#Sergiu Volda & Calensk
cudlll · 2 months
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I guess they're best friends 🥸🥸🥸
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sweetyart · 11 months
On a smoke break
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l0caladm1n · 8 months
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Designs tadaaa
I've been kinda obsessed with this game and some characters...
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annkama · 4 months
Papers challenge
In 2021 I had a hyperfix on Papers, please, and I came up with a challenge for myself - to draw funny pictures based on my game. I drew the first passage with felt-tip pens in a notebook
Day 1 stamsp make slap slap
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Day 2 Mister! Don't hold up the queue. There are many of you, I am alone!
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Day 3 - Redneck
- I have a dream, you boor!
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Day 4 Shhhh... Im am... Everywhere... Boooo...
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Day 5 - Calensk, don't say anything bad about Dmitry
- I don't care about this asshole.
- Thanks. He gave me a fine
- He is asshole, isnt he?
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Day 6 - One more day. Time to work...
- Good day, Inspector.
- Your helth is better, isnt it?
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Day 7 - Inspector, you are accused of a deviation in the structure of your finances and accused of unpatriotism. Glory to Arstozka.
- How can you accuse me of being unpatriotic if you say "Glory to Arstotzke!" without an exclamation mark?
- Damn. In this case, I have to self-repress.
- Wha?
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Day 8 - Death to Arstozka!
- Caleeeeensk!
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Day 9 - I love my job!
- Key! Key! Wheres key?
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Day 10 - For Kolechia! Auch!
- Lady! Dont you see? We have dinner time!
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Day 11 - But you was arested!
- Yes, unfortunately...
But I survived!
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Day 12. - Inspector, you tried to shoot yourself. Did you really want to deprive Arstozka of a promising self?
- Wait. You're judging me for not letting your prostitute in
- This is punishable by execution.
- Did you really want to deprive Arstozka of a promising inspector, curator?
- Blya
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Day 13 - Please, my whole family died. I have no one but Sergiu.
- You're my good girl! Run! Run, he's waiting for you.
- Please let me through.
- Mister, you don't have a sad story, so no
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Day 14 - Why does Wonel walk around with such a face?
- Maybe he's in his own noir movie.
"This city is afraid of me"
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Arrest ending
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EZIC ending
- At what cost?
- At cost of everything
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z0mbiebitchb0y · 6 months
This is so fucking dumb I love it
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conradforrest · 4 months
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I guess these three sometimes wait for the bus together, even if they get off at different stops
(Don't ask about the lighting, I was sleepy when I did it)
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Papers please characters morning and bedtime routines headcannons
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- Early to rise, between 4-5am. Doesn't linger in bed too much.
- Half of the time, kisses his wife on the head, before stepping out of bed.
- Spends little time to refresh himself in the bathroom. Running a comb through his hair and beard. Splashing some water on face. Brushing teeth.
- Makes himself and his wife a quick breakfast.
- Takes out lunch of the fridge, for work. His wife made it for him the day before.
- And he is off to work.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
- Early to bed too. He has a pretty strict routine due to his time in the army (however short it was). After 8pm, if he hits the pillow, he immediately falls asleep. 
- Rarely dreams.
- Before bed, he always showers. The nature of his jobs usually leaves him sweaty, so it's a must. Showers with cold water for the sake of his wife (and his kids, in the past). When his wife is out of the house though, he also enjoys some boiling level hot water.
- Overall both his routines come down to essentials, no fancy stuff. He'd rather spend that time on something more important.
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- Life as a soldier screwed up his internal clock badly.
- Wakes up at 5am sharp. Tries to linger in bed sometimes, to try to tell his brain that it's ok,  to sleep in longer now. Doesn't really work that well…
- Also basic essentials in the bathroom. Showers in the morning, as well as in the evening. Doesn't mind whether the water is warm or cold.
- He doesn't eat breakfast in the morning. Used to eating the first meal of the day, only around 10-11am, so he just packs himself some lunch to work.
 ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
- Writes letters to Elisa, in the evenings. He isn't much of a romantic poet, but he tries his best to put down on paper, how much he loves and misses her. Also writes about his week and includes some cash to help her out a bit.
- Rarely, he will include a dry, compressed in a book flower, to the letter.
- Then he is off to have a quick meal, before bed.
- Shower, brushing teeth, nothing special.
