#Sharkies ghost story tag
sharkiethedork · 7 months
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I wish you could've heard the music when the sky growled overhead, I finally felt enthusiastic, I finally felt ALIVE!
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facks-stories · 6 months
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Doing this except I don’t draw them, and remove all the proships
[and for sharkie, I just tagged you for credit, you don’t need to read]
And i use a wheel to pick which two, and its formatted in the way that you just told me you ship these two
[yes I know its orange, but i couldn’t log in on my laptop so I gave up and used orange instead]
Both milans
Uh- nothing actually wrong with it I just wanna know your thought process
Mel x milan (story)
??? What- where did you?.. they don’t even acknowledge each other that much-?
Azzy x milan (irl)
No- Azzy isn’t even gay, and also shes a character- this feels green
Alice x Oliver
:[ what? Alice is dead by the time Oliver even knows she exists, but I mean could be a ghost romance?? Sure I guess
Oliver x Sunny
I mean go for it? They have known each other for a while so I’m not completely against it, its like half yellow half purple for this one
Mother x alice
I meeeeaaan, could happen, shit so unlikely it’s gonna take my shity writing to happen but that would be funny, purple for the jokes
Sunny x mother
*sigh* if only Sunny liked woman… *SIGH*
Rose x Mel
They would be platonic friends, but rose is aroace
Sunny x Kepo
*look of disgust, confusion, and curiosity all at once* it’s TECHNICALLY ok, still gonna look at you like it isn’t-
Azzy x Tocada/Tocado
I could see her comforting them, thats cute (I guess?) still blue because everyone else can’t see Tocada/Tocado
Aloe x Jayden
I had a audible reaction to this one, again, nothing wrong with it they just never talk 
Hannah x Jayden
Not exactly sure what you saw in these two, and tbh this ship feels like one of those ships you make because the character design looks good together-
Oliver x grandmother
No- thats like a mom to him
Tocada/Tocado x Rose
No- Rose doesn’t have the emotional vulnerability for them- she would end up hurting their feelings every day-
Eirn x Kai
*questionmark sound* [shit I don’t even this I made them know of eachother]
Sombra x Capa
Ok technically they are the same person? Ish? I don’t know, look just hear me out [explains how Sombra’s cockyness and capas tiredness is a great couple]
Kepo x Alice
I’m gonna give you another weird look but I’m not gonna say anything
Milan (story) x Aloe
You are just playing dolls now, no way you actually ship them-
1 x Alice
The original ship :D, doomed yuri tbh
Aloe x milan (irl)
Sure?.. I guess, one of those things that no matter how much thought I give it I feel like I didn’t think about it enough, anyway they would be a normal couple 👍
Hannah x Mimu
Uh? What? *audible confusion*[just wouldn’t happen, nothing wrong with it]
Alright thats enough of the wheel because frankly, its traumatizing me, now ships my friend has said B)
1 x oliver
Their Roman Empire tbh, this is literally all they ask about when i say i wrote something- good ship but doomed yaoi (or just doomed depending on what you consider 1’s gender]
Sunny x 1
They were joking about it- shit ship- nothing more to say
Eirn x Aloe
Slow burn, like really fuking slow- great couple when they do get together [or DO THEY?!, lmao I like killing peoples off]
And then the last three I could rant about but rn I won’t elaborate on
Sombra x Tocada/Tocado
Capa x Tocada/Tocado
Sombra x Capa x Tocada/Tocado
Anyway, thanks @sharkyy599 for the idea 🫶 and sorry so anyone who read all of this
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shellibisshe · 4 years
wip Wednesday
tagged by @nightwingshero thank you!
tagging @xbaebsae @joeyhxdson @tommymillers @amistrio @solesurvivorkat @sharky-broshaw @softmillers and anyone else! sorry for any double tags
okay so nearly everyone in discord has seen me yelling about this idea since yesterday so I finally sat down a wrote a bit of it. warning, it’s new dawn angst and there’s a lot
“Where were you?” Margo mumbles. She’s staring at her plate now, clutching her silverware in her fists. She can’t look at anyone, but she knows that her family is staring at her, shocked. 
She looks up. “What did you say?” she sees her mom sign. Her dad and Daniel stay quiet for a while, sharing worried looks at each other. Neither one knows what to say right now. “What did she say?” Elle signs at Daniel and John now, she knows they’ll answer. But instead, they stare daggers at Margo.
“I said,” Margo’s louder this time, small tears starting to form in her bright blue eyes as they stare holes through Elle, “where were you?” Her voice is cracking in the awkward silence that follows every word she says. 
“What do you mean?” Elle signs once more. She’s looking to Daniel and John for help but they both stay silent. Daniel’s stopped looking at them, he’s concentrating on his own plate now, spinning his fork in his hands because he needs to. He opens his mouth to say something, getting Elle’s hopes up, before John places a hand on his wrist and shakes his head. Margo hasn’t stopped staring at her, a pleading in her eyes that Elle remembers seeing in John all those years ago. 
“All dad talked about was how great you were. How you gave him a second chance, how you saved so many people.” She takes a second, she’s crying now, trying her best to keep her voice even, “If you were so great, then where were you for the past seventeen years?” 
