#Sex Doctor online Consultation
drarorasclinic · 6 months
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cosmicpuzzle · 5 months
Occupations Signified by each Planet 👩🏻‍💻💼💰💸
Sun: Politics, entertainers, military and army commanders, directors, Government officials, public servants, ministers, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Governors.
Moon: Nursing, babysitters, chefs, coast guard, navy, real estate agents, kindergarten teachers, import export, restaurants, clothing, grocery shop.
Mars: Dentist, surgeon, butcher, real estate builders, mechanical/civil engineers, cooks, bodyguards, army, military, airforce, chemists, mechanics, hair cutters, fabrication, marital arts, firefighters, masseuses.
Mercury: Accountants, bookkeepers, data analyst, all types of data work, teachers (especially school), consultants, writers, businessmen, traders, astrologers, speech therapist, language translators, bankers, media personnel, journalist, social media manager, mathematicians, computer operators, customer support, lawyers, coders, programmers, minister.
Jupiter: Lawyers, judge, priest, mentors, advisors, coach, sports coaches, teachers, professors (college level), financial consultants, legal counsel, travel agent, preachers, spiritual teachers, Gurus.
Venus: Artist, movie stars, celebrity, musicians, dancers, singers, jewelers, luxury car dealers, sweet shops, marriage counselor, interior designers, fashion designers, textiles, perfume dealers, air hostess, sex workers, makeup artist, brokers, painters, designers, holiday or vacation agents, ambassadors.
Saturn: Manual jobs, masonry, carpenter, iron or steel worker, geologist, servants, oil and gas worker, executioner, mortician, social service, gardener.
Rahu: Technology, programmers, scientist, nuclear management, toxic chemicals, anesthesia, visa agents, advertising, online jobs, online marketing, drug specialists, alcolol dealers, smartphone service.
Ketu: Astrologers, psychics, monks, nuns, medical workers, doctors, pin hole surgeons, charity, social service, mathematicians, clock and watch makers, black magicians.
For Readings DM
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 7 months
Hi, I know you dont like.. diagnose things (just wanting confirmation if its like a normal skin texture or not) so hopefully this question is okay. But as I was trimming down there I noticed like a bunch of white(? Pink??? Like my skintone but lighter i guess) bumps surrounding the clit. I've never had sex before and they dont hurt/itch or anything so I want to brush it off but looking up clits online it doesnt seem like smth thats normally there but their clits seem different to mine so idk what to think.
hi anon,
you're right that I'm not generally in the business of diagnosing people; I have no healthcare expertise and that would be misleading and irresponsible. if you have concerns about something happening with your body, you should seek attention from a healthcare provider as soon as possible.
having said that, human bodies are pretty much made of weird bumps that aren't dangerous. the fact that your bumps aren't causing any pain or discomfort is a particularly promising sign, especially since you're also not at any risk of having an STI. without any further info I'd say there's a good chance they could be fordyce spots, which are nothing but slightly enlarged oil glands that are totally harmless. another google search specifically for "fordyce spots on vulva" may be helpful for comparison!
definitely keep an eye on the situation and seek out care if anything becomes itchy, painful, swollen, or discolored, or if you're feeling anxiety about it that could be put at eases by consulting with a doctor.
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
So I followed Sabine Hossenfelder a few weeks ago thinking, "Here is a cool science lady" and then out of nowhere she releases a video on trans people where she is all, "Trans people are crazy and I'm normal!" and then dubiously interprets trans studies for 20 minutes. Then, while claiming she is the levelheaded centrist only seeking objective scientific facts, she references Jesse Signal, a bad faith anti-trans "journalist", as a scientific source.
I also hate this notion that the only metric for the success of gender affirming care is a decrease in depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Those are certainly goals. But...I mean, life is tough out here even if you aren't transgender. You can feel you've had a positive outcome with your transition and still struggle with mental health. I think that is clear by the low regret rate. And even when people are able to tackle their gender dysphoria via transition, we cannot discount the effects of poor societal acceptance. Not to mention the cruel legislative onslaught currently underway.
It's like, "Yay! I'm finally who I'm meant to be!"
But also, "Ack, these transphobic dipshits are trying to kill me!"
No other treatment is held to the standard of creating shiny happy people at a 100% success rate.
