sgtmaki · 8 months
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Ma cosa ne sa un bambino di 3 anni, che quel giorno dei carri armati Russi erano entrati in Cecoslovacchia sconvolgendo la vita di tante persone? Cosa ne sa un bambino di 3 anni che quell'anno di contestazioni studentesche, stravolgimenti sociali, lotte armate, ed ideologie politiche, avrebbero cambiato la storia? Cosa ne sa un bambino di 3 anni di Gaza, o altre parti nel mondo di quello che succede attorno a lui?
Quel bambino ieri ed oggi voleva o vorrebbe giocare solo con la sabbia come é giusto che sia il suo mondo a 3 anni.
Sementina 1968
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wetagconsulting · 4 years
Wine producers in Ticino by Pamela Pintus
The Ticino region offers best climatic conditions for producing Merlot grape, which was brought from France trying to renew the crops destroyed by the phylloxera infection, that affected Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century. One variety was found after a crossing and selection series, which developed over the years and is now occupying 80% (about 878 hectares) of the Ticino wine area. The Monte Ceneri divides the two largest Ticino wine zones: Sottoceneri and Sopraceneri, each of which has particular climatic and terroir characteristics. Cultivations are taking place mainly on steep terrain called “Ronchi”, which can have a 30% slope; here the processing is somewhat complicated and expensive, as you can easily guess.
Nonetheless, the viticulture on these terraces has helped to preserve and protect the soil from erosion and has carried out essential prevention and protection. Although Merlot represents the highest percentage of grape in Ticino, other species are cultivated with great success in some other areas, such as Pinot Noir, which ripens earlier, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Bondola and Gamaret which combine to create excellent Red wines. The most common white grapes are instead Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Riesling and Pinot Bianco. There are 3’000 Ticino grape producers,15 wineries and 61 small independent winemakers who are producing only up to 5’000 bottles a year, but who, nevertheless, have made this region a reference point for Swiss wine production, which is conquering the market also worldwide.
TicinoWine www.ticinowine.ch is the association that is involved in promoting and protecting the image of Ticino wine since 1984. 250 producers are part of it that can count on the 3’000 winegrowers scattered throughout the territory. Thanks to this association, the Ticino labels have gone beyond their borders and joint the international market. There are events and exhibitions of the sector as well as the “Ticinowine Festival” and “Cantine Aperte” to make it known to the public. For anyone interested in the subject, there is a description of the leading & lesser-known Ticino producers who offer excellent wine.
Main wine producers in Ticino
Tamborini Vine, Lamone
They have been producing wines for over 75 years, involving three generations who have dedicated their lives to this sector, to increasingly seek quality and uniqueness of the wines of the area. There are 27 hectares of vines and 750 products, including wines, beers and spirits. The company is located in Lamone, north of Lugano. The territory is in a natural amphitheater created by the San Zeno hill, that also offers a particular microclimate. Among the top wines, we cannot fail to mention the latest arrival, Osè d’Hiver, a rosé wine reserve 2018, created from Merlot and aged in “Barriques” for 15 months. For whites’ lovers, there is the award-winning SanZeno Mosaico born from the skilful fusion of Chardonnay, Merlot and Sauvignon and the Vivi from the Valentina Tamborini collection. Amid the most representative reds, however, there is Sasso Chierico Rosso, Sasso Chierico Riserva and Terre Nobili, a Merlot born from the Ticino wine tradition. Besides hosting, tastings and farm guides, the company is also making online sales. Further information is available on the website: tamborinivini.ch
Vine Delea, Losone
The company was founded in 1983 to enhance the Ticino grapes and creating wines of superior quality. To achieve this goal, Delea can count on about 200 small farmers, 20 hectares and an annual production of 600’000 bottles. Among the leading labels are Merlot Carato, Chiar di Luna, Carato Bianco and Spumanti, most of them have received prestigious awards and recognitions such as Carato Riserva Merlot Ticino Doc awarded with Tre Bicchieri dal Gambero Rosso. Amidst the whites are Sauvignon Ticino, Apocalypse, Marengo or Prima Goccia, to name a few. A tour of the Delea winery is a beautiful experience. Everything has been designed to involve guests and guide them through the oldest Ticino wine traditions. The guided tour lasts 2 hours and includes a tasting. The company is in Losone, not far from Lake Maggiore and at the foot of the Locarno hills. To buy wines online & further information: www.delea.ch
Terreni della Maggia, Ascona