The whole family is quiet again. Daniel’s halfway out of his chair ready to run, John’s trying to decide whether or not to get involved when, amazingly, Elle speaks, “Margo, I didn’t have a choice.”
It’s not much louder than a whisper, but they can all hear her. For once it’s good that their dining room table is so short. 
Margo’s not buying this excuse, “Yea, I don’t know if you noticed, but a lot of people had to stay in a bunker for 7 fucking years. I’m talking about after that.” Before Elle can even think of a reply, Margo cuts her off, “You were free after that! You could have left! You could have found us, we could have grown up with our mom like everyone else has!”
Elle’s back to signing now, she’s crying as well, “Why are you bringing this up? I don’t understand.”
“Exactly, you don’t understand, you don’t care!” Margo yells now, exactly like her father did 17 years ago. Suddenly Elle’s back in that spot, back in the woods except this time it’s not a badly injured John staring at her, pleading at her. It’s her own daughter, her own daughter asking tough questions that Elle doesn’t have the right answers to. “We should’ve had you around, but instead all we got were ghost stories about you!” For half a second, she turns to look at her brother and her father, but they’re gone. Daniel’s chair is pushed far away from the table, as is John’s, and she can hear their front door shut and see Daniel pacing in the small screen window. Margo looks back at Elle again, “Why did you hide from us for so long, mom?”
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deputyrhiannonhale · 4 years
Nodus Tollens Chap 3
(ooc) here is the third installment of my story! Same general tags apply, especially canon-game violence and strong language.
chapter 1 chapter 2
tagging: @ja-crispea @dieguzguz @f0xyboxes @shelliechen @returnofthepd3 @deputy-janai @deputyjessicaquinn @xbaebsae @veinereastath @sharky-broshaw @shallow-gravy @ec-10 @hopecountygazette @ramadiiiisme
Rhi was on an ATV flying down the road putting as much distance as she could between herself and the Holland Valley. She was well aware that if John wants her there, he’s definitely got a way to get her there. Tom was nice enough to tell her the way off Dutch’s island, but said he would rather stay back and make sure Dutch stays covered. Rhi thanked him for his help and made her departure.
Her hazel eyes were now searching the sides of the road for any dangers, animal or otherwise when she spotted another person on their knees in front of a cult member. She pulled out her gun, firing a warning shot before skidding to a stop nearby. Gunshots whizzed by near her head and she cursed as she tumbled off the ATV and she hid behind the tree, taking deep breaths. A warning shot was the wrong method to use, she realized now, it’s becoming glaringly obvious that she is going to have to shoot to kill everytime and that epiphany caused Rhi to sigh heavily. 
Rhi peeked around the trunk in time to see the woman she was trying to save sweep the legs of the cult woman out from under her and she crashed to the ground hard. Rhi took the moment to run over and finish her off with a single shot to her head. Rhi then doubled over, she really hadn’t been prepared for this kind of buffoonery when she transferred here from Billings. She hadn’t even had to use a weapon until she got here.
“I can see you’re working through an existential thing, but could you give me a hand here?” The lady on the ground inquired, rolling onto her side to reveal her hands were bound. Rhi let out a surprised noise, brushing her brown hair from her face.
“Fuck, I am so sorry!” She exclaimed while moving to kneel beside her and deftly untie her wrists, the woman laughed good naturedly.
“It’s ok...it’s an odd situation here.” She conceded while rubbing her wrists and standing up and taking the rifle off of the cult woman. “She ain’t gonna need this anymore.” 
“Odd is an fucking understatment.” Rhi agreed, searching the body for handgun ammo, and cursing when she found none, and the woman laughed again, nodding.
“Oh, if you’re needing any assistance, that Boshaw fellow is close by. When he found out what was going on he started laughing like a crazy man.” Rhi looked up from her knelt place on the ground, hazel eyes wide and her heart rate sped up when she heard Boshaw. As in Sharky Boshaw? Rhi knew she would probably have to face him again eventually, but she was caught off guard that it would be so soon. “Grabbed a propane tank and ran towards the Moonflower Trailer Park...what? You ok? Looks like you just saw a ghost.” The woman asked, and Rhi half nodded, waving her hand dismissively.
“I’m great...just...stunned.” She partially lied, standing to her full height and brushing off her knees, and gave the lady a weary smile. “The trailer park you say. Right up that road there?” Rhi asked, thumbing over her shoulder at the dirt road off to the left, and she nodded affirmation. Rhi groaned inwardly, how would seeing Sharky again after all these years be?
Rhi sighed, as she dismounted her ATV, looking at the trailer park in front of her, placing her hands on her hips. She was not ready to go in here, meeting Sharky again after so many years was sure to be...eventful, to say the least.
After their first and only interaction when she was 16, Sharky actually helped mold her future, not that he knows that. But little rebellious Rhi meeting someone who actually was a badass and witnessed what kind of trouble it gets, made her realize that not all attention is great.
It's when she really started looking up to Earl and the profession he is in, and guided her to be on this side of the law.
