#Sephardic Heritage
sefarad-haami · 4 months
Sephardic Studies Program
🇺🇸 The Sephardic Studies Program at the Stroum Center for Jewish Studies has rapidly become a global hub for delving into Sephardic history, culture, and the Ladino language. Situated in Seattle, home to a vibrant Sephardic community for over a century, the program aims to preserve and rejuvenate the rich heritage of Sephardic Jews. Partnering with local institutions, it has curated the Sephardic Studies Digital Collection, a treasure trove of over 2,000 items including Ladino books and archival materials. Through research, teaching, and community engagement, the program fosters a deep understanding of Sephardic traditions. The annual International Ladino Day, a highlight of campus activities, brings together diverse voices to celebrate Ladino's past, present, and future.
🇪🇸 El Programa de Estudios Sefardíes en el Centro Stroum para Estudios Judíos se ha convertido rápidamente en un centro global para explorar la historia, cultura y el idioma ladino de los sefardíes. Ubicado en Seattle, hogar de una vibrante comunidad sefardí por más de un siglo, el programa tiene como objetivo preservar y revitalizar el rico patrimonio de los judíos sefardíes. En colaboración con instituciones locales, ha curado la Colección Digital de Estudios Sefardíes, un tesoro de más de 2,000 elementos que incluyen libros en ladino y materiales de archivo. A través de la investigación, la enseñanza y la participación comunitaria, el programa fomenta una comprensión profunda de las tradiciones sefardíes. El Día Internacional del Ladino, un punto destacado de las actividades en el campus, reúne voces diversas para celebrar el pasado, presente y futuro del ladino.
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afristuck · 11 months
The Beauty of Israeli Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Mizrahi Heritage
When it comes to beauty, Israeli women from Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Mizrahi backgrounds boast a unique and captivating allure. The rich and diverse heritage of these Jewish communities has contributed to a stunning blend of physical features that are truly mesmerizing. Starting with Israeli Ashkenazi women, their fair skin, often accompanied by striking blue or green eyes and light hair, exudes…
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mizrahimayhem · 3 months
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Applications are officially open! 🧿🍉🪬
We are Mizrahi Mayhem, a zine celebrating Jews from Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean. All proceeds from the sale of this zine will be donated to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund. We accept submissions in the form of artwork, photography, poetry, recipes, short fiction, and testimonials (creative nonfiction) — so if you’re a Jew of Asian and/or African heritage and you have something to say, we highly encourage you to submit your work!
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kingoftheu · 6 months
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro Bat Mitzvah Episode? Complete the Disney Jewish Latina Triad with Libby and Casey.
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cicerobussytransplant · 2 months
in retrospective, a really weird thing about the sparrow were the not infrequent moments of diagnosing ancestry back centuries from looking at a face, as if that's normal, achievable or even a regular thought process. very weird almost mystical phrenology going on there ngl
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u-mspcoll · 8 months
Researching Sephardic Cooking in the Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive
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The Jewish Manual...(1846) by Lady Judith Cohen Montefiore (Special Collections Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive, Cookery 1846 Mo)
Enjoy this guest post by Nathalie Ross, Heid Fellow, on her research in the Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive. Nathalie is a doctoral candidate in the History Department at the University of North Texas, specializing in Jewish Food Studies.
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leroibobo · 10 months
sorry about all that. tbh i'm an -sraeli jew[ish-american] and i genuinely like going out of my way to argue with z-onists because i feel like i can understand how they think. part of the reason i started this blog was also because i wanted to make a database/"memorial" for all of these things i found out about palestine for myself to refer back to (and also bc i genuinely love looking stuff up about buildings and religious sites), so "inserting politics into my posts" is also probably a given in that sense, though i'm aware the issue those two people had was more with that they didn't "agree" with me than about my apparent lack of integrity. i run this blog for me, not to indoctrinate anyone into my belief system like i'm jim jones. i don't have enough "clout" to do that either even if i wanted to.
well, back to regular posts ig.
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mental-mona · 4 months
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ibebizi · 7 months
Canta, dulçhe paxarillo, todo gala y todo brío, más galante y más constante que el sol bello a su apuntar, a su apuntar.
Pero advierte qué desvelos da el amor y crudos selos al constante y fino amante sin dexarle descansar, y descansar.
Passo firme my tormento con disgusto y sin contento, todo amargo y sin descargo de quien me quiere matar, quiere matar.
No se aduele quien me mata, siempre fiera y siempre ingrata, su contento es my lamento, su alegría es my penar, es my penar.
