#She's sick for him<3 he's everything her sick little mind could have dreamed of and he lives and breathes she's losing it
hymnoire · 4 months
"♦" (meme attendance: present.)
"Divine. Magnificient. Never ever I have seen such beauty before my eyes. He is the quintessence of Creation. I am well aware of my hunger, my mind, body, soul and core, they feed from these thoughts that twist my head at night, these thoughts and crave what cannot leave the layers under my skin. That is what the sight of him does to me - he is haunting. I remember every single connection that had to be made inside his beautiful brain for Man to ascend, to transcend, to rise. I did not foresee this, me falling oh so deep in contemplation ever since the day he has Reborn. I need and crave my hands in the white matter of his cerebral cortex, I need to penetrate his aorta arch the way he has penetrated my mind."
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"Impressive. I consider myself a soldier therefore, I have respect for another soldier I share the field with. To partner up is one of the best strategies the House ever came up with, his organization have the means we needed to take our missions to the next level. We make a good team, yes. I wouldn't have been this efficient in the past months without his enhanced abilities and I believe he wouldn't have completed some of our missions without my skills either : this is working. Another word could be Atypical - that's the nice word for out of this world-weird. But in a good way - let's not forget I grew up with another Atypical, now that I think about it...
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rafesslxt · 6 months
Showerhead 2 | mattheo riddle
pt. 2 — you can find pt. 1 here
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summary: after you and mattheo had some fun in the shower, you two can‘t stop thinking about each other and that night. But who gives in first to sin again after a little jealousy?
words: 5,1k
warnings: heavy dirty talk again, cursing, making out, dry humping, teasing, controlling, praising, bj, unprotected p in v, shower, swallowing, legilimency (mind reading),
note: you don‘t have to read part 1 for this part but have fun if you want to
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— in the great hall —
After that night in the shower 2 weeks ago, I couldn‘t stop thinking about it. I dreamed about it in my sleep, daydreamed about it in class and lunch while Hermione talked about some book we needed to read to understand everything in potions.
I hated it but everytime we crossed paths, he winked at me and I couldn't help myself but start blushing. As soon as I saw his face, I saw it between my legs.
"Y/n? Are you even listening?" Hermione says and shakes me a litte at my shoulder. "What? Yeah yeah of course, I'm gonna read it." They all look at each other before their eyes are on me again. "We were actually talking about how Cormac seems to have quite interest in you." Harry then continues.
I start laughing loud, looking at them as If each of them has 3 heads." What the hell are you talking about?" "Told ya she's not listening.." Ron says, raising his eyebrows as he bites into his toast.
"I thought he‘s interested in Hermione?" I ask as my laughter calms down a bit. "Harry heard him talking about how he would - well.. do certain things to you." My amused face turns into a disgusting one as I hear what Ron says.
"Yeah and guess who‘s got an invention to Slughorn‘s dinner?" Hermione says with raised eyebrows.
Ron looks at her shoked. "What?? That prick got one and I didn‘t?"
"Oh god no.." a few days ago Harry, Hermione and myself got an invention to tonights Slughorn‘s dinner for his favorite students. ".. but wait, how do you know who‘s coming?" I ask her. "I just asked him after the last lesson of potions. It‘s Neville, Ginny, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, Corma –" "Mattheo Riddle?" I ask her shocked, looking at her with wide eyes.
I would see him again? Like.. this close and with people around us? My mind is racing as Hermione answers. "Yeah well, you know he‘s really smart and good in potions." "And he has an interest in special students and Mattheo is.. well – special." Harry comments.
Ron snorts and talks with a full mouth. "Mh yeaw hiff fatha was "speschal".
Hermione rolls his eyes at his full mouth and looks at me again. "Why are you so suprised by his name?" she asks me a little suspicious. " oh uh- just suprised, i always thought Mattheo is uh - not interested in things like that."
"Why would chou think about wat Mattheo is-" "Ron just eat and shut up!" I snap at him making the other two widen their eyes a bit.
I collect my things and stand up from the table. "I‘m gonna go to.. god i don‘t know I‘m gonna go." I say, walking off before they can answer. Because it‘s the weekend I luckily don‘t have classes today. I don‘t think I could concentrate in one of them after the information I just got. God why him? Why me? Maybe I can say I feel sick.. no he would know. I can‘t back down.
I walk down a hall, not thinking where I am going and suddenly crash into something hard but not as hard as a wall. My book and writing stuff falls to the ground and I look up, staring right into the face of Mattheo.
My brain went blank in this monent. "What princess? Aren‘t you happy to see me?" he grins down at me before he gets down and picks up my stuff. "Hm I remember a similar moment, same position." He smiles even more when he sees my red cheeks and not talking mouth. As he gives me my stuff he presses his mouth to my ear and whispers "I‘m looking forward to tonight" And with that, he‘s gone.
I‘m so fucked.
— at the evening —
" Do you know what you‘re wearing?" I ask Hermione while I put on some makeup. I hear her sigh and she goes "yeah I have this one dress I really like. What about you?" I shake my head as I search for my lipliner. " Not really, but I have enough dresses so I‘ll find something." Hermione laughs at my comment as she pulls out her dress and changes into it.
After I‘m done with my makeup and hair, I walk over to my closet, looking for a nice dress.
"What about this one? It would fit perfectly for the occasion." She says as she pulls out a dress of mine. It is long and black, with cute little arms on it. "It‘s pretty but I want something.. else." As i go trough my clothes I think about Mattheo again and what would impress him. God I need to stop it.
"Well what are you looking for?" "Hmm something likeee.. this." It‘s perfect. It‘s short but not too short, i know it sits beautifully on me and.. it‘s green.
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(imagine something like this but in some green tone and longer so it‘s more school approved)
Hermione raises her eyebrows and looks at me. "Are you sure? Isn‘t it a little too.. party?" I love her for how she always chose her words wisely and with a knowledge for not hurting and judging people. I know what she meant but she would never think about judging me. Even when I put my clothes on she wouldn‘t pick, she makes me feel great in them.
"Yeah, I‘m sure." I smile, putting it on. When I look into the mirror I smile even more, thinking about how Mattheo will react seeing me in it.
As the time comes we take our purses and walk outside our dorms, meeting Harry and Ron in the common room. "You both look great." Harry tells us like the gentlemen he is but Ron just scans me like a little hater and looks at me. "Isn‘t that a little too flashy?" "Ron!" Hermione hits him on the shoulder.
"Don‘t be mad at what you can‘t have Ronald." I say grinning and winking at him before I link my arm into Harry‘s with Hermione doing the same on his right side.
We walked through Hogwarts, towards the dinner and the closer we got the more my heart started beating as If I‘m running a marathon.
I open the door in front of us after taking one last deep breath and walk inside with my two friends.
Everyone was already there, seated perfectly. "Oh hello you three! I‘m so glad you made it. Please choose a seat and get comfortable." Professor Slughorn greets us. I always liked him, even tho many say he‘s a little weird sometimes but I think thats exactly what I do like about him.
As I walk towards an empty seat, I scan the table, looking at Mattheo when I found him but his eyes were already on my dress.
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Quickly I look away, seeing that Cormacs eyes were on me too which made me gag a little.
But god Mattheo looks so good. He wears a simple white shirt with a black tie and black slacks. Damn what I would give to ride his thigh in these – "Y/n you‘re staring." Hermione whispers into my ear, making me realise i stared right at Mattheo, but to my suprise he‘s still looking, not breaking eye contact for a second.
I gulp and look away, feeling my cheeks getting warm. God I hate it so much what kind of affect he has on me. I can‘t be the only one..
Wait. I‘m a woman. I can definitely tease him and make him feel the same.
The dinner goes on, nothing special besides Ginny who came in crying. Definitely have to ask her with Hermione about that later in detail.
As desert comes I look around the table, meeting Cormacs eyes. He licks of some ice cream from his fingers and wiggles his eybrows at me. Oh god I think I‘m gonna throw up.
As soon as I can I look away to Mattheo who was giving Cormac one of his death stares. Interesting.
I don‘t really know why i think it‘s a good idea but i do think it is. So I lean back a little, presenting the low cut at the front of my chest. I see Mattheo‘s eyes flicker to my chest and so do Cormac‘s but Mattheo‘s eyes switch back really fast to Cormac and give him a second glare. Really interesting.
I smile triumphal and lean a bit forwards again, pressing my boobs together this time. Instantly I get a headache but a really intense one. I hiss in pain which makes Harry look at me worried. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I just got an really bad headache.“ i whisper back, wondering what it caused.
Soon the dinner was over and everyone thanked Slughorn for the invitation. "I‘ll stay and try to figure out what that missing memory of Slughorn‘s is." Harry whispers to us before staying behind.
My headache got a bit better but It still didn‘t go away. As we walked trough the door I said to Hermione and Ginny "You guys go to the common room, I‘ll follow. I just wanna get some advil from Miss Pomfrey.“ They nod and tell me that they will go into Ginny‘s room to talk more privately.
It‘s already late and a bit after curfew but Professor Slughorn told us he made sure we would get in no trouble If someone sees us.
I rub my head slighty, trying to ease the pain on my way but nothing helped.
Then, out if nowhere a hand slaps over my mouth and a arm wraps around me, pressing me against a body. I scream into the hand, trying to get myself free until I see who the hand and arm belongs to.
"You didn‘t think I would let you go off that easily in that little dress of yours huh?“ Mattheo breathes against my face as it was only a few inches away from mine.
He slowly takes his hand away from my mouth, letting me speak. "What do you mean?" I ask and try the innocent act but he doesn‘t buy it.
"Oh princess, princess, princess. You can‘t fool me. I know that you wore this excuse of an dress for me. Fuck and also in my house color's? That‘s no fucking coincidence."
I gulp at his words and the fact that he knows who I wore it for. There‘s not even a single chance for me to lie. "And what If I did wore it for someone else?" Only one way and that‘s to push his last buttons. Oh how I wanted to push that buttons until –
"Someone else, yeah? Then who was it for?" "Cormac." As soon as his name left my mouth I regretted it. I see his jaw clenching and his grin fading. "Cormac yeah? So you didn‘t thought about me the whole dinner?" I slowly shake my head no, not daring to move now.
"So you‘re wet for him right now? Not me?" "What? I‘m not–" but as soon as I move my legs I feel it too. Shit. When I only look up at him his grin comes back.
"Yeah that‘s what I thought.. so why don‘t we skip this bullshit and you come with me?" Before I can even answer him, he takes my hand and pulls me trough the corridors, towards the Slytherin common room. " Mattheo I can't-" "Shut up." he hisses and whispers something under his breath so the doors to his common room would open.
"Can't fucking believe you pulled such a show in front of that stupid dick." he growled quietly before we reach his dorm. I start smiling as I see he's getting mad at the fact that Cormac saw me in that dress. "T'fuck you smiling about huh?"
As we enter his room I notice that there is only one bed which makes me wonder. "Don't you have a roommate?" "No, I have my own room." I scoff at his answer and look around his room. It has a big bed beside the window of the room and a little nightstand beside it. On the other side of the room is a big couch and a armchair.
But before I could think about it any further, he pulls me into his lap, face towards his, after he sat down on the armchair. "You know, you could have just told me If you missed me princess. Didn't need to dress all up for me." He puts his hands on my hips, grabbing them tightly.
I roll my eyes at him and act as If I didn't already enjoy his touch. "Didn't miss you." I say, looking away from him. He chuckles and pulls my face back to his with his fingers on my chin. "Are you sure?" I only nod and look into his brown eyes. They look so dark without any light in the room, that they send even more shivers down my spine than usual.
"Is your head better? Still in any pain?" he asks me grinning. "Yeah they-" wait. I never told him about my headache. Or could he hear when I told Hermione and Ginny? Or when Harry asked me at dinner?
His hands slowly wander down to my tights were my dress slowly rose up and placed them there, squeezing my flesh lightly. I felt his breath on my neck, giving me goosebumps. "It's gotten better, right?" he asks again. His lips ghosted over my skin, making me bite my lip.
"How do you know?" I ask him in a whisper. "I know everything that goes through your pretty little mind baby."
I tried to figure out what he meant by that but I couldn't concentrate with his hands on my skin and his lips almost against my neck. I need him so much.
"What baby, can't concentrate? Too much for you already?" he coos and finally kisses my neck, nibbling on the skin between his lips.
I can't believe how easy he gets under my skin with his kisses and whispers, not even doing anything. " I know you dreamed about me these last two weeks, thought about me at every chance you got. In class, in the shower, wishing it was me who touched you." he groaned against my throat.
My eyebrows squeeze together at his words. " How would you know that?" "Did you never wonder why your head always hurted at the same times?" I gasp and pull my neck away from him. " Are you reading my mind?" my eyes go wide as he just smiles at me sheepishly. Oh my god, no. This can't be. He's not allowed to know all these private thoughts.
"You don't know how hard it was for me to stay away and wait until you would come back to me but you little minx didn't and after tonight.. I couldn't just let you slip away from me again."
"Y-you can't do that Mattheo. That's not allowed. These are my thoughts." "I know baby but I couldn't help myself after that night in the shower. You were like a dream coming true so submissive and responsive to me. Fuck I'm already getting hard just thinking about it. But you understand I didn't have a chance, right? I couldn't risk you thinking about someone else then me."
He slowly pulled my dress up, exposing my tights and underwear. "God are you for real? Did you plan this?" he groans as he sees my matching set, a dark green lingerie set.
He pulls me closer to him, looking deep into my eyes.
"Ride my thigh." he commands and puts his hands back on my hips. "What?" I ask, looking at him dumbfounded. " It's my thigh or nothing. I'm not helping you getting off this time." I look at him with my mouth hanging open in shock. How could he be so cruel?
"C'mon, ride it baby I know you thought about it at dinner." My cheeks got red as he mentioned that. He dips his head towards my neck again and starts covering it in wet kisses. "Don't test my patience, love." he whispers and tightens his grip on my hips, moving them slowly. I gasp at the sudden friction.
"Feels good, right?" I only nod, closing my eyes as I start to move my hips in circles against his thigh. I feel so dirty doing this but at the same time it feels so good to finally get the friction I needed the last weeks again.
I feel my clit rubbing against my underwear, making me whimper and move my hips faster. "Fuck, look at you. I thought you were desperate back in the shower but now you're just getting yourself off on my thigh like a dirty little whore." I moaned at his words combined with his kisses on my skin. His lips went lower, first towards my collarbones, then further down to my chest.
I feel one hand of him wander to my underwear and pushing it to the side so my bare pussy rubbed against the material of his pants. I whine at the feeling, my hands grabbing his broad shoulders. " Oh my god. I'm so close Mattheo." He laughs wickedly against my chest, pushing down my dress so it hangs at the middle of my body. His mouth wanders to my bra, unclasping it with one hand behind my back.
"You're so beautiful baby, never ever am I waiting two weeks again for that." he growls and starts massaging my boobs and playing with my sensitive nipples.
I arch my back, shivers run down my spine at his touch. The grinding get's more and more intense. "Feel this?" he asks as he takes my hand and puts it on his bulge. "It's just for you." I bite my lip and look down at my hand. It looks so painful that I start massaging it through his pants. He bucks his hips up into my touch, his breathing getting heavier.
