#Setting up a company in USA by foreigner
olderthannetfic · 4 months
Did Americans really not know smoking caused lung damage until the 1980's? I've gotten several comments to that effect on a fic of mine, but, um. While the story is set in 1940's USA, over here in Britain we've had doctors linking smoking cigarettes to lung cancer as far back as the 1690's that I could find (albeit they don't say 'cancer', but describe cancer symptoms). It was never a totally foreign, unknown idea no one could ever have imagined. And I love dunking on the US as much as anyone, but... it's just so obvious I can't imagine no one in the US ever put two and two together? Even when I was 4, I understood the reason my mum's father was out of breath and coughed all the time was that he smoked because I understood, without being told, that inhaling something yucky yucked you up inside.
I'm aware you as a nation have some dumbasses amongst you but surely the majority were not so stupid that it took until the 1980's for anyone to go, "I think inhaling smoke is bad for you"?
My grandmother forced my grandfather to give up his pipe decades before the general public had their faces rubbed in news stories about the dangers. My mom's not around anymore to ask, but I think this must have been either in the 50s when the definitive study came out or in the 60s when the surgeon general wrote about it.
It's not that the info wasn't out there so much as that US tobacco companies spent millions running propaganda campaigns to confuse and delude the public. By the 1980s, people managed to debunk these. In the mid-century, they were heavily muddying the waters.
Here's the first reasonable-looking link I found with some info about this kind of thing: The history of the discovery of the cigarette–lung cancer link: evidentiary traditions, corporate denial, global toll.
I gather this is the Tobacco Control journal, which seems like a reputable source.
The broad strokes seem to be that few people, including in the UK, would have known anything until the late 19thC. From there to the 1930s, evidence was growing steadily as scientists researched a possible link. In the 40s and 50s pretty definitive evidence came out in multiple countries. In the 50s-70s, US companies did junk science as propaganda. In the 80s and 90s, the US swung hard towards seeing cigarettes as dangerous, dirty, and gross.
I remember this cultural change during my childhood. It was massive.
So yes, unfortunately, your 1940s American characters probably wouldn't know that smoking caused lung cancer. Lung damage? Maybe. Like you say, a lot of people could just apply basic logic and observation for that one.
I'm not sure whether they'd be more likely to have no clue or whether they'd know that someone thought it was bad, but they'd think those people were paranoid.
So yes, someone put two and two together, but it could still be OOC for your particular characters. I think it very much depends who they are and exactly how you presented things in your fic.
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onceuponatown · 1 year
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The Loomis Radio School, Washington D.C. ca. 1921.
The school was located at 401 Ninth St. N.W. and operated with the call letters 3YA. By 1920 it was offering a six month course enabling the graduate to obtain a first grade commercial radio license and by January of 1922 was offering a four year course with a degree in Radio Engineering bestowed on graduates.
The school was founded by Mary Texanna Loomis, pictured in the last photo.
Born August 18, 1880 near Goliad, Texas. She was the second child born to Alvin Isaac and Caroline (Dryer) Loomis. Though born on homestead in Texas in 1880, by 1883 her parents had returned to Rochester NY and then on to Buffalo where Alvin became president of a large delivery and storage company. Little is known of her early years, but appears she had a fairly middle-class up bringing. She seemed well schooled, with an early interest in music and language (she mastered French, German and Italian) Her early years were spent in Buffalo, NY and she later relocated to Virginia. 
During the early years of World War I, she became interested in the new field of wireless telegraphy. There was a family precedent; her cousin, Dr. Mahlon Loomis, had conducted early wireless experiments with moderate success and may in fact have been the first person, in 1865, to send and receive wireless signals. 
Mary soon became proficient enough in wireless telegraphy to be granted a license by the United States Department of Commerce. Thoroughly fascinated with the field now called “radio”, she decided to turn her expertise into a career. Also, she wanted to do something that would honor her pioneering ancestor. Her idea was to do this by founding a radio school. 
Though radio was indeed, for many years, a profession dominated by men, Mary Loomis around age 40 took no notice and in 1920 founded the Loomis Radio School in Washington, D.C. and it quickly gained an excellent reputation. Ms. Loomis set high standards for the school and it attracted students not only from the United States but Europe and Asia as well. Loomis enjoyed teaching as much as she enjoyed radio itself. In an interview, she said, “Really, I am so infatuated with my work that I delight in spending from 12 to 15 hours a day at it. My whole heart and soul are in this radio school.” 
As president and Lecturer of the Loomis Radio School, Mary authored a definitive book on radio, named “Radio Theory and Operating.” 
By January 1922 the school was offering a four year course with a degree in Radio Engineering bestowed on graduates. Loomis also intended that her students understand more than just the inner and outer workings of radio. In addition to a radio laboratory (with equipment constructed almost entirely by Mary herself), the school maintained a complete shop capable of teaching carpentry, drafting and basic electricity. She reasoned that many of her graduates might find themselves at sea, or in other challenging situations and she wanted them adequately prepared. “No man,” Ms. Loomis said, at the time, “can graduate from my school until he learns how to make any part of the apparatus. I give him a blueprint of what I want him to do and tell him to go into the shop and keep hammering away until the job is completed.” 
The school appears to have been in existence at least through the early 1930's, but it has not been possible to find information after that.
In an interview given to H.O. Bishop of the Dearborn Independent in 1921, Mary was asked: “What sort of young men are taking up the radio profession?” to which she replied:
“The Kind who have grit and want to get there! Virtually all of them are ambitious and enthusiastic over the possibility of visiting every nook and corner of the world. My students are not only enrolled from various sections of the USA and Canada but from many foreign countries, such as Sweden, Ireland, England, Poland, Russia, Austria, Rumania and the Philippines. One of the brightest pupils I ever had was Prince Walimuhomed of Far-away Afghanistan. He was an extremely modest young man, keeping his real identity a secret until after graduating. He said he had no idea of earning his living by working at radio, but just wanted to know all about it. He does.You have no idea how much happiness I get out of the success of each individual graduate. My boys keep in touch with me from all parts of the world. Scarcely a day goes by that I do not get some trinket or postcard from some remote section of the world. I have made the wonderful discovery that the only way for me to get happiness for myself is to make some one else happy. I find that I am making these young men happy by teaching them every phase of the radio business so that they can earn a comfortable living for themselves and their dependents and at the same time, see the great big beautiful world.
As far as we can figure out, Mary Loomis left Washington D.C. around 1935 and moved to San Francisco where she worked as a stenographer. She died in 1960 and is interred at Woodlawn Memorial Park, Colma, CA. 
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The Grim Reaper's Guide to Breaking Every Rule of the Universe /// Chapter 4
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ANOTHER CHAPTER IN LESS THAN A WEEK. BRING ON THE GRINDDDDDD. I will warn that my motiviation for each of my fics comes in waves, so you'll probably get chapters in random chunks ngl. Enjoy!
Summary: When touring America for the sake of it, you go to stay with your aunt in New Orleans for a while, taking up a peaceful part-time job restoring objects. But a few weeks in, a package arrives containing an old radio that's seen better days, along with a note seemingly written by someone who thinks they could fist-fight the Devil.
What you didn't know, was the hell of a path that was now set out in front of you. Not fist-fighting the Devil, but instead a very smug radio host who would have no problem spending the rest of his days driving you up the walls.
But two could play that game.
Tags: Demiromantic-Asexual Alastor x Demiromantic-Asexual OC/Reader - 1920s/30s New Orleans - fluff - angst - EXTREME slow burn - crack - Violence (It's Alastor what else)
Word Count: 4590
Warnings: Period-typical sexism, Period-typical attitudes towards neurodivergency, Swearing, Mentions of murder. MC'S RACE IS DEFINED DUE TO PLOT REASONS (also because she is based off my OC)
Taglist - comment or message to be added!
Now available on Wattpad and AO3 (please let me know if links aren't working)
< Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 >
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PART 1: Chapter 4
Unconditional Violence.
Bambsquabbled (Definition): A 19th Century American slang word essentially meaning stupefied or confounded. (Adjective)
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New Orleans, Louisiana, USA – Wednesday, 18th December, 1929.
You had expected the additional Tuesday Mr LeBlanc had given you off to prepare yourself for the radio company to consist of you sleeping in until 11am. But dreams are short lived when you have an aunt who insists the ass-crack of dawn is prime time for everything.
You guessed it was fun to climb onto the roof of your relative’s vast home to collect the crystals you had both put out under the full moon, before the energy given to them was whisked away by the rays of the early golden hour. But when nerves settle in like the green spirals of nausea the night before, sleep takes the hand of another, leaving you to lay there with your over-active mind as it drags you through every possibility and event that could end up with you looking like an idiot in front of your new colleagues, or worse. Can’t think of much worse. But the universe will find a way.
It always does.
When Wednesday finally rolled around, it was barely 6am and you already couldn’t wait for it to be over. Your cousins had found you curled up on the bench swing, having dragged your duvet outside as you balled yourself up like a worm, sipping on the iced tea Agnes had bought you the day before in an attempt to settle your nerves. It did. A little.
And now here you were, the first half of your new workday having gone as smoothly as your awkward self could do.
Ethel, who’s desk was closest to yours, had dubbed you the quiet one after spending an hour running her mouth at you with barely a break for you to chime in. You had also already created quite a commotion on the third floor, a few people intrigued by the new ‘foreigner’. Well – as foreign as you can get when you’re from another English-speaking country, in the biggest cultural melting pot of a city had ever seen in your rural life. But they found you interesting enough.
The oddest thing you had experienced that day, however, was a strange request from your new boss – Mr Durham himself.
“I don’t suppose you know how to pull off a local accent?” he had asked when showing you the phone on your desk.
All you could do was blink at him. “I’m sorry?”
He gestured to the phone. “Since you’re my assistant, you’re gonna be filtering through the calls I get before passing them onto me. Now, there might be an issue if someone calls expecting to hear me, but instead find themselves speaking to a British girl on the other end. Some can be impatient and might end up putting the phone down before you explain.”
Memories of that one very unpleasant phone call flooded your mind. “Even if I answer: ‘Hello W.A.D Radio, this is Mr Durham’s assistant speaking’??” you replied monotonously.
“You’d be surprised.” He sighed. “But do you know how to anyway?”
Frowning, you recalled your time in the cities further in the North. “I guess..? A girl I rented a room from in New York insisted on teaching me for when we went into town, but I struggle to see how it’s important?”
The man put his hands together, pointing them at you in a prayer motion. “Just.. try it out? Talk like your colleagues when you see them, to see if you can get a hang of it – I’m sure they’ll be happy to help. Please?”
You gave him a wavering look, but sighed, finally giving in. “Fine, but they can’t make fun of me.”
He beamed, patting you on the back in satisfaction. “I’m sure they won’t! I’ll be in my office if you need anything.”
And with that, you sat in your new chair, trying to pointedly ignore the sign at the other end of the room that pointed you to the fifth floor, and began your attempt to settle in.
