#She is beautiful absolutely so intelligent and so dedicated
connecting-the-stars · 4 months
Carmy drawing Sydney with the same detail and dedication as he did the sketch for a beautiful dish he was brainstorming when.
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esouliie · 4 months
everything comes out, teenage petulance ⋆⟡˖
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– synopsis | someone from wanda’s past interrupts your saturday morning and you’re not happy about it. wanda, however…
– warnings | angst, hurt/comfort, age gap couple, reader is younger & inexperienced and with that comes✨ emotional immaturity✨ but wanda is *chefs kiss* at giving reassurance :3
– notes | not proof read but the writing is rough!!! but but but i tried to write the inexperienced reader in an age gap relationship with the concept of conflicting emotional maturity… and i hate it lol, the dialogue sucks ass :/ i wish i could write reader with better petulant teenager energy!
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You woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and the soft hum of Wanda moving about the kitchen. Saturdays with her are your favorite, a break from the routine of the week. The sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Wanda's voice floated in from the other room.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," her tone gentle and affectionate. "I've made us some coffee."
You stretched and yawned, making your way to the kitchen where Wanda stood by the counter, her eyes twinkling as she hands you a mug. You took a sip, savoring the rich flavor of your favourite Colombian blend, overloaded with the insurmountable amount of sugar and cream she put in. Usually, she complains about how you take your coffee - constantly complaining how your daily sugar intake was enough to knock out an elephant - but she knew you wouldn’t drink coffee any other way.
And you needed coffee.
"Thanks, Wands," you mumbled as you smiled up at her, noticing her nose scrunch as she mimicked your smile. She's a few years older than you, and she wore it with pride. She was confident in herself, there was never a time she felt insecure about her age, and the most emotionally intelligent person you’ve ever met. In the beginning of your relationship, all of your “arguments” ended with healthy communication from Wanda’s side whereas you’d close up like a clam, refusing to talk or fight or even run away. You’d just switch off. And so, her maturity and confidence used to make you feel a bit self-conscious. But every day was better, because you have an excellent teacher who loves you endlessly.
You and all your emotional problems.
"Ready for our walk?" she asked, reaching for the leash. "Lucky's been waiting all week."
You nodded eagerly. "Absolutely. Let's go."
You both had been watching Lucky for the past couple weeks. Your bestfriend - Kate Bishop - had recently gone to Russia to visit her girlfriend’s parents. You were all for it, an exciting buzz had followed you the whole upcoming week. Wanda was a bit unsure at first, having never owned a dog, she wasn’t sure how to take care of it, but you reassured you had enough experience for the both of you.
The park was just a short walk from your house, and as you stepped outside, the crisp morning air filled your lungs. Lucky, the exuberant golden retriever, darted ahead, his tail wagging furiously. but never too far away from you both. The park was alive with people and their pets, the sound of laughter and conversation mingling with birdsong. Children ran across the grass, their gleeful shouts echoing through the trees.
Wanda took your hand, her fingers warm against yours. "It's such a beautiful day," she said, her eyes scanning the park. "Perfect for a walk."
This week had been especially busy for both of you. Wanda had been tirelessly working as the director of her own gallery, a lifelong dream that she had finally realised after months of dedication and effort. Meanwhile, you were preparing for your finals, which meant spending countless hours holed up in the library or Wanda's home office. As a result, the past few days you had seen very little of each other, making the rare moments like this morning even more precious.
You hummed in agreement and squeeze her hand, feeling a rush of affection for the blonde. “Here! You take this!” She offered, handing you Lucky’s ball in exchange for his lead.
Just then, before you could run off to play fetch, someone called out, "Wanda!" Her grip on your hand immediately loosened, and she dropped it, stepping a few steps away. You turned to see an older man - his mousy brown hair styled neatly with a suit jacket over his arm - approaching with a skip in his step.
There was no ring on his finger.
"Wanda, is that really you?" he asked, a broad smile spreading across his face , showing a bit too much teeth for you, as he hugged her warmly. You almost rolled your eyes as they rocked side to side in their embrace, shared laughter floating between them.
As fucking if.
“Vis! It’s been ages.” Wanda is the first to pull away, and yet her arms are still wrapped around his biceps. Your eye twitched as you notice her brush her fingers along the stretched fabric.
You stood there awkwardly. The pair fell into easy conversation as if they were ex lovers or something, and you waited for an introduction that never came. Their voices became a distant murmur as you drifted away from the conversation, your attention returning to Lucky, who was no longer by your side, and who was dangerously close to the pond, trying to reach the ducks with his snout.
“Lucky! Leave the ducks alone!” You called, grabbing his lead from Wanda’s, albeit loose grip, hurrying over towards the dog who was either ignoring you or hyper-fixated on reaching those ducks.
You’re not sure what happened next. You either spooked Lucky out of his trance or he really was being an ass today, but as soon as you got close enough to clip his lead to his collar, he spun on his back legs, knocking into you and zooming away. You stumbled, your balance slipping as you flailed to stay upright. With a yelp, you tumbled down, your body hitting the muddy bank. Your leg splashed into the water, soaking your entire leg. Wet and cold, you scrambled to stand up but a sharp pain shooting through your ankle had you sinking back on to the bank, before you managed to pick yourself up on your good leg. Tears from the pain and embarrassment blurred your vision as you looked down at the state of you. Your pretty dress Wanda had picked out for you this morning was coated in mud and all sorts of dirt. You watched in grimace as pond water dripped out of your shoe as you moved away from the scene of the crime.
Remembering you weren’t alone, and your girlfriend had probably seen the dog wipe you out, you searched for Wanda, only to find her still with her “old friend.” In fact, they seem to have moved over towards a spare bench as you noticed how close they were sat next to each other. Turned towards one another, their arms were basically brushing. Wanda had laughed at something Vis had said as she threw her head back, almost falling backwards until he grabbed onto her, pulling her closer towards him.
The sight made your stomach churn. Anger swirled in a violent revenge inside, and yet, it was sadness that slipped down your face. You felt a burning sensation in your chest and a lump forming in your throat.
All you wanted to do was go home.
A mother and her young daughter who had watched you fall made their way over to you, the question already posed in the way she looked at you. “Are you alright?”
Your teary eyes shifted back to the bench. Still lost in conversation, you watched and waited, wondering what it was they were talking about, wondering if she had even noticed you’re hurt.
But it’s clear she hadn’t seen you fall… or maybe she just forgot you were even here.
“I’m fine.” You replied, but your eyes deceived you.
The woman followed your gaze, “Oh! Are they your parents?”
You scoffed but there wasn’t any bite to it, and fresh tears rolled off your face, “No.”
You began to hobble forward, in search of Lucky but the stranger was one step ahead of you. She grabbed onto your arm, claiming you shouldn’t put your weight on your injured ankle, as she sent her daughter ahead looking for Lucky. She found him in no time, on the other side of the pond, no longer trying to reach the ducks but sat watching them.
You called for him, and without a fuss, he came. You clipped him to his lead, as he stared up at you curiously. He seemed to sense your distress and was suddenly still, looking up at you with a sorrowful expression, as if he understood the part he had played in this. Before you could return to full height, he leaned his head into yours. His actions saying a thousand words, and you couldn’t help but smile at the pup, giving him a little scratch. “It’s okay, bud. I know you didn’t mean to.”
Meeting the concerned mother’s gaze, you pointed towards Wanda, “I’m just gonna…” You trailed off but she understood, turning away with a genuine “get well soon”, instructions to ice your ankle as soon as you get home, and her daughter in hand. With that, she turned in the opposite direction, heading back towards where you fell.
You walked in the other direction, deciding to go around Wanda. You didn’t want to see her right now. Noticing the park exit in sight, Lucky dragged on his lead, trying to turn back the way you came.
“No, Lucky. We’re going home.” You ushered him through the gates, “She can stay here with him.”
A shout caught your attention. Behind you, Wanda was walking - almost running - towards you. The man was nowhere in sight. “Y/N! Where did you go? Why are you leaving?” You noticed a tinge of frustration in her voice, but that was dropped as soon as she took in your soaked state. “What happened?”
“Oh so you did remember I was here.” With that, you turned and walked away as fast as your ankle would let you.
“What-?” You heard Wanda struggle for words behind you before she caught up, her hand grabbing your cold, still - damp arm. “What do you mean? What happened?”
“You would know if you weren’t so impressed by your boyfriend back there.” You spat, shrugging off any hold she had on you.
She grabbed your arm again, firmer this time. “He’s not my boyfriend. His name’s Vision. We went to school together. I haven’t seen him in years.”
Her tone remained the same soft melody, despite the obvious frustration earlier.
You remained silent, scoffing in reply, as you tried to walk away, but she stopped you again, turning you around to face her.
Her warm hands held your cheeks, forcing you to make eye contact. “Hey, what’s really wrong?”
Her gaze softened, concern evident, and you felt tears pooling again as you fought within yourself, torn between letting go of your anger or clinging to it like petulant teenager.
“Don’t shut me out. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“You forgot about me,” you whispered, your voice trembling as tears streamed down your face. She wiped at them and a hum encouraged you to continue.
“You dropped my hand, and was talking to that guy so much, you didn’t even know I was still there. Lucky was acting up, so I went to get him, and I fell in the pond. My ankle really hurts, I think I sprained it, and I’ve ruined my dress and—” A sharp sob cut you off as your emotions overwhelmed.
Sensing your distress, Wanda pulled you into her arms. “It’s okay, baby,” she consoled softly, her voice remaining gentle and soothing.
Being in Wanda's arms usually helped you calm down. The warmth of her embrace and the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed steadily would bring you a sense of peace. You would listen to her heartbeat, syncing your breath to its comforting rhythm, as her presence soothe your worries away.
However your anger surged, unable to latch onto a single thing as it flailed wildly. You pushed back against her chest, but she didn’t let go. "No, don't baby me! You forgot about me! I fell into a pond, and you weren't even there to help. A stranger did, Wanda. A fucking stranger cared more about me than my own girlfriend because she was too busy with some fucking guy!"
Her grip tightened slightly as she whispered, a juxtaposed effort to your loud volume, “I know, and I’m so sorry.” But you were too upset to care, your hurt and frustration drowning out her words of apology. You tried to close down on yourself, shielding away from the pain.
“Wanda, let go of me,” you said, hands pushing against her as your voice trembled with the effort to hold back the flood of emotions.
“No,” Wanda replied firmly, her eyes searching yours. “Tell me how you feel.”
“I already told you! ” Her persistence had you shouting again, the walls you were trying to build around your heart crumbled. Tears welled up in your eyes as your throat closed up as you started to sob uncontrollably. Frantic images of Wanda on the bench with the man flashed through your mind, tormenting you. You wiped at your face desperately, but the tears kept coming, a torrent of pain, betrayal and immeasurable grief.
“You acted like I didn’t exist,” you choked out between sobs. “It was like you were ashamed of me.”
Wanda’s eyes widened, not expecting that to be your response. “I’m not ashamed of you.” She said, her voice cracking with emotion. “I don’t know why I dropped your hand or why I didn’t introduce you as my girlfriend. It was a mistake and I’m so sorry.” Her own tears began to pool, her sorrow evident.
“I could never be ashamed of you, Y/N.”
She pulled you into a tight embrace, tears falling on top of your head as she whispered a few more apologies, and a promise to do better, to never make you feel invisible again or doubt her love for you.
“I want to go home.” You whispered, with a defeated energy.