Dust came up in little puffs as she walked deeper into the abandoned park, hearing Sharky up on top of one of the trailers, she came to a stop near it, looking him over, her hands still resting on her hips. She chewed on her bottom lip, before making an exasperated noise, looking up at the sky in an aggravated manner and climbing up the nearby ladder.
"Hey, get the fuck outta here, Johnny-law. I know my fuckin’ rights." Is what Sharky greeted Rhi with once she stood to her full height on the trailers roof. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, before stepping towards him, he still sounded the same. Maybe a little more gruffness in his voice from what she guessed was years of smoking.
"Oh, so you know that setting fire to things with a flamethrower is still technically illegal?" Rhi asked, sarcastically, shoving her hands into the back pockets of her jeans, shifting her weight to her right leg, tilting her head back to look at Sharky in the eyes. She was surprised to see that there was no recognition in his blue eyes for her, she was just another cop to him at this point.
She shouldn't be surprised, though, as she didn't have that much of an impact on his life as a whole as he had hers.
"Hey, I come out here and I'm not botherin' nobody." He swept his arm in a gesture over the trailer park grounds, pointing at different speakers set up. "I play some of the best music and just let loose here. In a pants free, consequence free environment." Rhi blinked at the speakers as he spoke, before her eyes travelled back to him and trailed down to see he was definitely still wearing pants and she couldn't help but laugh slightly.
"Uh, Sharky-" He gave her a confused look, and she tilted her head in question and then it dawned on her. He wants to know how she knows his name already. 
"I know, ya wanna know why I'm still wearin' pants. No one knows what the next few minutes hold." He stated, moving over to some pedals he has mounted on the roof. Ok, so maybe he didn't catch that she called him Sharky. "By the way, my name is Charlemagne Victor Boshaw but if you require a little brevity in your day to day life you can just call me-"
"Sharky, I know." Rhi finished for him and this time he gave her a more suspicious look and she folded her arms over her chest. Why does the fact he doesn't remember her nettle her so much?
"How in the fuck do ya know that? Don't think I've ever seen ya around here, little girl." Rhi's nostrils flared slightly at the way he said "little girl" it sounded so much like when they were all in the police station all those years ago. So condescending, almost like he could never take her seriously.
Rhi made a "tch" sound, clucking her tongue, her jaw setting in her rising anger and she looked at him out of the corner of her eye and in a deadpan voice, responded:
"Man, fuck you." And with that, it was as if a light bulb lit up blindingly in a dark room. Sharky's blue eyes widened and his mouth fell slightly agape as she watched it slowly come to him who she was.
"No fuckin' way. Bitty Rhi?" It was Rhi's turn to give him a confused look, only Hurk Jr ever called her that. Does that mean he talked to Sharky about her off and on throughout the years? "Should have fuckin' known, of course you'd become a cop. You've been a snitch from the beginning." Rhi's anger exploded at that accusation, she never got over that he always thought she was spying on him and Hurk that day.
"Silencio fucker. I never ratted on you two that day. I had just rolled into town. Besides, who do you think convinced Earl to let you go?" They were both snarling at each either, but Sharky was the one to back down, his anger reducing to surprise. 
"That was you?" His voice was a lot softer than she had ever heard, and she nodded, her eyes looking away from him and back to him quickly as if to say "uh, yeah". The two stared at each other in silence, sizing each other up, before Sharky finally scoffed and folded his arms over his chest. “Doesn’t change the fact that you’re a cop now.” It was Rhi’s turn to scoff and she turned her face to the sky, shaking her tiny fists in frustration.
“Of fucking course a hillbilly ass like yourself wouldn’t fucking change. Outsiders are the devil.” She ended her sentence mimicking his accent, while simultaneously walking back to the ladder to gingerly climb down, still mouthing. “I was gonna ask if you wanted to help me kick this cults ass, but you know what...nevermind.” She called, walking backwards away from the trailers, throwing her hands up in the air before looking back up to where he had been to point at him. Rhi became surprised when she saw that he was following her down the ladder, and her arm dropped back to her side. “Why are you following me?” Her anger had deflated to confusion.
“I can’t have ya runnin’ around like a crazy woman, Dep. Ya might hurt someone...or yourself.” Sharky teased, and Rhi’s eyes narrowed at him, before her index finger came up to poke him in the chest.
“I’ll have you know I can take care of myself.” She promised and he chuckled, holding up his hands in a defeated manner.
“No doubt, Munchkin, but still you’ll need someone to show ya around.” Sharky pointed out and Rhi considered it. He did have a point, sure she had spent a few summers here, but she hadn’t gone everywhere during that time. Her hazel eyes looked him up and down before she scoffed again, giving him a small but sardonic smirk.
“Fine. But I’m driving, Charlemagne.” She mocked, causing him to grimace as she turned and walked back to where she parked the ATV.
“Hey!” Rhi shouted over her shoulder as she and Sharky were taking a break and stretching, they had saved numerous people along the road, and Rhi needed a breather. Sharky made a noise as he dropped a cigarette butt and snuffed it out with the toe of his shoe. “Hurk Jr around, I haven’t seen him in ages.” Sharky turned to face her, about to answer when he saw the orange glow of the sunset catching Rhi’s face just right as she ran her fingers through her hair trying to brush out tangles, and his mouth fell agape instead.