While still riding his thigh, I open his pants and push them down together with his boxershorts. His already fully hard cock slaps against his stomach before I take him into my hand. I spread the pre-cum over his tip with my thumb and start moving my hand up and down. "Shit princess.." he hisses, thrusting his hips up into my hand.
"I'm so close Mattheo.." I whine as I almost start rutting my hips against him. "Come on my leg baby, do it." he groans, lips apart.
I let go of his cock for a moment to dig my nails into his shoulders for support as I press my throbbing clit harder against him. He takes his cock into his hand and jerks himself off as he watches me panting and moaning.
With a deep twisting feeling in my stomach I come all over his thigh, riding out my orgasm.
"So good for me, look at how much you came." he says and I look down at his pants, a big wet spot on them now. My legs still shake from my high and I look up at him again.
Mattheo's POV:
Fuck. I don't know what it is but I have a feeling that this girl is going to be the death of me. With hooded eyes she looks up at me and almost get's me to cum in my own hand just from her eyes looking into mine. She had such a chokehold on me, but I will never admit that to her.
I smile down at her before I speak "already fucked out again and I didn't even touched you." The same thing I told her two weeks ago after I've eaten her pussy and she came after 3 minutes.
"Fuck off." she mumbles and falls slightly against my chest. "As much as I enjoy this closeness baby.." I start, nodding towards my rock hard cock, laying against my stomach.
I push a strand of hair behind her ear and whisper into it. " Suck on it." Her eyes go wide and she looks down on me with those innocent eyes again. " Don't tell me you never sucked cock with those pretty lips." I say, looking at her plump lips, almost begging to be fucked.
She rolls her eyes at me again, making me want to choke her until she stops. " I have." Her answer makes my clench my jaw, wishing she would've just said she didn't.
I pushed her down in front of my legs. I grab a pillow from the couch beside us and put it under her knees, making her grin. " Don't tell me you suddenly care for me Matty?" Now I am the one who rolls his eyes.
I grab her pretty hair into a ponytail and push her towards my cock. She takes it into her hand and starts to lick off the pre-cum from my tip. A moment later she starts sucking on my tip, making me smile. I have a feeling this is going to be good.
I hiss as her wet lips and warm mouth take more of my cock into her mouth. I close my eyes and let my head hang backwards. " Come on y/n, show me what you got."
Suddenly she takes me all the way down her throat, my eyes almost bulging out of my head and my mouth falling open. "Oh fuck, yeah!" I groan, gritting my teeth together. I swear I could feel her smile around me.
She bobs her head up and down in a fast pace, making me moan and groan like a little bitch. Fuck, what is it with this girl?
I feel my tip hitting the back of her throat. " Oh Shit." I lift my head up to look down at her. Her eyes are teary and her hands support herself on my tights. I start grinning, wishing I could take a picture of her pretty mouth around me.
Her throat clenches around me so delicious I almost came. "Hmm baby, you know how to suck cock. Gonna give you that." I pant.
One of her hands go down to my balls, massaging them. " Oh - " I throw my head back again, feeling something in my lower stomach. My hips buck up and I hear her gag, only getting me closer to my high. "M' gonna cum down your throat and you'll swallow it, yeah?" I ask her, breathing heavy. It doesn't take me long to cum and fill her mouth. "Fuckkk.." I groan, pushing her down even harder so her nose touches my stomach.
"Swallow it. All of it." I slowly let go of her, but seeing her cough a little only fuels my desire. She opens her mouth after she swallows and shows me that she swallowed every single drop.
"That's a good girl. Now come on.. let's take a shower." I say grinning at her and helping her back up. "Mattheo I don't know If I can walk so far." she sighs as she stands on her still shaky legs.
I kiss the top of her head, something I never do but just feels right with her. " You don't have to. I have my own shower." I pick her up bridal style and carry her towards my bathroom."
Y/n's POV:
As he picks me up to carry me, I feel a few butterfly's in my stomach but I try to suppress them.
He let's me down when we stand under his shower. His clothes hit the floor. "Hot or cold?" he ask, putting his hand on the tap. "Hot." I say and watch his back. Last time I didn't noticed but he has big scars all over his back, some even on his chest. He must see my face cause he asks me "What's wrong?" I shake my head and try to smile.
"Nothing." I see it in his eyes that he doesn't buy my lie but doesn't push me either. As the warm water hits my skin, I sigh in relief. I let my hair get wet and wash off the makeup I had on. While I did so, Mattheo stands right behind me, his hands on my hips, scanning my face.
I open my eyes and see him looking. " What?" I ask grinning. " You're beautiful." I roll my eyes and look away again, trying to hide my blush. "You don't have to try to get into my pants. You already are." He turns me around and holds my face. " Hey.. I really mean it. And not just your body. Your face is prettier than the ones of angels." My eyes widen at his words, not expecting that kind of words from him.
He clears his throat and looks away for a moment himself. That's when I grab his face in both my hands and crash my lips into his. The kiss is hungry, more passionate and different than the last times. More tender.
One of his hands slide up and down my back, while the other lays on my hip. "You make me crazy, princess." he admits, mumbling against my lips. I smile into the kiss. "Don't go soft Mattheo." I say, teasing him.
He starts kissing my neck, but less soft and more aggressively now. "Remember who's in charge here baby. I would choose your words wisely." He lifts me up so I wrap my legs around his waist. "This time I wanna see your face when I fuck you."
He takes his cock into his hand and positions it at my entrance, teasing me with it. „Mattheo come on, fuck me.." i huff out frustrated. "Beg for it, wanna hear you beg again like the last time I fucked you." I roll my eyes at his ego, but still do as he tells me to. "Please, I'm already begging you to fuck me."
Ge grins down at me and slowly pushes inside me, holding eye contact the whole time. His lips part and his eyes get lazy. "Fuck, you feel just as good as the first time I fucked you stupid."
I want to bite back but only bite my lip as he starts thrusting in a fast and hard pace. "What was that? I'm going soft princess?" His grip on my hips gets tighter and he starts kissing my neck up and down. " N-no you're not.." I whimper, closing my eyes and letting my head fall back against the wall.
What was is that he had me under his control so much? Not even a single brain cell told me to not do as he says. I can't with this boy..
His lips work their way up to my ear and he whispers "I'm a man baby, a boy wouldn't fuck you like I do. " Goosebumps erupt over my body and again he's right. " Stop messing around in my head." I growl lightly, supressing a moan in my throat. "You're all mine. I don't give a shit about how you see that, cause I know your body screams for mine every night. And it will never get someone else's. Do you understand?"
He stops kissing my neck and looks at me while thrusting his hips against mine. A shiver run down my spine as I looked into his eyes, but this time not a good one. It was ice cold. I never saw him looking tat serious and cold. Possesive. "Do. You. Under. Stand." he asks me again, deep and hard thrust for every word.
"God yes, Mattheo. I understand!" I cry out as his fingers find their way towards my clit, rubbing it in circles. My nails leave marks all over his back, drawing a little blood.
He starts hissing but laughing at the same time at the pain. He's gonna be the death of me. "No, you're gonna be mine, princess. Do that again with your nails, turns me on." As I don't, he mumbles a quite "okay" and presses me harder against the shower wall, fucking me even deeper and more brutal. My nails find their way back inside his skin and I'm sure If we had been o the bed It would be broken by now.
"When are you gonna learn to not be a little brat, huh?" he asks, a smirk on his face. "I own you now, baby." I let out half a snort half a chuckle. " Do I own you then too?" I ask sarcastically. " You own every inch of me."
My face falls a little at his answer, not expecting it. Did he mean that?But as soon as my thoughts started, I forgot them as he starts to rub my clit even harder, but in a steady rhythm.
"Oh yeah look at that in pleasure twisting face, that's fucking it." he groans, his thrust becoming more erratic. One hand leaves my hip and wraps itself around my throat, squeezing it with the perfect amount of pressure. A broken scream leaves my lips with my eyes rolling back.
"Yeah scream so loud Cormac hears who‘s name you‘re moaning tonight." I press my lips together but he squeezes my throat tighter. My walls clench around him, making him lose his control, eyes rolling back a bit with a smile to it. "I love that pussy so much fuck.I bet he can't fuck you like I can, huh?"
This time my answer comes in a instant. " No- no he can't. I'm so close Mattheo, please." I moan as I feel this deep twisting feeling in my stomach. His lips meet mine, to my surprise. Unlike how he fucks, he kisses me soft and passionate. "Come around me baby.Please fucking come around me." he groans almost desperate.
And just like that I let go and let the feeling of my orgasm overflow me. "Hm shit.. can I come inside you baby?" Mattheo pants against my lips while he looks down between us. I just nod quickly, feeling him coming inside me a few seconds later. "Shit.." a whimper leaves his lips as he fills me up.
My stomach twists again at the sound so I look at him and scan his face for a moment. I think that's the hottest sound my ears ever came across. He looks fucked out too, his eyes heavy.
He slowly pulls out but still holds me. "You make me so addicted." he confesses to me, looking between my eyes and lips. I had to. " So you're going soft now again?" I tease him, out of breath.
He chuckles lowly which ends with me bent over every single surface in his room.
I don't know how long I can survive in that.
I just know ya‘ll hate and love me for posting this.. after weeks :) <3
There‘s gonna be a part 3, the final then. Hehe.
Taglist: @idk-simra @kindnessspreads @purplegardenwhispers @glittervame @oxi8 @lovelyygirl8 @yakosobaboba | thank you for supporting guys 🫶🏻
I created a Tag List Form if you‘re interested: Taglist Form
xoxo sarah <3
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jgracie · 5 months
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masterlist | rules
♡ dedicated to giselle @pinkdiorluvr <3 our leo/ttpd/aphrodite parallels resulted in this epic crossover... love u sm !
in which leo was tame and gentle ‘til the circus life made him mean (alternatively, the one where you teach a son of aphrodite how to love again)
pairing son of aphrodite!leo valdez x roman!reader
warnings self-loathing (happy ending tho dw), ooc / dark!leo? idk tbh but this is a deep dive into his mind lowk 😭 also this is kinda long sorry in advance LMAO
on the radio . . . who’s afraid of little old me? (taylor swift), the only exception (paramore)
an aphrodite cabin leo my beloved… read the comments under this for a bit of context :) also in this they know the ghost of the battery is venus cz it fits w the story ok
If you looked up the word ‘tragedy’ in the dictionary, Leo was convinced you’d find his whole life there. It’d take up half the book, listing every event that’s ever happened in his life from the moment his mother died in that fire, her body so charred there was nothing to bury, until present time
It would talk about how after that, social services arrived, and how his aunt had refused to take him in, calling him a diablo and shouting at the social workers to take him themselves. It would talk about how none of his other relatives wanted him. It would talk about all the foster homes he’d run from, both the okay and the ugly (because they were never good. They didn’t want him either) opting to sleep under the Houston bridge for months instead. It would talk about how Leo was completely and utterly unloveable
Years of his life being this endless cycle of misery resulted in Leo toughening up. He was no longer the sweet boy who’d sit on his mother’s lap as she worked with pieces of metal, who’d run to get her a hammer or a screwdriver before she even asked for it, his heart so full of love for her he was close to exploding. No, this was a new Leo. This Leo learnt to deal with the bullies and the streets and everything else life decided to throw at him, his skin calloused and his heart cold. Sure, he was still elvish and scrawny, but he wasn’t afraid. That alone was enough
Eventually, he befriended Piper. She was nice. For once, he was around someone who didn’t seem to mind his company. But no matter how much Piper liked him, she still liked Jason more. Leo wasn’t an idiot, he knew from the moment Piper laid eyes on the perfect blond that this was her dream guy. And he was happy for her, she was his friend after all! However, he couldn’t help but resent her feelings towards him. He found himself left out again - unloveable Leonidas Valdez, that’s who he’d always be, now that his mom was gone
Then, he discovered a whole new world of Gods and monsters and for a moment in time, Leo thought everything might finally begin to click. He never fit in with the other kids in his foster homes because he wasn’t like them, he was a demigod, of course he couldn’t fit in. For the first time since his mother’s passing, Leo became an optimist. Maybe things would turn around? He’d get to meet his second parent and they’d explain it all, possibly even reward him for his perseverance? Leo toyed around with the idea, replaying the fantasy in his head. In the end, to him, just getting a glimpse of them would be enough
He got claimed as soon as he arrived. Usually, that would be considered incredibly lucky, and Leo really tried thinking of it in that way. Annabeth had told him some campers wait years for that symbol to float over their heads, to finally be able to move out of the crowded Hermes cabin and have people they can genuinely call siblings, a place they can genuinely call home
Leo would’ve been happy if his Godly parent wasn’t her. Aphrodite. What a sick joke. How could the Goddess of love be his mother? No one loved Leo, even Piper and Jason saw him as a nuisance at times. They tried to disguise it, but Leo knew. Years of being bullied had given him excellent training in reading the emotions of others. He knew that whenever the three of them were together, they wished they could be alone. He’d almost refused to sleep in cabin 10, but his new siblings grabbed him by the arms and dragged him over, excited to meet a fellow child of their mother’s
Luckily, it didn’t take Leo very long to get a quest. He, along with Piper and Jason, left Camp Half-Blood to go find and save Hera from the cage she was trapped in. Although the quest was hard and there were many times he’d come close to death, Leo was happier away from the cabin that reminded him of everything he should be and was not. The trio came back to camp just in time and immediately started planning their journey to Jason’s home, Camp Jupiter
The days Leo was building the Argo II were some of his happiest. He had an excuse to not sleep in his cabin (the Hephaestus cabin had kindly offered him bunker 9) and he was around the one thing he truly did love - machinery. The smell of oil and clang of metal reminded him of his mother, the one person who’d truly ever loved him. Sure, Leo did occasionally find himself yearning for human interaction, but every time he felt that ache in his chest, his fingertips longing to touch another, he’d push it down and continue his work. Just because he was a son of Aphrodite, doesn’t mean he deserved love. If he did deserve love, surely, he would’ve gotten it a long time ago
Soon enough, the ship was finished and Leo, Jason, Piper and Annabeth set sail for Camp Jupiter. On the boat, he felt less pressure to fit into the constraints of the stereotypical role of a child of Aphrodite, consequently becoming more like one. Away from land, he could shed the Leo Valdez who was tough and hard as stone, becoming as fluid as the sea instead. He wasn’t anywhere near as social as the others, but this time, he didn’t lock himself up in his room. He taught Annabeth about the mechanisms of the ship and teased Piper and Jason whenever he caught them kissing
From above, Aphrodite watched and hoped the Fates were feeling kindly towards her baby boy. It broke her heart watching him lose faith in love, but she couldn’t do anything about it - not with Zeus keeping a close eye on her
“Okay, I’ll show you the ship. Come with me,” Leo told Octavian - Camp Jupiter’s joke of an Oracle. The boy annoyed him, reminding Leo too much of some of the manipulative bullies he had to learn to fight back, but he knew giving him a tour of the Argo II was essential for gaining the Romans’ trust. Surprisingly, it was going well. Octavian was quiet as he examined it all, only making a few snide remarks about the ‘obviously Greek methods’ Leo had used
Then it happened. Leo felt his mind go blank and his limbs move against his will, heading for the ballistae. He tried to stop himself, but he couldn’t. He fired on Camp Jupiter
Other than Jason, who had gotten hit by a brick and was currently passed out, everyone was fine. What wasn’t fine was the fact that the Romans were no longer on their side. The others gave him accusatory glances, even though he’d insisted didn’t mean to hurt anyone. Only Piper seemed to be on his side, but even she was a little hesitant, a little confused
You were the anomaly. Leo didn’t notice you - quiet and observant, wanting to see how this would play out - until you spoke up to defend him. You, a Roman who’d just had the only home she’s ever known destroyed, who’d just been labelled an outcast by all her friends and family thanks to him, had defended Leo
“Guys, I don’t think he meant any harm,” you said, immediately silencing the other six members of the Great Prophecy. Leo’s mouth was agape, unable to say anything as you continued, “why would he fire on Camp Jupiter on purpose?” You asked, “isn’t he a part of this eight, one of us?” Then, turning to Annabeth, you said, “isn’t he your friend? Why aren’t you defending him?” She blushed and looked down at her feet, unsure of what to say
You smiled, happy that another problem had been solved, “let’s not ruin this quest before it even starts, okay? We can’t save the world from Gaia if we don’t act as a team.”
