skzooe · 1 year
Hi there!!! I've read your lipstick stain reaction and it was so cuteeee, I really loved it :))
Could you do another part with haruto, seunghwan, and zhang hao (and any one you'd like to add) please?
And if you don't want to do the same kind you could do it of you smothering them with kisses as well :))
Thanks in advance, I hope you have a nice day!!
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lipstick stain trend,,🎀 p.2
p.1 p.2 p.3
with; seunghwan, jiwoong, zhanghao, haruto, p.hanbin
[note to anon; thank you so much! this has made my night 💕 i hope you enjoy this one]
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so down bad for you
"do you wanna film this kiss-"
soooo many compliments
"that colour looks really nice on you"
finds a way to rizz you up any opportunity he has
"it would look better if it was on my lips🤷‍♂️"
you sit on his lap with his hands immediately going to your waist, which made your heart skip a beat
when you start filming he cannot keep a straight face
you think he looks cute with kiss stains on his face so you decide to kiss him on the lips once
BEGS for more
when you show him the video he's so unbothered about it
literally pats his lap signalling you to sit which makes you so AKJSFHJDFHK
"sit on my lap then"
when you start recording he just gazing at you with his "bedroom" eyes (ifyk)
stares at your lips up and down likee
the tiktok comments go so crazy over him
which makes you hella jealous
however he does not give af and just finds it funny 💀
would literally do anything for you so how could he say no
the sweetest & caring ever
he finds it cute when you're struggling to apply the lipstick so he does it for you
"do you need help? come here"
he holds your chin which gives you instant butterflies
fights the urge to kiss you bc he thinks you look so pretty 😕
cannot stop staring at your lips while filming
the comments find it so cute fr
💬: hes SO whipped for her
he is on tiktok 24/7 so he defo knows about it
"i thought you would never ask😋"
is SO giggly
finds it ticklish so when you kiss him he starts laughing and throws you off the bed
the kiss stains get so smudged that he ends up looking like a tomato
you both forget about the tiktok because you spent all your time trying to wash it off 😭
absolutely LOVES the idea
however he takes it so seriously that you fight over what colour the lipstick should be 😭
"nonono, this one looks WAY better"
"nooo, this one suits you more"
turns into a compliment game??? (throwback to that hanbin vs woonggi battle💀)
"this colour makes me look prettier"
"you're pretty anyway"
"no you are"
"you're the most beautiful person i've ever met"
he ends up crashing his lips onto yours before you could finish your sentence, leading to a makeout seshhhh
what tiktok????????
part 3 here
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© skzooe
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gunhaos · 1 year
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sunghanbin · 1 year
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blossonmi · 1 year
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˖⁺‧₊˚♡ 사랑이란 그래 sweet and bitter ♡˚₊‧⁺˖
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boysplanetvenue · 1 year
How would seunghwan react when he's jealous?
seunghwan being jealous:
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• okay so i can see this going one of two ways
• either he’s extremely jealous and possessive of you
• or he’s so confident in your relationship that he thinks it’s hilarious when other guys flirt with you
• i really can’t tell with him
• if it’s the first scenario i definitely do not want to be the guy who’s flirting with you
• because it’s not going to end well…
• *if looks could kill*
• he’d get really provocative with the guy and basically try to piss him off
• he’s also the type that would definitely get into a fight because of you, if he feels like he needs to defend you
• on the other hand i could see him being amused by the fact that someone is trying to flirt with you
• because he knows the guy doesn’t stand a chance
• so he finds it kinda funny watching the guy embarrass himself, knowing you’re his girl/boy
• i feel like he could be in both of these scenarios depending on how he feels that day and what exactly the other guy is doing
• but generally i see him leaning more towards the possessive/jealous type
• the one thing i’m sure of at the end of the day is that he always wants to make sure you’re happy and safe
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k-etak · 1 year
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𓂃 . ☼ . 𓂃
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bep1erfics · 1 year
lee seunghwan - sweet dreams 💗
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after strolling downtown, the sunny afternoon soon turned into chaos. in an instant, the clouds turned dark. you decided to browse around the crowded streets, but forgot to check the weather.
rain kept pouring down, so you ran through and crossed the road, finding shelter at the secluded cafe you often went to.
as you walked in, the strong aroma of coffee beans hit your nostrils. but, there was no time to admire the cutely decorated cafe. your hair was a mess, clothes were completely soaked and your heart raced as if you had ran a marathon.
