#Sephiroths lullaby ~ Jenova
crisiscutie · 1 year
the reunion...is nothing to fear.
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Pairing: Pregnant Darling/"Fluffy" Sephiroth
Word Count: 680
Content Warning: Psychological/Emotional Abuse.
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The grandfather clock ticked away as Sephiroth traced the stretch marks of your swollen belly. He used his other hand to work the tension out of your back as you kept your focus on the clock. Judging by the time, your triplet boys aren't done with school yet. Few more hours. If only you could turn time faster. But it doesn't matter. The man you were trying to escape from has now invaded your new, lovely home, humming his favorite lullaby as you sat on his lap. Your new, lovely home, now corrupted by his presence. Maybe that's why your unborn child is kicking so much now; for you to get away from him.
Yet there was something peculiar about the way his hold on you felt. It's gentle and loving, but also constricting and possessive. You're almost like a poor fly caught in a spider's web. The spider is just waiting for the right moment to feast.
Despite the effort and hard work you put into escaping with your triplet boys, it amounted to nothing. Signs of Sephiroth's presence were always around you; Your precious boys kept asking about those strange dark feathers around your new home, their school, and even in other places, like your favorite grocery store. They wanted to know when their father would stop playing games. But you simply brushed it off, telling them that their father wouldn't be joining you all soon. They were confused, sad even, but they understood the hint to drop the subject. You hated saying that to them yourself, but it was necessary.
The dark feathers you saw were some of the many invitations to the reunion that you ignored. And now, this is fate. Your precious, innocent boys will become like their father. You still loved Sephiroth, but you could never love the path he took. His relentless slaughter of innocents and confining you all in his so-called "tower of love". That's why you had to get away from him. You tried your best, but this is where your "best" landed you.
Your baby's movements grew more forceful as he stopped tracing your stretch marks. He whispered into your ear with that same charming, velvety voice, but you knew it wasn't his old self. He still had that dark look around his slit eyes and a dangerous edge to his voice. You knew that his heart still beats for his family, but it's forever enshrouded in darkness.
"I wonder," he asked, "what name have you chosen for her?" Your dull eyes darted to your covered patio door, watching the rays of the beautiful sunlight slightly retract. You should have opened more windows when you returned from grocery shopping. You're amazed that you could still see in this gloomy and dark setting. You don't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing your voice. But his question weighed heavily on your mind. It's true, you hadn't considered a name for your unborn child, let alone knew that it was going to be a girl. Your unexpected pregnancy with this little one almost deterred you from making your getaway with the triplets, but you pressed on. In the coming weeks, you were so focused on getting away from Sephiroth, you've neglected almost everything else. You didn't even have to turn around to see that his lips curled into a smirk, almost like he knew what you were thinking. His lips pressed against your ear, speaking in a lower, ominous voice.
"...JENOVA... A fine name for her."
Your eyes had widened at both his voice and his declaration. Naming your child after a dead family member wasn't unusual, but something about it had made your heart race. Your baby had ceased her kicking as his hold on you had grown slightly more constricting. Gazing weakly at the grandfather clock, you had realized that not much time had passed. He had begun his delusional ramblings, a dark chuckle echoing in your mind, as a lone tear had trailed down your cheek.
"The reunion at hand may bring joy, it may bring fear, but let us embrace whatever it brings."
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This fic is based on one of my favorite prompts I've done so far on this blog. Context: The darling fled with her children to find a better life after Fluffy Sephiroth's corruption in this alternative path of the Domestic AU.
Yandere Domestic AU chronology: Christmas Kids | The Reunion is Nothing to Fear | Wait for me | Homecoming | The Crowning Moment
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altocat · 10 months
i always thought that on top of whatever scary jenova hallucinations sephiroth has, he also has a rare few dreams of a sad, feminine voice whispering that she loves him, she’s sorry, maybe singing a lullaby or two—after all, sephiroth and lucrecia are still connected through jenova’s mental network.
I'm very much of the mind that since Lucrecia was experiencing vivid visions of Sephiroth before and after giving birth to him, it's extremely possible that they DO have some sort of otherworldly connection.
I hc that Sephiroth senses her constantly, has hazy ingrained memories of being taken away from her. It's psychic almost, a vague sensation that never goes away, never ebbs. He feels her all the time. It's part of the reason he begins to grow more and more obsessed with the idea of his mother. That separation is eating him alive and the Jenova-cell link between them makes it to where the feeling never really dies.
He dreams of her every now and then, of being cradled, small. He knows her face and voice, how she feels and smells. He needs that sensation more than anything else in the world, that feeling of complete love and security.