For the first time since his mother’s death, Leo felt loved. However, he knew all too well how good things never last
Leo distanced himself from you, as well as everyone else on the ship. After that day, he’d decided to coop himself up in his room and work on upgrading the ship instead, only coming out when absolutely necessary. Meanwhile, you eagerly got to know everyone else who was part of the prophecy, intrigued about the differences between Greek and Roman demigods. The one person who you desperately wanted to know, though, was Leo
No matter how hard you tried, he always seemed to escape your clutches. You’d been worried for him ever since that first day on the ship, and after finding out he built it, you were dying to know more
“Venus only appeared when Reyna was alone, so I don’t think any men can come along,” Jason said. Yet again, you were splitting up for another quest. This time, it was seeking the ghost of the Battery, who you’d deduced was Venus, the goddess of love. Suddenly, you had an idea
“Shouldn’t Leo come along? He’s her son, isn’t he? She’d show up for him,” you said, giving the boy a kind glance, which he averted. He really didn’t want to meet his mom. She didn’t care for him, so neither did he for her. If she cared, she wouldn’t have left him to fend for himself all those years. She was no better than his Aunt Rosa
Unfortunately, everyone on the ship agreed with you. Venus would probably be more helpful if her son was there. It was settled, you and Leo would go find the ghost of the Battery
The walk was awkward. This was the first time the two of you had been together since the first day on the ship. You made small talk, asking him about the ship and Camp Half-Blood. He thanked you for that day, and when you’d given him a toothy grin, your eyes sparkling, Leo felt as if Cupid had shot an arrow right through his heart. He couldn’t breathe. He’d never been more overwhelmed with love
“Lady Venus?” You said, your voice tentative as you looked around, suddenly doubting your plan. Immediately, she appeared in front of you. She was beautiful, with curly brown locks and fiery brown eyes. Her smile was kind, making you feel a warmth spread throughout your body. Then she noticed Leo. Instantly, her fiery eyes became sad, and… were those tears?
She floated past you and towards Leo, cupping his face in her hands. He flinched, about to pull away before remembering she’s a Goddess and could easily smite him if she were in a bad mood. His eyebrows remained furrowed, the crease in his forehead only deepening when she said, “my boy, my Leo. You’ve grown so beautifully.”
You could tell Leo’s relationship with his mother was strained, despite never meeting her. He scoffed, gaining the courage to remove her soft hands from his rigid face
“I am not your Leo. I am Esperanza Valdez’s Leo. She’s dead, in case you can’t recall. She died and you did nothing to stop it, nothing to ease the pain. I will never be your Leo. I’m only here for the sake of the quest, so please just tell us what we need to do and we’ll be on our way,” with every word, you could tell Venus’ heart shattered into several tiny pieces. Never in a million years did you think you’d see a Goddess look so heartbroken
She tried to reach out for him again, but this time, Leo didn’t let her, inching closer to you instead. Sighing, Venus opted to use her words, “look, I’m really sorry. You have no idea how bad I feel. I wanted to help you, really, but Zeus–”
“It’s always Zeus with you Gods, isn’t it? No, you don’t get to tell me you feel bad. You wouldn’t have survived an hour in my childhood. Do you know how horrible it felt, being wanted by no one? Do you have any idea how much it hurt finding out your own mother, the Goddess of love, didn’t do a single thing to help, choosing to leave you feeling unlovable instead? If you really loved me, you wouldn’t have given up just because of Zeus.”
Venus was quiet after that. You looked up at the sky, afraid Jupiter would strike you with his lightning bolt at this very moment, but he didn’t. With tears in her eyes, she said what was necessary and as soon as she was done, Leo got up and began walking away. You, however, stayed. You couldn’t help but feel a little bad for the Goddess, even though Leo was in the right
“He likes you,” she said, breaking the silence, “but he thinks he’s incapable of love, and it’s all my fault, I know, but I beg of you, please save my son before it's too late.” Her hand was tightly gripping yours, and you gave her a sad smile before going to catch up with Leo
You found him crying behind a bush. He had his face in his hands and sat with his knees touching his chest as horrible, gut-wrenching sobs left his open lips, desperate for some air. Calmly, you sat next to Leo. You didn’t do anything - no stupid words, no trying to fix his issues, you knew that wasn’t what he needed. Leo just needed some love. So you wrapped an arm around him and let him let it out on your shoulder
With the grass leaving indents on your skin and the light breeze cooling your bodies, Leo opened up. He didn’t say everything, but you got the gist of it all. You also got that seeing Venus face-to-face and crying afterwards had taken a load off of his back. With every word he said, Leo’s face seemed to brighten, his curls gaining shape and his eyes becoming a warmer shade of mahogany. The realisation hit you like a truck: he looked just like his mother
As the days passed, you paired with Leo for quests more often. He was more comfortable around you than any of the other crew members, which didn’t go unnoticed by them. They were glad Leo had found someone he could let loose with. Your journey across the Mediterranean continued and your friendship blossomed and bloomed, every late night conversation proving to Leo that maybe love was something he could achieve in this lifetime after all
Despite this, he kept his distance. A part of him was scared you stayed out of pity. As a son of Aphrodite, he knew that wasn’t true - he could read people like a book, after all. But he would never forget how his life is an endless loop. Just as he’d think he was finally getting a break, the universe would greet him with the worst event he’s ever experienced. Soon enough, something awful would happen. Something that’d push you away. You should be afraid of him, an unstable boy with extreme detachment issues and a history of bad relationships. What was there to love?
Everything. To you, there was everything to love about Leo. From the way he always had a piece of scrap metal to fiddle with in case he got nervous, to the way his nose would scrunch up when he’d laugh. Leo Valdez had ripped your heart out of your body and decided to keep it, and you were okay with that
Your confession had happened after Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus. Everyone was absolutely gutted, of course, but no one more than Leo. He blamed himself for their descent into the deep pits of hell, and you began to see him slowly go back to the Leo he once was, the Leo he was used to being. The difference was that this time, you were there
You forced him to give you and the others some of the watch shifts he’d assigned to himself. You made sure he ate and drank water and took care of himself. You were there to pick the pieces back up again
One night, it was just you and him
“Why do you do this? Am I not a burden to you?” Leo had asked, just as you were about to leave his room. After finding him half asleep at the wheel, you dragged him to bed, tucking him in yourself and making him swear not to leave until the morning
You turned, your eyes holding a mix of fondness and hurt. Not for yourself, but for the boy who has never looked into the mirror and seen a person worthy of loving. Your voice as clear as the sky above, you said, “because I love you. You could never be a burden to me, because I want to do this.”
“Why? Why do you love me?”
Making your way over to his bed, you sat on the edge, cupping his face, just like his mother did during your first adventure together. This time, he didn’t flinch. In fact, he seemed to melt under your touch. You felt anguish in your heart at this - no matter how much Leo insisted he should be alone, he still craved another
“Because you’re you. You’re sweet and you’re loyal and most of all, you’re so deserving of love. That’s more than enough reason for me.”
As Artemis rode her moon chariot across the starry sky, you shared a tender kiss. You saw Leo for everything he was - a black dog, a broken boy, the definition of the word ‘tragedy’, and chose to love him anyway
You weren’t afraid
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readychilledwine · 13 days
The Cursed Ballet
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Eris Week - Day 6 - AUs and Retellings
(Swan Lake)
Summary - As war with the Deathless God approaches, a new dancer entered Autumn turning Eris's world inside out.
Warnings - Beron, curses, Eris kind of being a male-whore to add interest later
A/N - Happy Day 6 of @erisweekofficial! So listen, I've written this 4 times and settled on it being a 3 part mini series. Otherwise, it got far too long, and I was worried people would lose interest. I love this concept, though, and I'm very excited to share it with you all.
🍂Eris Week Masterlist🍂Eris Masterlist🍂Master Masterlist🍂
Dividers by @tsunami-of-tears
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Instruments being tuned as a stage was set were familiar noises to you. Especially now that your life has been flipped upside down.
You continued lacing the ribbons of your ballet flats, no one looking at you. No one even acknowledging your very existence. Why would they, though?
A human in the Autumn Court. A human who, to them, somehow stole the lead spot in this performance from a female who had probably been training 10 times longer than you have ever been alive. You were used to this, used to being forced to travel and perform since he came and ruined everything.
You'd been to countless places the last few years, cities you had never dreamed of seeing, people and Fae you never thought you would meet. He always forced you to come back to Prythian, though. You had danced in all the mortal kingdoms, in every court. Yet for some reason he kept you here, anchored to this place like a second prison in case your body was no longer enough.
Of the 7 courts, Autumn was your favorite to dance in. The beauty of the leaves, the crisp fresh air, the well maintained stage. It was all enough to distract you from why you were truly here. From the magic the plagued your body. You finished tying the slippers around your ankles, mind trying not to linger on the curse you and your older sister now shared. “It's fine,” you whispered. “You've danced in front of thousands of fae.”
Your warm ups were spent alone as well, the isolation you were forced to endure was the cherry on top of this curse. The first contact you'd have tonight was a tall, slender female looking you up and down before declaring they were ready for you to stage.
Eris groaned from his place in his family's play box. He loved the ballet, he loved the graceful choreographed dances, the stories told through music and movement, but he would be lying to himself if he didn't say he was annoyed. 
His recent flavor of the week had been whining in his ear for 72 hours, 48 minutes, and exactly 23 seconds regarding his father's demands for a mortal girl to be put in the role of Odette. 
His current lover was pretty.
But she wasn't pretty enough for him to listen to the complaints and crying day in and night out. 
Eris felt himself freezing as the human girl took the stage. Every movement was clean, exact, graceful. She may as well have been fae with the way she made it seem as though she was the music. He didn't clock his father's smirk, the look of sick satisfaction Beron had. 
“Pretty little thing, isn't she,” Beron said softly to him. “And so very talented for being human.” 
Eris nodded, “Does she.. look familiar?” Flaming red hair in a tight bun, long elegant limbs. Her nose, the shape of her eyes, all of it felt so familiar to Eris, yet he could not place her. 
That is, until the scene.
Eris looked at his father, the High Lord still smirking in his seat, “And why is one of his spies here?”
Beron rolled his eyes, glancing at Eris as the fae applauded, throwing flowers to the mortal girl. “He needed someone to keep an eye on her while he handled more pressing matters.”
“He, an all powerful sorcerer, could not handle taking a 26 year old human female with him to handle matters?”
“I've heard she's rebellious,” Beron stood as the girl exited the stage. “Besides, she requires water at night.”
Eris's eyes slowly shut, but he followed Beron, the understanding of that cryptic message hitting his heart. 
You tried not to be afraid as Beron Vanserra dragged you through the gardens of the Forest House by your upper arm. His son followed behind you two, refusing to look your way. “Please, you are hurting me.”
“I was informed you needed a heavy hand. He may tolerate your games, but I will not, girl.” 
It was a moment Eris would remember long after she was gone, his father throwing a mortal woman to the mudded ground. The noise she made on impact had him shifting from side to side, eagerly awaiting Beron's departure from Crystal Lake. 
“Watch her until it happens, she won't be able to leave the lake once it does. If she tried to run, kill her.” 
As soon as he was away, as soon as Eris knew they were safe, he rushed to her. “Are you alright?”
You could only nod at him, tears in your eyes as a nearly silent sob managed to make it's way through your throat. 
“Does she know you're here,” Eris asked gently. “Does Vassa know you're here?”
“No,” Your tone was firm. “My presence here is a trap. For your brother, Jurian, and her.”
Eris processed the information like a complex novel, “He's near, isn't he?”
You focused in on the curse that bound you to him, “Yes, but no. He's still trapped on his lake, but he can.. project himself for small amounts of time.”
Your eyes finally met his and Eris's whole world shifted and changed. 
The bond was dull due to only being able to half click into place, but it was there, creating a harmonious rhythm with his own heartbeat as the moon began to rise behind the two of you. 
He understood why you would need the lake then, what your curse had been. Glowing golden light surrounded you, engulfing your figure before dying out. 
And now Eris found himself trapped watching as his mate got into the water, defeat clear in even this form. 
“Rhysand,” he called in his mind. “We have a complication.”
He sent Rhysand what had just happened, sent him the image of you floating on the clear waters of the lake. 
“Be careful,” Rhysand's voice came back slowly. “Vassa says her sister's curse is more dangerous than her own.” 
But Eris didn't respond, his eyes on the swan that had taken the place of his mate. 
How absolutely cruel to curse Vassa to her bird form by day and to be a woman by night, but you a woman by day, swan by night.
Two sisters left chasing each other. 
A curse Eris now made his personal mission to break.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp @itsswritten @milswrites @littlest-w01f
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simplydannie · 6 months
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 5 || Part 6
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Cover art by @skydiverdrawings! Thanks again for bringing it to life ❤️
Velvet and Veneer have spent some time in the underbelly of Mount Rageous. Things have not gotten easier. Velvet is driven mad by the side of effects of poisoned…. Her target, her own brother.
Veneer is scared and fears he’s lost his sister…hopeless, he suddenly stumbles across a familiar face.
Velvet continued to go through violent rampages. The poison feeding into her anger and frustration… especially towards her brother. She felt guilty though. Her brother has done nothing but support her.
One night, her and Veneer lay asleep…that’s when the memories came, that’s when the poison would work. Her dreams would come, the memories of their life of fame, the limelight, the fans, the money, the adoration. She was somebody at last. Then that fretful day:
Listen up Mount Rageouns. We. Are. Frauds!
The words escaped her brother's mouth before she could fully react…and just like that, it was taken away. All for the sudden nobility of her dear brother. Idiot! I hate him! He’d ruin everything since the day they were both born. He took away the attention of their parents because of his sickness as a child. Velvet lived in his shadow because of it. She had to grow up quickly to take care of him and she didn’t know till now that she resented him for it. Velvet had finally got them out from the below the cloud line, and they were back to nothing!
