#Service B Mercedes
premiermercedes · 2 years
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Mercedes Accident and Insurance Repairs
Whether you have had an accident that wasn't your fault, or are claiming on your insurance for a bump or scrape, Premier Service can undertake a full range of insurance repairs for your Mercedes. It is your right to nominate a garage of your choice when claiming for a repair - by choosing Premier Service you can be sure your repair will be done quickly and efficiently and with the utmost care. Unlike many other garages, we don't charge a premium for insurance repairs - good news for both you or your insurance company.
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In the US it is illegal for a politician to accept gold bars or a Mercedes. Does the BRF have similar restrictions? I know they have received gems from the Middle East but at the same time Kate returns clothing freebies. Is merching legal bc they are not elected?
From the BRF’s policy on gifts:
The fundamental principle governing the acceptance of gifts by Members of The Royal Family is that no gifts, including hospitality or services, should be accepted which would, or might appear to, place the Member of The Royal Family under any obligation to the donor. In this regard, before accepting any gift, careful consideration should always be given, wherever practicable, to the donor, the reason for and occasion of the gift and the nature of the gift itself. Equally, before declining the offer of a gift, careful consideration should be given to any offence that might be caused by such action.
2.2 Gifts from businesses. Gifts offered by commercial enterprises in the UK should normally be declined, unless they are offered as a souvenir of an official visit to the enterprises' premises, to mark a Royal marriage or other special personal occasion. When gifts are accepted, the consent of the Member of The Royal Family should be contingent upon the enterprise undertaking not to exploit the gift for commercial purposes. Gifts, including samples, should always be returned unless it is not justifiable to do so on the grounds of cost. If such gifts are not returned, they should be treated as official gifts (see Section 3.2).
3.2 Definition of official gifts. Gifts are defined as official when received during an official engagement or duty or in connection with the official role or duties of a Member of The Royal Family. These include gifts: (a) presented to Members of The Royal Family by host organisers or official participants in connection with any official UK engagement or duty; (b) given by host authorities to a Member of The Royal Family on an official or working visit overseas. This covers those given by the government concerned, as well as any official body, public authority or host organisation/individual related to the Royal programme; (c) sent in by businesses and by individuals not personally known to the Member of The Royal Family; and (d) given by individuals not personally known to the Member of The Royal Family during "walkabouts" and other similar occasions.
And for the record, the US’s policies on gifts:
The Legislative Branch (Senators and Representatives):
The Judicial Branch, including Supreme Court Justices:
The Executive Branch:
For federal employees (the career civil service)
For the President’s Administration (political appointees and White House officials) - these rules are only in effect for the presidential term. New rules are issued by each President at the beginning of their term:
It’s more than gold bars and Mercedes that are unethical here in the US. Don’t bring your political snipes here, anon.
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
What is your opinion about the newbies and why they didn't work? Once I read a comment hey didn't work, because they didn't have plots with Rachel and Kurt. I'm not sure how it suppose to work, they were in different states, but I found this opinion interesting.
This is an interesting question and has a somewhat complex answer!
Let's break it down...
So, first, I've heard that people who've come to the show post-it airing don't seem to have as much of an issue with the newbies as the people who originally watched it. I mean, I haven't taken a poll in a while (BECAUSE I CAN'T) but I think the animosity towards the newbies has a few layers to it.
1. Let's look at what was going on with the rest of the show at the time. First of all, you've majorly reduced the screen time and/or have let go some of your old favorites. Puck, Quinn, Mercedes, and Mike are essentially /not/ on the show anymore. Santana doesn't really come back until half way through the season. Finn doesn't show up until episode four. And even Kurt's time has been reduced.
So -- we're going into the fourth season of the show and it feels like you've replaced half the cast.
2. The old casts' story lines are revolving around the break ups of all the major ships. So now there's new people we don't know taking up space, and all of our favorites lives are miserable.
2.B In addition -- the cast was already too big in Season 3, the fact that they've added more people just feels like a lot and so unnecessary. The should have trimmed the cast and let it stay trim -- but that damn 12 person per glee club rule...
3. The new cast is intentionally mirroring the characters we already know and care about. Marley = Rachel. Jake = Puck. Kitty = Quinn. Ryder = Finn. Unique = Mercedes/Kurt. (And later Bree = Santana.) Yes, I do think the new cast kind of grew into their own about half way through the fourth season, but recreating the molds of the original characters felt like the old characters we already loved were being replaced.
4. The new casts' story lines were terrible. They're already trying to shove Jake/Marley down our throats the minute they start interacting. It quickly turns into a love triangle that will drag on and on and on.... And then there's Marley's eating disorder story that was /terrible/.
5. And... yes, then there's the fact that they're mostly isolated from the old cast. They didn't need to be involved with Rachel and Kurt (who... should have been on a different show entirely, but that's a whole other thing). But they should have been more involved with Sam, Blaine, Brittany, Tina and Artie. In fact -- The five seniors should have had the focused story lines, and the new kids should have folded into theirs. There was barely any integration and by the time they started to fix this issue, it kind of felt like too little too late.
In contrast, look at how they handled the Season 6 newbies (which, imo, were better). Each of those characters were vastly different than anyone who came before them. And they were there to service Rachel, Kurt, and Blaine's stories. (Technically - the season 4 newbies were there to service Finn's, but not to the same extent.) The Season 6 newbies (with the exception of their one episode) did not over power the original casts' story lines -- they were integrated into them, and were mostly used for comic relief. If they had handled the Season 4 newbies the same way - the push back might not have been so hard.
And look - there are people (and ever were people back then) who like the Season 4 newbies. I think most of them have grown on me over the years. I enjoy Marley and Unique's friendship. Once Kitty gets out of the mean girl phase, I like her, too. And even Jake isn't that bad. (Ryder, I just can't even with him though, and the whole love triangle was so drawn out and boring...)
