#Seward: yes THE master
vickyvicarious · 1 year
ooooh, I love Patrick Hennessey's voice!
Renfield getting possessive over Dracula... or possibly just recognizing that the boxes being taken away means Dracula might leave too, and he wants to prevent that.
kfjsldf Renfield is so good at managing the staff here. politely gaslighting them to believe he's oblivious to his own actions then escaping
OHkay the dull thuds were quite awful when he's slamming the guy's head into the ground
"you know I'm no lightweight" between this and Seward knocking Renfield off with one punch I now find myself imagining them like. wrestling each other for fun or something at least once. (jack would have gotten very bisexual about it and then refused to look dr. hennessey in the face for days probably)
"'I'll frustrate them! They shan't rob me! they shan't murder me by inches! I'll fight for my Lord and Master!'" I love how rough his voice sounds here, so different from usual. Also the murder me by inches is such a vivid and bleak way to describe being deprived of the chance at supernatural life.
sorry for your finger, Hardy
YES, the first of the very thirsty men who are suddenly more relaxed when given a drink. it's so funny
but really, Hennessey managed that very well. his quick smoothing over and attention to detail could be really helpful if anyone decided to sue them or something over this.
the phonograph noises at the beginning of Jack's entry at first made me think they were at the end of Hennessey's report, and it would be very funny if Jack insisted on getting his report in phonograph form. That, or Hennessey just wanted to take the chance to see what all the fuss was about.
...and then Jack started speaking and all amusement was lost. God, he's wrecked.
the stop and scoff before "too miserable" GODDDD
"the flapping of the wings of the angel of death" yeah he's been flapping a lot the bastard
but really, the way Jack lists them off, so bitterly, damn it's horrible
is he drinking? or trying to keep from crying? I mean he's definitely doing that either way but
the shake on "we must not all break down"
van Helsing speaking SO GENTLY to Arthur, auuugh
"You shall lie on one, and I on the other, and our sympathy will be comfort to each other, even though we do not speak, and even if we sleep." this is so sweet, I can't believe I'd forgotten about it
"in this room, as in the other," of course, it makes sense not to keep Lucy in her own bedroom, where the windows are shattered and where her mother died... but I wonder where she is. Did I miss a line about it somewhere? A part of me imagines Mrs. Westenra's room, which would mean they both die in one another's beds. :(
"Her teeth, in the dim, uncertain light, seemed longer... and sharper than they had been in the morning. In particular - by some trick of the light, the canine teeth looked... longer... and sharper than the rest." he repeats 'longer and sharper' twice, and especially the second time sounds so... nearly fascinated. It reminds me of Jonathan describing Dracula.
"there came a sort of dull flapping or buffeting at the window" there he is, the flappy asshole. angel of death himself.
"It struck me as curious that the moment she became conscious she pressed the garlic flowers close to her. It was certainly odd that whenever she got into that lethargic state, with the stertorous breathing, she put the flowers from her; but that when she waked she clutched them close." SHE'S TRYING. GOD I WANNA CRY
van Helsing's fear and despair is so well conveyed. and when he spends several minutes staring at her and then sounds so calm - he is determined.
"I went to the dining-room and waked him." the way Jack says this line is just. brutal.
the saddest "my dear old fellow" in the world
brushing Lucy's hair... I love that this makes Jack cry, because it makes me cry too.
ffffuck her shaky greeting to Arthur.
so I was talking a little bit ago about how Jack seems to distance himself unconsciously and start referring to Lucy as a thing whenever she is in more vampiric mode, and I love to hear it reflected in his voice here too. He goes from being so choked up with emotion to sounding almost cold as he says "the mouth opened,"
and he sounds so disturbed when he calls her eyes "dull" and her voice "voluptuous"
oh no oh no that "oh my love " is SO DAMN SINISTER art don't do it don't do it. like damn, I can't even make a joke about van helsing playing chaperone I'm just thankful that he's there!
it's not like being a vampire is transferrable through saliva or anything anyway but. she sounded so scary there.
Jack's delivery about van Helsing pulling Arthur back from the kiss was so funny. He sounds so incredulous: "dragged him back with a fury of strength which I never thought he could have possessed," van Helsing may joke about him being bitchless but Jack was here thinking he was a frail old man so who's laughing now. (van Helsing. definitely still van Helsing.)
van Helsing's panting!
art, bless him, choosing not to get into a fight over his fiance's deathbed. (the way Jack's voice gets rough on "and the occasion" uggggh)
god, Lucy's voice makes me so sad. that final "and give me peace"......
"Their eyes met instead of their lips; and so they parted." THIS LINE.
nooooooo don't make me listen to Art cry fuck it's breaking me
the music while Jack is talking about there being peace for Lucy is so ominous!!! also I love the way he is so clearly trying so hard to stay composed and say something nice and look on the bright side if only a little... and then van Helsing has to be mysterious and ominous and ruin that for him too
van Helsing Barbie strikes again
"only some letters and a few memoranda, and a diary new begun." those last few words are so sad. She never got to do more than just begin her diary. She never got to even begin her new life before it was taken away from her.