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA – Wednesday, 8th January, 1930.
There wasn’t much to celebrate when the new decade rolled around. Gone were the so-called ‘Roaring Twenties’, when you would join your parents at the parties and balls they were invited to – when it was acceptable, of course; those higher up in the class hierarchy still grasped to the dwindling standard that children should be seen, not heard. The year you turned eighteen ended up being quite interesting, when the older women who had turned snooty at the sight of your teenage self wandering around their stately homes, tried to attempt a 180°, as they congratulated you reaching adulthood with strained smiles. But you paid them no mind, too busy staring at the paintings or statues that lined their corridors – a stark contrast to the more barren and plain wallpaper that coated the walls you grew up in.
But now that was far behind you, the English garden parties in the spring and summer that you adored so much were now a mere echo in the distances of your mind. The noises of tiny forks clinking on fine china as the little birds twittered in the trees now replaced by the sputtering and groaning of automobiles as you gripped the pole of the tram, your arms tight against your chest as you tried your best to not let the swaying of the vehicle toss you about into the crowd of packed bodies around you.
Making sure the scarf was tucked safely around your neck, you grasped the small briefcase in your hand – mentally preparing yourself for you first day back at the radio station after the new year. Unfortunately for Mr Durham, a small hurricane had passed over during the holiday, and radio stations across the city were temporarily silenced as their mechanics desperately attempted to repair the damaged towers. And also unfortunately for you, only the hosts were offered a couple days off as things got back up and running, though some still showed to prepare for their shows; you, on the other hand, were still expected to show up like any other day.
So here you were, pushing open the (now familiar) double doors, giving a small wave to the receptionist, who’s name turned out to be Diana, and the woman barely raised her hand in response as she continued to tiredly shift through the concerningly large stack of papers on her desk.
You were just about to climb the wide staircase when you heard her call your name (something you were very surprised she knew, considering her tendency to ‘accidentally’ throw paperwork in the bin on the daily), and your wedge heels clacked against the tile flooring as you stumbled slightly, turning to face her as her nasally voice echoed around the large lobby.
“It’s best you stay in the shadows today.” She warned cryptically. “Trouble’s in, and the mechanic’s not happy about the damages – Durham’s getting the brunt of it, but you’ll end up in the crossfire unless you hide out during breaktimes.”
All you could do for a moment was stand and stare, a million thoughts running through your mind. Mostly about who ‘Trouble’ was, and why Diana thought you couldn’t handle the guy and the other mechanic. You did handle the radio man at the repair shop after all, and speaking of the radio, you were quite proud to say you had finished the it in time for Christmas, and had shipped it off with a very passive-aggressive note that hinted for the man to basically never return. Luckily, Mr Boudreaux hadn’t replied to any of your letters since you had begrudgingly accepted the object, but you had suspected he had called the shop once or twice, and you had left Mr LeBlanc to deal with it, mostly because he was quite terrified you would call another customer every name under the sun the second they tried to give you trouble.
Glancing back and forth between Diana and the stairs, you mumbled a slow “Oookay…” before nodding your head and turning on your heel to hurry up the steps. Reaching the third floor, you didn’t stop in your path as you neared your desk, instead dropping your briefcase onto the wooden surface as you dashed by, striding towards the door that had the golden plaque engraved with ‘Mr B. Durham’ onto it. Grasping the handle, you turned the knob, swinging the door open, only to stop in your tracks as you were met with a very empty office.
You frowned. It must be really bad if your boss was no where to be seen. Whipping around, you scanned the main room for him, but only saw a few of your colleagues, the rest still yet to arrive – you were normally expected to be in early to handle Durham’s work as soon as he began.
Throwing your coat and scarf on your chair, you strode back towards the stairs, readjusting the suspenders of your wide-legged trousers as you practically jogged up the steps, and ended up rolling the sleeves of your loose blouse to your elbows as you tried to catch your breath.
On the fourth floor, you spent a couple minutes checking all of your boss’s usual haunts or hiding places, even going as far as interrogating a couple of the workers there for his whereabouts. It wasn’t until some blonde guy that came wandering down the steps from the fifth floor that you got your answer, the man looking up to take in your slightly dishevelled and feral appearance with wide eyes as he stammered out that he was in one of the radio booths. To his further horror, you patted him on the cheek with a thanks as you rounded him, ready to take another flight of stairs to reach your – apparently – floundering boss.
Ignoring the embarrassed sputtering of the man behind you, you eye the sign nailed to the wall, the painted hand pointing upwards with a very bold ‘FIFTH FLOOR’ next to it.
“Don’t go up there until I say you’re ready, okay?” Mr Durham’s words echoed through your mind.
Buuuuut, he did say he wanted to discuss the stuff you brought in your briefcase ASAP.
Yea that’ll be your excuse. You can deal with his complaining later.
Reaching your heel-clad foot out, you took the first step, almost like you were expecting an axe to come swing down and impale your forehead. But when nothing happened, you shrugged, and simply continued up.
Recalling the path your boss had taken you on during the initial tour, you managed to find the dreaded corridor that supposedly housed your greatest nightmare.
Extroverted people.
At that thought, you did consider turning around, but your urge to drag your boss’s arse back downstairs drowned that thought out, and you carried on.
Surprisingly, it was quiet, but at the same time not so much when you remembered that most of them were plating their somewhat wealthy behinds on their armchairs at home as the rest tried to fix the issues of the storm.
Reaching one of the lit rooms, you heard raised voices.
“–really expect me to know? –” “– supposed to be on in an hour! How is that –”
Cautiously, you peeked around the corner to try and witness the potential fiasco. And what a fiasco it was.
Wires, cables, and any other random parts that were used for radio technology were strewn across desks, tables and even the floor. Amongst these were two men, and there was only one you recognised.
Just like you had seen him every day for the past month, Mr Durham was stood in his washed-out blue suit and concerningly shiny shoes, and at this point one hand was on his hip, whilst the other rubbed tiredly at his face as whom you assume was the mechanic, was blabbering the poor man’s ear off as he ranted on and on about random parts and problems and he gestured frantically at said random parts and problems. Wait – nevermind, you recognised one and a half.
The man from across the street was here, with his back to you. Again. For fuck’s sake.
This time he was back in the seat you first saw him in, this time with a few strands of dark-brown hair out of place, curling slightly as if to rebel against the intense styling he had put it through. Peeking your head out slightly further, you managed to get a good look at him.
Well for one, he was a triangle. Stupidly broad shoulders that narrowed into a stupidly small waist (triangle), with lanky legs long enough that you could probably chop them off and fashion them into skis. Despite his face not revealed, you could see the semi-light tan on his hands, that were busy turning knobs and dials as he listened in to whatever was coming through the headphones on his head. He was dressed to impress, to say the least, in smart, dark-grey trousers, who’s ironed out edges looked as if they could slice through skin. His high collared cream shirt was tucked away under a relatively tight looking reddish-tan waistcoat, and to top it all off, you could see the back of the black ribbon that was most likely tied in a stupidly even bow.
You didn’t want this guy to sense your staring, so you opted to look back at the other two men who were still chuntering on about god knows what. Stepping into the light that flooded through the glass, you wave slightly to try and get your boss’s attention. A couple seconds passed, and you watched as the mechanic kept glancing at you and Mr Durham, until eventually he nudged the other man on the shoulder, pointing you out.
Turning his head, Mr Durham’s eyes met with yours, and you raised your hand with a questionable thumbs up to see if all was good, only to watch in slight confusion as his eyes widened, and he whipped his head rapidly between you and the faceless man sat at his desk, before marching over to the door and pulling it open a crack, sticking his head out.
“Hey uh,” he half-whispered, surprisingly nervous at your presence. “what’re you doing here?”
You lowered your voice to match his. “You said to come find you as soon as possible this morning, you know, to go over those statistics from that other station?”
Realisation dawned on the man’s face, and he reached up to drag his hand down the side of it. “Shit I forgot,” he cursed, and glanced over his shoulder before facing you again. “I’ll – uh… I’ll be down as soon as I get this sorted. Marty’s givin’ me a run for his money right now and the second Al takes his headphones off I’m gonna feel like I’m entering an early grave.”
Surprised, you eyed the man sat at the desk, who looked far too calm to be threatening anyone right now. “Ok… I guess it can wait. I’ll bring you some coffee up!” you chirped, and Durham went to call out that it wasn’t necessary, but faltered with a frown as he realised you were already halfway down the corridor.
Balancing the tray of cups and steaming jug the best you could, you reached the final step, retracing your route to the radio booth that your boss was probably getting murdered in. Walking up, you waited patiently until Mr Durham noticed you, and watched as he reluctantly trudged over to open the door.
Taking your first step in, you were hit with the very potent smell of strong black coffee, as if someone had some brewing every day, and you figured you had made the right call of fetching the same beverage as you placed the tray down on one of the tables.
The mechanic was still going off on one, and you watched out of the corner of your eye as you slowly began pouring the coffee into the cups, listening to the greasy-looking man speak.
“– there’s literally no reason that I can find that’s causing the local outage!” he spouted at your frowning boss. “The boys have already fixed the aerial, and David’s currently on-air and that’s working perfectly fine, so it has to be something in this room!”
During the man’s tirade, you noticed the rustling of papers, and looked over to see the faceless man again, still at his desk, but his hands were fiddling with no purpose, and his head was turned to the left slightly, showing his high cheekbone and the edge of his thin circular glasses.
Looked like someone else was listening in too.
Biting your smile down, you turned back towards the cups in your hand, only to have a glint of light pierce the corner of your eye, and you looked in the opposite direction to a large wooden box, with one of the panels removed, displaying the endless wires and springs that coiled and wound in every direction. But you weren’t looking at that, you were instead looking at the screwdriver that was very prominently glinting in the shine of the ceiling light. This must be the painstakingly obvious problem that the mechanic had painstakingly missed.
Giving a quick glance over at the men, you waited until they faced away, scrapping about the wire pile on the floor, and you reached for the wooden teaspoon on your tray, and inched towards the box. Knowing wood doesn’t normally conduct electricity, you raised your hand, testing it anyway against the hanging wires to see if they were live. Seemingly not, you stuck your hand further in, and began nudging at the tool, slowly loosening the wires around it as you dragged it along the bottom of the box.
When they had deemed your silence as suspicious, the mechanic and Durham turned round, only to see you elbow deep in some very expensive equipment.
“Whoa, whoa, WHOA!” the mechanic cried as he rushed over. “The hell are you doin’??”
Instead of jerking your arm back out and apologising to the man who was slowly turning purple, you gave the screwdriver one last flick, and the three of you watched as it dropped over the edge and fell to the floor with a clatter. Moments of silence passed as you all stared at it, until you decided to explain.
“It was tangled in the wires, which would’ve prevented the electricity flow,” you said plainly. “Plus, if you had tried to power it all up, it could’ve set the place on fire.”
All the mechanic could do was stare down at the tool, but Mr Durham had decided to approach, and bent down to pick up the tool.
