i was going to do monty too, but i struggled so hard with motivation on chica and roxy, and these four are a set in the ride anyway.
no credit necessary if you decide to use these for some reason
bonus edit of bonnie under the cut:
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(if you use this one please credit me tho)
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arcticthef0x · 4 months
@mx-werebat I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED YOUR ASK!! Sorry!! Here's the drawing though! If you want anything changed, just send in a ask!
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jensensfanfic · 2 years
omg hi can you do prompt #137 with ellie williams’s ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥your writing is sooooo good
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pairing: ellie williams x popular!fem!reader
prompt: “Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s truly distracting.”
word count: 800+
warnings: smut, minors dni! - kisses, hickies, needy ellie, jealous ellie, teasing, strap-on, this isn't like full smut jsyk
a/n: thank you so much for the compliment, it means the world. i rarely actually post the smut i write, so i hope y'all like this!
Ellie is all over you when you arrive home this evening. You were planning on inviting her in any way, but before you have the chance to offer - or even put your keys away - she is rounding on you. She uses your body to slam the door shut as your back collides with it, forcing a sharp gasp from you. Then her lips are on yours, messy and urgent.
It takes a while for you both to leave that space, pressed against the hard surface, Ellie reaching up to unbutton your blouse. Your bag drops unceremoniously onto the floor with a thud, and you kick off your heels, hands sliding around to hold her waist.
You weren't exactly counting the minutes, but it felt like forever before you finally stumbled your way to your room. It was always hard for Ellie to tear herself away from your lips, your arms, or–
A little while later, your back is against silk sheets, your hands striving to latch onto the slippery material. Your breasts have been decorated with love bites. The small, darkening bruises are dotted around, creating what looks like some sort of constellation over your skin. You're sure that if you had a pen, you could link the marks together and match them with some of the stars outside.
Two gentle puffs of air hit each of your nipples in turn, drying the saliva that made them glisten seconds ago. Ellie laps over them once again, then repeats both actions several more times, causing you to drag your bottom lip between your teeth.
Once satisfied, she looks up at you through her lashes and waits for your hooded eyes to meet hers. You then watch her tongue begin the journey from your abdomen, trailing down until they hit your underwear.
Her index and middle fingers hook around both sides of your lacy panties, but she doesn't pull them down yet. Her head moves lower: to the wet spot that has formed on the fabric. She draws her tongue over it, one long stripe over the thin barrier, and then she's gone. Leaning up, she revels in the way you whine and writhe.
"Do you know how beautiful you are? It's truly distracting."
"Huh?" You glance down, confusion showing in the way the space between your brows is creased.
"I have a test coming up." She whispers, matter-of-factly. "And in class today, you were just sitting there all innocent while the guys were gawking at you. I couldn't focus."
"I see the way they look at you." Ellie leans over you, face hovering above yours. "They all want you."
"I–" You try to think of a response, but one of Ellie's hands suddenly tugs at your panties, causing them to bunch up against your weeping hole. "Fuck."
"One flick of your perfect hair, and they all run." She tugs again, and you throw your head back, groaning. "Fuck, seeing them flock to you today, eyeing your perfect tits, your ass... it made me wanna fuck you senseless, right there and then."
Her words are leaving you breathless, and you rub your legs together, needing some friction. "Ellie, please..."
She hadn't noticed the movement before, and when she does, she pins your legs with strong arms. "Look at you. So needy for me." She smirks.
Your eyes pop open, and you whimper when Ellie finally pulls down your panties, drawing them past her nose before throwing them someplace. "Gonna make you scream, baby. Make tonight all you can think about in class from now on. Seems fair since you distracted me today."
"Yesyesyes, please." You try to buck your hips, but her hold is too strong. "I wanna."
"But, what shall I do to you first, hm?" Ellie's eyes don't leave yours for a second, as she glides her tongue through your folds, then flicks your clit, making your back arch. "Use my tongue?" You want to protest when she pulls away, but she quickly swaps her mouth for her thumb. She sucks it into her mouth a little, then slowly pushes into your tight, sloppy wet hole. "My fingers?"
She pulls away again. You're beyond desperate, and you think you could probably come with very minimal effort at this point.
But Ellie continues to tease you with her dirty words. "Actually, I think I want you dripping all over my cock first."
You pause, then prop yourself up on your elbows, eyes searching. You meet Ellie's eyes first, then follow them as she looks down between her legs. She's wearing a strap-on. The fake cock is attached to a harness, underneath her jeans which are opened at the fly. The sight makes you want to drool, and from the way Ellie's lips twitch, you think you probably already are.
"Mmmm." You whine and then let yourself flop back down. "Els, fuck-"
"I know. I know." She runs a hand down your cheek, and then slaps the head of the toy against your clit a few times, enjoying the little 'ah''s that spill from your lips.
"It's okay. I'm gonna take good care of you."
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magnusbae · 1 month
13 books
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Tagged by @cuubism Thank you!! 💖 Heads up: if you're tagged, you don't need to read it alllll even if you do want to participate 😌
1) The Last book I read:
I'm pretty sure it was Tress of the Emerald Sea, what a delight!