"we both started at the beauty before us," Beautiful Corpse Jumpscare
"He had not loved her as I had, and there was no need for tears in his eyes." I get how you feel but that's pretty dang rude, Jack. He's told you that he loves her and wanted to save her. He already cried for her once.
kjdsfljksdf THE DELIVERY of "I want to cut off her head and take out her heart." and. no DUH he's shocked, vH! don't go acting like this is typical surgeon behavior/reaction. omg.
and then that sigh and 'kind' concession that 'all you have to do is help me cut off her head that's all'
I fucking love the delivery of "no good to her, to us, to science, to human knowledge"
"I may err—I am but man; but I believe in all I do." the way his voice almost wavers on the word 'believe'. Not out of doubt, but emotion.
"and she kiss my rough old hand and bless me?" the way he says this line... he was so affected by her trust in him and her final request. he feels honored and burdened both.
Jack being so emotional about the maid grieving for Lucy... and me sitting there knowing that she's in there to steal from Lucy. (or at least, she does even if it's not why she went in)
mr. marquand! you are a decent guy, thank you for trying to look out for Lucy's interests. anyone who tries to give her agency is good in my book. even if your rejoicing is in. rather poor taste. (Jack's laugh at that is great!)
Art bringing Jack in with him is so sweet, god, god, his crying.... THE WAY HE SAYS JACK'S NAME. THE WAY HE SAYS THERE'S NOTHING TO LIVE FOR
Jack's line about men only needing "a grip of the hand, the tightening of an arm over the shoulder, a sob in unison," was already ridiculous but the way says it like he's trying so hard to convince himself
I hit the bulletpoint character limit. Wow.
Anyways the delivery is so stiff-upper-lip-this-is-fine, it's great. especially as the further into the line he gets the more you can hear him trying not to sob as well.
the way Art reacts to being called 'Lord'. ""No, no, not that, for God's sake! not yet at any rate." he sounds so desperate, the POOR MAN
and the way he is taking deep breaths while talking to van Helsing. He is working so fucking hard to be kind and try and make things easier and get through this without lashing out at anyone. I love him so much.
and van Helsing immediately follows up with "I stole your dead girlfriend's letters, can I keep them?" I KNOW he feels bad about it and he feels it is necessary and everything but. damn okay.
GOD THAT'S SO SAD. DO NOT COME INTO THE NIGHT DO NOT GO TO SLEEP MY DEAR :( :( oh how dare you with that line about eternal life/shine so bright" AND TAKE MY BITE NOOOOOOO
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immediatebreakfast · 18 days
Now, back to Renfield.
This poor old gentleman is being toyed in such a way by the two people that have power over him. It's almost as the single difference between Jack, and Dracula is that at least Seward somewhat cares for his wellbeing in a more twisted sense of the word. Which makes Renfield's already bad mental stress worse; he jumped from wanting to restart the food chain after screaming in distress to simply throwing everything away after experiencing a horrible episode. Renfield spent this whole entry on the edge of what could have been a mental breakdown, and the only "help" he received was restraining, and Seward passively recording everything while only interrupting to ask questions.
It's utterly rustrating to see how Renfield suffers the consequences of Seward's already depressed state while trying to deal with his own mental illness plus Dracula's presence.
I wish I could get some glimpse of his mind or of the cause of his sudden passion. Stop; there may be a clue after all, if we can find why to-day his paroxysms came on at high noon and at sunset. Can it be that there is a malign influence of the sun at periods which affects certain natures—as at times the moon does others? We shall see.
Yet, this is the only observation that Seward did in the whole entry after witnessing everything. So close to an actual observation, yet so blind at the same time.
So, how long will it be for Renfield until he finally gets that one chance to escape those four walls? Will he subsequently try to appease to Seward's indifference in an attempt to make his living in the asylum less tormented?
"Yes! The flies like it, too, and I like the flies; therefore I like it." And there are people who know so little as to think that madmen do not argue. I procured him a double supply, and left him as happy a man as, I suppose, any in the world. I wish I could fathom his mind.
Or maybe Renfield will try to build a better coping mechanism to somehow understand the confusing, and enraging actions of that master who keeps his secrets very close.
Either way, Renfield's outboursts and seemly erratic behaviors are just a product of his melancholic conclusion about his situation now that the Count is in the picture. If Dracula (the man now monster who fooled death) can simply go away if he so pleases while leaving Renfield once again, around the same four walls...
Did he ever had a chance to finally change his miserable existance to anything else than the same four walls, and the same face of the doctor full of barely constrained curiosity, and contempt?
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ladysyrabellarouex · 3 months
A dance to last forever Dracfield.