“Nice one.” He complimented, turning the object in his hands. Though the warm smile he had put on for you quickly vanished, as his eyes set upon the name engraved on the wooden handle. He pointed at it. “This has your name on it Marty.” He said lowly, his blue eyes turning dark as he regarded the paling man with a look of thunder.
Seeing the outcome, you gestured nervously to the beverages on the table. “Coffee’s there, Mr Durham, I’ll see you downstairs.”
Just as you walked around him, he called your name. “Take ten minutes to yourself and grab some tea, whilst I deal with Marty here.”
Nodding, you curtly took your leave, swinging the door open as you power-walked out, failing to see the sharp pair of eyes following you from where they were sat at the desk.
You found the break room housed several curiosities that you were yet to explore in America. Apart from the atrocious fact that the tea station lacked the Yorkshire brand, you found yourself poking at what they called a teabag. Yes, surprise, surprise, the Americans invented something tea related before England or even China did, but you had to admit it was rather useful in helping you not gag at the slimy tea leaves that sat at the bottom of most of your beloved brews.
With the table to your right, you leant your hip against it, your back against the door as you rather noisily mixed the spoon around your large mug, making sure the sugar was dissolved properly before you went to strain the teabag. Lifting it carefully out of the boiling water, you gingerly held your other hand out below it to catch any stray drips from hitting the floor, scanning the room in front of you for a bin that you could chuck it into.
What you foolishly had failed to do however, was hear the footsteps that grew in volume from behind, and you hadn’t realised anything until a very uncomfortable prickle hit the side of your neck, as a very unwanted presence loomed over you. Though, that didn’t last long, as the presence decided to deafen you instead.
“So YOU’RE the new assistant!”
A banshee screech raised from your throat, the teabag flying through the air and onto the floor by your feet as you basically jumped three feet up. Instinctively, however, you didn’t realise what was happening until one elbow flew upwards, slamming into the nose of the man behind you, the other flying round to collide with his ribs. Teaspoon armed in hand, you spun around to face your assailant, only to step on the soggy teabag that was still on the floor, and you cried out again as you slipped and slammed into a very firm chest. Eyes screwed shut, you felt the two of you fall, though quickly broken by the table behind you.
Relieved that you were no longer falling, you swiftly blinked your eyes open, your dark brown ones meeting a pair of equally matching brown. Moments passed as you took in the scene in front of you, and you realised you finally had a face to put to the lanky man from earlier.
Said man was groaning as he rubbed at his nose, his lips twisted into a grimace as he checked for blood. What you noticed however, was the several poignant glances the man took to your right, and you followed, only to see you hand raised, teaspoon in hand, pointing down at him as if you had a machete, ready to stab the lights out of him.
A small gasp left your throat at the realisation, and you quickly pushed yourself off, pointedly ignoring the grunt the man let out as you knocked at his ribs. Taking several steps back, you distanced yourself from him. He had gotten close before, he wasn’t about to do so again.
You watched as he pushed himself up on his elbows, using the table as a support as he stood. To a disturbingly tall height might you add. Looks like you did just reach his nose after all.
“I’m uh,” you started as you eyed him, teaspoon machete still in hand, strangely, you instinctively used the southern accent you learnt – it was the one you used with strangers. “Sorry. I didn’t expect you to sneak up on me like that.” Reaching over, you snatched up a napkin, offering it to him. “Y’haven’t got anything…?”
Dark eyes flitting between you and the outstretched napkin offering, you watched as something seemed to switch in his demeanour, and a natural smile fell across his tan face as he raised his hands in mock surrender.
“No, no, don’t worry, it’s quite alright.” He assured, and you blinked at his prominent transatlantic accent. “I figured that wasn’t the best way to say hello to a stranger!” he laughed as he smoothed down his crumpled waistcoat. Reaching his lanky arm out whilst tucking the other behind him, he offered his hand out in greeting. “The name’s Alastor, my dear. And who do I have the most entertaining pleasure to be speaking to?”
You stared at his hand, then flicked your eyes up to him, scanning his grinning face with vigour.
Where, oh where, had you heard that voice before?
Your silence seemed to confuse this Alastor guy, however, and his eyes darted around in confusion as you continued to stare. From what you could see, he had come to a very wrong conclusion about your silence, and leaned over at you slightly, bringing his face level with yours.
“Cat got your tongue, my darling?” His growing cheshire grin reminding you of two very similar people. “You clearly must find me that dashing if your this speechless, haha!” he chortled, the condescension rolling off him in waves.
Oh, you knew exactly where this guy was from.
Narrowing your eyes, you scrutinised him as you quietly muttered out a single word.
Alastor blinked, eyes darting around your face, before raising a hand to cup at his ear. “I hate to say but I didn’t quite catch that!” he exclaimed rather loudly.
You felt your brows begin to furrow, so you raise your voice slightly. “I said, Boudreaux.”
Oh you did it now. Sparkles seemed to glitter behind his chocolate eyes as he perked up with glee, straightening up to his full height. “So you do know me after all! I was starting to think you simply had nothing going on in that head of yours!”  he simpered as he tilted his head to look down at you.
Despite his clear mocking, you remained quiet for a moment longer, until you couldn’t hold it anymore.
“…You work in a radio station.” You stated flatly.
Alastor looked around, acting as if he had just realised as such. “Yes I am quite aware!” he affirmed in an obvious tone. “Did you want an award for that observation?”
You had to refrain from gaping at this man’s audacity. “… Couldn’t you have just fixed it yourself?”
The man blinked at you. “Fixed what now?”
Oh, this was it. Stepping forward, you didn’t stop until you face was a hand-lengths away from his, and you watched with satisfaction as he shifted at your invasion of his space – talk about a hypocrite as someone who clearly loved to invade the space of others. Staring at the man dead in the eye, you fully dropped the southern accent, your Yorkshire one coming back through full force.
“Your mum’s radio.” You stated simply, raising your brows to regard him with a condescending look that matched his.
You had expected him to brush it off, laughing when he realised who you were. What you hadn’t expected for his pupils to blow wide, his eyes darkening as they narrowed, scrutinising your gaze with his own, and you suddenly felt a little uneasy.
“Oh,” he said lowly. “It’s you.”
Keeping your gaze levelled, you gripped the spoon harder in your hands. That is, until your name was called.
The two of you straightened up, you leaning to look around Alastor as he spun on the spot, the both of you facing Mr Durham, who was looking between the two of you rather nervously. He called your name again.
“C’mon.” he said, refusing to take his eyes off Alastor. “Let’s go over those papers you brought.”
Without a second thought, you darted for your mug of tea, grabbing it along with an almost empty bottle of milk to put in it as you strode around Alastor, feeling the hand of your boss as he put his arm around your shoulder as he quickly led you away, and the back of your head prickled, definitely feeling the sharp eyes on your retreating back this time around.
ALASTOR'S HERE RAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Watch me disappear from the face of the earth for a week cuz of my executive dysfunction lmao (Blame my adhd not me she's a seperate entity at this point.)
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frozen10fanzine · 6 months
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Frozen Through the Years
Yearly Spotlight: 2019
Written by @toriofthetrees
After six long years, 2019 saw the release of the long-anticipated sequel, Frozen II.
The lead-up up to the release was intense to say the least.
The first teaser trailer premiered in February, opening with Elsa on a black-sand beach stripped down to her bare essentials, barefoot, ready to take on a raging sea. She attempted twice to cross the torrential waters before the trailer turned to Anna’s shock of hundreds of diamond-shaped glass covered in strange symbols, taking over Arendelle. Following closely behind were several moments of Elsa, Olaf, Kristoff, and Anna taking on dangerous challenges, and a show of strange, foreign magic. All of this was centered around this new, mysterious setting known only at the time as an autumnal forest.
It gave just enough of a preview to hook millions.
The trailer was viewed and downloaded several million times on Twitter and YouTube within a short amount of time. In the fandom, a storm of news, posts, speculation, and discussions broke out over several platforms, too chaotic to keep track of. The months that followed the teaser were absolutely brimming with excitement! Across cinemas, television, and the internet—both in the US and internationally—came many trailers, sneak peaks, and posters about the upcoming movie. Alongside this came leaks as well, all of it sparking speculation in the fandom over what the plot of the movie could be.
Countless books about Frozen II came onto the market before the film was even released, notably without the end of the film printed within their pages. This lead to fans in many locations to protest the shops selling these books, wanting their money back.
Most of these protests lead to no results.
Success for Disney Studios, specifically. contributed to the exposure for Frozen II. ~In March, Disney invested billions of US dollars in company acquisitions across the film and TV industry, creating the most powerful media company in the world in the USA. ~This was the year of the 6th Disney D23 Expo, the biggest Disney fan event of the year! It was held on August 23–25 at the Anaheim Convention Center in California, showcasing news and pictures around all the new Disney parks, resorts—and movies! Including Frozen II! ~On November 12, 2019, Disney launched its streaming platform Disney+ in several countries ~2019 ultimately proved to be Disney's most successful cinema year to date, regardless of which new film was released!
All of this led up to the release of Frozen II on November 20, 2019 in most countries (unfortunately some countries had to wait until the beginning of January).
This new installment to Elsa and Anna’s story saw the sisters and their found family making a long trek away from Arendelle… in order to save it. Mysterious magics send them up north to the Enchanted Forest, that is covered in an impenetrable mist. Yet, it parts for them. The deeper they go into the forest, the more they discover about themselves, their family, the spirits, Arendelle… so that only one thing can be said for certain: Nothing will ever be the same again.
This film was polarizing.
In the cultural zeitgeist, it was a massive success like its predecessor, exceeding Frozen as the highest grossing animated film of all time. It received mostly positive reviews and it would go on to be nominated for multiple awards, including an Oscar nomination for Best Original Song. The Disney merchandising machinery was running at full speed and earned the company many more millions within a short amount of time. The limited edition dolls were sold out on the same day as release! However, it notably did not have the same cultural reach that its predecessor had. “Into the Unknown,” to many, was not comparable to “Let it Go.” And the film was nominated aplenty, but never actually received any awards.
However, it was within the fandom that this polarization was seen the clearest.
Frozen II made good on its promise that nothing would ever be the same for these characters. The sisters, though still as close as ever, no longer lived under the same roof by the end of the film. Elsa abdicated her crown for her duties as the Fifth Spirit and Guardian of the Enchanted Forest, while Anna took over as Queen of Arendelle. This separation, whilst to some was a step-up for the sisters, others saw as a step back. This debate rages in the fandom to this day, and many, many fans on Tumblr, Reddit, and other social media prefer Frozen to its sequel.
The fandom did gain some new content, including the addition of multiple ships. There were two that were rather popular. The first was Agduna (Agnarr/Iduna), which came about because of the major focus Frozen II had on them, the sisters’ parents. The second was Elsamaren (Elsa/Honeymaren), which came about because Honeymaren had a minor, but important interaction with Elsa in the film that sent her on the right path to Ahtohallan.