2) A book I recommend:
.... The Way of Kings... (The Stormlight Archive)
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
The second book of The Stormlight Archive, Words of Radiance had me by my throat like nothing else. wow. 👏🏻
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
Listen. I'll list something other than The Stormlight Archive just because this is getting embarrassing. The books I used to regularly reread were: HP, Eragon and Assassin's Apprentice. (full series rereads, crossing the 10 each) 😌
5) A book on my TBR:
I have a hefty amount of books I bought and never read. Ranging from classics to cheap fantasy-- but alas, my brain is fixated on the other author who doesn't disappoint me and so I just stick to his books XD
Some of the books sitting on my ineffective 'shame you into reading' shelf are: Captive Prince, the rest of the Wolfsong series, the.... shadowhunters books... the new trilogy about Fitz which I have in hardcovers yet never read. And some... others...
6) A book I’ve put down:
One of the reasons I am avoidant of taking on new books at all is because I have a very hard time putting down books I started. I'll suffer through entire series just for the few grains of gratification in the end. Or to... spitefullfy and confidently say it sucked balls.
However... three series managed to break me.
First being GoT, I just didn't manage to get through, not even 10 chapters. A true oddedity for me, but I just couldn't.
Second being The Witcher. I managed to power through like 4-5 books? And then I just couldn't do this to myself anymore. It was so, so, so not my vibe. (even while the pc game is about my most favorite game ever.) 🤷🏻‍♀️
And lastly, although I think I did finish the entire series before deciding that if ever a new book came out, I'll never read it, was the-- god what's the name of it... the First Law Trilogy – The Blade Itself etc from joe abercrombie. What a bleak series! Oh my god!
7) A book on my wish list:
My honest wishlist is just to keep on reading Brando Sando in my slow and enjoying-it phase... Although I admit that there's a large amount of those new spicy fantasy books apparently being released that shorts recommend and older folk rant about, so I naturally do want to check it out to see what's up with that but.... in truth... I just want to keep on enjoying Brando Sando XD
8) A favorite book from childhood:
I genuinely really loved Eragon. Oh and Artemis Fowl was all fun. I also really loved Tunnel in the Sky, like really.
9) A book you would give to a friend:
ngl it'll be an unapologetic The Way of Kings with big and passionate begging session of 'please give it a try' like for real.
In case any one of you is actually interested--- (you don't have to read this part) -inhales deeply-
The Way of Kings is a truly misleading book, that might leave you with the impression that the book is all about wars and kings but that is the furthest from the truth a description and a cover and a name can go.
It has fantasy, it has deep and rich world building, elaborate magic system that is deeply embedded into the story, culture and literal every single stone of the world. There's politics, culture, introspection, deep and varied characters, each reading like the main character of the story, having unique and vibrant personality and motivations.
It is not just a book, it is a work of true and deep love for the genre and writing in general. Beautifully done, enriching and enticing.
And what's most important for people who read too many books?
Hard to predict. It managed to pull the rug from underneath my feet in the most surprising and pleasing ways. Brandon writes in a way that is not 'shock just to shock' nor 'drama just for drama'. Every single scene is true, and forward. You always have everything right in front of you, the key is that you do not know how to put it all together just yet.
That can finally give that refreshing 'I don't know where it's heading but I'm enjoying the experience" I feel I had lost over the years, being able to recognize patterns too easily and predict writing intentions.
God, what a book! It does however have a rough learning curve, being such a massive world, it takes time to ease you in. Say about at least 5 chapters in at the minimum. On a personal note, I recommend the audiobooks read by kate reading and michael kramer, literally the best experience I've ever had, listening to those two bring to life every character and accent and scene, wow!
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own:
Come to think of it, I don't actually own any. Ha.
11) A nonfiction book you own:
I don't haha! Looking back, it's a lie, I have a few phycology books gathering dust in various hiding spots.
12) What are you currently reading:
........The Way of Kings....
13) What are you planning on reading next?
.....Words of Radiance.... haha. 😋
Y'all don't need to read all them answers in case you just want to answer it for yourself, or you can skip, too 😊😊😊
@mayhemspreadingguy, @pollyp, @nonbinary-nicolo, @msmongoose, @hardly-an-escape,
@ladymatt, @underacalicosky, @grapenehifics, @your-lordsherlockholmes-posts
@acedragontype, @palfriendpatine66, @heretolurkandnothingmore , @virahaus, @wallsinmyhead
@kittttycakes, @elcaballerodragon, @justsuffilike, @pumpkinkingsalem, @handahbear
I am certain this is 13, I am certain. Cheers 💖💖💖
11 notes · View notes
nonuggetshere · 6 months
I shared my (and my friend's ocs) that are related to PK SO-
This is A LOT and I'm kinda embarrassed but I'll fucking "cringe culture is dead" through life or so help me GOD
I like imagining backstories for characters and making cool little nonsensical and completely self-indulgent AUs
(Also for the few people subscribed to my patreon there's more stuff after what I've posted there, just scroll a bit down 👍)
F9r the record I also mangled mine and @demonicintegrity 's thoughts and ideas into one post so it's somewhat comprehensible but jsyk they contributed a lot
An AU where Adamas has her last clutch in her small form
As a refresher Amanita is White Lady's name and Ebur is Pale King's name. Adamas is Pale King's mother, though wyrms use dame and sire for their parents so that's what he calls her. I am yet to properly share Quercus but he's WL's father. Flower is my name for the Pure Vessel in this AU, Hallow is their birth name. Amaryllis is an oc, they're Flower's twin. Any other names that appear here are PK's siblings.
