#Scout Fixes Heathers the Musical
itsdappleagain · 9 months
48 for the spotify wrapped
48: My Dead Gay Son from Heathers the Musical
oh boy. this one might be a wild ride. highly recommend you listen to the whole song if you're unfamiliar.
here is a recording of the stage production with...erm...visuals and here is the cast recording with better audio!
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They're up there disco dancing to the thump of angel wings! They grab a mate… And roller skate— While Judy Garland sings! They live a playful afterlife that's fancy-free and reckless! They swing upon the pearly gates— And wear a pearly necklace!
summary: jean paul and antonio fake their own deaths in order to escape the dangerous life VILE has put them on and must secretly watch their own "funeral" in order to make sure no one suspects they are still alive.
It starts with a note, slipped furtively into the hand of Carmen Sandiego in a fight both of them know is going too easily. Le Chevre holds her gaze and immediately makes good on his whispered promise to to leave right then and there without a fight, telling the Faculty she defeated him as always.
The note she opens says this:
Antonio and I need your help. We are defecting from VILE- we want to start a future together, but we don't have anywhere to go. We are afraid they will find us...you know what they would do if they found out. You are the only one to have ever left VILE and lived to see another day. Please help us. We know you don't have any reason to, so all we can do is beg. Antonio and Jean Paul
Carmen, of course, helps them. It is her nature. Together, secretly, the three begin to plan the deaths of Le Chevre and El Topo.
Tigress is the unwitting unlucky winner of the "who gets to witness their death" contest. Once everything is set in place and Antonio, Jean Paul, and Tigress are scheduled on the same mission again, Carmen makes arrangements for them and the plan goes into motion.
At 11:44pm Tigress sends the duo into their empty target building to scout it out. At 11:49 the building blows up in a ball of fire and ash and shrapnel, and Tigress must flee before the police arrive, streaked with soot and, against her will, crying.
She is the first one to see the news report that the police found the charred remains of two unidentified bodies in the wreckage of the building. She is the first to alert the faculty, and the one to begin arrangements for El Topo and Le Chevre's memorial.
Back in San Diego, Carmen sits with Antonio and Jean Paul, the air heavy as they watch the news report apparently announcing their own deaths.
"Tigress will be devastated." Antonio murmurs, eyes fixed on the circling overhead shot of the blackened building they'd snuck out of before Carmen had detonated the explosives. "She acts cold, but she will blame herself."
"It will make it all the more convincing." Carmen sighs, tracing her jaw with her fingers in contemplation. "If she knew..."
"Better that she does not." Jean Paul finishes, his hand squeezing Antonio's as they lean on one another. With Player messing with the police reports to make it seem as though their bodies had been found in the explosion, they are effectively invisible. Dead. Wiped off the map, and free to start their new lives together however they wanted.
"I'm pulling up video and audio feed now." Player chimes from the base's speaker systems. "Good thing that I have the experience now to hack through VILE's 27 layers of encryption. Where did you set up those hidden cameras?"
"Where VILE always holds its memorials." Carmen says solemnly, her eyes just barely betraying a history of seeing more there than she cares now to admit. Her eyes flick to the two former operatives in her living room and they nod.
"The great hall. Last step," Jean Paul sighs, "see if they bought it."
The video feed flickers to life on their monitors- grainy and half-hidden where the two secretly set it up on VILE Island before their final mission. Everyone leans in, squinting as the fuzziness works itself out a little bit. The camera is hardly a centimeter in diameter, and, considering that, it is doing its best.
There, gathered in the grand hall, is a small crowd of operatives and the Faculty, gathered around the small table displaying their operative ID photos. Tigress, clearly wiping her eyes and trying not to show it, has just laid down a small bouquet by their photos.
Zack emerges from the kitchen and leans over the couch to where they're watching. Ivy hangs slightly behind, still suspicious of Antonio and Jean Paul. Zack whistles, oblivious to the tone in the room. "Too bad we can't have this camera on all the time. We shoulda got a man on the inside sooner!"
"Every minute that camera stays on in there is another minute it risks being discovered." Player explains briefly, his eyes still fixed on the feed on his own screen. "It'll self-destruct as soon as the ceremony is over, when I tell it to. We just need to confirm that El Topo and Le Chevre truly are dead to VILE and then we're out."
Zack hums noncommittally, attention drawn to the camera screen. Carmen's eyes are on the Faculty, watching for a sign of suspicion.
It's a second before Tigress's voice filters through their speakers. She stands at the front of the crowd, head bowed and fists clenched.
"Le Chevre and El Topo were part of my graduating class," she begins, a very un-Tigress-like hitch in her throat. "We spent the entire year training together and while- while we had our ups and downs they were some of my first friends here. There's something unbreakable about entering this life together. The two of them knew that better than anyone. I don't believe in any- any anything, really, but I hope that wherever they are now they're together, and-and that they're happy. You were some of the best, and I'm sorry that it wasn't me in that building instead of you. Rest well."
She finishes so quietly the camera's microphone almost doesn't pick it up, and she quickly wipes her eyes again and retreats back into the small crowd of operatives as they scatter some applause into the otherwise silent room.
When Carmen glances over at the two boys, they aren't making any effort to hide their own tears.
"Do you want to leave?" She asks quietly. "I can finish watching it. This might just get harder."
They both shake their heads. On the screen, Mime Bomb steps forward and mimes a flower, placing it on the table with little of his usual theatrics and retreats as well.
"They look convinced so far," Jean Paul says quietly.
Maelstrom is the first of the faculty to speak once the other operatives have finished paying their respects, and Team Red's base goes silent as he moves.
"While I don't want to spoil the evening-" he begins, and in unison Carmen, Jean Paul, Antonio, and Shadowsan (in the other room but listening in) mutter "here we go," all traces of mourning vanishing.
"-I think it must be acknowledged that El Topo and Le Chevre were two operatives whose passion was more often in each other than in their thieving work." Antonio and Jean Paul share a glance as the professor goes on with just the barest touch of disdain. "I would never stoop to say I celebrate their loss- we have lost two fine operatives in their deaths- but I must agree that I hope they are finding their lives after death more suited to the life they wished to live together."
"Cheers, Professor, we are." Antonio laughs wryly. Jean Paul isn't taking it as well, and his fists are clenched in his lap as he stares daggers at Maelstrom.
And then, suddenly-
"Now, you wait just a minute, Gunnar!"
The gasp in the VILE congregation is echoed across the world in San Diego as the group watches Dr. Bellum shoves her way forward, finger pointed directly at Maelstrom.
"You're skirting around your own prejudices, and I'm sick and tired of it. They were not dirty!" There's a glass of some drink in her hand, which seems to have given her a little courage. "They were not wrong!"
"I never said they were, Doctor, please-" Maelstrom hisses, bending with embarrassment towards his fellow faculty member. All five feet of her shoves him backwards and he stumbles, shocked.
"You have made your steady intolerance a part of our Academy's atmosphere for far too long, Gunnar!" Her voice climbs pitches like a roller coaster. "You're too afraid to say that those boys were-" she takes another sip of whatever she's drinking, "-gay as hell!"
"Doctor!" Maelstrom pleads, but Bellum is on a roll now, and the other two Faculty behind her seem to be finding this just as entertaining as Team Red is. Cleo, in particular, is red in the face and biting her lip in a way the three ex-operatives in the room have never seen before.
"Oh my God." Jean Paul stares in disbelief, all traces of anger gone as Antonio wheezes beside him. "This is going to be incredible."
"Those boys died as they lived- together! And I for one want to follow their example. I'd rather- rather live in happiness now than have to stay half hidden like they did here. Now they're up there- dancing to "disco" music and wearing beautiful necklaces like they never could have done while they were alive here!"
Maelstrom is melting into the floor as he tries and fails to do any sort of damage control, and before he can even open his mouth again, Bellum shouts, "We must carry on their legacy in VILE as we continue our work! It should never have taken their deaths to see it!"
With that, she turns, takes the hand of Countess Cleo, and sweeps her into the deepest, most passionate kiss the academy has ever seen. Antonio, in the middle of a sip of water, shoots it out of his nose.
"Shadowsan, get in here!" Carmen shrieks, cackling, as their room erupts into whoops and cheers. Shadowsan enters, sees what's happening, and has to leave again immediately to save face. In the periphery of their hidden camera, the chaos amongst the gathered operatives seems to be an even worse mixture of hilarity and horror. Tigress seems to have passed out cold onto the floor, and Cleo and Bellum are still going.
"Doctor! Countess!" They barely hear Maelstrom shriek over Brunt's roaring laughter. Zack, Ivy, and Player are in hysterics, which is a level more chill than whatever Carmen, Jean Paul, and Antonio are experiencing. Shadowsan isn't even in the room.
"If I got to witness my own funeral, I'm glad this is how it went," Antonio gasps in between howls of laughter as they watch Cleo and Bellum barely surface for air before they go back in, crashing into their memorial table and sending the two's pictures to the ground. Maelstrom has fled the great hall in a fit, and Brunt is literally crying. Someone gasps "disco!" in between laughs behind them. "Look at all the good our death did!"
"Our legacy will be felt around the academy for decades, mon amour!" Jean Paul wheezes in return, planting his own kiss on Antonio's lips. "I think we are in the clear!"
"What was in that drink, Saira?" Cleo gasps on the screen, voice husky, as they come up for air.
"It's plain Pepsi." Bellum responds, and the last thing they see before the camera self-destructs is the two Faculty members going in one more time as the Academy dissolves before their very eyes.
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
Not Quite Famous- TDI X Reader (Chapter Five)
If You Haven’t Read: Four
"Okay, this is so-way-beyond bad. I'm out of fake tanner already." Lindsay whines, telling Gwen and I her dilemma. I looked down from my bunk bed as I was reading my book. "Whoa, that's tragic, Lindsay." Gwen sarcastically comments. "Now, I have to actually like suntan, in the sun." The blonde complains, "Do you realize how shriveled and wrinkly that can make your skin?" She sounds distressed as she gets up and goes over to Gwen, "Oh, you totally do." She frowns. My jaw slacks open in shock. Does this girl really not have common sense or is this a joke that only she's in on?
"All right, campers, enough beauty sleep. Time to show us what you're made of!" Chris announces over the P.A. after loudly blaring an alarm.
I sigh, placing my book down, jumping off my bed. I fix my clothes, turning to Gwen. "I wonder what stupid thing we're doing today." I smirk and she chuckles, agreeing. "Totally, at least we're actually rested for this one." She points out, getting up as well to change into her daily clothes.
"True, I'll see you wherever we're meeting." I nudged her gently, walking away not realizing I made her blush from the short interaction.
We all sat by this stage on bleachers, Gophers on one side, Bass on the other. "Are we gonna see a musical?" Lindsay questions what's going on with the stage. I roll my eyes. "I love musicals, especially the ones with singing and dancing." She clasps her hands together and I shake my head, sighing because of her stupidity. I look over to see Gwen making her way over to us and I wave her down. "Gwen! I saved you a spot!" I grin, she sits down. "Thanks." She blushes, Cody unfortunately comes over and sits on the opposite side of me.
Behind the three is Heather, glaring down at Gwen in annoyance.
Trent also decides to sit with us but he sits next to Gwen who doesn't know that the boy has feelings for her, and is flirting. Cody smiles at me, as usual and I awkwardly ignore him, thanking the gods when Chris starts speaking. "Welcome to our brand new, deluxe state-of-the-art outdoor amphitheater." He greets us, showing off the stage.
"Okay, this weeks challenge is a summer camp favorite, a talent contest." He says and I frown at the announcement but Owen of course cheers like he does for every single thing we get told. "Yes! Awesome!" He shouts.
"Each team has 8 hours to pick their three most talented campers. These three will represent them in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes as long as it's legal." He makes eye contact with Duncan, also motioning to him so he knows. Duncan snaps in disappointment.
"You'll be judged by our resident talent scout, former D.J V.J and rap legend Grand Master Chef who will show his approval via the Chef-O-Meter." He points up and something dings a few times. "The team that loses will send one camper home tonight. Good luck." He walks away, I take a deep breath. Three people means I don't have to try out for some talent so I could really care less about who they pick.
Gwen and I stand up together, and we go back to our cabins picking spots to do the judging.
We sit on our cabin's porch, Heather in front of us wearing a whistle around her neck and holding a clipboard. Blowing into the whistle she speaks up. "Okay, I'm the team captain, so here's how it's going to work." She says with authority. "Wait, who said you were team captain?" Gwen questions, holding a book in her arms. "She did. Just now." Lindsay acts as if that was obvious. We knew Heather picked herself but the team didn't agree to it.
"Lindsay, Beth and I took a vote and I won." The mean girl smiles. "Threatening them to vote for you isn't exactly democratic." Gwen explains and Trent comes over with a muffin in hand. "Hey, snagged you an extra muffin." He whispers, Gwen smiles. "Oh, thank you but [Name] already gave me hers as an extra, sorry." She rubs the back of her head. "Oh, no problem." He takes it back, holding it to his chest.
"Trent, you're cool with me leading this project, aren't you?" Heather asks him. "Right on, go for it." He says.
"Good, Beth, Lindsay and I will be the judges." She proudly states. "Whatever." Gwen sighs and I raise a brow at the whole interaction.
Now one by one each person shows off their talent of who wants to even show it off. Owen's first, drinking a whole liter of soda. "Are you gonna audition?" Trent turns to Gwen, "Doubtful." She replies. "You should be in this, Trent, you play an instrument." I remind him and I can tell he got annoyed from me being there but oh well. "True!" Gwen nods, looking up at me. "Are you going to do anything? Didn't you say you play the drums?"
"No," I nervously laugh, "I did say that but I'm not auditioning." The only things I know how to play on the drums are from my embarrassing metal loving past. And I am far from being that person. "I'm sure it would've been awesome but I get it." She leans back on me since I'm sitting behind her on the stairs just one above hers.
