#Seren talks
hangsters · 1 year
I love being petty I love being nosy I love being fucking RIGHT
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theabyssaldream · 5 months
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I dont post my art much but sure why not
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I do love that Sunday vibe when my inbox ticks away with new ao3 updates, but only when I'm looking away. Life-saving on those intolerable slow Sundays and a nice respite during busy Sundays. Win-win. And the knowledge that there are people motivated enough to write, edit, and post (on a Sunday!) is the creative equivalent of watching people walk their dogs out of the windows of an empty house sometimes. Life is out there! Reassuring.
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positiveupwardspiral · 8 months
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kideaternomnom · 3 months
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My two favorite pairings in a nutshell, or at least very similar to it.
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plutonium-sky · 4 months
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Trend time, go wild guys I'm going to go to sleep now bye
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columboposting · 7 months
Listening to big finish audios is so painful because I will listen to something that rewrites my brain chemistry entirely and then I go on ao3 and there are. Two fics about it
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luneinary · 7 days
Maki and Shuichi's friendship largely being her bullying him out of some vague , questionable display of affection is always hilarious . But I will never overlook how Maki truly sees herself in Shuichi and is always there to remind him of the importance of having self-respect and not just being an extension of other people , as someone who spent their formative years acting as a weapon before a person
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seren1tyhaze · 7 months
no bc did you see the photos of doyoung at the Dolce and Gabbana after party - Had to revisit Dive once again 🥹🥹
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oh did i SEE them 😅😅😅 don’t worry, I already have thoughts for how to weave this into pt 2 😇
ty again for revisiting dive <3
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serene-sun · 1 year
@spacesurfing come get yo boy 😭
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serenpedac · 3 months
With golden string
Since I finally made a personal astronomy tag a while ago, it seemed about time to make an actual post with N-related astronomy thoughts. Most of this has been shared before, but it's nice to have it all in one place.
Going to start nearby, because the sun is one of the first things that come to mind for me when thinking of N. I say “for me”, but I've seen N be compared to the sun/sunlight a lot, so I'm far from the only one, haha. They radiate such warmth, with their open affection and their genuine smiles.
Despite how open they are about their feelings, whether they are romanced or a friend, they do keep their past, their trauma (their tier X ability) close to themselves. There are layers there, underneath their kind, warm exterior! Also here, the comparison to the sun is very apt, because that sunlight that warms us here on Earth comes only from the sun's outermost layer. Before a photon can escape the sun, it has been emitted, absorbed and re-emitted countless of times in the dense layers hidden underneath.
What I love about this is how it's not darkness that is hidden, but it's heat, something turbulent, something intense. And that again fits N's intensity so so well. (Okay, that one might be stretching it but, idk, there's something there)
Something more related to N's own life is how during N's existence, the universe has become so much larger. Yes, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto have been discovered after they were born, but there's also the discovery that galaxies exist outside of our Milky Way. Although it was already hypothesized in 1755 by Kant (yes, the Kant) that the Milky Way is one of many galaxies, it wasn't until the 1910s-1920s that his was confirmed by measurements. Before this time, it, just like the other galaxies that had been observed, was thought to be a “nebula” located within the outskirts of the MW. As it turned out, the blurry appearance was because those objects were so very distant, yet large enough to be observed.
Nate would have been familiar with the stars and constellations from navigating at sea, and I can't help but think that Nat would also have loved looking at the stars, learning the constellations as she learned the myths associated with them. Maybe little N used to look up at night and forget about their issues with their health as they marvelled at the immensity of that starry sky. To then learn, lifetimes later, that some of those objects they thought they knew are entire other galaxies, to learn that the universe is even larger than than they thought, larger than they could have ever dreamed of, would that have inspired that same sense of awe they had as a child?
I'm being entirely self-indulgent here, but I like to think that N does enjoy following discoveries in science over the years, despite their dislike of modern technology. Maybe more so in the past, attending gatherings of academic societies in coffee houses (yes, this is me hinting at my own fic, but I'm also thinking about this ask that said N might have been a college professor in an alternate universe). So, I can see them following these theories, seeing some disproven, while others turn out to be correct, and let themselves be amazed at it all. And in that amazement, they might once more feel so very close to the humans they share it with, because what does it matter whether you're a vampire or a human in the context of the entire universe? Here I have to credit the most wonderful @evilbunnyking, who worded this sentiment beautifully: “Not understanding the technology but the moment! To experience that! How alive it is to feel with all other human beings!”
These discoveries don't change everyday life, but I wonder if it changes how we think about ourselves, about our place in it all. Oh, what I wouldn't give to hear N's thoughts on this!
The title is from Sun by Sleeping At Last
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hangsters · 1 year
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His name is Percival Frederickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III. You can call him Percy.
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bardicious · 11 months
"All Those Years Wasted Fighting Each Other, Charles. To Have A Precious Few Of Them Back."
It kills me how beautiful this quote is, said by Erik to Charles. Top married Cherik quotes.
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th3w00ds · 1 year
Can the Slenderverse fandom go one year without some big piece of drama happening????? Please???
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spiribia · 2 years
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elder dragon vlast take 2
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plutonium-sky · 4 months
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I still find it so funny how size differences look with friend emotes...
Featuring @serene-sky-kid, whose outfit I drew by memory XD
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