nessa007 · 6 years
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#SeeYaNewGirl Week 6: A Final Thank You 
“We’re a family. You can’t choose who you love. Sometimes they choose you and sometimes it’s just because you got a really great deal on Craigslist. I got a really great deal on Craigslist. I got all of you.”
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rorygilmore · 6 years
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#SeeYaNewGirl ✦ Week 2: Schmidt Befriending Kanye is the most efficient way for me to jump social strata. Now all I have to do is meet him, and then dazzle him to the point that we’re each other’s last call before bed.
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Nick | Jess | Schmidt | Winston
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zooeydeschanel · 6 years
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#SeeYaNewGirl - Week 4
↳ Nick Miller, a summary
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mariodaymiller · 6 years
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#SeeYaNewGirl Week 6: A final thank you ↳ “After a bad break-up, Jess, an offbeat young woman, moves into an apartment loft with three single men. Although they find her behavior very unusual, the men support her - most of the time” (2011-2018) 
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msjessicaday · 6 years
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#SEEYANEWGIRL Week 4: Nick Miller “I want to be the someone that somebody is looking for. But what do I have to offer? Come on, guys, what do I bring to the table?” “That’s easy, man. You’re the cute one.”
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michaelcorderoes · 6 years
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Don’t you ever wear jeans ? You look like you should be distracting Bond at a baccarat table.
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youcantmakeme · 6 years
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See Ya New Girl - Cece Week
One moment from each season.
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cravensvvorth · 6 years
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#seeyanewgirl week three → Winston Bishop
Schmidt, I think I’m getting my period. This is a real thing, okay? I looked it up on the internet. It’s called, uh, “sympathy PMS,” right? Now apparently this is an affliction that men suffer from all the time. I don’t know how it happened, man, but somehow I got on that woman’s cycle of menstruation…and I got that menstruation inside of me.
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vmisstuff · 6 years
From the moment I first watched New Girl, I knew that I loved Jess!
She's such a wonderful and positive person who always brightens your day. She doesn't care what people think about her and she doesn't try to hide her crazy side, no, absolutely not, she likes her crazy side and isn't afraid of showing it to everyone.
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That's a trait I really admire her for, I think she really encourages everyone to be who you are and that you shouldn't hide your own special personality!
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I also love how she always tries to see the best in everyone, although this often seems to be naive, but I really like her way of thinking and I think that's something we all have to learn from her!
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I also really love that Jess so often has the same problems like we do and that she struggles with the same issues, and although she often has to face many set backs, in the end, she's always so positive and tries to move on with her life.
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I love that she's so relatable in her way of dealing with problems or sorrows, for example how she handles the break-up with Spencer in the first episode by eating ice cream and watching Dirty Dancing over and over again (I mean who doesn't do something like this when someone broke your heart).
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Another thing I really really love about her is the way she treats her friends. She's so supportive and she always wants the best for them and she tries to help all of them when they are having hard times.
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I mean could you imagine a better friend than Jessica Day?
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I really love her singing like so so much, because I can really see myself in her in these moments.
She's just too adorable!
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In my opinion she is one of the sweetest, nicest characters ever created and I think you cannot not love her. I think her often a little bit dorky behaviour and all of her quirks make her so loveable and unique!
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I think we're all going to miss Jess because she's such a great person, who is funny, unique, supportive, helpful and just so adorable and I think it's hard to find any other character like her somewhere else.
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nessa007 · 6 years
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#SeeYaNewGirl Week 2: Schmidt
I’m like a sexual snowflake. Each night with me is a unique experience.
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rorygilmore · 6 years
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#SeeYaNewGirl ✦ Week 5: Jessica Day I’m out of moves, so I’m just gonna try being myself. Here’s some stuff about me: I’ve never cured anything. I’m a middle school vice principal and I love my job. I’m just getting out of a relationship with a guy that I still live with, which is kind of complicated. Sometimes I cry when newscasters wish each other “Happy Birthday” on air. My first crush was on a Batman cake, but my first sexual feelings were about teenage Simba ‘cause he was super hot, and I still actually find him hot. Truth time. Um, so that’s me.
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nick and jess are getting married tomorrow and my favorite show for the past 7 years is ending and i can’t cope at all so here is a long post.
in 2011 i was 21. 500 days of summer was one of my favorite movies, she & him was one of my favorite bands, and i had photos of zooey deschanel all over my bulletin board. i followed all the zooey tumblrs i could find and was so excited. i was studying to become a teacher, and i COULD. NOT. WAIT. for this new show to come out because it was going to be perfect. my favorite celebrity in a role a could relate to. i had always joked with one of my good friends (and later roommates) that she looked like zooey and the two of us were so excited to watch this new show together. and when it started, we did. and it was perfect. we freaked out together over nick and jess, and they became the only otp i cared about. 
and then season 1 ended and i graduated with my masters degree and new girl was there for me as i was trying desperately to get a job. i so felt jess’s character arc with her being laid off and trying to find another job. meanwhile i wanted nothing more than to live a life like jess’s. i wanted a close group of friends who all lived together and hung out all the time, which was the furthest thing from what my life was really like at that point. apartment 4D was an escape for me, and as the DVDs were released for each season i would watch and rewatch every episode and special feature.
by the time season 5 happened (and eventually 6) my life had changed dramatically and the people who i had bonded with over new girl were either no longer a part of my life or weren’t really fans of the show anymore, but i kept hanging on to this one thing that had statically been there for me from the beginning. and i was hanging on to the tenuous thread of nick and jess getting back together at all costs. even when they didn’t. and even when it was frustrating. i stuck by my favorite show and laughed at all the jokes and even tried to enjoy the episodes that were written crazy ooc or twisting the plot line past the point of believable.
and then when season 6 ended i freaked out thinking about the end of the show. i had been following new girl/zooey tumblrs and reblogging gif sets and everything else for 6 years before i decided to create this sideblog for my love of new girl (and brooklyn nine nine) right before the end of season 6. and i found roomfriends on tumblr and twitter who understood, and i knew i would be ok. 
TL;DR i know i’m late to this party, but thank you to new girl for the right characters and situations that i needed at those exact moments in my life and for connecting me to an international community of friends. and thank all of you who follow me (even though i don’t really contribute much original content to the fandom) for hanging out with me and contributing so much to my enjoyment of this show. i hope you’ll continue to use apartment 4D as an escape with me and that we can continue to bond over these characters long after new girl episodes stop airing each week and each season. 
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zooeydeschanel · 6 years
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#SeeYaNewGirl - Week 2
↳ Schmidt, a summary
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natasia-demetriou · 6 years
I've been trying to find the words to say goodbye to new girl but every time I think about it I end up crying. my heart is so full. this is the only show I've watched from day one in 2011, beginning to end, and I can't even begin to describe how much it means to me. that finale was the perfect mix of beautiful, emotional, funny and completely ridiculous. I love these characters to my core and they will always be a huge part of my life. I'm so grateful for this show and everything it's done for me. THANK YOU NEW GIRL 💖
p.s. did anyone notice at the very end of the final episode winston said hi to 5 people walking on the sidewalk?? 5 friends just like them. asddbhdhs it warmed my heart :')
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msjessicaday · 6 years
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#SEEYANEWGIRL Week 2: Schmidt “Know this: your caveman ideas about manhood are so over. Manhood today is about exfoliation, cheese courses, emotional honesty, and Paxil.” 
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