Owen starts burping the ABC's, the guys all root for the guy as most of the girls look disgusted. "Yes!" Owen punches the air. "That was excellent, man." Trent high fives him, Heather scoffs. "Well, you're not going to do that in this contest. That's disgusting." She exasperates.
"Do you know how hard it is to burp the entire alphabet in one go?" Trent stands up for the bigger blond boy who ends up ruining it by bending over. "I can also toot Beethoven Fifth."
"No! No, no, no." The girls try to shield themselves. "Owen." Lindsay whines, Gwen starts to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Heather integrates her. "Anywhere that's not here." She carries on with where she was heading.
We move on from whatever that was and Heather shows us her ballet moves, wearing a light pink leotard and tu-tu. We all clap at the end. "Thank you." Everyone continues to clap and she looks over at her minions, clearing her throat. "Oh, I vote for Heather to be in the contest!" The blonde one out of the two raises her hand. "I second that." Beth agrees. "Guys, that's so sweet. Okay, so I guess I'm in. Why doesn't everyone take five?" She disbands everyone. "Except you [Name]! Wait right there!" Heather calls after me, I scrunch my nose in confusion but do as I'm told, leaning against the porch railing as she talks to Lindsay about something.
She gives the girl a walkie talkie then shoves her away.
"What did you need me for?" I quiz as she walks up to me. "I thought about what you said. I want to be friends. Real friends." She smiles, I glance around to see if this is some sort of joke since we're alone. "I'm serious." She folds her arms. "Okay." I shrug, going to head back inside the cabin. "Wait, that's it?" She exclaims loudly and I snicker. "We're friends now, what else do you want? A ceremony declaring it to everyone?" I joke, she stays silent for a moment. "I don't know, I just thought there was more to this."
I shake my head. "Nope, just acting normal. Can I go now?" I ask and she only nods in return.
I ended up joining the group by sitting on the picnic tables as Izzy did her audition. "I call this the dance!... Of the Rattlesnake!" She dances getting in Owen's face while making a noise, the bigger boy actually looks hypnotized.
Then there was Beth, Lindsay and Heather joined us in watching more of the auditions. The shorter girl is twirling fire boutons. "Are you sure this is safe?" Heather gasps and the four of us lean back when she gets too close. "It's okay, I've been practicing." She throws them in the air but she runs when it starts to fall down and we all hide behind the tables.
"I kind of missed the catching class." We all crowd the burnt hole in the ground.
"Uh, guys the bush is on fire." Trent points. Justin comes out and extinguishes the fire out wearing sunshades. Leshawna brings him a bottle of water, for some reason he rips his shirt off while drinking the water. Everyone drools over him while I stand there not understanding what's going on.
"Okay, so I think it's me, Trent and Justin. Any objections?" Heather asks, everyone shakes their head and I just walk away. What's his talent though?
I sit in the cabin on Gwen's bed and start to read my book once again. I also changed into my bathing suit since it was getting hotter outside and I thought about going to the water.
I hear talking outside the door then it opens to reveal Gwen.
"Hey, I'm going to the water, wanna join?" she smiles, turning around to change, I stare down at my now closed book. "Mmm, I might not swim but of course I'll join you."I place the book down, averting my eyes from her as she finishes changing and we leave the cabin.
"You're joining here?" Heather scoffs. "Yeah, I'll see you later, darling!" I wave her goodbye jokingly using a fake British accent. "You two are friends?" Gwen turns to me and I shrug. "Sort of." I question it, myself. "Oh so you do charity now?" She jokes and I laugh. "I've been doing Charities for ever now, I got you, remember?" I tease and she gasps, playfully pushing me and we both burst into laughter.
We sit down on the dock and calm ourselves, watching the moves of the water.
"Sometimes I just need to get away from everyone here, you know?" She sighs, "I mean it's like they're all driving me crazy." She pauses then smiles at me. "Well, almost all of them." She blushes and I mentally gasp.
Does Gwen have a thing for me? No, I could be imagining things. The sun is bright today. My thoughts are cut short when the dock starts shaking. We look behind us to see Cody and Owen running down. "Cannonball!!!" Owen shouts, the two jumping and the water splashes mainly Gwen. "Ugh! I hate this place!" She storms off.
"Nice going you idiots." I shake my head. "Yeah, nice going guy.."
I huff, leaving the place as well and going towards the bathrooms. I hear crying from inside one of the stalls so I hesitantly head over to it. "Hey, is everything okay in there?" I ask a bit loudly so the person knows it's for them. "Mm, no but-" they sniffled. "I'll be fine, I guess." From the voice it sounds like Courtney. "Want to talk about it?" I offer, backing away from the door once I hear the person unlocking it and then coming out.
"Oh, it's you." She seems disappointed so I apologize.
"What's going on, pumpkin?" I go over to the sink, washing my hands and face. "Don't call me that and you're on the other team I'm not telling you anything." She folds her arms, her tears air drying on her face. "I get that but I can still be a friend to vent to." I look at her through the mirror, smiling.
She doesn't say anything, obviously considering it. "I'm sorry-" "Don't apologize, you're thinking of what's best for your team." I turn around and go up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Good luck with the talent contest." I close my eyes smiling before heading out of the bathroom.
I join my team in sitting on the bleachers, being next to Gwen as usual.
"It's the T.D.I. Talent Extravaganza!" Chris shouts. "Welcome to the very first camp Wawanakwa talent contest, where six campers will showcase their mad skills and desperately try not to humiliate themselves. First up for the Screaming Gophers is Justin!" Chris declares, we clap and cheer for our teammate, and as he performs it's just him posing a bunch of different ways and then ending it with him leaning back in a chair and dumping water on himself.
"There are two syllables for hot, "Jus "" and "Tin." Man, that guy is just so hot I could kiss him." Owen's eyes go wide from what he just said. "Because he's a good teammate. Dah, why'd I say that?" He beats himself up.
"I don't see why people gawk at Justin. He's a man who uses his attractiveness to get this. Plus as I said. He's a man." [Name] rolls her eyes.
"Okay, I don't know what that was, but dang you got some moves, dude." Chris puts his thumb up and the Chef score moves pretty high. Eight out of Ten."First up for the Killer Bass, make some noise for the big guy, DJ!" He calls and DJ des some ribbon dance, but gets caught on the pink ribbon a few times.
"Dainty and Masculine, let's see what Grandmaster Chef thinks." It was only two points. "Not much." DJ frowns and sadly walks off the stage.
"So, with two down and four acts to go, it's the Screaming Gophers screaming ahead. Next on deck... Trent! Take it away my bro." The boy comes on stage with his guitar, sitting down on a stool. "This one goes out to someone special here at camp." I wince, and hide my face knowing it's for Gwen who does not reciprocate the same feelings. She acts oblivious, not knowing it's for her either. I zone out through the whole song, not wanting to cringe out.
Chris runs out at the last strum, "Nice work, I'm liking your style, dude. So does the Grandmaster Chef." He got half score and for some reason waves at the camera for a really long time.
"All right, quit hogging my light, buddy." Chris shoves him and I try not to laugh. "Three down and three to go, and the Killer Bass are totally sucking so far. Let's hear it for Bridgette."She doesn't come out right away and then shows up doing a handstand. Burping and then throwing up, projectile vomiting. "I'm hit! I'm hit!" Owen shouts.
She continues and hits Katie and Sadie who scream, Katie throwing up as well. And then hits most of my team with her vomit. Luckily Gwen and I didn't get hit.
The poor girl slips and falls off stage and onto tyler. "Hey, puke on your own boyfriend!" Lindsay shouts at the girl who was just sick all over the place. "On your own what, Lindsay?" Heather questions angrily, hands on her hips. "I didn't say boyfriend." The blonde back tracks.
Chris plugs his nose, coming back out on stage. "Clean up on aisle three, four, five and six. In the meantime, we'll take a short break to hose the joint down." He says.
"Going home won't be so bad. I could always work at the surf shack." Bridgette frowns, wiping a tear.
"Welcome back to the T.D.I talent Extravaganza! Okay, so in a strange turn of events, Bridgette's chunk-blowing fest registered two thumbs up by Grandmaster Chef. But it's not enough to pull ahead of the Screaming Gophers who hold the lead with Trents love song. So without further delay here she is for the leaders... Heather!" Chris announces and the girl walks out on stage, sitting on a stool.
"Originally, I was going to dance for you but instead I want to celebrate team spirit with a collaboration." She holds out a familiar book, I tilt my head. She gently shakes it a bit, staring at Gwen. "She wouldn't." Gwen whispers after gasping and I sat there in shock. "No fucking way." I shake my head. "So with words by Gwen, performance by me, enjoy." She clears her throat before reading it off.
"Okay, so I tried just being her friend, but she's just so cute. If they were trying to find the perfect person to distract me with her they got the right one, McGorgeous. We just totally connect. She's pretty much the only person I trust and relate to here and I know it's a cliche but I love how different we are but also so similar. She's so nice to everyone! Even Heather."
Gwen slides off the bleacher and runs off, I furrow my eyebrows in anger. "Thank you," Heather closes the book and makes eye contact with me. I flip her off then run after Gwen.
"People thought I was mean to Gwen. Whatever. All I needed was four votes against Justin. Lindsay and Beth were easy. Izzy's just crazy and Owen, piece of cake." She looks at her nails.
Owen's eating a piece of cake giggling. "Piece of cake." He hums.
I finally catch up with Gwen who was holding herself. "Hey-"
"Could you please save me the embarrassment for right now." She cries out, not looking at me and I frown at the sight.
"Please, we can talk later on." She pleads and walks away and I decide to listen to her, plopping down on a tree stump to think about everything that just went down.
"Kudos to you all for an incredible night of entertainment, music, drama, barfing." We all hold our marshmallows and now Gwen is avoiding me so I stand next to Leshawna, staring down at the white fluff in my hands.
"There's only one marshmallow on this plate. Justin you reminded us all that looks matter a lot. And Heather you're full of surprises, but reading another chick's diary out loud to the whole world? Man, that is whack. No kidding, that's really messed up dude." Chris talks in a serious tone which was weird to see since he likes the drama that radiates off of us but even he can admit that what Heather did was extremely wrong.
"Oh, please, just give me my marshmallow already." Heather rolls her eyes. "Justin, I personally think this is very wrong, but tonight hotness just wasn't enough. The last Marshmallow goes to Heather." Chris says with disappointment laced in his voice.
"Time to catch the boat of losers, bruh." Justin sadly walks away. "Later, bruh." Heather waves to him, eating her marshmallow.
"If that evil little cow thinks she's getting away with this she has another thing coming." Gwen states.
"Befriending Heather was the worst move I have made all summer, and it's just begun." [Name] huffs.
The camera catches Gwen knocking on the door to reveal Harold. "You mentioned you brought a red ant farm with you, correct?"
"Yes." He nods.
Next clip is Heather running out of the cabin screaming with ants all over her.
"Sweet dreams everyone." Gwen giggles, closing her eyes to go to sleep.
Links To Other Writings
If anyone wants to be added let me know
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scouts-mockingbird · 4 years
Hi! I love your Fixing Heathers The Musical Series, as it opened my eyes to a lot of its problems. I know the series is on hiatus/done but I was wondering how you feel about "Meant to Be Yours", and how you'd potentially go about changing it, as I feel like it's the biggest diversion from JD's original motivations.
It’s uh... well musically it kinda slaps in an “I’m having a breakdown and I need something that vibes with that” kind of way.  but honestly if that’s where you’re at I’d recommend “Before the Breakdown” from We Are the Tigers or Go Tonight from The Mad Ones 
In terms of character and theme it’s uh.... it’s real bad fam. 
My main issue with it basically boils down to the fact that they reduced JD’s motives from “Society is so deeply fucked up and I’m so lost and messed up and I just Do Not know how to handle it, so it just seems like I should blow up this high school” to “I’m crrAZy and my girlfriend DuMpED me so FINE, I’ll kill everyone!” is um... 
Well it’s a Choice. 
A bad one. 
Because at the heart of it I think that’s way less relatable. Yeah, I went there. JD’s motivations, even though he takes them to a massive extreme (because it’s a movie, and a dark comedy at that), are ultimately kinda relatable. Who hasn’t been in a place where their emotions were so huge they just didn’t know where to PUT them? Who hasn’t been so mad about something out of their control that they wanted to break something? 
Obviously (OBVIOUSLY) that doesn’t make what he’s doing RIGHT in any way, but I think when Kevin and Larry erased the nuance there, they took away something that makes Heathers great. The fact that you go along with it. People who watch it (and yes, this includes me) kinda vibe with it to some degree, and then become deeply uncomfortable when it Goes to that far extreme, because most people never Would go there. The audience, and Veronica, come to the conclusion at the same time, that this has gone way, way too far and it needs to be stopped. 
As for fixing, I think I would change the focus to make it less about JD and Veronica’s “break up” and more about him giving his reasons why, and trying to bring her into it. Don’t have him be CrAAzY (because that’s a regressive and harmful stereotype of mental illness and frankly it makes me want to puke) have him be genuinely emotional and enthusiastic, and have the song not be about JD and Veronica, but about ALL high schoolers, and by extension Everyone. 
I’d probably run with a fire motif for the lyrics, have him talk about burning things down and building them back up, or rising out of the ashes, or even some kind of sacrificial burning, because he’s thinking that if he does this, things will change for the better, and that’s why he does it. 
That lets us have the lead in to Veronica saying that the only way things change is if we change them, if WE start being better to others, and inspiring others to be better. And if they want to play JD’s death as a sacrifice (still a super weird choice Kevin and Larry made imo) then they can have Veronica sing that motif back to him, about how his “sacrifice” WILL help her build a better school. 
“Now that you’re dead, what are you going to do with your life?” 