Who could they face? Who could they go to? Their reputation was just as bad down here as it was up in Mount Rageous. All because of her stupid, stupid, brother!
“I hate you…”
“I hate you…”
“Velvet! Velvet! Stop please!”
When her mind came to she was on top of Veneer, beating him senselessly….again. Blood dripped from his nose and mouth, a bruise was beginning to form on his cheek. How long had she been beating him? She stared at him intently. She tried to stop, but deep inside, she had no desire to stop. Velvet wanted Veneer to feel the pain she has been feeling…. And the poison fed into that desire.
She began to strike him again.
“This is all your freaking fault!!! You stupid, stupid idiot!” She swung and hit. Veneer did his best to deflect her punches. He grabbed her wrists and held her back as much as he could.
“Vels this isn’t you! Please, wake up!” He screamed. Her eyes glowed with a pink pigmentation all around. Veneer has seen this before…at the Rage Dome show. She was going mad, he had to put a stop to it before he lost her… but he’s afraid he already had.
Veneer dared not hurt his sister, he didn’t want too. Using his force against her, he was able to push her off. Velvet fell off the bed and on her back, rage still in her eyes.
“Stop it Vels!” Veneer screamed, hoping some sense would come into his sister. But it didn’t seem that she wanted stop, she wanted to physically hurt him. She began grabbing anything she could around to throw at him. A few things hit, but others missed.
“Get over here now!” She demanded as she chased him around the little rundown complex. Veneer ran out the bedroom door, closing it behind him. He held on tight as Velvet violently tried to open it. Using his foot, he placed a chair in front of the door…. It would only hold so long until she would break free…. But that gave him enough time to run.
He ran out the rundown little complex they were able to find, he ran and ran. There was really no sense of direction, he had to get far away from Velvet for now, as far away as he could.
…. After awhile he didn’t know how far he ran through the dark, cybernetic streets of Under Rageous. He ran into an alley, crouched behind a dumpster, and cried. He had never felt so alone…. Did he really ruin everything? All he wanted to do was save his sister, but he feared he was too late for that. Veneer wanted to get them out of the grasps of their manager, those people up top that were only using them, but still they were not safe down here… they were being hunted. He missed Floyd. Veneer regretted everything they put him through. He desperately wanted to find the Troll and apologize for EVERYTHING.
Veneer cried for what seemed like forever, his eyes stinging and growing tired…. Until he heard voices growing near… shouting voices…
“Get that Troll!”
Veneer lifted his head just in time to see a small little being run by the opening of the alley. It was followed by two Under Rageouns, pale skin and eyes glowing. He pursed his lips, clenched his fists, and got up to follow….
Branch ran and ran. He didn’t know how far or for how long he could last. His small body would not outlast the giant Rageouns that pursued him. He had gone a long while unnoticed after his escape, trying to find a way out, but instead stumbled upon the neon glowing eyed Rageouns.
With each step they got closer and closer. Branch turned into an alley… dead end.
“He ran in here!” He heard their voices. Branch grew desperate. There was really nothing he ship his hair around. He jumped behind some boxes, hoping they’ll overlook everything and leave.
“We saw you come down here you little rodent! Nowhere to hide!” He heard them kicking and over turning things. Oh no, they’ll find me, he said. Branch balled his little fists. What were the odds really of him winning over two giant Rageouns? Nothing, but he was prepared. He heard the noises get closer and closer. Then suddenly…. He heard commotion. Branch could hear the Radeon’s struggling against something or rather someone. In only lasted a moment before it settled and stopped.
“Hello?” He heard a voice call out…. The voice seemed all to familiar, but the little Troll didn’t budge.
“Hello? I’m not here to hurt you.” The voice called out again. Where had Branch heard it before? Branches thoughts were ruined when the box he was hiding under suddenly was lifted.
“COME ON!” He was ready to fight. But he stopped when his eyes fell upon a familiar Rageoun face: pale porcelain skin, deep blue eyes, green swooped hair under a purple beanie.
“Hey! I think I remember you!” The boy exclaimed.
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junnieverse · 1 year
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➙ synopsis: you had been together with jay for a little over a year now and your parents were constantly on your case asking about this special boyfriend of yours. what you weren't expecting was how much they loved him, dare i say even more than you?
pairing: non idol!jay park x afab!reader
genre: fluff, strangers to lovers au
word count: 1.3k
request: " hiii! can i pls request jay meeting your parents for the first time? i just read your “jay as your bf” one and need more husband material jay!! <3 thank u babes :) "
warnings: not proofread
a/n: thanks for this sweet req anon, I think we can all agree husband material jay is the best there is.
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"I feel sick." you say opening up a window to get some fresh air into the car.
"You're more worried about today than I am love, breathe okay, everything is going to go well." jay tells you as he holds your one hand keeping the other on the steering wheel.
Today was d-day.
You were finally introducing your boyfriend Jay to your parents.
It's not that you didn't want your parents to meet your boyfriend, it's more so worrying because he would be the first guy you'd be formally introducing them to and not knowing how that could go scared you.
Now no man was perfect, you could attest to that, but Jay was sure damn near perfect in every aspect you could possibly imagine.
A dream come true some might even say.
So why were you losing your mind and growing more anxious the closer you got to the restaurant you were supposed to meet them.
"We're here. Don't overthink it, I don't want you going in there stressing yourself. You ready?" jay asks before kissing your forehead and you nod.
Being the first out of the car, he walks over to your side opening the door for you as he takes your hand in his getting out the car approaching the restaurant.
Walking in, you begin scanning the venue and spot your family around a large table conversing.
It was your niece's birthday today and so your sister thought a small intimate family dinner would be nice after the birthday party she had with friends during the day.
This also seemed like the perfect way to introduce your boyfriend to your family and most importantly, your parents.
Looking over to Jay once more, you smoothen out his suit as you adjust his tie, you couldn't believe you got to call this guy your boyfriend.
You clutch onto Jay's hand a little tighter and finally walk to the table and your six year old niece was the first to notice you both.
"Aunt (y/n)!" she screams excitedly as she ran over to you jumping into your arms.
"Hi sweetie, happy birthday." you tell her hugging her tightly.
"Thank you." she sweetly says still holding on to you not paying any mind to Jay solely focusing on you.
"Good evening everyone. I hope you don't mind, but I brought a very special date with me today." you say nervously as Jay politely bows before out stretching his hand to shake everyone's.
"I'm Jay Park. (Y/n)'s boyfriend." he formally introduces himself as your dad chokes on the glass of water he was drinking.
Since the formalities were now settled, the table seemed to have turned into an investigation room.
Your sister didn't really have much to say since she had already heard about Jay from you (he was all you spoke about) and she could tell how happy he made you and that was enough to approve of him in her books.
Your parents were nailing the poor guy with all these questions but Jay assured you that this was nothing and it was a 'rite of passage' to be questioned by their significant other's parents.
He made sure he answered all their questions to the best of his ability and he was seemingly doing well and they were all impressed.
"So when did you two meet?" your mom asks looking between the two of you.
"It was about a year ago. We have the same mutual friend and he thought we both had personalities that could really match and we would get along and decided to set us up during a group hang out." jay tells them smiling over at you.
It felt like all your worries were washing away with each question, all of them were answered impeccably and you should've known Jay would've handled this incredibly.
"So any plans after getting your degree?" your dad asks him.
"I want to go into culinary full time, I'm already working towards opening up my own restaurant one day and hopefully I can also get your blessing to marry your daughter around that time in the future too." he confidently says which seems to have left the entire table in shock, including you.
Marriage was a topic you and Jay had lightly went over in the past but hearing him say this for the first time made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
He was slowly but surely winning over your parents.
Your niece on the other hand may need a bit more convincing.
She moved from the seat beside her mom and forcefully sat between you and Jay because she wanted to 'sit next to her favourite person' (her mom was holding back tears at this point).
"Aunt (y/n), I think this man is stealing you away from me." she whispers in your ear pouting as she picked at her food.
"Oh no sweetie, my boyfriend Jay is a great person. Maybe if you talk to him a bit more you'll see how funny and cool he is and why I think you'll like him too." you laugh softly brushing a hair out of her face as she hesitantly nods.
"I love your daughter sir. She has definitely shown me a different perspective to life that I didn't notice before and now I can't imagine any part of my life without her." you overhear Jay say to your dad as he nods with his pokerface on display but you could see the corners of his lips curling into a small smile.
By the end of the night, it felt as if Jay was part of the family and he had known everyone for years now.
Taking in the sight of him with your niece almost brought tears to your eyes too.
Her little hand was holding onto his pinky as she told him about how she wanted to be a rockstar when she grows up after Jay told her he could play the guitar.
This all felt like the perfect way to end the night.
"Oh honey, why didn't you introduce us to Jay sooner, he's amazing." your mother lighty hits your arm before squeezing you in a tight hug.
"I'm just glad you didn't bring around some druggie kid angel." your dad says leaving a kiss on your forehead before hugging you as well.
"I didn't know how either of you would react or how this relationship would go so I didn't didn't to introduce him too early." you tell them looking down.
"If you break up I'm coming for you, not him. He is so in love with you that he might as well tattoo it across his forehead." your sister chimes in watching her daughter still with Jay as she laughed at a joke he made.
"Don't say it too loud, he might actually hear you and do it. And I do not plan on breaking up, I can't lose Jay." you jokingly say before adding in that last part.
Meeting your family went way better than you had expected and all that relief seeped in as you sat in Jay's car after saying goodbye to your family.
"See I told you everything would go well." jay says and you only nod accepting defeat that you stressed over nothing and that Jay was right.
"Hate to say it but I think they like you more than me. You're their future son in law in their eyes now." you admit feeling betrayed by your own family.
"Well I'm just glad that they like me. They have to since I'm in love with their daughter." he says.
He holds onto your hand kissing the back of your palm and you felt yourself falling in love with Jay all over again.
"Thank you." you say to him giving him a tight hug over the seat as he hugs you back rubbing your back gently.
"For what love?" he asks chuckling at your sudden behaviour.
"Everything really. I just appreciate you." you admit letting out a sigh.
"Well I appreciate you too. How about we go home now and have a movie marathon date, I'll make you whatever you want." he suggests and you laugh softly.
"How can I not marry you when you're this amazing, husband material at its finest. You better put a ring on it Jongseong."
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jongbross · 11 months
hi again and sorry for more request 😭 suddenly it came to my mind. could you write a married couple, baekhyun is 7-8 years older than her (if it's okay for you- and of course legal) and she wants a baby so bad but, baek is not ready or not want because of his wife. his wife has already graduated and he worries about her. but two of them have a big fight because of misunderstanding. some sad tears and hugs please! (You can write one of them for two request) thank you so much! 💓
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pairing: byun baekhyun x reader word count: 1086 genre: angst with a happy ending warnings: arguing, mentions of pregnancy, tears, baekhyun trying to be a good husband but failing (depends on your point of view though) a/n: the angst we wanted to badly!!!!! thanks for requesting <3
it was breaking his heart to see you like that. baekhyun could see your tears falling from your eyes, arms protectively wrapped around your body, hugging your stomach.
it's not that he didn't want a baby - he wanted it, so badly. just... not now.
baekhyun already had to live with that tiny little feeling of guilt, as he always thought he had stolen your youth. he was much older than you when you two started to date and, even though it was legal, he knew that part of him was wrong for wanting you.
you were young, in the glory of your 20 years; he was an adult already, turning 28 and thinking about what he wanted for the future. you had so much to live yet, people to kiss, drinks to try, places to go; he already had a good career, had already collected some heartbreaks, and knew exactly how he liked his whiskey.
it was kind of selfish of him, baekhyun always thought. how he loved you so much and wanted you to grow and live and experience things, but how he still couldn't let you go, because he needed you and craved for you like he never did with anyone else.
when you got into college, baekhyun promised himself that he would be the best husband - he would support you, but also give you enough space to live that part of your life. and he did, you know? from taking you to bed at 2am because you were still trying to finish that project, to getting up at 3am because you got drunk at a college party. he did his best, stayed beside you through it all, and was there to applaud you when you graduated, years after.
he wanted a baby with you. god only knows how many nights he went to sleep picturing both of you having a family together, living happily ever after. but gosh, he was doing fine in allowing you to live, how could he agree to having a baby when you just started the career you wanted so much?
"is it...", you tried to speak, but had to take a moment. "is it because my body will change?"
"because, you know... i'm not a little girl anymore. my body has already changed so much from when we started dating, but if this is the problem, then..."
"y/n, please", baekhyun's soft voice stopped you. "it has nothing to do with you. believe me when i say that it's not about you."
"then it's about who? us? you don't love me anymore?"
baekhyun sighed, heart breaking just at the mere mention of those words.
"it hurts me that you could even consider that..."
"then tell me the reason!", you said, this time a bit louder, emotion getting the best of you and tears still filling your eyes. "because i've dedicated my whole life to you, and i truly want to keep doing that and making both of our dreams of becoming parents come true. so why won't you let me?"
"exactly because of that", he said, defeated. "because you already did way too much for me. you took care of me, you loved me, held me when i was sick, when i was sad... you did everything when you should be out, living your life while you're young, not here with me. and i'm so grateful for that, please don't ever get me wrong - i love you so, so much it hurts, and i wish i could give you the world in return for all you did. and i feel like i can finally give you at least half of it now, as you're finally working where you've always wanted and being happy. i can't ask you to put that aside now just because i wanna be a dad... i-i just can't."
when baekhyun finally took a deep breath, his tears also started to fall. he had told you before, about the guilt he carried all these years, and you knew it would never pass - no matter how much you tried to reassure him.
"you get so blind trying to protect me sometimes, that you forget to ask me what i want", you mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.
getting up from the couch, you walked over to where he was, sitting down on the floor in front of him. baekhyun tried his best not to look at you, as he knew he would lose everything the moment he did - all his composure, all the feelings he was still trying to hold back.
you knew your husband, so you just went as far as laying your head on his knee, eyes focused on his face even though he was probably counting how many books you two had on the shelf as a way to not burst into tears.
"i chose to live with you. i was young, yeah, but i knew what i was doing", you began. "and i've never, ever regretted that choice, not even once. because the love you have for me is exactly like the love i have for you, baek. we're what, 8 years into our relationship now? and i'll never get tired of reminding you that. i love you, i always will. i appreciate the way you try to take care of me, but even though i'm younger than you, i know what i'm doing. so if i say i can have a baby now, then it's because i truly do."
baekhyun closed his eyes for a second, and through his beautiful lashes, more tears fell.
"but what about..."
"don't worry about my job", it was your time to stop him. "i have everything figured out, and i know it's the perfect time for us to try. you were the one who taught me how to be organized and how to make plans. have some faith in me, love..."
"i do", he opened his eyes to look at yours. "i trust you with my life."
"then let's try. let's become parents, put a little baby into this world as a way to tell everyone how much we love each other."
like a baby himself, baekhyun pouted and, suddenly, he crumbled in front of you, crying and sobbing. you quickly got up, sitting on his lap and pulling him in for a hug.