The winery is based in Ascona, and its products are from the precious crops of Maggia-Delta, on Lake Maggiore, where there are fertile soils and a favorable microclimate for large and valuable production. Since 1948, on about 11 hectares of land, Chardonnay, Merlot and Kerner have been harvested for producing quality wines. Also, over the years, the owners have created a real peace oasis in nature dedicated to hospitality thanks to the best hotels and restaurants where you can taste the specialties of this land. Among the Elegant range wines, there are Barbarossa, Melodia and Giubileo born to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the winery and, subsequently, the 90th anniversary. Between the Prestigious, however, you can consider Castagneto, Querceto and Ascona Riserva, for true connoisseurs. For further information: www.terreniallamaggia.ch
Brivio di Gialdi Vine, Mendrisio
The company was born in the eighties thanks to a wines range made with the support of Sottoceneri winemakers, thus specializing in the wine production from Southern Ticino. The cellars are currently in Bodio and Mendrisio; the wine cellar for tastings is also here. The ancient cellars carved into the rock of Monte Generoso house the “Barriques” for ageing wines; currently, the company is producing about 30 labels. White wines include Prà Bianco, Contrada and Ronco Bain, while the most famous reds, mainly Merlot, are Riflessi d’Epoca, Quattromani and Palatinum. For fans, there are also excellent spirits and niche specialties. For information & orders: www.brivio.ch
Small wine producers in Ticino
Cantine Riva Morcote, Melide
They are in Melide and offer the opportunity to taste small productions of local wines mainly Merlot and to a lesser extent Chardonnay. Among the wines are Arrosè, Trevano Castle, 16 Lune and Stregato Bianco. For information & orders: www.cantinerivamorcote.ch
Fattoria Moncucchetto, Lugano
The Lucchetti Family has owned the Fattoria Moncucchetto since 1919. In 2009 that the winery has been renewed entirely, thanks to the project of the Ticino’s great architect Mario Botta who combines old and new, giving a new impetus to the farm. Among the most representative red wines, there is Moncucchetto, Moncucchetto Riserva d’Oro and Collina d’Oro, while among the whites Murchì and Lacrima d’Oro. It is worth spending a day on this farm, admiring the surrounding landscape and the architecture as well as visiting the restaurant or cellar for tastings. For information: moncucchetto.ch
Azienda Agricola Arcarubra, Gudo
They started their activity with two barricaded wines made from Gudo grapes in 2005. The production is done by following ancient traditions from harvest to bottling. The products are few but of high-quality. L’Arca Rubra, Note di Notte and Primo Segno are the red wines marketed by the cellar. Among the white wines, there are l’Arca Chiara as well as some spirits. The company is located in Montagnola: www.arcarubra.ch
Cantina Kopp von der Crone Visini, Barbengo
It was born in 2006 from the merger of two wineries; it is located south of Lugano in Barbengo and has 7 hectares which are divided into three Ticino areas. The primary production is Merlot while among the white grapes there are also Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc and Kerner. Red wines are produced including Tinello, Scala, Irto and Balin, white wines such as Matto and Meridio, grappa and nocino. All products are also available online: www.cantinabarbengo.ch.
Fawino, Mendrisio
These wines represent the Mendrisio area; the grapes are growing near Monte Generoso and Monte San Giorgio where the soils are rich of minerality. The cellars can be visited at any time for product tastings. There are 6 wine sorts: Giullare, Cantastorie, Meride, Musa, Elsbeth, and Santimbanco sparkling wine. Most of them have obtained various prestigious awards over the years. For reservations and orders: www.fawino.ch
Robin Garzoli, Azienda Vitivinicola, Maggia
The company has 4 hectares in Valmaggia where the wine is produced according to most ancient traditions. The company has obtained various approvals even if a small one. Also, thanks to a series of events organized by the owners, to bring out the excellent territory. About 90% of the production comes from Merlot such as Amphora, Acqua Reale Riserva, Maggia Rosso and Maggia Bianco. More information is available on www.rombolau.ch
Azienda Mondò, Bellinzona-Sementina
This family business is located between Bellinzona and Locarno and has about 7 hectares of vineyards, mostly Merlot, but also Bondola and native vines. The particular climatic conditions and the ancient production techniques have helped to create high-quality wines that have even achieved various awards. From Biancomerlot, to Rosato di Bondola, from Iris to Russdalpunt, these wines have been able to carve out an essential slice of the market thanks to the e.commerce site. Here are the contacts: www.aziendamondo.ch
Ralph Theiler, Theilervini SA, Bosco Luganese
The company is in Cademario and is managing 4 hectares scattered throughout the territory. In addition to the wine production, they also do courses, winemaking for third parties, tours, and tastings to bring enthusiasts closer to the wine world. Among the top products, there are premium labels such as Pinot Nero Doc, Merlot Ticino Doc Barrique, Cuvée Bianco Doc and Spumante Rosato Brut. All contacts here: www.theilervini.ch I hope you enjoyed my suggestions on wine producers in Ticino. All you have to do is to choose which wine best suits your taste. Cheers!