...but when he wakes up there's only that lingering feeling of separation, tinged with a despairing sense of unfathomable guilt. Does it come from him? Her? Both? Either way, neither feels fulfilled, always subconsciously knowing that there will be no reunion. Never, ever again.
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godwinged · 5 years
tag dump!
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sephinova · 4 years
Rating: Teen+
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms: Final Fantasy VII
Words: 1867
Characters: Aerith Gainsborough, Jenova, Sephiroth, Hojo and Cloud Strife
Additional Tags: Body Horror, Blood and Gore, Corpses, Not Beta Read
Language: English
Summary: Wide awake, Aerith lies in bed tossing and turning in the darkness of Costa Del Sol's inn. Despite her exhaustion from the long boat ride to the western continent, her mind refuses her rest plagued by troubling questions. Not even the calming lullaby of the ocean's waves nor the gentle salty sea breeze from the open window could quell her anxieties.
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Tag List
// Don’t mind this unless you need guidance, I’m just working towards being a better and more organized roleplayer by trying to actually properly tag things and develop tags for content, if i can get into the habit of tagging most of my reblogs lol. when it comes to characters or content i really like or want seen like meme prompts, i will most definitely tag. But others that are just mild reblogs, i may not take the time.
Tags Thus Far For Meme Prompts - #onewinged meme For Cloud content - #my beautiful warrior ~ Cloud For Sephiroth content - #onewinged tragedy ~ Sephiroth For Kadaj content - #silvershade-of-rage ~ Kadaj For Vincent content - #CrimsonWings ~ Vincent For Reno content - #number one red bastard ~ Reno For Tifa content - #kiss with a fist ~ Tifa For Aerith content - #goddess among men ~Aerith For Red XIII/Nanaki content - #flame of the wild - Nanaki For Rufus Shinra content - #shining gold shadow ~ Rufus For Rude content - #number one shade bastard ~ Rude For Tseng content - #the shadows hand ~ Tseng For General Turks content - #the shadow squad ~ Turks For Yuffie content - #sneaky shiny ball collector ~ Yuffie For Cid content - #redneck sonuva bitch ~ Cid For Cait Sith/Reeve - #the heavy hearted puppeteer ~ Reeve For General Avalanche content - #new dawn squad ~ Avalanche For Zack content - #angel among devils ~ Zack For Genesis content - #onewinged loveless ~ Genesis For Angeal content - #onewinged hero ~ Angeal For Jenova content - #Sephiroths lullaby ~ Jenova For Cetra content - #gift of life ~ Cetra For Hojo content - #greasy rat bastard ~ Hojo For Lucrecia content - #a crystal tear ~ Lucrecia For Deepground content - #the beasts below ~ Deepground For Angst content - #give me despair ~ angst For Fluff content - #chocobo fluff ~ Fluff For Headcanon content - #archives of the mind ~ Headcanon For Aerti content - #I found you ~ Aerti For Sefikura content - #hold me like I never did anything to hurt you ~ Sefikura For Zakkura content - #I would walk five hundred miles ~ Zakkura  For Cloti content - #I promise you ~ Cloti For Clerith content - #just in time ~ Clerith For Rando Ship content - #too good to be true ~ misc 7 ship
...more to come...
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jacksgreysays · 8 years
Prompt/idea: Team Seven and overthrowing corrupt dictator(s). (i mean, its already canon, right?)
… hm…
To be honest, anon, I’m not entirely sure what to do with this prompt. Like you said, it’s basically canon that Team Seven overthrows corrupt dictators even though, usually, that’s just a byproduct of their main mission to protect their client.
I suppose the issue is that they can’t go around doing it deliberately without it being a political overreach on both Konoha and Land of Fire’s behalves: as if they were either meddling in foreign affairs or turning Land of Fire into and empire. Already the friendship alliance going on with Mist and Sand is highly suspicious in the eyes of Rock and Lightning so…
And… well… how many countries are there even? How many dictators could there possibly be before news of Team Seven spreads? How long would it take before Team Seven has to take a look at their own government for corruption? And, well, it is also canon because… Danzo… but surely there are evil schemers in the Fire Court. Or perhaps even the idea of nobility/royalty will start to seem like dictatorship…
I guess what I’m saying is who watches the watchmen?
Although in a more abstract interpretation of your prompt I did think of an idea sort of like… a post-post-post-canon Rise of the Guardians-esque story. In which many generations have passed and ninjutsu is as much a matter of legend as ninshuu is for current canon shinobi. There are still injustices in the world–old injustices given new faces–but children have less access to the abilities to save themselves. And it’s kind of…
Well, in line with the Rise of the Guardians vibe I suppose my idea is a little based on Esama’s All Hallows and joisbishmyoga’s Lullaby, in that after Team Seven dies they become guardian spirits to protect children from all the awful things in the world. And they’re held together more by belief of a thing, by ideals and hope and the need for help, than actually ghosts.