So, yeah. It's a thing where you can't just point to one issue and claim that was the reason. It was a mix of just an incredible mishandling of the beginning of Season 4. :P
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angelhummel · 2 years
Of all the criticisms there are about Glee, most of them justified, one I almost never see people mention but one that really sticks with me is that I truly don’t think this show took full advantage of it being a musical show.
Elements of the musical theatre vibes were there in S1 where characters would break out into song to express how they were feeling in the moment, but as the show went on, the songs just…stopped telling the story and stopped telling us how the characters feel.
And this is nit-picky, because I assume some of this is due to having a lower budget, but I would have LOVED to see more moments where the characters would break into song and suddenly a bunch of background characters just join in with spontaneously but synchronized choreography. Like say Mercedes were to realize she’s falling for Sam and once the “oh shit” moment hits her, suddenly Rihanna’s “SOS” drops and the characters around her begin dancing, she starts singing, and the scene plays out like something you’d see in a musical.
Is it cheesy as hell? Yes but that’s the point! It’s a musical show! Take advantage of that and have the characters spill their guts in emotional ballads or have the songs cover a passage of time like an opening number of a Broadway show or have the characters get so into it they imagine a whole ass musical number in their head complete with costumes and choreography!
Like I have heard certain songs in the show that sound AMAZING but the scene they’re in falls flat because it’s not telling me a story, but it COULD!
And I have a feeling that I’m one of the 10 people that actually cares about this aspect of the show enough but it still bugs me.
Yeah you probably are in a very small minority here since most of the complaints about Glee are literally just how cRiNgE it is like shut uppp we know lmao
But yeah like also there's the whole thing about the early seasons having a story to tell, and then they found songs that would help tell it vs the later seasons writing plots around songs they wanted to include. Plus the rise in average songs per ep where it just felt like they were cramming in as many as they could to sell them on itunes. Like think about Preggers having no full songs, or Vitamin D only featuring two numbers in the whole ep. Certainly couldn't find that in any of the later seasons. And it's harder to make them stand out and feel special when they're clearly worried about quantity over quality
And then when they do try to do something interesting it's immediately b-b-but the budget!! like shut up again omg sorry we're trying to have fun here
I mean I know I complain about Rachel's 500 'walking down the hallway crysinging' numbers but. I appreciate how they cut between being diegetic and non diegetic. Like part of the number happens in her room/the choir room/the auditorium so we know it's really happening, but then it changes to her singing in the middle of a crowded hallway so we know it's just in her head. But there are a lot of different things going on and it feels like it's all to service one narrative and it feels like a well integrated part of the story. Like Firework or Take A Bow. Or Mercedes singing Spotlight and it starts out in her head but then turns into her audition so she's really singing it to people. Idk just little things like that that make the songs feel more woven into the story
I know they're short on crazy costumes and stuff but I'm trying to think of songs that fit the bill of being non diegetic and actually moving the plot along instead of stopping everything dead to just be an unrelated 3 minute music video. I'm thinkinggg like It's Too Late, You've Got To Hide Your Love Away, How To Be A Heartbreaker? Stuff along those lines
But that's how all the scenarios I write in my head are. Kurt singing Something In My House and Name Of The Game (both about Blaine duh) and Brittany singing Dancing With Tears In My Eyes. They're basically all like. Singing the song while a montage of background events happen that line up with the lyrics of the song lol. I definitely would've had a signature style, had I only been on the creative team for this show </3
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tuiyla · 1 year
Do you think Glee would have changed for the better if it had been a cable show instead of a network one? If there were less episodes, I tend to think the characters would stay more consistent, there'd be less plotlines that went nowhere (though that's not a given, eg AHS from RM himself) and most of the songs would service the story. However, I'm not sure there'd be enough time for a minor character like Santana to stand out and eventually grow in prominence, so idk. Thoughts?
I'm not sure Glee's a show that would have benefitted from fewer episodes. The structure of tributes and lessons of the week in-between openers, closers and competition episodes works well. Sure, the theme is sometimes forced and the show devolves into trying to cover any and all social issues, but the 22-episode format works. Glee, at its best, is a true ensemble. You simply cannot be an ensemble with this many cast members under 10 or so episodes. And I'm not saying Glee was actually a true ensemble most of the time, but the traditional 22-episode network TV season at least presented that opportunity.
I'm not sure fewer episodes would have helped with consistency. Sure, maybe less padding and fewer storylines going nowhere but if it's still the same writers, the constraint of the shorter season is only going to help them so much. And maybe it would result in slightly tighter storytelling, but we just wouldn't get the same Glee Club with the same themes and tributes and most definitely not the same attention paid to members other than Finchel, maybe Kurt and to a lesser extent Puck and Quinn (and Will ofc). I'd personally take a network Glee season with horrible inconsistencies and dropped storylines but with my Santana and Brittany and Mercedes over a potentially better written story that's just about Finchel and Will.
I think it's generous to assume that the songs would serve the story better just because they would have less times and fewer songs to work with. What I see happening is them keeping the Finchel features and Rachel ballads and cutting down on the already disproportionate ratio of the rest of the club. Which, again, no thank you.
Cable also has an altogether different vibe, especially in 2009. Glee's blend of comedy and drama, more so drama and camp than satire as it went on, just wouldn't work as a cable show. Or, well, I guess that's a big topic to get into but they'd be under more pressure to "choose" and let's be honest, they wouldn't choose prestige TV. And yeah, like you say, the natural progression of chs like Santana is inherent to how Glee was filmed. To those 22 episode early seasons, to how there was space for her to grow into. Or, rather, in Santana/Naya's case, an opportunity for her to make that space. Organic growth and spontaneity happens in cable but idk if it would have happened here.
I have a now year-old post that I often like to link back to, a) because no one has read it lol and b) because it explores the ways in which I think Glee's problems could have been solved. I.e. restructuring in how it approaches the cast, songs, etc. And maybe there's a cable version, but I just think network and the 22-episode season was the way to go for Glee. But just saying that as someone who doesn't like the more limited (and limiting) focus of season 1 and would not have liked Glee as a movie (because it would just been season 1A but even less inclined to feature the more minor characters).
