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Emoji Trope Starter | Open
@soldier-lodbrok asked: 🩸 - @ any muse you feel like
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Sephiroth had made reasonably quick work on his front, taking on a squad all his own as was expected. He hadn't been intimidated, he never truly was. But, getting used to working with Lodbrok and his team, it was.... Well, not hard, not difficult, he could...handle it, but it was simply...off, to not be closer so that he could be there to fight by their sides.
So, though few would notice given his cool features and mostly tamed movement as he wandered back to base to assess their progress, he was eager and a tad impatient. He had every confidence they were either back already, too, or would be soon.
What he hadn't expected however...was to find Glenn, laid up in the recovery tent. The tame steps turned into a sprint, until the young warrior was at the mans side, nudging past some of the medical attendants.
"Glenn, what happened...?!" he demanded, voice a little shaky, trying to get a look at their notes, but he was only asked to calm down, which he wasn't listening to. It wasn't the first time he'd seen anyone on the team injured, but this... The man looked like he had at least one or two broken bones, and quite a bit of scarring, it was hard to tell if he'd faced human enemies or friends. Or both. Glenn was certainly fool enough to face both. His voice became more serious. "Who did this...?"
He barely heard any explanations, from the attendants or from Glenn himself, all he could do was stare at the injuries. Injuries that could've been avoided if he was there. Injuries that could have been avoided if these battles didn't keep devolving into horrible extremes. Injuries he just...couldn't take.
Blue green eyes turned a bit colder, the voices speaking to him turning into more and more of a muddled jumble. "...I will return." he looked to the nurse. "Take care of him."
And then he turned, intent on seeking out the ones to blame. If anyone was left, Sephiroth would make short work of them.
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nanakithewarrior · 2 years
He waited patiently yet intently for Nanaki’s answer, concerned for the creature as well as what he may bring upon this town and his charges if it was an enemy that could end up following him. But just as he thought Nanaki was about to speak, Lucrecia’s voice sounded in the distance, and his heart leapt. He didn’t have a chance to urge Nanaki to go and hide, as the other had enough sense to hurry off on his own.
He straightened himself before she finally made her way to his location, and he quickly formulated the best partial lie he could manage, not at all enjoying having to do so. He knew she might find interest in the creature, and he would hate to rob her of discoveries she would enjoy, but…that’s not what she was here for, so surely it would be a distraction? It was that thought that helped him excuse his own still present disconnect and sometimes unease with scientific practices. He could respect from afar, especially as it brought results, and he could endure being preview to work when his own job required it. But…it wasn’t his world, and he would never understand everything it involved, nor find comfort in it. And he would dare risk her mentioning the beast to Hojo. He was perhaps the perfect example of why ShinRa’s scientific practices had always left him at a distance, apart from his personal history.
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Looking to Lucrecia and seeing that amused look on her face, finding him here alone, he cleared his throat and collected himself, fighting a warmth at his neck. “Sorry, Dr. Crescent–I was doing a perimeter check was all, and thought i noticed something wandering in this direction. Nothing more, which is why I didn’t inform you.” he explained, so she didn’t think he was coming here to be alone or something.
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It had been a close call. By the time the two disappeared beyond the edge of the hill, descending back towards the small town below, Nanaki could still feel his heart hammering furiously under his chest.
He wasn’t even sure what was the source of that fright. It wasn’t like he wasn’t used to people, but outsiders were always a whole other kind of matter. More than anything though, it could be the fact that the woman in question was not exactly a perfect stranger. Her scent had left enough of a print in his mind to persist after all those years.
It wasn’t like she could recognize him, of course… and yet, something about that woman, about these people in general, in truth, unsettled him. Was it because they had entered that cave with the strange smell that made his fur bristle on the back of his neck?
                   “The Lifestream in that place… it’s diseased.”
His mother’s words whispered in his ears, as though she was right beside him. Would that she truly be there… maybe he wouldn’t feel so lost right now.
But observing her and Valentine, Nanaki also could tell that these people were not pure evil. There was a thick cloud of gray between what they represented and how they interacted. Remaining in the shadows in the following days, the beast watched and studied their movements. Never daring to get too close to that sinister big house, he could experience only the most mundane side of the researcher and her bodyguard.
Small strolls around town; most times looking for supplies, and in rare cases simple chit chatting outside in the courtyard. Regardless of the purpose, he could see a certain soft side to the way they looked at each other and spoke, even when the wind was too strong for words to reach his fine hearing. Smiles and faint touches of their hands that had him feel a painful tug somewhere in the middle of his chest.