Wanda remained unconvinced, though she understood your struggle. She had been tirelessly encouraging you to be more open about your feelings, and she had seen you make significant progress. However, she knew that progress wasn’t linear. Despite your improvements since you first started dating, she anticipated the occasional bad day. Recognising that this conversation wasn't suited for a public setting, Wanda shifted the focus. “I think Lucky does too,” she said softly, nodding towards the enthusiastic dog at your side.
You followed her gaze to Lucky, who was wagging his tail so energetically - despite the tense conversation he had just been present in- it seemed he might take off at any moment. “Okay, boy. Let’s go,” you said, giving him the command he was eagerly awaiting.
As the golden retriever began to trot down the street, you turned to the older woman. “I’m sorry Wands.”
The weight of those few words lingered in the air, before you felt a gentle squeeze on your hand as Wanda had intertwined her fingers with yours, her grip reassuring and steadfast. “I know. I’m sorry too.”
She didn't let go the entire way, and once again, her presence was a silent promise of growth, support and understanding as you made your way home together.
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Barbie Girl 💄 | Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin Imagine
Takes place before, during, and after the events of Top Gun Maverick
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Barbie!reader (romantic), dagger squad (platonic)
Content warnings: light profanity, fluff | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 4.3k
Requested 📨 yes/no (for @kayla-swiftly)
Premise: They say the sky is the limit and anything you set you’re mind to will be achieved as long as you’re dedicated to it. For most people that testimony is nothing but a mere fantasy. But for one woman, with too many dreams to count on her fingers, she took that statement to heart. Proving you can be anyone you want to be and maybe even a few others give or take 😉
Note: Anyone else obsessed with Barbie lately?? Omg y’all I saw the movie last week and absolutely fell in love and i had this request from around the time the final trailer dropped and knew it was the perfect time to write this. I know I know I haven’t been living up to my promise of being consistent but man they having me working my ass off at my job. Also I’ve been traveling and I saw Big Time Rush last night (i felt like a teenager again and it was amazing 😭) anyway I hope you enjoyed this and let me know what you think!
“Hi, Barbie!” The familiar greeting fills Y/n’s ears as it does every morning she arrives at the hangar. With it comes an instant smile, hand raising to wave at the person responsible for it, “Hi, Phoenix!”
“Hey there, Barbie,” winks another friendly face.
“Hiiii, Hangman,” her tone is playful like his, turning energetic for Bob when he goes, “Hiya, Barbie!”
“Hi there, Bob!”
“Hey, Barbie.” “Good morning, Barbie.” “What’s up, Barbie Girl.”
“Hello, Rooster.” “Good morning to you too, Fanboy.” “Nothing much, Pay. And yourself?”
Unlike her fellow pilots, clad in their deep green flight suits, Y/n stood out in the crowd for hers was a little unorthodox when one thinks of a naval fighter pilot's uniform.
It was pink. Completely as in her combat boots were also the bright color and the patchers were white and pink tones rather than red, blues, black and any other color seen in the ones attached to her coworkers arms. ‘Barbie’ in pink cursive writing instead of traditional bold Times New Roman lettering.
And don’t forget the little flower dotting the ‘i’.
Growing up, Y/n took ‘you can be anyone and anything you want to be,’ quite literally. At no point was it a joke to her when she would tell her friends and family, “oh I’m gonna be a fashion designer and Olympic Gold medalist when I’m older,” “I wanna go to space, fly in planes, and see all the wonders of the world,” “I’ll be a doctor, a teacher, and movie star!” They’d smile and laugh, thinking it was adorable for a little girl to dream big. No way would it be possible to achieve all of those careers. Everyone only gets one life to live and time goes so fast one can only set their eyes on one path and hope for the best.
But Y/n was a dreamer. And if you’re going to dream, might as well dream big.
All through middle and high school people took Y/n’s intelligence for granted. Focusing more on her beauty rather than brains, it came as an under shock to everyone when Y/n had the credits to graduate at the ripe age of 15. Exceeding in her standardized test scores with a high school resume taking up three pages with extracurricular and academic achievements, she had colleges from all over the country begging for her to apply.
Stanford. Cornell. Pratt. Juilliard. NYU. John Hopkins. Harvard. UCLA. Duke. Top medical and law schools. Ivy League universities. Performing Arts schools calling for auditions after sending scouts to watch her perform in school plays and dance recitals. Coaches from high ranking NCAA gymnastics teams sending emails after emails.
So many to choose from….And so the story of Y/n L/n becoming a real life Barbie Doll begins.
Setting her eyes in New York, Y/n attended not one but two of the best schools in the country. While obtaining her bachelor’s in both astronautical and aeronautical engineering at NYU Y/n also completed a two year degree in Fashion Business Management at the Fashion Institute of Technology. During this time she continued training for the Olympics in hopes of making the 2008 Beijing team in gymnastics.
“How do you do it?” Her roommate at NYU constantly asked. “You go from here to FIT, working on two degrees that are completely on opposite sides of the spectrum and career paths,” she emphasized with hand expressions, “and still have enough to time to go to the gym to practice, eat three meals a day, have all your assignments done early, and sleep a reasonably about of hours each night.” Letting out an exhale, her roommate looks at Y/n as if she’s an alien from another world, “What’s your secret? Are you some kind of Barbie doll the government created as a test robot?”
Each time Y/n would pause, think for a moment before smiling, “I don’t know if I should find that as an insult or compliment, but I’m gonna chose it as a compliment and say it’s because I want to live a life where I can look back on and go, ‘I took a risk and tried something new even if it didn’t look possible but it was all worth it.’”
By the time Y/n turned 20 she had accumulated a vast list of credentials to her name. The list included getting her fashion business degree at 17, Bachelors in astronautical/aeronautical engineering at 19–receiving her Master’s for it at 20–An Olympic Gold and Silver medalist, dancing with the Radio City Rockettes, performing with the NYC Ballet Company in their rendition of Swan Lake, landing a role on Broadway, walking a runway at NY fashion week, and appearing on episodes of SVU, 30 Rock, All My Children, Sex and the City, and Ugly Betty.
So yeah, New York was a success in experiences for Y/n.
Following the high note, she packed her bags to leave the golden apple for the flashing lights of Hollywood, California. This time Y/n was working on her doctorates at USC, running her own business with her fashion degree called ‘Dream Closet’, and auditioning for film and tv shows.
Hollywood was a dream come true just like New York. Again she attended two different schools, this time flight school and USC. During the day she was occupied running from class to the hangar and then the observatory. Coaching dance and gymnastics on the side, designing clothes for her online shop which developed into a pop-up chain store in malls across America.
It wasn’t long until Y/n’s name grew into nationwide popularity. People started realizing the Y/n L/n who won the Gold and Silver medals in the 2008 Olympics was the same one responsible for the most recent fashion trends and guest starring on their favorite tv shows. What really set it in stone was when Y/n landed the role of an engineer officer in the 2009 reboot of Star Trek, going on to appear in both the 2013 and 2016 sequels.
Impressive was the only word her costars could use to describe her. What else was there?
Anytime there was a question involving, “who’s most likely to become president?” “Who’s most likely to try something new or create a new hobby?” “Who’s most likely to win a Nobel Prize?” Along those lines…the answer was obvious.
“Oh Y/n,” Zoe Saldana waves her hand, “Always.”
“Yeah,” Chris Pine agrees with a laugh, “That woman, I-I don’t know how one has the energy to do all that she does—a-and still want to do more.”
The Interviewer laughs with them, “didn’t she just race in the Daytona 500 last year?”
“Yes!! And she did a song with Lady Gaga when they were on American Horror Story,” Zoe’s tone is in absolute awe, “All while teaching at USC and creating new technology at NASA.” Chris lifts a finger.
“Don’t forget she had her own Mac Viva Glam line a couple years ago.” Zoe made a sound along the lines of ‘see what I mean,’.
“I’m telling you, she’s gonna be a name in the history books.”
What all has Y/n accomplished career wise? Let’s take a look.
Model, dancer, actor, singer, fashion designer, entrepreneur, athlete, engineer, race car driver, and professor.
And now she can add pilot to the list. Although she got her license to fly way back in 2009, Y/n didn’t put it to use full time until 2016, wanting to wait until after the release of Star Trek: Beyond to say goodbye to Hollywood for the time being and set forth on her next adventure.
Boy did it come as a surprise what she had planned.
The Manila folder containing her resume hit the desk of the Admiral, his eyes wide as saucers. “You wanna join the Navy?” Reading the front page for a fifth time, Cyclone glanced back at the woman in front of him. Doctor Y/n L/n. Or is it professor L/n? “And you wanna be one of my pilots?”
“Yes, Sir.”
”Ma’am, I apologize if this comes off as offending,” he really didn’t know any other way to put it. “But you are more qualified than any person on this base. Doctorates in aeronautical and astronautical engineering from the University of Southern California,” he counts off on his fingers, “you recently developed a groundbreaking advancement in space technology that’s going to help our astronauts—on the road to becoming a Nobel Prize nominee.” He raises his eyebrows, “And this is only what relates to this career field. I’m not even mentioning your acting, athletic, and fashion credentials. Why join the Navy?”
Y/n only offers a shrug, “I think the better question is, why not?” Cyclone lets out a sigh.
“What did you say your callsign was again?”
There was no stopping the small smile trying to break free, “I should’ve guessed.”
After completing OTS there was much debate on what Y/n’s rank would be coming into the Navy. Civilian lawyers and physicians often are Lieutenants (O-3) right away, but considering Y/n had two doctorate degrees and her pilot license they felt it was only fair for her to come in as Commander (O-5). From there Y/n was sent to North Island to attend Fighter Weapons School.
Better known to its flyers as Top Gun.
Y/n was used to the looks she received on a daily basis. From head to toe she was covered in variations of pink depending on what she was feeling. When teaching her briefcase and pantsuit were baby pink, in the labs her coat was hot pink, at auditions she wore pink leather jackets. Even her race car for the Daytona was pink.
Shoutout to Mac cosmetics for the sponsorship.
So it’s no surprise her flight suit would be the color she was known for—despite it being out of regulations.
Being more qualified than your superiors had its perks.
If she could have a pink F-18 she would but unfortunately that wasn’t possible. That was okay for Y/n. After all, she managed to get her own custom flight suit. One which had everyone having to do double takes whenever she walked into a room.
“Is she wearing…?”
“How the hell did they allow that?”
“Does that mean I can have mine in purple?”
Her first day at Top Gun Y/n met Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace. They were paired as roommates in the dorms and quickly became good friends. Phoenix was beyond amazed with Y/n’s accomplishments and experiences. Every conversation led to a new discovery. “Do you ever burn out?” Nat stag criss crossed on Y/n’s satin pink bed sheets, admiring her wall of photos from when she traveled to see all the wonders of both the ancient and modern world. “I feel I’d be a walking corpse from exhaustion. And you mentioned you’re still running and designing clothes for ‘Dream Closet’?”
Y/n removed her diamond studs, placing them on her desk she was using as a vanity. “I have a team dealing with the business side of things for the brand. I’m still CEO and creative director—usually I work on designs for a couple hours before bed to prepare for the next launch.”
Nat was in awe, “I have to ask….what’s been the best career you’ve done so far?” A common question Y/n heard, there was never a true answer. She loved every career. They all had their perks and their flaws, but at the end of the day it left her satisfied she achieved them.
“I don’t know yet,” she spoke truthfully, “I still have a few to check off on my list. When that happens I’ll let you know.”