Also using they/it for Ebur and the rest of the family bc as wyrms they don't really have genders
Ebur and Amanita meeting while Ebur's family is travelling and Amanita still lives at the edge of her father's territory and her root system is connected with his but she's getting ready to leave hopefully in just one or two years when she's gathered enough strength and the spring's kind and abundant
Adamas' little group settles near her groove since it's brimming with life and there's not many people to get in the way or compete over resources with aside from the occasional traveller or two, and Amanita tolerates their presence for now, they give her something to do since her father is quite busy with his new seedlings now that she's grown and she doesn't have much company or things to do other than to listen to the occasional mortal passing by and watch the nature, so this small group of wyrms that's mostly composed of ones not much younger than her with all the hubris and boldness of young wyrms is the most interesting thing that's happened to her in a while
Some of them would probably push too far before Adamas had to smack them upside the head and reprimand them for ever thinking about taking over this territory, after all they're really on the larger territory of an ancient God, and even though Roots aren't known to be the most attentive of parents she still doesn't want to tempt fate and check if this one is the same by attacking his daughter
Either way, Amanita notices the younger wyrm isn't quite like the others and seems very intrigued by him
Although their first in face meeting wasn't the best, with her attacking him and managing to stab him in the ribs (you bet your ass Adamas chewed out his ass when he returned to their densite all bloody and holding his side), he kept returning to study her
Seems they both found each other intriguing
And eventually they get to talking, Ebur seemed excited to meet the first rootfolk in his life and actually to get to talk to her, he asks so many questions and she's amused with his curiosity, and eventually actually grows curious about the wyrms (and especially him) herself and asks him things in turn
They grow into unlikely friends though there's definitely more to it but neither is willing to acknowledge it yet
He often sneaks away from his family just to talk to her, and eventually they start sneaking into the more private parts of her groove with the excuse that they wouldn't want Ebur's family finding out they're friends, both of them just ignoring their glaringly obvious attraction to each other
One time Ebur brought her a kill he made and she hoped to GOD her blush wasn't noticeable (it was, not that he'd know because he was also avoiding eye contact to try and hide his own)
Ebur and the bad bitch he pulled by being autistic 💜
The group spends enough time around there for the two idiots to stop dancing around the subject and not only admit to their mutual attraction but to start to fall in love
Enough so that Ebur decides to stay when Adamas decides it's time to move on
At first she was about to talk sense into him about staying permanently in this place but he quickly corrected her
"No, no, it's not like that! I don't want to stay here permanently! I just..." He quieted down and looked away
"...You want to leave?"
"Are you sure about this? Life as a lone wyrm isn't easy out there in the Wastelands, perhaps it'd be better if you stuck around until we find a suitable territory for you to stay at-"
"No, dame, I- I want to leave now. I think it's time. I love you all and I'll miss you, but...I just...I want to see what's out there for myself. Every year, every day, feels the same now; find some place, stay for a bit and hunt, move on. I- I can't live like this, it feels...suffocating."
"...You were always the curious kind, weren't you? I should have known this routine would bore you eventually," She sighed heavily and approached him, "I always knew this day would come, I just never expected it to be my youngest and smallest wyrmling that leaves the nest first..." She pulled him into a tight hug, "...Stay one last night with us, and if you're still sure about this after tomorrow's hunt I'll leave some supplies for you when we move on."
He smiled and hugged her back, "...Thank you..."
"Just promise me you'll be safe, okay?"
"You taught me well. I'll be alright, I promise."
He spends lots of time with his siblings and mother the next day, maybe Melpomene proposed she could come with since they were always the closest but he reassured her he wanted to be alone
The goodbye is very tearful, even Adamas cries and she's not the type to do that often
Ebur feels a little broken seeing them go, it feels weird being completely alone, strangely quiet too - he usually likes the quiet, but not this time. He goes to hunt to keep his mind off it then that evening he gathers his things and moves them to a densite way closer to his root's (his root, saying that makes him so giddy) and goes to share his kill with her
And that night, for the first time in their lives, he goes to sleep curled up around her amongst her roots. It does help him feel much better about having to say goodbye to his family
He spends the rest of the year in her groove with her - from summer to winter - before she's finally ready to move on next spring and he happily follows her to look for a new home for the both of them
Despite the new normal being hard to get used to at first he was still so unbelievably happy with her
And Quercus was considerably easier to hide their relationship from than his own family, considering they're on the outskirts of his territory and Ebur never saw him in person. As far as Quercus is concerned, Amanita just has a mild wyrm problem that she's handling well on her own
A few different  things could happen from then on
Could either go canon compliant or pull out one of my fav moves, a cute domestic AU where they don't found Hallownest or do it later down the line after already having children and just live for a while as a happy family
And also the Drama Flavour where Ebur ends up pregnant despite them not trying to, they say fuck it and have them but he gets very sick and she brings him to her father for help, cue him being appalled that she's partners with a wyrm and her telling him to suck a dick and she'll take care of him herself, then they have the worst luck ever after finding a brand new territory and stumble onto Ebur's family, and Adamas has some very strong opinions about him being mates with a root (she doesn't even realise he's expecting otherwise it would have been. Worse). Fucking Romeo and Juliet up in here
For the last idea, I like the idea of Adamas questioning if that root can even provide for him or any possible clutches he might have in the future and he gets so pissed off he bristles, tells her to drop it and he's done with her attitude and to get the fuck off his territory. She bristles and calls him out on being so cocky as to tell her to get out
"If you're so confident then come on, defend your territory! Kick me out yourself!"