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southgatetravels · 2 days
Cochin Car Rental: Your Guide to Exploring the Vibrant City of Kochi
Kochi, also known as Cochin, is a picturesque city on the southwestern coast of India, renowned for its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes. Whether you're a tourist eager to explore its colonial heritage and scenic beauty or a business traveler needing efficient transportation, renting a car in Kochi offers unmatched convenience and flexibility. This blog provides a comprehensive guide to Cochin Car Rental, helping you navigate the best options and make the most of your visit.
Why Choose Car Rentals in Kochi?
Flexibility and Convenience
Car rentals offer the freedom to explore Kochi at your own pace. Unlike fixed schedules of public transport, you can plan your itinerary to suit your preferences, making spontaneous stops and detours to discover hidden gems.
Comfort and Privacy
Traveling in a rented car provides a level of comfort and privacy that's hard to match with public transportation. Whether you're traveling with family, friends, or on a solo adventure, having a private vehicle enhances your overall experience.
Time Efficiency
With a rental car, you can avoid the delays and waiting times associated with public transport. This is particularly beneficial for business travelers who need to adhere to tight schedules and make the most of their time in the city.
For groups or longer stays, renting a car can be more cost-effective than relying on taxis or ride-sharing services. Additionally, car rentals often come with competitive pricing and packages tailored to various budgets and needs.
Types of Car Rentals Available in Kochi
Economy Cars
Economy cars are perfect for budget-conscious travelers. They are fuel-efficient, easy to maneuver, and ideal for navigating the busy streets of Kochi. Examples include the Maruti Suzuki Swift and Hyundai i10.
Luxury Cars
For those looking to travel in style, luxury car rentals offer premium vehicles like the BMW 5 Series, Audi A6, and Mercedes-Benz E-Class. These cars provide superior comfort, advanced features, and a touch of elegance.
SUVs and MUVs
SUVs and MUVs such as the Toyota Fortuner, Mahindra XUV500, and Innova Crysta are great for families or groups. They offer ample space, robust performance, and are perfect for exploring the diverse terrains around Kochi.
Sedans like the Honda City, Hyundai Verna, and Maruti Suzuki Ciaz strike a balance between comfort and affordability. They are suitable for business travelers and small families.
Self-Drive and Chauffeur-Driven Options
Depending on your preference, you can opt for self-drive rentals, which give you full control over your journey, or chauffeur-driven cars, where a professional driver takes care of navigation and parking.
Top Car Rental Services in Kochi
Zoomcar offers a wide range of self-drive rental options, from economy cars to luxury vehicles. With convenient pick-up and drop-off locations, flexible rental periods, and competitive pricing, Zoomcar is a popular choice among travelers.
Savaari Car Rentals
Savaari provides both self-drive and chauffeur-driven car rental services. Known for its reliable service and well-maintained fleet, Savaari caters to various travel needs, whether for business, leisure, or special occasions.
Avis India
Avis is a global car rental brand that offers premium rental services in Kochi. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, Avis provides a range of luxury and economy vehicles, along with flexible rental options.
Myles Cars
Myles offers self-drive car rentals with a diverse fleet and competitive pricing. Their user-friendly booking platform and customer-centric approach make them a convenient option for travelers.
Ola Rentals
Ola Rentals provides chauffeur-driven rental services with options for hourly packages. It’s ideal for short trips, city tours, and business meetings, offering a comfortable and hassle-free travel experience.
Tips for Renting a Car in Kochi
Book in Advance
To secure the best rates and ensure vehicle availability, it's advisable to book your car rental in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons.
Check for Inclusions
Review the rental agreement carefully to understand what is included in the price, such as insurance coverage, mileage limits, and additional charges. This helps avoid any unexpected costs later.
Inspect the Vehicle
Before driving off, inspect the car for any existing damage and ensure it is noted in the rental agreement. This prevents any disputes regarding damage charges when you return the vehicle.
Understand Local Traffic Rules
Familiarize yourself with the local traffic rules and regulations in Kochi. Drive responsibly and adhere to speed limits and traffic signals to ensure a safe journey.
Utilize GPS and Navigation
Make use of GPS and navigation apps to help you find your way around the city. This is especially useful if you’re unfamiliar with Kochi's roads and routes.
Final Thoughts
Renting a car in Kochi is a fantastic way to enhance your travel experience, providing the freedom and flexibility to explore this vibrant city and its surroundings at your own pace. Whether you're here for business or leisure, the convenience of having a personal vehicle can make your trip more enjoyable and efficient.
By choosing a reliable car rental service and following the tips provided, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free car rental experience in Kochi. So, gear up, hit the road, and discover the beauty and charm of Kochi with the perfect rental car!
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soccomcsantos · 16 days
Soc. Com. C. Santos com campanha de compra antecipada de manutenções: poupança pode ultrapassar 1300 euros
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A Sociedade Comercial C. Santos iniciou uma campanha de primavera de compra antecipada de packs de manutenções com preços especiais. A oferta está disponível, até dia 20 de junho, para Mercedes-Benz Cars e Mercedes-Benz Vans e as poupanças chegam a ultrapassar os 1000 euros nos automóveis e os 1300 euros nas viaturas comerciais ligeiras.
Esta campanha, que tem como mote “Ao planear está a poupar”, oferece aos clientes a oportunidade de adquirirem a um preço fixo os próximos serviços programados de manutenção em packs com duas, três ou quatro revisões no caso de automóveis de passageiros e de duas, quatro ou seis revisões nos veículos comerciais ligeiros. Esta ação tem como oferta extra a quem contratualizar a aquisição do pack de revisões, um desconto adicional de 10% em peças (substituídas fora do âmbito da revisão programada enquanto o contrato de serviço estiver ativo).
