#Senju Tsunade [The Godaime]
dalooch · 2 years
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"There's your birthday gift!" points at the 4 feet tall pile of reports awaiting his attention. "I'd recommend starting on them as soon as you can if you plan to leave this office before tomorrow."
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He blinked at the stack she pointed out, the urge to see what would happen if he just kicked the heap of reports (all most likely newly-minted, Genin, D-ranks if the saccharine smirk coiling at the Kage's mouth was anything to go by) growing by the minute. He shifted on his feet, the fantasy of a paper drizzle, only reeled in by the equally vivid vision of a downpour of miss-matched office furniture following in its wake. He was getting old now, he didn't heal as quickly as he used to, best to avoid that one.
"Maa....just what I always wanted."
His tone couldn't get any more blasé if he tried, dull gaze shifting from the stack of ink and dead trees, to the Godaime.
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"You shouldn't have, Tsunade-sama...........Really."
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senjutsunade · 11 days
Who in Konoha has the worst gambling luck (besides yourself)?
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"You, anon-san. For taking this gamble, thinking you'll survive.
Kakashi. Definitely Kakashi.
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espadasan · 3 months
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五代目火影 〜 5th Hokage Tsunade-hime
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awinterrosesstuff · 11 months
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Tsunade Senju - The godaime hokage (Naruto)
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comicchannel · 6 months
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Funko Pop Deluxe Boruto Naruto Next Generations Tsunade - 1187
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/4aJrIJ9
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3JwoWeV
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enchantingpeachfury · 4 months
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The Godaime
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dailyirukapics · 2 years
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From Naruto Shippuden Opening 3
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doveywovy · 22 days
the three aspects of the Hokage office that Anbu Commander Izuna is responsible for:
1: When Minato takes up the hat, he asks if the veil can be removed. The style of the entire outfit is old-fashioned, but the veil is especially annoying. It's got sealing stitched in it, as expected of something owned previously by two Senju who'd come from the era where the clan had still specialized in weaving, but even so...Minato's sure he could replicate the seals in much more concise format, without the need of the veil.
But Kushina pushes back. "It's necessary." She tells him, "Izuna himself demanded it's inclusion.
Minato sighs, but nods along. If it's part of the tradition it's part of the tradition, and ultimately he's still honored to be wearing the thing...even if, upon reflection, the thing it reminds him most of is a uchikatsugi.
He hides a laugh at the idea the Nidaime, famously sharp-worded man that he was, had been wearing a wife's veil, common enough at the time that others would've recognized it as such.
2: Commander Kozo has his eye on Kakashi as a potential successor. It's still early-on, but the boy is obviously talented beyond his peers. More importantly, since the tragic death of his teammates, he's thrown himself into protecting his squads with a fierce tenacity essential for the position; and he's shown himself gifted at earning the respect of his direct followers. Itachi, even more prodigiously gifted then Kakashi, had shown the boy a deference of respect he hadn't afforded to many others.
Because of this, Kozo indulges his hopes, and slips training for the position into Kakashi's more routine tasks. He teaches him about squad selection, walks him through the messy hierarchy of Shinobi, and answers questions most Anbu are not allowed to ask.
"If you're commander, you'll have to give reports directly to the Hokage." Kozo explains. "There's a way to do it. Traditional. Minato tried to put a stop it it, but- well, Hiruzen is well known for preferring the old ways with most things."
Kakashi nods once, but affords Kozo his full attention as he demonstrates the form. He kneels, legs against the cool tile. his hands pressed flat in front of him, and he dips his forehead to touch the cool stone. His back aches- he's getting too old for this nonsense. He hopes Kakashi will take over soon.
"Dogeza?" Kakashi asks, studying the form. Kozo relaxes, slides back to sit more casually on the ground and let his knees take a break.
"That's right. You hold it for the whole report, until the Hokage dismisses you." He wasn't certain if Kakashi, as young as he was, would know such an uncommon bit of etiquette. But the Hatake were an old family, it stood to reason he'd picked it up somehow from his father. "The second Anbu Commander, Uchiha Izuna, put it into practice. He said it was important to maintain the chain of command, to keep the deference by the commander clear."
Kakashi nods again, his serious little face absorbing the information. If he actually gets the position one day, as Kozo hopes he does, he'll likely see through that explanation just as well as every following Anbu Commander had.
3: Tsunade, already well on her way to drunk, offers Kozo the new bottle.
"Godaime-" He tries to refute, and she hushes him, a finger sloppily pressed to his lips. He doesn't allow himself to be swayed; he's seen her pull this move on anyone who tries to stop her from drinking and might be amenable to her persuasions.