“Uh…” Was all Sharky managed to get out and Rhi looked over at him, her right eyebrow raised, and then she turned to look behind her to see what had Sharky so enraptured, but there was nothing. She had begun to get nervous, thinking it was a bear, but it was literally just a drop off to the Henbane River below. She shrugged and looked back at him.
“Sharkster...ya alright?” Rhi stepped towards him, snapping her fingers in his face, and it broke the trance and he shook his head to clear it.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m great. Hurk is stayin’ at his dad’s up in the Whitetail Mountains.” He answered, motioning in the direction of the mountains and Rhi gave him a quizzical look before nodding, chewing on the inside of her cheek.
“Right…” She turned to go back to the ATV, but turned back to Sharky after a couple of steps. “You sure you’re ok. You looked weird-” Her words were cut off when he walked into her, she stumbled back but his hand shot, grabbing her elbow to steady her, pulling her against him, and she blushed. “Didn’t realize you were right up my ass, Charlemagne.” She tried to sound teasing, but it came out rather defensively, and she broke free from his hold, taking a few steps back from him, her tone catching him off guard.
"Didn't think ya were gonna turn on me either." His tone however did come out his intended way of just being playful. He wasn't sure how to take Rhi, sometimes she seemed rather friendly, but then it was like she realized she was being open and a wall slammed down behind her eyes, blocking everyone from her innermost thoughts. They had spent nearly a whole day together now, and everytime he thinks they are getting friendly, Rhi pushes him back an arms length away again.
Rhi’s eyes studied him suspiciously, had what he said been a tease or was it being passive aggressive about their past again? Sharky then gave her a soft almost puppy innocent smile and Rhi’s eyes widened, a slight blush tinted her pale cheeks, and her defenses melted away. She wanted to slap herself, because, sure, when she was 16 she had found him attractive enough on their first sighting, but that was the rebellious part of her...right? That part of her that was like ‘oh, Step-Ass would absolutely hate you bringing someone like him home’.
Rhi shook her head slightly to clear it before giving Sharky a smile small in return. “Sorry, I guess I’m embarrassed I nearly fell down…” She lied, laughing nervously, before climbing back onto the quad, and patting the area behind her, and Sharky quickly joined her.
“Hey, Dep, ya know who I’d bet would be happy to see ya?” Sharky asked, leaning down to speak into Rhi’s ear as she sped down the road, and a small shiver ran down her spine as his facial hair tickled her earlobe.
“Who’s that Sharky?” She replied, turning her head towards him slightly to make sure he heard her. She was just hoping her talking while driving this fast didn’t have her eating bugs.
“My auntie.” Of course! Addie! Rhi had missed her so much and hadn’t really visited much two years ago while she had been recovering, she just talked to her on the phone more than anything...having been so preoccupied with John. Feeling her anger rising again, she cleared her throat.
“Abso-fucking-lutely! Let’s go see Addie!”
Slowing to a stop close to the Drubman Marina, Rhi vacated the quad after she was sure Sharky was off, she sighed. Of course the cult was here too, she thought to herself as she ran her fingers through her hair in a very frustrated manner. She was just beginning to walk up the slight incline to gain the higher ground when her radio beeped. She froze, it was nighttime now, so the noise seemed like it resounded loudly. She grabbed it quickly, nearly dropping it in her hurry, she juggled it for a couple of beats before finally getting a good grasp on it.
“Deputy...I hope I didn’t wake you.” John again, and Rhi cursed lowly, rolling her eyes, and giving Sharky a motion of hanging herself and he chuckled.
“Not at all, asshole, Sharky here has been keeping me company.” Rhi knew that would ruffle John’s peacock feathers. “The hell do you want? Y’know, since this is Faith’s region afterall…” Rhi pointed out, smirking to herself, and she heard John scoff bitterly.
“Ah yes, Charlemagne. Not sure he is going to be the best fit for you my dear.” Rhi blinked, confused by that answer and she shot Sharky a quick look, but he seemed to not be paying full attention to the conversation at hand, his face cast upwards looking at the stars.
“Oh? And you are?” She asked, turning her back to Sharky and walking back towards the quad, not wanting him to overhear anymore.
“Do you remember that night before you left for Billings?” Rhi’s jaw muscles bunched and flexed, her free hand clenching into a tight fist. Of course she did.
“The night that it was clear you were hiding something from me but I was too stupid to acknowledge it?” She hissed through her teeth, and John was quiet for a few beats.
“Yes, that night.” John agreed and Rhi stared down at the radio as if she couldn’t believe he just brushed off what she said. 
What she didn’t realize was, on John’s end, he had placed the radio on his forehead. He hated that he had to lie to her back then, it had been at Joseph’s request that John reach out to her, being certain Rhi needed to be brought into their loving family. He had gotten close to her during the handful of months she was there, and before he knew it, Rhi was leaving Hope County altogether.
“We watched the stars that night.” He continued, standing out on one of his balconies, looking up at the stars, he couldn’t help but think about that night. Rhi’s mind flashed back to her and John sitting on the waters edge, as she pointed out the different constellations, John leaned close to her, one arm draped around her shoulders. How could this be the same person, he acted so different back then. She sighed, looking up at the stars too. 