Na campanha dos Mercedes-Benz Cars, a compra de quatro revisões é a mais vantajosa face ao preço habitual das manutenções. A poupança é de até 770,90 euros nas gamas Mercedes-Benz Classe A, B, CLA, GLA e GLB; 894,16 euros nas gamas Classe S, CL, G, SL e SLR; 914,86 euros nas gamas Classe C, GLC, SLC e GLK; e 1091,97 euros nas gamas Classe E, GLE, CLS e M.
A campanha de veículos comerciais ligeiros tem na aquisição de seis manutenções a maior oferta. A poupança é de 1555,35 euros na gama Mercedes-Benz Citan, de 1231,83 euros na gama Vito e de 1350,23 euros na gama Sprinter.
Cartão de cliente aumenta poupança
No caso dos titulares do cartão de cliente Sociedade Comercial C. Santos, o benefício da aquisição antecipada de manutenções é ainda superior. A poupança do pack de quatro revisões varia, neste cenário, entre 816,90 euros (Classe A, B, CLA, GLA e GLB) e 1146,20 euros (Classe E, GLE, CLS e M) nos automóveis ligeiros de passageiros.
Já nos modelos Mercedes-Benz Vans, a poupança na aquisição de seis serviços é de 211,61 euros na gama Mercedes-Benz Citan, de 1280,53 euros na gama Vito e de 1453,25 euros na gama Sprinter.
Este benefício adicional dos titulares junta-se a outras vantagens dos clientes com cartão de crédito Sociedade Comercial C. Santos. Uma destas é a oferta de viatura de substituição gratuita por 24 horas na revisão da viatura associada ao cartão.
Sem restrição de idade ou quilometragem
Ao contrário de outro tipo de contratos de manutenção disponibilizados, não tem restrição de idade ou quilometragem da viatura. Outra das vantagens da compra antecipada das revisões é o facto de fixar valores, garantindo aos clientes estabilidade dos preçários. O valor destes contratos pode ser pago na íntegra ou fracionado.
Estes packs são válidos individualmente por veículo e para as próximas manutenções programadas. Outra vantagem indireta é continuar a usufruir do serviço 24H pelo facto de fazer as revisões numa oficina autorizada. A campanha de inverno de aquisição de compras antecipada de packs de manutenções Mercedes-Benz na Sociedade Comercial C. Santos não é acumulável com outras campanhas e/ou descontos em vigor e aplica-se apenas aos modelos indicados (não inclui automóveis elétricos).
Menos custos e mais previsibilidade
“As campanhas de aquisição de pacotes de manutenções fixas para veículos Mercedes-Benz na Sociedade Comercial C. Santos têm sido um sucesso, razão pela qual estamos a renovar esta oferta de poupança aos clientes. Esta ação reduz os preços das revisões e aumenta a previsibilidade de custos que os clientes terão com as manutenções fixas dos seus automóveis. Esses dois fatores são uma mais-valia para os nossos clientes”, refere o diretor de customer services da Sociedade Comercial C. Santos, Vítor Ferreira.
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marketingdigitalnow · 21 days
Luxury Chauffeur Hire London
Luxury Chauffeur Hire in London: Experience Unmatched Comfort with Crony Chauffeur Services
Crony Chauffeur Services is a Transport for London (TfL) licensed company renowned for its luxury chauffeur hire in London. With a reputation as the “Most Reliable Chauffeur Driver Hire” in the industry, we have been providing impeccable chauffeur-driven car services since 1999. Having transported over 20,000 passengers without a single complaint, we ensure you travel from point A to B with style and comfort.
Chauffeured Car Service – Book Your Luxury Ride in London
For the ultimate luxury chauffeur hire in London, Crony Chauffeur Services offers bespoke travel solutions. Our personalized chauffeured car service allows you to choose from our elite fleet and enjoy luxury travel at fixed pricing, free from any added charges. Travel within the city to your desired destination in utmost comfort and style.
UK Chauffeur Services – Nationwide Excellence
Crony Chauffeur Services also offers luxury chauffeur hire across the United Kingdom. Our PHD-licensed (Private Hire Driver) chauffeurs are familiar with all major routes, enabling you to enjoy day excursions or multi-day tours to stunning locations nationwide. Our professional and courteous team respects your privacy while ensuring a pleasant journey.
What Makes CCS Unique?
Crony Chauffeur Services stands out as one of the most credible and reliable companies offering luxury car hire with chauffeur services. With over 23 years of experience, we understand the stresses of travel and go the extra mile to ensure our passengers arrive fresh, composed, and relaxed. Our services include a Meet and Greet service with free flight monitoring, and our certified chauffeurs are trained to meet passengers’ needs with pleasant and friendly demeanor.
Transparent and Competitive Pricing
Our vehicles come with predefined, fixed rates for up to 30 miles, so you won’t encounter any hidden fees. In fact, we are 42% cheaper than other Transport for London services. This transparent pricing policy is a key reason why over 77% of our clients are return customers or referrals. Use our online fare calculator or contact customer support to estimate your charges. We take pride in our modest charging policy and fixed pricing.
Elite Fleet for Ultimate Luxury Chauffeur Hire London
Choose from our elite fleet of chauffeur-driven cars, including modern Mercedes-Benz E-Class, S-Class, and V-Class (the luxury people carrier). For those seeking the pinnacle of luxury, we also offer Rolls Royce, Range Rover, and Bentley cars. Additionally, we provide multi-purpose executive people carriers (8 and 16-seater vehicles) to accommodate larger groups.
Ideal for Corporate and Personal Needs
Hire a chauffeur to take you around London or anywhere in the UK in one of our luxurious vehicles. Our services cater to both personal and commercial clients, making them ideal for corporate events, business meetings, or airport transportation.
Modern, Well-Equipped Vehicles
All our vehicles are modern, well-furnished, and equipped with the latest features such as air conditioning, Wi-Fi access, GPS, and tinted windows. We prioritize your peace and safety, ensuring our chauffeurs accommodate your needs while protecting your privacy.