So when a child is being hurt by an adult, or when they have no one else to turn to, or when a child is on the verge of death… one of Team Seven appears and helps them however they might. And sometimes that’s getting rid of their abuser, sometimes it’s bringing them to a place that can help them. Sometimes it’s just being there and holding their hand as they pass on.
Children pass the story on–in the way there exists a children’s culture separate from adults, certain rhymes and games that spread from playground to playground without ever being heard by adults–about how if you’re afraid, or if you’re hurt all you have to do is call for them and one of Team Seven will come to help. 
A little bleak, sorry, but that’s what came to mind.
I suppose a different twist on that might be something where Team Seven is like King Arthur? In that they will return during the hour of the Elemental Nations’ greatest need? And whether that means in a literal sense–they’ve died and are the last hope for a group of rebels who summon them/their spirits to save them–or a more happenstance sort of way–the rebels only know that this mysterious chakra device will help somehow but they don’t know it will specifically be Team Seven and so both the rebels and the team are surprised when the three are summoned–or… I dunno. There’s a lot of takes on that.
I am now getting very strong Final Fantasy vibes. I mean, Shikako already has her Gelel stone which is very much like the summon materia in FFVII. And I’ve already posited that FFVII and the Naruto world could easily be one in the same if millennia apart. So maybe instead of FFVII being before the Naruto world, this would be the other way around with DoS being before FFVII? And AVALANCHE happens upon Shikako’s Gelel stone and she gets summoned to help fight ShinRa and Sephiroth?
I don’t know how Naruto and Sasuke get summoned, too. Though given both of their respective heritages/superpowers no doubt there’s some way for them to get preserved/summoned as well. I mean, I did also posit that the bijuu are very much like WEAPONs so that could be what happened to all of the jinchuuriki. And as for Sasuke. Well… Sharingan. Who even knows what that can do at this point? Not Kishimoto, that’s for sure, and definitely not me. 
So basically, a remix of Stories of Ancient Gods.
… OH! You know, I just realized, upon trying to look through the confusing mess that is Kaguya Otsutsuki’s naturowiki page, that her “go from dead planet to young live planet and eat their vitality” is not only reminiscent of Jenova but also is like Jadis from the Chronicles of Narnia.
So if you include Sakura along with Team Seven then that would make the four of them “two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve” (never mind that Adam and Eve are not in the Naruto world) so in the same way that my still as of yet unwritten Once Then Always has the Lost Kids take the place of the Pevensies, then you could have Team Seven take their place instead.
And, well, if anyone’s a corrupt dictator in need of overthrowing then it would be the White Witch. 
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sephinova · 6 years
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Summary: His dreams of a family were so distant from reality, yet, reality turned out to be far more perfect than what he could have ever imagined. 
Pairing: Sephiroth/Jenova
Rating: Teen and up.
Warnings: Mentions of mpreg, non-explicit mentions of child labor and birth, one non-explicit mention of sex, somewhat incestuous pairing, fluffy and out of character.
Word Count: 1153
Notes: I wanted to add more descriptions of the ocean, but I’m so bad at describing things that this fanfic ended up being more about Sephiroth’s feelings. This fanfic could be considered a merfolk au or maybe Sephiroth and Jenova decided to live in the ocean and used their shapeshifting abilities to turn into merpeople, it’s up to you to decide. I would never have thought I’d ever write fanfiction that has mentions of mpreg, hahaha! But who knows? With Jenova’s alien abilities mpreg could be possible. Jenova is supposed to be a cecaelia but I'm calling her a mermaid in this fanfic. This fanfic was inspired by AzaleasDolls Disney-inspired mermaid/merman makers, seahorses, and my friend @idariddle . I really want to name the merbabies but I’m really bad at names, does anyone have any suggestions? Preferably names that sound unusual yet pretty.
You can also read this on AO3.
Sephiroth rested on the seagrass bed entirely exhausted, two hours had passed since he gave birth to his and Jenova's twin children. He held his newborn son against his chest and listened to Jenova gently singing a lullaby to their offspring as she cradled their daughter in her arms. Sephiroth loved it when Mother sang, her voice was comforting and soothing, it filled him with serenity.
These waters were warm even at night all year round. The family lived near a few tiny tropical islands, the merfolk lovers had traveled the ocean far and wide in search for a suitable place to bear and raise their young. The sea creatures here posed little to no threat and the coral reefs would make a great playground for when their children get older.