" I love you master" said renfield holding on to the count for dear life as they danced and swirled in the dark night sky. "I know pup" said the count with his fangs fulled out and bit into his mates neck. 90 years with his master and it still felt like it was their first date.
he remembers the passionate first night they shared. sheets a beautiful crimson red, incense burning, Dracula putshis beloved on their bed and revashes him inside and out. that was also the night R.M. Refield become Dracula's familer.
Robert was scared and nervous but he looked at his lover with his whole heart Dracula had the brides attend the ceremony giving them a warning.
the vows were read a chlace of the counts blood was procured he recited the vows as he too the sips of the blood until the last drop.
"until the end my familier" his love smirked the brides glowed over the mortal now familier part of their husbands inner circle they licked their lips wanting a taste.
"Go brides i will get you blood soon" the brides scurried away hissing with vengence as their mate took the sweet looking mortal to his room.
" ours" they hissed as they retreated.
it had been so many years since they had returned to Transilvania. soon they would return home and possibly remain their until the end of time?
Dracula pulled his love into a bridal carry swooping down against the wind so fast Robert clutched his lover so hard he tough he would rip his vintage clothing,.
Dracula landed swiftly enough. pulling Robert down on the ground who opened his eyes and sighed.
" Thank God for that" said Robert looking at his beloved. " Dont get cocky familier" giving his slave a sharp hit on his head for disobidiance. robert rubbed his sore head possibly knowing it would bruise and e would need an icepack.
" meet me back at the lair Robert, it is still early i wish for more excitment."
" yes master" said Robert as the count turned into bats again taking off to the dark sky.
Robert had to count his blessing lietrally he coud have it much worse. a spar of old terrible memory flashed on his vision. Dr seward and his Asylum... Renfield shook out of his thoughts quickly as he ran for a safe place to hide for a bit.
it would be a long night but he was safe he had his lover and he could not be happier with what they had.
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plateauofmemories · 2 years
"I took advantage of the opportunity, and told her that my old master, Van Helsing, the great specialist, was coming to stay with me, and that I would put her in his charge conjointly with myself"
Mrs. Westenra: Oh, a specialist? What does he specialize in?
Seward: ...yes.
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nosferalto · 2 years
Seward: Lucy's body is missing
Van Helsing: Yes and given everything that has happened up until now and what we talked about earlier what do you think that means?
Seward, master of deduction: It means it isn't here
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fangirl-saya · 1 year
I watched the 1995 "Dracula: Dead and Loving It" and you should too.
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In my quest to consume as much Renfield-related media as possible, I've once again watched this gem. Spoilery impressions/observations below.
Renfield's name: inexplicably, Thomas. 🤨
Special powers: supernaturally, extremely suggestible.
The film is largely a parody on the 1931 Dracula, so there are lots of parallels between this Renfield, Fryefield, and Houltfield. There are many silly, silly gags in it. Seward is very fond of giving enemas to his patients, including Renfield. There are many boobacious women. Be ready.
The film ends with Dracula's death (at the hands of unwitting Renfield). Seward consoles the grieving Renfield that he can finally be free! Then Seward says "come Renfield," and Renfield skitters after him with a "yes Master." Extremely submissive, that one. I wonder if he'll grow to enjoy the enemas at this rate.
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I am, just as I was last year, still so curious as to how this connection between Renfield and Dracula was formed. It doesn't sound like the ever met before the Count's arrival in England, but Renfield knew of his approach and arrival and called him master...
When did Renfield's condition develop? There's hints that he hasn't spent his entire life in a mental institution...I don't think Dracula had anything to do with that, though I do think his arrival has shaken things up and I wonder if his condition allowed Drac to get a mental foothold or something.
Renfield is such an interesting character that we don't really know much about beyond what we get from Seward's segments, which have a specific focus (and can be very ick at times I'm sorry Jack this is a person not a science experiment). There HAS to be some way that this connection to Dracula came about, and if it's recent then the questions are just different as to how this happens. And why Renfield? Dracula can influence and sway all sorts of people in different ways, why connect directly to an older man in an asylum?
(yes I know these likely aren't the question Stoker was thinking about when writing but here we are.)
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caputgeratlupinum · 3 months
Robin of Sherwood 1.4: Seven Poor Knights from Acre
Before I started watching this episode, ITVX warned me that it contained 'mild language and moderate violence, including the use of swords.' The previous episode also had swords but no warning, so I am expecting Much Swordplay this time around.
We begin with some guy with a bandaged head being ambushed by a bunch of knights on horseback. Said knights are shot in a manner vaguely reminiscent of the Nazgul from Lord of the Rings, and their helmets are extremely bucketlike.
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That does not look like comfortable headgear.
Cut to the Merry Men practicing archery, while Will continues on his we-should-kill-Guy agenda. Everyone's hair looks very greasy in this scene to me (Marion excepted) which I suppose is realistic for a bunch of outlaws living in the woods without shampoo, but was weirdly distracting to me.
Anyway, guess what, it's Bandage-Head and the Knights again! In the ensuing scuffle, Much is taken captive and James is killed, proving that I am a master of prophecy.