Professional and Dependable Chauffeurs
Our chauffeurs hold valid PHV licenses and possess extensive knowledge of London’s roads and attractions. Depend on them during rush hours and feel free to seek their advice for exploring nearby attractions. We rigorously screen and health-test all our drivers to ensure you receive the highest level of service.
Experience the finest in luxury chauffeur hire in London with Crony Luxury Chauffeur Hire London Services. Book your ride today and travel in unmatched luxury and comfort.
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oti-blog1 · 1 month
Sport Venue and Event Management
Entry 2 - Design innovation of sports venue. The Mercedes-Benz Stadium is a muti-purpose venue which opened during 2017 and is the home to the NFL club the Atlanta Falcons and the Major League Soccer team Atlanta United. The Mercedes-Benz Stadiums multiple innovative features highlights why it is one of the most ground-breaking stadiums in the world. At the forefront of this innovation is the Stadiums ‘Halo Board’ a retractable roof that can adapt its environment by opening and closing in eight minutes an their retractable seating allowing 66,000 attendants rise to an additional 8,000 seats. According to Lv et al. (2021) peoples China demand for sports stadiums to increase to a higher standard is prevalent whilst  public sports stadiums are undergoing an evolution from business-oriented management to corporate operational managed. This shift emphasises that innovation is a vital part of modern sporting arenas. Furthermore, the Mercedes-Benz Stadium implemented the use of light-emitting diode (LED) as opposed to the more traditional methods originally used like metal halide lighting which are less efficient. The use of LED lighting had been considered cutting-edge innovation as it provides the owners of the stadium complete flexibility, cutting energy and maintenance costs. Additionally, the LED lighting provides special effects previously only possible at smaller venues (WSP, 2018).
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(Comparison of old and new stadium)
Furthermore, over the past few years post COVID-19 the increased competition from home-viewing has created challenges in brining spectators to sporting events. The at home experinces has never been so easy and accessible as the development of high-quality streaming services, high-definition video, audio and the accessibility off streaming from multiple devices such as computers and tablets (Merceds-Benz Stadium, 2020). To counteract this ‘at home experience’ the concept of creating ‘smart buildings has become paramount. These ‘smart building’ consists of intelligence and enterprise that construct entire building systems that are adaptable (Van Heck et al., 2021). Highlighting the emphasis on innovation organisations must take when developing sports stadiums.
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(Mercedes-benz Stadium, 2017)
Another implementation highlighting the innovation of the Mercedes-Benz Stadium is the usage of drone technology to clean the stadium. The partnership with Lucid Drone Technologies is a cutting-edge technology company which uses drones to sanitize key areas in more efficient and effective manner. This cleaning method is revolutionary step forward in cleaning protocols as it removes human contact with physical parts of the stadium minimise the spread of germs and other microorganisms (Mercedes-Benz Stadium. (2020). Overall,  the construction of the Mercedes-Benzes stadium was a revolutionary in setting the precedence for organisations developing new stadiums.  
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(Atlanta United playing at, Mercedes-Benz Stadium, 2016)
Lv, M., Cai, C., & Pan, J. (2021). The latest development and trend development of sports venues research. Frontiers in Sport Research, 3(4), 44-47. https://francis-press.com/uploads/papers/NOLZcfG2UPdr7E4LtTbymPU9Uk3G6DS7Cvow5KrB.pdf
Van Heck, S., Valks, B., & Den Heijer, A. (2021). The added value of smart stadiums: A case study at Johan Cruijff Arena. Delft University of Technology, 23(2), 130-148. https://pure.tudelft.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/87523734/Smart_stadiums_paper_AAM_version.pdf
WSP. (2018). Mercedes-Benz Stadium introduces innovation Designs to NFL. WSP.https://holmesglen.libguides.com/apa7/websites
Mercedes-Benz Stadium. (2020). Mercedes-Benz Stadium Implements Drone Technology As New Innovation Sensitization Protocol. Mercedes-Benz Stadium. https://www.mercedesbenzstadium.com/news/mercedes-benz-stadium-implements-drone-technology-as-new-innovative-sanitization-protocol
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vivekbsworld · 1 month
Luxe Adventures: Luxury Self-Drive Car Rentals in Kerala
Kerala, renowned as “God’s Own Country,” captivates travelers with its lush landscapes, tranquil backwaters, and rich cultural heritage. For those seeking a taste of luxury and independence while exploring this enchanting destination, luxury self-drive car rentals offer the perfect blend of opulence and freedom. In this guide, we’ll unveil the world of luxury self-drive car rentals in Kerala, inviting travelers to embark on unforgettable journeys in style.
Indulge in Opulence
Luxury self-drive car rentals in Kerala redefine the travel experience, offering travelers the opportunity to indulge in opulence and sophistication while exploring the state’s myriad attractions. From iconic brands like Mercedes-Benz and BMW to luxurious SUVs and exotic sports cars, these rentals boast a fleet of elite vehicles that elevate every journey to a new level of luxury.
Empower Your Adventure
With a luxury self-drive car at your disposal, the possibilities for exploration are endless. Whether you’re cruising along the scenic coastal roads of Varkala, navigating the winding mountain passes of Munnar, or meandering through the quaint streets of Fort Kochi, having the freedom to chart your own course allows you to tailor your journey to your preferences and create unforgettable memories along the way.
Unparalleled Comfort and Convenience
Luxury self-drive car rentals prioritize the comfort and convenience of their customers, ensuring that every aspect of the journey is executed with meticulous attention to detail. From plush leather interiors and cutting-edge technology to advanced safety features and personalized concierge services, these rentals offer a seamless and stress-free travel experience that exceeds even the highest expectations.
Experience Kerala Like Never Before
Renting a luxury self-drive car in Kerala isn’t just about getting from point A to point B—it’s about immersing yourself in the beauty and magic of this captivating destination like never before. Whether you’re embarking on a romantic getaway, a family adventure, or a solo exploration, having the freedom to explore at your own pace allows you to connect with Kerala’s natural wonders, cultural treasures, and vibrant communities in a meaningful and authentic way.