"Stop it-"
"Come on, boy! Show me you can actually protect yourself and yours! If you want me out them force me out!"
"I'm not going to fight you, mother!"
"...Tsk, you even talk like her."
"...Just...Just leave...please."
She circles him, "You should know words won't be enough to protect your territory from intruders, and that young root definitely doesn't have it in her to do it. You promised me you'll stay safe, so show me you can actually take care of yourself!"
Instead she gets violently thrown back by a white root after Amanita returns to check up on her hubby <3
Puts herself between them, ready to snap their necks with her roots if she has to
"He told you to leave, so leave. Or should I make you, you old bag?"
Of course, it was 25% him not being willing to fight his own mother and 75% him being sick and not willing to risk the pregnancy, but he's not gonna tell her that when she reacted so negatively about him being mates with a root (and his siblings def teased him before the situation got serious)
He's gonna be SO fucking depressed about this later though
But I also just like the idea of them finding the place that would later become Hallownest and founding the kingdom together
Ebur: Babe do you want me to beat up this old slug for you?
Amanita: Oh how romantic~
Unn:(live slug reaction)
Unn: Just take the damn territory and leave me alone, you brats
I also made an entire AU with Integrity where PK moves on with his family with a promise that he'll be back next spring for her, only to realise he's expecting. And I am obsessed with this version, it's cute and domestic (in a wyrm kind of way) and I am sucker for these things.
Ebur leaves with his family, promising to return to her next spring so they can leave together, but what he DIDN'T account for was him getting pregnant
So now he has to think up an idea to sneak away and keep his pregnancy hidden until he's back with her. Very hard to do with his mother around, an old wyrm with decades worth of clutches she's reared into adulthood by herself, she sussed him out embarrassingly quickly
Ebur, trying to sneak out: 💦💦💦
Adamas, like she’s scolding a teen: where are you going at this hour?
Ebur: …. A walk to clear my head?
Adamas: do you think that excuse worked with your siblings back then?
Ebur: … no
Adamas: do you think it’s gonna work now?
Ebur: ……… no
Ebur, quickly thinking of something else: ......hunting...
Adamas: Hunting?
Ebur: Hunting.
Adamas: At midnight? With your white, glowing ass? After we just ate?
Ebur: .........I'm hungry.
Adamas: Uh-huh
Ebur, bristling: Well! I'm a grown wyrm, I can do what I want!
Adamas: Oh can you now?
Ebur: 💦💦💦
Adamas: You're an adult but I'm still this group's leader, including yours
Ebur: Yes, dame. I'm sorry, dame
He does his best to mask his scent and keep his hormones and instincts under control, tries to sleep a little further from the group, is very careful on hunts and starts eating away from them when food aggression starts kicking his ass
One time Adamas finally approached him at meal time, throwing him her portion
"Here, eat up."
He looks at her, confused, "...I...what?"
"Just eat, kid."
He hesitantly takes it and leaves it near as he continues with his portion, "Don't you need to eat also?"
"Eh, I've eaten enough. Besides, I'm not the one who's eating for more than one right now."
He looks at her, horrified, and she can't help but laugh
"What? You think I haven't noticed? Come on, you could fool your siblings with your excuses but I've had plenty of clutches of my own," She pats him on the shoulder, "Come on, eat up, kid. You need to put some meat on these bones."
He sighs heavily and goes back to eating, red in the face and a little awkward, unable to look her in the eyes as she's just observing him
"...If you copulated around the time of your first heat last spring-"
"Oh, don't be like that, you're not a child anymore. Anyway, your due date should be in winter...not the ideal time to have a clutch, but we could make this work. You'll need to eat a lot if this kid is to have any chance of survival, though," She looked back st him, "...If you want to keep it, that is."
He goes quiet, his tail curling in close, "...I...y-yeah, I do..."
"...Alright, if that's what you want."
"You seem nervous."
"...How- how could I not be? I mean, all of this, it's...it's my first brood, and if they're due in winter..."