Fast forwarding to 2019, Y/n answered the phone to Admiral Simpson’s voice with the news she needed to report back to North Island for a highly confidential mission. The details were unknown, but Y/n packed her bags, loaded her pink vintage corvette convertible and high tailed it to sunny San Diego.
The squeals initiated by Y/n and Nat the moment she stepped foot in the Hard Deck had heads whipping in their direction. “Hi, Barbie!” Nat’s arms opened for a hug.
“Hi, Phoenix!” Y/n accepted the embrace, still grinning ear to ear. The guys around them were looking at each other like, ‘what the…?’ Y/n wasn’t in her standard Khakis like they were—minus Rooster. She bore a pink denim number with matching boots with her hair curled and pink eyeliner surrounded by tiny rhinestones.
“You got selected too?” Nat complimented her outfit before cutting straight to the point.
“For the special detachment? Looks like it,” she winked.
“What happened to the Artemis program? Weren’t you up as a candidate?”
“Oh I still am,” Y/n affirmed proudly, “They’ll be announcing who’s to be selected in the coming months. So for now I’m still with the Bounty Hunters. Plus,” she leans in to whisper, “this will look good on my resume.” The two giggle before Y/n drifts her gaze to the boggling gazes in front of her. “Oh! I’m sorry for being so rude. I’m Y/n L/n,” extending her hand to the first person who’s name tag read Fitch, Y/n added, “But you can call me Barbie.”
“Barbie,” the blonde holding a pool cue repeated like a question, “like the toy Barbie?” Nat chuckled, throwing an arm around her friend after she was done shaking everyone’s hand as they introduced themselves.
“Fellas, if there is anyone who is a life sized version of Barbie, it’s this one right here.”
“Now, Phee…” Y/n’s tone was that of, ‘Don’t start.’
“It’s true,” the pilot defended. “Not only is she Commander Y/n ‘Barbie’ L/n,” jaws drop, “but she’s Professor and Doctor L/n.” The jaws hit the floor, “On top of founder, creative director and CEO of ‘Dream’s Closet,’” Javy makes a sound, familiar with the brand, “Emmy nominated actress,” Fanboy chokes on his water, “Olympic Gold Medalist and soon to be astronaut for the Artemis program.” By now all the guys are on the verge of losing their minds.
Bob rapidly blinks, “uh—.”
“Now I’m not an astronaut yet,” Y/n points out, “I’m a candidate for one.” Nat scoffs lightly.
“They’d be stupid not to pick you, Barb,” she then slaps her side, turning back to the guys, “Oh and how could I forget Broadway, Vogue, and the Daytona 500.”
“Daytona 500!?” Payback practically screeches.
“You were on Broadway?”
“—featured on Vogue—?!”
“Wait a minute I recognize you from Star Trek!”
“—How in the hell—.”
“Guys, guys!” Y/n laughs with her hands slightly raised, “Please, one at a time.” They were in for a long night of questions and story times. And just like Nat was years prior when she first roomed with Y/n at Top Gun, the officers were in complete amazement over the woman in front of them. Never had they met anyone like her.
“Wow,” Jake whistled once she finished bringing them up to date on her most recent careers. “You really are a real-life Barbie.”
“Shhhh,” a finger went to her lips, followed by a wink, “don’t tell Mattel.”
And thus the dagger squad was formed. Two and half weeks of hell bearing training preceding a face-with-death mission brings people closer. Every morning Y/n arrived at the hangar to a chorus of “Hi, Barbie.”
She waved at Reuben, “Hi Payback.”
“Hey there, Barbie Girl,” Javy threw her a peace sign.
“Hiya, Coyote!”
“Good morning, Barbie,” Rooster tipped his hat.
“Mornin’, Rooster.”
“Hi, Barbie!” “Hi, Barbie!” Her favorite duo harmonized.
“Hi, Bob! Hi, Phee!”
And for some closer than others….
“You know I was thinking,” Jake commented, taking Y/n’s hand before leading her to the pottery class he signed them up for. Every Friday night was reserved for date night. Dinner and a movie. Walk on the beach. Spending $20 worth of quarters at an arcade. Attending a comedy show. Paint and sip. Following the successful mission, Jake and Y/n hit it off and began seeing each other.
“Famous last words.”
“It’s not bad,” a chuckle left his lips, stopping at the door. “I just thought it was funny. You know how you’re basically Barbie?” His cheeky smile resulted in her mirroring it.
“This means I’m pretty much your Ken, right?” The question makes the woman visible ‘awe’. Jake ruffles a hand through his hair and gives his best blue steel, “we kinda look alike. Don’t you think?”
Laughing, Y/n kisses his cheek, “I mean…name a more iconic duo than Barbie and Ken.”
“Barbie and Hangman?”
“Exactly.” It was safe to assume what their Halloween costumes were going to be.
Time went on, missions were run. And after a year of anticipation—though it felt like forever, it was finally announced in 2020 Y/n would be one of the astronauts selected to be part of NASA’s Artemis program launching in 2024.
Making Y/n the first woman to go to the moon.
The call came in from a restricted number when they were in a meeting, and knowing she was to expect a call within the month everyone quickly shut up so the pilot could answer.
She excused herself to leave the room, staying in front of the window so the team could see her. Throughout the conversation Y/n’s expression remained neutral to the point none had a clue whether the news was good or bad. Only when she reentered the room did they get the answer.
“I’m going to the moon!!!”
“Ahhh!!!!” The team exploded in an array of cheers, Y/n jumping up and down, careful not to drop her phone that was in her hands when Jake lifted her in his arms.
“I’m so fucking proud of you!” Despite being unauthorized to show pda in uniform, Jake gave her a big kiss on the lips, not caring who saw. “You are the most exceptional human being on this planet.”
“Jake,” tears welled in her eyes, which he kissed away. Her heart filled with warmth and gratitude. Feeling on top of the world with her closest friends supporting her.
Once all calmed down and they finished the meeting, Mickey jumped from his seat, “Come on Barbie, let’s go party!” Everyone sped to the Hard Deck to celebrate the news. Mav bought the first round, followed by Payback.
“Guys you don’t have to do all that,” Y/n said once she realized they all agreed to buy her drinks for the night.
“We want to,” Nat tapped her beer with Y/n’s cocktail glass, the guys voicing agreements. “For years you’ve been dreaming about this and it’s finally happening. Your hard work is paying off and we want to celebrate—show you we love and appreciate you, Barbie.”
Y/n fought back tears, never afraid to show her emotions. Some may find it childish or thinned skin, but to Y/n that was what being human was all about. “I love you guys.”
“We love you!” The voices echoed together.
The night had been going well with the squad hanging out by the pool tables like they usually did when Y/n approached the bar to pick up the next round Mickey was paying for. Not paying attention to those beside her, she smiled at Penny and repeated the order before waiting patiently.
But what’s a night at a bar without someone who lacks boundaries.
“You must be the one they call Barbie,” a voice says, flirtation seeping through the words. Glancing to her right, Y/n recognizes a gentleman from the flight line whose name she could not recall. “You’re quite the talk around base. In fact, weren’t you in some Hollywood blockbuster?”
“Yes,” she politely responds, keeping the answer short. Though she was known to be a sweetheart and kindhearted to anyone she met, Y/n could tell where the interaction was heading toward and did not feel comfortable entertaining it any further. “A long time ago.”
“I’m Lieutenant Paul Billings,” he extended his hand, and she immediately clocked he was trying to show off his rank. ‘Boy he’s in for a treat.’
Not wanting to make a scene, she accepts the handshake. “Commander Y/n L/n,” there was emphasis on the Commander, displaying the woman was of higher rank and therefore a silent warning to Billings to not cross a line.
There was a flash of surprise on his face. Y/n held back an amused laugh, ‘guess you didn’t hear everything.’
“Something the matter, Lieutenant?”
“No,” he brushes it off, “Nothing. Say,” he nods to the bar, “can I buy you a drink.” Did he not just hear her order a round for the people she came with?
“That’s kind of you,” she starts just as Penny arrives with a try full of cold beers and her usual cocktail. “But I’m all set, thank you.” Hands moving to take the tray, she jumps slightly at the feeling of his own coming to her wrist.
“What about lunch this week?”
“I’m sorry but I am spoken for, Lieutenant,” removing his hold, Y/n takes a step away.
Now Paul had lost his reasonable composure. Scoffing, he says, “What? Am I not enough for you?” The question results in her raising a brow.
“I beg your pardon?”
He makes a face, “You think because you’ve done all these careers and occupations that you’re better than the average person? I’m not a pilot and an actor or researching the cure for cancer while creating a documentary series,” venom seeps through his tone, obviously depicting his jealousy, “Basic is not up to your standards, so you have to throw our failures in our face as if we don’t already know.”
By now a crowd has formed. Jake started moving the second he noticed Billings etching too close to his girl, followed by Nat and the others who were ready to back him up. Behind the bar, Penny was fixing to ring the bell until being stopped by Y/n’s wave of the hand.
“Are you done?”
Paul’s expression was that of, “what?” No audible response was voiced therefore Y/n continued.
“Okay, I’m gonna go ahead and say this, Paul,” Y/n drops her shoulder. The change in body language let Jake and her friends know she wasn’t taking anything that the man said personally. “I know I should be offended by your insults and insinuations, but the truth is I’m not.” A small smile forms on her lips, “I don’t view myself higher than anyone because of what I accomplished. The only person I do that to, is myself—because I don’t have to prove to no one but me that I am capable of achieving what I set my mind to. And yeah,” a light chuckle escapes, “I’ve set my mind to a lot of things—way more than the average person. But that doesn’t mean you or anyone else can’t do the same.”
Pausing Y/n takes a breath before exhaling, “You look at me, and hate the way it makes you view yourself. Makes you believe you’re a failure because you didn’t follow the path you hoped to make for yourself.” Paul’s expression shifts to one of solemnity, like he was thinking of his younger self who had dreams and aspirations. Mourning what could have been.
It made Y/n sad for him. Empathetic despite him attacking her. “One thing I’ve learned over the years…is time is what you make of it. Life is about taking risks. You can still set out to do whatever it is you wish, as long as you’re committing to taking the risk no matter how scary it is. Sure you’ll find obstacles and it’ll feel like the whole world is against you. But determination will guide you through the walls, and you will be successful so that you can look back and think, ‘it was worth it.’ As cliche as it sounds,” she couldn’t hold back a laugh, “Barbie isn’t a person or an object you can obtain. Barbie is a mindset. And you have to unlock it in your own way, Paul.”
It was so quiet in the building, a pin could drop and everyone would hear it. Their looks of awe, admiration, and even newfound motivation by Y/n’s speech. Impressed by how classy she handled what very well could have been a scream match between rival squadrons.
Behind Billings the Dagger squad stood with proud smirks at their friend. Especially Jake, who caught Y/n’s eyes and threw her a wink. Nat gave the woman a salute, a silent gesture to say, ‘you inspire me everyday.’
And Billings? Well he was at a loss for words.
Patting his shoulder, Y/n grabbed the tray of drinks, “I wish you luck, Paul.” Thanking Penny, who gave her a proud nod and replied, “this ones on the house,” Y/n returned to her friends where she was met with a sweet kiss from Jake, claps on the back and “You go girl!” “Tell them who’s boss.” “Damn, you made me wanna go out there and live life the way I should.”
“What’s stopping you, Javy?” she handed him a beer, “the world is your playground.”
A couple hours later it was time to call it a night. Hugs went around, promises to meet up the following night and tabs were closed.