Personalized Service, Tailored Experiences
Luxury self-drive car rentals in Kerala go above and beyond to ensure that every aspect of your journey is tailored to your preferences and desires. From personalized vehicle selection and customized itineraries to VIP treatment and exclusive experiences, these rentals provide a level of service and attention to detail that transforms ordinary trips into extraordinary adventures.
For travelers seeking the ultimate blend of luxury, independence, and adventure, luxury self-drive car rentals in Kerala offer an unrivaled experience that embodies the essence of exploration and discovery. With a fleet of elite vehicles, personalized service, and the freedom to create your own itinerary, these rentals empower travelers to embark on unforgettable journeys and create lifelong memories in one of India’s most enchanting destinations. So why wait? Step into the world of luxury travel, unleash your sense of adventure, and let the journey begin!
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sandeepsrk007 · 2 months
Discovering Kochi in Premium Style: Your Guide to Premium Car Rentals
Kochi, a vibrant city on the southwest coast of India, is a blend of history, culture, and modernity. Known as the gateway to Kerala, it offers visitors a chance to explore picturesque landscapes, historical landmarks, and bustling markets. To navigate this diverse city with comfort and elegance, renting a premium car can enhance your experience significantly. This blog explores the best Premium Car Rentals in kochi ensuring your travels are luxurious, comfortable, and hassle-free.
1. Cochin Premium Car Rentals
At Cochin Premium Car Rentals, the focus is on combining luxury with functionality. They offer a range of top-tier vehicles, from luxury sedans like the Mercedes-Benz E-Class to more rugged SUVs like the Land Rover Discovery. What sets them apart is their commitment to service excellence. With options for both self-drive and chauffeur-driven cars, they cater to the needs of all types of travelers, whether you're in town for business or leisure.
2. Metro Cars Kochi
Metro Cars Kochi is known for its impeccable fleet and exceptional customer service. They offer a selection of well-maintained premium cars that include the likes of Audi A6 and Toyota Fortuner. Ideal for corporate travelers and tourists alike, Metro Cars provides both pick-up and drop-off services, which can be particularly convenient for airport transfers. Their rental plans are flexible, offering daily, weekly, and monthly packages to suit various time frames and budgets.
3. Kochi Luxe Car Hire
Kochi Luxe Car Hire specializes in luxury vehicles that don’t just get you from point A to B but do so in an extraordinarily comfortable and stylish manner. Their fleet features the latest models from BMW, Mercedes, and Lexus. Each rental comes with premium insurance cover, 24/7 roadside assistance, and a no-hassle booking process. Additionally, their knowledgeable chauffeurs can double as informal guides to the city, enriching your travel experience.
4. Heritage Car Rentals
Heritage Car Rentals offers a unique twist to exploring Kochi by providing a fleet of both modern and vintage premium cars. Imagine cruising down Marine Drive in a classic Rolls Royce or attending a high-profile event in a Bentley. They are highly rated for their professional service and maintain a high standard of customer satisfaction. Heritage Car Rentals is an excellent choice for weddings, photo shoots, or simply making a grand entrance.
5. Swift Luxury Hire
Swift Luxury Hire excels in delivering a personalized rental experience. They understand that each customer's needs are different and offer tailored services that include flexible pick-up and drop-off times, comprehensive tour packages, and special arrangements for special occasions. Their fleet is diverse, including everything from sporty convertibles for a fun drive along the coast to executive sedans for business meetings.
Tips for Renting Premium Cars in Kochi
Plan Your Route: Knowing your itinerary can help determine the type of car you rent. For example, SUVs are ideal for rougher terrain if you plan to visit hill stations around Kochi.
Early Booking: Especially during peak tourist seasons, it’s advisable to book your vehicle well in advance to secure the best car and rate.
Check Reviews: Before choosing a rental company, check customer reviews to gauge reliability and service quality.
Insurance and Safety: Ensure that the rental includes proper insurance. Also, familiarize yourself with local driving laws if you choose a self-drive option.
Renting a premium car in Kochi not only adds layers of comfort and luxury to your visit but also offers the flexibility to explore the city at your own pace. Whether you're here for business or leisure, the premium car rental companies in Kochi provide options to suit every need and taste. With the right vehicle, your trip to Kochi can be as memorable as the city itself. Remember to consider practicalities like booking in advance and choosing the right vehicle for your travel needs to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.
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californiaautorentals · 2 months
Glamour on Wheels: Discover Los Angeles with Premier Luxury and Exotic Car Rentals
Los Angeles is a city where fashion meets film, where landscapes range from pristine beaches to stunning cityscapes, and where driving isn't just a way to get around—it's a part of the lifestyle. For those who wish to dive into this culture, opting for a Luxury Car Rental Los Angeles or an Exotic Car Rental Los Angeles is a must. This article explores how renting the right vehicle can transform your visit into an extraordinary and unforgettable experience.
Why Opt for a Luxury Car Rental in Los Angeles?
Choosing a Luxury Car Rental Los Angelesᅠis about more than just transportation; it's about indulging in an experience of ultimate comfort and high-end style. Luxury cars such as the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, BMW 7 Series, or Porsche Panamera are perfect for navigating the bustling city streets with ease and elegance. These vehicles are equipped with the latest amenities to provide a serene environment, ideal for those who want to feel relaxed and refreshed upon arriving at their destinations.
The Thrill of an Exotic Car Rental in Los Angeles
On the other hand, an Exotic Car Rental Los Angelesᅠoffers a different kind of thrill. It's about the heart-pounding excitement of driving a Ferrari, Lamborghini, or Aston Martin down iconic routes like Mulholland Drive or the Sunset Strip. Exotic cars promise not only a dynamic driving experience but also an opportunity to make a statement, ensuring you capture the attention of bystanders and fellow motorists alike.