And yes, drugs sometimes have side effects. All drugs. Even over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol. There is no medical treatment without risks. And if we banned every treatment that had the possibility of a bad outcome, we would have literally no medications at all. She was very serious about all the bad things that can happen with blockers and hormone therapy but didn't mention how uncommon those risks are. She didn't mention that bone density is closely monitored. And the risk of heart trouble she mentioned was for older patients getting treatment for prostate issues.
Which makes me wonder why in the world she did not at least consult an actual trans person? Or even a doctor that provides gender affirming care? She just googled everything and interpreted the data with her physics brain and didn't even think to run her interpretations by people with actual expertise.
I'm not even sure a purely scientific analysis of trans issues is possible due to so many variables not being quantifiable. You can't just toss out the politics and focus on the science. The politics are a huge part of transgender existence right now.
And I don't even know what to say about her giving credence to the "social contagion" theory. Her only evidence was a theory concocted by a single person. No studies. No peer review. When I was in high school, none of us knew anything about being queer aside from the existence of gay people. We'd never even heard the words transgender or nonbinary. And even my friends who were gay didn't even consider that as a possibility until they went to college. There just wasn't any information available to teenagers. All they knew was that something was different and they had no resources to help them figure out what that different feeling was.
Teens are not being infected by a social contagion, they just have better access to information. They can also find more support and acceptance in online communities. Not to mention any competent gender affirming care program will do extensive evaluations to rule out things like peer pressure or someone seeking attention. Contrary to conservative belief, they don't just throw hormones and puberty blockers at everyone during their first appointment.
She quickly discounted the left handed analogy because some gender affirming treatments have lasting effects. Which didn't make much sense to me. All that analogy is meant to explain is that teens are more comfortable with queer introspection and feel less pressure to repress said queerness. The huge increase in queer teens matches almost perfectly with the dawn of the information age.
She also said that biological sex is "simple" (it is not) and then handwaved the existence of intersex people as "rare." First, I think the number of intersex folks is undercounted, but also, they are just as prevalent as people with red hair. When there are 8 billion people on the planet, even small percentages add up to a lot of people.
It was just a mess of a video.
I am disappointed in what I thought was a cool science lady.
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coochiequeens · 6 months
Justin Trudeau is attacking a man who wants women to have access to single sex soaces while a sadistic TIM is using his gender identity to be moved to a lower security prison.
OTTAWA — Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says he believes "biological males" have no place in sports or change rooms that are labelled female.
Poilievre was asked at a news conference Wednesday about his position on whether transgender women should be allowed in spaces that are labelled for women and whether he would introduce any legislation to stop it.
Poilievre told reporters he believes "female spaces should be exclusively for females, not for biological males."
That is in line with a policy resolution Conservative party members voted for at their convention last fall, which says women should have access to "single-sex spaces" in areas like prisons, bathrooms and sports..........
Poilievre said many of the spaces in question are controlled by provinces and municipalities so it is unclear what role the federal government could play.
"But obviously, female sports, female change rooms, female bathrooms, should be for females — not for biological males."............
He was asked repeatedly during a recent news conference on Parliament Hill about his stance on access to hormone therapies and puberty blockers for minors, following Alberta Premier Danielle Smith's proposal to restrict them.
He said he believes children should be able to make such choices about their bodies "when they're adults."
When asked directly whether he opposes the use of puberty blockers for gender-diverse youth under the age of 18, he said, "Yes."...........
Premiers of conservative governments in Saskatchewan, Alberta and New Brunswick all introduced new policies that require schools to notify parents when transgender or non-binary students want to go by preferred names and pronouns.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused the premiers and Poilievre for attacking transgender rights.
When it comes to the proposed restrictions on gender-affirming medical treatments, Trudeau said Poilievre wants government to take away parents' ability to do what's best for their kids in consultation with doctors.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Feb. 21, 2024.
Stephanie Taylor, The Canadian Press
See whole article
By Genevieve Gluck March 16, 2024
A notorious sexually sadistic killer who fatally stabbed a man with a screwdriver during intercourse has recently been claiming to identify as a woman while incarcerated and was allowed to move from a maximum-security prison to a medium-security facility. Luka Magnotta, 41, born Eric Clinton Kirk Newman, brutally murdered Concordia University student Jun Lin in May 2012 after meeting him through Craigslist for a BDSM encounter.