Was that how his parents used to look at each other, as well? What hope was there even for him to ever know what that feeling truly was like, as the last of his kind? Or was there still hope, somewhere, where he had yet to look? How far away should he push to find anything?
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The mere idea of even trying had him frozen on the spot. And along with that dread, was also the oppressing sense of responsibility that kept him chained to these mountains. That need to see things clearly, clashing against his cowardice to actually venture the peaks on his own.
Valentine didn’t understand… But he had something important here. And so, Nanaki’s resolve to ask him to be his escort to the reactor waned. Every new day was a good day to forward his request, but it could always be postponed to the morrow.
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
The wind did leave him, as he huffed out, back hitting the table hard and now he was pinned under a firm hand that he was reasonably sure he couldn’t shove away from. That idea was a little thrilling, and not at all surprise. He caught his breath, smirking up at the other as he called him irritating, expressed his confusion for Reno’s apparent lack of survival instincts, then proceeded to call him a fool or adrenaline junky or both.
But he moved a hand to grip the others wrist. He wouldn’t bother trying to do anything with that grip, he wasn’t sure he could manage, and currently didn’t see the need to move. So much of his mind and body screamed DANGER, but then, so much of it screamed, MORE. And he found himself listening to the latter more prominently.
“You think too much sometimes…ya know that…?” he retorted in a strained voice at first, before laughing and coughing a bit.
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“Maybe I get off on it–testing the boundaries of what will be allowed, what will get me punished, what will get me killed.” he chuckled again, then quirked his head, looking the other man up and down, and his chest pressed up into the touch still meeting his exposed chest, trying to sit up defiantly as the leg he’d propped up nudged against the others hip.
“I’m living with one purpose, man, my soul is bound to ShinRa. Doesn’t mean it always was. A wild animal, barely tamed, kinda tends to get restless. And with my fate sold to the cause, why should I not test the limits to see just exactly what’s waiting for me if I’m fucking daring enough to try?” he retorted.
He tried again to lean up, gripping Sephiroth’s forearm a little harder.
“Am I fool? Maybe, yeah. So what are you? And who do you really show what you are to?”
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What a blabbermouth. Were it any other person, Sephiroth would suspect it was out of nerves that the redhead talked so much at a time like this, but no. He’d had him around long enough to know this was simply how the man acted twentyfour-seven. How could Reno possibly hear himself think, when his tongue never stopped long enough?
Boredom and contempt, that was what his features displayed to the provocation from the Turk.
Slowly, he leaned forward just enough, so close the electric hue of the agent’s eyes were clear and in detail to him, but not enough for his breath to touch the other’s skin. Carefully measuring the pressure he put on the other man, in a physical and psychological sense.
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“My enemy.”
He replied that final question alone, implicitly answering the one just before as well.
Because he was nothing more than a weapon. An executioner. Just another tool like the man under him in the hands of President ShinRa.
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neko-mun-rp · 3 years
“I hope you’re looking for trouble Turk, because that’s all you’re going to find if you stick around here.” Sephiroth said in a cold smooth tone to the redhead. Reno always had a habit of coming around and trying to press his buttons. A very dangerous game to be playing with a first class, especially with Sephiroth who didn’t hesitate to send someone to the medical ward. Reno has been lucky enough to go unharmed so far, only because Sephiroth found his attempt at messing with him entertaining.
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azure-steel · 3 years
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@onewinged-tragedy​ asked: There were loud noises downstairs in the bar, and footsteps pounding up the stairs, until finally Cloud's office door was opened with rather unnecessary force. "Okay, ya know what, eating a little cake does not count as a significant birthday celebration, Blondie. Get off your ass, we're hitting the damn town!" Reno remarks, storming in after learning Cloud allowed a simple celebration before getting back to work. He grabbed a strap of clothing and started moving. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BITCH!!" Birthday Shenanigans - ACCEPTING TODAY
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He didn’t really do birthdays, not really. Though it was true he enjoyed the cake Cloud wasn’t one for being the centre of attention, so the special breakfast Tifa had prepared him that morning, the handmade cards from Marlene and Denzel each with a comical illustration of him looking like an angry chicken had been enough for him. 
It was always business as usual and had been for longer than he can truly recall. 
But he’d heard Reno coming, like a hurricane blitzing through Seventh Heaven to reach him in the sanctuary of his office space and all Cloud can really do is stare at the man as he comes crashing through his door like the natural disaster he is. 
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Cloud isn’t even given the time to respond when he’s so suddenly grabbed and dragged back down those stairs and out into the street, though it was here he somehow managed to release himself from Reno’s grip, promptly brushing himself down and fixing the guy with an unimpressed glare. 