Benefits of Renting Luxury and Exotic Cars
Renting a luxury or exotic car in Los Angeles opens up a world of benefits:
Style and Status: These vehicles immediately elevate your status, fitting right into the luxurious LA scene.
Comfort and Features: Luxury rentals come with top-of-the-line comfort features, making long drives enjoyable.
Memorable Experiences: Driving an exotic car is an unforgettable thrill that enhances any trip.
Flexibility and Freedom:ᅠNavigate the city on your terms without relying on public transport or ride-shares.
Choosing Your Perfect Ride
When selecting a luxury or exotic car rental, consider the following tips to ensure you get the most out of your rental experience:
Assess Your Needs: Consider the purpose of your rental—business, pleasure, or a special occasion—to choose a vehicle that matches your requirements.
Research and Compare:ᅠLook at different rental companies to compare fleets, prices, and customer reviews.
Understand the Terms: Be clear on the rental terms, including mileage limits, insurance options, and cancellation policies, to avoid any surprises.
Planning Your Los Angeles Adventure
To make the most of your luxury or exotic car rental, plan your routes to include some of LA’s most scenic drives and iconic landmarks. Whether it’s cruising down the Pacific Coast Highway or parking in front of the Hollywood Sign for a quick photo, your stylish ride will enhance every moment.
Driving a luxury or exotic car in Los Angeles isn’t just about getting from point A to B; it’s about the journey itself. It’s an integral part of experiencing the glamour and allure of this vibrant city. For a vast selection of high-quality luxury and exotic vehicles, visit californiaautorentals.com. Their exceptional service and premier fleet will ensure your Los Angeles adventure is as glamorous as the city itself.
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sky-transfers · 2 months
Unlock Unmatched Comfort With Gold Coast Airport Transfers
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Are you tired of the stress and hassle that often accompany airport transfers? Look no further than Sky Transfers for a seamless and luxurious solution to your travel woes. With our premium Gold Coast airport transfer services, you can bid farewell to the chaos and discomfort of traditional transportation methods. Let us take the wheel and elevate your journey to new heights of comfort and convenience.
Premium Comfort, Every Time
Step into a world of sophistication and elegance with our fleet of luxurious vehicles. From sleek sedans to spacious SUVs, we offer an array of top-notch options, including Mercedes, Audi, and Tesla. Our commitment to excellence ensures that each ride is a memorable experience, leaving you feeling pampered and relaxed from the moment you step onboard.
Effortless Booking Process
Gone are the days of complicated booking procedures. With Sky Transfers, reserving your preferred vehicle is as easy as pie. Our user-friendly online platform allows you to input your location, pick-up and drop-off times, select your desired car, and specify the airport with just a few clicks. Within minutes, you’ll receive confirmation along with all the details you need for a smooth and stress-free journey.
Professional Service, Every Step of the Way
At Sky Transfers, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence. Our professional chauffeurs are not only skilled drivers but also knowledgeable locals who ensure seamless communication and strict adherence to safety measures. Whether you’re travelling to Brisbane, Sunshine Coast Airport, Ballina, or beyond, rest assured that you’re in good hands every step of the way.
Luggage Assistance at Your Service
Say goodbye to the struggle of lugging heavy bags around. Our chauffeurs are here to make your life easier by providing expert assistance with luggage handling. From loading your bags into the vehicle to unloading them at your final destination, we’ve got you covered. Sit back, relax, and let us take care of the heavy lifting.
Experience the Sky Transfers Difference
Elevate your travel experience with Sky Transfers – your ultimate passport to convenience and sophistication. Whether you’re travelling for business or pleasure, our Gold Coast airport transfer services are designed to exceed your expectations every time. Say goodbye to stress and hello to unmatched comfort with Sky Transfers.
Ready to experience the difference for yourself? Book your luxurious airport transfer today and discover a new way to travel in style. With exciting features like instant quotes and live tracking, getting from point A to point B has never been easier. Don’t wait – unlock the ultimate in comfort and convenience with Sky Transfers today.
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gvsgvsgv · 2 months
auto electrical repair
In North Atlanta, Bavarian Motor Cars is the place to go for excellent German auto repair. We've been doing excellent work on BMW, Mercedes, and MINI repairs since 2006. Visit us at Alpharetta, Georgia, 5950 Atlanta Highway. Our ASE technicians replace key fobs, perform factory-recommended maintenance, and more using original parts for optimal performance. Our extensive range of services includes everything from Mercedes AMG maintenance to BMW key fob battery replacement, all expertly carried out with dexterity and grace. You can rely on us for excellent service, comprehensive inspections, and clear communication whether you need a Mercedes B service or a BMW transmission fluid replacement. Visit Bavarian Motor Cars to see why your German vehicle belongs there!
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chauffeur1 · 2 months
Luxury Travel Made Effortless: Chauffeurforce's Mercedes V Class Chauffeur Service
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In the bustling cities and serene countrysides of the United Kingdom, the allure of luxury travel is undeniable. Whether you're a discerning business executive, a globetrotting tourist, or someone who simply appreciates the finer things in life, the experience of being chauffeured in a Mercedes V Class by Chauffeurforce is an epitome of sophistication and convenience.
The Essence of Chauffeurforce
In a world where time is of the essence and comfort is paramount, Chauffeurforce emerges as a beacon of excellence in Chauffeur Services. With an unwavering commitment to professionalism, punctuality, and personalized service, Chauffeurforce elevates the standards of luxury travel across the United Kingdom.
At the heart of Chauffeurforce's ethos lies a dedication to providing an unparalleled experience to every passenger. Whether you're arriving at Heathrow Airport after a long flight or attending a prestigious event in the heart of London, Chauffeurforce ensures that your journey is as seamless as it is luxurious.