Content Warning- the article discusses how he killed Jun Lin and kittens
Magnotta, a transvestite, male escort, and porn actor, has an extensive criminal history that includes disturbing incidents of animal abuse. The subject of a popular true crime documentary series titled “DON’T F*CK WITH CATS,” Magnotta had been sadistically torturing and killing kittens then posting the footage online in the years leading up to the murder. In a similar fashion, Magnotta recorded a snuff video of Lin’s slaying which depicted him dismembering the victim before performing acts of necrophilia and cannibalism.
After the killing, Magnotta dismembered Lin and mailed pieces of his corpse to both the national headquarters for both the Canadian Conservative Party and Liberal Party. Other packages sent to elementary schools contained Lin’s foot and hand.
On May 29, 2012, a man discovered Lin’s decomposing torso stuffed inside of a suitcase that had been left in a garbage pile behind an apartment in the Snowdon area of Montreal. Police quickly identified Magnotta as a suspect, but he had already fled, having purchased a round-trip ticket for a flight bound for Paris.
Three days later, Interpol issued a red notice calling for the arrest and extradition of Magnotta at the request of Canadian authorities. An international manhunt was conducted, with authorities being notified that Magnotta may have disguised himself as a woman.
On June 4, the deranged killer was arrested at an internet cafe in Berlin, where he was reading news stories about himself. Magnotta was ultimately sentenced to life in prison for the horrific crime.
See rest of article
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drarorasclinic · 2 years
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Erections occur when your cardiovascular, hormonal, and neurological systems are in peak condition. Erection issues will appear if any system is sluggish. Working on these fronts to ensure harder erections is therefore really beneficial.
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Are you looking for online consultation with a sex doctor? Check out Dr. Arora's clinic! With years of experience, Dr. Arora can help you with any sexual health concerns. Book your appointment today.
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drarorasclinic1 · 2 years
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Sexual problems could break your confidence and make you suffer in silence. The misery is never-ending until you decide to take action and get the needed medical attention. You can even opt for online consultation for premature ejaculation or other dysfunctions if walking into a sexologist's office is giving you chills. It will make you comfortable with the idea, and you can start seeing the improvement.
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ajdik · 5 months
Aizen Power: A Game Changer for My Confidence (User Experience)
I've always been a healthy guy, but lately, things in the bedroom just weren't the same. My performance wasn't what it used to be, and it was definitely affecting my confidence. I wasn't sure what to do, and I was hesitant to try any random supplements I saw advertised online.
Finding A Natural Solution
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Then, I came across Aizen Power. What drew me in was the focus on natural ingredients. I'm not a fan of harsh chemicals, and Aizen Power seemed like a safer option compared to other products on the market. After reading some reviews and doing some research, I decided to give it a shot.
Easy to Use and Integrate into My Routine
One of the things I liked most about Aizen Power was how easy it was to take. It comes in convenient capsule form, and all I had to do was take one with water each day. It fit seamlessly into my daily routine, and I never forgot to take it.
Seeing Results
Within a couple of weeks, I started noticing a difference. My energy levels increased, and I felt more stamina overall. But the most significant change was in the bedroom. My erections became firmer and lasted longer, and my sex drive came roaring back. I felt more confident and relaxed during intimacy, which made everything more enjoyable for both me and my partner.
Open Communication is Key
It's important to note that communication is key in any relationship. If you're experiencing sexual issues, talk to your partner first. They might be more understanding than you think, and they might even be experiencing similar concerns. Together, you can decide if a natural supplement like Aizen Power is the right choice for you.
Overall Satisfaction
Overall, I'm incredibly happy with my experience with Aizen Power. It's a natural, effective solution that helped me regain my confidence and improve my sex life. If you're looking for a way to boost your sexual performance and overall well-being, I highly recommend giving Aizen Power a try.
Disclaimer: It's important to consult with your doctor before taking any new supplements, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.
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evildilf2 · 7 months
I asked because I've been considering getting prep but I'm a bit confused about the whole thing. also you seem pretty trustworthy and knowledgeable when it comes to sex stuff!!
Prep is definitely worth looking into if you’re MSM or are sexually active with MSM. Definitely ask your doctor about it & they can help you figure out whether or not it’s right for you- fortunately HIV is growing to be more treatable and manageable these days, but it’s wise to take preventative measures when it comes to HIV since cases in which people are cured are EXCEPTIONAL (only 3 people ever last time I checked- HIV treatment is lifelong in almost every case). If you feel uncomfortable asking your doctor, or don’t live near gay friendly practitioners, it’s pretty easy to get prep online for free!