I should add that every so often the camera cuts to knight-vision, complete with rectangular helmet-view and vader-esque breathing.
We get confirmation that these guys are in fact the Seven Poor Knights of the title - templars who are here for... well, actually that bits not clear yet. Do I remember rightly that they are looking for Robin's sword, or is that a different episode?
The Sheriff and Gisbourne are none too happy to see the Knights, but the Sheriff changes his mind when they explain they have vendetta against Robin (and gets increasingly annoyed with Guy).
But none of that matters right now because it's time for a knight funeral!
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This is the second scene this episode of knights chanting in Latin.
Robin decides this is the perfect time for an attack/rescue but alas, he is no match for the knights.
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The knight leader accuses Robin of being a thief (which, y'know. He's not wrong). Then they challenge him to a trial by combat. The warning did not lie, there are a lot of swords in this one.
At this point I get a little vague on what's happening. Robin trips the knight, runs - telling Much he'll be back - and then he's back in the forest with dirt/grease/something all over his face. The leader of the knights yells that Robin has until sunset to return what he's stolen, or Much will be hanged.
Anyway, the upshot of all this is that Seward, better known as Bandage-Head, has stolen the templars medallion and is now imprisoned in Leaford Grange by the Sheriff. This is also where we learn that Marion is Sir Richard at the Lea's daughter, which is decision I like and don't see very often.
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The outlaws sneak into Leaford Grange, well-disguised.
They let Seward out, he goes to the Sheriff and steals his keys, the Sheriff pulls a knife then gets pulled backwards by an unseen person... so much drama! What's going on? Will they rescue Much in time?
Obviously the answer is yes. Robin shows up in the nick of time, produces the medallion, says 'You have my sword,' (which makes me expect to hear 'and my bow') and... Robin and Much are allowed to walk back into the forest.
Just kidding, the knights chase them all the way, before being unhorsed by a cleverly disguised rope. Robin gets his sword back, the medallion is melted down, and the knights are last seen departing sans armour.
*wipes brow* this felt like a very full-on episode.
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drowningparty · 23 days
S/o to the Renfield I saw over 10 years ago in a student production of Dracula made with just. a tremendous amount of love. best Renfield after Frye I've seen and the first time I'd seen another trans person in the wild, and seeing him play my favourite character with such erratic enthusiasm as a young teen really struck a chord? also remember the director saying how much influence he took from the universal film and. as a kid obsessed with the universal film — loved that so much. Could definitely see it in Ren. Also Lucy & Mina were very bisexual wins all around.
I loved how angry and unhinged that Renfield was, lashing out at Seward with such delicious vitriol. He was sarcastic and clever and full of rage. So many adaptations like to defang him or make him purely simpering, but in the books he really isn't? He's mean, smart, and eloquent when lucid. Yes, he calls Drac master and begs Seward to let him go free, but he also talks back to them. He talks back to fucking Dracula despite knowing how easily he could break him in two, which is... kind of brilliant? He's the only one brave enough to attack him unarmed? The play remembered that.
You could tell how much the writer/director loved him, he got a lot of narrative focus. And he walked that line between sympathetic and vengeful, to the point it seemed like the main reason he aligned himself with Dracula wasn't to gain immortality and power, but simply to get free of the asylum and Seward, which made a lot of sense. I like that it focused more on the trauma of being an inmate, to show why he would turn to a monster like Dracula for help. I was also really glad we stayed for that Q&A afterward b/c the director had a lot to say about Victorian asylums which... yeah, me too.
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
RM Renfield and Victor Creel
Okay, this is a mini Dracula parallel post because this doesn’t really fit in with the bigger analysis but it’s way too on the nose to ignore. For those who don’t know, Bram Stoker’s Dracula was on the board of inspired movies for S4. The parallels between this movie and the show are absolutely NUTS
For starters, RM Renfield was once a solicitor in the firm of Hawkins and Thomkins. He’s now a patient in an insane asylum as he’s ended up dedicating himself to his Master who has promised him immortality; Dracula. Dracula never fulfills this promise of immortality, rather eventually killing him after he warns Mina to run from Dracula due to it being an act of betrayal against his Master. It’s hard to ignore the narrative parallels between Victor and Renfield here, considering that Victor moves his family to Hawkins and later ends up in an insane asylum himself. Textually, it’s more interpretive but Victor does have a strong wish to join his family, specifically saying, “I tried to join them,” which strongly indicates Henry’s presence in his life as his saying to those he declares as victims is to ask them to join him. Dracula teases Renfield with the possibility of immortality and it seems possible that Henry teased Victor with the chance to see his family again.
Both Renfield and Victor perform acts that bring them closer to being a true victim of their respective demon. Renfield lives on a diet of live animals, primarily bugs, because Dracula and those he turns into vampires too live on a diet of live creatures. Victor tries to carve out his own eyes in an attempt to recreate the results of one of Vecna’s curse victims, who’s eyes are lost.