Just as Frozen II’s main theme—change—impacted the sisters, so to it did the fandom. The polarizing effect of the film lead to quite passionate arguments over its content. However, the fandom did not get any smaller or lose any passion. People continued to create, debate, discuss, and post about Frozen and Frozen II. In interviews, the cast and crew said that Frozen II was made to grow up with the audience who were there when the first film was released in theaters. With that in mind, the fandom no longer looked like it did when Frozen first came out.
Things change.
But we can still all agree on one thing: We love Frozen 💕
Stay Tuned For More
👆🏻 Click above if you want to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Frozen. The due date is April 12, 2024.
We look forward to seeing your memories ❄️
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Shruti Rajkumar at HuffPost:
Last week, students at Columbia University set up an encampment on the campus green to protest Israel’s war in Gaza, kicking off what would quickly become a national mobilization of student activists. Similar encampments and demonstrations at more than 50 other colleges erupted this week against the Israeli offensive, which has killed over 34,000 people in Gaza, caused famine and displaced most of the population. Online, scenes of peaceful solidarity were quickly intertwined with reports of mass arrests, punditry and misinformation. More than 100 demonstrators were arrested at Columbia’s demonstration, and more than 500 have been arrested nationwide as of Friday, according to Axios and The New York Times. [...]
Divestment From Companies Funding Israel
One of the top demands that students across the country have is for their universities to divest from companies linked to Israel or businesses which profit off of its war with Hamas — and, by proxy, the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians, they argue. “I’m a member of this community, and I don’t want this particular community to be profiting from apartheid, from war, from genocide,” Ariela Rosenzweig, a senior at Brown University, told The New York Times. Several colleges have refused or ignored this demand.
[...] Colleges and universities receive large endowments that are spread across an array of investments and assets. According to USA Today, the biggest university endowments in the U.S. total nearly $50 billion and make up thousands of funds. Columbia University holds a spot among the top 15 largest endowments in the country, with more than $13 billion. Colleges are required to report gifts and contracts from foreign sources to the Department of Education. The department found that about 100 colleges and universities in the U.S. have reported $375 million in gifts or contracts from Israel over the past two decades, the Associated Press reported. Students are calling for transparency on these investments, as well as divestment from Israeli weapon manufacturers and other companies that are profiting from the war in Gaza. [...]
Transparency On Ties To Israel
Several students have called for greater transparency on their colleges’ financial ties to get a better sense of their overall investment in Israel. BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has been scrutinized for its holdings in weapons manufacturers by students at the University of California, Berkeley and Columbia University, who believe that their colleges should divest from it, The New York Times reported. [...]
Denouncement Of Genocide, Call For Cease-fire
Student protesters across the country are calling for Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territory and for their colleges to show support for a cease-fire. The United States, a staunch ally of Israel, has repeatedly voted against a widely supported cease-fire resolution put before the U.N. Israel and its allies have argued that it has the right to defend itself against Hamas through a military offensive. But a United Nations human rights report last month argued that Israel is committing a genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Students have called for their colleges to openly denounce the assault in Gaza as a genocide. “We would like Northeastern [University] to denounce the genocide that is happening in Palestine. We think that would be a very powerful gesture from the university, and we think it would be very in line with the university’s values,” August Escandon, a senior at Northeastern University, told NBC Boston.
The Response
Most of the protests thus far have been peaceful, Al Jazeera and CNN reported. But colleges have cracked down hard on encampments and demonstrations, arguing the protests endanger students’ safety, particularly that of Jewish students. Heavily armored police have been sent in to arrest the protestors on some campuses. [...]
Many pro-Palestine student groups — which often also include Jewish students and organizations — have come forward to denounce antisemitism and affirm that the individuals making such inflammatory remarks don’t represent their groups or their values concerning the war in Gaza, ABC News reported. [...] Jewish students who have joined pro-Palestinian efforts have warned the dangers of conflating criticisms of Israel to antisemitism or labeling all pro-Palestinian protestors antisemitic. The progressive group Jewish Voice for Peace has argued that such assumptions are dangerous and actively harms both Palestinian and Jewish students. “We build a new community, and as we built it, we committed to fighting all forms of oppression together, knowing that antisemitism, Islamophobia, racism, in particular racism against Arabs and Palestinians, are all cut from the same cloth,” Barnard student protester Soph Askanase said at a press conference last week. [...] Some politicians and groups, such as Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) and the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, have expressed support for students protesting on their college campuses this week, and have called out aggressive responses from police.
The anti-Gaza Genocide student protesters that are launching protests at colleges across the country have a few basic demands:
Divestment from companies funding Israel Apartheid
Transparency on college financial ties to the Israel Apartheid State.
Calling for permanent ceasefire and a condemnation of the genocide in Gaza.
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tomorrowusa · 15 days
It's clear that America's autocratic enemies desperately want to elect Trump. It's the cheapest way for kleptocrats in Russia, North Korea, Iran, and North Korea to weaken the United States.
Foreign dictators manipulating US media is not new. But now we see Putin making direct monetary investments in platforms which promote stooges for the Kremlin.
The indictment unsealed in New York’s Southern District accused two employees of RT, the Kremlin’s media arm, of funneling nearly $10 million to an unidentified company, described only as “Company 1” in court documents. CNN has independently confirmed that “Company 1” is Tenet Media, which is a platform for independent content creators. It is self-described as a “network of heterodox commentators that focus on Western political and cultural issues,” according to its website, which matches language contained in the newly unsealed indictment. The alleged Russian operation tapped two people to set up the company in their names to add to its legitimacy and the two founders were aware Russian money backed the operation, according to the indictment. The goal of the operation, according to prosecutors, was to fuel pro-Russian narratives, in part, by pushing content and news articles favoring Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and others who the Kremlin deemed to be friendlier to its interests. Among the commentators listed on Tenet Media’s website are right-wing personalities Benny Johnson, Tim Pool and Dave Rubin. All have released statements saying they were victims of the alleged Russian scheme and they maintained editorial control of the content they created. Each has a loyal fanbase online, with a combined roughly 6 million followers on YouTube alone. Pool interviewed Trump on his podcast in May.
Tenet Media was just one of Putin's tentacles in US media.
The DOJ’s revealing of the alleged Russian plot was part of a wider set of actions the Biden administration announced Wednesday it was taking to tackle a major Russian government-backed effort to influence the 2024 US presidential election including sanctions on 10 individuals and entities, and the seizure of 32 internet domains. At Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direction, three Russian companies used fake profiles to promote false narratives on social media, US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said in a statement. Internal documents produced by one of those Russian companies show one of the goals of the propaganda effort was to boost the candidacy of Trump or whoever emerged as the Republican nominee for president, according to an FBI affidavit.
Putin tried to deflect the negative publicity by claiming he liked Kamala Harris's laugh. Of course his puppet Weird Donald doesn't have a laugh – just a malicious sneer.
Putin will continue to try to interfere in elections until it becomes too costly for him to do so.
RELATED: The Kremlin has Putin-friendly influencers sowing pro-Trump propaganda.
Unsealed FBI Doc Exposes Terrifying Depth of Russian Disinfo Scheme
Of particular note, the documents released Wednesday included an affidavit that noted a Russian company is keeping a list of more than 2,800 influencers world wide, about one-fifth of whom are based in the United States, to monitor and potentially groom to spread Russian propaganda. The affidavit does not mention the full list of influencers, but is still a terrifying indicator of how deep the Russian plot to interfere in U.S. politics really goes. The Doppelganger program and its “Good Old USA Project” aimed to mimic mainstream media outlets to push pro-Russian policies through fake social media accounts. Documents show that the Kremlin specifically targeted Trump supporters, minorities, gamers, and swing-state voters by spreading far-right conspiracies and capitalizing on existing divisions in U.S. politics. ”They are afraid of losing the American way of life and the ‘American dream,’” Ilya Gambashidze, an architect of the project, wrote, outlining his scheme. “It is these sentiments that should be exploited in the course of an information campaign in/for the United States.” To do so, the Russian government would emphasize that Republicans are “victims of discrimination of people of color” and promote conspiracies that white middle-class people are being discriminated against. The “guerrilla media” plan needed to not only plant falsehoods, but also spread them far and wide. They targeted gamers and chatroom users, who they described as the “backbone of the right-wing trends in the US segment of the Internet,” and monitored social media influencers.
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#ted lasso for dummies
01×01 Pilot
00:00:56 'But it's Hockney!'*
*David Hockney is one of the most influential British artists 🎨 of XX century. Known by his contribution to the pop art movement of the 60's.
As cliche as it is, the work of art that Rebecca and Higgins refers to is called 'Football Player'. And in real life it was sold for £22,500.
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00:02:20 'Liam and Noel. Though, perhaps not an Oasis.'*
*It is impossible to imagine Britain and its culture without one of the biggest and most acclaimed bands of the 90's. Oasis is a quintessence of most hated and beloved band. Alcohol, drugs, canceled gigs, bad press, accusations of imitating the work of other musicians, rivalry between brothers and the boundless love of the fans - it's all about Oasis. So, maybe comparison made by Rebecca between George Cartrick's testicles and Liam/Noel Gallagher of Oasis is a pointer to beef (rivalry) history of latter.
00:04:04 'Jack Kerouac. The Dharma Bums'*
*The Dharma Bums is a 1958 novel by Beat Generation author Jack Kerouac. Description of mountain climbing, cycling, hitchhiking, poetry readings, jazz drunk parties is done through the prism of Buddhism. So maybe it makes sense: Ted and his philosophy of life and work?!
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00:06:58 'Okay. That's Tower Bridge. Right. Not the London Bridge, because this one is still up'.
*For me as a foreigner it's a bit confusing?! Is it a reference to Operation London Bridge - the funeral plan for Queen Elizabeth II created in 60's, where the phrase 'London Bridge is down' is like signal of Queen's death to the PM and others, setting the plan into motion? Or is it like some touristy stuff?
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00:08:39 'Y'all got Nathan's hot dogs 🌭 here?'*
* An American company that operates a chain of fast-food restaurant's  specializing in hot dogs. There are some restaurants in GB, but Nates lack of knowledge about them msybe suggests their unpopularity.
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00:13:22 'Trent Crimm, The Independent.'*
* The Independent during 1986-2016 British print newspaper, nowadays - online newspaper. And it is owned by representative of the terrorist country and ex kgb agent 😵
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00:18:57 'Wales. Is that another country?'*
*Yeap, Wales is a country (with it's own capital Cardiff) that is a part of another country - 🇬🇧 . Besides it UK consists of: England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
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00:19:03 'It's kinda like America these days.'*
*Perhaps Ted is equating the countries within the UK to states in America OR is taking about sovereign states and dependent territories in the Americas(such as Canada, Brazil, Cuba and other)?!
00:19:25 'And am I getting notes of Axe body spray?'*
*If you are a man and you forget your body spray while traveling from the USA to GB, remember: AXE=LYNX 🤣
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00:20:07 'Last time I saw eyes that cold, they were going head-to-head with Roy Scheider. Jaws? No, All that jazz.'