The Mercedes V Class: A Symbol of Elegance and Comfort
At the core of Chauffeurforce's fleet is the iconic Mercedes V Class, a vehicle that embodies the perfect fusion of style, comfort, and versatility. Renowned for its spacious interior, plush leather seating, and advanced amenities, the Mercedes V Class sets the benchmark for luxury transportation.
Whether you're traveling solo or with a group, the Mercedes V Class offers ample room to stretch out and relax, ensuring that every moment of your journey is imbued with comfort and refinement. From its sleek exterior design to its state-of-the-art technology, the Mercedes V Class is a testament to the pursuit of perfection.
Unmatched Service Excellence
What sets Chauffeurforce apart is not just the vehicles it offers, but the exceptional service it provides. From the moment you make your reservation to the conclusion of your journey, Chauffeurforce's team of highly trained chauffeurs and dedicated staff are committed to exceeding your expectations at every turn.
Punctuality is paramount at Chauffeurforce. Your time is valuable, and Chauffeurforce understands the importance of arriving at your destination promptly and hassle-free. With Chauffeurforce, you can rest assured that your chauffeur will be waiting for you, ready to whisk you away to your next destination in style.
But it's not just about getting from point A to point B – it's about the journey itself. With Chauffeurforce, every aspect of your travel experience is carefully curated to ensure maximum comfort and convenience. Whether you need assistance with luggage, require a last-minute change to your itinerary, or simply want to sit back and enjoy the ride, Chauffeurforce is there to cater to your every need.
The Chauffeurforce Difference
In a competitive landscape, Chauffeurforce stands out for its unwavering commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and dedication to customer satisfaction. With Chauffeurforce, luxury travel is not just a service – it's an experience.
From airport transfers to corporate events, weddings to sightseeing tours, Chauffeurforce's versatile fleet and impeccable service make it the premier choice for discerning travelers across the United Kingdom. With Chauffeurforce, you're not just booking a ride – you're embarking on a journey of luxury, comfort, and style.
Experience Luxury Travel Redefined
In a world where time is precious and comfort is paramount, why settle for anything less than the best? With Chauffeurforce's Mercedes V Class Chauffeur service, luxury travel has never been more accessible or enjoyable.
Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, Chauffeurforce invites you to experience the epitome of sophistication and convenience. Book your journey with Chauffeurforce today and discover a new standard of luxury travel that's tailored to meet your every need.
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southgatetravels · 1 month
Luxury Car Rental Companies in Kerala: Elevate Your Travel Experience
When it comes to experiencing the serene beauty of Kerala, known as "God's Own Country," why not do it in style? Whether you’re visiting the lush tea gardens of Munnar, cruising through the tranquil backwaters of Alleppey, or exploring the vibrant culture of Kochi, a luxury car can make your journey even more memorable. Here, we’ll explore some of the top Luxury Car Rental Companies in Kerala that offer a blend of opulence, comfort, and exceptional service.
1. Zoomcar
Zoomcar is a well-known car rental company in India that has made its mark in Kerala with a wide range of luxury cars. Their flexible rental plans and user-friendly app make it easy to rent a high-end vehicle for a day, a week, or even longer.
Key Features
Wide Selection: From Mercedes-Benz to BMW and Audi, Zoomcar offers a diverse fleet of luxury cars.
Self-Drive Option: Enjoy the privacy and flexibility of driving yourself.
24/7 Roadside Assistance: Ensures a worry-free travel experience.
Convenient Pickup and Drop: Available at various locations across Kerala.
2. MyChoize
MyChoize, a self-drive car rental brand by ORIX, provides premium cars for those looking to travel in luxury and comfort. They offer cars for both short and long durations, catering to the diverse needs of travelers.
Key Features
Premium Fleet: Includes top brands like Jaguar, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz.
Unlimited Kilometers: Enjoy your trip without worrying about mileage limits.
Customizable Packages: Tailored to fit different travel plans and durations.
Home Delivery: Cars can be delivered to your doorstep, enhancing convenience.
3. Avis India
Avis is a global leader in car rentals, known for its premium services and luxury fleet. In Kerala, Avis ensures a seamless travel experience with top-notch vehicles and professional service.
Key Features
Exclusive Fleet: Offers high-end cars like the BMW 5 Series, Mercedes-Benz E-Class, and more.
Chauffeur Services: If you prefer not to drive, Avis provides professional chauffeur services.
Airport Transfers: Hassle-free pick-up and drop-off at major airports in Kerala.
Customized Rentals: Flexible rental plans to suit individual needs.
4. Eco Rent A Car
Eco Rent A Car specializes in providing luxury cars for both self-drive and chauffeur-driven experiences. With a focus on customer satisfaction, they offer premium services tailored to high-end travelers.
Key Features
Luxury and Exotic Cars: From the elegant Mercedes S-Class to the robust Range Rover.
Chauffeur Services: Trained and professional drivers for a luxurious ride.
24/7 Customer Support: Ensures assistance is always available.
Special Packages: Corporate rentals, wedding cars, and more.
5. Royal Rides
Royal Rides is a local favorite in Kerala, known for its extensive fleet of luxury vehicles and personalized services. They aim to provide a royal travel experience with their meticulously maintained cars.
Key Features
Exclusive Vehicles: Features brands like Audi, Jaguar, and Mercedes-Benz.
Flexible Rental Options: Available for daily, weekly, and monthly rentals.
Personalized Services: Tailored travel plans and packages.
Airport and Hotel Services: Convenient pick-up and drop-off.
Renting a luxury car in Kerala is not just about traveling from point A to point B; it’s about enjoying the journey in utmost comfort and style. These top luxury car rental companies offer an array of high-end vehicles and impeccable services that cater to the needs of discerning travelers. Whether you prefer driving yourself or being driven around, these companies ensure that your travel experience in Kerala is nothing short of luxurious.
So, the next time you plan a trip to this picturesque state, consider elevating your travel experience with a luxury car rental. Enjoy the freedom, comfort, and prestige that come with driving a top-tier vehicle through the beautiful landscapes of Kerala.
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