Sephiroth's long silver hair softly tickled his skin as it gently floated around him and their son, he slowly opened his green eyes to the rippling water that distorted the moon above. The merman's gaze fell on Jenova when her lullaby ceased, he was brimming with delight seeing the tender expression on his soulmate's face as she lovingly caressed their sleeping daughter's head in the gentle glow of the moonlight.
Jenova met Sephiroth's gaze. ''You did well giving birth to our children, I am very proud of you.'' The mermaid praised as she affectionately placed two of her tentacles on her lover's tail fins. ''I knew that childbirth is painful, but I didn't expect it to be THAT painful...'' Sephiroth tiredly spoke. ''I know it was difficult for you, but be proud of yourself for what you have accomplished.'' ''I am...''
Sephiroth didn't regret giving birth, but he never wanted to experience it again. He was in labor for two days, the pain was so excruciating on the second day that he had passed out a few times and feared for the well-being of their children. Throughout the labor, Jenova had supported and comforted Sephiroth speaking words of encouragement and praise to him. As the labor prolonged the merman could sense his soulmate's uneasiness, she never allowed it to show on the outside but not even she could mask her aura of fear from him. All their fears washed away when Sephiroth gave birth to healthy twins, their first cries overjoyed the merfolk lovers as they welcomed their offspring into the world.
''You won't have to go through childbirth anymore, I'll give birth from now on.'' Jenova reassured. Sephiroth sighed at Mother's words, she was already thinking about the next time!? ''I don't want you to go through that pain, Mother... I couldn't bear to see you in agony.'' Sephiroth opposed.
When the soulmates decided to attempt to conceive Sephiroth urged Jenova for him to give birth in her stead as he didn't want to put her through the pains of child labor. Initially, the mermaid was reluctant to her lover's wishes, but she knew how much it meant to him and eventually agreed. They made love several times and as soon as Jenova sensed that her eggs had been fertilized she carefully transferred them inside of Sephiroth.
Jenova crawled closer to Sephiroth and sat beside him. ''Pain is a natural part of childbirth, that's how nature is. A short while of agony doesn't compare to the many, many years of joy our children will bring us, it's all worth it in the end.'' Jenova stated. The merman couldn't disagree with his lover when she put it that way, thinking about it, temporary pain seemed like such a small price to pay in exchange for countless years of happiness.
For years Sephiroth had been lonely and longed to have a mother, father, and siblings. He wasn't always alone, long ago he did have friends but they abandoned him. When he learned that he had been lied to all his life that's when he discovered Mother, discovered he had a family. His dreams of a family were so distant from reality, yet, reality turned out to be far more perfect than what he could have ever imagined. The merman never expected to fall in love with the person whom he thought of as his mother and she with him and create two adorable bundles of joy.
The merman stretched his aching lower body and sat up. He smiled as he looked at their daughter, she slept peacefully holding her arms close to her chest with her fists clenched, her silver hair gently swaying in the water. Sephiroth next gazed downwards to their son, unlike his sister he was still awake. The merbaby gurgled staring up at his father with pink slitted eyes. Sephiroth lightly chuckled. ''Looks like someone doesn't want to go to sleep, but it's time to rest, little one.'' The new father softly stroked their newborn son's forehead, hoping it would lull him to sleep. After a minute the newborn's eyes became heavy, he let out a yawn and soon after fell to sleep. ''You're a natural.'' Jenova complimented as she rested her head on her soulmate's shoulder watching their son sleep. ''You... think so?'' Sephiroth asked with uncertainty in his voice. ''Definitely.'' The mermaid answered.
Am I really a natural? The merman wondered. He had little frame of reference on how a father should act towards his children as he never had a father growing up, though there had been one person whom he admired and looked up to as a father figure during his early childhood, but he felt that his memories of that person weren't enough to help guide him with his new role as a father. Although he had his doubts, Sephiroth took confidence in the fact that he loved their children and would give his life to protect them. He wanted to give them the childhood he never had and for them to grow up strong and lead happy fulfilling lives.
''I know you will be a wonderful father and our children are going to adore you. I would not have wanted to have children with you if I didn't think you would make a great father.'' Jenova quietly spoke. Touched by her faith in him, the merman put his arm around his lover's waist, pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. He couldn't have asked for a more loving and supportive companion than Mother, she had brought so much light into his lonely, dark world.
Since that fateful day of finding Jenova, Sephiroth had finally experienced true happiness. Now he had family and love, his days of loneliness, sadness and pain were long gone. Never again would he be abandoned and betrayed, Jenova and their children were forever here to stay with him.
The merfolk soulmates wished each other goodnight, holding their offspring they lied down on the seagrass bed. The calming ambiance of the ocean soothed them into a deep sleep, dreaming sweet dreams of the future.
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