“We did…” Her tone was soft as she remembered it all. “What happened to you…?” It was a bitter question, rhetorical because she was sure he wouldn’t answer such a question, to him, he was probably always the same him. To her, he was two faced.
“You thought I was a perfect fit back then.” His voice was back to being cocky and she growled, she hated that he could switch on a dime like that. “I’m at my home, if you want me to prove how perfect of a fit I am.” The sultry tone of his suggestion caused a hot feeling to run to her core, and Rhi’s face turned blood red at her body’s reaction. Unsure of how to even respond to such a statement, she let out a shaky laugh.
“Oh, John.” Came the weakest comeback she’s ever done in her life, and she knew she had to do better. “I’m not that easy, you’ll have to work for it.” She tried to sound as seductive as she could, not being used to flirting, especially like this, before replacing the radio onto her belt.
“Watch your back then, Deputy.” It was a warning that should have scared her, yet it had sent an inexplicable thrill through her entire body, and she smirked, she was ready for him and whatever he sent her way.
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zacklover24 · 5 years
Memento mori V
Chapter preview “Right, right, right, right. So it all started back,well a long as time ago. See this woman came to town named Elizabeth, and she was gold digger from hell, not my words mind you. And Elizabeth and found out about about the seed family money and about john. She tired to go after Joseph but he was happily married, and jacob was queer and kept to himself. Nothing wrong with being gay mind you. Anyway, elizabeth set her eyes on little john and two feel in love. Or I should say she pretended to love him, but then elizabeth started to scheme on how she was going to get john’s money. But you see john was smarter than that little gold digger and had a plan set up.
And his plan came true nine months later when joseph and faith only daughter was born. See Elizabeth found out about how john was not going to let her get at his money but going to leave the money to the baby. So Elizabeth started to plan on ways to get rid of the baby. Faith got worried and started to sleep in the nursery or would have wolf stay in there. This didn’t go..........”
Tagging: @dolphinitley, @deputyoneill, @lokighost, @the-fucking-father, @fkingpeggies, @jacobmybeloved, @youre-my-boshaw-baby, @deputymaxwell, @deputyoneill
Charlie had made it back to the house with wolf following her, sharky and hurk looked at her in shock. She held up her hand and went upstairs to get out of her wet clothes and into something dry. Wolf was laying on charlie bed, as she got redressed.
“What in the flying fuck was that wolf?” She asks the dog as she looked out the window, sharky and hurk were now moving large bags of potting soil to the garden. Wolf let out a sad sigh as charlie let out her own sigh as she was trying to piece this mess together. She had seen the ghost of jacob seed, a man who was supposed to be dead. But he was alive? Or did she see his ghost? Well ghosts aren’t real are they? Wolf nudged her hand and charlie gave his head a pat, as she went outside.
“You look a hell of a lot better shorty.” Sharky comments as he and hurk were moving bags of soil.
“I don’t feel better. I have no idea how I went into the water or if what I saw was real.” She tells him, following him the garden.
“What do you mean?” He asks as she was kicking dirt with her foot.
“You’ll think I’m crazy.”
“I doubt that.”
Charlie bit her bottom lip in thoughts “Well, I think I saw the ghost of jacob seed, like okay. So something or someone pushed me into the water, and then as I was being held under there, someone brought me back up and it was jacob seed. But he’s dead right?” She asks him as sharky tossed the bag down onto the ground with a burnt and shared a look with hurk.
“You are right, jacob seed is dead, but he how do I put this?” He mutters rubbing the back of his neck.
“He’s a ghost amiga.” Hurk tells her as charlie jaw dropped, “This place is haunted by the ghosts of the seed brothers.” Charlie looked at hurk and then at sharky, who had face palmed hard and was shaking his head.  “Why the hell do you think virgil wants this place so bad?”
“You know he makes a good point, so was I ever going to be told?” She asks sharky and tapping her foot.
“Yes, I was going to tell you. In fact I was going to tell you the whole story tonight over burgers and beer.”
“I could use a beer and a burger.” Charlie says with a sigh as wolf came up behind her and started to beg to be pet.
“Hey wolf likes you! That dog hated everyone who wasn’t jacob.” Hurk tells her watching as charlie eyes went wide as dinner plates, “Wolf is a ghost.”
“I think she figured that out hurk, but thanks.” Sharky tells him as charlie was petting wolf head, “He does like you now so win.”
“Right a win, so what time is the beer and burgers going to be?” She asks giving him a nervous laugh.
“Five sound good?”
“Five sounds fine.”
Five came, and sharky pulled out a grill and the pair sat outside the house, cooking burgers and drinking locally made beer.
“So the story of this place?” Charlie asks as she leaned back in her chair, as sharky was grilling up the burgers.
“Right, right, right, right. So it all started back,well a long as time ago. See this woman came to town named Elizabeth, and she was gold digger from hell, not my words mind you. And Elizabeth and found out about about the seed family money and about john. She tired to go after Joseph but he was happily married, and jacob was queer and kept to himself. Nothing wrong with being gay mind you. Anyway, elizabeth set her eyes on little john and two feel in love. Or I should say she pretended to love him, but then elizabeth started to scheme on how she was going to get john’s money. But you see john was smarter than that little gold digger and had a plan set up.