* Jaws and All That Jazz are among seven Scheider movies that are considered classics. And it's all known fact that he was really great performer, who knew how to hold the audience's attention both in the role of a shark-hunting sheriff and in the role of theater director/choreographer who was alcoholic, a driven workaholic and a womanizer .
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00:22:29 'Never thought it would end being coached by Ronald fucking McDonald'*
*Ronald McDonald is a mascot of the McDonald's fast-food restaurant chain. 
I remember my first time at McDonald's and that creepy as fuck statue of clown, thank fucking God he is not around anymore in UA restaurants.
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00:24:48 'Well, I hope you never run into Biz Markie.'*
*We share your sentiment Ted. It is really bad. Biz Markie, was an American rapper and singer. Sometimes was referred to as the "Clown Prince of Hip Hop". Fellas, it is all we need to know.
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Part 2
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jknerd · 1 year
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Full Name: José Carioca
Other Names: Zé Carioca, Joe Carioca
Schools: Xurupita High School (graduated), Walt Disney University of Performing Arts (graduated)
Occuaption(s): Sub-Vocalist and Dancer of the Three Caballeros, Samba pop/jazz singer
Residence: Xurupita Village, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
Family: Zico and Zeca Carioca (nephews), 6 cousins
Relationships: Rosinha Vaz (ex-girlfriend), Donald Fauntleroy Duck (best friend; fellow member of the Three Caballeros), Panchito Pistoles (best friend; fellow member of the Three Caballeros), Nestor (childhood friend), Afonsinho (childhood friend), Pedrão (childhood friend), Galdino “Zé Galo” Chaves (rival->occasional friend->???)
Likes: Brazilian music (especially Samba), Latin Music & Dances, drinking, traveling, parties, singing, dancing, foreign cultures & music, telenovela
Dislikes: Malicious comments against Donald or Panchito
José Carioca is a sub-vocalist and dancer of the Three Caballeros, the latin-pop boy band. He is also a Samba pop/jazz singer in Brazil. From same university with his two friends Panchito and Donald, the group was formed sharing same passion and pursuit for music career. In most of their songs, José takes control in dance break to rile up the fans at concert. The most calm and polite individual, he is the peacemaker between his team and other rivaling musicians in a middle of intense rivalry. Among the trio, José is most known for having great counts of scandal (with men, women, non-binary, etc).
Born in Xurupita village since childhood, he usually hang out with his childhood friends Nestor, Afonsinho and Pedrão. It is known he has six cousins who live in separate states within Brazil. While he loved to sing, he began to fear of losing his singing voice as he entered puberty. Believing that changing his male reproductive organ to female's would solve his fear, he used all his part-time job money to pay for the surgery, which miraculously, he was able to retain his androgynous singing voice. With his natural talents in dancing and singing, he decided to move to United States in order to learn performing arts as soon as he graduated high school. At one point, he struggled to carry his musical instruments and was about to fall until Donald caught him and his instruments safely. Impressed, José quickly befriended him. When hearing of forming a band, José offered his idea of having three in a group as both scouted Panchito, the Mexican student. Since then, the three friends wrote songs and performed from USA to other Latin American nations. When he confessed to them of his past of surgery, the two nonetheless accepted José. When they were preparing for Europe Tour, Donald's neck was injured causing him to unable to sing. José was seen tearfully bidding goodbye to Donald who left for his 4 years of service in the Navy. Due to the recording company's high demanding and irresponsible supervisions/control, both José and Panchito left the company. While Panchito became a mariachi and Mexican pop singer in Mexico, José returned to Brazil where he became a Samba pop/jazz singer under the stage name Zé. He reunited with his childhood friends and encountered Rosinha Vaz, beginning his relationship with her. 
At some point, he thought of marrying Rosinha but was harshly scorned by her father Rocha Vaz who have already planned to set her up with Galdino “Zé Galo” Chaves, the Top1 wealthiest in Brazil. José was unfairly scorned by Rosinha's father, calling him "Castrato Tranny", mocking Panchito and Donald and insulted his family. In anger for the first time, José warned him to never mock his family, friends and their dream, adding that the old man had jinxed himself and would die someday with all money useless to him. While dated Rosinha, he felt as if she was putting him and Zé Galo on the hook, growing less confident of himself. Yet, he find himself occasionally befriend his love rival. One day, he received a call from Panchito about the plan to restore Donald's singing voice. Understanding Donald's wish to comeback as "Three Caballeros", he put his friend's dream first as he broke up with Rosinha and agreed to perform in the hotel owned by Chaves family. With enough money earned, he left Brazil and moved back to USA. When Donald's voice was finally cured, the three made their comeback in House of Mouse, confirming their return and continuing their careers together.
Because of his experience in raising two nephews before Donald's surgery, José is one of very few who is able to handle Huey, Dewey and Louie's antics. Being a member representing LGBTQ+, majority of his fans are of same community and often perform songs in Pride Parades/Carnivals. He has a somewhat naive side when advised by Donald in writing songs through expressing or telling stories genuinely, José released his single song "Amazonian Cuckhold" based on the legend of Encantado/the Amazonian Pink Dolphin, adding spice with story in a song; in a POV of Encantado who found the lonely girl in a party as her boyfriend stood her up with other girls, so Encantado wooed/seduced the girl while insulting her boyfriend. Despite the censorship, the song has become a cautionary tale to never take the received love for granted or someone better would steal their lover away. 
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oliviasmith-21 · 4 months
How to Set Up an LLC in Pennsylvania: Step-by-Step Guide by TRUIC
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Establishing a Limited Liability Company (LLC) varies across states, and Pennsylvania has its own specific process. New business owners can find the process confusing, but this comprehensive guide by TRUIC will remove the guesswork. Continue reading to find out how to create an LLC in Pennsylvania.
Types of LLCs in Pennsylvania USA
Pennsylvania offers various LLC types to suit different business needs:
Single-member LLC: Consists of one owner (member) who holds all ownership rights.
Member-managed LLC: A multi-member LLC where all owners (members) have a say in decision-making and manage the business.
Manager-managed LLC: A multi-member LLC where members appoint a manager to handle daily operations, suitable for larger LLCs.
Restricted LLC: For professional services like medicine, dentistry, law, etc., requiring registration as a restricted professional company.
Benefit LLC: Formed to create a general public benefit, impacting society and the environment positively.
Domestic LLC: An LLC formed within Pennsylvania.
3 Steps to Setup LLC in Pennsylvania USA
Setting up an LLC in Pennsylvania involves filing several documents with the Department of State and can be done online or by mail.
Step 1: Select a Distinct Name for Your LLC
Ensure your chosen LLC name is unique by using Pennsylvania’s business entity search tool. If the name is available, but you're not ready to register, you can reserve it for 120 days.
Naming Rules:
Must include "company," "limited," "limited liability company," or their abbreviations.
Must not include words like "corporation" or "incorporated."
Step 2: Choose a CROP, or Registered Office
You need to provide a physical address in Pennsylvania for your LLC, or enter into an agreement with a Commercial Registered Office Provider (CROP) to provide this address.
Step 3: Put Your LLC Documents in Order
Submit a Certificate of Organization and a docketing statement to the Pennsylvania Department of State. Veterans may apply for a fee waiver. For LLCs formed elsewhere, file a Foreign Registration Statement.
Register an LLC online in Pennsylvania
Filing online is efficient and straightforward. Visit the Pennsylvania Department of State's website to access the online filing portal, complete the necessary forms, and pay the filing fee.
What does it take to start an LLC in PA?
While it's challenging to avoid all costs, you can minimize expenses by handling the filing yourself and serving as your own registered agent. Utilize free resources for creating your operating agreement.
Creating an LLC with Just One Member in Pennsylvania
Similar steps apply to LLCs with many members. Single-member LLCs benefit from simplified management and flexible taxation, often being treated as a disregarded entity for tax purposes.
Lets Find: Is PA a good state for an LLC?
Advantages of a PA LLC
Limited Liability Protection: Personal assets are protected from business liabilities.
Tax Flexibility: Choose from various tax structures to optimize tax obligations.
Simplified Compliance: Fewer formalities than corporations.
Enhanced Credibility: Boosts business trust and legitimacy.
How much does it cost to start an LLC in Pennsylvania: know more
Primary costs include the filing fee for the Certificate of Organization, registered agent fees (if applicable), and publication costs (if needed). Additional costs might include legal assistance for drafting documents.
Processing Fee: $125
State Filing Fee: $125, payable to Pennsylvania's Commonwealth; nonrefundable
Mailing Address:
Pennsylvania Department of State
Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations
P.O. Box 8722
Harrisburg, PA 17105
A Docketing Statement must be sent with your Certificate of Organization if you file it by mail.
Check out our Pennsylvania Certificate of Organization tutorial for assistance in filling out the form.
How Long Does It Take to Get an LLC in PA?
Online Filing: Typically processed within 5-10 business days.
Mail Filing: Can take several weeks due to processing times.
Crucial Actions Following LLC Formation
Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN)
necessary if your LLC employs a large number of people. Get a free EIN from the IRS website.
Create an Operating Contract
While not required, an operating agreement is crucial for outlining management structure, ownership, and operational procedures, helping to prevent disputes.
Keep Your Personal and Business Assets Apart
Open a business bank account and keep business transactions separate from personal ones to maintain liability protection.
Submit Your Decennial Report
Pennsylvania requires a decennial report every 10 years to update business information. The next filing period is in 2031.
Also Evaluate LLCs in Florida, California, and New York USA
LLC in New York
Includes filing fees, a publication requirement, and biennial statements. The publication requirement can be costly due to the need to publish in newspapers For all information go and visit LLC in New York.
LLC in California
Involves filing fees and an annual franchise tax. Requires biennial Statement of Information filings but no publication requirement and Visit for further details click to LLC in California.
LLC in Florida
Requires filing Articles of Organization with a filing fee. No publication requirement and straightforward annual report filings. For more comprehensive details, please visit LLC in Florida.
Setting up an LLC in Pennsylvania is a strategic move for many entrepreneurs. Follow this step-by-step guide by TRUIC to navigate the process confidently. Whether forming a single-member or multi-member LLC, Pennsylvania provides a supportive business environment.
Ready to form your LLC? Visit TRUIC for user-friendly resources and start your LLC formation journey today. Together, let's make your company's vision a reality.
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pilawturkey · 9 months
Turkish Business Lawyer
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This article seeks to examine the particular role of Turkish Business Lawyers in Turkey. Turkey is surrounded on three sides by the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean Sea. Therefore, our country is based on a critical geography. It connects three continents including Africa, Asia and Europe. There is a growing interest of foreign entrepreneurs in making investments.
What is the meaning of Turkish Business Lawyer in Turkey?