On their way out, Jake dropped a kiss to Y/n forehead, pulling her close to him as he led her to the door of the parking lot, “So what’s next for you, doll? You’ve proved you can be anything and anyone you chose to be,” he grins at her, “What will you set your mind to now after space?”
“First, I want to write a book—I think that’s something a lot have been waiting for me to do. Afterwards, well, I’ll have to wait a couple more years, but,” The corner of Y/n’s lips lift up before flashing a dazzling smile, “I’m thinking….the Oval Office is in need of a makeover. Don’t you think?”
Then, before he could answer, Y/n turns her head in the opposite direction as if she’s trying to find a hidden camera. Makes eye contact with you, the reader, winking before turning back to Jake where she sets off on her next adventure.
TGM Tag List: @avaleineandafryingpan @caitsymichelle13 @poppyalice2001 @cutelittlepotatofry @luckyladycreator2 @americaarse @elenavampire21 @back-tooo-black @wildellaa @artemissunn @pinkpantheris
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csilla-nocturne · 1 month
Post canon Xie Lian's Mom comes back idea:
Due to very rare, and super tragic circumstances involving similar manners of death, the woman that Xie Lian's mother reincarnated into at the time reverted to Xie Lian's mom. She's very scared, and confused, but the only thing she can really think about is finding her son. Seeing she's not in her own body she thinks she's possessed some poor unknown woman which answers some questions, but makes everything worse.
It does not help at all that it's been over 1000 years since her actual death at this point, and things have changed enough she has trouble communicating with people and just keeps getting more confused. Eventually some kind people take her to a nearby temple which just happens to be one dedicated to her son and his husband! (Personal Note: I have always headcanoned that Hua Cheng makes all the statues, and paintings for their temples himself so everything is not only super accurate but outstandingly beautiful.) That night when almost everyone else is asleep Xie Lian's mom repeats what she had seen other worshipers doing and prays to hualian for help. She doesn't even get half way through before Xie Lian, and Hua Cheng show up. Cue tearful reunion, because even if she's in a different body Xie Lian knows that she is absolutely his mom. They wait till the morning, and hualian in different forms tell the people who had been helping her that she's a relative they have been looking for, thank them, and take his mom to straight to paradise manor, skipping the city they don't want to risk traumatizing her further. They take some time to explain what's happened, and help her settle in. Hua Cheng who already suspects what has actually happened does some research, while getting to know his mother-in-law. It does not take her long to come to adore to her son-in-law. He's charming, intelligent, likes her cooking, and most importantly it's obvious just how happy he's made her Lianlian!
After a while Hua Cheng confirms this is (what I have decided to call) incarnation resurgence. Speaking to Xie Lian and Yin Yu he honestly thinks whatever happened to current incarnation it's most likely impossible to bring her back, and attempting to do so would only pull up another previous incarnation, and possibly damage her soul. But he admits he's 1: only seen this once before as it's so rare, and 2: Incredibly biased toward keeping Xie Lian's mom around, and letting her live out the rest her life in this mortal body. So he grits his teeth, and suggest just to be certain Xie Lian's mom can stay with no negative consequences that they get Mei Nianqing who may have more experience with this.
Also at some point Feng Xin, and Mu Qing found out, and had to smile, and nod while dying inside as the former queen of Xian Le sang the praises of their friend's husband. (There is also an extra bit of horror when they find out how Xie Lian's parents died, because Xie Lian never told them, and Xie Lian's mom didn't know that.) Anyway Mei Nianqing eventually arrives, and after doing his own spiritual examination of Xie Lian's mom agrees with Hua Cheng that the best thing is to let her stay. And so Xie Lian, and his mom make a big dinner for everyone together, and Xie Lian just gives everyone apologetic looks while Hua Cheng thoroughly enjoys the meal(and everyone else's suffering.) while giving Xie Lian's mom compliments, and offers a few pointers about it.
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deliciousangelfestival · 11 months
Love Lesson || Bucky Barnes (One-Shot)
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Character : College!Bucky x College!Reader
Words Count: 2,265
Summary: Y/N's academic challenges lead to an unexpected romance, changing her life and future in surprising ways.
Theme: Fluff
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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Y/N and her friends were gathered at their favorite campus cafe, sipping on their lattes and chatting about the usual topics. Y/N was known among her friends for her beauty, and it wasn't uncommon for her to receive love confessions from various admirers.
Today was no exception. A fellow student approached her with a bashful smile and a heartfelt confession of admiration.
The admirer said, "Y/N, you're so amazing. I've had feelings for you for a long time. Will you be my girlfriend?"
Y/N, known for her kind and polite nature, smiled and thanked the admirer for their confession before asking a rather unconventional question, "What's your grade score in this semester's exams?"
Taken aback by the unexpected question, the admirer stammered, "Well, I'm not really into academics, but I'm great at other things."
Y/N's smile remained, but her response was clear, "I appreciate your feelings, but I'm looking for someone who's serious about their studies. I've had my share of handsome bad boys, and now I want someone smart and dedicated."
Her friends, who had witnessed this scene many times before, chuckled at Y/N's criteria for a potential partner. Y/N had outgrown the allure of handsome troublemakers and was seeking a different kind of connection, one that revolved around intelligence and academic ambition.
They couldn't help but playfully tease Y/N about the idea of her being with Bucky the famous campus nerd.
Emily: "Hey, Y/N, have you seen Bucky Barnes? He's like the campus nerd. Imagine dating him!"
Y/N, not thrilled with the idea, shrugged off the suggestion, "Come on, Bucky's way too quiet for me. I prefer someone more outgoing."
Steve and Sam, friends of Bucky, overheard the teasing from Y/N's friends about the possibility of Y/N being with Bucky. They couldn't resist sharing the humorous comments with Bucky.
Steve, with a grin: "Hey, Bucky, you won't believe what we heard. Y/N's friends were joking about her dating you, the campus nerd."
Bucky, who had always been reserved, smiled at the jesting comments. He didn't take them too seriously but was curious about this Y/N whom he had only heard of in passing.
Bucky Barnes was well-known on campus, primarily for his remarkable intellect and dedication to his studies. He was often referred to as the "campus nerd" by his peers, particularly in his computer science class.
Despite his nerdy reputation, Bucky was a kind and genuine individual. Whenever his classmates ask for help, Bucky will help them.
Y/N was in her dorm room, trying to enjoy a rare moment of relaxation when her phone rang. She saw her grandmother's name on the caller ID and answered with trepidation.
Y/N: "Hello, Grandma."
Mrs. Johnson, her voice dripping with frustration, responded, "Y/N, I just saw your latest report card, and I am absolutely furious! Your grades are abysmal, and I won't stand for this any longer!"
Y/N, attempting to lighten the mood, quipped, "Well, Grandma, at least I'm not the one making the family fortune disappear in the stock market, right?"
Mrs. Johnson, not one to back down, retorted, "Touché, my dear. But we're talking about your future here! If your grade getting worse I will cut your allowance!"
Y/N, now feeling the pressure, replied, "I understand, Grandma. I'll make studying my top priority from now on, and I promise not to invest in any more 'get-rich-quick' schemes."
The call from her angry grandmother served as a wake-up call for Y/N. Y/N's grandmother, the famous CEO, had always been a beacon of intelligence and success.
Johnson Corporation is a well-established and highly successful conglomerate that operates in various sectors, including technology, finance, and real estate. Under the leadership of Mrs. Johnson, the company has grown to become a major player in the global business landscape. Known for its innovative solutions and strategic investments, the corporation is renowned for its commitment to excellence and its dedication to pushing the boundaries of industry standards. It stands as a testament to the Johnson family's legacy of business acumen and leadership.
However, it seemed that this remarkable intelligence had skipped a generation or two. Y/N's father had chosen a carefree lifestyle of constant travel with her mother, making every day feel like a honeymoon. They prioritized adventure and leisure over academia.
On the other hand, Y/N, despite her family's legacy, found herself grappling with math and her academic performance. Her struggles with the subject only added to her frustration, as she tried to live up to her grandmother's expectations and overcome the academic challenges she faced.
Mrs. Johnson hopes that Y/N will embrace her family's legacy and take on the responsibility of continuing the hard work and success that she has built. She desires to see a positive change in Y/N to ensure the family's bloodline carries on the business legacy.
As Y/N pondered how to resolve her academic issues, she found herself in a conversation with her lecturer one day. Little did she know that this conversation would introduce her to someone who would change her life.
Lecturer: "Y/N, I've noticed you're struggling with your grades. I'd like to introduce you to someone who might be able to help. This is Bucky Barnes, one of our top students. He's known for his dedication to academics."
Y/N, taken aback by the introduction, looked at Bucky, who was standing there with his kind but studious expression. She couldn't help but feel a spark of curiosity.
Bucky, shifting nervously, managed a small smile and said, "Hi there, I'm Bucky Barnes. I'm not as interesting as my physics textbooks, but I promise I'm helpful with those."
Y/N, charmed by Bucky's humility and humor, couldn't help but chuckle, "Well, Bucky, I'm Y/N, and I promise not to make you as bored as a physics lecture."
Their lighthearted exchange during their first meeting set the stage for their unique connection, blending Y/N's outgoing nature with Bucky's shy, endearing personality.
Y/N and Bucky had started their regular study sessions in the campus library, with books and laptops spread across the table. Y/N, dressed in her stylish, confident manner, was determined to improve her grades, while Bucky, the campus nerd, was there to assist her.
Y/N would occasionally struggle with the material, but Bucky's patient explanations and tutoring skills made it easier for her to grasp complex concepts.
Bucky's friends, Steve and Sam, sat with him in the campus courtyard, discussing his recent interactions with Y/N.
Steve: "So, Bucky, we heard you've been spending a lot of time with Y/N lately. What's going on there?"
Bucky: "Well, I'm tutoring her, you know, helping her with her grades."
Sam, with a teasing grin, chimed in, "Tutoring? Is that what they call it these days?"
Bucky: "No, really, it's just tutoring. She was struggling, and I offered to help."
Steve: "Come on, Bucky, we know you're a brainiac, but hanging out with Y/N? It's hard to believe."
Bucky, feeling a bit defensive, said, "She's actually really cool once you get to know her. We're just friends."
Sam, raising an eyebrow, added, "Friends, huh? Well, if you say so."
Bucky chuckled seeing his friend's reaction. Y/N actually were cool. But he has to admit her understanding of mathematics needs help.
Bucky encourages Y/N to work on an exercise without directly revealing that it's challenging, with the intention of helping her improve her grades and spend more time with her.
Bucky: "Y/N, I've come across an exercise that I think could be really beneficial for your studies. Working on this will help you make great progress."
Y/N, eager to improve her academic performance, took Bucky's suggestion seriously and worked diligently on the exercise.
Y/N and Bucky were sitting in the campus library, their study materials spread out in front of them. The atmosphere was relaxed as they exchanged notes and discussed their coursework. Suddenly, Y/N dropped the bombshell:
Y/N: "Oh, by the way, Bucky, my grandmother wants to meet you."
Bucky's eyes widened in shock, almost dropping his pen.
Bucky: "Wait, what? Your grandmother? You mean, like, your incredibly successful and impressive grandmother wants to meet me?"
Y/N couldn't help but giggle at Bucky's flustered reaction.
Y/N: "Yep, that's exactly it. She's quite impressed with how you've been helping me improve my grades, and she's curious to meet you."
Bucky, still slightly overwhelmed, stammered, "I...I don't know what to say. I mean, that's...that's quite a surprise."