And his plan came true nine months later when joseph and faith only daughter was born. See Elizabeth found out about how john was not going to let her get at his money but going to leave the money to the baby. So Elizabeth started to plan on ways to get rid of the baby. Faith got worried and started to sleep in the nursery or would have wolf stay in there. This didn’t go unnoticed by any of the brothers. Joseph agreed with jacob and john that the only way to keep faith and his daughter safe was to send them away so he did. In the end those it didn’t matter, she killed them, no one knows how.” Sharky explains handing her a burger. Charlie was in shock as she could blink at him.
“But she never got the money then right?” She asks him.
“You got it chica. See john was a lawyer and put a clause into his will. The clause was simple if he, or his brothers or faith or the baby were to ever die under mysterious causes then the money would be locked out to her and put away in an account that only a seed could get to, and that would be you.”
“So the money that I inherited along with this place.” She mutters, taking a sip from her beer.
“Yea, do you see why virgil wants this place? He wants to turn this place into a tourist spot, I mean it is but, you know.” He says with a shrug and swing of his beer.
“What happened to elizabeth then?”
“Died of all age, we don’t know. She never got at the seed family money that she wanted so bad. Some say she cursed the land or some shit.”
Charlie let out a hmm as she chugged the rest of her beer, “So why is wolf even here?”
“Wolf was, is jacob dog? He’s a loyal little shit. He sticks around to piss off elizabeth ghost if she still here.” Sharky tells her with a shrug.
Charlie looked at her burger and then at the manor, “Now what?” She whispers.
“I guess that's up to you. I mean what do you is up to you.” Sharky tells her, as Charlie blew raspberries at him. Sharky could only laugh.
“Hey that reminds me do you think that maybe you could install some lights on the dirt path to the dock?” She requests.
“That can be easily done.”
“Thanks for you know everything.”
“It's no problem, really.”
Charlie was settling into bed when wolf settled onto bed with her.
“Your a good dog aren't you?” She asks him as he let out a happy bark. “Yes, you are.” Something about the story sharky told didn't sit with her. But, he was staying the night so she wasn't all alone but something felt off and in a bad way.
End of line
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ataaaaashi · 6 years
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NAME: Jesse Rook
NICKNAME: Cupcake (Pratt), Cherry Bomb (Sharky)
AGE: 25
MORALITY: neutral good
RELIGION: agnostic
SINS: greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath
VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
KNOWN LANGUAGES: fluent in English, knows a little Farsi and Norwegian
BUILD: scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average
HEIGHT: 5′8 
SCARS / BIRTHMARKS: has freckles scattered here and there, various scars with the most noticeable being a bullet wound at his left shoulder and a knife wound on his right side under his ribs, has ‘wrath’ tattooed under his collarbones with ‘lust’ over his crotch, ‘greed’ at his lower back and ‘pride’ and ‘envy’ on each forearm in canon. 
ABILITIES / POWERS: stealth, archery expertise, moderate knowledge of hand to hand combat. 
RESTRICTIONS: not the most proficient at using large weaponry e.g. LMGs and RPGs.
FOOD: loves breakfast foods. pancakes, waffles, eggs & bacon, etc.
PIZZA TOPPING: pepperoni with extra cheese.
COLOR: purple, blue, pink.
MUSIC GENRE: alternative, rock, a little heavy metal (which Joseph hates).
MOVIE GENRE: horror, but has a very specific taste in horror. he isn’t a fan of slashers or psychologicals but prefers horror films based on urban legends or ghost stories.
CURSE WORD: Hudson called someone a shitstick once and he’s never forgotten it.
SCENTS: freshly washed linen, rain, sandalwood incense, Joseph after he has a shower and uses Jesse’s bodywash lmao oops.
BOTTOM OR TOP: this man is the biggest bottom to ever bottom.
SINGS IN THE SHOWER: absolutely. he’s terrible but he does it anyway.
LIKES PUNS: he’ll begrudgingly admit it if it’s a good pun but if it’s a bad one, he’ll just cringe. 
tagged by: @fkingpeggies thank you! ❤❤❤  
tagging: anyone who wants to do this! ❤
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apicturewithasmile · 7 years
LOST rewatch (season 2):
[follow the entire rewatch-tag here]
episode 1 – Man of Science, Man of Faith:
It’s Desmond tiiiiiime!!!! Maaaaake your own kind of muuuusiiiiiic!!!
OH MY GOD Jack’s flashback hair is horrible.
Desmond’s accent alone is worth watching the show but honestly, his whole character is a total game changer. He’s the personified sci-fi element and I McFriggin love it!
 episode 2 – Adrift:
Big feels for Sawyer here
Does this count as the first on-island flashback when we see John climbing down the hatch? Because we already saw what happened after that in the previous episode… I guess it’s only a mini flashback but still… it is…
Awwww it’s the Dharma sharky
With every Michael flashback I hate his ex even more.
How did everything that’s happened so far only happen in 44 days?!?! It feels like they gone through enough drama for a whole year.