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thefreshchannel · 4 years
What’re ur Courtney head canons
Oh boi are u ready for this: everyone can feel free to disagree but this is my courtney vision acting up starting with PRE TD and then going to POST TD
Long post
Courtney is definitely straight A student with advanced placement courses and part of many extracurricular activities. 
Courtney’s an only child and turned prodigy by her parents. Top of the class always no position under the first one.
Courtney’s parents took failure of any sort VERY BADLY which made courtney perceive any sort of mistake or flaw or failure as unacceptable.
Courtney (this was confirmed by dramarama) will never be absent to school she could be dying but she would not miss a day in school.
Courtney has two notebooks for each class. One for quick notes she takes in class and the second one to pass her notes over to make them look like
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Courtney can play many instruments besides violin (guitar/oboe/flute/trumpet/clarinet/french horn/harp) courtney always gets the solos in choir as well.
Speaking of choir, Courtney isnt religious but as in every latino household her mom is and she would take her to church to be in the church choir. Courtney’s done her first communion but never really got into religion. I dont wanna say shes a heavy atheist altho she does kinda seem like the person who would be like “you believe in a non existent deity to solve your life problems instead of working to fix them yourself? Couldnt be me”
Courtney was a girl scout doing anything in her power to collect EVERY BADGE was a headcanon i’ve always had and was also confirmed by dramarama so idk how much this counts as a hc anymore lol
Courtney has worked as a TA and a tutor. Definitely lost the tutoring job due to short patience and blaming the kids for being idiots. Also she was mean and scary.
Courtney’s had many jobs that didn’t last long based on her attitude and the way she felt above everyone.
Courtney loves musicals. I can also see courtney being in her school’s drama club and always trying out for the lead of musicals. She obviously always got them but quit when she was given the role of someone’s understudy.
Courtney knows and studies many languages. She is fluent in spanish because her parents refused to have a yo no sabo kid, but she’s also fluent in french and portuguese. She studies italian and german.
Courtney feels like she’s mentally stronger than she actually is and feels she doesn’t need any sort of therapy because she can handle anything herself and her mental state is strong as fuck. She’s very mentally weak and worse after TD.
Has a heavy need to be validated by others but ofc she’ll never tell you about it because she is way too good to care about what others think but please tell her she’s doing a wonderful amazing job.
Courtney sent TWO audition tapes to total drama. She eventually did a redo of her audition tape and had tom fix it up for her and burn it in a CD, however gave courtney the wrong one in which she had mixed the two speeches up. Having noticed she sent the wrong one in she tried sending in her redo as well. The TD producers probably found the first one hilarious and probably found it even funnier that she had sent a correction one in.
Courtney has never had a close friend/deep relationship before total drama. Everyone had just been a rival or classmate or an acquaintance. Gwen became her very first best friend in world tour.
Courtney considers total drama one of her biggest failures because she knew she had every skill to win had she not been robbed. Absolutely believed she would win and reach the finale in tdi. Despite many firings in her job life regarding her attitude she kinda sees those as “well something better and more deserving of me awaits” so she doesnt really consider those failures. Total drama was a huge blow for her because everyone watched her fail and everyone saw her get several chances and fail again and everyone saw her relationships fail. Despite the fact she pretends it doesn’t bother her the thoughts are always sneaking in her head constantly.
Courtney managed to get herself in a really prestigious university for amazing grades and an even more amazing entry essay. She works in student life organizing events for the campus.
I feel courtney becomes a workaholic to try to keep herself busy from ever having bad thoughts or feeling vulnerable and guilty by past td stuff.
Courtney doesnt drink often unless she’s out in special occasions. She doesnt smoke at all. However because of how rarely she drinks when she does drink at a college party she is a mess after a second drink. Crying drunk. Talks about total drama constantly.
One of the things she thinks about a lot is gwen. On reunions and talkshows she always refused to admit how wrong she was for how she lost her in tdas. But it constantly eats her alive.
Courtney is a neat freak. Her room/dorm is always clean, her backpack is always organized. It probably got even worse after total drama. She is always cleaning and expecting her roommate to follow her cleaning schedule. Courtney’s roommate’s afraid of her.
Courtney’s often stopped by paparazzi and td fans asking questions about duncan but she always ignores them and avoids them.
Courtney’s very much over duncan so constantly being asked about him angers her. She hates the fact that she’s unfortunately always linked to him and would like to be seen more as her own person without duncan.
She’s not very active in social media. She tried it but it seemed like she couldnt escape being linked to total drama and constantly asked about other contestants or berated about her behavior on the show.
She’s done with chasing for fame or acknowledging fame and stays hidden. She was contacted many times about appearing in ridonculous race but she decided she was completely done with anything total drama.
The only person from total drama courtney keeps in touch with is bridgette. She lost contact with a lot of the cast, sometimes would keep in touch with heather but eventually lost communication with her.
39 notes · View notes
katsujiiccfinds · 5 years
Skyrise Highrise
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by luvalphvle
Ever wanted to bean somebody from your rooftop driving range? That's only ONE of the activities you'll enjoy as a tenant of the amazing Skyrise Highrise. The available unit is two stories, four bed, 2.5 baths, and includes office space. But you're not moving in for the apartment, are you? If you don't mind HOA fees as long as you're getting sweet stuff in return, this is the building for you! In the basement, tenants have access to a workout room and sauna, game room, and laundry facilities, as well as your own storage room in the sub-basement if you have extra stuff you can't fit into your unit. Got cars? We got off-street parking! The rooftop boasts two levels of awesome! Our pool has an overhang so you can spy on the people below you. Come sit in the hot tub and gaze at the stars. And enjoy a meal with a view! On the top level, accessible by ladder, you can nap in a comfy lounge chair or grow some excellent produce. And yes, bean somebody with a golf ball. Seriously, why are you still reading this? You should be moving in!
Built w/ patch 1.69
Expansion Packs: World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise & Into The Future
Download at ModTheSims
The custom walls are non-recolorable. They may create duplicates in your paint folder and this is annoying but harmless (but if anybody knows how to fix it let me know). The custom walls are strictly for looks, to make the exterior of the building look like there are more floors, and not necessary for game play. All appliances have been upgraded. Building includes one player unit and three NPC units. The one-bedroom unit is currently classified as NPC, but you can remove the lot markers if you want to move in Grandma and Grandpa. There is one visible storage unit in the lowest basement level, but you can remove the lot markers and open the others if you want more space. To look like the photos you have to have the items listed below. If not, the game will replace them with comparable items. (Check out the list to see what was used where. You still may be able to download even if you're missing some things.) To adjust lot markers on an apartment: ● Type control+shift+C ● Type "restrictbuildbuyinbuildings false" (without quotation marks) and hit enter ● Delete/move the hidden room markers in the apartment you'd like to make the player unit (DO NOT MOVE/DELETE THE COMMON ROOM MARKERS IN THE HALLWAYS) ● Add hidden room marker to apartment you don't want to live in ● Shift+click on the empty apartment door and select "Make NPC Door" ● Type control+shift+C ● Type "restrictbuildbuyinbuildings true" (without quotation marks) and hit enter ITEMS USED: "WORLD ADVENTURES" EXPANSION PACK Box Tree Le Grand Amour Park Bench Umbrella Sculpture "AMBITIONS" EXPANSION PACK A Simple Door Cleanesque Brand Detergent Cleanesque Detergent Bottle Cozy Counter Le Dryer du Clunk Picture Parfait Pizazz Laundry Detergent and Softener Sparkling Clean Solutions Sword Holster - Home Edition The Clothing Bouquet The Clothing Hamper by Full Load, Inc. The Swashbuckler Washing Machine Violetta's Drum "LATE NIGHT" EXPANSION PACK Barney's Trash Chute Beautiful Bevels Hanging Light Callbox Classy Dining Chair Club SoVino Patio Lounger Criss Cut Diamonds Darwin's Revenge Deco Elevator Freezer Bunny Adventures Fridge of the Future Industrial Sink Modernosity Counter Modernosity Counter Island Modernosity Overhead Cabinet Perennial Heather Squares with Border Streamlined Stove Synesthesia Toothbrushimus Maximus Wall Mailbox Z Light by Ice Lightning "GENERATIONS" EXPANSION PACK All Aflutter Flies Beacon of Freedom Poster Set Bedside Hideaway Benny's Tennies Bent Color Spectrum Bulleteen Board Bunny in the Rain Dr. Tinner's Olde-Fashioned Toy Robot Dream of the Windrunner Dreamer's Costume Chest Eco Friendly Terra Tile (3 Styles) Framed Scout Badge Framed Sports Jersey Frilly Framed Picture Great Haven Bunk Bed Hewnsman Spiral Staircase Incomparable Idol Poster Lil' Rebel Clothing Chucker Little Rawr Plush Dragon My Uni-Pal Eunice Retro-Tastic TV Scouting Trophy Shrunken Retro Rocket Signed Movie Poster Spooky Graveyard Poster Sweet Cupcake Painting Wall Walking Animals "PETS" EXPANSION PACK Bird Tree Slippery Elm "SHOWTIME" EXPANSION PACK Aloe Thera Plant Conquistador XS Patio Loveseat Kingdomino Table PowerMax 50x120 Robots vs. Monsters Arcade Table Satellite Speaker by NuSound Side Pocket Pool Table Simply Stylish Wall Slice of Life Golf Driving Range Super Skee Ball "SUPERNATURAL" EXPANSION PACK Cottonwood Tree Diatrode Crackler Giddy-Up Rocker Relax-O-Rocker Shadow Men Smack-a-Gnome! Spectrum Mood Lamp Sunnytime Antique Rocking Chair The Claaaaw The Head and the Shoulders Timeless Memories "SEASONS" EXPANSION PACK Boulder Built Patio Table Mirror of the Meadow Perfect Fit Dresser Spring Serenity Shower The Permachair Tower Path Lights Very Symmetrical Table "UNIVERSITY LIFE" EXPANSION PACK Arthropode Arcade Table Big Stomper Rug by GoTeamGo Bumper Buffer Parking Stripe (Double Line) Bumper Buffer Parking Stripe (Single Line) Choosy Choices Vending Machine Fire in the Skies Arcade Machine Fizzy Festival Vending Machine Flippity Flop Foosball Table by GoTeamGo Longhorns and Laser Beams Arcade Machine Mastodon Television by Stardard Issue MyPuter by PeachySoft Systems Night of the Shambling Shades IV Arcade Machine Parked Car Coupe B Parked Car Hatchback B Parked Car Pickup Parked Car Sedan A Parked Car Sport Utility Plink Plonk Tennis Table Sugar Slide Vending Machine "ISLAND PARADISE" EXPANSION PACK Hydroglide Waterslide by DeLuge Inc. The All-in-One Bathroom Wet-Side Hot Tub "INTO THE FUTURE" EXPANSION PACK "Music Moves" Arcade Console by Korben Computing Just a Square Window by Hill Gulch Furnishings Nature's Soil Rug (2X2) Nature's Soil Rug (2X4) Straight and Narrow Window by Hill Gulch Furnishings "FAST LANE" STUFF PACK Lulu's Loveseat The Wynndale Estate Sofa "MASTER SUITE" STUFF PACK Cherished Delight From the world of Lucky Palms Contemporary Curtains by Dave From the world of Roaring Heights The Up and Up Window Buzzer Beater Free Throw Machine Solace Snugabunny Deluxe Baby Swing Steam-It-Up Sauna Athena's Olive Tree Bed Barthelme Comprende Lamp Elegant Swirls Deluxe Forte Loveseat Forte Sofa Galactic Simball Arcade Leaftastic Mirror Study #4 Murano Retro and Ripe Fruit Bowl Rocket Johnny's Retro Ride Secrecy Curtain Shrub of Tranquility Study in Shattering Super Sim Television DLX Terra The Modernist's Dresser Topper Tuco Table Lot Size: 40x30 Lot Price (furnished): §95,580 Lot Price (unfurnished): §42,836 Custom Content by Me: - Wallpaper for Skyrise Highrise
11 notes · View notes
vrronica-sawyer · 6 years
So I know you hate Heather's the musical and idk if you've been asked this before but do you think there ever could have been a heathers musical that wasn't crap that could've worked and not do the movie so dirty? And like is there a way you'd imagine a good Heather's musical going? (Sorry idk how to word things)
Oh for sure, I think musicals as a medium are so unique and can improve a lot of already existing stories, the format allows a lot more look into characters’ mindsets and motives which would really work for a story like Heathers. They just mainly used it to do generic bops telling the story rather than character songs which didn’t improve the medium at all. I’m not a strong storyteller or very knowledgable about music so I can’t really say how i think specifically a good heathers musical should work, but @scouts-mockingbird ‘s post series Fixing Heathers about the heathers musical and what it should’ve done song by song is amazing and everytime I read a new post makes me simultaneously amped and sad for the Heathers musical we never got.
19 notes · View notes
mylifeinshowtunes · 7 years
BOOTYLEGS (updated nov 22 2021)
Hello! Here’s a list of my bootlegs. They are all video, the ones which are audio are specified. 
If there’s only the title of the show then I don’t know which cast it is (sorry). 
I’m willing to gift these but  trading is appreciated! 
If I gift you a bootleg PLEASE consider donating something to my Ko-Fi, I’m putting away some money for University, and your donation no matter how small can really help me out!
If we are trading send me your list and I would appreciate it if you sent your bootleg first. 
If you want any of these MESSAGE ME, also be nice, i won’t give you anything if you are rude so please keep that in mind. 
I might not always be able to answer, so just wait, if more than 2 days pass write again. 
PLEASE be specific about the bootlegs you want. 