"First sip. That's the rule, right?" She taunts. She's unfairly pretty when she's sloshed, all artfully ruffled robes and flushed cheeks. He's well aware he's not her type- she just likes teasing the Anbu. One of the only perks of the job, apparently.
It is the rule. Damned Uchiha Izuna. Kozo takes the bottle, and the smallest sip possible from it. "Not poisoned." He tells her, voice dry. As if a kenjutsu expert will have a better sense on that then the most talented healer in the history of the world. At least Izuna had the excuse of being the poison expert in his day. Tsunade smiles at him, snags the bottle, and chugs the rest.
Her lips rest where his went first. Damn Uchiha Izuna. She swipes her tongue on the rim, meanspirited creature that she is, and he adds Damn all the Senju, too.
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Someone said Hokage Tora and now I'm thinking about what would need to happen to make that a reality.
Ok so we're gonna shuffle the Hokage's and their timelines around.
(Also note: at this point, Tora very sympathetic to the Uchiha bc of his relationships w Shisui Itachi and Sasuke)
So Sarutobi dies and people are going "oh noooo someone go and get Tsunade back"
And Tora gets PISSED.
They want another Senju to have the hat?? Are you fucking kidding him??? 2 in a row was bad enough but 3 sets a standard. Choose literally anyone else! Anyone!! Fucking Kakashi would make a better Hokage!!!
And then he stops.
Hmmm. Kakashi as Hokage.
That... wouldn't be too bad, actually?
Long story short: Tora starts to campaign for Kakashi as Hokage.
Kakashi does not appreciate this. Stop immediatley.
Tora is on the civilian council at this point (at the terrifyingly young age of like 17) and lowkey has them under his thumb. So he's able to get them all aboard, meaning Kakashi is officially civilian approved.
The Uchiha are into it to, with him lowkey being the closest they've been able to get to the seat since fucking Madara. He has one of their eyes, he's lead/taught both of the clan head kids, and hes visibly, publicly close to multiple Uchiha/Uchiha sympathizers (Itachi, Shisui, Tora)
He's the yodaime's student which gives him major points in the politics department, + he actually knows what it is like to be in the life of a Hokage, he has seen and been involved in that life firsthand
Hes also on good, personal terms with a few clan heads and solidly neutral terms w the other clans
His clan is innofensivley small (read: fucking wiped out) so there's no concern with biases of a guy coming from a specific clan, working w a bias for that clan
Perfect candidate!!
(Something something Kakashi quietly touching his eyelid and mumbling to Obito that he guesses he'll be able to show him even more of his dream than even he'd expected)
Danzo tries to intimidate him into not accepting it and while Kakashi does agree that he would be one of the worst options, the conversation kinda... leaves him a little less sure he'd really be the worst option.
Anyways, Kakashi as the godaime hokage!!
He hates it.
Tora Shisui and Itchi have to hunt him down the day of his ascension and fuckin wrestle him on stage (he's gonna go home and scream into his pillow later)
How would Naruto canon change with Kakashi as the Hokage so early?? Until this point, the au has mostly been sticking to the script (minus the Uchiha massacre) but this is a HUGE status quo change for a character decently central in the cast list, and it's a change that'd impact just about everything going forward! Don't ask me how exactly because I know very very little about the actual specifics and events of canon but holy shit it'd sure change the course of history, huh? If you wanna get really down to the nitty gritty technicalities, we could take serious liberties and kill off and or save several characters with the simple explanation of "different Hokage, different people assigned to different missions"
Team Ro gets to be his personal guards,, they need a replacement for the team since Kakashi left, maybe we can throw in someone else to join them and add some more chemistry in there
I don't think it'd be anyone on team 7 (I don't live in a world where I can see Kakashi tossing specifically THEM in ANBU that young, no matter how more powerful or better taught than cannon, sorry) also conflicting interests w THREE uchiha on a team or the Haruno siblings. Also, Naruto is Naruto, so. *political noises*
Actually the slot is a very valuable one since they're basically Kakashi's special little guys (anbu eddition) so it's really hard to think of a character that'd even conceivably be put on it. (Part of me wants to add Neji for literally no reason other than I suddenly want him in the AU but that'd bring a whole mountain of implications with him if Kakashi chose HIM specifically to join his personal guard + he's suddenly in ANBU, what??)
Wait would Kakashi even choose the replacement personally.
Wait wait ok. Record scratch. Rewind. Let's try this again.