Y/N reassured him with a warm smile, "You don't have to worry, Bucky. Just be yourself.
Bucky felt nervous but excited since he had always regarded Y/N's grandmother as an accomplished and inspiring figure. The prospect of meeting his idol made him understandably nervous.
On the night of the dinner, Bucky arrived at Mrs. Johnson's elegant residence with Y/N, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. He knew this was a significant moment and hoped to make a good impression on the successful businesswoman who had also become Y/N's role model.
During a family dinner, Y/N's grandmother, Mrs. Johnson, couldn't help but notice the bond between Y/N and Bucky.
Mrs. Johnson: "You know, Y/N, Bucky here is quite the intelligent young man. It would be nice to have a smart son-in-law, don't you think?"
Y/N turned beet red with embarrassment, stuttering, "Grandma, it's not like that!"
Bucky, who had taken the comment seriously, smiled and said, "Well, Mrs. Johnson, I'll do my best to live up to your expectations."
As Y/N and Bucky's friendship blossomed, an unexpected turn of events shook their world. Y/N received news that her grandmother, the successful CEO of Johnson Corporation, had suddenly fallen seriously ill. Mrs. Johnson, aware of her condition, appointed Y/N as the temporary director of the company. This decision was based not only on family ties but also on Y/N's substantial ownership of the company's shares.
Y/N was faced with the daunting responsibility of managing the family business during her grandmother's illness.
Y/N had been thrust into the role of temporary director of her family's company, and the pressure was beginning to weigh on her. She felt overwhelmed and scared by the responsibilities that came with the position.
Y/N, her voice trembling with anxiety, turned to Bucky:
Y/N: "Bucky, I'm really scared. I don't know if I can handle all of this. My grandmother has put so much trust in me, and I don't want to let her down."
Bucky, ever the supportive friend, reached out and gently placed his hand on Y/N's.
Bucky: "Y/N, I know this is a lot to take on, but you're stronger than you realize. You've got an incredible work ethic and a smart mind. You can do this. And I'll be right here beside you, helping you every step of the way."
Y/N looked into Bucky's eyes, finding solace in his words and his unwavering support. His reassurance gave her the confidence to face the challenges ahead.
As Y/N and Bucky navigated the challenges of managing the family business and excelling in their studies, they found themselves drawn closer together. Their shared experiences, their support for each other, and the time they spent working side by side had forged a deep and unbreakable connection.
One evening, as they wrapped up another long day of work, they found themselves sitting in the office, a comfortable silence enveloping them. Y/N was the first to break it, her voice soft and full of emotion.
Y/N: "Bucky, I don't know what I would have done without you. You've been my anchor, my support through all of this. I've come to realize that you mean the world to me."
Bucky, his heart racing, couldn't hold back his feelings any longer. His eyes filled with affection, replied, "Y/N, from the moment we met, my life has been filled with light and joy because of you. You're everything I've ever dreamed of, and I'm deeply in love with you."
Y/N's heart swelled with emotion, and she leaned in to press a soft, romantic kiss to Bucky's lips. Their affectionate gesture gradually deepened, the passion of their newfound love igniting as they kissed passionately and shared their hearts in this intimate moment, cementing their bond even further.
In a surprising turn of events, it was revealed that Y/N's grandmother, Mrs. Johnson, had not been sick as initially thought. Instead, she had embarked on a long-planned vacation, taking a well-deserved break from her busy life as the CEO of Johnson Corporation.
Mrs. Johnson's phone chimed with an incoming text, and she couldn't help but smile when she read the message:
"Y/N and Bucky have confessed their love for each other."
Mrs. Johnson, with a sly grin, simply muttered to herself: "Well, isn't that a delightful turn of events! My matchmaking skills are impeccable, even from a beach."
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Forever Taglist:
@magnificentsaladllama, @esotericgalaxy, @xcaptain-winterx, @buckysteveloki-me, @cherrybubblebullet, @bagoffeelings, @darkofimagination, @starsofcloud @shamrockqueen, @shinytreefire, @thezombieprostitute
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kindtim3 · 9 months
— actress!abby x popstar!reader hc’s
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౨ৎ warnings - implied smut on first hc , gn!reader , if there’s anything else plsss lmk !
౨ৎ a/n - omg hi sorry ive not posted in sooo long ! i’ve been busy with holidays, work, & preparing to go back to uni in a bit , but i hope u enjoy these hc’s <3
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- first to see you in red carpet event outfits.
“Gotta tell the driver to close the partition, baby,” Abby flicked her wrist to check the time on her watch, “promise I’ll put it back on correctly.”
- brings you on set; every single one of Abby’s coworkers has NOTHING but nice things to say about you.
- Abby’s a big partner gal (my vers. of wife guys lol)! she brings you up in every conversation, media tours about her own movies, acceptance speeches, if this woman is talking ITS GONNA BE ABOUT YOU.
Abby giggled into the mic and took a deep breath, “and to my wonderful, beautiful, intelligent, and talented partner,” Abby grinned and pointed towards you in the crowd, “you kept me company, you’ve loved me up and down, you share your heart with me, I love you and… thank you.” Abby held up her shining, golden statue, “in the wise words of Beyoncé, ‘I would never let you go before I go’!”
- the amount of lovesick poems you’ve written for this woman could make a bridge.
- oh, y’all hard launched on a random thursday!
- there’s a famous paparazzi picture of the two of you stumbling out of a club with bright red cheeks, swollen lips, messy hair, and a sparkling grin on both of your faces.
- Abby lovesssss to interact with your fans at concerts!! she’s dancing, she’s screaming lyrics, she’s trading bracelets, she’s putting glitter makeup all over her body, and she 100% is recording every single song you perform even if she’s seen you perform it a dozen times.
- double dates with other celeb couples all the time.
- incredible street wear.
- met gala looks are always stunning and there’s not a single photo where Abby isn’t absolutely adoring you.
- you both talk so highly of each other in the press :,)
Abby patiently listened to the interviewers questions, waiting for the moment she could bring you up. Her face lit up when the interviewer asked what kept her going, “oh, absolutely my partner! No one has ever been so proud of me like they have. Sometimes I need a break from my work of lying in front of a camera and here’s my lovely partner planning their next stadium tour four years ahead. It’s incredibly special to have someone so dedicated and so inspiring around.”
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winterballads · 1 month
Mi Lan 💗💕💖💘💝
Even after regaining her sight, she not only continues carrying her cane with her: it also becomes her weapon of choice, a part of herself she consciously makes into an instrument of protection. The unique abilities gained due to her blindness (such as her keen hearing) continue being her strengths going forward, despite how easily they could've been discarded. She can see again, but her blindness is never portrayed as a tragic defect to be left behind in favour of character development.
From the very start and despite her youth and inexperience, she bravely and brazenly chooses the role of a helper, a rescuer, a saviour. She takes responsibility for Shen Zhiheng's life and, in the process, becomes her own saviour and hero.
She's never―not once―shown as being weak, because her strength comes from within and can't be extinguished even in the most dire adversity.
She learns to care for others and, in doing so, to care for herself. She learns to live, and love, and love living. Her curiosity, wonder at the world and kindness propel her. With every new thing she learns and every mistake she makes, she becomes more mature, empathic, intelligent and beautiful in her imperfections.
She has a heart pure as the white moon and warm as the golden sun. Despite knowing so little about life because of all that she's been deprived of in childhood, she's driven by a loyalty, dedication and passion so poignant they eclipse everything else. She shines bright and casts her light all around her, to illuminate the path of the one she loves.
She and Shen Zhiheng are one. This is something Mi Lan actively chose and continues to choose every day, with absolute clarity, because her trust in Shen Zhiheng's warmth and kindness is unbreakable.
In the end, all that matters is that she lives on ― that she never loses the joy of living, and that her pure brightness never fades. Shen Zhiheng willingly gives up on the twilight of his own life so Mi Lan gets to see the next morning, clearly believing that sacrifice to be worth it.
And she does. She will. She's going to live a full, long life and wake up to many gorgeous mornings to come; and, despite the ache in her heart, she's going to smile listening to the music of fresh rain in spring.
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Grandpa Drake would be a himbo except he looks a little too much like a noodle, he looks like milo thatch but with black hair or a black haired pre serum steve rogers, this does not stop him from absolutely getting into drag down knock out fights at bars when he spots some jerk who is harassing a woman or, even worse, has drugged a drink. And while he may be a bit air headed at times, he is a savant when it comes to pharmaceutical science and the general realm of developing medicine.
Grandma Drake looks like a little music box ballerina, she is small and fine boned and as mention previously, is completely capable of breaking a person's femur with a kick. She is fiercely loyal, incredibly intelligent, and likes to be prepared. She is the type of person to have a full first aid kit, a snack, a bottle of water, and a tire repair kit in her bag ready for an emergency. While she can and will knock out anyone who's messing with her friends or family, she'll try verbally eviscerating them first because she doesn't want to be kicked out of the bar or banned. The majority of the time her verbal battles are won and result in her opponent being in tears.
Grandy is something like a piece of the void of space and stardust in a mostly humanoid shape or sometimes an amorphous blob. They enjoy pretty things and are a noted patron of the arts across the galaxy as well as being dedicated to their duty and to their duchy. The way to immediately annoy Grandy is by being rude to service workers. Grandy developed a crush on Grandma Drake when they saw her dancing on stage. They dated for awhile but Grandy had to return to their planet to fulfill their responsibilities and Grandma wasn't ready to leave earth. The break up was amicable and they were still friends. Grandy fell for Grandpa after they saw how they made Grandma laugh and liked how Grandpa inspired such joy and they both looked just so pretty when they were happy that they felt compelled to ask out the Drakes. They courted both of the Drakes and this time when they asked the two to come with them to space the Drakes figured why not? Janet was all grown up and married after all, Mary was also married and living happily with her beloved, and, as far as they knew, David was dead. They figured they could come back to visit sometime. They left an an emergency beacon with Janet and told her to use it if she had important news for them. Jack accidentally broke it at one point and hid the pieces which is why they didn't return to see their grandchild when he was a tiny baby. Janet found out later when she tried to use it to get her parents' attention regarding their coming grandchild. Jack was on very thin ice for a very long time. (Had Grandpa, Grandma, and Grandy known about what David was up to, the Drakes would have done their very best to kick their son/step son's ass into the next year or hired probably lobo or some other intergalactic mercenary to do it for them since they were getting up there in age. They also left behind a sizeable deposit with a detective agency to continue to investigate Jack Drake every year and give Janet the report just in case. The agency wouldn't follow the Drakes outside of the states so this is one of the reasons that Jack pushed for lots of trips abroad.)
Grandpa and Grandma are the most beautiful beings in the galaxy the eyes of Grandy until they see their adorable adopted grandchildren. Then the grandchildren as well as grandma and grandpa are the most perfect examples of beauty, wonder, and joy in the eyes of Grandy.
Grandma, Grandpa, and Grandy all get along very well with Ma and Pa Kent. None of the Drakes are particularly well versed in the kitchen, they can cook in a pinch but it's not their favorite thing to do, so they don't infringe on Martha's kitchen dominance.
Of course Alfred was in a thruple with Martha and Thomas, personally I don't believe there's any reality where he wasn't.
I can't find the OG posts this is referencing. If I do, I'll add the link back in later ^^
The last point I 100% agree with. Alfred/Martha/Thomas all the way. It makes Alfred's angst even heavier (especially if the three were hiding their relationship from Bruce, and thus the kid never knew Alfred to be another parent figure. He was still considered family, but the change in roles was definitely a transition stage for both Alfred and Bruce).