I myself am not a sex educator, but I’d recommend checking out the channel Watts The Safeword for information about prep being presented in a fun way. They have a few videos on the subject if you look through their channel!
If you have more specific questions I can do my best to answer them, but please keep in mind that I am not a doctor or educator, nor am I on prep. I can only speak for my own experiences, and what’s right for me may be different than what’s right for you! Hope this helps 😼👍
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infinitysisters · 1 year
“Once upon a time, when politics were more evenly divided among the elite and less central to their identities, the residents of these affluent bubbles signified their social status through the material symbols of conspicuous consumption: European luxury cars, expensive golf club memberships, and brand name private schools for the kids.
But then the great cultural revolution arose on the campuses of the nation’s designer colleges and universities that served as finishing schools for America’s elite. Suddenly, there was a new language with which to display one’s elite educational pedigree. Any ordinary American could object to “racism,” but only a special kind of baccalaureate conferred upon its holders the specialized vocabulary of “white supremacy,” “black bodies” and “the carceral state.” Deploying this lexicon and ostentatiously displaying the opinions they represented became the new signifiers of gentility, cosmopolitanism, and social superiority. It was the dawn of the Great Awokening.
But like all status signifiers, this refined vocabulary exists in a competitive market. It has to evolve to hold its value. As each political posture goes mainstream, its value depreciates as an indicator of one’s rarified status. New, even more avant-garde positions are needed. Mere police reform isn’t enough — we need police abolition! Not only do we think it’s fine to be trans — we salute our own daughter for going on puberty blockers!
For the elite, keeping up with the Joneses means committing oneself to ever more radical activist agendas. The fading memory of Gender Studies 201 is no longer sufficient in this cutthroat arena. The business executives, lawyers and doctors of America’s SuperZips are compelled to hire DEI consultants to bring them and their employees up to speed on the new revolutionary etiquette. They enroll their children in country day schools that instruct kindergarteners in the fallacy of biological sex, providing them with a head start on the other kids they’d be competing with for a Stanford admissions slot.
This radical grandstanding is a new thing among the educated elite — or perhaps an atavistic thing. But scratch a centimeter deeper and you’ll find the same elite that’s always been there, and this, too, has become a hallmark of today’s political left. The contempt for the masses, with their vaccine hesitancy and their latent fascism. The abiding reverence for credentialed experts. The disdain for political dissent and the pathological need to control the public discourse. It’s all still there, just dressed up in revolutionary drag.
The children of the ruling class have colonized the left, and are using its moral language to malign the broader American public as a bigoted, ignorant, dangerous mob. To protect the “vulnerable” and “marginalized” from this threat, they demand the ideological allegiance of every elite political, cultural, and media institution; the social and professional ostracism of dissidents; and the enforcement of speech codes both online and off. “Social justice” has become both a status signifier for the American establishment and a tool to discipline the rabble.”
- Leighton Woodhouse
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coochiequeens · 1 year
"It is vital that women's voices are heard in the NHS and the privacy, dignity and safety of all patients are protected." -Steve Barclay. Finally a man I can quote without without an eyeroll emoji
Health secretary plans to bring back 'sex-specific language' to NHS
Steve Barclay wants to push back against what he calls "wokery" in the National Health Service, with a source telling Sky News "ideological dogma" is stopping women from being listened to when it comes to their health.
Tuesday 3 October 2023 12:01, UK
Transgender women will be banned from being treated in female hospital wards in England, under new proposals put forward by the health secretary.
In his conference speech, Steve Barclay announced plans to push back against what he called "wokery" in the NHS, saying it had led to women's rights being increasingly sidelined.
The government will consult on making changes to the NHS constitution, which will also include the right to request same-sex intimate care requests.
The health secretary also confirmed sex-specific language would be used when dealing with women's health.
Speaking to party members in Manchester, Mr Barclay said: "We need a common-sense approach to sex and equality issues in the NHS - that is why today I am announcing proposals for clearer rights for patients.
"And I can today confirm that sex-specific language has now been fully restored to online health advice pages about cervical and ovarian cancer and the menopause.