*All shows starting with “the” are under the letter T*
Thank you :)
unknown cast 
West End Cast - november 2019
21 Chump Street - Brooklyn Academy of Music (June 7th, 2014) - Original Cast
A Chorus Line (2006 Broadway revival, opening night)
Broadway 11.3.13
2013 PROSHOT Globe
Bridge Theatre NTL
2015 cast
1998 cast
National Theatre Live (2016) PROSHOT
Original Broadway Cast
AMERICAN IDIOT | Los Angeles | Full Show PROSHOT
Broadway 2017 cast
unknown cast
Anastasia OBC (Hartford Stage, off Broadway)
Anastasia on BROADWAY
National Theatre Proshot version
2003 mini series
Original Broadway Cast
On Broadway, unknown cast
Bandstand - Fatham Events
Off Broadway cast
West End version july 2017
West End (with Alex Thomas Smith as Tink)
AUDIO bootleg
The play (Chicago at the Griffin theater), THIS IS NOT A BOOTLEG OF THE MUSICAL VERSION
INCOMPLETE bootleg of the musical (first 35 minutes)
AUDIO revival (11.10.17)
AUDIO Australian Premiere Cast
Beetlejuice - 09-2019- BROADWAY CAST
closer view
Beetle juice play original cast (7•27•19) ( 1080 X 1920 ) [Missing Girl Scout Song]
Beetlejuice with Presley Ryan
Beetlejuice with Will Blum
Los Angeles, CA (Center Theatre Group), 8th August 2015
Billy Elliot (Chicago 2010) Tommy Batchelor
Billy Elliot the Musical Live PROSHOT
NBC cast reunion 2020
alan cumming 1998
Cabaret (Emma Stone)
Cabaret Adam Pascal.
West End cast December 2018
Carrie the Musical- 2012 Off-Broadway Revival
Broadway OBC
Charlie Mezzanine OBC
charlie broadway Audio First Preview
AUDIO, Chicago (12/3/17) featuring Todrick Hall as Billy Flynn (link in text)Cast: Leigh Zimmerman- Velma Kelly, Charolette d'Amboise- Roxie Hart, Brian O'Brien- Fred Casely, Peter Nelson- Sergent Fogarty, Raymon Bokhour- Amos Hart, Nicole Bridgewater- Liz, Gabrielle McClinton- Annie, Donna Marie Ashbury- June, Tonya Wathen- Hunyak, Robyn Hurder- Mona, LaVon Fisher Wilson- Matron "Mama" Morton, Todrick Hall- Billy Flynn, R. Lowe- Mary Sunshine, Beth Johnson Nicely- Go-To-Hell-Kitty, Michael Scirrotto- Harry/ The Jury, Jason Patrick Sands- Doctor, Denny Paschall- Aaron, Barrett Martin- Bailiff, James T. Lane- The Judge, Barrett Martin- Court Clerk
Broadway Proshot 2021
West End Production AUDIO, February 25, 2019 - Rosalie Craig (Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Mel Giedroyc (Sarah), Jonathan Bailey (Jamie), George Blagden (PJ), Ashley Campbell (Peter), Richard Fleeshman (Andy), Alex Gaumond (Paul), Richard Henders (David), Ben Lewis (Larry), Daisy Maywood (Susan), Jennifer Saayeng (Jenny), Matthew Seadon-Young (Theo), Grant Neal (u/s Harry).
Broadway OBC
AUDIO with MLB as Evan Hansen (7-12-17)
AUDIO Colton Ryan as Evan Hansen
AUDIO 7.19.17 (MLB as Evan, Colton as Jared, Garrett as Heidi)
AUDIO, DEH PREVIEWS WASHINGTON DC (slight changes to songs, should be OBC) 
AUDIO, MLB AS CONNOR (first act cuts off after Sincerely Me, second act complete)
AUDIO, MLB as Evan, Olivia as Zoe, and Garrett as Heidi
AUDIO, second stage audio
AUDIO, Ben Platt last show
AUDIO, Colton Ryan and Olivia Puckett 
AUDIO, Lisa Brescia Cynthia 8-3-17
AUDIO, Noah Galvin
9.30.18 Taylor Trensch (Laura Dreyfuss, Alex Boniello, Lisa Brescia, JLT, Phoenix Best, Asa Somers, Sky Lakota Lynch 
Taylor Trensch Broadway (Mallory Betchel, Alex Boniello, Lisa Brescia, JLT, Michael Park, Phoenix Best, Sky Lynch): 
 JANUARY 2020 Broadway Cast (Jordan Fisher)
Netflix Proshot 2021
2003 off Broadway
Elisabeth das Musical Wien 2005 English Subtitles
West end Proshot
AUDIO west end 21.11.17
PROSHOT version 
Amazon Prime movie 2021
Proshot version (with audio fixed, i also have a subbed version)
Frontal view
Side/up view
Falsettoland - Original Off Broadway Cast
Falsettos LA1993OBC(Jason played by Sivan Cotel)
Falsettos Lincoln Center Revival National Tour April 19th 2019 Cast: Max Von Essen (Marvin), Nick Adams (Whizzer),Eden Espinosa (Trina),Nick Blaemire (Mendel),Thatcher Jacobs (Jason), Bryonha Marie Parham (Charlotte),Audrey Cardwell (Cordelia) Notes: Pretty much the full show. Missing the last 15 mins of Act Two. Ends at the Bar Mitzvah Scene. Occasional head blocking the right of the stage. (thegr8ststarofall master)
AUDIO Falsettos Oct 1, 2016 (Today4uTomorrow4Netflix’s Master)
AUDIO 08 January 2017 - Closing night
AUDIO 1/6/17 (Peyton Lusk u/s Jason from Making a Home)
WEST END video Septemebr 2019
 AUDIO, fiddler on the roof revival (jessica vosk understudy for golde starting in act 2)
NTL 2019 production PROSHOT
NTL PROSHOT with Johnny Lee Miller as The Creature
NTL PROSHOT with Benedict Cumberbatch as The Creature
AUDIO: Frozen (Denver) First Preview (August 17 2017)
Victor Garden Theatre Proshot
Funny Girl with Stephanie J.Block 
Ghost Quartet at the McKittrick Hotel, Jan. 12, 2015.
first preview (set breaks)
AUDIO, Edmonton, secon preview 
AUDIO, Hadestown (audio, Off-Broadway)
VIDEO of West End Production at National Theatre
Broadway Preview
Broadway January 2020
Hairspray with Andrew Rannells
Hairspray Live (12/07/16)! Cast: Maddie Baillio (Tracy Turnblad), Dove Cameron (Amber von Tussle), Kristin Chenoweth (Velma von Tussle), Garrett Clayton (Link Larkin), Billy Eichner (Rob Barker),  Harvey Fierstein (Edna Turnblad), Sean Hayes (Mr. Pinky), Ariana Grande (Penny Pingleton),  Derek Hough (Corny Collins), Jennifer Hudson (Motormouth Maybelle), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Little Inez), Andrea Martin (Prudy Pingleton), Rosie O'Donnell (Health Ed Teacher),  Ephraim Sykes (Seeweed J. Stubbs), Martin Short (Wilbur Turnblad)
Hairspray with Aaron Tveit
Hamilton OBC (I also have a version eng subbed, and one with ita sub)
Hamilton OBC filmed from stalls
Drunk History full episode with Lin
Hamilton Chicago
AUDIO Hamilton with Jon Rua (for cast details message me)
Hamilton with Andrew Rannells (FIRST ACT ONLY)
AUDIO 08/16/2017 - Los Angeles - Michael Luwoye (Alexander Hamilton), Solea Pfeiffer (Eliza Schuyler), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Emmy Raver-Lampman (Angelica Schuyler), Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Jordan Donica (Lafayette/Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Mulligan/Madison), Rubén J. Carbajal (Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Amber Iman (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George)
AUDIO ANDREW RANNELLS (What Comes Next and I Know Him)
HAMILTON TOUR 2017 (VOB, It’s the one which used to be NFT)
AUDIO, Hamilton Tour Cast (Oct 6, 2017)
Hamilton West End November 2018 Cast: Sifiso Mazibuko (s/b Alexander Hamilton), Rachelle Ann Go (Eliza Hamilton), Giles Terera (Aaron Burr), Rachel John (Angelica Hamilton), Obioma Ugoala (George Washington), Jason Pennycooke (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Tarinn Callender (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Cleve September (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Christine Allado (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Michael Gibson (King George III), Jade Albertsen, Johnny Bishop, Leslie Garcia Bowman, Jon Scott Clark, Kelly Downing, Gregory Haney, Leah Hill, Waylon Jacobs, Miriam-Teak Lee, Phoebe Liberty, Gabriel Mokake (Ensemble)
DISNEY PLUS PROSHOT (also with Italian subs)
 National Theatre, Andrew Scott (PROSHOT)
The Globe 2018 PROSHOT
april 2017 bootleg
Broadway (undated)
Broadway April 2019
Heathers the Musical (New Version-proshoot)
I also have another version found on youtube
heathers oobc
AUDIO, Heathers with Thomas Sanders 
Heathers | West End | 2018/11/24 Closing Night
West End July 2021 (Christina Bennington as Veronica)
Andrew Rannells
Andrew Rannells (better quality)
Neil Patrick Harris
Lena Hall
Anthony Rapp
Darren Criss
Michael C. Hall
Hedwig Lena Hall (25-11-16) 
AUDIO: Andrew Rannell's birthday show
AUDIO: Hedwig Andrew’s closing night 10-12-14
Andrew Rannells 21-08-15
Andrew Rannells 30-08-15
John Cameron Mitchell 2015 Proshot
2017 movie version 
Daniel Radcliffe
If-Then (Broadway preview performance)
low quality proshot
Indecent- 08-03-17 Pro-Shot
Into The Woods(OBC PROSHOT)
Broadway AUDIO Broadway November 2019
Andrew Rannells 12/22/07, FIRST 15 MINUTES ARE MISSING 
2018 PROSHOT Concert
The film
King Lear (Donmar Warehouse NT), PROSHOT (Derek Jacobi)
Kinky boots (unidentified cast)
Kinky Boots 2017 with Brendon Urie (starts at Sex is in the heel)
PROSHOT by BroadwayHD
AUDIO, with Brendon Urie as Charlie (Opening Night)
AUDIO, with Todrick Hall as Lola
OBC VIDEO Stark Sands (Charlie Price), Billy Porter (Lola), Annaleigh Ashford (Lauren), Lena Hall (Nicola), Andy Kelso (Harry), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr.), Daniel Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Tory Ross (Pat), Jennifer Perry (Trish), John Jeffrey Martin (Richard Bailey), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Caroline Bowman (Maggie), Sebastian Hedges Thomas (Young Charlie), Marquise Neal (Young Lola)
Original Cast Proshot
Legally Blonde The Musical -MTV (Christian Borle) proshot [I also have it with english subtitles]
Legally Blonde - February 24th 2007 - San Francisco, CA (it should be OBC, it features Christian Borle)
Legally Blonde - September 16th, 2007 (I think it’s OBC)
Legally Blonde | 2007/10/25 | Broadway | VOB [no smalls] | MEGA
Becky Gulsvig (Elle u/s), Andy Karl (Emmett u/s), Richard Blake, Kate Shindle, Michael Rupert, Orfeh, Nikki Snelson, Haven Burton, Asmeret Ghebremichael, Tracy Jai Edwards, Matthew Risch (Kyle/Dewey u/s), Rod Harrelson (Grandmaster Chad/Carlos u/s), Cara Cooper (u/s). Note: Starts in the middle of "Omigod You Guys."
Les Miserables (2014 Broadway Revival)
AUDIO BOOTLEG, current west end cast (summer 2017)
les mis london cast 2010-11 (Samantha Barks as Eponine)
Les mis with Carrie Hope Fletcher (London 19th September 2013)
AUDIO Les Mis west end (2017 09 02) [NFT]
AUDIO Little Shop of Horrors Pasadena Playhouse 9/17/19 (first preview) Cast: George Salazar (Seymour), Mj Rodriguez (Audrey), Amber Riley (Audrey II), Kevin Chamberlin (Mr. Mushnik), Matthew Wilkas (Dr. Orin Scrivello), Brittany Campbell (Ronnette), Tickwanya Jones (Chiffon), Cheyenne Isabel Wells (Crystal)
Little Shop of Horrors, Menier Chocolate Factory production. UK Tour, 2009.