"i love you", baekhyun whispered to you.
"i love you so much", you whispered back. "there's no one in this world i would rather make my dreams come true with."
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eveistdiepommes · 4 months
Classes Start ! SideTrack A !
Hellloooooo everyone! I’m back with more college au! Omg omg, okay, I had so much fun with these designs and coming up with the majors! So! Welcome to SideTrack A! SideTrack drawings and chapters will be sprinkled in amongst the main character art and chapters! This is the first SideTrack, but I have a couple others in mind (Mostly the Nordics, which I hint at :3) Welcome our newest additions!
(Character bios and info below, as usual! :D)
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Who has time for gender when you’re this smart? Feliks Łukasiewicz is a bonafide genius, their pink, glittery clothes might just distract you from that fact! Feliks is beyond talkative, they love chatting about anything and everything and anyone and everyone! They basically got this friend group together, albeit very pushy-ily and stubbornly. They can be pretty demanding, pretty bossy, and maybe even pretty arrogant, but that’s mostly for show! Their brain is constantly moving, constantly thinking, and if they had to be left alone with ruminating thoughts, they’d surely get overwhelmed! Feliks is incredibly kind at their core, they’ve just built up a lot of layers of self importance for safety.
And Toris didn’t even mean to break through those layers! Toris is a straight A, top of the top student! He keeps to himself, he greets people with a polite smile and tilt of the head, he is mild and generally unnoticed. Well… he was… Feliks attached themself to Toris. They share many classes together, and one day, in a whirlwind of pink hoodie and fragrant body spray, Feliks declared they were friends! Neither of them expected to actually develop feelings for each other. Feliks had initially approached Toris because he seemed lonely (and he needed to loosen up) and Toris stuck around because, well, he was lonely. But, the closer they got, the closer Toris got to Feliks’ core, Toris felt bubbling adoration. And to Feliks’ surprise, Toris was the one who confessed first, which really really really meant a lot to Feliks!
The two are a couple, one people wouldn’t expect! Feliks is loud and flashy, Toris is introverted and seemingly always nervous. But they both swell with pride knowing they know each other’s true colors. Toris hushes Feliks’ anxious and fearful thoughts, Feliks cherishes Toris’ strength and secretly fiery nature. Together, they are an odd display of opposites attract!
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Dimitri is used to just getting by in life. He doesn’t ask for much, and he doesn’t want to! He’s a sweet guy who just wants to do his best and expects nothing in return! Okay well… maybe he wants a little something in return! But not much! Dimitri has dreams of attending the World Academy, but thanks to his financial and family background, he isn’t exactly an immediate candidate. So! He works at the frozen yogurt place in the mall to raise money! He and his coworker, Natalya have grown quite close, and thanks to her help, he gets to understand what to expect from the world academy! The only thing about being so close, however… is that Natalya is quite involved with Dimitri’s interest in a frequent customer…
Mihai frequents the mall constantly! He loves anything dark and gloomy, which explains why he’s friends with Natalya! Mihai, like his best friend, has a very eccentric fashion sense, 2000s scene and emo inspired! Despite his dark looks, however, he is the brightest and warmest person! He’s always smiling, always so happy looking! He honestly didn’t even want frozen yogurt the first day he went up to the counter, he just figured he’d get something since Natalya could give him a discount! But… when he got up to the counter and saw an incredibly handsome guy with dark hair and pretty eyes ready to take his order, it was hard to contain his excitement! Ever since then, whenever he’s at the mall, he gets frozen yogurt! And he’ll never get sick of it!!
Little do both of these dorks know, Natalya is playing matchmaker behind the scenes. She purposely goes on break when she sees Mihai approaching (and Dimitri is starting to catch on), she drops hints that Dimitri is interested in Mihai when they are in class together, and she might perform a spell or two just to make sure her efforts are not wasted. She had frequently spent her life worrying about love for herself, but once she met her… everything fell into place. Natalya is devoted to both her girlfriend and her friends, hoping to bring them all happiness in her own, eccentric way. Many are scared of Natalya, rumors surround her because of her dark and off color remarks, but she is the sweetest and most thoughtful person. Just don’t end up on her bad side. She could get away with murder!
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anangelinthepit · 3 months
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Bruise my Bones but Leave My Heart Alone
Please be advised this story does contain sensitive topics ‼️ please please please be advised I love you all please enjoy- as always with love Magenta
Part 3
Part 3
God does have a sense of humor. I used to wish the worst for Jason and now that it’s staring me right in the face, I feel sick to my stomach. My flight or fight instincts really should have kicked in but they didn’t. All I could do was stare at the lifeless body that was once my boyfriend.
Even when the guys started to walk towards me, all I could do was spit 4 little words.
“Please don’t hurt me,” I said shaking
“I’m sorry beautiful,” Noah said
Suddenly, Jolly and Nick grabbed me while Folio put a cloth over my mouth. The last thing I saw before I slipped into complete darkness was Noah shaking his head. Are they gonna kill me now that I saw them kill someone? Is this my karma because I wished horrible things on my ex? I should have just minded my damn business.
After slipping into the darkness, I started to dream. I was sitting in a field of yellow flowers when I got the urge to get up and run. While sprinting across this field, all the flowers began to die and darkness started to move across the sky. By the time the darkness reached me, I woke up.
The room I was in was pitch black with a few windows. “What time is it?” I said to myself looking out one of them only to be met with the night sky. There were a few lights off in the distance and I could still hear bands playing. The relief I felt knowing I was still at the concert made me feel a little better.
I looked around trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness once again. The only thing I could make out was the couch I was lying on, the windows, and what looked like an exit door. Trying to find my phone I heard it hit the floor and saw my Home Screen light up. When I went to go grab it I miscalculated how small the couch was and ended up hitting the fucking floor.
“Of course,” I said. While lying on the floor, I laughed at my clumsiness then a thought crossed my mind.
Jason probably got me drunk again and did this to teach me a lesson. It wouldn’t be the first time and probably won’t be the last. All I did was go to the bathroom, does he expect me to ask him every time?
I picked up my phone and saw that I had 50 missed calls from Delilah. I went to call her back but my service was inactive. “Jesus Jason I know I fucked up but this is a little ridiculous,” I swear to god when I get back home I’m leaving him.
I got off the floor and tried to find a light switch but of course, I tripped over what felt like shoes and bags before I did.
“God can you give me a freaking break,” I said stumbling
I flicked on the light switch and confirmed my surroundings. I indeed was in someone's RV but how Jason managed this I’ll never know.
I reached for the door but stopped in my tracks when I heard voices. Putting my ear up against the wood I wasn’t able to decipher what was being said, why I thought it was a good idea to crack it open a little is beyond me but that’s what I did.
When I peeked out, I saw 4 men standing in the sleeping area talking….
“Should we kill her ?” Folio said
My heart fucking dropped into my stomach.
“No fucking way, she’s the one who sent us the necklace. That’s our girl” Noah said shaking his head
“It would be kind of fucked up to kill her after everything she’s been through. I don’t like the idea as much as you do Noah but she watched us kill her boyfriend, it’s probably best to take her out. We probably fucked get up even more now. Look, We can do it painlessly and Noah you can hold her so she has some type of comfort” Jolly said
“This isn’t just some puppy we found that had a wound on its leg. The day she sent us the letter we knew we had to find her. We ALL agreed on that. That is OUR girl” Noah scolded
I felt like I was gonna pass out. Maybe if I begged they would let me go. I wouldn’t snitch on them because if anything, they did me a favor.
“This girl has been through hell and back. We witnessed part of it tonight, imagine what she had been through before writing us the letter.” Nick said
“Like Jolly said she saw us kill her boyfriend. If we’re not gonna kill her then we’re gonna have to keep her. We can’t let her go yet, she’ll end up telling everyone, and that's it! Orange jumpsuits for all of us ” Folio said with his hands on his head
“Well we could use a maid around the house. We’ll just have to get Bryan on board,” Nick said.
They all began to shake their head in agreement. I wish this was a fucking joke, I'm not anyones maid nor slave.
“Alright. So. who’s gonna go in a tell her we just took her freedom and life away?” Jolly said
“I guess I will.” Noah sighed
“I think she already knows,” Nick said
They all turned around and saw that I had the door cracked, they began walking towards me and I went into an extreme panic.
“Oh shit”
I slammed the door shut and locked it. My head started to spin and I thought I was gonna really throw up this time. I fell to my knees and everything came back to me like a giant tsunami wave.
Jason didn’t do this, Bad Omens did. Jason is fucking dead and I saw them standing over his body. They’re the ones who kidnapped me and now are gonna use me as a maid and still possibly kill me. I got back up on my feet and ran over to the window in desperation. Nothing I did would make it budge.
I heard a loud smash from the other room. At this point, the guys were trying to break down the door, and for how thin it was, I knew it was only a matter of time before they got through. I gave up and started pounding on the window, I am in no way strong, but hopefully, someone would hear me scream.
“SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE, THEY'RE GONNA FUCKING KILL ME,” I said screaming with tears rolling down my face
I felt someone’s arm wrap around my waist and a hand goes around my mouth muffling my cries. The next thing I knew I was being dragged throughout the tour bus until we reached the front. Whoever was holding me decided to toss my ass onto the couch.
“I am so sick and tired of being fucking manhandled.” I thought to myself
When I looked up I was met with my potential killers. They all just sat there staring at me, and when I tell you if looks could kill, I would have been dead. They made it seem like they've never seen a girl before, and them crowidning around was giving me a heart attack .
“Please, I didn’t see anything. I won’t say a word just please don’t hurt me.” I said crying while backing myself up into the corners of the couch
I always thought I would die at the hands of Jason, not people I care about. I feel so heartbroken and betrayed, they were supposed to help me through the hard times. Not fucking make them worse.
“Hey hey, take it easy. We’re not gonna hurt you.” Noah said trying to calm me down
“I’m sorry but I don’t believe you, I heard the entire conversation,” I said defensively
“Okay so then you would know we aren’t going to hurt you, please just take a few deep breaths,” Noah said
I put my hand over my mitt trying to calm down and not go into a full-blown panic attack. How is it that my world had been flipped upside fucking down and it’s permanently there?
“ Okay Babydoll, we have a couple of questions for you and we need you to tell us the truth.”
I shook my head in agreement hoping that these questions were not going to dictate whether I live or die. God, I don’t ask for much but please I’m not ready to lose my life.
“Okay first one, are you the girl who sent me this necklace,” Noah said pulling it out of his shirt
“Ye… yes I did,” I said quietly
“Okay thank you, now second one is does your friend Envie know where you are?”
“No she thinks I went to the ba- wait how do you know her name? Please leave her out of this.” I said sternly
He tried to lay a gentle touch on my right thigh but I immediately shoved his hand away from me. How could he sound so nurturing and caring yet do such an evil act? His touch brought me everything but comfort.
“Please don’t fucking touch me.” I spatted.
Noah backed up and realized he must have hit a nerve. In any other situation, I would have begged for this man to touch me but not now. Especially when I saw what he is capable of. Part of me felt bad for snapping at him, yes they killed Jason but they also did me a huge favor in the process. I have too many mixed emotions about this, playing it nice is probably my best bet.
“I’m sorry….I don’t mean to be rude but everything going on here is a lot to take in. Especially since I heard the entire conversation.”
“Look, Princess, you don’t need to apologize. You are the one being kidnapped and about to have your freedom taken away .” Nick said laughing
“You’re laughing at this situation? You guys killed my boyfriend and kidnapped me, forcing me to do God knows what! How is any of this comical?” I said with wide eyes. Who laughs at this except psychopaths
“Angel we know none of this is funny and we’re trying our hardest to make light of the situation. You act like we wanted to do this to you, but we didn’t.” Jolly
“Yeah Bunny, none of this was part of the plane. We were gonna get rid of that asshole and you would finally be safe.” Folio added
“First of all what’s with all the pet names? Bunny? Angel? Princess? Babydoll? I am not your guy's girl, I sent you a fucking necklace and now that makes me your guy's property?” I said. These guys are fucking crazy
“No, you made us responsible for you when you sent that necklace. We looked for you at every fucking concert hoping that we could get to you before some asshole breaks you.”
Noah said standing up. His posture, attitude, and eyes all became more resentful.
Honestly, sometimes I would push people past their limits when I got angry. For some odd reason, I had so much fight in me that I was never able to let out and I felt this was the best time if any.
“Now I know you don’t like the idea of all of this but once we feel we can trust you then we’ll let you go. I promise it’s not what you think, I would never do anything that you wouldn’t want me to” Noah said
“That’s literally what you ARE doing. You can’t just kidnap me, people are gonna notice I’m gone.” I said
“Well, we kind of need you to call your friend and tell her you’re okay,” Noah said while rubbing the back of his neck
“Why the fuck would I do that?” I glared
“Angel you are not making this easy. We are genuinely trying here to hit everything we give forward to you is getting nothing but pushback.” Jolly said rubbing his forehead. I could tell all the guys were losing patience
“Okay, so how long do I have to stay with you guys until you can trust me enough to let me go ?” I said sitting up.
“Maybe a few weeks, a month at most,” Nick said
“A year,” Noah said
He stood up turned his back on me and began to walk away.
“A what ?” I heard him correctly but I feel like I’m still dreaming.
“A. Year.” And then I’ll see about letting you go. Noah said looking at me
Those beautiful brown eyes that used to make me fly are now filling me with pure rage. The fucking audacity of this wannabe boy band, how dare they take over my life when I just got it back? I couldn’t think straight, the room began to spin and I lost all control. I lunged at Noah and managed to get the weakest punch across his face.
It didn’t do anything he barely even bugged. Noah threw me over his shoulder and decided to take me back to the other lounge again. With one swift kick of the door, I was tossed onto the couch and back at square one.
“I’m starting to lose my fucking patience with you. Please keep in mind my kindness isn’t something that should be taken for granted. Keep pushing me and I’ll make other arrangements.”
I saw a mini glass figurine of Disney World sitting near me. I grabbed it and threw it at the doorway, it barely missed Noah. The look on his face when he realized if I had aimed a little closer I would have got hit head
“Kill me,” I said while holding my face
“I’ve been through enough shit. Used and abused. A slave to what I thought was love. You making me stay with you ain’t going to change a thing. You let me go even after a year, I WILL fucking say something. I don’t give a shit anymore so you better kill me now.” I said
“Y/N shut up shut up shut up”
My conscience was screaming at me, telling me to be quiet. I didn’t want to die I just wanted the abuse to stop.
Noah laughed a little and just shook his head
“Good night baby doll ”
“Fucking prick”
I got up and ran over to the window. The lights I once saw were now officially gone meaning everyone went home.
“I’m stuck here. Why is this happening to me ?” I said with tears started to fill my eyes.”
I waited till I knew no one was near my door and ran for my phone. I now had over 100 missed calls from Delilah . It's weird, I never heard my phone go off once but since I could receive calls that meant I could make them.
My hands were shaking so aggressively that I kept typing in the wrong number. I finally pulled myself together and dialed Envies contact.