“It’s eleven in the morning, shit head. What the hell?!” 
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projecth-aileth · 4 years
He had rarely seen her out, as she was one of the ‘projects’ Hojo liked to keep to the shadows as he worked, he assumed, to perfect her (he would claim she was a part of the project, but the claim was so lax and almost inviting someone to challenge him so he could brag, and Sephiroth was no fool--he knew the grooming of  a tool or weapon when he saw it). Today, however, was different--were they allowing exposure as a part of her growth? He couldn’t yet say, he’d never found the patience to really care.
But something about how she’d look at him, and stare...it tugged his attention lately, and he was drawn by instinct, really, to begin staring back and observing her.
So when she was left at the Science Departments table in the mess hall, with nothing before her but a few simple small samples, he couldn’t say for sure of whether or not their were her pick, or her designated meal by others. Either way, it was pitiful. So he took up his platter, half eaten, and still with meat and a bagel and various other necessary food groups, and he marched over to where she had been left ignored apart from the bored gaze of an intern, and he slid the platter before her.
He waited for her eyes to meet his, feeling that instinctual tug once more, before muttering, “They have horrible taste in food. Give this a try. If they complain, tell them I gave you my leftovers.”
With that, he turned and made his way out.
There wasn’t exactly much going on in her head as far as thoughts went, the girls mind slowly catching up to the extreme growth forced on her body with constant exposure to time materia. She’d reached the proper ‘age’ to start more invasive testing and training and since the spell wasn’t needed anymore they’d removed the feeding tube and were attempting to get her to eat normally… but she didn’t know how. She sat staring at the humans to learn and the white-coat that had brought her didn’t help- only sat tapping away on a data-pad.
She was always drawn to him; eyes managing to locate that silver hair no matter what. It seemed to intrigue the Professor, those creepy glasses glinting and him feverously making notes. It was the same here, inhuman eyes locking on to their mirror, unblinking in their wide searching gaze.
She couldn’t speak yet, and this was the first time anyone had directly addressed her. Sitting quietly and reaching for a small piece of food from his plate as he walked away, tilting her head at the morsel and the pull that grew and stayed the further away he went. The white-coat now paying attention, because of the interaction, furiously typing out something to send Hojo; notes that spurred his research into another project he was hiding.
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oflockhearted · 4 years
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@celestialborn​ says: Angel  hands Tifa  basket of sweets followed by a bottle of aged wine ... particularly fancy, a card reading "to : my dear dear friend"     "Happy Valentines day Tifa,   you should share the wine with Reno~ "He says with a wink
Unprompted ask | Always accepting
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The gifts were resplendent. Finely made, and wrapped neatly.
“Wow! Angel. These look gorgeous and so delicious! Who knew you were such a talented baking artist too?” Not that he didn’t look the part. Just the fact he wielded a gun and knew how to tear an enemy a new hole... yet, his fingers were gentle enough to take time to practice the fine art of sweet decorations.
When it came to his last comment Tifa nearly dropped the basket. However, studying herself, she attempts to play it off with a laugh. Its not like anyone knew. nobody knew.
                    Angel was just messing with her.  Yeah. Right! That’s all! Just jokes!
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“Ah...ahaha. I...I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Her smile was wide. Perhaps too wide. Fake, definitely. Sure. She may think the turk ( @onewinged-tragedy​ ) was...interesting. But Angel couldn’t have been implying that maybe. Perhaps. She kind of... liked him?       Jokes!
“A-Anyway. Thank you so much for this. I’ll be sure to break in this wine when I take my bubble bath!”
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dreamsofasoldier · 4 years
[Because Seph is a little shit] FMK -- Kunsel, Aerith, Cloud
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                       » » ❖ FMK OPTIONS │ @onewinged-tragedy — » ACCEPTING  
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❖ │ │ ♛ ━━
        ❝ WHY?! ❞
           The raven can’t believe he has to pick between these people.
        ❝ I guess ... Fuck Kunsel and Marry both Aerith and Cloud. ❞
            Ain’t no one going to die. If someone really had to die then he guesses Aerith because she does die by Sephiroth’s hands.
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pulchralilium · 4 years
I'm st8ll rather new, but you followed me and I sought to check out your muse, and every part of her fascinated me! And I've followed and stayed thus far to be gifted by a talented Aerith and a cool min in my feed!
<3 You are so sweet!!! 
