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Wild Things, John McNaughton (1998)
Cinematography: Jeffrey L. Kimball | USA
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scenes-svu · 1 year
These are their stories...
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mikemooremedia · 1 year
Stoneville woman rescued from house fire, Eden man serving time for sex crimes will be released from prison tomorrow, Rockingham County July 4th events, Triad business news. Weather, birthday club, community calendar, sports, consumer report, fun fact. Stan Freberg Presents the United States of America: Declaration of Independence
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joelsilberman · 2 years
Bound Brook Man Charged With Aggravated Sexual Assault Of Child
BOUND BROOK, NJ — A Bound Brook man was arrested after police say he sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl, Somerset County Prosecutor John P. McDonald announced.
Lenic S. Galvin, 20, of Linden Avenue, Bound Brook, was charged with first-degree aggravated sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault by contact and third-degree endangering the welfare of a minor.
Every criminal must be punished and every innocent must get justice.
Read more.... https://bit.ly/3OVlmes
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monsterfromid · 1 year
Eurythmics - Sexcrime (Nineteen-Eighty Four) (Original Promo) (1984) (HD)
I’ll stop now.
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resisteverything · 1 year
One time I heard a dude online compare new and obscure LGBT terminology to newspeak. This I think is one of the biggest examples I have seen of people with their whole chest ignoring the basic themes of 1984.
In 1984 the whole point of newspeak was that it shrinks. Ideas that could once be communicated now cannot. Everything is simplified as much as possible. You cannot explain complicated ideas of freedom or equality because the words no longer exist, or they don’t mean what they once did.
More specifically, there is canonically no word for “gay” in 1984. There are only two words for the entire spectrum of sexuality. “goodsex” and “sexcrime”. If you’re gay it’s the exact same as being a pedophile. And those are is the exact same as cheating on your wife, which is the exact same daring to fuck your wife just because you feel like it. Which is no different than literally any sex act that might offend big brother.
Do you see what’s happening? In 1984 can no longer ask someone of the same sex to fuck you because the word for gay sex is the exact same as the word for pedophile. And you can’t come out as gay because all you can say is that you did a criminal sex act, which means you cannot make a case for your rights either.
Inventing made up words to describe obscure things that previously lacked words would literally be a perfect remedy to newspeak. This language would counter every barrier to communicating the necessary concepts. Because it’s what literally every normal non-dystopian language does.
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carcinogenical · 11 months
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1984 ‼️ for a group project with my friends from uni ^_^
Syme is my favorite character ...,..... He has that autistic swag what can I say
Also I have this song permanently stuck in my head
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infamousbrad · 7 months
Should you read the 1984 sequel "Julia"?
You may not have heard that the Orwell estate authorized author Sandra Newman to write a canonical parallel story to George Orwell's justly-famous book 1984. (Yes, that 1984.) I'd be surprised if you hadn't at least pretended to read the original, it's frequently assigned in school, the jargon he created is quoted heavily in politics and journalism, the book itself nearly universally praised as the greatest ever dystopian science fiction novel.
1984's protagonist, Winston Smith, works for the "Ministry of Truth" ("Mini-True") in the Records Department, editing old newspapers and library books to eradicate any mention of facts embarrassing to the ruling English Socialist Party ("EngSoc").
Over the course of the book he drifts into "thoughtcrime" (questioning the party's right to rule) and "sexcrime" (an adulterous relationship with Julia Worthing, a much lower-ranking party member who also works in Mini-True, as a mechanic who repairs the novel-writing machines in PornoSec, the pornography section).
At the end of the original novel, they get caught by the "Ministry of Love" and successfully tortured into denouncing each other on national TV, and brainwashed into actually loving Big Brother, then released into the public as forcibly ostracized "un-persons" pending their inevitable execution dates.