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adelle-ein · 8 months
after a certain point of trying to educate the goyim and years of gently trying to hold their hands and explain how to not be antisemitic, you just have to give up and refuse to keep engaging
genuinely the only way to be a Good Jew at this point is to be a dead jew, or at the very least, literally never object to anything any of them ever say or do to you
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torais-life · 2 years
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Beautiful old kiddush bottle from Damasco, s. XIX
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sefarad-haami · 4 months
The 11 Best Ladino Expressions and Phrases To Know
?איז’ו די קין סוס טו
!חאביריס בואינוס
!ביב’אס קריסקאס אינגראנדיסקאס קומו און פישיקו אין אגואס פ’ריסקאס אמן
!קאמינוס די ליג’י אי מייל
!סאנו אי ריזייו
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msclaritea · 5 months
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"Farrakhan, who is Black, was born Louis Eugene Walcott on May 11, 1933 in The Bronx, New York City. He is the younger of two sons of Sarah Mae Manning (1900–1988) and Percival Clark, immigrants from the Anglo-Caribbean islands. His mother was born in Saint Kitts, while his father was Jamaican. The couple separated before their second son was born, and Walcott says he never knew his biological father. Walcott was named after Louis Walcott, a man with whom his mother had a relationship after becoming separated from Percival Clark. In a 1996 interview with Henry Louis Gates Jr., Walcott speculated that Percival Clark, "a light-skinned man with straight hair from Jamaica", may have been Jewish."
"Speaking of his father's white Portuguese parents, the Nation of Islam leader said, "I'm going to tell you something. You really want to know what I think? I think they were members of the Jewish community."
He added: "I believe that in my blood, and not in a bad way. Because when I was a little boy I used to love listening to the Jewish cantors in Boston. They had a program, and every week I would listen. I was struck by the cantor, and I've always loved the way they sing or recite the Torah."
Gates, citing an academic source, says Farrakhan's assertion about his lineage is "highly probable" given that nearly all people of Iberian descent in Jamaica and Barbados are of Sephardic Jewish ancestry.
Farrakhan was born in 1933, the son of Mae Clark, who was from Barbados. He was named Gene after his father, a light-skinned man with straight hair from Jamaica. His father, Gates writes, was a philanderer whom the family rarely saw.
"If in my lineage there are Jews, I would hope that in the end, before my life is over, I not only will have rendered a service to my own beloved community of black people but will also have rendered a service to the Jewish community," Farrakhan was quoted as saying..."
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Then there's the founder of the Nation of Islam cult. People still don't know exactly who he was, but one thing is certain: Wallace Fard Muhammad was a prolific con artist.
Theories of origin
Karl Evanzz, in his book The Messenger, postulates that Fard was the son of a Pakistani Muslim, then known as East Indians. He bases this theory on several indications:
Fard spent time at the Ahmadiyya Mosque, a movement prominent in Pakistan and used translations of the Quran from Pakistanis.
The name Fard is a common surname in Pakistan as are other names he bestowed upon his followers such as Shabazz, Ghulam, and Kallatt
Interviews with long-time Nation figures who met him or saw original photos of him such as Ozier Muhammad, Rodnell Collins (nephew of Malcolm X) and Wilfred Little indicate that Fard has Pakistani features
Early teachings from Fard indicated a distrust and disdain for Hinduism
The 2017 book Chameleon: The True Story of W.D. Fard by A. K. Arian studies the origin of the Nation of Islam founder.[129] One theory postulated is that Fard was of Afghan heritage.
The 2019 book Finding W.D. Fard: Unveiling the Identity of the Founder of the Nation of Islam investigates a variety of theories about Fard's ethnic and religious origins, writing: "The people who actually met him, and the scholars who have studied him, have suggested that he was variously an African American, an Arab from Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Morocco or Saudi Arabia ... a Turk, an Afghan, an Indo-Pakistani ... a Greek ... In an attempt to determine the origins of W.D. Fard, most scholars have relied on his teachings as passed down, and perhaps modified, by Elijah Muhammad. Some have suggested that he was a member of the Moorish Science Temple of America or the Ahmadiyyah Movement. Others have suggested that he was a Druze or a Shiite." Morrow suggests that a background of Ghulat or extremist Shia Islam best fits with what's known of Fard.
Muhammad Abdullah
For decades after Fard's disappearance, Elijah Muhammad maintained that Fard was alive and well. Elijah Muhammad suggested that California Imam Muhammad Abdullah was Fard, though Abdullah himself later retracted this claim. Scholar Fatimah Fanusie has argued that Abdullah was in fact Fard.
Abdullah was reportedly introduced as Fard to boxing legend Muhammad Ali...
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mizrahimayhem · 4 months
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To submit your work to our zine, please email us at [email protected] and attach your submission(s) as Word Doc or PDF files. In the body of the email, please indicate which categories you are submitting to. You may include a brief bio or introduction as well, but this is not necessary or required. Applicants whose work is accepted may be asked for bios at a later date. Please include the word “submission” in the subject line of your email.