So. With Kakashi's promotion, Tora gets to he team leader. One of the first things he's told is to find a new replacement for the team
"Shouldn't you do that yourself?" Says Tora
"You've got me to take the hat I refuse to move so much as a single fucking finger more at your request." Says Kakashi, who then delights in bodily removing Tora from the room via the window.
I don't know Neji's actual age but for the sake of this fic he's suddenly Tora's age or only a year younger (Tora is like 17 at this point)
Him and Neji do not get along!! At all!!!! Actually it was kind of hate on sight.
Uhh insert montage where they become grudgingly almost friends but still mostly frenemies
Neji is very talented and Tora is frustrated by how he seems to be being "held back" in some way. Like, he doesn't like the guy! But damn if he doesn't know how it feels to have the system itself fighting you, no matter how good you prove you are and how hard you work.
Anyways, Tora finding out Neji was skipped over and denied for different promotions or smthn bc hyuuga second class or whatever.
And him going "hmmmmmmmmm...."
He hands Kakashi a form with Neji's name on it and Kakashi signs without even looking.
When he scowls and asks if he's even going to look, Kakashi just gives him a dry look.
"Like I dont know whoever you've picked won't be for whatever plot you're cooking up next. Just don't set anything on fire where I can see it and I don't care."
A very, very confused Neji is suddenly told he's not only going to join ANBU but also the Hokage's private guard.
Hey Tora !! What the fuck !!!
They have one of those "You don't even like me??" "I don't have to like you to want to see how far you can go." moments
Queue Neji angrily revealing that it doesn't matter "how far he can go" or how many opportunities are afforded to him bc his limits are fuckin branded on him, and shows Tora his seal mark
Hey Neji !! What the fuck !!!
Hyuuga reformation arc,,,
Ok so not sympathetic Hiashi Hyuuga but like,, rational (deeply fucking flawed) person Hiashi who is able to leverage the "Neji has been ordered to work directly the Hokage" @ the Hyuuga clan elders to at least slightly loosen the seal on him.
TONNS of political drama in the Hyuuga house w Neji being chosen for such a huge position, but w the complications of "they can't fucking voice it outloud" bc ANBU identities are supposed to be super top secret, so it's kept to the really high ranks only
(There's an AU of an AU out there where instead of stopping the Uchiha coup, Tora went "ok but are they wrong tho", decided to help instead, and got the Hyuuga lower cast to join them)
(Look he wants to reform the government, right? Ok so why SHOULDNT he support an attempt to rip it up by the roots?? The Uchiha want equality but Tora wants reformation. They do not know what they just let into their homes.)
What the fuck did I come here to talk about again?
Right, sorry, Hokage Tora
Uhhhh pivoting again here we go ->
So Kakashi is Hokage!!! And he !! Wants !! Out !!!
Tora is a very very clear contender for "the next Hokage", even early on in Kakashi's career. He's basically the guy who MADE Kakashi Hokage (both arranging it and forcing him to accept) and most important people know it.
I'm ngl I kind of don't know how exactly we'd get to hokage Tora.
Maybe Kakashi is temporarily taken out of commission and he's just the obvious replacement. Maybe we do a proper Hokage switch and promote him when Kakashi got the job in the original. Dunno! But Tora for Rokudaime all the way !!
If not Tora I think Rokudaime Neji could be suitably dramatic and fun. Also has similar themes of "rising from the lower ranks against the odds" and just in general tons of interesting implications both politically and like,, character interaction wise.
Everyone expects Tora for the next hokage but Tora decides he likes being the powerful guy in the shadows to a Hokage who knows both how to listen to him and how to lead with a strength and surety he can trust. And decides Neji is apparently that guy who has the leadership and wisdom he can trust.
Callback to the earlier moment where Neiji, voice cracking, goes "you don't even like me."
And Tora gives him a smirk and goes "I don't have to like you to want to see see how far you can go."
Mmmm actually I think I like that ending best, it has the most weight to me. Like, yeah Tora as Rokudaime is cool and a kind of ironic "full circle" moment, but Neji as Rokudaime has that gut punch energy that will leave your skin buzzing and your eyes tearing up with written right
Have to get going but I might try to draw that scene tommorow if I find the energy in me after work (doubtful tbh)
I love a good call back through dialogue in different character defining moments that leave you pointing at the screen shrieking "HE SAID THE THING!!"
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whotookmysenbon · 1 month
Here's a fun one for you - Tsunade's return to the village was rather unexpected for a lot I'd say - especially since she was returning as the Godaime. As someone who becomes a part of the Senju's close circle, can you share Genma's thoughts on the first few weeks of working with the blonde lunatic?