“Delilah omg thank god I got through to you,” I whispered
“Y/N Where the fuck are you? I’m worried sick!
“Delilah please tell me you’re still near the venue,” I said shaking
“Yeah, I’m at a diner about two miles down the road why?”
“I’m still here you’re not gonna believe me but I’m in Bad Omens tour bus. Envie, Envie please listen to me I’m fucking scared right now. They killed Jason and kidnapped me because I saw everything. You have to come get me.”
“Y/N that is one sick twisted joke”
“I’m not fucking joking! Do you need me to take a fucking picture?!” I quiet screamed
“Yea because honestly, I don’t believe you.”
Jesus Christ
I snapped a pic standing next to the poster they had hanging up in the back of their tour bus
“Y/N where are you ?”
“I’m locked in their fucking tour bus!
“Jesus you weren’t kidding. What do you mean they killed Jason?” Envie questioned”
“I can’t explain everything right now just please get here with the fucking police.”
“I will but Y/N.”
“Who is that standing behind you in the picture?”
I was so confused about what she was talking about until I looked at the photo myself. Standing behind me was a tall silhouette whose face was leaning down towards my shoulder
“You just made a huge fucking mistake babydoll.”
Noah grabbed my phone out of my hand and smashed it into pieces with one fucking stomp. I fell back at how aggressive he was being and realized this might be it. I’m gonna die right here
“Well looks like I can’t trust you to be by yourself can I.” He said walking towards me
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell her anything I swear. I just wanted to hear her voice” I said shaking
“Starting the relationship off with lies will get you nothing but a punishment babydoll.”
I saw behind him that Nick and Jolly were there ready to back him up. The way my heart sank when Noah got so close to my face if I turned he would kiss me.
“I hope you know, you’re sleeping with me tonight
I love you all
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srslyscary · 6 months
songs // hyung line
| Contents: SFW, tooth rotting fluff, reader is written as she/her and you, can be gn
soft/love songs I associate with skz hyung line and a scene I’ve pictured of the song with them in it. songs are based off of one’s I’ve listened to.
I searched up the meanings of the songs so it makes more sense if you know the meaning behind each song!
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BANG CHAN // those eyes
“I close my eyes and all I see is you. And the small things you do.”
you looked so peaceful while you slept, wrapped in his arms. the sun shone onto your face, the soft rays of morning light broke through the soft curtains in the room. Chan looked at you with the softest eyes, a smile on his face as he moved loose strands of hair from your face. While one arm was tucked under you, the other rested on your hip as you faced him. Your soft snores along with the birds chirping made it feel like a dream, yet real. He rubbed small circles into your hips, cherishing this small peaceful moment of your sleeping face.
“My perfect girl.” He whispered, placing a soft kiss to your forehead. You stirred awake from the kiss, letting out a small breath as your eyes fluttered open. “Hi Chan.” You smiled at him, still very sleepy.
Chan smiled back, staring at your eyes for a slight moment. “Hi beautiful. Sleep well?” Your eyes were so mesmerizing to him, he couldn’t take his own eyes off of yours. They were like gems, or small stars in the sky. He loved everything about your facial features, from the shape of your noes, to your plump lips, to your jawline. You only looked at him, expecting to say more, and when he didn’t, you spoke up. “What’s on your mind babe?”
He was broken from his small spell, chuckling while shaking his head. “Nothing babe. Just takin’ in your pretty face.” And as he said that, your face became flushed. He only snickered at your attempt to try and hide your face. Times like this is when he knew, everything you did made him want to be with you for so much longer. Even if your attempts to show him love were small, such as holding his hand— or big, such as buying him presents and large items, he loved everything. When he closes his eyes, his every thought is of you. When he’s away from you, he misses you more than ever. And times like these, where you could be in each others arms, playing or holding each other in silence, leaving small kisses on each others faces, reminds him more of why he fell for you.
CHANGBIN // west coast
“On the balcony and I’m saying— Move, baby, move, baby, I’m in love.”
Why did you have to go on a trip and leave him behind? You could have just brought him with you. It’s not like it was an option though, he was sick and you didn’t want him to tire himself out. He was currently your every thought, and you wanted nothing more than to make a u-turn and head all the way back to your shared home, to take care of him. You knew he missed you too, probably more than you did. His constant texts had shown, he complained of you leaving on this trip last minute while he was sick. This was just a trip you simply couldn’t back out on though, and he had to understand that. But at the same time, you hated being alone, and you hated being away from your lover. You hoped this trip would at least go by fast, you wanted to get back to your own home to see your lover again. You wanted to take care of him, make sure he was feeling alright.
‘I miss you. Drive safe <3’
You felt that last little straw break, this was a terrible idea, even if you spent so much on this trip. You couldn’t bear it any longer, you had just gotten into the car not even 20 minutes ago— yet here you are, making a u-turn and taking directions right back to your shared home. You wanted to see him, show him love while he was sick. You wanted to kiss his adorable face until he felt better.
A strange thought popped into your head.. I’m really so in love. I want nothing more than to be by his side, and it shows now— more than ever.
HYUNJIN // ride
“I will put you in all my memories.”
Looking out the window, he breathed out softly as he watched the leaves in the trees flutter in the wind. You were currently taking a shower, while he was working on some art. You had bought him an art easel since he wanted to practice his water colors, and he was currently using it. He felt stuck, looking out the window with not much care in the world except for his art at the moment. The sun began to shine brighter for a split moment, filing the room with bright light. He was brought back to his senses for a small moment, taking in the atmosphere of the room.
It smelt like you, for some reason. It smelt like your vanilla bean perfume, or maybe was it your coconut hair cream? It didn’t matter to him, because it smelled good to him. This current space felt comforting and cozy to him, the scent of someone he loved filled his senses as he did his art. It made him think back to his art, smiling once he realized he had been drawing you both as a portrait. You were both holding hands, sitting in a grassy field with a large tree for shade. You always told him you were happy when he made those types of portraits, and little things like that mattered to him. You mattered to him.
The little things about this relationship mattered the most to him, he loved that he could sit here all day and paint pictures of the future you would have together, the moments where at times when he felt emotional, you would sit with him and show him love to make it all go away. Times like those is when he knew— you were his whole world, and you provide a sense of safety and belonging when he’s with you. And that means so much to him, much more than you will ever know.
LEE KNOW // p.s. i love you
“Keep making me wanting more. Girl, you are what I am looking for.”
At Peace is what he felt when he was with you. All his troubles just suddenly faded when you were both together. Sometimes he couldn’t express in words how much you meant to him, that no matter what would happen he would always have an undying love for you. You hold so much significance in his life, it’s crazy how you have him held in your grasp. It’s impossible for him to go anywhere, he couldn’t possibly leave you. No matter how many times he told you he loved you, or the times where words went unspoken— he simply couldn’t find the right words to emphasize that your presence meant so much.
He pledged to you that in every universe he would find you, and love you to the end. To him you were the cold breeze on a summer day, comforting him within the challenges of life and experiences of this relationship. To him you were as beautiful as the brightest star in the sky, never failing to bring light to the darkness he faced some days. No matter the circumstances or reality you both find yourselves in, the love he felt for you would remain constant and unchanging. He knew when you told him you would choose him in every lifetime, that you were the one for him. In that moment he felt a sense of destiny, or a rather soulmate connection to the bond you both formed. He knew he wanted to fulfill every promise he made, every wish you had, because he knew his love for you was serious. He loved you more than infinity, more than everything known and unknown in the universe. Nothing in this world could make his love falter, for the beautiful girl he fell for. Not anyone would change the feelings that came from deep down in his soul— the love he felt for his lover.
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happynowyo · 1 year
Reflection, part 2
A/n: feel free to send request if you want to see some particular scenes in this fic between different characters or if you want me to write some other stuff based on some prompts with Kaz💜
And one more thing. The timeline in this fic takes place after season 1 of SaB but Pekka didn't frame Kaz, Inej and Jesper for murder. Matthias is too good to stay in Hellgate so let's imagine that Kaz was in a good mood one day and helped Nina (from the book kanon) to get him out just as she asked him over and over again. Wylan is a part of the Crows as well but no one except for Kaz knows that he's Van Eck.
Fandom: Six of crows
Warnings: Kaz Brekker and everything that goes with him
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x ShadowSummoner!OC
Summary: wandering about Ketterdam leads Jess to an unexpected encounter.
Word count: 1,7k
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
Tag list: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @valkyrie05x
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The small hotel, located in the business part of the town, looked quite decent. But not enough to convince Jess that Ketterdam could claim to be the fair capital of Kerch.
The journey by sea took several weeks and by the end of it Jess was literally sick of the sight of the water and the noise of waves. She was endlessly bored, but deep down she consoled herself that the calm routine on a ship was far better than being anywhere near the Fold. The farther away she stayed from it, the safer it was.
A few weeks spent in near silence, with the exception of a brief dialogue with the captain, allowed her to put her thoughts in order and fully comprehend what had happened. At night Jess saw her father in her dreams over and over again, and he was so much like his old self, the one who had affectionately stroked her hair and spoiled her with fascinating stories from the past, that it seemed wild to her that the same man could try to subdue Alina to take her power of Sun summoner and use it to destroy everything and everyone around.
The contrast was so great that it was still hard to believe. Jess remembered perfectly well that her father was capable of cruelty, and the scars left on her back as the terrifying reminder were itchy but he was her father, and she was trying to hold on to the good things that had once bound them together. Baghra would surely scold her for that and call her a weak foolish girl whose naivety would lead to a bad outcome, but hadn't Baghra herself stayed by Aleksander's side for centuries and supported him by going along with her motherly feelings?
Jess was well aware of her grandmother's combative nature. Baghra would have found a way to kill the Darkling long time ago if she really wanted to stop him. Perhaps she clung to the idea that time would change Aleksander and allow him to pacify his lust for power and his hatred of the royal dynasty, that used the powerful Grishas as toys for entertainment at fancy parties, and Jess could not blame Baghra for that blind hope for the best.
When she arrived in Ketterdam, the first few days fell entirely out of her mind as she rested and slept pretty much all the time. Dreams saved her from the severe anxiety that came in choking waves and filled every cell of her body. Along with it there were some destructive thoughts full of obsessive paranoia. The Darkling was the strongest Grisha she had ever known, and she could easily imagine the rage her father would feel when he learned of her runaway. She would never be safe as long as he lived, but now Jess had no one who could truly confirm the Darkling's death in the Fold. She wished she had a mass of useful spies in different parts of the world, like Baghra, but she clung to the tip about Nina.
Jess was a couple of years older than Nina, but their rooms were next to each other in the East part of the Little Palace. That was one of the first reasons for their friendship. The other was that their impulsive nature and desire to act out of spite caused them to be punished by their teachers more often than anyone else. They practiced together, spending time chatting and also helping each other during their studies, trying to get their powers under control. Jess joked that she volunteered to be a guinea pig for Nina when she slowed her heart or made it gallop when Nina tried to squeeze her lungs, depriving her of oxygen and instantly plunging Jess into a state of animal panic for her life.
They got along well, so well that they once trusted each other with their most intimate secrets. Technically, Jess was known as one of the servants in the Little Palace. Baghra insisted that the fact of her kinship with Aleksander should have remained in shadows because of the fear of possible future consequences. But the burden of that truth grew heavier and heavier as the years went on. Nina was her only friend and Jess found it increasingly difficult to lie to her about why she always disappeared in the evenings. So on her fifteenth birthday she told Nina about her ability to summon shadows. Putting two plus two together was easy as everyone knew that such a gift was only inherited through the Morozov's bloodline.
Nina appreciated the trust that had developed between them, so in return she opened up about the planned escape. Jess was well aware that her friend was opposed to the idea that Grishas should serve the Crown without complaint and unconditionally participate in someone else's war as part of the First Army. Nina was a hopeless romantic and a relentless adventurer. She wanted something more out of her life besides orders, fear, and endless fighting with creatures in the Fold.
Perhaps it would have been easier for the two of them to run away together, but Baghra kept saying that Jess lacked self-control and the Darkling would instantly send an entire group to find her. The moment was not suitable and with tears in her eyes she had to let Nina go alone, enduring her father's interrogations later, when the alien darkness surrounded her with a thick veil and hurt by touching bare skin. Even if her father guessed the truth, he could not learn it from Jess.
Now she wanted to think that the memory of their former friendship would help her connect with Nina, though she was worried that Nina's opinion of her might have changed over the years. She could believe that Jess had helped her father of her own will and not by the order with the threat of cruel punishment, because who really cared about such details? During the war your motives and sincere desires don't mean anything — it's your actions that matter. And that's how Jess soothed her conscience after another nightmare that threw up pictures of the horrible things Aleksander forced her to do.
Finding someone in an unfamiliar city was a new task for Jess, but she was always the one to learn quickly, so the good two hundred kruge left in the hotel receptionist's pocket helped to get the names of a couple of places where Heartrenders usually worked. After visiting these places, however, Jess was left with nothing. If Nina had ever worked there, it wasn't under her own name. So her next attempt was the town square. You can understand a lot about the people of any place if you listen to what they say.
So Jess lurched in the shadows, clinging to scraps of other people's conversations about debts, gangs, Dime Lions, brothels and tourists. The flow of information poured over her in an avalanche, made her get lost in the names and places. Everything began to blend into indecipherable white noise, and Jess stopped focusing so much on her self-control. The shadows instantly came alive, licking her fingers with a unbodied chill and becoming thicker under the visor of some fancy bakery. The anxiety began to override clear thoughts, and Jess shook herself off just in time to see two guys walking past her, making lively conversation.
The vaguely familiar "Nina insisted that this is where they sell the best pistachio ice cream" caught her attention, and she let her curiosity take over, following the pair in a decent distance. She hadn't been able to follow them all the way, however, as someone's hand suddenly tugged at her shoulder, pulling her sharply into an empty alleyway. Her shoulder joined painfully with cold bricks, and Jess felt both indignation and fright as she looked up to see some Suli girl, whose face was half concealed by a grey cloak. She looked so thin and frail at the first side that Jess was surprised that the girl held the blade so confidently at her throat. Not the first time, apparently.
— The city is drowning in corrupt politicians and dishonest merchants, but you guys still rob an ordinary tourist? — the silly joke flew off her tongue before her brain had time to assess the dangerous situation.
Suli's brown eyes narrowed but her grip on Jess' shoulder was still firm.
— You were too focused on my friends for a tourist. Jesper spotted you three blocks back.
— I honestly don't understand…
— Did Pekka send you? Is he so desperate that now he's recruiting some pretty faces from Ravka? Your accent is minimal but my hearing is too trained.
The stranger's face remained impenetrable, so blank that Jess immediately noticed the contrast with the anxiety that flashed in the girl's eyes. God, if Nina wasn't in Ketterdam and Jess had come all that exhausting way for nothing, just to die in an empty alley because of someone else's suspicions, then Aleksander had better be dead indeed so he would never learn of such an embarrassment.
— Look, I arrived in Ketterdam three days ago and I have no idea who Jesper, Pekka and who else are! I'm looking for an old friend, Nina Zenik, I heard a familiar name in the crowd and just followed, so you don't have to worry about your safety. Whatever problems you have with Pekka, I won't give you any trouble, — Jess felt much more confident, though Suli's skeptical look full of mockery made it clear that she doubted Jess' ability to hurt anyone. That's better.