What I find to be really, really interesting is this conversation Renfield has with his warden Jack Seward.
“You see, it’s life that I ingest. Gives life back to me.”
“A fly gives you life?”
“Certainly. But you might as well ask a man to eat molecules with a pair of chopsticks than to interest me in a lesser carnivore.”
“I shall have to invent a new classification of lunatic for you. What about spiders? Spiders eat the flies.”
“Yes, spiders eat them.”
“What about sparrows?”
“Oh, yes. Did you say sparrows?”
“Something larger perhaps?”
“Oh, yes. A kitten. I beg you. A little sleek… a playful kitten, something I can teach, something I can feed. No one would refuse me a kitten.”
“Wouldn’t you prefer a cat?”
“Oh, yes. Yes. A big cat. My salvation depends on it.”
“Your salvation?”
“Yes. I need lives. I need lives for the Master.”
“Master? What Master?”
“The Master will come. And he has promised to make me immortal.”
I mean, come on. Flies, spiders, big cats? It’s literally describing the shit that the show is showing us to a T.
The fly is the victim of spiders. The flies represent victims, and we know of two characters who match the description of the flea from Mr. Clarke’s metaphor; Henry and Will. Fleas and flies are both under the same class, so it’s not a stretch by any means. The spiders eat these flies: Virginia and Henry are both spiders. Virginia is a spider as we see from Henry showing her spiders in the bathtub (those visions are only holding up a mirror). Henry functions as a spider through the Mind Flayer. These are literally in the show, but it goes bigger.
If we’re following these connections, then there’s a third layer between Henry’s spider and Henry himself; the sparrow. Sparrows eat the spiders. The most likely candidates for these sparrows are Brenner and Owens, seeing as Brenner seemed to be above Virginia considering that she was trying to take Henry to him and he later covered up her death. Owens experiments on Henry’s spider in S2, discovers ways in which it can be damaged through the hive mind. It’s also implied that the shadow which was in control of the meat monster was removed and somehow ended up in the hands of the Russians, which shouldn’t have been possible since Owens’ team was there before they would’ve had time to do such a thing. It seems that Owens is still experimenting with the shadow, somehow, through or with the Russians.
Yet, even though there is another layer, Henry still sits above them all. Henry is the cat; the wild cat the officers claim are killing those animals in 1959; the silver cat that feeds. Henry eats the sparrows. Or, in this sense, he serves as the highest predator. As Henry himself states, Brenner is just a man, but he is more than that. He’s the ultimate predator.
What I really love about this conversation, is that the big cat isn’t being described as a predator at all! Not because Henry isn’t a predator, but because this only reinforces that Victor is meant to be paralleling this guy. Renfield wants a cat he can teach and feed, something to take care of. In fact, doing so would appease his Master. Henry’s relationship with his father is one very much so based on neglect and ignorance, which is why he considers him naive and stupid, but for some reason it seems that Henry may be continuing to visit his father. Honestly, I think this could be implying that Victor does wish to have Henry back or that he wants the chance to raise his child right. It would appease his Master, who would then grant him the ability to join his family. Henry may be using Victor’s want for Alice and Virginia to make himself a father who cares. Of course, Victor is doing this because he misses Alice and Virginia, but he can ‘join them’ if he appeases Henry, who wanted to be cared for by his father.
This stuff doesn’t really fit in with the larger picture that Dracula paints, but i think it’s a neat little nod to the hierarchy of predation and Henry’s longing for a father who cared (though he also takes this chance to punish Victor by dancing this opportunity in front of him and never giving it to him. It’s also a form of revenge i think).
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yesterday I read dracula spinoff Renfield: Slave of Dracula by Barbara Hambly and it sure is Something. I have been compelled by forces outside of my control (autism) to create and share a bonkers play-by-play of particularly interesting or deranged plot points. spoilers for this book (but not for dracula dailies) below you’ve been warned
Heck Yeah and Hell No plot points have been intermingled in the below list; make of them what you will
prior to the Everything, this Renfield, named Ryland, was a merchant in India. The text is weirdly fetishy orientalist about this in the way that only white people obsessed with India can be
frames the ableism of the attendants and such as awful, but is kind of weird about the other patients
made renfield straight
he’s a serial killer but he’s not fully aware of the fact because he has memory blackouts. Despite this he’s portrayed as wholly sympathetic since he wasn’t in control at the time. his victims were all indian, which is. Hm.
this leads to him killing his wife and child. The book is his diary, addressed to his dead wife as an apology. This is a plot twist.