“box man”
episode 3 – Orientation:
Katey Sagal <3
Kate discovering the real important shit – first the chocolate, now the guns
“You needed a father figure and I needed a kidney.” Fuck you Anthony Cooper.
“Why do you find it so hard to believe?” – “Why do you find it so easy?” – “IT’S NEVER BEEN EASY!!!” --- you tell him, John!!!
episode 4 – Everybody Hates Hugo:
I missed Rose!
….Hurley’s boss at the fast food restaurant… ain’t that the same guy who bullied John at the box company? Did I ever notice that before?
episode 5 – …And Found:
Jin’s hair growing longer is all I ever needed for my inner peace.
That Sun + John scene in her garden :’)
I forgot how good the score of that show is. Suck me right up with the feels!
episode 6 – Abandoned:
Oh nooo… that the episode where Shannon dies? Please don’t!!!
I can never understand what it is Ghost Walt is saying to Shannon
John holding the baby *external screaming*
I’ll forever be bitter that they killed Shannon off – all the missed potential for character development
episode 7 – The Other 48 Days:
It’s Nathan Ingram looking like Indiana Jones.
Is it ever explained what the Arrow Station was for?
It’s so annoying that the place Ana killed Goodwin isn’t the same place where Jin finds his corpse in the jungle.
episode 8 – Collision:
Kate winning against Jack at golf is what I’m here for.
I wish Ana Lucia and Sayid had gotten more scenes together after that
“What good would it be to kill you if we’re both already dead?”
That reunion scene of Rose & Bernard and Sun & Jin is soooooo kitschy, I love it
episode 9 – What Kate Did:
Petition for Daniel Daw Kim to be topless more often
I… didn’t remember Sawyer fever-mumbles to Jack that he loves Kate
Ah yes, it’s the black horsey episode
Shannon’s funeral :’( whyyyyyy?????
“Boy, when you say beginning you mean… beginning.”
I’m trying to figure out who cut out part of the Orientation video… was it Kelvin?
Kate’s dad, who’s a very high ranking soldier: “I don’t have murder in my heart.” Me: …..sure, Jan.
“Don’t mistake coincidence for fate.” Mr. Eko and John could have had sooo many intriguing conversations; it’s a pity they had to write him out.
episode 10 – The 23rd Psalm:
I don’t like the whole drug plot but that’s probably because that means more plot for Charlie… like… don’t get me wrong: I like the backstory, but not the new found drama with Charlie
Smokey in his whole glory. That scene is so breath taking, I love it.
episode 11 – The Hunting Party:
 I had forgotten the whole “Michael locks John and Jack up in the armory”-bit
And Jack and Locke actually taking a button-shift together? That’s programmed trouble.
Fuck you Jack! Take Kate with you! You’ve known her for…. What? Over 50 days? You know she won’t stay behind. You’re really no good judge of character, are you?
funny how John is so curious about Sawyer’s name… kinds foreshadowing to the whole Anthony Cooper connection as if John already felt it somehow
Geronimo Jackson
episode 12 – Fire + Water:
 I find it interesting that they chose a + symbol for the title instead of “and” or an ampersand.
Charlie’s parents’ accents are… bad.
“Now Locke’s your friend, eh?” oh shut the fuck up Charlie!!!
Hurley as Jesus on Charlie’s dream is foreshadowing
The difference between Charlie and John is that John is protective over Claire and Aaron whereas Charlie is possessive.
 “[Kate’s] hot, [Jack’s] hot” – Ana Lucia, confirmed bisexual.
YAAAAS!!! Hit the bastard, John! You show him!!!!
episode 13 – The Long Con:
 “You wanna break seven virgin Marys? Be my guest! But I’m superstitious.”
Yunjin Kim is the only person on earth that can make the colour orange look good to me
Seriously… I didn’t remember why exactly I dislike Charlie so much but season 2 reminds me episode by episode.
episode 14 – One Of Them:
I’m so here for every scene between Sayid and Danielle
Amazing “arm waving through a tent” acting @Michael Emerson!!!
“My name is Henry Gale, I’m from Minnesota.” LIIIIIIAAAAAARRRR!!!
I think the first time I watched it I was so excited about Michael Emerson that I didn’t notice the guy who’s talking to Sayid in the next scene is Kelvin.
The first time John sees his future island husband… awwwww :’)
Funny how at first John doesn’t believe Ben’s act but later he’s like “tell me all the lies, I’ll believe you anything, my dear!”
“Why would you travel [in a hot air balloon]?” – “Because I was rich.” Has any line in the entire show ever been that real?
I have trouble believing that Jack is physically stronger than John.
The first time we see the hieroglyphs on the timer.
episode 15 – Maternity Leave:
Alex!!! My pretty little child!!!
Oh my sassy dear rat boy
And creepy Ethan is back.
Mr. Eko: *cuts his beard off* – Not Henry Gale: Okay, wtf?
“Are you the genius or are you the guy who’s feeling like he’s always living in the shadow of the genius?” Ben you little asshole!
episode 16 – The Whole Truth:
Daniel Dae Kim shirtless again – thanks for answering my prayers
Terry O’Quinn gets sexier the scruffier he is
Does Sun realise she’s pregnant this early?!?!?!