- And he is off to bed. Hopefully to fall asleep quickly and not spend a few hours, laying in bed anxious, with a big hole in his chest, unable to sleep.
- His dreams are a mixed bag, usually filled with nightmares.
Sergiu and Elisa: 
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- Sergiu still wakes up early, but this time he has an excellent excuse to stay longer in bed. Cuddling with Elisa really helps his sleeping problems.
- Long showers together. Maybe a bit shorter in the morning, but in the evening… (..ofgjgj the water bill…)
- Sometimes Sergiu will brush Elisa's hair and vice versa.
- They make their breakfasts together. Lovey lovey, casually flirting while doing so. Sergiu slowly starts adjusting his eating times, so he can spend more time with her.
- Kiss goodbye before going to work. 
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
- Making a quick meal before bed is just as fun for these two, as in the morning.
- Showering together part 2.
- Elisa likes reading books before bed, so she just lays in bed and uses Sergiu's chest as her pillow. He loves it, finally having filled the hole in chest. He just looks at her and combs her hair with his fingers, satisfied.
- Sometimes instead of reading, they will talk about anything and everything.
- And after that, it's just all cuddles and kisses. They end up falling asleep tangled together.
- They help each other ease their nightmares. Elisa's soft kisses taking away Sergiu's tears. Sergiu's tight hugs, and soft whispered reassurances, calming Elisa.
⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊
- He wakes up pretty easily with the sun, but he needs his alarm clock to ring, to drag him out
-Alarm rings.
- Wakes up.
- Groggy.
- Kiss wife good morning.
- Cuddle wife, go back to sleep…
- 2nd alarm
- There is no arguing with that.
- Mostly also just essentials in the morning. Though he prefers to shower before the day starts. Also spends some time washing his beard, he hates when it's dirty or uncombed.
- When walking out, passes his wife, who already made breakfast.
- Kiss wife thanks.
- Eats breakfast with the rest of the family, grabs lunch for work and he is out.
- Sometimes when he has time, will walk his kids to school.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
- Before going to bed, hugs kids goodnight. Maybe read or make up some bedtime story for them, if not too tired.
- Bathroom routine shorter than in the morning. Brush teeth, splash water in face and that's all.
- Rarely, he will read one of his books before bed.
- Cuddle wife, cuddle wife, cuddle wife. Kiss her goodnight.
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hoodedboy79 · 4 months
Papers Please: Inspector
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Based off of Ending 2: Where your family all dies.
Everyone and everything was gone.
His job.
His apartment.
His friends.
His family.
Everything was gone, took away from him.
When did everything start going wrong? When did God turn their back on him? When did his country turn it's back on him?
Was it when he took pity on those sex workers and let them through even though they didn't have the correct documents?
Was it when that Kolechian man thrusted a bomb at him?
Was it when he didn't report the Ezic immediately?
Or was it when he let Sergiu die?
The man wasn't sure.
As he stared down at his hands, twirling the band around his finger that symbolised the commitment he made to the woman he loved many years ago, the man pondered to himself about what he did wrong. His mind endlessly racing over all the events, and mistakes, that transpired over the last few months during his role as the 'Inspector'.
He wishes he never took the job.
Now he was jobless, shackled and confined to a cell. His crime? Not keeping his family alive.
His son had been the first one to go. His malnourished body couldn't handle any more cold, hungry nights. The medicine did little to help the usually sickly boy and eventually they didn't even have that, the price had become too high.
Grovelling to Calensk followed, hoping the man could spare some of the medicine that he usually smuggled for his wife. He helped as much as he could at the time but in the end, it was pointless.
And Calensk was also gone now. He didn't know where and it was probably better that way. He prayed that Calensk and his wife were safe anyway, hopefully out of Arstotzka.
Then his mother in law went, the heartbreak of her grandson's death taking her fairly quick. Dying 'peacefully' in her sleep, tears of grief still stained on her cheeks.
His wife was inconsolable. Regret weighed heavily on his chest, not only for not being able to provide for his family enough to keep their son alive but for not being able to be there for his grieving wife.
And then she was gone too.
His uncle didn't last too long after her either, succumbing to the illness he contracted from one of the neighbours.
He was a failure as a husband, a father, a nephew, a son-in-law, an Inspector and even as an uncle.