Pamy Pintus
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kyokawitch · 3 years
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AKA: Feriae Sementivae, Sementina dies, Paganalia(in the country) Sementivae is the Roman festival of sowing. It was held every year, but the date wasn't fixed. The time this festival would occur would be appointed by priests / magistrates. It was usually held in late January.
The festival honored the goddesses Ceres and Tellus (Terra Mater). The goddesses would be invoked for the protection against any damage done to the coming seeds to sprout (ie: bad weather). The goddesses would also be prayed to for good crops, as Ceres governed over agriculture, harvest, growth, etc., and Tellus, being an Earth goddess, gives the plants a place to live. Apparently, the first half of the event would honor Tellus, and a week later, a festive honoring Ceres would occur.
Offerings would be made to Ceres and Tellus, including: prayers, food (such as spelled buns) and a pregnant sow would be sacrificed. Oscilla, small clay discs, would be hung on trees, decorated with various figures, with the purpose of warding off evil and negative influences.
If you choose to modernly celebrate this holiday, ways to do so are fairly easy! Many people make oscilla with playdoh or clay. You can plant seeds and sprouts indoors if it's too cold outside to plant, and you can honor Ceres by baking bread.
sources: x x x x x
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las-microfisuras · 6 years
Bogotá 1982
Nadie mira a nadie de frente,
de norte a sur la desconfianza, el recelo
entre sonrisas y cuidadas cortesías.
Turbios el aire y el miedo
en todos los zaguanes y ascensores, en las camas.
Una lluvia floja cae
como diluvio: ciudad de mundo
que no conocerá la alegría.
Olores blandos que recuerdos parecen
tras tantos años que en el aire están.
Ciudad a medio hacer, siempre a punto de parecerse a algo
como una muchacha que comienza a menstruar,
precaria, sin belleza alguna.
Patios decimonónicos con geranios
donde ancianas señoras todavía sirven chocolate;
patios de inquilinato
en los que habitan calcinados la mugre y el dolor.
En las calles empinadas y siempre crepusculares,
luz opaca como filtrada por sementinas láminas de alabastro,
ocurren escenas tan familiares como la muerte y el amor;
estas calles son el laberinto donde he de andar y desandar
todos los pasos que al final serán mi vida.
Grises las paredes, los árboles
y de los habitantes el aire de la frente a los pies.
A lo lejos el verde existe, un verde metálico y sereno,
un verde Patinir de laguna o río,
y tras los cerros tal vez puede verse el sol.
La ciudad que amo se parece demasiado a mi vida;
nos unen el cansancio y el tedio de la convivencia
pero también la costumbre irremplazable y el viento.
• María Mercedes Carranza, de "Tengo miedo" (1983)
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coralinaroca · 6 years
                                                                                         Bogotá 1982
                                                                                                        María Mercedes Carranza   
Nadie mira a nadie de frente, de norte a sur la desconfianza, el recelo entre sonrisas y cuidadas cortesías. Turbios el aire y el miedo en todos los zaguanes y ascensores, en las camas. Una lluvia floja cae como diluvio: ciudad de mundo que no conocerá la alegría. Olores blandos que recuerdos parecen tras tantos años que en el aire están. Ciudad a medio hacer, siempre a punto de parecerse a algo como una muchacha que comienza a menstruar, precaria, sin belleza alguna. Patios decimonónicos con geranios donde ancianas señoras todavía sirven chocolate; patios de inquilinato en los que habitan calcinados la mugre y el dolor. En las calles empinadas y siempre crepusculares, luz opaca como filtrada por sementinas láminas de alabastro, ocurren escenas tan familiares como la muerte y el amor; estas calles son el laberinto donde he de andar y desandar todos los pasos que al final serán mi vida. Grises las paredes, los árboles y de los habitantes el aire de la frente a los pies. A lo lejos el verde existe, un verde metálico y sereno, un verde Patinir de laguna o río, y tras los cerros tal vez puede verse el sol. La ciudad que amo se parece demasiado a mi vida; nos unen el cansancio y el tedio de la convivencia pero también la costumbre irremplazable y el viento.