Law and its application necessitates a great deal of knowledge about the legal framework in every single country. Every single investment project needs an embracing analysis of applicable Turkish norms. Commercial activities such as company formations, opening a branch, mergers and acquisitions, franchising system must be managed through an efficient legal guidance by foreign investors. Turkish business lawyers provide in-depth services to large, middle or small scale of corporations and|or individuals for their upcoming investment activities.
What is the role of Turkish Business Lawyers for the recent achievements of Pi Legal Consultancy?
Pi Legal Consultancy is a legal consulting and business consulting international law firm in Turkey. Pi Legal Consultancy working groups aim at setting up a wide network inside and outside Turkey. Currently, Pi Legal Consultancy enjoys solution partners and lawyers based in most European and African countries as well as Canada and the United States. Additionally we have three offices based in İstanbul, Ankara and Batman. It necessarily means that Pi Legal Consultancy has a robust network around the globe. Based on a detailed overview of our client profiles, our service quality, satisfying nature of our articles and papers together with our marketing and branding efforts, we have been recently chosen by the London-based Prestige Awards Group as the international law firm of 2022/2023. Currently, we provide legal and business consultancy to leading French, British, Norway, USA, Switzerland, Denmark, Netherlands, Israel, Canadian and Kuwait companies and the Ministry of Health of Kuwait. We have also created a great collaboration with the Embassy and Istanbul Consulate General of Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom. Pi Legal Consultancy also offers legal guidance to numerous foreigners living or working within the jurisdiction of Turkey. On one hand, Turkish Business Lawyers in Ankara are of utmost importance in meeting the growing interest of particularly individual foreigners. On the other hand, Turkish Business Lawyers in Istanbul are of great importance in offering detailed services to foreign corporations for their investment activities in Turkey.
Pi Legal Consultancy is very pleased to provide a comprehensive business consultancy to foreigners. Qualified commercial lawyers in Ankara and qualified commercial lawyers in Istanbul undertake paramount duties under the umbrella of Pi Legal Consultancy. They provide legal and business consulting to citizens of foreign countries. Form more information about this topic, please click to https://www.pilc.law/turkish-business-lawyer/
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catdotjpeg · 1 year
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BAYAN USA congratulates the workers of Jollibee in Journal Square, New Jersey for their recent campaign victories that have moved them closer and closer to a milestone win against corporate greed. After workers filed an unfair labor practice complaint to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the NLRB responded by filing its own complaint against Jollibee after finding merit that the company had unlawfully terminated and retaliated against the workers. The NLRB’s action is a result of the tireless organizing and collective action of the Jollibee workers at Journal Square, as well as the broad network of support from both Filipino and non-Filipino communities. 
BAYAN USA calls on the Filipino community and allies alike to support the Justice for Jollibee Workers Campaign’s month of action, leading up to October 11, the day Jollibee is set to appear in court for the case. 
The class enemies behind Jollibee
Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC) is a billion dollar business owned by Tony Tan Caktiong, the 5th richest person in the Philippines. Caktiong is unquestionably part of the class of big comprador bourgeoisie, one that makes its living from exploiting the resources of the Philippines — including labor — for the benefit of the imperialist market. In addition to its flagship fast food brand, JFC has also “diversified” its business ventures to other restaurants (such as Chowking, Red Ribbon, Smashburger, and The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf), and even hotel chains. Their rapid business expansion comes from the exploitation of Filipino and non-Filipino workers alike. 
In the Philippines, JFC was listed by the Department of Labor and Employment in 2018 as one of the companies with the most contractual employees, purposefully denying long-term contractual workers the right to job security and benefits. In the U.S., JFC-owned Smashburger was ordered to pay damages to 241 employees after being found to have violated New York City’s paid and sick leave laws. 
A large factor in the aggressive growth of JFC is, in fact, the overseas expansion of Jollibee itself. Capitalizing off the forced migration of millions of Filipinos to every corner of the world, Caktiong has been able to profit off the nostalgia of OFWs and Filipinos in diaspora. In 2021, overseas markets contributed to around 40 percent of JFC’s overall revenue. And in 2022, almost one quarter of Jollibee’s revenues came from U.S. sales alone: $31 million out of $135 million. Even now, JFC has an aggressive plan to expand Jollibee by 500 stores in the next 5 to 7 years in North America.
These facts reveal how bold-faced of a lie the Jollibee Journal Square upper management team’s “reason” was for firing the workers: that the store was supposedly “losing money” and thus had to let workers go. In response to the NLRB’s complaint, Jollibee even admitted that it had actually made hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue over the past 12 months, before and during the terminations that happened in February this year. 
As JFC celebrates its 45th anniversary with the theme “#JoyfulTogether”, it is clear that only comprador capitalists like Caktiong remain joyful, while the workers live in misery. Despite painting a picture of family between management and workers, the class interests of the capitalists and the workers are irreconcilable. 
No help from the Philippine government
BAYAN USA also calls to question the inaction of the Philippine government in such a high profile case. Both the Department of Foreign Affairs through its Philippine Consul General in New York, as well as the Department of Migrants Workers through its U.S.-based Migrant Workers Offices, are charged with providing service and assistance to Philippine nationals facing employment-related complaints. 
Yet there has not been even a single word from the government since the campaign went public in July. If the representatives of the Philippine government in the Northeast were in tune with our community, they would know that many of the workers at the Journal Square store — and many other locations, for that matter — are still Philippine passport-holders, and thus entitled to assistance. At the end of the day, it is no wonder why the government remains silent. The interests of the big comprador capitalist class are intertwined with those in political power.
Justice for Jollibee Workers!
The victories of the Jollibee Journal Square workers are proof that when workers unite, get organized and take action together  to demand for higher wages, better working conditions, and an end to exploitative systems, change can happen. BAYAN USA encourages Filipino workers across the country to learn from and be inspired by their fight. We pledge to be there in support of the hundreds of other workers’ struggles for higher wages and better working conditions just waiting to be launched. 
To the broad public, join us in conducting public education, gathering signatures, holding rallies, and releasing solidarity statements in support of the Jollibee workers. Let us continue uplifting their demands for reinstatement, back pay and compensation, a public apology, and for JFC to notify and inform workers of their rights in all stores. Beyond this current fight, let us also drum up the demand for a living wage and the right to organize for Jollibee workers in Journal Square and everywhere.
Justice for Jollibee Workers! Get organized! Fight for higher wages and better working conditions! Defend the right to organize! Defend workers rights! The fight of Jollibee workers is the fight of the entire Filipino community!
-- "Organize and Fight! All-Out Support for the Justice 4 Jollibee Workers Campaign" from BAYAN USA, 1 Oct 2023
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mariacallous · 1 year
The recent security agreements between Papua New Guinea and the United States are a good deal for the planet—but a tough pill for Beijing to swallow, and one that might come with potential blowback.
The new agreements accelerate coastal security strategies that also help with climate change adaptation by protecting vulnerable fisheries. These new moves point toward greater opportunities for further climate mitigation and resilience, using existing climate programs in Papua New Guinea and international climate financing. Papuan Prime Minister James Marape has often spoken of his enthusiasm for climate financing, which is also a high priority for the whole of the Blue Pacific Continent 2050 strategy that was endorsed and launched last July 2022 by a coalition of island nations. With the Biden administration set to host a major U.S.-Pacific island summit this fall, American interest in Pacific climate adaptation is growing.
But one aspect of these programs that American officials discuss only behind closed doors is their role in countering Chinese influence in the Pacific. Some of the programs are aimed at curbing environmental damage committed largely by Chinese companies through questionable fishing practices and widespread logging and mining. Pushing Chinese firms with dubious environmental practices out of Papua New Guinea and elsewhere also helps reduce the role of Chinese money, and influence, in Pacific politics—a double win for the United States.
Marape has said Papua New Guinea holds 13 percent of the world’s rainforest, laying out greater goals in the Green Climate Fund roadmap. While a total logging ban still seems a long way away, especially in the absence of more climate financing, the recent deals set the course for greater climate solutions in partnership with the United States and others.
Canberra is also negotiating a security deal with Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby has delayed signing it for more “domestic processes,” but the two have had a binding climate action plan in place since 2018. Australia enacted specific logging guidelines for forestry in Papua New Guinea in 2012 and updated its fishing protection cooperation agreement in 2021.
As the largest importer of both legal and illegal timber, China revised its Forest Law in 2019 to ban the “purchase, process or transport” of illegal logs. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly stated that it opposes illegal fishing, logging, and mining—but there’s little sign of any willingness to restrain Chinese firms operating overseas.
Marape has certainly courted Chinese funders, but American diplomats have felt encouraged by comments such as the following: “The USA remains the leader of the free world. For those of us who believe in democracy, for those of us who believe in a Christian worldview, we share many commonalities with the United States of America.” That comment came even after U.S. President Joe Biden canceled a visit to Papua New Guinea at the last minute, thanks to the debt ceiling crisis.
Amid a raft of agreements, two that stand out are the Defense Cooperation Agreement and the Agreement Concerning Counter Illicit Transnational Maritime Activity Operations. According to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, these “will boost cooperation between Papua New Guinea Defense Forces and the U.S. Coast Guard to help build up the Defense Forces’ capacity, and help combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.” The second agreement, in particular, will have a major impact on the islands’ threatened fisheries, particularly their tuna stocks.
According to the U.S. State Department, this deal “will enable PNG to participate in the U.S. Coast Guard’s Shiprider program, enhancing PNG’s organic enforcement capabilities, improving overall maritime domain awareness, and helping PNG protect its sovereignty.”
This means the two coast guards can work together to board ships suspected of illegal activities—including potentially directly engaging with China’s aggressive fishing militia that threatens to deplete fishing stocks globally.
These moves are likely to prove popular. Papua New Guinea’s citizens are furious about losing money from illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing (IUU) and want greater security solutions. IUU is also becoming a key climate crisis issue, as it imperils food security at a time when warming waters are killing reefs. Clashes between fishing fleets and locals also make maritime crimes more likely. Chinese firms do little research on or engagement with locals, often prompting an angry response. Marape has already had to step into the uproar over a planned China-backed commercial fishery in the Torres Strait.
Since taking office in 2019, Marape has sought to balance business needs and environmental protection—a difficult feat given the mix of the pandemic and the mutual desire of Beijing, Washington, and Canberra to sway the strategically critical country.
At a press conference after the signing, Marape stressed his desire to avoid picking a side, saying, “What we’ve signed does not encroach—or affect, rather—Papua New Guinea’s own relationships we have with other nations we trade with, or we have relationships with, be it military or government-to-government relations. Period.”
At a time of growing U.S.-China tensions, however, staying out of the conflict is becoming increasingly hard for Pacific nations. In response to the signing, China’s Foreign Ministry played it cool in its messaging, saying, “China is not opposed to countries’ efforts to grow ties with Papua New Guinea and other Pacific island countries,” but the state-affiliated Global Times took a sharp swipe at the United States and the Biden administration.