His niece, who was put into his care after his sister was imprisoned, relied on him fully. His family's death along with her mother's absence left the poor girl traumatised and clinging to her uncle with everything she had, crying softly into his coat the night he returned to find his wife no longer with them. The small child tried her best to comfort her uncle but everything about that night was fuzzy, a memory the man would prefer to push down for the rest of his days.
Now with him also imprisoned, the fate of his niece remained unknown to him. The guards and ministers sat tight lipped as the man demanded to know what would become of the girl.
He was fully alone.
Even his friend, that youthful, lovestruck boy Sergiu that promised to protect him while he did his job, was gone. Blown up by a terrorist, the day after he finally got to meet the woman he loved in person too, gleefully recalling to the older man about how Elisa wished to name their first child after him, because she believed the Inspector to be a good man. Sergiu's excitement for his future and the family he was ready to build with Elisa cruelfully stripped away because the Inspector was too slow.
How many lives has he ruined over these few months?
He shudders at the thought.
He can still remember the cold tone that announced his newfound unemployment, his mind can't seem to remember the face that was speaking though, nor the faces of the guards who promptly seized him. The bruises on his arm from their iron-clad grip the only reminder they were ever there.
"Your entire family is gone."
"The Ministry Of Labor focuses on Arstotzka's future growth."
"Workers are expected to support large, healthy families."
"Your position will be filled with someone more appropriate."
"Glory to Arstotzka."
Just a fairly short thing I wrote while in college, isn't the greatest but I love Papers Please and wanted to write something for it 🤷🏻‍♂️
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Jorji Costava from Papers Please is an autistic alterhuman constelic dollkin angelkin semi-dysphoric abaromantic eriscarnal cinthean worldgender ominogender kidcoric bladegender genderqueer maverique transmascneutral nonbinary man and host of a mixed-origins DID system with ADHD and HPD who uses he/him, they/them, xe/xem, it/its, fae/faer, crayon/crayons, and cobra/cobras pronouns!
Sergiu Volda is a heteromantic bisexual bigender nonbinary man who uses he/him pronouns!
He's married to Elisa Katsenja, a polyamcurious pansexual genderqueer demigirl with hyperromanticism who uses she/her, xe/xem, and they/them pronouns!
Calensk is an anattractional agender alterhuman who uses mirrored pronouns!
dni link
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kitkat-artcorner · 2 years
Manya vs Border Trio (non-canon)
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(small warning for violent scenes)
It was a seemingly normal day in Arstotzka, the border trio (Inspector, Calensk and Sergiu) had a day off of work so the border could have reservations after a terrorist attack. Things were going as usual until they had stopped over at a cheap restaurant they go to regularly, Sergiu's locket from Elisa had been stolen and was replaced by a shady letter.
"Hello, Sergiu Volda, I have what you want. If you'd like it back, come to this location and maybe I will hand it back, you can bring your friends if you want."
"You sure this is good idea, Sergiu? We don't know if they are armed." Calensk had questioned with caution, he's worked in the Six-Year-War and knows a lot about ambushes.  "I know it's dangerous, but I need that Locket back, it's precious gift from Elisa!"
"You and Calensk will lift me up by my feet, I'll climb from the broken gap in the railing." Inspector planned, Calensk then asked; "Wait, you can climb from that height?" Inspector then responded. "Alexie and I have climbed higher things in our youth, what could be different?"
"Don't worry too much Calensk, maybe it's just a kid." Inspector reassured him to ease his worry.  "I don't think a child would write such letter, Inspector." Calensk argued. "I have a son and niece, kids don't understand when something's 'too far'." Sergiu then interrupted. "I think this should be the place." The three had arrived at a large, abandoned mansion in the end of a field and in front of a forest, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, it was broken down and there was even a giant hole in the roof, it would only be a home fit for rats, bugs and whatever else was in the dirty hallways.  "Would a child hide a locket in a place like this Inspector?" Calensk asked sarcastically, Inspector only responded with a nervous smile.  "Kid or not, I'm sure we'll be able to handle them together if they try anything." Sergiu looked back at the two. "Now let's get this over with."