Original Off Broadway Cast
Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, Joseph Milson, April 29, 2010; London (Pre-Changes)
Australian cast 2011, PROSHOT
AUDIO Mary Poppins - Christian Borle
Matilda Broadway (Queen Lesli)
Christian Borle and Laura Michelle Kelly
HQ broadway 
July 4, 2018 BROADWAY
AUDIO, Mean Girls - DC First Preview 10-31-17 (opening night))
National Theatre Live 2014 PROSHOT
merrily we roll along encores 2012 (Lin Manuel Miranda)
Miss Saigon.25th Anniversary.2016 (proshot)
Boston cast
Budapest 2003 Proshot Cast: Wolfgang: Dolhai Attila, Constanze Weber: Szinetár Dóra, Colloredo: Szabó P. Szilveszter, Nannerl Mozart: Janza Kata, Leopold Mozart: Földes Tamás, Waldstätten bárónő: Polyák Lilla
Proshot with David Tennant and Catherine Tate
AUDIO, closing night (9.3.2017)
AUDIO Demo Album Dave Malloy (Pierre), Phillipa Soo (Natasha), Brittain Ashford (Sonya), Grace McLean (Marya), Lucas Steele, Amber Gray, Nick Choksi, Blake DeLong, Gelsey Bell, Paul Pinto
Demo songs including If He Were Here Now, Prologue, Natasha Lost, Charming, Letters, Sonya Alone tracked, mp3
AUDIO Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 25/03/2017, Broadway   Josh Groban (Pierre), Denée Benton (Natasha), Brittain Ashford (Sonya), Grace McLean (Marya D), Blaine Alden Krauss (u/s Anatole), Amber Gray (Hélène), Nick Choksi (Dolokhov), Nicholas Belton (Andrey/Bolkonsky), Gelsey Bell (Mary/Maid Servant/Opera Singer), Paul Pinto (Balaga/Servant/Opera Singer) [* The master was sitting in the orchestra right next to the curvy walkway so you can hear footsteps/stomping (and Hélène during the Abduction)! Includes the BC/EFA speech by Josh Groban and Denée Benton.] Tracked, mp3
AUDIO Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 05/05/2017, Broadway  Dave Malloy (t/r Pierre), Denee Benton (Natasha), Brittain Ashford (Sonya), Gelsey Bell (Mary/Maidservant/Opera Singer), Nicholas Belton(Andrey/Bolkonsky), Nick Chokski (Dolokhov), Amber Gray (Helene), Grace McLean (Marya D), Nick Gaswirth (u/s Balaga/Servant/Opera Singer), Lucas Steele (Anatole), Reed Luplau (Opera Dancer), Mary Page Nance (Opera Dancer), Sumayya Ali, Courtney Bassett, Josh Canfield, Kennedy Caughell, Ken Clark, Lulu Fall, Ashley Perez Flanagan, Alex Gibson, Billy Joe Klessling, Reed Luplau, Brandt Martinez, Andrew Mayer, Mary Page Nance, Shoba Narayan, Azudi Onyejekwe, Celia Mei Rubin, Heath Saunders, Cathryn Wake, Katrina Yaukey, Lauren Zakrin(Ensemble)
AUDIO Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 03/01/2016, A.R.T Denée Benton (Natasha), ​Scott Stangland (Pierre), Lucas Steele (Anatole), Brittain Ashford (Sonya), Gelsey Bell (Mary/Maid Servant/Opera Singer), Nick Choksi (Dolokhov), Lilli Cooper (Helene), Nicholas Belton (Bolkonsky/Andrey), Paul Pinto (Balaga/Servant/Opera Singer), Sumayya Ali, Courtney Bassett, Josh Canfield, Ken Clark, Erica Dorfler, Daniel Emond, Lulu Fall, Ashley Pérez Flanagan, Nick Gaswirth, Azudi Onyejekwe, Pearl Rhein, Heath Saunders, Katrina Yaukey, Lauren Zakrin
AUDIO Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 22/08/2017, broadway  Scott Stangland (Pierre), Denée Benton, Brittain Ashford, Grace McLean, Lucas Steele, Kennedy Caughell (Helene), Nick Choksi, Nicholas Belton, Gelsey Bell, Paul Pinto untracked, m4a
Closing night highlights
AUGUST 13, 2017 OAK 
Dave Malloy and Shoba Narayan
U/S for Pierre, Scott Stangland
Proshot version
AUDIO BOOTLEG (pretty good quality, unknown cast)
corey and kara (-finale)| MIKE FAIST, better quality
AUDIO Mike Faist as Jack Kelly
AUDIO Newsies Italia Audio (November 7, 2015) - (Note: This is all in Italian!) Cast: Flavio Gismondi (Jack Kelly), Roberto Tarsi (David Baum), Giula Fabbri (Katherine), Simone Leonardi (Joseph Pulitzer), Simona Patitucci (Edda Esposito), Andrea Fazio (Gruccia)
Next to Normal Broadway - last performance of Alice Ripley, Jennifer Damiano, and Brian d'Arcy James
Next to Normal US Tour - Original Tour Cast (Los Angeles)
2003 Broadway revival [Antonio Banderas, Chita Rivera, Laura Benanti, Mary Stuart Masterson, Jane Krakowski]
Proshot with english subs
Once On This Island 1118 matinee
Peter and the Starcatcher (Christian Borle) 
1998/1999 broadway cast [-peter pan: cathy rigby -captain hook/mr darling: paul schoeffler -mrs darling: barbara McCulloh -wendy darling: elisa sagardia -tiger lily: dana solimando -michael darling: drake english -john darling: barry cavanagh -smee: michael nostrand]
- May 17, 2014 Cast: Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays, Laird Mackintosh, Tim Jerome, Ellen Harvey, Heather Hill, Christian Sebek, Deanna Doyle
The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall
London 1995 proshot (Ethan Freeman, Jill Washington, Simon Bowman)
Broadway 1988 (Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman, Steve Barton)
with the wonderful Andrew Rannells
The TikTok  musical 
Rent (2008 Live on Broadway), PROSHOT, ALSO SUBBED
Rent (OBC Opening Night)
Rent (OBC  5th anniversary reuninion)
RENT 08-06-10 (Aaron Tveit)
No Day But Today  - The Story of Rent (documentary)
Rent opening night documentary
AUDIO, 20th anniversary
Rent (Bruce Haasl, Mike Spee)
AUDIO, Rent 10/25/97 Ahmanson Theater, Los Angeles (NPH as Mark)
10th anniversary reunion OBC
20th anniversary tour FIRST ACT ONLY (12/9/2016)
Rent Tour, LA, 1998-01-09 (NEIL PATRICK HARRIS AS MARK)
AUDIO Rent - 1997-06-10 - BWY
RENT Manchester Production 2021 PROSHOT 
Rocky Horror 04-20-01
R&I Lily and Robert PROSHOT
National Theatre Live 2017 PROSHOT
National Theatre Live 2017 PROSHOT
Sister Act OBC ( 2 april 2011)
AUDIO SiX London 15th January 2018 10pm
off west end oct 2019, Luke Bayer and Ben Darcy
OBC PREVIEW March 28, 2015
Something Rotten - 2016-06-20 (Rob McClure)
Something Rotten Tour Cincinnati - 2017
AUDIO Something Rotten 3/22/16 - Andre Ward (Minstrel), David Beach (Brother Jeremiah), Kate Reinders (Portia), Christian Borle (William Shakespeare), Brian d'Arcy James (Nick Bottom), Eric Sciotto (u/s Nigel Bottom), Edward Hibbert (Lord Clapham/Master of Justice), Gerry Vichi (Shylock), Marisha Wallace (u/s Bea), David Hibbard, Brad Oscar (Nostradamus)
Will Chase, Rob McClure
Spamalot  2005 Full Show Original Production (with Christian Borle)
Off broadway (12.31.16)
AUDIO, SPONGEBOB OBC BROADWAY (minus Nick and Carlos, Plankton and Krabs)
sa may 18 2008 (should be the last show with OBC)
Deaf West Presents Spring Awakening
sa  deaf west 10/18/2015 
sa 11-29-06
Sweeney Todd OBC (PROSHOT)
2014 Revival (christian Borle) PROSHOT
Berlin production with english subtitles 
OBC (I also have it with subtitles)
OBC from balcony
Ben Platt 
Kj Hippensteel as Elder Price (first part is missing, starts at their arrival in Africa)
Book of Mormon Jumamosi (2nd national tour, Cody Jamison Strand)
Cody J Strand, David Larson
AUDIO: Kj Hippensteel as Elder Price on Broadway
AUDIO: West End (Kj Hippensteel, Cody Jamison Strand)
AUDIO: The Book of Mormon (London 10-19-16e)
BOM AUSTRALIA (not complete bootleg, just clips)
BOM US TOUR (Gavin Creel and Jared Gertner)
BOM AUDIO WESTEND Book of Mormon (KJ Hippensteel/Cody Jamison Strand) (6th Oct 2017)
BOM AUDIO west end September 9 2017 (the u/s for Cunningham is on, message me for cast info)
BOM WEST END (jan 3rd 2018)
Pre-Broadway Chicago July 13, 2018
Broadway (undated)
Revival cast
The Drowsy Chaperone OBC
West End Video (most of act one, parts of act 2)
Bristol Old Vic Proshot
TLT off-broadway 2017 cast
Lightning Thief - August 20, 2014 Off-Broadway - Percy Jackson: Eric Meyers, Grover: Jordan Stanley, Annabeth: Kristin Stokes, Mr Brunner/Chiron/Poseidon/Hades: Graham Stevens, Sally/Clarisse/Thalia/Mrs Dodds: Zakiya Young, Luke/Ares/Mr D/Charon/Gabe: Parker Drown
Royal Shakespeare Company PROSHOT
2005 Film with Eng Subs
The Prom - Broadway - February 2, 2019
Proshot 2018
The Vote (07 May 2015)
Tick Tick BOOM 09-18-01
Tick, Tick...Boom! (Original Off-Broadway Cast) 
11th September 2018, pre-Broadway, Chicago Production
 Urinetown The Musical - Entire Show - Studio Players
VICTOR/VICTORIA 2001 production
november 2013 b-way (McKellen, Stewart)
OBC (not sure though)
Betsy Wolfe 
Jessie Mueller
AUDIO June 21, 2017 Matinee show Cast: Betsy Wolfe (Jenna), Charity Angél Dawson (Becky), Caitlin Houlahan (Dawn), Eric Anderson (Cal), Dakin Matthews (Joe), Joe Tippett (Earl), Molly Hager (Mother), Matt DeAngelis (Father), Dayna Jarae Dantzler (s/b Nurse Norma), Chris Diamantopoulos (Dr. Pomatter), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie), Stephanie Torns (Francine), Ella Dane Morgan (Lulu), Ensemble: Kayla Davion, Matt DeAngelis, Thay Floyd, Molly Hager, Dayna Jarae Dantzler, Jeremy Morse, Stephanie Torns 
AUDIO Betsy Wolfe, Jason Mraz
BETSY WOLFE 06.29.2017 (VOB, It’s the one which used to be NFT)
WAITRESS featuring Colleen Ballinger
2003 proshot (?) version
West Side Story starring Matt Smith
Wicked OBC pre bway 10 11 03
Wicked OBC (Idina Menzel last show)
WICKED OBC (Idina gets injured, comes up in the end in a red tracksuit)
Donna Vivino
04.09.2010, NYC, Mandy Gonzalez, Katie Rose Clarke
Aaron Tveit
Eden Espinosa, Megan HIlty (megan's last show)
Wicked (Laurel Harris, Kara Lindsay)
Stephanie J.Block
Wicked Annaleigh Ashford
Teal Wicks, Adam Lambert
October 29th, 2015 2nd National Tour - VOB + smalls Mary Kate Morrissey (s/b Elphaba), Carrie St. Louis (Glinda), Jake Boyd (Fiyero), Liana Hunt (Nessarose), Wendy Worthington (Madame Morrible), Stuart Zagnit (The Wizard). Lee Slobotikin (Boq), Chad Jennings (Dr. Dillamond) Notes: Filmed from orchestra but follows the action very well. MKM slays as Elphaba. There’s an audience member near the master in act two that yells a few drunk remarks, earning some laughs from the audience.
DUTCH WICKED: closing night (willemijn verkaik and keet deel)
GERMAN WICKED: Oberhausen 27th February 2011
proshot with Billie Piper
Young Frankenstein November 10th, 2007, Broadway VOB (Cast: Roger Bart, Christopher Fitzgerald, Sutton Foster, Andrea Martin, Shuler Hensley, Megan Mullally
AUDIO Andrew Rannells Live From Lincoln Center 12.20 7.30pm show
Andy Mientus Cabaret London
The Jonathan Larson Project at 54 Below 2018
Any BOM bootleg I don't have, especially anything with Kj Hippensteel as Price, Cody Jamison Strand as Cunningham and Steven Webb as Mckinley.
Wicked with Alice Fearn as Elphaba and Sophie Evans as Glinda
Any recent Charlie And The Chocolate Factory bootlegs with Christian Borle
Any recent DEH
Any VENICE boot
Anything with Christian Borle
WEST END boot of RENT 2021
2K notes · View notes
I. BLOODY. DID. IT. ITS TAKEN ME /TWO DAYS/ BUT I’VE DONE IT @princeyandanxiety and I’m tagging @use-it-ironically Ironi u do it too pls. I was subjected to this after I subjected Bella to this so now u have to.
Btw this is NSFW ( some of it) and mentions suicide/depression cause I went there. There is some serious truth tea in this god damnit. I put thought and love into this. And also memes but mostly LOVE and boredom. I also feel like I forgot to answer a question or two but whatever. This is 97 questions long. And it’s 2818 words.
By the end of this, you will understand that I am a wreck
Ask me things1. What’s your middle name? No.
2. What are you listening to right now? The sound of typing cause I’m not listening to music. Also the sound of my breath and the wind in the trees. V/ relaxing. (( that was yesterday, today I’m listening to MCR and sanders Sides videos at a loud volume on chromecast on my tv))
3. What was the last thing you ate? ¼ of a cup of icing sugar. I ate it out of the measuring cup lmao.
4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mum. I do talk to other people, I swear! I’m just not good at phone calls
5. Do you drink? No and I won’t in the future. Lemonade all the way if I have to drink smth.
6. Do you smoke? No and I never ever will.
7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? Someone as in??? Random or??. In Randoms I usually notice people’s faces and then clothes, especially if they’re eye catching. I notice memorabilia/fan stuff pretty quickly as well.
8. What is your hair color? Brown but I use hair dye to make it partially blue or purple or red sometimes. It doesn’t work very well unless I bleach my hair and I can’t do that till I’m 16 which sucks. I use hair spray every now and again, I have white hair spray and glitter hair spray, and I used to have blue as well. Glitters my favourite . I also have a full rainbow of hair chalk but my friends and I dropped it at one point during the Hair Incident of Grade Eight which is what I’m calling it now.
9. What is your eye color? Blue/Grey ish. 10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? Nope. My mum says I will if I keep looking at my screen for hours on end though. I don’t want glasses cause my 20/20 vision is serving me well and I like it.
11. Dogs or cats? Rabbits.
12. What’s your favorite animal? Rabbits/see above
13. What’s your favorite television show? Gilmore girls. Hands down the best.
14. What’s your favorite movie? I don’t really have one? Princess Bride, Sound of Music and the Captain America movies. Oh and Heathers.