Dr. Hennessy is an alcoholic and a walking Irish stereotype
Hennessy also lets randos into the sanatorium for tours when Seward isn’t looking
Renfield’s fits in the day are either memory blackout rage episodes, bloodthirst, or him seeing through Dracula’s eyes and being pissed about it
he hates Dracula’s fucking guts. the entire time. the “master” thing is just a “please don’t eat me” attempt
Dracula SUCKS and he isn’t shipped with anyone
renfield is suicidal whenever he isn’t freaking out about dying. Paradoxical but damn buddy are you ok
the brides are here on a girlboss mission to fuck up drac’s plans.
renfield falls in love with the Token Good Nerd bride. reminds me of the upcoming renfield-themed romcom (yes this exists). Why are renfields falling in love all over the place?
however it’s based mostly on friendship and shared nerdhood and not lust because! Plot twist! he gets vampirized and vampirism zaps you with the ace beam. I’m not kidding this is canon in this verse
when vampirized he eats his abuser (a family member who was emotionally and financially abusive). Get Drinked, Bitch
speaking of lust it gave Van Helsing a canonical vampire kink. He kills vampires as a way to repress it. Help me I’m going to explode
renfield and the nerd girlfriend vampire are alive in India to this day eating rich assholes
she knows he eats bugs and is totally fine with this. She thinks it’s funny. he’s her right hand arm. man. her silly rabbit.
it had some Ideas, but they were outweighed by the racism, the ableism, and the aggressive hetero energy. in short, look how they massacred my boy
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I became very upset reading the dracula daily entry for Oct 3rd and wrote this. General trigger warnings about medical malpractice, medical abuse, and psychiatric abuse are to be expected.
— — —
You are a cruel man, Doctor Seward.
Don't you know every person would get upset if you hit them where it hurts? Would you force a crying child to tell you in detail of the mother they just lost, and chain them when they can't calm enough to try. Would you urge someone's impulse to end their suffering so you can examine the remains.
But it wouldn't look well on you to do that kind of thing to anyone people care about, is that not so? Yes! And Doctor Seward is very concerned with appearances, is that not so? Yes! You and yours couldn't wouldn't even comfort each other – for a man isn't supposed to do so and you are men, are you not?
But no one would judge you of anything you do in here for you are complete master over us all. We eat and move about and get to have possessions all as you will, no?
Have you not rubbed salt in my open wounds to watch how I squirm?
Oh, forgive me, Doctor; I forgot myself. I get so excitable Doctor you know how it is! I can become calm on a dime, indeed I am calm. Pray do not put me in a strait-waistcoat. There is surely not a need of it tonight? It makes hard to think freely with it on, you see? I am sure you will understand!
"Dr. Seward, you have been very considerate towards me. Believe me that I am very, very grateful to you!"
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silvermuffins · 2 years
Seward Summary!
We have three whole chunks of Seward today and I am Trying.
For clarity, this part describes events that happened last night (the 30th), recorded in the wee hours of today.
Just as they were about to head out, an attendant comes to Seward and says Renfield wants to speak to him immediately. Seward tries to delay until the morning, but the attendant fears Renfield will have one of his fits if it doesn't happen now.
Seward agrees to go, and the rest of the men ask to tag along to meet Renfield.
When they arrive, Renfield is in an excited but rational state. Seward has never seen this before. Renfield wants to be released and sent home immediately, for he's made a full recovery.
Upon introductions, Renfield says he once served Arthur's father, has praise for America and Texas specifically, and that he's heard of the incredible talents and achievements of Van Helsing.
He appeals to them, again saying he's recovered his sanity. He is astoundingly convincing, and were it not for the surrounding circumstances, Seward would be prepared to release him on the spot.
Seward is not keen on this, and says he'll evaluate and decide later; this is not enough for Renfield. Upon being told his current behavior isn't enough, he shifts his approach.
Renfield claims he has good and unselfish reasons for his request. He cannot speak of them, but is sure Seward would consider him a friend if he knew. Seward allows him to go on, to see where this goes, and if he'll reveal his intentions.
Van Helsing addresses Renfield as an equal to inquire if he can't put his own doubts to rest by saying what he means. Renfield says he isn't his own master, and he can't say. He can do nothing against Van Helsing's reasoning.
Seward begins to herd the group out, at which point Renfield lunges for him. Seward fears violence, but Renfield only starts pleading and praying for release. He's desperate and frantic, and Seward compares it to the time Renfield wanted a cat.
Renfield raves about how he doesn't care where he's sent, or under what conditions of restraint, just send him away from this place right now. He is crying, and begs Seward to get him out of here, save him from guilt.
Once more, Seward denies him, and Renfield goes to sit on his bed. As Seward is leaving, Renfield calls for him to remember that he did all he could to try and convince him tonight.
After this there's a segment from Jonathan! There is some more discussion of Renfield, here, but nothing I think requires my efforts. Mostly they discuss his demeanor and his request, and we're hearing from Jonathan instead of Seward so there's less......Seward-y-ness to it. Yes, that's a word.
Seward wakes late to a cheerful Van Helsing. He wants to speak to Renfield again, and Seward sends him to it alone since he has work to do.
They speak a little of details of their accounts and the study of mental illness. Van Helsing, in his general commitment to open-mindedness, suggests he has a lot to learn from someone like Renfield.