What Julia: A Novel Adds to That Story
Newman's novel tells the exact same story, treating all of the events of Orwell's 1984 as canonical (or at least, true as far as Winston knows). It starts before Orwell's book, ends a couple of days after the end of Orwell's book, and is told entirely from Julia Worthing's point of view. And hers is an interesting point of view because, as mentioned in Orwell's novel, Julia is a lot younger than Winston, a lot less political, and far more cynical. Oh, she's a victim of the regime, but she has none of Winston's pessimism about the Party's pretended omnipotence, omniscience, or eternal longevity.
In Newman's Julia, we find out that her private nickname for Winston is "Old Misery," and to her, the moment all becomes clear is the scene (in both books) where, after the first time they have sex in a rented room in a prole (non-party-member) neighborhood antique shop, Winston tells her that by defying the Party, they have both sentenced themselves to torture and death, that Mini-Love will catch them and kill them but it's worth it to him to have these few days of imagining what it would be like to be free, and (in both novels) Julia chews him out for saying this. Winston has given up on out-living EngSoc, but Julia absolutely has not.
Questions You Might Want Answered before Reading
I have more thoughts about this, a lot more, but it's too early to get that spoilery; anything else I write will be posted under a cut in later blog posts. But right now, you're probably asking yourself the same questions I asked when the book was first announced, and I can answer some of those without spoilers.
"Should I even care that this book exists?" Mostly only if you're a fan of the original. I'm a big fan of 1984, I've probably read it all the way through (voluntarily!) at least four times, maybe five. A book that respects the text and yet has actually interesting things to say about it was inherently attractive to me. Maybe you would also enjoy it if you're a fan of what's now sometimes being called "hopepunk," realistic dystopian fiction about people who haven't given up on making things better yet.
"Has it been updated to modern times?" Absolutely not. You have to treat this as an alternate history where both the United States and Great Britain had successful communist revolutions in 1973, a "what if it had happened" instead of the near-future sci-fi it was when Orwell wrote it in 1948.
"Is it rape-exploitation porn?" Flatly not. The novel acknowledges that rape exists as a weapon of war and that there are women who are raped, and if by a party member then often with impunity. But these are not things that happen to any of the characters in the book.
"Does the dog die?" It is mentioned that, during the English version of the Holodomor, some people ate stray dogs and cats to survive. But no beloved pets are threatened, let alone injured, in the course of this novel, nor are any animal deaths incorporated into the actual story.
"How grim is it?" Julia, who has processed her trauma differently than Winston, is not a chronic depressive and that, all by itself, goes a long way towards making even the grimmest parts of the book less stressful to read than the original. And while I don't want to spoil what the ending is (I really don't!), I can assure you that Julia gets a good first approximation of an actually-happy ending.
"What's Newman's message, here?" I don't blame you for asking, given that Orwell wrote, and intended, 1984 as anti-communist propaganda, after his gruesome experiences after the Soviets took over the anti-fascist resistance during the Spanish Civil War. Newman clearly shows me, at least, that she's specifically aware of soviet communist atrocities and the specific failures that resulted (after Orwell's time) in the fall of the Soviet Union, but that's not her personal obsession. If I read it right, her message is that during times of extreme oppression, when you're not in a position to actually bring down the regime, mere survival with a relatively clean conscience is a revolutionary act, is still heroic.
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80sheaven · 1 year
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Eurythmics “Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four)” single and 1984 (For The Love of Big Brother) cassette album.
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This is an incredible track from an incredible album. Sadly not all of Eurythmics music was used in the film because of some misunderstanding with the director etc.
Wikipedia: Also released in 1984 was Eurythmics' soundtrack album 1984 (For the Love of Big Brother). Virgin Films had contracted the band to provide a soundtrack for Michael Radford's modern film adaptation of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. However, Radford later said that the music had been "foisted" on his film against his wishes, and that Virgin had replaced most of Dominic Muldowney's original orchestral score with the Eurythmics soundtrack (including the song "Julia", which was heard during the end credits). Nevertheless, the record was presented as "music derived from the original score of Eurythmics for the Michael Radford film version of Orwell's 1984". Eurythmics charged that they had been misled by the film's producers as well, and the album was withdrawn from the market for a period while matters were litigated. The album's first single, "Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four)", was a top 5 hit in the UK, Australia and across Europe, and a major dance success in the United States.