I’m so excited to rp with you
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hiislegacy · 4 years
What made me follow you was your assortment of muses but most specifically your take on Cloud, I saw the info and I was like--this is an interesting Cloud, I want a chance to experience him. Stayed because you were just as awesome as you seemed, you're awesome and fun and I love your energy and our ooc fanning brings me laughs and joy!
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chocobohaired · 3 years
x @onewinged-tragedy
Doubts. So many doubts. Regrets permeating his anxious mind. Cloud found it hard to think straight with everything rushing through his mind. His friends’ disappointed horror. Sephiroth’s irresistible allure. The fear that he’d made the worst mistake of his life getting this close to Sephiroth. 
He tried to hide away, to think, but it just seemed to make things worse. He was almost panicking by the time Sephiroth found him. He wasn’t surprised that the man would find him so easily. He always did. 
Being touched, held, always calmed him. He often felt like he had an ache deep down to his bones, and it always eased up the moment Sephiroth touched him. Now was no different, and he immediately leaned into the silver-haired man’s embrace. It would have been embarrassing if he hadn’t been so out of it. 
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“Seph--” was all he managed to get out before he was kissed. A soft sound left his lips in response. It immediately calmed some of his raging anxiety. Like a balm for his mind. 
Sephiroth kissed with burning, addictive, irresistible passion. Cloud wrapped his arms around his neck without thinking, body pressing up against him as he kssed back. He didn’t want to think, didn’t want to doubt and regret. It was easier not to when he had Sephiroth’s intense presence to focus on, especially like this. 
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Sickfic Prompts | Open
@hoshinierabareshimono asked: [ 🗣️ ] - Genesis soothing Sephiroth to sleep
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"This is ridiculous, Genesis."
"Is it, truly?"
"Pointless, even."
"Then why is your head in my lap nonetheless?" tone smug, a coy and crooked smile accompanied it from the red head looking down to the silver-haired and miffed looking First currently resting his head and flowing locks in the others leather-clad lap.
"Force." was his short response and effort of blame.
Genesis actually laughed at that, tugging forward one of the books he'd snagged from Sephiroth's study before settling them in this position. "As if I could force you, in such simple circumstance."
Sephiroth raised a brow. "You have your methods. I simply don't understand why you think this is so necessary. Perhaps I'm only here still because I'm waiting to see your brilliant plan."
Genesis continued to grin, knowing how ridiculous his words were right now, but he wouldn't call them out right now. He tugged to book to rest on Sephiroth's chest, but his other hand, bare now, moved to brush stray silver strands from the others admittedly tired-looking face, despite his stubborn present energy. "No brilliant plan... I only intend to aid you in rest. You've been in denial for the past day, despite knowing that visit to the lab took a toll."
"Shh shh." he interrupted and opened to book, and Sephiroth put on a playfully judgmental sigh.
"Reading? That's what's going to help me? Because you think I'm worn out, and your droning tales will reinvigorate me?"
"No~. Because I nabbed one of your books on Astronomy, and I know despite saying you don't appreciate MY favorite books and stories, you still enjoy my reading voice. Now shut your mouth, shut your eyes and listen."
"Shut~." he tapped the others lips with his finger, before opening up the book, and starting from the last place Sephiroth had been reading.
Sephiroth may have attempted some stubbornness, but the longer he heard Genesis' easy and smooth, deep voice read out the studies he'd already read through at least three other times, he found himself enjoy how he still managed to bring to life what he read. And, as planned, and against his stubbornness, every blink of his eyes lasted longer and longer until finally, the weariness he'd been fighting began to catch up and insisted his eyes stay shut.
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nanakithewarrior · 2 years
Even in such a canine/feline like face, full of muzzle and teeth and fur, Vincent could see the emotion in Nanaki’s eyes. He could tell there was weight to his question, and so…he tried his best to speak carefully, and honestly. “It really depends on your situation, and those in your life you’re meant to honor, or help, or encourage or…please.” he begins.
But he sighs, looking off in the distance, thinking of the day he left home to begin with the Turks, to little surprise of his mother and grandmother, but to great surprise and somewhat offense to his father.
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“…If a situation is dependent on you and your actions, yes, it can be very bad. If your failure to do as is expected leaves things to chance or failure, it could harm others, and that would be on you. However, if a situation isn’t dependant on you so much, it may not be…bad, exactly. But, depending on how much expectation you have and from you, it can feel very bad. Almost unbearable, even if it might be right for you.” he finished explaining, looking back to Nanaki and shaking his head. “My situation here is dependent on my professional handling of my role in their work. If I fail, something could happen to the Professors and scientists here, or their work, and it would fall apart.”