Van Helsing returns very quickly, and reports that he'd spoken to Renfield...who was sullen and only insulted Van Helsing and refused to speak to him further.
Now Van Helsing's going to talk to Mina. He's very glad she won't be bothered by any more of their campaign against the Count.
Seward agrees that it's better for Mina to be left out of it. He has work to do, Arthur, Jonathan, and Quincey are off investigating the boxes.
Okay next we hear from Mina, and then another entry from Jonathan, and then it's Seward again.
Seward goes to visit Renfield and speak to him again. He's now in a haughty mood, looking down on all others he speaks to. Seward acknowledges that Renfield's moods always mean something beyond himself.
They get to talking about insects, and Renfield says the ancients were right to envision the soul as a butterfly. Seward asks if it's a soul he wants, and Renfield says no - only life. And he's had enough of that, now, if Seward wants to keep studying someone who consumes other lives he'll need a new patient.
Seward asks if Renfield sees himself as a God. Renfield denies this, too, saying he is someone who walks with God (specifically referencing Enoch).
Seward questions this, too, and Renfield's mood shifts again. He's now fawning but deeply cunning. He speaks as though he already has all he wants of life and friends, and also says he has no need for souls and couldn't do anything with them if he got them. he cannot eat them, or - and cuts himself off. After this, he grows silent and sulky, so Seward leaves.
Later, Renfield sends for him. As Seward has nothing more to do and is very interested in the case, he goes. Renfield immediately asks about souls. He's very bothered by Seward's suggestions that he cannot gather life without gathering souls.
Seward wants to see where this goes, and asks about flies and spiders in turn. Regarding flies, Renfield doesn't want their souls around him, and regarding spiders, they're nothing to eat or - and he cuts himself off again.
He hurries on to say he's not interested in such small creatures, when he knows what's before him. Seward presses him on this. Renfield responds in great agitation, and says he has enough on his plate without bothering about souls like this.
Seward fears violence, and so blows a whistle, but Renfield calms immediately. He apologizes for his outburst and says he's irritated and working on a problem, and that if Seward knew what it was he'd be far more patient with him.
Seward dismisses the attendants when they arrive. Renfield expresses gratitude, and Seward leaves him.
Seward ponders the new quirks of Renfield's behavior, and concludes that he's looking for a human life - and that the Count has been to him and is up to something new.
A bit later, Seward tells Van Helsing of all of that business. Van Helsing is very serious and wants to visit Renfield, so they do. Surprisingly, Renfield is once again spreading out sugar to gather flies. He's singing all the while and completely ignores the two doctors.
They leave him, having learned nothing more.
And that's it for today! Seward, you talk so much--
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themasterssong · 2 years
that scars headcanon slaps. to pry a little further into it, you say he has scars from gardening? is gardening a hobby of his? how long did he do it before the asylum, and does he miss it under seward's care? (i wondered too if you were drawing that headcanon from the line in 'the master's song', you know the one. either way, it's neat!)
Hah, I knew someone would notice! Yes, I took inspiration from the musical. I figured you’d have to be pretty dedicated to gardening to be awake and doing it at sunrise, so he gets a fun hobby.
He’s gardened for a long time, and always enjoyed putting effort into making things grow.
Since being sent to the Sanatorium, he hasn’t been able to do it anywhere near as often. Occasionally, however, patients are permitted to help out on the grounds & gardens if they’ve been on good behaviour, as fresh air helps to calm the mind and spirit.
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fandomcrazy6226 · 15 days
August 19
Okay lads, I think this is my last post for tonight! I'm saving the final seven August entries for tomorrow, but for this one I'm told in the subheading that we're getting a look back at Dr Seward and Renfield!
Mina got the letter! Yes, go see him! That will almost definitely make him feel a little better! Oh god I can't wait to see them interact soon, they haven't even talked to each other yet but I love them together so much already.
OK that's it for Mina but now we're back to Dr Podcast Diary
Renfield is. Sniffing. Sure. What in the fuck is "The Master is now at hand" supposed to mean. Yeah if he's gotten some kind of religious delusion into him that would definitely fuck things up even more.
OK I just got an ask that "subtly" implied Dracula is moving to London as well, so I'm guessing that's why Renfield is freaking out. And that's probably what the whole thing with "master" means too. I've gotten better at connecting dots!
Ok I'm gonna try and translate what the hell this "bride-maiden" speech means. So the audience likes the bridesmaids before the bride arrives, but if the bride never shows up, suddenly the bridesmaids don't matter anymore. Did I get that right at all?
He still misses Lucy. If only he was there to help her, since he's a doctor he might be able to do something.
Renfield did what? How does that happen? He's running around. And he's talking. Please, I wanna hear what he says! Get closer! Oh. Well fuck. Dracula's here. And Renfield is his servant or something? Has that been a thing this whole time or is he hypnotized now? Has he been hypnotized all along?