15. What’s your favorite band/singer? I can’t choose but Alessia Cara comes to mind? Scars to your Beautiful? And MCR. And Panic! At the Disco and Fall Out Boy. I’m an emo nightmare tbh
16. How old are you? Bich no u can guess. I’m a minor tho.
17. Do you have a crush on anyone? No. But I want a girlfriend/datemate ( all the boys my age are awful and the girls/nonbinary people r better)
18. What’s your sexual orientation? Pansexual. To keep it simple anyway.
19. What’s your favorite color? Aqua blue/ the green of Australian forests
20. What was your most embarrassing moment? Going up on stage in like,, grade six, for a talent show, that I decided to volunteer for THAT DAY and literally singing which is fine but I kept shuffling not dancing and the other kid I was doing it with was kinda dancing and we fucking sucked. But I’m at a different school half the city away now thank god.
21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? Characters in stories, yeah, but like, I want to be in their universe, with their mind and my mind combined so I’m more them than me but I also remember that I want to give people a piece of my mind and fix the universe and make everyone happy but also have angst before that. I project a lot tbh. Oh well.
22. What were you like when you were a kid? I ran away from the class a lot, a ‘difficult’ and 'problem’ child. I have ADHD.
23. What would your dream house be like? Huge, I would want to have lots of pets and secret rooms and a big library and have it surrounded by country side and let scouts have camps near by and stuff
24. What last made you laugh? There were a few things but I forgot damn. But probably my bunnies antics I swear they r ridiculous sometimes( all the time) (( that was yesterday, today its sanders Sides videos again whoops))
25. What is your favorite word ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) its called a Lenny and I love it
26. What is your least favorite word? Poo. Or moist. Both are awful.
27. What turns you on? Coffee when I wake up
28. What turns you off? Sleeping pills
29. What is your star sign? Aquarius
30. What are your favorite books? TAMORA PIERCE’S 'The circle of Magic ’ quartet and all of its sequels and Tamora Pierces 'The Lionness’ quartet and her 'Protector of the small’ quartet, really, all of her books. Also the Obernewtyn series which is FUCKING AMAZING. ITS BY AN AUSSIE AUTHOR, ISOBELLE CARMODY WHO IVE MEET TWICE AND THEY R SMAZINGSOWNFKEFKWJCKD YES.
31. Do you have any siblings? Only child, suck it.
32. Do you like to dance?Yes, but I’m not a professional or up to date with the latest ~moves~
33. What is your definition of cheating? This is hard cause my definition is in my head but it’s hard to explain. I’m gonna try though.( ACTUALLY I’m gonna come back and write this later) (( lmao I never did go back and write this but it basically depends on what people in a relationship have agreed it to mean bc I’m tired and this is complicated))
34. Have you ever cheated on someone? No I’ve never dated anyone.
35. Do you regret anything? A few things. Not gonna get into them tho. I do regret not working harder in grade seven and eight.
36. Do you have any phobias? Not really no. I hate leeches with a fiery passion and there are spiders next to my shower which I don’t like but other than that, no.
37. Ever broken any bones? No and I’d like to understand what it feels like tbh
38. Ever come close to death? When I walk anywhere cause I’m yes. Does being suicidal back when I was eleven count? And the fact it recurs every now and again? Also
39. What is your religion, if any? I piece together my own world view, based on many philosophies and science.
40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? I’m going to one rn actually. School counsellor who is great and has lollipops and also let my friends and I play monopoly in her office all lunch. I lost. The bell was about to go so I just flipped the board upside down cause why not? My friends made me clean it up lmao 41. Are looks important in a relationship? Depends
42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? I pray I’m more like my mum as my dad is an awful person tbh
43. What is your favorite season? Whichever one I’m not sneezing in/ when it’s warm/ I don’t really have one
44. Do you have any tattoos? No 45. Do you have any piercings? I did have normal ear piercings but they grew over
46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? None
47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Have you met me
48. Who is your celebrity crush? Thomas Sanders
49. Are you a virgin? Again, have you meet me. YES. Obviously.
50. Do you get jealous easily? Define 'jealous’. I mean, kind of. Not usually.
51. What is your favorite type of food? Pasta.
52. Do you ever want to get married?Depends, I mean, LGBT marriage isn’t legal in Australia for whatever fucking stupid reason ( the reason is homophobic pollies, literally 90% of Australia wants fucking gay marriage goddamnit)
53. Who was your first kiss with? Lmao I haven’t had one
54. Have you ever been cheated on? See above
55. What is your idea of the perfect date? ?'not sure tbh?
56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Extroverted introvert. I like meeting people and i have lots of friends but I also need my space. I’m an introvert.
57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? After seeing the 'thingu’ video, I hope not. I do believe in other life but not as sentient as us? Well, at least I don’t think we will find any sentient aliens now that we elected trump tbh
58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with?Be a great dancer?
59. What is your saddest memory? Not today Satan
60. Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe you can find someone aesthetically pleasing at first sight, at first talk, you can like them for their personality. So kind of? But not really. Movie love sucks tho. Unrealistic.
61. Do you believe in soul mates? Kind of. I wish we had a soulmate au irl
62. Have you ever dyed your hair? See above ( yes)
63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you?I don’t really look at gossip so??? No? They could be talking about me all the time lmao I got bullied from 11-13 years old but that’s different and now I can’t be fucking bothered to listen to bullies
64. Would you go against your moral code for money?Depending on the circumstances. I’m not evil. Very rarely would I ever do that and I have never actually done that.
65. What are three things most people don’t know about you? . My teachers think I have asbergers(autism) and I agree but my parents don’t . NSFW as hell?? I mean most people would look at my chumb face and think I’m innocent i would guess. . I want a datemate? Like I haven’t really acknowledged that but like every opnow and again this Year and
66. Who are you jealous of? People who get more likes than me
67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy?Yes, but only if my bed is clean IE It has been washed within the last week. Sometimes I don’t wash my sheets for a month and i don’t want to subject my Rabbit toy to that. She’s thirty-nine years old.
68. How long was your longest relationship? No
69. Is the glass half empty or half full?Half empty, I drank half the water.
70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Nsfw fanfiction for sanders sides. Nah, I don’t really know as I’m still in high school I’m in Grade Nine . So like? How would I know? (But seriously pls write more nsfw)
71. Who is your most loyal friend? My best friend Addy? ( she was the one we tried to comb her hair) or you people
72. Are you in a relationship? Ok this is getting annoying
73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? Come ON.
74. Are you a bad person? Depends. Is the scale puppies to trump or a grumpy cat to trump. Cause I’m in the low-middle of the first scale and at the bottom of the second.
75. Are you a lover or a fighter? I wanna fite but I don’t bite and I’m usually just high as a kite.
76. What did you do on your last birthday? Like… nothing. Mum and I have to save money for scout camps ( there’s a big Venture I’m going on at the start of next year, AV2018) and I couldn’t be bothered to have a birthday party when I would have to have one just before or after term starts, my birthday is the 24th of Jan. Usually I have my party like a week after school starts again but I couldn’t be bothered.
77. What is your favorite quote and why? “I’m sceptical that you could, yet intrigued that you may” I got it off a screenshot on tumblr ALSO “What are you looking at?” “ Something Replusive” “I’m not a mirror Karen” from the fanfiction Iris Zero, my fav Hetalia fan fic about Romerica. Also “I’m hella pan with a hella plan” off tumblr.
78. If your best friend died, what would you do? I would be a fucking wreck and I’m not gonna think about it.
79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? If i went back and time and changed smth, i wouldn’t be me anymore, but I would go back and get a proper depression diagnosis bc we knew I had it but I’m a good actor so the doctors couldn’t diagnose the kid who was fucking suicidal great job Australia ANYWAY
80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? My mum texted me this morning ( btw I did this ask over a couple days) with 'If you die today would you like the last thing you spent your precious life hours on to be tumblr??’ I responded with 'yes’ to be a bitch and also bc I kinda would? I would get all my friends and all of the food I wanted, write my will, etc. I’d go fucking ridiculous with what I’d do tbh. All the adventurous activities .
81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? One time when I was 11, I had a dream I was a princess with a guy servant and a girl lady in waiting/servant and we were all bffs, ( looking normal so far lmao), and then we were getting chased around my kingdom by a guy with a floppy dick which was flopping around like a bendy/wobble pencil. Both friends sacrificed themselves to stop him and made me keep running away lol
82. Are you happier single or in a relationship? I don’t know
83. Who were you in a past life? The human embodiment of Anxiety Sanders
84. What is your happiest childhood memory?Lazy sunny days with my mum. Chores and relaxing. Cooking.
85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Not,,,, really,, see above, I,, haven’t really had any experience with love
86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? I don’t think so?
87. If you were the prime minister , what would you do? Fucking Marriage Equality, Safe schools is mandatory, sexual assault/homelessness/youth in crisis support is fucking fixed and improved, Scouts is connected to schools, primary school system revised, improved and fixed, high school system improved, counselling is better overall, science in all grades, maths teaching is improved over all, teachers can get constructive criticism from students and will LISTEN to them. Abuse is redefined as both emotional and psychical and people start to understand that, neurodivergents are fucking accommodated more, same for disabled people. Mental illness are listened to for fucks sake.
88. What is your ideal career? Engineer, scientist, musician, YouTuber, anything that makes me happy and makes people happy and supports people. I also want money tbh so A) i can donate to charity B) i want to transition and all I fucking love memey products.
89. What is your political affiliation?/90. Are you conservative or liberal? Liberal. When I vote, I will weight my options and choose which ever is the least awful tbh. I’m an intersectional feminist meaning I support poc, the wider LGBT+ community, feminism, people with mental illness, neurodivergents and disabled people.
91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection?Male doesn’t get periods so u decide
92. Do you like kissing in public? I’ve seen people kiss in public ONCE in my life so like?? Do what you want
93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? Unlike my prime minister answer, I’m thinking smaller here : everyone is allowed to transition/get married/ all LGBTAI+ rights are legalised
94. Where would you like to live? Huge house full of secret tunnels and it’s all waterproof and I keep rescue pets and secretly help refugees there so they can get a normal life again. There would be huge libraries. In the countryside as well. Tazmania probably. Or Melbourne in a nice house with my rabbits and datemate/s
95. Where would you go on your dream vacation?I’d want to go on a world tour and meet all my mutuals and the people I am fans of.
96. Describe yourself in one word.Chaotic ( good lmao)(( jk every time i take that chaotic/neutral/lawful quiz I get lawful good but lawful good is was I aspire to be and chaotic good is what I am. ))
97. Describe yourself in one sentenceVery. Fucking. Complicated. Wreck. Who Loves All My Mutuals and Friends So Much.
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scouts-mockingbird · 5 years
Shine a Light
Intro,Beautiful, Candy Store, Fight For Me, Freeze Your Brain, Big Fun Part One, Big Fun Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part One, Dead Girl Walking Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part Three, The Me Inside of Me Part One, The Me Inside of Me Part Two, Blue Part One, Blue Part Two, Blue (Reprise), Our Love is God, Dead Gay Son, Seventeen
God I fucking hate this song. It has…. So many things that I hate, all rolled into one little hateful ball that got chewed to a pulp, spread around and dried out so Kevin and Larry could write a song on it.  
So yeah, I really, really dislike this song. Honestly, I hate it so much that part of me is saying “They don’t even need a song here! Get rid of it!” but I’m going to push past that and offer one suggestion that keeps the framework that the current musical offers. 
So, part of the reason I hate this song is the whole “Desperate teacher/counselor is horrible and out of touch and actually just wants to talk about their problems and not be helpful”... thing it has going on. That’s shitty and bad so I want to change it. 
Much like Blue, this song isn’t funny, but I swear Kevin and Larry think that it is? I have no idea. The layers of why it’s not funny just go on and on. Divorced women are miserable? Bad. All adults whose job it is to help children suck at their job and won’t help you? Yep. Adults having sex is weird and gross and embarrassing? That’s in there. Older women who aren’t married and have cats and must be miserable? Of course. Oh Kevin and Larry, thank you for making it so abundantly clear that you don’t just hate teenaged girls; you hate all women. Your poor wives. 
Anyway, as always, the positives. Like DGS, having JD dance in this scene makes me laugh. It’s not a great character decision but it’s funny. Um… it’s…. Loud? That’s good I guess? People in the audience can definitely hear this song? Oh! Roles for older women! Very good, not as common on broadway as it should be.  
Okay, yeah this song is bad. I think even fans of the musical skip this song. 
So let’s make it a song folks won’t skip, shall we? 
My proposal is (surprisingly) to keep this song in Ms. Flemming’s hands. I think it’s a bit interesting, and I think it COULD work as a contrast to JD, who has (in my version) been set up as wanting to change the world they’re living in. Give Ms. Flemming and some of the other students a way of stating their way of making change. 
My idea for this song is a shout out back to the movie, except it kind of combines the JD shoots the TV scene and the cafeteria scene. It’s called “Teenage Suicide: Don’t Do It” 
In my fixing Big Fun post, I described a line where students talk about listening to the Big Fun song from the movie. Later on, it occurred to me that it’s fucking ridiculous it is that, when writing the musical, they didn’t include the ONE SONG that was in the movie. Jesus these fucking amateurs. 
The song features Ms. Flemming awkwardly rewriting the verses of everybody’s favorite songs, during which she inadvertently frames suicide as this popular thing everyone is doing, defeating her point. She tries to bring everyone together and the students reluctantly participate, holding hands and singing. 
Meanwhile, Heather Duke launches into the song, dragging Heather McNamara-- who seems distracted-- into it. She attempts to get Veronica into it, but she pulls away, still angry. Heather is, notably, wearing red. 