Okay John just totally took a glance at Jack’s dick after he was getting out of the shower.
“Jack and Locke are a little too busy worrying about Locke and Jack.”
Oh riiiight, Kate doesn’t know about Not Henry Gale
The fact that Ana Lucia and Sayid get along okayish fills my heart with so much joy but then I remember she’s gonna be dead in like… 2 episodes and I hate that.
“Men reject their prophets and slay them but they love their martyrs and honour those whom they have slain. So what’s the difference between a martyr and a prophet?”
episode 17 – Lockdown:
The first time Ben yells “Jaaawwwn!”
There’s also more and more Emerchesthair going on and I’m here for it!!!
“How about you put your mangos where your mouth is?”
Anthony Cooper you fucking asshole.
John just found the most inappropriate time to propose to someone
“You came back!” – “Did you think I was gonna leave you here?!”
episode 18 – Dave:
I wish Hurley’s story wasn’t focussing on his weight to much
John putting in a good word for Not Henry Gale is my vibe!
Never mind… bondage Ben is MY VIBE!!!
“God doesn’t know how long we’ve been here, John. He can’t see this island any better than the rest of the world can.” --- that’s one of the most underrated lines in the entire show I think.
episode 19 – S.O.S.:
Moooore chesthair action!!!
I love that Rose and Bernard just fairly recently met and haven’t been together for like 30 years already.
episode 20 – Two For The Road:
Ugh is that the Ana Lucia/Christian Shephard episode?? I’m always in for more daddy Shephard.
Strangulation really is Ben’s go to kill method, isn’t it?
“I was coming for you.” – you sure were, my guy. You sure were.
episode 21 - ? :
“the artist formerly known as Henry Gale”
Terry O’Quinn’s arms give me life
It’s the Pearl station
Oh riiiight there’s been cameras in the Swan station, totally forgot that
“every single second of my pathetic little life is as useless as that button” poor John
Sawyer comforting Kate… I’m here for it!
episode 22 – Three Minutes:
Oh Alex, my sweet angel
“we got caught in a net” – “why are you telling me this, Sawyer?” – “because you’re about the closet thing I got a friend on this island, Doctor.” I wish they had spent more time focussing on that broship rather than the love triangle
episodes 23 and 24 – Live Together, Die Alone:
“we’re stuck in a bloody snow globe”
Charles fucking Widmore, my OTV – One True Villain
Aaah it’s the weird Hurley bird
John crying in the jungle breaks my heart (and fuck you Charlie for making fun of him)
“with enough money and determination you can find anyone”
Desmond realising John saved his life by hammering on that hatch door is one of the best moments in the whole show.
Not Henry Gale is back, my bebe, right there with the dramatic appearance on a boat
Desmond really big on competing against Sayid in the “who’s got the best island hair”-competition (Sayid still winning tho)
“I’m sorry for whatever happened that made you stop believing but it’s all real.”
“We’re the good guys, Michael!”
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sharkiethedork · 1 year
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i dont think thad knows what hes talking about either happy pride month
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jayofmemory · 3 years
Branded cover is up! come here to subscribe to the comic and be the first ones to be updated when i upload a page!
Branded AU taglist:
@wildhorsewolf @shrieks-of-birbs @odysseus-is-best-boi @egopocalypse @honestlyitsjustparker @timeshadow01 @o-0notsteph0-o @thebluejaysworld @jam-jackson @nerdislovenerdislife @lunabear0323 @septic-nebula-art @acuriousquail @isa-ghost @mihaela-tbg @vanessasepticeye @alexis-kohler-bermuda-blog @lilyenderborn @eightales7 @novelistgeek @dreaming-of-stories-and-stars @artistic--insomniac @humblecacti @abirbable @whispywizard @rats-this-username-is-taken @lildoodlecat @owletry @epicgirlgamer6 @sharky-g @its-sam-beaches @taizu-lazure @starlystudios @killerfangirl3 @mx-uniix @ohitsanotheranon @damesdoodles @neverendingstory312 @immabethehero
(if you would like to be added to the branded and/or lost souls au taglists, ask me!)
(if your name is in bold it means I couldn’t tag it for whatever reason, if you changed your user name please send me a message with your old and new usernames)
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sharkiethedork · 9 months
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i should draw pictures of them that i can use that aren't their refs cropped and badly scaled down
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sharkiethedork · 1 year
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Someday I'll draw them in a way that's not a meme but you'll have to wait
Based on this
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sharkiethedork · 2 years
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Maybe it's too early to be thinking about artfight (or advertising mine but its not stopping me lmao) but I had a lot of fun with it last year and I'm lookin forward to it again :D And it's been a good excuse to draw references for my favorite scrimblos, I'm very pleased with how they all turned out :]
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sharkiethedork · 2 years
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i did this a few days ago but of course had to wait till today to post. draw your ocs as memes 2023
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sharkiethedork · 2 years
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I don't know what he's about to have Rory do, but Thaddeus has unrealistic expectations on how well it'll go.
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sharkiethedork · 1 year
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they cut his hair off
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sharkiethedork · 2 years
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I love having ocs
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