Well. That's all thrilling. I'm definitely curious where this is all going, and I really hope Lucy gets better! And we're getting Mina and Jonathan reunited soon! Very excited for that one! Now I am done for the night, but I'm gonna be finishing the last August entries tomorrow
There was just a truck revving on my street (which is a downhill) and seriously dude there is no need for that at all. You don't need to go that fast, it's only 20 mph and it's also fucking dark. Slow down
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epicyclical · 11 months
Dear Author Letter -yes it's done now! Sorry!
Dear Yuletide Author,
Happy Yuletide season! My favorite time of the fandom year :). I am always happy with any gift, so no pressure and feel free to ignore any prompts/suggestions!
Without further ado, my requests!
1) Rivers of London (up through Foxglove Summer)
I’m getting the other books for Christmas so I doubt I will have read them by Yuletide, so if you could avoid spoilers for anything past Foxglove Summer that would be very kind! But I couldn’t resist requesting RoL anyway, because I am SOMEWHAT OBSESSED. (Also I consume it as audiobooks so apologies for any misspelling!)
Soooo I love Thomas Nightingale an unhealthy amount. Stylish, self-possessed, an INSANE TANK-DESTROYING BADASS, with a dust-dry sense of humor and deeply buried trauma. What’s not to love? I also like Peter although DEAR GOD BOY keep it in your pants, for real. I love their relationship, how seriously Thomas takes his responsibility to Peter as his ‘master’, how exasperated Thomas is with Peter’s experiments (and tendency to only use his brain to make pop culture references).
Ship-wise: I love gen, I like Peter’s love interests (except the jazz vampire, I forget her name) but would prefer a story not focus on his relationships, I personally ship Thomas/Varvara secretly in my heart. I haven’t read any Thomas/Peter but am willing to be convinced!
Things I love: Thomas being a badass, other people talking about how much of a badass Thomas is, master-apprentice dynamics, protectiveness (going either way), Thomas’ adventures pre-RoL, Peter please stop telling people you’re a wizard I’m begging you, daily life in the Folly, Molly and Toby, cop talk
Things I DNW: the usual (rape/non-con, permanent major character death). Canon-typical violence and gore is fine.
2) Dracula
Yes I’m basic and obsessed with Re: Dracula (the podcast), sorry not sorry. I'm also Magnus Archives trash so I have imprinted on Jack Seward like a baby duck, but I love every single character!
So I read this when I was much younger and didn’t really engage with it on a Fannish level, so I’m absolutely delighted by all the tumblr discourse surrounding dracula daily and re: Dracula. Seeing fans talk about this book from 1897 the way they talk about Supernatural is just so weirdly charming to me, so really I don’t have any specific requests re: characters/plot/etc, but I would love to see some old-fashioned fanfic, if that makes sense. Shipping trash, h/c, crossovers, AUs, meta, songfic, bodyswap, genderswap, sex pollen, soulmate, etc -- everything you would ever see on a cliche bingo card. (I’m an Old Fangirl, sue me) What kind of fic would get written if this book had come out in 2005? Or 1995? (Honestly that goes for any of these requests, I love this stuff)
If that doesn’t float your boat, no worries! Things I would love: OT3/4/5/+, Jonathan and Mina OTP 5EVA, Jack/Abraham, Jack and Abe’s adventures when Jack was in school, the Suitors having adventures (esp pre-canon), Everyone is Poly except Dracula, Everyone Is Poly Including Dracula, what-ifs (Lucy vs Mina, Mina vs Jonathan, etc.), Victorian sensibilities, Victorian sensibilities being absolutely wrecked, train travel, boat travel, horse travel, gothic atmosphere
No DNWs for this -- if you want to lean in to the Darker Elements, go for it.
3) Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
I've been playing DnD for *mumble* years and this movie was the first that really captured how it FEELS to play Dnd. It's not the lore, gods and kingdoms, it's the party of different classes trying to accomplish a small scale task chaotically. I love that you can tell in the movie when they fail a skill check. (Though I am still sad that we didn't get any real Bardic magic from Ed. I love a good bard singing during fights!)
So meta is highly encouraged! Anything acknowledging that it's a game, the rules of the world, etc. would be delightful! Showme the players if you dare haha
I also really enjoy pretty much all the characters from the party, I am a total sucker for Found Family in all its forms! I also adore: Ed and Xenk's ridiculous dynamic, Ed and Holga's platonic bro-hood, Holga as Kira's warrior surrogate mom, Forge and his scheming, Simon's awkward crush on Doric, Jarnathan and the poor patrol board -- basically everyone lol. I adore backstory -- all the stuff that gets referred to in the opening montage, how everyone met, various previous adventures. Or future adventures! Where to next?
Just let me hang out with these doofuses some more haha.
Shipwise I ship Ed/Xenk but am happy with gen, please no Ed/Holga (their platonic-ness is too precious), I think anything else is fair game. DNW: rape/noncon, character death. DND-typical violence/gore are fine (and somewhat encouraged haha)
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