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PRIMO MAGGIO in diretta Online CELEBRARE I DIRITTI DEI LAVORATORI NON È MAI STATO COSÌ IMPORTANTE Una diretta Facebook per celebrare la Festa del lavoro con i propri concittadini, ecco come il Comune di Fidenza ha deciso di onorare la giornata che commemora le lotte per i diritti dei lavoratori, un tema pregnante e particolarmente sentito in questo 2021 segnato dall'emergenza COVID-19. - La cerimonia si terrà nel Cortile del Palazzo municipale e avrà inizio con i saluti istituzionali e a seguire, alcuni brevi interventi per sottolineare e ricordare i principi della festività a cura dei rappresentanti delle istituzioni sindacali quali Raffaele Tagliani, Responsabile zona Fidenza CGIL Parma, Donato Sementina, segretario confederale CISL Parma Maria Teresa Monni, Segretario Organizzativo UILM Parma. In pieno clima celebrativo, la cerimonia si concluderà con l'intervento musicale della Banda Comunale di Fidenza. Per festeggiare insieme, nel pieno rispetto delle norme anti-covid, l'evento verrà trasmesso in diretta a partire dalle ore 10.00. https://www.facebook.com/comunedifidenza (presso Fidenza, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/COTSAsLFOlB/?igshid=1u80y8n8avnyj
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yeeeeinegro-blog · 4 years
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BOGOTÁ, 1982
—Nadie mira a nadie de frente,
de norte a sur la desconfianza, el recelo
entre sonrisas y cuidadas cortesías.
Turbios el aire y el miedo
en todos los zaguanes y ascensores, en las camas.
Una lluvia floja cae
como diluvio: ciudad de mundo
que no conocerá la alegría.
Olores blandos que recuerdos parecen
tras tantos años que en el aire están.
Ciudad a medio hacer, siempre a punto de parecerse a algo
como una muchacha que comienza a menstruar,
precaria, sin belleza alguna.
Patios decimonónicos con geranios
donde ancianas señoras todavía sirven chocolate;
patios de inquilinato
en los que habitan calcinados la mugre y el dolor.
En las calles empinadas y siempre crepusculares,
luz opaca como filtrada por sementinas láminas de alabastro,
ocurren escenas tan familiares como la muerte y el amor;
estas calles son el laberinto donde he de andar y desandar
todos los pasos que al final serán mi vida.
Grises las paredes, los árboles
y de los habitantes el aire de la frente a los pies.
A lo lejos el verde existe, un verde metálico y sereno,
un verde Patinir de laguna o río,
y tras los cerros tal vez puede verse el sol.
La ciudad que amo se parece demasiado a mi vida;
nos unen el cansancio y el tedio de la convivencia
pero también la costumbre irremplazable y el viento.
María Mercedes Carranza 🌸!