She scoots closer to him and wraps her tail around him, "Hey...you're not alone in this, okay? You have your siblings and I, we'll take care of you and your young. It's going to be alright." And she nuzzles him gently
Obviously they figure out the children are part root, but only some time after they're born
At least now Ebur has an excuse to return to her, saying she'd have valuable input on caring for them
That doesn't stop his siblings from teasing him about possibly wanting to see her again and being in love (they're right, but he's not about to admit it)
Also the moment he accidentally let's her name slip he's not gonna hear the end of it
Adama: So you want to return to the groove?
Ebur: Yes. I mean, she taught me a lot about rootfolk, but-
Io: Uh-huh, I bet she did. Close and perso-
Ebur, slapping him with his tail: ...Anyway. She told me a lot, but still, Amanita would kno-
Ebur: You're killing me
God can you imagine what kind of pains in the ass these cunts were when Adamas and Ebur broke the news to them
Constant teasing and asking who it was
Ebur gets no rest
Adamas takes her little shits on a training hunt again
"Why do we need to train anyway? You've taught us how to hunt seasons ago."
"I did, but not with two members down. You need to practice now before your sibling stops being able to join us on hunts."
"Yes, two. It'll be safer if somebody stays behind with Ebur when he's further along and carrying for his young, so I need to know we'll be able to provide for this family with two hunters down and more mouths to feed."
"...Can't I join your hunts anyway? You hunted by yourself while pregnant, didn't you?"
"I did, but I was also alone, I had no choice. You shouldn't have to choose between your children's safety and finding food. We live as a family for a reason, what would we be but animals if we don't take care of each other? I'm not letting you or your young live like lone nomads when you have us."
They also hunt more since Ebur needs more food, especially later down the line, and if anybody complains she's gonna cut that shit down SO fast
"I don't want to hear it! Ebur and the brood they're carrying are your kin, so start acting like it and have some damn respect. Do you think Ebur would be here complaining if the roles were reversed? Do you think they wouldn't care for you when you need it? We're a family, we take care of each other, in sickness and in health. Your sibling and his children need you. If that's a problem for you, you're free to leave and live as a nomad, but as long as you follow me and are a part of this family I don't want to hear any complaining, got it?"
"...yes, dame. I'm sorry."
"Instead of apologising to me make yourself useful. And treat your siblings kinder, one day you might be the one who needs their help so you better hope your words don't come back to bite you then."
Adamas is a strict parent but very much loves her family and it's so important to her that they take care of each other <3
She's a good mum, if a little bit hard on them at times
Melponeme, loafing in front of Ebur: ….
Ebur: …. What. Go away
Melp: im not touching you
Ebur: what do you want
Melp, loafing, staring: ……….
Ebur: ………………
Melp: you’re gettin fat
Ebur: no shit it’s almost like a have a litter growing inside me
Melp, reaching over to poke his stomach:
Ebur, batting: stop that!!!
Melp: how many do you think they’re gonna be?
Ebur: I dunno
Melp: probably like. A lot of you keep growing at this rate
(And then it's just two. Absolute menace <3 won't give him a break)
Ebur, growling:
Adamas: Dear, if you keep poking at a predator like that it's gonna strike
Melp: Nahhh, they're harmle-
Ebur, pouncing on her:
Melp: !!!
"Don't be too rough with your sibling, they're expecting."
"Oh come on! They started it! They can't keep holding the pregnancy thing over our head constantly!"
Ebur sitting there like >:3
“Well they’ve got a few more months and then it’s fair game”
"Oh, so you'd beat up a new parent and leave my children orphaned? How cruel"
"I'm not gonna kill you, you maniac?!"
Also once he's much further along he digs himself a separate den and slowly moves in there, it worries his siblings but Adamas assures them it's normal, wyrms prefer to be alone in the first few days before and after giving birth
"Are you sure they're okay? Can't they stay with us?"
"Pff, would you prefer to get growled at and possibly mauled every time you come into your den? They'll be fine, don't worry."
His siblings go out hunting and gathering more often after that and finally give him lots and lots of warm and soft bedding for his new den
"Since you'll sleep alone we thought you and the baby could use some warmer bedding."
And he can't help but smile and wag his tail
Wondering if wyrms would have a word for aunt/uncle and what would it be?? Obviously not auncle, since aunt and uncle aren't wyrm temrs
Currently they don't have any, anybody beyond your parents, siblings and young are just "kin"
Maybe they'd use cousin? (As in. Also use cousin, not a replacement for aunt/uncle. I realised I worded this weird)
Half of this is Ebur's siblings fretting over him and Adamas having to keep them straight and from freaking out KDBDJRB
“Oh but we worry about our poor lil sibling!!”
Gonna get hissy and pissy and Adamas will just shake her head and say she warned them
“Can we see the babies now— UAGH”
Glaring at them from the entrance of his den before the babies even arrive
"You're so lucky I'm round and slow right now"
“Hehe spherical”
“Shut the fuck up”
Also been thinking about the delivery. This sounds weird,,
TW for childbirth, pregnancy, etc, and mention of near infant death
Anyway, his siblings would notice he stopped eating, only stays in his den, and would bring it up to Adamas
Her ear just twitches and she looks over at his den, "...Seems the little one will arrive any moment, then."
"How can you tell?"