Heather McNamara follows the dance clumsily, looking around. At some point, the students are invited to share their feelings, and a couple do, condemning suicide and talking about why they want to keep living, Heather Duke among them. It is clear that she is now the one people are looking to. 
Martha is there, kind of vaguely dancing along, but she doesn’t say anythign, she’s just present, watching what goes down. 
Heather McNamara also gives her speech, mentioning that she is sad, that her parents are getting divorced and that she feels like her friends are all dead or leaving her. Heather Duke laughs at this, making a joke about Heather crying, which everyone joins in on before Fleming, in an attempt to regain control, starts the song back up, finishing it loudly while Heather McNamara leaves. 
This song would be a fun, synth-y pop number to bring the mood back up from some of the downer songs, but not without keeping on-theme for the show. The dark elements are there and the emotions build on themselves neatly. Underlying the comedic elements is the obvious fact that they are singing a fun pop-hit about children dying. 
The moments between Heather and Heather should be subtle, at least compared to the Kevin and Larry version. Heather M seems distressed, but Heather Duke is performing for the cameras,  getting a solo verse about how hard it is on your friends if you kill yourself. 
Eventually, one of the camera people turns their microphone to Heather M, who has had enough, she admits that she’s been thinking about killing herself because of what Heather, kurt, and ram did, as well as a number of other things that have been happening in her personal life. (I’m going to talk about Lifeboat and give some options for that in the next post.)
There is a long moment of silence where everyone just stares at her. Fleming steps forward, offers some lame comfort that amounts to “No, don’t kill urself life is rad!” This obviously does nothing and Heather flees. 
JD: “See, Veronica? The adults are useless. Did you think her way would work?” 
Ignoring him, Veronica follows Heather M out and after a long moment of everyone staring at each other awkwardly, Fleming and Duke join forces to finish out the song. It’s flat and lame.
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scouts-mockingbird · 5 years
Lifeboat/ Shine a Light (Reprise)
Intro,Beautiful, Candy Store, Fight For Me, Freeze Your Brain, Big Fun Part One, Big Fun Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part One, Dead Girl Walking Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part Three, The Me Inside of Me Part One, The Me Inside of Me Part Two, Blue Part One, Blue Part Two, Blue (Reprise), Our Love is God, Dead Gay Son, Seventeen, Shine a Light
OKAY So, I said in the last post that Heather McNamara should have an interlude in that song where she breaks down, and runs out of the gym, humiliated, after which Heather Duke and Flemming finish the song. Veronica runs after her for the next scene, which, contrasted with the many loud musical numbers I’ve discussed, is quiet and spoken only. 
HOWEVER. Since I’ve been doing these for every song, and I’m sure someone would be big mad that I skipped this, I’m not going to. I’m going to knock them both out at once though because I’m getting frustrated with writing these and also these scenes are technically supposed to go together (but not enough to make them one number???) 
To switch things up, I’m going to get to the positive stuff later and start ripping into this now. So. Honestly, I think this sequence is really, really awkwardly done. I just rewatched the whole thing and found it very jarring and clumsy. I see what they were going for, but I think they had two ideas and couldn’t decide so they tried to do both and it’s like frosting cake with jello, it just doesn’t work. Beyond the odd tonal choices (more on that later) is the whole entire framing issue. I flipped a coin and we’re starting with the framing. 
Lifeboat is…. Honestly I hate it. I cannot get over the freakish romanticizing of it, the alarming key switch, the way it comes out of fucking nowhere in terms of Heather’s characterization. It really doesn’t work on a lot of levels. Let’s break it down. 
Romanticizing suicide. They really wanted a soft depressed sad song in here, and totally failed to understand that Heathers is not the vehicle for that and even if it was, Heather McNamara is not the character for it.  You just get this feeling that they heard about Heathers and figured they could write a song like this that would make depressed teenagers everywhere go apeshit and buy tickets or the cast album. It’s… really obvious capitalizing on a serious thing. And don’t get me wrong, relatable isn’t bad by default. I’m not mad that you, a depressed teenager, heard this song and found it accurate, I’m mad that these two hacks wrote a song with that as the intention, rather than writing a song to be appropriate for the character and the musical, which might just turn out to be accurate and relatable (See We Are the Tigers). 
The key switch. Kinda the only musically interesting thing this song has going for it is the key change that happens after the first verse. And it doesn’t work. Not to bring better musicals into this, but Before the Breakdown from We Are the Tigers has what this song wants. It does the SUDDENLY WE ARE LOUD thing very well, because it’s brief and it’s punchy. It works. This song doesn’t work because it just hits you with this LOUD AND FEELINGS thing, but never effectively. It’s so much that I think it distracts from the lyrics, which honestly might have been able to make a point about… idk something. 
Heather’s Character. This song comes out of nowhere.  Up to this point, we don’t get much in the way of characterization for HM and y’know that’s alright, she’s not a huge presence in the film either, but Movie Heather’s suicide kind of tracks, because nothing about her character shifts or changes for it. She was bored and aloof during all her other scenes and she’s bored and aloof during her suicide attempt. It works. This song is too huge of a jump with no setup, all for the sake of writing this sad, tragic song that has no place here and undercuts the themes of the movie. 
For the above reasons and several others, I think this song should just get cut, with an interlude added to “Teenaged Suicide (Don’t Do It)” for Heather to confess her feelings before fleeing the room. Fixed. 
Some of you might be sitting there thinking, but wait, I thought she was going to talk about Shine a Light (reprise) too?” I am. 
Shine a Light Reprise is a dumb exercise in shrill noise  that serves only to demonize the only WoC in the show and make it even easier for people to misinterpret her character. You want a hallucination for Heather in this scene? Heather Chandler makes much more sense, put her in it if you insist, though I (again) do not think this scene needs a song, and in fact think it would be smarter not to show anything until Veronica arrives, because she’s pretty consistently a POV character but then really randomly not for about three scenes in the musical and that bothers me. 
The last thing I want to say is this one little positive thing that I skipped over in the beginning. I know people relate to this song. I know there are tons of people who have heard this and thought it said what they felt better than they’ve been able to. I don’t want to take that from anyone. If this song helped you through a hard time, I’m glad. I’m glad you got through it and you’re here reading this now. That’s valuable, even if this song is bad and out of character and out of place in this show, I am glad it helped some people. 
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scouts-mockingbird · 5 years
Intro,Beautiful, Candy Store, Fight For Me, Freeze Your Brain, Big Fun Part One, Big Fun Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part One, Dead Girl Walking Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part Three, The Me Inside of Me Part One, The Me Inside of Me Part Two, Blue Part One, Blue Part Two, Blue (Reprise), Our Love is God, Dead Gay Son
God I’m torn about this. Honestly, this is one of the only songs from the musical that I honestly think is GOOD. Not just… it’s okay but needs improvement, like I genuinely think this is a good, moving, well written song. 
But that doesn’t mean I think it belongs in a Heathers adaptation. 
Yeah, yeah I know, but put down your pitchforks and torches so I can talk about it. I’m really torn with this song because as the One Good Song, I don’t want to say “scrap it” but I also can’t get over how… not in place it is with the original, and because I’ve changed so much already, it would be super out of place in my Fixed version. 
“But Scout,” You ask, eager to learn, “If it’s a good song, why shouldn’t it be in the musical?” 
“Well, reader,” I reply, “It’s because of character consistency.” 
Be honest with yourself for a moment. Can you really picture Christian Slater JD or Winona Ryder Veronica saying… any of the lines in Seventeen? Any of them at all? 
I think the answer is no. It’s certainly a no for me, but maybe you have a better imagination than I do, Reader. 
Now some of you might be saying that it doesn’t matter if I can’t picture those versions of the characters saying the lines, because it’s a new version of the character, and obviously some things will be different. But let’s talk about some other characters that have been changed for musical adaptions, but whose tone and energy remain consistent. 
(Y’all knew I was going to talk about Beetlejuice, didn’t you?) Because even though Musical Lydia is Really different from Movie Lydia, and the plot is almost entirely different, I can still totally picture Movie Lydia saying Musical Lydia’s lines. Same with Pump Up the Volume. Granted there are fewer changes here, but even the lyrics of the songs still fit that uniquely Christian Slater-y…. Thing, so the characters still feel like they’re cut from the same cloth. 
Even though I like this song, these two characters just feel too far away from JD and Veronica for me to really believe this is Them singing. 
So how do I want to fix it? 
Good question. As always, there are a couple options. 
Leave Seventeen as is, lay on the romance, but then give JD a bigger moment of betrayal later on in the show. 
Change Seventeen to fit more in line with the movie, because this scene doesn’t happen in the movie at all. There’s really no scene that’s equivalent to it, which I think is interesting and merits further dissection but not right now.  
The benefit of option one is that we get to have a huge, high stakes emotional moment. This is a MUSICAL, high stakes emotional moments are what they’re FOR. Seriously, name one good musical without at least one major soaring emotional song. I think Heathers deserves to have one of those as much as every other musical. I also think that upping the emotional stakes works well for the musical in the long run because then we’re building to what is a super emotional, intense climax (one might even call it… explosive?) 
The disadvantage of this is that Seventeen as written fucks up JD’s character. As is, Seventeen is this big emotional, romantic ballad, but like… ten minutes later JD is all hot damn with the crazy so the song ultimately doesn’t mean anything and his character seems… disjointed and nonsensical at best, written completely without thought at worst. If you’re going to give a big emotional song, you have to let the emotions carry the show to a new place. Seventeen starts the emotions, but can’t follow through with the way a huge, emotional, romantic moment would affect both the characters involved. 
The benefit of the second is that it’s closer to the movie, so die hard fans of the movie won’t feel shocked by major changes. It also fits in nicely with some of the other changes I’ve made.  This option would also be a duet with JD and Veronica, but one where the two of them are essentially having the same conversation but from totally different perspectives. The audience knows that Veronica thinks they’ve done enough and can stop now, and they know that JD thinks they need to go further, so when the two of them sing about “What’s Next” (working title) they know that it should be an argument, but the two of them aren’t communicating clearly. 
The weakness of that as an option is that miscommunication as a plot point can be a bit of a cop out, plus I at least would miss my melodrama.  So that brings us to: 
3. Find a way to blend the two so that we can have our emotional moment without completely hopping off of the plot train to have a picnic. 
So how do we do that? Well… there are a few directions. As is? I think what needs to happen is a bit of an ideology dump. In my Changing Our Love is God post, I wanted to focus on JD’s desire to fix the world and create change. This song can really drive that home. JD wants change, wants to live in a world that deserves whatever they have. Kevin and Larry wanted romance, and I’ll give them romance. What is more romantic and melodramatic than saying that you need to build a world that deserves good people? 
Important sidenote: This does not mean that JD is only doing this for Veronica, it should be made clear that he is doing this for everyone who deserves better, because he believes that this is the only way to create that better world.
JD believes that Veronica is one of those good people who deserves better, because she’s interesting, because she tries to be better, because she’s smart, because she’s like him and because he thinks he’s a good person. All of these are compelling reasons that could be explored. They also neatly lead into Veronica saying that no, she’s damaged. Badly damaged. She’s not good, and neither is he, and doing this could really make them a lot worse. She sees now that their actions have consequences, and they’re digging themselves in deeper. 
My proposed title is Damaged, and it’s about all of that. JD saying that the world is damaged, that it needs to be fixed for the sake of every good person, Veronica saying that they are damaged, and that because of that they can’t be the ones fixing it, because they’re well on their way to becoming what they hate and making things worse. 
This sets up nicely for an interesting and compelling climax, and for some opportunities in later songs for Veronica to have more growth. 
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scouts-mockingbird · 5 years
Dead Gay Son
Intro, Beautiful, Candy Store, Fight For Me, Freeze Your Brain, Big Fun Part One, Big Fun Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part One, Dead Girl Walking Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part Three, The Me Inside of Me Part One, The Me Inside of Me Part Two, Blue Part One, Blue Part Two, Blue (Reprise), Our Love is God 
To write these, I always start by listening to the song. This time, I listened to it all the way through, stopped youtube before it could subject me to listening to another goddamn song from this musical, imagined myself crumpling the concept of this song into a little ball and then tossing it into the garbage for my dog to retrieve later and chew to pieces.
So, yeah I’m not going to be keeping much of anything from this song. If you’ve got a problem with that, just leave this post now.
I don’t feel it’s overly necessary to explain why I hate this regressive song full of stereotypes that was written by straight men, which ought to have the alternative title “Performative Allyship: The Musical!” So I’m not going to go on a whole rant about how and why it’s bad. I’m just going to get right down to the fixes.
Oh, I usually start with something positive from the songs to appease folks who follow me for musical content (if any of y’all stuck around through my break). Umm…. Hmmm….. Welll.
OH! Any production of the musical that has JD dancing during this number is hilarious. I don’t think it’s intentionally hilarious, and it does nothing in terms of his character’s dignity, but it is funny as shit, so that’s something.
On to the fixes. Since we tossed out the song, here’s my whole new concept, which integrates a lot of things I tossed out from earlier movie/musical scenes. It also brings a thing I love from musicals, and the structure of the opening number, the Patter Song! This would be a big group number that’s structured like Heather Chandler’s funeral from the movie, with students standing in the front of the church to offer their prayers.
It highlights the very, very mixed feelings that the characters have about bad people who die young.That’s a good heavy theme and it works in the context of a musical where the emotions have to be bigger than they would be in a movie.
Start with Veronica, a little dazed, a little confused, still wondering if they really got away with murder. She’s conflicted, going back and forth between wondering if they did something good or if they’re damning themselves for a pointless mission that isn’t helping anyone.
Her classmates pray aloud, literally singing their dead classmates’ praises, before they go into an aside where they discuss their real feelings about the deceased. For the football team, they love them and state that they’ll miss the Quarterback and the… whatever the other football position is. Not their names, just their positions, possibly also referencing their discomfort upon realizing their teammates were gay.