“i’m so sorry, but can i wait here until the rain lessens down?”
you plopped yourself down on the chair, but looked up when you hear a slight chuckle.
“the weather out there is pretty harsh, isn’t it?”
the tall & handsome barista sent you a grin after seeing you in such a bad state. you couldn’t help but notice how good looking he was, even from a far distance.
you couldn’t remember seeing this guy working all those other times you visited the cafe. was he new?
instantly, your pale face starts to turn bright red as you looked homeless compared to the well put together gentleman. seeing as you rudely barged in, buying a drink would be the best decision to break the awkward atmosphere.
you walked up to the counter, but the barista stopped you.
“wait here, i’ll get you a towel”
he rushes through the back door and comes with a towel & a spare change of clothes.
“you can change in the bathroom if you like. i’d feel horrible if i let a pretty girl like you sit in wet clothes”
he puts the towel around your neck and slightly smiles, gesturing you to the bathroom.
you quickly ran off and locked yourself in the bathroom stall, feeling your crimson stained cheeks as the raven hair’s sweet tone sent butterflies roaming in your stomach. you didn’t know this guy, but god, why was he so attractive?
you take a look at the spare change of clothes he gave you. it was a plain sweater and sweatpants. you tried the clothes on, but they were so oversized it looked as if you were wearing a trash bag.
walking out, the tall barista winks at you while he was serving the newer customers that just entered the cafe.
you rolled your eyes as you waited in the line. after all buying a drink was the least you could do to thank him.
“what can i get for you, angel?”
you silently death stared the giant and ignored his flirtatious remarks. looking at the menu, you couldn’t decide what drink you wanted.
the tall barista looked at your facial expressions. your indecisive face told him that you didn’t know which drink to get.
“the strawberry chocolate-chip frappé suits you. it’ll probably cool down your hot temper as well”
the guy snorts at his own joke while you grit your teeth together
“sweet, i’ll bring your order to you once it’s ready”
you sat down at the table you previously were at before and watched as he prepared your drink. suddenly, you realised you forgot to pay due to being embarrassed AND annoyed.
just as you were about to stand up, the tall barista places the pink drink on your table.
you looked up at the giant, completely dumbfounded.
the tall barista gazed into your clueless eyes, leaning on the table which made his collar bones & biceps visable.
“it’s on me, i’ll pay for it”
he gave you a wink and a pointed to cup. after that, he went back to taking on orders.
“don’t worry about paying. in return, i want to get to know you better :)
- seunghwan “
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hanbeanz · 1 year
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boys planet 3rd mission: artist battle performances
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harus-simp · 1 year
Playing the pocky game with them
Haruto,Seunghwan, Seowon, Seungeon
Warning:none, really fluffy
Author's note: wanted to try something like this 🤭🤭🤭
Hope you guys like it :))
Wanting to have a good time and play the so called pocky game turns out quite differently from what was expected.
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After a tiring day of practice,haruto got home early because he had been dancing intensively throughout the day so he was dismissed. When he got home he took a quick shower and waited patiently for you to come back home.
The moment you opened the door he instantly stood up and threw himself in your arms, clinging onto you like a koala making you drop all your bags to the floor.
"Baaaaabeeeeee. I missed you so much 🥺"
"You do realise we haven't seen each other for like only 15 minutes right?"you asked him teasingly.
"Yeah exactly. Too much time"
You giggled at his antics and grabbed the bags again guiding them to the kitchen.
"What have you bought by the way?"
"When I was about to pay for everything I found something I've been meaning to try for quite some time"
He looked at you curiously as you searched what you were looking for.
"Here, tadaaa"you said as you showed him a little box of pocky
"Oh, I didn't know you liked this kind of things"he started teasing you.
You rolled your eyes expressing your annoyance towards his intentions.
"Well if you don't want to play I'll ask someone else"
And as he heard this he immediately got one out and put it on his mouth waiting for you to imitate his action.
However, what you didn't count on was haruto being quite competitive about it. As you got closer and closer he focused more on not loosing to you, while you just wanted another thing.
"Ha, I wonnnnn"he celebrated as he made you drop the last pice of the pocky
You just looked at him embarrassed and wanting to turn away.