"I also stopped eating like two to three days before I had you or any of my previous litters. It's normal. Just give them some space, they're going to be especially irritable now."
Then one night one of them wakes up and immediately wakes the others, as Adamas isn't in the den. They peek out to look for her and find her just sitting nearby and staring at Ebur's den
"...Dame? Why aren't you in the nest?"
"Quiet down. Do you smell that?"
They pause to scent the air
"...It's been a while," She gets up and dusts herself off, "I'll go check up on your sibling, you keep watch for me. Don't come too near, he's probably stressed as is."
She approaches his den and they see her quietly talking before she disappears inside. They keep watch as promised, though all of them are fidgety and uneasy, pacing and shifting around, trying to chat to pass the timd
After what feels like forever though one of them tells them to shut up for a moment and when they do they can hear very faint cries coming from the den
They wait with held breaths and eventually Adamas stalks out of the den holding bloodied bedding (to a group of nervous wyrms looking at her like 👁👁 👁👁 👁👁 👁👁 👁👁, almost makes her laugh)
"So what?"
"Dame, please-"
She snickers, "There's two."
They all seem excited, which makes her smile
"How are they?"
"Ebur is fine. One of the wyrmlings is strong, and the furstborn..." She trails off, swishing her tail, "They'll make it, if they survive this night."
The five visibly deflate at the news
"...Are they gonna...?"
"Only time will tell. Like I said, if they survive this night they should be okay. Don't repeat this to Ebur, though, they've had enough of hardships for one night," She turned to leave, "I'll go burry these sheets. You five, go hunt for your sibling and their young, they're going to need the strength. I'll look after them."
They hurry off, a hunt seems like a good opportunity to blow off some steam
When they return, Adamas shows them how to thinly mince the meat for the the newborns before she delivers the food to Ebur and his kids
That's pretty much the norm for the next few days, Adamas is the only one who he allows into the den so she updates the siblings on the situation and stays with him while they go hunting
The day after, after they made their hunt for the day and Adamas once again disappears into their sibling's den with the food, was probably the most stressful. The five waited for her for what seemed like eternity and immediately pounce on her for info like young wyrmlings the second she's out
"Won't you five calm your tails?! Your sibling and their young are fine."
"And the firstborn?"
"They're doing much better and seem strong. You can stop panicking."
Though they're less intense about this afterwards, everytime Adamas leaves the den she's met with five wyrms staring at her and eagerly awaiting any updates
"Do they have names yet?"
"Ebur said they did pick already, you'll learn them once you meet the younglings"
"Stop being dramatic, it's only a few more days"
The five also get an idea to make the twins little clothes so they can stay warm and cosy
They get to gift them to Ebur once they finally meet the little ones
One day, after nearly a week, Adamas leaves the den to see the five wyrms once again waiting on her and she sighs heavily before smiling
"Alright, who wants to meet the babies?"
And they all get SO excited, before she has to remind them to keep calm to not spook their sibling or his kids
They go into the den one by one, which is thankfully big enough for all of them, where Ebur is laying in the corner, curled up around two little sleepy boundless and purring to them
His siblings are just awe struck at the babies and coo to them, showering them and Ebur with so many compliments
"They look a little odd for wyrmlings though, don't they?"
Io proceeds to get very roughly jabbed in the side by Fossor
"Ow, what the hell?!"
"Don't be an ass. Obviously they're not full wyrms, idiot, they're going to look different."
Though none of them is yet to clock that they're half-root
They get the babies thick clothes so they can crawl outside the den (under incredibly strick supervision by all 7 of their family members) once they're big enough
"Ebur, quit grooming them! They won't combust into flames if they have a speck of dirt or snow on them!"
Melpomene: So, how did you name them?
Ebur: The firstborn is Hallow and the second born is Amaryllis
Io: Hm, weird names for wyrms
Ebur: 💦💦💦
Fossor, readying to hit him again:
Hallow, crawling towards Io with intent to Bite:
Io: Ohhhh little lad on a mission, what will they do? Beware the big bad wyrm
Hallow: Grrrr
Io:*casually just rolls away*
Hallow, flopping down and looking at him offended before SCREAMING angrily to voice their displeasure at inability to bite and maim uncle: EEEAAAAAAAAA
Gonna crawl towards him with even more determination
Adustus: Snrk- Stop giving the poor kid a workout and let them bite you
Io: If they wanna bite me they should prove it by getting me the legitimate way
Adamas: that one has a strong set of lungs
Ebur: mhm
Ebur: ...Was I this loud at their age?
Adamas: Absolutely. The loudest
Ebur: .......oh
Adamas: yeah. oh. Little snot
Ebur: hey!
(Mean to him <3)
Just wait till they figure out the connection between Amaryllis and Amanita
Of course loverboy would name the baby after a flower LMAO
"shut up. shut up. shut the fuck up. I dont wanna hear it. Shut your bitchass up."
Start teasing him that he is SO smitten and in love
None know just how right they are
He's gonna die or commit murder at this rate
Ebur being all "it's not like that, it's not like that" and then when he sees Amanita again they're all lovey dovey and cute
I think Adamas' group was in the groove for like 2 years so they did have time to develop a meaningful relationship, though it's still nothing compared to how they're gonna be in a few years KFBDJFH
Io: not like that my ass—
Ebur: Shut the fuck—
Amanita: :? Not like what my darling?
