#Scotty Evil Dead
ashyy-slashyy · 2 months
scotty lovers rise up
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transmascjfk · 8 months
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some new evil dead art : 3
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d4db0ddyk3 · 5 months
oh my god they... They are Kitties.....
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agentjazzy · 10 months
The Evil Dead Dashboard Simulator
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🧍‍♂️ groovyhousewares Follow
YES I got my girlfriend a pretty pretty necklace from a gumball machine and when she sees it she's going to give me so so many kisses :)
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🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
man, fuck tourists, I was heading to my spot when a car came up and honked at us, all friendly like, so me and buddy waved bc there wasn't anyone else there, but then they YELLED at us???? we were just walking?? wtf did we even DO
#i hope the bridge collapses i hope they all DIE #vent
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🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
unethical life pro tip: if you overhear your professor talking about their family cabin that they have, and they have open office hours posted, it's your RIGHT to go check that shit out
they're not gonna be there!! they have papers to grade and other shit to deal with!!! free cabin!!!
🌋 thehillsalsohaveanniceass 📛 Follow
op what are you going to do when you roll up and they're just sitting there
🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
lmao his ass is NOT going to be in that cabin 😂 he just got back from a vacation with his family or something (dipshit couldn't wait until break) he's supposed to be at his office and he does NOT have the vacation days to be leaving so soon
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🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
fml my older brother asked if I wanted to tag along on a trip to a cabin and I said sure bc it beats staying at home w/ dad
#if i knew i would've said no 😭 #he didn't even invite his Actual best friend #which SUCKS bc then we could've fooled around when no one was paying attention #huh who said that 😳 #cheryl posting
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📜 anthroapologist 🦀 Follow
haters will hear you scurrying underneath the bowels of your home and freak out like HELLO where else am I supposed to scurry????
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🔮 shessellingseashells Follow
you ever feel like people Immediately forget your name upon meeting you :(
#i might be too high but i don't think any of these people know my full name #i mean I'm Definitely high #and tried moonshine for the first time #but like. really feeling like an outsider rn
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🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
it's so hard being the only chad amongst nerds, like, I GET IT, you're too much of a pussy to investigate the creepy fucking cellar, the LEAST you can do is let me listen to the tapes I found down there, they're cool as fuck
🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
okay and now they're all yelling at me bc a stupid tree broke a window right when the tape got good 😑
🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
fuck it, here's a recording of the tape, I hope none of you guys are cowards like all my friends apparently are, have fun bc I can't
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💀 theevilacrosstheland Follow
when someone plays your song you can feel that shit in your SOUL catch me coming towards you at 15mph awoken from my eternal slumber if I hear that first note fr
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🔍 peachycraftsection Follow
my boyfriend spent $14 in quarters attempting to get a magnifying glass necklace from one of those gumball machine toy capsules at work bc he knows I LOVE mysteries and detective stories and I need to [redacted] him in the [redacted] right NOW 💖💖💖
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🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
everyone's making out rn which is REAL inconvenient bc there is Absolutely Something Outside
🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
should I check it out
🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
there's no one online to tell me no so.....
📝 charcoalfingertips Follow
op you haven't posted in an hour are you okay???
🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
I'm Irrevocably Changed Now 👍
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🌹 deadite420 Follow
I'm just a silly goofy guy if I happened to have killed and maimed and bite and stab that's just who I am and how I show love ^_^
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🔮 deadite68 Follow
coyotes are SO right, if youre trapped somewhere or someone grabs ya, just bite your limb off, no hesitation, show superiority, it's not like THEY'RE gonna do it
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🧍‍♂️ groovyhousewares Follow
whhy is there so muchh blood everywhere........
#help #i accidentally kept my mouthh open and blood got in it :((((( #my head hurts sso bad bookcases kept falling on me
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🔩 deadite883 Follow
heehee i love crawling through pipes and electrical outlets
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🎶 8tracksarebetterthancassettes Follow
I logged onto Tumblr and wtf why am I following so many people with deadite in their username? is it a reference? did I miss a meme? are we mishapocolypse-ing again?