The three had carefully opened the front door and walked inside, the floorboards creaking underneath them with every step. While looking for Sergiu's locket, Inspector couldn't help but notice the old, broken furniture that were stacked into piles and were placed in a particular order. "What do you think happened here? This looks too broken to be just worn down from time." He asked. Calensk answered, "Possibly used as base and destroyed during the war, is not far from border." As they walked further into the building, they entered a large room, the piles had been formed into a sort of wall, blocking the windows and doors heading further into the bottom floors, only a broken, double staircase leading up to the upper floor was the way to continue.  "How do we get up there? The staircase seems too broken to even stand on.." Sergiu questioned, that's when Inspector came up with an idea.
Calensk was still suspicious of this. "That was a little too easy. Something must be waiting for us, did the letter say anything else?" Sergiu put the locket back in his chest pocket and pulled out the ominous letter. "No, but it did say 'maybe I'll give it back.' What could it mean?"  While Sergiu and Calensk were talking, Inspector was thinking up of an answer, not hearing the near silent steps of someone behind him, the mysterious figure leaned down and whispered to Inspector in a playful tone.
Sergiu and Calensk got into place as Inspector prepared to climb up, he put one foot on Sergiu's hands, then put his other foot on Calensk's hands as he quickly used them as a stepping stool, climbing up successfully. When he looked up he saw a rusty coat hanger near the entrance of the next room with the locket. "Sergiu!" Inspector shouted as he went to get it. "I found your locket!" Hearing that, Sergiu sighed, relieved that he got it back. Inspector had gotten it off the rack and went back to the gap of the staircase railing, kneeling down to safely hand it to him. Sergiu looked inside to see the same picture of his beloved. "Yep, this is it." He said with a smile on his face.
"Boo." Inspector jolted in shock, before he could turn around and face the person, they had kicked Inspector's back and sent him flying back down in the middle of Calensk and Sergiu. He let out a pained groan as he hit the floor. "Inspector!" Both Sergiu and Calensk called out in worry, they kneeled down to check on him. "Are you alright?" Sergiu asked, Inspector had slowly risen from the floor and answered painfully; "I am fine, what hit me?"
The trio had looked up at the top of the staircase, the person still standing where they pushed Inspector, they pulled of their hood and spoke to reveal who they were..
"Oh, Inspector.. I was not asking.." Manya swiftly lifted her right arm, revealing that she was carrying a sledgehammer with her. The trio backed up as they realized the situation just got more dangerous. Calensk put his hand on Inspector's shoulder, ready to get in front of the two so he could protect them. "Be careful, boys, this is going to be a rough fight.." He turned his head to Inspector and Sergiu, warning them. Manya's confident smirk turned into a sinister grin as she shouted to them. "Don't die on me too quickly!"
"Hello again, Inspector.." It was Manya, she spoke in her quiet, raspy voice as she looked down on them. "Manya!? What are you doing here?" Inspector asked in shock. "I simply wanted.. to see Mr. Volda.. I expected the brute.. but you were pleasant surprise.." She answered, Sergiu was confused by that statement. "You were the one who took my locket? What could you need me for?" Manya took off her mask to reveal her scarred lips shaped into a smirk. "You and Inspector.. very close yes..? I need you.. for little bargain.. luckily, is easier now.."  Inspector knew whatever Manya had planned for them, it wasn't good or civil. "What is it you want from me, Manya?" He questioned, getting up from the floor. She added. "I remember.. you saw me that night.. something you shouldn't have done.. now, I take something of yours.. so you learn lesson." Inspector, not willing to comply, argued with her. "You're not taking anything of mine, especially not one of my friends."
She jumped from the top of the stairs, lifting her sledgehammer high into the air, the trio moved out of the way as she landed, her hammer slamming down and making a new hole in the wooden floor. Without giving him time to think, Manya pulled her hammer out of the floor and swung at Inspector, who ducked out of the way. While Manya was busy, Calensk used the few seconds to grab her by the hood and throw her away from Inspector, making her fall back into a broken wardrobe. Calensk helped Inspector back up on his feet, Sergiu went to Manya and attempted to disarm her, pulling the sledgehammer. Unfortunately for him, Manya was stronger than he expected as she used him to get back up and their foreheads collided, knocking back Sergiu. She then pushed him out of the way and went for Calensk by jumping and hanging onto his back, biting the side of his face in the process.
Manya, despite now bleeding from the back of her head, was still completely conscious. She tried her best to get out of his grasp. Calensk turned his head around to check up on Sergiu and Inspector, who were both okay despite everything. They thought the fight was over..