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AMARCORD: Cipolletti decisivo, 2-1 al Gambarogno per avvicinare il Vedeggio alla Seconda Interregionale Stagione 2015/2016: campionato vibrante quello di Seconda Lega, con il Vedeggio di Tazio Peschera che riuscirà a spuntarla solo all’ultima giornata con un punto di vantaggio sul Sementina (di Berriche) e tre sul Losone (di Frigomosca), sconfitto al fotofinish CADEMPINO - Sono passati esattamente quattro anni: il 2 aprile del 2016 il Vedeggio di Tazio Peschera (Seconda Lega) vinceva 2-1 contro il Gambarogno Contone facendo un ulteriore passo in avanti verso la promozione in Seconda Interregionale, conquistata a fine anno beffando di un solo punto il Sementina di Maurizio Berriche, ma forse soprattutto il Losone di Remy Frigomosca che per quasi tutto l’anno aveva comandato la classifica. Un partita emozionante quella vinta contro Gambarogno Contone, in cui la squadra di Peschera riuscì a imporsi soltanto nel finale grazie a Matteo Cipolletti, in gol all’85’ dopo che il Vedeggio era passato in vantaggio con Carmine Rocca (70’) ma si era fatto immediatamente riprendere da Saverio Perri (71’). Tre punti fondamentali per la scalata del Vedeggio verso la Seconda Interregionale, arrivati dopo che nel turno precedente (3ª giornata del girone di ritorno), i blaugrana avevano ottenuto un altro successo pesantissimo: 1-0 firmato Alessandro Elia nello scontro diretto con il Sementina. IL RICORDO DI MISTER TAZIO PESCHERA «Fu un’annata esaltante e ricca di emozioni - confessa Tazio Peschera - in cui ho avuto la fortuna di guidare una squadra veramente forte, formata da ragazzi speciali con i quali ancora oggi ho un bellissimo rapporto di amicizia». «Per quanto riguarda invece il campo - continua mister Peschera - ricordo bene la sfida vinta al ritorno contro il Gambarogno Contone, perché contro di loro (che allora erano guidati da Bontognali, mentre oggi sono allenati proprio da Peschera, ndr) le partite non erano mai banali, tanto che all’andata ci batterono loro 2-1. Tuttavia, secondo me le gare che segnarono a nostro favore quella stagione furono altre due: il nostro 2-2 contro il Giubiasco alla 21ª giornata, perché in quello stesso turno il Gambarogno batte 2-1 il Losone che allora era ancora capolista e riuscimmo così a recuperargli un punto invece di scivolare a -8 dalla vetta; e poi naturalmente lo scontro diretto all’ultima giornata di campionato proprio contro il Losone in cui giocammo una partita perfetta vincendo 3-0 grazie a un gol di Luca Belvedere e alla doppietta di Felice Lavorato. Quest’ultima vittoria - conclude Peschera - fu davvero molto emozionante: era infatti da qualche anno che cercavamo e lavoravamo per la promozione, ottenerla così all’ultima giornata fu proprio qualcosa di indimenticabile». CLASSIFICA - QUINTA LEGA (GRUPPO 3) 2016/2017 Vedeggio 56 pt, Sementina 55, Losone 53, Gambarogno Contone 47, Balerna 43, Malcantone 43, Paradiso 42, Giubiasco 40, Novazzano 40, Vallemaggia 30, Collina d'Oro 22, Rancate 17, Verscio 10, Porza 8.
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sgtmaki · 2 years
Swiss Ticino Sementina
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the-football-daily · 4 years
Sasere breaks Lugano duck in 9-0 obliteration of AC Sementina
The Nigerian striker opened his goal account for the Swiss top flight side in the decimation of the fifth-tier side on Saturday evening from Football News, Live Scores, Results & Transfers | Goal.com https://ift.tt/2E800fF via IFTTT
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hitwinpredicts · 4 years
Sasere breaks Lugano duck in 9-0 obliteration of AC Sementina
Sasere breaks Lugano duck in 9-0 obliteration of AC Sementina
Franklin Sasere has ended a nine-month wait for his first Lugano goal by netting in the 9-0 obliteration of AC Sementina.
The striker sealed a three-year move to the Swiss Super League side from Nigeria Professional League side Sunshine Stars.
He arrived in Switzerland with the ambition of justifying his move, albeit has had to be patient in a bid to open his account for last season’s Europa…
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qatalyst-co · 6 years
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Reposting @alessia_losi: “I’ve breathed the mountain air, man” 🏔 #pontetibetano #bellinzona #montecarasso #sementina #switzerland #mountains #trekking #high #walk #breathe #nature #photo #moment #pic #goodvibes #place #travel #trip #adventure — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2r3gqLq
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swissgeodata · 6 years
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Sementina TI Historische Karten Routenplaner https://ift.tt/2GAC8Ba #dataviz #gis
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armandh · 7 years
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Arnold Odermatt : Sementina 1972 (à Paris Photo)
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«Ты супер! Танцы»: Александра Сементина, 15 лет, г. Белогорск
New Post has been published on https://news2018.ru/wpvr_video/ty-super-tancy-aleksandra-sementina-15-let-g-belogorsk/
«Ты супер! Танцы»: Александра Сементина, 15 лет, г. Белогорск
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belestepenet-blog · 7 years
Locarno - AC Sementina Maçı İzle 02.08.2017
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