Adustus: he’s been swearing up and down it isn’t love and he hasn’t totally been courting you
Amanita, amused: aaaww my dear Ebur, so now you’re shy with your affections~?
Ebur, sputtering: Ami, please not in front of my family...
Ossum: AMI
Ebur: I BITE
Ossum: Yeah, I bet ~your Ami~ knows a thing or two about that, huh~?
Amanita, laughing a little: I haven’t heard you growl that loud since we first met my wyrm~!
Ossum: good gods y’all are nauseating
Adamas: Her wyrm, huh?
Ebur: NOT you too
Amanita, not helping as she nuzzles him: My wyrm~
She's having so much fun <3 He can't help but smile though
Ebur: You're...impossible, my darling
Amanita: 🥰
Adamas: So, how long have you been together?
Amanita: Officially? Only one year, but we've been courting for much longer than that~
Adamas: Oh, you're official hm? Ebur, you never told me you've found yourself a mate. Look at you growing up on me, my youngest wyrmling has a mate and children already
Ebur: My dame, please
Amanita: ....children?
Adamas: ... you didn't know?
Ebur: Hey i was suppose to surprise her with that dame!
Ebur: Plus, I only found out after I left, not like I could tell her I was-
Amanita, grabbing him: Darling, what's that about children?
Ebur: .... We have two my darling.
Amanita: We have children!?
Ebur: yes. Our...... time together has resulted in me becoming gravid. We have two healthy children
Amanita, shaking him: Show me!!
Ebur, laughing: Well, stop trying to give me whiplash and I will!
(They're so adorable it makes me sick <- Ebur's siblings probably)
Presents her with the two little guys with a big smile. Tells her their names and she kneels down to hold them both and nuzzle and give kisses and be so so emotionally happy about it
The rest of the family give them some privacy so they can have a proper reunion and Amanita can meet her children
She's so SO happy
Scoops all three of them up and nuzzles him, looks at them as if they're her whole world
"Oh, my darling, they're so beautiful, so perfect...I love them..." She whispers, her breath caught in her throat for a moment, "...I love you."
His heart skips a beat and he nuzzles in close and kisses her cheek, "I love you too..."
And the babies are gonna ruin the moment and squeaking in protest about being held <3
"ooohhh my little sprouts, I need to plant you in my den and watch you grow big and strong youre so precious~"
"wait like. Actually bury them??"
"A little yeah. They should be able to root I think"
"...Unless they're more wyrm in that regard?"
"Well, they seemed to do just fine on meat, but there's no harm in trying other things. Maybe a combination will be best for them?"
"Oh dear..."
"Don't worry, my love, we'll figure it out together"
Theyre rowdy and like to run around and play
but for sleepy time they get to be buried in the dirt. Makes em giggle and keeps them warm
OH the convo between Adamas and his siblings in the meanwhile
Adustus: ...He's gonna leave, isn't he?
Adamas: Hm?
Adustus: I mean, with our group we can't stay anywhere for too long, especially in a small groove like this, we'd run out of prey. And a root wouldn't be able to keep up for long, they're stationary. And...I doubt he'd leave her, just look at them.
Adamas: ...He seems happy. It'd be good for the little ones to have both parents too.
Amanita, planting the babies for the first time:
Quercus, waking her up at ass o'clock after he sensed two new seedlings near her: 👀 👀 👀
Amanita: huh wh
Amanita: pfft. yes.
Amanita, internally: wait shit fuck
Quercus: oh hey that wyrm problem came back. Lemme drop by and see how my daughter is doing since im not busy
What a fucking reunion that would be huh
Adamas: I've heard you want to leave? Maybe you should come with us, then, it'd be easier for you
Amanita: Ah, but would you like to leave now? Because it's already almost the end of spring, I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to leave now, I might not survive winter if I'm not rooted down somewhere by autumn. We were planning to leave early next spring, if you'd like to live in my groove until then you're fully welcome to
Adamas: But what of your parent? Wouldn't they notice?
Amanita: It's alright, he didn't came by last time you were here for over two years, I'm sure it's fine now, he won't even notice 😊 (narrator voice he did notice)
"Hey sweetheart how are you.... doing...."
Amanita, with the family of wyrms just hanging out in her den: .......... Daaaadddddddd what a suuurrrppprriiissseee💦
Her just trying to cover up this fairly large family of wyrms
Adamas getting defensive when Quercus is questioning Amanita
Starts growling and pushes to the front of them
Quercus: Stay out of this, wyrm
Adamas: Like hell I am! I'm not letting you step all over my family or my daughter
Amanita: It's really not nece- daughter??? 🥺
Quercus: Daughter?!
Adamas: Yes, daughter, she's my child's partner so as much of a family to me as my own children!