FICTION - 1k words
POETRY - 1k words
TESTIMONIAL - 2k words
RECIPE - no official word count (but try to keep it under 1k)
If you are submitting artwork and/or photos, please attach them as PNG or JPEG files (we appreciate separate files for CMYK & RGB, but this is not required.) If you submit work in multiple categories (i.e. one poem + one artwork + one recipe, for example) please try to send all your work in one email, with each work attached in a separate file.
All proceeds from the sale of this zine will go to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund. Please see our full project timeline HERE. Please see the FAQ page for general questions, details, and specifics, as well as our statement on use of the word "Mizrahi," which we understand can be controversial. Submissions close at the end of August.
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girlactionfigure · 4 months
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Angel Named Angel: Angel Sanz Briz
Made Them Citizens Of Spain.
Angel Sanz Briz was a Spanish diplomat in Budapest who saved over 5000 Jews from the Nazis after Germany invaded Hungary in 1944.
Born in Zaragoza in 1910, Angel trained as a lawyer and in 1933 enrolled in diplomat school in Madrid. His first posting was to Cairo, Egypt, and in 1942 he was sent to Budapest, where he served as first secretary of the Spanish legation.
In March 1944, Germany invaded Hungary and the Nazis quickly began rounding up Jews for deportation. At this point in the war, Nazi genocide of the Jews ran like a well-oiled machine, and the Jews of Hungary were arrested with shocking speed.
Horrified at what was happening, Angel came up with a clever plan to save Jews. He told the Hungarian authorities that Spain was offering citizenship to Jews  “of Spanish origin” – meaning Sephardic Jews, who trace their ancestry to Jewish communities that were kicked out of Spain in 1492. It was true that Spanish dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera had issued a decree to that effect in 1924, but Angel neglected to mention that the decree was canceled in 1930.
Unwilling to risk a dispute with Spain, Hungarian authorities begrudgingly told Angel he could issue passports to 200 Jews. Cleverly, Angel changed the order to read 200 Jewish families. When he reached the 200 family limit, he discreetly falsified documents to change the number, and he did this several times.
Officially, the Jews Angel was saving were supposed to be Sephardic, descended from Spanish refugees. However, the vast majority of Hungarian Jews were Ashkenazi rather than Sephardic. Undeterred, Angel simply claimed that all the Jews he was saving were Sephardic. He used his extensive contacts in Hungary to place the Jews in safe houses, where he personally gave them lessons in basic Spanish. This was enough to convince the Hungarian authorities, most of whom did not know any Spanish, that their “Spanish heritage” was genuine. When Angel ran out of Hungarians willing to take Jews into their homes, Angel purchased inexpensive properties with his own money. He decorated the buildings with prominent Spanish flags, marking them as officially part of Spain and therefore off-limits to the Nazis and Hungarian collaborators. The Jews staying in these safe houses couldn’t leave, so Angel brought them food, medicine, and other necessary supplies. Incredibly, he persuaded the Red Cross representative in Budapest to put Spanish signs on hospitals, clinics and orphanages where Jews were hiding to make sure everybody knew the occupants were under the protection of Spain.
Between June and December 1944, Angel issued fake Spanish passports to 5200 Jews, saving them from Nazi death camps and enabling them to live safely in Spain until the war ended.
Angel continued to serve as a diplomat after the war, with postings in San Francisco, Washington DC, Lima, Brussels and China, among other places. In 1977 he was appointed Ambassador to the Holy See in Rome, where he died in 1980. In 1991, Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem posthumously honored Angel Sanz Briz as Righteous Among the Nations, and in 1994 Hungary awarded him the Cross of the Order of Merit. A Spanish TV series about Angel Sanz Briz, called “El Angel de Budapest” aired in 2011. In 2015 a street in Budapest was named after this brave Spaniard.
For saving 5200 Hungarian Jews from Nazi death camps by making them citizens of Spain, we honor Angel Sanz Briz as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
The crazies on twitter got upset that a character named after an actual Shinto goddess (Izanami) spelled backwards reads I'm a nazi. Clown world
Submitted by @mister-christmas
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Americans need to stop, we look bad enough on the world stage already with all the bs our politicians do and the nonsense being shoveled out in our schools, don't need to go into insulting other cultures because we don't like the way their deities are spelled when it's done phonetically in a language that is not terribly compatible with the first one.
Then again.
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It's not like these people care about anything other than virtue signaling.
Why bother with looking anything up if you can just be wrong and get angry instead?
For the record "Ashkenazi" indicates a ethnically Jewish person of European heritage, Think they're the largest group by population might be wrong tho. Sephardic is another branch in Europe, they're mostly in the Iberian Peninsula area, or were I don't know where the populations have gotten off to currently.
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