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His gaze wandered to the distance, the answer he’d received feeling like lead in his chest. The human had voiced what his heart had been telling him for years, and yet Nanaki wished he could shake it all off. The responsibility of his kind was so great, and he was but one lonely cub in front of the greatness of his ancestors. The shadow of his father’s failure cast over him like a dark cape.
And yet, was he not here exactly because he’d answered that call of duty? The two conflicting desires to run away and break free, against fulfilling his given role and restore a lost honor, were threatening to tear apart his young mind.
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“Fall apart…” He muttered, frowning to himself, eyes still aimlessly bouncing off their surroundings, envisioning things he’d only ever heard of and never really seen for himself. Of giant towers smoking with foul wastes, surrounded by dry deadland. All life drained around them, and the wallowing of the Lifestream.
“Maybe some things are best left to fall apart.”
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
“If I could give you a reason to believe me that you would take, it would’ve been given already.” he informed the young boy, noting the burning and raw anger, as well as noting this may be the first time he’d felt it to this depth. Good. It wasn’t fair, but it was necessary. He quirked his head, just faintly, observing him, his movements, his heavy breathing, the shine in the young boys eyes. This young reflection had so much turmoil ahead. It was almost a kindness, to prepare him.
“But you will have to learn to believe me.” he tells him, voice calm and level, even with the mild grunting beyond the door behind him that led to the one in the coffin. “You will save yourself time and wasted pain and faith. That is what awaits you in your future, boy. There’s nothing more. No mother. No promised land–not that you’d ever be allowed to find.”
There was the faintest bitterness and loss still there, flecked in his voice, but not an inch of it showed in his face or his eyes. Only a dead-panned gaze, and intent eyes.
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“Will you seek the man who hides away? Or your false caretakers with their lies? Tell me, S… Who else do you really have…?”
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Those words struck like physical blows on the young boy’s mind. This entity, ghost or person, spared no mercy for the child before him and let his voice sink in his psyche like venom from a fresh bite.
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“I…” He mumbled, but it was little more than a whisper, for as soon as it came out S felt as if choking under the strangulation of something.
There was something else to this person, beyond their resemblance, beyond his scary looks and the things he said. Something about him was inexplicably stirring the very blood in the child’s veins. Against his will, his body reacted to Sephiroth.
And it was the most unpleasant feeling he’d ever felt. A pull from within, something in his very skin and flesh that throbbed and caused his pulse to rush. Bright spots appeared before his eyes, and his head started to hurt in the most painful way. S had been subjected to many tests by the Doctors, but nothing had ever hurt quite like this.
It felt as though he was about to split in two.
He could no longer speak; even standing on his feet was proving to be a difficult task. Small hands rose to rake through silver tresses and dug through, pushing against his skull that hurt like it could crack open any moment. In tormented green hues, black slits swelled into wide circles with panic just before his eyelids squeezed shut under a suffering frown.
S grit his teeth, and through them he cried. A lone cry of unadulterated pain that he so desperately attempted to fight. The hurt of his body and spirit were blending together, becoming overwhelming. Was he dying? This had to be what dying felt like. Nothing else could be that terrible.
“Stop…. Stop…. Please stop this….!”
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neko-mun-rp · 3 years
Angel/Demon AU (closed)
Falling. Falling from the very heavens an angel came crashing down to the mortal world. He had been a warrior at the pearly gates, a general that commanded the ranks of angels and was looked up to. But this fateful day when demons attacked, Sephiroth had lost this fight at the cost of one of his wings. Without both he couldn’t fly and therefore was rejected from heaven.
Colliding with the ground did not leave a physical impact for humans to notice as humans couldn’t see angels or demons unless they wanted them to. But for Sephiroth the pain he was left in was beyond anyone’s comprehension. His remaining wing, once silvery and beautiful turned to black to permanently mark him as a Fallen Angel.
It was some time that the newly Fallen had gathered the will to drag himself to his feet. Not only was he in agony but the angel was completely distraught over the fact that he could never return home and was now completely and utterly alone. He was vulnerable and soon his presence would be noticed by demons. As a Fallen, Sephiroth couldn’t find sanctuary in any church as the consecrated  ground would repel him. The next form of holy ground he could go was a cemetery, it wouldn’t protect him from demons but he could find some holy water to clean up his mangled wound of where his wing had been ripped out from the socket. 
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azure-steel · 3 years
@onewinged-tragedy​ liked for a thingie~
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“You know, Reno... you sure do talk a lot for someone who’s supposed to work behind the scenes...”
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