Anyways, thank you for expanding on the AU some more!!! I especially love the way that Grandy is described. Their form seems so beautiful.
Hmm... In this AU, Dick, Cass, and Tim are Grandpa Drake's bio grandkids. Does the grandparent thruple recognize their siblings (Duke, Jason, Damian, maybe Babs and Steph) as their grandkids as well? I'd imagine so.
Also, have the G.T. (grandparent thruple) recognized anyone else as their kids/grandkids through adoption? It'd be hilarious if they considered Starro as their kid and thus Jarro is their grandkid (not sure how to make that work, though).
I would love to see more adventures of G.T. in space, getting to know their grandkids, and hanging out with Ma Kent and Alfred.
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boobi-boy · 2 months
I absolutely love LISBTS but the whole time I played it this gripe was bugging me and I have to articulate it somewhere.
Rachel Amber's haunting presence in the first game defined her as a character for me. We know that she meant the world to Chloe, but also that Chloe was very willing to be bitter towards her as soon as she discovered that Rachel and Frank hooked up. Which tells me that their relationship wasn't as clear cut as BFFs 4eva.
What I loved was not knowing. Just that Chloe had met Rachel at a vulnerable time in her life and that Rachel had been exactly what she needed. Which is why maybe Chloe let Rachel get away with things she probably shouldn't have. BTS proves that true, but it was already glaringly obvious in the original game. BTS takes the charm away from LIS because it doesn't have a magical power that you get to use, so it's just a teen drama. I think Chloe deserved a decent outlet to herself so we could get to know her better, but I sort of wish it had taken place in the time between Max and Rachel.
In LIS, Chloe puts Rachel on this pedestal and idolises her beyond belief. Max theorising about Chloe crushing on her was always the understatement of the century, she was clearly madly in love with her. I just loved the mystery of her character. We hardly knew what she looked like due to the art style of the photographs in the game, and all that's left of her are her clothes and some graffiti. It's poetic. Chloe is bitter and upset about the unhealthy nature of her friendship, but still dedicates every spare moment to finding her and lives in this comforting delusion that she's still alive, probably because she can't handle the thought of losing someone else after her dad.
Rachel is the ghost of Life is Strange, and that felt so beautiful to me. Seeing her alive in Before the Storm just sort of negates that for me. Now I know exactly what she was like and who she was, so it doesn't feel as profound. I loved that she was so mysterious, that all we got of her was Chloe's unreliable accounts. I wish she'd stayed that way.
That being said, it does add a layer to her death after being in the Dark Room. She was talented and intelligent and had so much to live for, so it makes it a lot more sympathetic. I sort of wish they'd used BTS to explain more why each victim of the Dark Room was chosen. Why Rachel? Why Kate? Why Victoria? Why not Chloe? Why not Max? (I know Max ended up in the Dark Room but that wasn't initially Jefferson's plan). Why did Jefferson start the Dark Room in the first place? Why would he get Nathan involved? There are so many mysteries in Life Is Strange. Why was the one they chose to uncover the one that made the game feel so mysterious and haunting in the first place?
Idk this makes no sense I just can't sleep
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caddel · 2 months
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—the sun begins to descend lower on the horizon, bathing everything in a warm, golden glow; they have been at the beach for hours now, just the two of them. there are not many people around at this time of day, it's peaceful and quiet, and the sound of waves crashing against the shore; a constant, calming sound. they have been in and out of the water for long periods of time; arms wrapped around each other, lost in slow, deliberate kisses. or swimming out further away from the shore —he hopes sea water has helped alleviate some of the pressure on her back and feet from carrying these two.
she is laying her head on his shoulder, with her back pressed against his chest. a gentle summer breeze ruffles her hair and he idly runs his fingers through her soft, blonde locks, smoothing them down. he must be the luckiest man to have found to adore, be devoted to completely; and, damn she is so beautiful, too. it always perplexed him how she never saw that, too; how absolutely breathtaking she is, striking. and how gorgeous she is on the inside too; caring, giving, talented, dedicated, how intelligent, and skilled. and he loves her, he thinks as he buries his face in her hair —he loves her, something deep and feral. falls in love with her over and over again every time she looks at him. the way he loves her it’s not like anything he has experienced before; it’s soft and deep, caring, with a selfless need to protect her and make her happy, and then it is all-consuming, and hard, possessive, selfish, wanting her all to himself; there is nothing he wouldn’t do for her. he could stay in this moment with her forever, he thinks, wrapping his arms around her, snuggles her a little tighter against him. a hand is caressing her baby bump, the twins move under his touch and it makes him smile. (@bjorkn)
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kusuriya-maomao · 11 months
My own analysis of Jinshi's character:
Through what we saw in the anime and manga, Jinshi has a structure and beauty on another level... absolute beauty like an angel... So that one smile from him steals people’s hearts.
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But despite that, let's look at his personality as well:
Jinshi is an intelligent and cunning person who is wise in his actions, so that he is good at dealing with the emperor's concubines equally without bothering them, while he is an excellent planner who works diligently in his work and does it with complete dedication and mastery. He is the one who plans the palace buildings and celebrations and also deals with the most difficult problems wisely. “Let us not forget to help Maomao.”
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He is also a strong person and a warrior who is good at fighting. He also has his childish side, which we saw with Maomao and his assistant Gaoshun as well.
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As for his romantic side, I think he will be a wonderful husband. He is an understanding person. He does not get angry quickly, that is, he takes things slowly, and this is what we saw through his dealings with Maomao when she gets into some trouble, so that he does not punish her and always finds reasons for her actions...
A person who is affectionate like him and chivalrous at the same time will be a wonderful husband for Maomao.
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samesanegirl · 2 years
10 Fanfictions that Characterised Rose Weasley Better than the Cursed Child
1. Four Times Rose Weasley Woke Up In Places Other Than Her Bed - Maybe the best Rose Weasley written out there (take notes Jack Thorne). Rose’s narration is absolutely brilliant due to her relativity and funniness. There are so many embarrassing things she does and you just cringe for her. And I am happy that the writer did not write her as a perfect human who is beautiful and poised all the time. Despite this, Rose IS a very endearing person although she pretends to be tough around Scorpius. She is definitely her own person and her love life doesn't define her as she is focused on her career and dreams. And can we appreciate badass Rose Weasley kicking ass in the Quidditch field? Yes please!
2. This Is(n't) Acting - This fan fiction is so beautiful (SOBS). I think one of the reasons why the relationship is so beautiful is because Rose brings the best out of Scorpius. She was extremely awkward, but had a kind and caring heart. While she was self-conscious, she also seemed to value herself and didn't let anyone treat her like shit. One of the reasons why I loved Rose was because she was imperfect. She had heaps of embarrassing moments, can be impulsive, had a temper and made plenty of mistakes. Nonetheless, her affectionate nature and character development is enough for you to fall in love with her, very much like Scorpius did.
3. Solitary Confinement - You must be wondering...why am I putting a smut fan fiction on this list? Other than this being one of the best Scorose smut fan fictions ever, Rose’s character was full of energy and spark. She is passionate, she is courageous and she is not afraid to get what she wants (intimate time with Scorpius). Under her feisty attitude, she has a compassionate heart and does what she thinks is right, despite the consequences. She won't sit back and see Muggles suffering. I appreciated her sense of justice, which is a trait that she would undoubtedly have.
4. The Thing (that is by no means a relationship) - One thing I like about Rose in Graeliars’ stories is that she is very blunt and direct with people and her own internal monologues. Which provides so much comedy and makes you appreciate her character. She is incredibly authentic, vivacious, adventurous and kind-hearted. These are all the qualities Rose would undoubtedly have. I also love the relationship she has with Scorpius! It is so sweet and fluffy (with smut)
5. Adverse Side Effects - Ugh, this story gives me all the feels!! This story is from Scorpius’ point of view so you see how he falls for Rose over the course of the story. One thing that is for certain is that Rose’s loving nature, bravery and kindness is positively influencing Scorpius’ life. She definitely has Hermione’s intelligent, dedicated and sensible nature as well as Ron’s wisecracking humour and loyalty. She treats everyone around her with kindness, is dedicated and she is sassy as hell.  The dialogue between Scorpius and Rose is some of the best I’ve ever read as well (and the story is romantic as hell too)
6. One of the Boys - Yes, Rose is “not like other girls” here. While I am not fond of this trope, Rose’s character retained energy and charisma nonetheless. I really liked the male friendships she had as it provided enough banter and laughter. Despite that she was a tomboy, she had relatively good relationships with her female cousins, which I liked. She also learns to appreciate femininity in some regard and pleased herself. I am sick of fanfictions where Rose is Hermione’s clone and has none of Ron’s characteristics. In this fan fiction, she was definitely Ron’s daughter as she was funny and was not afraid to let loose.
7. Before Malfoy Had It Going -  (The author of the story deleted bot of her stories but she said she was planning on updating them. So I linked her profile @weasleykingrocks )The prequel to Malfoy's Got It Going (so when she was a teenager). I think she is the perfect combination of Ron and Hermione. She is funny, loves Quidditch and is sarcastic whilst being a perfectionist and overachiever. One thing I appreciated is Rose’s constant need to live up to her parents. Yes, Ron and Hermione are awesome, but it would be hard for their daughter being compared to their hero status. Thus, you feel awful for her as she is drowning in negativity and self-doubt. Her relationship with Albus and Scorpius is special, as you could see her imperfections and love for others. 
8. Malfoy’s Got It Going - Rose is the perfect combination of Ron and Hermione. She is friendly and charming, but is stern and tough when life is difficult. She is funny and playful but she is emotional and hot-tempered. She is intelligent and sweet, but she can be argumentative and judgemental. One thing that the writer was able to pull off well was her charisma and why many of the people around her were drawn to her. She has a heart of gold and her relationship with Scorpius and Albus is beautifully written. Despite this, Rose is not morally perfect and is capable of doing awful things. As we see, she does certain things that are definitely problematic, which allows character development.
9. Art and Alchemy - @languidbones In most Scorose fan fictions, Rose is written as a popular, sassy and fierce Gryffindor who intensely plays Quidditch and studies all the time. Rose in this fan fiction is completely different from anything I've ever read. She’s a quirky Hufflepuff who has no interest in studying or Quidditch and spends all her free time painting. I’ve become so comfortable with Gryffindor Rose who is academically competitive, a Quidditch star and has a feisty personality. This Rose is absolutely adorable, creative, endearing and she will make your heart melt. 
10. Bouquet of Scandals - @languidbones Believe me when I tell you that this fan fiction has made me laugh, cry, gush, smile, scream and everything in between. Partly because of Rose’s fascinating and unique character. She has her undivided attention to magical creatures, her pygmy puff and classical music. She isn’t interested in studying, Quidditch, or dating, until she spends time with Scorpius. The fan fiction is utterly beautiful and captivating, with a Rose Weasley who is so loveable and you don’t question why half the boys in her school fall in love with her. It’s best if you just jump to it and read the whole thing. I hope the author writes more!
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ilikekidsshows · 3 months
What pokemon do you think the miraculous kids would have? :o
Oh, this is a good question! I love thinking about what Pokémon Types would suit different characters the best.
Frankly, I think Marinette’s thing would really be Pokémon Contests, which would mean that she wouldn’t be too likely to settle on a single Type. She definitely would have the required planning and dedication required to obtain her own Feebas and evolve it to Milotic to function as the star of her Contest team. My experience says Rapidash is also an excellent Contest Pokémon for Beauty Category Contests.