Amanita's just trying so fucking hard not to get emotional and cry over this now
too bad Quercus is bristling at that
Amanita and Quercus are emotional over this but in completely opposite directions
Amanita has to get herself together to step between them before it ends in a fight
She gets to root in and do some wyrm watching with her tubers
Amanita, to the kids: look how silly your father can be. Look, watch
Amanita, wiggling a root:
Ebur: 👁️👁️
His siblings watching him paw at the root
Adustus: ...Dude...
Fossor: Good fates he's domesticated
Adamas: …… oh how the mighty fall
She always knows how to embarrass him in front of his family 🥰
Zooming through her roots to play while Adamas wonders how he inherited such weird quirks
Adamas: I should have judged my mates better, what is this...
Ossum: hey they're the only one Like That
Melp: yeah we’re normal about things
Ebur: Snrk- Yeah, just wait till you find your own mates
Io: I think you're just weird, actually
Ebur: At least I have a mate and children, you lonely ass
Amanita delights in how silly the tubers are. Truly the most delightful thing
Ebur's family think it's funny how the twins have been dubbed the tubers since they came here
But hey, it fits
I bet Amanita sometimes just casually steals her wyrm away
Just picks him up with her roots like "I'll be taking that~"
They're so lovely dovey it's nauseating
Even Adamas teases him about her swooping him off his feet
And he can't keep the smile off his face when he talks about her or hide the blush when they tease him so he really can't hide it
Ebur and the tubers also sleep in her den, keep in her tangle of roots.
The others can set up a den as they please
He at first set up a den near her instead of with her but it was literally abandoned on night one
It's his den in spirit
The second his siblings realise its been abandoned and how fast he's getting teased AGAIN
“Shouldve just saved the time and effort and not done that altogether.”
“I didn’t ask you”
Adamas: No, I bet they tried really hard to use that den but really couldn't help themself be apart from her, didn't you?
Ebur: ...grrrr
Adamas: Snrk, seems I got it right
Amanita: you made a separate den from me???
Adamas: case n point
Ebur: Ooooh, God forbid I want to sleep with my partner! You insufferable twats
Adamas: You’re such a fucking sap
Amanita: Oh but they're my sap~ And I think it's so cute~
Gets a collective "Bleh" out of them
The two looking over their tubers playing with Ebur's siblings
Amanita: Oh, these kids are great, I love them so much
Ebur: Mhm
Amanita: We should have more~
Ebur, sputtering: Amanita!
Amanita: what? You didn’t think I was going to want just one clutch did you love?
Ebur: w-what—
Amanita, curling around him: I have an urge for my seeds to spread my wyrm~
Io, gagging:
Fossor: What the hell, you two
Ebur: Not- not in front of my family, my love...
Io: literally traumatizing. What is wrong with them both
The rest is pretty much just VERY half assed future stuff and this is long enough as is 😐 So like. Yeah.
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camelliagwerm · 4 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
same sosiel
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foxyreacts · 4 months
I'm sorry the fucking soda joint is playing "It's Not Unusual" has me dying.
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junkyardromeo · 6 months
how many tapes do you own? and which are your favorites?
so this ask has been sitting for a hot minute bc i keep forgetting to count them. but i counted today and i have around 100! my mom actually found 3 new ones for me in an antique mall today, and even though i won't have them until friday, i already know they're gonna be some of my favs. i'll make you a list of my top 10 (ok it turned into 11 sue me):
young man's blues - rock city angels (this band is so very special to me. this is the only tape i've ever ordered online)
law of the order - shark island (found this one new, still shrink wrapped from 1989, in a record store bin for $5)
back to mystery city - hanoi rocks (gift from ryan @lonelyplanetfag and one of my coolest tapes imo)
sign in please - autograph (from my mom, not on spotify, been looking for it. i have it on vinyl but it skips)
hooked - great white (from my mom, but i have it on CD too)
fair warning - van halen (this one is particularly special bc it's a hand me down from my dad—the last tape he (ostensibly) had left after all of his were stolen in 1988. it was in the center console of his truck when the box of tapes he kept in the passenger seat was stolen. i have the CD too, which i stole was gifted from my mom)
faster pussycat - faster pussycat (one of my favorite albums of all time, have it on CD too)
keel - keel (when i bought this, the album wasn't on spotify and i was so fucking excited to find it)
dokken - under lock and key (gift from ryan, my favorite dokken album)
gnr lies - guns n' roses (oddly, my only gnr tape. also a gift from ryan.)
back in black - ac/dc (this belonged to my dad in high school. i found it, worn out to the point that most of the lettering on the tape itself is gone, without a case on my grandparents' basement floor. the only way i even knew what it was and didn't toss it was that i vaguely recognized some very faint words that i thought said "hells bells." i didn't have a player at the time, so i took it home and kept it. when i got my boombox, it was the first tape i played, and it was, in fact, back in black. it plays perfectly. my dad remembers losing it his junior year and never saw it again until last summer. needless to say he let me keep it!)
overall, i have some really cool shit and hope to acquire more. i also have a steelheart cassette single, but it didn't make the top 11. and, i have a shitload of classic country too, and classic rock shit like lynyrd skynyrd and traffic. i also have a tape from a current shoegaze band that one of my friends from radio gave me. i can take pics of my whole collection for you if you wanna see!
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