Calensk yelled in pain and he struggled to get Manya off, Inspector grabbed her hanging leg and pulled her off of Calensk, she quickly rolled to her side and swung her hammer the best she could, hitting Inspector in the arm so he would let go. Calensk soon came back to his senses as he held the bitten side of his face, wiping off some of the blood. "You little bitch!" He shouted in rage as he turned around to face Manya, she was just about to stand up again before he punched her back down and attempted to hold her there by her arms.
"Manya, wait!" Inspector yelled out as he was taking something out of his jacket pocket, she luckily stopped and looked up at him, her rage turned into shock as she saw him holding a passport, to be specific; Jorji Costava's passport. "H.. How did you.." Manya questioned. Inspector explained. "I know.. the two of you are close, and I know how Jorji is, if you kill Sergiu, what would he think of you then? And if we continue fighting, neither of us will make it to see him again." This made Manya question her decision, she forgot that Inspector knew him as well as she did. Inspector then added. "I understand that you hate me for what I've said about you, the feeling's mutual, but this isn't a way to take things. Please, just let Sergiu go and I won't tell a soul about what I saw or what happened here, you have my word.."
Manya curled her leg close to herself and kicked Calensk in the stomach while he was distracted, he was temporarily stunned and she used that moment to push him off and get up, she noticed the Inspector running over to help him so Manya pushed Calensk into him, both of them falling back to the floor. Manya slouched as she stood there, trying to think of what to do next, she knew she wasn't going to last much longer, especially with her head wound. She sharply turned to Sergiu who was still standing, afraid of her after seeing what she did to Calensk and Inspector. She then charged at him without a second thought, He tried to back up but he tripped and fell back, Manya went behind him and used the stick of her sledgehammer to hold Sergiu by the neck, nearly choking him. Calensk and Inspector had got back up and realized Manya had Sergiu in her grasp. "SERGIU!" Calensk shouted, he didn't want to see another one of his friends die before him. Manya was about to snap Sergiu's neck as she softly spoke to the boys. "This is what happens.. when you cross me.."
Manya looked back at the passport and down at Sergiu, who was terrified. After hesitation, she hissed. "Fine.. this one time.." then let go of Sergiu, pushing him to Inspector and Calensk.
The two helped him back up on his feet, making sure they all were alright. When Inspector looked back at where Manya was, she was already gone. "Sergiu.. you alright?" Calensk asked him, "Y-Yeah, I think I'll be fine.." He shakily answered, still scared of what just happened. "We should get out of here and to a hospital, before anything else happens." Inspector spoke up, both of the boys agreeing. They let Calensk wrap his arms around each of their shoulders, helping him out of the mansion.
"We need to do something about her.. she can't do this again.." Calensk huffed, he was worn out from taking most of the hits. "Maybe we could report this to the M.O.I?" Sergiu questioned. Inspector then advised. "No, we can't tell anyone about this, if we do that, Manya will get us for sure, she's relentless when it comes to her secrets."    "Then what do we do Inspector? If she knew my full name and knew our regular spot, she could also know where we live, putting our families in danger." Sergiu argued, worried. Inspector reassured him "Don't worry, I'll try and settle things, besides, as long as Alexie and I are around, I'm sure you'll both be safe."
Meanwhile, Manya was taking a trail through the forest, she would've been wobbling through if she didn't have her sledgehammer, she was temporarily using it as a crutch. She growled under her breath as she made her way out of the forest and into a part of the city.
"Next time, Inspector.. I'll make sure you can't say a thing.."
~ End ~
Writer's note: This was really fun to write! I love to show off Manya's relentless and feral side of her personality, I can't wait to show it in canon! And who knows? Maybe I'll make more fic's like these! Lemme know what you thought ab the fic and I'll cya later!! ♡
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swanno-arts · 2 years
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A little late, but happy 9th anniversary to Papers, Please AND its release on mobile!!!
Individual frames under the cut!
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PP’s Character name meaning
So these are the meaning of names that each character in PP have. 
Calesnk - So his name really doesn't have a meaning so I make one up. His name means “warrior” or “the one who carries.” 
Danic - So I took the meaning of his name from Danica, which means “Morning star.” 
Dari - his meaning goes, it means “maintains possessions well.” 
Dimitri - Name means “Earth-lover.” He’s afraid to die. 