If Marinette was a battle trainer, though, she’d be obsessed with finding a Type/Pokémon with no weaknesses. So she’d have stuff like Spiritomb, Dragapult, Aggron or Aegislash. The thing about Marinette is that, even as a gym leader, she’d try to minmax her team to try to remove any weaknesses, so expect weird stuff like Fire Types with Grass Knot to take out Water Types. The type she’s most likely to specialize in is Steel Types, I think, due to their absolutely absurd amount of resistances. Once again, we come to Aggron or Aegislash as possible Pokémon for her. I also see Mawile, Empoleon or Lucario suiting her. The Lucario would have started as a Riolu, and would be the Tikki equivalent.
Adrien is so very, very likely to gravitate towards Dark Types due to how they often get misunderstood as evil omens. I absolutely see him having an Absol and an Incineroar, the two go-to misunderstood Dark Types. A Zorua or Zoroark would also be thematically a perfect match for him, due to his own ability to change himself to try to please those around him. The Impidimp line would also suit him, because Adrien likes little imps (in a Pokémon setting, I’d see Plagg as an Impidimp rather than a cat Pokémon). He would have very likely started with an Eevee he then lovingly raised into an Umbreon.
Alya is a seeker of truth and she loves discovering new knowledge, so I see her with Psychic Type Pokémon that are associated with knowledge and intelligence, like Alakazam, Orbeetle and Musharna. The Musharna would be the Trixx, since it has the ability to create illusions. I would also give her a Starmie due to its ability to emit radio waves (haha, Lady Wifi reference). Alya also gets an Exeggutor because its theme is “getting along with your siblings”, but we’ll break the pattern a bit and give her the Alolan Exeggutor, because I have other plans for the regular one.
Nino is the character most likely to remain calm in any situation, and the Psychic Type has a move literally called Calm Mind, so he’s another one I’d match with the Psychic Type. He’d have both a Gardevoir and a Gallade to work in tandem to match his balanced but protective personality. In addition he’d have the skateboard buddy Pokémon Alolan Raichu. I also see Nino with a Slowpoke/Slowbro due to his transformation from an unmotivated person to someone who really wants to help others, which is something the Slowbro transformation does for Slowpoke too. Nino also gets the regular Exeggutor for the “getting along with your siblings” theming. Slowbro would be the Wayzz equivalent.
Chloé gets Steel Types like Marinette for those parallels. The Steel Type comes with some really fitting picks, like the Pawniard line that goes with her obsession over status, and Tinkatink, whose hammer keeps getting bigger like the writers keep hammering the point about Chloé. Chloé’s partner Pokémon is Togedemaru, who’s cute but prickly and gets into territory disputes over electricity. It’s perfect for the Pollen equivalent. I’d also give her a Copperajah because that Pokémon treats looks as a reason to boast. Meowth is a good match for that Pokémon's association with wealth, though, I’d pick specifically the Galarian variant both for the typing and its more aggressive temperament.
Kagami gets Dragon Types, not because of her Miraculous, but because Dragon Type trainers are often really classy and rather prideful, much like Kagami herself. There’s a kind of legacy factor to how many Dragon Type users present themselves, using Dragon Types is basically the Pokémon equivalent of the family trade. Much like with her fencing legacy, Kagami would train Dragon Types with dedication and she’d be incredibly good at it and proud of her accomplishments. A Kommo-o is my number one pick for all of these reasons, since it’s a Dragon/Fighting Type. Garchomp is another strong pick. Salamence and Dragapult are the perfect fit color scheme-wise, while Haxorus is a very classic Dragon. Kommo-o would be the Longg equivalent.
Luka is well matched with Normal Types, because the Normal Type is usually matched with people who have their life figured out, or people who are into cute things. Both of these descriptions are pretty apt for Luka. For the party makeup, a Loudred would be great for its resemblance to an amp. An Ambipom would be fun because it looks like the Pokémon most likely to be able to play an instrument. The Jigglypuff line is great for its pronounced cuteness and connection with the Sing move. I’d love to give him a Drampa for how helpful he is a person, and I think a Drampa would fit the Sass role. An Obstagoon would also be a fun pick, because it’s the punk rock Pokémon and Luka’s style is rather Punk Rock.
Rose would have Fairy Types because this girl has an aesthetic and she’s committed to it. Clefairy is definitely a given, it’s the go-to Fairy Type Pokémon and would serve as Daizzi’s equivalent. Granbull is also a good pick to match her hobby as a member of a punk band. Considering the lyrics of the song she sings in the band, Galarian Rapidash is another way too fitting pick. A Mawile isn’t quite her style but would suit how she’s also not all she seems, how she’s tougher than she looks. The final member of her team would be a Mimikyu because I’m giving Juleka Ghost Types and a Mimikyu is a fun Pokémon to share between the two.
Speaking of Juleka and Ghost Types, the match is obvious; Juleka loves creepy things, so creepy Pokémon would be perfect for her. As I stated in Rose’s segment, Juleka would have a Mimikyu. Mismagius would suit her aesthetic the best, with Sableye being another good aesthetic pick. Sableye would also be good for the Roarr role. Gourgeist would be a fun pick with their similar hairstyles, while Sandygast would be a fun pick for the environmental horror it represents.
For Alix, I’d pick the fiery Fire Type because it works both for her own spunky attitude as well as design-wise. She also has an attitude well-suited for a Fighting Type trainer, so we’ll split the difference with one of my favorite Fire-Fighters, Blaziken. She would also have a Cinderace, because I still remember that interview about Scorbunny’s sporty personality type and that’s just perfect. It would also be a good stand-in for Fluff. I’d also give her a Coalossal because it’s huge but peaceful, so it’s the perfect balance to Alix, who’s small but spunky. Considering her role as the last resort Miraculous user, a Volcarona would also be a good match for her, since Volcarona’s mythology is that it can serve as a substitute sun during extremely cold conditions, a type of savior. Lastly, she’d have a Charizard, because of course she would.
Max would have a Rotom, because Rotom Dex reminds me a bit of Markov in how it looks. Electrode and Magneton are really iconic device Pokémon, so those are good picks for him too and a stoic Magneton would also be haughty enough to fit the Kaalki role. A Heliosk would be a good pick for its compatibility with machines, since it can generate usable electricity. I’d also like to give him a Dracozolt or Artozolt for that “what has science wrought?” factor. Pawmot would be a fitting fighter gamer-like Pokémon for him to have due to its Fighting Typing.
Kim would have Fighting Types. He’s a meathead whose interests include dares and all forms of physical exercise. He’d definitely prefer Pokémon that can keep up with him. He’d have a Hitmon, and I’m tempted to pick Hitmontop for how insane the stat balancing is to get one, which would show off his dedication to his training. He’d also have a Pangoro, which would signify his tendency of falling in with the wrong crowd earlier in the series. Riolu, in turn, would show off his hidden depths of kindness, and Riolu evolving into Lucario would coincide with his development into a kinder person. This duality of his character is also why Scrafty suits him, since it’s a ruffian who’s also protective of its friends and territory. This temperamental Pokémon would also serve as Xuppu. Heracross is the beetle fighting Pokémon, it’s a Pokémon directly tied into a hobby, so it’s a fun pick for Kim.
A fun fact about Ivan: before Luka’s introduction, he was the show’s go-to music guy. He tried to sing his love confession to Mylène. So we need a music-themed Pokémon with the Type to match Ivan. It’s actually the Grass Type that has a lot of music-themed Pokémon, so stuff like Ludicolo, Rillaboom and Maractus would be great. You have big and strong-looking Pokémon and cute Pokémon, since I do also think Ivan would like cute things (like Mylène). I think his team would also fit stuff like Abomasnow, Whimsicott and Dhelmise, with Dhelmise’s surprising strength being the Stompp equivalent.
Mylène is easy: the cutest, tiniest stuff you can find, with something big and scary that’s actually a huge sweetheart. Mylène is also the type to raise Pokémon from an egg/baby, so picking a type with a lot of baby Pokémon makes sense, which is Fairy Type. So, Mylène will have raised a Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Azurill and Mime Jr. from a baby, with Granbull as the Ivan reference and a Tinkaton as a reference to her own surprising strength.
Nathaniel is a bit on the harder side, since the only real artist Pokémon for the longest time was Smeargle, so I guess we’ll just build a team around Smeargle, aka Normal Types. Snorlax or Ursaring is a go-to tough-looking Normal Type that Nathaniel would pick in order to get taken more seriously as a trainer. A Furfrou might be fun for him to style, along with Cinccino. Finally, Dubwool would be a good reference to Ziggy because of the color scheme.
I’d give Sabrina a Type that compliments Chloé’s steel, due to her basing so much of herself around supporting Chloé. As such, Water and Ground Types would work best to cover the weaknesses of the team I gave to Chloé. I decided to go with Water Type, due to there being some thematically appropriate Pokémon in that Type. Seismitoad is likely to be her ace, due to the powerful dual typing it shares. It’s also extra appropriate cause it kinda looks like it’s wearing a police uniform like her dad. Another thematic pick is Simipour, which is modeled after one of the three wise monkeys, who guide someone on a path to avoiding evil thoughts and deeds. The opposite of this would be a Crawdaunt, who’s a bit of a bully Pokémon, and Sharpedo, who is literally called “The Bully of the Sea”. A Wimpod that evolves into Golisopod, meanwhile, would be a good match for her path of self-discovery and finding her own worth outside of Chloé.
It was hard to settle on a main type for Lila, since I feel she’s too duplicitous to make herself predictable like that. However, she’s also kinda lazy, so she’d go for the easiest options. As such Malamar would suit, as it’s a common Pokémon abused for nefarious deeds. However, considering the effort needed to evolve one, she’d most likely have stolen it instead of training it herself from an Inkay. Both of Malamar’s Types also make sense with Lila’s character, the Dark Type matched Gabriel, who she’s modeling herself after, and Adrien, whose “dark mirror” she appeared to be in her first appearances, while the Psychic Type matched Alya, who many fans noticed parallels with. Then I remembered that Lila has been connected to scorpions on this blog before and thought: “which Type has more dual types with Poison?” and so Dark Type it was. Of course, she gets Drapion, the big mean scorpion in the flesh, but I’ll also match her with an Alolan Muk that she uses to wow people with stories about her “travels”. I also want to give her Scrafty and Houndoom for type coverage against Marinette’s Steel Types, symbolizing how Marinette doesn’t really know how to match Lila in many situations. A Zorua or a Zoroark would be a good a good addition too, to keep the illusion/fox allusions with her character.
I also had a lot of ideas for Gabriel, even though he isn’t a kid, so I'll cover him too. Gabriel would have a Hydreigon, because I associate that Pokémon with absolute scum of the earth abusive dads. He’s very likely to utilize Dark Types in general because he’s an edgelord who calls out “Dark Wings Rise,” as his super transformation tagline. Said Hydreigon would be his ace and it would have a maximum powered Frustration Move, and it would be the Nooroo. Other Pokémon to accompany his Hydreigon ace could include Houndoom (a literal attack dog to match his attack dog parenting), an Obstagoon (because he’s such an obstruction, am I right?) and Morpeko for its two-facedness. A Drapion would also suit his team, due to its intimidating nature, though a Honchkrow would also suit in this role.
Another possible Type for Gabriel to specialize in is Dragons, due to their perceived power and prestige, but I attached those to the Tsurugis and, while I don’t mind the more numerous heroes overlapping, the few villains should have more variety.