— How do you know Nina?
The jubilation that gripped Jess could be compared to the first alcohol in life that hits instantly and intoxicates too fast. Or to the time when she'd managed to confront her father and her shadows had swallowed his whole. She didn't hide the relieved exhale and visibly relaxed, pulling the stranger's dagger away from her with a slight smile.
— We'd been neighbors once. I hadn't seen her in a few years but I hoped to get some help. It's a matter of life and death, literally, and if you agreed to take me to her, I'd owe you forever.
— You know, Jesper says the same thing when he tries to convince me to leave him with cards alone for another game, it's a surprise you haven't met each other yet.
Part 3
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Say Yes To Me (chapter 3)
Series Masterlist
WARNINGS: memory loss, angst, slight fluff
WORDS: 1,328
PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x f!reader
A/N: hi my darlings! it's almost been a month since i posted chapter 2, but i hope you like this! take care of yourselves and get rest if you need to <3
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It was cold. Freezing. The weather, your hands.. the winter took a toll on you. The summer breeze was gone. That terrible day was during summer. Oh, but you loved summer. You were the sun and they were the moon. But who are they? Someone, a woman who your mind is telling you that you know loves winter. She hated summer. She loved summer for you, but who was she? Your memories were scattered, you remembered very few things. Important things. But she was important, why couldn't you recall who she was? Two children.. a baby girl and a little boy, they loved autumn. The faint heat in the air, the slightly chilly wind. You loved autumn, and so did she.
“Mrs. Romanoff? ma'am are you okay?” you look up to face whoever or whatever spoke. Nothing. Everything seemed like a blur, or was it just you? “Mrs. Romanoff?” you snapped out of your thoughts and looked up at the figure in front of you. You could see it clearly, an older man with glasses on, the glasses were black and gray. A lab coat. He was a doctor. Were your ears ringing? You couldn't hear properly. Maybe it was just your head blocking unnecessary noises.
“uh.. yes doctor?” you said as you played with your fingers, your gaze back onto your lap. “Do you know who these people are?” the man questioned, holding up a picture of 4 people. You, a little girl in your arms– your daughter. A woman, and a toddler on her shoulders, your son. You knew three of the people. You and your children. “I.. can recognize 3 of them, i- it's me and my children. Is it not?” he sighed and nodded his head. “The woman next to you, do you remember her Mrs. Romanoff?” there it was again. Red hair, green eyes, pale skin. The woman from your dream, what was she doing in a picture with you and your kids? The silence was unbearable, you hated going to the doctors, it had this depressing feel to it. But she'd always take you whenever you'd get sick.
“Okay,” the doctor sighed, “how is your physical pain? Are you feeling any better?” you nod. “Your bruises seemed to have healed up. Thankfully for the healing pod and Starks tech, that terrible scar on your abdomen is gone as well.” he said, noting down on a piece of paper. A report for your recoverments, maybe. “Have you been able to contact your children recently?” he asked, keeping his eyes on his notes. “hm.. y- yes I have. I saw them yesterday.” you began to poke at your skin with your fingernails. She used to scold you for it, but it happened whenever you'd feel nervous or uneasy.
“Good, good. What were their names?” you dug your nail into your palm, “Alex, my son, and Aliana.. my daughter.” you narrowed your eyes to focus on his writing and noticed him putting down a check mark. “u-um sir, doctor. When am I able to leave the hospital?” you ask. “Just as soon as your mentality recovers. Your head got hit pretty badly, causing you to forget things. Don't worry, we'll do our best to help you remember.” he said with a small smile. You wanted to leave. The walls felt as if they were closing in. You couldn't breathe properly, and your headaches worsened day by day. “oh okay.. thanks.” he put down his notepad, and you assumed he would ask questions again.
“Mrs. Romanoff, the front desk just said that your children are here to visit you. We'll finish speaking later alright? Have a nice day.” you stayed quiet as he walked out of the room. The clock wouldn't stop ticking, it was so noisy. It bothered you, but you couldn't do anything about it. The door opened with a click sound, two little kids stepped into the room, and you looked up behind them to see that woman again. She looked drained, tired. There were visible dark circles under her eyes, and a strained smile on her face.
“Mommy!” the little boy ran up to you, tightly clasping his tiny arms around your legs. “Alex! Sweetie, mommy missed you so much!” you smiled at him and picked him up in your arms. He buried his face in your shoulder, “mama's here too!” your smile falters, replacing it with a confused look. “Mama?” the redhead glances at you from across the room. “I– I don't..” he kisses your cheek, cutting you off from your words. “Alex.. honey, lemme go see your little sister okay?” he pouts, climbing out of your arms. “Fine..”
“mmomm'y!” Aliana jumps out of the woman's arms and into yours, “Ali,” you press your lips to the top of her head. “I missed you so much cutie!” she nuzzled your cheek with hers, relaxing herself in your hold. “Mama, aren't you gonna say hi to mommy?” Alex said, lightly tugging on Natasha's shirt. She put up a smile and pinched his cheek. “I will buddy, in a few minutes alright?” he frowned, “but– mommy's gonna be sad if you don't say hi right now.” she sighed. “Fine, I'll say hi to her. Okay?” he smiled, “okay.. you should hug her too. You always hug mommy.” she chuckles, regretting coming with the kids to visit you already. She wasn't fully prepared to see you after–
“Who are you? W-Where am I..?” the lost look on your face terrified her.
You lock eyes with the woman approaching you, and so does the baby in your arms. “Mama!” she babbled out, almost jumping into her arms, “d- do I know you?” you asked as you set the baby down on the bed, and focused your attention on the red-haired woman. Her face seemed more familiar the longer you looked at her. She sucked in a sharp breath, “God please.. please let her remember.” she thought to herself before moving closer to you. She pulled you in for a hug, tightly holding onto you. “Hey detka– it's me, your ‘Tasha bear’.” she said with a nervous laugh. She hated that nickname. But loved it because of you. “N- Natasha..” you sobbed into her chest. You remembered.
Her green eyes, her red hair, her hands. That ring on her finger. The ring that you both shared so many memories with. A proposal, your future wife down on her knee, holding up the ring that you had on your finger. Moonlit nights in bed.. your wrists held down, her lips on yours, bodies colliding in the darkness. The sunlight came, tears of joy streaming down both your faces, her hands in yours. Left on the nightstand were two pregnancy tests, both positive. A hospital room, surrounded by nurses. Your wife by your side as you clutched onto her hand, the cries of a newborn. A pained smile on your lips, your hold on her hand loosened.
She sighed, holding onto you as if the world would end right this moment. You remembered her, you remembered the life you had together.
She felt a light punch on her shoulder, “what did I do? Natasha?” another hit on her chest, and tears glazed over your eyes. “What did I do? hm?” a weak slap on her arm, this time the tears spilled out. “Why didn't you tell me! Why? It took you 3 months to tell me. You– Natasha..” your voice cracked as you scolded her for not telling you who she was earlier. “shh.. it's going to be okay moya lyubov.” she said, pulling you back into her arms. “N–Natty I-” she kissed the top of your head, “I know baby.. I know. I missed you too. So much.”
You two were more than happy that the children were oblivious to the whole situation. You wouldn't know what you'd do if they knew.
But nobody was prepared for what was to happen next. Not even you and Natasha.
A/N: stan Alex for telling his mama to hug mommy.
@lovsalvatore this isn't the last chapter, not yet at least. ;)
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5t4r1uv3r · 1 year
♡︎༺ Let You Break My Heart Again ༻♡︎
☆ hi hi hi!! i bring another kyle piece :3. this one is inspired by let you break my heart again by laufey. she speaks for the hopeless romantics + those who experience unrequited love. which unfortunately kyle goes through a lot of. i definitely recommend listening to the song while reading!! would you guys like a second part to this inspired by her song valentine? as always feedback and advice are welcomed!!
warnings include: semi angst, unrequited love, heartbreak.
character: Kyle Broflovski
reader is gn!! 796 words ☆
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☆ Pretend that we are more than friends. Then of course I’ll let you break my heart again ☆
Kyle Broflovski stared out his window, a piece of pie, a cup of coffee, and books littering his desk. He felt sick, maybe it was the late-night meal kicking in, maybe it was the thought of you. This had been a common occurrence over the years, harboring feelings for you since the fourth grade. He thought you were absolutely breathtaking, intelligent, and caring. You were unlike anyone from South Park, resembling an angel sent down from heaven. He’s watched your past relationships, coming to the conclusion that he would never be the one for you. Kyle compared himself to your past partners, noticing every little difference between the two of them. Believing that you would never have eyes for him, why would you? You were the best person in the world, and he was just himself. Over the years Kyle tried to distract himself with his studies, his friends, and even other people. His attempts to pursue other relationships failed time and time again, never feeling the love he felt for you. You two are very close, hanging out constantly, having almost an identical schedule, and being in the same circle of friends. Trying to fall out of love with the person who has played a large part in his life seemed impossible. No matter how many times he has tried to distance himself, Kyle is always drawn to you. He’s struggled and prayed to God but never seemed to be in Heaven’s grace. Kyle longed to be loved just as he loves you, a beautiful and passionate love that seemed to rival even the strongest love. 
Until that day arrived he continued to wish on stars, hoping that maybe you would one day be more than just friends. He wants to pretend that you could be lovers, dreaming that he could be yours. The two of you are young adults now, closer than ever before. Kyle has everlasting thoughts replaying in his mind, years of memories being evaluated, searching for clues that showed you could possibly return his feelings. Kyle was consumed by you, morning, afternoon, and night. You had a place in his heart that would forever be yours. The kindness he has received from you, he wasn’t lying when he thought you were like no other. You were always there for him, lending a shoulder to lean on during his toughest moments. Standing up for him when others were scared to, and being someone he could rely on through thick and thin. You were one of his dearest friends, not wanting to ruin the lifelong friendship you two have, he swallowed his feelings.
He didn’t want to risk losing you, even if you were to be only friends, he would accept that fate. However, he wondered if the two of you would ever be anything more. Exchanging songs with hidden meanings, late-night calls, and sunset views at Stark’s Pond. He looked for you in every aspect of life, finding your beauty in nature, in songs, in everything pure and light. 
He wished to tell you how he felt—wanting nothing more than for you to feel the same. Kyle is someone who feels every single bit of his emotions. The thought of being rejected and potentially destroying what the two of you had made me feel sick. He vowed to never let that happen, he preferred a broken heart. For you he would do anything, placing your emotions and well-being above his. This wouldn’t be the first time he has dealt with this situation, it seemed that unrequited love is the one for him. Kyle shed a tear, he didn’t want to cry. He knows he has to be strong, Yet he understands that feelings can become overwhelming. Kyle wonders if you have ever felt the same as him, being in love with a person who doesn’t seem to love you back. He wonders if you have ever cried over those emotions, he hopes you never go through that experience. 
You deserve to have someone love you with every ounce of their being, to have someone who would be there for you no matter what, someone who will appreciate you for everything you are. Kyle thought no matter how much he tries to fall out of you, the more he thinks about you, the deeper he falls. You take up all his mind, his being, and his heart. Kyle waits for the day his love for you ceases to exist, until then he’ll be lost in thoughts of you. Imagining a world, a timeline, and an alternate universe in which the two of you are more than friends. He is pretending that it’s a possibility. Until then, he’ll endure all the pain of heartache. Kyle will let you break his heart, again and again. 
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A Mouse in a Lion’s Den Pt.12
A Mouse in a Lion’s Den Pt.12
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Pairing(s): Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader, implied Rhaegar Targaryen x Lyanna Stark, Jaime Lannister x Cersei Lannister, one sided!Jaime Lannister x Lannister!Reader Warnings: none Words: 1807 Summary: A blessing comes into your life Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18
Book One of Heir of Ash and Fire
Staring in horror at the mess you had made in the courtyard, Thalina hurries to your side; her face becoming a bit pale when she looks at your breakfast that you had just thrown up.
“My lady. . . You’re unwell! We must get you to bed straight away.” She cups you by the elbows and tries to help you back up from your knees. Your legs wobbled when you tried to make them move, knees buckling inward and your head growing warm as your body swayed. Thalina yelps, forcing all of your body weight against her. Sick to your stomach, you take deep breaths to try and push back the next wave that rises up your throat. You hear your little brother Tyrion calling for help mixed with Thalina’s own worried cries.
You have no clue as to what could’ve possibly made you so ill. You were fine but moments ago.
A memory from years ago is called upon. One that involved your mother in a similar situation. In her beginning stages of pregnancy with your brother Tyrion she would throw up without any notice. She’d be fine one moment then be expelling her previous meal all over the floor.
No. . .
It couldn’t be possible. Well, you supposed it could with how often you and Rhaegar would join together as man and wife.
So soon though? You had only been married for a month.
A baby?
As they escorted you back to your room you felt utterly conflicted about the thought. You guess you were somewhat happy to have a child with Rhaegar. That was your duty after all as his wife; provide him heirs to continue the Targaryen legacy. But. . .
Joanna grins from ear to ear, her hands placed on her bulging belly. “Another boy or girl? What do you think Tywin?” Even though they already had the perfect family with Cersei and Jaime, Joanna was overjoyed to be pregnant with a third child.
There weren’t many things that made Tywin Lannister smile so genuinely. His wife earned that honor. Gazing at her now as she glowed in a motherly halo, Tywin’s stiff lips turn up in a gentle grin. There was no one else he loved more in the world than his beloved wife. Oh he loved his children to an extent but never as much as he loved Joanna.
“It doesn’t matter.” Tywin tells her honestly. He had everything he needed.
“Yes Lord Tywin. Pregnant.”
She always did complicate things. Ever since she was born (y/n) had made Tywin’s life difficult. And now that she was pregnant with Rhaegar’s child it was bound to complicate his plans.
With a click of his teeth he waves his attendant away. Joanna crosses his mind at the moment. Beautiful Joanna that enamored everyone she met, much like his Cersei. (y/n) never was like her mother or sister. She had been much of a disappointment. Joanna’s pregnancy with (y/n) had been a difficult one, unlike when she carried the twins. Plagued with nightmares and pains, Tywin had begun to worry about her very much as she spoke of the prophecies she foresaw in her dreams. Great aspirations she had for their yet to be born child. A queen, she had said. (y/n) was destined to be a queen. At the time Tywin indulged and listened to her, thinking how unlikely it would be and that Cersei would be the better choice for such hopes. She was first born after all. Now Joanna’s words haunt him. (y/n)’s way to being queen was much closer than he ever expected or anticipated. He didn’t much believe in prophecies, but there was just something so eerie about this one.
What was so special about her? Joanna had been forced to stay in her bed for weeks after giving birth to an unremarkable baby (y/n). She had been weak for months after that. It must’ve been her birth that caused the defect of Tyrion and thus the death of Joanna.
He hated denying Joanna anything. The Lannister beauty had been so thrilled imagening (y/n) as a queen.