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May 29, 2024
SEXCRIME...does pay..and how consensual is that..?!?
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Ok I took ADHD meds for the first time today. I’m extremely jittery but not at all anxious… which is weird.
So far, I can do pretty much whatever I want, when I want to do it. I put my phone down and left it to change my underwear. I had an art project I needed to finish fairly soon (for pay!) which I usually wouldn’t be able to do in the morning because I’d assume I wouldn’t have enough time. But I finished it, after procrastinating on it all day yesterday; and I made less mistakes with winding the string around the nails, and I got less frustrated with it than I usually would. I bet I could play through the entirety of my kalimba cover of “Sexcrime” without making a single mistake after not playing it all the way through in months.
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minnowtank · 4 months
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this entire post's point falls completely flat when you learn that orwell was a virulent homophobe, and the sexcrime stuff was just used as part of the plot with winston and julia's for-pleasure-not-procreation relationship
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bootlegpals · 2 years
A doll on an electric scooter playing “Primetime Sexcrime”
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sluttish-armchair · 2 years
I was just thinking…
Julia is a whole twenty-six-year-old woman… and she’s in the “Junior Anti-Sex League.” A little odd, isn’t it?
Maybe her position is “junior” in the way there are junior officers in the military; meaning that an officer doesn’t necessarily have to be young, just inexperienced, to hold that rank. This theory (if true) implies that there is either an age limit to join; or that she waited to join until much later than her peers. If the latter is true, why did she choose to join? Maybe she joined out of fear of getting caught for being “disinterested” in Party activities; or maybe she was pushed by others because she was “gifted,” and played the devoted zealot a little too well.
It could also be that so many friends and lovers in her life had disappeared, and she was left so lonely and terrified after, that she needed some community — any community, no matter if it hurt her — for emotional support.
Or she could have been conscripted because sexcrime levels were on the rise, and they needed young, devoted people to “fight.”
The whole thing could be a cub scouts-type situation; in that most of the people in the group are actually of an adolescent age, but there are also a few adults who become “leaders” of the group after having been in it as a child.
So if this is true, Julia was once a “golden child” and worked her way up the ranks, and was eventually chosen because of her zeal and intensity to lead the new generation in love for BB. This makes sense, since Julia canonically is the person at the front of processions, waving banners; which is a job a person of more seniority and responsibility would be assigned. This raises has some implications for her deconversion process: Was she so disturbed by the Party’s brainwashing of children (after having seen and participated in it) that it woke her up? Did she decide to stay as a leader willingly, out of some hidden protective instinct, to make their lives in that hellscape a little more tolerable, perhaps by smuggling them food from the Inner Party?
Or, maybe did she not care at all for the children, and only decided to stay in the group so they wouldn’t rat her out (pun intended) like they do every other adult? Maybe she figured “If they look up to me, and I have control over them by enforcing the things they were taught, they won’t suspect me.”
Anyway… that’s all.
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chappybird · 9 months
Anyway a list of things obscenity laws attack:
owning dildos
having sex, owning porn, containing anything the general public in your area may find offensive. (this includes ageplay, raceplay, and other contentious kinks, but can also include gay porn or even different sex couples having anal or oral sex.)
linked to sodomy laws! (see above)
in states where drag is considered sexual, can go so far as to transgender people simply existing
is not commonly used to charge anyone because it is not feasible or logistical to do so, but it makes defending such things in public spaces much more difficult and sometimes even impossible. if harmless things, ranging from things that make you uncomfortable to things as innocent as owning a sextoy are all classified under a sexcrime on the same level as creating and owning actual pictures of real life children being sexually abused, that is absolutely a problem. (gee I feel like someone wrote a book about this in about 1949...)
legality and morality is not the same thing and you would think in a world where we lock children in cages, call people predators simply for who they are and who they love, and had a criminal as a president, you people would know that by now.
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