Elisa - her name means “God is my oath” 
Olek (Inspector) - His name means “defender of man.” I believe it fits his character. 
Jorji - I love his meaning, his name means “ Powerful person and people give respect to".
Sergiu - His name means “attendent, servant.” 
Shae - her name fits her because her name means “ full of majesty”. 
Vince - His name means “conquering.” 
****Just so you know, these names could have multiple meanings. Some names have no meaning or some weird meaning. I didn’t do all the characters name so maybe I’ll list them later.*****
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jestertown · 5 years
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some funky arstotzkans
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Papers please characters love languages
Gift-Giving. No matter his financial situation, he can't help it. Loves the joy of others getting gifts from him, loves searching for a good present or the process of making it. Even after their wedding the Inspector still gives lil gifts to his wife, without an occasion. Also gives little gifts to his friends. He doesn't want to spare any expense, when it comes to birthday gifts.
Physical touch. Just really loves all kinds of touch - hugs, kisses, holding hands, cuddling, sitting close together... No matter if it's platonic or romantic. When he feels comfortable (and others do too), he likes to hug his friends. Loves big family hugs. Isn’t big on pda, but when home he just showers his wife in affection.
Words of affirmation. Loves to say sweet nothings to Elisa, to compliment her openly or quietly in bed when they are cuddled up together, always and whenever. If he didn't say “I love you” to Elisa at least 20 times a day, it's an impostor. Is also very open to compliment and praise his friends or kids.
Physical touch. If he didn't hug Elisa at least 20 times a day, it's an impostor. Hugs mean so much to this man, he will hold long and tight. And loves to leave lil kisses throughout the day on his lover. If Elisa puts her head on his lap, this man is melting. Sometimes he gives gentle massages to her, especially during her pregnancy.
Acts of service and Quality time. Will get out of his way to run errands and help around people he loves. Loves to just spend time with people, whether it's a walk in a park, a talk over coffee, a smoke break with a co-worker or helping with dinner. Sometimes people find it hard to notice his love, since it's not so obvious, like with physical touch or gift giving, but if you notice it, it's so special. If he spends time out of work with someone willingly, it's a big sign that he likes and values that person. He is just a simple man, showing affection in a simple way.
Quality time. Loves to spend time with people she loves. Likes to put her head on Sergiu's lap or cuddle up to him and listen to him, or talk herself. They can easily spend hours like that. Likes long walks and coffee/tea talks. (She befriended the Inspector, by long talks about life and books, over coffee and tea.)
Physical touch. Get this woman with Sergiu and they are glued to each other for the next few hours. Loves to take warm showers/baths with him. Likes when he fixes her hair in little ways. They both love to put their faces in their lover's hands and stay like that. Absolutely loves it when it's cold and Sergiu embraces her or lets her snuggle into his coat.
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Kissing hc:
Inspector - He is up for anything - tame, deep, passionate, soft. He can be quite experimental, if his partner lets him. He wants to know what fits them best. As for himself, it depends on his mood. When he was younger he liked deep, passionate and needy, aching for touch and affection. Nowadays he is more tame, soft kisses are the usual. Though every now and again, he likes to turn them quite sensual.
Calensk - A very soft kisser. He tastes bitter, like a fine coffee. And he should be treated as such. Soft, every now and again pecks. His taste is to be savored. Though if you need a fine swig of coffee to down your worries, he got you covered too.
Sergiu - A needy kisser. This man needs some love fr. He aches for affection. He will start by quick and sweet pecks on neck, or jawline and move up. Start nibbling at the bottom lip asking for access. Then he will explore the mouth slowly, making sure to savor the moment. He likes soft kisses too, but its when he is able to connect with his lover that he feels the happiest. Also loves to kiss all over the body.
Elisa - She likes soft kisses, but it's the dominant and passionate kisses where she feels the best. Sucking and soft biting. Grabbing the hair and tilting her partner's head for better access. Her kisses leave breathless, but you wouldn't know that unless you were deep, in the embrace of privacy.
Sergiu and Elisa cuddling hc:
Sergiu's cuddles are so soft. He's very clingy, likes to sometimes just pull Elisa into a hug randomly and then pull her toward the bed or couch. She usually starts giggling at the sensation and it infects Sergiu, so they end up in a giggling fit, tangled together.
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