Honestly? It was a nightmare. Everyone lost people in the crush, we were all grieving some way or another, and I had an entire new management system to work with, as Tsunade absolutely did not run things like Sarutobi did.
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kaguyasconception · 2 years
Konoha Organisations
The Konoha shinobi society is organised into several units placed under the control of the Hokage. Each unit has Jōnin or Special (Tokubetsu) Jōnin in charge of it, and they report to the Hokage and his advisers.
The Hokage sits at the top of the society, discussing issues with their Advisors. The two official advisers of Hiruzen Sarutobi are Mitokado Homura, and Utatane Koharu, living through the previous wars together.
The Jōnin Commander supports the Hokage, aiding in directing the villages units and representing the regular forces.
Some groups and units known only the the Hokage and higher ranking individuals. ROOT was one of these secretive organisations, a sub-division of the ANBU initially shut down by the Sandaime, illegally operated until it was finally disbanded after Danzo Shimura’s death during the Godaime reign.
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Operations Unit:
In other words, regular shinobi forces which are the backbone of the system. Teams or specific individuals handle the majority of the missions that the village receives, and are also tasked with other duties such as education, administration, etc. Most ninja are in this division, from genin, chūnin, special jōnin and jōnin.
Medical Corps:
The medical teams and medical-nin within this sector support the general shinobi forces through healing the sick and injured whether in village (coordinating with ordinary doctors) or on the battle field. They develop new techniques, study medicines, research diseases and further their anatomy understanding to advance their healing capabilities. They are divided into several groups by speciality, such as emergency staff or technical research. Some medical-nin are skilled enough to join regular forces and are called field medical-nin.
This division is under direct control of the Hokage, and only accept order from them. They are covert operatives who specialise in spying, assassination, and other difficult or risky missions. The Hokage selects them personally, regardless of age or gender, and they are meant to be the most elite of the forces. The individual units are composed according to the goal and difficulty of their missions.
Konoha Intelligence Division:
This organisation within the village is composed of many sub-divisions, such as the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force which is a special division headed by Ibiki Morino. Prior to the fourth shinobi war, they worked alongside the Analysis Team which was headed by Inoichi Yamanaka. Prisoners or the dead are kept here here to extract information from them for the benefit of Konoha.
- Chūbu appears to be a modern ranking in Konoha given to Sai, and implies it may be a type of support unit.
- The Twenty Platoons (Nijū Shōtai) were created by the Godaime, Tsunade Senju, to search for the Akatsuki. It consisted of twenty teams of four individuals.
Outside of Konoha, other lands follow their own customs and culture which creates a different type of organisation within the individual villages.
*Shinobi Ruler/Head Shinobi - A rank found within Kumo above jonin, they’re given the authority to represent their village’s interests.
*Kinkaku Force was an elite team of twenty shinobi from Kumo, which is now disbanded.
*Hunter Squads - A special unit of Kiri’s own Hunter-nin, created solely to hunt down and dispose of rogue shinobi/missing-nin, they possess medical and assassination training to aid their goals.
*Twelve Guardian Ninja are a group of twelve elite shinobi invited by the Land of Fire’s Daimyo to become his body guards.
*Puppet Brigade was a division in Suna of skilled puppeteers during the Second Shinobi War.
*Explosion Corps was an organisation within Iwa composed of individuals holding the explosion release kekkei genkai.
*Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist is an organisation of seven skilled individuals who wielded the legendary blades of Kiri.
(Fourth Shinobi War Divisions to be covered at a later date)
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konohagakurekakashi · 1 month
"How does a week of teaching at the academy sound?"
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Like a task best suited for Iruka-sensei.
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senjutsunade · 21 days
Jiraiya or Orochimaru?
"....the sannin is a three man cell."
The fuck are you implying, anon?
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retiredsenju · 5 months
Hello! This is a RP sideblog for the Naruto character Senju Tsunade, in her retirement era after her rule as Godaime Hokage.
This blog is mostly canon compliant, except for the expansion on this side character.
This is a sideblog, so the mun won't send asks, like, or follow blogs from this url.
In-character asks will be sent anonymously, signed as -🍶
Out of character text will be coloured green.
-actions and thoughts will be described between dashes-
The mun is an adult, and while they're not the focus of this blog, adult themes might show up, so minors, please stay away.
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hinatsusah · 7 months
Tsunade Senju!
Cosplay - Follow me on Instagram @Hinatsusah 💚👊🏼
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