Regional tensions were stoked in 2017 when then-U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement, angering Pacific Islanders facing the brunt of rising seas and increased super cyclones. This set a course for Beijing to undermine Pacific nations’ previous recognition of Taipei, as happened in both the Solomon Islands and Kiribati in 2019.
In the Solomon Islands, tensions stirred over Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and payments made to his administration from Beijing from many island residents, with protests bubbling over into several days of anti-government violence in the capital city of Honiara in November 2021.
Many Chinese-owned businesses were torched, and Beijing ultimately drafted a secret security agreement with Honiara that was leaked in the Solomons in April 2022, alarming many Pacific countries. A month later, China sought a regional security pact with Pacific nations that failed to materialize. This has galvanized many Western governments to increase outreach and aid—particularly climate change financing and security deals—to Pacific island nations.
As these deals deepen, Beijing’s response is likely to mix promises with threats, as happened this year with then-Micronesian President David Panuelo. Small countries may not want to pick a team—but both Beijing and Washington are increasingly unwilling to let them stay on the sidelines.
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ivirginus · 1 year
Who Can Buy Land in USA?
Who Can Buy Land in USA? A Foreigner’s Guide to Buying Land in the USA
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Discount Lots SEARCH LAND FOR SALE If you’re interested in purchasing land in the United States, you may wonder who can buy land in USA. The answer is that both American citizens and foreign nationals can purchase property in the United States. However, foreign purchasers have some restrictions when it comes to owning a parcel of land. In this article, we’ll explore who can buy land in USA and whether or not you can own a parcel of land as a foreigner. Read on to learn about who can purchase land in the United States.
Who Can Buy Land in USA?
Generally, about anyone with the financial means and who meets certain eligibility criteria can purchase land in the USA. US Citizens and Permanent Residents US citizens who are 18 years or older and have a credit score of at least 650 can buy land in the United States. Additionally, permanent residents who have lived and worked in the US for at least two years may be eligible to purchase a plot of land. Companies and Corporations Companies and corporations authorized to conduct business in the US may be eligible to buy land. Additionally, they must meet certain requirements set by lenders who will review their financial situation and credit score. International Investors Non-US citizens looking to purchase a parcel of land in the United States must have a valid visa and meet certain requirements set by lenders. This includes having a certain credit score, proof of residency in the US for at least two years, and providing any other documents that may be necessary depending on who you are buying from. Additionally, you might have to pay additional taxes or fees, so it’s best to research all of the relevant laws and regulations before signing any contracts.
Are There Additional Rules and Regulations for Non-Residents?
Foreigners interested in investing in the land may also be subject to additional rules and regulations depending on the state they wish to purchase the property. For example, Florida has specific laws that must be followed regarding foreign real estate purchases. Additionally, certain types of land may require approval from certain government agencies before a sale can happen. It is also important to understand that various other taxes and fees you might incur when buying land in the United States. These may include transfer taxes, title insurance costs, property taxes, and other closing costs. Before entering into a contract to buy land in the United States, it’s important to consult an attorney familiar with international transactions, as well as the laws and regulations in the state where you wish to purchase the property.
Does Buying Land in the US Automatically Grant Me Citizenship?
Purchasing land in the US can be a great opportunity for investors who have the means to do so. However, it’s important to know that purchasing land in the US does not automatically grant you citizenship. In order to become a citizen of the United States, you must go through a rigorous application process and meet other criteria set by the US government.
Where Are Foreign Buyers of US Land From?
Foreign purchasers who are interested in buying land in the United States typically come from the region of Asia, which makes up 22% of the total number of foreign land buyers. People from this region tend to invest in properties because the US real estate market is more stable than in other countries. The sales price of land is also more affordable.
Where Do Foreigners Buy Property in the USA?
There are many desirable states for foreigners to buy property. Some of the most popular destinations for international real estate transactions include Texas, California, and Florida. Each state offers unique opportunities to buy land with stunning scenery, a warm climate, and thriving real estate markets. - Texas is an attractive choice for non-resident buyers looking to invest in land due to its low taxes and business-friendly regulations. - California offers stunning scenery, climate, and culture and access to some of the US’s most desirable real estate markets. - Florida is another popular choice due to its year-round warm climate and relatively affordable real estate prices. Ultimately, who can buy land in the USA will depend on the individual’s financial situation and ability to meet the various requirements set by lenders and government agencies. It’s important to research all of the applicable laws, regulations, taxes, and fees before entering into a contract to purchase land in any state. With proper planning and guidance, foreign investors who meet the requirements can own a piece of the American dream. SEARCH LAND FOR SALE
Top Things to Consider Before Buying Land in the USA
When considering who can buy land in USA, there are a few important things to remember. Why Do You Want to Buy an American Property? Your primary objective should be to determine the purpose of your purchase. Are you looking for a vacation home, an investment property, or something else? Examine the regions and property kinds that have historically performed well and provided solid returns. Look for upcoming events that might increase demand for real estate, such as major festivals, sporting events, or even specific construction projects, such as a new harbor or shopping center. Can You Stay in the USA? Despite the fact that the USA has long been a favorite destination for foreign property searchers, most people can only enter the country for up to 90 days per year for either business or pleasure. Therefore, you must possess a B-2 visa if you want to spend more time maximizing your property. The holder of this visa may stay for up to six months. Additionally, those applying for a B-2 visa must demonstrate that they have enough money to maintain themselves abroad. Have You Thought About Where Your Land Will Be Located in the US? It’s good to visit any property or development in person. That way, you can see for yourself what the neighborhood is really like, get a sense of the surroundings and the actual property, see how close it is to local amenities, any extras like beaches or outdoor adventures, and check out public transportation options. Do You Have a Set Budget? While you can easily find cheap land for sale across the country, it’s crucial to estimate how much your property will ultimately cost you and how you plan to pay for it. You may use any finances more effectively to identify the ideal property if you clearly understand your budget, enabling you to set particular goals. You might need to convert your local currency into US dollars if you purchase real estate in the US. Early on in your research, get in touch with a currency expert so you can stay on top of exchange rates and prepare for how changes in the currency will influence your guests. This way, you may incorporate your overseas payments into your total spending plan and maintain control of any less obvious costs. Prepare for Extra Charges and Hidden Fees You could be pleasantly surprised to learn that there aren’t too many additional costs while purchasing in the US, despite the possibility that there will be. Since US property taxes and levies are among the lowest in the world, you should normally allow them in the purchase price. However, if you own a property in a resort, you may be responsible for additional expenses. It is also important to remember that you can encounter unforeseen expenses here if and when the time comes to sell your US property. The seller frequently covers the cost, for instance. The American tax system is famous for being complicated; for help, contact a financial or legal professional. SEARCH LAND FOR SALE
How to Buy Property in the USA as a Non-Citizen?
Foreigners can easily buy land in the USA without a green card, a specific kind of visa, or even USA citizenship. As we mentioned earlier, they are ought to have a valid visa and proof of residency in the US for at least two years. Here are some important things to know for a smooth buying process. Understand the Tax Implications It’s important to understand the tax implications of buying property in the US while living abroad. The Real Property Tax Act  The Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) dictates who is eligible to buy real estate in the US, who pays taxes on it, and other related matters. The Act requires foreign buyers who sell their property to pay a 10-15% capital gains tax. Every foreign land investor is given a taxpayer identification number. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) uses this individual taxpayer identification number to track rental income and other taxes associated with owning property in the United States. Failure to obtain this number can result in fines, penalties, or even having your property seized by the government. Non-resident owners planning to spend more than 180 days in the country over a 12-month period need to register for a tax identification number. Tax Treaties There are numerous international tax treaties that the US has signed. These agreements are made to limit the possibility of double taxation. The tax treaty may lower the taxes you would ordinarily pay on income from a US property if you are a resident of a nation having a US tax treaty. Tax Rates In general, the government taxes any income from real estate in the US that a non-resident owns that is not actually tied to a US trade or enterprise at a 30% rate. This rate might be lower if your resident country and the US have a tax treaty. How Your Property Income Is Treated A non-resident immigrant may treat all income from property that generates income in the US as being inextricably linked to a US trade or enterprise if they own it or have an interest in it. This is known as the Section 871(d) election. If you choose this option, you can deduct expenses related to real estate income, making the net income taxable. This will apply to all income derived from US-based real estate. SEARCH LAND FOR SALE Financing Options as a Foreigner Cash payment is the simplest method for foreign investors. Typically, you can request an international wire transfer via your local bank. That way, you wouldn’t have to be concerned about currency conversion. Can Foreigners Qualify for a US Mortgage? You will face a much more difficult process if you’re looking to get a conventional loan from an American bank. For foreign national mortgages, you can expect to come up with a 50% down payment for the property. If you’re living in the US, you’ll face many issues, and the bank’s decisions could be based on whether or not you are a citizen or a green card holder. This is not going to be an easy route.
What’s the Easiest Way for Foreigners to Buy Land in the USA?
The easiest way for foreign people to buy land in the US is to pay for it in cash. Paying for the property in full means that the title transfers to you immediately, and it’s a done deal. If cash isn’t an option, then the next best thing would be to attempt owner financing. Owner financing is a great option for foreigners purchasing property without the hassle of securing a traditional mortgage. Here’s where DiscountLots can help immensely!  It allows buyers to make payments directly to the property seller rather than through a third-party lender who approves mortgages. By taking advantage of Discount Lots’ owner financing options, you can save money by taking advantage of discounted rates. This can help to reduce the overall cost of buying land in the United States, making it more accessible and attainable for any non-US citizen who wishes to purchase real property here. With Discount Lots, you can easily find owner financing options that are right for your budget and needs. We don’t require credit history checks, there are no prepayment penalties and you can learn more about our owner financing process here.
Do Foreign Buyers Have to Pay Extra Stamp Duties?
Foreigners purchasing real estate in the US are not subject to any additional stamp duty, as opposed to Hong Kong, Singapore, London, Vancouver, Toronto, Sydney, and Melbourne, which all increased the tax paid by foreign buyers from 7% to 30%. There are no restrictions when foreigners purchase real estate in the United States. In reality, many affluent overseas investors buy investment properties, including single-family homes, multi-unit apartments or condos, and even commercial properties like shopping centers. They also buy residential lands and vacation homes in the United States. Foreigners and Americans each pay the same amount in stamp duty. Additionally, you might add the stamp duty (property transfer tax) to the cost basis of the property when you sell it, lowering your future tax liability.
How Long Does the Land Buying Process Take in the US?
The purchase process for real estate in the US can take anywhere from four to eight weeks. This largely depends on the complexity of the transaction and who is involved—i.e., individuals, lenders, corporate entities, or trusts. It’s important to remember that if you’re a foreigner purchasing land in the US, you’ll need to set up a U.S.-based bank account prior to closing the transaction. This will ensure that you can wire the funds for your purchase in a timely manner and that everything remains secure.