“Those were just dreams.” Tywin whispers to himself. Pale green eyes lift from the map on his desk and drift to the window that let in the slightest bit of light. “I’m going to put someone better suited on the throne, dear Joanna.”
He was still in awe.
Rhaegar was laying next to you in bed, his hands caress your stomach despite there not being any sign of your pregnancy as of yet. His smile was pure and beautiful.
“A little prince or princess?” Rhaegar murmurs in wonder.
“Surely you want a prince.”
Shaking his head, Rhaegar leans back against his pillows and turns to you. “It would be nice to have a boy right away to ensure the Targaryen legacy, but to be honest I could care less. As long as it’s happy and healthy. To think, our child will find a playmate in my soon-to-be sibling.”
That’s right. Rhaella was still heavy with child, ready to pop at any minute. “I hope she’ll be alright. Your mother told me her pregnancies have always been. . . stressful.” It made you worry about your own impending pregnancy. You had heard Joanna had had difficulty carrying you. Maybe it was hereditary. Maybe. . .
Maybe you would perish too.
The thought stuck with you, making your fingers curl against your stomach. What if this child were to be your doom?
Rhaegar continued to talk as your mind spiraled out of control. In through one ear and out the other. Ever since that morning when you found out you were pregnant you were definitely conflicted about the situation. You had never imagined yourself as a mother. Especially a mother to the child of the future king of Westeros. There was still so much you had to deal with. Your family. Lyanna. Could you deal with a baby too?
“Are you alright (y/n)?”
A cool hand to your cheek snaps you out of your reverie. His brows furrow with concern. “You feel very warm. Shall I go get the maester?”
“I’ll be fine.” You try to muster up a smile. “It’s because everyone’s fussing over me. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed.”
Lilac pools search you for a lie, but all he finds are fevered (e/c) ones returning his gaze. “Of course they’re fussing over you. You’re carrying my baby. A future prince or princess. The pride of the Targaryen family.” Rhaegar’s smile returns as he closes his face toward your own, nose against nose.
Not knowing why, tears burn at your eyes and sorrow fills you. Since meeting Rhaegar your life had changed so quickly. Once your mother died you had lost all kind of loving warmth. Your family had torn you down completely. But Rhaegar. . . He built you back up. His love for Lyanna was a damaging blow, that was true, but you could tell that he did genuinely love you. And maybe it would turn into something romantic like what he felt for the northern lady.
“Our baby.” You whisper.
Rhaegar’s lips part, about to say something but there’s an unceremonious knock at the door. Rhaegar closes his eyes, annoyed that someone has ruined the moment.
“Come in.”
A servant meekly enters, cowering underneath the magnificence of the Silver Prince. “Your Grace, your father has instructed me to inform you about a celebratory feast in honor of the news of your child.”
Mistrust misted his eyes as he nods, letting the paige know that he could leave now.
“I’m surprised your father would do that for us.” You murmur out his doubt. You were already aware that Aerys didn’t care much for his elder son. So why would he throw a special celebration for the news of a grandchild reared by Rhaegar?
“As am I.” A hollowness in his voice makes your stomach flop, or maybe that was due to your pregnancy. You lean over your bed unceremoniously to once again expel the food from your stomach. You dare not look down at the basin.
Cool fingers pull back thick strands of your hair and kiss the hot skin on the back of your neck.
“I should stay with you.”
Stiffly you shake your head, not wanting another wave a nausea to cripple you. You knew you already must appear unpleasant. You would rather Rhaegar leave than witness you in such an unappealing state. “No. Griff would be upset if you missed a meeting with him.”
“He’ll understand.” Rhaegar murmurs soothingly while rubbing your back. “He knows how important our child is to me.”
Oh, no doubt about that. Yet the look you had seen on Jon Connington’s face when he escorted Rhaegar to your chambers was anything but congratulatory. The red headed lord of Griffin’s Roost was most likely repulsed by the idea of a Lannister carrying the child of his Silver Prince. You wondered if Griff ever went home to his land. Since you were brought back from Dragonstone to marry Rhaegar, Jon had plagued the halls of the Red Keep, scowling at every Lannister that stepped foot into the castle. Would he have preferred Lyanna as Rhaegar’s bride? Surely, in his view, anyone was better than a Lannister. But you weren’t like the rest of your family. Shouldn’t that be enough? Why should he condemn you based on the actions of your father; a father that you did not even care for. Jaime did nothing to help their family’s name. He was arrogant, even though he had good reason to be.
If Jon knew about Jaime and Cersei. . . He would use that no doubt to use against you.
Rhaegar, being so intuitive as he is, seems to already read your thoughts. He purses his lips and exalts a weary sigh. “Jon has never been subtle about how he feels. I’ve spoken to him about it many times.”
“I don’t blame him. Even if I am not much like the rest of my family, I am a Lannister nonetheless. Tywin’s blood pumps through my veins.” Your gaze drifts to the soft skin of your inner forearm as if you could see into your veins at the lion’s blood that kept you alive; that made you everyone’s enemy.
Your husband nods in agreement. “Grudges against family name is a longstanding tradition in Westeros it seems. But you are my wife. He knows that I hold you near and dear to my heart. Lord Connington needs to put those stupid notions aside about the Lannister family. You are nothing like your father. Besides, you’re a Targaryen now and you carry my heir inside of you.”
You wondered if that would be enough to keep you safe. The game of thrones spared no one.
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fanartlover1234 · 2 months
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Y/n a ruthless thief, raised by Silvers pirate crew.
Jim an Intersollar academy graduate and spacer.
Childhood friends split in enemies.
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3 years old:
Sarah placed her hands at her hips when she heard the voices in Jims room, how the younh boy laughed and the girl giggled.
"James Hawkins" Sarah said as she opened the door looking at the two kids, both putting on their best puppy dog eyes.
Jim laughed bit when his mother lifted him in her arma before the woman turned to Y/n.
The little girls young doe eyes looked at her, her greyish eyes being amazed when the book of pirate storys opened once again.
The kids played before Sarah led the young her back to her room and tucking her in.
"Do you think pirates are real?" She asked while the woman turned her night light on.
"I think, everything is possible if you believe it strong enough" Sarah said before closing the door.
22 years later:
And boy did the girl believe, as one of the most feared pirates in galaxy, her crew quite large but she only trusted few people and her black ship with the old sails drew attention and fear in any dock.
When Jims father left, he draged her with and soon she was on her own untill Jhon Silver found her and raised her.
She had seen Jim at the search for treasure planet but refused to get on the ship.
Of course she felt bad for never returning or even writing a letter to note she was okey but she had a life, a reputation.
So when the pirate meet was now right behind the overwhelming doors of the Inn she so dreadfuly wished she would have played sick and not come.
The black dress reached above her ankles flattering her greyish blue skin tone and tje blacl boots made of same lether as her belt and pirate hat that sat on her grey hair.
She entered after few bug breaths making her way straight upstairs to the bathroom only to pass her old bedroom on the way.
She moved to the door, a small crack left open the same way it was when she was draged away by the man she barely ever spoke with.
She opened the door steping inside, it was exactly the same as it was when ahe left.
The pink walls and white forniture with all her stuffed animals and as she picked up her pink teddy bear with an eyepatch and a pirate hat that Sarah had made for her she was reminded of the days she tried to be a good pirate the type thay stole for the poor and suported everyone and her gaze fell to the mirror and she closed her eyes shut.
"Hello?" Sarahs voice ringed in her ears as she slowly turned to the woman, the teddy bear in hand "oh Y/n"
The woman didnt waste a second to take the girl in a warm embrace, though in her own eyes Y/n has changed much, her skin covered in scars one marking her collor bone and another her lip but in Sarahs eyes she was still the little girl with doe eyes thay dreamed of pirates and adventures.
"Just wait untill Jim, knows you are-"
"Im not. Im not back its just for tonight" Y/n said looking down before placing the bear back and leaving to her ship.
"Captain, look what we found snooping around the deck" one of the men said beforr steping away to make a clear view for their boss.
"Leave" she ordered the men and all scattered away to the party, she was not sure if it was fear or exitment for party that made them move so quickly but her mind didnt dwell on it too much when she looked at the man tied to her main mast.
He was clearly taller and the usual pony tain was now oddly suiting him as he stared right at her, his blue eyes surely burning holes in her tinted skin.
"What are you doing here" she asked as she untied him.
"Is that anyway to say hi to an old friend" Jim asked as he watched the girl lean on the railing of her boat taking her hat off.
"A friend? You have been making my life a shit hole for past few years with your whole intersollar acadamy graduate bullshit" she sais harsly crossing her arms as he leaned on the main mast his usual smirk still there.
She could have bet he had the same one while he was watching her strugle to start the ship after he messed with wires on it a few months back.
But boy did that smirk had an effect on her.
"Yes cause a friend would have at least sent a note to let people know they are fine"
"Well i thought you guys thought that i- oh whatever just leave" she said trowing her arms up before leaving for her bedroom in captains room earning a chuckle from the man as he followed her stoping her at the steps traping her between his hands.
"No no no, i deserve an apology, i was very worried" he said leaning in but she sliped away fastly before she mumbled something among the lines of an apology her voice nervouse as she tried closing her doors but he went in anyways now backing her slowly up "and another one, cause i was so hurt when i saw you were okey but no note" he pouted his hand flying to his heart in a mocking way before he caught the girls waist when she triped over her own feet.
His forhead touched hers while his free hand was on her neck as he tried to find her eyes.
"Im sorry" she mumbled
"Its okey, i forgive you" he said before kissing the cornor of her mouth and moving to centre but she pulled back.
"This is-"
"Wrong? Yeah i know, it like spacer apocalypse but since when do we care" he said before smashing his lips on her.
His lips.
Her lips.
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jurassicsickfics · 3 months
pls make the seasick fic of jack!
You got it! Your option won the poll! I mean I would have done your request anyway 'cause I'm cool like that lol😎
But here it is! Hope you enjoy!
Like One of Your Sick Girls: A Titanic Sickfic
Ah, the Titanic. The Ship of Dreams, supposedly, anyway. For Jack Dawson, it didn't seem like much could to wrong on this "unsinkable" ship. He'd met Rose DeWitt Bukater only hours ago, and they'd spent some time together; he was immediately smitten. So smitten, in fact, that the butterfly-like feeling in his stomach was chalked up to love nerves. After all, he'd felt fine up until a couple of hours ago. Although, the sea was considerably rougher now, too. He and Rose had plans to meet on the deck at sunset, sharing a secret, romantic few minutes together before bed that night. He met her on the deck of the ship at around 6 in the evening, just as the sun barely began to dissappear behind the curve of the earth, at the edge of the endless water out in front of the grand vessel on which they stood. Rose arrived right on time, and they greeted one another with a soft smile and a peck on the cheek. However, Jack noticed that Rose was being especially quiet this evening, much more so than she had been earlier, when they were laughing, cutting up, and he was teaching her to spit. "You alright? Seems like something's on your mind." Jack asked, leaning against the ship's railing. Rose shrugged her shoulders, fidgeting with the necklace she wore. "Well...I wasn't gonna say anything, but now that you mention it, I'm not feeling very well. Haven't been for some time." The redhead answered. Jack raised an eyebrow. "That so? What's wrong?"
Rose sighed. "I feel...nauseated...and...off balance, a little dizzy."
Jack's eyes widened. "Hey, that's odd. Me too. I keep burping, and my stomach feels funny."
"Huh..." Rose said, staring out over the horizon at the bright pink sky, contemplating the situation.
"Seasick?" She suggested, giving Jack a sideways glance.
He shrugged. "Probably. Just our luck, huh?" He joked, prompting a chuckle from Rose.
The two stood, talking about everything from weather to their childhoods, but as the boat rocked, and darkness no longer allowed them to focus on the horizon. Now, all their was to focus on was the up and down...up and down...up and down...
"Ugh...I don't feel so good..." Jack said, bringing a hand to his stomach. Rose turned to him. "Oh love..." she cood. "I'm sorry..."
Jack, without even thinking, leaned his head on her shoulder. "Would you be totally turned off if I hurled in front of you?" He asked, half joking, half serious. Rose gave him a worried look, grimacing. "I should ask you the same thing...I'm really not feeling well..."
Jack smirked and offered her his arm. "Shall we go vomit together, madame?"
Rose giggled. "Real romantic...but...what the heck? Why not?"
The two went back below deck, finding an empty restroom where they had some privacy. Rose got to her knees in front of the toilet and Jack crouched down beside her.
"Who goes first?" She asked. Jack shrugged. "I dunno, whoever loses it first, I guess."
"So I guess we just wait then?"
He shrugged and nodded. "Guess so."
It didn't take long for Rose to gag and lean over the toilet, and just as she began to retch up the first thick, chunky stream of vomit, Jack was right there to hold her hair back. He even thought to reach around with his free hand and turn her necklace around to keep it out of the line of fire as well. But despite all that, he couldn't bring himself to watch too closely; he felt queasy too.
Rose was about 3 minutes finishing up, and when she did, Jack tore off a piece of toilet paper and wiped her mouth for her. "Feel better?" He asked, planting a gentle kiss on her sweaty forehead. Rose nodded, smiling softly as she reached up to flush the toilet.
Once that was done she scooted back. "Your turn." She said, smirking. But she noticed now that Jack didn't seem as optimistic as before...he looked distressed.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
Jack sighed. "Rose...I'm gonna confess something to you...and...promise me...you won't think differently of me..."
"Of course, darling..." Rose crooned, cupping his cheek in her palm. "What is it?"
Jack took a deep breath. "I am..terrified...of throwing up..." he admitted, not meeting her gaze.
"R-really? Why?" Rose asked, her eyes softening even more.
He shrugged. "I...I really don't know, honestly. Been that way since I was a little kid."
Rose was about to reply, but Jack's gagged and quickly lurched for the toilet. "Rose!" He called, his tone fearful and desperate now.
The redhead immediately went into maternal mode, rubbing his back. "Hey hey...it's ok, I'm here..." she comforted him. The poor boy started puking violently, trembling the whole time, tears streaming down his cheeks.
Jack was beyond embarrassed at his emotional display, but something about Rose made him feel safe being his whole, raw, self. Even if it was a little embarrassing sometimes and made him feel like a big baby. He spit and burped a few more times, before sitting up. Rose was ready with a wad of toilet paper, wiping the vomit and drool from his mouth and then pulling him into her arms. "Shhhh...all done...all done now...it's ok..."
Rose's gentle words of comfort were the final push that Jack needed to break down, and he sobbed into her shoulder, muttering apologies over and over as she rocked and soothed him. They stayed that way for several minutes, until Jack calmed down enough for them to walk back up on deck. Rose was still feeling sick after a few minutes, and she leaned over the railing, burping occasionally. Jack sat on a bench, watching her with a look of fascination rather than fear now. "Hey Rose?"
He asked. Rose turned around. "Yeah?"
Jack hesitated. "Can I...can I draw you? Like that? Like...sick?" He asked.
Rose was a little confused but she agreed. "Sure yeah...but..but why?"
He shrugged. "I dunno...just...its..something that..has always scared me so much but...somehow...you make it look...almost beautiful..."
Rose smiled. "Of course, go right ahead..."
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