"It is vital that women's voices are heard in the NHS and the privacy, dignity and safety of all patients are protected."
In April, Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch said the government could ban trans women from entering female-only spaces, and asked parliament's human rights watchdog for its advice to change official wording from just "sex" to "biological sex", which she described as a "technical and contested area of law".
Elsewhere in his speech, Mr Barclay also announced an expansion of NHS training and funding of new technology in the health service.
He also confirmed new medical schools in Worcester, Chester and Uxbridge, as well as an increase in the number of places up and down the country for students wanting to train to be doctors.
However, Labour said the three "new" schools announced already exist, and added that restrictions on the number of government-funded places mean they are only training international students.
Mr Barclay's speech comes with the backdrop of ongoing junior doctor and consultant strikes in England.
They are taking joint action, with Christmas Day levels of cover expected until Wednesday.
It follows two days of strike action at the end of September and coincides with Rishi Sunak's first Conservative Party conference as leader and prime minister.
The Conservatives will be hoping to grapple back control of its conference in Manchester, which has been dominated by leaks regarding the northern phase of HS2 - which Sky News understands will be scrapped in the coming days.
While Number 10 says no decisions have been made, it is thought the section of the high-speed rail project between Birmingham and Manchester will now be shelved.
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jacksandy28 · 1 month
What is Menopause? Peri-menopause? How to deal with it?
 What is Menopause? Peri-menopause? How to deal with it?
Unlock a deeper understanding of menopause and perimenopause, and learn how to care for yourself during these phases. Is a doctor’s consultation necessary? Find out the key insights to handle these stages that every woman experiences – you, your sister, your mother, or your wife. Join Dr. Vasudha M. Sharma’s online session for invaluable guidance. Don’t miss this opportunity
Menopause signifies the conclusion of menstrual cycles, often describing the transitions occurring just before or after your periods cease, symbolizing the conclusion of your fertile years. Typically, menopause occurs around the age of 50.
Causes of Menopause
Women are born with a finite supply of eggs, which reside within their ovaries. These ovaries are responsible for producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone, governing the menstrual cycle and the release of eggs (ovulation). Menopause occurs when the ovaries cease to release an egg each month, leading to the cessation of menstruation. Menopause is a natural aspect of the aging process, typically occurring after the age of 40. However, some women may experience early menopause due to various factors. Surgical interventions, like the removal of ovaries during a hysterectomy, or ovarian damage from treatments like chemotherapy, can lead to early menopause. When menopause occurs before the age of 40, regardless of the cause, it is referred to as premature menopause.
Symptoms of Menopause
As menopause approaches, many women start experiencing signs like hot flashes, which cause sudden warmth, blushing, rapid heartbeats, and sweating in the upper body. These can vary from mild to severe.
Other menopausal symptoms include:
Irregular or missed periods
Dryness in the vaginal area
Breast tenderness
Increased frequency of urination
Sleep disturbances
Emotional shifts
Dry skin, eyes, or mouth
Feelings of sadness
Joint and muscle discomfort
Weight changes
Hair thinning
Altered sex drive
These are common signs of menopause.
What happens during peri-menopause?
Natural menopause occurs without any medical or surgical intervention and progresses gradually through three stages:
Perimenopause: Typically beginning several years before menopause, during this phase, your ovaries gradually produce less estrogen. Perimenopause continues until menopause, the point when your ovaries no longer release eggs. In the last 1 to 2 years of this stage, estrogen levels decline more rapidly, leading to the onset of menopausal symptoms in many women.
Menopause: Menopause is officially recognized when a year has passed since your last menstrual period. At this point, your ovaries have ceased releasing eggs and producing most of their estrogen.
Postmenopause: These are the years following menopause. Symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats often decrease during this phase. However, the health risks associated with estrogen loss tend to increase as you age.
Explore beyond the basics of menopause and perimenopause to learn how to navigate and care for yourself during these phases.
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drarorasclinic · 2 years
Online Consultation with a Sexologist Available at Dr. Arora's Clinic
Looking for an online consultation with a sexologist? You should visit the Clinic of Dr. Arora. Our sexologist online consultation method is straightforward, quick, and secure, and we provide the finest level of therapy in the business.
Our services include:
1) Premature Ejaculation 2) Low Libido / Low Sex Drive Problem 3) Penis Size Issues 4) Erectile Dysfunction
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