The girls have more mixed feelings because they were fucking creeps, but now they’re dead and you’re not supposed to say bad things about the dead, right? I think this could be an amazing moment to foreshadow Heather M’s suicide attempt. She could talk again about how she’s handling things (Not Well) and reference the “The last guy I had sex with was actually gay and he killed himself like two days later.” That moment where she falls apart (I’ll get to it) will be a lot more impactful if it doesn’t come entirely out of left field. The girl has a lot of trauma, there’s no reason to shy away from showing it.
We could also set up how Heather Duke is sliding into the role of Leader now that Heather is dead and Heather might be losing her mind. Students start to look to her for direction, and maybe she dictates where she and Heather sit at the funeral or something, or cuts in line to be the first to pay her respects.
Also, call some attention to Martha where she keeps trying to step forward and sing, but people cut her off, standing in front of her and starting their lines so that she never gets a chance to. No one acknowledges that she’s there, as if she’s invisible. Eventually she leaves without saying anything. 
The other purpose of this scene in the movie is to show Veronica accepting the consequences of her actions and being genuinely freaked out when confronted with the fact that, though her life might have gotten easier, real people are suffering because of her actions.
Without the little sister character we see in the movie, this can be hard, but I suggest having Kurt or Ram’s dad (I literally cannot tell them apart and I Do Not Care) shuffle to the front of the church, teary-eyed and slow. He kneels down and sings “I loved my dead, gay son.”
It’s a funny line in the movie, but why not give it some weight? Why not let it be sad? Why not highlight that even though Kurt and Ram were shitty people, they had parents that loved them, and people who are suffering now that they’re gone? The scene closes on Veronica, turning to face the audience after that line so that we can see on her face how suddenly she realizes that people are dead and it’s her fault. This is the first moment she realizes that, yep, she kinda sucks.
Also, have everyone get a costume change into some fun eighties funeral clothes. 
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scouts-mockingbird · 6 years
Our Love is God
Intro, Beautiful, Candy Store, Fight For Me, Freeze Your Brain, Big Fun Part One, Big Fun Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part One, Dead Girl Walking Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part Three, The Me Inside of Me Part One, The Me Inside of Me Part Two, Blue Part One, Blue Part Two, Blue (Reprise)
So this was the first time I had listened to Our Love is God in many months, and I was honestly shocked, because this is one of the songs I remembered more fondly, to be honest (sorry, Rillie). I chalk that up to my unending love of melodrama, which is what got me into musicals in the first place. This song has a lot of that. The music is pretty good, it’s very intense, and the singers are super talented at conveying a lot of emotion. Unfortunately, that’s where the compliments end for me because there’s one glaring issue here.
The lyrics don’t mean anything.
Like… listen to them. I know many of them are actual lines from the movie, or otherwise references to the movie, but that doesn’t imbue them with inherent meaning. Because they didn’t mean anything in the movie, either. JD just said some edgy fucking thing, then it cut to the next scene. The line isn’t repeated. It doesn’t need to mean anything in that context, so it’s totally fine. But the musical didn’t seem to get that. They (like me) liked the line and the scene it came from and decided, “Yeah, we should have a whole song about this!” Except they never opted to give the words any meaning. Then they added more words that also have no meaning.
I could give examples to mock the many lines that just sound kinda dumb and don’t mean anything, but I trust that you’ve all listened to the song and I’m sure you can figure it out for yourselves.
Another issue that I have with the song is that, despite it’s five minute runtime, nothing is really said. We don’t learn anything about the characters here until the end where Uh oh, JD killed two people and Veronica is somehow surprised and horrified by this. Sure that changes the story and the situation, but we get very little reasoning for all of this because, again, the lyrics don’t mean much. If you read into it, it kinda sounds like JD’s saying that they need to kill people because he loves her? Maybe? Or maybe he’s trying to say that their love can change the world (if they kill people with it?), I honestly don’t know what they intended the motivation for this scene to be, because they haven’t decided to send JD completely off the rails yet, so theoretically he should have like, reasons for doing the things that he’s doing. But he doesn’t, and that’s a bit of a bummer, seeing as how his character is interesting in part because he’s so highly motivated. Anyway, on to fixes.
 I honestly don’t hate the idea of having “Our Love is God” be the chorus or the focus of the song. That’s my favorite scene from the movie, and one of my favorite shots in any movie, so sure I’ll buy that it needs its own song. But the people writing the song need to make sure that they’re clear about what those words mean to the characters that are saying/singing them. I’m not good enough at writing lyrics to offer suggestions on how to actually do that, but at the very least there needs to be symbolic weight to the words, as well as some understanding of what the characters think they’re saying/hearing. 
You’ll remember that at the end of my “Blue Reprise” post, I mentioned that Veronica storms over to JD to demand that they get revenge, probably suggesting they pull some kind of prank. Maybe have JD suggest that they need to do something a little bigger than a harmless prank. Maybe he cautiously suggests shooting them and then opts for “Ich Luge” bullets when she balks. Maybe the song is him convincing her to get on board with a prank that will change Westerburg.
I think centering the song around the idea that JD wants to change the school, wants to “scare them into not being assholes anymore” could really work for this moment. It establishes his motivation and gives Veronica a good reason to go along with it, along with her desire for revenge after their stupid rumor. Maybe she even justifies her own desire for petty revenge with JD’s high ideals about making the world a better place.
Another thing that HAS to get fixed: Veronica has to kill kurt or ram. I don’t care which one, but she HAS TO PULL A TRIGGER. It raises the stakes and it gives her agency, so it’s important that she’s directly complicit in the murders, rather than just a witness. She can regret it, or be freaked out about it, but she has to actually do it.
Let Veronica be a little evil and a lot nuanced, and let your characters state what their motivation is. Let JD acknowledge that it isn’t just “their love” that’s going to make the world a better place, but their actions. He’s not just doing it for Veronica though, he’s doing it for everyone that’s downtrodden, including himself in some ways. That’s a complicated, interesting motivation, and it’s certainly enough to write into a song. I think this one is the one to do that in.
With Kurt and Ram dead, Veronica and JD stand center stage, holding guns. They both know everything has changed. JD is ecstatic; their plan is going to work. Veronica is shocked, but not horrified; she foresees consequences that JD doesn’t. “Our love is god.” Curtain falls. End of Act one.
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scouts-mockingbird · 6 years
Blue (Reprise)
Intro, Beautiful, Candy Store, Fight For Me, Freeze Your Brain, Big Fun Part One, Big Fun Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part One, Dead Girl Walking Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part Three, The Me Inside of Me Part One, The Me Inside of Me Part Two, Blue Part One, Blue Part Two
Warning: This is very long. 
Ah… Blue (Reprise). We meet, finally on the field of combat.
I honestly have no idea what to do with this song. I think it should be here, and I have ideas for fixes, but every time I think about them. I get stuck on something:
And also, why did you choose to do this to Duke? I can’t answer the second question, but I hope that if Kevin and Larry ever see these posts, they take the time to think about it and let me know, because I’m honestly curious. How did they see a character with a mental illness, barely holding on to the last scraps of her self-image, who does one desperate thing (badly) and think “This girl would lie about her friend having sex to destroy her reputation for the lolz”?
I know that’s not the whole point of this song, but like… I can’t get over it. I know they had a shortage of cast members, and in the movie, a random bit part girl (Courtney) and Kurt and Ram themselves spread the rumor about Veronica. Courtney has motivation to do so, earlier in the movie, Veronica had insulted her. Kurt and Ram also have motivation to do so, Veronica made Kurt feel stupid and also didn’t have sex with him.
The musical gives no such justification to Duke. Why is Duke spreading a cruel rumor about her friend? No one knows. Maybe it’s because of that horribly bitchy line from Big Fun where Veronica mocks Heather’s eating disorder.
That’s probably more thought into Duke’s motivation than Kevin and/or Larry ever gave.
So really, the issue with fixing Blue (Reprise) is not just fixing the song, which is a reprise of a terrible song that utterly misunderstands the concept of tone and what makes something funny, but also of fixing an entire character interpretation, because Blue (Reprise) is a big moment for Heather Duke. This is when she replaces Heather Chandler. Literally, those are words they actually use in the musical. God, I’m so glad someone adapted the movie into a musical because I hated how subtle and interesting it was. Symbolism is for assholes, right?
Anyway. Heather appears to create the rumors about Veronica. At the very least, she confirms what Kurt and Ram are saying, rather than refuting it, despite the fact that she knows it’s not true because, in the musical version, she was there (for some reason, seriously why was she there?).
All this is narratively tied in with the fact that she is ascending to Heather’s place in the Westerburg hierarchy. She puts on the scrunchie, and Veronica suggests that she shouldn’t try to be like Chandler, and then Heather tells Veronica she should be worried about her reputation, and then Kurt and Ram jump onstage to spread the rumors. Soon, the whole school is singing. While some motivation can be surmised based on this, it’s a far cry from actually letting Heather tell anyone why she’s doing what she’s doing, something even the movie doesn’t let her do. The musical is longer than the movie, they had time to go into this and they didn’t, which is a big missed opportunity.
So here’s how we fix it.
I have a lot of ideas but the big thing is that someone else should be singing this song. Duke shouldn’t be left out of it, but she should not be the one leading the charge.
Here are some options:
1.  Heather McNamara sings it or at least introduces it. It is implied that Ram told her to do it, and she’s trying to make him happy. Maybe she’s shaking or seems nervous or sad about it. Maybe suggest that she isn’t holding herself together well, which sets up for what happens in act two.
2. Maybe have one of the ensemble girls sing it. There’s a girl who’s kind of styled like Courtney is in the movie, maybe let her sing it.
3. Or  (and this really is the best option) Kurt and Ram start the rumors, and other students take them and run. This song, Cow Tipping (Reprise) has everyone hearing and discussing the rumors, and sets up for the long term domino effect of this rumor.
Veronica is outraged and marches to JD, clearly furious and out for revenge. JD is with her and also looking for some revenge, but it’s clear that “Let’s get back at them” starts with Veronica.  
McNamara knows they aren’t true, but goes along with it anyway because she wants to make Ram happy as she’s clinging to any shred or normalcy in a life that is rapidly falling apart.
At some point during Cow Tipping (reprise) Heather hears the rumors and clearly doesn’t believe them. Maybe she even talks about it with Heather, who knows the whole story. She knows that she should say something, but also knows that she might go down with Veronica if she does. So she sings her own little reprise within the reprise, where-- continuing the “cow tipping is power” metaphor from the song, she regrets that in order to keep her power and safety, she has to let some cows get tipped. In this case, it’s Veronica and she watches her friend get hurt without doing anything. It’s the start of her transformation.
Basically, this song is a transitional moment, led by the people who actually did the bad thing, and it shows that things are getting worse. This is the penultimate song of act one, letting it be a check in point for all the main characters so that we can reevaluate them after intermission and the next major plot change is a good idea.
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scouts-mockingbird · 6 years
Blue Part Two
Intro, Beautiful, Candy Store, Fight For Me, Freeze Your Brain, Big Fun Part One, Big Fun Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part One, Dead Girl Walking Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part Three, The Me Inside of Me Part One, The Me Inside of Me Part Two, Blue Part One
So,  you all ask, desperate and curious, How will I fix it?
Well you start by throwing the whole fucking thing into the garbage and then hitting your head against a desk until you forgot that you’d ever had the idea for it. After that, you get to the business of writing a new song. I would call it “Cow Tipping”
The song starts out funny. Veronica agrees to go on the double date with Heather, but expresses concern because she doesn’t like/trust Kurt and Ram. She also complains that they never do anything fun on dates, and asks that this not be a night where they go cow tipping.
Scene change to the field. There are fake cows or actors dressed as cows, I don’t fucking care, but you can tell it’s a pasture, and it’s evident what is happening.
Kurt and Ram sing about how they like tipping cows because they find it funny. As the song goes on, however, it gets darker. They reveal that it’s fun to knock down things that can’t fight back.
Slowly, the song takes a turn and it becomes clear that Veronica and Heather are the “cows” in this scene, and are about to be hurt because it amuses Kurt and Ram. The tone of the song remains similar throughout, but the audience is no longer humming along as they realize that Heather and Veronica are in danger, though it is clear that Kurt and Ram don’t think anything is wrong. They’re still just having fun and making jokes.
Ram pulls Heather offstage, she resists.
Kurt grabs Veronica, finishing the song and leaning in for a kiss. Veronica shoves him away and runs. Kurt falls down, passed out drunk, the scene ends.
What this changes is that there is real danger, and it exposes the real villains of the scene for what they are. It doesn’t frame them as simply oafish and stupid, unable to read the obvious cues of a girl who doesn’t like them, it frames them as people who don’t care what the girl says, because they’re out for themselves. This leads to them being less sympathetic so that the audience doesn’t feel bad rooting for Veronica when she kills one of them and is an accomplice to the other’s murder. It is better for the overall story and motivations if the audience doesn’t like Kurt and Ram, aside from the way we always kind of like hate-sink characters.
This also puts the tone back into the gray area the movie lived in; it’s funny, but it’s dark and it makes you think. The audience laughs at Kurt and Ram in the beginning of the song, delighting in their casual cruelty, only to feel sick for laughing when they realize exactly how cruel they are.
Allowing this scene to be dark also helps transition into the darker stuff that’s coming later, because after this the murder won’t be accidental, and that’s an important shift. It shouldn’t be haha funny because then when suddenly everything is melodramatic murder (I’m coming for you Our Love is God) it’s jarring. This way it’s a more gradual shift.
But of course I’m not skipping right to OLiG. Oh no. I’ve got to get through the reprise first.
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scouts-mockingbird · 5 years
'Fixing Heathers' aside, do you prefer "Blue" to "You're Welcome"?
No they both suck. I prefer the version I describe in fixing Heathers
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