"Yah, why are you so competitive? I just wanted a kiss!"you whined pouting your lips and starting to walk away.
"That's what you wanted all this time? You could have just asked for it babe"
And just like that he brought you closer and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you softly making you feel satisfied with your little plan.
"Happy now?"he asked
"Very much".
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A boring day with seunghwan was practically impossible to witness. Your amazing ,but at times annoying boyfriend 🙄,always found something interesting to do. Call it watching the latest movie or trying out a recently opened restaurant, to name but a few.
So it wasn't a surprise when on a random day where you didn't have anything to do he popped out in front of you with his arms on his back and a mischievous smile adorning his face,making you look at him with a mix of suspicion and curiosity.
"What is going on in that head of yours hwan?"
"Nothing really"
"Yeah sure, what are you plotting over there?"you insisted a little bit more
And as his smile grew even wider he showed a little box containing pocky.
"You wanna play?"he asked
"Are you serious seunghwan?"
"Of course"
"There's no way I'm playing that"
"And why is that? Do I make you anxious?"
(Yes I simply had to do it)
"Wha- what? No"
"Then you should be just fine y/nnie"
The truth was that he did make you nervous, a lot actually. The feelings you held for your boyfriend became quite unbearable when he was in the same room, imagine having him that close.
On the other hand,seunghwan absolutely enjoyed making you all hot and flustered. That sight of you made him feel so proud and happy inside that he wanted to have you like that all the time.
You finally accepted your fate and nodded at him while he smirked and took a single pocky out of the box. But instead of placing it on his mouth he put it on yours and approximated slowly towards the other end (oh how he loved to fluster you).
While he got closer and closer you got hotter and hotter and when there was about a centimetre of distance between both of you, you closed your eyes hoping for his lips to meet yours soon.
Contact that never came as he had separated himself and began staring at you with that cocky stare of his. Opening your eyes due to the long wait you encountered his face quite away from yours only making your state worse.
"Were you hoping for a kiss my love?"
You were flabbergasted at his words and just decided to turn your back towards him and start walking away. Although you couldn't go much far as he quickly matched your pace and hugged you from behind with one hand bringing his head close to your ear.
"You can reclaim your kiss later babe"he murmured and then kissed your cheek, walking away after that.
Ah, how this boy would be your end.
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(He's so precious I can't stop smiling <3 )
Visiting your friend Seowon's dorm after a long time felt quite different from other times. And it was due to having developed recently feelings for your dear friend. Well the big fat obvious crush you had on him had been there sitting for a while but you just recently decided to acknowledge it.
It was the first time you felt like this so it was normal to behave in a completely opposite way of your normal one. You kept cheering yourself to go for it and just remember it would be just you hanging out with him, nothing else.
As you were finally greeted by Seowon you smiled shyly at him and he made you come inside. It was everything transcurring as it normally would when you became aware of something.
"Umm, Seowon?Where are the rest at?"
"Oh, they had to go grocery shopping"
"Ah alright"
Not alright tho. Now you were all alone with your crush. How were you supposed to handle that? Your heart was beating so damn fast, if you were any millimetre closer to him he would probably hear the rapid pace it held.
After some time just playing games and watching a movie Seowon saw as the guys came back a bag full of treats and snacks so he decided to steal some and bring them for you both. However a particular one caught instantly his eye.
"Y/nnie we should totally try this"he said excitedly while he jumped up and down
"Sure"you answered nonchalantly scrolling through your phone while he set up all you needed.
Oh what a big mistake had you made.
He looked at you smiling waiting for you to turn your head towards him, but not receiving any response he decided to accelerate the process grabbing softly your chin and turning it in his direction.
When you saw what the game was all about you were about to refuse completely but he interrupted you.
"Nuh uh princess, you already accepted. You should have payed attention"
His tone was teasing, it was pretty obvious. So to not put yourself in another embarrassing moment you decided to shut up and follow his lead.
Your faces where inches away and the smile he had on his face as the game continued wasn't helping to calm your delusion.
Just when you were about to pull away he put his hand on the back of your neck and brought you closer to a sweet kiss. He smiled in between the kiss and giggled before separating from you.
The look of shock in your face made him giggle slightly looking at the floor smiling and then staring at you quirking an eyebrow.
"You want to try that again?"