Who Can Buy Land in USA: Final Thoughts
Foreigners who want to buy land in the United States of America can easily do so. The easiest way for a foreign buyer to purchase land is by paying for it in cash. Though, the most convenient option available is through owner financing. Additionally, foreign buyers who purchase real estate in the US pay the same stamp duty as domestic buyers and can expect their transaction to take four to eight weeks to complete. Discount Lots has access to a wide range of land and owner financing options that make buying property in the US easier for foreign buyers. We sell land directly to you, so there’s no need for a real estate agent or any third-party involvement. Contact us today for more information about purchasing land in the USA! Looking for Vacant Land? Discount Lots has affordable land for sale across the country. SEARCH LAND FOR SALE Read the full article
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tvzoonix · 2 days
In the modern digital age, entertainment has surpassed more conventional channels like cable television, particularly with the emergence of IPTV services. Especially for those looking for international programming, Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) has completely changed how consumers consume content. As the best Pakistani IPTV provider in the USA, Zoonix TV is apart from the many other IPTV companies that serve expat populations. Zoonix TV provides unmatched access to a wide range of Pakistani material, enabling fans of Pakistani culture and Pakistani Americans to effortlessly watch their favorite films, TV series, and news on their screens.
In-depth discussions of Zoonix TV's capabilities, available content, and general user experience will be provided as we examine why it is the greatest option for Pakistani IPTV in the USA.
A Wide Variety of Channels for Every Watcher
The range of channels that Zoonix TV offers is one of the things that sets it apart as the best Pakistan IPTV provider in the USA. A wide variety of Pakistani channels, including news, sports, entertainment, and religious programming, are available on Zoonix TV. With stations ranging from well-liked entertainment programs like Hum TV and PTV Home to well-known Pakistani news networks like Geo News and ARY News, Zoonix TV makes sure that viewers are informed about the most recent events and cultural practices in their country.
Zoonix TV has everything you need, whether you're a lover of Pakistani dramas, crave the newest cricket matches, or are just trying to keep up with what's going on in the world. For a crisp visual experience, the platform provides HD streaming, providing consumers access to their favorite channels without compromising on quality access to their favorite channels without compromising on quality.
The Finest Technology for Streaming Continuously
Being the best Pakistan IPTV provider in the USA, Zoonix TV raises the standard in terms of technology. The effectiveness of the platform's infrastructure and internet connection quality have a major impact on IPTV streaming. Zoonix TV has made an investment in cutting-edge servers to guarantee that consumers don't encounter much lag or buffering when streaming.
This technological advantage is particularly crucial for live broadcasts, such news updates and sporting events. For example, live match cricket fanatics won't miss a ball, while news enthusiasts can stay up to date without any disruptions. Users always receive the best service possible because to the platform's dependability, especially during periods of high traffic.
An Easy-to-Use Experience
The user experience on a platform is what ultimately decides whether or not users will stick with it, regardless of how sophisticated the technology is. Offering a user-friendly and straightforward platform is where Zoonix TV shines. It's easy to browse across different channels and genres using an intuitive UI. Because of the interface's straightforward design, people of all ages may enjoy the material without becoming lost in convoluted menus or perplexing options.
Furthermore, Zoonix TV offers versatility with a variety of viewing choices. You can watch Pakistani programming anywhere, at any time, with Zoonix TV, whether you like to watch it on a computer, tablet, smartphone, or smart TV. Customers with various demands can find Zoonix TV to be a suitable option because of its cross-platform compatibility.
Reasonably priced Subscription Plans
Zoonix TV's affordable cost is another factor that makes it the best Pakistan IPTV provider in the USA. While many IPTV companies charge exorbitant costs for foreign channels, Zoonix TV provides reasonably priced membership packages that are very well worth the money. Customers don't have to pay outrageous rates that can strain their budget to get a large selection of Pakistani channels.
The pricing structure of Zoonix TV is made to accommodate a wide range of users, including families and individuals who wish to have unrestricted access to Pakistani content. Because of its low cost and excellent service, Zoonix TV is the Best IPTV provider for the Pakistani population in the United States.
Outstanding Client Assistance
Dependable customer service is essential when it comes to IPTV services. Technical problems can occasionally occur, and a user's experience can be greatly impacted by the caliber of customer service. Zoonix TV takes great pride in providing outstanding customer service, making sure that any problems consumers may encounter are quickly resolved.
The customer support staff at Zoonix TV is available to help with any issues, be it debugging technical issues, answering subscription-related questions, or offering advice on configuring the service. Their commitment to providing a seamless experience enhances their standing as the best Pakistan IPTV provider in the USA.
Having a Deep Dedication to the Pakistani Community
In addition to providing Pakistani content, Zoonix TV serves as a conduit between Pakistani nationals living abroad and their native country. Maintaining cultural ties is vital for many Pakistani Americans, and Zoonix TV makes that possible by providing a selection of channels that highlight the finest of Pakistani television.
Zoonix TV helps its viewers stay in touch with their roots by providing them with anything from live news broadcasts that enlighten viewers about what's occurring back home to classic dramas that induce nostalgia. One reason Zoonix TV has such a devoted fan base is its affinity for Pakistani culture and values.
Always Changing and Adding New Features
Being the best Pakistan IPTV provider in the USA is not enough for Zoonix TV; it always strives to improve its platform and services. To stay current with the most recent developments in the IPTV sector, the company frequently adds new channels, features, and updates. By constantly altering, Zoonix TV can keep one step ahead of its competitors and satisfy the ever-evolving needs of its clientele.
To provide viewers with even more discretion over what they watch and when, Zoonix TV is also investigating the integration of on-demand programming. Whether it's catching up on missed chat show episodes or binge-watching a beloved Pakistani drama, Zoonix TV is paving the way for a more adaptable and customized viewing experience.
The best Pakistan IPTV provider in the USA is Zoonix TV, when it comes to IPTV services designed specifically for the Pakistani community living there. With its extensive channel selection, cutting-edge streaming technology, reasonable prices, and commitment to client pleasure, Zoonix TV offers the best service available for consumers looking for Pakistani entertainment.
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jinnoxbolt · 16 days
The Evolution and Impact of Bolt Manufacturers in India: A Comprehensive Overview
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Jinnox Bolt is a leading Bolt Manufacturers in India, known for quality, innovation and customer satisfaction. Since it started, we have been catering top-quality fasteners to various industries such as automobile, construction, aerospace etc. We have modernized and well-equipped manufacturing facilities, with the latest equipment to manufacture high-quality bolts as per international standards.
The Evolution of Bolt Manufacturing in India
Bolt manufacturing company in India has undergone substantial transformation since its inception. Historically, the industry was characterized by small-scale operations with limited technological advancements. However, with globalization and increased industrial demands, the sector has evolved into a sophisticated, high-tech industry.
The 1990s marked a turning point for Indian manufacturing, including bolt production, as economic liberalization opened the doors to foreign investments and technology transfers. This period saw the introduction of advanced machinery and automated processes, enhancing production capabilities and quality standards. Today, Indian Bolt Manufacturers are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring precision and efficiency in their operations.
Key Players and Their Contributions
Several prominent players in the Indian bolt manufacturing industry have contributed to its growth and global competitiveness. Companies like Jinnox Bolt, among others, have been at the forefront, offering a diverse range of high-quality bolts and fasteners. These manufacturers not only cater to domestic needs but also export to international markets, showcasing India’s manufacturing prowess.
Jinnox Bolt, for example, has established itself as a leader in the production of welding electrodes, which are integral to bolt manufacturing. The company’s commitment to quality and innovation has set a benchmark in the industry, reflecting the broader trend of excellence among Indian manufacturers.
Challenges and Opportunities
Despite significant advancements, the bolt supplier in India faces several challenges. Fluctuations in raw material prices, particularly steel, can impact production costs and profitability. Additionally, maintaining consistency in quality while scaling up production remains a challenge for many manufacturers.
However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth and innovation. Investing in research and development can lead to the creation of new bolt designs and materials that address current limitations. Moreover, expanding into emerging markets and diversifying product offerings can help manufacturers mitigate risks and capitalize on new opportunities.
Countries we supply bolts
Bolt Manufacturers in UAE
Bolt Manufacturers in Australia
Bolt Manufacturers in South Africa
Bolt Manufacturers in USA
Bolt Manufacturers in Qatar
Impact on the Construction and Automotive Industries
Bolt Manufacturer in India plays a pivotal role in the construction and automotive sectors, among others. In construction, bolts are essential for the assembly of structures, including bridges, buildings, and machinery. High-strength bolts are particularly crucial for ensuring structural integrity and safety.
In the automotive industry, bolts are integral to vehicle assembly and maintenance. The demand for reliable and high-quality bolts drives innovation and standards within the industry. As the automotive sector evolves with new technologies and designs, bolt manufacturers must adapt to meet changing requirements and specifications.
Bolt suppliers in India have come a long way from their humble beginnings, evolving into a vital component of the global manufacturing landscape. With advancements in technology, a focus on quality, and a commitment to innovation, the industry is well-positioned for future growth and success. As Indian manufacturers continue to push boundaries and explore new opportunities, the impact of bolts on various sectors will remain profound, underscoring their importance in the modern world.
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indian-pan-card-usa · 19 days
Pan Card in USA
A Permanent Account Number (PAN) card is a unique identification number essential for financial transactions and tax-related activities in India. While PAN cards are primarily associated with residents of India, non-resident Indians (NRIs), foreign nationals, and entities can also apply for a PAN card from abroad, including the USA. Here’s a step-by-step guide on PAN card in USA.
What is a PAN Card?
A PAN card is a ten-digit alphanumeric identifier, issued in the form of a laminated card, to any “person” who applies for it or to whom the department allots the number without an application. It links all transactions that attract taxation, making it easier for the government to track financial activities, prevent tax evasion, and broaden the tax base.
Importance of a PAN Card
1. Mandatory for Financial Transactions
Bank Accounts: Essential for opening and operating bank accounts.
Income Tax: Required for filing income tax returns and during tax assessments.
Investments: Necessary for investing in securities and mutual funds.
Property Transactions: Required for buying, selling, or renting property in India.
Loans and Credit: Needed when applying for loans or credit cards.
2. Prevention of Tax Evasion
By linking all financial transactions to a unique PAN, the Indian government can track and monitor income and expenditures, thereby minimizing the potential for tax evasion.
3. Ease of Business Operations
For businesses, a PAN card is vital for setting up operations, as it is required for obtaining licenses, registering the company, and fulfilling tax obligations.
Apply Pan card in usa
If you want to apply pan card in usa so you can contact us +1 (416) 996–1341 or [email protected] to apply pan card in usa.
1- Visit this site indianpancardusa.com 2- And Go to application form of apply for pan card 3- fill the details 4- Upload documents 5- submit the application form.
PAN card in USA might seem daunting, but by following these steps carefully, you can navigate the process smoothly. A PAN card not only facilitates various financial transactions in India but also ensures that you remain compliant with Indian tax laws, making it an essential tool for NRIs and foreign entities engaged with India.
Contact us Phone:- +1 (416) 996–1341 Email Us:- [email protected]
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