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dasphinxone · 2 years
Thoughts about yandere talokan trio for shuri,riri and okoye??
Okay, I freely admit that I simp the most for Okoye x Attuma out of all three. Like, I love all three couples but Okoye x Attuma are my faves and still seem to be a rare pair. So imma talk about these two Battle Buddies the most.
Otherwise, yeah, I can see this with all three pairings. Though I prefer to be careful and not assign an Indigenous culture like the Talokanil with yandere tropes that could be seen as harmful due to falling into really poor stereotypes of Indigenous folks and so on.
I think it's more a case of when the Talokanil set their eyes on someone, it's done with passionate dedication. Especially in regard to the object of their affection having talents and characteristics they don't consider themselves to either personally possess or are a mirror to their own.
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Namor is lovingly obsessed with Shuri because they have similar outlooks when it comes to dealing with the outside world. However, their methods are clearly different. Not to mention, he's dealing with a version of Shuri who is not only DEEP in her grief, she's traumatized by being Snapped out of existence and shit ton of things happening to her that are all out of her control.
Namor needs to learn to have as much empathy as she does. And he's actively working it, but only because she asks him to do it.
Namora finds Riri initially irritating as fuck. Oh, Namora absolutely respects science and researchers because let's be real, Talokan wouldn't exist without their work. I strongly believe Namor encourages his people to be multitalented. So yeah, Namora and Attuma are his best generals but they are also encouraged to pursue other interests outside of battle and master them so that they're well-rounded warriors who can also hold plenty of conversations with all people of his kingdom. Like, Attuma likes beading up his clothes to add a personal touch and interior decorating because he likes making people's homes feel welcome to them. While Namora creates the most beautiful Mayan hieroglyph art. She also loves weaving.
But Namora finds Riri irritating because she runs a mile a minute and Namora can never get in a word edgewise, which annoys her because she wants to have a real conversation with the scientist. Namora feels initially rejected because Riri never discusses anything but science with her. What she doesn't realize is that Riri is slowly starting to like her but sticks to science talk all the time because she's nervous and doesn't know how to date Namora.
Of all people, it's Attuma who explains how surface dwellers date each other. Because he's the only who's properly courting Okoye at the moment and he's an expert at taking instructions. He's highly observant of how these surface dwellers treat each other during their courting rituals. He's also not embarrassed to ask for King M'Baku's advice. Why? Because Attuma comically thought he'd need M'Baku's permission to date one of the most talented, intelligent and valuable women in the whole of the Wakanda kingdom.
This is what causes Attuma and M'Baku to become besties. And after M'Baku explains that it's up to Okoye to date Attuma of her own free will, he really does look out for her and becomes closer to Attuma to ensure the shark man treats Okoye right, no matter his previous disagreements with Okoye.
For my fave battle couple of Okoye x Attuma, Attuma fell in love with Okoye's sheer tenacity. As that woman DID NOT STOP on the bridge. Not when he knocked her down the first time. Not when he dislocated her shoulder. Not when Namora's water bomb blasted her into the river.
But he really got hot for her from the start when she caught him across the cheek with her spear. My headcanon is that Attuma will carry that scar for the rest of his life since it was at the end of a vibranium weapon and he was out of the water too long for it to heal up completely. When they get together, he really enjoys Okoye kissing and touching it. Because as far as he's concerned, she marked him as her possession and he would gladly be hers until the last star falls from the sky.
Okoye is initially confused at Attuma so openly courting her. After all, they tried to kill each other twice. But once Namora explains to her that he admires her because she nearly killed him ('cause the concept of Namora and Okoye becoming besties once the treaty between their nations is drawn up is too good to pass up), it clicks for her.
She also really enjoys that he doesn't only see her as a warrior. He thinks she's beautiful and deserves to be as hard or soft as she wishes and whenever the fuck she wants. Whatever makes her happy? He's happy. And whatever makes her unhappy? He will deal with it swiftly and without mercy. Though of course, not always with a weapon. 'Cause Attuma is a warrior poet who's got BARS when it comes to doling out insults to those who act against the love of his life.
Anyway, hope this was an interesting answer. Sorry, I be rambling!
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inmyfxith · 2 years
SFW Alphabet - Neytiri
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A/N -> This template isn't mine, I don't remember where I found it so if it's yours don't hesitate to tell me so I can credit you.
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Neytiri admires her partner's courage, intelligence, and compassion. She is drawn to their strong sense of purpose and their dedication to their values and goals. Neytiri also admires their physical strength and athleticism, and she loves watching them fly on their banshee or engage in other activities that showcase their skills and abilities.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Neytiri's favorite part of her partner's body is their eyes. She is drawn to their bright, expressive gaze and finds them captivating and full of depth. Neytiri loves looking into her partner's eyes and feeling a sense of connection and understanding that goes beyond words.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Neytiri is a physical person and enjoys close, affectionate contact with her partner. She likes to cuddle with them in their nest. She is also fond of traditional Na'vi forms of touch, such as massages and skin-to-skin contact, which she believes help to connect her to Eywa and to her partner on a deeper level.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Neytiri's ideal date with her partner would involve exploring Pandora's natural beauty and trying new things together. For example, they might go on a hike through the forest, fly on their banshees to a remote waterfall, or visit a new village and learn about the local culture.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Neytiri is very open with her emotions and is not afraid to express them around her partner. She is sensitive and caring, and is always willing to listen and support her partner when they are going through a difficult time.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Neytiri is open to the idea of starting a family with her partner in the future, but she wants to wait until they are both ready and have the necessary resources to provide for a child.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Neytiri does not place much value on material possessions and is not particularly concerned with gift-giving. However, she does appreciate gestures of affection and appreciation from her partner. She loves it when they give her something that has special meaning to them or that reflects their personality, such as a handmade bracelet or a special plant from Pandora.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Neytiri likes to hold hands with her partner when they are out in public or when they are having a deep conversation. She finds it comforting and a way to feel connected to them.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
If Neytiri's partner were to get hurt, she would be very concerned and would do whatever she could to help them. She would immediately tend to their injury, call for medical help if necessary, and stay by their side until they are fully recovered.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Neytiri and her partner like to joke around and tease each other in a playful manner. They enjoy making each other laugh and lightening the mood with humor.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Neytiri likes to give her partner soft, gentle kisses on the lips. She is a passionate person and her kisses reflect her deep love and affection for her partner.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Neytiri shows her partner that she loves them through acts of affection, such as hugs, kisses, and small gestures of appreciation. She is also very supportive and understanding, and is always there for her partner when they need her.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Neytiri's favorite memory with her partner is the first time they flew on their banshees together. It was a thrilling and exhilarating experience that brought them closer together and solidified their bond.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Neytiri's worst fear is losing her partner. They bring joy and meaning to her life, and she can't imagine a future without them. Neytiri also fears losing the respect and trust of her community. As the daughter of the leader of the Omaticaya clan, she has a strong sense of duty and responsibility to her people. She is deeply concerned with upholding their traditions and values, and she fears that she might disappoint or let them down in some way. She is also anxious about the future of Pandora and the challenges that her clan might face, and she worries about being able to protect and provide for them in the face of uncertainty.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
One quirk that Neytiri has is that she is always singing to herself under her breath. She has a beautiful voice and loves to express herself through music.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Neytiri would likely call her partner by a term of endearment or respect that reflects their personality and their relationship. Some options might include "my love," "my mate," "my warrior," or "my bond-brother." She might also use a traditional Na'vi term of affection, such as "my etskol," which means "my heart." Neytiri values sincere, heartfelt expressions of love and appreciation, and she would likely choose a term that reflects the depth of her feelings for her partner.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Neytiri likes to spend quality time with her partner by doing activities that they both enjoy, such as exploring Pandora's natural beauty or trying new hobbies together. She also values one-on-one time and enjoys quiet moments where she can talk and connect on a deeper level.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
The song that reminds Neytiri of her partner is "I See You" from the Avatar soundtrack. The lyrics and melody capture the deep connection and understanding that Neytiri and her partner share, and the song's message of love and unity resonate with Neytiri's values as a member of the Omaticaya clan.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Neytiri is very open and honest with her partner, and she values their trust and confidence. She is willing to share her deepest feelings and fears with them, and she encourages them to do the same. Neytiri is also very loyal and protective of her partner, and she will keep their secrets and confidences safe.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Neytiri and her partner took some time to get together, as they had to overcome initial misunderstandings and biases. However, once they were able to see past their differences and understand each other's perspectives, they were able to build a strong, loving relationship.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
When her partner is upset, Neytiri is very supportive and tries to listen and understand their feelings. She is patient and empathetic, and she does her best to comfort and reassure them.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Neytiri is proud of her partner's strength and determination, and she is happy to show them off to others. She admires their courage and ambition, and she is proud to be by their side.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Neytiri supports her partner's desire to fight for their beliefs and would fight alongside them if necessary. She knows that they are a fierce and capable warrior, and she has complete faith in their abilities.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Neytiri is very perceptive and is able to read her partner's emotions and thoughts well. She is attuned to their moods and can often sense when something is troubling them.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Neytiri would propose to her partner in a special, intimate setting, surrounded by nature and with a heartfelt speech. She would take the time to express her love and commitment to them in a meaningful way, and she would present them with a beautiful ring as a symbol of their bond.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Neytiri finds peace in spending time in nature and practicing meditation. She enjoys the tranquility and calm that comes from being surrounded by natural beauty, and she finds that meditation helps her to clear her mind and find inner peace.
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reine-uls · 1 year
Hey I just wanted to say I love your story Cold Affections so much. I absolutely love the main character- she’s gone through so much trauma and she so strong and protective of those she cares for. She’s stubborn and loyal and feisty. I love how incredibly powerful you made your main character- while lacking her physical strength she never gives up fighting for what she believes in or risking herself to protect others. I also love how you’ve characterize douma- this is exactly as I imagined him to be if he ever started to feel. Someone who has never felt before, beginning to feel emotions for a person, especially an upper moon who is as possessive and cunning as Douma, would be a dangerous love indeed.
I think your writing style is so beautiful and emotionally moving. Every chapter there are lines that absolutely just take my breath away or make me kick my feet in excitement or laugh or cry.
I know you’ve been struggling with depression, and as someone who also struggles, I just wanted to say your presence and writing is a gift to this world. You bring so much joy and happiness to so many people with your stories. You’ve touched so many lives in your readers and commenters. You are beyond amazing and talented and thoughtful and intelligent. Your presence and words have such a powerful impact on people- people from all over the world who find and read your story.
Your story has kept me afloat on some really hard days of my depression where I felt I was drowning. Sometimes I actually try to channel your main characters strength and remind myself that I, too, can be that strong. And even if I fall or falter or struggle, it doesn’t mean I’ll sink forever. It’s like a bad storm, but the storm will always end even if it seems to take forever- so I’m going to grit my teeth and try my best to bare it like little fox does.
anyway, just thank you for sharing your story and talents and life with the world. I adore your story so much and I have so much respect and awe for you as a writer. Please take care of yourself- I know that’s easier said than done as I struggle with that too. You are a precious, amazing individual who I know brings so much joy and light into many peoples lives. Your story has over 1000 comments so many more readers- each one is someone who has been touched and moved by your story.
Thank you for the dedicated message. I’m touched 🙂 and I appreciate readers like you to love the fanfic. I do put a lot of effort in it, and I still think it’s not a good fanfic but for some people it does and thank you for that 😊
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