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(Writing for him as there's isn't much around here <3)
The party you were attending at the moment seemed to be quite different from what you were expecting honestly. Quite calmed and not too exciting, so when your friends had insisted to try playing to the pocky game to bring some fun into it you accepted immediately. Besides you thought you could get the opportunity to finally confess to your long time crush Seungeon with a little help.
Your friend gathered everyone to execute their idea and to bring some sort of exciting to the room that seemed to be quite dead honestly.
"Guys, let's play the pocky game!"they announced
And most people looked really implicated into it,all except one. Yoo Seungeon. His problem was that he didn't wanted to do it with anyone that he'll find uncomfortable to do it with, but he didn't wanted to be paired with their crush as well, too nervous and stressed to be that close to them.
So when the first pair was announced he was relieved to hear that his name wasn't called yet. That relive wouldn't last long though because he was called to participate after reading his name on a little paper.
"Seungeon and...y/n"
Fucking shit.
He couldn't have that much of a bad luck.
Why on earth did he decided on playing that game? He could be peacefully in another room but instead he was paired with his crush. Great.
On the other hand, you were quite surprised to be paired with him although you knew by your friend's smug smile that they had kinda cheated to get you both together.
You stood up and got closer to seungeon with a small smile while he looked like he was about to have a stroke or something, worrying you a lot.
"Hey are you okay seungie? If you don't want to do it we don't need to"you said
He noticed your disappointed look and immediately assured you.
"Oh no no, I'm totally fine with it"
"You sure?"
So taking his words you put the pocky in your mouth and waited for him to do the same.
He approached very slowly and started taking little bites as he was too shy, while you were much bolder and bited longer pieces.
When your lips were about to touch you purposely let the remaining stick slip and gave him a little peck making all the room whistle at you.
When you separated you took his hand and brought him to a corner to apologise.
"Sorry seungeon if I made you uncomfortable right there, you just looked really cute over there"
"Umm, y/n?"
"Would you mind doing that again?"he asked shyly avoiding your gaze.
Your smile grew wider.
"Not at all, but you better ask me out after"
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mins-fins · 1 year
dandelions — lee seunghwan
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seunghwan has a little crush on a well-known florist, heo y/n.
tags :: lee seunghwan x m!reader , reader is a florist , seunghwan is kinda obsessed , he's also a "master" at love confessions , many flowers are mentioned , reader is a moon flower and seunghwan is a dandelion , fluffy fluff fluff
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lee seunghwan made a pit stop at the local flower shop almost every day after school.
his reason was quite the interesting one, you would think it's because of pretty flowers, or buying gifts, or simply because he enjoyed the air of the shop, but no, none of those were the reasons he could almost always be seen there.
it was because of the pretty boy.
now, seunghwan did have an interest in flowers, but the biggest reason he was there everyday was because heo y/n would always be standing there at the counter, decorating flowers with the most delicate of care, as if he was scared of hurting them.
seunghwan couldn't get over how pretty he was. how could someone look so good while just doing their job? he could never get an answer to that question. he swore he got prettier everyday, not that he looked different, but every other day when seunghwan walked into the store, he would notice another pretty feature on his face, and would fixate on it the whole time.
y/n seemed oblivious to how seunghwan was clearly in love with him, or maybe he was just annoyed, or maybe he just thought seunghwan's constant love confessions were some kind of joke.
but besides that, seunghwan wasn't gonna give up, because he wanted the male to know the exact feelings he was harboring towards him.
"seunghwan, your back" the heo looks up and smiles when he sees seunghwan walk in again. he places a bouquet of peonies into the glass vase beside him, leaning against the counter as he looks over at seunghwan.
"yep! back again!" seunghwan smiles, and y/n simply laughs.
"as always, how was your day?" he asks, blinking as his main focus is now on seunghwan. seunghwan swore he could stare at y/n forever, the way he leaned onto his hand and waited patiently with seunghwan's answer made him want to jump off a bridge.
in a good way, of course.
"my day was.. fine, but it's even better now that i get to see you" seunghwan says, smiling as he wiggles his eyebrows, beginning his usual flirting.
y/n chuckles, already used to it. "ah, i'm that special i see?" he replies, shamelessly flirting back, despite how he might've not been able to come off that way. "how sweet of you".
his fingers almost strategically move against the flowers before him, like a skill. seunghwan blinks, wondering how it would feel to hold his hand, just for a moment, not for too long, is it creepy to think such things? especially about the boy whose right in front of him.
seunghwan is way too focused on his hands to realize that y/n is staring at him like he's weird.