🌿 dirtissoyummy Follow
I think it might be a virus transmitted by bots but idk I'm too scared to interact
🤡 thespareshemp Follow
okay I investigated to see if it was a bot swarm or people having fun SO
for the first cluster of blogs, all their IPs are logging from the same location, which usually means a lazy bot swarm BUT I went through all their archives and most of them, before changing urls, interacted with one another naturally and stuff, @-ing one another and junk, and they seem to know each other irl
so it's just friends having fun!! and then people joining in on the fun!! feel free to reblog without fear!
#they're all still posting original content so that's kinda a giveaway #even though it's all 'deadite'fied and all #i wonder if theyre doing an arg thing
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🔍 deadite81 Follow
when men are SOAKED with blood 👌😍🥰😘💖🥰🥰💖😍👌😘😘😘💖💖😍
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🤡 deadite6091 Follow
🛏 honkshoomimi Follow
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🤡 deadite6091 Follow
You Will Be Dead By Dawn
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🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
man, fuck tourists, I was heading to my spot when a car came up and honked at us, all friendly like, so me and buddy waved bc there wasn't anyone else there, but then they YELLED at us???? we were just walking?? wtf did we even DO
🥐 evilpillsburydoughboy Follow
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hey you live near the state line right? can you check the news real quick
🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
fml if any of you need me i'm going to lay down in the cold and let the forest take me
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🛏 deadite7390 Follow
if you were to break me down to my pure essence you would be left with pure, unfiltered evil
also grits
mmmmmm grits
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🎥 deadite3023 Follow
falling down the stairs is the most efficient way to go down them :)
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🎲 deadite69 Follow
y'all ever open the window and AUGH OUGH UGH UGH UGH AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA THE AGONIES and then you adjust to the sunlight and you're fine
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🧍‍♂️ groovyhousewares Follow
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groovyhousewares · 2 months
Ash and Scotty art I did 🙏
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I’m terrified that this is my first post 😨
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triangleguy · 19 days
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musical tonight. so excited so i had to draw some evil dead stuff for the first time in months
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pest1c1de · 1 year
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am i the only one in the ashcot community on tumblr
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 1 year
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Sorry for being insane.
Salutations [Conor Oberst] / That's Okay [The Hush Sound] / The Killing Type [Amanda Palmer] / Dead Girls [Penelope Scott] / Evil Dead [1981] / The Oresteia [by Aeschylus] / City Traffic Puzzle [The Hush Sound] / Nightmares Never End [JTmusic] / Runs In The Family [Amanda Palmer] / X [Sarah and The Safe Word] / Evil Dead [1981] / Planet of Love by Richard Siken / Evil Dead [1981] / Flight of the Crows [Jhariah] / House of Memories [Panic! At The Disco] / Evil Dead [1981] [x2] / HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON'T [Fall Out Boy] / [for the love of god i could not find a source] / Evil Dead [1981] [x2]
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theincorrectdead · 2 years
Ash: Cheryl has no idea I’m high.
Cheryl: You’re high?
Ash: Oh, I’m sorry.
Ash, leaning over to Scott: Cheryl has no idea I’m high.
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mouseymassacre · 1 year
scotty with intense facial scarring... ough... nobody ever draws him with his facial scars when he would have TERRIBLE damage to his face. like did we all see his face in those scenes? his entire cheek was nearly ripped open!! no way he's gonna have a clear face after that!!
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dappio · 2 years
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Scotty is so dorky and i’m in love...
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ashyy-slashyy · 2 months
idk if ur taking requests anymore AND if ill be annoying for asking this buuut could u draw ash x scotty pleasee : 3
hi..... yes i can.......and ur not annoying at all they were absolutely boyfriends. thereferenceforthiswasthatonehomoerotickeanureevesphotoshootokbye
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xxslashyashyxx · 3 months
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i want Scotty back. pleeeeease bring Scotty back
(if he had ever came back as a half deadite half human, he would have glass eyes, imo)
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zairasarthaven · 1 year
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Evil Dead the Game verse: Evening Break Time
Stepping back from battle for a time, Ash and Evil Ash converse about Scotty's return.
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ikariokami · 1 year
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transmascjfk · 5 months
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this is canonically when they first met trust me
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