"earth to lee seunghwan".
"huh? what—?" seunghwan snaps out of his daze and looks y/n in the eyes, and the other snickers at how surprised he is.
"why are you staring at me like that? am i that pretty?" he asks jokingly, placing a bouquet of daises in the opposite facing vase.
"uh, yeah, you are" seunghwan has no choice but to answer the question honestly, since he knows y/n won't budge, used to such words from him already.
though seunghwan swears he can see a faint hue of red spread across his face.
"you and your.. dumb compliments lee seunghwan" he stumbles over a certain word, but replaces it with dumb right away. seunghwan finds the change strange.
he'll figure it out, he will.
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y/n finds seunghwan cute.
he's like a little kid who has a crush on their friends older sibling, always going to their friends house just to see their cute older sibling. y/n finds his love confessions amusing, though flattering. his heart unconsciously flutters whenever seunghwan calls him pretty.
he enjoys seunghwan's everyday visits, it's basically become apart of his routine. he'll stand at the counter, just doing his job, and at the end of the day right before it hits 3 pm, seunghwan strolls his to give y/n another plethora of compliments.
today was no different.
seunghwan walks in much more giggly than most days, like something amazing happened before that he wants to ramble about to y/n, as he usually does. "have good news, seunghwan?"
"oh, oh definitely good news!" he cheers, jumping up and down like a little kid. y/n smiles at how energetic he is. he almost can't contain himself, holding onto y/n's arm for balance.
"and what is this good news?" he asks, noticing how seunghwan is clutching onto his arm so tightly, as if he was gonna disappear into thin air.
"i got into the dance team! ah! this is so exciting!" seunghwan still doesn't let go of y/n's arm as he jumps up and down, almost making him lurch over the counter, like he was trying to pull him over it.
"that's nice seunghwan, you told me you wanted to constantly become apart of that team".
y/n feels seunghwan pulls his arm again, making him grunt. "okay okay, calm down seunghwan, i'm about to get pulled over the counter".
"oh" seunghwan isn't sure why he goes red, but he does, he lets go of y/n's arm in embarrassment and nervously chuckles. "sorry".
there's a moment of awkward silence before seunghwan breaks it.
"y/n i have a question" he perks up, y/n hums as he arranges a bouquet of tulips for an order he received a few hours earlier.
"yeah, hit me" he replies, so focused on the flowers that he wasn't even ready to process seunghwan's question.
"how long would it take for you to consider going out with me?"
y/n blinks, his brain failing to process the words in a way that makes sense. "what?"
"you clearly wouldn't accept a love confession now, so when would you prefer for me to ask you out?" seunghwan reiterates, no stutter in his words whatsoever.
y/n short circuits for a moment, as if he's a phone malfunctioning. he blinks, stumbles over words he was gonna say, and feels his face go bright red, he's sure it's burning up right now.
"i— uh.. tomorrow— i guess?"
was that the right answer? y/n can't tell, because seunghwan seems to pause and think for a moment, before smiling brightly once again, dimples on full display.
"tomorrow it is!"
"wait— you're serious—"
"i will go out with you heo y/n!" he yells in victory, sticking his fist up in the air as he bolts out of the door, feeling so victorious that y/n can hear him yelling down the street.
he just stands there, confused.
did he just get a date with lee seunghwan without having to do anything?
life really is a mystery.
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AUTHORS NOTE — seunghwan MY MAN!!! he is literally a dandelion like i can see it???? you just have to trust me on this okay 🤗?????
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
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seunghwan during bad guy era for @berryjaellie     /     requested by @minhees
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gun-wook · 11 months
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👜 don't wanna run away ıllı
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⇆ 🍂 — 🪵 Ꮺ
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oneoksiyeon · 1 year
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JONGWOO  &  SEUNGHWAN  doing  the  HOT  SUMMER  choreo 
requested  by  @missmonhay  ♡ 
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sunghanbin · 1 year
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winxys · 2 years
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hwan for @berryjaellie​ happy birthday millie ! ♡
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hui-is-me · 1 year
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(・ิ 3 ・ิ)
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